COURSE SYLLABUS – French IV AP DEPARTMENT: Foreign Language INSTRUCTOR: Carol Creel COURSE TITLE: French 3 pre-AP ROOM: F-206 GRADE LEVEL: 10, 11, 12 E-MAIL:
[email protected] Website: Http:// PREREQUISITES: French III pre-AP and a good command of French grammar and a high level of competence in listening, reading, speaking and writing. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will cover advanced conversation and composition along with readings of cultural, historical, and literary works in French. Students continue to acquire language proficiency while reviewing and broadening their lexical and grammatical foundations. MATERIALS REQUIRED: Textbook, Notebook with four dividers, paper, black (or blue) and red pens, French-English dictionary. EVALUATION: Grading in this class will consist of the following: Major = 60 % Minor = 40 % The student is responsible for all material presented in class and all assignments. Since the class builds upon and practices new concepts and vocabulary every day, attendance is very important. Students are responsible for completing all make-up work in a timely manner and for attending tutorials when classes are missed. Course Overview Préparez-vous : AP French Language and Culture is an advanced-placement college level course offered to students at the end of the 4th and 5th years of French. Mme. Creel will use French almost exclusively in class and encourage you to do the same. Students are asked to keep a list of vocabulary words acquired throughout each thematic unit; new acquired vocabulary for weekly quizzes on thematic topics. All skills, listening, oral, writing and reading are addressed throughout the course.