Official online magazine of Scouting Ireland October 2012 New Chief Commissioner (Adult Resources) National Secretary News Jamboree 2013 All your Questions Answered! Provincial Conferences Kick off in Cork Communications Commissioner Intro Welcome to this month’s issue of Inside Out your monthly one stop shop for all that is happening in Scouting Ireland. This month we feature the appointment of a New Chief Commissioner Adult Resources. All the national news from the National Secretary and coverage of the first ofYouth the ProvincialMembers your group. Don’t Also this month we feature Jamboree 2013. The Who, What, Where and Why. We hope we can answer the questions that everyone has been asking.. Don’t miss out make sure you book as the closing date is fast approaching. Also included this month is our regular features from the Beaver Scout ,Cub Scout and Rover Scout teams. Remember if you want to submit an article for next month’s issue then please forward them to
[email protected]. Please forward this on to all Scouters and New CCAR Page 8 presume they have got it. Deadline for next month’s issue is 31st October. See you next month! - The Communications Team In this issue... Quote of the Month National Secretary Notes 7 Transformation 20/20 11 Beaver Scouts 15 Eurosea 11 25 Joe Doherty Retires 29 Connnaught MPC 33 the world. These Associations are made of hope, for that is eternal, to the up of active, older people who are end we have something still to hope. demanding that their voice be heard.