The instructions for this year are set out below. If you have any queries please contact your GSL, Division Commissioner or DC.

Drop off and pick up is from the Abbey Green this year, NOT LORTIMORE CAR PARK. Drop off is at 1.30pm and pick up is at 4.15pm

Can you please ensure that parents and friends etc. remain outside the Abbey until the Scout & Guide members are seated. It is regrettable, but there is limited seating in the Abbey.

Could Leaders please collect collection money from their Section and place in a money bag. Could the person with the money bag please hand it in at the door on the way into the Abbey.

The lead Groups this year are 9th Romsey (West Wellow) Scout Group and the Wellow Guide Sections.

1. Everyone will attend the service in Romsey Abbey.

2. All members of the Scout and Guide movements must wear full correct uniform. No outer garments are to be worn except in extreme weather conditions.

3. The service starts at 3pm and lasts for approximately 45 minutes. Please will Leaders explain prior to the day the reason for the service and the renewal of the Promise as this will help members better understand the service.

4. Rehearsals will be held in The Abbey on Friday, 24th April 2014 for all Flag Bearers, parental Ushers and young people reading/presenting from 18.00-20.00 – PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR FLAGS. There can be no sharing of flag carrying duties within the Abbey.

5. We will assemble in the Abbey Green NOT LORTIMORE CAR PARK on Sunday, 26st April 2014 at 1.30pm. Please assemble behind your name post in section order. Groups should form up 2 or 3 abreast, depending on numbers, and each section flag with 2 escorts should be immediately in front of their section. GSL/AGSL should join a section of their choice. Leaders should walk behind their Section.

6. The procession will move off at 2.00pm and follow the route: Church Place - Church Street - Portersbridge Street - Latimer Street - The Hundred - Market Place - Church Street - Church Place. We will enter the abbey and be seated ready for 3pm. The salute will be taken in the market place during this procession and there will be no procession after the service so if parents would like to line the streets and watch, they should do it after drop off, not before pick up.

7. We will walk to the Abbey in the following order: 4th Romsey Scout Group Lead & Assistant Division Commissioner Union Flag & escorts St George Flag & escorts Scout District Flag PLUS Guide Division Flag – side by side RAINBOWS 1st Woodley Rainbows/1st N. Baddesley/1st Romsey/2nd Romsey/1st Romsey Rural South () BEAVERS ADC Beavers /9th /10th /11th /15th /21st /1st/4th /6th BROWNIES ADC Brownies /2nd West Wellow /1st /1st /1st Cupernham /2nd Woodley & Crampmoor / 1st & /2nd Nursling & Rownhams /1st N. Baddesley /3rd N. Baddesley / 4th Romsey / 6th Romsey / 1st Lockerley CUBS ADC Cubs /9th /10th /11th /15th /21st /1st /3rd/ 4th/6th GUIDES ADC Guides / 1st West Wellow /2nd Woodley & Crampmoor /2nd N. Baddesley /5th Romsey / 1st Romsey /1st Lockerley SCOUTS ADC Scouts /9th /10th /11th /15th /21st /1st /3rd/4th/6th EXPLORERS DESC/Explorer Flag/Romsey District Explorers GUIDE SENIOR SECTION ADC Senior Section / Romsey Guide Senior Section NETWORK Romsey District Network Leader or Chair / Scout Network

8. Beavers/Rainbows/Cubs/Brownies will enter the Abbey via the North door and Scouts/ Guides/ Explorers/ Senior Section/ Scout Network will enter the Abbey via the South door. All parents and other onlookers will be directed to the South door and ONLY admitted to the Abbey once the uniformed members are ALL seated.

9. At the saluting base in the Square all Leaders face towards the saluting base and salute. All other members face towards the saluting base but do not salute.

10. Can Leaders please ask that parents to collect the young people at the end of the event from the Abbey Green where they will be stood behind the stand with their group name.

11. All leaders, executive members and parent helpers are invited to the refreshments in the Abbey rooms behind the Abbey after they have been dismissed from the Abbey Green.

12. Toilets are situated in the Bus Station.