FORM 1 I. Basic Information

S.No Item Details 1 Name of the Project/s : Proposed Commercial Development ‘” by Saravana Selvarathnam Retail Private Limited. 2 S.No. in the Schedule : 8(a) of EIA Notification 3 Proposed Capacity/area/length/tonnage : Total Plot Area –20,695.06 Sq.m to be handled/command area/lease Built up area – 89,907.02 Sq.m area/number of wells to be drilled 4 New/Expansion/Modernization : New 5 Existing Capacity/Area etc., : - 6 Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ : Category “B” 7 Does it attract the general condition? If : No yes, please specify 8 Does it attract the Specific condition? If : No yes, please specify 9 Location : Plot/Survey/Khasra No. : 39/10-1B, 11, 42/1, 2, 43/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 46/2, 3, 6-3, 10-2, Old S. Nos. 263/1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 264/2, 3, 5A, 6, 270/1, 2, 278/1B & 12B Village : Jamin Tehsil : Pallavaram District : Kancheepuram State : 10 Nearest Railway Station/Airport along : Airport Mono Rail Station - 3 Km with distance in KMS 11 Nearest Town, City, District Headquarters : Within City Corporation Limits along with distance in KMS 12 Village Panchayats Zilla Parishad, : Greater Chennai Corporation, Municipal Corporation, Local body , Chennai – 600 003 (complete postal address with telephone) Ph: 044 – 2538 1330 13 Name of the Applicant : Saravana Selvarathnam Retail Private Limited 14 Registered Address : #14, Ranganathan Street, T.Nagar, Chennai – 600 017 15 Address for Correspondence: : Name : Mr. S.R. Saravana Arul Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) : Managing Director Address : #14, Ranganathan Street, T.Nagar, Chennai Pin Code : 600017 E-mail : [email protected] Telephone No. : 044 2434 7710 044 2431 5550

Fax No. :



16 Details of Alternative Sites examined, if : No alternative site examined any Location of these sites should be shown on a TOPO Sheet 17 Interlinked Projects : Nil 18 Whether separate application of : No interlinked project has been submitted? 19 If yes, date of submission : Not Applicable 20 If no, reason : Not Applicable 21 Whether the proposal involves : Nil. As the Site is not falling within the 10 Km approval/clearance under: if yes, details radius of any Notified Reserve Forest or of the same and their status to be given. located nearby the Coast / Estuaries to (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, attract CRZ Notification any sort of Clearance 1980? from the said Statutory Authorities is (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, warranted 1972? (c) The C.R.Z Notification, 1991? 22 Whether there is any Government : Nil Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site? 23 Forest land involved (hectares) : Nil 24 Whether there is any litigation pending : No against the project and/or land in which the project is propose to be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders/Directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project 25 Cost of the Project : 378.7805 Crores

(II) Activity

1. Construction, Operation or Decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.):

Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist Yes / S.No. quantities /rates, wherever possible) with confirmation No source of information data Permanent or temporary change The site is classified as Mixed Residential Use in land use, land cover or Zone as per CMA 2026 and the proposed topography including increase in development is a Commercial / Retail 1.1 No intensity of land use (with development and is in line with the Land Use respect to local land use plan) with prior permission from CMDA and the same is under process. The site is a barren land with few Shrubs and Clearance of existing land, bushes all around which will be cleared during 1.2 No vegetation and buildings? construction. There are few trees present, which shall be retained to the maximum extent possible



The land is classified as Mixed Residential Use Zone and with the proposed Commercial Activity, 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes the land use will be revised to Commercial Use Zone with prior permission from CMDA The Soil Investigation and other perquisite activities shall be carried out prior to Pre-construction investigations 1.4 Yes Construction as the same forms the basis of the e.g. bore houses, soil testing ? Structural Design and Rain Water Harvesting / Management Activities Proposed project intends to construct Commercial / Retail Development with Pile / 1.5 Construction works? Yes Column foundations, concrete shear wall and finishing work as per the Plan enclosed 1.6 Demolition works? No Not Envisaged Temporary Shed for about 50 Nos. of Workers will be made within the Site with all the basic Temporary sites used for amenities will be provided 1.7 Construction works or housing No of construction workers? Moreover, there is no bulk storage of goods and raw materials envisaged as Just In Time supply is planned Above ground buildings, structures or earthworks 1.8 Yes As per Building plan including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations The proposed building involves Double Underground works including 1.9 Yes Basement for which there shall be excavation for mining or tunneling? the Structural Works as per the Plan enclosed 1.10 Reclamation works? No Not Applicable 1.11 Dredging? No Not Applicable 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not Applicable Proposed project is a Retail Showroom / Production and manufacturing 1.13 No Commercial development and does not involve processes? production or manufacturing activities Temporary Storage of Construction Materials Facilities for storage of goods or 1.14 Yes shall be made available at site as Just in Time materials? Supply of materials is envisaged During Construction Phase, Temporary Mobile Toilets will be provided with Septic Tank which will be cleaned periodically through Septic Tank Cleaners. And the Solid Waste generated will be Facilities for treatment or disposed through Authorized Waste Handlers / 1.15 disposal of solid waste or liquid Yes Recyclers effluents? During Operational Phase, Wastewater from the Development shall be treated in Sewage Treatment Plant of 100 KLD capacity. The treated water will be utilized for toilet flushing,



gardening and HVAC within the Facility.

The Solid Waste shall be segregated as Organic and Inorganic Solid Waste and disposed through Authorized Waste Handlers / Recyclers as the Site is well within the Corporation Limits. Not Envisaged.

Temporary Settlements with all the necessary Facilities for long term housing amenities will be made available for the 1.16 No of operational workers? Constructional Workers at site

Being a Commercial Development, the influx of Visitors and Staffs will also be Temporary and doesn’t require any long term housing facilities New road, rail or sea traffic The existing transportation infrastructure will be 1.17 during construction or No made use during construction and operational operation? phase New road, rail, air waterborne or other transport infrastructure The existing transportation infrastructure will be 1.18 No including new or altered routes made use and stations, ports, airports etc? Closure or diversion of existing transport routes or There will not be any closure or diversion of 1.19 No infrastructure leading to existing transportation routes changes in traffic movements? New or diverted transmission 1.20 No Not envisaged lines or pipelines? Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other 1.21 No Not envisaged changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? No Not envisaged The Development being a Commercial Complex the requirement of Water is mainly towards the Domestic and Flushing Activities. Most importantly the site is located within the CMWSSB Zone and the required Fresh Water will Abstraction or transfers of water 1.23 No be supplied through CMWSSB. Also with the STP form ground or surface waters? being proposed, the recycled Water will be utilized for Flushing Requirements thereby the Effective Net Water Consumption within the Development will be less than the Total Water Requirement

1.24 Changes in water bodies or the No The required Fresh Water will be sourced



land surface affecting drainage through CMWSSB and there shall be no or run-off? abstraction of Ground Water.

Further, Rain Water Harvesting is proposed in addition to the Ground Water Recharging through Percolation Pits, which shall have a positive impact on Ground Water Potential.

Also with the Development is located in the CMWSSB coverage area with a structured Fresh Water Supply, Drainage and Storm Water Line in place. The excess Storm Water from the Facility will be routed to the external drain The existing transportation infrastructure shall be made use of to transport Construction Transport of personnel or Materials and Personnel to the project site. 1.25 materials for construction, Yes operation or decommissioning? Being a Commercial Development, the same modus will be made use of during the Operational Phase Long-term dismantling or 1.26 decommissioning or restoration No Not envisaged works? Ongoing activity during decommissioning which could 1.27 No Not envisaged have an impact on the environment? Being a Commercial Development there will be a Influx of people to an area in Temporary Influx of workers / Staffs / Visitors 1.28 either temporarily or Yes during the Construction and Operational Phase of permanently? the Development. 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No Not envisaged Loss of native species or genetic 1.30 No Not envisaged diversity? Greenbelt development in an area of about 1.31 Any other actions? Yes 3120.40 (15.08%) shall be developed within the Site



2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply):

Details thereof (with approximate quantities Information/checklist Yes/ S. No / rates, wherever possible) with source of confirmation No information data Land especially undeveloped The Site is classified as Commercial Use Zone as 2.1 No per CMDA Land Use Map and is in line with the or agricultural land (ha) proposed development. Total water requirement - 100 KLD Water (expected source & Total Fresh water requirement – 36.4 KLD 2.2 Yes competing users) unit: KLD Treated STP water (Flushing) – 63.6 KLD Source: CMWSSB 2.3 Minerals (MT) No Not envisaged Construction material – 2.4 Cement, steel, sand, blue metal Yes Building materials as such will be sourced from indigenous supply and bricks The project shall make use of new wood Forests and timber (source – 2.5 No wherever application and only Certified wood MT) will be used where wood is essentially required Electricity: 5.2 MW

Energy including electricity Source: Tamil Nadu Generation & Distribution 2.6 and fuels (source, competing Yes Corporation (TANGEDCO) users) DG Sets: 2 Nos. 2000 KVA X 2 Nos., for the overall facility Any other natural resources 2.7 (use appropriate standard No Not envisaged units)

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health:

Details thereof (with approximate Yes/ S. No. Information/Checklist confirmation quantities/ rates, wherever possible) No with source of information data Handling of diesel will be strictly Use of substances or materials, restricted to the concrete area to avoid 3.1 which are hazardous (as per MSIHC Soil contamination rules) to human health or the Yes Spent oil from DG sets will be collected environment (flora, fauna, and periodically, temporarily stored and water supplies) handed over to authorized recyclers



Changes in occurrence of disease or 3.2 affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or No No Impact envisaged water borne diseases) Direct and Indirect employment Affect the welfare of people e.g. by 3.3 Yes opportunities during construction and changing living conditions? operation phase of the project Vulnerable groups of people who The project in its total effort shall only could be affected by the project e.g. 3.4 No aid in bringing positive harmony with the hospital patients, children, the neighbors elderly etc.,

3.5 Any other causes No Not envisaged

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month):

Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist Yes/ S. No. quantities / rates, wherever possible) confirmation No with source of information data

Spoil, overburden or mine 4.1 No Not envisaged wastes During the construction and operational phase of the project, collection and handling of solid would be done as per provisions of the municipal Solid Waste Municipal waste (domestic and Rules, 2016. 4.2 Yes or commercial wastes) The estimated solid waste generation from the Retail development : 2.4 MT/day Organic Waste : 1.74 MT/day Inorganic Waste : 0.66 MT/day Spent Oil being the only Hazardous Waste Hazardous wastes (as per envisaged at site. The same shall be 4.3 Hazardous Waste Management Yes collected and periodically disposed Rules) through Authorized Waste Recyclers The proposed project being a Commercial Other industrial process 4.4 No Development with Retail and Multiplexes wastes there would be no process waste 4.5 Surplus product No Not Envisaged Bio sludge of quantity 10 kg/day will be Sewage sludge or other sludge 4.6 Yes dewatered and used as manure for from effluent treatment gardening within the premises. 4.7 Construction or demolition Yes Construction waste will be used in road



wastes pavements Wood and paper waste will be disposed through Authorized Recyclers Other Construction Waste / Debris will be disposed with prior permission from Local Authority Redundant machinery or 4.8 No Not Envisaged equipment Contaminated soils or other 4.9 No Not Envisaged materials 4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not Envisaged 4.11 Other solid wastes No Not Envisaged

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (kg/hr):

Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist Yes/ S. No. quantities/rates, wherever possible) confirmation No with source of information data Emissions from DG Sets. DG sets of capacity 2000 KVA (2 Nos.) will be used Emissions from combustion of during power failure for limited use only. 5.1 fossil fuels from stationary or Yes

mobile source DG sets shall be Installed with with a Stack Height of 48 mts. Not Applicable, since the proposed project Emissions from production is a Commercial Development and no 5.2 No processes production is envisaged within the development Movement of heavy vehicles transporting construction materials will contribute to dust emission

The impact will be temporary and confined locally to the construction site by adopting dust suppression technique such Emissions from materials as sprinkling of water, barricading the site 5.3 handling including storage or Yes etc., transport During Operational Phase the movement of trucks for transportation of Retail Products and visitor movements to and fro the site is envisaged which also contribute towards Air / Dust Emission, which is temporary & intermittent. Also adaptation of internal circulation pattern will avoid



traffic congestion which in turn avoids Air Emission Apart from dust emissions, there will be emissions from concrete mixers, dosers, diesel pumps etc., during construction Emissions from construction

5.4 activities including plant and Yes Construction equipments will be equipment periodically overhauled / maintained in good working condition to reduce emission Though the impact will be temporary and restricted to the construction phase handling of construction materials like cement, fine and coarse aggregates will contribute to dust but confined within the project area

Mobile Toilets will be provided with periodical cleaning thereby avoiding odour problem causing health hazards.

Dust or odours from handling During Operational Phase the sewage is of materials including 5.5 Yes treated through In-House treatment construction materials, sewage methodologies with adequate ventilation and waste facilities. Hence no dust or odour will emanate from the proposed project site

Solid Wastes during Construction Phase will be segregated and disposed through Authorized Recyclers

During Operation Phase the solid wastes will be segregated at site and disposed through Authorized Waste Handlers / Recyclers Emissions from incineration of 5.6 No Not Envisaged waste As it is a Commercial Development the Recyclable Wastes such as Packing Emissions from burning of Materials will be off higher quantity than 5.7 waste in open air (e.g. slash No the regular Food Wastes. These shall be materials, construction debris) collected, segregated and disposed off through Authorized Waste Handlers / Recyclers Emissions from any other 5.8 No Not Envisaged sources



6. Generation of Noise and Vibration and Emissions of Light and Heat:

Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist Yes/ quantities/rates, wherever possible) S.No. confirmation No with source of information data with source of information data During Construction Phase Proper measures will be adopted to reduce impact of noise generated during operation of vibrators used in concreting From operation of equipment 6.1 e.g. engines, ventilation plant, Yes During Operation Phase crushers There will be no impact anticipated on the ambient noise from the occasionally operated D.G. Sets as these sets shall be housed in acoustic enclosures From industrial or similar 6.2 No No manufacturing process involved processes Noise at site will be generated by machineries employed, but will be From construction or controlled within the site. 6.3 Yes demolition No heat or light emissions envisaged. Noise due to construction activities shall be temporary in nature.

6.4 From blasting or piling No Not Envisaged

Noise will be generated from the movement of heavy vehicles transporting construction materials during construction phase and regular vehicular traffic intended for commuting staffs and visitors during operation phase; however, the level of noise shall be restricted through efficient internal From construction or 6.5 Yes traffic control. operational traffic

The noise levels will be <75 – dBA> due to operation of Machinery and equipment during Construction and Operation phase. Workers will be provided with protective equipment such as earmuffs etc.,



Also the Operation Traffic leads to Noise Emission, however the same shall be mitigated by regulating within the site to avoid Traffic congestion and the Entry / Exit will be of Bell Mouthed Shape to ease out Traffic Flow No significant emission anticipated The operation of the HVAC System will lead to Noise Emission due to the 6.6 From lighting or cooling systems Yes operation of Motors. However, the same will be located on the Roof Top and isolated from the regular Operational Workers

6.7 From any other sources No Not Envisaged

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:

Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist Yes/ S.No. quantities/rates, wherever possible) confirmation No with source of information data Proper handling of HSD required for the operation of DG sets and spent oil will be adhered to eliminate contamination of soil / water

Hazardous wastes generated during construction phase, such as paints, solvents and wood preservatives will be stored in sealed containers, labeled and disposed–off as required by the From handling, storage, use or 7.1 Yes Hazardous Wastes Management and spillage of hazardous materials Handling Act Amendment Rules, 2016.

The spillages/sludge if any will be collected and supplied to CPCB / TNPCB approved agencies as per HWMH Rules.

The Hazardous Wastes envisaged during the Operational Phase of the Project will be disposed off as directed by the TNPCB in line with the HWMH Rules, 2016



Sewage shall be treated in an In-House STP of 100 KLD capacity and will be From discharge of sewage or reused for flushing, gardening and HVAC other effluents to water or the 7.2 Yes within the premises maintaining Zero land (expected mode and place Liquid Discharge of discharge) Sludge @ 10 kg/day will be used in gardening as a manure Emissions from DG Sets will be minimal By deposition of pollutants and would be let out into the atmosphere 7.3 emitted to air into the land or Yes through Stacks of adequate height into water thereby avoiding increase in Pollutants at Ground Level Concentration.

7.4 From any other sources No Not envisaged

Is there a risk of long term build There would be no build up of pollutants up of pollutants in the in the environment since they are treated 7.5 No environment from these before being let out in the environment sources?

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment:

Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist S. No. Yes/ quantities/rates, wherever possible) confirmation No with source of information data

From explosions, spillages, Adequate safety measures to mitigate all fires etc from storage, risks anticipated out of fire in diesel will 8.1 Yes handling, use or production of be taken care of by installing suitable fire hazardous substances fighting system in place

8.2 From any other causes No Not envisaged The structural design shall conform to certified IS code 875 and IS-1893-2002 for Seismic Zone 3 The project falls under seismic zone – III Could the project be affected as per IS 1893 (part-1): 2002. The site is by natural disasters causing demarcated by boundary walls and 8.3 environmental damage (e.g. Yes structured Storm Water Drain will floods, earthquakes, ensure that water is not stagnated / landslides, cloudburst etc) flooded within the site due to rain during operational phase. Also the site is not prone to landslide. However due to heavy rain as envisaged during 2015, the area envisages Flood. However, with



proper Storm Water Management, the same enables to drain the stagnated water at the earliest. Hence, no risk due to natural hazards is envisaged

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality:

Details thereof (with approximate

Information/Checklist Yes/ quantities/rates, wherever possible) S. No. confirmation No with source of information data Lead to development of supporting facilities, ancillary development or development

stimulated by the project which could have impact on the environment e.g., Though there will be marginal increase in terms of traffic, power supply and solid wastes disposal however the existing infrastructure would suffice the requirement. • Supporting infrastructure

(roads, power supply, waste No Waste water will be fully treated in an or wastewater treatment, In-House STP and be reused within the etc.) facility

9.1 The project is located within the City limits, with all the basic amenities been made available Lead to an Organized Infrastructure Development leading to housing developments in and around the site area

The Development is taken up in the • Housing development No designated Mixed Residential Use Zone with many Commercial Developments around. The development shall lead to Housing Developments nearby in addition to the existing facilities as the site is within the City Limits with all infrastructures in place



• Extractive industries No Not Envisaged

Supply Industries will be supported • Supply industries No directly/indirectly.

• Others No Not Envisaged

Lead to after-use of the site, 9.2 which could have an impact on No Nil the environment As such the Development is taken up in Set a precedent for later 9.3 No the designated residential Area within developments the Chennai City Have cumulative effects due to proximity to other existing or 9.4 No Not envisaged. planned projects with similar effects

(III) Environmental Sensitivity

Aerial distance (within 15 km) Name/ S. No. Areas Proposed project location Identity boundary

Guindy Aerial Distance – 8.50 Km National Park

Pallikaranai Areas protected under Aerial Distance – 6.61 Km Marsh international conventions, 1 national or local legislation for their ecological, landscape, Arignar Anna cultural or other related value Aerial Distance – 10.35 Km Zoological park

Nanmangalam Aerial Distance – 3.13 Km reserved forest

Areas which are important or Aerial Distance – 8.50 Km sensitive for ecological National Park reasons - Wetlands, 2 watercourses or other water Aerial Distance – 6.61 Km bodies, coastal zone, Marsh biospheres, mountains, forests



Areas used by protected, important or sensitive species Pallikaranai 3 of flora or fauna for breeding, Aerial Distance – 6.61 Km Marsh nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration

Inland, coastal, marine or Aerial Distance – 3.59 km 4 underground waters Bay of Bengal Aerial Distance – 10.90 Km 5 State, National boundaries - Not Envisaged Routes or facilities used by the SH 48 – 6 public for access to recreation Chennai Trichy Aerial Distance – 1.47 Km or other tourist, pilgrim areas Highway Indian Air 7 Defence Installation Force - Aerial Distance – 5.50 Km 8 Densely populated area Chennai Within Chennai City

Areas occupied by sensitive PCMC Hospital Aerial Distance – 275m man-made land uses 9 (hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities) Vels university Aerial Distance – 750 m

Adyar River Aerial Distance – 3.59 m Areas containing important, high quality or scarce Guindy Aerial Distance – 8.50 Km resources ground water National Park 10 resources, surface resources, Pallikaranai Aerial Distance – 6.61 Km forestry, agriculture, fisheries, Marsh tourism, minerals) Nanmangalam Aerial Distance – 3.13 Km Reserve Forest Areas already subjected to pollution or environmental 11 damage. (those where existing - Not Envisaged legal environmental standards are exceeded) Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could cause the Earthquake, the area falls under project to present Seismic Zone 3. environmental problems 12 - The structural design shall (earthquakes, subsidence, conforms to IS code 875 and IS – landslides, erosion, flooding 1893-2002 for extreme or adverse climatic conditions)



(IV) Proposed Terms of Reference for EIA Studies

The proposed project involves construction of Commercial Complex Building, with Builtup Area of 89,907.02 Sq.m which comes under Item “8(a)” of Schedule of “EIA Notification 2006” Dated: 14.09.2006 and Category B. Hence it will not require any scoping exercise or EIA Report. So no Terms of Reference [ToR] is proposed for this Project.

I hereby give undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost.

Date : Signature of the Applicant Place : Chennai Mr. S.R. Saravana Arul Managing Director / Authorized Signatory

NOTE: 1. The project involving clearance under Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 shall submit with the application a C.R.Z. map duly demarcated by one of the authorized agencies, showing the project activities, w.r.t. C.R.Z (at the stage of TOR) and the recommendations of the State Coastal Zone Management Authority (at the stage of EC). Simultaneous action shall also be taken to obtain the requisite clearance under the provisions of the C.R.Z Notification, 1991 for the activities to be located in the CRZ. NOT APPLICABLE

2. The projects to be located within 10 km of the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserve, Migratory Corridors of wild Animals, the project proponent small submit the duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden showing there features vis-à-vis the project location and the recommendations or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden thereon (at the stage of EC). NOT APPLICABLE

3. All correspondence with the Ministry of Environment & Forests including submission of application for TOR/Environmental Clearance, subsequent clarifications, as may be required from time to time, participation in the EAC Meeting on behalf of the project proponent shall be made by the authorized signatory only. The authorized signatory should also submit a document in support of his claim of being an authorized signatory for the specific project. ENCLOSED