FREE-FOR-ALL ON DAY 1 OF NBA FREE AGENCY SPORTS | C1 PANAMA CITY INTACT | B1 TOURISM OFFICIALS ENSURE STATE WELCOME SIGN STAYS Tuesday, July 2, 2019 @The_News_Herald 75¢ Heat Guns, drugs, cash seized wave with ‘White Boys’ gang bust comes with holiday week Fourth of July could bring heat index of 108 degrees By Jim Thompson @Jimtnwfdn | jthomp-
[email protected] A typical summertime weather pattern is pro- jected to bring very high temperatures to the Florida Panhandle throughout this week and into Monday, cre- ating the possibility that a heat advisory will be issued by the National Weather Service for at least part of the Fourth of July holiday weekend. Heat advisories are issued when the heat index — the combined effects of heat and humidity as felt by the aver- age person — is expected to reach somewhere between 105 degrees and 109 degrees. Advisories are issued between 12 and 24 hours before the heat index thresh- old is reached, and serve as reminders for people to stay Panama City Beach police provided this picture of cash, a gun, cocaine and vials of THC oil that were among the items confi scated. hydrated, wear light-colored clothing, and ensure that children or pets are not left Beach police announce has culminated almost two shot and killed by "mem- hammer of the investiga- alone in vehicles. 62 arrests, seizure of years later after more than bers and associates of this tion fell last week with ""It's going to remain two dozen guns and 60 arrests and the seizure of gang" during an armed rob- investigators serving four hot throughout the whole ‘cache’ of various drugs numerous guns, more than bery home invasion/robbery search warrants and making period," Don Shepherd, $80,000 and a "cache" of at the 79 West apartment 26 arrests, police said more a meteorologist with the various drugs, Beach police complex.