Schools Are Open Again Please Drive Carefully

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Schools Are Open Again Please Drive Carefully Schools Are Open Again Please Drive Carefully A Piaonau COVERING TOWNSHIPS w Of Local HOLMDEL. HADIWN People Aad •H1UNO. WT4VM Ennis Im tm a l MAI AVAN ■OtOUMI Member fTKi Y IA R - Iim WEEK MATAWAN, N. J.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1965 National Editorial AaeoclaUo* Singl* Copy Ton Contf Matawan Schools New School Building In Matawan Madison To Check ’TIPS'? 5427 Enrollment Work On Apartments Long repeated charges by Ed­ outlets from the apartments. He al* ward DelRosso, Amboy Rd., leged that there was suspicioa . -- » aA>al TowmMp G O P Mooting Cheesequake plumbing contractor, about the matter as some of tha •4 W j ■ that too much favor was being work about which he was speaking Tha aeit regular meeting of the shown builders of garden apart­ had been inspected by a contractor Matawan Townihip Republican ments in Madison Township in who alto held a post as an assist* what was required of them ap­ ant plumbing inspector. Club will be held Tuesday evening peared to be making some head­ Mr. DelRosso shifted his' fir* 1 S „ at Mw Oak ShadM Fir* Hou*e, way Tuesday when Paul H. Her* Tuesday to the carpentry work' oa a m « y o lo w er Main St. Local candidates mann, the municipal manager, the apartments, lie saw it was a wlU apeak on the, objectives aad agreed at the council meeting to "hurry up” job with little concera : »y achaak Mr* PMUr Uatad check out allegations being made. for correct detail so that the town* pragm a of the political campaign. Mr. DelRosso opened his attacks ship might someday take on th t .. Mgbe*atfM »tM e war again* Ptaaa ware a lu announced for the In June when he alleged that appearance of a "shanty town;” Ta JS B m tm md m » hi i m ; caatpalia dianw dance to be held clean-out plugs were being omitted support his allegations, Mr. Del* at th* Magnolia Inn. Saturday, from soil lines going in on sewer Rosso cited that carpenters wcra U M * a l « t IM I laat yaar and being employed on a piece work toUM- atnOMMr* School at Sept. B starting at I p.m. S tUUyauMafcwt U U taut year basis, being given II for every bun­ dle of shingles they put down on a aad m m MWTcilffwood School • - - - - .-.-.f, ___■ Crash Kills roof. The critic asserted it was on­ I I I d * TMT HtUMt *13 Mi 1M4 . aad M l ia UN. ly natural that the carpenter* C ooper To siiould rush to get down as many . It waa aotad that tfca tenitlaattoa H a rb o r M an bundles of shingles as possible a l huUdtag ia Strathmore had come Auto Struck with little concern as to how tha about la thepast yaar, but the M ake V is it work was completed. Mr. Deft ’••ta r percentage af ■ gain w u W il Dodicoto Naw Croolt Bridgo Rosso also charged that tha that achool with » H I Jump la apartment construction had littla • paat U (uauths. M o n o* Uw Qffwood School A Laurence Harbor man died to show in the way of fire walls.1 aia ia NMacM In Mm Matawan Monday night after his car flipped Deleads Caaatractlaa : Schoolfliura* af iu y 1)1 over and exploded when jt hit an Councilman Victor Canceller*, Ite Ugh achaal, wllli the L. Oordon Cooper. NASA's space flight distance and endurance rec­ abutment on the Murgan railroad in the lumber business, defended i of pupil* hadapro- the construction. He declared ;il (ataller lacreaaa of ord holder, will be the guest of la piagrawlua an Mw aaw Kksdergartan thnigh Stalk Grad* I authorised tha Malawaa Regiaaal Schael District bridge on Route 35 in Sayreville. honor at tlw dedication of Madi­ >d*r raaatiarWan aft Ravhte Dr., Matawaa. The new achaal meet expanding enraUnmL Lester Coy Raymond, II, of 179 was a regular thing for a good car­ II. A rtaWartala <f affair* ia ion Township's M,MO,0*0 achool ba part af aa aipaai lva achaal taartrurtl i a pragraatj Laurence Parkway, Laurence Har­ penter to be able to put down 41 S^CHffwaod I* afcawa by a pickup building program, Oct. 1. William bor, was prunounced dead on ar­ bundles of shingles in a day and ■ Mif i oaly awa pupil* ia a yaar. RiC*, Pneident at the Madison rival at Perth Amboy General Hos­ the carpenters on the gardea Commenting ea tha flrtt day fig- Township . Board of Education, pital at 9:22 p.m. apartments worked at about that »u*,M r. FaeUr abatrvad Out Tf *aid that other visiting, dignitaries Accident Cases (continued on page four) (continued on page four) war* oo amfhad. atttttam attending the ceremonies will in­ Matawan School District Ja-aay achool beyond thaaa ,flg- clude Gov. Richard J. Hughes and a m , ttMw pupil ptecaoeat ptaa a*t Congressman Edward J. Patten. Before Elgart .up Jar' hou^thestudentpop- The township is the first com- Throat To Kill Matawan School Personnel atatioa thla y«ar would suffice. muaity ia the nation to honor all In Throes Of Building : ■)!( |ba auaaftutandcnt admitted the astronauts who participated in Chargo Quashed .that aoow cl»**e* were up at tha America’s Initial manned space Pupils returning to classes in the ties available to them on a full* vine Dr. in the borough. Work on Schools in the Matawan Regional rcnce L. Tomas, acting principal J*,maHtaod tW* could be upeet- School District re-opened yester­ of Strathmore School, John Sweeri* flight program, Project Mercury. Four accident cases were heard Matawan Regional School District time basis. However, grades seven the building is underway. tM i. particularly In tha Matawan day and Luther A. Foster, superin­ ey, assistant principal and Evelyn The names of these space pioneers by Magistrate Lloyd D. Elgart, will find the district, comprised of and eight will be obliged to face However, at a recent imeting of Bianunitary School whara n o n tendent, has announced the person­ Carter, secretary. In the Cliffwood for whom three newly constructed Matawan Township Tuesday. In a both Matawan Borough and Mata­ double sessions until new schools t h e QuarU, Superintendent of daa* do aot allow for evea "cra»- nel for 1965-66. In addition to Mr. School, Marlin J. Dempsey is priti* schools and a trio nf existing faclii- three • car crash July 20, at Route wan Township, in the throes of a are constructed. School* Luther A, Poster noted that ariag” aay aora pupil* ia certain Foster, the administrative and cipai, Mark C, Bendon, acting as* tie* will ba deaignated were (elect­ IS and Cliffwood Ave. aiter which 10-year massive school building Purchase Butlding Site* the school may be filled to cupacity , mdaa. Mr. Poeter.-tmphastead ed over state and township histori­ program. secretarial staff of the school sys­ sistant principal and Patricia three persons were taken to River­ Approval of the bond issue in by taking only pupils in the neigh­ \|dwn la no daatra to have dasse* cal figures as Individuals with tem includes Anthony J. Nuccio, Flynn, secretary. view Hospital by Matawan Town­ Voters in both communities com­ IBM, enabled the board to purchase borhood from grades kindergarten ^ O p erating ooa"erammed-ln" ba* whom the children attending these assistant superintendent; Mrs. Ce­ High School faculty member! ship First Aid men, David A. Den- prising the regional district, which four school building sites, construct through four or five. Occupancy of I*. schools can readll; relate. leste E. Wenzel, secretary; John V. are: der, Box 85, Cliffwood, was found includes kindergarten through 12th two elementary schools and reno­ new housing and increasing enroll­ H» aaid ha will obaerva the trend A busy day Is planned for Maj. Caracciolo, principal, Matawan Re­ Carlo Aiongi. Loretta Anderson, Tuesday to be the driver at fault grades, authorized the Board of vate the fortner Matawan High ment were given for the altered af earoUmeot over tha. neat ten Cooper, Oct. 2. Along with other gional High School; William C. Gloria Aniiselt, Rita Batkin, Mich* and was fined S10 and 15 costs. Education In June 1964, to proceed School. Broad St., now used as a grade range of the school. days, than have a report the visiting dignitaries and township with a proposed II ,825,000 building Reiner and Thomas M. Stachura, ael Belgio, Antoinette Bell, Albert Mr. Dender was reported by Pa­ Grammar School In the regional The new school, originally sched­ board o( educatioa Sept. J* oo any officials, he will uke part In * program. assistant principals; Gunther K. Benaquista, Richard Bennelt, EliZ­ to trolman Thomas WLllace, town­ district. uled for completion in September, abeth Henson, Florence Bodiiak, adjustment* to ba racommended. 10: )U a.m. corneraton* laying cere­ Most of the pupils entering school will not be completed until after Heyse, director of guidance; Helen mony nt th* Cooper School, Cliif­ ahip police, as coming out of Cliff­ The board purchased a 40-acre Leon Britton, Belle Burke, Joseph yesterday found scholastic facili- the Christmas holidays, Mr. Fos­ MacMillan and Margaret Robert­ wood.Beach, and tour its facili- wood Ava. and colliding with the tract on Lloyd Rd. in Matawan Carnot, Richard Carter, Clara Car* . MaUwon Bin Drtvor ; ter reported. son, guidance counselors; Mildred tfes; narrate a film of hi* recent auto of Joseph H. Corrado, 18 Ne­ Township as the site for the con­ Bennett and Margaret Carathers, ver, Judith Copeland, Donald Cot* Classes To Move •' Involvod lii Cr«H- *s;- - - ^ Protect.Gemini fllght at a l l o'­ vada Dr.,.Hailet, in the northbound struction of a 34-classroom, kinder- principal's office and Grace Mac greave, Anthony Crego.
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