Angry Women Prompt Threat to Kill Developers' Bond
For All Departments CaU RED ANK REGISTER RE 6-0013 luued Weekly, tntercd aa Second Class Matter at the Foit VOLUME LXXIX, NO. 5 Office at Red Bank'. N. J.. under the Act of March 8, 1S79. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Army Tries to Allay Nike Fears, A Welcome for the Young Visitors Angry Women Prompt Threat Taylor Demands Safety Measures HOLMDEL —Residents of this were. called to the base and sev- township aro being invited by the eral fire companies were alerted. Army to visit the Nike basi» at. Capt. Francis G. Quigloy, pub- To Kill Developers' Bond Crawford's Corner Saturday from lic information officer at Fort 9 a. m. to noon' to show what Wadsworth, Statcn Island, said factors make the installation safe. the troopers were called as a rou- MIDDLETOWN-The township tine precautionary measure. He committee yesterday cracked fch« The invite follows complaints whip over the heads of the d«- made this week by Laurence Tay- said an elevator failed to oper- Council Juggles Measure ate after It carried a missile to velopers of Monterey Manor de- lor, chairman of the Holmdel velopment, giving them just two Community association, about an the surface, but it was back in service within an hour. weeks to correct poor dralnag* Incident at the base July 13 For New Walks and Curbs and road conditions there or for- caused by a faulty missile eleva- CallH It Snafu feit their bond. tor. Capt, Quigley yesterday said This firm stand—strongest tali- Mr, Taylor yesterday said town- explosives at the base are stored SEA BRIGHT—The mayor and that If, at a public hearing Aug.
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