MARYLAND STADIUM AUTHORITY On Front Cover Since the opening of Oriole Park in April, 1992, Camden Yards has welcomed millions of sports and recreation enthusi- asts of all ages and interests. Our cover depicts some scenes from 2007. Upper left – Two brothers enjoy a game of catch at a family picnic along the promenade at M&T Upper right – Plebes from the USNA enjoy their annual outing to an Orioles game in August Lower right – Nate Adams, winner of the FMX event at the Dew Action Sports Tour. Adams, who later won the 2007 Dew Tour “Athlete of the Year,” holds his bronze Baltimore crab along with the first place trophy Lower left – Tailgating with the trolls under I-395 Middle left – West Point cadets on their way to Army-Navy Martin O’Malley, Governor Anthony G. Brown, Lt. Governor Maryland Stadium Authority Frederick W. Puddester, Chairman Leonard J. Attman Dennis B. Mather Otis Rolley, III Victoria Rosellini Howard M. Stevens, Jr. Richard Stewart Maryland Stadium Authority The Warehouse at Camden Yards 333 West Camden Street, Suite 500 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Telephone: 410-333-1560 Fax: 401-333-1888 Toll Free: 1-877-MDSTADI (637-8234) Email:
[email protected] Website: • To plan, finance, build and manage sports and entertain- MISSION ment facilities in Maryland. • Provide enjoyment, enrichment, education and business opportunities for citizens. • Develop partnerships with local governments, universities, private enterprise, and the community. VISION The Maryland Stadium Authority is more than the name implies. Its projects promote historic preservation, adaptive reuse, community redevelopment, cultural arts, and civic pride.