J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-75-02-16 on 1 August 1940. Downloaded from


~orps 1Rews.

AUGUST, 1940.

EXTRACTS FROlVI THE "LONDON The undermentioned Majs. to be Lt.­ by guest. Protected copyright. GAZETTE." Cols. :- H. R Sheppard. June 19, 1940. June 18.-Lt.-Col. G. D. Jameson is placed (Actg. Lt.-Col.) D. W. Beamish, lVI.C., in the h.p. list on account of ill-health. June June 29, 1940. 19, 1940. Maj. J. D. Corner, M.B. (31647) to take June 25.-Col. R. J. Blackham, C.B., rank and precedence in his Corps and in the C.M.G., C.I.E., D.S.O. (14347), ret. pay (late Army as if his promotion to Maj. bore date RA.M.C.), at his own request, relinquishes Jan. 29, 1937. (Substituted for notifn. in the the rank of Col. whilst employed in the temp. Gazette of Apr. 16, 1940.) rank of Maj. May 30,1940. Short Service Commissions.-The dates of Short Service Commission.-The appt. of ante-date and seniority of Lt. (temp. Maj.) Lt. E. H. Evans is ante-dated to Oct. 23, P. R Wheatley, M.B. (52033) are May 1, 1935, under the provs. of Art. 39, Royal 1938 and May 1, 1939, respectively, and Warrant for Pay and Promotion, 1940, but not as stated in the Gazette of June 7, 1940. not to carry pay and allces. prior to Oct. 23, The appt. of Lt. J. S. F. Watson is ante­ 1936. dated to May 16, 1938, under t,he provs. of Lt. E. H. Evans to be Capt., Oct. 23, 1937, Art. 39, Royal Warrant for Pay and Promot­ with seniority Oct. 23, 1936, and precedence tion, 1940, but not to carry pay and allces. next below Capt. E. A. Smyth, M.B. (Sub­ prior to May I, 1939. stituted for the notifn. in the Gazette of

Lt. J. S. F. Watson to be Capt. May 1, Nov. 9, 1937.) http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 1940, with ~;eniority May 16, 1939. (Sub­ Lt.-Col. E. B. Lathbury, O.B.E. (8356), stituted for the notifn. in the Gazette of May 7, ret. pay (late RA.M.C.), at his own request 1940.) . relinquishes the rank of Lt.-Col. whilst re­ June 28.-Capt. D. P. F. Mulvany to be empld. in the temp. rank of Maj. June 7, Maj. June 29, 1940. 1940. . Short Service Commissions.-The appt. of Maj. F. S. Irvine, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.B. Lts. R A. R. Topping and J. C. B. Nesfield (10434), ret. pay (late RA.M.C.) is restd. are ante-dated to Dec. 22, 1938 and Jan. 20, to the rank of Col. on re-employment in that 1939, respectively, under the provs. of Art. rank. June 12, 1940. 39, Royal \Varrant for Pay and Promotion, July 5.-Lt.-Col. H. N. Sealy, from 1940, but not to carry pay and allces, prior RA.M.C., to be Col. July 10, 1940, with to May 1, 1939. seniority Feb. 15, 1938. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. :­ R A. R. Topping, July 1, 1940, with :l\Iaj. W. K. Campbell, D.S.O., M.B.E., seniority Dec. 22, 1939. M.C., M.B., to be Lt.-Col. July 10, 1940. on September 30, 2021 J. C. B. Nesfield, July 1, 1940, with Short Service Commission.-The appt. of seniority Jan. 20, 1940. Lt. J. Mackay-Dick, lVI.B., lVLRC.P.Edin., E. P. Jowett, M.B., July 3, 1940, with is ante-dated to Oct. 1, 1937, under the provs. seniority ,Feb. 1, 1940 and precedence next of Art. 39, Royal Warrant for Pay and below Capt. R M. Hector, lVI.B. Promotion, 1940, but not to carry pay and July 2.-Lt.-Col. B. H. C. Lea-Wilson, allces. prior to O;{t. 1, 1938. having attained the age for retirement, Lt. J. Mackay-Dick, M.B., M.RC.P.Edin., retires June 29, 1940, and remains empld. to be Capt., Oct. 1, 1939, with seniority \ J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-75-02-16 on 1 August 1940. Downloaded from


Oct. 1, 1935. (Sub,tituted for the notifn. Capt. (temp. Maj.) C. S. Gross, M.B., in the Gazette of Oct. 3, 1939.) F.R.C.S.Edin. (47492) to be Maj. July 11. Lt.-Col. L. G. Gibson, RA.M.C. (S511) 1940. (ret. pay), at his own requ3st, relinquishes the rank of Lt.-Col., whilst emplyd. in the Regular Army Reserve of Officers. temp. rank of Maj. June 5, 1940. July 12.-Col. P. S. Tomlinson, D.S.O., June IS.-Lt.-Col. T. B. Nicholls, M.B. M.RC.P., late R.A.M.C., to be DiL. Med. (439S), having attained the age limit of Servs., and is granted actg. rank of Maj'>Gen. liability to recall, ceases to belong to the Apr. 4, 1940. Res. of Off. Mar. 13, 1940.

TERRITORIAL ARMY. June IS.-Lt. (Qr.-Mr.) H. Hall (77359) health. and is granted the rank of Capt. relinquishes his commn. on account of ill­ June 24, 1940. health. June 17, 1940. June 2S.-Capt. (Actg. Maj.) W. R Nash June 25.-The KING has been graciously (47331) relinquishes his commn. on account pleased to confer the Territorial Decoration of ill-health, and retains his rank with per­ upon the undermentioned Officer under the mission to wear the prescribed uniform. terms of the Royal 'Warrant dated Oct. 13, Feb. 21, 1940. (Substituted for the notifn. 1920 :- in the Gazette (Supplement) dated Feb. 20. Maj. Edwin Gaved Andrew, ret., late 1940.) by guest. Protected copyright. Royal Army Medical Corps (Territorial July 2.-Lt. D. Laing, M.B. (20443), from Army). RA. (T.A. Res. of Oft.), to be Capt., June 10. 1940, with seniority Apr. 23., 1939. The KING has been graciously pleased to July 9.-Capt. A. J. G. Newton, M.B. confer the Efficiency Decoration upon the (41915), from R Scots (T.A.RO.), to be Capt. undermentioned Officer under the terms of May 11,1940 with seniority Feb. 17, 1940. the Royal Warrant dated September 23, (Substituted for the notifn, in the Gazette 1930 :- (Supplement) dated May 31, 1940.) William Albert Robertson, Lt. P. J. Helliwell, M.B. (93S04) to be C.B.E., M.C., M.D. (7594). Capt. July 10, 1940 with seniority July 21, Lt.-Col. E. R Lovell, T.D., M.B. (26177), 1939. next below Capt. M. S. Pembrey. relinquishes his commn. on account of ill­ July 12.-Lt. Col. E. D. Gray, M.D. health, and retains his rank with permission (42427), resigns his commn. and retains his to wear the prescribed uniform. June 24, rank with permission to wear the prescribed 1940. uniform. Aug. 31, 1939. (Substituted for Maj. F. Roberts, M.D., M.RC.P. (S7690). the notifn. in the Gazette (Supplement) dated relinquishes his commn. on account of ill- Dec. 22, 1939.) http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ THE ARMY DENTAL CORPS. June 25.-Short Service Commissions.­ The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. The undermentioned Lts. (on prob.) are June 26, 1940:- J. F. Russell (95469). confirmed in their ranks :- H. A. W. Lincoln (95470). J. F. Russell (95469). M. F. Porterfield (76055). Regular Army Reserve Officers. H. A. W. Lincoln (95470). of June 21.-Maj. N. H. Medhtirst (143S2) M. F. Porterfield (76055). resigns his commn. June 22,1940.

QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S IMPERIAL MILITARY NURSING SEE,VICE. on September 30, 2021 June IS.-The undermentioned Sisters Prov!. Staff Nurse Miss N. V. Fitzgerald. resign their appts. :­ May 14, 1940. Miss W. Clarke. June 5, 1940. June 25.-Matron Miss A. D. M." Alban to Miss N. W. Merriman. June IS, 1940. be Principal Matron. Apr. 11, 19·10. Sister (temp. Matron) Miss R G'. Mofiat, June 21.-The undermentioned resign A.RRC., to be Matron. Apr. 11, 1940. their appts. :- Sister Miss M. C. Rice resigns her appt .• Sister Miss F. O. Wilson. May 27. 1940. May 6,1940. ,/ J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-75-02-16 on 1 August 1940. Downloaded from


The undermentioned Staff Nurses to be July S.-Matron Miss J. F. Watson, retires Sisters :-. on ret. pay on account of ill-health, July 6, May 15, 1940:­ 1940. Miss M. Clark. July 12.-Sister Miss C. A. M. Cook resigns Miss E. M. Sanders. her appt., July I, 1~40. The undermentioned Staff Nurses to be May 20, 1940 :- Sisters :- Miss E. M. C. Rowston. Miss M. Ryan, Jan. 7, 1940. Jyne I, 1940 :- Miss E. A. O'Carroll, June 5, 1940. Miss K. D. B. Wells. Miss G. C. M. Hill, June 7, 1940. Miss H. P. K. Brett. Miss E. Conner, June 19, 1940. Miss F. L. Purchase. The undermentioned Staff Nurses are confirmed in their appts. :­ The undermentioned prov!. Staff Nurses Miss E. M. Stonham. are confirmed in their appts. :- Miss A. M. Heywood. Miss M. J. Baird. Miss M. E. Leitch. Miss E. M. Lloyd. Miss M. Hellen. Miss K. L. Brewin. Miss F. U. Hedge. Miss J. S. Brooks. Miss E. M. Spreckley. Miss J. C. J. Keir. Miss A. M. R Trevelyan. Miss I. E. Paddon. Miss M. Caudwell. Miss V. Kelly. Miss J. Marchant.

AWARDS BY THE C.-IN-C., B.E.F. by guest. Protected copyright. AWARDED THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE and accompanied them to the advance ORDER. dressing station, where he worked all through Newman, Lt. (t/Maj.) P. H., F.RC.S., the day. He saved many lives and showed RA.M.C., a complete disregard for his own safety. This officer was responsible for the surgical work in the c.C.S.; at Bethune he organized Stevens, Lieut. A. V., RA.M.C. three twin table operation theatres, and later On May 28 Lieutenant Stevens was sent at Rosendael, Dunkirk, such surgical work back with a convoy of wounded from Mont that could be undertaken with reduced des Cats to an advanced dressing station near equipment. His unremitting keenness, hard Poperinge. On arrival, he found it practically work, and skill as a surgeon were a source destroyed by air bombing. He collected of inspiration to all employed in the surgical more wounded from the ruins and took his division, and were the means of saving many convoy to Dunkirk. After embarking his lives and of giving the best possible treatment casualties and attending to further casualties under most exacting conditions to several on the beach, he returned with more medical hundred badly wounded officers and men. supplies to Mont des Cats. On his arrival This officer cheerfully accepted the ballot he found that his Division had retired and the whereby he was left in charge of wounded position was being heavily shelled, the woods that could not be evacuated. and buildings being on fire. He found an Goodridge, Lieutenant (Qr.-Mr.) Edwin, undamaged vehicle and succeeded in bringing http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ R.A.M.C .• out a number of wounded who had been left He showed a most outstanding personality in a monastery that had since caught fire. throughout the operations and inspired his On his way back to Dunkirk he collected unit. After the field ambulance had received into his convoy other ambulances which had severe casualties, losing its commanding lost their way. The convoy was attacked officer, second in command, and regimental by enemy tanks, and the majority of the serj eant-maj or, it continued its full duties, ambulances destroyed and the wounded due largely to Lieutenant Goodridge's un­ killed. The tanks were in turn surprised relenting efforts. Finally, though wounded and destroyed by our artillery. Lieutenant himself, he conducted an ambulance loaded Stevens thereupon collected what men with wounded officers through heavy fire to remained alive into the only remaining the beaches at Dunkirk. ambulance and brought them to Dunkirk. By his persistent courage, endurance, and

AWARDED THE MILITARY CROSS. resource, this officer saved very many lives. on September 30, 2021 Capt. P. K. Jenkins, RA.M.C. He established an advanced dressing station AWARDED THE MILITARY MEDAL. at Bray Dunes on May 29, which he kept Hudson, Corporal W., R.A.M.C. functioning with practically no staff until Throughout the operations he attended the June 1. wounded under bomb and shell-fire with a Lt. (a/Capt.) J. Reynolds, RA.M.C. total disregard to his own safety, although When the enemy shelled the Mole at casualties in the unit were severe. He was Dunkirk on which were concentration of an inspiration to his unit. Later his work qt British and French troops, Captain Reynolds Dunkirk and in the hospital ship and train obtained carrying parties to move the wounded showed the same devotion to duty. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-75-02-16 on 1 August 1940. Downloaded from


THE KING'S BIRTHDAY HONOURS LIST. The following awards were included in Lt. (Act. Maj.) H. Allan, M.D., the King's Birthday Honours List published RA.M.C. in the London Gazette :- Lt. G. D. Macintosh, RA.M.C . . C.B.E.: Col. Gordon Wilson, O.B.E., M.C.; Lt. F. M. Smith, RA.M.C. M.B., late RA.M.C. Lt. (temp. Capt.) M. J. Lindsay, Miss C. M. Roy, RRC., M.M., RA.M.C., T.A. Matron in Chief Q.A.I.M.N.S. Capt. J. R Heslop, RA.M.C., T.A. O.£'E.: Lt.-Col. E. W. Wade, D.S.O., M.D., Lt. (Act. Maj.) C. W. Simpson, RA.M.C. RA.M.C., RA.RO. Lt.-Col. H. Walker, M.C., R.A.M.C. R.R.C. Miss Cecilia Pyke, Matron, M.B.E.: Lt. (Act. Maj.) E. Gillett, RA.M.C. 1st. Cl. Q.A.I.M.N.S. Lt. (Q.M.) J. W. Price, RA.M.C. RRC. Miss Alice Gertrude Murrie, Sister, W.O. Cl. 1 D. E. Dean, M.C. (late 2nd Cl. Q.A.I.M.N.S. . RA.M.c.). Miss Jane Amelia Patterson, Sister, MissE. G. Reynolds, Sister Q.A.I.M.N.S. Q.A.I.M.N.S. Miss Relen Fleming McFeat, Sister, M.C. : Capt. (Act. Maj.) W. M. Arnott, Q.A.I.M.N.S. RA.M.C., T.A. D.C.M. : Staff Sjt. F. Frankish, RA.M.C. Capt. (Act. Maj.) N. Pyecroft, M.B., M.M.: Lce·Cpl. H. J. Young, RA.M.C. RA.M.C., T.A. Sjt. T. Cowan, RA.M.C. by guest. Protected copyright.

THE BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY PRISONERS' PARCELS CENTRE. The Corps has given £200 to this centre .

.. ' ...... _. "" .... _.. --- ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS OFFICERS' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. PROCEEDINGS of the Annual General Meeting of the R.A.M.C. Officers' Benevolent Society held at the RA.M.C. Headquarter Mess, Millbank, S.W.l, on Monday, June 3, 1940. Lieut.­ Gen. Sir Harold B. Fawcus, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., in the Chair. The Minutes of the 1939 Annual General Meeting were read and confirmed. The Reports and Accounts for the year 1939 were adopted. Grants as recommended by the Committee amounting to £1,002 on behalf of 42 orphans were approved. . Maj.-Gen. R S. Rannay, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.; Maj.-Gen. O. L. Robinson, c.£., C.M.G. ; and Maj.-Gen. T. S. Coates, C.B., C.£.E., were elected Vice-Presidents for the year. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Colonel F. S. Irvine was elected Member of the Committee vice Lieut.-Colonel J. S. K. Boyd due t.o retire, and also Maj.-Gen. F. D. G. Howell, C.B., D.S.O., M.C., K.H.S., who was willing to continue to serve. Messrs. Evans Peirson and Co. were appointed auditors for the ensuing year. The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS FUND. PROCEEDINGS of the thirty-eighth Annual General Meeting of the Royal Army Medical Corps Fund held at the RA.M.C. Headquarter Mess, Millbank, on June 3, 1940. Lieut.·Gen.

Sir Harold B. Fawcus, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Representative Colonel Commandant, RA.M.C., on September 30, 2021 in the Chair. Col. L. M. Purser, D.S.O., and Col. P. Evans, C.M.G., regretted their inability to be present.. The Minutes of the 37th Annual General Meeting were read and confirmed. The Report and Accounts for the year 1939 were adopted. A grant of £25 to the General Relief Branch from the Officers' Branch was approved. A grant of £300 to the RA.M.C. Band Fund was approved. Messrs. Evans Peirson and Co. were appointed auditors for the ensuing year. Grants from the RA.M.C. (Alderphot) School Fund amounting to £122 16s. were approved. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-75-02-16 on 1 August 1940. Downloaded from


On the proposal of -Gen. Brooke Purdon, seconded by Col. O'Riordan, Col. F. S. Irvine, C.M.G., D.S.O., was elected as a member to the Committee vice Maj .-Gen. J. F. Martin, c.B., C.M.G., due to retire under Rule 111, 2. There being no further business the meeting terminated.

PROCEEDINGS of a Meeting of the Committee of the Royal Army Medical Corps Fund held July 3, 1940. . . (1) ()fficers' Branch.-A grant of £200 to the British Red Cross Society Prisoners' Parcels Centre was sanctioned. (2) General Relief Branch.-(i) The following donations were received: R.A.M.C. Associa­ tion, Singapore, £5 Ss.; R.A.M.C. Depot, £50; No. 9 Coy. Colchester, £5; No. 20 Coy. Tidworth, £4; Army School of Hygiene, £5; No. 29 Coy. Jamaica, £3. Total £72 Ss. (ii) Grants amounting to £63 15s. made by the Secretary during the quarter were approved.

THE BAND OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. SINCE the outbreak of the war, the R.A.M.C. Band has come so much into the public eye throughout the Command that we feel that readers of the Corps Journal might like to know something of its activities. It may be of interest to give a short account of its history. The earliest records show that the Band was formed in 1896 as a military band and orchestra, the nucleus of which was a small band then in existence at Netley. The first Bandmaster was Mr. Bennett. Other Bandmasters to follow were Mr. Robertson, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Lane, and Mr. Loftus. The last Bandmaster by guest. Protected copyright. of the old" unofficial" Corps Band was Mr. Carotti, who retired in January, 1939. From that date the Band has been recognized as an official Staff Band, and Bandmaster H. J ohnson, A.R.C.M., who was then Bandmaster to the North Staffordshire Regiment, was appointed to the Royal Army Medical Corps Band by Kneller Hall. Any account of the Band would be incomplete without the name of Col. Wallace Benson, C.B.E., D.S.O., who did so much to raise the standard of performance of the Band during the years that he was Band President. It was he who introduced the present Corps March, " Bonnie Nell," in 1926 in place of " Her Bright Eyes Haunt Me Still." The latter march is, however, still used at the Depot to march the companies on to the Parade Ground before Commanding Officer's inspection, and" Bonnie Nell" is, of course, played for the march past. Most readers of the JOURNAL will remember the Band as it was in time of peace. What Corps function was complete without it? The band played at the annual sports meeting at Aldershot, the Corps swimming gala, Netley week-when the band played morning, afternoon, and evening to the officers, nurses, troops, and patients; the officers' annual dinner at the Trocadero; the serjeants and W.O.s annual dinner at the Princes; guest nights at officers' messes at Crookham, Aldershot, Millbank, Woolwich, Tidworth, Netley, and Catterick; the nurses' annual at home at the Dorchester Hotel; and numerous other functions. Since the war, the work of the band has greatly increased. They were, together with other staff bands in the Command, kept at home to entertain the troops.

They started by giving concerts to th€l reservists and militia in the Old Depot Concert Hall http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ under most difficult conditions. Immediately these concerts proved not only popular but necessary. The concerts given were of the stage band type with talent from the troops, and excellent talent was soon discovered. During the first month of the war the band enlisted many first-class musicians from famous dance bands, the B.B.C., and well-known orchestras.. This of course gave them the chance to improve the style and efficiency of the concerts. It meant hard work from everybody to put on a different show each week, and improve the standard set by the previous show. Certain members of the band worked throughout their off-duty hours to arrange special concert versions of the most popular numbers, and others worked on script for novelty items and sketches. It soon became apparent that ours was no ordinary band. Not only could they put on a first-class stage band, but also supply the vocal and novelty items from their own personnel assisted by a few discoveries passing through the Depot, and one or two members of the A.T.S. who have given valuable assistance.

The Depot moved to Boyce Barracks, and a gymnasium was used as a temporary theatre on September 30, 2021 until the Garrison theatre was completed. From then onwards the troops proved that the weekly band concert was certainly something to which to look forward. They turned up in hundreds an hour before the show started, and although we could accommodate about 1,200, many were unable to get a seat. The Commandant, Col. W. H. O'Riordan, M.C., then decided that the show was too good to keep to ourselves, and invited Lt.-Col. Newington, M.V.O., Command Welfare Officer, to see it, and the Welfare Officer of the Canadian Division. They immediately recognized its enter­ tainment value and approached E.N.S.A. on the. subject of band concerts throughout the J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-75-02-16 on 1 August 1940. Downloaded from


Command. Plans were soon worked out, and in a fortnight the band was fitted out with suitable stage dress and commenced to play every Sunday at the Garrison theatre in the Command. The Corps band proved an immediate success, for when Sir Harry Lauder came to Aldershot with his company for a week, the R.A.M.C. Band was chosen to play with them. Apart from variety shows, straight orchestral concerts were given by request, and it was surprising to find how many of the men were musically minded. When the B.E.F. returned, the demand for musical entertainment was heavy, and the band went out with all their kit to entertain the troops in the various reception camps. It would be difficult to describe the reception given to the band by these men. Mr. Anthony Eden arrived during one of these informal shows and was agreeably surprised. . Each contingent of Canadian troops was met by the band, and marched to the barracks allotted to them. A letter of thanks has been received from the G.O.c., Canadian Division. This meant meeting many trains at a few hours' notice.- All our own troops were pleased to have the band march them away and give them a few tunes at the station, then rolling away to the strains of" Bonnie Nell." Apart from the weekly concerts the band is now playing two evenings a week in the open, and on Sunday mornings after church parades. When available, they have also played in church for the evening service as well as the morning service, and Sunday evening concerts were given in the serjeants' mess. Periodical programmes are also played in the grounds of the officers' mess. The dance band has also been very popular at many functions and is a great feature at the officers' club. The band is frequently called upon to play the Salute when Royalty or other distinguished visitors inspect the troops in the Command. A new departure is that of enlisting band boys

into the Corps. There are now seven boys being trained as musicians and we hope for more, by guest. Protected copyright. as these boys will form the nucleus of the post-war band. The band is now working harder than it has ever worked, and it can fairly be said that the standard of music is as high as it has ever been.

KILLED IN ACTION. TEMPORARY MAJOR (CAPTAIN) JOHN NOEL R.A.M.C., Territorial Army. He leaves a CONCANNON, in Belgium, in June, 1940. He widow. was born in St. Vincent, British West Indies, on Dec. 25, 1910, received his medical educa­ LIEUTENANT AUGUSTUS WILLIAM CAR­ tion at Trinity College, Dublin, and joined BON!. Born on Feb. 1, 1915, he graduated the RA.M.C. as Lieutenant, Feb. 27, 1933. last year M.B. of the National University of Promoted Captain May 1, 1934, he was Ireland, and was gazetted to an Emergency appointed Adjutant 49 (West Riding) Divi­ Commission in the R.A.M.C. as Lieutenant sion T.A. June 1, 1939. as recently as March 11, 1940. CAPTAIN JAMES MORRISSEY, RA.M.C., LIEUTENANT IVOR REES DAVIES, M.B., who is reported to have been killed in action B.S.Lond., R.A.M.C., who has been killed in France, was in practice at Bradford. He on active service, was 25 years of age. He obtained his M.B. at Liverpool in 1925 and was the eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. H. R. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ was honorary surgeon to the Bradford Special Davies, of Bedford Lodge, Whyteleafe, Constabulary. He held a commission in the Surrey.

DEATHS. WRIGHT MITCHELL-At Pendyffryn Hall, contributed articles to the JOURNAL OF Penmaenmawr, on June 21, 1940, Colonel THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAl, CORPS and was Wright Mitchell, O.B.E., aged 58. a member of the S.W. London Medical Society. He served in the third Afghan CARMICHAEL. - In Putney, suddenly, on War, being awarded the Medal with Clasp. He was also in possession of the British

June 19, 1940, Lieutenant-Colonel Donald on September 30, 2021 Gordon Carmichael. Born Oct. 28, 1876, War Medal. he was educated at Edinburgh University, where he graduated M.B. in 1902. Enter­ PROBYN.-In Hampstead on June 27, 1940, ing the RA.M.C. on January 31, 1903, he Lieutenant-Colonel Percy John Probyn, was promoted Major on Oct. 31, 1914 and D.S.O. Born November 11, 1867, he was retired with the rank of Lieutenant M.B.Lond., D.P.H., RC.P.S., and a Colonel on December 29, 1923. A Specialist Barrister-at-Law. Entering the Service in the Diseases of Women and Children, he as a Surgeon Lieutenant on January 29, J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-75-02-16 on 1 August 1940. Downloaded from


1896, he was promoted Lieutenant Colonel ORR.-At Llandudno, on June 29, 1940, March I, 1915, and retired December 4, Major Wilfred Burnet Faris Orr. Born 1920. He was a Member of the Pensions May 24, 1899, he graduated M.B.Belf. in Appeal Tribunal, Lecturer on Health, 1921 and took the D.P.H. in 1928. Com­ Monmouth County Council, and Reader missioned as Lieutenant, RA.M.C., August in Hygiene and Sanitary Law, London 1,1923, he was promoted Captain, February College Incorporated Estate Practitioners. I, 1927 and Major, May I, 1934. He won He served with the Lagos Expeditionary the Leishroan Silver Medal and Parkes Force 1897-98, being awarded the Medal Memorial Bronze Medal in 1931. In the and Clasp; and the Sierra Leone Expedi­ present war he served in France and tion, 1898, being awarded a Clasp. In the Belgium from September 4, 1939, till South African Campaign he took part in February 22, 1940, and from April 1, 1940, the advance on Kimberley including the till May 30, 1940. action at Magersfontein; the relief of Kimberley; operations at Paardeberg; EccoTT.-On July 2, 1940, Major WaIter actions at Poplar Grove, Dreifontein, Vet Yardley Eccott. Born September 3, 1896, River, and Zand River; actions near he graduated M.B.Edin., in 1918. Gazetted Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Diamond Lieutenant, RA.M.C.S.R, March 20, 1919, Hill; operations on the Zululand frontier and mobilized the same day, he joined the of Natal, September and October, 1901. R.A.M.C. as Lieutenant and temporary He was mentioned in despatches L.G. Captain June I, 1920, and was promoted February 8, 1901, and was awarded the Captain, September 20, 1922, and Major, D.S.O., Queen's Medal with four Clasps, March 20, 1931. He had two periods of and the King's Medal with two Clasps. half pay owing to ill-health, May 5, 1922

In the Great War he served in France in to November 23, 1922, and from March 30, by guest. Protected copyright. 1914 and 1915 and with the Egyptian 1938 till his death. He was Divisional Adjutant 48 (South Midland) Division, Expeditionary Force in 1917 and 1918, T.A., from December 28, 1928, to January being awarded the 1914 Star, British War, 31, 1932. He served in Iraq 1919-20, and Victory Medals. being awarded the Medal and Clasp. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ on September 30, 2021 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-75-02-16 on 1 August 1940. Downloaded from

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