Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd had made an application for Granite building stone quarrying located in Sy. No. 1148 , Kelakam Village, Taluk, District, State . Over an extent of 0.9257 Ha. (2.2874 Acres). Letter of intent for said granite quarry (M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd) is issued vide Letter No DOC/M-3446/2017 Dated: 19.1.2018 of Department of Mining & Geology, Kannur. A copy of the Letter is enclosed as Annexure –5 (Mining Plan). The location Plan enclosed vide Plate No – 1 (Mining Plan). The Topographical Contours map Showing Reading of boundary pillars is enclosed vide Plate No –2 (Mining Plan). Quarrying / Mining Plan is approved by The Geologist, Dept. of Mining & Geology, Kannur. Vide Letter No. DOC/M-378/2018 Dated 05.02.2018. A copy of approved letter is enclosed as Annexure-A. DETAILS OF THE SITE Topographical Contours map Showing 1 Details of area (with location map) : Reading of boundary pillars is enclosed vide Plate No –2 (Mining Plan). 2 District and State : Kannur, Kerala

3 Taluk / Mandal : Iritty 4 Village : Kelakam Khasara No. / Plot No. / Block / 5 : Sy.No. 1148 Licence No etc 6 Mining Permit Area (Hectares) : 0.9257 Ha. (2.2874 Acres) Whether the area is recorded to be in 7 forest (please specify whether : No protected, reserved etc.,) 8 Ownership / Occupancy : Private Individual Existence of public road/railway line,

9 if any, nearby and approximate : Talassery -19.00 Kms (Aerial distance) distance Nearest Port / Airport 10 (between) Latitude N1 1054 ’28.863 ” to N1 1054’24.983 ” : Longitude E75 050’15.099” to E75 050’12.003”


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report Accessibility : This granite building stone quarry is located at 3.5 Kms from Kelakam in , Iritty is located at about 35 Kms SWof Kannur town. The quarry can be reached via Irattathode - Adakkathode Road .

The Infrastructure Plan vide Plate No. 8.

Topography : The Permit is located on the slope of the hillock gently dipping towards SW. The highest elevation in this area is 380.0m MSL and the lowest elevation is 290.0m MSL . Brief Description of the Project: Geology: Regional Geology: The district can be broadly divided into seven geological belts trending NW-SE viz., (i) northern belt of Charnockite group extending further north and east to the adjacent districts, (ii) north central belt of Wayanad schist complex, (iii) Central belt of eninsular Gneissic Complex extending to the southeast, (iv) south central belt of Group, equivalent to Dharwars, (v) southernmost belt of Migmatite Complex which extends further south to the adjacent district, (vi) Sedimentary (Warkalli Beds) in the western part near the coast and (vii) Quaternary sediments along the coast. The lithology of is grouped under Precambrian, late Tertiary and Quaternary periods and the Precambrian rocks dominate over the other two. Charnockite Group, includes pyroxene granulite, charnockite (hypersthene granulite) and hornblende-diopside granulite. While hornblende granite and charnockite occupy large areas, pyroxene granulite occurs as linear bodies in the southeast. Hornblendebiotite gneiss constitutes the litho unit of Migmatite Complex. It has a large areal extent along the coast, south of Kannur. Towards east and southeast, discrete metasedimentary and ultramafic sequences which have been designaed as Wayanad Schist Complex and are considered equivalent of Sargur Group of . They occur as isolated bands within charnockite and gneiss. Their contacts are generally discordant due to later folding, metamorphism and migmatisation. The group comprises quartzite, magnetite quartzite, garnet-kyanite-sillimanite gneiss, quart-mica-kyanite schist, quartz-sericite schist, amphibolite, kyanite-sillimanite-sericite quartzite, metaultramafites. Garnetkyanite- sillimanite gneiss/schist is widespread in the east, whereas the other members of Wayanad Complex occur as linear bands, lensoidal bodies and vestiges to the West Peninsular Gneisic Complex, represented by hornblende-biotite gneiss comprise of a complex suite of gneisses


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report and granites, representing the anatectic phase of migmatisation of schist complex. East of Kannur extending upto Tellichery in the south, a large body of quartz-mica schist is separated from the other schistose rocks by a conglomerate horizon extending over 8km. This lithounit known as Vengad Formation, characterised by lack of migmatisation, presence of primary structres and absence of high grade minerals, is correlatable with rocks of Dharwar Super Group. Large bodies of anortjosite, gabbro, granite and granophyre from the post Vengad basic and acid intrusives. Dolerite dykes trending NW-SE represent the younger basic intrusives. Late Tertiary sedimentary rocks (Warkalli beds) occur as isolated patches along the coast near Kannur, and east of Payyannur. They comprise variegated clays and friable sandstone. At Kannur and Pazhayangadi, carbonaceous clay with thin seams of lignite is reported towards bottom of the sedimentary sequence. The Tertiaries as well as the basement rocks are extensively lateritised. The pebble bed, reported near Valapatnam along the bank of Valapatanam river, is considered to be of Quaternary age. Quaternary alluvial deposit occur along the coast and in the valleys.

Local Geology : The building stone granite are very well exposed in the old working pit, whereas part of area with lower elevation is covered by top soil of about 0 to 1.5m thickness.

A Geological Plan showing the granite and soil cover are shown in surface geological plan & sections prepared on 1:1000 scale and enclosed vide Plate No 4 (Mining Plan).

Table 01: Local Geology Soil Cover 0 to 1. 5m Granite 90 m (min. estimate)

Table No: 1.1: The Geological Resources

Section Area Influence Volume Tonnage (T) No (m2) (m) (m3) BD 2.5T/m3 UNFC

A-A' 5,400 44 2,37,600 5,94,000 332

B-B' 4,299 38 1,63,362 4,08,405 332 Total 4,00,962 10,02,405 332


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report Table No 1.2: Granite Building Stone Mineable Reserves

Area Influence Volume Tonnage (T) Section No LEVELS (m2) (m) (m3) BD 2.5T/m3 UNFC 345 11 36.5 402 1,004 122 340 57 36.5 2,081 5,201 122 335 82 36.5 2,993 7,483 122 330 109 36.5 3,979 9,946 122 325 145 36.5 5,293 13,231 122 320 150 36.5 5,475 13,688 122 315 156 36.5 5,694 14,235 122 A-A' 310 153 36.5 5,585 13,961 122 305 176 36.5 6,424 16,060 122 300 180 36.5 6,570 16,425 122 295 187 36.5 6,826 17,064 122 290 222 36.5 8,103 20,258 122 285 210 36.5 7,665 19,163 122 280 160 36.5 5,840 14,600 122 275 110 36.5 4,015 10,038 122 TOTAL 76,942 1,92,355 122 360 17 30.5 519 1,296 122 355 15 30.5 458 1,144 122 350 36 30.5 1,098 2,745 122 345 82 30.5 2,501 6,253 122 340 90 30.5 2,745 6,863 122 335 96 30.5 2,928 7,320 122 330 104 30.5 3,172 7,930 122 B-B' 325 104 30.5 3,172 7,930 122 320 108 30.5 3,294 8,235 122 315 117 30.5 3,569 8,921 122 310 133 30.5 4,057 10,141 122 305 120 30.5 3,660 9,150 122 300 142 30.5 4,331 10,828 122 295 173 30.5 5,277 13,191 122 290 124 30.5 3,782 9,455 122 Total 40,779 1,01,946 122 Total Reserves 1,17,721 2,94,301 122


The Mining is proposed to be operated by developing benches of 5m height and 5m ultimate width by Opencast Semi-Mechanized Mining Method. The mechanized operation of mining includes excavators, tippers, rock breakers, Jack hammer drilling and blasting. The maximum production proposed is 58,234 tonnes per annum of Granite Building Stone.


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report This Pre Feasibility Report is submitted for obtaining Environment Clearance as required under EIA notification-2006/15th January 2016 and for a max production capacity of 62,114 tonnes per annum, over an extent of 0.9257 Ha. (2.2874 Acres) located at Sy.No. 1148 Kelakam Village, Iritty Taluk, Kannur District, Kerala State. in favor of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd

Table No. 1.3 Year-wise calculations of granite building stone production

Area Influence Volume Tonnage (T) Year Section No LEVELS (m2) (m) (m3) BD 2.5T/m3 345 11 36.5 402 1,004 A-A' 340 57 36.5 2,081 5,201 335 82 36.5 2,993 7,483 330 109 36.5 3,979 9,946 360 17 30.5 519 1,296 I-Year 355 15 30.5 458 1,144 350 36 30.5 1,098 2,745 B-B' 345 82 30.5 2,501 6,253 340 90 30.5 2,745 6,863 335 96 30.5 2,928 7,320 330 104 30.5 3,172 7,930 Total 22,874 57,184 325 145 36.5 5,293 13,231 A-A' 320 150 36.5 5,475 13,688 315 156 36.5 5,694 14,235 325 104 30.5 3,172 7,930 B-B' II-Year 320 108 30.5 3,294 8,235 Total 22,928 57,319 310 153 36.5 5,585 13,961 A-A' 305 176 36.5 6,424 16,060 315 117 30.5 3,569 8,921 B-B' 310 133 30.5 4,057 10,141 III-Year 305 120 30.5 3,660 9,150 Total 23,294 58,234

A-A' 300 180 36.5 6,570 16,425 295 187 36.5 6,826 17,064

B-B' 300 142 30.5 4,331 10,828 IV-Year 295 173 30.5 5,277 13,191 Total 23,003 57,508 290 222 36.5 8,103 20,258 A-A' 285 210 36.5 7,665 19,163 280 91 36.5 3,322 8,304 V-Year B-B' 290 124 30.5 3,782 9,455 Total 22,872 57,179 Total Production 1,14,969 2,87,423


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report Table No. 1.4 Year-wise generation of top soil / waste Section Area Influence Volume Tonnage (T) Year No (m2) (m) (m3) BD 1.6T/m3 B-B' 24 30.5 732 1,171 I-Year A-A' 33 36.5 1,205 1,927 Total 1,937 3,098 B-B' 12 30.5 351 561 II-Year A-A' 8 36.5 292 467 Total 643 1,028 B-B' 6 30.5 183 293 III-Year A-A' 11 36.5 402 642 Total 585 935 B-B' 10 30.5 290 464 IV-Year A-A' 9 36.5 310 496 Total 600 960 V-Year A-A' 6 36.5 219 350 Total 219 350 Total Waste For Five Years 3,398 6372

The Production & Development Plan is enclosed vide Plate No. 4A to 4C (Mining Plan). 2. INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT/ BACKGROUND INFORMATION: I. Identification of project and project proponent. In case of Mining project, a copy of mining lease/ letter of intent should be given. Building Stone Quarry is located at Sy No 1148 in Kelakam Village, Taluk, Kannur District, Kerala State. over an extent of 0.9257 Ha. (2.2874 Acres). Letter of Intent (LOI) for said Granite Building Stone quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd is issued vide Letter No . DOC/M- 3446/2017 Dated: 19.1.2017 of Department of Mining & Geology, Kannur. A copy of the Letter is enclosed as Annexure –5 (Mining Plan). The location Plan is enclosed vide Plate No – 1 (Mining Plan).

The Topographical Contours map Showing Reading of boundary pillars is enclosed vide Plate No – 2 (Mining Plan). Name & address of lessee : Sri. M.M. Thomas & M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Registered Office 400,Madaathinamatthil 9 Chittariparamba Grama Panchayat Kannur district, Kerala-670673 No. : +91 9447889626


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report II. Brief description of nature of the project The ‘Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd, over an extent of 0.9257 Ha. (2.2874 Acres) is a granite building stone mining project. The granite building stone is the basic rock in this area to be excavated by quarrying. This Granite Building Stone quarry is proposed to be operated by Opencast Semi-Mechanized Quarrying Method. The mechanized operation of quarry shall use excavators, tippers, rock breakers, Jack hammer drilling and blasting. The excavated material shall be crushed in the crushers located outside the quarry permit area. The maximum production capacity proposed in this area is 58,234 tonnes per annum building stone of size 150mm to 250mm. The quarrying operation shall provide 27 direct & equal number of indirect employment to local people. III. Need for the project and its importance to the country and or region. The basic objective of the project is to have effective utilization of granite stone as a building material in this region and state. The spur in infrastructure development and construction industry has enhanced the demand of granite building stone in past few years. Mainly infrastructure projects – like roads, highways, railways, bridges, buildings, township, Port Development, etc., have raised the demand of building material. Building stone quarry not only provides the building material but also employment and economic growth of the region that ultimately enhance the socio-economic status of the people of the region and the state. The mining activities shall provide socio-economic benefits to the local population with direct & indirect employment opportunities. The project also contributes to the regional and financial benefits in the form of Royalty, Cess, Taxes, DMF etc. IV. Demand-Supply Gap . Granite Building stone is an important component of the construction activities for infrastructure development. The demand for granite building stone is increasing along with the increase in infrastructure and construction activities in Kerala. This quarry can produce max 58,234 tonnes of building stone annually and the demand of building stone by various industries can be partly fulfilled by this project. During last few years there is a sudden increase in the Real estate & Port development activities which has further enhanced the demand for building stone, hence, there is heavy requirement of granite building stone to meet the demand supply chain. ..7

Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report V. Imports Vs Indigenous production The requirements of granite building stone in infrastructure industry is huge where as the prices of granite are relatively low. The import or export of the same is not feasible due to heavy transportation cost. The granite building stone of size 150mm to 250mm shall be transported / sold to the crusher outside the quarry Permit, where it shall be sized and sold to the local market for infrastructure development. VI. Export possibility. The price of the granite is very low and the transportation cost is very high. Hence there are no export possibilities of the same. VII. Domestic/Export markets. The granite building stone of size 150mm to 250mm shall be transported / sold to the crusher outside the quarry permit, where it shall be sized and sold to the local market for infrastructure development, real estate builders, contractors, etc. and to the nearby vendors for government infrastructure projects. It is not viable to export this material. However, there is huge demand for the granite building stone in the domestic market. VIII. Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the project. As per the requirement of Mines Act, Mines manager, Mines Foreman, Mine mates, Blaster, shall be appointed to supervise the quarrying operations. The list of the staff and workmen those shall be employed in the quarry is given below.

Sl. No Particulars No’s 1 Highly Skilled 1 2 Skilled 6 3 Semi -skilled 10 4 Un-skilled 10 Total 27

3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (i) Type of project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any. The building stone shall be produced by drilling and blasting, the blasted material shall be loaded using excavators and transported to the crushing and screen plant located outside the permit area for reducing it to the sizes acceptable to the market. (ii) Location (map showing general location, specific location, and project boundary & project site layout) with Co-ordinates.


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report The ‘Granite building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd ' over an area Extent of 0.9257 Ha. (2.2874 Acres) . is located in Survey No 1148, Kelakam Village, Iritty Taluk, Kannur District, Kerala State, Kerala State.

The corner points in latitude & longitude of the area is given below.

B. P. No. Latitude Longitude 1 N-11°54'28.711" E-75°50'12.291" 2 N-11°54'28.863" E-75°50'15.099" 3 N-11°54'25.121" E-75°50'14.603" 4 N-11°54'24.983" E-75°50'12.337" 5 N-11°54'25.808" E-75°50'12.003"

Surface cum Geological Plan & Sections Showing the project boundary & project site layout with Co-ordinates is enclosed as Plate No-3 (Mining Plan) . (iii) Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site, particularly the environmental considerations gone into should be highlighted. This is site specific project. Quarrying activities are carried out based on local geology and availability of the granite building stone at the specific site.

(iv) Size or magnitude of operation. Small scale operation within an area of 0.9257 Ha. (2.2874 Acres) , Maximum Production planned 58,234 Tonnes per Annum (TPA) of granite building stone with maximum output size of 150mm to 250mm. (v) Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/ flow chart showing the project layout, components of the project etc. should be given). The quarrying of granite building stone is proposed by opencast semi-mechanized quarrying method and the sequence of quarrying shall be as given under, • The top soil shall be removed and used in afforestation / Green belt / Safety barrier all along the periphery of the quarry permit area. • After exposing the granites, drilling of small diameter holes of 33/48mm, shall be done by jack hammer. • The blasting shall be carried out by conventional blasting material with proper burden & spacing. • The Rock breakers shall be used to break the oversize boulders left after blasting. • No secondary blasting like plaster shooting, pop blasting shall be undertaken at any time in the quarry.


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report • The blasted material and the broken material by rock breakers shall be loaded to the tippers by excavator and transported to the crushing and screening plant located outside the quarry permit area.

Removal of Top Soil / Overburden

Drilling and Blasting

Excavation, loading and Transportation of 150mm to 250mm size boulders

Haulage/ Dispatch to Crusher outside the permit area

Summary of the production and development is given in the table below

Production Top Soil Total Handling Year Ratio (T) (T) (T) I-Year 57,184 3,098 60,282 1:0.05 II -Year 57,319 1,028 58,347 1:0.02 III -Year 58,234 935 59,169 1:0.01 IV -Year 57,508 960 58,648 1:0.02 V-Year 57,179 350 57,529 1:0.00 Total 2,87,423 6,372 2,93,795 1:0.02

At conceptual stage there shall be single pit in this area with 18 benches of 5m height and 5m width. The pit at conceptual stage shall have 99.6m in length & 67.7m width and it shall be developed upto 275 MSL level. The overall pit slope shall be maintained at less than 45 0.

The entire pit at the conceptual stage shall be converted into rain water pond. The pit shall be properly fenced with single opening for drawing the water. The pit shall also be developed for pisciculture with good local bio-diversified vegetation.

Totally 6,372 Tonnes top soil shall be recovered and 2,87,423 Tonnes granite building stone shall be generated in the first five years of the plan period. The top soil shall be stacked at the safety barrier area and shall be used for Afforestation/Green belt development.

The Geological resources of granite building stone in this area are 10,02,405 Tonnes and mineral reserves are 2,94,301Tonnes. In the Five years of plan period totally 2,87,423 Tonnes


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report granite building stone/ aggregate shall be quarried. It is envisaged to convert this proposed mining permit into a Mining Lease area after purchase of additional land adjacent to the proposed Mining Permit area. The balance mineral reserves will be mined only after this Mining permit area is converted to Mining lease area . Thus the life of the mine is about 7 years.

(vi) Raw material required along with estimated quantity, likely source, marketing area of final products, mode of transports of raw Material and finished product. No raw materials are required for producing granite building stone, the final products shall be transported by 10 tonnes tippers to the crushing & screening plant located outside the permit area.

(vii) Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any, should be briefly outlined. There shall not be any waste generation in the quarry process as all the byproducts can be utilized in the infrastructure market.

(viii) Availability of water its source, Energy/ power requirement and source should be given. Around 21 KLD of water is required for dust suppression, afforestation and domestic use, which shall be drawn from nearby old quarries / wells. Requirement of water

Qty Required Purpose m3/day Drinking water & Domestic 4 Afforestation 6 Dust suppression 11 Total 21* * The water for Plantation and dust suppression will not be required for 4-5 months in a year during monsoon and wet/ rainy days. All Excavators, Tippers, Compressors and all other equipments are self primed by diesel engines. No external power is require for the project.

(ix) Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their Management/ disposal. There shall not be any waste generation (liquid & Solid) during the course of production of the Granite building stones. Only the top soil shall be utilized for the development of the green belt in the 7.5 meters safety zone. ..11

Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report (x) Schematic representations of the feasibility drawing which give information of the project Quarrying Operations Top soil utilized for the development of Granite Quarry the Green belt

Drilling & Blasting

Granite Transportation to Crusher Excavation

Crushing & Screening Plant is located outside the mining permit area

• The Crushing & Screening Plant is proposed to be located outside the permit Area.

4. SITE ANALYSIS: (i) Connectivity. This This granite building stone quarry is located at 3.5 Kms from Kelakam in Iritty Taluk, Iritty is located at about 35 Kms SW of Kannur town. The quarry can be reached via Irattathode - Adakkathode Road . . The Infrastructure Plan is enclose vide Plate No.8.

(ii) Land Form, Land use and Land ownership. The Possession certificate of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd is enclosed as Annexure- 1 (Mining plan). Present land use, land use at the end of progressive stage and the ultimate land use pattern. Land use Land use Land use pattern pattern at pattern at Particulars (end of progressive present stage Conceptual stage) (Ha) (Ha) stage (Ha) Area for mining / mining activities 0.0442 0.6586 0.6586 Area for Roads - - - Area for Safety Barrier / Green belt 0.0000 0.2671 0.2671 Total 0.0442 0.9257 0.9257 Unused area 0.8815 - - Total Mining Permit Area 0.9257 0.9257 0.9257


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report (iii) Topography (along with map). The permit area is located on the slope of the hillock gently dipping towards SW. The highest elevation in this area is 380.0 m MSL and the lowest elevation is 290.0 m MSL. The Surface cum Geological Plan & Sections of the Quarry Permit is enclosed vide Plate No.3 (Mining Plan). (iv) Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non-agriculture, forest, water bodies (including area under CRZ)), shortest distances from the periphery of the project to periphery of the forests, national park, wild life sanctuary, eco sensitive area, water bodies (distance from the HFL of the river). CRZ. In case of notified industrial area, a copy the Gazette notification should be given. M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd area is located on the slope of the hillock gently dipping towards NW. The core zone area is privately owned land. It is not a forest land and there is no human habitation. Most of the area covered with rock formations over which thin vegetation exists. The core zone is partly disturbed due to quarrying. There is no forest land, no area under CRZ, No water bodies, and no Sanctuary in the core zone. (v) Existing Infrastructure. Hospital : Adakkathode- Govt Hospital: 1.71Kms School: Govt UP school, Chungakkunnu 3Kms. Church : Fathima Matha Church, Chungakkunnu 3.00 Kms. Temple : Akkara , 5.5 Kms. Mosque/Masjid : Adakkathode Juma Masjid 6.0Kms. Anganwadi: Meeshakavala 1.0 Km Soil Classification: There is a soil cover of 0 to 1.5m thickness on the granite in the quarry permit area. The soil is Lateritic soil, reddish in color and clay with loamy nature . (vi) Climatic data from Secondary Sources: 36.9 0C - Maximum temperature (April to May during Maximum & Minimum Temperature summer) 19.7 0C – Minimum temperature during December & January. Up to 77 to 88 per cent - This place experiences high relative Relative Humidity humidity. Annual Average 3438mm, South West monsoon during June to Sept. contributes 70%. The rainfall increases from the Rainfall coast to the eastern hilly regions. Kannur district falls under wet type of climate. Wind speed ranges from 2.1 to 3.3 km per hour with mean speed of 2.6 Kms/hr. The wind speed is high during the Wind Velocity & Direction period from March to June and low during the period from September to December.


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report (vii) Social Infrastructure available: Hospital : Adakkathode- Govt Hospital: 1.71Kms School : Govt UP school, Chungakkunnu 3Kms. Church : Fathima Matha Church, Chungakkunnu 3.00 Kms. Temple : Akkara Kottiyoor Temple , 5.5 Kms. Mosque/Masjid : Adakkathode Juma Masjid 6.0Kms. Anganwadi : Meeshakavala 1.0 Km National Highway : Edapally-Panvel Highway, 48Km. State high way : Malabar , 2.0 Kms. Major District Road : Thalassery- Koottupuzha Rd, 28 Kms (W)

5. PLANNING BRIEF: i. Planning concept (type of industries, facilities, transportation etc) Town and Country planning/ Development authority Classification: This is a granite Building stone mining project. It is proposed to produce maximum 58,234 tonnes building stones per annum. The mined material will be transported by trucks to the crushing & screening plant located outside the quarry permit area by tippers of 10 tonnes capacity. Effective Environment Management will be carried out to control the pollution of Air, Water, Noise and Ground vibration. The Mining Plan for the operations in the quarry permit area is approved by the District Geologist, Department of Mining and Geology, Government of Kerala, Kannur District, Kerala, vide Letter No. DOC/M-378/2018 Dated 05.02.2018

ii. Population Projection : There will not be any increase in population due to the project. The man power required shall be employed from the local areas. The drivers / truck operators also shall be engaged from local areas. Hence not much influx of population from outside is anticipated.


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report iii. Land use planning (breakup along with green belt etc): Land use Land use Land use pattern pattern at pattern at Particulars (end of progressive present stage Conceptual stage) (Ha) (Ha) stage (Ha) Area for mining / mining 0.0442 0.6586 0.6586 activities Area for Roads - - - Area for Safety Barrier / Green 0.0000 0.2671 0.2671 belt Total 0.0442 0.9257 0.9257 Unused area 0.8815 - - Total Mining Permit Area 0.9257 0.9257 0.9257 iv. Assessment of Infrastructure demand (physical & social): All the manpower for the project shall be employed from the local area. Thus, there shall not be influx of people into the region; therefore, no increase in the population is envisaged during the period of the operations. The operations are also small scale. Hence, infrastructure demand both in the form of physical and social infrastructure, in terms of physical infrastructure will not be very demanding. However, the project would raise the economic status of the people in the region thus the social infrastructure like education, health and hygiene, sports, etc. would be quite demanding. The company thus commits to support the local community in the field of Health & Hygiene, Basic education, Education of girl child, Sports, renewable energy etc. thereby strengthening the social infrastructure of the region. 6. PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE (i) Industrial Area (Processing Area): No Crushing or screening or processing is planned within the quarry permit area. The entire product from the mine will be transported to the Crushing & Screening plant located outside the permit area. Existing road shall be strengthened & made use for the transportation. As the mining equipment are all diesel powered there is no need for external power. The infrastructure facilities like Quarry office, site services, First Aid room, Rest shelter, and other statutory facilities, etc., shall be located in the close proximity of the quarry permit area.


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report The man power requirement shall be employed from local area, no additional infrastructure is required. (ii) Residential Area (Non Processing Area): No additional residential area is required as the manpower for this project shall be employed from the nearby villages. (iii) Green Belt: 0.2671 Ha area earmarked for safety barrier shall be developed as green belt by planting minimum but not limiting 3500 local species. Till conceptual stage totally 0.2671 Ha area shall be covered under green belt. Apart from this Afforestation shall be done on the haulage road by planting 100 saplings.

(iv) Social Infrastructure: The project shall generate 27 direct and Equal indirect employment to the local people. Hence, the activity will contribute to the improvement of income status of the local people. The quarry project will also improve infrastructure facilities, eventually leading to the overall development of the area, resulting in the improvement of standard of life of local population. The Project proponent undertakes to spend Rs 2.00 Lakhs per Annum, to take up CSR works in the surrounding villages in the sector of Healthcare, Sanitation, Education of Girl child, Sports, Environment, renewable energy, etc.

(v) Connectivity (Traffic and Transportation Road/ Rail/ Metro/ Water ways etc) This This granite building stone quarry is located at 3.5 Kms from Kelakam in Iritty Taluk, Iritty is located at about 35 Kms SWof Kannur town. The quarry can be reached via Irattathode - Adakkathode Road . . The Infrastructure Plan is enclose vide Plate No.8.

(vi) Drinking water Management (Source & Supply of Water): Drinking water shall be made available at all the times to the mine workers. This will be sourced by water tankers from the bore well outside the quarry permit area, A water purifier shall be installed to provide safe drinking water.

(vii) Sewerage system: Not applicable, as no human settlement is proposed in the permit area.


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report (viii) Industrial Waste Management: No industrial waste is going to generate at this quarry. (ix) Solid waste Management: It is expected to recover 6,372 tonnes top soil during quarrying this area. This top soil shall be used in afforestation / Green belt / Safety barrier all along the periphery of the quarry permit area. No other waste is envisaged from the operations. Power Requirement & Supply / Source: As all the machinery are self primed by diesel engines, no external power is required.

7. REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT (R*R) PLAN (i) Policy to be adopted (Central/ State) in respect of the project affected persons including home ousters, land ousters and land less laborers (a brief outline to be given): Not applicable since there is no rehabilitation and resettlement involved in this project.

8. PROJECT SCHEDULE & COST ESTIMATES i. Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion (Time schedule for the project to be given): The Quarry will be commenced immediately after getting the statutory approvals from Government authorities. Total cost of the project is about Rs 92.0 lakhs.

ii. Estimated project cost along with analysis in terms of Economic viability of the project. Considering the present domestic market conditions of the products, the appx. Cost of the project estimated is around Rs. 92.0 lakhs. The summary of the assets are given below. Mining machinery will be hired through contractors.


Granite Building Stone Quarry of M/s. Kottiyoor Metals Pvt Ltd Pre-feasibility Report Table No.F8.1: Capital Cost of the Project Capital investment Sl No. DESCRIPTION Cost in lakh Rs. 1 Water Tanker (1 No.) 10.00 2 Jeep ( 2 No.) 16 .0 0 Excavator, Rock breaker, Tipper 3 30.00 etc., (Mobilization Charges) 4 Strengthening of Roads 10.00 Temporary sheds, Rest shelters 5 2.00 etc., 6 Environmental Control Measures 2.00 7 D.G.Set 1.00 8 Mine Development 10 .0 0 9 Land Exp enses 4.00 10 Operational Exp 4.00 11 Miscellaneous 3.00 Total 92.00

Table No.F8.2: Operating Cost of the Project Sl.No. Details Cost 1 The estimated capital cost of the project Rs.92.0 Lakhs 2 Total pit head cost/Tonne of stone Rs.125.00 3 Royalty & Others related Cost per Tonne Rs.50.00 4 Net production cost per Tonne (Pit Head) Rs.175.00 5 Selling price per Tonne (Pit Head) Rs.250.00 6 Gross Profit/ton Rs.75.0 7 Gross Profit/annum for 57,485 tonnes Rs. 43.11 Lakhs Therefore the proposed project is financially viable. However, increase in prices of building stone in domestic market is further expected. 9. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSAL (FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS) This project will be one of the major economic activities resulting in provide livelihood and have positive impact on socio-economic life of people living in nearby villages thereby contributing to the overall up gradation of living standards. The project also generates revenues to the state and central governments, by way of royalties, taxes, Cess, DMF, etc, The mining operations shall be providing employment to approximately 27 persons directly and equal persons indirectly. • The company plans to provide good support to the local schools and provide scholarships for the High school Girl students.
