The Effects of Red Blood Cells on Coagulation: a Thromboelastographic Study
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Anesth Pain Med 2009; 4: 133~137 ■실험연구■ The effects of red blood cells on coagulation: a thromboelastographic study Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Sungkunkwan University School of Medicine, *The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Sangmin Maria Lee, M.D., Joo Yeon Lee, M.D., Daemyoung Jeong, M.D., and Keon Hee Ryu, M.D.* Background: There are reports suggesting the effect of red blood platelet-rich plasma (PRP).9) In patients with sickle cell disease, cells (RBCs) on blood coagulation. The effects of red blood cells the change in RBC membrane that occurs in deoxygenated (RBCs) on coagulation were investigated in vitro while maintaining sickle RBCs was shown to release platelet factor 3, and, sub- other coagulation elements constant. Methods: Twenty-five healthy male volunteers were enrolled. sequently, to activate platelets to cause vasoocclusive crisis in Citrated fresh whole blood was drawn from each subjects and hypoxic condition.10) The RBC membrane normally has two processed into washed RBCs and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). To aminophospholipids (phosphatidyl serine and phosphatidyl etha- make six different hematocrit groups with each blood, PRP was mixed with the same volume of serially diluted washed RBCs. nolamine) in inner leaflet of the membrane bilayer, and they Reaction time, coagulation time, clot formation rate, and maximum are exposed to outer membrane leaflet of deoxygenated and ir- amplitude were measured using recalcified TEG. reversibly sickled RBCs and senescent normal cells.8,11) Results: The mean ± SD of six different hematocrit was 38.0 ± Phosphatidyl serine provides a catalytic surface for coagulation 2.3% (group 1), 28.9 ± 2.2% (group 2), 21.3 ± 1.9% (group 3), 12) 13.8% ± 1.6% (group 4), 7.1 ± 1.0% (group 5), and 0 ± 0% (group factors and thus can exhibit the procoagulant activity. Others, 6). The platelet count ranged from 141,000 to 292,000/mm3. however, proposed that hemodilution may increase blood Maximum amplitude (r = −0.4213, P < 0.001) and alpha angle coagulability.13) Tocantins et al14) demonstrated hypercoagulable (r = −0.216, P < 0.05) showed statistically significant negative changes after hemodilution of whole blood up to 40% with linear relationship with hematocrit. Conclusions: A gradual reduction in hematocrit was associated crystalloids. Additionally, hemodilution of blood up to 20% with a shortened coagulation time, no changes in reaction time. This with either crystalloid or colloid improved coagulation profile study results suggest that a gradual reduction in the RBC mass in an in vivo study.15) The precise mechanism of the effects of in vitro accelerates coagulation and forms stronger fibrin strands. hemodilution is unclear, but a relative decrease in antithrombin (Anesth Pain Med 2009; 4: 133∼137) concentration was speculated to be the cause, and the proper- Key Words: coagulation, red blood cell, thromboelastography. ties of diluent itself do not appear to play an important role. This discrepancy may be stemming from the fact that in INTRODUCTION most studies the effects of RBCs on coagulation have been in- vestigated by comparing a limited number of blood test results, A number of reports suggested the red blood cells (RBCs) although homeostasis of coagulation is achieved by an appro- 1-8) affect blood coagulation via various mechanisms. The pro- priate balance between procoagulants and anticoagulants with coagulant activity of RBCs was shown by a shortened onset interactions of endothelium, blood cellular components (platelets time of coagulation in whole blood of patients suffering from and RBCs), and coagulation proteins in plasma. For example, deep vein thrombosis or preeclampsia, compared with that of the role of RBCs in uremia and in severe anemia was tested using bleeding time and/or platelet adhesiveness.16,17) There was 논문접수일:2009년 3월 12일 a negative correlation between the log value of bleeding time 책임저자:이상민, 서울시 강남구 일원동 50번지 and the hematocrit in uremic patients, and transfusion of RBCs 삼성서울병원 마취통증의학과 우편번호: 135-230 increased the platelet adhesiveness and returned the bleeding Tel: 02-3410-0319, Fax: 02-3410-0369 time to normal in spite of a reduction of the total platelet E-mail: [email protected] count by 20%. 133 134 Anesth Pain Med Vol. 4, No. 2, 2009 Thromboelastography (TEG) which measures the dynamic and calcium chloride (0.2 M, 0.03 ml, Haemoscope corpo- viscoelasticity during whole blood clotting process has been ration) was added for recalcification. The blood and calcium widely used in investigational and clinical field,1,3,4,18) and ap- chloride were mixed by moving the TEG pin up and down pears to have advantages over other techniques in assessing five times, and TEG was maintained at 37oC. Four drops of blood coagulability. In this technique, coagulation is activated mineral oil was added to the surface of the blood to prevent when the blood contacts with inner surface of cup of TEG evaporation. TEG recording began 4 min after recalcification, rather than vascular endothelium. Several TEG variables have and measured variables were reaction time (r, min), coagulation been used to elucidate the blood clotting process. Briefly, the time (k, min), clot formation rate (α, o ), and maximum ampli- reaction time (r) is the time taken to form the initial clot by tude (MA, mm). activation of coagulation factors together with interaction with Data were analyzed using a statistical package (SPSS 7.5 for ionized calcium and platelets. Coagulation time (k) is the time windows; SPSS, Chicago, IL). Analysis of variance of TEG taken to reach an amplitude of 20 mm and is considered the variables was performed to test the dilutional effect on function of coagulation factors and platelets. The clot formation coagulation. For comparison of groups, analysis of variance rate (α angle) represents the rate of clot formation and is the was performed based on ranks followed by Dunnetts’ method. function of fibrinogen and platelets. The maximum amplitude The relationship between hematocrit and each of four TEG (MA) mainly depends on the quantitative and qualitative func- variables were obtained by regression analysis calculating tion of platelets. correlation. All data are presented as means ± SD, and P < The specific objective of the study was to investigate the 0.05 was considered significant. hypothesis that blood coagulability (the rate of clot formation and/or the strength of clot formed) is affected by the amount RESULTS of RBCs while other coagulation elements (coagulation factors and platelets) remain relatively constant. One subject with severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count, 26,000/mm3) was excluded from analysis. Average age of the − MATERIALS AND METHODS 24 subjects was 33 ± 7 years (range, 21 45 years), platelet count was 222,000 ± 40,000/mm3 (range, 141,000 − 292,000/ After the approval of the Institutional Research Review mm3) and hematocrit was 38 ± 2 % (range, 33.5−44%). The Board and obtaining written informed consent, 25 healthy vol- RBC dilutional effects on coagulation of 24 patients are shown unteers were included in this study. They were adult male in Fig. 1. Reaction time and coagulation time remained un- subjects with no history of smoking, coagulation disorder, ane- changed at different levels of RBC concentration, but clot for- mia, liver disease, and any recent medications within two mation rate (α) and maximum amplitude (MA) decreased weeks. Aseptic venopuncture was made in the antecubital vein using a 20-guage venous catheter. The first 2 ml of blood was discarded to avoid tissue contamination, and 9 ml of blood was collected in a test tube containing sodium citrate solution (1 ml, 3.8%). The citrated whole blood sample was centrifused immediately at 300 g for two minutes to separate the PRP from the packed RBCs (pRBCs). Separated pRBCs were wash- ed three times by adding the same volume of normal saline, centrifusing it at 3,000 g for two and half minutes, and re- moving supernatant at each time. The washed pRBCs were divided into six alliquotes (0.3 ml each), and normal saline was added to make pRBCs and normal saline in a ratio of 5:0, 4:1, 3:2, 2:3, 1:4, and 0:5. Each reconstituted pRBC samples (0.3 ml) were mixed with autologous PRP (0.3 Fig. 1. The relationship between hematocrit and four TEG variables. ml) to maintain the same amount of autologous PRP. Each ci- Maximum amplitude (MA, r=−0.4213, P < 0.001) and alpha angle (r= trated blood specimen (0.33 ml) was placed into the TEG cup, −0.216, P < 0.05) showed negative linear relationship with hematocrit. Sangmin Maria Lee, et al:RBC effects on coagulation 135 steadily with hemoconcentration (P < 0.05). Hematologic and respectively), indicating stronger fibrin strands. TEG variables of 24 subjects at six different dilutions are shown in Table 1. Hematocrit decreased gradually by the study DISCUSSION design as blood was diluted, while platelet count was similar in all six dilutions. Except for blood specimens containing no In this study, a gradual hemodilution increased the rate of RBCs, hemodilution decreased the reaction time (at dilution clot formation and the strength of clot formed, when the 1:4) and coagulation time (at all dilutions) and increased the amount of platelets and coagulation factors remained unchang- clot formation rate (at all dilutions) and maximum amplitude ed. However, the procoagulant activity of hemodilution was not (at dilutions 3:2, 2:3, and 1:4), suggesting increased coagula- observed in platelets and PRP without RBCs. bility with hemodilution compared with the blood with no This observation is different from results of other studies dilution. that proposed the procoagulant effects of RBCs, and several Because of the difference in the baseline hematocrit of all mechanisms are proposed. First, in the biochemical mechanism, subjects, the 144 data points were divided into six groups RBCs appear to stimulate platelet activation and aggregation.