Wang Wei-Fan's Evangelical Theology
Wang Wei-fan’s Evangelical Theology 3 Chapter 1 Wang Wei-fan’s Evangelical Theology Its Significance for the Church in China Today Kevin Xiyi Yao Within the contemporary Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), Wang Wei-fan (汪维藩, 1927–2015) stands out as a theological spokesman for evange- licalism. Wang was born in 1927, and converted to evangelical Christianity in his early twenties. In 1951 he started his theological education and eventually graduated from Nanjing Union Theological Seminary (NUTS) four years later. As an evangelical, he decided to join emerging Three-Self Patriotic Movement, and soon founded himself condemned as a ‘rightist” and doing hard labor on farms and factories for decades. When the Great Cultural Revolution (1966– 1976) finally came to an end, he was rehabilitated and appointed to a teaching post at NUTS in 1980. In that position, he quickly arose as a popular teacher, prolific writer, and key theological thinker within the TSPM. Since his retire- ment in 1999, he has remained active as a writer. In most significant academic studies, Wang has been recognized as one of very few influential evangelical writers, theologians, theological educators, and church leaders.1 Inheriting the fundamentalist / evangelical tradition of the Chinese Church of the early 20th Century, Wang re-interprets and develops the tradition in the context of 21st Century Chinese church and society. In many ways, his theology is not only a good sample of contemporary evangeli- cal theological thinking but also a helpful indicator for the future direction of Chinese theology. 1 See Yuan Yi-juan 袁益娟, Shenshen shenxue – wang wei-fan shenxue sixiang yanjiu 生生 神学-汪维藩神学思想研究 [Theology of Ceaseless Creativity – A Study of Wang Weifan’s Thoughts] (Beijing: Golden Wall Press 金城出版社, 2010); Philip L.
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