FREN 3900 Utah State University, Automne 2018 On connaît la chanson ! Le Hit-parade de la chanson française du vingtième siècle à nos jours Dr. Christa Jones, Associate Professor of French mardi & jeudi de 9h00 à 10h15 (Merrill-Cazier Library 302) Heures de bureau : mardi & jeudi 11h00 à midi (OM 202 F) et sur RDV (contacter [email protected]) COURSE DESCRIPTION FREN 3900 is a special topics class that will broaden your knowledge of French chanson and help you to better understand French culture and society by exploring classic French chanson and variété française from the early twentieth century to the present day. To this end, we will study the more recent history of French music (foremost the twentieth and twenty-first centuries) and a number of landmark French chansons, influential singers (Dalida, Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel, ZAZ, Stromae, Brassens, etc.), films, and hit songs (les tubes). This course is taught in French. For this course, you will write weekly short papers in French. The textbook required for this class is Souvenirs, souvenirs… Cent ans de chanson française by Bertrand Bonnieux, Pascal Cordereix and Élizabeth Giuliani (Paris, Découvertes Gallimard & Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2004). Additional materials will be made available in the language lab, in class, and on Canvas. Songs and video clips can be accessed on YouTube, Ina.fr, or dailymotion.com. Homework will be posted on Canvas. You are allowed two unexcused absences. Excessive tardiness and absenteeism (3+ unexcused absences) will result in a lowering of your grade. Attendance and participation are essential. No social media/texting in class. If you miss a class, check the announcement section and the updated syllabus on Canvas for homework assignments and materials covered in class. NB: This syllabus is not set in stone. An updated version will be posted on Canvas on a weekly basis. Tutoring is available in the language lab, hours and details TBA. I strongly encourage you to go to the language lab once a week to meet with one of the 1 tutors (hours TBA on Canvas), use the computers and the many books, CDs and DVDs that are available. REQUIRED TEXBOOK Souvenirs, souvenirs… Cent ans de chanson française by Bertrand Bonnieux, Pascal Cordereix and Élizabeth Giuliani (Paris, Découvertes Gallimard and Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2004). Available at the Campus bookstore or online (15,50 € new, used is ok, too): https://www.amazon.com/Decouverte-Gallimard-Chanson-Francaise- French/dp/2070314812/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1525108963&sr=8- 1&keywords=Souvenirs+souvenirs+cent+ans+de+chanson http://editions.bnf.fr/cent-ans-de-chanson-fran%C3%A7aise-souvenirs-souvenirs COURSE REQUIREMENTS EXPOSE ORAL/ORAL PRESENTATION: you will give one engaging 15 to 20- minute presentation based on French or Francophone singer in class. A list will be distributed in class and made available on Canvas. See instructions on Canvas. QUIZZES/INTERROS: there will 5 canvas quizzes (one on each chapter of Souvenirs, souvenirs… Cent ans de chanson française) and 3 quizzes in class on the songs/singers studied. HOMEWORK/DEVOIRS: made available in class and announced on Canvas. Late homework will NOT be accepted. CINEMA: In this class, we will view and discuss the following films: On connaît la chanson (real. Alain Resnais, 1997) and Dalida (réal. Lisa Azuelos, 2017). FINAL PAPER/SONG: In this class, you will write a seven to ten-page research paper written in French based on a topic discussed beforehand with me. Come to my office (OM 202F, T/TR 11:00-noon or by appointment) to discuss and decide on a topic that truly interests you. Alternatively, you may compose a song in French either alone or with a team of 3 (1 auteur/1 compositeur/1 interprète) and perform your song in class in the last week of the semester. Tutoring is available in the language lab (OM 004), hours TBA. If you are interested in tutoring, let me know. IDEA CENTRE OBJECTIVES In this class, you will 1) learn to analyze and critically evaluate ideas and points of view by discussing songs, participating in class, and by presenting your research orally and in writing; 2 2) gain a broader understanding and appreciation of intellectual/cultural activity by interpreting musical narratives, learning about auteurs/compositeurs/interprètes that are influential in France today, and by learning about the history of chanson and discussing songs in class. 3) gain factual knowledge about la chanson française and its various representatives over time, such as the generation Caf’conc, yéyé, etc. 4) learn to apply the materials (singers, songs, themes and trends) that we studied by doing your own research on French chanson or by composing your own French chanson 5) develop creative capacities by learning to analyze a variety of musical narratives. GRADING • 5 Canvas quizzes + 3 in-class quizzes: 20% • Exposé oral (Oral presentation): 20% • Participation & assiduité, IDEA Center : 20% • Devoirs (Homework): 10% • Essai final (7 to 10-page research paper): 30% GRADING SCALE A (100-93) A- (92-90) B+ (88-89) B (87-83) B- (82-80) C+ (79-78) C 77-73) C- (72-70) D+ (69-68) D (67-70) F represents a grade below 60 IMPORTANT DATES Aug 31: last day to add without instructor’s signature Sep 3: Labor Day Holiday (no classes) Sep 12 (5pm): $100 late tuition payment fee Sep 17 (5pm): last day for tuition and fee adjustments for dropped classes Sep 17 (5pm): last day to drop without notation on transcript Sep 18-Oct 19: Course Withdrawals Show as W on Transcript Sep 18-Dec 14: Adding classes not permitted Oct 12 (5pm): $100 late tuition payment fee Oct 19: Fall Break (no classes) Dec 3-7: No Test Week Dec 10-14: Final Examinations For complete listings, see fall 2018 Registration Calendar on USU Registrar’s website http://catalog.usu.edu/content.php?catoid=12&navoid=11818 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY – “The Honor System” Each student has the right and duty to pursue his or he academic experience free of dishonesty. The Honor System is designed to establish the higher level of conduct expected and required of all Utah State University students. The Honor Pledge: To enhance the learning environment at Utah State 3 University and to develop student academic integrity, each student agrees to the following Honor Pledge: “I pledge, on my honor, to conduct myself with the foremost level of academic integrity.” A student who lives by the Honor Pledge is a student who does more than not cheat, falsify, or plagiarize. A student who lives by the Honor Pledge: Espouses academic integrity as an underlying and essential principle of the Utah State University community; Understands that each act of academic dishonesty devalues every degree that is awarded by this institution; And is a welcomed and valued member of Utah State University. PLAGIARISM Plagiarism includes knowingly “representing, by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or unpublished work of another person as one’s own in any academic exercise or activity without full and clear acknowledgement. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.” The penalties for plagiarism are severe. They include warning or reprimand, grade adjustment, probation, suspension, expulsion, withholding of transcripts, denial or revocation of degrees, and referral to psychological counseling. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES The Americans with Disabilities Act states: "Reasonable accommodation will be provided for all persons with disabilities in order to ensure equal participation within the program. If a student has a disability that will likely require some accommodation by the instructor, the student must contact the instructor and document the disability through the Disability Resource Center (797-2444), preferably during the first week of the course. Any request for special consideration relating to attendance, pedagogy, taking of examinations, etc., must be discussed with and approved by the instructor. LE PROGRAMME ma 28/8 Introduction, présentation du cours « L’âme des poètes » (Charles TRENET, 1951) je 30/8 Vive la Musique ! Histoire de la chanson française Souvenirs, souvenirs... (chap. 1, p. 11-19) ma 4/9 La versification ; Charles Trenet je 6/9 LE CHANT « Je chante » (Charles TRENET, 1937) Henri Salvador « Une chanson douce » (1957) ; Bourvil « Ma petite chanson » (1961) ; France Gall « Poupées de Cire poupées de son » (1965) ; Claude François « Chanson populaire » (1973) ; Michel Sardou « En chantant » (1978) ; Daniel Balavoine « Le chanteur » (1978) ; Michel Berger « Celui qui 4 chante » (1980) ; Philippe Léotard « Je chante pour passer le temps » (1994) ; Florent Pagny « Chanter » (2014) ; Pascal Obispo « Chante la rue chante » (2018) Souvenirs, souvenirs... (chap. 1, p. 20-26); Canvas quiz chapitre 1 (du 7 au 12 septembre) ma 11/9 L’AMOUR , LE BONHEUR « Ti amo » (DALIDA, 1977) « Je l’aime à mourir » (Francis CABREL, 1979) Ray Ventura « Qu’est-ce qu’on attend pour être heureux ? (1937) ; Edith Piaf « La vie en rose » (1947) ; Edith Piaf « Hymne à l’amour » (1949) ; Georges Brassens « Les amoureux des bancs publics » (1952) ; Serge Gainsbourg « La Javanaise » (1962) ; Claude François « Comme d’habitude » (1968) ; Mike Brant « Laisse-moi t’aimer » (1970) ; Gilbert Montagné « On va s’aimer » (1971) ; Michel Fugain « Une belle histoire » (1972) ; Michel Sardou « La maladie d’amour » (1973) + « Je vais t’aimer » (1976) ; Joe Dassin « Et si tu n’existais pas » (1976) Julien Clerc « Ma préférence à moi » (1978) ; Mireille Mathieu « Une femme amoureuse » (1980) ; Michel Berger « Quelques mots d’amour » (1980) ; Francis Cabrel « Je t’aimais, je t’aime, je t’aimerai » (1994) ; Calogero « Si seulement je pouvais lui manquer » (2004) ; Dany Brillant « Donne-moi » (2015) ; Emmanuel Moire « Et si on parlait d’amour ? » (2018) je 13/9 « Le métèque » (Georges MOUSTAKI, 1969) Souvenirs, souvenirs..
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