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Sandspur, Vol. 48 No. 10, December 9, 1942

Rollins College

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STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 48 No. 10, December 9, 1942" (1942). The Rollins Sandspur. 657. ^mn^. **^^. fi^tpv^^k

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VOLUME 48 (Z-IO?) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1942 NUMBER 10 WAR BOND SALE NETS OVER $2^716 ODK Honors Four In Assembly Pearl Harbor Commemorated Rollins Forms Group Bowes, Manchester Tap Seven Students For Discussion of War In Large Drive And Peace Problems Miss Woods Tops AH RoUins Two Seniors, Two Juniors Will Graduate Purchases With $1000; Cleveland Tells Committee Royall Leads Students Meredith, Babcock, Pugh and About Nation's Reoccupa- NextWednesday tion and Reconstruction Ei^ceeding all expecltations, a Laughead to Be Pledged Annual Christmas total of $2,716.50 was converted into war bonds and stamps at the What will be our peace plans at Herman, Costello, Peddicord, "Remember Pearl Harbor" booth Omicron Delta Kappa, national Service To Be the end of this war? That's one Schultz, Knight, Gregory, in Rollins Center Monday. men's honorary activities fratern­ of the important questions to be Members of the administrative ity this morning tapped four men Van de Water, Departing discussed at meetings of the Rol­ Held On Sunday body, the faculty, the resident heads for membership, two seniors and lins War and Peace Committee. and the student body commemorat­ two juniors. Chosen by ODK, gen­ Amid fond farewells, expressions This committee is composed of a ed the one-year anniversary of fhe Musical Program Is Planned of regret, and frantic attempts to group of professors and students. erally considered the highest hon­ first attack on United States ter­ do everything they always planned The professors were selected by or a Rollins man can receive, were For Candlelight Ceremony ritory by purchasing in amounts to do in college, seven active mem­ President Holt in response to a Paul Meredith, president of the ranging from $1000 to ten cents. bers of the Rollins Family are pre­ letter from the Harvard Committee Student Association, Freeland Bab­ At 7:45 on the evening of Sun­ Heading the list of bond buyers paring for graduation and depart­ of "American Defense" suggesting cock, Gordon Laughead and Sam­ day, December 13, the brass choir was Miss Lida Woods, secretary to ure at the end of the present term. that college groups all over the my Pugh. will call from the Chapel tower to President Holt, who bought a $1000 Rollins will miss them keenly, for country discuss plans for peace. students and friends of Rollins Col­ bond! Top student buyer was Bill Paul Meredith has engaged in among them are some of the The students have been chosen by lege, and thus open the annual Royall with four $100 bonds. an impressive array of activities in staunchest supporters of college these professors as those who Christmas Service, which begins Others buying bonds were Dr. his four years here, culminating his activities—drama, sports, and pub­ would have the most to contribute at 8:15. Holt, who bought nine $25 bonds; career as president of the Student lications. Still as loyal alumni, to these plans. Committee members Miss McFarlane, one $100 bond and Association and with recognition in The Chapel will be dark as trum­ they can not really be lost, and the are: Royal W. France, chairman, two $50s; Dr. Marvill, five $25 Who's Who Among American Col­ peters Warren Titus and Everett entire college is united in wishing Nathan C. Starr, Richard Fire­ bonds; Miss Audrey Packham, lege and University Students. He Roberts, following the Crucifer, them well an dsaying, "hurry back stone, Alfred Hasbrouck, Edwin Miss Ruth Sherwood, Mrs. Bailey, has played football for four years Lamar Simmons, lead the Christ­ to us." ,; L. Clarke, A. Buel Trowbridge, and Richard Forbes all bought $75 and been Student Council represen­ mas procession through the right Among those leaving is Philippa Jehan de Noue, William Melcher, bonds. Among the $50 bond buyers tative, Interfraternity Council rep­ ambulatory and up the central Herman, who will be most sorely and Albert H. Marvill, professors; were Mr. Charmbury, Mrs. Neville, resentative, Student Council repre­ aisle. They will be followed by missed in the drama department Nancy Thurman, Phillis Baker, and Miss Alice A. Lyle. Dr. Knipp sentative to the Publications Union, four angels bearing lighted candles, In 1939, Phil was a member of tke Wallace Schultz, Alma Vander, bought two $25 bonds; and Kathie treasurer of the X Club and later represented by Sarah Coleman, Interracial Club, International Velde, Tom Fruin, Sarah McFar­ Welsh, Patsy Ward, Pete Schoon­ president, a member of Pi Gamma Jane Mosby, Jean Farrell, and Relations Club, Phi Beta, and land, and Jane King students. Mu, the Sandspur staff, the Wel­ Marjorie Wunder. The Chapel Freshman Players. She was elected maker, Miss Eulalie Grover, Dean The Harvard Committee of coming Committee, and chairman Choir and the readers for the ser­ to Phi Society, Theta Alpha Phi, Marion Cleveland, Anna B. Treat, "American Defense" sugj^ested of the Orientation Committee. vice, all bearing candles, will com­ and Rollins Student Players in Mrs. Willy, Miss C. M. Lyle, Mrs. plete the procession. As the Choir these topics: McGoon, Dr. Martin, Harold Mutis­ Freeland Babcock has been an 1940. She served as rush chairman sings, the star above the high altar 1. Preliminary assumptions, such paugh, Mrs. Laura E. Knox, Vivia outstanding debater and member of for Alphi Phi sorority in 1941, and will slowly grow to glowing bril­ as the need of world organization; Wise, and Mrs. Firestone all the student government. He is was made a member of Key So­ liance. and the participation of the United bought $25 bonds. president of Pi Kappa Delta and ciety and Libra. This year she is States in such an organization; 2. Offered as an incentive to pos­ was listed in Who's Who. Among The program will be mainly president of Alpha Phi. The problem of timing, the sible buyers was a lovely orchid, his activities are the Refugee Com­ Rita Costello began her college (Continued on Page 9) propasol for a "deferred peace"; on display from the time the drive mittee, recognition at the Eastern career as secretary of the fresh­ the order in which such steps opened until its closing at five Debate Tournament in 1939, honor­ man class and a member of Fresh­ (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) able mention in the Sprague Ora­ man Players in 1938-1939, The torical Contest, the honor roll for Open Stack Plan Is next year she was named circula­ two years. Student Council repre­ tion Manager of Publications and sentative, the Key Society, alter­ Success In Library was awarded a Publications Key. Frosh Lack Orchestra But Dress Center With nate on the Assembly Committee, In 1940 she extended her activities the Student-Faculty Debate Com­ to include cheerleading, and has Pines and Candlelight and Give Fine Dance mittee, the Welcoming Committee Mr. Ibbotson, head librarian, and since served as secretary and pres­ and the Inner Council. the library staff announce the suc­ ident of her sorority. Gamma Phi The social spotlight fell this Music included in the evening's Beta, member (jf the Sandspur week upon the annual Freshman repertoire was slow, semi-slow, Gordon Laughead is a junior. His cess of their recently inaugurated policy of opening the stack rooms staff, and Publications Union, and Dance, but no one was hurt. Faced and hot! This last type benefited first year he played freshman foot­ a member of the swimming team. with obstacles at every angle. Rutledge and Mary Etta, who ball, was a member of the Fresh­ to all Rollins students. In previous years students wrote the name of Jarvis Peddicord must be taking President Bud Felder whipped to­ were paced closely by Red and man Players, the Jayvee crew, and a pre-graduation fling, for nowhere gether a fine dance which many Nonita in doing a rather fast fox was treasurer of the freshman the desired book on a card, and a librarian precured the requested could he be found to tell the report­ will long remember. (No, the trot, or was it? class. He also received the Theta er about his specific activities at punch wasn't spiked, but, oh broth­ Decorations represented the Alpha Phi award for the most val-. volume. A few students were given special permission to use the Rollins. er! those sandwiches!) other big obstacle which the class uable contribution of a freshman Wallace Schultz distinguished Obstacle number one presented faced. Saturday afternoon the to the dramatic work of the season. stacks. Beginning this year, how­ ever, restrictions on the second himself scholastically by making itself when an orchestra failed to Center began to change its brilliant Last year he was secretary of Kap­ the Honor Roll in 1941, and has answer the pleas, of Felder and his atmosphere into one more sugges­ pa Alpha, a member of the Chapel floor and its immense number of books were removed. been a member of the International staff. After his agents had re­ tive of a white Christmas. Several Staff, a chapel usher, alternate on Relations Club. turned from the four corners — of trips into the woods made by Jean the Social Committee, a member The new system offers many ad­ Eugene Van de Water was a what? — Felder elected to make Farrell, Wilder, Morrissey, and of the Rollins Center social com­ vantages. Students have the plea­ member of Freshman Players and use of the P.A. system and a Rachlin in the latter's Dive Bom­ mittee, and author of the Sand­ sure and experience of seeking later worked with the Chapel Pro­ batch of popular records. This ber, produced pine shrubbery and spur's weekly column "Over There." their own books. Often the index gram Committee and Interracial turned out well, because Rollins resiny hands. A partition shut Rs year he served on the Welcom- cards were insufficient to show Relations Committee. She was vice- ballroomers enjoyed many num­ off the everyday sight of the soda Bg Committee, the Student ?Facul- what was the best volume for their president of Alpha Phi, member of bers rendered by bands such as bar, yet provided easy accessibil­ Discipline Committee, the Movie purpose. In addition, the librarians the Sandspur staff, and on the Weems, Dorsey, Miller, Kyser can ity to those with dry palates. oriimittee, and is chairman of the have more time for other library French Club Publicity Committee muster. (Ed: We'll be around later Tables were arranged in a semi- (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 2) to collect for the plug, maestros.) (Continued on Page 9) TWO ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9. 91! ^^Brad'' Returns to Campus ResplendentBea m Elected Head Rollins Forms Dorothy Walworth Of Photography Club In Navy Blue and Gold and Minus 18 Pounds Members Hope For Increai^e (Continued from Page 1) Says Last Book should be taken; and utilizati tion period, and he learned what In Student Interest existing agencies of collobo was expected of a Navy man. Here Calling all students to a new and which will have been created b: Will Be Movie he took courses in Navy work, and highly practical club on campus United Nations; and 3. The as Brad stated, "plenty of exer­ whose purpose is to study pho­ to which world organization s cise. Weighed 206 when I went in, Dorothy Walworth who last No­ tography. When looking at a pic­ be regional or central; the mu down to 188 now." vember spent a week on Rollins ture in a newspaper, one is seldom (special function agencies) or uni­ Dr. Bradley went next to Pensa­ campus at the invitation of Dr. aware of the interesting develop­ fied. cola for a six week's course in the Holt, has written friends in the ment of the process which made Gunnery Instruction School. Hav­ The second meeting of the Rol­ English department that her novel it possible—a process which brings ing graduated from this school on lins War and Peace Committee was on progressive education. Feast of views of any spot on the globe to November 27, he has two weeks be­ held a week ago. Harland Cleve­ Reason, has been purchased by the reading public. To improve the fore reporting for duty as an in­ land, who is a member of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and is now use of a camera, borrowed or other­ structor for aircraft gunnery at Board of Economic Warfare, in course of production. The lead­ wise, to learn how to develop a Returning to thg campus last San Diego. gucist speaker of the evenin ing roles have been assigned to week for a short visit was a form­ picture in the Camera Obscura, "The hardest thing for me to get spoke on the reoccupation, Irene Dunn, Mary Astor, and Wal­ er professor of history and the join the Photography Club, where accustomed to is the taking of and reconstruction problems ter Pidgeon. creator of powerful crew teams expert instructors stand ready to weekly tests. I had forgotten how divulge all of the knowledge they discussed in Washington. Mr. Cove- Dorothy Walworth CroWell is here at Rollins. Now, however, you felt while waiting to see the wife of Merle Crowell, former­ instead of a man whose suit and possess. land asked that the committee em­ whether or not you had passed." phasize to a greater extent the ly associate editor of the American shirt always appeared too small, Five-thirty is quite a bit earlier The stepping stones that paved Magazine, now occupied in a re­ there is a Navy man in blue and the way for the future success of economic aspect of the warjKit; than eight o'clock, too." As for the reconstruction. W. sponsible executive position at gold, standing six feet three with­ food; "at Indoctrination School we this unique club were laid at last A few of the sub-topics ta| li Rockefeller Center, New York City. out eighteen unnecessary pounds. had the same as the gob, which was Thursday's meeting in the Alumni Both Mr. and Mrs. Crowell have This is U. T. Bradley. very good, but the Navy gives us Huuse, when Hank Beam was e- discussed by the committee dvkk, published several special articles Brad entered the Navy last Aug­ the best food." lected president, Tom Fruin, sec­ ti^ie year are: What is the ecoiioni during the year in the Readers* Di­ ust as Lieutenant Senior Grade retary - publications - manager, ic aim? What methods will be fol­ gest, for which it is known (equivalent to Captain in the and Frank Sussler, treasurer. It "throughout the trade" that the Army) and was sent to Indoctrin­ Professor Trowbridge was then decided that first atten­ lowed in pursuit of these liiiis' usual fee for a signed and special ation School at Quonset Point, R. Gives Sermon Sunday tion would be paid to the explana­ Should we depend upon acci .'ive article is twelve hundred dollars. I., for' nine weeks. Here- he went tion of the camera, and that there­ concretive or operational met Other novels by Dorothy Wal­ through the same routine as the Warns of Evil In Taking War after printing development would of approach, and in what pro; regular gob. His stripes of gold be taken up. After having stressed worth are published by Farrar & tions ? With what principals sh Rinehart under the titles: Faith of were discarded for this indoctrina- Slogans Too Literally the Benjamin Franklin theory of "hanging together", the meeting we start? Preparation of Ame Our Fathers, They Thought They "Remember Pearl Harbor" was adjourned. can and world opinions. This com Could Buy It, and Rainbow at now in theatrcial work in New the topic upon which Professor A. At the present time, the club Noon. York. ; Buel Trowbridge, substituting for mittee will have some very inter members number fifteen, and it is Feast of Reason, widely read Dean Edmonds who was called esting reports to make before th hoped that others will soon share last year by faculty members and away by the death of his sister, end of school. Seven Students — membership privileges. students, on the recommendation (Continued from Page 1) spoke at the Morning Meditation of President Holt, is a fictional ac­ conversations in the dormitory of held in Knowles Memorial Chapel count of events in a "progressive the young women with whom she last Sunday morning. college" somewhere in the North, was quartered. Mr. Trowbridge began by saying and the dedication reads as follows: Pauline Prestholdt Gregory, a that the phrase "Remember Pearl "To the seven Colleges in America member of Phi Mu, leaves a record Harbor", which we have all heard which actually educate their stu­ of having placed fourth in the time and time again over the radio, dents." Mrs. Crowell was invited to State Archery Contest in 1940. is a slogan that has urged us to spend a week at Rollins last fall in "Pollyanna" later served with the revenge. Other such slogans as the hope that she would decide that Welcoming Committee, Red Cross "Remember the Lusitania" have Rollins is the sort of school de­ Nurses Aid Corps, and Internation­ also blinded us like a flash. "They scribed in her dedication. Many al Relations Committee. cause poison in our soul," emphas­ Rollins students still here remem­ Elizabeth Lou Knight, better ized the speaker. ber with pleasure the personality known as Toni, did work with the Religious men know these slogans of Dorothy Walworth and her con­ International Relations Committee, are evil. Jesus said, "Father for­ tribution to tha discussion in class­ and achieved the honor of being give them, for they know not what es visited. elected to Theta Alpha Phi, nation­ they do." This teaching was In her recent letter Mrs. Crowell al dramatic and music fratei^nity. exemplified in his life. We are mentions having only lately talked Toni is a member of Kappa Alpha indeed stupid if we cannot live at with Priscilla Parker, Rollins 1942, Theta 'sorority. peace with our neighbors continued Mr. Trowbridge. We can take up our cross and love our enemies too. Force must be used, but we HAVE YOU — should not hate the people of the been to the HANDICRAFT STUDIO for afternoon Axis. "The attack on Pearl Har­ tea?--- bor urged us to hate," said the speaker. However, when hate be­ SEE — comes a confessoin of our own Attractive HAND-MADE gifts . . . knitting, sins, it can be overcome. weaving, Xmas cards - - Alarm should have come to us All make unusual Xmas Gifts when Hitler invaded the Rineland or when Japan invaded Manchu- THE HANDICRAFT STUDIO . quo, but we were not affected until death struck in our own household. 165 Holt Ave. — — Accross from the Theta House It is too late for hate and anger now; we hvae got to be sane—trans­ form war to love. We must liber­ ate the Japanese from their lead­ ers. We must liberate Europe from A bag of superlative quality and WHITE ELEPHANT Nazi domination. Can we return beauty to whisper "thanks" for good for evil and give them fin­ her loving care. Our collection ancial aid? "There is going to be includes calf, faille, Morocco, STREET FAIR hate and resentment in Europe," alligator, cordia, broadcloth an- stressed Mr. Trowbridge, "but we telle and suede bags in black, Dec. 11^ 12— Friday and Saturday must establish on earth a society navy, tan and red. sponsored by where we can live in brotherhood." Our first task is to win the war "BUNDLES FOR AMERICA" to stop suffering. But let us not hate! We don't hate the Italians; $5.95 to $25.00 Everything from ear rings to bedspreads . . from we pity them. "If we hate, we will 10c to $50. return to beasts and will not be worthy of the blessings of God," Coffee shop, Punch & Judy show. concluded the speaker. Everything for the collector . . . excellent chance to YOWELL-DREW CO. purchase your Xmas gifts. Epsilon Tau chapter of Sigma Nu announces with pleasure the Handbags Yowell's Street Floor Park Avenue (near the campus) — Winter Park initiation of Stanley Krall and Nickson Carey. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1942 ROLLINS SANDSPUR THREE

Hanna Made Head of IMPORTANT NOTICE Rollins Hobbyist Collects Long, Odd Names Inter-American Work French Club Movie Will Registration for the winter Be Presented Tonight term will take place from Dec­ Of Famous Men ie. Voroshiloff, Maciejepshi In line with Rollins' recently an­ ember 8 to December 12. No nounced policy to aid in the fur­ places will be held in over-regis­ Schuschnigg, Voroshiloff, Kara- Ignacy Moscicki as the puppet therance of Western Hemispheric Here is the big bargain I was tered classes after that date. telling you about! All those who georgeovitch, Tsvetkovitch — these president. solidarity, A. J. Hanna, professor Students should see their ad­ names do not mean much to you, With these illustrious men of the of history and author of "Flight joined the French Club at the visers and make out their sched­ showing of "Madame Bovary" can but to me they have a purpose. world might be included some of into Oblivion", has been made di­ ules for both winter and spring They constitute a portion of my the leading figures in the sports rector of inter-American studies get in free tonight to "Doctor" terms before registering. Cor­ Knock" starring Louis Jouvet. The hobby — that of collecting odd world. Baseball players include and activities. rected schedules may be obtain­ names of famous people. Cletus (Boots) Poffenberger, Har­ time and place for the club's final ed at the Registrar's office. Dr. Holt, in making the an­ film of the term are as usual the This hobby has a twofold pur­ ry Eisenstat, John Paveskovich nouncement, explained that the or­ French House at 8:30. pose, being both educational and (Pesky for short), Stanley Musial, ganization of accelerated courses amusing. Many facts are learned John Welaj, and Alejandro Car- Count de Noue is slightly upset for adults in Spanish, La tin-Ameri­ Casa Iberia Has about affairs of the world as one rasquel. In the football world are over the remarks made about his can history, and related fields was reads of the activities of these in­ Alexander Wojciechowicz, John fire building abilities in the last Third Open House the first of a series of adjustments dividuals with peculiar names. One Wyhonic, Pete Andrejco, Ralph issue of the Sandspur. He claims designed to gear the Rollins cur­ Dr. Field and Miss Clarke also finds peace of mind that comes Heikkenen, , Mike that he did start a fire. I have it riculum to the present immediate Speak at Meeting from any hobby. The fun is gained Damanovitch, all over him like a tent because 1 and vital needs of the country. in learning to pronounce and to get my remarks printed and I still A strange hobby, indeed, but spell the names and in learning Administrator, teacher, investi­ claim he didn't. En tout cas, "Doc­ The third in the series of Sun­ quite interesting! Just remember about the person for whom they gator, and writer. Prof. Hanna last tor Knock" should make a delight­ day afternoon open houses at the that when you see a long, peculiar stand. June completed 25 years of service ful finale to this term's French Casa Iberia got under way last name of some' noted individual, on the Rollins staff. A native of Club activities. Sunday with Mrs. West and Mrs. Included in my collection are: there is some fun in knowing more Tampa, his interest in the large Grace Mather-Smith, prominent The ill-fated last premier of Aus­ about the name. Spanish population of that city was members of local society, as joint tria, Dr. Kurt von Schuschnigg (Ed. note: Bet he can pronounce early aroused and led to studies of De Noue Says French People hostesses. and former Commander-in-Chief of theni, too.) Spanish and Latin American civili­ Were Not Prepared After refreshments had been ser­ the Nazi Army, Walter von Brauc- — E. M. zation in Spain, Mexico and Cen­ ved, the speakers were introduced. hitsch; ex-premier of Yugoslavia tral America. With twenty other Dr, Field, professor of organic is Nazi-minded Milan Stoyadino- 0. D. K. — scholars he published last July a The evacuation of France, the chemistry at Rollins, spoke about vitch, while his successor is Pre­ volume entitled Hispanic American battle of Dunkerque, and the Arm­ Peru. He has spent some time mier Dragisha Tsvetkovitch. For (Continued from Page 1) Essays, his chapter being "Diplo­ istice were among the topics cov­ there and said that, in many ways, many years premier of Bulgaria Chapel Staff, He is also on the matic Missions of the United States ered by Count Jehan de Noue in Peru had advanced more than the was Georges Kiosseivanoff. Juhu active list of the Air Corps. to Cuba to Secure the Spanish assembly last Wednesday. Count United States. He also contrasted Paasikivi, former Finnish foreign Sammy Pugh is another junior Archives of Florida." He is also de Noue, professor of French at the old and the new Peru. minister, was prominent during the who has won recognition in only a contributor to the Dictionary of Rollins, was a liaison officer in the The second speaker was a Miss peace negotiations with Russia in three years at college. A varsity American History and the Diction­ French army. Clarke; Winter Park visitor, who 1939. First president of Finland ary of American Biography. bade her home for several years in football player, he has won recog­ Count de Noue clarified a point was Pehr Evind Svinhufvud, and Brazil before coming to the United nition as Interfraternity Council Prof. Hanna served in the Unit­ which has been puzzling many the second president was Kyosti States. When she went to Brazil, president, editor of the R Book, ed States Naval Reserve Force Americans. The French forces, he Kallio who was succeeded by Risto very little foreign commerce had chairman of the Building Commit­ during the first World War. With told us, did not have time to pre­ Ryti. One of the many Nazi satel­ Dr. Federico de Onis of Columbia been established. Serving as she lites is Arthur von, Seysz-Inquart, tee of the Center, a varsity base­ pare for the war or invasion. The did as secretary to a prominent ball player, sports writer of the University he founded in 1933 the French did fight for three hard Austrian who betrayed his nation Florida branch of the Hispanic In­ business man, she could be called in the 1938 annexation. The late Sandspur, and has served on the weeks with a total loss of man­ a pioneer in this field. She spoke Welcoming Committee, the Social stitute in America and served sev­ power much greater in proportion president of Paraguay was Felix en years as its president. He was of Brazil and the importance of Jose Estigarribia. Committee, the Chapel Publicity than that of the other allied coun­ studying about South America as Committee, the Chapel Staff and also one of the founders of the tries. American politicians include P Florida Branch of the American a neighbor country and as a future as a chapel usher. He told of the pathos of evacua­ Lewis B. Schwellenbach, former U. Association of Teachers of Spanish world power. tion. All the able-bodied men were S. Senator from Washington; Con­ and of the Union Catalog of Flori- Open house will be held at the on the battlefield leaving only old gressmen Benjamin Maciejewski, War Bonds liana, the most extensive index in Casa Iberia every Sunday after­ and disabled men, women, and Leo Kocialkowski, Richard B. Wig- existence of Spanish records of this noon and Mrs. Campbell, who is in children to move. Many families glesworth, and Hale Boggs. As­ (Continued rrom Page 1") State. He is a member of the Pan charge of the house, urges every­ were given less than an hour to sociate Justice Felix Frankfurter o'clock. The flower was to be American Committee of the State one who is interested in Spanish to gather their most valuable belong­ of the U. S. Supreme Court is a awarded to the person purchasing Defense Council and in collabora­ come. ings and "get out." On the way close personal friend of the Presi­ the most bonds. However, the whole tion with James Branch Cabell has toward the coast, bridges and roads dent. Pradjihipok was once King of of Winter Park was included in recently completed for early publi­ had been blown up. Returning, Thailand, Premier of the Polish- the offer, and the orchid was left cation in the Rivers of America Open Stack Plan Is these people found their homes in-exile-government is Sladyslaw unawarded until a poll could be Series a book on the St, John's gone. Most of the people evacuated (Continued from Page 1) Sikorski. Eduard Smigly-Rydz was taken. River, a part of which relates to dictator of the Polish nation when Rollins remembered Pearl Har­ from these districts were left ot work when they do not have to Spanish Florida. the present war began in 1939 with bor! starve or die from lack of shelter seek books. and water. Mr. Ibbotson and the library On the funnier side of the war staff launched this policy in the ROYAL was the Count's story of a cattle knowledge that Rollins students counting and round-up. Count de were neither thieves or vandals. Visit — Typewriter Headquarters Noue was asked to count the cat­ Their past record has shown that Rentals and Service tle in a nearby pasture. After re­ they do not abuse the freedom that porting to the officer in charge, the college administration has giv­ THE HOSIERY SHOP * All makes used typewriters he was given one of the best lieu­ en them. They have always proved Beacham Theatre BIdg. tenants under the officer's com­ glad to cooperate with the staff ORLANDO DAVIS OFFICE mand. Count de Noue "and this and respect Rollins' property. Mr, lieutenant were to round up all the Ibbotson points out an object les­ SUPPLY cattle and bring them in. Neither son in the value of freedom. One for SKIRTS — SWEATERS — BLOUSES of them had had any experience large university library has closed LINGERIE and ACCESSORIES Phone 5114 — 5115 in this line; and one of the cows stack rooms and watchers in the reading rooms. Ten thousand books were lost last year. Another col­ lege with a policy similar to that of Rollins has lost only two hun­ Ray Jewelery Co. dred volumes in twenty-six years. MILITARY & TECHNICAL BOOKS Mr, Ibbotson has announced of­ for Rollins Men in the Reserve Corps "The home of blue-white Diamonds" fice hours of 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. He would enjoy having students come ARE YOU FIT TO BE A PILOT? Flight Physical in to talk to him about what in­ tests). FINE JEWELRY terests them or what they would Shields' AIR PILOT TRAINING STERLING SILVERWARE like to have in their library. Ex­ CIVIL PILOT TRANNG MANUAL (Gov. Bui.) haustion of library funds will pre­ LEATHER GOODS and NOVELTIES vent additions being made at the Jordanoff's YOUR WINGS, THRU THE OVERCAST, present time, but it is not too early & SAFETY IN FLIGHT Longines Bulova to consider the future. John Steinbeck's'BOMBS AWAY THE OFFICER'S GUIDE WATCHES was — as the Count put it — about NEW SOLDIER'S HANDBOOK, & NEW I. D. R. Elgin Waltham to become a mother. He closed, leaving us with a com­ The Sandspur Bookshop 14 N. Orange Avenue Orlando pletely different idea of the French War than we had when he start­ opposite Colony Theatre ed. (News Ed. note: mooove over.) FOUR ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 191 THE FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS Theta's Snag One Three K.A.s Just K.A. Pin Again Comes Pat Wing Gets Call International Leader New Sigma Nu Pin Get Into Reserves Back to Chi 0 House All Way From Texas Visits Gamma Phi For a while I didn't know how Another \(reek has rolled around Dere Mommer, Gamma Phi conclaves are held] Congratulations this week go to and caught us quite unprepared, so Relly, the news this weak is the Boyd-Carey combo. Nick was to start, but I can always go back the lodge these end-of-term eve and start with Terhune. From forgive me if this column is rather verry nill, but I have gaddered to- ings and volumes of studying initiated Sunday and quickly clap­ short and as dull as the writer. A getha a few things of importation ped the ole pin on Nancy. Also what I've heard. Spray boy, you on — l^ut it's no place to try and Bittle are going to be" room­ lot might have happened over this to you in my letta. Lass night Pat write a column. With the who congratulations to the freshman past week-end, but yours truly Wings b.f. Joob called her on the class for turning out a perfectly mates. crowd of them for censors to We want to extend our heartiest spent a colorful and tedious one at tellyfone allaway fromm Ell Pas­ "Don't say that," or "Put in swell dance. Since said dance figur­ Gainesville. te Tex., witch woke me up about ed so largely and so successfully in congratulations to the three tire­ hrad I'm working; maybe By the way, I did get a few quick won a.m. in the morning. Oops, a last week's extra-curricular divis­ less teabsicuits — Blake Glenmore, teacher'll read it," there's glances at Mona and her beloved mistack. This tipewritter belings ion, we will build our report around "No-date-till-after-Xmas" Brockel- chance for freedom of the pr A. J. Talk about "love is a wonder­ to Peggy Kirk from Finally, Ohio, it. hurst, and "Can't-get-out-of-this- I only wish a Sigma Nu wrote i^ ful thing" — well, just ask her. and it doesn't work so good. Any­ Relations between Jane and mood" Talton. I understand this Mrs. Fitzgerald, our internatiori From reliable sources I find out ways, as I was saying, Pat Wing Frank survived the dance despite trio got in the reserves just twenty- al president, spent a week with, upon my return that Mary Emma ed up his wiff?A the fact that she defied him by four hours before they were closed. She held a good number of is getting rather serious about got all exited fomm the foam call wearing angelic white instead of Congratulations, boys. Why don't ferences, in the absence thi Hank Beam. We hear there is a and couldn't go to sleap. Also Joe, femme-fatalic black. Love, honor, you try the WAACs? illness of Mrs. Schellenberg, Manchester had a birthday Sun­ sweetheart pin on the way. you heard of him I know, called up province director. We had a paf and disobey! Peggy went with Mil­ WHUM!! And now on the honors. his wiff Jeanne on Sunday but she ford and Bobbie with Reedy, but day, night and I'll lay money he'll for her and went serenading in h^ Our red headed spitfire Sudie wasn't here. We was all out to the from all appearances, everything never miss another meeting for a honor. In general, her visit prove Stuart Bond, really did a swell job hoarse shoVf that day and my, the came out all right. Nancy Reid was birthday. For a minute there I to us that national officers areJl during the horse show, in many dif­ judges was terruble, and Pat Fulla no end pleased that for once in her thought Alden was a pledge. He ogres and their visits sure must have felt like one after ferent ways. Besides organizing and Sally Wing should oi one blue orgies. life, she coifld not be accused of the group of riders, and seeing peo­ ribbon both, but dint. Mrs. Dominic wolfing — she couldn't see over about eighteen of those from Roos- Friday night our little band tus MacGoostus. ple about giving trophies, she came she was reel nice though and tuck Greeks is going to Rapetti's Dave's shoulder, but seemed to have home with a yelleeeer ribbon. Good us to Dubs Dread and said she said a good time despite the low-heel "I-gotta-work-for-Daddy" Batts Italian spaghetti on a Dutch tr was out the other night, and he work Sudie. We are mighty proud now girls this ones on me, so like Quite Cosmopolitan, aren't handicap (no double intended). of you. I always say why refuel? Another interesting combo was that wasn't working for Daddy either. and that brings in Betts, who st In the lost but now found column of Abbott and Batts. Glad had a Pledge meetings are only secon­ Peggy Tumblelake and me went ies hard in our nightly sessions. we find the name of Virginia Ar­ good time withal (yes, it's a pun). dary. out last night with some of them Frankie, after her trip nawth.tof gabrite. When Hank left, he took Please note that Helen was with We noticed Steady Reed was at officers from the Air Bass, and Georgia has calmed down the dance in flying colors. her heart and appetite along with boy was it fun. We went to Hop­ peaceably studies with only Jimmy — "Why Don't We Do This him. But now that letters are com­ More Often", kids? Saunders The Now for a little something ser­ pers where all the real smooth kids (Continued on Page 12) ious after all that blab. We are ing regularly, she is resuming her from Rollins go, and gosh I've won­ Sylph was with Operator Bowes, natural tendencies towards the con­ and both seemed to have a wonder­ glad to announce that Red Harris dered for three years what that Miz Gives Alpha Phi was initiated this past week-end. glomerations of the Beanery. And place looked like fomm the inside, ful time letting by-gones go by — in this same column we see Mary Super Birthday Pai no, they did not commute by motor It's been a long time. We're hap­ It's real different fomm the Stew py to see it happen. Anne is once again sporting her K You BIdg. cycle! Stretch rushed back from A Pin. Ho hum! Another eventful w|ek his bed of pain in the nickel of Word received from E. Morris Sally Hazelip has now got a new How about this triangle business has taken place for the Alpha P^. time to keep his date with Lois, — tells us he has finally procured a name I gave her, but I'm not so between Gloria Spanley, Jube Arn­ Sunday night Miz gave a super and did they ever look cute. But uniform. He went up there with a sewer she likes it verry well. We toothbrush. old, and Jitterbug Rutledge. It call he Teena, count of the movie supper birthday party for us all, where were Frannie and Bob? And with the exception of Phil, Dot aaid seems Bob is still carrying the we saw in witch there was a girl we have seen very little of Sally I better crawl back in this tool Cynthia, who are working nighi torch for Gloria, but what can he looked like a verry bad pitcter of and Jean this week. box and close shop. To add to that and day on the play. Ah! I'm aj do against the slick under-study of Sally Hazelip witch I took one day As for the rest of the week, the I've got to face that commando poet. :; I Grady Ray? Some of us here are out to the pool. Nieta Amaroll, pleasantest sight was Blissful course again today. Just remem­ betting on you. Bob. Evie took a week-end with feer Betty The Good and Paul H. par­ shes another of are pledges witch bered Laughead got back from Mi­ How to be the queen of the ball I haven't told you about. Nieta last year's roommate, Lambie. taking Sunday aft and evening. Fine thing, and Christmas onW ami. He saw Johnny Powell while could be answered by Kathie Welsh, come all the way from Brazir, in Barb Thiele was glommed onto week away. Our pledges gavi or Ed Friedson. It seems Kathie Rio Dee Janearo, and she speaks Sunday night by a lieutenant who down there. Signing off. tea for the pledges of the otl did not see too much of her date pretty good english, considering. j^eminds us of Stran. How boot sororities Friday afternoon, wh^ last Saturday nite, as she was con- But then mommer, not as good as I that. Barb ? And one of his buddies more weeks after Fergie's visit. we heard turned out very nice| tinously being cut on. do, natcherly, because not being a found himself the perfect date for And speaking of lieutenants — the Have you noticed? — Jerrie's We've also heard that Marge, Bs Bobbie Hughes, since they're both native and all.v and Nat went hunting Saturda biggest operator of them all is one new rumble buggy . . . Sudie's Lass night I went over at the Texans. Looks as though Nancy broken toe (ask her how she got it) What did you get kids — squirre Corbett is falling heir to Milford. Ross Reeves. Competitors are Betz, Labb Theter to try out for the or rabbits? (Ed: There it is agair . . . Ina's intellectual gleam now next dramaitc production. Like I Her Cook is bolstered up for a few Barb, Lanza, and Mem. Trudy is now our new preJ (Continued on Page 7) told you last time, I sayed there since Phil is leaving us aft reading all the parts for Buck Eye, Christmas. She was installed Si he's the guy whose in charge, until Independents Put off day night. Congratulations, Ti All-College Dance pretty soon they began to turn out the lights and close up shop, if brother Witch is overseas has con Last Sunday at the fortnightly you know what I mean, so I couldn't down now. Sure wishid you con Merry Xmas! Independent meeting Sally Mendel­ read any more. But somehow I just come down and see me sometii son was elected vice-president, and know 111 get one of the impotent but I figure I might be a disa in the absence of Prexy Friedson, parts because Gordon Loghead pointment to you and Popper she conducted the meeting. The smiled at me and hes a KA and so account I'm not so poplar as son payment-of-dues problem was is Buckeye. of them other girls, but you jest^ Wool Tailored Suits for stressed and it was made clear Peggy Kirks sister Gracey just wate and see, I'll extinguish myself that without funds the Independ­ arrived from Finally, pretty soon in other ways. northern travel ents cannot function as a group. It the hole dam family. All but her Your dtityful daughter, NELLIE. is essential that all dues be turned in before Christmas vacation. It has been necessary to post­ pone the Independent all-college dance, which was to have been held The PERSONAL Xmas Gift Top coats — Chesterfield and boy's early this month, until our return after the holidays. The way things • — Your Portrait — stand now it will be the first big type — pastels and dark colors. affair of the new term, A commit­ tee was appointed last night to swing the affair; headed by Presi­ dent Friedson, it consists of Sally DiTTRICH Mendelson, Dot Adelsperger, Sally Wright, Helen Cobb, Sylva Twitch­ ell, Gordon Tully, Jack Duffy, and Photographer for Frances Slater Larry Rachlin. The TOMOKAN During the course of the evening San Juan Hotel BIdg. Orlando Gordon Tully read aloud the con­ stitution he has drawn up for the 319 N. Orange Avenue Orlando Independents, and with one amend­ ment, it was unanimously ratified by the group present. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1942 ROLLINS SANDSPUR FIVE EXTEND SEASON'S GREETINGS

Phi Mu's Imbued With Heliatrope Writes Miss Pringle, but so have I! These Winant Attends Dance Just Where Does . girls are so nice to me. They en­ Very Unobtrusively The Christmas Spirit Reedy Stand Anyway? Her Prolific Epistle gaged me for the evening last night. He was blond and had a Dear Miss Pringle: beautiful blue car. He took me to With everyone rushing to finish All year long as a group we his work before Christmas Gosh, here we are packing up to I only have time for a note be­ a restaurant called Hahpers. He make a fine collection of highly ^ven Ross works sometimes),, it go home again already. Another cause so much goes on around here was so entertaining I forgot and a wonder that this column man- individualized characters. Then term of hard work and little re­ that no one has time to spend on had two coca colas. I'm sorry. Miss comes Christmas and we run over any one thing for any length of Pringle, I know that you warned ted to get written at all—but laxation has been written into the with sorority spirit. It's fun! We time. I did have time to look up me against over-imbibing but he lewhere in the back of a mind, records of time for LCA. jnscience prodded, so here goes begin to notice each other and the a few people you asked about. They was a Sigma Nu and so nice. I'll athing: alums begin to notice us. The re­ We think our outstanding event are fine. be ever ^ careful if I go out again. I wanted to see the sights and I When I came in last night, little We have good news via the local sultant effect is undoubedly very of the term was the hayride—Spec "papers and Simmons concerning giving his date (pledge Nick) his heard, someone say the Kappa Joanie and Jarvis were over in the happy, and might well occur more alcove busily learning how to play our brother and former Dean of Gammas had an unusual hearth­ often. life history, the famous date bridge. They were so intent on le Chapel, Ellwood Nance. He is stone so I went over to their house Last Sunday night we gave our­ s\yitched on the way home, and what they were doing they didn't feow in the Army Chaplain School to look at it. It wasn't different selves a party, with Polly Gregory prize guest Gunn vociferiously en­ see me. I went upstairs and Pegr "at Harvard University, serving as from any I'd seen before but I was as honor guest. Not only was it gy, Jessie and Bobby were doing m instructor. He has recently been couraging the maneuvers in the quite polite in saying so. The girl one day away from her five months their homework. I know you must jmoted to the rank of captain truck are a few of the best memor­ I talked to didn't seem to know wedding anniversary, but also it be confused after last week's letter knd seems to be making great gain's ies of the ne'er to be forgotten much about it herself. She was was time to congratulate her on when I said that Jarvis came in for himself. We wish him the best evening. really quite queer. Her name was being graduated and to weep a bit after Bobby at the Beanery but 1 of luck. Nellie, She was writing a letter into a battered Phi Mu tear bot­ We will leave at Xmas wonder­ feel that there must be a good As I sit here pondering, I can't when I came in and was very in­ tle. After Christmas, — but that's ing: reason for this sudden change. Jes­ help recalling my embarrassment volved in it. like saying "after the war", isn't Just where does Reedy stand? sie wanted to know if I had seen Sunday. After telling a friend in The other day I managed to get it? How many of us will be here Guff Anne, so to clear the matter the army about the quiet, well-be­ after Xmas? to some clases to survey them. It's The pledges, a backward, lovable up I asked her who Guff Anne was. haved dance we had at the Center How far did Sisson progress? really quite hard to* get in these bunch, seem to have forgotten that Would you have known who it was. Saturday night, a former brother (and we don't mean in basketball) classes. They are an hour long and the actives expect a shindig, and Miss Pringle? I didn't want to ap­ ventured to enlighten me about the Why has Rutledge been beaming there is only ten minutes between perhaps the actives will overlook pear stupid. They thought I was bicycle on the flag pole, the miss­ so much of late? one class and the next. I was worn it after tonight, when both groups out finding my way from one to though and I finally found out ing motorcycle, and the automobile Why pledge trainer Hank can't when I heard a clatter coming up will be egg-nogged by the almums, the next. Every time I got to a on the dock. Was my face red! be satisfied with just one date? the stairs and Jessie grinned, at the annual Yuletide blowout. class it was either meeting some Peter Winant says he was at When Weinberg will get a date "There she is." I waited until Knowing we had to write this, where else or the class was on a the dance Saturday night. No one again ? something appeared out of breath we concealed ourselves (rather field trip. One Spanish class was saw him—except Clay, but how If Acree passed? ^nd roared, "I'm off again, Mc- lumpily, we must admit) under a could Clay see him from under If Ryan will ever try to hold sitting around in a group when I Clurg." . It was that Smokey again. rug and gleaned and gleaned from that table ? Cy was there, Ivor was that much again? came up to the French House. I After her up the stairs came a girl the conversations. We heard, there, but what about Pete ? Frank­ If anything will ever break up was about to join them when they I hadn't met before but the girls among the printables, that Betty ly, we don't think he got beyond our steady steadies: Yopp, Coth­ suddenly got up and left. I was all knew her and rushed to the top Trotter professes not to know how Rexall's (Ed. In alignment with ren, Wilkie, Erdman, Pugh and beginning to think I had an un­ of the stairs all asking questions at to say "no", that Cynnie Hogan has our new policy.) Acree? (We don't think so.) mentionable when I overhead one once. When the din had subsided a pound of coffee and a ditto of Sunday afternoon. Pledge Pott'er If Royall, Erdman, McClusky, of them say that the teacher was I slowly gathered bits of the news. sugar "Don't you worry. I'll get entertained with a sailing party. and Ryan will ever get their bridge sick. I asked a straggling student the cream.") and that Jean Gordon Due to the gag in Grimstad's debts straight? about it and she said that Peggy This was Tic or Grintje or Trin- planned to join the WAACS until mouth, we had insufficient wind If our new active Fruin will Caldwell taught the class and had tee (as she was variously called) she heard the rumor that all uni­ and had to call the boating part of gather in as many offices and hon­ the flu. That settled the class who had just said goodbye to a forms are the same length from the trip off. (Ross wasn't along ors next term? question for the day for me and I weed, I thought, but since I couldn't the ground. went back to the Pi Phi house to either.) Refreshments were served, If Walker's (our other new ac­ possible comprehend such, I got up rest up, I thought. or rather provided (1 hope you Several of us plan at the present tive) girl at home is really true? enough nerve to ask what she was choke on that tenth hot-dog. Pot­ rate to get home by means of pogo If Stocky and Krall will set a Just as I got in the front door telling weeds good bye for. Then they told me that a boy from home ter). sticks. Now we're looking for pas­ record picking oranges down in quite out of breath, I saw Eleanor had been on a ship that was sunk It looks like Warren Titus is sengers to share expenses. Or if­ Lake Wales during the vacation? come racing up the path ejaculat­ in the Solomon Islands and had the fastest Delta Chi in more than we do get on a train, it will be the If "Ax-Nose" is accustomed to ing nix about something. She was come down to see her before he one way. "Little Caesar" has run freight type, and our Christmas accidently encountering girls in the very excited so I guess she -wjasn't went off in another ship. His name the Commando course in 36 sec­ cards will be postmarked accord­ first floor hallway by this time ? being negative. I ventured further ingly. But first we shall go sere­ into the living toom and there was was Don Weed. She had spent all onds; Groves, running as though When we can get "postman" her free time with him while he he were hobbled, eked out a 39 sec­ nading. All the arrangements are Wil.der and "gets paddled like-)'& a visitor gaping at the Mayflower made — late permission granted, piece of wood. (That's one of the was here and that's why I hadn't onds; and Clayton times himself at "10'&@ *'&" Meighen to move seen her last week. 4 minutes, 29 seconds, 6 ticks. carols chosen, voices primed—^hey! into the house? sights that I'd already seen, Miss Pringle.) Over in the corner a few Oh, yes, I almost forgot to men- Where's the audience? ' And hoping that prize pledge Schoonie said that more pledges Pi Phis were hovering. After the ^on the fact that one of our pledg­ It seems like old times when Dick Hill will pass those exams for were speaking to her now. Dorothy visitor had left I ask them what es attended Fall Frolics at Gain- Marelle can be seen around the West Point. We think he will! had started the ball rolling last on earth was the trouble. They week. One afternoon this week I E~esville. Comment: — "Those boys dorm, and we're duly grateful to If Dickinson's marks are pro­ sighed and said that visitors al­ came into the living room only to are fast workers." the Army for returning her and portional to the time he puts in on ways arrived at the oddest and find lots of good-looking girls eat­ his .studies? • most inopportune times and always ing and playing bridge and listen­ What" Blalock would, have done caught them in disarray. The his­ ing to records. Later I found out on the gridiron this year if he toric plaques drew visitors in the Pi phi pledges had given a tea hadn't been hurt? hoards. to all the other pledges. It was so AS USUAL - - - If Sturchio knows when he is As we were talking, the guest nice. I wish I could have been there. sick or well? room door opened and Schoonie em­ Thursday night Tic and Jerry spent THE UNUSUAL AT If our teachers, the administra­ erged so sleepily. She has been the evening running back and tion, the sororities, the other frats, having the most wonderful time (Continued on Page 7) HART SWALSTEAD and even the KAs (who we must JEWELER admit almost outrushed us) wil ac­ cept our best wishes for a "Merry The largest assortment of exclusive Christmas gifts in Orlando, Xmas!" It is perf ectly SILLY SAN JUAN HOTEL BUILDING husband Herman to their native for Florida. More disconnected thoughts were put in column form. The time has The Whistling Oyster UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT come for all Phi Mu's to go to the aid of a party. A merry Christ­ to spend money advertising to Rollins Students or HOTEL WINTER PARK mas to everyone! Faculty. Everyone at Rollins knows that this is the only gift shop in Florida where he can find such 124 Canton Avenue things as Georg Jensen silver, Marghab linen, Liber­ (Just off Park Ave.) • ORLANDO LINEN & ty scarves, Mark Cross purses, Spode and Wedgwood TOWEL SUPPLY CO. —just to mention a few— All renovated and remodeled. Hot and cold running Incorporated A FLORIDA INSTITUTION In Orlando on the patio, reached from 120 N. Or­ J. Walter Dickson, Mgr. water in each room. 69 W. Concord Ave. ange or 35 W. Washington. Phone 5861 Orlando SIX ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1r Published Weekly by Undergraduate Students of RoUins "Gimblings in The Wabe" General Delivery

Publication Ojjice: Fairbanks Avenue at Interlachen TELEPHONE 187 The past week has brought forth the armed forces and he anyone Subscription Price: By mail anywhere in the United States $1.50 a tenn (IZweeks), $2.50 a welcome guest to our happy lit­ he can lure into his car. Don't be for two terms, or $3.00 for the full college year. We have had more good old. tle family in the person of Nancy surprised if it's Betty Lamb, rec­ fashioned belly laughs while pre ^ h: Entered as second class matter, November 24, 1925, at the po$t office at Winter Park, Schoonmaker who, we understand, ently turned in by Hank Beam for paring this issue — the last for, Florida, under the act of March 3. 1879. is visiting till the glorious six­ a newer model. 1942 — than we've ever had be­ teenth. Now this of course brings The dance Saturday night was fore, or hope to again. The reader about complications, for Schoony quite a success considering it was will notice that the new columns Member has in the past been a great buddy held under such difficult condi­ are highly seasoned with editors' Pissociaied GollG6iate Press of both John Koch and George Nik­ tions. Now I ask you — how can notes, and unjournalistic proced­ olas who have become quite in­ a real dance be held with no or­ Di»ribulor of ure which we treated ourselves to volved with Jean Otey and Eleanor chestra and no men? Now mind as a Christmas present. We just | Cblle6ial^ Di6esl Plumb respectively. Eleanor has you we're not belittling any of the read over your shoulder. I George's pin, so she's fairly safe, committees, 'cause they did a fine Prize blunder of the week may but poor "Veronica" will, it seems, job. It was really a nice affair and be found in the last three sentences have to find herself another means everyone who went had a neat EDITORIAL BOARD on the revue of Count de Noue's [ of transportation. There's always time. Quite a let down for the Editor JEAN HAMAKER assembly speech. The story w Alan Phillips' motorcycle, Jean. Saturday Night "Army Girls" News Editor : MARJORIE HANSEN turned in to us in all seriousn Sunday evening the army took though. Sports Editor BUD WILKIE and it seemed only fair to share the center by storm and demanded Headline Editor - DEAN McCLUSKY The preparations are now being fun with you. one fo the Freshman gals six dates. REPORTERS made for a gay train ride North. Now really that's quite an order The shut-down on enlistme Jewell Scarboro, Ben Briggs, Bill Justice, Ira Yopp, Dave Low, Mary This always turns out to be a rath­ at eight o'clock, but at exactly this week resulted in a few Jane Metcalf, Dean McClusky, Sammy McFarland, Jane Welsh, Diane er "happy" jaunt and the cmapus eight-three Theile and Co. were scares. Sports Editor Wilkie, w Smith, Cyrus Liberman, Edward Marshall, Herman Middleton, Ginny wolves really howl. Now fellows skipping blithely toward the center by the way did a most comme Argabrite, Ann White, Carlton Wilder, Helen Holman, Dorothy the Jabberwock isn't forcasting and their latest catches. Nice go­ able job in selecting nine out Churchill, Elizabeth Sloan, Merlyn Gerber, Dorothy Ault, Thomas Soby, anything unpleasant, but if you do ing fellows — or is it! ! ? have a female that you're particul­ eleven of the final all-star nati Mary Anne Ley, Caroline Kent. al football team, made the It's been noticed of late that arly fond of, lock her in her com­ servist special" very shortly befo] PROOF READERS Frank and Cay have been getting partment or better still ride up the gates closed. • Reed Haviland—Dorothy Churchill quite chummy again. The old bird with her. But to Mickey Meighen go tolc Faculty Adviser „ WILLARD A. WATTLES smiles with approval on these two; Well, all ye toves, this sort of but as to this Hank and Nancy deal rings down the curtain on the honors, for he signed the dotter BUSINESS STAFF — well let's forget about it and 1942 activities and disposes for­ line a scant thirty minutes before Business Manager WILLIAM ROYALL perhaps they wil Itoo. The campus ever of this particular J. Bird, but all enlistments ended, a process Advertising Commissioner ..„- FRANK BOWES comedy team composed of Abbott she's feathered a nest and while which undoubtedly added one gray hair to mom's head. Circulation Manager _.. RITA COSTELLO and McGuire h^Ve difecontinued she's laid a few eggs, they may their hilarious act, she in favor of develop into real snoopers. We see that the Phi Delts man­ ESTABLISHED IN 1894 wiTfl THE FOLLOWING EDITORIAL aged to get the last word in their column. The clain; that we buried Unassuming yet mighty, sharf and fointed, well-rounded yet many their article has no basis — and sided, assiduously tenacious, yet as gritty and energetic as its name besides, we thought they wanted • imflies, victorious in single combat and therefore without a feer, What They Think the whole matter hushed up. The wonderfully attractive and extensive in circulation: all these will be cwaziest people! By SAMMIE McFARLAND found ufon investigation to be among the extraordinary qualities of Libra announcements arrived too ihe Sandsfur. late to appear. Our congratulations WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE FOR CHRISTMAS? go to Nancy Thurman, Rita Cos­ tello, Mary E. Upchurch and Maz­ Rollins Christmas Wish Eleanor Plumb — St. Nick. zie Wilson. End of terms always remind us Christmas traditionally is a time for hope. In the face of Peg Kirk—I don't know ... I haven't thought about it yet. .. of this poem-let: world conditions today hope may seem to be out of the ques­ Oh Yes, Four new tires! tion for many. Not one person can say any longer that he They has not been affected by the war, for it would be a shameful Hank Beam—I want to go home most of all. ' Laughed together admission. Played together Peg Caldwell—"Hope." All semester long; There have been countless speculations as to how deeply we are in this war, ranging from "ankle deep" to "over our ears." Donnie Hansen—For Clyde to say, "Yes!" Crammed together Rollins, we prefer to think, is over its ears, for this connotes Flunked together that we are thinking. In a way, we who have been here this Vonnie Jensen—Ummmmm . . . that's a sceret. Wondered what was wrong term have been fortunate in having the opportunity to study Jessie McCreery—Whitman's Samplers . . . don't you just A headline in the Ring-Turn P love them! ! organ of Washington and Lee, during war time. The importance of a college education is reads: brought home to us daily. Kermit Dell—A long vacation. But what does this mean for the future ? What will be the Gaines Urges next year hold for Rollins ? We know that many of the boys Nancy Schoonmaker—Well he's six feet three . . . and . . . Day by Day Life wil be missing in our classes next term. Several of the Re­ Gerry Farrens—A White Christmas! For Freshmen Now there's an idea! servists plan to volunteer their services. A number of the 18- Dick Kroll—A good job! 19 year olds want to spend a few weeks with their families Somewhere in this issue there's before they are called. Our hope lies in them. We like to think Ina Mae Heath—Some heat up north! a story on Letters To Lucerne. And thereby hangs a tale. At the begin­ in turn that they can trust in us who are being permitted to Ira Yopp—for Sammy to bring me some peace! continue our education. In the light of what they are planning ning of the year, said the dramatics to do , surely we take a pledge to make the most of our time Connie Clifton—A new racket! department to the Sandspur in a here. We all want the war to end! grandoise manner, "We'll send you advance publicity on our produc­ Our hope for Christmas is that when the lights go on agam, And what would you like? the contribution of Rollins manhood and the effort to continue tions — save you trouble, you education will not havej^een in vain. know." We were grateful. But ap­ parently publicity failed to inter­ est the department, for no article "Please Do Not Pick The Flowers" f nur Qliiap^l ©nm^r was forthcoming for this issue. There's a spot on the campus far removed from the insis- The play is to be given this week­ tant call of the bugle, from the mangling of four hundred (We are grateful to Professor Trowbridge, who submitted end. A competent staff member pairs of trampling shoes, and from the bleatings of the Cen- had to perform some reportorial ter i uke the following letter ot the Chapel Tower in Dean Edmonds wizardy to get any story at all. The only sounds to break the prevailing quiet there are absence.) A Christian Letter And while the staff is being com­ the chatter of squirrels, the songs of birds, the clipping of plimented, ye ed would like to ex­ the gardener's shears and the faint chords of the chapel or­ From Kagawa to his Christian colleages in China: tend sincere thanks to the editors, gan. Dear Brothers and Sisters in China: writers, business department, and Thee hapel garden, with its tiled fountain and neat little faculty adviser for their fine con­ walks is one of the few, if not the only bit of campus land de­ Though a million tmies I should ask pardon it would not tribution of time, talent and advice voted to the beauties of nature. For this purpose rare shrubs be enough to cover the sins of Japan, which cause me intol­ this term, and to wish them all a and fragrant flowers have been cultivated there for years. erable shame. I ask you to forgive my nation. And there are happy vacation and a very merry Now, we are told, some of the students have been making uncounted numbers of souls in Japan who, like myself, are Christmas. a habit of picking the flowers, especially the camellias. While this practice may show an appreciation of beauty, isn't a asking for pardon. The Colony Theatre wishes to deeper appreciation demonstrated by permitting the blos­ I beg you to forgive us, especially because we Christians call attention to the fact that ad­ soms to remain for others to enjoy? True, the flowers are- were not strong enough to restrain the militarists. Forgive mission prices have been scaled short-lived and no one will miss just one, but simple multi­ plication ought to prove that the chapel garden cannot be us as we work and pray that the day will come when our two down to 35 cents for matinee and shared by all of us unless we leave it intact. nations will be harmonious in the name of Christ. 40 cents for evening shows. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1942 ROLLINS SANDSPUR SEVEN Art Department Will and the other in commercial art. Club Chortles Over Heliatrope Writes Philippa Herman," ~ These courses, as well as all other Basketball Showing (Continued from P«ge 5) Tonie Knight, Cliff Sponsor Exhibit on art courses for the winter term, forth from the AWVS. If I find Cothren Perform Housing Jan. 8-22 will be open to the public, and it out what it means I'll let you know is expected that they will be filled Judging from the results of two next week. Jerry said they got a "Letters to Lucerne" Is Their to capacity. An adult education warm-up games against Army The Art Department plans to class is also planned. telephone call to go down and when Last Rollins Show teams, the X Clubbers seem to they got there there were no men open the winter term without many As to exhibits, two have been have a pretty good basketball changes and very few new courses definitely decided upon to d^te. there so they came back. Sounds When the curtain rings down on team and a very good wrecking strange doesn't it? I know you've will be added, Robert Lee Eskridge, From January 8 to 22 there will crew, and should be able to give the last scene of the forthcoming noted author and artist, will in­ be an exhibition on "Housing". been worried about Ann's parents production of "Letters to Lucerne" most any team on campus a good as I have, so I know you'll be glad struct two courses, one in design This will include the recent de­ fight. Tiny Tim Tyler has re­ on Friday evening, it will not only velopments in this field both to know she found them in Pennsyl­ conclude the 1942 theater program turned to his gridiron ways by vania somewhere and has also ac­ and his present role in "Letters to abroad and at home in America. playing with the All-Stars against of the Student Players, but more Lucerne". In addition he partici­ Photographic charts from the cumulated a car since last week. than that, it will mark a dramatic the Mustangs from the Air Base. Amazing! pated in this year's intramural Modern Museum of Art in New He does right well for himself, too. finis to the collegiate stage careers dramatics contest running off with York will be used. Pictures will be The other night I saw Bunny and of three of Rollins' most brilliant To add to our list of scholars, Jean in the movies and afterwards honorable mention in Lambda Chi's shown of both interiors and ex­ footlight performers: Philippa "The Game of Chess." It's un­ teriors, and in some instances the athletes, socialites, etc., (???) we I returned to the Hall where I met Herman, Tonie Knight, and Cliff now have Ronnie, Gus and Davie Helen and Smithlette and Clyde fortunate that an interruption of actual floor plans may also be Cothren. his ambitious plans should be so there for study. playing the role of big game hun­ and Donnie. These girls certainly Somewhat identical careers lie ters. And Jaggears, not to be out­ do know the cutest boys. I keep untimely, but he leaves with high From the end of January through ahead for Philippa and Tonie, who hopes of returning soon. After the beginning of Feburary an ex­ done, captured a mole on the Horse­ hearing about Nonita and Mary plan to broaden their stage inter­ shoe and "brought it back alive" to Louise but they, are still clothed spending a month or so at his home hibition of work done by Rollins ests by venturing into radio work, in Ashland, Ohio, Cliff will go into art students will be shown, this to the Biology Department. We're in mystery. I saw little Ann in one but Cliff has an important mission sorry to see Prof. Marvill move of the classes I visited. training as an Aviation Cadet in include the work of' both the sculp­ to carry out before «he can do fur­ the Army Air Corps. ture and the painting students. into the "servant's quarters", but Will you excuse me. Miss Prin­ ther work behind the lights. that's fate for you . . . Anyway, he gle, because the girls asked me to To Philippa, Tonie, and Cliff go This also promises to be a fine As a member of the Freshman sincerest praise and admiration show. won't be bumping into Chizik every join them in a feast in the kitchen. Players, Philippa began her stage from the Rollins family; their de­ The Founder's Day week-end morning now. We're hoping to see It's after hours and they always career at Rollins in the presenta­ parture from college will mean a exhibit will be held as usual this you around a lot Mr. Marvill . . . have such fun I hate to miss it. tion of "The Adding Machine" giv­ grave loss to the dramatic depart­ year, but as yet definite plans The social life of the Club is be­ My best to your cat and parrot. en in the Laboratory Theater. Fol­ ment and will be felt deeply by haven't been made and Miss Ort­ ing upheld by steady Tim, regulars Less bewilderedly yours, lowing her entrance into the Rol­ HEUATROPE. members of the Rollins Student meyer was unable to divulge any Gus, Ronnie, Davie and Paul, pret­ lins Student Players, she embark­ Players. details. ty regulars. Justice and Dell, and ed on her distinguished path to seldoms, Floyd and Dave. "Ole K. A. Pin success by her prize-winning per­ Chiz" and Soby get around too, but formances in "The Fad", 'Stop they're hard to classify. Orville (Continued from Page 4) Thief", "Margin for Ennoc", First kept his record clean by winning thta the term is coming to an end Lady", "The Royal Family", "Bill another argument at the football and initiation is in the near future of Divorcement", "Craig's Wife", game Saturday ... that's the spirit, ... Bow's collection of 25, you count "Thunder Rock", and her latest, 0. T them, hair ribbons to hold up her 'Letters to Lucerne". Upon gradu­ THE BEST DRESSED Flash! !! Big Fred finally got tresses . . . Pat has that KA pin ation at the end of this term, she over the wall at the Commando back again . . . and above all, that plans to spend the holidays at her MEN WEAR . . . Course, and Gus can get over the select committee of pledges that home in Ardmore, Pa., but come first obstacle without even touch­ is tearing hair over Christmas January she'll head north for New ing it! . . . cards. The best thing to notice, York city where her professional calling will center in the world of We have the best trophies, pic­ though, is the preparation that is radio. Her naturalness, under­ tures . , . and records and cats . . . going on for our Christmas party standing, and veteran ability will on campus. If you don't believe next Sunday night. Marjorie Coffin has received the most votes for be­ prove to be her greatest assets in it, just ask a certain sorority. Four l%/c-for<^s iy^fsr^^ffj gallant Clubbers helped Bobby and ing Santa Claus so we'll all be her future achievements. Peg get their Austin off the dock waiting for surprise packages. "Stole the show" has been the Sunday, thereby undoing what MERRY CHRISTMAS natural reaction to the perform­ three other gallant Clubbers did. EVERY ONE! ances turned in by Tonie Knight since her initiation into the Rollins Student Players last year, and with' such plays as "Through the Night", Tfie Atosf Talked About LAKE - CATHERINE - GROVES "Children's Hour", 'The Beautiful People", "The First Year", and her Clothing Values In America MAII^LAND, FLORIDA most recent portrayal in "Yes, My Darling Daughter", there is little Retail Store doubt as to the extent of her ulti­ mate success. Her charming stage 112 EAST PARK AVE., — WINTER PARK presence and complete, confidence, as well as her capable s tage direct­ SHIPPERS OF TREE RIPENED CITRUS FRUITS ing ability, launch her on a most 114 - 116 S. ORANGE AVE. XMAS PACKAGES A SPECIALTY promising future. After graduat­ ing, Tonie will entrain to San An­ gelo, Texas, where she will under­ take writing, directing, and acting for a broadcasting station for sev­ eral months. Bolstered by this ex­ Give LINEN This Christmas perience she will trek to New York SOUTHERN DAIRIES to "pound the pavements" (quoth Tonie) in hot pursuit of radio work. Sealtest Ice Cream However, contrary to her belief, it Ladies' and Gentlemen's Initialed Hankerchiefs is a unanimous opinion that the is served exclusively in the Beanery Guest Towels from Maderia Islands and China big city will more than welcome Kleenex Cases, Hot roll covers, Tea Napkins Tonie and her vary very convincing BARNEY LINENS personality and talent. '... -.•,.,^t Cliff Cothren's stage perform­ Phillips BIdg. 318 East Park Ave. — Winter Park ances wil Igo on the records as some of the most skillful, absorb­ ing, and entertaining as have yet been witnessed in the past years. Cliff's initial play, "From Morn to Buy a Record Midnight", given in the Fred Stone Theatre last year, was followed by Certificate * "Romeo and Juliet", "The Royal SEASONS GREETINGS For Your Friends' Xmas Gifts Family", "Bill of Divorcement", at the "Thunder Rock", "Craig's Wife", WINTER PARK BRANCH MUSIC BOX TIRE REPAIRING Holes ^ Cuts — Bruises ORLANDO STEAM LAUNDRY * The certificates permit "giftees" to select the No Certificates Necessary discs they like best. Immediate Service! Low Prices I FIRESTONE STORES 308 E. Park Ave. Phone 100 THE MUSIC BOX Orange »t Concord Dial 2-3171 (Just off the Rollins Campus) EIGHT ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER msovi^ dit^j^txrtg^ from Sarcd0:pxtr'0 fxtetx

Xmas Greetings Holiday Greetings "At Your Service" from the Best Wishes Happy New Year Denmark Remodeled Fred L. Hall Sporting Goods Winter Park Piggly Wiffgly Mrs. Morris' Company Chamber of thi with REALTOR Flower Shop Super Market WINTERIPARK N. Main at Jefferson Commerce Prices WINTER PARK ORLANDO

Merry Christmas Xmas Tidings Happy Yuletide The Duchess Seasons Greetings Compliments of C. L. Pruyn Johnson's O'Brien's Alan Anderson Salon No. 3 Washington St. Barber Shop JEWELER PHOTOGRAPHER Pharmacy Arcade WINTER PARK WINTER PARK ORLANDO WINTER PARK '

Christmas Cheer Merry Xmas Holiday Greetings Happy New Year Greetings of the Season Happy New Year Salon The Bennet Electric Heintzelman's Winter Park Rexal Store Shop Inc. Vyrle Roofing Compan. WINTER PARK WINTER PARK FORD SERVICE ORLANDO Roofing and Sheet Metal Work

Merry Xmas Christmas Cheer Seasons Greetings The Merriest Happy Yuletide Happy New Year Christmas Walter Menges San Juan W. S. Johnson The The College Press "Clothier to Men" ' Pharmacy "Sandspur" WATCHMAKER WINTi:R PARK ORLANDO ORLANDO Staff WINTER PARK

Seasons Greetings Merry Christmas The Best for the Gj-eetings of the Season Angebilt Xmas Greeting from The Shell Station NEW YEAR Pharmacy Hamilton Hotel Rappetti Across from campus Grover Morgan ORLANDO

Merry Xmas and A Greeting of the Season Best Wishes Happy New Year Merry Xmas Happy New Year Cottrell's Thomas Pearce's THE Jim Cumbies Lumber Co. Restaurant Home Ice 5c to $10 Cars WINTER PARK ORLANDO Company Store ORLANDO

Seasons Greetings Season's Greetings Xmas Tidings from Winter Park Winter Park Thames Marketessen Insurance Electric Shop and Agency Crews Market WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1942 ROLLINS SANDSPUR NINE Thirty Seconds Is peared into — say, what do, they Annual Xmas B. Koch Says He Has Enyart Attends Three disappear int oanjrway? / Best Commando Time These mysteroius, briefly-clad Irresistible Something Meetings In New York individuals have proven themselves (Continued from Page 1) Ray, Bittle, Justice And Tal­ to be no less than the Rollins Com­ musical. The Chapel Choir will Last week Phi Delta Theta sub­ ton Are Speediest mando Coursers. But don't let sing anthems by composers of mitted an 'article to the Sandspur Returned last week from New these boys fool you by their slower many nationalities and periods. in answer to some rather stern ac­ York City was Dean Arthur D. Competitive spirit is running riot actions at odd moments. Between The music program is as follows: cusations made against it. After Enyart who had attended there the over the Commando Course, as fra­ the hours of four and ifve future Alleluia, Born Today, Angels We leafing through the paper twice, meetings of the National Interfra­ ternities vie with one another, and sons-of-guns are out giving time Have Heard on High, The Little we found the article in a rather ternity Conference, the association reservists of the three branches a race. Jesu of Braga, Masters in this mangled form under an anonymous of Eastern Deans and Adviser-of- vie within the fraternities them­ Faster and faster they go. The Hall, The Three Kings, Lullaby on heading, "General Delivery." We Men, and the Mid-Atlantic States selves. best times range between thirty Christmas Eve, Silent Night, Holy hope some of you saw it. If you Association of Colleges and Uni- Perhaps it is the witching hour and thirty-three seconds. This is Night, O Holy Night! and The didn't, it might be a good idea to verstiies. Of interest to all — men of four o'clock which stimulates good time because half of the 200 Hallelujah Chorus, from The Mes­ find it and read it. and women alike — was his report this male speed. "Every Day yards is run at break-neck speed siah. The mock trial held in Dr. Fran­ the prospects for the immediate About this Time" in fact, these over a set of obstacles. The male chorus will sing The ce's classroom was finished Mon­ future of all Enlisted Reserves. day and the fledgeling councilors boys seem t ocrop out of^nowhere, This reporter appeared at the Carol of the Sheep Bells and the The meetings were to have been around the Phi Delt house are on go through their speed paces, then treble choir will sing 0 Jesu Sweet. used by government officials in track the other day and attempted speaking terms again. Freeland disappear as quickly as they ap- Jean Twachtman will present the charge of the reserve programs as to get an interview with one of Babcock and Carson Seavey are a call to worsh and Grady Ray will la medium for announcipig the the boys as he covered the course. little disappointed but "Tove" Ped­ read the invocation. The Christmas plans. However, a delay in Wash­ dicord and Zeta psi, John Koch This of course necessitated running Story wil be told by Cliff Cothren. ington prevented * the issuance of aren't rubbing it in. the obstacles with the speedster. At The chamber orchestra and a formal announcements concerning Nik is back with wheels and the count of go we were off in a string trio composed of A. K. these plans, so the largest part of Eleanor seems to be one of the few Kvam, Alphonse Carlo, and Albert what was learned was merely here- cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi, still blessed with the advantages Nassi will play. Mrs. Hila V. say and did not bear the official GIFTS ho, Commando." After the first bf going from place to place sitting Knapp, harpist, wil also be featur­ stamp of approval that many of five yards we decided that there down. ed. Everett Roberts, Dick Hill, those present had hoped for. would have to be an interview af­ Hank Minor is looking for a good Dick Sewell, and Warren Titus will-. The Army did announce, how­ spot for his pin which he recently ter the race. (There wasn't any make up the brass quartet which ever, a new plan for the Reserves received from the "real thing" in point in talking to ourselves) Half will be heard from the tower. and for the 18 and^ 19 year-olds Take a Gift from Win­ New York. an hour later we pulled up in front At the conclusion of the service called iri the near future. They are Pledges Harvard Cox, Tommy ter Park when you go a tableau will be staged in the to be sent, as at present, to mili­ of the time keeper with a feeling MacDonald and Halstead Caldwell home Xm^s. Mother loggia between the Chapel and the tary camps for their thirteen weeks of exultation. We had covered the were initiated into the Knights of Annie Russell Theatre, by Mrs. of basic trainnlg. Then, if a man would Hke some warm Commando Course with the best of Old • Thursday and Freeland Bab­ Donald S. Allen. This will repre­ makes good records in his basic cock has been pledged. sleepnig garments, silk them! sent one of the famous Nativity training period, is in the upper Billy Koch states that he has Speediest Rollins males include scenes.. third of his class, and providing his gowns, at $1 to $3, or that something which no girl can Grady Ray, Quentin Bittle, Bill This program is one of the most high school and or college records a table scarf in the resist. So many of them follow Justice, and Reedy Talton. There significant and inspiring services are good, he will be sent to one of held in the Chapel each year. The him around that they are becom- pretty new Fall designs are some slower runners who will 200 selected largf universities public is cordially invited to at­ ming quite bothersome. at $1.5040 $4.95. New improve — they hope. Gordon Tul­ throughout the country in a unit tend. There will be a section of of at least 1000 men for additional, Lisle and mesh hose ly takes the cew's-tail prize. He the Chapel reserved for Rollins Honaas Defermed specialized advance training. make practical gifts is clocked at 49 seconds. The Ma­ students. " rines expect better than that. Guv. — GES Under Age Law again this year at $1 Paul McNutt, now head of the selective service, last Saturday set and $1.50. It will be a The Rollins Conservatory of the top age limit at 38 instead of pleasure to help you Frosh Lack — music has managed to salvage one 44. Professor Honaas says he is of its prize instructors from Uncle decide on a Gift. two days over 38! Sam's draft. Uncle Sam seems to Complete optimism now, how­ (Continued from Page 1) have changed his mind about age ever, would be like counting your circle around a waxed dance floor, Phone 456 limits again. More specifically. chickens before they hatch, since and the candles on the tables were the local draft board has not yet the only illumination in a moody received word of this change. Mr. ballroom. Almost human, ain't it? Honaas, is deferred until this new SAFETY CAB Not only could the men dance on ANDY'S GARAGE ruling is settled, due to his vital the inside with thier partners, but Church Street status here at Rollins College. Like they could also dance outside on the Day Phone 75 PRY GOODS UA.DI£S' ^VEAB Where you want to go Night Phone 319D a man looking over the edge of a pavillion, the evening being con­ precipice, he is not expected to Down Town ducive to such measures. WINTER PARK dive. (Thank McNutt!) Nine o'clock came, as usual, and so did the couples who completed a truly romantic picture. Many of the boys came with tuxes and FAVOR'S TAXI & TRANSFER CO. Heart-melting Lingerie summer formals, while others came Phone 107 E, R. FAVOR with girls, who, not to be outdone Dresses for travel as well as New Spring Costumes 110 East Park Ave. Winter Park New Braemars! All Angora socks; just the thing for by handsome Rollins deferees, ap­ that small gift. peared in as ravishing an array of formals as a college dance ever produced. Chaperones were there and ap­ peared enthusiastic about the whole Lohr Lea affair. These necessary compon­ Orange Laundry ents of a college dance made sure Phone 12 — 208 E. Park Ave. — Winter Park that the freshmen's social ended at one o'clock as promptly as it had AND ACME CLEANERS started. *'Clean Clothes Craftsmen"

Recitals to Be Held at Dyer 1021 W. Fairbanks Ave. Winter Park SAINITONE There will be an informal re­ cital in Dyer Memorial Building Phone 413 on Wednesday, Dec. 9, at 5:30, by students of the Extension Division, featuring June Nelson, pianist. '^ Compliments of Norma Lee Dougherty, pianist. Fern Shader, pianist, and Bernard SEASON'S GREETINGS Friedland, violinist. Also a recital will be given on from the DR. R. F. HOTARD Friday, December 11, at 4:15 p.m. by Conservaotry students, featur­ ing Helen Brady, soprano, Georgia HAMILTON GRILL Tain tor violinist, Lucille David, pianist, Morton Schoenfeld, pianist "The right place to eat" and a trio consisting of Georgia Saintor, violinist, Mona Moye, cel­ Hamilton Hotel — Winter Park list, and Mary Elizabeth Upchurch, pianist. TEN ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, IS Mustangs Bow Again As Nancy Corbett All-Stars Prove Superiority WinsAll-CoIlei Rollins Wipes Out 8 Point De­ ApgarWill Extend Tennis Toun ficit In First Half to take Tight Contest 20 to 8 Men's Sports Program In Games With Army In the recent play-offs o: Coming from behind in the sec? all-college tennis champio ond thriller within a week, the for women it was proved that When the administration decided Rollins All-Stars again trounced colleges can boast of such a to drop inter-collegiate athletics the Air Base champion Mustnags of outstanding racqueteers as for the duration, Rollins was left Saturday afternoon in Sandspur our own Alma Mater. Not oi with an abundance of athletic Bowl by the score of 20 to 8. does the national champ hi ability and no place to put it to It was pretty much all Mustangs put Rollins in the sporting work except in the intra-mural in the first half when they ran up light, but in addition there are s( ti program. With the success of the an eight point lead. However, Rol­ erah state and regional champi touch-football season making the lins scored a touchdown in the last always on hand to slug it out rounds of the campus, a challenge minute of the half which was prac­ her at any time. came from the Orlando Air Base tically a gift from the Army. But to schedule a game with the united, This year the champions! the All-Stars surged back in the undefeated, and unscored on Mus­ were divided into two flights second half to score twice with hard tangs. Led by a former Southern first flight, a round robin toi charging, spectacular passing and California tackle, the Mustangs ament, featured four of the all-around speed. were successfully set back on their ranking players' on campus, After the opening kick-off, Jim ear by the hard charging "Baby one a celebrity in her own ri| (Mighty Mite) McElvaine, Mus­ Tars." and emerging victoriously fi tang captain, led his team down to this quartet with a score of i the Rollins 10-yard line in five After these two defeats it seem­ games to her credit, Nancy plays. There Doug Epps intercept­ ed that the entire Air Base was bett, sectional champion of Clj hurling challenge after challenge ed a pass, but Batts, attempting to Batts Jumps for a High One go, trounced her opponents il punt from his end zone, had his at Rollins to comptee in every con­ exceptionally fine display of tal kick blocked by Petrosky, which ceivable sport. As a result of this, Following in second place by if gave the Base a 2 to 0 lead. different intramural basketball Air Base 5 Too Strong For LCA In 46-24 Win; slim margin of five games In the second quarter the Mite teams have bene playing practical­ X Club Trounces Other Army Team 59-20 Peggy Welsh, district champion started passing from his own 20- ly every night in order to accomo­ Pennsylvania, who scored a toi yard mark and drove his team to date the service men. They have of twenty-five games. By i a touchdown in four plays. He proved to be interesting contests Mandt and Tyler Lead Sisson, Blalock, Yopp, Are up a tally of twenty games Jeirt threw one to CoUigan for ten, an­ too, although at times it seems that X Club to Victory Stars of Losing Squad Metcalf, Colorado and Rocti' other to CoUigan for thirty-five, a little football is mixed in with Mountain regional champion, snaj an incompletion used up on play, basketball. A powerful X Club basketball The basketball season got off to ged third place, and nosed and then the Mustangs crossed up The relation between the college team turned back an invading air the well-known flying start last Florida's newly croWned state hig! the All-Stars as Earl Page fired and the airbase has been highly base five by an impressive 60 to 31 Friday night at Rollins "Cockroach school champ, Connie Clifton, one into the end zone where Petro­ successful and plans are now on score last Thursday night in Rec Square Garden" as two of the most added her name to Rollins terniii sky made the score. Page's kick hit foot to arrange a schedule of con­ Hall. A large gathering of Rollins promising fraternity teams on honor roll with a sum of sixteen the left upright and ricocheted the tests with the various teams that students witnessed a splendid ex­ campus, Lambda Chi Alpha and games. wrong way. are at the air base. If the plans hibition of ball handling and shoot­ the X Club, lost and won respec­ tively the two. games of the even­ The winner of the second Then, with less than two minutes' are successful, men will compete ing that overwhelmed the Orlando consisting of twenty-four entrant'! play, Rollins used some reverse in such sports as basketball, ten­ Air Base Sky-Masters. ing's doubleheader with the Or­ lando Air Base. The games, ar­ has yet to be decided, but by i| strategy to score. Talton passed nis, ping-pong, swimming, golf, vol­ With Big, easy-gonig Fred Mandt process of elimination the thref^ from his own 25-yard line to Speck ley-ball, soft-ball, and baseball. and sharp-shooting Early Tyler ranged on very short notice (Fri­ day morning), provided the Army remaining contenders have reachei^ (Continued on Page 12) — Ly hitting the basket from every the final round and expect to battl angle, the Clubbers sprang to a with a double opportunity to retali­ ate their defeat the night before by it out for superiority this weell 20 to 6 lead at the first quarter weather permitting. In the Iowa mark, and increased this to 30 to that same X Club. Despite the suddeness of the ad­ bracket of this flight Joan Herman 12 at the half. Mandt accounted who gained entrance into the semi for sixteen of the points and Tyler vent of these contests an enthusi­ astic, if meager crowd scattered finals by defeating Jane Welsh an six. The third quarter was a com­ Mem Stanley, will face Pe FREEMAN plete turnabout for the Sky-Mas­ itself along the sidelines for the Kirk, who barely overcame ters. They begin hitting long shots eight o'clock game between Lam­ SHOES White in a close two set m| wtih embarrassingly regularity and bda Chi and the Base's 10th Fight­ The winner of this semi-: the Rollins boys abandoned their er Squadron. Testing the strength match will oppose Sally Haa SERVICE STYLE Eone for a man-to-man defense. of the Army boys, Captain Jim Rollins led 41 to 29 at the three Blalock of Lambda Chi at first held victor in the semi-finals of quarter mark. Using a fast break­ some of his more potent scorers in upper bracket of the flight, ing attack in the last stanza, the reserve. The first three minutes recently defeated Babs Bn X Club ran wild, scoring ninteen of play saw the Army's lightning Alma Vander Velde, and , points to their oppenants two. forwards repeatedly steal the ball Brauer, the latter putting up resistence. Guards Meredith and Thomas and break away for four baskets. completely bottled up the air base With an eight point handicap, a There's been a fine spirit offense allowing only one crip shot whole new Lambda Chi team then sportmanship among the gi^ all evening. Only the ability of came in, and this group, paced by they've shown unusual talent • the fast breaks of forward Don the Sky-Masters to hit the basket series of spectacular matches, ai from way out kept the game in­ Sisson and Center Blalock, match­ deserve to be congratulatea ^ teresting. The X Club second team, ed the Army basket for basket. By better known as the "shock troop," the end of the first half, however, their individual achievements, tt provided the most^ entertainment (Continued on Page 11) —DFS, for the evening. "Hairless" Gus Koulouris, "Shorty" Chisholm, "Sleepy" Frazier, "Little Boy" Jaggears, and "Stranger" Sisson Skating Is Fashionable would come dashing out on the Patterned after the British field boot. court, dart around like mad, score as many points as the first team Double tanned for longer more comfort­ (more by sheer force and bluff COLISEUM able service in all kinds of weather than anything else), and then re­ turn to the bench for sufficient rest SKATING TONIGHT and EVERY NIGHT Protective Double Welted Soles. to encounter the enemy again. » The starting X Club line-up of EXCEPT SATURDAY Tyler and Justice, forwards, Mandt, Special party prices for fraternities, center, and Meredith and Thomas, $6.75 guards, spells impending disaster sororities and groups for the Intra-mural games. They have strong substitutes and the de­ — Tel. 4466 or 5568 — termination to win. Evening 8:00 to 11:00 — Matinee 2:00 to 5:00 Sky-Masters Rollins R. C. BAKER Eastabrook, f. Tyler, f. SEE AMERICA'S FINEST RINK "at the corner, downtown" Maeikeles, f. Justice, f. (Continued on Page 12) ilNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1942 ROLLINS SANDSPUR ELEVEN .^^ A.S Amass Large Point Along The Sidelines Ruth Enright Wins Lead In Gary Cup Race Top Rollins Honors Although the touch football season was supposed to have Delts, Independents And Air Base been over a week or ten days ago, it seems that in^ realty the In Local Horseshow end is not yet in sight. These two Mustang-All Star contests ainbda Chis Are Running of the past fortnight have marked a new high in spectator ck In Neck for 2nd Place (Continued on page 10) the score was 26 to 12 for the interest and the players will agree when I say that neither At the Dubsdread stables Sun­ Army. Switching to a tight zone battle was exactly a picnic. day afternoon you would have seen as the second half statred, Lambda After that first game defeat, the Mustangs thirsted for horses of many colors. A record- the touch football season Chi confined the base "quintingent" revenge and challenged our Stars to a return game. The fly breaking crowd did see Bundles for is evident that the Kappa to a bare five points in the third in the ointment was the decision of the officials which per­ America stage one of the most suc­ as, with a point total of 438 quarter. At the same lime they mitted Rollins to take the ball on downs when Petroskey took cessful horse shows that has ever leading in the race for the took the offensive themselves. Ed a pass (HI the one-foot line. The Mustangs were of the opinion been held there, due largely to the Cup. Weinberg back in the game at that the receiver had one foot in the end zone when he caught efforts and cooperation of Mrs. K.A.s secured this posi- forward dribbled in for two points the ball, but the officials were perfectly correct. When Petros­ Anna M. Wheeler, directoress of taking first in the swim- while Sisson and Blalock both key took the pass from McElvaine he was within a foot of the the Dubsdread stables. There was eet and in touch football. scored again to add four more. The double stripe, but he was not over! I was directly behind the an unusually large number of en­ h the efforts of the "finny last quarter began 31 to 18 with end zone where the play took place and could see the play very tries in response to the call of a — Waite, J. Harris, P. Har- the Base still leading, and the distinctly. There was no doubt that the play had failed to worthy cause. Butt, and Twatchman the Army boys resolutely improved on score. However, the men from the Air Base, upheld journalis­ Alice Henry and other Rollins s far outdistanced all rivals that lead by 'putting on a final tically by one T*Cpl. Herman Patterson, thinking that jus­ members of Bundles for America the annual swimming meet. By scoring spree. Spiter, a fast Army tice had been miscarried, demanded a return game with one of were instrumental in making a suc­ ning nine games and losing forward, twice went down the floor their men on the field as an official. Came Saturday and the cess of this horseshow by entering [pne they managed to edge ahead of the defense adding four game was replayed with the results that are common knowl­ a Rollins class of exceptionally Phi Delts in touch football points. In spite of Lambda Chi's edge to every one by now. The Mustang official did a com­ good riders. through the playdng of best efforts the running one-hand mendable job in calling the plays but that didn't aid the Bas$ The trophies in each class were Batts, "Duck" Talton, and shots of Dunoskovic, the other for­ players. Cox was missing, but still the Tars won by even a contributed by leading Orlando and Idon Laughead. ward, netted four more. The final more decisive margin than in the first contest. Whether or Winter Park stores. Jflibbons were Following the K.A.s come the whistle sounded at 46 to 24 in not the Army comes back for a third triy remains to be seen, given to the first four winners in ii Delts with 230 points to their favor of the Base. Sisson ranked but we hope they do. Win, lose, or dijaw the game will be well worth the watching. all classes. •edit. Although they did not enter as high scorer with eight points, The Rollins College horseman­ le swimmfng meet, the Phi Delts to Yopp's six and Blalock's five. In last week's article on the wind-up of the intramural foot­ ball season it was stated that Weinberg tossed to Ernie ship class proved to be one of the lashed their way to second place Both Hank Beam and Frank Bowes outstanding events of the whole football with Harvard Cox, Tom- were excellent as guards. Walker for the lone Lambda Chi score against the Phi Delts. show with experienced, well-train­ ly McDonald, and Hank Minor After a brief interval the 50th To correct this gross misrepresentation of the facts I want to ed riders. Ruth Enright rode to irrying the load, to win eight Fighter Squadron Team lined up say herewith that the sentence should have said that Wein­ first place with Martha Rankin, mes and lose two. Tied for for the tip-off against the X Club, berg passed to Dickenson for the tally. (All right, Dan?) Sudie Bond, and Sally Wing fol­ ird, with 211 points, are the Strangley enough, although the Congratulations are in order for Nancy Corbett for her lowing in the order named. A num­ mbda Chis and the Independents. Squadron players were full of fight triumph in the top-flight tennis tourney! Only a year ago this ber of Rollins students took part in e Lambda Chis splashed their from the word "go", their •team­ Chicago lass was constantly beaten by both Welsh and Met­ this event. ay to a tie with the Independents work did not measure up to that of calf but it looks now as if she deserves to be ranked right Among winners of the ladies* ith Dick Krall and Reedy Talton the preceding Army quintet, and up there behind Bobbie. Gordaon Apgar's constant guidance horsemanship class was Mrs. A. B. inning honors in the swimming they succumbed to the deadly fire is probably more than just a coincidental factor. Trowbridge, Jr* The last dass eet. The Independents had Don of Mandt, Tyler, and you 'fans In the November 25 issue of the Sandspur this column con­ ans and Doug Epps as point win­ tained excerpts of a letter from the Sporting News and below reminiscentof Kissimmee rodeos know hte others, who jointly rolled was a cow pony class which brought ners in the swimming meet. The up the humiliating score of 59 to it our choices for first and secohd teams in the sports editors' lambda Chis with Yopp, Weinberg, poll. Today the results of that poll are released for nation­ to a close this season's first out­ 20. Mandt lost the tip-off (strang­ standing charity show. Bowes and Sisson tied the Inde­ er still!), but the Club settled into wide circulation and if you are interested in comparing the pendents: Epp, Larry Batts, and their placid, zone defense and soon completed article with the prediction, here is the low-down. Rollins participants were Jane Stone in touch football. Each had regained possession of the ball. We picked six out of seven in the line and three out of four in Welsh, Pat Fuller, Sudie Bond, five losses and five wins. In fourth Then the precision machine shifted the backfield. Dove, whom we placed on team two, pushed Sally Wing, Martha Rankin, Mary place are the Delta Chis who, while into high. A steady stream of tal­ Poschner into that position for our first mistake, and the sec­ Jane Metcalf, Mary Kramer, Phil winning only two^ points in the lies had the scorekeeper dizzy. ond error came when , also on our second team, Reed, and Reed Haviland. swimming meet, and coming in Featuring Fred Mandt under the jumped into the first team backfield to displace Harder of in football — lost 10, won 0— basket. Bill Justice stealnig the Wisconsin. However, we cast our vote for player of the year Inter-Collegiate Sports Writers edge out the Sigma Nus and ball from the Army guards, and in favor of Fire-ball Frankie Sinkwich and that also carreid Association. X Clubbers. Although they did Tim Tyler shooting from every thru. Second team: Poschner of Geor­ possess a good football team, angle, the Rollins representatives Our greatest variations came naturally on the second squad. gia and Gantt of'Duke, ends; Wis­ Delta Chis had an outstanding play­ put in ten baskets in the first Moseley of Yale (C), Wright of Notre Dame (G), Wistert of tert of Michigan and Csuri of Ohio er in Ivor Groves. The Sigma Nus Michigan (T), and Holovak of Boston College (B) we helped State, tackles; Ramsey of William, are holding down fifth place by quarter to the Base's three. The Army men tried hard in the sec­ to place. As stated before, both Dove and Governali jumped and Mary and Wright of Notre having Hank Swan on their swim- from our team two to the poll's first team, while Castleberry Dame, guards; Moseley of Yale, raing team. Swan cornered all the ond period, especially Heineld who was all over the floor on defense, of Georgia Tech (B); Palmer of T.C.U. (T), and Franks of center; Holovak of Boston College, na Nu points. In. football they Michigan (G) all placed on the third team. Don Currivan of Bertelli of Notre Dame,* Harder of came in fourth, winning three and and Panyan, the high-scoring for­ ward. Each of them, however, was Boston College (E) and Blondie Black of Mississippi State Wisconsin, and Dobbs of Tulsa, losing seven; Swan was also out­ backs. standing there. Last the X Club trying to make his own basket and (B) our other two members, were among the alsorans. Black totters iri. Placing second in swim­ none of them was accurate enough lacked only the press agent to make him a headliner, and we ming, the Clubbers were unable to accomplish it consistently. More still can't undrestand why Currivan didn't make one of the to dig up a team to enter in f oot- baskets by Mandt and one pretty top teams. running shot by Tyler culminated , Dame, ends; Dick Wildung of Min­ lall. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec. 9.—(Spec­ in a mid-way total of 9. In nesota and Gil Bouley of Boston ial )-7-Eleven colleges are represent­ the second half the redoiibled ef­ College, tackles; 'Alex Agase of Il­ The points gained thus far in the ed on the 1942 All-American foot­ forts of the Air Base were so linois and Chuck Taylor of Stan­ cup race are distributed as follows: ball team selected by the nation's desperate that one fellow practic­ ford, guards; and Joe Damnanovitch college sports writers and an­ I A 438 ally climbed up Meredith's back as of Alabama, center. nounced today in the Sporting Phi Delt -_ „:./.. he took the ball off the backboard. There were 482 players nomin­ 230 News, national sports weekly. It Tyler settled down to accounting ated to the All-Star team by the . SEA GULL Lambda Chi 211 is the first time in the nine-year on a very professional manner and 86 writers who represented col­ Independents 211 history of the poll that some one GIFT SHOP with Justice and Mandt added up leges in, 40 states and the District Delta Chi college has failed to place two men W?. the X Club column to the total of of Columbia in the balloting which 152 E. Park Ave. on the honor eleven. Sigma Nu 147 forty-four points to fourteen for was compiled by Robert S. Kunkel, Winter Park, Fla. X Club 87 (Continued on Page 12) of Georgia walk­ executive secretary of the National- ed away with top honors and the captaincy of the star combination, and his back-field mates are Paul Wishing students Xmas Greetings Governali of Columbia, Billy Hill­ Select some of Lucy Littles' enbrand of Indiana, and Bob Steu- Fine Antiques for Xmas gifts The ber of Missouri. Linemen named to the team are of Wisconsin and of Notre Leave orders to ship Florida Flowers to your friends COLLEGE GARAGE . . . such as glads, calla lillies, and Gerber daisies RAY GREENE LET US STORE YOUR CAR OVER Lucy Littles' Antique Shop Rollins Alumnus Park Ave. Winter Park THE VACATION PERIOD Real Estate Broker TeL 620 Park Ave.