
Film I-Spring 2020 Plague Work Unit:

Just like we did with the , we’re going to try to take a look at one more film movement this year: the New Hollywood movement.

1. What is New Hollywood?

Watch the following mini documentary online explaining the direct line from Italian Neorealism to the French New Wave to New Hollywood to modern independent cinema:


2. Watching a New Hollywood film

Watch the film The Graduate from 1967 directed by . It can be watched or downloaded at: https://stlps- my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jchamber4910_slps_org/EWjwYfyTA8xBkOkD_n2OGBcBI 9ifHOVw2AM0GT2T4N6qTQ?e=5IysPU

3. Writing comparatively

You have two options! Do either one of the following two:

Option 1:

Choose any other American film made since 1967 that you can use to do a comparative study with The Graduate. This might be a film that shares themes with The Graduate or shows similar stylistic choices or one that you can analyze through a similar lens. Use that main area that they share to analyze the two films in comparison with each other. The final product should be two pages typed and should be uploaded to TurnItIn by Friday, May 15th. or

Option 2:

Watch Bonnie and Clyde from 1967 directed by Arthur Penn. The Graduate and Bonnie and Clyde were made at roughly the same time. Analyze them both in comparison with each other, both in terms of style and filmmaking choices and in terms of historical/sociocultural context and how they reflect the United States in the late . The final product should be two pages typed and should be uploaded to TurnItIn by Friday, May 15th. Bonnie and Clyde can be watched or downloaded at: https://stlps-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jchamber4910_slps_org/EblO1fOss- 5EgNBN3gV6S0EBHXG6G-261J7PC__F6wUMpg?e=n4ypz7

4. Filmmaking

You are going to create another solo film, and once again the final product should be between two and three minutes long and can be filmed and edited with a phone or whatever is available to you (landscape filming, not vertical) and then shared in some format with Mr. Chambers (by email or Google drive, etc.).

Just like the filmmakers of the New Hollywood movement were exploring new ideas and rejecting the constraints of the old studio system, there is no specific topic or style assigned for this film. Use your imagination. It is wide open, as long as you keep it PG-13 or lower and keep it under three minutes. This is due to Mr. Chambers no later than Wednesday, May 20th.