WEEKLY EMERGENCY SITUATION UPDATE Produced by the EHA/AFRO team, [email protected] In collaboration with WHO Country Offices Vol. 2 No.40 02nd November, 2009

General Context Pandemic A (H1N1): The overall decline in incidence continues. Twenty seven (27) coun- tries are now affected in our Region with a total case load of 14,109 and 102 deaths as of 27th October 2009. Other humanitarian concerns include political crises in Guinea and Ni- ger, disease outbreaks, the complex emergencies in central African countries and the food crises in the horn of Africa. Situation in Countries Acute crises Angola: The Governments of Angola and DRC reported 3 cases with two deaths*. WHO and decided to immediately stop the expulsion of heath partners are supporting response citizens from the two countries. From the activities for the cholera and meningitis Angola side, according to officials, the number outbreaks. of Angolans who have returned home from DRC Ethiopia: Food security situation: The revised following a mass expulsion campaign is close to Humanitarian Requirements Document 50,000. In a statement on 3rd November 2009 (HRD) confirms that 6.2 million people will the UNHCR has airlifted emergency relief items require emergency food aid assistance be- (tents, sleeping mats, and blankets, as well as tween October and December 2009. The a pre-fabricated warehouse) to Angola to help requested $28.5 million for health and nu- Previous Week tens of thousands of people**. trition interventions targets more than CAR: The humanitarian situation is becoming of 78,000 children under five years for treat- high concern in Zemio, South-east of the coun- ment of severe acute malnutrition and up to try, prefecture of Haut Mbomou following 132,000 people for treatment of acute wa- influx of refugees from DRC fleeing brutalities tery diarrhoea (AWD). AWD continues to be of LRA rebels. On 2nd November 2009, a total a major health problem in Oromia, Amhara, of 1,960 refugees mainly old people were regis- SNNPR and Afar Regions. tered. The evangelical hospital is taking care Kenya: Floods: The El Nino rains have contin- of the refugees with drug donation from WHO. ued across the country. Most parts of Kenya Chad: The security situation in the East is tense have received some rainfall which is widely particularly in the area of Farchana (50 kms distributed in area and intensity cumulating from the border with Sudan). Armed car hi- in landslides in the Central province and jacking is continuing with several people in- flooding along the Coast and parts of the jured or killed. Disease outbreaks: Acute Wa- north-eastern province. At least one person tery Diarrhoea in Abeche, in week 43 a total of died from landslide in Muranga, two people 79 new cases without death (83 cases without have been drowned in Malindi and over 300 death in week 42) were reported. From week 1 people displaced in El-Wak in Mandera dis- to 43 of 2009, a total of 3,721 cases without trict. The outbreak of cholera: Cumula- death have been reported in six health centres tively a total of 46 districts have recorded of Abeche*. outbreaks since January 2009. A total of DRC: Clashes in Dongo, province of Equateur on 9,998 cases and 201 deaths (CFR: 2.0%) th Weekly Report Monitoring the 29 October 2009 between local police and have been reported*. WHO and partners are Weekly Reports the youths of an ethnic group (Enyelle) over a supporting capacity building, cases manage- Expected since Submitted at Completeness land dispute; 47 policemen were killed. The ment, surveillance and health promotion. Country Week 1 date % 1. Algeria 44 18 41 number of civilian victims is unknown. North : Floods: Affected population in 2. Angola 44 39 89 Kivu: Heavy fight on the 1st of November 2009 are now estimated to be 82,473. On the 28th 3. Burundi 44 25 57 4. CAR 44 29 66 between the FARDC (national Army) and the of October 2009, the village of Droum in the 5. Chad 44 44 100 FDLR rebels in Lukweti (territory of Masisi) urban district of , region of 6. Congo 44 18 41 with casualties unknown. Cholera outbreaks: was flooded by heavy rains. Two 7. Cote d’Ivoire 44 30 68 8. DRC 44 44 100 In South Kivu 319 new cases with 1 death were people were killed, 190 households were 9. Eritrea 44 17 39 reported in week 43 making an overall total of rendered homeless; foodstuff and livestock 10. Ethiopia 44 43 98 8,858 cases with 94 deaths (CFR: 1%) from lost. Malnutrition: In week 43, a total of 11. Guinea 44 39 89 12. Kenya 44 33 75 week 1 to 43 in 2009*. In North Kivu, 57 new 5,191 cases with 5 deaths were reported. A 13. Liberia 44 32 73 cholera cases with one death were reported in cumulative total of 157,125 cases with 384 14. Madagascar 44 31 70 week 43 making a cumulative total of 5,425 deaths were reported from 1st January to 15. Mozambique 44 44 100 cases with 60 deaths (CFR: 1%) from week 1 to 25th October 2009. From this figure, 41% 16. Niger 44 37 84 17. Uganda 44 35 80 43 in 2009*. Meningitis in Ituri: In week 43, were severe malnutrition cases compared to 18. Zimbabwe 44 11 25 the health district of Aru reported 15 cases 23% in the same period in 2008*. Political with one death and the health district of Bunia situation is still tense in the country.

Countries Under Surveillance Guinea: The political situation remains tensed. South Africa: Pandemic A H1N1: No update Negotiation and peace talk between different received. As of 26th October 2009, a total protagonists have started. The security situa- of 12,598 laboratory confirmed cases with tion in the country is still critical. Unidentified 91 deaths were reported**. armed groups are committing crimes in Conakry Zimbabwe: Cholera outbreak: In week 44, a and its suburbs targeting civilians and security total of 8 new cases were reported com- forces. The reported death from the violence of pared to 23 cases the previous week. A 28th October 2009 stands at 64 with 1,354 in- cumulative 102 cases with 3 deaths (CFR: jured and 63 sexually abused. 2.9%) have been reported in 7 out of 62 Mozambique: The presidential election took place districts in the country*. on the 28th of October 2009 and the final results Pandemic A H1N1 in the WHO African Re- are still pending. No violence was reported gion: The incidence of confirmed cases has countrywide. Outbreak of Typhoid Fever: As of been slightly declining in the last few Acute Watery Diarrhoea in Ethiopia: Mass ga- 1st November 2009, a total of 304 cases with 33 weeks. As of 27th October 2009, a total of thering like Religious Celebration (Ferekesa) as deaths (CFR: 10.8%) were reported*. 14,109 confirmed cases with 102 deaths risk factor (Photo: WHO Ethiopia) have been reported in 27 countries.

For more information please contact: Dr Kalula Kalambay, Programme Manager a.i, EHA/AFRO email: [email protected] Sources: *WHO (HAC/EHA country FP, WHO/AFRO), ** International Humanitarian press and other partners