2008 EROI Program Book
2 EROI FESTIVAL 2008 SPONSORS: University of Rochester Press/Boydell & Brewer, Inc. Rochester Club Ballroom Constellation Center Westfield Center Howe & Rusling Investment Man- agement Organ Historical Society Rochester Chapter, American Guild of Organists Glenn E. Watkins Lecture Endowment at the Eastman School of Music Episcopal Diocese of Rochester Reformation Lutheran Church The Central New York Humanities Corridor, sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sacred Heart Cathedral (RC) First Presbyterian Church, Pittsford Christ Church (Episcopal) Third Presbyterian Church Christ Church Schola Cantorum Boston Early Music Festival Parsons Pipe Organ Builders Pasi Organ Builders, Inc. Paul Fritts and Co. Organ Builders Richards Fowkes & Co. Pipe Organ Builders C. B. Fisk, Inc. Taylor and Boody Organ Builders Flentrop Organ Builders, The Netherlands Gerald Woehl Organ Builders, Ger- many GOArt, Göteborg University, Sweden Loft and Gothic Recordings Eastman School of Music EROI Working Committee Anonymous Anony- mous, in memory of James M. Winn, organist and pedagogue EROI WORKING COMMITTEE: Hans Davidsson, Professor of Organ and EROI Project Director Peter DuBois, Director of the Sacred Music Diploma Program David Higgs, Professor and Chair of the Organ Department Robert Kerner, Eastman Organ Technician Annie Laver, EROI Project Manager Patrick Macey, Professor and Chair of Musicology Elizabeth W. Marvin, Professor of Music Theory Jonathan Ortloff, Undergraduate EROI Assistant William Porter, Professor of Organ and Harpsichord Kerala J. Snyder, Professor of Musicology Emerita Daniel Zager, Associate Dean and Head Librarian of Sibley Music Library. EROI FESTIVAL 2009: October 29-November 1: Mendelssohn and the Contrapuntal Tradition 3 THE EASTMAN-ROCHESTER ORGAN INITIATIVE (EROI) When the Eastman School of Music opened its doors in 1921, it housed the largest and most lavish organ collection in the nation, befitting the interests of its founder, George Eastman.
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