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[email protected] Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. INDIA-CHINA: TENSION PEAKS IN LADAKH DIGITAL ISSUE June 8, 2020 What After Home? Lakhs of migrants have returned to their villages. OUTLOOK tracks them to find out what lies ahead. Mohammad Saiyub’s friend Amrit Kumar died on their long journey home. Right, Saiyub in his village Devari in UP. RNI NO. 7044/1961 MANAGING EDITOR, OUTLOOK FROM THE EDITOR Returning to RUBEN BANERJEE the Returnees EDITOR IN CHIEF and apathy have been their constant companions since then. As entire families—the old, infirm and the ailing included—attempt to plod back home, they have been sub- NDIA is working from home; jected to ill-treatment and untold indignities by the police Bharat is walking home—the short for violating the lockdown. Humiliation after humiliation tweet by a friend summing up was heaped upon them endlessly as they walked, cycled and what we, as a locked-down nation, hitchhiked long distances. They were sprayed with disin- have been witnessing over the past fectants and fleeced by greedy transporters for painful two months was definitely smart. rides on the back of trucks and tempos.