Credit: DCA\LWD Rapid Assessment Report May 2016. Photo from Prey Veng village, Prambei Mom commune, Thpong district, Kampong Speu Synthesis Report of NGO Drought Assessments in Cambodia: by Participant Organisations of the Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF) May 2016 Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Acronyms 3 1. Executive Summary 4 2. Objective of the Report 6 3. Methodology and Report Limitations 6 4. Situation Overview 8 5. Findings and Observations 10 5.1 Affected areas and Priority Needs 10 5.2 Snapshot of Sectoral Findings 12 5.3 Coping Strategies 19 6. Response to Date 20 6.1 Government Response 20 6.2 HRF Participant Organisations’ Response 21 7. Conclusion and Recommendations 24 8. Annexes 26 Report compiled by Sharon Moynihan Hill (
[email protected]) 2 Acronyms CARE CARE International in Cambodia CHF Cambodia Humanitarian Forum CWS Church World Service DCA Danish Church Aid DCDM District Committee for Disaster Management FGM Focused Group Discussions HEKS Hilfswerk der Evangelischenkirchen HRF Humanitarian Response Forum KII Key Informant Interviews LWD Life with Dignity MoEYS Ministry of Education Youth and Sport MRD Ministry of Rural Development NCDM National Committee for Disaster Management PCDM Provincial Committee for Disaster Management PDoA Provincial Department of Agriculture PDoWRAM Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology PIN People in Need PoE Provincial Department of Education PWD People with Disabilities RGA Rapid Gender Assessment WFP World Food Programme WWH Welthungerhilfe 3 1. Executive Summary The 2015-16 El Niño weather phenomenon has resulted in significantly less rainfall patterns, warmer weather and delayed or shorter monsoon rains in Cambodia.