United States Department of Agriculture New Pest Response Marketing and Regulatory Guidelines Programs Animal and Plant Health Giant African Snails: Inspection Service Snail Pests in the Family Cooperating State Departments of Achatinidae Agriculture April 23, 2007 New Pest Response Guidelines Giant African Snails: Snail Pests in the Family Achatinidae April 23, 2007 New Pest Response Guidelines. Giant African Snails: Snail Pests in the Family Achatinidae was prepared by the Mollusk Action Plan Working Group and edited by Patricia S. Michalak, USDA–APHIS–PPQ–Manuals Unit. Cite this report as follows: USDA–APHIS. 2005. New Pest Response Guidelines. Giant African Snails: Snail Pests in the Family Achatinidae. USDA–APHIS–PPQ–Emergency and Domestic Programs–Emergency Planning, Riverdale, Maryland. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ import_export/plants/manuals/index.shtml This report was originally published by PPQ–Pest Detection and Management Programs (PDMP) on March 21, 2005. It was updated by PPQ–Emergency and Domestic Programs–Emergency Planning on April 23, 2007. Richard Dunkle, Deputy Administrator March 21, 2005 USDA–APHIS–PPQ Emergency and Domestic Programs Emergency Planning Joel Floyd, Team Leader 4700 River Road Unit 137 Riverdale, Maryland 20737 Telephone: 310/734-4396
[email protected] Program Safety Consumption of snails and slugs, or of vegetables and fruits contaminated by snails and slugs, may lead to infection by pathogens that are easily transmitted by these pests. Wear rubber or latex gloves when handling mollusks, associated soil, excrement or other materials that may have come Important in contact with the snails. Immediately after removing protective gloves, thoroughly wash hands with hot soapy water and rinse well.