EB News May-June 2014
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ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS | EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER EB NEWS FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA REACTS ENTHUSIASTICALLY TO THE SIGHT OF HER INITIALS WELDED TO A STEEL PLATE, WHICH WILL BE INSTALLED IN THE SUBMARINE ILLINOIS. WELDER MICHAEL MACOMBER IS TO THE LEFT. A POSITIVE REACTION STORY ON PAGE 2 MAY / JUNE 2014 ELECTRIC BOAT PRESIDENT JEFF GEIGER EXCHANGES A FEW WORDS WITH FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE KEEL LAYING FOR THE SUBMARINE ILLINOIS. A KEEL WELL LAID he traditional formality of naval ship cer- Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarines and The backdrop for the ceremony was Sec- emonies dissipated quickly June 2 when transporting them to our Groton, Connecti- tion 2B - 5, a 100-foot-long, 1,700-ton hull TFirst Lady Michelle Obama faced the cut, shipyard,” said Electric Boat President section containing the auxiliary machinery crowd at the keel laying of the submarine Jeff Geiger. “It has been an amazing story. room, crew berthing and a lockout trunk to Illinois (SSN-786) and began her remarks “Starting off in the 1970s with nearly support Special Operations requirements. with, “Wow. This is really cool.” empty, 300-ton hull cylinders for the Tri- “When we transport this module to our Mrs. Obama, ship sponsor of the 13th Vir- dent program, the shipbuilders at Quonset Groton shipyard in August, it will be vir- ginia-class submarine, spoke inside Bay 3 in Point are now outfitting modules with tually complete, ready to be joined with Building 2003 at Quonset Point. The space tanks, machinery, piping, wiring, and hull three other hull sections to form the sub- had been transformed in four days from an coatings. marine Illinois,” Geiger said. “This module industrial facility dedicated to submarine “Weighing up to 2,000 tons, these sophis- is one representation of the innovative construction to a nearly unrecognizable area ticated modules are transported to Groton or approaches the Navy/industry team has with bunting, a speaking platform, Jumbo- Newport News Shipbuilding, where they are developed to establish the Virginia program tron TV screens, a sophisticated sound sys- assembled, tested and delivered to the U.S. as an efficient and affordable shipbuilding tem, seating, and the welding stand where Navy as Virginia-class submarines,” said enterprise.” the keel authentication would take place. Geiger. Also presenting remarks were Matt Some 1,500 employees and Navy and “This one-of-a-kind facility has proved Mulherin, president of Newport News political leaders attended the event, along with itself critical to Electric Boat’s capability to Shipbuilding; U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, members of the ship’s crew and their families. build the most advanced undersea vessels in Conn. – 2nd District; U.S. Rep. Jim A sizeable press corps reported on the cer- the world for our Navy,” he said. Langevin, R.I. – 2nd District; U.S. Sen. emony from a platform opposite the stage. In conjunction with the facility’s 40th Jack Reed of Rhode Island; Gov. Lincoln “Forty years ago, this facility at Quonset anniversary, Geiger recognized the contri- Chafee of Rhode Island; Rear Adm. David Point embarked on what would become a butions of the 65 Quonset Point employees Johnson; Adm. John Richardson; Secretary revolution in submarine production when with 40 years or more of service with Elec- of the Navy Ray Mabus and Mrs. Obama. it began manufacturing hull cylinders for tric Boat. 2 | May/June 2014 | ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS EB NEWS CONTENTS 4 Remarks By First Lady Michelle Obama 6 FIrst Lady Makes Impression On Crew, Families Of Submarine Illinois 8 Remarks By The Hon. Ray Mabus, Secretary Of The Navy 9 40-Year Employes Are Saluted At Keel Laying 9 SubTones Perform At Keel Laying 10-14 Keel Laying: Behind The Scenes 15 Illinois Keel Laying Contributors 15 Jenkins Offers Prayer 16 Where We Stand Employee Incentive Program ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS is published by the Public Affairs Dept. 75 Eastern Point Road Groton, CT 06340 DAN BARRETT, Editor BOB GALLO, GARY SLATER, GARY HALL, Photography Phone (860) 433-8202 Fax (860) 433-8054 Email [email protected] CEREMONIAL START OF CONSTRUCTION QUONSET POINT WELDER MICHAEL MACOMBER INSCRIBES THE INITIALS OF FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA TO A STEEL PLATE DURING KEEL LAYING CEREMONY FOR THE SUBMARINE ILLINOIS. ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS | May/June 2014 | 3 FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA DECLARES THE KEEL OF ILLINOIS “WELL AND TRULY LAID.” REMARKS BY FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA ow. All right, can I just break with are not here today because they had tests I especially want to, again, join in thank- protocol and say, this is really cool. to take. That’s no indication of their com- ing all of the outstanding folks who work to I mean, come on. This is so nice. mitment going forward, but today they had make these submarines happen – all of the W I want to start by thanking Sec- history and something else. But they send welders, the machinists, the metalworkers, retary Mabus for that very kind introduc- their love, and they are truly excited by the the electricians. I know there are so many tion, but more importantly, for his tremendous honor. But know that you have three really more. I got to see some of you guys earlier – leadership for our country for so many years. solid Chicago girls that are very excited to some of you guys and gals, because we got I also want to recognize Governor Chaffee, support this vessel. some strong women on the team, as well. Governor Malloy, Senators Reed and White- And we understand what a fine submarine But thank you for everything that you do, house, and all of the members of Congress and the Illinois will be. And it has been fascinat- for being part of this effort. I’ve heard that the elected officials that we have with us today, ing for me to learn more about all that goes you all are some of the most skilled ship- and all of the distinguished guests and mili- into building a submarine — from laying builders we have around, so I’m confident tary leaders who serve our country so bravely the keel, to the christening, to the commis- that this is going to be an outstanding vessel. every single day. sioning. It is truly a privilege to be part of And it takes a lot to make it happen. I Now, I have been a sponsor for a Coast this very unique process. It is something that know that in the coming months, you all Guard cutter before, but I’ve heard that I will take away as one of the extraordinary will be working around the clock. You’re working with submariners is a whole differ- experiences that I’ve had in my entire life. going to be pouring your heart and soul into ent ballgame. Is that true? So I am beyond So I want to thank everyone from General this vessel, you’ll be pulling all-night shifts excited, and I am truly honored. And I Dynamics Electric Boat for hosting us here — I hear you probably have already done a couldn’t be more proud that I have my today, for all the work that they’re doing, few of those already – and you’ll be creating daughters, Malia and Sasha, who join me to along with the folks from Newport News one of the finest, most state-of-the-art sub- serve as maids of honor for this vessel. They Shipbuilding to build this submarine. And marines we have ever seen. And as you all 4 | May/June 2014 | ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS are building this sub, the sailors here will be protecting our freedom. As one Navy spouse working alongside you to build a top-notch told me a few weeks ago, she said “You just crew to bring her to life. So I want to just keep marching. You just keep marching.” So take a moment to give a round of applause to it is no wonder that you all are known as the the crew of the Illinois. “silent service.” Now, I have learned that they don’t pick But I want you to know that every day, just anybody to be a part of a Pre-Comm your service speaks volumes. And one of crew. That’s true, right? You guys are pretty my most important roles as First Lady is to special. These jobs aren’t easy. They demand make sure people know that. You all are the an intense sense of mission and discipline, as reason why, three years ago, Jill Biden and I well as organizational skills, critical thinking, started Joining Forces – because we wanted and the ability to perform under pressure. So, to make sure to honor and support service again, I am honored and humbled to be put- members, veterans, and military families ting my initials into this submarine with an MAKING HER MARK like yours. Absolutely. It has truly been one exceptional crew like this one. FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA CHALKS of my greatest privileges, getting to know HER INITIALS ON A STEEL PLATE And as we gather here for this keel laying these families. And I just want you to know THAT WILL BE INSTALLED IN THE ceremony, it’s important to remind ourselves that we’re going to keep serving and sup- SUBMARINE ILLINOIS why we’re building this new submarine porting you in the years ahead, long after the now. Yes, our war in Iraq is over. Our war wars are over. in Afghanistan will be over by the end of So in many ways, this submarine repre- the year.