~---- . - -- .

or .THE INTREPID i • ~·~$111 %~~-&liT :1· C~ptain Giles Jlt· llioi't, USN, Cbmmandinl OffiC1ft-. . • "; , 1n the last two .~ont!is .'w~1y~ ·Jr~~~ently asked Commandet W~ E. Ellis, USN, Executive Officer i1 i the silnple questiort: How :s .the-chow?' And it has ~~-----~----~~~--~------~~--~--~~-(! beenav«y rare occasion wh~n th.e. answe'r'has b.een ~-· ~· V~o~l~~tn~e~a._ N_.u~m_be._r_.6______~~ .. wD._•_ceam~ _ Mbe~r~l~~--~. li ·•v•n c:lo s e ··to· printable. That''S'wt,iy we've selected -11% ' ) ' (¢¢ • '* ~'!?&* $11 : -.~· ' ! .as thl}sub~title for this ed- ! Lt. Comdr. R. Gray -- Communications Officer ! it:orial. · · : · ·. . ! Ens. l». S. Keiieher - - Co-Superviaing Editor I Now it's·not dur purpose to "carry the torch" ! Ens. N. W. Curtis - - - Co-Supervising Editor , · for .the INTREPID'S'chow. Neither do we say that it's I E·ditorial Staff I as bad as some of Ulose unprintabie remarks might indicate. What we do say is that if the chow is as bad Nuabaum, Jr. RdM3c - -- News Editor ~ B. S. ! as you think it is, you're not going to do yourself or j Norbert Carne ARM2c ---- News Editor :!, the chow one bit of good"by saying "1%) (~~**- / ? Lt. (jg) B.. E. Gates -- Photographic Editor I ~." to the guy Sitting neXt to you and by Chipping Ens. M. Pelosi ---- Engr. Dept- Editor . your teeth to the guy in the bunk below you. :1 Contributors •,' This, however, doesn't mean that your hands ! Chaplain McGann The Engineering Dept. l,l . <>retied--that you've got to take the food and like it , I G. F. Pavitt, AOM8c Lt. (jg) R. H. Smith , .'There has been outlined for all hands, in an Execu­ ' L. X. Hundeshimer, USMCR Dick Himes, USMCR I, tive Officer's Memorandum, an accepted procedure ! for s tating your feelings about the food, and your off­ , Dick Blough, USMCR Lt. Co~dr. L. J . Barr ~ icers encourage you to follow this procedure. And I Photography , thats the purpose of this editorial--- to outline that i J. E Krueger PhoM2c H. F. Krasin PhoMlc j procedure again. If you have· a .complaint to register, j P. M. Jones, PhoM2c T. H . Fredrickson, PhoM3c do this: : Printers 1. Go to your Division Officer and discuss the l matter with him. If possible take him a V. J. Lenzi,Prtrlc H. J . Stoll, Prtr2e • sample of the food in question. • D. R. Aleto, Prtr3c J. w. Black, S2c 2, Your Division Officer will then discus s the l______~---~~------~~~~---~------1 matte rwiththP.SupplyJ )f! icer. If your com­ l Lt. J. B. Kirsch -- - Publication Censor plaint is justified, step% will be taken to ~ . 11 ·fhe U.S.S. INTREPID reeeiv• Camp Newapaper Serviee material. remedy the situation at once. ! Republication of credited matter ,prohibited without permi.uion of CNS, 2061~!: 3. Your Division Officer also has the alterna­ lI E. 42nd St.. N.Y. c. 17. tive of taking the matter up with the Exec­ t -·------·------·------~ ... utive Officer. Cover: Photo overlay by Krueger and Kraain In other words, any officer ( not j'ust the Off­ icer of the Deck, one of whose duties it is to sample the crew's rations at ea(;b mealtime) can be of help Presenting the Engineers to you. But following the 'above outlined ·procedure is the only method of r egistering a complaint and at Gentlemen, we present the Engineers. These the same time being sure that it will reach sources are the guys who get you where you want to go. These that will definitely take action. Adhere to this pro­ cedure and your complai.nt will be heard - - - an d are the fellows still referred to as the "Black Gang," you'll be helping bothyourself and your shipmates. even though our modern shiny boilers of today bear

not even the slightest resemblance to those old coal ------0 ------furnaces of yesteryear. These are the guys who our main engines and keep· them in running order, provide e 1 e c t ric a 1 power for the ship, make our drinking water ,keep our elevators running, and per­ form many other jobs too numerous to mention. These ar~ the same guys who, during battle, OUR PROBLEM work below in the sweltering heat of the firerooms and the engine rooms, standing ready to answer all With deep r egr et for the pas t system of dis­ bells. Their only conception of what's going on top­ tributiOn, the editors have devised a plan which ma y side is the varied reports coming down through the prove s uccessful if full cooperation is given. phones. The sound of the five inch guns going off can Future publications will be issued to the Mail be better described as felt, rather than heard, down Petty Officers of each divis ion and from the different Department' Ofhces for officer dis tribution. Thes e there. copies will be obtainable in the s hip's libr a ry at a These are the guys who remained at their date immediately following completion of each edition. stations wnile the compartment slowly filled up with It will be r equired that each petty officer s ign for the smoke and the acrid odor of gunpowder, from the rag­ number of copies.he r eceives. Any p e r s on n e I not ing fires above, while the temperature crawled upward r eceiving a copy s hould report to the s hip's News ­ paper Office on the 02 deck wher e all excess copies past one hundred and fifty degrees •. shall be kept. No, their lot may not be a very glamorous one, Full. cooperation is desired so that it may be but we can still be proud when we say, "Gentlemen, certain that each man receives his copy of the news ­ we present the Engineers." pap!'!,

...,.. ·_ ··' ' . -.- . ~. 3 AIR GROUP FOURTEEN REPORTS ABOARD

Comdr. Brown Leads of June the group reluctantly bid fareweli to romantic San Diego and went north to Re-formed Squadron sail with the INTREPID. So commenced CVG-14's second time out during the war. "M" Division Data The 14th of August, the end of the war, When the 269 officers and men of CAG still seemed a long way off. The "M" (main propulsion machinery) 14,without knives in their teeth, swarmed The air group was sent to NAS Kahului of the Engineering Department has cogni·· up the cargo net and over the starboard on Maui, where it was based during a three zance of reduction gears and operation and side of the INTREPID, it was the third time month period in the Hawaiian Area. In maintenance ofthe ship's propulsion plant. in five months this group had put a board­ addition to finding out that a luau in Hawa ii This includes the four main engines, their ing party upon the decks of the Mighty I. is just like an old fashioned weenie roast attached shafting and propellers, and the '14' is a lucky number, for this was 1400 in the States, the pilots and crewmen flew auxiliaries necessary for their operation. Sunday the 14th of October, and a happy a shakedown aboard this carrier , sharpen­ Each main engine unit consists of: a h. home-coming for all hands. On the 29th of ed up on bombing and gunnery, and put in p. and 1. p. turbine connected to a common last June the Air Group personnel were a few rough nights on the SARA, learning reduction gear which reduces turbine r . p. guests of the s hip, as passengers, when it how to land by imagination. Then came 14 m. to shaft, or propeller, r. p. m.; a con­ sailed for Hawaii from Alameda. The August 1945. Next morning ... but enough denser for collecting and condensing to following month the Group was aboard of that. water the exhaust steam from the turbines; again, this time for a very pleasant shake­ Within one month later most of the two lub. oil pumps, one electric and one down cruise. A third trip on CV -11 begins "tivilians" had taken off for the Old Coun­ s team, which pump the lub. oil to the bear­ a tour of duty in familiar surroundings of try, and the air group was once again on ings and r educt ion gears and two cond. which '14' has long since grown fond. the move, this time aboard the USS(Snake­ pumps, one e 1 e c t r ic and one steam, for CVG-14wasfirst formed 10 November pit) Copahee bound for Saipan. Some ctavs returning the condensed steam to the feed 1943 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island. later a few hardy members of the outfit tank from which it is pumped back to the It was present at the commissioning of the who had survived the trip made their way boilers for feed water. new WASP at the South Boston Navy Yard painfully to Marpi Point, where they set The four propeilers with their respec­ 24 November, 1943, and went aboard as up operations and discovered new uses for tive driving engines are numbered from her first !lir group 27 January, 1944. From F4Ubellytanks. Most of the group are starboard to port so that the two outboard that date until CVG-81 relieved them, 10 stilluot very well :tdjusted to the comforts propellers are No. 1 and No. 4. The main November 1944, the original group trav­ ofCV-ll,butmembers of ship's company, engines, condensers, and reduction gears elled 80,000 miles with the WASP, VF-14 who plainly regard these thinp,ti as routine, for No. 1 and No. 4 pr opellers are located a 1 one flying the equivalent of 3,500,000 m u s t r e c a 11 that air group boys are a miles. The members of the three squadrons little shaken by some of their experiences in the forward engine room, The machinery had time for considerable J.ction in the in the recent past. for No .2 and No. 3 propellers are located course of this little jaunt. They Wt:re at Having dwelt perhaps too long on 14's in the after engine room. the first and second battles of the Philippine history, one should notfail to note it's lead­ The following facts about the main en­ Sea, the Marianas campaigns, Iwo Jima, ing personalities. The Commander of the gines mig-ht be of interest to one with no Okinawa, Formosa, Wake, the Bonins (on Air Group, Comdr. S. R. Brown, came to previous knowledge of the subject. At full the Fou rt h of July, 1944) and Palau- to CVG-14 from his former duty as skipper power each engine produces 3 7, 500 horse name only a few. During the second battle ofVB-82. For eleven months following the power. Each engine consumes 262,500 lbs. of the Philippines Lt. Comdr. Downing, beginning of the war he was Senior Naval of s t e am per hour at an initial pressure the sklpper of VB- 14, scored the first Aviator aboard a CA. The four squadron of 600 lbs. gauge at a temperature of 825 ever made on the Jap BB YAMATO. VF-14 commanders are familiar names: Comdr. de g r e e s F. when generating full power • took time out to shoot down 140 enemy Van Antwerp of VT, Lt. Comdr. Campbell The bearings for the shafts contained in aircraft, destroy or damage another 411 of VB, Lt. Comdr. Jacobs of VF, and Lt. each engine and it's reduction gears require on the ground, and sink or damage 126 en­ Comdr .Downing of VBF. Distributed among 523 gallons of lubricating oil per minute ·emy ships. the squadron skippers and the present for proper lubrication. The present air group, conscious of officers and men of '14' are decorations At present the "M" Division comple­ quite ;,. tradition to uphold, re-formed 1 amounting in number to some seven Navy ment is three commissioned officers, one January this year at NAAS Ream F'ield, San Crosses, one Silver Star Medal, 15 Distin­ machinist, six chief machinist's mates, Ysidro, California, under the administra guished Flying Crosses, 38 J..ir Medals, and 78 machinist's mates and firemen. tive command of Comlo'air West Coast. lr and one Presidential Unit Citation. Although few of these men had previous addition to the three original squadrons, By way of latest rank comment, Air experience before entering the Navy many VB, VF, and VT, an entirely new command Group 14 extends hearty congratulations are now favor a b 1 y inclined to following VBF, formed 12 January. Comdr. S. R. to Lt. Comdrs. Campbell, Fewell, Gar­ the machinic' s or machinist's trade in civ­ Brown joined the group as Commander Air wood, Main, Russ e 11, Seitz, and Sweatt. ilian life. Group 14 in February. Let us all remember that VF-14, which Some mention should be made of tra~ .. once broke the fleet launching record by ing activities carried on by the group up putting its planes up with an average take­ ------0 ------to the present time. The squadrons had off interval of eleven seconds, now leads their first workout aboard ship on the USS tgain with four lieutenant-commanders. Matanikau (CVE-10) in March. With bounce Can You? drill temporarily out of the w2y, everyone ------0 ------spent much of April and May learning that Can you write, read, or t hink? If you darts are not just something you toss in Nazis Lost 7 Million Men ean do one of these, then the ship's mag­ the ready-room, but that the Navy's rocket London (CNS) -Prime Minis­ training in the Mojave Desert gives carrier ter Attlee said the German armed llzine need!! you. Come at once to the IN­ aviators a special kind of dart very effec­ forces suffered casualties of 7,400,- TREPID magazine office on the 02 ~k tive against big game. Finally on the :?13th 000. adjacent to the captain'sladder. Below Decks With:

''A" Division ''B" Division "E" Division

The "A" Division, sometimes referred "B" Div. with 204 men is the s econd And the Lord s aid "Letthere be light", to as the " soup- to- nuts" or"if- you-don't­ largest division on ou'r ship. Ably skipper­ and there was light . Ev e n in the earliest want-it-give-it- to-us" division, is com­ ed by U. H. M. Lee, of Camobellsburg, Ky., known days, in its earliest known form, ' 'E" posed of 100 highly trained technicians. with Ensign M. H. Pelosi, )r. of Phila., Pa. Divis ion came thr ough. Technician, that's a guy who doesn't know this d i v is ion plays an important part in In its present form, 125 men s tr on:~ , how it works e ither, but who with the aid main t .a in i n g the life blood of our s hip, "E" Divis ion stands r eady to perform a of a wrench and a persuader, manages to s team. The divis io n mans our four fire myriad o f jobs, the only similarity among fix the dar ned thing s omehow. rooms with two boilers in each; is r espon­ t h em b e in g that they all deal with that The re a re six officers in the outfit. sible for the evapor ators ( but don't blame myster ious and elusive quantity, Electric­ Starting with the top and working down to us if you don't get a sh o w e r, we don't ity. To thefarflung corne r s of the ship our the Division Officer, they are, Mach. either) and also furnishes the boiler repair electricians travel, armed with only their Poncia, from Saratoga, C ali for n i a, in and fireroom repair gangs. The divisional tr usty fus e pliers and voltage testers , and charge of the generator turbine, machine duties also include the oil and water de­ perhaps a r oll of rubber tape or two, to s hop, and blacks mith shop; Mach. Honey­ tails. They are the fellows wh,.o are always tackle any work that m ight arise. _Their cutt, from Indianapolis, Indiana, in charge running around the ship pulling out sound­ terr itory c o v e r s the s pace between the of diesels, air compressors, ice machines, ing rods from holes in the deck. In addition r unning lights on the br ldge and the pump air conditioning, and stea m heat; Mach. to the above named of f i c e rs we have a motors in the bilges, the wildcat on the Smith, from Os age Citv. Kans as, in charge capable Ch . Mach. in W. W. Lockhart of forecastle and the sound powered jack boxes of hydraulics - elevators , cranes, s teering Riverside, Calif. and Mach. D. P . Harbin on the fantail, and they are p repar e d to engines, a n d anchor windlass; Ens ign of Aust i n, Texas, (he' s one of those 30 tackle anything from a pocket flas hlight to Omohundro, fr o m Nashville, Tennessee, year m en yo'.l hear about). In personnel the one of the s hip's huge ge ner ators . log room r ecords officer; Lt (j g)Johnson , division has slightly more than 41 % of her In orde r to facilit?..te the· distribution from Nor ristown , P enns ylvania, div ision men that reported pr ior to 1 October 1943 of thes e many assignments the division Is officer ex-officio; and Lt, (j g) McDonald still aboard. 30 states and the District of s ubdivided into five s eparate groups , each from Ja ck Benny, Illinois, divis ion officer -Columbia a'i'e represented with Pennsyl­ gr oup having its own headquarters, routine in- bunkio. vania leading the way with l 3 men. jobs, and emer gency calls. Perhaps the most impressive fact about In the island, the Lighting Shop gang he division is that it has s ome piece of ------0 ------stands r eady to s ervice the signal lights , equipment iu nearly every-space in the ship, s earchlights, flight de c k lights, electric fans, stor age batteries, a!!d sundry other from the ar'lc hor windlass fo r ward to the EXTRA ADDED stee ring engine aft ; from the main gener­ similar items. ator s below decks to the whistle and s iren All of you who s tand in the forwar d chow at the top of the island. The division heats Since comm1ssiomng the IN T REp 1 D line pass t.he Power Shop three times a da y the s h i p when it ' s cold, cools parts of it has traveled over 129,000 miles, equivalent and gaze curiously inside at an assortment when it's hot , s upplies power to turn the to more than h ve times around the world. of fellows gathered around the jo-pot. This gener ators for electricity, compresses the During this time a point on the 1 a r g es t is a composite group cons isting of the Gen­ a ir, operates the elevator s, stee rs the s hip. diameter of one of the low press ur e turbine eral P o w e r and Ordnance Power gangs. makes new parts for machinery, belonging :rotors (which rotate about 10 times as fas t . !'he forme r Is the group that st!rv!ces the to other divisions, and supplies refrigera­ as the propeller s haft )has t r aveled a linea r motors and circuits for items such as the t ion for your ice cream, milk, and cold distance of near ly 3 million m iles, equiv­ steering gear, ventilation s ystems, and storage spaces' It is truly a division of alent to six times the distance to the moon galle y equipment, while the latter group m any trades. and back.· divides their time between the gun mounts, ammunition hois ts , and plane elevators . The Internal Communications gang Is concer ned m a in 1 y with the s hip' s phone · s ystems, both sound powered and ship's s e rv i c e ~ They are als o charged with the care of the main gyros and loud speaking system. Last but not least is the Distribution ga ng . This group is the backb on e of the division because it is under their watch­ full eyes that the ship' s main gener ators supply all ship's power. In addition they are responsible for all the 11 g h ti n g and c 1 e c t r i c a l auxiliaries found in the en ­ gineering spaces. Yes, the story of the Mighty " I" stands out as a shining light to the nation, and "E" D i vi s io n is there to make sure that the light keeps shining.

Ch icago (CNS> - Someone ran this ad in a Ch icago p aper: "For rent: dark, d irty four -room apart­ m ent , complete w ith shabby fur­ n iture " 5 V -Sixers Cop Title Dear Clem, U kin kum out ob hidin' now. De 'meri­ can league hab wun de worls seris. De SHOW CLASS IN Tigers ob Detroit beet de . It took them seben games to do it tho~ Dem Tigers had a pitchur by de name SHIP'S TOURNEY ob Newhouse r dat did pretty good, an a couple ob sluggers named "Doc" Cramer and "Hank" Greenberg. U remember Along the nation's college gridiron front During the past few months two basket­ Grcenberg ••• he enlisted in de army twice; two military and three Indiana teams are, ball tourneys have been held. The first was an den he made captain so day Jet him cum at present writing, in the lead for the No. won by the V -6 Division, with the V -3 lads b ack an play baseball <~.fter fightin' f' fo' 1 spot of the nation. close behind. years. Mighty nice oo dem, don u think? These teams are Army, Navy, Indiana, The in it i a 1 tournament was a Anyway he hit 2 homers in de seris. Purdue and Notre Dame. Each of these elimination tour{lllment. The Plane Cap­ De Cubs didn't do 2 bad as day hab a teams has a wealth of power and reserves. tains of V -6 went through without a loss, pitchur dat only allowed 1 hit. Him's name At present Army seems to be the strongest while the Radar gang of V - 3 lost only to is Pass-a, or sum thin like it. He didn't follo w e d by Purdue, Navy, Indiana and the V -Sixers until they met again in the quite live up to his name as de records sez Not re Dame in that order. finals. he pass 1 man, but den his infielde rs help­ Army's touchdown twins, Davis and In the latest and current tourney, the ed out wid a duble play. Pretty nice ob em Blanchar d, are almost unstoppable. So far teams were divided into four small leagues wasn't it? they are the two outstanding backs of the and after a round of playing each team once U member ole Cholly Grimm? He man­ year. the two top teams of each league were en­ aged de Cubs, an almos kep u in hidin' fo' Following these teams in .a country wide tered in the final double elimination round. anudder y~ar. And your ole fren Stanley sweep, we find Pennsylvania and Columbia In one league, however, three teams were Camfield Hack, of third base fame and for­ strong in the e:.st; Alabama, Duke and Vir­ entered as the Marines, the V -6 Eagles, tune did his part too. He eben got 4 hits in ginia strong in the south; TCU, Texas U. another outfit from the same division and 1 game. Phil Cavarretta wun de National and Baylor lead the Lone Star State with the Radar boys were tied for the leader­ League batting crown an he wuz also de St. Mary's, Southern Cal and Washington ship of their division. leadin' hitter in de seris 2. He plays roun the power on the west coast. The winningV-6 team has been broken first base. The Sunday Shooters, otherwise known up somewhat by transfers, and at present De las' time u writ me u say sumpin' as the Professional Leagues are being they along with the V -3 and the Fire Co!i.­ bout goats. Well de Tigers got one ob dem topped by the Cleveland Rams. So far this trol men present the favor ite teams. 2. It was a feller named Hostetler , in de year the Rams have bowled over every s i x t h game he was com in home to score team they h a v e met except the Phila. what would have been de winnin run, but Eagles, to whom they dropped one decision. he got gain so fas he fall-down-go-boom, In the Eastern Division of the league, all an de teems had to wait a day an play the teams ar e about equal. If and wher the Las Vegas, Nev (CNS) - Sgt anudder game. Rams do get to the playoff it should not bE> Lester Sc~eel, a homecoming hard to choose the wtnner. GI, rushed mto the arms of· his De Cubs has got a real fas feller in waiting wife, Ann, lost his bal­ cf"ntafiel'. He made 26 all by his­ ance, fell through their front self. Besides dis hf" threw a man out at PaHon Won't Run porch lattice work into a concr~te third. U ought to try to ketch him someday. Wiesbaden, Ger. (CNS)- Re­ driveway. Bruised ' but undis­ His name is Andy Pafko. jecting an offer to run for office, mayed, he got up, essayed another Does your townilab a fire truck? Well Gen Patton declared that he has clinch, was conked on the head Detroit is us in ders fo' a oitcher, at leas' by_ a brick jarred loose from the no political affiliation and "never chrmney. "Welcome home dear" dats what de radio 'nouncer says. He says even voted in my life." said his wife. ' ' Trucks is very fas, well ain't dey supposed­ to be, but how kin dey strike people out ? Well dey did it in Detro1t. Guess u better kum see m e an mebbe we figur dis out.

Top in the Sporting News poll were , majors' top winner (25 games), king {211 fanned) and Tigers' hero with 2 won, 1 lost against Cubs, and who won 10, lost 5 for Yankees, then took 11, lost 2, phts 2 world series victories for the Cubs ... Other hot pitch­ ers were Boo Ferriss {won 21, lost 10), Red Sox, year 's top roo)de; Roger Wolff {won 20, lost 10), Washington; Red Bar­ rett {won 23 lost 12), Cardinals; Hank Wyse {won 22, lost 10), Cubs ... Geol'%e Stirnweiss, Yan­ kees, won AL batting champion­ ship with .309, second lowest in history for champ, also led leal!ue in hits, runs, stolen bases The Engineering Department he I d a contest to pick the cutest baby (lnd their choice for that honor was Jerry Sifford, two and one half year old son of Warren H. Sifford, WT2c, of No. 4 Fire Room in "B" Division. Jerry was seven months old when this picture was taken . Jerry was born to his proud parents in Dry Brinks, Virginia, but their present residence is in Princeton, West Virginia. Jerry has 6rown immensely since this p1cture was taken, but according to his father he is as cute as ever. The winner of the contest held to pick the "most beautiful wife" in the Engineer­ ing Department is the very I o v e I y Mrs. Ralph Millikan Jr., wife of Ralph Millikan Jr., EM3c, of "E" Division. Before their marriage Mrs. Millikan was Ralph's best girl throughout his life(started young didn't he?). Their present residence is at 5631 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Missouri. Mrs. Millikan is five feet three and one half inches tall, brown hair and eyes, weighs 118 pounds and is 18 years old. Ralph married her on his 12 day leave which the crew received when we p u II e d in to the States in May. Choice for first place in the contest for the "most beautiful sweetheart" goes to Miss Marna Williams, sweetheart of Stan­ ley E. Coulter, F1c, of "B" Division. Marna is Stan's one and only and we can understand why! ' .. Marna is five feet four inches tall, has Mrs. Ralph M blond hair, blue eyes, weighs 114 pounds St. Louis, Mo. and is 19 years old. She hails from Mon terey Park, California.

Miss Marna Williams Jerry Sifford, age seven months Monterey Park, Cal. Dry Brinks, Va. 7

'ftl. PortHE R / SMa.t. 4'-1 f>DINT~R ,/

He: We can't have any fun this even­ M.\.lse was brought up for the fourth ing. All I have is some small change. speeding offense. He muttered under his She: Well, what do you think it takes breath something that sounded a lot like to send my kid brother to the movies­ an oath. a five dollar bill?-The Beam "Repeat that!" snapped the judge. "Ah says, God am de jedge, God am Then there was the fellow, alcoholically de jedge!"-The Hoist over-subscribed, feeling his way arou11d a lamp post, muttering, "Sno use, rm She: "Here in Hawaii we have the walled in."-The Beam same kind of weather all the year 'round." Then, there is the man who is so Slc: "What in the world do you talk crooked that the wool he pulls over your about?"-The Hoist eyes is half cotton.-The Beam A father and mother were discussing Sign in the window of a West Coast their daughter. beauty salon: "Don't whistle at the girls Mother: "Do you think. our daughter when they leave this salon. One.of them has a one-track mind?" may be your grandmother." "Watch out for his free toe!" Father: "Yes, and I think there is a -Bed&ide Examiner troop train running on it."-The Hoist



Why is it every time the INTREPID hits port you find Oser in sick bay'i Do your THE teeth always hurt you when there's a little bilge dut"', Bob? CHAPLAINS' Among the high point men in the detach­ Is it true Christ always dodges when he ment is Corporal "Company Clown" Himes. passes a blower? Don't get your be:outiful CORNER BIB has served on the INTREPID since hair mussed, Norm. Does U (jg) Simmons commissioning over two years ago, and · think he is ln a m arathon when he's on has been assistant to the First Sergeant watch? Last official c o u n t was 80 turns about a year. He tells us that he plans to around the engine room per hour.. n.at spend many hours with his " Lulu Belle" ought to be some sort of a record. in the Blue Ridge Mountains of his home Our beloved lc, Capanec, found a way state. For this particular column we owe to beat the water shortage: Remove a sec­ "What have we fought for?" HImes thanks because of his contributions tion of pipe from the fire pump a'ld you'll to the news and description about the boys. get a beautiful sp r ay! Rather wet, aren't Best of 1 u c k to him and all the boys who you, Bob? Is it t r ue Kenny Shachsieck was During the war that has just come to a left recently' spr eading the scuttlebutt about the carbu­ dose there have been many silly and flip­ The Sunday evening "Singspiration'; retor on the main engmes being fouled up? pant remark:s·made on the subject of ''what seems to be a complete Marine monopoly. Who's kidding who? This isn't a V·-8, you are we fighting fo r 't '' The t rem end o us Leading the song service is Pfc . Dick know, Kenny I Why is CMM Werner a lways sacr ifices made by the nations of the world "Future Yoeman" Blough. "Pappy" Sp.eak- looking in the bilges with his ever present and the sorrows visited upon bereaved . man IS the genial and energetic president flashlight? Los e something, R. T, or do families, and the blood shed by our mates and c h a i r m an of this noble group. That you expect to find a rn.ermaid? Have you on the fighting fronts lead us to hope that s tudwus young man - of course we're re­ heard the most reverend G€o. T. Cockman we will not becon:ie muddled in our thinking. fe rring to Pfc. Arch "Deacon" Fleming­ t r yin g to convert all Yankee s over to It would be stupid for us not to see the gives the Scripture reading and devotional Rebels? Masino screaming to be called Mr. imp o r t a n c e of all our efforts towards talk. This in addition to a group of leather Civilian? lie has 44 points I Lucky dog. bringing about peace. lunged Marines putting forth with not quite Has anyone noticed the pin- head Charles Herbert Agar, formerly editor of the unmusical vocal sounds (singing they call Atlas wandering around the after Engine Louisville Courier-Jou rna l--and now a it) makes it a real happy little session and Room? Hello, Chief Rider, you beautiful Naval Officer on active duty, in his book s well social group of both Navy and Marine hunk of masculinity! (That last one will- -­ "A Time for Greatness,"makes the fo llow­ ~!low s. rate me bilge duty for one month!) ing observation. "The United States would Corporal Wicker, that genial casanova, seem to be ordained to take the lead in is now sweating it out with 95 points and Of course, all the men are plotting their bringing the sense of spiritual equality to post war courses. Someone remar ked that no reliet.as yet. It seems as if he is in a the world. From the begInning we have hurry to get to his wife and kiddie in the the experience Wyckoff has had with that talked in terms of 'all men'. There was a canvas chair should rate him a job as tester Nation's Capitol via San F rancisco and New time when we came close to welcoming Orleans. In a hurry, did I say? in a matress factory--- Corey says, no all men. Not the chosen few. not the suc­ matter what happens you'll never find him Oft heard sayings among the Marines: cessful, nor the s uperior or the well bred, " This w i 11 amaz e you;" "You have no standing in the bread line. He'll put his wife but the members of the human race. The in line and then drag on her--- Speaking of worries;" "Let me sleep, I had. the twelve lines on the Statue of Liberty still mean to four;" "How many points have you got?" pin- up pictures, the men of I! Fireroom much to Americans." wantedtn enter a picture of Clarence Restad Know a ny late scuttlebutt;"' 'when we "Give me your tlred, your poor, going back to the Stat e s?" "I got three draped in a towel---Society note: James G. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe Bates, former I y of Georgia Tech, was kids but I can' t get out •.•.•. (afterthought)­ fr e e~ ''well, I got 'em anyway." en t e r t a in e d by a friend L'l Honolulu. It The wretched refuse of your teeming must have been Bates' birthday because A practical joke is a practical joke but s hore, when it comes to cutting off some of your he r eceived a pair of pliers and a military Send these, the homeless, the tempest­ es c ort back totheship---Whydoesn't hair it ceases to be funny ...... so said tossed to me, Corpo ra 1 "Prince" Principe. It seems "Chicken" Vess stop sin~ing the blues'(-­ I lift my lamp beside the golden door." that Pfc. Hendrix r emarked to Prince that According to Winchell, ' Bucky" Buchanan "Here and there in our country, over he had a tick .. and that this particula r tick and "Two-Chord" McDaniel are 'that way' quite a large area, we have produced the about each other. Don't they know that the nearest approach to equality that has been was boring right down through the top of days of feuding are past? Con~ratulat1o11s seen in our advanced society. We have his head and if it wasn't forcibly ~jected are in order for "59 1/2 Point ' Quate. He shown ourselves that we can do better." the res u 1 t s would be serious. " Prince" has nearly succet.>ded in his attempts to burn ''For those who still wonder about what never having seen or heard of a ~ick was salt water. He says the only difficulty Is, it we have fought for, we can be humble at then duly informed about them and rushed won't light.---Does Casella's cons cience the responsibility which faces us now that immediately to sick bay. Having already bother him? - - "Tommy" Helton s ays that victory has been won, for the war aims of been informed of the circumstances by the the swimming at Eniwetok was great till the United Nations have ever been the his­ jokers, a corpsman (from California) pro­ " Shorty" St rate meyer jumped In and toric aims of the United States. Now the ceeded to dis cuss in vivid detail the unusual s tirred up the mud-Foland is the champ .: whole world is reaching for it as the last seriousness of a tick, with color ed pictures ion burner cleaner of *2 Fireroom. Next hope of man. Now is the tesling time for ' for examples, and prescribed the only tick time he'll eat his soup slower---- Anyone our beloved country." cure. Then he pror>'>~ded to shave the hair knowing the whereabouts of 800 gallons of from around the tick and applied a dressing f e e d w at e r last seen in 13 Boller, are giving the patient the "treatment" ..... one requested to notify 12 FIre room. A suitable drop of "Tick Cure" applied to the spot r eward is offered.--- CWT Harrison, the - Naturallyeverydivlsion has a scuttlebutt every four hours .... yes , it was vera, vera Oil King, Is writing a book es pecially for champ and ours is "Sheriff" Ingham-- ~­ funny •.....•. while it las ted. "Wide-a-wake" White. It Is titled "Valves, Best politician is Kuryla and our 'Miracle The lates t in styles at this moment is Which is Which and"Why" . Hollywood has Man' Is D. A. Roberts. He never misses a the mustache. Not only is it popular among " The Nose" "The Look" and "The Great m ovIe and always gets a seat. I wonder the men of lower rank but even the gunnery Profile" but " B" Division has "The Hat" who he bangs ears with? sergeant is cultivating one! · 10

The Rainmakers News From Home Engineerin~ Bosses The evaporator, or distilling plant, is Bethlehem, Pa (CNS) -John S h ow n in characte nstic pose are U. the machinery used to convert sea-water Weber, who doesn't like his ~omdr. W, E. Lewis, Engineer Officer, into fresh water. From first appearances, brother, has been ordered by a !and U. S. E. Phillips, Assistant Engineer it would seem that the easiest way to make court to pay the latter $1750 for biting his left thumb off at the Officer. this conversion would be to remove the salt second joint in a fraternal fracas Mr. Lewis came aboard the INTREPID from the water. Instead, the opposite is several months ago. as Assistant Engineer Officer 'way b'a c k done, and water is removed from the salt. before she had her commissioning birth­ In order to describe how the evaporators Chicago (CNS) - Because day. Then on 29 March11944 he was assign­ work, it will be necessary to explain what they're too hot to handle, war­ ed as the INTREPID S Engineer Officer, distillation is. time racketeers here are peda 1- and although the writer wasn't here to see, Sea water is a so 1 uti on of salt com­ ling. $1000 bills for $800. The big he ventures Mr. Lewis displayed one of pounds dissolved In water. Distillation is foldmg stuff was acquired in his broader grins on that occasion. And the p r o c e s s of boiling pure water out of black market operations, officials why not? For during his Navy career thus the solution. This is done by heating the said. far he has served duty in all departments solution until water vapor is formed and Detroit (CNS)-Esther Schlum aboard ship except one, and loyally enough driven off, leaving behind the impure salt confesses he "likes engineering best." compounds. Therefore, when the vapor is 1~, has an easily aroused boy fnend. When ihe parked his car After graduating from the Naval Acad­ later condensed, or changed back to water overlong while shopping, he cut emy in 1936,Mr.Lewis has served success­ it is pure and fresh. In other words, the off all her lovely blonde curls ively on the U. S. S. Mississippi, Savannah, process of distillation is divided into two with a hedge shears. Now she's Dunlap, Wasp, Knight and Walker. operations. The first is to heat the water suing him. Laying career aside, Mr. Lewis is a until vapor is formed, and the second is to family man. Back in home town Attleboro­ cool the vapor so that it will condense back Oklahoma City (CNS)-When Massachusetts, his wife and children - two into water. police spotted a naked woman boys and a girl, aged five, six, one respec­ Now that we are all experts on this walking the streets of this city tively-await hill return. Stand by to answer little matter of distillation, let us see how they arrested her and vainly tried to clothe her in her cell. She re­ all bells. it is applied to our own evaporator set-up. "Boss" number two in the Engineering The evaporator, as a unit, is compGsed of f~ed, but after spending the ~Ight seated on the radiator grill­ Department is Lt. Stanley E. PhUlips, three shells, or distilling chambers, in mg she changed her mind and U.S.N. He is also an old timer on the IN­ w hi c. h the evaporation is accomplished. asked for some clothes--and a TREPID, having come aboard in January Since there are three separate parts to the pillow. 1943 as Electrical Officer. Then in Feb­ unit, it is known as the t h r e e-st age or ruary 1944 he succeeded Lt. Comdr. I. J. -effect evaporator, S e ~ water • or Philadelphia (CNS) - James Heckman as Assistant Engineer Officer. feed water as it is called, is taken from Mason, a hod carrier who helped Mr. Phillips enlisted in September 1913 the sea, heated, and then pumped into shells build Philadelphia Central High as Landsman for Electrician and attended for boiling. The water vapor thus formed School in 1894, has enrolled in it Electricians School on Ma.re Island, from is taken away from the shells, condensed, -at the age of 75. which he graduated with his rating as E2c. and then pumped to reservoir tanks. He then launched on successive duty which San Franebco (CNS)-Herbert The two main sources of water co"­ includes submarine tender U.s. s. sumption are boilers and personnel. Water Wong awoke so suddenly when a piece of plaster fell from the ceil­ Cheyenne, submarines H2 and K8, U. s. S. made for the boilers is known as reserve West Virginia, Navy Yard Philadelphia, feed water and averages up to as much as ing of his bedroom and dented in his nose that he leaped from his U.S. S. Minneapolis ,Submarine Base 20,000 gallons per day at sea. Water made bed through a window and fell Pearl Harbor, U.S. S. Indianapolis, and for person n e 1, known as ship's water, 50 feet to the sidewalk below Fleet Air Base Iceland where he was Public aver,ages over 60,000gallons per day. With "Wow," said Wong to the citY Works Officer. ship a colJlpany numbering well over 3,000 ambulance driver, "what a night­ Lt. Phillips 18 originally from Akron, officers and men, each man's ration is be­ mare that was!" Ohio, but says he hardly calls that home - low 20 gallons daily. However, this must understandable with a tour of duty like his l ~elude water used in showers, laundry, He 18 married and has a son now serving SICk bay, scuttlebutts, cooking, photo lab., as AOM2c on the U. B.S. Matanikau, a CVE. etc., and does not mean that each man can use his ration for showers and personal use alone. If you would like to come down to the assembly line some day, it's down in the forward auxiliary machinery space, and the rainmakers will be glad to show you around. ------0 ------

Normandie Condemned Washington (CNS) -The hulk of the French liner Normandie rai~ from the Hudson mud and partially restored at a cost o($16- 0~0,000, after it burned and cap­ sized, has been declared surplus property by the Navy. It would co~t, abo~t. $20,000,000, 1,.3 of the ship s ongmal cost, to restore the Normandie. There's a good chance the vessel will be sold for scrap. The Wolf by Sansone ''SOM8 S~ ''

We who serve on board the U. S. S. IN TREPID are pr oud of the f act that mighty '.lircraft carriers such as ours are some­ times r efer ted to as "Floating Cities ." The following facts and comparisons, which seem unbelievable, wer e compiled from actual operating records of our en­ gineer ing plant. After reading these, should anyone fail to realize what a veritable giant f power our engineering plant r epresents, .Je shall be glad to personally conduct him on a tour thr ough the lower depthi of the U. S. S. INTREPID. The INTREPID'S main engines making 32 knots for one hour use enough energy to r un your eight c y 1 i n de r , heavy sedan car at 40 MPH continuous ly for four months! (the equivalent of driving around the world four times!) This same quantity of energy will keep an ord i nar y 100 watt electr ic light burning for 128 years!! In steaming at 32 knots for one day, the INTREPID burns enough fuel oil to heat a six room house for 283 years (based on using heat s ix months out of the year) Since commissioning the INTREPID ~ burned approximately 28 million gallons of fuel oil .... enough to heat a city the size of "Hmph! Who's interested in books!" P ortsmouth, Va.(peacetime population --- 50,000) fer three year s !! - enough to heat a city the size of Nashville, Tenn. (peace­ time population about 170,000) for one year. The INTREPID car r ies clos e to 2 million galloru; of fuel oil-enough to travel 18,000 mi. (three-quarters way around the world) N. B. N. s. at 12 knots ! !- enough to make thr ee r ound trip cruises between New York and London .•without refueling. All this is authenticated straight-stuff don. Offer a third base spot for J. J, Will­ The INTREPID carries enough diesel direct from the Wo r ld Wide News Agency iams with the Homestead Grays - A season oil at full capacity (about 53,000 gallons) of Scuttlebutt and Rumor brought to you by pas s to John J. Anthony's Good Will Show to propel a 20 ton diesel truck around the theN. B. D. N. S. (Navy Bum Dooe News to Harry "Fearless Fosdick" Kennedy by world 13.6 times. Service) all rights r eserved. the honorable order of Gripers, Groaners The INTREPID'S evaporators d i s t i 11 F LASH - Chicago will lose a number and Growlers. Engraved loving cup to A. enough fresh water in one day to supply one citizen now that E. C. Bork has decided L. Desmarais and R. C. Duclos from the drinking water for a family of five people to make from the good earth his daily Mattress - Back Association. for 89 years (assuming that each person bread.Charlie Kohler to r equest permanent IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN drinks about eight glasses of water every shore duty on Asiatic station: reason-good Tool issue room open at 0800. An argu­ day) ...... enough to meet the drinking water chow. "Strong arm of the law," Vallade, ment in A-320- 2L without Bork in the demand of a city the size of Long Beach, to tak e over the athletic department; he middle. Ortel missing noon chow, or any Calif.(peacetime poP-ulation about 169,000). studied u nd er the incomparable Charles other chow. Brignac silent about anything. The INTREPID S generators can pro­ Atlas.Did you ever view brawny arms and Schweizer without a sea story and a cup duce enough electrical pdWer in one hour legs? Pappas studying for PhM every field of "Joe". La r k i n without a comeback: to furnish electricity for the average six day. He should have plenty of dope by this Kennedyw.ithout a long story and an excuse. room house for six years. time. Steve Kovack, Johnny " Buckethead" "Mother" Rarig not looking for someone. The INTREPID'S generators at max­ Byrd and Ed - ' 'Woody the Woodpecker"­ A game of hearts in ''329'' 'without Wruble imum output are capable of supplymg the Names have set up a fund to purchase a and Werstak in it. Rotation of commission­ total electrical load for a city the size of park b en c h in Sandusky , Ohio, as a star t ing crew. Daley and "Porthole" Swingle Riverside, C a 1 i f. (peacetime population fo r a n "Old Sailors Home"- prospective without hair tonic. Nesmith not asking, about 35,000) !! customer H. H. "Just call me Hos e1>ose" The INTREPID'S eight boilers contain Groene. "what do you want it for?" The phone in a total of 15,984 tubes wh ich if placed end Bo. ltimore papers copy: J. J. has the deck edge silent for an hour. on end would extend over a distal'ce of 36.3 finally r eceived his permanent appointment QUESTIONS OF THE HOUR miles. Her four main condensers contain as MM3c ; congrats Joe ! Will Ristau get transferred? Is Turner a total of 28,852 tubes which would similar­ AWARDS OF THE MONTH still aboa rd? Will the fr esh water be on ly extend for 68.5 miles, while her four A lifeti.me pass to the house of n.irror s tomorrow? Will the commissioning crew auxiliary condensers contain 6,312 tubes at Wood si de Park for Dick D! Laurenzo be tr ansferr ed? Ship over and see next extendir < 9.2 miles if so placed. This from the Philadelphia Hep Cats Assoc ia­ month's installment fo r answers to these gives a total length of boiler and condenser tion. Invitation to Mike Nasmisnik from bur ning questions. tubes of 114 miles !! the Schlitz brewer ies for a tour of inspect- Nothing is' to be written in this space except FULL NAME, RATE, and DATES. IF ANYTHING ELSE IS ADDED, THE PAPER WILL BE DESTROYED. ADDRESS T

STAMP Full Name -- - i"' - BI I

Ra te or Rank ______Division

U. S. S. I NTREPID % Fleet Post Office -- .. - ·- --·- --·-··--·-· ·------San Francisco, Calif.

Note; Advise corr~spondent or publishers of your correct address.

Na\'y Seeks 660,000 Hot Shot Charlie

Pfc. Frank X. Hundshamer For Post-War Fleet Found in louisiana Washing1on WNSJ·-Bills in­ New York (CNS>-Cu:dous co­ troduced simultaneously in the incidences are a dime a dozen in House and Senate provide for a this war. but, anyway, here are a The day has come; we fear no more peacetime Navy, including the couple of more, Of lnemy boasts, of cruel wa1·! Marine Corps, of 660,0CO, which noted by Mil­ We 've reached our !(Oa l; we shout and cheer embodies the recommendations of ton Caniff, cre­ For once again, Peace is Here. the Navy Department. Specifical­ ator of Male ly, the Navy would have 500,000 Call and Terry We count our dead, long is the list EM and 58,000 officers, and the ;:,r:.d the Pirates: Of gallant men, once loved and kissed! Marines 100,000 EM and 8000 Caniff used In hearts and minds, a prayer should rear, officers. ., one Gen Vince Casey i n h i s No more shall die, Peace is Here. Meanwhile, the Navy is refit­ strip, basing ting carriers to aid in the task of hi.m on B/Gen Thousands return, happiness pours bringing sailors home from the C. D. (CaseY) On hardened faces, at certain door s! Pacific. Three escort carriers, for Vincent, pn :s. . Mud, dirt, and slime no longer near example, were converted for the t::ntlv CG at Na­ For they'll co'me home, P ~ ace is Here. purpose in a week, and can now pier' Field, A la . carry 1000 men. 0 n the r ea J Hot Shot Wife and sweetheart, mother and dad general's staff i!' Lt Vincent Casey No longer worry, no longer sad! recruiting officer. ' The crisis past ; forget that fear Wright Won't Rebuild &Jon aft~r Flip Corkin, whose For he'll be back, Peace is Here. prototype 1s Co! Phil Cochrane appeared in the comic, a l.t Philip His Hotel in Tokyo Cor·km turned. up in Michigan. Glory's theirs ; is lands they took Chi<·aga (CN':;) --Frank Lloyd And a Sgt Charles Charles at Nv" told in print, in a history book! that time in ."Louisiana, made l,iim­ Stop that tremble, smile off that tear Wright, famed American archi­ ~E>!f known not long after the de­ For it is done, Peace is Here. tect who built Tokyo's earthquake but in the strip of Lt Charles C. repellant Imperial Hotel, re­ (Hot Shot Ch?.rlie) Charles. Time is so long; smiles so few, ceived this telegram from the Thru pain and death, loyal and true! Jap baron who runs it: Timeless the hour, endless the year, "Hotel still stands as monu­ They gave their all, Peace is Here. ment to your genius. Please come back and rebuild a damaged Japs Nuts About They W<1n the war, dead and alive. wing." - · Back to their homes, thos e that survive! Re.piied Wright: "Let them r e· C-Ration Hash build it themselves." Tokyo (CNS)-C ration hash The dead have saved, what they held dear, ::tew has gone over so big with They died not in vain! Peace is Here. the Japs th:lt a single can sells {Published-Syracuse Post-Standard) for 20 yen ($1.33) on the Tokyo black market. Desp i ~E: sharp or­ ders by both A.!nerican and Jap­ Long Beaeh, Cal (CNS)­ anese authorities, Black Market Tuscaloosa, Ala (CNS) -­ Hot-terr..pered Lorenzo T. Fortf)r, Jap merchants are offering 20 ;ren o.fficials stopped caddies from 84, shot and killed his olj buady, for a package of American ciga­ filching golf balls from a water Wi.•liam ·r. J ndd, 74, because-he rettes and 10 yen for a packet of hazard here by installing a live told poJic.--"Judd .,.,.as too voung sugal contained in Army field alligator in the hazard. and skitt.i£..1 for m e." · t· ations.