AS/400 SA41-3130-00 ASCII Work Station Reference Version 3 IBM AS/400 SA41-3130-00 ASCII Work Station Reference Version 3 Take Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page xvii. First Edition (September 1994) This edition applies to the licensed program IBM Operating System/400, (Program 5763-SS1), Version 3 Release 1 Modification 0, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure you are using the proper edition for the level of the product. | Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch serving your locality. If you live in the United States, Puerto | Rico, or Guam, you can order publications through the IBM Software Manufacturing Company at 800+879-2755. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. A form for reader comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, you can mail your comments to: Attn Department 245 IBM Corporation 3605 Highway 52 N Rochester, MN 55901-9986 USA or you can fax your comments to: United States and Canada: 800+937-3430 Other countries: (+1)+507+253-5192 | If you have access to Internet, you can send your comments electronically to
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