7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXII, NO. 17. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 16 Air Views On Hundreds of Prizes Gathered for Halloween Carnival and Parade Plans Complete Inlet Proposal For Halloween

Auchincloss Explains Plan To Nationally Known Experts Cut Through Hook to Aid Boating To Judge Windows Saturday —V Plans .lie nearly completed fo» Proponents and objectors to Rep- 1 resentative James C. Auchincloss' Mrrchiinls, Resirlvnls tho 1,-rrat. H-ilo',veen carnival and plan to construct an inlet between Chamber Asks j p.irnde thai i.n expected to bring a point south of Island Beach and Asked for IJfill Is iboti-iin'U of colorfully costumed north of the Highlands bridge, yuunir people out to pa?.i in review. were given opportunity to voice Aid on Lights SM then- be light. That is Ibc hoin n^xr Mmui^y niicbt- their views last Friday at a hear- rei|iicHl of Ray Tajliir, Red Dank Added to the list of jmlgcs who will dnridn whu a:nonK thosa ing before, the U. S. Army Engin- (Jniiiniunilv C'linmlicr "f Cum- eers, New York district, at Middle- For Christmas thousands wi;i win the dozens ot town township hall. merer'* CXCCIIHM- secri.'lar.v, in choii-n prizes to be awarded fop Local Merchants regards lo Monday IIIRIU'S Hal- original Halloween wear is Hal Representatives of many bor- Boyl<>, f.-imoiM A^5CK-ialed Pie-ia oughs, civic and business organiza- Requested to Scud Mr. Taylor asks Ilroud si. columnist and former war cones- tions, plus private individuals, merchant* to Keep More windows poml'-ni. were divided into three categories: Contributions Now lighted during Ihc course of the I Thn window painting contC3t, those who favored tho project, j whi,.h J);)s b(,pnj n p).ogl.MS M M, those who did not favor it and Twenty per cent of Red Bank's parade, He nl«u nsl"> t In '> ikotcli wi-i-n ICu- Sent! Tiling V Ccnli s-trtff of the New York Medical lous houlth centers will be review- , Iff G'lfliif Oild /'jlillfiflll r «JHM»I'I'I*: i-iii II.1H, I school. Until tlilnye.il he has taken would In Illicit bo a factor advan- Innd nnd .$7,000 on Improvements, geno UudKuly, Arthur llotullng, ill nt IIII-II mi. Yiiti'll »|.« i.il tini'- ( mi til l.itcli-n ni'H « I " '. ll'.INl'"" tageous |n tho battlo to save our ed, and mombcl'H will exchange to $2,600 on land tho $0,300 on Im- Itobort M, Jones, Qoorgu Ilyaornnd In,In,ii.. n nm in il> il Id niai Kii'ii- '','.1 -I'III' llulllll'T I'llVrl > fi'i rum, c.iI'o of the llmoklyn Dodgers foot- ocean front." The county roport ldiiH for molhodn of enlarging provement.!; p. D, Ulovnnnl, from Paul iloniHchoot, who weio Intro- lltcir I-II I'.'.l I'l'lllH, III IVCII.V III- VMl I • •iliH. II \ ball team. auxiliary membership*. V ur '.I Inrlii'S vi ilk: iiir V ri lit" II flint, I'i'liiMiI/.' ll I'llll) I'l D", Pl.innl graduated from Ford- wi\a approved last week nt tho $3,no(> nnd .1117,000 to $3,000 and duced by President William Haw In i;u lulllllil I lllluMiun li'j l.nM nf i -1 in Mm' IIIII'I nil". I . li.im iinivemlly In 1M1 nnd from bunrd of freeholders' meeting. $12,350; J. Vllnle, from $«00 nnd yer nil tho "Colonial Tcrrucu Tci- nllli'i- 3'lili Hll'l '!""!• ti"l- I i" *-, V .Mill .-, 4 11 . I'n.'Vi,',. l.»t'« Ilii Moduli 10,000 to $(1(10 to $1,000; W. .lolin- I 'in - mn vri i it,mint. Ilii' Now York Medical nchool In Tho roport also noted Hi" "1'tob- vcfiriliin Itlimli niitkn n room minimi rois," nl .him I. 'I non, from $2,100 nnd $7,1.W to $?,40l> 'ronpoctlvo mnniboin pi'Mcnl 103,-.. lie Intrtnnl at St. Vincent's (Continued on Pago 12) mill iilv.- utility, drills' nt Ilitlil ami I;::;;.. Ill Illl lllMll'. Llvctrlml Appll'niM a ml .IIJI.1 n.« orthopedic iT'ldrnt »ur« .0i V. I'dTonn. from $750 worn Hiinitlfl Ubnvfky, Henry H. Wnyor J. Kdwnrd Wll.iim N t (irii|im#iil. W.-i'.rr lnnlj nutr> »'f IIH-IIMI wnln| |,I,:KI in, in :\;, inch" Kruii at Hellfvim, prlur to fnlerltip Tnttetfil Dllfl Tnltl and Jil.iHK) In $750 nnd $I,50ll. (Jetnioml, Hlanlry Mclnluflll, lllrli- :IO ultirikiti, (iifufji, utt utrrMoi* loll up fur frro ilrltmy, Nnllunnl (. I'l'Olnctlvn i-Diiiinlttnii I mil pnili'l In.', m. ininii". in. i. »tt, In ll FI. the Aitiiy Olllccl.<' Medk'nl Corp', I.vuk nl >iuir MituliMv rtinilci. |)n I li r y & MI. ri'mui'n.-.A'lvrttlKmrnt, (.', Aliiudlo, I'ol Ir.ctlon (if rl»i'lnil mil Hammond, M, A. Hp.irkii, lnok HI ntnt. nn I In. iv*l ur >uur Ilium-',' "I It.i iifhlrvi'tnrtil.', A.< viiuni: •>' II IIIIIIII.II.I II I'll I'm I'n.'.t i ,« »!• lliitlniM. K.ilrliUliLi.Miir)!, ami M In -A'lid h IK .-ciml nt orthopcdlo riTiir lulnl rhuiild Im .vl,5."i(>, mil Kriinli MrN/illy. Unify Kloillni', W. nil-lliill JIM. IHUl. It'll 5'1'ir I'IIUIK • We nut clraii llnllniiil window ilinilm It Id, III" riiinniliiiY |m.« mill nff Wlixt >))• vour rsij'iii tntinl* ? (jim.vrr iHH'Rcim for n llvr-ymr period. mi yutir rnllin vihlln j-nu null, lli-lni- Mountain Tllli' Nnr««l y~Ht1iocil Wi Hopkins, ilu/icpli WreliHi nulirrl linntlKunirlv, It him tin Hi ufr In rtol • I Mnrlin IIMI.H'V llrll l.n r-. I Win' ' l'tn», ij.l'H uri'l SfT VM'fl. I'lhllli Hot Iriluri'H uuliliiuj' rrinlhi} piny, *bni'li» ?; y, from $'iti<> nnil li-n I, I !iiu nlT Ili-imit . lin'. i I i-r. ilinn In, Nntlunnl i & 10, I'rutvii'i,— R0II0 In JWIO nnd W.fidd; K, Ml mil, fditliivcll, Jnncpii Uml, Alfrml Uilnn milll i;cnl». /! IIIIK unlil i/ff In U-CUI, U I -kiuuns,,—Alv e rtlifnml. Dr. I'l.'.ml in it fellow of tli» Advtrtlionu'iit. iiittum ni'l'irilnihiii, uoiiilliinil Imlli, In. cllv-i-rf. i'liiini. KH li..'ill.. ,\.|srrtnc- Amprlcnn I'olleKo of HiifReonn' dip- ulylilunl nltrnllmi, plua liitrrentliiii In. •rotllt a JNXJ axninptlon; A. Ann*- I'uuntl, Jt. M, Hnllly mid llorlicrt IIIKII-VMIIIIIIII I t IllilCI' HIIW- ntrnt, Mortitit Munay luninte of tho Arnorlcnn Hoard of UniUrwoml I'nrlnblu • Ma iirilvlty, I'hirluttii ulirn, (ilinml iinln, from J1,H(X) unit Jll.r.00 to 10. Cox, Jr, Lnt Wi Klnnco ni »nma of Iho dol- lot himi'V rnrnit, ruuntry oitlti, bu«|. llrnnil inw, ion,MI. with nix-, (iunr- Hill, Mldillutowii Ti>winhl|i, l'hoiu AT lar and conu I-HMUUH. Hank much Winitd ntm bullitlniti. «iiliilinii ur ritw. UinU Orthopedic HiirKconii, a, mrinher of WDtlllo,—Ailvortlicntnnt. $1,800 nnd $7,500; It, Onllnghor, Mnyor Wllnon'n iiddroM la na fol- HociiiiMii our Protective commit- Wllllni tu puri'liM* up to J.00O tirni, RHiv iiHyuivnt lltinrHl Ion jiiiUi'il mmirlllluiu'i) innrlilim Iron) ..trtu i'f in* Dart ul J,Oou ihini ol HIP American Artittnmy of OrtliW WU.tiil, nil niitkei, Hn'i>lou'», lull Mini- 'ram 4300 and 11,800 (a l.TO find low*; Ai'CPiitiihli jint|i(irMr« ,IIHH|III i) ! Lamp lUadquarUri ton WH* 'i» o/T«cthi'lv iturk ol Biunnil National Hunk nl IIm Air«itfly, llfnltnra. MitrUiup I) ptjclln fm Ki'onfl and cun«til(iint In loutll ullfi't, I'll on,i UK 0.04S.",.—A,|. for Illiraty, llvlnu room, liomlolr, Kelt $I,CUOj J, llornn, from $350 nnd AH clmlrmnn of tho Jornoy Shoro Hink, Jnlin WM-nt»rt. 'l>l#|ihnfiii Aihr. I'UIHMIH'lll, (Contlnutiil on I'IIKO inrnL rhdtif Kunmnrt 1-0411,-•/ llli nurgory to the Unlloa nMorimiMit, Inwum nrlti'i, IUIIIIPHVIIIK lU.COO to $350 mm $1,100, and ciudll tin llliflilniiiU 1.17IT.—Ailvrrtl»eni»nt. tlllliifPU Jillt Ulimi, liilD Ilium* uviniii', Atlmr/ St.ite< HuiKcon Uimcrnt nnd to th« AIIUIUIIMI and Apptlllir* $MII cxtiliiptluii! (J. KntitniHi, from l'n r If,— AdvrrllnomfMi, I.4WM I Ivi • ..I l.u.iiu Klrnt Army, U. (I, Cum., mil ||«tli «v«nu<, f.oni MO «(id rJ.lliit In $500 mill il.HW). Hun HIM Umneli, l'liiim ll.jlivv. "AIIJ tttnii oi UltHtf -111 |T I- I) In fioi) mi urn»• mime will-, *»KI Kvii i ' Itll H. tin iini" iliiy -i-nli'i', III ll I inniii-i II'I' Miillitwirii lUlluoni •notion •nrwiiiri." —AiHirilnmini, 1 II. II, WnliMiU'd iliumil , llniiiiilnivn. Hutu lull (Jimrli lor II (tuni knl lin uillliif I, llt M. 11 ill Miu III M"M,I miv, >' i Ilimiil utir lint ll'".l "f limrnilii nil HilllnHi-i lull* l'lii.no HA ll.uii.vt, AikritiMiiiMil, ll>ll'« I'nil, 11111111-, MILinn! KM'IIKIII' IVI-IIMK 'ill I IIIU H m| II I .11, llnl Ihihk K n. 1 1 rJ. l.n'|.|iin .-' .. ,','H I |l,l,'-| II..,' (Ill- l•ml l Ruitimnt> .lulu V.I(I Mmllli ILrkn't |l,l| I,)!! I ill, my li'i ilrc ',',1 ii-tit•) n ynul, 1 .1 |M MlihllHnwii llitiMl'l iliinilt, HHIIMIUV, ,.*, Mi,(k,'i •. |i'^ tnnlitn liflllnnii Tin 1'iiml in lui 1 « l.il, rlit |. ! ||,.,H,| I I" . hi II,I. "'I 1'i.liU. l«."ll,it | 1 N llfinliH' M', liinu A, M. In ilni'i I'. M, i •ml IIPUWI' Im-I- til. ilnl Ai' IIMI, nh.im. n, |t,Bhi|,r i.gnl/1,1,, '!•':,,i,, I'liuni UK II-.'.II,- A>l' "I t'i. I »h.ni. Mm I ., K I" i A I", I'l I'll'l' Ailvirllmiiilil, h AH il .1 I'l, — AUMtllMMtllt, t I'l own i. -AilvirliHininti A'lvtltli'liitiit. I* H«i\'lrl''l,«''ii 4 t'i'll • A'If Pace Two RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27,1949

very fine decision of. the commis- Services, working under his direc- PASSES BAD CHECK Roofing Siding Window Insulation :Rum«on Mayor sion in this case. tion. But it is the sober, painful truth 1 am sure no member munici- Red Bank police issued an alarm •Gives Report that the Jersey Shore Protective pality, nor any representative on last Thursday for William Riordan OLSON ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOOL of DANCING committee probably would not hethe committee, has ever regretted of Colt's Nock. Riordan allegedly ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION Ballet technique, body development, rhythm, grace, polie. t (Continued from page 1) in existence today except for onethat fortunate association. Proof Classes in ballet, toe, modern, tap, acrohattc dancing. utility commission and Interstate of thit lies in the fact that at the passed a worthless check for $125 Installed by Olson Company's Trained Mechanics Junior Assembly — Ballroom for Teen-agert • CiMiimei'co commission decision af- end of the Jersey Central commu- Estimate! Without Obligation •oreanization ia.st spring, beliveeii ter anolhcr crantinK Ini'ieiise on tation fare hearings, our people to Haiiee and Davis, coal and fuel I ISO.OOO and 90,000 pas consumers in increase to railroads and other util- were so well pleased with the re-dealers, of Shrewsbury ave. ' W. W. KENNEDY: Local Representative 117 Prospect Avenue, Red Bank. Phone 6-2220 1125 towns in four counties, and ities over public protests which sults that what had been a purely Phone: Bed Bank C-liSS • •other triuu^uids of users of e\oc-the people very reluctantly were temporary group was made a per- «trlcity, were saved $l,OO-.417 in theforced to believe u'ero completely manent organi/^ation for the con- llast seven months. futile. tinuing joint protection of our mu- • These are the bird-in-nann sav- I*; us take a look at the record. tual interests, and Col. Roberta and tlriRs which tile gas and electric Trading on its position as a bank' his law firm and Associated Pro- 1 customers kept in their own rupt, the Central Rnilrond of Newfessional Services are an annual •pockets in the Insi seven months Jersey had spearheaded a drive retainer from both the shore and I instead of paylnc into the cash the Inter-Municipal groups. ! registers of the Jersey Central for increased commutation fares in LIGGETT'S 1946 and in May of that year, got Advantage of this organization jPower & Light company, beginning approval of a 20 per cent Incroase on a permanent basis, I might • last Apr. 1. in fares. The next year it asked point out, is clearly illustrated by ; Increases in both electric and for and cot anolhcr increase. It the results In tho Jeraey Central ;p;as rates animuuins to $1,727,000 nsked for i\n nvernKc increase of Power & Light company electric Igona yeae intr oundoubtedl effect lasty Aprwoul. 1d ifhnv thee approximately 27 per cent. The and gas cases. Our sot-un enabled Jdemand of Jersey Central Power, Interstate Commerce commission us to BO into and win that fight '& LiRht cwmpanv hud not beun so revised the wopoacd schedules so at a coat within our moans. If we t effectively opposed. that the new fares averaged a 38 had had to start new in that case, { As you know, several of the mu-per cent Increase. it is doubtful if we could have done 'nicipalitics which are members of In Mny of the same year—1947— that. I the Protective committee are notJersey Centra! and other roads cot My report to you would be In- I served by the Jersey Central Pow- another farp increase lrom the In-complete If I did not at least men- • er & LiRht company, or are served terstate Commerce commission- tion somo of the other Important I only partially by it. .Nonetheless tills time nn increase in standard activities of our Protective com- J there was considerable sentiment mileaEC coach fares to 2'i cents mittee on behalf of the people. • in favor of opposition by the com-per mile. In July last year standard The Jersey Shore Protective com- "mittee, and 1 called two meeting fares were again increased, this mittee and our associated Intor- i to consider the matter. There were time to three cents a mile. Municipal Group For Better Rail • other conferences. i in June of last year the Jersey Service, offered through our utili- « The time limit within wmen [central asked for another increase ties counsel. Col. Roberts, Mr. I formal opposition could be Hied ,i n commutation fares. They pro- Drcler and associates, the only or- • was approachinc quickly, however, pOsctj 10 pUL i),0 new increases in ganized opposition presented at the ' and Mayor George A. femock, -n, | crfecl July 5, and estimated their Interstate Commerce commission ! of Asbury Park. Mayor Solomon • ^ p(!1. ccnt nvera«c lncreasea hearings on the application of 52 COR. BROAD & MONMOUTH STS., RED BANK-PHONE 6-1444 •Lautman'of Deal and Mayor Albert would' take, an additional $1,000,000 Knstern railroads for another 1214 ,H, Kirms of Bradley Beach nil-1 a vcal. f|.om tl,e commuters. per cent increase in standard pas- 'I1 thorized action on behalf of their what Jersey Central got playing senger fares. It might be pointed r communities.,.:.„ |,, | i bankrupt, the other out thist had we not intervened In "full speed ahead*' •' Thev had see n the effectiveness lhc cr u c( thnt case, Interstate Commerce Special Mudn CHAP-ANS " of united action demonstrated in roads took, too. As fares went up, Commissioner John L. Rogers Spatially Medicated • the past work- of the Protective service went down. Protests by would have made a one-day pro- --.to flawless feminity! : committee, and they knew they representatives of our communities ceeding of the hearings, which be- BUY Richard Hudnut Homo t would have the hard flghtinR skill and groups of riders received SUth gan July 13 in Brooklyn. Decision 'of the committee's utilities coun- scant attention, they were nothing in that otherwise unopposed case Permanent REFIL1 KIT HAND CREAM l sel Col. William A, Roberts, wai- short o( a waste of time, effort and still is pending in the I.C.C. : ren Woods and their associates. money. and got • The Monmouth Freeholders came Then in June, 1048. for the third Your Protective committee also FOR MEN 'to the assistance of the three mu- year haml-runninf,'. ciune the de-stopped the Pennsylvania railroad mand for vet another increase in from putting into permanent effect FREE! aaoLbotfio Scientifically formulated increased commutation fares with- out first proving its need for an ^ingredients relieve hands increase. Unless the Pennsylvania ENRICHED CRIME can prove Its need, within the Mlln'f /rough from work, weather. : they failed to do so, despite t»o ])lnch ot' inCre;isinK transportation meaning of tho law, It will have • fact larfro numbers o£ Ocean coun- costs and decrcasine service. to refund to commuters the higher SHAMPOO X Hand/, man-iiied tub* fare3 it has been collecting under E WONDERSTOEN « ty residents were alleged. 'l*hc situation demanded action temporary arrangement. Interstate for price of tha refill kit otcnel ' (2% ouncot) ! When the application for in- capacitietn;d o|,vious]s anyd wa( abilitiel flus. |),yof Oannd yth one eCommerce and Utility Commission Ory-MathodHalrlratar ; creases amounting: to $1,200,000 In of our communities. If 1 may bor-hearings in that case are to begin J: inKelectri, Jersec ratey Centras wasl calleP d for hoar- row a thought lrom Ben Franklin: tomorrow in Newark. Laavei orm and Itg skin fatin-imooth, J• inKcompan, Jersey ywithdre Centrawl Powethe applicationr & . we were going to have to hang to- IOTH ^ Business of the company had been gether, or we were going to hang There still remains a possibility fui«.fr.t In a jiffyl No liquids, no moil, : improving and costs had nol been we will win a reversal of tho In- FOR separately. terstate. Commerce-Utility commis- no unplaatanr odor/ • as hieh a.s had been anticipated, There were representatives of sion's decision granting the last • the company explained publicly. several affected communities in theincrease in commutation fares to I There are two perfectly fair and Mlddlctown township hall June 28, the Jersey Central. Petitions are : legitimate questions we can and1948. There was another meeting INTRODUCTORY SUE 57c • should ask ourselves right here on flic before the tiwo commissions ft>0 in the borough hall at Rumson, at- asking roconsider.il Ion of that HARRIET HUBBARD AYER •jr «N*»» tf Ctm^KUk, VINM^C Itp-Mm, : and now: The first is: Is It likely tended bv representatives of eight case. It Is not my desire to raise ; the company would have wlth- communities. any false hopes in your minds, but • drawn its application if there had Mayor Frank M. Gregory of Lit-I cite the fact as an Indication We I been no organized opposition dl- tle Silver was one- of the eight. And are hard fighters, and we don't IUXURIA Special! ; rccted by the skilled and cxperi- it might be lust as well to give the quit until the last bell rings. ; enced counsel of the Protective names of the others. They included ' committee? In closing my report let me give Mayor William E. Selby of Allen- you a few facts you may have for- Rag. $1,00 Luxurla "rule the waves" 2-FOR-l SALE! ' Let us ask ourselves the other hurst, Mayor John W. Applegate gotten about the Jersey Central • fair question: Is it reasonable to of Matawan, Lawrence A. Carton, with a finger's touch! / •10. $1.00 '. suppose the Board of Utility com- Jr., of the Middletown township commutation fare fight. CLEANSING ; missioners would, on its own initia- committee, Victor Grossinger, Mon- Let mo begin by calling your at- " tive. have denied the increases if mouth Freeholder; Mayor Lautman tention to the very pleasant fact • there had been no effective opposi- and Mayor Kirms and me. Duties that 1949 is the first year since SPRAY-1AC : tion and the company had not of temporary chairman were 1945 in which we have not been Ru>,< PERSONNA • withdrawn its demand? I believe handed to me and later, as youconfronted with a new demand by FACE POWDER Vanlda * • the answers are obvious to all of us. know, I was chosen chairman of the roads for new increases in BLADES (wo Jersey Central Power & Light the organized group that Is nowcommutation fares. ; elected to fight for IU proposed in- tho Jersey Shore Protective com- Jersey Central filed IU demand Hair Lacquer • creases in gas rates, which it esti- mittee. for a 30 per cent increase in com- IOTH tq naw Zipak Olspanier- J mated would add $527,000 to its mutation faros in June, 1B48. They MiO-fine lacquer : revenues annually. Public hearings We had been forced into a newwere to go into effect July 5. The •e»v«»;«nnpd bfadl field of action by the continuous road estimated its proposed rates (pray keeps hair- • continued over sevoral weeks. grabbing of the railorads with the would cost our commuters, some- *2,00mi)£! • In its Sept. 23 decision, signed by approval of the Interstate Com- thing like $1,000,000 a year. : <; ,' do's lovely longerl Qafeteor '. Board President John IS, Boswell, merce and tho New Jersey com- I'm sure it is not nece«|W|tt 1 beauty-basics for price of 1 • the utilitv commission not only de- mission. We had little time. We tell you that the Central's propbiex • nled any increase, but went on tohad to move quickly, but we want- 30 per cent increase in faros did 0* mwr-umio ma ONIYI : predict that by next year a reduc- ed to move wisely. There was notnot eo Into effect July 5, 1948. As ; tlon in rates can be expected be- then, and there isn't now, any de-a matter of fact, they never have 4 oi. spray, • cause of savings due to use of na-sire to injure any railroad or anybecome effective. I tural gas. top born* ; We were well entitled to a dc- other utility. On Mar. 11, 1949, eight months • elaion In our favor, but we wouldn't We believed then, and we it- nftcr Julv 5, last year, the Intor- ZIMKS / : have got that if we hadn't fought llcvo now, that the railroads, giv- stiito Commerce commission and ; lor it. As I stated publicly at thoing good service at /air and rea-our State Utility commission grant- itSTS (JO bteda.) - W » time the decision was announced, sonable rates, were essential to ed an increase averaging, the In- I it proved again what our munici- the continued well-being and de-terstate Commerce commission ; palitiea can do by working to- velopment of our entire area. It said, about 15 per cent—only one- Once-a-Yaar • gether on common problems. was felt, howevor, that there had half the incroase Central had de- 1 It i> a sad commentary, how- been serious errors of Judgment manded, and Brobably would have J fiver, that out of the four counties and some bad financeering on thegot except for our opposition. DAGGETT & RAMSDELL SALE • and 125 cities and towns affected part of the railroad management A very little bit of arithmetic maka-up . by the proposed electric and gasand financial control. will show whether or not that nght luxurloui-Rlth I increases, only Monmouth's Pree- We sought the best advice we was worth the money It costs us. $U9 mot/ • holders and three Monmouth mu- could get. Mr. Carton, acting as As you know, we appropriated $20,- . nlcipalitics contributed any money our attorney, made many inquiries. 000 and tho Inter-Municipal group as wonderful I to the victory. It waa, in simple Over on tho Jersey Central main appropriated $10,000 for the fight. GOLD CREAM or • truth, a very fine investment lor line there was functioning another By staving off for eight months Fluffy-llght 70t Beauty Curl . them. They got back for their peo- group of 15 communities dedicated a proposed increase of $1,000,000 I pie many times over the amount to bringing about better rail ser- a yoar, our committee and asso- • they appropriated for the fight. vice at reasonable fares. That was ciated group, savod commutors CLEANSING CREAM - But that still doesn't wipe out thethe Intcr-Munlcipal Group For Bet- something like $666,666. HAIR I fact that a good many thousands ter Rnll Service, of which John F. Reduction of the proposed $1,- *(G. $100 J M electric and gas users in Ocean Kraus of North Plalnileld was and000,000 Increase to $500,000 a yoar • Mid two other counties gave no is chairman. That group had been has mennt an additional savings of (S oi. |ar«) t kelp at all, but took advantage of functioning for three years, and $292,000 to our commuters since J ft free ride at no risk to themselves. wo consulted with them to get thethe March 11 decision. That brings Mm Htltr't( «y • The free riders, however, cannot benefit of their experience. tho total saved to date to a rather •e •••!?, teiy (• i Jnar such a complete victory and Everywhere we turned for advice respcctablo $958,000. ««iy,

WOff H Johnson's IARY SOAP TOOTH PASTE 3 abtorbenclei: Famous StralgM-UMDHlfO Jr., Reg.i Super laby's delicate iMn needs the purest loop to cleanse without TOOTH BRUSH The better way to clean Irritation. Johnion'i It mild, and polish eyeglasses ...use 4> hat a refreshing fragrance. WO VALUE! SIGHT-SAVERS Both for Sllkono-Troated Tliiuet Johnson's BABY 10TI0N t*o(ket-*on« Oismmc q Ihut-mlnult convtriallon lrom Niwofk lo WIIPRQOT 115 the cjultkcn v.ny of rcllcvn« lint etivilantl..»!,IO Raihtiltr 90 Quick, gargle •nixicty. I'lity'rc rinlit, loo — % out of Horrlibury . ,61 Woihlnplon.D.C. .79 on HAIR TONIC Hltliburgh . 1,00 laiton Man 10 WITH LANOLIN Inn l.(in); DIM.HHC calls #o RIIUI hoot olhtf N«w Jtnty polnti am 1ml oi while yim hold die line,.,tin.I mint LISTERINE rciuionoljlci... ond ulf art «vtn low« ufftr 6iOO Nun . Jilcehsire WIU- , K'liiiril 1 me Cnin|i|t;ii'd in list lli.m CM, unil all duy Ivnduy. LIGGETT root iiroaini thi hair i «i It rtllivn ilryimti, ! I^D tninuict, H r III • ¥ t I linil||llll« ANTISEPTIC > Hiik»i ol litu dan. NIW JIRSIY BILL TILIPHONI COMPANY ilfutf, |gil 14 an. 69 RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1019 Page Three Candidates' Dinner Keyport Vets Sponsor t/se Du Pont Paint PIANO STUDIO Seal Sales Sterner Attacks Miss Margaret Mirarchi Slated by Democrats Halloween Parnde Sav* Mie Surfac. and You Save All! BacheiorM and Masters Degree* Conservatoire Santa Cecilia A testimonial dinner in honor of The Halloween parade In Keyport Rome, Italy To Open Nov. 21 he Democratic candidates of Sea Housing Plan again Is being sponsored by Kari- J. H. KELLY COMPANY Beginners to ArttiU Bright will be held election eve, tan post, American Legion next KELLY BUILDING Saturday, SO Riverside Ave., R, B. Information Lo 6-4S1O Mrs. Edward M. Crane Nov. 7, at Harry's Lobster house. Ex-Senator Speak§ Monday night. Harry Farley is I 167 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. Paul Klernan of Long Branch serving as rhalrmnn of thr ovpnt, Just a few days now "No Gunning" Signs Is General Oiuirman will be toastmaster of the affair To Local Roinriaus assisted by Mrs. Frederick Kruaer. "No GunnuiR" signs may now he hnil Mrs. Edwnrd M. Crane of Mid*- which will feature an address by The parade will form at Beach at The Resistor ofiicc. Printed on dur- State Assemblyman T. James Tum- "New Jersey will be in the hank- nblc cardboard. 10 cents each. Own- dlotown township has been named ing business if tho hundred mil- park at 6:30 p. m. and all march- Lo lake advantage of er's name imprinted at small extra cost* chairman of the 1919 sale of ulty (D.-Hudson) and the appear- ers nro required to be in costume. —Advertisement. ance of state, county and local can- lion dollar state housing program Children under seven will not bo Christmas seals in Monmouth referendum is passed In Novem- county, it was announced today by didates. permitted in the line of march dun Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson, president Serving as chairman of the din- ber." This was the opinion of E. to the danger of mishaps, but will of the Monmouth County Organi- ner and of its reception committee Donald Sterner, former state high- participate in the award of prizes zation for Social Service, county will be Mayor Thomas Farrell. way commissioner, as he spoke and refreshments at the Keyport KRIDEL'S agent for the New Jersey Tubercu- Others on the committee are Har- last Thursday before tho Red Bank grammar school. losis league. The rfampaign, part of ry Lovgren, Lawrence McCormack Rotary club at the Molly Pitcher Music for marching will be furn- the 43rd nation wide sale, will open nnd John E. Donnelly, council can- hotel. ished by the Keyport Fire depart- Nov. 21 and continue until Christ- didates, and Vincent P. Manning, Mr. Sterner predicted that the ment drum and bugle corps, mas. William Sinclair, Councilman George Krauss, Cyril A. Smack and state's debt will bo doubled if the HARVEST measure passes. He said that un- Rradley Beach Edmund W. Cline. der private enterprise, 75,000 new homes were built in tho state since Official Dice Sea Bright Civic Club the war and said this llgure will Francis X. Huggins, 51, who had be increased to 100,000. Mr. Sterner been tax collector and registrar u( To Hold Masked Dance said the program will cost tax- Bradley Beach 28 years, died Sat- VALUES HOUSE-CLEANING payers in the neighborhood of 500 urday morning after a long Illness. The Sea Bright Civic club will million dollars. Ho resigned his borough positions hold | a masked dance tomorrow The speaker attacked the pro- a week beforo his death. T/Mf AGAIN! night at the Charles manor. Music gram as it does not provide for He was born at Bradley Bca^h, •will be provided and prizes award- slum clefrance. "Only three per son of the late Wesley and Kath- ed for the best costumes. cent of tho federal housing pro- erinc Klernan Huggins. Mr, Hug- These highest grade Slop Worrying ;;; Mrs. Grace Mlnaldi Is chairman gram is allocated to slum clear- gins was a veteran of World War nd will be assisted by Mrs. Doro- ance," he said. T, and a member of the Bradley Send Us Your thy Charles, Mrs. Harry Lovgren He also criticized the program Beach Exempt Firemen's associa- and Mrs. Marie Brown. as he contended it does not include tion. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Drapes, Slipcovers, Marion Sperling Huggins; a son, SUITS AND Merchants and organizations of an acknowledgement as to the In- Blankets Today. Sea Bright have contributed towurd tqrest rate to pay on the. bond is- Francis X. Huggins, Jr.; a daugh- making the affair a success. Tic- sue, no rent ceilings nil! proposed ter, Miss Marlon Huggins, nnd 'i kets may be purchased from Mis. and it is not clear who can occu- brother, Harry Huggins of Nep- How proud you'll be of Mlnaldi. py the proposed homes. tune. your bright, sparkling OVERCOATS fresh house after we give your drapes, slipcovers and other household ef- Values up to 85M0 fects our thorough and reliable dry cleaning. Mrs. Edward M. Crane now offered at Mrs. Crane's committee Includes Dr. Frank B. Altschul of Long Don't Forget Branch, co-chairman; Mrs. Henry D. Mercer, Rumson, special gifts; to Store Your Summer Mrs. Leon \V. Conrow, Red Bank, 5o Garment* for tho schools and institutions, and Mrs. 42 Winter George L. Van Deusen, Fair Ha- ven, army posts. Volunteers from the six Al.C.O.S.S. auxiliaries are Only 25c assisting the committee. Complete Insurance No Charge 'til Spring: The M.C.O.S.S. has, from Its be- are the Talk of the Town ginning in 1912, played an import Call Today ant role in tuberculosis control for a. work in the county, and was in- Customers say, "They're wonderful values, Bonded Messenger strumental in proving the need for the county tuberculosis hos- pital at Allenwood. how can you do it?" The only answer is, Mrs. Crane pointed out today they're broken sizes of styles we can't fill in that funds from the sale of Christ- mas seals constitute a major on, so— THESE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS source of revenue for tuberculosis control work done in the county by M.C.O.S.S. "The importance of this year's sea! drive," Mrs. Crane A few left—so hurry! said, "Is readily apparent, when we stop to think that no age group Is safe from tuberculosis. The dis- ease kills more young people be- tween the ages of 15 and 34 than We've also selected a any other disease. Almost a thou- sand Americans a week are killed few items from our Cleaners — Dyers — Launderera by tuberculosis, at the rate of one every 11 minutes." As usual the drive this year will PHONE RE 6-2800 center on the sale of Christmas Furnishings Dept. seals which will be mailed to Mon- mouth county residents just pre- and marked them one low price 64-76 White St. Red Bank vious lo tho opening of .the drive. Poetry Dormaii McFaddin "THERE IS NO MAGIC?" 288 You any there Is no mngie! If what you say be true Thero are no stars, no seat, no tmrple, blazing dawns— Your Choice No munnurs In the deep.llreen for«st No nlirhtinirale to thrill the soul with wonder—• White and pastel Dress Shirts • Solid color No lnin:hlng child to breat the sl*el of SURROGATE'S dcuth^ Sport Shirts There is no love to heal the heart's despair. Values to 3.95 If what you say be true, there il no Peace. Then why waste time with endless talks of peace? All Wool and Two-Tone Sleeveless Sweaters It fades with such a thought— And for tho final disillusion, but one reality— STATEMENT Values to 4.50 "Chaos and happenstance 1" We build another Unbelt nut you are wronp! There is a ningic far above nil things Broadcloth und Outing Flannel Pajamas men drenrn of: The Surrogate's Office is one of the few departments of the J'jtccnnJ order nnd ft strict protrreMloi. Values to 3.95 A great world of light, supposedly County Government that returns more money to the Freeholders Ignored by scientific miniln. Incomprehensible to molt ambitious men, than they pay out. In other words, we have remitted to the County Hut none the less the laws of truth Highest quality Neckwear Shino three all worlds. Treasurer during the past five years a net profit, ahove all expenses They are not dreams; the patterns 3.50 & 5.00 Values fundamcntall hold to ancient rule— of $78,528.21, or an average of §15,705.64 per year. Outside And If through twisted thought man ts of such mean mind ho over-rides the of the payroll the SURROGATE'S BUDGET HAS NOT BEEN law, There Is no pardon for his blind Intent; INCREASED ONE DOLLAR during the past six years. Fancy weave Spun Nylon Hose He «ulTcr« through hln own dim ignorance And fails to read the writing on the A peak of efficiency was reached this year when papers were re- Regular Price 1.50 wall I r. Then, like great Samson, lays the temple ceived, completed and returned all within the same day. It is my nnd himself In tfuat— Three pair at this price The law breaks him: he doea not break aim to maintain a highly efficient Administration at the lowest The magic of Eternal Truth Which flows In hplrnl from and to the possible taxpayer's dollar. Absolute I GERTRUDE RITTENHOUSE, During the past five years, there were 3,061 Wills probated and I/Ocust, N. J. 1,767 Administrative Orders granted. The increased activity of 288 the office indicates a growth of the County. SHERMAN'S During the past one hundred and four years ONLY SIX MEN have Hume Decorators been elected to this ollicc. And also in our Draperies Custom Made The names of the Surrogates that have served the County of Mon- To Your Order mouth since 1844 are as follows: Installation Optional Boys' Department Track and Drapery Rods Arthur V. Conover, from 1814 to 1838; 14 years Heavy Plaid Flannel Shirts • For Kvery HanjrlnK J'urpow John R. Conover, from 1858 to 1868; 10 years 2.95 Value Aaron Rhca Throckmorton, from 1868 to 1882; 14 years David S. Crater, from 1882 to 1912; 30 years Sturdy Corduroy Punts • A 77 Joseph L. Douuhay, from 1912 to 1914; 32 years Our 5.50 Values *•• • 79:95 Dorman Mcl'addin, from 1944 5 years Ihifjalo Plaid Jack Shirts 7 OO We have conducted the office, of Surrogate during the past five 9.95 VAIIIIM llUI> years with dignity and efficiency. THE FITTED COAT IF YOU BELIEVE a good jolt him been accomplished* I nsk you Green »/• Maroon Corduroy Coats 11 0C Th* conchmim lilltoiiettt Interpreted in lintnmi to vole for inc. Keg. 13.95 Viiliir ! U«

Phono It. H. 6-2616 For Shop At Hortm Snrvlcr, Jlo|irr»ent(»tlvo Will Cull. Caiulidulu for reelection on the Republican ticket with Governor J. KRIDEL Drlscoll, AHNcmhlyincn Thompson and Sinuuill, County Clerk Red Hank SHERMAN'S Woolley and Freeholder VOOI'IHSCH. AT '.'Ilia WI1ITB I10UH1Q III) M1IOAI) HTJtUIOT llnmn llflrornlorn (Pnlil fur by Tiornmn Mcl'mtitln) Them Later HL01J DANK 4ft llrilnit Nt, Ol'KN l'HIDAYS TIM, 9 lll'll llMllU Page Four RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, RAILROAD SETTLES The Pennsylvania Railroad com- What It Means: Gruber Builds pany recently paid Mrs. Carol Ziz- warek, Pine at, Asbury Park $750 TROUBLE, TROUBLE, TROUBLE Inter-American Defense for injuries she suffered when Bhe $30,600 House missed a step while getting off a (A. P.)- -American- train last February. She was rep- defense plans arc hy no means resented by the law firm of We'lser confined to the North Atlantic area Englightown Farmer At Rumson and Lenin of Freehold. nor to co-operntlon only with the North Atlantic Pact nations. Has High Producing Cow First of Six Ranch The U. S. is working as closoly C. V. Aumack, long-time dairy Houses Being Built America's Best Corsets NEW as ever with the other American farmer of Englishtown, is justifi- Republics In mutual defense ar- ably proud of the production record On Ave. of Two Rivers Fitted by Graduate Corsetlerca rangements. The Inter-American of his Brown Swiss cow "Brownie," Defense board has just been reor- according to a report from Rich- The first of six large ranch TUCKER'S ganized, and It will continue in- ard. O. Rice, associate agricultural houses being built by Ingram D. CORSET SHOP definitely to prepare plans for co- agent. In eleven lactation periods, Gruber on minimum half-acre plots 139 Broadway Long Branch operative effort in case any of the Brownie has produced 142,674 on Avenue of Two Rivers, near 21 American republics is attacked pounds of milk and 6,314 pounds Rumson rd., Rumson, is nearing by an outside power. of butterfal. Now in her 15th year, completion. RAYTHEON The board has new quarters at Brownie is going to produce over The house, priced at $30,600, has Use DuPont Paint 2600 16th street, N. W. in Wash- 14,000 pounds of milk and 700 a brick front. Inside are three bed- jj ""' ington. In it about 60 military pounds of butterfat this year. rooms and den, knotty pine and f»v> tilt iurfict ind You Sivt All! i men from all the republics are at Brownie has a daughter in Mr. plaster walled living and alcoved work. Chairman of the board Is Aumack's herd that has produced dining rooms and two picture win- J. H. KELLY COMPANY I Lieut. Gen. Willis D. Crittenberger, dows. There are 13 closets equipped more than 87,000 pounds of milk with electric lights. All floors are HILLY •UILDINQ I .!• former head of the V. S. Army'a and 4,166 pounds of butterfat, A 167 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. Caribbean Defense Command. He of oak. The garage Is double and granddaughter of Brownie's is al- has a circular driveway. Get An FHA TITLE #1 LOAN Is nlso chairman of the military so in production and a great grand- advisers to the U. S. delegation to daughter will soon be contributing Sleeping quarters are separated' Sometimes It's hard to believe that evil forces are hard at work ^TELEVISION the United Nations. to the Aumack herd production. from living areas by wide hallways causing damage to your home. If you let your house go too long He has also just been named in both wings. One wing contains deputy representative for the two bedrooms and den, or "extra without attention, repair and Improvement cost* seem almost too Mr. Aumack, who delivered his bedroom paneled In weldwood and United States on the Military com- first can of milk to Englishtown great. Don't tie up a lot of your money. Fix up your house aa mittee of the North Atlantic Treaty the other has one bedroom which needs arise with the help of an FHA Title #1 Loan. Monthly brings you the March 9, 1894, has built up through can be used as a maid or guest Military organization. Gen. Omar the years a fine herd that totals Your Shirts Installments will not strain your budget. Come to the Bed Bank Bradley is the representative. Since room. There is one colored tile 66 cows at the present time. He bath in each wing with a separate Savings Si Lnun for more Information. Bradley has full duties as chief of believes In knowing whether or Beautifully Laundered U. 8. military forces, it Is assumed stall shower In the main bath. not each cow is a profitable pro- The kitchen, decorated with aky- Crittenberger will be a key man ducer and he has been a member Expertly Finished in the new job. blue tile and canary yellow paint- of the Monmouth County Dairy ed plaster, contains a built-in for- Same Day Service RED BANK SAVINGS LAST WORD The technical work of drawing Herd Improvement association 20 mica table top with upholstered up military plans i-t handled by a years and served as president, nine leatherette seats and knotty pine — At — staff under the direction of another years. cabinets. The laundry is immedia- and LOAN ^Sfc ASSOCIATIOCHARTERED 1667 N American Maj. Gen. Robert L. Mr. Aumack produces all the I Walsh, U. S. Air Force. Walsh la ately adjoining. The air condi- also chairman of the Canadian- roughage for his herd on his 163 tioned Jiot air heating system and LEON'S "She Door to Security United States Defense Commission acres. Good pastures, heavy yield- hot water are provided by natural 64-76 WHITE STREET IN PICTURES and of the Joint United States- ing hay fi«!d.s and big; corn crops gas. Matcrn & York are the archi- 10 BROAD ST. RED BANK NEW JERSCT' Red Bank 6-2800 lirazil Defense Commission. for silage help produce milk eco- tects. nomically. The Inter-American Defense board has been in the business of preparing plans for multi-national defense for such a long limn that

iiixte.L:^.r.->: ATLANTIC


m nRUC


*nm, CRISF GRUNGHY, MOUTH-WATERINC WHOLE ROASTED1 CHOCOLATE FEAHUTS] I Routed tight in the iliell to hold Rich, crisp molauei candy, ihictty jell their lull, delightful (Uvor. .CHOCOLATE icattir«d wUh frsihly roasted pea* , FULL LB. 8OX 12-ox. Cellophane BogJ nuh. Buy «nd Save «t Sun ftay'i low piicel m BARS FULL LB. BOXI


BUTTER COFFEE CRUNCH Tk» condition that't «i«etly right for tutumnl CKoietit roaited pianuti, cluilirtd and coated HOT ROAST BEEF SANDWICH vith but moUl'.ei candy. Now «t t spt.dacultr WIT—•"wN GRAVY FRENCH FRIIEED POTATOES COFFEE •• AC FULL 7«c Value.' HALF POUND 1BI8QUESw& POWDER "C4TPRQ0F P DAGGETT& (Lillianelle) S

EACH COLORFUL CAMBRIC HALLOWEEN ESSEX 1 V •f-VW. SHAMPOOC iftllV"MSiSS * "SAW- Extra Mild! M6;.T.«' •J1*'.; 49 COSTUMES "mil ^SStfj^ B. EACH FOR I TONIC •OTH 7te OF ( 31c. U 'iM ^ . WITCH • CLOWN Lv • RED RIDING HOOD • DRUM MAJOR OR MAJORETTE SUN HAY DOUBLES YOUR MONEY'S WORTH MA 1/fiJ • SOUTH AMERICAN In Smoking Salllfacllonl GIRL • GYPSY GIRL • HAND ROLLED ,?.•! »W b\Ur, !OR tttortid ilia, eftltrftil rottum«t to •HAVANA 0I.END REQ. dtliqhl f 1911 t * «f (i for H«llo«*»'i« OF "d'tti up' Page Six RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1949 You Want the Best, Vote for West." Edgar RED BANK REGISTER F. West of Long Branch is opposing Abram KEEP HIM BEHIND IT LETTERS FROM 40-42 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. EVENTS OF YEARS AQO ESTABLISHED 1818 D. Voorhees of Manasquan, Republican. It OUR READERS By John H. Cook and Henry Clay appears that the Republicans here are, "In THOMAS IRVING BROWN for More Glories With Voorhees." COMPLAINT AGAINST ZOO FROM REQISTER FILES Editor and Publisher On the bond issues we favor only one, 118 Barker Ave. Fifty Yean Ago went to Milburn to work In a bil- JAMES J. HOUAN, Associate Editor that is the #25,000,000 appropriation for Eatontown, N.J. A large stable on Gideon anc liard ball factory. M. HAROLD KELLY. Assistant Editor Oct. 24, 1940, The Princess Auorsperg of New W. HA KIEV PEXNINGTON. Plant Supt state mental, charitable, hospital, relief, Daly's stock farm at Holmdel burn York was visiting her parents, Mr. Red Bank Register ed down and 27 horse perished In and Mrs. E. C. Hazard of Shrews- Member ol tlie Associated Prest training, correctional, reformatory and Red Bank, N. J. the blaze. Property damage was bury. Tk» Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to th« uss To the Editor: placed at $76,000. Three of the far republlcatlon of all the local news printed is this news, penal institutional buildings. It is No. 1 on horses had cost $10,500 and the Miss Sadio Despreaux of Locust paper, a» well as all AP newj dispatches. This letter Is being addressed to Point was enjoying her annual va- the public question list. you in order that you may tak other were worth about $2,500 each, cation from her duties in C. A. Member Audit Bureau ol Circulations steps in arousing public sentiment Oakley Cooper, son of James Mount's store. We are opposed to the Veterans' bonus against the poor management of Cooper, Jr. of Irving pla., was sur- Eiclualve National Advertising Representative, Greater because it takes money out of one pocket the Highlands zoo, Highlands, New prised by a visit from a numbot The Atlantic Highlands borough Weeklies, 820 Broadway, New York Cit7 Jersey. It is hoped that your ac- of friends, the party being arrang- officials ordered a sign placed at Chicngo-Fiilladeltillia.IJetroU to put it in another. We are opposed to the tion will prevent recurrence of such the top of Breakneck hill warning incidents as are related below. ed by Flossie Phepls and Evelyn bicyclers that tho hill was unsafe Thll newspaper assumes no responsibilities for Odell. Present were Olive Weaver, statement* of opinions in letters from its readers. housing bonds because we feel the housing On Sunday afternoon, Oct. 16, for bicycles. problem in this slate can and should be 1949, my wife and two of our chil- Mary Cumberson, Mamie and Mabel While alighting from a trolley The Rid Bank Register assumes no financial ruponiiblll- dren, Kenneth, aged 6, and Richard, Wilbur, Anna Atkinson, Lulu Woy- ties for typographical errors in advertisement, but will re- car at Eatontown, Mrs. Marlanna handled by private enterprise. aged 3, visited the Highlands zoo. brecht, Carrie Mount Elizabeth Smock of Red Bank fell and broke print that part of an advertisement In which the- typograph- We purchased some corn from tlie Wciyck, Anna Brower, Florenc ical error occurs. Advertisers will pleime notify the man* This editorial doesn't indicate a ^straight vending machines located on some her wrist, affement Immediately of any error which may occur. of the animal cages so that the Swancll, Lester Patterson, Daniel ticket, and this is how it should be in Demo children cuuld feed the animals. Rue Floyd Rush, Harold Nteman Subscription Prices In Advance. One year M.OOl ill Fsrrcn Blaisdell Thompson I.ovett, Twenty-five Year* Ago months, I'i.OU; thres months. $1.50;. single copy, 7 centt. In one of these Cages were two cratic America. We are glad to see that the rather lively and apparently friend- Louis Davidson, Eddle.DavIs, Leroy The Fallerette club of Tinton Issued Weekly, entered as Second-Class Mattel at the Fust- voters have good choices for all offices. In ly monkeys who stuck- their paws' Neumann, Leslie Reckless, Willl Falls met at Mrs. John Ehringers' office at Red Bank, N. J., under tha Act of March 9, 1879 through the wire mesh to take the Sutphin, Frank Odell, Clifford Sof- and welcomed their hostess' daugh- I his connection we are happy to note that corn proffered to them by the many fell, Leon Brower, Easton Hen. ter, Miss Prudence Ehrlnger/as a THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949. viaitoi-3. Richard proceeded to feed the Democrats have some outstanding men one of the monkeys when tho other drickson, George Hoffmlre, Arthu member. Guests at the Halloween one pounced over and began to Davis, Vere and Jehu Cooper, My party were Misses Ruth, Ethel and as candidates for a change. AVe hope the squabble for tho corn in Richard's ron and Irving Brown and Troy Elsie Dryer, Jennie and Estelle Election at a Glance day is nigh in Monmouth county when no hand. In the ensuing battle, Rich- leus Sherman. Cornell, Flossie England and Marie party will be able to run and elect just ard's lingers were drawn Into the A birthday sociable was held In and Margaret Scott. Monmouth county residents will go to cage by one of the monkeys who temperance hall at Middlefown vil- Mr. and Mrs. Mlllird Fillmore ''another guy named Joe,"' and we don't began to bite the child's fingers. lage for the benefit of the Harmony Tetley of Hudson ave. celebrated the polls in the general election Tuesday, ministration to the obvious^genera 1 extricated the child's hand from mean Freeholder Joe Invin. the monkey's grasp and saw that Methodist church. Each person their sliver wedding anniversary Nov. 8, to vote for a governor, two assein- welfare needs and demands for cur- his forcllnger was badly lacerated present contributed a cent for each and the 51st birthday of Mr. Tct- blyiuen, a surrogate, a county clerk and a Editorial Views tailment of spending and ellmin and bleeding. We rushed the child year of his age. Those taking part loy In the form of a surprise Hal- ation of horrendous waste o to the caretaker who was collect- in the entertainment were Miss loween party. The affair was held freeholder. Various local oln'cials will be heavily burdened taxpayers' funds, ing admission charges at the gate. Lizzie Taylor Miss Fannie Luyster, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt- Of Lasting Benefit Of Other Papers plus the repeatedly demonstrated He directed us to the refreshment Richard Jewett and Rev. and Mrs. er C. Dennis of Harrison ave. elected and three state public questions will unwillingness or inability of th stand in order to obtain first aid be decided. The public questions involve the A study of the advantages that would treatment. Inquiry at the stand J. W. Clarke. Eight residents of River Plaza Congress to achieve those ends, disclosed that they had no facili- Mrs. Henry Riddle of Oceanic attended the Middletown township spending of §350,000,000, which is a lot of be gained from the installation of an inlet CLEAR THINKING NEEDED calls desperately for new measures ties of any kind for even elemen- was convalescing at home after committee meeting -with Addlson to protect our domestic natlona lettuce. through the Sandy Hook peninsula indi There are loyal Americans who tary first aid. Tho child was sub- having been a surgical patient a Sanborn as spokesman for the del- are still uneasy about the implica- welfare. sequently taken to the Rivcrvlew a New York hospital. egation. They requested that side- cates the project would be of enormous and hospital in Red Bank where his Members of the class of '99 o The two major party candidates for tions of the Communist trial in If the next Congress and the ncx linger was cauterized and he was walks be put down on certain sec- continuing benefit to the North Jersey New York. Judge Medina, obvious- President are not or cannot be se given an injection of penicillin. the Red Bank public school were tions of West Front st. and on governor arc Governor Alfred E. Driscol], ly had them in mind when he was iectcd and elected on a good faith entertained by Mtsa Lyda Thome, Hubbard ave. Clerk Howard W. coast and its many waterfront interests. sentencing the 11 Politburo mem- When one is confronted with ad- daughter of Theodore Thome of Republican, and Senator Elmer H. Wene, pledge to Stop Spending and Ellm mission charges to tile zoo of 25c Roberts was Instructed to write Democrat. Summed up it looks to us like The estimated cost is 13,000,000, with the bers for conspiracy to advocate the inate Waste in National Govern per person, and one sees inade- Holmdel. the state highway commission re- overthrow of tho American Gov- ment. th"n tho "national bnnk quately protected cages and' a man- The bl-eentennlftl celebration ol garding this request. a case of ability (Driscoll) as opposed to federal government paying the lion's share ernment, ruptcy" ogre of "Trillions" js agement which does not provide the founding of the Dutch Reform Mrs. Jameg S. Throckmorton of amiability (YVOIIP). Driscoll appears to us of the cost. In time, the inlet may double He was addressing defense coun- clearly on our national horizon. facilities for treatment of injuries ed church in Monmouth county was East Front st. observed her 94th sel, but his words were meant for That there is tragic necessity for sustained by young children, oni: observed by the Dutch Reformed birthday by receiving many calls to be more a man of action than a profes- the value of local industry dependent upon wonders Indeed whether lack of churches of Holmdel and Bradevolt from hor numerous friends and a wider audience. H recalled that some new or additional form of funds Is an excusable defense for 1 sional politician. In uuinpiliiif; a good safe navigable waters. he had made it pluin to the jury Constitutional control or safeguard negligence, if negligence is defens- with exercises held in the Brlcl relatives. that the defendants could not be against Administrative and Con church at Bradevelt. The services Among the residents of High- record as governor be ha.s done things, and From slatf'ineuts made by officials of ible at all. were mainly historical and those convicted for their beliefs or ideas grof-tional irresponsibility and un- Sincerely. lands who left to spend the win- municipalities in this nrea and others rep who took part were ministers who ter in Florida were Mr. and Mrs. whenever you do .something you are bound or for belonging to the Communist limited reckless spending and Eugene L. Lehrbaum. had been connected with one or to make enemies as well as friends. resenting private interests Friday at the party. He had told the jury that it waste, is also very clear. Since al tho other of the two churches. Frank Hcmhauser, Mr. and Mrs. could convict only if it found real power today, as in the past, if BRETON'S PARABLE Ernest Kielgast, Mr. and Mrs, AYeue's record doesn't compare, and the Middletown hearing, public sentiment is specific intent to overthrow tho at least theoretically vested in the The Monmouth county hunt club George Britton, Mr. and Mrs. WI1-. overwhelmingly in favor of the inlet pro- government by force and violence people, why not let the people vote Keansburg. N, J, had its first Fall hunt. One of the 11am B. Mead, Mrs, M. Volland and empty chair Driscoll lias used in his cam The jury so found. on a new amendment to the Con- The Register, deer owned by the group, which Mrs. L. Eurlch. paign seems -significant. AYeue has re posal. However, Col. W. W. Wanamaker, Judge Medina continued: stitution of the United States which Red Bank, N. J. was kept for hunting purposes, was Peter Forbes of Newman Springs would definitely prohibit the Fed- Mr. Brown: turned loose at Henry .Holmes rd., who was employed at Edward peatedly failed to show up to defend his Army Engineer commander, said the legis- It 6ccms to me absurd on Its faco place at Holmdel. After the deer to say, as you do, that there must eral Government from budgeting, or An uncle of ours had three quar- H. LaFetra's grocery store, pur- lators must be convinced the inlet will expending, or appropriating any relsome little nephews to whom *ie lad traveled about half a mile, the chased a newly constructed dwell- platform, and his failure to answer ques be a clear and present danger of had given playtoys. To one, a toy pack of hounds were turned loose tions of the League of Women Voters didn't "earn its keep." immediate overthrow to justify sum within a reasonable mathemat- gun, a tin boat to another and a on its trail. The deer led the dogs ing from Willis A. Clayton on Ber- prosecution. By any such teat, the ical limit of anticipated tax rev kite to the third, olcsension fol- gen pi. for $10,000. help him in our opinion. It may be a case The facts as presented by Freeholder Government would be overthrown enues in any one or two-year fiscal a fine chase for a while but the Miss Marie Scott of Tinton Falls before it could protect itsslf and lowed, threatening tho security and hounds finally chased it Into the though where having done nothing will Joseph C. Irwin and other officials, in our the very important right of free- period. peace of the household. When a Holmdel school yard. Round and resumed her duties as bookkeeper dom of speech would bo gone with Some new and effective national mentor intervened the boys turned round tho building went the deer, in a Red Bank store after enjoying mitigate in his favor. opinion, show why the cost of the project bitter, with cries of "meddler" and her annual vacation. all the other freedoms. financial safeguard is sadly needed "morale destroyer." The boys re- closely pursued by the hounds. Fin- is more than justified. —and quickly. Maybe tho Const! sented his attempt at "unilicatlon" ally the deer leaped upon a coal box Dr. George D. Fay and daugh- Although we believe the people should Concern for American principles ter Gladys of Atlantic Highlands Here are some of the facts: can bo carried to the point where tution ought to be amended to re- and the feud grew worse as the and went through an open window. have tlie opportunity to vote on whether or It prevents action necessary to quire an approval vole by a ma- boys aged. They and their toys School was. In session and on the were expected home from a two The inlet, cut across Sandy Hook's nar- jority of all the State Legislatures had so grown together that tho first appearance of the deer, the chil- weeks' motor trip through the New not they want bingo, we do not believe the their preservation. Prosecutor Mc- boy considered himself the main- row neck just north of the Fort Hancock Gohey, in urging maximum sent' before the Congress or the Admin- dren made a wild scramble to get' England states. election of a governor of our great state istration could appropriate or spend spring of his gun, tho second entrance gates would allow easy access to unues, puiMud out that the defend- tnought himseif the rudder ct his under the desks. Someone opened Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Cook of should be decided on any such minor issue. ants had been found guilty of ac more than X Billions in any single boat and the third became the the front door and the deer dashed Atlantic Highlands entertained a the sea. This would trim more than an hour tlons which attack "the very exist- or two-year ftecal period. Or, may- string and tail of his kite. Here out with the hounds In close pur- number of friends In celebration of "We favor Gov. Driscoll on his record, and ence of constitutional government bo a national referendum approval was the germ of contention, be- suit. The dogs lost the trail. The their second wedding anniversary. on his non-political appointment of Theo- each way in the time commercial fishermen In this country." vote by a majority of voters ought cause they resented being called club held another chase a fow days William Leutchan of Union use getting to and from the deepsea iishing lo be a prerequisite to the appro- gun boy, boatman and kiteflicr. later but this one was attended Beach wa» tendered a surprise par- dore D. Parsons, attorney general. We also Can any one doubt that? priation or expenditure of more They had grown bigger britche3 with no exciting incidents. ty in celebration of his 18th birth- areas. Finally, thore was Mr. Vishin than X Billions in a given fiscal and were attempting to fill them day. are of the opinion that the national picture period. under the classification of "army," Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Wymbs of The cut through also would reduce by sky's Impassioned attack on tho "navy" nnd "air force," and their Mrs. Clinton Lohsen of Keans- at this time will favor Gov. Driscoll. trial and Judge Medina during the Borden st. were surprised by a visit seven miles the ocean travel distance for Federal spending and waste must distraught old uncle, Sam, is call- from a group of friends, the oc- burg entertained the Iris Five On the assembly side, the Democrats in United Nations debate on violation be stopped.—N. J. Manufacturers ing in tho truant ottlccrs. Scram, casion being the first anniversary of Hundred club at her homa on Pal- small craft using the inland waterway. of fundamental liberties in tho So Ass's. News Letter. fellas, the cops aro comin'.! • their marriage. mer ave. Present were Mrs. E. Monmouth have two worthy candidates in viet sphere. "Real violations of hu Rockafellow, Mrs. Walter Conroy, Eliminated would be tfie necessity of pass- man rights" aro taking place in Ted Breton. About 75 persons attended the William Russell, Jr., and Amos E. Kraybill, FAIK VETERANS' dance and euchre of the golf club. Mrs. C. Ryan, Miss M. Greary, Mrs. ing through tricky and dangerous currents the United States, complained Air. G. MacDonald, Mrs. N. DeTuro and Jr. They are opposed by Elvin R. Simmill Vishinsky. rREFEUENCE DISAGREES WITH VERDICT Prize winners of the evening were that often develop at the end of the hook. Louis Y. Manning, George O. Wat- Mrs. C. B. Lohsen. and Merrill H. Thompson, Republicans. We For comparablo offenses In Rus- It has long been plain that the 592 Ocean Avenue, Miss Janette Patterson Conover, Consequent results also would bo a system of ubsolutu preference for erman, Mrs. Elizabeth Hendrick- like Russell, a Red Bank boy, for his stand sia, as the record plainly shows, Sea Bright, N.J. son and Mrs. William N. Worthley. daughter of E. Clarence Conover booming of both commercial and pleasure these defendants would already veterans in civil service jobs, now Oct. 24, 1949. Miss A. L. Williams, daughter of of Freehold township and Clarence on the shore highway situation. Although, have been disposed of in a way that Imbedded in the state law, needs To the Editor: boating, an increase in the safety factor correction. Under the law, the dis- Edward Williams, who lived near William Campbell, son of William favoring a parkway system, he contends the would have foreclosed appeal to In reference to the case of ton the Little Silver station, was Campbell of Colt's Neck, were mar- for small craft navigation, a "port hole" for any earthly tribunal.—Newark Sun- abled veteran who receives a min- children in juvenile court. awarded first prize of $5. for the ried at the bride's home by Rev. state at little expense could add two lanes imum passing mark on merit ex- day Nows. aminationr. must be appointed or I am the father of two children best handmade lace curtain on exi- John E. Mertz, a former pastor secondary defense in times of national and do not believe in classifying bition at the Trenton fair. of the Frehold Reformed church. to highway 31 to give the shore immediate emergency and with fresh water passing promoted lo a civil service Job ov- overything a child doea as delin- relief. He points out that the. state has VOTERS er others, even though they may quency. But I do think if they For tho first time, In five years Miss Ruth Brown Tllton, daugh- through the inlet with every new tide, there As tho major party candidates bo marked 100 per cent disability. break in and damage a home us Oceanport was without a' football ter of Henry Tllton and Albert land here, already graded and covered with The law also gives absolute prefer- stated, the parents should be re- team. Joe Wolcott was trying to Eastmond Crawford, son of John should be less stagnation in coves and for national office square off for the l election it Is fitting to call atten- ence to other veterans over non- sponsible, whether i ich or poor and organize a team but had not suc- C. Crawford, both of Tinton Falls, base gravel, and contends that a hard sur- veterans—though only through De- tho case should not be dismissed ceeded In getting together enough wore married in the parsonage of inlets. tion to the important placo occu- on technical grounds. face and some white lines would virtually Mr. Irwin placed a minimum of pied in public affairs by the League comber, 1050. The system is wrong players. he Methodist church of Media, Pa. do the trick. We think he definitely lias of Women Voters. Founded In 1920 because it makes merit the least of Very truly yours, A party was held at Bert F. Frederick E. Travis of Fair Ha- $1,500,000 annually on the estimated value considerations in hiring men for Andrew T. Johnston White's home on Wallace st. Pres- ven took for his bride,- Miss Mabel something here. by Carrie Chapman Catt on the public jobs. It is unfair to the ent were Misses Neva Asay, Lulu Turner, daughter of William Turn- of these benefits. basis of the Woman Suffrage INDEPENDENT VIEW For surrogate, we like our old friend Amendment, the organization stead- non-disabled veterans, and it vir- Hesse, Mabel Patterson, Sophie er of Rumson. The ceremony was AA'ith the inlet project, would be a com- ily has broadened its scope lo pro- tually forecloses a civil scrvicn ca- Rumson, N. J. Skirm, Daisy Errickson, Essie performed at the bride's home by Dorman JlcFaddin of Long Branch, Re- reer to tho thousands of young Oct. 22, 1948Clayton Laura Biidsall, Blanche Rev. Arthur A. McKay, pastor of panion anti-erosion program. A recom- vide a unique nonpartlsan service people being graduated from state White, Edgar White, Charles.Pier- publican. He has done a good job, and you for all citizens. Red Bank Register the Rumson Presbyterian church. mendation has been made that this pro- high schools and colleges each year. 40 Broad St. son, Horace Vine Joseph Asay, Har- Otto F. Applegate, president of always know how he stands. His opponent, In more than 700 communities ry Supp, Walter Davis, Oliver Sut- he First National bank of Eaton- gram start with the erection of a 1,000-foot throughout the country, some 89,000 Red Bank, N. J. Elmer Geran, is a grand old campaigner, Nevertheless, every one agrees To the Editor: phen Ralph Fields, Howard Mat- town, accompanied by Mrs. Applo- jetif. Authorities predict that this jetty, in volunteer workers of the Leagut that veterans should be given rea- thews, Harry Patterson, Albert gate, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. arc devoting tireless energy to pro- sonable preference in getting and It seems to me in these critical and deserves credit for running, but we fail addition to protecting the ocean side of the .imes when so much Is at stake, Carhart, Walter Blrdsall, Irving Throckmorton of Red Bank and to see how the county could be better served moting "political responsibility holding jobs, to make up for tho the citizens of the State of New Brown and Louis Tctley. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brady of Fair inlet, would build up sand all along the through Informed and active par- Interruption of their working ca- Jersey are particularly favored In Clinton Elliott, a clerk employed Haven, loft to bring to Red Bank by his election. * ticipation of citizens In govern- reers by war service or by war-in- having the opportunity to re-elect in Frank Supp's store on Mon- a new 45-foot cruiser which Mr. beach for a considerable distance to the ment." In the League's agenda that curred disability. Amendment pro- to tho responsible and important mouth at., won a pair of shoes as Applegate had purchased In Massa- The surrogate's office is one of the few aim Is more than a phrase. It posal No. 5 on the ballot this No- position of Governor a man of Al- south. AA'ith the installation of shorter fred E, Drlscoll's stature. He has a result of tho race between the chusetts. departments of the county government that, moans a constant hammering to vember substitutes what Is known Columbia and the Shamrock. jetties, it is believed this would solve the promoto every method of such par- as point preference for absolute very distinguished background Cards were received from Seattle, preference. This Is a far fairer and a brilliant record as an able, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hubbard of Wash, from Walter S, Agay, son returns more money to the freeholders than erosion problem in Sea Bright. Sections of ticipation. It means urging voters honest and fearless chief executive Wallace st. returned from a trip to enroll In the parties of their system. Under point preference, of Burrowes Asay of McLaren st. they pay out. The office has remitted to the the beachfront have been wiped out com- which can bo used only once, a of tho State during the past two to Philadelphia. Mr, Asay had been In the west sev- choice. It means constantly trying and one half years. He Is pitted eral months and liked it so well county treasurer, during the past live to overcome Indlfferenco to tho pri- disabled veteran will havo ten against a man of small accom- Mrs. C. J. Ivlns and family of pletely in recent years, and only the in- points ndded to his oarncd mark Monmouth st. moved tfi New York. that ha purchased a place; Intend- years a net protit, above all expenses of mary by getting out a big primary plishments who has failed to ro- Miss Eva Irons, daughter of Mrs. ing to make his permanent home stallation of the stone sea wall has saved vote. It means inducing public- In a civil service examination for ?78,,"28.21, or an average of $ 15,705.01 per original appointment, llvo points mdluto his connoction with tho Robecca Irons of Long Branch, .here. ' valuable property. Building up the beach- minded citizens to servo as party Hague machine, advocates In- and Mlllard F. Tctley, son of John workers nnd run for ofllce. for promotion. Non-disabled veter- creased spending at tho samo time Mr. and Mrs. Slgmund Eisnor of year. Outside of the payroll the sumigntu'N front would give added protection, prevent ans will reculvo an additional llvo deprecates Increased tnxes and T. Tetley of Stout St., woro mar- Wost Front st. woro spending two budget has not been increased one dollar Through tho frequent Issuance of points for first appointment, 214 whoso chief Interest in tho past ried at St. Luke's church at Long weeks at French Lick, Indiana, undermining of the sea wall, provide more pamphlets, the Lcnguo keeps Its points on a promotion examination, has been In chickens. Surely it Brnnoh by Rov. C. E, Hill of Red George Sllvor of Shrowsbury was In the past six years. space for bathers and add to realty values. members up to date on ouch mat- Thus some, protection will bo con- hould not bo too dlfllcult for tho Bank. on a deer hunting trip In Vermont, Mr. McFaddin attracted attention sev- ters us credit, the nation's position tinued for tho non-disabled beyond •otcrB to mako their decision, Announcement was made that Alexander D. Cooper, Gsorge D. There Is some objection to the project. In world trade, and the United Na- December, 1050, nnd tho disabled Ethel Flndloy (Mru. W. V. B.) Mortimer V. Pach, Bon of Morris Cooper and J. Oakley Coopor of eral yearn ago by returning more than Some riverside residents protest that the tions and Palestine Keeping Its will still havo substantial prefer- Independent Voter Pach of Red Bank, had been mar- Red Bank wore pxpocted home f2,000 for salary whiln lie was ill and un- lights high, tho League carries ence In tho competition for publlo ried to Miss Ellzaboth Craig of from a two weeks' hunting trip In inlet would bring too many boats In the prominently on IU current ngonda Jobs. Long Branch during the previous Canada, Dr. Blddle H, Garrison able to disdiargt! his olllclal duties. He wnaRhrcwRbury river; others feel the cost, is for 1048-50 n concentration on the wlntor. also In the hunting party -was to not obligated to do so, and his action wan utrcngthcnliiK of the United Na- Tills amendment to maintain tho County Sodality Miss Llbblo W. Johnson, daughter remain In Canada two mor« wooks, too high. In answer to the first protest, It tion*, Unceasingly tho Inrilvldunl iifi'lt system has the support of tho of Cathorlno and Jolfn N. John- Automobllos ownod by Edward contrary to would Hcein that our river would be un- l» reminded that politics Is, Indeed, major pintles ami of more than Elects Officers aon of Bolford, wan married to For- Wilson of Little Bllvor «nct Arthur in tlif county clerk content we find two harmed by more traffic than it boars Inrlny. hid "Job," that political picture, twenty outstanding citizen groups. rest Contpton, eon of Job Compton Gregory of Rod 3ank collided on tightly applied, him a placo In inn U'o tirga approval of Amendment Lillimi Donnelly of that placo. Tho corcmony was Branch avo, Mr, Wilson's Car was lenders pitted against unuli other. .1, RIINHOII In answer to the other, the cost can oniy democracy, that political machines No, 5 on Kindlon Day,—N. Y. Her. performed at the bride's homo by overturned and badly damaged but Woollcy of WPKI Long Uriini'li, Republican bo evflluiifcd by profits pined, and, In Ibis enn be lira I on and Unit civil Irrndu aid Tribune. Clioweii Prefect Rov. J. Ward Clark. no ono was hurt In the accident. can ho eliminated from pulillc life, MIKS Emma Lofforson, daughter Mra, Marie Aumack, wlfo Jpt John leader, is opposing Mayor F. Hliss J'rice of ense, that risk is more than worth I he By keeping tho Individual remind- Ai-ls and OaftH Group The annual meeting and oloctlon of David 11. Lofferson of Colt's Aumack of Eatontown, died at tho Entontown, Democratic lender. Price looks investment. ed of liln duties and obligations f officers of tho Blessed Virgin Nook and Wallaco Cook, son of ago of 1)2 yoars after an Ulno»s of of cltlzennhlp, (ho League of Warn- Kl(>cl8 Now OHivci'H' Mary sodality of Monmouth county Ooorgo VV, Cook of Long Branch, throo your*. Sovon sons and a to DH like tlic xlronKi'Ht wmi on the county On a lill] overlooking the proposed NII<> on Voters to doing un cxccllonl was hold Sunday nftornoon at St. woro married at tho bride's home daughter survlvod her. Deniocrntln ticket, and it worthy candidates of the inlet the government (hiving the liml work In helping to keep the ma- Mm, Bnnjnmln Kaplan wag elect- Anthony's Cathollo church here. by Rov. 8. R. Cunningham. Frank Strlngfelluw Sr, dlod of chinery nf our iliMiiuiM-iiay funnt- ed (ilmliinon, MM. Prod P. Morf, Iflloctml woro Misses Lillian Don- Mrs. Loulso Walling, wlfs of Jo* & stomach disorder at th»n(jo of Tint signs say, "You Can't MIHH, Vote for war placed several big guiiH to keep I lie onlng Hinoiilhly nnd pffrrtlvoly.-- (H'urpliu-y, and Mi». H. K, Brown, oly nf Our Lady of Porputual soph Walling uf Now Monmoulh, M years at his homo on Brown pi. UIIHX,1' The RcpubllciiiiH could wiy, "JI.'H enemy nwny from (lie Nhore, TIIIK WIIN done Tho New Yurli Tlmm. {iiilillrlly rlmlrimin, nt tho Hint l-iolp parlHh, Highlands, prefect; died nt tha ago of (10 yoam, The He was survlvod by his widow, tho Allola Hawloy, St, Agncn church, previous Saturday tho couple had former Ida B. Lnnwlon and two mooting of tho III'IM mill criiflu du- Hully to llnvc Woollcy." We give tlm edge at the COHI, of IIIHIIMIIIIIIH and IIIOIIHIIIIIIN of CONTItOI, or NAT- Atlantic lllglilandii, vice prefect; colohratod their golden woddlnK an- ions and a daughter. licrc U\ Woollcy, (he pcnionnllty man of Ilic (lollnrH nl a lime wlicu Much IIICIIHN ol' dc- IONAI, PIIIIHl'i TO I'KOI'l.n; imrlim'iil of HIM l.ltllti HIIVIM- Wo- Joan CuninioHNo, HI. HOMO church, nlvci'imry. Mrs. Mni-Knt'cl Htrylcor of'Linden fending lite count hud become obsolete, Tlie mui'n club. Till) ni'fliilon WIUI hnlil 'Inlmnr, Kooriilary, and Patricia Patrick Flatloy died at Fair Hu- I, died In hor 071 h year, Him had Republican purfy In Monition!li iiecniiNo of Tlio dale Him rmrin Id inlk of uM Thiiiiulny wuck at tho uluh- Desmond, Jlojy (JI'MUM i.'liiiirli, ron at Dig honm of his d/iiitfhlor, nun 111 for (juito « long tlrno nml IIIM experience mid the Hlrcnglh of Hie Rp. guiiH have Mince been cut up, ami nil ihnl, "CUMJHKM Mid KIUKV' In I lie ll*i\'il TUiniHun, troanuror, Ofllco.ru will bo Mrs, Patrick llutlor, Ho was Oil tad bocn a ronldom of Hod Hank affairs of "mir (Invi Itimi-nt" nf llm 'inline, reinnliiN IN II "war" on the IIIIIKIIIC, Installed Doc, 4, at HI, Catherine's yearn of n(;n, lor 30 years, publican machine behind him, The county tJnlli'd Hliilrn of AniiTlni, Our iml- Mm. Wllllnin Holu'iich Hpoltn un Jhurchi HpHtiK liiiUn, Mrs, George KllonhurK of Fair William T, llondrlckxon retnrnod ionnl ili'bl h;.,M 11.,,),,,| !i..,iriiiiu)jil';il "Ni'i'ill»|mlnl." Tlic next mootlnif Haven burnod up over {100 In bills cIcrk'M ofllee under HUHH Woollcy IK rmmlii- The giivi'i'iiuieiii IUMI mi 11 mi A Dny »f MouiilliicUtiii will bo o his horns' In Mlddlotown vlllnjii ami ili'lliii i'|ii'iiilliii: will l>(. Wi'ilneniluy, Nuv, 10, at tho clil at tho Htar uf I ho Hen. C-II and chucliH, Tho monoy had boon iftor making un Inspection of hla ci'cil one nf HIP ht-si wi'vin'il in Hn< Mime, tvhli'h limy inn ii|i In fi m |i'•.-.i)Mllt!lllj! «'i| ||. |iii',ini »iii' MIK. Wlliuin Illnlr, mourn IOKC prcxilgc bv hi* run, ''inik'OA (liil.I'm, Iti'd Iliuili, pii'-| rilni'trd wlihtiui nny IhuiiHlit given f HIirowMliury celebrated thulr ill" lulel n pi'iijiTi whi ||| b,> nf inji., In iiml inn nf i'iin((iiiFi., IIIMHII j Mi» AMii'it V, ,lunt<«, Mi-K. K. Mian- nil; IlltliM Ann Miiivnn, Nnw to tho munoy In the oven, iOth wedding nnnlverinry with * For freeholder, the Dcmocinu ditlm, "If buuullt to tun area. * II tl 11 r III III li;lhi,i i|ih y " , ' li'V MnIK' Mi». Hiivhl Wood oml MutuiHUil Ii, MI'CI Mini',', nml KHlUl William II. Honnell, mm nf family minion nml a dinner pur- Th« blM« indiffercnai of lh« Ad- Mu, li. W. MuClelUu. Uentllt, Asbury J'niH, Iriuuufer, JJtiinult of. Kali' Haven, y. RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOIWR 27, 1910 Page Seven Car Overlurns in RIIMISOM Crash INSURANCE FRESH PRESSED Agents for: APPLE CIDER without American Automobile Insurance Company Benzoato of Soda Hartford Eire Insurance Company Home Insurance Company Insurance Company of North America St. Paul-Mercury Indemnity Company St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company WILLEY'S And Others. FARM MARKET Route 35 BOYNTON & BOYNTON Centerville, N. J. 8 Druiiiinoiid Place, Red Bank Special Prices to Group* and Organizations Phone: Red Bunk 6-0952 • 6-4180 Tel. Miildletiinn 5-O280-M


Mr. and Mrs. Philip Axclrod, Ea-* blinker light al the. Intersection. Ions of the light log, knee nnd 46th St., Bayonnc, escaped serious Another car driven by Wlnnicfred ankle She was released Sunday WE CANT injury shortly after noon last Sal- Longstrect, Elm pi., Red Banli, afternoon, Federal urday when their car was struck struck their'car, Mrs. Longstreet wns treated for in the right side and turned over Mr. Axelrod wns taken to River- shock nnd a bruised left forearm at the intersection of River id. and view hospital, where he was treat- by Dr. Stephen Ctisagrandc of Ilum- Binsham avc., Rumson. ed for contusions of the loft chest .son. According to police, the Axelrod and abrasions of the right hand Patrolman John Kenny gave Mr. car was traveling south on Bing- and released. Mrs. Axelrod was Axelrod a summons for a stop GLASS ham avc. and failed to a\op at the admitted to the hospital with abra- no THIS! street violation. Choose from colorful stripes or L modern Nasturtium design, . Morris to Lecture survey were utilized in the ton- HtrucUon of tho "Pace-Setter" dem- Smart-looking glasses for all Al Community Center Metropolitan onstration house In Orange, New Jersey which is open for public in- Harold M. Morris, executive di- spection. rector of the Long Brunch Jewish Climate Anaylsis "A house for a climate like this Community Center, will deliver the muit llrst of all reckon with tem- first of six lecture forums Tuesday, Pertinent Information perature," says Dr. Siple. "You can Nov. 8. The fiist lecture will be an For House Builders see at a glance how the average "Introductt.inn to Child Psychol- year breaks down: 2.S5'.'c of the REFRIGERATOR ogy." Dr. Paul E. Siple, military year is hot iR5-10!i eletfines Fl. Yn'i The other lectures and the dates geographer for the U. S. Army Gen- need fans or air conditioning, SET they will be given arc. "Practical eral Staff, lias released his climate 28.5K;' of the year is warm (U5-6a Infant Psychology," Dor, 13; "Prn- analysis for metropolitan New degrees F). You can relax; .12.28'; I large and 2 small dishes... AdolRscent Psychology," Jan. 10; York and New Jersey, calling the of the year is cool (-I.T-G5 degree, each with cover. Made of "Understanding the Adolescent," climate of this area "ideal" for an F), fireplace, wall-heatcra or low Feb. 14; "The Young Adult Per- average of one in every three cential heat will do: 30.68ft of the easy-to-clean glass. Nesi to • iod," March 14, and "Practical "As- hours of the year. year Is chilly (25-45 degrees Vi, save space! Keep ^ «W' pects of Psychology," Apr. 11. Writing in the November Issue Medium central heat: 5.84ft of tin loftovcrs fresh Set Mr. Morris obtained his master's of House Beautiful, Dr. Slple, one year is cold (0-25 degree Fl, full degree at New York University in of eight scientists connected with central heat; 0.04ft of the year is the magazine's "Climate Control very cold (0 degrees and below). psychology, and is cunenlly ma- You nccel maximum heat, insula- triculating for his doctorate degree. Project," gives specific require- 111 He was formerly employed as ments for the perfect house in this tion, additional clothing. This psychologist by the Jewish Voca- area, based upon temperature, means that your house should be tional Service at Montreal, Can- rainfall, humidity, wind and sun designed to hold tn man-made Naturally we can't have one of our ine Ford Part):;; and keeping a stuff ada, and was instructor of psychol- shine records dating back some 75 heat for 69% of the year, hold nat- talesmen flying over every Ford we of Ford-trained mechanics «t jour ogy at New York university in 1910. years. ural heat out for 31ft of the year sell. .. ready to remind you' and nil service. Structurally, your house should bo The report covers an area -whicl designed to resist the destructive the other Ford owners of the many We know we have a lot to gain by includes all of Westchestcr county frecze-thaw effect; for in an avet- advantages you get when you deal giving you and your Ford a good, as far north as Pcekskill and all ol age New Jersey winter, the ther- •itb, a Ford Dealer. Long Island, in addition to metro mometer will cross the freezing lint square deal from the moment you get politan New York. It also extends It would take too many salesmen, the keys . . . because satisfied cus- twice a day for an average of GS as far south as Dover, Pennsyl- days." ind we don't think you'd 1>R too tomers are our best talesmen. vania, and Atlantic City, New Jer- The analysis reports that a IIOII.T happy ahout your loss of privacy. sey, and northwest to include New- ton, New Jersey. Among principa In this region has an average hu So we do the next lirsl tiling. We cities in the region analysed arc midity picture like this: 25ft i. lee to it that your Ford stays at its the year humidity will be exec;: Peekskill, Newton, Paterson, New sivc (00ft and up); 2ft'.! of the year best. We do everything we can to ark, piainfleld, Perth Aniboy humidity will be moderate. (•10ft to give you the very finest Ford Berne? Dover, New Brunswick, Red Bank 60ft); and 50ft of the year humid i . . sticking to factory-approved Princeton, Trenton, Lakewood ity will be low (10ft to •10'.',). Ac methods •.. keeping a stock of Genu- Camden, Green Bank, Brldgeton cordingly, says Dr. Siplc, a. enm KWIKI-P1 MAKER! Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Wi!' forlable house must devote 25ft o mington, New York and Rockvilli B Ingenious utensil makes delicious, hot g *SM adv. In this piper. m Center. its energies to combatting excessivi humidity. . . Your best bet is to 6 toasted sandwiches or pies. Use over MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES CO. The climate analysis Include.? move the air. Plan on big window I FREEDS | tables which give 'percentages o openings, cross ventilation, and n'.- any kitchen stove or open fire, only 90 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK M Corner . . . Nell to Pott Offict jf the year during which definite tem- tic fans." • ill BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J.p perature, humidity and sunshine As for rainfall, the analy:ls conditions prevail. Findings of the shows that .'in average of 43 in. wil S fall in a year in the N. Y.-N. .) climate zone, and that the monthl> iTff i ilff i iTTft precipitation rate ranges from 3 In. for December (including melting snow) to 4.3 in. for August. "In a very cold winter," says Dr. Slplo. "snow might Ho on the ground CHIC from late November until late March. But this is the exception. Snow In this area usually stays on HAIR DRYER the ground only 2 or 3 days, freez- ing at night nnd thawing in the Dries hair In a jiffy! Use for pets or Sunoco Dynafuel proved dayllme." stockings, ioo\ Gives imtant hot or Since house and grounds will he wet for much of the year, the Cli- cold air. UL approved. mate Control Project recommends AC only that buildeis select wall anel roo.' surfacings which shed water easily, that precautions be taken against rot. mildew anel rust, and that roof BARBARA LANE and yard drainage be handled Rubbing Alcohol carefully. CLEANSING TISSUES According to the records, a house C c In this area will get 56ft of pos- 12 sible sun in December, January 16 superior to 7 leading and February, 63ft of possible sun during March, April and May, 66ft of possible sun in June. July and August, and 64 ft of possible sun 5-GRAIN HAMILTON during September, October anel No- vember. Since the sun will be un- ASPIRIN TABLETS COTTON welcome dm Ing June, July, Aug- C C ust period, Dr. Slple states that thn annual distribution of sun- 9 39 shine in this region is not altogeth- er happy. Yejil get the least when yon need the most, and vice versa." HAMILTON The annlyj?!* shows that wind premium-priced gasolines won't be of much help in this area. WATER BOTTLE TOILET TISSUE From Oe:tober straight through 650 Sheet A for 4 JTC April." says the report, "winds are- strongest nnel coldest. They Reg. 98c Roll * • W Anti-knock Performance ...for smoother anti-knock performance in all cylinders blow uniformly from the northwest Your house should have th».' Cylinder by Cylinder! fewest eiponlng.', the most storm Think of it.:. Sunoco Dynnfuol out-porforms lending promium- Fn.»h, nnd the heaviest Insulntinii HAMILTON priced gasolines—yet Bnvea you up to 2r n gallon! townrel the* northwest, . . In hoi Paper NAPKINS weather, the hicczes not only drop MINERAL OIL Certified testa prove Sunoco Dynnfuel'H superiority for deliv- to their lowest velocity of the year, Reg. 39c t OC ering smoother anti-knock performance in nil cylindcr**-iiot but nlfo become quito vnrlnblr over ordinary or regular gnsolines—but over 7 leading premium blowing from the eoulh»ast, south Pint and southwest during the day." gnBolines. And for addittannl proof: romomber—more Detroit Hullelers are urged to hnvei big Automotive Engineers use Sunoco Dynafuol in their own oars openings toward the south anel LUSTRE CREME Daggett & Ramsdell than any other gasoline.., 4 tn 1 over the next nearest brand! crow ventilation In DIP menus nml. In July and August, to plan on SHAMPOO and COLD or Swing in at lho Sunoco Sign and begin enjoying now perform- .itllc. dins for punitive iilr <-lri-uli- 3 6 tlon. HAIR DRESSING CLEANSING tot yeuritlf In tharl ubov» ,,, ptutlhaHy nnco In your car ,,,ut a saving on every mile you (Vn'ir. no variation of anti-knock power from cyllndir :sss^. The 194H I'nci'-Kcltcr Koine In C to cylinder whin Sunoco Dynafurl woi t*ti«d, )rnnKP I" " real-life ilcmmiMni' lhat'i why you g»! »moath*r high-tut powar 79 whtn you utt Sunoco Dynafual In your car'i Inn of how to handle ellmnte pnr> tnaint. rt Save up to 2t a gallon deluxe* in this men. The edltnis In- « ,i'; ".-"«»••"" vite vlxltoifl to otwrivp the "I'll- mute- Control I'lujeel" In iii'linn MIM UM.HICID OAK UNI ,mr[ see how rllmnte iinnly'lx CMM over other high-test gasolines hf|p thnn lei hnvr n inoir com- heiuee wl'.rlhr-l they'i" :, building, or (celling, Anbury Park Legion ! Hand lo (iivc (!nii<"i-1<"." Hulllvnn; "I'hi" I' S Klclil Ami- RED BANK PHONE 6-0355 itii Mm, h " Him,,i HIIII Hu MuiK 1 •. NEWS-Sunoco 3 Star Extra-NBC, Moh. through Fri. 6;45 pm (EST). PRO FOOTBALL—televised by Sunoco-watch newspaper for schedule. "Wellington tlmj't" h;1 tiM/nU. Page Eight RED I-iAXK •REGISTER, OCTOTiKH 27, 1010

was instructed to write a letter to ity insurance has been obtained to the board of freeholders requesting date, that the fishermen hoped the MERIT MIMEOGRAPHING SERVICE SEE THE NEW FALL... Mayor Farrell the installation of red redactors on borough would not enforce this VIOLIN the turn of Ocean avr. across the stipulation in the lease on the Lmoni lor Biglnners ind Advanced Student* 191 Branch Avenue Red Bank 6-^976-R old railroad crossing in the busi- grounds of expense, or would al- ALL PHASES OF MIMEOGRAPHING Scores Speeding ness section. low the section to be feneed in Walter Pfeiffer Some discussion was roniernti up- for public safety. Council said, in VIOLIN SOLOIST AND INSTRUCTOR SPECIALIZING IN COLOR AND ART LAYOUT MWKETTRICK In Sea Bright on the recent action of the local effect, "no insurance, no lease." 13 Alston Court —Red Bink 6-1411R "A SERVICE FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE" board of health in placing lai'sc It wa.s recalled that a costly Call or writo for appointment I Boyer Claims Police advertisements in a daily news- judgment was brought against one CLASSIC DRESSES AT paper of this area without conn-, riverfront property owner this Made More Arrests cll'n authorization. Jt developed year when some one was injured that these ads, noting that Sea by tripping over an object and Announcing KIRSCHBAUM'S Than Ever This Year Bright was free from polio, were falling to a float on the river. Coun- of much larger size than necessary cil refused to assume joint respons- 23 Broad Si. Red Bank Speeding on the North Beach lec- and had been published at a. time ibility' with the (fishermen if their tion of Ocean ave. commanded the when the health board did not operations would result in any Attention of the Sea Bright mayor have enough money in its treasury similar suit as the result of per- and council during a lengthy dis- to pay for them. sonal injury. cussion at last Thursday night1 Commercial fishermen Harry DANCING meeting. Peterson,- Lara Anderson, Axel Mayor Thomaj Farrell introduced Forsman, William Llndman and LICENSE SUSPENDED. the subject by calling the fnat driv- Chris Nelson were denied permis- A five-day suspension of the ing, to which a number of acci- sion tp lease borough-owned prop- liquor iicenee issued to Michael A. dents have been attributed, "a re- erty at the foot of River St., on Nlcas, proprietor of Colonial inn, grettable but common occurrence.' which the sewage disposal plant Ocoanport, was ordered last week Saturday and Sunday Councilman Dani«l Peirion, is located, unless they cover their by the State Alcoholic Beverage chairman of the police committee, operations with liability insurance. Control commission. The suspen- who lives on North Ocean ave., That was a stipulation last spring sion will be effective from Oct. 31 MUSlC BY blamed much of the speeding upon when the fishermen were granted to Nov. S. The suspension came local resident*, who violate the bor- a lease of a portion of the prop- after Mr. Nicas pleaded non vult ough ordinance In their hurry to erty there for the purpose of dry- to a charge by A.B.C. agents that DAVE HUGGINS get to and from work. ing nets, tying up fishing boats and on two occasions he permitted sale To the query of the mayor: "Why other uses. I of beer to two soldiers under 21 EARL VAN PELT can't this b« stopped?" came the It was brought up that no liabil- years of age. response of Police Chief Bert Boy- er that the police have acted CHET ARTHUR against speeding more this year than previously. The chief said his AT men are Instructed to pass out SHERMAN'S TIMELY SALE tickets for all flagrant violations. It was the recommendation of Councilman John H. Hocter that On SLIP COVERS For A Limited Time Jumping Brook Country Club Sea Bright request from the Amer- ican Automobile association warn- THIS IS WHAT WE OFFER. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT ing signs against speeding to erect Highway 33, Hamilton-Wileys Corner Road, Hamilton along North Ocean ave., where COMPARE! violations most frequently have THE OLD HOMESTEAD! been reported. It was Mr. Hooter's •k Measured in Your Homo understanding Hint such signs •k Filled by Experts Thai house that was just right for your could be obtained without cost to Jumping Brook Restaurant needs a few years hack may not he supply- Ihe borough. ~k Zippered Closings Councilman Lester E. Pcrrine re- ing you complete living pleasure now. Bui called that a "good suggestion" had •k Overlooked Seams by the simple addition of an extra room you been made last spring on the day Featuring when older children of the borough •k Styling can put a permanent end to those not-enough- wefe given a day to act as mayor •k Large Fabric Selection FAMOUS FRENCH CUISINE BY space troubles. and council. One of the youngsters, he said, had made a recommenda- Call us for a r'rec Estimate on the com* tion with which he fully agrees. Reg. Price $105.00 JOSEPH DAMMAN AND MAMMA, Mgrs. That was that 20 miles per hour pletc cost. No Down Payment. Monthly was too slow a speed to enforce on SALE Payments Arranged the busy Btreet, and should b« In- creased to 35 miles per hour. PRICE Mayor Farrell said that if this Open To The Public were considered, no, too, must be Phone RED BANK 6-5060 a change in the municipal ordin- ance, which at present calls for the All Year Around For a Free Estimate 20 ni.p.h. enforcement. Mayor Farrell said he »1«> would be against the location of » pro- posed Sandy Hook inlet In the re- LUNCHEONS—DINNERS plon of Spermacltti cove, but fa- SHERMAN'S vored a cut through from the Catering to Banquets, Parties and Weddings NO DOWN PAYMENT- Shrewsbury river to tht ocean if HOME DECORATORS it could be located further south, 43 Broad Si. Red Bunk, N. J. Council expressed Its desire to have CURTAINS • DRAPERIES • BEDSPREADS • LINENS FOR RESERVATIONS CALL ASBURY PARK 2-8020 UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY the inlet at the I*u\SJ HEDD0N5 CORNER-WDDIETCORNER-WDDIETWWN that a. new 1,000-lumen standard Slide under the wheel and answer that call! had been ordered to be installed that you're getting the most powerful, most iZr^J^^J^UUt REDD BANK 6-506650600 on Peninsula ave. Take a Fireball cruise through the country- Borough Clerk Clarence Steven* economical mixture with October's cooler, side, with your heart growing lighter and the heavier atmosphere. years slipping off your shoulders at each mile! We can do this quickly, economically, with Just one reminder, though. Make sure your a sure touch. Our thorough Buick training Buick is in top shape to keep step with you. and long Buick experience in doing each job First bring it in to us—and let us clean sum- the factory-designated way have earned us a •MR reputation—we're the "Fountain of Youth" mmmmmm for Buicks. To make it easy, we've printed a Fall Check Sec.how well we do it. . . List below. Just tear this out, drive in this how fresh the colors . . . how • Slip Covers week and hand it to us —and when you soft the textures . . . how • Drapes head out for the open road there'll be a happy smile on your facet V CLEAN through and through! • Curtains With our special care and • Blankets modern methods, we can do • Bedspreads wonders! ww^^f^^w^y

Fall Chackup •—lights, brakti, tlr* wear, fronf-»nd alf(jnm«nt, oil fllUr unit, batttry, car htattr.

Ad|ui>— Carburetor, dltfributor.

Clean — Air cltanir.

Fluih—Crankcaw, cooling iyjf*im'

Ittlmal*—Antlfrtizt rtqulremtnti.

AU» —Lubrlcar* (bumpir-to-bumptr Buick caie lubrication and Inspection.) DE RIDDER BUICK, Inc. 163 to 169 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. This is the pitiful record of the man Frank Hague would make governor in order to stage a come-back and save his crumbling political empire. Hague planned the 1949 race almost two years ago when, before a crowd of party faithful in Jersey City on January I,1948, he placed his hand on Elmer Wene's shoulder and said: "HERE IS YOUR CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR IN 1949." It is the sorrowful story of a man who is all things to all people; a man who promises rain and sunshine, heut and cold, more public spending yet lower taxes; a man who talks so loosely that in Burlington County he contradicted himself three times and then blamed it on the heat! LETS LOOK AT THE RECORD And Let's See, From The Record, How Brazenly Elmer Wene, Hague's Candidate For Governor, Distorts The Truth.

-mrsPROMISE- - WENES PERFORMANCE- -WiNES PROMISES- -WENE'S PERFORMANCE- He urges Lower Taxes Voted for every appropriation He offers Service to All the In the 1947 legislature Wene he now calls "wasteful". People, introduced ON.E bill providing BUT—this is what he does for a REDUCTION IN THE BUT—this is what he does . . Only once in the 1949 session STANDARDS OF QUALITY of the legislature did he raise FOR EGGS. Mr. Wene is in his voice for tax relief. HE the chicken business. URGED TAX RELIEF, NOT FOR THE PEOPLE, BUT FOR He urges Aid for Veterans, Refused to permit park com* missions to use land for veter- THE RACE TRACKS! BUT—this is what he does . . ans' housing. He urges Higher Pay for Refused to vote to raise teach- Refused to vote special driving Teachers, ers' salary minimum to $2500. privileges for amputees. Now advocates cutting $16,- BUT—this is what he does Refused to vote for continua- 000,000 from the state school tion of subsidized high school tax revenues! classes for veterans. He urges Favorable Treatment The National Labor Relations He urges Fair Play, Equal Twenty-two times attempts for Labor, Board found a radio station, Rights, were made to change the of which Wene was president, state's Equal Rights Law. Tho BUT—this is what he does . . guilty of unfair labor prac- BUT-—this is what he does . . present, Wene refused to vote tices. The record shows Wene on each occasion. to be anti-labor. Refused, tho requested, to in- He urges Lower Milk Prices He told large milk distributors troduce a single bill favorable for the Consumer, that "consumers should pay to labor, according to Assem- one or two cents more" for blyman Herrmann, an A. F. of BUT—this is what he does . . their milk. L. official. It may LOOK like Wene-But It's HAGUE! This is but a part of the record. In every case Elmer his election as Governor, seeks again to ru le New Wene can be counted on to tell people what they Jersey. . would LIKE to hear; but there is no evidence that The voice is the voice of Wene but the hands are he has acted as he talks. the hands of Hague who seeks to wrest New Jer- sey's government from the people and be able to He will say anything to win a vote; but his actions say again: "I am the law!" must wait upon Frank Hague who created him as a The people of Jersey City repudiated Hague. CAN political figure, who nominated him, and who, thru THE PEOPLE OF NEW JERSEY DO LESS? VOTE FOR DRISCOLL Keep New Jersey's Government In YOUR Hands... Not HAGUE'S.

Poicl for by Frlciuln of Alfred K. Dri.iniil. Paee Ten RED BASK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1949 I Chiel Frank Reuthcr who, with file across a built-up ramp, by the ica's most famous horses for nearly Mabel Coleman School of Dancing COMPLETE Plans Complete Fire Chief Dominic Figaro, will judges. Those selected for consid- I60 years and owns what has been supervise the parade, that this ex- eration as prize winners will be | said to be the nation's greatest col- We Specialize TAP, BALLET. TOE, ACROBATIC AM) . PATTERY SERVICE For Halloween tended marnh by group four will separated from the real'. Prizes lection of equine art—more than BALLROOM DAMCIM. New—Rentals—'Recharge (Continued from page 1) have two big advantages, First, it will then be awarded to the final 4,000 proofs and photographs of his IN in charge of the event Monday will give the youngest children winners. Each of these will also own works and many originals. He Cleaning and Dyeing Register Now Studio. 31 Rcclor PI., DOUGLAS ELECTRIC CO. lime enough to get into the arm- receive a numbered ticket. From knows what it is to be a child 35 EAST FROMT STREET night, a rhangn in parade pro- Phone RE 6-2011 Red Bunk, i\. J. RED DANK cedure was announced. The route ory, get their refreshments, pass these tickets—winners of the grand painter. He was one himself. When Domestic and Oriental TEL.: PF. <5-0128 prizes—a $400 television set, a $170 he was just 16 years old he illus- wn.s changed to' provide easier into the big arena, be judged and Rugs handling of the big units. receive their prizes before the electric washing machine and a $90 trated a renowned publication, armory becomes crowded. Second, noiseless typewriter—will be se- "The Horseman." , This will bc the official parade it will lengthen the fun of the out- lected. plan: door show. Also the route decided Judge's All people who plan to march in It will not disqualify the holder LEON'S 113 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. upon will prevent continued traf- of a winning ticket not to have re- Mr. Boyle, a Pulitzer prize win- the parade will gather at the fic delay* on the main street.1!, ner for distinguished news report- 61-76 WHITE STREET White si. parking lot, starting at mained at the armory. The com- ing, is one of the most widely read 6 p. m. Monday. There will be four The committee in charge is tak- mittee has decided that mothers columnists in the nation today. He Kcd Bank 6-2800 separate groups formed. One, for ing every precaution against acci- may want to take the younger is known to millions as "The Poor children six to eight years old, ac- dents. An ambulance will follow children home before the event Man's Philosopher" for his very companied by one parent in cos- the parade. Chief Figaio, parade ends. If one of those younger chil- human daily newspaper column, tume, will nraemble at the north- marshal, said parents should ad- dren is a prize winner and his num- which is printed in newspapers all FORMAL WEAR FREEDS ern, or Front St., side of the mu- vise all their children that if, for ber wins a grand prize, the child over the world. His readers also CORNER . . . NEXT TO POSTOFFICE nicipal parking lot. The second any reason they feel ill, 'to fall out will be awarded the prize later. remember him for the way he TO HIRE group, costumed children nine to of line and wait on .the curb, An "brought the boys home again" in attendant will spot them in the Judging Saturday The Most Com- 11 years of age, will form inside The store window painting con- his warm and full reports of their the parking lot behind them, or brilliant lights of the lighting activities out on the hottest lines plete Selection trucks that will be made available test will be judged Saturday by the Share nearer While St. The third group, Mr. Morris and Mr. Cunningham. of lire during the war. Mr. Boyle youngsters 12 to 15, behind them and they will be taken care of by has had a little experience as a Area. and into White st. The fourth first aid personnel when the am- All told there now are about 225 bulance arrives. windows involved, located on all judge, too. This year he helped group, all over 15, west on White main business streets of Hed Bank. pick out "Mrs. America." Now, St., toward Maple ave. However, no trouble or illness is Winners will receive medals and- as Hal puts It, "I'll try my. luck People in each of the four groups anticipated. All avaijable- police cups. In addition, Mr. Morris and with goblins and ghosts." arc asked to stay in these positions will be spotted through the parade line and they will be assisted by Mr, Cunningham have provided a Mr. Cunningham's work is fa- until the parade is ready to start. special art prize for winners in the miliar to almost everybody who The parade is scheduled to begin firemen, ready to act in the slight- est emergency. three divisions of participants— reads the funny papers. He also is promptly at 7 p. m. elementary school, junior high famous for his illustrations of Army to the Front Keirenhmentg Plentiful school and high school. Entered as humorous stories that occur in the At the armory the order of the contestant* are art students from everyday news. When a smile is Leading the procession will be all Red Bank public and parochial a detachment of whlte-helmeted, day will be refreshments, in the wanted, the Associated Press gets north corridor first. Provided have schools and fr,om Mlddletown town- "Ham" to bring it out. He knows white-legglngcd Fort Monmouth ship and Little Silver schools. military police. Immediately be- been thousands of doughnuts, ap- color and cartoons—has made them hind them will bo the crack. U. S. ples, lolly-pops and other treats, as In charge of the window paint- his work for many years. His reg- Army Signal Corps band, which well as soft drinks and cider. To Ing is a special committee includ- ular comic, "Hit n'Run," is print- • Open ed all over the country. "Ham" came into this year's parade avoid broken glass, all drinks will ing M. Gregg Hlbbs, Jr., supervis- Evening* through the co-operation of Gen. be served in paper cups. ing principal of the Red Bank high said: "I will at least have a chance 100% ALL WOOL Francis H. Lanahan, post com- Folldwing the distribution of re- school; Henry deLuca, art teacher to see in Red Bank who is coming •TIL 9 P. M. mandor. This band will lead the freshments the children—in the In the Junior high school and Depu- along to take my job." smallest children, or group one. formation as in the parade—will ty Chief Reuthcr. They said judg- ing of the windows will start Next in line will be the nine to enter the arena for the judging of Tht R«d Bank Regliter li supported SEGALL S 11-year-olds, led by the Red Bank costumes. That is groups one, two, promptly after noon Saturday. by local as well as out-of-town busintss- 11856 N. B'way Lonf Branch "ZIPJN" Catholic high school band, the unit three and four, in that order. The Mr. Mqrrls of Shrewsbury has mcn. Advertuementt appearing rtgularty tell the atory.—Advertisement. designated as group two. Following youngsters will pass slowly, single been painting portraits of Amer- will be group three, the 12-15-year- olds, led by the Keansburg drum and bugle corps. The last in line- group four—all over 15, will be proceeded by n. tea.m of 20 parade COATS horses, with expert show riders, who arc members of the Shrews- A GEM IN A bury Riding club, led by Lester Van Pelt. Choose from flared and This is the official route of the parade: Entering through the parking lot j boxy coaU, turn buck cull's into Front St., the proud youngs-1 Wonderful Setting ters will march by an official re- viewing stand to be erected at and snug inside din's. Front and Broad sts. They will proceed down Broad, past the Strand theater, where motion pic- 00 Green, grey and w inc. ture cameras will take movies of them in action, and south to Irving For Only $62- Monthly pi. All groups will turn west at Sizes 9 to 17 and iOlo20. Irving pi. and march to Maplo ave. Honor Guard at Armory The turn at Maple ave. will be NO DOWN PAYMENT (VETERANS) northward. When' group one, led by the military police and army band reaches Chestnut st. it will Regularly 11,00 turn west and proceed directly to the armory. There the "M.P.'s" will join with Red Bank police and llrcmen to form an honor guard shaped in "V" formation to assure the children a safe, uncrowded en- .50 trance into the building. When group two reaches Oak- land st. It will turn west and march to Pearl St., turn south to Chestnut st., and thence into the 29 armory. Group three will march to Monmouth ?A., turn west and go rA deposit uill hold your on to Pearl st-, mnrch south to Chestnut, turn right, and go to the garment until wanted. armory. The biggest change Is in the pro- cession of group four, the older youngsters. It will follow the same route as group three, only march- ing to West st., instead Df to Pearl on Monmouth. From West it will go south to Oakland St., turn ea»t—or to the left—and march back to Maple avc., turn south at Maple, go forward to Chestnut St., turn west on Chestnut and goon to the Store Hours—9:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m., Fridays to 9 p. m. armory. Telephone RE 6-4358 Prolong Outdoor Show It was the opinion of Deputy

Your Choice of 5 Different Exterior Degigns Your Choice of Lot Location in This Knollwdod Development


KSTMATKS WITHOUT OBLIGATION •y !'• Mi.-'I-,: i"jn I, ill .. i... ai .1, i i in '.i i ., ,: "i» • MI li™»• ALLEN BROS.. INC. MODERN HEATING COMPANY BUILDERS & DEVELOPERS TI:L iti: r..mini \\V\\ HANK 54 BROAD ST. TEL. 6-4440 RED BANK RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1349 Page Eleven jliar eharjjr, he would receive three I Assault Charge Against times I lie punishment he might Junior College 14 Referendums Kcd Banker Disiaissed h.-ivi? thin time. Thn Judge added thnt he rcmemhered Gnl.-u.Hi from Your Shirts COAL A charge of assault and battery when he played football for Red Announces Public Election Day ngainat Sabatlno GIIIR.IS! of BrfdRe Brink high school and that ho \va.n Beautifully Laundered avo. was dismissed Monday morn- dismissing the case In view of the 12 Boroughs Have Ing by Red Bank magistrate John fact that this wns Gnlassi's first Expertly Finished Events Series V. Crowell. The charge was brought offense and also that he was out Public Questions agaliut GitlaSfll by Gesrge V. 111-of work. Same Day Service E. E. McCORMiCK Events to Include mensee of Colt's Nnck. Fourteen public questions will be Ilydle Rutlnr, West Bergen pi., — At — decided upon in next month's gen- Illmense* charged that Galansi Red Bunk wnn fined $15 and given 1 HERBERT STREET Dances, Lectures eral elections in 12 county munici- had struck him in the face. Galas*! a 30-rtay .suspended sentence on a palities Monmouth Beach and admitted tho act, saying that ho charge of driving without a driver'* On World Problems Highlands voters will consider par- •was driving behind Illmenaee on license. LEON'S PHONE RED BANK 6-2880 Six attractions, ranging: from ex- ticipation in the state employees' Peters pi. when the latter renchnd ftt-7fi VVIUTK STBEET otic dances' to lectures on world retirement system and at High- the Intersection of Maple ave. Ho ISSUKS SUMMONSES lied Rank 6-2800 problems, will comprise Monmouth lands the question of participating- said h« blew his horn at Illmcnseo sevaral times, and when he refused Patrolman Charles Carlson of Junior college's 1949-50 series of pub- in the police and dromon's retire- the Ren Bright police, ljuiued thin- lic events, Dean Edward G. Schlaj- ment plan will also appear on thoto move, got out of his car, walked ; up to Illmensee's car and struck .summon-'cH Saturday night fur WOOD fer announced today. Starting with ballot. .speeding in a 25-milc zone. Those Gladys Patch's "Norway Calling" Fair Haven residents will con- him. Wednesday Nov. 16, one program who £nt the summonses were .Ar- FIREPLACE • FURNACE - KINDLING sider participation in the police and In dismissing the case, Judge thur Cnznllr, Center St., Atlantic F AM lip will be offered each month until firemen's retirement system. In Crowell warned Galassi to hold his Highlands; William L. Meyer, the series concludes In April. The Allentown, voters will decide temper in the future and said IT events will be held in the Long Manning pi., Red Bank, and Har- whether or not to adopt a law to he came into court again on a slm- riet A. Thomas, Groton, Conn. Branch high school building. lift a ban on Sunday baseball and Miss Patch ia an authority on other sports. Voters there will al- Norway's art and social structure. so decide whether the mayor shall She ia radio consultant to the Roy- be paid $5 and councllmen $3.50 al Norwegian Information Service for each meeting they attend. WINNER! and possesses the Medal of St. Olav, Keyport voters will decide upon ELECT which was conferred upon her bya police wage schedule which would King Haakon. Her lecture will bo set salaries at $3,800 for the chief; illustrated -by motion pictures in $3,400 for lieutenants; $3,100 for *» FURNITURE color. three-year patrolmen; $3,000 for William L Russell, Jr. Josephine Garcla's recital, Dan- second year patrolmen; $2,800 for ces of Latin America, follows Dec. first-year patrolmen, and $2,400 LIFETIME 'INVESTMENT 14. Her repertoire includes danws starting- pay. Red Bank Attorney of Uruguay, Panama, Venezuela, Police wages will also be voted Argentina, and Chile as well as upon at Neptune.- A Belmar ques- Shop White's Before You Buy those of her native Mexico. tion would raise 4>olic« salaries 15 I hen only will you he able to compare vnlues. Here Dane* enthusiasts will also havs per cent. A forty-hour week is be- ou wilt find furniture of quality seldom mulched— • mi you will see for yourself that in White furni- an opportunity to see Talk Won ing sought for police officers at ture you prct Style, Quality, and Vulue fur in excess Clio, Korea's leading dancer, whose Bradley Beach, Oceanport and •if the price. recital Is scheduled for Jam 4. His Manasquan, program Includes the best in tra- At Sea Girt the ballot question ditional and modern Korean dance will seek approval of an ordinance forms. Sun Yong Kim will be histo fix salaries of the mayor and WHITE partner. council while South Belmar voters Princeton's Professor Hubert N. will decide on giving borough em- Furniture & Bidding Co. Alyea, well-known to the series' ployees a ten por cent cost-of-livlng audience, will lecture on "This salary increase. T ^ Monmouth County's Greutest Furniture Stor< Atomic World" Feb. 8, and "The 170 Monmouth St. Red Dank 147 Main St. Asbury Park Future of Great Britain" will be discussed on Mar. 8 by a speaker Fireman Addresses recommended by the United Na- tions. Lincroft-Everett P.T.A. The series will close Apr. 19 Gerard P. Domidion of Lincroft Fischer's with Pablo Garrido'a "Latin Amer- spoke to the Llncroft-iflverett P.T. ican Mosaic." A Chilean by birth, A. at its meeting last week on Are Dr. Garrldo is Latin America's prevention. Mr. Domidion Is secre- For Fun * Muilc • Audience participation most distinguished folklore expert tary of the Lincroft fire company. Formerly professor of folk music Forty-eight members of the P.T.A at the University of Chile, he hasattended the first fall meeting at rattiui Packaqt tun* in "THE JOHN REED KING SHOW" also lectured In the principal uni- Lincroft school. Edwin Creswlck, featuring I Sponsored by FLAGSTAFF FOODS versities and art Institutions of Lat- president, conducted the session. in America and Europe. Dr. Gar- to tliq Tlie whole family will go for A discussion was held on the Tb» EHMUl irtid this NEW BBKAD lli.t'i de«. Donald Richards/7:30 P.M. Tuts. & Thurs. nights rldo will use colored motion pic- school bus law and on the possi- tures to augment his lecture. .H licioud! Esucciullr hiked, bility of Improving It. Tentative wrapped nnd priced to suit. plans were made for a cake salts STATE ASSEMBLY tin SEE-ALL WRAPPER your particular hread need*d . CLUB WINNERS for a Halloween party at the Lin- Mrs. Doris Wilson and Mrs. Carol croft lire house. The firemen and NOV. 8, 1949 Moore, both of Red Bank, won the P.T.A. will co-op«rat« in conduct- linker* of the famotu weekly award offered by Red Bank ing the party. For the Best Interest of ALL the People Fisdier BAKING COBUTTERCUP BREAD chapter of Hadassah. Mrs. Milton Refreshment* wera served by Gerard of Shrewsbury i3 in charge Mrs, Floyd Lum and Mrs. A. Paul (Paid for by W. L. Russell Campaign Committee.) of the project. Ncwmier, hostesses. T


There'! extra richnen and fragrance in Flagstaff Coffee that simply can't be found in ordinary coffees — because Flagstaff is blended from the choicest coffee beans grown in Braiil, Colombia and Venezuela, So—give yourself a treat — tatte Flagstaff Coffee - because tasting is believing.

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NN'T MM U H| MntelM HI "IHJT If THE TOWN" wttt U SillhMvtSi! ,w Hcil ***** Itr MM mi rti««(. Monmouth Consolidated ENGLISH MOTORS. Inc. Water Company 34-36 MapU Av«nu» Red Bank, New Jersey

MIDAY Page Twelve RED BASK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1919 dying off because they are not get- location Important circulation of the river was sound- TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAJN Air Views On ting fresh sea water, but live in A defense of the project was ed by Harold Haskins, a biologist Inlet Proposal polluted water. "The relief roils given by D. IVinthrop May of Lit-of Rutgers university. "When the Contractor and Builder of Highlands swell," he said, "when j tic Silver, who said lie represented circulation of the river is changed," BAIL'S Loans (Continued from pRRe 1.) tthh e lboyo s hhav e no claml s to bbrini g ini . the Shrewsbury River Waterway he said, "you are gambling with Luggage, Diamonds, Walelies, Jewelry SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING able effect on pleasure and busi- An inlet would help our problems. association. the clamming industry." SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES The biologist advised that a com- LICENSED AND BONDED ness boating." Mi'. Iru'in comment- Not only would the inlut save the "The point of location is import- 105 MONMOUT1I ST. Near Carlton Theatre BED BANK, N. i. g ELM FLACE TEL. HEI) BANK 6-1138-J ed that the millions of dollar* In- boat trip around Sandy Hook, butant to our group," ho said. "The plete survey be made before an in- vested in boating industries, fish- It would sweep in clenr, ocean wa- cost of the cut would be less, theI let is built. Mr. Haskins warned ing industries and in. real estate ter, which would help our dam-! nearer it is to the place proposed that the rush of water caused by m(MS-" the inlet would wash away the in the area would be made secure The councilman believed that the by Representative Auchincloss. The Tel. KEd Bank 6-1837 Open 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monmouth Petroleum Co. by the construction of the inlet. water is deepest there, also, andyoung clams. ReadinK.from the county report large industries on the banks of the inlet would be most advantage- j • He also said that a change in he said there are 55 fishing boats Raritan buy cause the pollution !Ous at that spot," Mr. May said, the water circulation could possi- AIRPORT AMOCO SERVICE OFFERS traveling from the local waterways and said an inlet would prevent j jfr. May stated he had a copy bily bring in enemies of the clams. to the fishinK grounds. The. report this from happening. Mr. Loder, |o f a 60-year-old map, which showed Mr. Haskins said he was referring . 572 Sinewshury Avenue, listed 20 or mole marine works in however, suggested the inlet he What there was an inlet on Sandy to hard clams. . I the county, showing the amount of placed closer to the Highlands Hook at that time. He suggested Councilman Loder said there are I Ilccl Bunk, Mew Jersey as many soft clammers as hard ^£44 WORK %

Lighter... The surginj! power of tbc "Rocket"! 'i'lie incredible smoothness of Hydra- .Matic Drive! Ohlsniobilc lias teamed llii-iii together for driving at itj ROCKET" ENGINE thrilling best! Slip behind the wheel of an Oldstuobile "88" and give this new "power pa<-knge" a try. You'll he excited as you feel flic splendid surge of the "Rocket" Engine at the takeoff. And ymir excitement will AND HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE mount every mile you drive thin Hailiing Ftiturnniict Hydra- Matic Drive pairs with the high-compression power of the "Kockct" for the easiest, smoothest motoring you're ever known! But it's on the open highway that Ibis "Rocket"- -THIS FUTIRAMIC "POWER PACKAGE" Hydra-Matic action teamwork really pays off. Curves and bills and the long, Icvrl stretches of road fall behind lika magic as you discover this great new power team—the IS EXCLUSIVE WITH OLDS MO BILEI "Jtocket" Engine and Hydra-Mutie Drive! And it's Oldi- mobile alone that baa this Futnraiuio "power package." So try it today! Make « demonstration date with thn thrilling new "88." It'll wailing for you at your Oltliintiliile dealer's—now!

WHO'S IN THI 110 PAR ADIT Million"! And they're swinging towards the liijhttr, better boor —Trommer'g White Label I They go for this lighter beer bocmiBO it'n browed thn costlier way—from solectod hops and fine borley-mnlt! No other grain in tvtr lined! You'll go for lighter Trommer'* too, juM, n« 30011 an you taste and compare!

breweil only

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TRY TROMMER'S WHITE LABEL ALE OLD8MOBILI DIALIR PHONE RE 6-0910, HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. » •" » JOS. PINGITORE, INC. HI Cllt.L.SU AVKNUI, I.OMt IIHAMII, M,W .IMIM.Y lU.M'HOM, • nlAa or vl.il H MAIMIJ AVLMJE liKD UAiNK, IN. J. TJED BANK iu;nisTi;;rt, OCTOBICK 27, 104!) Paee Thirteen Auxiliary Fetes Seobeyville Cow Top jVIilk Producer WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH IT 18 NOT TUCE TO SAX "WE DID EVEBYTHTNO POSSIBLE* Mrs. Van Sauter UNXJEHS OHIROPBACTIC WAS INCLUDED Legion Group (Jives DR. WARREN FOWLER PKONfi Testimonial Dinner 3IHI BROAD ST. Chiropractor B-303S Mrs. Irene VanSauter of Fair Haven, a past president of the aux- iliary of Shrewsbury post, Ameri- can Legion, was jjiven a testi- monial dinner Saturduy at Rumson Inn at Rumson by auxiliary mem- bers. There were 78 guests pres- SCHULTE UNITED ent, including ofllcera of state and county legion auxiliaries, and o(H- BRINGS YOU THESE cials of the men's department of the Legion. Mrs. William Klatslty was gen- eral- chairman and toastmaster. A musical program included songs from the show "South Pacific," sung Tjy Mrs. Gerald Cupples. ac- MEN'S companied at the piano by Mrs. Morrcll J. Moore. Original lyrics by an auxiliary member, Mrs. Irv- ing Krakowitch. suns to popular FLANNEL tunes, were given by a trio com- a Jeanne Tete original posed of Mrs. Clippies, Mrs. Ern- est Boskey and Mrs. Alex Rovder. SHIRTS Rosemary Furiato completed the with the velvet touch ... program with military tap dances. Sanforized, colorful plaids. Mrs. Moore, president ot the chic coolie pill-box auxiliary, presented a leather Mill closeout of regular $2.98 shoulder bag to the guest of honor. i Walter Boskey, past commander quality, in iiiei l4l/2 to 17. Smart accent for a fashionable new fall costume of the post, gave her a compact Grand values at this price. from post members. ... in black velvet . . . from our wonderful Serving on the dinner commit- designer collections (which includo exclusives by tee wero Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Boskey, The Joseph H. Rcinfeld farm at Scobcyvillo claims the title of highest producing living CJoldcn G. Howard Hodge, Germaine Montabert, and Mrs. Krakowitch, Mrs. Rovder, Mrs. Dorothy Dangler and Mrs. Guernsey in the world for Spar Hill Clematis, seven-year-old pure bred animal. She completed a one- many many more . . . our millinery collection year test this week. During that time the farm reported she gave 23,080 pounds of milk and 1,201 $1.86 John Hammond. pounds of buttorfat. The record is subject to confirmation by the Amerfcnn Guernsey club. ... $5.00 to $75.00). Guest officials who spoke were The world's record was set in 1937 by a New York-owned cow. now deceased. She gave 23,714 I Mrs. Thomas Hackett, vice presi- pounds of milk and 1,213 pimmls (it butterfat in the same period. Shown in the photo with the cham- dent of Shrewsbury auxiliary; Mrs. pion is Bud Chapman, milking; Samuel Rcinfeld, left, nnd Andrew Sheppard, farm manager. charge accounts invited Harold Ely, historian; Mrs. J. J. Alexander, chaplain; Mrs. Murray It'i Halpin, sergeant-at-arrns, and Mrs. Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Ernest M. MEN'S COTTON Thomas Mead and Mrs. Catherine Swingle as auctioneers. Dnvino Is Candidate Christman, past presidents of the D.A.R. Chapter Mrs. Paul G. Duryea of Trenton, For Keyport Council auxiliary. state D.A.R. librarian, will speak Feb. 16; a film, "Pennsylvania," will John Joseph Davino will be the Frank Innacelli, commander of Starts 50th Year Republican candidate for the un- SOCKS Shrewsbury post; Dr. Lawrence be shown at the Mar. 23 meeting; reports of the 50th Continental expired term on the Keyport bor- IF FIRST QUALITY WOULD SELL AT 29c for fashion futures Collins, post vice commander, and Meetings to Mark Ernest Boskey, post chaplain, Congress will bo given at the Apr. ough council. Mr. Davino's ac- since 1919 27 session, and Avcry Barrns of In white, Rr«y, brown, and SIX Eladio Rodrlquez, Highlands, Golden Jubilee ceptance of the nomination for the Montclair academy will speak on post created by the recent resigna- black. Slzei 1O to 11. H W^L^ PAIR ^waasaaea montclair and allenhurst s commander of the Monmouth The opening meeting of the Gold- "Developing a Wise Followcrship," county department; John Feldman tion of Everett S. Poling was an- Don't mln thli tuptr I HBBi 7fi#> en Jubilee year of Monmouth chap- May 18. y nounced following a meeting last and Paul Lanning, Keyport, and ter, Daughters American Revolu- Miss Margaret L. Tcrhunc will be 14 Felix Santangelo. Red Bank, past week of the Republican county ex- tion, was held last Thursday at the honorary chairman of the Golden eculive cnmmltteo and party work- Here's Warmth, Wear, Style county commanders; Mortimer E. Red Bank Woman's club. This Jubilee June 29. Mrs. Swingle and VanSauter, Fair 'Haven, and marks the chapter's 50th year, and era at the ofllce of the chairman, Charles M. Brumbach, Camden, Mrs. Paul T. Ryder will arrange John J. Haley. past department vice commanders. each meeting has been arranged to thn program, which will include a Everything you want in the mark the celebration which will be reading of the chapter history by Mr. Dnvino will campaign for Mrs.. John Hoy, Long Branch, brought to a climax in June. Mrs. Thompson. Rev. W. Clinton the two-year term, with Council- president county auxiliaries; Mrs. Vico regents of the chapter, and Powers, pastor of Red Bank Bap- man Edwiird E. Florian and How- BOYS' Eladio Rodriquez, Highlands, .first tist church, will be the speaker, vico president county auxiliaries; of other D.A.R. chapters in the ard T. Jeandron, both seeking full Year 'Round Coat Mrs. Edith Early, Freehold, county county were honored guests at the and an anniversary reception will terms, and Mr. Poling, who la seek- treasurer; Miss Mary Cochrane, session. Mrs. Ralph W. Greenlaw be held at that church, ing a full term In the assessor's FANCY SHIRTS Ocean Grove, county legislation of West Englewood, state vice re- Mrs. Kenneth F. Dietz, regent, ofllce. cent, spoke on "Membership in the Good quality printed percale, regulation and historian chairman; Mrs. Nor- 11 gave a report of the state fall con- Mr. Davino, who Is 35 years old, with Zip-In-Lining vall Prindl?, North Bergen, past D.A.R. ference held recently in East Or- is a native of Raritan township, nnd collar. Blues, tans and greens, in sizes 6 ange. The chapter will hold a is presently serving as commander county president of Bergen county Activities for thcTcoming year in- to 14. Ideal for school wear. Regular The most practical coat you auxiliary, and unit presidents, Mrs. clude a national defense meeting, tricky-tray party at the Red Bank of Raritan post, American Legion. Llda Golden, Long Branch; Mrs. Nov. 17, with William Hugh Ryder Woman's club Wednesday after- He served with the Navy In the 1.19. can buy. Without the lining Adele Johns, Union Beach, and noon, Nov. 2. South Pacific area. 94* as guest speaker; combined meet- Mrs. Esther Hulsart, Bradley ing of the chapter and the 10th an- At the National defense meeting He also is a member^ of Eagle it becomes a handsome top- Beach. niversary of Mary Stilwell society, Nov. 17, Mr. Ryder will s^peak on Hose Co. No. 1 and president of coat. Zip the lining in and Mrs. Carl Bremcr, Monmouth Children American Revolution, Dec. "World Government." This will the Businessmen's Bowling league Beach, department president of the 28; food auction, Jan. 1!) lit the also be the annual guest day. The of Keyport. Ho is employed as a LITTLE you have a warm, well tailored 8 and 40 auxiliary, read a poem in home of Mrs. William Thompson on meeting will be at the Red Bank route salesman by the Kyport Mrs. VanSauter's honor. East Front St., Red Bank, with Woman's club. Cleaners nnd Dyers. overcoat of heavy all wool TOTS' covert cloth. $ DRESSES 39.95 Solid colors with woven plaid Pretty, Practical DRESSES combinations, four clever stylet in the group. Siies I to 3. Sale of To wear from A. M. to NOON to P. M. Would be grand values at 1.00. Men's Belts with Smart Finesse! Values from 2.50 to 5.00 83 Mornings—ynu slip into one of our precisely detailed- casuals. You Calfskin and Cordovan specify wool jersey, cncpc, gabardine or flannel in soft warm tones. Later Leather* in the day—you whisk into one of our appealing taffetas, matclasses, TWO WAY ,tat ins or vlvel with a skirl slim and draped or wide and born for danc- 1.39 STRETCH ing. In deep glowing colors. Certain to be a delightful focal point after .vmrlnwn. You know your small investment GIRDLES will draw a large return in uompl'ununtx. These handsome ARROW Plain hit, natural elastic, hemmed top and r» bottom. Four elaitic garters with flat rubber GABANARO SPORTS SHIRTS buttom. 14 to 15" Itngth.

Nude er white ft in small, medium and large. Reg. ularly $1.00. 67

/ EXTRA SIZE RAYON PANTIES •0 ;'"?\ «^,^"*""»"» Run resist circular knit rayon, double crotch all elaitic waist band. One inch self material band leg opening. Actual 50c ore as washable as a handkerchief I values, 33 ou vuii MIUH 'cm by IIIIIUI, toss them in YI lie wishing innclnnc nr send them out RUBBER COVERED wltli tlie laundry ,.. nnd they'll coma buck lil 11s a fiddle nnd filling perfectly. DISH DRY RACKS Heavy gauge wire covered with Arrow (inlmnurn Sports Shirts nre Idrnl TUsuo fflllls crepe. nooprono rubber to protect oven for ovcry nntive xporl, lire Rical to MHO Pockol acconh, into lifter 11 diiy lit the ofFlee, (Jet « few of your finoit china. M«do with cut- 14.98 lory tray, as illustrated. tlic.io lino riiymi tinlinrdinp uporl.i hlilrtu in Tflffola, full jltif good looklug »oli(l colon*, Long «1O«VM onl.y, Portrait collar. w«. U #<" VALUE1 '3.93 97

( d r/«< « C,hurf(( C'Opf CCMI Jro,-, Full : SCHULTE UNITED 32 Itioiul Si. Ilftl IIMIIU, N. I. Pay IH doiiii, thv huh ft rl • »l'.i*| tuikli. /wi « Cliurito or Undue! Account. ami< in 10 uvi'ldy or It ;J2 ||nM1(| ,m. 80-82 BROAD ST., RED BANK {\ Umtn • itnluiicr In 10 Weekly or II K

With The Aid Of

An F.H.A. Title 1

Above is the choir of St. Peter's Harold Onde?idonk, leutor of SI. Gibbons; "Psalm 23," chant ar- church, Essex Fells, which will Peter's church, will accompany the ranged by Winfred Douglas; "Nunc | LOAN sing the centuries old evensong choir when It visits Shrewsbury. Dimittis," Walmsiey; "The Lord is service Sunday afternoon at 1:30 . The sterling Communion service, My Light," Mueller; "Hallelujah, o'clock at Old Christ Church, presented to tho church by Queen Amen," Handel; "King' of Glory, Shrewsbury. The service will cele- Anne in 1708, will be on display fol- King of Peace," Friedell, and "How IT'S not one day too early to plan winter re- brate tho 247th anniversary of the lowing the service. An old restored Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place," by founding of the Shrewsbury pari3n chalice anil paten together with a Brahms. pairs and improvements that will make your silver plated wine flagon will bo Other services scheduled for Sun- In 1702 by Rev. George Kicth. day at Old Christ church are Holy Prices Are Smiling On Those New Home Plans blessed earlier in the service and 1 home spic-and-span! An F.H.A. Title I loan The visiting cjioir hns won con- will also be put on display after Communion at 8 a. m.; church Right now, prices have a wonderfully friendly look. At Monmouth siderable renown throughout north- the service. school, 9:45; and prayer and ser- mon at 11 o'clock. Rev. Theodore Lumber Co.—The Building Center—you'll be surprised by the will enable you to proceed to pay for the ern New Jersey under the direction of Us organist and choirmaster, '£. The program arranged for tho E. A. LeVan, rector, will be In modest cost of a home built of our quality materials . , . such as A. Hillmuth of West Orange. A visiting choristers Includes "Al- charge. Holy Communion will bo work as done and "spread the cost" over the number of cltirgy, including Rev. mighty and Everlasting God," by observed at 0:30 Tuesday morning. Texaco Roofing, our Custom Mill work, Red Top Insulation and Transit Mixed concrete. This 26 year -old organization is known months ahead. be shown by Mrs. John Arlinghau.i. lian Joran. All children living in Members who will help with the Rumson and the immediate are* for its friendly, helpful service . . . for value always. Consult us Rumson Library children Saturday are Mrs. Lafon, have been invited to attend the now for further facts and figures. Make up your own list of the work to be Mrs. Warren Tyrrell, Mrs. Donald series. I To Start Series English and Mrs. William Ryan. done, which may include exterior painting, As the season progresses, two SQUABK DANCE NOV. 11 FINANCING ARRANGED Story Hour Program story hours will be held, the first The guild of tho Star of the Sea re-roofing, additional rooms, garage repairs, for children between four and eight Academy will hold a harvest moon Opens Saturday years old at 10 a. m., and a second square dance Friday night, Nov. EASY MONTHLY TERMS interior changes, insulation, new plumbing, for children, between nine and 11, at Old Orchard Country club, A Halloween entertainment will 12, at 11 a. m. Tho program will Eatontown. An evening of dancing new heating systems, etc. There is no red feature the opening In the series be held every other Saturday. and entertainment is planned, and of story hours Saturday morning at Story tellers will be Mrs. Whit- prizes will bo awarded for the fun- | 10 o'clock at tho Oceanic library, ney Munson, Mrs. H, Jackson niest and best costumes, and for fape. Simply bring us your contractor's esti- ! Rumson. This program' was es- Monmouth Lumber Co. Lindsley, Mrs. Charles Edelmann, novelty dances. Music for dancing tablished at tho library last year Mrs. Jamos Thome, Mrs. William will be furnished by Harry McDan- 79 CENTRAL AVENUE RED BANK, IN. J. mate of cost and we will arrange the loan at by the Northern Monmouth Coun- J.'Lynch, Mrs. Tyrrell and Miss Lil- iels. ty branch, American Association of once. You may borrow as much as $2,500 University Women, in co-operation with the library book committee. •nd take as long as three years to repay the Mrs. Thomas H. Lafon was last year's chairman. loan. - This year, Mrs. William L. Rus- sell, Jr., is chairman. She reports that John Batton of Red Bank, a magician \vno entertains at both chlld/en and adult parties, and who gave his show on tho Battleship Wisconsin, will perform. Ho will ... the one and only low-priced car start with lire-eating and conclude his program with a "razor-blade salad." ills. Russell will read the stories "Halloween Surprise," and "Tho Hoybabas." A special movie will with all these EXTRA VALUES Your kitchen can look like a

World'* Champion Valve-in- Longer, Heavier, with Wider Certi-Safe Curved Windshield with million for only Head Engine Tread Hydraulic Brakes Panoramic Visibility the extra efficient power plant the big car in the low-price field, more outstanding than ever be- supplying all that extra vision with the valve-in-hcad design with all the advantages of more fore with new Dubl-Life Rivet- which means extra safety in that's setting the trend for the riding-comfort, road-stcadincst less brake linings that last up driving with a fuller, freer view automotive industry. and safety. to twice as long. all about you.


Center-Point Fisher Unlstee! lo'dy Extra Economical to Own 5-Inch Wlde-lose Rims, Steering Construction ' and Operate plw* Low-Pressure Tires with control centered between with steel welded to steel above, and traditionally worth more the widest rims in the low-price the front wheels for maximum below and all around you for when you trade; for Chevrolet field - plus extra low-pressure driving-case with minimum the highest degree of solidity, Is America's most wanted motor tircs-for greater stability and with lastingly beautiful driver fatigue. quietness and safety. car-new or used! riding-comfort.

these EXTRA Values an CABINETS exclusively yours at Owe your kitchen n benuty treatment lowest cost in Chevrolet! keep clean I Come sec our Inrge assort- for only a few cents o day. A set of ment of Hotpolut enblncl.i and applj. Hotpomt steel cabinets enn mciin the nnccs, Ensy terms, up in 'i y nrs to pay, difference between nn old looking C kitchen nnd n spnrkllng. modern oncl Hotpomt cabinets nrc ns prncticnl nr, Amaxing Free Offer! w,n ,•„ you tliry «rc prttty. They bring you cxtr.t oi otluol pholograiili -I,,,..||,0#|nj how your o»n flRt space, greater corm nltncr, f>'»i"l Ul(h,n wovlrf look mml. h.outIM mirf btHUty - and they're ensy to we* .aiy by Holpolnl. Ab.ol.,1,1, „„ oblljallom Aik aooul our Holpolnl Mo0le Pi«v|«w P|,oio.

BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP McKIM-LAYTON CHEVROLET CO. 46 MONMOUTH STRUT RED BANK 29 MECHANIC STREET Phone Red Bank 6-3130 RED f.NK UPPER BROAD STREET RED BANK RKD BANK REGISTICH, OCTOBHK L'7, HI 10 Page Fifteen Monmouth, Mercer and Ocenn wern Paul Feldman, Myles Bor- 5000 Red Raspberry School News i County School Librarians at land, Sandra .J.-ihnes, Harden Bai- Shrewsbury GOP Plants For Sale LET US I Hlghtstown high school on Oct. J8. lanline. Melvin Reynolds, John Ruinson High School Xcws Miss Helen Ortt, librarian of Halleran, Rita Mnttson, Doris 2-year roots, fresh dug on order Hiffhtstown high school, was the Zerr. Curtis Lundin, Prior Wil- during September and October. Tho Rumson board o[ education Price: 10 for $2.50. 25 or $5.00, hostess. liamson, J'.uynl Moss, Kdwin Kriuill, Rally Tomorrow SO for $8.00, 100 for $13.00, 250 for MOTH-PROOF YOUR HOME has passed a resolution making It A tea in the Home Economics Harriet Purdy, Beverly Boyce, $28.00, 500 for $40.00, 1,000 for possible for Rumson high school house and a tour of the school John Giilm, Patricia Kelly, Mar- Sidle. Coilllly Men OLDIN'S $75.00. students tn take International garet Cook, John (.Vinnoj, Joan Call Freehold 8-0107-J-2 were held before the meeting be- 'In Speuk al Snssinn OK PLACE OF BUSINESS Correspondence courses. At the gan. The speaker of the mrnting Shippce. Carl Olson, Mary j\nn MENS SHOP If. A. DAVIS present time there are six students 1 Q is Mrs. June K. Hohsun, School Rice. Hi'i-d Lundin, Ronald Vn- Shrewsbury * Republican club taking these courses. Thny are: Library Services supervisor. De- pi'ita. Morgan LaMarfhe, Haliencp will hold a rally tomorrow at si FOGGING UNLIMITED Chris Bertell, air conditioning and partment of Education, Public and lleermans, Elizabeth Ktln-r. Mi- p. m. in the flrr. house. Hradlin- ! Presents repair; Chillies Abbinti, practical School Library Services Bureau. char! HaM'h, ("ntnrlia llovt, ing a luoup of candidates v.ho will Keyport Red Bank Freehold radio maintenance and repair; and Her topic was "Services of the Thomas Uifnn, Robert Drowns, appear •••.ill he Ax-i mblytiK-M .Mm- each of the following students is Bureau Which Aro Available to Suzanne Wirkiimn, Barbara Hoard- nil H. Thompson and Elvia R. Sim- 7-0430 6-3191 «-1008 taking commercial art: Samuel School Librarians." man, Tiary I'latturspipl, Perry Wal- nill. Srateo, James Soirentino, Barbara ter, Angeline Karagias. Kva April, The meeting was very informal In uiKing Rttund.itK'e at the meet- ' Samuelson and Jeanne Denise. If and was followed hy a discussion Roberta (iardincr, Betty Ann I'hil- these courses are satisfactory this lijis and Margaret Johnson. The im. .Mayor Alfred .V. Bradle.iton, Specialists in the eradication and control of all period. All of tho librarians pres- •lull prp.siil«nl. Mated "This is an year, a greater variety of subjects ent had definite problems and teachers accompanying Ihe group types of insects— will be offered to additional stu- talked them over with one nnolli- were Miss Marion Peseuv. Mis. nipmtant year and we must Plect ; dents next year. er. Some of the librarians found Mildred Thome and Mis. Edna W. • in- Krpuhlitnn candidatPs—Oov-j solutions to their dilllculties. Johnson. •i HIM- Alfred K. Dri.-iooll and all the ants, ticks, spiders, flics, fleas, etc. The second in its aeries of cul- nivn who will he at this meeting." tural assembly programs was pre- The librarians attending were Also i-x()cclrd to attend are J. Miss Tilton's section of third 1 sented Oct. 17 in the high school from numson, Matnwan. Point UUA"! !! Woollny, county clrrk; Dor- auditorium, by the Student council. Pleasant, Long Branch, Neptune, grade gave a play in assembly on Leonardo, Pcnnington, Red Bank, Wednesday morning called "Bun man Mi'Faddin. surrogate; Abram ! The program consisted of selec- 11. Vcio i h c- -i, freeholds, and tion^ from the classics played by Trenton, Hamilton township, Man- Learns a. Luskin." II. was planned asquan, and Highlstown high especially for the kindergarten and Shre'.v.'itjury (.'niincilmen Herbert E. i the Dorelle Trio and featured 1j Srhild anil William 1). Liyton. Sr. '. Chopin music in honor of. the "100th schools. Trenton State Teachers lower grade children, and was 11 - college, Mercer county, and Mnn- ceivrd with much inlerrst and Of !ho..i; ::; appear, oniy Mr. ftchild ' anniversary of the great Polish and Mr. l.nyton arc unopposed for composer's death. mouth county libraries were also merriment by all present. The represented. characters we IT: Mother Rabbit - li BY A Tho trio consists of Maxine Do- Patricia Berg; Bun -Oliver Macin- relle, soprano; Jascha Faslofslty, Mr. Thompson's 7th and 8th tosh; Powder Puff—Carol Rein- violin, and Wallace Hotter, piano. grade English classes have finished They have been playing together luirl; Floppy Ears -Linda Zorr; Shot part of their course in library in- Farmer -Billy Boyce; Farmer's PKKSONALIZK for three years. struction. The two classes came io daughter—Penelope Karagias. The Six more assembly programs hy the library during periods one and announcer was Joan May and \imr Linens With other professional groups are to two on Thursdays and Fridays for stagehands were Robert llubbard be given this year. month. The seventh grade had and James Leo. The program was S H K K M A N ' S Miss Alma VomSteeg of the eight lessons and the eighth grado repealed on Friday for the after- Physical Education department had seven lessons on the rules and noon kindergarten. ilnnoi/mmini>ijr« hi the *""'• "S2 week. One new member was added, for Ihe home folks. Oei VICTOR)*-** Julia Terry, and' one member Prince Igor by Borodin and Espa- Houll.1. Aho for Hint Aid •«• Itchta*. dropped out. na, a rhapsody of Spanish airs by 3>ft H «K tm mj part •! •• bod*. Chabrler. Miss Kathryn S. Dennis, li- Sold in Red Bunk by Liggett. Whelm, brarian, attended a meeting of the The pupils making this trip Sun Ray drug store*; or your home HI mir ui wm wonm IXTRA TROUSIRS $14.75 FIRST WITH THE FIRST IN NEW FABRIC FEATURES

Herc'B the good news you've been waiting for! Come and gel your new Bendix Economat Automatic Washer! Needs no bolting down—no landlord's per- mission to install... casters available for easy rolling out and rolling away! Exclusive Bendix triple-action washing (up, down, around) in the amazing new Wondertub, protected by Bendix 5-Year Guarantee. 155" Washes, rinses, squeeie-dries ... all automatically. ood /our oM tngfa Order yours now! ... but HURRY I NO III Ford Pirtj where I MOUNT-ENGLISUAH H STALLION Is tho one «H PAYMENT *%'•' :.. "• •' SALES CO. that givos you all tha feature* Keil Uank 6-U176 you wnnt—thanks to « new «nd wonderful fabric nchiev^- 3 YEARS TO PAY! ment! This is n suit you c»B wenr nil year 'round—nnd you don't Imvt' tu worry about it taking Imrd.weur. Yol it'eeoft, Rrnooth — fine in texture, rich in high lustre. Wntcr repellent —npot rcnirtlnnt! A nutrvel fnbric—done full justice by> high calibre tniloring and styl- ing, Como nnd nee why . . . STALLION in the "beat botw for your money. Pick from RED BANK-25 MONMOUTH STREET LONG BRANCH—216 BROADWAY ASBURr PARK—716 MAIN STREET rich, solid colon in.bluef. browiu, toiui. Phone RE 6-0488 Phone LO 6-3684 Phone AS 1-1400 OWON JSVKHY MVUN1N0 Ol'KN J'iVKKV JiVMNINd Ol'KN KVfiKV KVKNINd OLDIN'S s than any other no-bolt, fully- MEN'S SHOP GCurnrr llnmil A Mi'dinnlr Mla.« The BENDIX Economat Costs 100 less automatic washer wo have ever sold. urn HANK ^_.rr i,~..S. REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1949 Page Sixteen

Free Parking Space Order Tour Personalized in the Rear of the Store Christinas (ircetiiiy ('arils X' STEINBACH COMPANY RED BAXK

SPECIAL PURCHASE.' Teens' All Wool Coats Another Special Purchase For An Outstanding 22.50 Sale of Coats Were 29.95 to 35.00

Two Days Only ...Friday and Saturday The price alone is enough to mala -i you look twice! But just a glanc9 at the luxuriously heavy all wool fabric;, the detailed tailoring and Regularly 39,95 to 59.95 the important new styling will real!/ convince you that this is a not-io-be-missed value! Bright red oi navy in both the belted and gored bbek styles shown. From a collection in sizes 10 to 16. 35.00

Tomorrow or Saturday buy your Winter coat at an ouf-of-seasori

sale-price ... for on Monday every single coat goes back to

Its original marking! Choose from a terrific eye-opening selec-

tion of casual and dress styles: boy coats, fitted coats, wrap

coats, wool shell zip-ins, shorties'. . . any one at just 35.00! In .

100% virgin wool fleeces, tweeds, gabardines, broadcloths, Just A Peek At Our Ne-iv suedes and coverts. A host of wonderful colors Includes green,' brown, black, red, wine, grey and new camel! Juniors', misses'

and women's sizes in the group, but hurry!

Notions Shop A small deposit reserves your selection on our lMij-A:W

We've a notion for you! In our newly-opened shop, you'll find v a wealth of important trivia . . . from needles and pins and sew- Also at Steinbach Company, Asbury Park ing ncce;:i!ies to glamorous c!o:et accessories! This brief

e'impse shows but a few of the many essential trifles we've

collected . .. come see soon!


I'ltiivrntl I'ltinL: tfvuffs Smail, medium, large sizes. 1,59

(Jnilhd L'lililii lln.ns Lustrous rayon satin in decorator colon. 1,00

Ihihur Hkirl h'tickx Will hold 6 to 16 skins neatly. /.95

Plastic Shell Dryers Pins, package 10c for Ho-.ic-i/ 2.95 Snaps, black and white IOc Uti'ity Che:1-. 5.25 and 12.50 Wiii Pinking Shears 7.95 Rowerod Chintz birjc Bag , 12 por.kcls 2.00 Shoulder Pads 1.00 to 2.00

Washable White Shields, Ruj'O'i Scjlin Ho.icry Cases, pair 50c 3 pockets 2.00 Nosdlos, Assorted Sizes, Gorman! Hangar, 39c to 2.95 package , 10c

Blouse Racks, for 6 b'oires 1.95 Mercerised Sewing Cotton ..5c

Plo !:.. 'J;:.u'-ki C. Ti| ft Mea,uies , 10c and 25c •o) c( b 1.00 Mill l'V.i'"i I9e |,00

p'v >'•• V •in ("!^|"» wi'h '1.11 M,MI.*II 89c 1.00 Marling Powj*r 10c

c< 3,00 beam Binding 3 yards 17c

H.OIl Jiiinlio Ciirnicnt Hun* In H.-*«i«vl i.hli.l/ wiili Oide Ifl'.lener (.loiinq. l-lnl'l U lu It •Jiimonlt, 2,'fll

fiWULUULKSi IIUUAIHM91',,U, CALL HtiU UAMv6-MH) .7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXII, NO. 17. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 16 Englewood Team Last Quarter Safeties Rumson Defeats Beltnar Here Sunday Shoots 62 to Win Give Lions 11-10 Win Matawan, 20-13 At Old Orchard In Thriller In Third Place Fight Gliczzi's 68 Is Low Red Bank Host to Asbury This Week-- Bulldogs at Home THE HUNT MEET Is over. Now we can settle back and wait for Among 24 Top Pros; Sulurday Against Trojans, Field Club in Scoreless Tie— winter to take over . .. 'Twas a great day for the Irish. Irish Monkey Leonardo Visits Strong Neptune 11 won the opening race, Irish Clown the third. Bly made all kinds of Sanok Also Has 68 money. Well, $2 cash. , Point Pleasant High Leonardo at Home in Finale Of course, the best race of the day was turned in by the Jerry Volpe and Chet Sanok Coach Frank J. Pingitore's Red of Lions were in on him, blocking Bank high school gridders spent the kick. The ball caromed toward Ttumson high school's football gentleman who caught the bookie going "over the hill" after the were sizzling hot Friday at Old Iciim Saturday will bo hosts to Tho Red Bank Trojans are at Orchard Country club. That team thn past week preparing for Satur- the sideline, but hit Ihn goal line home again this week, Sunday af- last event on the program . . . One real pleasure of tho colorful day's invasion by (Asbury Park flag before going out of bounds. Point Pleasant high school in Ihe put together a gross best ball score flr«t of a thrcn-ganiR liomn stand, 'Middle Three' ternoon's opposition being the Bel- afternoon for us was meeting Henry Obrc, former Shrewsbury- of 62 to gain tile first leg of the high, always a tough combination The officials ruled it. nn automatic Imar Yellow Jackets. Last week Old Orchard trophy for their home for ths Bucs to solve. safety and with it c.ime sweet vic- Last v.pdi Ihc Purple Bulldogs He. Henry's a sfaryland resident noiv where he is a cattle ' uncorked a snappy 20-13 victory ov- I Red Bank was host to Leonardo Englewood Golf club, Last week's trip to Leonardo was tory for Leonardo, bitter defeat for breeder. . ^ er Matawan which completely I Field club, the teams battling to a The Volpc-Sanok team, first off , disheartening encounter. It saw Red Bank. Alumni to Meet scoreless deadlock. The bugler made the mistake of warming up too strenuously In 1H0 cheered the. large, ranting section in a fluid of 63 teams, had the best Bed Bank roll up a 10 to 0 lead at Only seconds romnftied \n the which followed them in a car anil Sherwood, Gallagher A victory over Belmar will give clubhouse before the races. Result was the announcer had to Use a round ever experienced in the halt-time only to go oft tho Held game, nothing else of importance bus caravan nrranscd for by the Red Bank a tie for third place in hunting horn for the call to the post. eight-year-old tournament. With at game's end, victims of an 11 happening in that short span. The Run-jion Bulldog Boosters. Head County Groups the league, Belmar currently hav- ' Quito a tent, that clubhouse. After Edwin L. Best had Sanok, one fo the state's leading to 10 score. Victory kept the Truex- game had figured to be a passing ing six points to Red Bank's four. amateurs, firing a 68, there was lit- duel and tho warriors took to the Victoiy came the bard way, the County alumni of Leh'tKh, Pjit- kindly guided us in that direction twice, we felt like able com- coached Leonardo Lions among; the In their desire to add color to tlo doubt among the late starters ranks of tho undefeated and bols- air with an amount of excellence. nuiiiMjii I cam pushing over a last Rers and Lafayette —famed Middle thfi contest and activity to the petition ior Tourist Index over the 2'/-mile course over brush. that the sensational mark of 02 tered them for this week's rugged In this department the losers at quarter touchdown to break the Three rivals in football, l),i.skethall, halftlmo intermission, the Trojans Since it was for four-year-olds and upward, we would have qual- would be equalled. The same team trip to the home of powerful Nep- lenst could guin tho slim consola- 13-1.1 deadlock existing in the third track iiiid baseball- put their rival- last week had Rod Bank fire de- quart jr. The patrons were kept ified. Mentally and otherwise. copped the day's Sweepstakes prize, tune high. A victory this week for tion that Griggs completed five ot ry aside a week from tonight when partment's band on hand. a net best ball affair. Sanok's one- the Lions will be regarded as one his eight passes, while Wade com- on the edge of their respective they hold Ihe annual cct-togcther Daniel Don Diego, Airport inn cntrepeneur, couldn't get completely seats unlil tho final whistle, how- Leonardo this week stages a stroke handicap came on the sec- of the major upsets in recent pleted but the same number in 13 at the American hotel, Freehold. home stand against Cliffwood An- used to the Hunt's type of racing. Only chewed up two cigars a race ond hole. It gave him a birdie, tries. ever, Matawnn rebounding after Shore Conference history. the final Rumson tally to engineer gels. Only other game of the week- . . . The red and green hunting jackets weren't in evidence. Probably bringing the team's net total to 61. end finds Kumson Veterans vis- didn't get back from the cleaners. Defeat for Red Bank came in the The Red Bank team was weak in a fiH-yard drive which ended on a Only team to come close was tho punting department and there- iting Point Pleasant Pelicans to- Everything went according to schedule. It even rained for fln.il seconds of the game. After pass interception. the Harold Sanderson-Martin Duffy Tom Romard had tallied in Ihc on they can pin the major cause morrow night. This set of games the last race . . . The bookmakers, many of whom again con- duo from Canoe Brook. Those first period and Alvin Griggs sup- of defeat. Bucky Moran, whoso It took a lighting team lo bring marks the end of the regular sea- son schedule for the Shore Foot- gregated under the "Betting Prohibited" sign, spent most of sharpshooters came back with a plied the extra point, the Bucs booming punts made Red Bank a Rumson its victory. The Bulldogs best ball gross of 64, Surprisingly, were immediately faced with a 7-0 ball league. their time complaining about poor business. The nerve ol the boosted the count to 10 to 0 in the standout in earlier games, has been the same 64 was the score for the second quarter when Griggs boot- sidelined the past two weeks. Tom deficit, Matawan opening tho game The Trojan-Field club deadlock customers coming out just to enjoy the spectacle! . handicap event, Duffy failing to ed a field goal from Leonardo's 19. Romard, his stand-in, was side- by scoring on its llrst play from marked the second week in a row Ed Bennett still the favorite of the throng. The veteran help his pro on any hole though linod by injury in tho final half of scrimmage. This hnppiuieil when the Red Banker3 havo engaged in hu bad a four-stroke chance. Knot- Leonardo came roaring back in rider was spilled In tho second raco when he tried to bring up Saturday's contest. Joe DiEiasc tore through center ii scoreless duel. The week before ted with them at 64 were Johnnie the second half, however, to score and wont 59 yeards to score. A it was against the rugged Cliff- Irish Tip after the horse had hit the bar on the 15th jump. The Albertl and Frankle Marra of early. Truex deceived Red Bank's Red Bank's touchdown was set DiBiase to Jack Sherman pass and wood eleven. Sunday's contest patrons groaned. Jumping Brook and Marty Tolo- defense by switching to Bob Wade up late In the first quarter when it was 7-0. found the locals putting on one The Hunt meet is the county's top social-sporting event. The social- moo and John Sergi of Twin for power plays as well a.i for pass- Wade kicked from his four-yard of their best offensive shows of Brooks. ing. The Bucs gave considerable line to his 22. Lewis went around .Rumson came right, back, howev- ly prominent were socially prominent . , . Mayor Alfred N. Beadlcston er, on a 53-ynrd march which end- the year. In the second and fourth told us that Tourist Index would stage a repeat win in the featured Best pro of the lot was Vic Ghez- attention to the hard-hitting Pete his left end to pick up 11 yards and quarters they got as far as the Trczza, but it was Wade who did Griggs added live more. Lewis ed when Bill "Apple" Rountrce County Gold Cup race. Bly wouldn't bet it, though. Felt sorry for the zi, The Rumson resident, who, like Leonardo nine and eight, but in the work. Starting from their own gained four more yards on another skipped around right end from the. neither instance were they able bookies. Yolpe, works out of Englewood, six to score. Tim Connor's boot toured the links with teams of 38, Wade carried the ball and end run and Romard then carried to dent paydirt territory. We're glad Amory L. Haskell continues these meets. It's a real heaved two passes which brought the remaining two to score. from placement was no good, sport, one that is divorced from the high commercialism of race tracks. Mike Ceslonc, Jr., and Sr. Vic's 68 though, and Rumson trailed, 7-6. Trojans Try Field Goal the pigskin to Red Bank's 23. Two plays after the klckoff And it gives the citizens an opportunity to marvel at the beauty of open was good enough to be best ball for Again in tho first quarter, Rum- Late in the fourth quarter, the both teams. In tho handicap divi- When three downs failed to pro- Wado fumbled and Red Bank re- country. God gives us an abundance of space and natural beauty, but, duce a. first down, Wado chucked son engineered a 38-yard drive Trojans tried a field goal, with It seems, we loo infrequently take advantage of H. Probably because sion, Mike. Jr. managed to use one covered on Leonardo's 22. The which ended when Connor hit tho to his star receiver, Bob Ward. Bucs couldn't roll, however, losing Uom Cltarclla booting, but a It's free. of tho four blows alloted him in middle of the line to go over from charging Leonardo line foiled the shaving the net best ball to 67. Ward gathered the ball on the the the ball on downs. Another break 16 and then galloped through Red the three. This time his kick was attempt. Citarella's placement was Twenty-four of the state's lead- for Red Bank was set up, though, GEORGE SULLIVAN day at Old Orchard Friday drew an Impres- Bank's secondary to score. Trezra. good, bringing the count to 13-7. from the Field club IB. The try sive Held of the state's pros . . . Actually it Is the Old Orchard Pro Ing professionals were present to when Trezza fumbled, the losers Not much developed in the sec- followed Red Bank's completion boated the extra point. recovering on tho Lion 37. A 15- Amateur, but the fact that the top bracket boys annually visit the Bat- enjoy one of the season's best days. ond quarter, but in tho third, anoth- of two long passes. yard penalty momentarily set the onlovrn links Is a compliment to George. Volpe's 70, which went so well with Leonardo's first safety in the er DiBiase Jiass knotted tho count Dr. Mason Gross Bob Block starred for Red Bank Sanok's 68, gained him a berth In fourth quarter came as a by-prod- Bucs back, but they ate it up in at 13-13. This time Sherman nab- Some day we're going to devise an uncomplicated, accurate Hed Bankers arc presidents of and it was mniniy his work which the three-day tie for second place uct of a drive which went from two plays. • bed the pigskin on a five-yard toss brought a serious threat early In method of scorekeeplng . . . Vic Ghent's 68 for low pro gcoro among the pros. Other 70 shooters the Lafayette and Lchigh county their 19 to Red Bank's four. That First Griggs tossed to Tomaino into the end zone, the final play the second quarter. After Bob gave Englewood Golf club a clean sweep of events. Jerry Volpe, were Harold Sanderson of Canoe threat ended when Griggs inter- In a 50-yard sustained march. alumni groups—Bill Sherwood and Hombling made a spectacular re- the other Englewood pro, teamed with Chet Sanok to win the Brook and Marty Tolomeo of Twin for five and then Art "Buggy" Charlie Gallagher, respectively— cepted a pass. The Bankers could White, Red Bank'B brilliant little The stage was set for a deadlock, turn of a Leonardo punt, Block Brooks, Emory Thomas of Forest not get out of the hole and when while Leonard Stout of Manasquan beautiful trophy as well as the handicap event, quarterback, made a sensational both teams battling fruitlessly tossed to Bob Powers to bring Hills and Maurry O'Connor of Griggs attempted to punt, the kick heads the Hutgera alumni. In a the ball from the mid stripe to Harold Sanderson's trio of partners had rough luck. Though catch of another Griggs pass. This through the remainder of that joint statement this week, they an- Canoe Brook pro had 70—with a bogey six on the 18th—none of his Branch Brook wero tied at a par was blocked and Leonardo took Leonardo's 31. Block then went 72. Johnny Kinder wont one-over broughu,uuK.,kt th...»e bal„„.l to th„e Lion 20„. quarter and for most of the final nounce thul Dr. Mason W. Gross, nut to snag a Hembling pass and three partners could improve their best ball by uso of handicap strokes. over on Red Bank's 12. Wado car- par with a 73. At 74 were Ben ried to the seven but fumbled, Romard plowed through for eight I chapter. Then came Rumson's Rutgers provost, will bo the prin- Red Bank had a first down on th« Their gross scores were the same as the net scores. yavds and Griggs picked up two spirited surge. With the line of- cipal speaker. Yasko of Homestead, Lou Barbaro Charlie Bruno recovering for Red fi^rinR excellent support, Phil Min- 20. Hembling picked up two yards [Tack Welsh fhade his final'appearance of the year in these of Hollywood, Angelo Petraglia of Bank. off tackle. The Bucs ground their Big feature of the meeting will and Block broke through for nine way to the nine, but when Leo- ton threw a scries of passes be- bo recorded messages from the foo'- tn set the Red Bank fans cheer' parts. He leaves 1'orsgate Farms this week-end, gets married Fort Monmouth and the famed tween the ground gaining tactics Johnnie Farroll of Baltusrol. The Lion line proved loo tough nardo's line stiffened to stall therri ball coaches of the three universi- ing. A fumble ended this rally, Monday, | for Red Bank to penetrate, and with hut goal to go, Griggs put his of Larry Harrington and Connor ties. The voices of Maurice "Clip- however, Leonardo taking over on Johnny Albert!, Jumping Brook 38 37 15 which carried them 91 yards lo Andy Sikora, who toured the links with Archie "Proc" Hague and Jack Mitchell, Essex County.... .IS 411 76 Pingitore, fearing another blocked foot to a placement for the three- per" Smith of Lafayette, William the 14. kick, gent In word to have Griggs paydirt, Minton finally having the Joe Spicer, heaps high praise on Old Orchard for the excellent condition Bud Ceoghegan. Crestmont .... 37 31) 76 pointer. An earlier try by him had B. Lcckonby of Lcblgh and Harvey In Sunday's other game, the Bel- of the course and the excellent tournament. Andy's Hill and Dale driv- Andy Sikora, B«aeon Hill .... 38 3S 76 down the ball In the end zone, giv- honor of crossing the final stripe. Art Glnfihan, Jumping Brook.. 41) 37 77 failed. J. Harman of Rutgers will thus be mar Yellow Jackets managed tc ing range In Middletown next year will be the scene of a state driving ing Leonardo a safety and narrow- After this week's Invasion by heard. Augle ilnyd, Foragate 39 38'77 LEONARDO squeeze out a 14-13 victory ovel championship for pros, junior boys and girls and senior men and John DeLuca, Plchiinn? - 00 3S 78 ing the count to 10 to 9. This piece End: -Msrgner, Wird, Donato, Bro. Point Pleasant, the Bulldogs -will The meeting begins at fj o'clock, the Cliffwood Angels. The Jackets Jim Martucci, Deal .. an 40 7« women. of strategy came with less than be at home against Atlantic High- with dinner scheduled to be served score all their points in a big (ieorsle Sullivan, Old Orchard 40 38 78 four minutes to play, the Buc men- Tackln—Ciccont, Walsh, Wllaon, I'at- lands and Kcyport. They end their Him Billy, Shnckamnxon Ill 30 T9 terson. at 7:30. second quarter, Cliffwood coming THE GRID LINE:—Eddie Leddy on hand Sunday to see the Red Jack Welsh, Foranate —•. 30 40 79 tor believing his charges could Guards—A. Carusn, Collcran. season Thanksgiving day at Leon- back with seven In the third »nd Bank Trojans-Leonardo Field club tie. But he didn't see anyone so fast Johnny Cafone, Manas. River 39 41 80 keep Leonardo in its own territory (.'enters—Klnrcnairnn, Bnrlm. ardo. six in tha fourth. Hacks—Atkins, Wade, I'olicaslrit. Ot- as he was in his playing days. That's for sure .'. . Another real grid- Pro-Amateur or take over control. MATAWAN Volpe-Ohot, Sanok _... 30 32 B2 ten, Treiza, Bounds. Caseys Visit Angels' Rally Fall! der of a past generation to view the game was H. Laurence Scott. "Old The strategy might have proved RED BANK Knda—Sullivan, Griswold, Weber, Sanderson-Martin DulTy 31 33 G4 Flynn. Tho extra point try which would timers" like Fred Merriman and Tom Gill will tell you that Larry was Tolomeo-John Sere! _... 33 33 C6 wise. After the klckoff Leonardo Ends—J. 'i'omaino, Sherwood, Dillun, Tackles—Marvel, SakowskI, Gannon, a* rugged a center as ever came this way. !) lic high school visit Trenton to- ing scored all his team's points. like 11-10, the natural question is: Did it go extra innings? hlnder-K. Roberta _... 3J 3a fii) Red Bank was in a hole from I'uint* After Touchdown—Griiftfs, Tackles—Stern, DIFtorl. Gulnnwf. morrow for a night game against -i-7.fca (placements). (liiarda—Hrown. Wickman. The Belmar-Angel struggle was Rumson's 20-13 victory over Matawan was a thriller right down to Ajbertl-Rui Sicillano _ 34 33 «lt which It couldn't dig out. Leonar- Safeties—Leonardo 1. the strong Trenton Catholic 11. O'Connor-Myron Vriefiman :S'J ;it> bit do's line wouldn't be dented. When llacks--Itountrpp. Connom, L, Har- fashioned after the thrilling 12-12 Ihe wire. The Bulldog Boosters took quite a rooting section to the l-'ield Uoal—-Cripcs (placement), The Green and Gold machine of Sullivan-rat Anacon .To 35 71) Griggs went back to kick, a swarm [HUcials—Van Ness, Crllley, Clark, rlliBton, Minton, Hoyd, DeVito, game played Friday at Point game , . . Didn't get to talk to Coach Arnie Trues (his week. But we'll Tolomeo-M. Parmeaa 35 35 711 Coach Adnm Krolowlcz still seeks Thomaa-Hank Barlow _ 3S 34 71) SCORE DY rERIODS Pleasant between league-leading admit "he learned us" not to under-rate his charges. Thomas-Jack Zalenskl :IG 34 71, Ituimon 1.1 0 n 7—20 ts flrst victory. Scotch Plains last (Long Branch and the Pelicans. long Branch Sea Hawks, undoubtedly ihe best semi-pro Thomas.Eil Butler _ 36 34 "0 Matawan 7 0 6 0—13 week visited hero to add woe to Though the Branchers were be- Petroulla.Joo cihenl 36 34 71) Touchdown*—-DilHane, Rountrce, Con- team at the shore, at their home games are featuring a 37-picce the Caseys. 26 to 0. Three of the hind, 12-0, at the half, Long Branch Harbaro.John Ferrugglaro .... 34 37 71 nor, Sherman, Minton. visitors' tallies followed fumbles by P.A.L. band which they sponsor. Tho lhttvks' coach, Vince Yasko-MIke Strollo 3a 33 71 Points after touchdown—Connor 2 showed Itself to be the power of Ilarbaro-Dr. Anthony Manucco 34 37 71 3,500 See Tourist Index Score (placement), Shermnn (pann). hometowners, each time deep in old by sending across the tying Renzo, last week had Bed Bank Catholic's grid squad as guests lasko-W. H. Mellor 38 34 72 Official*— Vlllairfano, E^ldlo, McGow- their own territory. touchdowns in the final quarter. of the team. Vlnce is Coach Adam Kretowicz's assistant. Mltohall-J. S. Iteynoldi 34 30 73 an. Billy.Gene Cooper 37 36 73 Repeat Hunt Win on Haskell's Farm The first touchdown was of the RED BANK Rumson high will be at home for Us next three games , . . Bill (SeoKhexan-Jonenh DeStefano.. ,17 36 73 gift variety. A Scotch Plains punt O'Neil, captain of the Atlantic Highlands high team, is senior class and Klnder-H. SclfTert '. 38 36 73 There were 3,600 spectators on to keep his horse from falling, but End*—Kaney, ' Galajil. Spring-Item, IWbaro-Herman Pfcteraon .... 35 38 73 bounced off tile chest of Joe McCoy student council president , . . Asbury Park junior varsity nipped Red Alhei-tl-Frank Marra C.T7 ,'16 73 hand Saturday afternoon at Amory in so doing he took his "header." County Drivers and tho invaders recovered on the Tackits—VacarreW, Williami. D. Cit. Bank Catholic's jayvees, 25-20. Though a defeat, It's inspiring to tho Alherti-Cus Hnpp&ch 3d H7 7;l L. HaskcH's Woodland farm to Mr. Untermoyer was tho only Red Bank two. In two line plunges errlla, Glathan-Uov. Leo Cox 36 .17 73 view the 19lh annual Monmouth owner to score two wins. Besides fiuimls- Caprloni. Sola. F\ Clterellt. Green and Gold because it's the first Casey gridiron score of the year. Mitchell-Phil Fischer , 36 33 74 the ball was carried over. The next rent^ri—Wiclnrr. Sutphin. County Hunt Race meet. his Dono Sleeping victoiy, he Perform Saturday Mack. RicMl". Block. Hrmblinr. San- The Buo coaching stall Isn't under-rating lied Bank Cntholin nilly.BMI Nemeth touchdown, in the second quarter Yaiko-Juhn 'i'omainl ' 403'i M The sporting-social event of tho wrapped up the third race—The wa.s well earned. Bill Franklin ex- burn, Rufflni, Watklns. Royd. for the big clash of ,the year a week from Saturday. Though Cafone-Jnhn Kolk, 2d 3S 36 74 Mlddlclown— when Irish Clltiwn 'l\i Have. Team Match Miti-liell-Wnllor Younir fit l,!> . >year In this section found Allison hibited ?ornc- speedy running to LEONARDO the Caseys haven't done anything so far, they're pointing for Martucci.T. K. Appleby . 66 09 75 Stern's Tourist Index repeat her provided a driving finish to win outdistance Iho Catholic secondary. FIiuN—K*-:'iEan. MacDn wld, Foulkj. DpLuca-Abf SchlfT , Al\ .16 76 by a head over Raiitan stable's Sir Against Three Stars Tackles—'1'rert-t, Op?h» jhnejiy, Pet- that game . • . Jack James, who has quit smoking, Is really in 38 33 76 victory of 1948 in the featured race The second quarter also provid- I'eLuca-Frerl Merriman —the Monmouth County Gold Cup Ral Friar. shape. As one of the nation's top field Judges, he's got to be. lilmhsn-Ted Mirabella 40 36 7« A novel match In stock car rac- ed another touchdown. Thli time Ctianh—O'Brien. Grant. Wehh-licorKC Penterman . 3S-30 "7 race. Well ridden by Jim Zimmer- The Holmttel, pune $700, thru.year- It followed a fumblu by Bob P!ic- Center—P. Ke«lan. That jtb calls for plenty running, since, among other things, he Martucci.l)r. J. A. Klwher .... 37 4n 77 oldi and upward; about two milei over ing will take place Saturday Fla'-kF—Uhrly. DePamuale. J. Keelan, man, the Scobeyvllle horse brought Ian on the locals' 30. An end run Wnirht. JrfTHr*. Hemlierger, Bauer. must cover pass plays, punts and touchdown*, Cafone-L. J. (luhther .... 37 40 77 bruih—1, Iro A, Duflln's Irish Monkp.v night In Long Branch .stadium. Glaahan-Harold Murphy 40 37 77 Its owner tho socond Ice, on tho $2,- -', Mrs, 1,. K. Sloddnrd. Jr.'s Port Raid Three county motor Jockeys will netted J3 yards and then Franklin UlTki.iU—Holme-, Clttadlno, I'aiicky. Rumson high's pay-off touchdown was the result of a 91-yard DeLuca-Jack (Ju'orrlero ...... 40 38 73 000 cup. Threo nro neoded for per- er; 3, William J. Strawbrl.lRe's Lnnd'a heaved a long spiral Into the wait- Welih.Vlnco Tlmborman . 30 40 7S Corner, meet three top performers of tho inarch. Phil Minton's passing and the combined running efforts of manent possession. The ovont car- Eastern Stock Car .Racing associa- Ing arms of Jack Sullivan in tho STANDINGS Wetnh-Joh.il Si'hult 33 40 79 ried with It a purse of } 1,000 added. Thn Monmouth County Hunt Cup, L T Larry Harrington and 'jlm Connor did the trick . . . Tho Casey loss , _ Swtepitalm pun* $500, four-yunr-oldi and upwnrd tion in this special handicap even'. end none. , Long Branch 0 I Saturday,to Scotch Plains was another case of getting Into the hole by Vol|ic-Sanok . 20 32 61 In the secondary feature—tho —•bout three mll«i over lair huntins Bob Cook nnd Bill Chevalier of Things were quiet enough during P"j"< pl""nl 0 1 mental and physical errors. The Green nnd Gold Is in action tomorrow Snnilenon.Dully , HI a:i «l country—.!, Alvin Unlermeyer'a Dono Albtrtl-Marra 31 33 04 Monmouth County Hunt Cup—Al- Sleeping; 2, V- L. Chandler nil's Koynl Red Bank will join Mario Palmlerl the third qUHiter and most of the \S;d D,i>k night against Trenton Catholic at tho capital city, That's a big game Tolomco.Hergl 32 32 84 vin Untermeycr's Done Sleeping Mission; 3, 'Alfred M. Hunt's I'laro of Long Branch to make up th« fourth, when Mike Wade fumbled | ClKfwood on their schedule, Trenton being tho homo town of Msgr. Joseph T. Thomns-Harlojv 33 33 66 won handily, Aboard this clnssy l.lnht. county trio. They'll bo stepping in- on the Red Bank 10. Two plays ' J" Casey. inSpRo 32 34 66 Th« Middletown, purse $400, three- Rulllvnll.Cnlnbrcn :n 33 67 mount wna Mlko Smlthwlck of year-olds and upward—about 1' miles to fast company when they face thn and llic score was -0 to 0. The Trojan* are home again Sunday. Bclmar's Ihe nppoil- ThomnS'llutler . .14 an r,iHyde, Md., leading amateur rider on the flat —I. Alvin IJiilirine.vpi'j Jr-jnti combination of Kranklo Schneider, Two plays In the third quarter Thnmwi-Zaleii.kl 3.1 31 67 Clown j !!, liarilnn ulnlila's Sir Hal Friar; Atlantic Coast clmmp; Al Peteia, llon , , , Hum son Vets visit I'olnt l'lcnsnnt tomorrow nlghl. nt moots staged under tho direc- 11, 111 A. Datflii'* O-iiviin, gave Casey fans reason to cheer. Kllnl it.", vi ti" One of their router*, Bill lloajr, will lie sitting (he. game out Ir tion of tho National Steeplechase The Monmouth County Gold Cup, the fellow who beat Schneider In Wnlly Baut-r w"' I be prlnrlpal In Sea Hawks Face 3.-, 32 67 imrir )l,000 nddril, (nut-yfai-oldi and n match rnce al Long Branch Ocl. Itlvervlcw. (jot bruised In an nulci crack-ii|i ... , ()ulln n thrlllrr , 3.1 .H .17and Hunt ansocintlon. both, thn lanky back recovering 11 upward—admit 2li mll«« ovitr hruth— IR, nnd I^on Volk, onto wring's Scotch Plains fumhle on the vi.'l- at Point Pleasant last Friday night, Long Urnnch bouncei' . ;io ;JJ 67 In tin; Hunt Cup race, Monmouth I, AMI'iin Sl'rn'i To'irlu lmlr.\j j, Mr«. "professor." back to lie tlm game after trailing, 12-0, at the half, ,1 ,,1,1! Shnwliildur, ,lr.'< llnln |l»r, 3, lurs' 37 and Ihrn ••ntrblnK n Wailn Brooklyn Celtics county's favorite rldor, Ed Bennett, Al\in I'IMHm^yer'a SoiithufM, Tho oldest football rivalry In Iho nation Is revived Saturday nt was up on Sycamore farm's Irish Ai'coi'diiiK t" Ihf, agreement for iwi.is whlili Inoiialit Ihc bill to Ihe Thi> Navnlnli, imrie $30), for all aiei Hie special rncp, tlm Monmouth Sunday's Opponents Princeton when Rutgers Invades Tlgertown. Their first gamo was Mount Trophy —about Kfvtn furlonii on lha flnt— Scotch Plains 13, Hfindwirhrd In Tip, The votoran performer wn.i conllngenl. will lie granted a half- playod Nov. 8, I860—a fow days boforn most of us worn born . , . Leon- dumpod at the lMh Jump when hi* I Allnn il, Mlr»h'« KwlKiili'; J, W. I'. between those plnys were threo KnhliMiiM, .Ir.'fl <*rriun [toyal; 3, David lap handicap. Tho rnco will bn ov. running plays which ^ilnr-d hut Sport Heavy Bncklicld ardo's Jayvees clipped Rod Bank's jayvoos Monday, H-7, but the Buo liorso stumbled, Bannott managed I'fftrrVi (lluitoflolii, To Dr. Rudnick or a len-liip courso and will ba four yards, freshmen brought In a 7-0 victory over the Lion yearlings , , . Andy from a standing start. Winning When tho Brooklyn Celtics visit Manning of Sen Bright la a first itrlngor on Temple unlvcrilty't froth- Shoots (16, HB Hounds team tnkos tho ontlro "pot," Casoy hopes faded when an off- Long Branch stadium Sunday af- man toum, Trd Lnucr Slurs sldo penaltpy y pushepd tho bull back ternoon, Conch Vlnce Renzo'a Se» To Win l>y 11 Strokes Big fonturo of the night will bo Hawks will be fiu'lng A tenm Sportsmen's Day I'm* l'otoinuc Stalo tlm itwurd of the Uov, Alfred E, to tho 18. and a pass Intended for INCIDENTS AND INCIDENTALS :-Bnllcy'« Bombors look Ilko Iho Dr. Jonopli Rudnlok continued Drlicoll trophy, Thin will tako Bnuer wn« Intercepted. which (ports a 245-pound nverngi KKH HANK (AIIIUUI' liackllcld, team to boat In thu Red Bank postofllcn bowling longuo , , , Koyport tho fnnt puce ho not In tho flrat Ted I/met', l«»t ytmr'd tilplo plnco following tho 35-ln.p nnitlr, Kmlv-.Sr-litlt-r, TrewM. l.ofim, Kcrrl. •will nrgnnlzo a yfliir-rnnnd rricrontlon program for Hi youth, Tho wnek of piny for tho Mayor JnmoB Set (or Sunday thrcmt fllnr of Lconnrdo hlKh nchool AnnlliM' special ntlrnctlun will lie linn, Ahdn ni'h, Oii'lnilmil And weight will not be the only school board nnd borough council met lo IIIUCUM thfl Juvcn'llo altunllun Tt, Mount trnrihy, putllnjf Icigotlier cli:iiii|iluiislil|> fnothull Icuni, I* a mulch nice between Schneider Tkl—O'N*II, MmliiM', ll'iikley, Ku- linnet of the vUltlnt! club, which nnd the result Is tho Koyport Recreational commission. n, flnnl rnund of 140-22—01 for a net WuvMita Hod nnil (inn plnylnjf vnr.«lty bnll for I'dloninn nnil Wnlly Ciimphell, This perform- hiiiulfl it record uf nrvcn wind, two I'mi'i T. iMi-ni'n, Urmit, IO"M-5 nnd n tie, Hoth Marling liny Harrington, llulin N'llllnms' polo proli'xr, une« In Vitlr. lolnl of 1,10. Ht.'ilfi rolleur, Wimhlrmtun, Ii. ('. nnir will depi-nil, liowi'ver, nn I Nlr'ulelti, In tlm K>)|iiiil, medico Chill Sill! Ol' J'AI'lll Tn illllo the rl/IK.iy bni'k lid." ."fill cil t', 1 r 11 (• 11«• lit lirlnt: 'ihlr to ir|inli- hl.i 1 eniln KIretch morn llinn nix fret UMlVPMlty lo n««l»l M I'lintclln nt polo coitcli, The Ilkuhlft Tex- I'li-Inn. M»r Ihe (izimr, John Touncitcn, 'Ml l ld ICcrnlly wrn'lird nuln, I Intn lH, K»ii, NiKhw, lt«i"-. \V«il« pl.iyed fur Soulli C.ii'ollnn, an ha* developed Inlet qiilfn n hoy tvldi Iho slick mill hall , , , vd rimml* of 7R nnd 7H mvn K. tt, lkmmliiK l» olmlinun of Vhlllnit litii'i' thf p.int work- . ll'lioiiltii. H. In"*, «"' Mil"). «lin HiTlihri. ?l\. (lie and UeOl'ge Kin- Shriwsbury No, I mint Inur tintl mi off .-tight I'rlilii.v, llou'elur him n net Kiln I of III, Mrrrlmnn llir Moiiiiuuith l.'i'Hiily Ffilrinllon rrt'l ueir Krunli Mr-np|i:i, IC'I l/ :TMIIII PLAIN,- 1 I1111 nn nlglil'ClioUn hnndlcan, l;nll Itrciikh I.('/;. I r;nil«. li-iinrl, lii/i'*.. .^'il li 'din, «hn Klnned Inr Wngnar col« Mould ST. llnrolil Kelly nnd lilt AUSIIUIAIRI on Mncrofl firemen * nt Efpoi-Limen'x Held iliy NuiitUy (it l.'-.ih l.rlls Mi'l Chiunify nnil liill Montagu*, llfll \Mifi tli IT, el 1 okri furlnrT 1 acl It*--Allltl*, Wnrfifl, \egf. niMturcj nl.\, thirc himlliiK tenm hnva (nlirn Iwii nut of Iliri't'1' Waj-alile Rod ,tntl (Jun cluh, Lchimiin. Atlantic IlinliliiiiiU l,n«r* l#'H|-l. luirk lit 114, lid hnil luilllrlt of »rr»nx«i| x ill- ti'lluill-.-vl'-an, fliU'l>i.. Hill, Lull", I.U'hiol li.icKneld nun In tha T Aba Ui'ccnr, ntnto nthlrllo cuniinlnnloiifr, hut IMUPII atom Hni'iilmtn mi'l no. I "il»i-»- I <»n<- >"n, Mnl'i \. iJiinorr prngrnm oiiii(li, With .noli op- cludrvl will ho »UrM nnd trnp nhijiil- itl. Krnnhiilil miffm-rd « fini'lured ncnio of hit tunny lour* of tlm Hullthh Itlvni- hlHh HI'IIIKII frnni IM UnlitUnlit*,, PPaint A nfter wn, Frank* iwnltion, Hnnin, who'i n»fl« pl«y« Tim Holler Derby oniiiim hack In NIMV ilcnry Wfilmwlny, Ifiic M bird", "Uwlit i«ln«»"{ rill* \CK nn Ills tentn WIUI lonlilK to Kl'e- llyi l i2), plaielneliNl , fnlfwnyn. Proving It "no fiuko," h« fooUiiill l lliiv IIIIVII bn'ii lnif bnll with tlm Iliikf, will hi Tim Mult) tenm U MIIIMI tlm "Jenny ilnllcrv" Thry'll nppmln and pUtol ''luoky target"; auif L^t- Hold hlKh, 1S-7, Itf limiifhvi ly i iirii|» i smo lAck wllli nn «ven hettsr l 1/JiiK llruni'h IIIKII U M 1 In Tmuierk armury, limn., of n> nmv MIMWII triit'li, 'llm liny* Ingng,, rllntanprllntanpr} mill nccuriienccuriieyy rveiilK looking f'H aonie •xceptlnnnl work IIIIVH lii'rii cludtcil at 10 m.p.li, nt Mint rlnli , , , Then, urn M roiinil (linn hi* 88, Ilia ntd lolitl M'IMJOI fnolliiill iiinclilni Itiillfittcil Tlm Injury nmir. nn Mlrlirm wns from hla slur, Jog I,i>c, (ormar for Hid 3D hole* win 14 atrokcH find bnlblt and lly crmtinK, Them «I-T> lhl« Hnturitny when they M'il|i|inl n'li'iiilillni; In lirpnk tip it "Hl.'ililn yearling* flljlbla for Mil* ycar'M Nmv ifvrsry I'uturlly nt MOIL 1 unlvoriity mulnnuy, below put , will 1)8 N ooott I'luun Klitlieu hy tlto tlm niBBcil MI'l'll"n"X l"iim 1U In 7 nf I/ilirily" pluy, Tlm Kiunn wim lvi>V|Mirt lilull m'liuol f<• 11 hflow mouth Turk, belt t'oun luiiitei* in thn Male, tlnia la 3:90 p. Ill,, ai\J There weio threo tlcil for fourth fur III" HIM IIIIIP III III yn*itn. The ln'1,1 up n i|iiulri' nf nn liniir while tlui .SIM iii.-irk Miitilidiiy when tliey Iho llnwka will hnv« n< (halt Tho Monmoulli Cmmly lr>drintlon «r Hpurlnntm hold- it* minimi ! plncfi with Hit IIPI lutitli), They Thn upoi'lumtn'K dub linx nn HIM i wrii' in hnvi' mi'l. ! uiiih lih- Hi, HMVIII I'IIPV iuliiilnl*lpiri| to vhlli'il Hnyri'Vlllf In nl>«oili ci i'i lu Kticnt.t Illoinlicin of lied tlnnlt field <1ny Himilny nt Witynlila Itud nnd (Inn dull , , , Alumni (,f l^hltfh, wr-m Minn MIIVUBI", 71' (1 nnd 7li ()j ftlmmlnni'n of mliiublc |iil/,f« fm rr n "• rM5 tl mil Mllllhl'H Wlli'll Mli-lli-ll", ,-lfli'l- Wllli II III" (*'l «T Ill-Ill II ilfti'il. Thn Iti'ii ItilhlfM weir 1 ttillRiM'n mill Ldhyettt! will hr, mil. In rmrn II « .TII fimn mnlchl In 1'iitliollc IIIKII »i luiul . (inillinn (!i<,iiBn I'miteirimit, M 1,1 nnil KM In rm Ii event ni)i( Uic ruin- III ' nl-l <>|i|ili| Imil, I tic IM|UICi| Im-lnil -in iiivlrfciilril linlil 111 Ihn Amri'lfin linlrl, I'VPCltnlil , , , |,!t«| cUnwr- it, "ilnublr. ll|> it ml i>/!ti-li li|i" Tho IMIII <|innn>iFil I',A I,, IT mill Ml, MM* IIIIIIIIII II, »•, 11 •ttlMrr In ihiijn hut nuttiittr-il in IIH II iuh I | ' I rl III Mnll||iui|'i| M'lllMI 111 lln«. Itiuiilifl' mil nu'V h h| fnlhliiK in 'Mil |ififnini H iHr Hnlf

chief) had no authority under pres- chur^o and I ™n sue for fal.se nr- Farmer* are now growing trees Miss Mae Napier ent laws. rest." njg a cash crop. Engagement Told Keyport Has Chief Sproul said that several Mr. Lamont then charjjpd that Don't Forget The complaints had been received from Mr. Hopkins deliberately disturbed Your Shirts: At a cocktail party and buffet Mr. Hopkins, but on each occasion some brush to cruise liic dog to Beautifully Laundered;; supper Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- Dog Troubles there was no cause to lodge a com- bark while Mrs. Hopltin.s called po- I Usr_ Du Pont Paint § eph Napier of Keansburg, an- Third Hearing plaint against the dog owner. "You lice making a complaint. Expertly Finished :'. nounced the engagement of their hnvo a private situation and there SPVM'BI ijnff owners contended ; Snvs the Surface ind You Save AMI p daughter, Miss Mao Napier, to is no public nuisance," Chief Sproul that passage nf thn ordinance 1 Same Day Service '- BIG CARD PARTY Joseph J. Westerfleld, son of Mrs. Set for Ordinance Sara Wcstorfleld of Newark, and said. would play into thf hands of J. H. KELLY COMPANY | Sponsored by the the late Joseph Westcrfield. A public healing on a proposed Mr. Lamont said he was willing cranks who would make trouble KELLY BUILDING g Keyport dog ordinance before the to withdraw opposition to the ord- for dog owner.". \ 157 Broad St., Rcil Bank, N. ,T. | mayor and council Monday night nance if it was made clear Mr. ROSARY AND ALTAR SOCIETY ended in a personal squabble over "No Gunning" .Signs LEON'S Hopkins would have to sign a com- "No (iiinniiu;" sinus may now hi liiwl barking; hounds. As a result, the plaint against him to prosecute. at The Kv> 'li- MINTS 7 as one word in the ordinance has said, "he won't be able to prove the ft *H iwim** imprinted at small ixtra f »ht. 0 i.jiriV'iiSil'lJli'.ll1:!!:':!':'!1:'; ,1','li ilS'I »"[,:'• li':' it". Red Bank 6-2800 : o be changed. Monday Evening, November 14th The ordinance would have, made it illegal to own a dog that "habit- AT THE AUDITORIUM; ually barks, cries or disturbs the peace." The ordinance was first up for public hearing a month ago, Door Prizes of THANKSGIVING TURKEYS and HAMS but action was deferred when a group of dog owners protested, saying that the measure was the upshot of personal feuding between ^ two First ave. residents. The hear- ing is set for Nov. 7. THIS MAN The council Monday night agreed to substitute the word "unreason- able" for "habitual." Howard W. STEINBACH COMPANY Roberts, borough attorney, Slid the change would indicate an offense 121 Broad Street Bed Bonk during the night more than at any other lime. The feuding neighbors are Harry IS IMPORTANT Miss Mae Napier Hopkins, a pharmacist, and Ralph Lamont, the dog owner. Hiss Napier is a Middlctown Mr. Hopkins told the council that township high school graduate. Police Chief Ijcroy Sproul had re- Her flancc, an alumnus of Bar- fused to act when he complained ringer high school, Trinity college about Mr. L,am6nt's dog. Mr. Hop- and Brown' university, is a mem- ber of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. kins said the chief told him (the He served two years in the navy. TO YOU / Both Miss Napier and Mr. West- erfleld are employed in the credit department of Bond clothing store at Newark, TELEVISION Bayshore Church BIG To Open Dec. 8 To Hold Service at SCREEN Atlantic Highlands The new Atlantic Highlands Methodist church will open Decem- ber 8. The building is located at the corner of Tlfird and Garfleld aves. The first services will be held "FAecl a Man Who .; "Let Him Finish on that date. Church school and Youth Fellowship meetings will Gels Things Done!" 1 His Job !" also be held. Rev. Roy E. Williams, Jr., is pastor. , After Dec. 8 the church will be available week days for a program of devotional, social and recrea- tional activities, sponsored by the church organizations. These In- clude the W.S.C.S., the Men's Meth- odist club, the Wesleyan Service guild, the Youth Fellowship and the Sunday-school, choir and com- mittee groups. A special service will be held Jan. 1, at which time the building, Illustrated: The Du Mont Sussex the organ and furnishings will be consecrated. A memorial plaque consecration service booklet and the Book of Remembrance will he EAT0NT0WN I. Alfred E. Driscoll Has Helped the Working Man displayed. The old Methodist church 'build- 1. You and 1,600,000 oilier New Jersey workers are protected Ing, located on Third ave., be- tween Bayview and Mount aves RADIO & TELEVISION against loss of wages because of illness mid off joh injuries. was destroyed by flre in February, 1945. Ground-breaking ceremonies 17-19 Main Sfrett, Eatontown 2. Better industrial relations. for the new church were held Mar, Phone Eat 3-0910 6 of this year and the corner-stone 3. He iias created 38,000 new joh opportunities. laying ceremony was held May 1. ^mm Open Evei. Till 10 P.M. ^M 4. His sound lax system has brought 2,700 new industries to IN'. J. II. Alfred E. Driscoll Has Worked to Hold Down the High Cost of Living 'The shecs you saw in GLAMOUR 1. By reducing stale lax collections 6% while all oilier slates averaged a 56% increase. 2. He lias kept N. J. free of a slate Income Tax. 3. He lias kept N. J. free of a stale Sales Tax. 4. He repealed the state school lax on real estate. 5. Under Driscoll, stale: government co-Is you $15.51 as against $23.86 average for all other stales. HI. Alfred E. Driscoll Has Worked for Better Education for your Children bf 1. Increasing state school funds lo Hed Bank and other Monmouth County Municipalities more than four limes, 2. Increasing minimum teachers' saluries from $1,200 lo $2,200. IV. Alfred E. Driscoll Has Strengthened the Enforcement of Civil Rights V. Alfred E. Driscoll Has Recomended Public Vote on Housing and Soldiers' Bonus VI. Alfred E. Driscoll Has Given You Honest Government His Past Hecord—Not Promises—Justifies Your Support. VOTE FOR ALFRED E. DRISCOLL FOR GOVERNOR Would Regularly Sell for Much More! AND Merrill H. Thompson Doi'inun Me Fa eld in Antique Brown SPECIAL PURCHASE! $6,95 ASMI;MIH,V Sl'ItllOOATB Elvin R. SimmiH Everett Baynton Budget Shop Rayon Wh» want* It walk wh«* y.u tin ff.nt In Him hinv ASSK.MUI.V HKI> IIANK COI'NCILMAV •nly "wln|i"l D.ilgn.4 l» hup your hod In tho clouria • • • with ••arlnK katki, onftyt tin anil nraolul MUlt J. Russell Woolk'y John fi. Montgomery, Jr. Qab< Llkt all Ptn«b«««t Trumptu th.y'r. f«ih< COTNTV (,'I.KIIK UK I) IIANK COI.NCI1..MAN Itnttf tl tail • • i •! Until Itnthorl, alt» llurdy ttlfi. Whothor you prefor rho soft look thssa lovely rayon Ahram D. Voorhees casuals nchlovo with elaborate accattorloi, or their •xcollonf tailoring unadorned . , , theso era dressei fo liavo In your carofully budgeted wardrobe! ON TIIK Top: Softly lailorod dre» with zipper front, two wing poctals, Groon, brown and royal. 12 to 20. Bottom: Crisp coot-stylo drow with metal buttons, novolly nockllno,. Inverted pleat. Spruce fjieon, Aulumn brown. 14 to 20. REPUBLICAN TICKET l'MI) Foil IIV TIIK UKH MANIC KKI'l'IILU'AN UI.UU8 Slmi>, MtMunihifi, Ifvtl Hunk R£t> BANK ASBURV Page Four RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBEE 27, 1019 has given to New Jersey, and sec- ond to see to it that every single Irwin Appeals voter is urged to be sure to cast Clubwomen Visit PETER'S CUSTOM TAILOR JOHN his vote on Nov. 8. > "Every minute of your time and O OVER JEAN FROCKS — For Big Turnout effort that can be given to this Freneau Farms Clothes Made to Measure MEAN TOLAND job between now and election day Of County Vote will be a contribution to the re- F. Howard Lloyd More Wearing Pleasure Dramatics election of Governor Driscoll, and Delivers Lecture NEW 1949 FALL and WINTER 1950 Head of Local to the continuation of the princi- THIS WINTER Pantomime ple of true majority rule in the A pilgrimage to Philip Preneau's IMPORTED and FINE DOMESTIC FABRICS Republican Club j state of New Jersey." farms, Matawan, was made Mon- NOW ON DISPLAY —YOUR INSPECTION WITH AN Speech Correction day by members of the literature Makes Statement Fair Haven Bride-Elect department of the Little Silver. IS CORDIALLY INVITED Elocution Woman's club. The tour, which In- SPECIALIZE IN ITERATIONS IYANHOE Pointing out that leas than half Honored at Shower cluded a visit to Christ Episcopal Children uud Adults of. the registered voters in the church, Shrewsbury, was arranged P. B. PROMINSKI 14-16 Broad St., Red Bank OIL-BURNING HEATIR state of New Jersey voted In the Miss F. Ruth Scott of Fair Ha by Mrs. John C. Herbor, depart- ven was tendered a miscellaneous ment chairman. 1948 election, Joseph C. Irwin, for- shower Tuesday at her home on Newly styled; modern and mer member o£ the state legisla- The group had luncheon at Mag- ture and president of the Red Harrioon ave., by Miss Krwyne. MONEY LOANED attractive! Has automatic fuel Purlin of Keyport. Miss Scott wll nolia inn, located on the old Fre- Bank Republican club, today is- be married next spring to Edward neau land site. F. Howard Lloyd sUt«i«are aroused to the and entry case at the Texaco plant, Ba«»" point Where they will go to the uppor Broad St., Little Silver, In, Technicolor polls and cast their ballots on sometime Sunday night. PlUB ttOMtrHlTflt HtfMMil:Miiit«Mi,DE(Mff BWfS It'flftf HO election day. According to Little Silver po- L«o Oorcey Bowery Boya "Every member of the Red Bank Ice, the thief broke a screen on "The Fighting Fool." Republican club and every mem- the south side of the building and ber of the Republican party there- priod open tho window. Between Kiddies' Hallowe'en Show fore has a double responsibility— $10 and $12 and an adding ma- first to acquaint every voter in the chine valued nt $125 were stolen. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29TH Custom Made Slip Covers stato with the honest, efficient jrov- The Texaco plant is operated by DOORS OPEN AT 0:30 A.M. ernment that Governor Driscoll William Fluhr, AMTIC REGULAR 3PC. SUITE Thur. Fri. Sat. Sat. Mat. FREE ! FREE ! FREE ! $ 50 TO THE LUCKY BOYS AND GIRLS—(2) STEPHEN McNALLY INCLUDING 5 CUSHIONS New Roadmaster Bicycle* and (2) New 96 THELMA RITTER In ... RECORD PLAYERS . . . Nationally advertised "Puritan Fabr'ici," all vat dyes and pre-shrunli, ehoos* "CITY ACROSS THE ON THE SCREEN from florals, stripes and plain, pebble and sail cloth in new decorator RIVER" colon. Made to your specifications, including cord welted seams and zip- -alno- Motlon picture* of the parade Mickey Rooney in "Young Tom Edison" pers on all openings. We'll deliver and put them on for you too! Coma —dedication nf memorial field rM8 CARTOONS AND COMKDIES early {or best selection- —ruining of the flag and the AND YOUR LUCKY COLOR CARDS football game Sun. Mon. Tnoi. Sun. Cont. SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY

RUFFLED "Madame Bovary" AUAWMOtN -With- X0MIDY .Ml! ORGANDY CURTAINS JENNIFER JONES f^ LOUIS JOURDAN -and- VAN HEFLIN $1.98 (IN TECHNICOLOR) Wed. One day PARENTS! 3 NSTALL AN Be aura to »ee "NOT WANTED" •aluo- 90" long, permanent finish JOE KIRKWOOD KNJOY TELEVISION ON THS MEZZANINE OIL BURNER NOW -In- with extra wide picotod ruffle Veil, you'll b« more comfortable, more «n»(r and 'it- "JOE PALOOKA IN THE in sugar white. cure thin winter whim you CIIHIIKO to a modern con- BIO FIGHT" vention oil burner In your present heating plant. No morn drudgery, shoveling coal, curling anheii. Sim* 54" Long .$2.9« lily net your therm»»tat anil lorget your heitinjr problem*. You'll lie Hiirprlscil, too, at the low cost. 63" Long $2.98 Cull tin tnilny at Red Bank 6-5061 and let iln give you MARINE THEATRE full detail*. Highlands, N, J. Today, Fri. & Sat Always \Z) features 72" LOIIK 83.98 Frl. Sat, Snt. Mnt. 81" Long S3.9H NO DOWN PAYMENT! BONALI) REAOAN VIRGINIA MAYO Conversion Oil Durners -In- Complete with ONLY "TUB GI,RJ, FROM JONES Double Window Size S8.95 Triple Window Size $11.95 IIKACH" 37B-fi»l. Tank $2 40 JOKI, McCllKA anil nil control*, Miwiiin WKKKLY* VIRGINIA MAYO CHANUN'NINNANlPAiGE PEQUOT SHEETS AND -In- •For ftvcmgo K-ruom home. "Colorado Territory" • SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY •••••••I* PILLOW CASES MAIL THIS COUPON 7 Sun. Mon. Sun. Milt, DKNNIH MORGAN MONMOI I'll llCATINfi CO,, I DOHIH DAY nw-nono mrf Poquot mujlini, tho favorites of (he Ameri- HlRlmuy DA, Mlildlntown, N. .1. [ JACK (AKHON can houiowif*. Known for their «x*ra long l'leuso send repi'ricntnUvc in liivc full details mi (he I -In- «orvlce(n) chcckcrl, 1 understand thin does nut obligate- '. "It1* A Great Feeling" waar, their iturdy, yet jmooth eonitruetion. me In nny wny, • ! (In technicolor) Come, IOO them iodtyl 1 OH Muniiti Conversion Q Purvtil WUNII Air 'I'uea. Aiilijinntlo Hot Water Heiil'g Q AuWiiiuillc Htciini VAN .IOIINMON AUI.DNi; DAIIIi Nn inn -In- • . . . YOU MISS A LOT WHEN YOU 72"xl«H" 2.79 • Alltll, • "BVKNK OF TIIK GHIMK" •mill- MISS A TRIP TO THE MOVIES I CASKS . l.V'xM" : III'HI 'I'lmo In Cull " .IIMMV I.VNDON I'KNNV lODWARDH • •In- • t'lly • "TUCHON" VISIT THESE SHORE AlttiA THEATRES Tluir. Onu tiny OAKY COOI'I'IK MAYKAIIt, Anbury l'»rk—"Kvpryuody Duoit It" TKIIKMA U'IIUOIIT ST. JAMKM, Anbury l'»rk—"Mr, Hod Touoli" uml QJmilns Kyurlain (9J not Monmouth Heating Co. •In- "The Uoullnn of OkUhanik" "I'ltinti CI'Tlli: YANIU'llOH" liVIIIC, Ailmry l'«rk—"llcyond thn furml" Hallway ,'{,"), HI llcildoii'ii CorniM1, IMIdillrhiun •Illnii- iu:i) luwi aiitr.ux > JMullilll jililuir* of Mil- liiU'llilil 1'AUAMOINT, LOIIK Mnuioli—"Wltttrtl (if O«" I'll,,n,. ]{<>({ Jiunk 6.5001 —llflllnitlllM lit IIICIIHirllll lll'lll HTKANII, rr»«(r> l'n>«* KKIIIIIIIIC on Any Type nf IIctitIII/JC Synteni fiiiilhnll iinini' UED BANK ft EC! IS'l'EIf, OCTOMKK 27, Page Five 'Musical Du Ponl Pmiit Local Couple Arriving at Lisbon Realtors Elect Is Meeting Tojric Siv» tht Surface and You Save All! §| Travel Topics Mrs. G. Howard iinnborn, nm.^ic Paul R. Strykcr chaiininn of t he .S(;ifr Federation J. H. KELLY COMPANY I BY TERRY O'JOOIfNELL of Women's r!ubs\ .-^jxikn on "Mn- KELLY BUILDING f ANOTHKR REMINDER Liiicrol't Man Heads i-icnl .Momenta,"' ;it. ;i meet int; of 157 Broad St., Bed Bank, N. .7. -5 During Holy thr Krypcrt I Aifr;\ tv chili Kririfi v. Year, Piifrrim- County Board MJ.S, ages will oiiK- San hoi n si t .;•; ;-:d t ho im- inate from all • Paul R. Strykcr of LincroU, who port an en f»C music in t ho. homo parts of the maintains a real estate and in- and Kehou!. i world. Thcre- In conjunction with nMion;i! Bi- RED BANK 'i /ore. it is more surance office at Holmdcl, has been ble week, Airs. C. l.cnn ilHinsun ' than a matter elected president of the Monmouth • gave two religions ]p;idin^ = . of booking for County Board of Realtors for 1950. • the crossing. The group's board of directors, af- The next meeting Nuv. 1 will Ur, It is import- ter a dinner meeting Thursday an intornntion.'il t»^;i. ant that an niprht at the Garflcld-Grant Motel, Hi.'KT AT SKA iiun.nr i t i n e rary be Long Branch, adopted the officer BED PILLOWS set up for your William Honj; uf Monmoiil h stay in Eu- slate presented by the nominating Beach suffered bruises cm ly SnL- rope. Time is involved. Before committee. urdny morning whpn Ilir car hn you EO too deep in this business Others elected were William B. W'HH driving .strurk ;i pillar of thn of Christmas shopping, deter- Connelly, Jr., of Belmar, Kenneth at special prices mine to see your Travel Agent former railroad -st;it ion ;it Sra about your 1950 European trip. L. Walker of Red Bank and Ern- Bright. X-rnys h;ivo bnen tnknn to Your Travel Agent is present- est Martin of Neptune, vice presi- determine any further injuries. ly engaged in booking numerous dents; Mrs. Dorothy Uzdilla of Winter Cruises. However, he Portaupeck, secretary - treasurer, He was taken to Rivrrvinw hr»s- i not only will welcome, but also and Rolston Watcrbury of Red pital by the Sea Blight Jli.a aid urges vour visit TODAY if you Bank, retiring; president, governor, squad. plan a trip abroad next year. Terry can even now sec that the Harold Snydcr of Avon, W. Har- Me sure your match is out In-fore "supply will not meet the de- old Warren of Asbury Park anu mnnd," Don't bo a disappointed Henry Schwcizer of Keansburg FREED S 1 O'DONNELI-i TRAVEL AGEN- were re-elected to the board ol di- CY. 12 Broad Street, Red Bank. rectors. Cct the,MONEY ! Corner . . . Next to Post Office m ••Phone Red Bank 6-5080 or 5081. George Seller of East Orange, EllI BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J.g whom the local group endorsed for jJWIilliniXllilililllilllllllliillilll'WIillinnililllillllllllllllillliinilllini!!!!!!! president of the state realtors boarc), was guest speaker and warned of the trend toward so- .OPV. cialization or business and the threat of government control. He RED BAN Auto-Radiator urged that realtors be prepared to Mr. and Mrs. B. Flitcher Moore act against new controls by the government should rent controls Mrs. B. Fletcher Moore of River decorations nnd Mrs. A. Melvin be abolished. side Heights, Middlctown township, Morris is program chairman. Fol- TO aim will be the main speaker at the lowing the talk there will b a . Rafriceritors The speaker cited the higher c M|.liilif>H Car flap** Washing MKMMS Wednesday, Nov. 2, meeting of period of fellowship, and refresh- UM4 Can Cmntrm Vacuum Ctumn plane on which business has de- the W-S.C.S. of the Red Bank ments will bc served, by Mrs. Rus- Cad ioato Baby Cwrldea*; veloped throughout the years in Gam Faad Pfcnto Suaptft* ' Trade-In Sale the banding together uf the boards Methodist church. The meeting will sell Hodgkiss and Mrs. .Harry L UM Stack Outboard M-Xoft be held nt 8 o'clock at fellowship llotchkiss. 95 for their own advancement and hall, with Mis. William Mncdonald TO PAY outifonding doctor, dsntitt, the protection of the public. He A plastic demonstration will also hospital and many-other kind* of bill*. said the establishment of a higher presiding. Devotions will be con- be held and' this will he put on by Bed pillows of 10% white goosedown, Now Til Nov. 15 code of ethics has resulted in pub- ducted by Mrs. Albert 1-inubcr, Jr. Circle "EJ1 of the W.S.C.S.. Women TO PAK'OFF (>m# payment pvr- lic recognition of the profession's Mr. nnd Mrs. Moore recently re- of the church and members of the chflui such as auto», (urr.ilurt. radios, 90% white goose feathers in the full standing. turned from a tour of Western Eu- various circles of the W.S.C.S. have hou««hold oppltanott and thn Irko where Trade-in your old, leaky radiator for a new,-' monthly payment* or* too high. We'll 21x27 size. All edges corded for extra Mr. Seller predicted a good mar- rope. They visited PurUigol. Hol- been invited to attend. mok« a loan up to $500 to pay off tho ket for the future in Monmouth land, Spain, .Switzerland, France, strength. Every pillow hygienically or 90-day guaranteed used one. Kcceive up lo balances 6v and give yOU ONE SMALLER county where a growing popula- Belgium nnd Itnly. Mrs. Moore's Kcyport Board Kavors MONTHLY PAYMENT you con conven- buoyant and moth repellent. tion will continue to create an talk will be confined to Spain and Untly fnttt. $20.00 for your old Kadiator. increasing demand for housing. Portugal, including sidelights on Building, J'irc (lodes The board voted to write to the status of women in these coun- Northern Jersey realtors to find tries as well as in the other five The Keyport Planning board LOANS $5 TO INSTALLATION FREE nut what type of "for sale" signs countries visited. voted at last week's meeting to CNOOM tfi« payment that titi your pocktl-bools. are used in that area. An opinion AMOUNT Amount of Monthly Paymonti Fori was expressed that placing "for Mrs. Moore Is a member of the urge the adoption of new building Of tQAN HMO. _» MO. 20 MO. WHILE YOU WAIT local church and or (he W.S.C.S. and fire codes to protect present t i.tf sale" signs is detrimental to busi- 110 M.«J 12.11 at 6 95 ness and to property owners. Her husband is regional director of investments and to channel new 375 22.31 i the international division of Radio developments of the proper type. 110 18.U 17.64 Corporation of America. Before 410 4I.U 1S.6T 22,31 All-down bed pillows plumply stuffed 28.11 RED BANK moving to Red Bank the Monies The board also discussed methods « of t300cr lo. in the full 21x27 size with fine import- Lincroft Bull lived at Merchantville, where Mrs. of establishing building lines on all « In xna of 1300. Moore was on the public school of the streets in the borough. They ed down. Every pillow sterilized and faculty for ten yrars. She has ad- made plans to have the now water interlined to assure protective sleeping dressed several P.T.A. and church lines included on the present bor- BELL FINANCE Gets Gold Medal ough maps. comfort. Radiator Works Mai'lu Farm's Prize groups since her return from Eu- COMPANY U""" "'• •" rope. Attending thr meeting were May- 3 WEST FRONT STREET Her lalk will be illustrated by or Charles Applegnle, Georgo Circh, 77 OuBROAr Ntwbtrry'D STREEf T Sire Rated Excellent Jr., Councilman Howard Jeandron. colored slides, and native liand- DEO BANK-Phon.:4-H7J KED BANK 61177 "Favorite Commando," a regis- crafts will be displayed. Harry Roberts, Harold Collard and tered Jersey herd bull owned by Miss Grace Allen has charge of Milton Gale. Serving Monmoulh * Adioecnt Mlddtif* Counlif Maurice Pollak of Maliu farm, Lin- croft, has been given a gold medal award by the American Jersey Cat- tle club of Columbus, O. The award is for the merltorius production of the bull's daughters. USE NAT'S LAYAWAY PLAN! Three of thoso daughters have completed outstanding milk rec- ords lo qualify the bull for thi.i honor. Under official production BKADTII'lil. AHT ( tests supervised by Rutgers uni- .50 versity and A.J.C. club ofllcials, the ; SKT cows produced 755, 621 and 671 pounds of butterfat in 305 days. Average production of these three exceeded that of the average dairy cow in the United States by more than, three times. "Favorite Commando," classified for the type by the club, received the highest possible rating—excel- lent. This is equal to a score of 90 to 95% of the breed's scorccard, which gives 100 points for a per- fect animal. The production testing and type classification work of the Marlu farm Is part of the prograin for improvement of the breed sponsored by A.J.C. club. The prize winner was bred by B. H. Bull & Son, Uramplon, Ontario, Canada, and wa.s purchased as a calf by Marlu In 1044,

The Red Sunk Rcitislsr la iul>|>orted 12-DIAMOND PAIR by IOCHI ni well ns out-of-town business- Brilliant, iparkilng dtamondi men. Advrrtinomcnts appearing regularly ttt In lovely 14k gold mount- tell the story.—Advertisement. Ings. Specially priced for Chrtitmoi tlma. SPENDING OUR GREATEST GAS RANGE BULOVAS A. Th. lonly NIGHTINGAlt. :- SALE 17 Kond. Do you know thereV n simple test you can make : OF THE YEAR t. Tti. nw* BtlCADIE* right in the store to tell whether * nheet.will wwh "A." »1 itw.U. and wear? Do you know how to be sure ibont titi> brauUt, towels you buy before you buy? You'll lenrn these and many more valuable tips The about linens, shirts, dresses and all wathables in' the new How to Buy and Care for Your Wathablcs booklet now being distributed free by laundries who NEW are members of the American Institute of Laundering. AEROMETRIC This helpful booklet tells how fading, shrinking, OLD RANGE and all the heartbreaking disappointments caused "Sl^SET MtWED PAYMENTS by faulty washaliility can be easily avoided through ROUND-UP careful buying and proper care. $|A75 AT NO EXTRA COST PHONE RED BANK 6-2228 (IVLLV JEWELRY GIFTS Today or comr in nnd ask for your fret! copy of these money *nviiig tiju,

The cut below shows where to go.



7111 Mnln SI, Awlttir.v I'/uk 11 Knnl Atnlii HI, I'ri'flmlil 107 Arnold Am. J'nlnl I'lcunnnt 04 WMftlllllKlMII HI, 'j'lllllft JllVIT 11 Mrmoiiul Piu'luviiy t,miK Ilriincli 72 IIIIOAI) S'l'UKI-rr UltOADWAY 104 Ku|{i>r« Avo, JEWELERS wxmmmm ; HKANCll RED BANK KEGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1949 QUINN, DOREMUS, McCCE * Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hathaway, Mrs. A. Edwin Burdge, Mrs. W. W. Red Bank Family RUSSELL PTA to Sponsor Community Plans Hance, Mrs. Audrey Ball, Mr. and AUTOMOBILE COUNSELLORS AT LAW Mrs. Ralph Belknap, Mrs. H. Den- Whltneld Building,- R.d Bank *9 Ohthe man Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gets Judgment PAINTING John J. Qulnn Thomai P. Donmiu Barn Dance Big Halloween Dielman, Mrs. C. P. Beyland, Mrs. ALSO Vincent J. McCua Ernest fwaaa Event Saturday at Frank Gregory and Mrs. Clancy Cowards to Receive Wlllluii L. Ruueil, Jr. Boynton, Tinton Falls School Party for Monday $4,500 From Soldier Body & Fender Work PHONE BED BANK PARSONS, LABRECQUE, The Shrewsbury Township par- Three Events to Be Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coward CANZONA & COMBS flnt-Tcnclicr association will hold a Y.M.C.A. Sponsors and their 11-ycar-old son, Michael, 6-3408 COUNSELLORS AT LAW country barn danco Saturday at Held at Little Silver of 15 Marlon st., Bed Bank, last 8 WalUc* St. R«d Bank Tinton Fails school. M«. Clarence Thursday received a $4,500 judg- Theodore D. Parsons Edmund J. Cantons Mooro nnnounccd plnns for the Audit crium Halloween Events ment at Freehold before Judge Theodore J. Labrecoue BURDGES GARAGE Blston F. Combs Thomas J. Smith Fleldcrest Products are Quality Tester]. event at n P. T. A. mooting last Richard J. Hughes for injuries Branch Ave., Little Silver Robert B. Maid. William R. Blair, It. week at the school. Mrs. B. H. An example of community co- Young Adult Group Michael suffered Aug. 30, 1948, Abraham J. Zaeer Uheeto, Pillow Cases, Towels, Blankets, Bed S Rose is in charge of ticket sales, operation at its best Is evident in when he was struck by a car. and Rev. Dunham V. Relnig of Eat- ,Littlc Silver, where a large number Has Party Tonight Judge Hughes was ordered to ontown will call the square dances. of residents are working to give Monmouth county temporarily to WILLIAM E. BEATY Lace Table Olothg and Curtains, Ninon Curtains. a huge Halloween party for the A series of Halloween parties and Mrs. Lester C. Rlpby, Mrs. Rob- dances, starting tonight, are being help county judges clear up a back- ITCHING, ECZEMA ert C. Brandt, Mrs. Jamcfi McPhee, children of the borough next Mon- log of civil suits. ATTORNEY AT LAW day evening. Plans were completed sponsored by the Community T. M. EXCLUSIVE WITH Mm. Melvin Morris and Mrs. Moore The judgment was against Elbert Income Tax Consultant will attend the state P. T. A. con- this week, C. A. Tonight's event will be a M. L. Campbell, general chair- Benfer, Fort Monmouth soldier, vention in Atlantic City today. Af- barn dance for the young adult owner and operator of tlie car In- BURNING SO East Front St, Rid Bank «-437T ter hnarin£ an appeal from Ken- man, said this week that not one group. INC ainglo person refused when ho volved In the accident. The acci- iirth Smith, Hoy Scout field dlrect- dent occurred on Hardlntf rd., J/it- sor a Cub Scout pack under dis- called on borough residents to head More than 350 Junior high school SKIN? SHERMAN'S son a Cub Scout pack under dis- committees.- The committee chair- age boys and girls are expected tlc Silver. The boy was riding his trict one. men, In turn, were also able to se- to attend a costume party tomor- bicycle from which he- was thrown New Relief! MILTON KOSENE cure adequate help, and a large row night for Junior canteen mem- when struck by the car. He suf- •5 BROAD STREET, RED BANK The speaker was Dr. Kermit W. bers. Prims will be given for the fered a concussion and was a pa- You Fa; Nothing If Not Delighted ATTORNES AT LAW Oberlin of West Held, whose sub- number will be at the school on best costumes. Parents assisting You'll marvel how wonderfully •ft«cUv« the big night for further service. tient at Riverview hospital eight 107 MONMOUTH ST. CURTAINS • DRAPERIES • SLIPCOVERS ject was "Mental Hygiene is Ev- the Y. M. C. A. staff are Mr. and days. CERAMEL Is for relieving and helping erybody's Business." He said "Men- heal Eczema, Ulcerated Sorej, Wounds, Mr. Campboll said also that the Mrs. Grandin Hammcll, Mr. and Theodore J. Labrecque of Par- Hums and Infant Ectema. Try a jar of RED BANK 6-027* tal hygiene, like charity, begins at party serves a double purpose. Mrs. Herbert G. Lindner, Mr, and CBRAMBL. If it doesn't do wondem for borne. The kind of intcr-pcrsonal First it proves that adults really Mrs. James Gettls and Mr. and sons, Labrccque, Canzona and sou. it will cost you nothing! relationships we have, reflect the Combs represented the Cowards. get things done when they band Mrs. Harold Dowstra. The jury was informed that the PARKE DRUG CO. kind of relations others have had together to give the borough JAMES F. SMITH upon us. 'With a changed attitude Grade school children will cele- soldier carried only $5,000 in in- 51 BROAD ST.. RED BANK AUDIOMETRIST youngsters a good time, and second brate Halloween Saturday morning surance. Mr.» Labrecque said Mr, SUN RAY DRUG CO. toward admitting our feelings to that in the years the town has been ourslves wo can make ourselves with a costume party and Hallow- and Mrs. Coward felt the injury 65 BROAD ST, RED BANK HEAEINC EXAMINATIONS giving the parties no vandalism een games. The senior high can- and expense of the case merited KATSIN'S PHARMACY healthier and load more useful has been reported on Halloween Hearine Aids—Accessories—Batterlei lives in the community," teen members will have a barn higher judgment but they said 203 SHREWSBURY AVE, RED BANK "It Is a fact," he said, "that a re- dance Saturday night. Jerry Chris- they would settle for $4,500 In view Professional Pharmacy, Inc. Phone Bed Bank 6-507 5 cent survey shows that communi- tian and his orchestra will play. of the soldier's insurance coverage. 56 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK 48! RIVBB RD. FAIR HAVEN. M. ». Parent Education Is ties holding such parties have little trouble, but considerable damage Theme at P.T.A. School is accomplished where there are no supervised celebrations." "Parent education is the heart of the Parent-Teacher association At least 325 borough children are movement," said Mrs. Frank W. expected to attend this year. Sam- Hayden, pioneer P.T.A. leader, in uel Libovsky, prize committee, re- speaking at a parent-education ports that each child will receive leader school last week at Long a cellophane bag containing corn Branch. The school, which was at- candy, colored marshmallows, pol- tended by representatives of 18 ished apples, and a nice toy. Mrs. county P.T.A.'s, was sponsored by Alfred Bowie, refreshment commit- the Monmouth County Council of tee, has ordered 30 gallons of elder Parents and Teachers, and 60O doughnuts. Mrs. Richard Mrs. Hayden added, "Not only ilapp, decorations, is preparing mothers, but fathers as well, special effects with black silhou- should avail themselves of the op- ettes, plenty of balloons, and fancy portunity to learn how to under- lighting. The school children are stand and guide their children." contributing their share by making Fed Tax Inc. The speaker also stressed the cutouts in class. need for informality at jrroup meetings, recordings of events and Robert. Bursley, entertainment, proper organization. has arranged for an excellent mov- Other speakers wcro Mrs. Lorna ie, and the magician Is to be Jo- K. White, county extension service seph Fichler of Keyport. Specific Lucky is the bride who will wear this shining circlet of representative, who explained the Information concerning the three 14 Icarat yellow gold, set with seven sparkling diamonds. tie between P.T.A. discussion parties is as follows: groups and extension services, and Children under six will meet In Come in today and see this unusual value for your bride. Miss Phyllis Bradshaw, human re- the prcprlmary room at 8:30 p. m. lations specialist of Rutgers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edelmann and Mrs. H. Dalton Hall will en- TOLIO BENEFIT DANCE tertain them with games, movies, A barn dance for the benefit of prizes and special reircshments un- the ICeansburg polio fund will be II S p. m. This is an entirely sep- hold Sunday afternoon and eve- arate party. ning at Huddio's tavern, Laurel At 7:30 p. m. children under 12 ave., Keansburg. Muslo and en- will be in the auditorium, under Reussilles' tertainment will be provided and he direction of Mr. Bursley. There TELEVISION prizes awarded for the best coi- will be a grand much for those In tumes. A member of the Keans- costume, followed by the movie, Registered Jawalart — American Sam Society burg polio committee and Mayor the magician, prises and refresh- \ P. J. Brennan of Keansburg are ments. This party concludes at S 36 Broad — Bed Bank expected to be present. p. m. FINE PERFORMANCE George Ryser,,dlrectlng the teen- agers cabaret, asks the gueata of 12 and over to come to the school Best Buy in the 10-in. field. Tel* King's table model hat Qreetings! at 8:30 p. m. to watch the magi- clan. The cabaret follows, with a 61 square inches of expanded Teleramic* picture. All TV You Are Cordially Invited To Attend, Togothor With Your Friend: real Hill Billy orchestra and caller, THE GALA WINTER OPENING for square dancing, pluj ballroom Channels, with exclusive Tel- ^m M ^^ . of the Remodeled dancing, refreshments and prizes. The festivities end at 11 p. m. •leek! FM sound, easy eon- • #11 ?¥ J Committees are advisory, Mr, "Pleasant Inn" Ryser; finance, Warren Herbert; •HREWSBURY AVENUE AT NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD, RED BANK, ON FRIDAY prizes, Mr. and Mrs. Libovsky, Mr. troll, low price ... and fin* EVENING, NOVEMBER 4TH, AT 9 P. M, TO 2 A. M,, AND NIGHTLY THERE- and Mr*. Robert Burnslda, Mrs. AFTER, WITH THE SHORE'S FAVORITE- James H. Bedle, M.I. Karl Jacob!, performance, too! Mr. and Mrs. Hai,T Dutchyshyn; 179 BERT F. FREAD - Maestro of the organ •nd hli mammoth Hammond organ ensemble. Also appearing will be the noted radio decorations, Mrs. Richard Clapp, ttnor, DON LANG and a host of other fine guest artists. Many grand prizes and sur- Mrs. Milton Flnley, Mrs. Libovsky, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY prlscB, including door prizes. Specializing in the linest of both Italian and American Mrs. Gerald Harney, Mrs. James eultlne - A large selection of wonderful tasty sandwiches (a meal in themselves.) Bennett, Mrs. Robert Maver, Mrs. All offered you In an atmosphere of refinement. Good Food - Good Service • Good G. Edmund Delatush, Mrs. L. A. Ifuiie. Pick, and all Olrl Scout troops; TAKE 2 YEARS TO PAY! OWNER - MANAGEMENT lighting, Lloyd Haslam and mem- ber! of the Community club; facil- ESTHER and ALPHONSE DE MARIA ities, H. Denman Smith and Mr. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL RED BANK 6-1108 Van Brunt; refreshments, Mrs. Al- fred Bowie, Mrs. Walter Ingram, No Better Performance Al ANY Price.

National Art Week TOP ENTERTAINMENT NOVEMBER 1ST TO THE 7TH Visit the "Artists' Headquarters" today at 13 Broad Street and see our Popular 12" direct view tub* gives you 91 tq. inches of i'< exclusive selection of artists' materials and ceramic supplies. beautiful Teleramie* picture! All TV Channels, Telelock, FM sound for static-free lis-

tening. Lover/ Mahogany OIL COLORS COLOREST CO. cabinet in the modern man- .95 WATER COLORS Exclusive Distributors ner. It's fop entertainment For value! 219 DRAWING BOARDS ARTISTS' BRUSHES WINSOR & IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EASELS • SMOCKS NEWTON TAKE 2 YEARS TO PAY! DRAWING PAPERS ARTISTS' SUPPLIES UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE' All Tele King receivers are precision-built to rigid scientific itandardi, enabling Partway Tiro and Tele King to give each purchaser an unconditional guarantee, for one full year, agalntt an/ defects Largest Selection In parts and tubos—Including the picture tubel PHONE in RED BANK 6-1306 •Teleramic means Tele King Magic ... razor-sharp images OPEN EVENINGS Monmouth County! "WE BKI.IVEH" no olh«r roceivor can bo/isf. Remember, when you look at inkvh'ion sof$ , , . that only famous Tol» King ha» ih* Toloramic picture. You can too tho difforoncol TIL 10 P. M. COLOREST CO 'JUST ,i SII m: IS OHOAIJ STHKKT Eatontown Radio & Television m i) itv\K 17-19 MAIN STREET, EATONTOWN PHONE EATONTOWN 3-0910 or 3-0568 TCED BANK EEC. 1ST HP, OCTOBER 27, IQlfl Page Seven

lVl : J.C.P.&L. Executive Clnl> church pruitor, Rev. Charles 3. j i'"' "'"''' Group to Work Webster, and Mrs. Webster. j" Use Du Pont Paint BEAUTY lias Social Meeting l-.dwin Clone Is rluh president, i The flist nicotine of thn nmvfv Ollicers dented Friday were James ~ s»»e th« Surlace and You Save AMI : SALON For Bond Issue Dnvison nntl P.ubnrt Tiirnhull, vice ; *»».«»««.«« ! ROBERT'S formed "2(1-10" club of the Keel I prrvwdents. and Mia* Marion Dun- ; -i J, H, KELLY COMPANY •• =: Name Committee in Bunk Prnshylerinn chinch wa.-t | noil, corresponding secretary. | ' ' KELLYy BUBUILDINILOIHCG 41 EAST FRONT ST. KKIJ BANK i.loyd Nelson in rharpo nf Monition ill County :! Friday nlj;ht in thi- livin . 157 Rmad St.. Ki-.l Hank, \. J. m of the KlUus house un Hard thi! evening program. The nex: ses- , t:pja». John IJ. Montgomery of r-.eci rd.. \vhirh was iccenlly p\lr j aion, :i n informnl devotional meot-j 5 t ' I Bank has announced formation of .ied by the church. There were |;a Monmoutli county sponsoring ch in;;, will he held at the church !i PERMANENT committee composed of citizens 1 X> members present, including the I Sunday, .NVjv. H, nt 7 p. m. who have agreed to serve as n ! county-wide organization in in.surn j a "yes" vote on the $25,000,000 bond issue for the improvement ot state i SINCE 1I9S WAVE mental hospitals and other state g welfare institutions. Mr. Montgom- ery is chairman of the committee Long Lasting and a member of the Bordentown reformatory. Vinyl Plastic SPECIAL Voters of the slate' will be asked i to approve the bond issue at the j Coated Top November election. The act placing E D K. Miono it B. C'Cli) for repro- the issue on the ballot was unani- *pntatlvo to c.ill with samplo $550 mously passed by the miO lcgisla- | and estimate. Edward J. Ingram lure. It has been endorsed by both Republican and Democratic plat- ^BT COMPLETE PHONE E. H. Werner, president of the forms. In addition, it lias been LAST 4 DAYS-53rd ANNIVERSARY SALE Limited Time Only RED BANK Jersey Central Power & Light. Co., supported by the state press and SHERMAN'S today announced the appointment has received the endorsement of THURS-FRI-SAT-MON Oct. 27th 28th 29th 31st Home Decorators Other Waves to $20.00 6-1336 of Edward J. Ingram as vice presi- nn impressive number of state- dent of the local utilities in charge wide business, labor, civic, welfare «S Broad St. of sales and commercial activities. and church organizations. Bed Bank The appointment becomes effec- Members- of the sponsoring com- IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE REGISTER tive Nov. 3. Mr. Ingram will take mittee from Red Bank and vicin- $ DOLLAR DAYS over the duties held by the late ity arc Frederick Adams, Jack Thomas R. Dobson, who died Sept. Arnold, Sr., John Bnilly, Harry C. 18. Barnard, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A graduate of Massachusetts In- Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A STRAUS SALE IS A SALE -VALUES 1.19 TO 1.95 stitute of Technology in electrical Berckmans, Mrs. Dexter Blagden, WHY WAIT FOR LAST MINUTE Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall Booker, engineering, Mr. Ingram has been Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Brasch, active in the electric and gas util- Fred E. Brower, Edr.iund J. Can- TAPESTRY SQUARES NYLON ity business for many years. He zona, Willis A. Clu.vlon, Mr. and PANTS HOLIDAY RUSHES AND DISAPPOINTMENTS? comes to Jersey Central Power & Size about 27" x 27". A Sine variety of high Mrs. Edwin Conovcr, Stewart In briefs end iiraighf (oqs. Size; 5 & 6 n b'us'n Light from Reading, Pa., where for grade tapestry?, homespuns and brocotelles. Cook, Thomas R. Cook, Miss Kath- or white. the past 15 years he has been as- ryn E. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- sociated with Metropolitan Edison REG. 69c win M. Crane, Benjamin Crate, Mr. REG. 1.69 REUPHOLSTER NOW! company in an executive capacity. and Mrs. John Dale, Winona Da To 98c £A. 2 for 1.00 1.00 pr. Immediately prior to his accept- rah, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Davidson,. 5 ance of the Heading post in 1931,J. R. DoRldder, Msgr. S. Dil-.or.cn- 1 CUSHION CHAIR from 29 * he was with the Public Service Co. zo, Burton T. Doremus, Monroe of Northern . Eisner, Robert Eisner, Thomas S. 36 in. CRETONNES GLOVES At the outbreak of World war II Field, Jr., William E. Foster, Mr. 3 CUSHION SOFA from 59'° he was commissioned as a reserve and Mrs. David Gardcnier, E. C. Government tesled for quality and color fastness. Capeskin palm wilh pigjt.in back Brown cr black. offlcer in the U, S. Navy and sawGilland, George A. Gray, Richard Good patterns, all vat dyes. Not all sizes. We help you selecf your fabric, then we pick up your suite, action overseas. His tour of duty C. Hackstaff, Mrs. Armand Ham- mer. Martha C. Hanson, Dr. S. W. strip it down to the frame, re-web the bases, add new springs Included service n.s commanding of- EfG. 69c YD. RIG. 2,95 ficer of a ground control, fighter, Hausnian. 2 yds. for 1.00 1.00 pr. if needed, reupholster with fabrics you have chosen, return your 12 Months to Pay intercept, radar unit and opera- Harold Hcndrlckson, .Rabbi Ar- suite renewed inside and out. AS 25 tions office for a Fleet Air Wing in thur H. Hershon, Mrs. Ernesl K LOW AS I WEEK Tape the South Pacific. Heynian, Ida K. Hildcrbrand, Charles A. Hotaling. Mr. and Mrs. CURTAIN MATERIAL NYLON HOSE CALL RE 64038 FOR FREE ESTIMATE Harris W. Huhcr, Charles P. Ir- Card Parly Friday "•in, Jr., Wallace Jeffrey, Mrs. Fred 42" to 48" in plain ivory marquisette. Also Berkshire first quality, fu 1 (ash.oneJ. r.cgjlar SLIPCOVERS FURNITURE To Aid Club Work Jones, Robert A. Kennedy, Mrs. small and large dots. an

ililflttftl] llim ml KLKJ duel t*UuiaJ tititra cotl America's buying it at a jet-propelled pace! 2 COLORS New 1950 Studebaker CHOICE OF

MORI FOX YOUR MONEYI I The aerodynamic "next look"in cars! LOW, 10N0, ALLURINOI VENETIAN HiRhrr coinprrislou Chunplun N TUB MAKKliT only a little more than one month •ml Commander CIIKIIIFK of In. O-and already die fastest selling car in all Siuilcbakcr creimed linriepnwrr • Self-stn- history] billilnii roll sprhiR front wheel That's.the innaring record to time of this dramatic luipenikin • Wide-rim wheel* BLINDS new 1950 Studcbiikcr, ' •ml cxlrii'low'preiaute Iliei • • ENCLOSED FACIA IOARD Seir.oiljuitliiiilirnkcg • Over- Public demand for this brciulwnklnj; iiutomohllc WH.I Truly A Grand Value! And You'll Agrco lite windows ami tvliidihlcld • so tremendous in September, Studebaker did its biuuest • HEAVY BRACKETS Qlnre-proof "liluclc light" In- month's business of all time! Too Wh«n You S«e Thorn. Handsomoly • ACME STEEL 2" SLAT5 Sizes 17 to 36 Wide liniment illnli • Wtnr-reiilit. , Stop In and Hike a close-up took at Stuilebaker's trim, Inn Sliulrlmhrr miff «mim»lil|>, Made . . . Will Brighton Any Room In sleek, exclusive "next look" styling, Watch how fust you • FINISHED IN EGG SHELL OH 64 Long-3.3 9 . j decido you wiint a 1950 Studobakur of your own. WHITE BAKED ENAMEL Your Homo. Coma, Soo Thorn Today, • HERRINGBONE WEAVE LADDER BAILLY BROTHERS WERNER'S GARAGE TAPE 01 MONMOUTH STREET, BELPORD, N. J. • GLAZED FULL BRAIDED CORD RED BANK, N, J. STATE HIQHWAY ROUTE 36, PROWN'S NATIONAL 5C-10C-1.00 STORE • CRACK & CHIP RESISTANT FINISH • NATURAL TAPES & CORDS 47 BROAD STREET RED BANK irri;i)i:iiAKi:i<'!i tn:AI.I.Y IIOI.I.INO NKXT LOOK" IN CAMP Page Eight RED RANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 194!) School News Governor Greets Old Friends America's Best Corsets HALLOWEEN BALL Fitted by Graduate Coraetierei LIFE CAN BE BKI) ll.A.NK SKMnil lUfJH TUCKER'S FIRST ASSEMBLY BEAUTIFUL The nr«t assembly of the 1049-50 HIGHTSTOWN CORSET SHOP ncliool year was held Sept. 20. Pat 139 Broadway Lone Branch Bennett, the vice prrsidpnl of the. Country Club Ballroom In a House Where Student council, led the opening ex- ercises, which liu'ludcd the reading SAT., OCTOBER 29TH DuPont Is Used farr.ton tables art a\l of tho Bible, repeatinfi of the Lord'.-; ITCH Amrica'tfaMriiejoT hufftl prayer and Die singing of "Ameri- $100 - Costume Prizes - $100 Don't Suffer Another Minute iuypert and tntertaining, ca." Ho natiir haw long joti h«T« autf«r#d Du Pont paint protects and Samson*i tmooth, one-pitcs And the Thriller Mitmt Walk or bow many remedies you hare tritd Nesson Demmerle, circulation at Midnight lor the itching of psoriasis, eczema, 1«- keeps the surface beautiful turfact is Bt6\t\*ttfi$tant, manager of thr Hue, urged every- {eciioB*, athl«t«'t foot or other exlera* trathabk, mn'l raUh dwf. CAowr ADMISSION 85c Inc. Tax all? cauiod skin irritations—you COD get one to show .scihonl spirit Ijy purcli- wooderlul result! from the use of and durable, and saves you from Samton & six Fmarf tabk iop designs. Tkcy'r sisinK a year's .subscription to the WONDER SALVE—a war tim* dijcorery. ell "company b«(" in the b(tl ofhomts. Hue and announced there will be Dereloped lor the hoya (B the army— money. 11 regular editions and two specials BOW for the home folks. No acids, no alcohol, no peunlul appli- —Sold By— •—one at Christmas and ono Th cation. WONDER SALVlT, white, June. groaselejs. pain relieving and antiseptic. Willis Sisson, director of guid- No ugly appearance. Get WO If DEI J. H. KELLY COMPANY An All-American performer- SALVE—get results. It is wonderful. KELLY BUILDING ance, announced there will be on- Sold in Red Bank by Uggett'», WbeUn, your Samton labltl Electrically ly one day of guidance this year. Sun Ray Drug Stores or your home town i 157 Broad St. Bed Bank, N. J. added steel legs and bracing take hcarytieialil The last part of the program druggist. pounding froir, typewriter, none projector was devoted to the assembly sing- and tewing nachinr. Samioii tablts art ing "Vive-I'Moiir," ••CJriiisimj Do\su lideal at desk, wort and hobby ttiNn-— the River," "An Old Fashioned ttrong enough to stand on: Walk," and closing with our Alma Mater.—Minerva Colosimo. On his recent visit to Red Bank, Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll had a Dr. Hibbs, the new superintend- friendly dint, ivith Mayor Charles R. English, left, and Surrogate ent of schools gave a talk in the Dorman McKaddm, right. auditorium, Sept. 22, and gave the students a few suggestions for a team work, your parents and oth- ployed as chief, requisition section successful school year. They are er adults may understand what and clerk steno in jupply branch MECHANIK ns follows: lack of space in your school means at Fort Monmouth. "Vou are here for education. Do to your school f>ro£ram and you; Her first assignment will be to your host. For many of you it is and a true picture may be present- the S-4 report to property ware- your last opportunity for any form- ed of your high .school." house platoon, in training center. al training. Those students that All the students of Red Bank —Terry Sacco. are here for an education will he high school thank Dr. Hlbba for his given nil the assistance possible. suggestions and will do their be3l J'lANO RECITAL Cull Red Bank 6-1020 Those that, arc loafing will not be in carrying them out.—Marie Clay- happy, now or later. ton. George Bernard Wan-ell of Long "Plan your complete day. Get Branch, five-year-old concert pian- your homework done daily and take The Student council of Red Bank ist, will give a concert at Kiver Honey Bee Flowers time out for play and exercise. Use' senior high school had an executive Street school auditorium Sunday your time wisely and it will be a committee meeting: during the first aftornoon at 4 o'clock. The recital Bussell T. Hodgkins & JUVENILE CENTER step in the right direction. week of school to make plans for is sponsored by the Women's aux- "Get into some school activity. the sponsors of the initial assembly iliary of St. Thomas' Episcopal : 464 BROAD STREET J Be a somebody! Anybody can be a of the year. They have, outlined church, of which Mrs. Castle Grecr GREATEST VARIETY-LOWEST PWCEs] tho purposes of the council and the IK president. Serving on the com- nobody. TOYS • NURSHY FUHNITURi 1ICYCLIS • IABY CARRIAGES "B'; considerate and courteous to officers, who are Philip Baumann, mittee are Mrs. Marie Richardson, everyone. It ia basic to functional president; Patricia Bennett, vice secretary, and Mrs. George Heath, 132 BROADST. (HEAR STHNIACH) RED BANK president, Jean Osborn, recording program chairman. democracy. secretary; Clyde Lindner, corres- "If all the .ihidenls of Red Bank ponding secretary, and Bill high school have the spirit and Graham, treasurer.—Mary Pngano.

The senior class of Red Bank high school \s tinder the supervision of Clement Jablonsky, The class has started the school year off with a "hang up" magazine sales cam- paign. The senior class has united with the junior class and both groups plan "to split the profits." All America plays at hone There will be |many valuable prizes on a Samton tablet Smooth- given lo the highest salesman of as-glass Mular tlnl Ugs, both classes. A box of candy will n1' tateh nylons, clothes, fingers. be given each Monday to tKo high- Samton tables fold lilenlly, swiftly, est salesman of the homeroom. epmpactly Mo a chut. Open or thud . The seniors are also selling Tom- the doubh-braeed legs lock securely in my Touchdown pins, Red Bank de- place. Samton tablts are ace high ill cals, Red Bank banners and candy, quality and so low in pries that your hot-dogs and football programs at /unify can afford temal—for tardt,, the football games.—Janet Clay. thtcktrs, chess; for a hundrtd tanteittVnt Tho junior class met recently tisri all oter your home. with their adviser, Charles Schon^- man, and the class oincers: Fred DiMalo, president; Tom Gamba- corte, vice president; Anne Bur- rows, secretary and Bill Graham, treasurer. They decided on the various activities for the year. CONSOll The junior and senior classes 1194 5157 in* have combined to stage one big magazine drive. The companies are Crowcll, Collier and Curtis IUPIH-CIICLI and are offering many valuable iCRIIN prizes to high salesman. An Amazing 110 5q. Another project will be (he sell- lnch« of picture. ing of apples. "Tho Junior Class Apple Cart" Is open in the aenior IUILT.IN AUIAL-No coitly, building at lunch time, mtuy initollatton needed. The money collection this year PIUS Syncra-Stl tuning, Pre-Flxtd will go for a bigger and better J. Focui, Acute Diilance SeniitMfy, Pro- S. R. and the remaining sum, lor vlilon for Color Converter. the '51 year book.—Grace Shea, Having recently graduated from 4SK FOR FREE NOME T*IAL basic training at the Women's Ar- my Corps Training Center, Camp Lee, Va., is Recruit Elizabeth Ber- Samson ry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Berry, Sr., of Oceanport. All-FUIfOSI rOLDINO I»»lll AND CHAOS Her basic training consisted of RAYTHEON an eight-week teaching course of A. B. C.'s of army life. With the exception of combat and weapon instruction, It is comparable with ^TELEVISION a male recruit's training. Recruit Berry enlisted on May 13, at Newnrk, and was assigned to D. W. MAY CORP. Company A, First Battalion, for •19-53 KIllSON PLACE, her basic training. XKHARK, N. .1. She was a graduate of Red' Bank 17 BKOAD ST. RED BANK high in '43, and a graduate of Red l'lIONIO MAilKBT 3-75S0 Bank Business institute, was um- Mirrored Waste Baskets 154 VALUE AT W0 fXTM COST Buy OM large package of CHIFFON at the DAZZLING uwal price-get trial-she bar of DIAL, the first ; UPLIFTS truly deodorant soap, at no extra cost. BKAl'TY YOUK Tuni Fn BATHROOM IIAIS OVII HOUYWOOD, Saturday., avtr CIS

MATCHKS ANY BOOSTS COLOIt SCI1KME • YOUK UED11OOM Fastest-Gromnn A GRAND BONUS for regular DAINTY Soap Flakes For Dishes and Fine fabrics Chiffon users-a money-saving CA1TIVATING HOLM) reason for new customers to try OVAL CHIFFON SOAP FLAKES. •

N« nuponi it ellpl No btxiopi It siniiin I Juit ice your dealer for > large package o(Chiffon at the regular $1.98 price-AND, right with It, ittiched to the packigc, ii» ttlal-ilze bir of DIAL for yon-at no Mra ml, 1 Chiffon, u million! agree, just can't be beat for 2 keeping lovely thlngi-«i/;«/ri«»«';-lovely ,,, perfect for ipitkling dlihwuhlng, too, You'll agree, Usually 1. 2. 3. too, that DIAL ii equally lenutlomll The first GENTIER with fabrics! SAFER for colorst KINDER to hondii ind only truly JieJtrsnt toup, DIAL stops odor be- fore ic ilarti-Aff/ij you fresh round the clock, (.hifl'nn mtkes ymit »ilki, (ludiiii licept lunili inft Sifelyl Surelyl No other isip nn do H, became nylnix, cononi >ntl wool- vlvlil |itlmi, flrtticri[i>j ny. •nd lovely, Pnr Clildnn no other soap contain! AT-7, Diil'i exduilve mir- cm look bciitr, Ust lan^tf. kini colut-ifuo mid looking conciliii no IUMII ilkiill or acle Ingredient. And DIAT. iincllj COODI It's new,, lor l.hllfiin It pun ikliwItyliiftchemlcill.Cliir- I'nr Oiifl'on ll pun suip; mild ai only the (incut tosri cm be, perfect lor KIII|I', unit mi oilier kind i< Am jiidtipm your Imndi with librki is Cliiflim! is i.ilr fur colon it ClilUnn. ll makes your dlihei ipiiklc special bonui from Chiffon, while the lujiply Usti, WRIGHT STORE Set for ymit»«lf-/oi/iO'/ use CliKlon Makes, wldi cleinllnciii See your dealer itttttjl "IU1H UUWT KVmYT NO PURER SOAP WAS EVER MADE SO MONMOUTII ST. HMD HANK. WK RED BASK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1919 Page Nine Amu; Hardy Engaged Ballet Study To J. Gordon Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hardy OIL BURNERS INSTALLED $275.00 Group Formed of Colt's Neck announce the en MOTH HOL£S» T£ARS with tank and controls. NEW! EXCITING! FOOLPROOF! Dorothy Toland Is gagement of their daughter, Miss Get our priced on complete heating *y>tema or repair work. We Anne Elizahctl' Hardy, in .7, (Gor- Kwrreo HOLCS «lll i»ve you money. don Thompson, son of Mr. and FOR INVISIBLE Plan Originator Estimate* without obligation. Phone or writ*. IMPROVE YOUR GAME WITH FORCOLAR PLASTIC COATED PLAYING CARDS. Mrs. Elmer M. Thompson of Van HAN0WEAVING- A new approach to (lancing and Hlseville. ballet Is being presented at the CAU EVERY SUIT A DIFFERENT COLOR! Dorothy Toland Dnnco studio, East R.8. Hawthorne Heating Service Bergen pi. The first meeting was SYMBOLS IN ALL 4 CORNERS 1 held Saturday. 2329 T. O. BOX SSI, I.EONABDO, N. /. The children are studying the ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS 1-1822. cultural background of ballet, We cover Monmouth and MUhUrmex Countlei. NO MORE-SUIT MIXUPSi learning the stories and music of the great ballets, their choreogra- phers, performers and composers. This class is intended to supple- ment the usual technical training It Pays To Advertise In The Register which Airs. Toland gives. Nonnie Xordrum did the dance at the Cherry Blossom Pniry from the first net of thnt ballet, "The Sleeping Beauty," %vhich the group Surprise Store studied. This group will meet cv cry two weeks, with the next meet ingf Saturday, Nov. 5, devoted to the ballet, "Scheherazade." Group members attending; were Arlene Bchler, Dorothy Downs, Carol Regan, Jacqueline Ronald- son, Deanna Mauser, Joan Han- mer, Dorothy-Ann Ruppel, Joyce- Each set contains two decks of fancy lyn Sodcn, Jacqueline and Nonnie back FORCOLAR plaific coated V«f Norclrum, Claire Jablonsky, Mar- garet Hullck, Karen nnd Jacque- playing cards (identical pattern line Lindsley and Lynns Lawrence. MI33 Anna E. Haidy WORK CLOTHES Canasta rules and score pad. HISTORICAL MEETING Miss Hardy is a graduate of Red The annual meeting oC the Mon-Bank high school, and is a secre $17 735 mouth County Historical associa tary with the Monmouth County 1 Srf tlon will be held Wednesday after- Realty Abstract company at Free- noon, Nov. 3, at the association's hold. Mr. Thompson attended building ot Freehold. The trust- Lakewood high school, and during 17 BROAD ST. RED BANK ees' meeting and election will be the war served with the Navy. He held at 2 o'clock, followed ,by the Is employed by the Atlantic and open meeting at 3 o'clock. E. H. Pacific Tea company In Red Bank. Fill your needs al thegc special low prices! PHONE RE 6-0001. Feltus, 3d, will give an illustrated talk, "Historic Houses In Mon- mouth County." Dessert-Bridge WORK PANTS VALUES For Hospital HEAVY WEIGHT Many Winners at SANFORIZED GREY .98 Muiuwan Event WHIPCORD PANTS The Matawan auxiliary of Mon Keg. 2.98 mouth Memorial hospital lield » 1 successful dess«rt-bridge at the home of Harry May, Jr., Main St., Durable, rugged whipcord work pants. Sanforized Matawan, Thursday afternoon. The committee in charge consisted of ihrunk. Tailored to stand hard wear. Siios 30 to 42. •Mrs. Charles Woodman, president; Mrs. A. L,. Carey, Mrs. Johnson Car- tan, Mrs. W. R. Elder, Mrs. Rich- HEAVY WEIGHT ard Erdmann, Sr., Mrs. Octaviua Knight, Mrs. Bayard T. Lamborn, GUAR. WASHABLE .98 Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Allan Mor- rison, Mrs. Charles Schock, Jr., MOLESKIN PANTS Mrs. Howard Shlnn, Mrs. Milton F. Reg. 3.6!) Stevenson, Mrs. G. J. Sterling 2 Thompson, Mrs. Warren Vrceland, OF THE Mrs. Charles E. Sprlngliorn and Nothing beats moleskin for rugged day in, day out Mrs. Charles Woodman. durability. Double stitched at all needed points. The prize winners were Mrg. Al- Sixes 30 to 42. ton Winchenback, Mrs, Allan Mor- rison, Mrs. George J. Egun, Mrs. R. W, Chostncy, Mrs. Merrill H. MEN'S Wallace, Mrs. John Taneey, Jr., Mrs. Norman B.. Lockwood, Mrs. VENETIAN CRAFTSMAN GIFT SHOP Spafford W. Schanck, Mrs. Frede- rick M. Heasey, Mrs. R. W. Seldler, Plaid FLANNEL SHIRTS Mrs. Charles C. Schock, Jr., Mrs. Arne Kalma, Mrs. Robert J. Mar- vin, Mrs. Gerard Devlin, Mrs. Wil- liam Wasmuth, Mrs. Florence B. .69 Heiser, Mrs. Henry L. Zucker, Mrs. P. K. Hexter, Mr«. E. Murray Be;. 1.98 TUESDAY, NOV. 1st Todd, Mrs. J. Raymond Ketchel, 1 Mrs. Harvey S. Bcdlc, Mrs. G. J. Sterling Thompson, Jr., and Mrs. Warm plaid flannel snfrti, ex- Henry Hutchlnson. TEL. RE 6-4754 tra full for comfort—extra val- 483 BROAD STREET SHREWSBURY Others present w»r« Mrs.. Nicho- las Munnlnff, Mrs. August Mueh!- ue at thii' price. Large variety hauscn, Mrs. Thereso Henderson, Mrj. Henry Warnock, Mrs. Clar- of colorful plaids to choose renco Bahrenburg, Mrs. Walter O. Walling, Mrs. William Hitchcock, from. Siiet 14 to 17. Mrs. Herbert R. West, Mrs. E. E, VanNostrand, Mrs A. B. Henderson, Mrs. William A. Close, Mrs. Henry 8 OZ. BLUE DENIM E. Hutchinson, Mrs. Alonzo White, Jr., Mrs. Wilson Hobrough, Mrs, SANFORIZED SHRUNK George I-.ehr!tter, Mrs. Carl A. Gess- weln, Mrs, S. Frank Mason, 3d., Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd, Jr., Mra. Ralph Bcdle and Mrs. Elmore Kattner, Mra. C, R. Steuerwold, NGAREES .Irs. Lester Wilson, Mrs. Thomas A. Koopman, Mrs. Franklin Cot- WINTER.WEIGHT trell, Mra. Franklin S. Thompson, Mrs. Thomas Welstead, Mrs. Rich- rd Fullerton, Mrs. Edward F. COTTON RIBBED Murphy, Mrs. J. F, Willenls, Mrs. 49 William Rcnwick, Mrs. William .liller, Mrs. Frederick Bronkhurst, 1 Rcf. 1.49 UNION SUITS Mrs. Herman Oetjen, Mrs. C. Leon Garrison, Mrs. Henry Munaon.Mrs. 'aul Royer, Mrs. Donald Robinson, Mrs. Garrctt McKeen, Mrs. William Sturdy 8-oi. blue denim, . Rabel, Mrs. F. W. Seldlcr, Mrs. 59 Conrad J. Johannsen, Mrs. W. Oil- non-ruit copper rivet» at er Diggln, Mrs. E. C. Myer, Mrs. Re*. l.Tt R, B. Rex, Mrs. Daniel S. Ely, Mrs. itrain points. Heavy stitch- 1 Frederick Noble, Mra. William Mulhcron, Mrs. William Ludl, Mrs, ing. Deep pockeh. A real Combed cotton yarnt. Just H. W. Wells, Mrs. Grace Heiser, Mra. John O. Hartiler, Mra. Daniel the right weight for the chilly low price! Siies 30 to 46. A. HolmcB, MM. Harvey Hartman, days ahead. Short or long Mra. Joseph Relher, Mrs. Ooorge H. David, Mrs. J. L«on Schanck, sleeves—ankle length. Siiei 36 Mrs. Albert M. Halffh, Mrs. Ken- to 46. neth Barker, Mra. M. T. Haxelton, FEATURING Mr». Frank Hayes, Mm, Douglas Ward, Mrs. Leon Chrlatlnat, Mra. William J. Miller, Jr., Mrs. R. B. Miller, Mr«. Walter V. Taylor, Mrs. CHILDREN'S DUNGAREES JUis.iell A. G. Stetler, Mra. Paul CHINA EXCLUSIVE GIFTS GLASS A. Egan, Mm. Harry Kahn, Mri. John C. ERglelston, Mrs. Ralph W. SANFORIZED SHRUNK Horrick, Mrs. Leroy Slckcls, Mrs, Joseph Baior, MM. Rufus O, Wal- BLUE DENIMS InR, Mra. Samuel B. I'llton, Mm. IN BOXER STYLE I. Carle Anderson, Mra. Marguerite PR. I In Moiimmitli County Large Parking Area Provided For Our CiiHlomet'M on ri'i|iic«t on riH|ii«tl I'lilmlimin Clmilcn ('ntlum in- O|MMI I'riday Night*' Til <) O'clock iT'lHinlfil. Nn mimmnnari WHIT II- Page Ten RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 194!) REGISTRY AND ELECTION NOTICE afler maV.ing SUL-II KHtisfRclory arranff- REGISTRY AND ELECTION rue at hi«h water line of tho North REGISTRY AND ELECTION East Keansburg Fire Company. Thomp- son Avenue. East Kean*,burg. N, J. NOTICE AN* ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMIS- menti na mny he ncccRsary with th*? NOTICE Shrewsbury river, thence easterly along NOTICE center line of locust avenue to the cen- Eighth Election District, Commonly BOROUGH OF EATONTOWN, N. J. Sodality Elects SION AMI CONSENT TO -NKW Iio rough and th« Tcloplinne Compnny BOROUGH OF RED BANK, N. J. TOWNSHIP OF MIDDLETOWN, N. J. .1KKSEY HKLL TELEPHONE IUM- for the fuli protrction v( each CIICT'I ter linn of Shrewsbury nvenue; thence Known as the Riverside Drive nnd Notice is hereby nivtn' thnt Dislrict 1'ANV, A CORPORATION OK NKW interustr. Notice ib lincny «i ven ihal Mis I rict ulhei-ly Hlnng tho center line of N'oti :e in hereby uiven that District Headden's Corner Distrfct. Boards of Election anil Rcuibtry in and Boards nf Election and Registry in and JhKtfhY, ITS SUCCBSSim.S AND AS- SECTION 10: The i>iimis.iion and ft on id a of tiled ion and Registry in and Shrew-bury avenue to the center line of Tha boundaries of the same are a* fcr the Boi-oufch of Eutontown, County Joan Coughlin SKiNS, TO USK ALL OK THE VA- nficnt Kivrn and urantnl liy this nrrfi- or thf Ilorou^h of [ted Hank, County Chestnut s tree I: thence easterly along lor the Township of Middletown, County follows, vir..: of Monrrouth. State of New Jersey, will RIOUS fc'lKEfiiS. KUADS. AVKNUEK ncf rhnll rntitinur nnil \ir in fnvv of Mnnmouth, SinU of New Jersey, will the center line of CheFtnut htiect to the of Monmouth, SLale of New Jersey, will BEGINNING at the Intersection of the meet nt the places hereafter designated AM; HIGHWAYS- AND I'AKTri foi n period nf tilly It'iO I years from meet a*, ihe places hereinafter desisnatcd center line of the C. R. R. Co'a ilultt uf men al the places .hereinafter drain* rlsht of way of the New York and LOIIK St. James Groups THEllEoJ' WHICH AKK NOW OK the «!a',o nf llif n pjirovnl thorrof, tvinl way; .thence northerly along center line nateil nn. Branch Railroad Company and ol the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1949 MAY HKKKA1TEH HE UNDEK THE throiiKhout Ihf full time of IhlH ordi- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1019 of C. R, R. Co'i right of way to high wa- Nave*ink or Shrewsbury River, and from ter line of the North Shrewsbury river: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1919 between the hours of ? a. m, and S p. Lists Now Program JURISDICTION AND I'UNTKOL 01* nr.;:e saitl^t'nmpnny, iti surccssois ami uetween the hnurn of suven a. m. and between Ihe hours of T a. m. and 8 p. thenco running (1) Northerly, along, the THE ituROUliH OK SKA lIKKiHT, Rhivns, shnll fuinirh Hitff, .id^ijuntc iiml p m. (EiiHtern- Stand aid Time), thence southwesterly along high watei intd Railroad right of way and alons . foi the purpose of conducing the line of North Shrewsbury river to the ni., for the purpose of. conduclir.^ the Kcnernl election. MONMOU'JH COUNTY. NEW J>nt- Iiroiicr si rvicr within this Hoj-ouvh, Mn<1 tor the purpose of conducting a primary scnernl flection. Election DWtrlct No. 5 and Election Dis- Officers and committee chairmen SEY, HO'IH ABOVE AND BKLlHV 1; f P i> anil rrninla'in i t fl jiro pr rt y n n (j center line of Locu*t avenue, the point trict No. 1. to Mill Brook; thence Vi) Said neutral election will be helil in election for the nomination of canJi* or place of beginning. Said general election trill b« held In •were elected at a meeting of the THE SUUKACE THEitEOl'', FOlt THK miuipin* nt in Mich condition as to dates. Easterly, along Mill Brook to Chapel e i-nid municipality for the purpose ot Blessed Viigin Mary sodality of CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE cnabie it to do so. The polling plai-e for ihe Eighth Elec- ihe *nid municipality for the purpose of Hill Road, thence (8) Northerly, along ..cctiiix a <:*•. avenue at high water Ilne of the Nurth thtre yenrs and for the following mu- along the private road leading through ripHl offices, viz: DE IT ORDAINED by the BOIOUK» 'ffhways of thi*i Borough* holders for the County of Monmouth for Shrewsbury river, thence easterly along nicipal oflices, vir; the Hoiford property, to Mountain Hill Two Councilmen /or full terms of Council of the Borough of Sea I)right three yenrs nnd for the following mu- center line of Locust avenue to the cen- Road: thence (7) Easterly, to the three yeni"8. SECTION 12; Thr lerm "Horou«h" ter line of Shrewsbury avenue; thence Ont Township CommiUeeman for fuil as follows: nicipal offices, viz: tcrnt. boundary line of Election District No. The following is a description of th» SECTION 1: Thai permission and as used in this ordinance in iU ftpiili- southerly nlong renter line of Shrews- 2; thence (8) Southerly, along Election calion to thr. RorcuiRh of Son Bright, Two Councilmen for .full terma of bury avenue to the center line of Chest- The following Is • description of the Election PIstricts in the BorouKhof Eat- consent be nnd the tame is hereby hn!l he hrld to apply to nnd include three years. District No. 2 to the Navcsink or ontown nnd ihe polling places in lamt Kianlcd to N«w Jersey liell Telephone 1 nut ltrert: thence easterly along center Election Districts In the Township of Shrewsbury River: thence (9) Westerly, any form of municipality oi- KO .*em- line of Chestnut street to the center Ilne Mlddletown and the polling placet In viz: L'omi'niiy, thereinafter referred to in The following \n a complete dcicrip- along the said river to the place of Be- First Election District this ordinance DS Company), its succes- inent into which this JlorouKh or Hiiy tlon of the Election l)w*i*i.*:i In the of right of way of the New York & Ix>np the same, vlr.: ginning. pnrt thereof, inny nt nny time herenfier of fJed Gank anil the tneathn Branch railroad r thence southeasterly Elcctio'n iJistrict One Is hereby defined sors and Mfiiicns, to erect, construct, rc- be chanced, annexed nr rnfi-fted. nnd the FJnt Election DittWct, Commonly Known coiutriut, lay, maintain and operate iU of foil ing places for each of the said aloni; center line of rlchi of way nf New as the Mlddletown District. The polling place for the Efghth Elec- nnd describe'! »s thnt *cction nnd terri- underground conduits And subway *, term "Horoil«h Council" or nny olliT districts: York & Long Branch rait road to the tion District l.i the Fire House of Middle- tory of the Borouxh bitiK enst of a lin» entiles, poles, posts, wires, manlmlr*, term herein uurd in rcfcrrlnn lo th' First Election District center line of River sticet (produced) . The boundaries of the umi art ti town Fire Company No, 1. Stata High- KOVfrniiiR body of this HuronK!I aluill thehra westerly Hlong the renter line of follows, viz,; way. Headden'* Corner, N. J. BUCINNING at the point where center ]oadii,# coil vaults, loading coils, includ- be held to a Dply to nnd include ihf inn at a point on tha shore ol ing the necessary iticct ays mm;: ant; North Shrewsbury rtvrr: thenre north- BEGINNING at th* Keansburs Gnte- Ninth Election District. line of the State Highway intiraects La- jTOVf-i'tun)? body uf such othtr form of Jh» North 5hr«\v*hury Hiver rlirertly be- erly atonjt nicri watfr ' fine of ftort/i Jutoral connection a to curb poles r.ml tween the properties owned by the Mon- war an Stats tiii.*i)v*y- Ri/Ule No. 3J an/} $i ITB'S ?.;-urcil tit rlcht ancle* tp Park Avenue; thenre f 1) Westerly, the line us sc-t forth almve. structed, maintnined pnd operated Khail efTert. alonjj Park Avenue, to the County mini The polling place for the Ninth Eire- bp located and placed back of and ad- SK0T1ON l-"i: Said Compnny shall linn of the «>ni(I river directly hrtween the herein j thmi-o westerly nnd parnllel Ploce of mrrtinff of Bonrd of Elci'tion properties owned by the Mnnmouth Boat with Wwt neiKen place to the renter lunnlna from New Monmouth tn K*y* lion District It the Community Fire jacent to the curb lines where shown file with thp HoiMiiKh Clerk of this Bor- : and pnllir.v piar*» nf the Second Elcc'.ion Club and properly kni>wn ns thrt Red ne of rlj-ht «f wny of C. R. R. or N. J.; port, known as County Road No. 7: House. Applet on avenue. T0 frei southerly from February 10, 1949. lin, prelect; Ann Sole, vice prefect, the poles or posts of *niri Company, its Thn polling plnce for tlie First Bier- hp routh side of West Bergen place Felru.irv 10. 1913. successors nr.rt nistgns, nnd at other proval thereof, mid snld ordiiiiince *|IRI1, tlon Hi^lrifi ia N'avesink Hook n.nd Lad- The polling place for the First Elec- upon Iho filing of such acceptance. li«- 'enmiiPd Ht rjjrht BIIKICH thereto; thence REGISTRY AND ELECTION , Betty Madure, secretary, and Pa- convenient points or places upon the der Fire House, Mechanic «treet. westerly nnd parnllel with We«t Rei«en tion murlct in the Township Hall, Mlrf. REGISTRY AND ELECTION streets, roflds, Rvenues nnd higher ys. con-,e ^fffftlvo, hub/oct to npurovnl by Second Election District. NOTICE tricia IUKidy, treasurer. Commit- adjacent to such curb line!:. the Deuartmpp.t of I'ublic Utilities— nlre to high w«tcr line of the North dlctown Village. Middletown. N. J. NOTICE Benlnnint: ot n point where the centei Shrew-bury river: thenre northwesterly Second Election District* Commonly BOROUGH OF RUMSON, N. J. BOROUGH OF SHREWSBURY, N. J, tee chairmen include MisAfes Jean Hoard of Public Utiliiy Commissionrif, ne of Mechanic Htrcet h Intersected SECTION 3: Said Company may con- NOTICK nlong hi.nh wnter line of the North Know nK the Naveilnk District. Notice ib hereby given thnt District Patterson, social: Rcgina Gibbon3, struct) reconstruct, maintnin and ope with the center line of HrnAft ltrcet, Shrewsbury river to the center line ol Boards of Election and Registry in nnd Notice in hereby given tl.at District The boundaries of the tame art at apostolic; Jean Kaney, Catholic ac- ntt r in iti s subwayb s or und Hindd con- Tho forejioinif ordinance was inlro- thenre southwnrdly nlonit the renter tine River street, the point or place of he- for thf Borough of Rumson, County Uonrd of Klection nnd Registry in and iluits, manholes and loadiri coil vnulti*. nf Bioml streti to Its interception with ginning. follows, viz.: for the Borough of Shrewsbury, County lion; Lenore McGuiie, publicity; duttd rind i»nsseil on lirst muliiiK Hi » BEGINNING at the Intersection ot the of Monmouth, Stnte of New Jersey, will th. wires, cables, fording coils nntt oth- the center line of Wnllnce street, thonre meet at thi places hereinafter desig- of Monmouth. F*.ite of New Jersey, will Josephine Domzal, Eucha viatic, etliiK of the ItoruiiKli Cuuncil of the eastwflrdly nlonc the rentor Ilne of Wnl* The poIlinK place for the Tenth flec- boundary line of the Borough of Atlantic er electrical conductors nnd Rppurten- Horoiuch of Sea HrlKht, Monmouth Coun- nated on meet at tho place hereinafter designated rtnoffs necptisniy in connection therewith, Incc Hrept to the rear of the prnperty tion Olatrlrt U thn River Street ichnol. HlKhinmU and Seventh Avenut. and •nd Mary Burke. Our Lady's. ty, Kew Jersey, hold on October 20. from thence running (1) Southerly, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1949 for Its locfll and through lines nnrl sys- of tlif Sei'nud Nntlnnnl nnnk. thehre Eleventh Election District. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1949 Activities for November will in- tem F ; It inny ulso erect, const rurt, re- outhwanlly nlonp the rent of Kdld flnnk along Seventh Avenue to Hillside Ave- betwern the hours of 7 a. m. nml i p. I'ubllc Notice Is hereby Kiven that the Beginning In the center line of New- nue; thence f2) Westerly, along Hillside m., for '.he purpose of conduotln* the between '.he hours of 7 a m. am) S p. clude the membership singing n construct* mitinlnin ami operate the >ne hunrlrei) feet from th^ rentir Hne of man Springs rond at hljrh water line of necessary distributing POIOR or pokts, floroutch Council uf the Uorounh o( Sea Wnllnco *«tret't, thence onitwnrdly by a Avenue to Sonthnld* Avenue, thence (3) general election. m., for the purpose of conducting th« liass at Wayside rest home, Nov. x\\\. New J«r£ey, will consiik-r the the North Shrewsbury river, thence enst* Southerly and Westerly, along Southslrle g-cnenil clction. fixture and Ruppoit*, und distribute -trnijrht Imaginary line to its Intersec- erly along the center line of Newman Said genernl election will be bald In »; a lecture on marriage by Rev.therefrom upon, nlnnK, across, over anil said ordinance lur final [UISHHK^ nt it tion with the renter Ilnc^ of Linden Avenue ami Old Woman's Hill Road, tn the snid municipality for the purpose of Said general election will be held In . ...ulnr nittctinj: nml public henrittg nf Springs roml to lliP center of fit und Mountain Ulll Rnnd; thenre <4) South- the said municipality for the purpose of John Reilly, and distiibution of above the surface of en id street*, rond P. plnce nnd Wnllnce it reel, thence north* street: thence northerly nloni; center ol electing a Oovtrnor for the State of New avenues and hltrhwayn nnd parts thereof, saiil UuruiiKh Council tn be held on .No- eastivnrdly ninnft the center line nf Wai* erly, along the Whlppoorwill Valley Rond Jersey, two mcmbtcs of the (lenernl AH* #lccling n, Covcrnor tor the State of New Thanksgiving baskets, Nov. 22. The vember 17, 1349, at «:U0 P. M., Ht ths Rrond street to thfi center tine of rtjrht to the road leadinn from the Mountain Jersey, two members of the (irncral As- such wires, cables and other electric.il Ince street to tt* Intersection with the of way of New York & Long Branch rnll- aembly from the County of Monmouth, rroup will hold a card party Dec conductors which it may find necessary Horongh Hall, Sen Bii«ht. New Jersey, center line of Prospect nvenue, thence Hill Road to Brown's Dock Ratd nnd a County Cferk, a Surrotffite, nml one sembly from the County of Monmouth, nt which lime nil persons interested will rond: thence northwesterly nlong centet along said road until it inteneots with n County Clerk, a Surrogate, and one i; mass at Wayside rest home, to erect, construct, reennstruct, main* southeastwardly nlonp tho center line line of rl^ht of way of the New York & member of the Bon id of Chosen Free- tain rn»l operate in connection with the be heard, of Pro'pect avenue to the southerly the Brown's Dock Road; thtnet (S) member of the Hoard of Chosen Free- Dec. 3; hear n lecture or marriage Long Branch inilrnnd to u point dfuant Southerly, along the Brown's Pock Road holders for the County of Monmouth for holder* for the County of Monmouth for system of. PuWnyn, unriirff round con- CLARENCE STEVENS, curved boundary line of the Borough of 94 feet from tho (southerly side of thrcfl years and for tha following mu- ty Rev. Mr. Reilly, Dec. 15, andduits and manholes aforementioned. Rorotifrh Cltrk. Red Bank, thence northwardly nlnns the to the Shrewsbury or Kavenlnk River; three yenrs and for the following mu- curved boundary line of the Roroush of Went P*rnen place measured at right thence (6) Following the Shrewsbury or nicipal offices, viz: tiicipnl ofllce;, via: iir.g Christmas carols at Wayside With the exception of lateral brunch*; ant(\tn therein; thence westerly nnd A. Mnyor for tht full term of two to curb poles and property lines, snid Red Bnnk to the Fence Line, thence Nnveaink Rfver until IU Intersectfon wfth and Rivercrest homes, Dec. 24. COUNTY OF MONMOUTH parallel to West Bergen place to the the boundary lino of the Borough of years. Two Cnuncilmcn for full terms ol underground conduit i shall be placed northwestwardly along the said Fence center line of right of way of C. R. R. three years each. January events include a mass at below thf surface of said street!, roans, STATE OF NEW JERSEY Line to the center line oi Mechanic Highlands; thence (?) Westerly and Two Councilmen for tht full terra of of N. J.; thence northerly along center Southerly, following the boundary line three ytara, The polling place for Shrewsbury avenues and highways nnd parts there- Notice 1B hereby given thnL scaled street, thence westward!? along: the cen- 1.0% "( right of way of C. It. R. of N. J., Borough Is the fire hou«e of Shrewsbury Wayside rest home, Jan. 7, and of, nnd said conduits jrenerally shall bid3 TYill ba received by the Uouril JI ter line or* Mechanic tttrzet, to Its inter- between the Borough of Atlantic R'ch- An Assessor for the full term. *.'* - point distant 150 feet southerly lands and the Township of Mlddletown, nose Co. No. 1, Broad street, Shrews- meeting and week-end retreat, Jan. not be constructed more than ten feet Choiei) »echoltlera of tho County of section with thp center line ot Brand from the south side of West Burgcn BoundAriea of the Election Districts In bury, New Jersey. 19. In February, the group will from tht curb line, unless obstruction-! Monmouth for the insinuation of n pipe itr«et, tjie point or place of hcprlnnlnR. to the point or place of Beginning. the Borough of Rumson and the polling line. County Roml No, 5, Borough ut plncci thenc-o westerly nnd parallel with ORTRUDfi C. VANVLIET, sing a mats at Wayside rest home, make it necessary to deviate from such West Bergen place to high wnter line oi The polling place for the Second TElee* place In each district are as follows: course, and all underground conduit** Shrewsbury, New Jersey and opened and First Election District. uoruugn Clerk. reud in public nt tho Court House, J'*ret- The polling plnce for the Second Elec- the North Shrewsbury river: thence tlon District Is the Naves I nit Fire House. Feb. 4; monthly meeting, Feb. 16,shall be placed nt least eighteen inches tion district In Independent Fire House, loutherly along the high water line ot Vave^Ink. N. .T. February 10. 1949. below thp surface of the street. holti, N. J., on November 9, *94S nt 2 All that portion of tht Borough of and a theater and dinner party in Mechanic *»treet. the North Shrewsbury rivor to the cen- Third Election District, Commonly Rumson situate north of Rldgc road, o'clock, I'. M., Kaatern b'tnndnrd 'I'ime, ter Ilne of thu Newman Springs road, the REGISTRY AND ELECTION New York city at a date to be an- Third Election District. Known as tht Bdford District. bounded on the east by Blntcham *venue SECTION 4: All manholes and load- The receipt nnd opening of bids aro BeuInntnR at a point where the center point or plnco of beginning. NOTICE nounced. ing colt vaults shall be located beneath and on the west by Buenu VUta avunue lubject, to the proper (junlifications of line of Wallnce street t« Intersected with The boundaries of tht samt arc as BOROUGH OF SEA BRIGHT, N. J. the surface of said itreets, roads, ave- he bidtltr in accordance with the pro- The polling plnce for the Eleventh follows, vU.: The polling place for thr First Elec- March activities include mass at tho Center line of Broad street, thence tion District Is Oceanic Fire Company'* nues nnd high way I and parts thereof visions of the pre-iiuatlticntlon law and southwardly nlonft the center Ilne of Election District l« Wutaide Engine Notice is hereby given that District the rest home, Mar. 4; monthly nt mch points along the line of thi tho regulations adopted by the Board of House, Leigh ton avenue BEfJINNINfi nt the Intersection of the House, corner River roa. and Allen Board of Election nnd Registry in ind Rroad street to It* Interaertlon wJtb thr old rljfht of wny of the New Mersey street, Rumson. meeting, Mar. 16, and a sodality subways or underground conduits n«< Choneu Freeholders. center line of Hnrdlnj? Rond. thence east- AMY E. SHINN, for the Borough of Sen liritfht. County may be necessary or convenient fnr Borough Clerk. Southern Rnllroml wfth the northerly dinner-party at a date to he an- Drawings, sticcil'ications nnd form of wardly alonj; the center line of Hnrdlnp line of Raritan Bay; thenre running (I) Second Election District. of Monmouth, Stnte of New Jersey, will placing, maintaining atul operating t lit bids, contract nnd bund for the pro* Roiirl to !M Intersection with tho center February 10, 1949. n:*?et nt tho place hereinafter designated nounced. April -will feature mass cables and other electrical conductor* Southerly, along the "aid New Jersey All that portion of the Borough of posed work prepared by Otis IX, Seaman, line of Branch avenue, thence southeast- Southern Railroad right of way to Rumtion situate north of Rlil^e road, at the rest home, Apr. 1; monthly whk-h said Compnny may from time to County Kngineer, have been filed in the ward I y along the center Ilne of Rmnrh REGISTRY AND ELECTION time [dace in said subway• or tinder* Compton'a Creek: thence (2) Southerly, bounded on tho east hy Naveslnk ave- TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1949 meeting. Apr. 20, and a sodality office of said Engineer at the Court •venue to Its Intersection with the ren- NOTICE along Cnmptnn'4 Creek and Mill Brook nue and on the west by Bingham ave- between ihe hou'i> of 7 a. n,, and 8 p, ground conduits, and shall be so con* House Freehold, ». J., nnd may be in- ter line of Ftersen place, thence east- dance at a date to be announced. bU'uctcri HS to conform to the croes-sec- BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER, N. J. (lowing into Compton's Creek, to County nue. ni., for the purpose of roujuctmg the spected by prospective bidders during wardly directly between the properties Road No. 7, being the road from New The polling place for Ihe Second Elec- Other events are mass at the rest tional and longitudinal grade of the business hours. Bidders will be fur. owner! by the B^late of Sarah F. Wol- Notice is hereby niven thiit hi si rict tfcricrnl cii-clion. pavement «nd to an not to interfen. onrds of Election and Registry in and Mon mo nth to Key port; thence (3) Ewt- tion District Is Rum son Fire Company's Said Kentt the head waters of Ware Creek; cral Assembly from ihe County of Mon- election of officers, June y5. returned, provided the plani »re r;> ary line of the Boroueh of Red Bnnk. on thence (5) Northerly, along tht f Mun mint th, SUlt? of Ni<>v Jersey, will Attorney for Plaintiff. program may be established. 1 the bidder in accordance with the pro- meet ut the plnce hereinafter designated The polling plact for the Fourth Elec- All that portion of the Township of Dnlcd: October II, 1949. shall be back of and adjacent tn the visions of the jji't-qualification taw and Fifth Election District. Sluewbbut-y, situate north of the Cen- Tht board of education haa new curb lint* so established and within on tion Dl it rlrt is the Brtvent Park and the retrutntion.-i adopted by the Board uf Beginning ut a huint on the ihore line TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1949 Leonardo Fire Houit, Center Avenue, tral Ruilroad tracks, agreed to supervise the program. fish It en Inches thereof, upon receipt l^hosca freeholders. of ihe North Shrowibury Rivei directly Notice of Settlement of Account notice from the Borough Clerk that tho etwrLii the licit!* of 7 a. m. an.! S p. Ijeonardo, N. J. The palling place for the First Klcc Ktlate of Louise Williaton, a luiuLIe. Meeting la;t Thursday afternoon, Ihav.inx-*. specifications find form of i'etween th» properties owned by the 1 tlon District, in Shrewsbury Town*hip Ii curb lim ha*, hpr n so established. Monmouth Boat Cluh nnd the property m,, fur the purpose of conducling the Fifth Election District, Commonly Kntwn Notice i» hereby given that lh« ac- tht board formed a special com- bids, con true t and bond for the pro- Bcr.ernl clcclitn, lbt Firchousc, Tinton Falls, New Jersey. SECTION 8: Upon any of the *,treft.-, known as the Red Bank Lyceum, thence as the Llncroft District. Second Election (strict counls of the subscriber, substituted posed TN'ork prepared by Ut in It. Sen man, Said general drulion will be held In KiiFU-flinn of the mate nf mid lunatic mittee to plan the activities of the roiuis, avenues and highways in this County Engineer, have bcrn filed in Hie southwardly to the center line of Broad Tha boundaries of tht samt art as Alt that portion of the Township of Borough now or hcreaftfr occupied by street, thence southwardly along the the Nniri munlripiility for the purpose of follows, vlt.: will be audited nml stntrd by the Sur- program. Members of the com- office of tald Engineei* Ht tho Court electing A (iavtmor for the State of New Shrewsbury, situate loulh of the Central mission ate John O. Hartzlpr, the poles or poets of Bald Compnny. its House, Freehold. N. J., ami may be in- center line uf Broad street to the in- HEGINNINO at tht Inttnectlon ol tht Railroad tracks. roKate of the County of Monmouth and f accessor* and assigns, or nny iA •p«ctcd by proavMtlv* bidder* ihirins tersection with the center line of Mun* Jcr.iry, iwo membtrs of the tirntral Ai- right of way of tht New York and tons reported for battlement to the Mon« »cmbly front Uie County of Monmouth, The polling place for the Second Elec- cupetviiln;; principal of schools, corr. parties or corporations having U business hours. Biddcin will be fur- mouth street, them* wfettwaidly uiunu Branch Railroad and Navwfnk Rtr«r oi tion District Jn Shrewsbury Township '• mouth County Court, Probate Division, chairman; Mayor Charles E. Apple authority to erect and mnintnin pi nished with n copy of the drawings unit the center line of Mon mouth street to Its A County Clerk, n Surrosnte, and one Shrewsbury River, and frdm thence run* on Frldny, the fourth day of November, member of the Bonn! of Chosen Free- the Way aide Community House, Way* gate; LcRoy Sprout, police chief; or pofits, snitl Company nnd such other BDColfl cations by the Engineer upci. intersection with the centtr line of the ning (1) Northerly along tht said right ;'4e, New Jersey, A. D., 1940, nt 10:00 o'clock A. M., At compi'.nifa or corporations may use proper notice nml payment of a tlepoMt track* or runil bed of the New Jeney holders fnr the County of Monmouth for of way line of the New York and Lonu which limn application will be made Rev. Robert S. KcUscy; George D. same pules, provided they can agree Southern railroad, thence northwardly three yenrs nnd for the following mu- Third Election District. for the allowance of commissions and of Ten ($10.00) DollniH, which will bu Branch Railroad out to Bam Hollow All that portion of the Township of Search, high school principal: so to do. returned, provided the plans arc r»- ilnng the center of the trat'ka of thp nicipal nlHcta, viz: Rondt thence (2) Weiterly, along thr counsel fees. New Jersey Southern railroad, to the Twit Coiitirilmen for full termi, Shrewsbury, situate In Alfred Vail Councilman Robert E. Hartman: SECTION 9: Sntil Company shall pro turneil prior-to btihllnir. Bam Hollow Road, along tht boundary Ho nit s nml the nren south to the bound- Pafpff: September 22, A. D., 1949, viu> free of ihnrRf to this Horounh a;, •hore of the North Shrewsbury river, A Collector for full term. lint of Election District No, 1. to th« Magistrate Herbert Rothcnherg: Did6 must he niHitc on Standard Pro* ihenct «mifhi»nMw«hlly mil nnrthenit* Red Hill Rond. thfince (.1) Wenierly and dry line nt Brond street. J. VICTOR CARTON, lorn: us this ordinance continues in rf- pusal yoims in the mitnnttr iletil^riniiil Hotimlarlen of the Election Dlntrlctt tn The polling plnce for the Third Elec- liuI (iiaml Avenue, Police Ueut. LPRII.V Huylsr: Mi.-.i fttt, sjifie nn it* pole* Mi long HS SHid wurdty nlon« the *hor« of the North the Horoimh of Fair Haven, nnd the poll* iouth«rly, along the Roil Hill Knad am) 1 tht'nln nnd ienuired by the HiKiilficn- Shrew bury river to ths center line be- nlong the boundary -line between the tion District In Shrewsbury Township A slimy Park, N. J. poll ,i ci'f OKMipifil by Raid Company, tin llon,«, must bo rticloscd In fii'filnl tii* Ing place In ouch district, are nf follow*,: Ii the Recreation Hall entrance In Al- Eljle P, , Farrv, fchnn] nurse; ReRevv ,, , , , ' one (11 twern the property belonging to tnr Flnt Election D'ftrlct. Townfhlp of Mlddletown and tht Town* Suhhtitut'-d (iunrdlan. Charles R. Smyth; Mr,. Kcun.th I ^ji&'W Vflonca henim^ thn nnme nnd nildro.<* Monmouth Doat (Mun and prnperty ihip of Holm del, to Swim nit ng River fred Vflll llom**. Messrs, AppicKHtc, Foster, Beuisille, of the bidder nnd name of wml on tht> All thnt part of tho Borough lylns MARfJRETTA L. HEED, known a*, the Ited Bank Lyceum, the enit of a Ilne which begins nt that point thence H) Easterly and southerly, along Cornwrll & fJreen, Ghlh a membeb r of tthh e schoohll ' fini s on a rroRsnrm of s*sai1d Companompanyy to out lid P. nddrei r.eil tn the Hoard nf point or t>!ace of beginning. Township Cleric, ' '*• »ni! jnacn in Choaen 1'refholoicin nf the County of February 10, 1049, The nolllng PIICP for the Fifth Rlec> extended, would Inlersect the Rutmon bury or Nfivulnk River, to the point or Attorney a. Motimotilh. nnd mutt b« ncromuunitd hy ptnre of Beginning. nnd Hairy Wr-Wotd, n memhrr of n Hnnriinff CVrt.if"u'at« *in(/ H crrtifi^I tlnn 01 Uriel Is Liberty Engine Houne, Borough line; Ihencu running north thf county pionntion department. mmialc thf wires or "Ifctricat I'nmluc* White street. along thi center line of Ccditr nvenue to Tht poUlng pine* toe Ihtt Fifth Bl#c* REGISTRY AND ELECTION Nnlice of Settlement of Account 1 check, drawn tn lh^ nrdrr of the ('nun y Member* of thf Fprcial commit* UII* iciiuiifil fin hl^i i»l cunltul iii tin. Treasurer for not Ice* thnn Un 110*> i Sixth EUcllon Dlilrict. that point whoic tbu center line nf Ce- tlon Plitrlrt U thi Fire House of the NOTICE K'tiiU' nf John J. Lronnrd. deceaied. iiffi.tm v.lth its polite llar avenue tntflisecU the center line ul Mncroft Fire Company »*. MncrofL. N. J Notice IM lincliy KIVIMI thnt the ae- tre nip Mr*. Kenneth Gohlhat'p, putrnl, fire alarm, pfr "*nt nf the am mint bid. and 1>P etc Ueirtnnlnv at n itoint whert the crntei TOWNSHIP OF ATLANTIC, N. J. UlfgIHph ftiK,ial hyh\r ins and traffic aig. livrrnl it the plnrp nnd nn thr hirn* llnr nf Mnmnntith ttrcet h uiteu«cied Ulvir idftd; them* o&it aldnw th« ctntei Sixth Election District) Cammnnly Known rnunu of tho (uibmihcr, c\cculor ot lift! Kin11 ol i,riifrni. lino nf Rivfi rnnd tn the point ffhrr* thr No ties U hereby given that District thf r-stnlp of snlil ilercniifffl, will bit C3hlcf LrRoy £pioul, !Uv. Robert S. abnvfi nnmcH. Thr Standard I'rnpmjtl with the tcntei lint uf Hi old itrnel, at thi Part Monmouth District, DtiKiil of Ultcliuii And lltgiAlry in AIHI Circuits f*cr thfl mijiply nf electric*I I'orr.n will ht furnlihed upon applica- center lint) of llntlln rond Inuriect* Jne fuidiiril nnd mated by the Surrogate of KeMcy. Mayor Charles Applcgatr, thence southwardly alunti the tenter Km T)ie bnundarlM ot Ih* umi art ai for th* Township of Atlantic. County rritrjty for thf tea (III* or othpr sipnali tion to ihr KuRintti', of Dnmd atieet to lu Intersection with center Una of River rondi thence n->rth lite t'nunty nf Mnnmmitn nnil reiiorted Councilman George Davis and chall not be used by the Borough In Hlontt.the cjni«i line of Baltln road to follow*, vlg.t of Motimouth, Statt of Now Jersey, will for hcttlrmcnt In the Monmouth County Thp richt Ii r*iervtd lo reject any nr thfl center line of Reckless place, I hence meet at tha place herclnnfter designated John O. HnrtrJor. tn« above ijisignntcrl Kpacts. Such dr- (vestwnrdly Alons the center line nf the Shrewsbury river. BEfilNMNn at th« high wattr Ilne ol Court, Probate Division on Iriclny, tht ums, if rcfjulitd, shr.ll be Imtalltd in I lihl* if deemed to the lnlcre.it nf thr The polling plnce for tha Flnt Kle'o* llarltnn or Sandy Hook Bay and at thf eighteen tli tiny of November, A. D., After lU initiii] ntudy, thr coiii- County Kn to do, Rockleu place tn Its lnt*r*8ctlon with tlmii! dn»igfint'il by the Klectrlc Com. the (enter lint nt MapU avenue, thence tlon District In at Willow Street School, intersection n-lth th* Weiterly boundary TUESDAY, NOVEMBER* 8, 1049 1949, nt 10:lH) o'clock A. M,, at which tnisMon contnetrd RutgctB unl* pany nnd in hccordnnet with their re- ]ly firijrr of \h* Dunrfl of Choirn Second Election Dlatrlct. * line of Election Dliulct No, at thenrt brtween ilia I.our* of 7 R. ni. ttnu 8 p, time application will he mnde for th* lVrrholdfrn of ihn County of MnnmnuHi northwRrdly alnns tho center llns of runnfni; ft) Southerly, along tho bound* vcif-'ity and had a conipMe BUIVV Ma pin nvenue tu it* Interevrtlon with All that part of the Unroush lying m., for in A purpoaa of .'oni'ietifttf ('<<> allowance of commla»lons And oounte! JAMES fl. I'AUKKR. DlrMtoi, weM of tho line ni laid down In the ary lino of Election DUtrlot No, B to gonernl eleutlon. fern. of tho toou;;h mndc with rrcom- Croshnrrns, v/\rtt or elrctrlrul con- KinVAHD C IlHOKCi;, Cli-rli, i ho centei Ilne of Chentnut lUrnt, thence tho County road liattlnit from New Mon. UIIUUM hhult nol !;<> iimtull-d, mr>d' or wontwnrdly nlong tho center line nf Flrnt DlUrlrt above, Said sontral election wilt be held In nu'ntlaiionn for thp rjttnbllflhnicnt mo ii tli to Keypon known a* County Road Dated! Keptrmbor Uih, A. D.( 1949, liibiiitnllieil hi muh rnHiiltcr HI Id hit(T Pat fill October ill, 1HH', I'htptnut street, to Iti IntarsM'ttnn The pnlltng plnce for the Recond Klcc tho said municipality for tho uurposn ol THE ATLANTIC HKJIILANDS NAT- tloti IMM rlrt in riir^trr M. Mlnton'A No, 71 lhtnr« (i) W«itfrljr, along mid (•leclliiv A (lovirnor for thf Htnto of Now of th(* rcctentionai proxinT.i. /IMP Hlth Hit' rrnnntnun, win-A or t-\*i' __C«mi.ly Huad Nu. IT. wltti lh« tmrfti of th* New Jtrtty Hiiiinly Hood Nu, 7 lo the Harmony IONAL HANK tilrul riiiuliii'toiH wlil eli in Id 'IVIepliotH Southern mill mil, th nut ni>rlhwnid> Uarnup, F.n*l f*Mc |'«rk, 4-1-' f*lv«r rond. Jtrityt iwo titfinUtt* of the (lirif-rnt Ai- Thr mirvey Mivcnlcd tlmt Motimoulh Cottnty SurroxaU'i Office near Lincoln Avenue, * ^ Rnnd i tltpnce (3) Northerly, nlonu iht HcnUily from the County of Monmniitli. JiYf TJMO'j'JlY M, MAX.SON, JR, I'tiinpany, Us lui-ct-isiiis Hint iu*l«n»>, ly filong tlift, truck* nr rnsi| bed of Harmnny Hnnd, tn Oanlfl O. Mindrlrk< AnnlKtiuit TI-UHI (Uliccr, Ki-ypnrl hti5 thr fapilltins for tiiiiy tlxit hnvf or um.v ih»reuflnr f In the nintlir of lln> iMiili uf t'iUli- ths New Jei«fT Houllicin mthoad tn It' M. FLOYO SMITH, a County C'nU, a Sunoiiatr, a nil one 1 Iturou«h Clerk, *tm'i (.'nrntrt Ihfnre (4) following tht memlnr o( the llonnl of Chosen Fi'«.e- Atlnntiu llluhlnndx, N. J, 7 rrrcntlnnai ff-nli v, I heir \n llnr tn 1 iriif p[nv on Ha pule* oi In ciihtt .Slihu, ddCi'iiRud. Nutlet- tu iifili- IniffMitlou with (h* reiilri llnr o( Mun ninil tn ItxIptT* Corntrt ihenri (R) Kxpciitor. torn in pit mil t ilnlina nunlnit mtnlr, mouth stifpt, ihfnre eaitwanlly nlnnit IVlirtinry 10, 1019. holdiri fur the County nf Mnnmnuth for pqulpnunt MVnllnlilc, (lie cedici Una of Mnnmtiuth r oriliT of I)i)tni«n Me hwij vjiiffra of P#»'t OVMM I thw (ft &L SiMcntton, SunH^tlnr.K fnfor r HIDIP Innitlon ofoT|, „„„, ,,r »«M iid'Kurni'i nr wjifn ttt 1'aJilln, .Sunniinip of lit** Cuunly uf Inlfnftctlon with vetittr lint of IInml nEGlSTRY AND ELECTION Northerly, riown P#w'i Ort«k to Kartlnn nlclpnl nftjee*. vim Mdhnimilli, miiilc nu {ha tefiih Iny of ittfit, tho point or ulnre of beginning NOTICE AtfniiUr iriKhlniirix, N. J. thf plnvKt''iliui ir.chirlfil huudiylij th*> polfi I h"» lilnrliiK nf 111 lild fN 1 or Snndy Hook Hn; i thtnre (1) Hultr* Ont Toivnithip (Jnmmlttuman for full Octnbr-i, I* 40, on Ihr nppllniilun of Atlnriiryn. pntprtty mtjiic-rnt to \hf \vn\py "'•"' '" irt iti * In tli? ins In ituhwft 1 1 TOWNSHIP OF MOLMDEL, N, J. ly, along ttis Uay, to the point et plaet Itft.t of three yenri, 1 John l« KriHil nml Wnlt* ! Idulli Th» polllnif HIAI'A fm HIP HUth Kln« 1 "i rimnhot' • nf mild ('oinpnnyt-fltlit*! NMUT U hpioliy «lvrh thnt Diilrict of lUjctnin'nar. Tht pulllnx plai'n for tht Township ol Monmoulli County SurroRAte'a Office' w r)l 1;* f'f I hi fi'dt rif (YdiW !»1., H CM rill or i nf t h* rMntn «if CM I he t tlon niUrliM Ii Relief Knglnt Mmut, tlic pmi of lui-ir in nti Die pmt of Dntmmniul plnci. Bunril nf KlriMliMt ffiul Hi'u>>try In nnil Atlantic U tht Township Hall Coll'r In ihr mnllfi' of the mlnli- uf Dor* f\\fi nw-.fd bv 'hf Inn fjii^li wlu'i't1 V* i»ii n, fit ni oi ''nrpnrntlnn flixni;f d tn Shliif, tiovtufiffi, ftftdci* l« hrtfby K) Tli" polllnit placi fnr tht Sixth Kl«e* Ntck, New Jersey. S#vfiith Election Dlitrlct, fur th* 'JVvnffhlti nt ((nlinilrl, County tlnn Ol'Uh't U (hi Pin-t Monmoulli Flrt nlhy Cur-iin Mill*, IUTUIUCII, Nnlire tft 1 pn f(prm mini wui I,, Hill Hoo i nunlKIiI PIU'II tn Ih*- ritililnm uf Mild drccftiU'c) In HAHKY CKINh', i hi Ai rri.M i ur-.jr Cork rnintmn .' hi till tn the mitilt'l'lltri I, r xrciltfii « tUtilurilng Rt « piilnt wheic lh« r«nti>i nf Muiinioiilh, .SlAlfl nf New .Icrtry, will Mfni'» at Pnit Monmouth, N. J. rrnlitiiri tn^iiri'stttt cliilms figslnit e-* th* IHIII jy lliirty I HO mi*l at th* plum tirrr!nuftor dp«lunn1«i(l Towmtilp Clerk. nfnii"»«l(l, Hit it- (Mil* nut i|»m«nil» line of HIUMH ttitfi It lnli*riepted nitti Sisinlh CUctlnn Olilrlrt Commonly tnt •*. Kf In Wi l li'K In (udrr tils (.hn (»iii*r ||n« nf Itii-UtM plflrt, thine* on Known ai tha Eail Ktan«bi>r« Dlitrlcl. rihniary 10, 1040. ISiiMinnl t" thn ntfln- of Dnrmnn Mfl* /f'l'ifl nuiilf-ni' n 11', llu' 1'rf'hy. work mny \n- |>» i-formed under \l\* NMnlrmt th* t*\<\ '"Intl. un/Ur niith, •Dili hi unlit ulunvc ths 'inlti lint nf TUI'SIMV, NDVRMI1KU H 19 Ut l-iitl'llii, Mirnik'Mti! (if tlif Cnunty of Mnn- r tlijil rvilinli rif HM ill C dmj'MV' . nlthiit nix inrmthit frnm \hr- dnif nf'ih* ( Notice of Settlement ol Account tf I inrt t }\Utt-h, (IK* /If e )iou*r, .MJ. 1 M'IJJIII #ln#t tn (h» •nulhfil.v boitiiil htlntm ift« ftftiM* «{ 7 n, in. ttutl H p, Th» bnttmlarlM of tht umi are as tniiutli, mnili' ...i i|l0 twriuy.ilxth day 1 HA Id lloinuch hon liv trim lo Id* nfoirralrl rtnln , nr lh*y "III k* fnifv-i uf the Mr)iuimh nf llt-l llnnV, (tif fol(nw«, <'(>,t f'Mnin nf Archie ('. Mrnhy, (trt'ftt-ttl, t ffm t l! ( 1 t h(tii!p ti'ini'li . mil! V'Wuinji of I'n^- bmrirl nt thrlr mtlntiii thriffor «tjnln«l m,t for thr imiHnM uf rru lu-MII « t|,f 'l"tntilfy tttttl MiW h l mU\ Tf lr< ni)rihm«*twnrdly slonu ths enntst IInv IIKlilNNlNtl nt ih» moiiili uf IVw's Nntiifl l« licrdiy iflvrti thnt Ihf ncniuulr , V'.' H"'' L. '' " .'. !! *hc nupHMtJon Ihf «Htd itihiiilltni, Ullii I'M 1 f Ii I'Uiiti, rl»*n Wn i^ nr.'l Amrilcnn J^t/ion rhuiii t'fiinWtity tmtn till (Imtni nr Mtll U •if tht irnHft u' Mimt IIPII uf the f< ()ie«k and In tUmly Houk oi lUrllan of thn Milmcrlhrr, cxrctilnr of I ho cRtntr nf .Jtiliii Mm KM mi MUN, tn\t> r\orutnr for ')riiiinu« H niUliiu from the uie of Ui r^nhl K*-nrm I f-U'Mlun will lit tit Id in iif thf I'MMlr nf Dnrnlhy t'.inmn Kill*, JtKtcril i'rnlMild, N, J,, (Jctnbir Ml, Yoik urn! LoiiM Ilinnch mllrosd of HIP County iM'nllldt'B ut Nilil (IfMTilHoil tn rxhlhlt to nut; an, un> tit tif rtubH<tit nunivt) m riutlnit n liuvtiiior for the MiMr nf Nr* No. », It* tht County road from New 1 MII.K H »' JOHN I,. KNWKI. f'hoitffut iftirct, (frrfirc vmlWHitlir H Id fig of Moiimoutli nml i't>|iorted for Mcttlr- (no MibPi'rlbci , tiolo pxreutor its nforr- frunt Iti miIf of nny MR!I tronanijtm. tht r-inlvr lino uf rh«Mnul utrMl to Ut JirMy, Iwo ini'tnlitiH of I lit Ot-hrml Ai. Minimiiiith to Kcytmri, tinown «• County ment in thn Munntntitft (Nititity ('ouit* vim «r flvutrlcitl cumluuluri ntcil by fi!|>'l'J Klwi>l| Cir-itlil, Riuil. tlii'fr di'hti ritill i!nnniid« nuiilf-l tnierirriliin tvlih Ihv rrnt«r lln« nf MB* Hjinhfy fmin ihv Cnun'y (.f Moiiiiioillli, IOAII No 71 th«ru't Vi) Wfitirly, alonu l'nil nlo DIVIRIOII, on Krldnyt tlm vlitli- pwt'l Ji-wilp IMilly, i (IIIH }U>rui\uU. l'*ri|'i'»l IIIIU, I,. I., N, Y, lite Mild iftiitd', innlrr oiitli, within • r [ils nvciiiip, thfticv loiithwiinlly alnritt thfl n futility Clerk, n HurtnifiHr« nml nm Ofiinly I to nil Nu. 7 tn Pa-lmar Afinuit t noli th tiny nf November, A. I',, MUD, tnnnthn fnun thr dnU nf tlm itfoi' IKICIM row iiWliftr) |jy If iiiij or nil nf Hi* Hit!•! Hutu nr WAi/ruit noKTiiKi;, r«nt»r Iliit of Mnplfl nvpini* to lh« In i Hi* mb* i' of I tin lln ft ul of (!liiiiih time niM'llrn- itfi|>T, nr tlicy will dr< turtvrr !•• • • 'nih, ,!iiii)i'j'1tin>;, luiH lilfc/liwity* Itv IHII'T tnU#II nvfr Uy (tin nr,lil TIIIIMI Avftnir, tursurlloi* with Ihe fctH#t linn of lt«fk' liohltrH fur the Cnimly of MiMiiniiiMh fur ;>ii# to Iti IntAMftctlon with the Itniimliry 11 on will bo mini9 for thn nlluwanuu vt thrlr nudnim llicrrfnf n" '•"•( •' ilimhl of r'linM'ii ('ri'i'liotilfM of Hit" Ifnitiltlyri, N, Y, Drf« of th* nonmuh ot Kftinthurii i llffllmt- ptuilM''Ui»n M-oril nf Int |i|firr, Ihpnrc rnalwnfdly fltunil flit tht'tt* jfiuit iii>i\ fur t)»* tn))t>\\itiit inn- CDfmnlnilofi* IIMI) ritunif) ffdi. milticrPur, I .Miiilv nf MuhiiKiiitli, or- tlw< HUIH IIUIII. Mfiierfl. Qnlnti, hiiri'iniin. Mcdi" "?nt*r llup df fd'cklfM plurf to I lit* r^n rnclinil olMi'fH vln •hdfirt 14) Nor ' -•' ' Hi.toil I Oct. Ifltli. A, 1).. Hi49, iir Iltnti 1lxi,(K*0 tuiUfiilft of tiillli, *e v lli<[milntt (iti Hit'it Midi IIUIIMI IIf Itrrty and eaitirly, iliinii 1 111 11111 J H tl ( A ltuiMill, '<-( Hut* i.f IIKMH) %Ut*\, lh« pnlill n i)hi> Tuwii*)il|i Ciiiiimlltffm^'i fur Mir thf brinmlary In* nf tnt Towtiahlti nr OKOlUIi A, MOHHV, ••!ii!"i»« '" " "' " """""" nnllur *o tin* llnMi'l ('IHII"'! I H-th'iliUu <>f Hi- S'i,'« Hlijlc UK\ Hunt. S'. j, in |i< tun KIM Hi li>M u>f tlif ft>iii# c|«hi MtiltllAiuwti am thii Ilitrougllorou.h nf KMM.- * .JOHN MAOKWAN KI.I.IH, Al Hit til V », Tilt* imllltitf (iilire fui IfiilutiM I'owiii I'nilii N. J, illililliiM <>' AllM-l 1' i< if lh« TdwnOiItt HNM. ll(ilin<|#>, IM Mnhily linnk llayt Ihfiirc (n) Kn**li* KiU U * lit Isiyiiuil, N, J, f/nf if*|4f>>, tr. flliina tU Uijintfi, but 'Juttitiltiti t'lirh, ttxil llniil. Nnv Juttf, i.—A-iMriiiaminl > »intir lint tf U)««it ivt> IS, 1141, H9n tMiiHit Ii UII fin ttsuit of tht AU Atlotliryf, SHOP 10 a. m. GALA to 9 p. m. Fridays

Ample FREE Parking at 10 BIG DAYS STARTING THURSDAY! REAR of STORE tremendous savings • SHARE IN THE STUPENDOUS SAVINGS WE HAVE PREPARED**3^ in every department! FOR THIS ANNUAL THRIFT EVENT 28-Pc. TABLE SERVICE SET Sec why "Thrift" is the "Buyword" at Vogek Multi Filament SLIPS Deduct 20% From Present Price Tags! Spectacular special purchase! Lavish lac« trimmed and tailored styles. Siies 32 to 42. Tiny Imperfections will not effect wear. for LINGERIE, Street Floor VALUES TO 2.98! COAT SA Misses' SKIRTS Huge Savings on 350 New Winter Coats: Rayon failles and gabardines in a variety of • LAVISHLY FUR TRIMMED COATS! swing and slim-line styles. Sizes 24 to 32 in 9.00 Consists of 4 Cups • 4 Saucers • 4 Fruit black, gray, brown, dark green. Plates • 4 Dinner Plates in Ivory color • COATS WITH ZIP-IN WOOL LININGS! ... All heat resistant . . . ond 4 Fruit Juice Glasses • 4 Tumblers • 4 Iced SPORTSWEAR, Street Floor KG. 2.91 VALUE! Tea Glasses in multi-colored stripes. • COATS WITH ZIP-IN FUR LININGS! One to a Customer Whllt Quantities'Last/ O UNTRIMMED FITTED AND BOX COATS! 3.95 Value! CHINA and GLASS, Basement First Quality Nylon HOSE • TWEED COATS AND CASUAL TOPPER?! 51 gauge, IS and 30 denier, first quality host In the season't latest shades. Sins 8'/i to .00 SIZES FOR JUNIORS, MISSES AND WOMEN Saffian 10V4. 1 LUGGAGE HOSIERY, Street Floor 15-18-21 inch sizes Boys' 100% All Wool OFF! 5. H»g. 6.98! 26 incr 7 # pullmar SWEATERS Reg. 9.98 Colorful 100% wool jacquards In ikl, reindeer 20% and crest prlnti. Wide variety of colors In 12.98 '•ssmmsmimmm 21 inch wardrobe ilzei 28 to 36. 2J All Prices PIuj rnx LUGGAGE, Street Floor BOYS' WEAR, Street Floor VALUE 4.991 Outstanding Group USE OUR Of This Season's All Metal CHILDREN'S EASY - Balbriggan PAJAMAS 10 PAY KITCHEN Comfy balbriggan pajamas in sturdy cotton knit. Panels with contrasting snug, wrist let! BETTER STOOL and anklets. Sizes 2 to 14. PLAN! CHILDREN'S WEAR, Second Floor

Wear your new DRESSES coat while you pay Men's 100% Wool SUITS for It in ten con- venient defened A fine selection of 100% wool shorkskini, 6) J Q^ An outstanding collection of gabardines, payments! worsteds, plaids, tweeds, multi-stripes, In single *%/• •^*' crepes, satins, failles, and taffetas in the sea- and doublt breasted modeli. Regular, short rP M and long In sizes 35 to 4'. sons' latest styles and shades. Sizes 9 to 15, also at Quality built, complete with bock, MEN'S WEAR, Street Floor VALUB TO $53! 10 to 20, \6Vi to24'/4. white enamel finish. Not more) VOGELS than ONE to a customer! Whl|# BETTER DRESSES, Second Floor COATS, quantities last! in R«d Bank Second Floor Men's Navy T-SHIRTS HOUSEWARES, Basement

Regulation Navy T-Shirti in sturdy combed -4 f\fk cotton. Full cut, In sizes 36 to 44. Stock up ! Chrome Cocktail FURNITURE now on this super men's wear value! M. NOT IN 7 YEARS... have we had a Sale of love seats FEATURES: MEN'S WEAR, Street Floor SUPEK-VALUI! to equal this! These are gems SMOKING Reg. 39.50. Just 14! Innersprlnfl mattresses. Some twin, some full —buy them singly or in pairs. size. Also Box Springs Fine 100% WOOLENS See them face to face before STAND to Watch. Each your fireplace! A fine selection A grand selection ef fine woolens, for Fall of fabrics ind colors, three dif- Reg. 79.50. Complete Headboard! Outfit! Duran Headboard, Inner- skirts and suttt. Plaids, checks, herringbones ferent styled sofas. yd. spring Mattress and Box and tweeds, From 54" wide. U HURRY! They won't last long! 3.00 Spring. Hollywood legs. 49-50 PIECE GOODS, Second Floor RIC. S.fl TO 3.91! Regularly 129. «, Value! /V0MJ SAVE 40.00! • Reg. 26.75. Aluminum Angle Iron Double Coil Springs, All Sizes Multi-Skirt HANGERS All metal, attractive Burgundy finish) quality built, not more than ONE to All mttal multi-skirt hanger, holds up to 100% WOOL PILE Reg, 139 00. Lawson "Tuckaway" a customer, while quantities last! twelve skirts, compactly to save closet space, AXMINSTER RUGS Sofa with full size inner- -| S\fJ Atractlvely boxed for sifts. • spring mattress JUM I • Tone on tone, 9x12 made FURNITURE, Third Floor NOTIONS, Street Floor .79 by one of the largest makers of fine rugs whose name wo Muslin SHEETS cannot mention. You will be Reg, 298, Simmons "Wdc-A-Bcd" surprised to sec the values covered in lovely i QQ Closely woven, durable muslin, bleached to decorotor fabric XZJV, JUMBO HASSOCK snowy whiteness, sturdy lor yean ef sleeping we have In this Anniversary comfort, 88 x 99 size. Sale! DOMESTICS, Street Floor V, Regularly 59.95 jy Reg. 179. 3-Pieie Sola Sed 1 QQ Suite. Fringed U7O. Pure Silk SCARFS Art outstanding value In colorful floral and -4 5-Pc. Kitchen DINETTES Reg. 17?. 3-Plece Solid Mopl« Co- lonlal Bedroom geometric printed squaw, Large 33-Inch slie I All colors, leather upholstered seats, In rainbow of colon. M. 4.50 Value! porcelain stainless tops, Sides expand- ACCESSORIES, Street Floor Rid. 1.9« VALUII ed to seat olght comfortably. Hurry in Rorj, 12.95, 7 Way All- O Big 161 j -Inch dinme- If you want one of theso attractive sets Plated Lamps " - tor—-maile to lost for at this Annlvorsary prlcel (•can— --attractive col- GIRDLE CLEARANCE on—two i! ;n (or ia»y Regularly 69,50 AU.50 harvlllno — nnly ONE 2 Way Strotch Girdles ond PantyGlrdlos 1.98 N PICTURE Clearance SAVE 20.001 iyoW l~ to a customer! While 2 Way Stretch Ro/on and Rubber Girdles 1,49 P.Mutmly n A quantities loll! FURNITURl, Third Moor 2 Way Stretch Glrdl«tanfyGlrdl«s 77 U.«5 tl*U FURNITURE, Thihl Floor S, Hired Moor BUDGET TERMS! Other Plctut«i from 1.95 te 39,t Page Twelve RKD BAXTC KKCTPTEn, OCTOBER 27, 1949

been denied, it may be possible ick Loder while sitting in a parked that return on investment figures car on Laurel ave. Police said all Stevens Blames will be revised. j parked cars on borough streets are SAME DAY SERVICE "When final P.U.C. decisions checked after 2 a. m. The officers Blackstone HELP RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND have been decided, and if water I said Mr. Berhout gave them an ON Water Co. Rates availability would reduce school in- argument. Washing Machines BY PURCHASING A surance costs, which are paid by ; Fof Project Delay under the school tax, then the com- DRY CLEANING mittee can decide upon these pro- BE A PROUD HOSTESS, USE Says Shrewsbury Twp. posed extensions. CALL "It is very unfair for anyone to 'Take Home Special' A]i|ilic(l for Extcii^i<»ii prejudge this issue. But this much RED BANK 6-4828 can bo said: I am very desirous Of Miiins in 1917 of extending the township's water "The Moat Modern Plant in service if the ultimate cost to tax- Jlonmouth County" Georfc'fi Slfivons, Republican now payers is within reason. I sin- CUPLETS KELLY BUILDING FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCT. 28TH & 2<)TH seeking rn-Hection In the Shrews- cerely hope this soon will be the bury township committee, this case. _• CUP CAKE MIX FIFTH AVENUE Made by America'^ Oltftat week blnmcd what ho termed "un- "Our position in this matter has Wather Manufaeturar reasonable demands" by the Mon- Serve cup cakes made with Cup- —From flit. 50 been another example of thorough-] lets for your next dessert, tea or mouth Water rnmpnny for a long ly investigating all angles of a i CLEANERS Regular *1 Bunch $-| 00 EN5NTIKE I'ltOCEKDS delay in extending water mains in bridge party. Delicious plain or the township. problem before making important 37 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK and costly decisions. All who un- iced. For variety, add cinnamon, STORE HOURS: j. H. KELLY COMPANY Of Chrysanthemums f GO TO K1VKKVIKW In a statement, Mr. Stevens re- derstand these facts should agree dates or chocolate. Also makes ferred lo action l)y the township the committee is acting intelligent- 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 357 Broad St., Red Bank, N. I. ' committee Aug. 12, 1917, in rcsolv- ly. Pei'haps this explanation will one nine inch Jayer. Monday through Saturday Members of Jtum^on Ladies' Auxiliary nil! bo present to wail oil you. I Uig to apply for :>n extension of answer many questions that have mains in Sycamoie ave. to both ; arisen in the minds of our tax- sides of Tinlon five., including the payers." location "f the Tinlon Kails school , which" recently was damaged by IN HONOR OF NATIONAL FLOWER WEEK—OCTOBER 29TH TO-NOVEMBER i lire. 5TH, THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO VISIT OUR 24,000 FEET OF GREENHOUSE Before replying to the township's Elected Moderator application Dec. 15 that year, the SPACE FILLED WITH LOVELY FLOWERS. committccmnn said, the company filed a. request for higher rates Molly PitcherSuper Market with the state board of public util- ity commissioners Oct. 24. The wa- ter company wanted these new • FREE DELIVERY • BERNARD SPIWAK, Florist rates to talio effect Nov. 24, 1947. per cent. Water PRIME sales would 'Include hydrant, ser- vice." STEAKS VOTE Mr. Stevens said the IIS per cxnl RIB Top or \?ould have amounted lo $0,.126.08. This rate, he said, has been and Bottom is being contested. HOUND Mr. Stevens' statement: "Many people hnvc wondered Roast Republican what, the real rensnn Is why wa- Rev. George G. Morn ROAST ter mains have not been extended in various streets in the township, Rev, George Garrison Horn, pas- especially to the school. tor of the Freehold Presbyterian Swift's Premium "Some incorrect statements have church, WM elected moderator of FANCY The All-Star Ticket been mnde, nnd many people have the Synod of New Jersey of the Boneless been confused. I'd like to try lo Presbyterian church Monday at At- clear up I his problem with a state- ment, of facts. dantic City. for Monmouth County "On Aug. 12, 1H47, the township Pastor of the Freehold church VEAL HEN committee passed n resolution re- since 1921, h» is a iTotarlan and a questing an.extension of. mains in ^fason and former chaplain of the Sycamore avo. reaching Into Tin- Grand Lodge of Masons of New Here's the Six-Star Ticket of the Republican Party in Monmouth ton ave.. a distance of P,!)liO feet, Jersey. ROAST TURKEYS County, the ticket you can vote for with confidence because you know with eight-inch pipe. Eleven hy- drants wnrn asked on Sycamore AIX LEAN, TENDER MEAT !«-!» MB. AVXRAGS that your County and State Government will be in competent hands. ave. and five on Tinton ave. west Rued as Disorderly of Sycamore and four east of Syc- A new era of progress is unfolding in Monmouth County. Let's Persons al Kcansburg amore. FANCY Legs make sure that the men who represent you are qualified. On Nov. 11, 1947, the commit' Madeline Sagurton of West tee requested further extensions, Keansburg was fined $35 and John Yearling The Republican Candidates are experienced and progressive; they 500 feet in Williams st., 1,500 feet A. Berhout was fined $25 Monday LAMB in Hope rd., and 500 feet in Pica night by Keansburg Magistrate FRESH know the needs of Monmouth County; they have shown by performance, pi. Edward Ambrose on charges of not promises, that they are capable of conducting the business of your 'The water company did not re- disorderly conduct. Both pleaded PORK ply until Dec. 10, but in the mean- guilty. government intelligently and efficiently. time filed with the state board of They were arrested early Wed- FOWL LOINS public utility commissioners a re- nesday morning of last week by RTB £1S'D Every candidate on the Republican ticket is a star in his own right. quest for ratQ increases. This re- I Officers Jamea Beatty and Fredcr- quest was filed Oct. 24. 1047, to Added together, they make up an ALL-STAR ticket which brings to become effective that Nov. 24. public office the ability needed to insure the future of Monmouth "In its reply to the township County and New Jersey. committee, the water company de- manded IS per cent of Its invest' ment as a guaranteed return, the township to pay any difference be- tween water sales nnd that 15 per cent. Water sales would include hydrant service. At that time, and it hasn't changed much since, this 15 per cent would have amounted to $9,326.08. Deducting the approximate probable water sales and hydrant service charges, the cost to the township would have exceeded Be Ahead Todav with $7,000. These demands were unrea- sonable. Our committee has contended that since the rc.xjlution was passed prior to any flling for rate ncrcascs, the company should in- stall the service at the old rate. The company contends it could not nstall mains further in Sycamore ave. without a 'reasonable return on the investment,' which It says Alfred E. Driscoll [HI Merrill H. Thompson ix| Elvin R. Simmill should be 15 per cent. Hudson Step-Down Design Several townships Including For Governor For Assembly % For Assembly ours are contesting these rate in- creases ns arbitrary, unreasonable, discriminatory and unlawful. The 120,000 former owners of other makes say: P.U.C., has denied the full amount demanded for consumer and hy- drant service and has directed the : "Get tomorrow's motoring advantages... right now!" ^ company to file a new rale sched- ule for consideration. The rate of return on tjic investment of ex- tending mains remains to be de- cided. "It would he most unethical to agree at this time to pay water company demands, or do it until the issue Is settled. Insomuch as the full rule Increases for con- sumer and hydrant service have TELEVISION 0 J. Russell Woolley Dorman McFaddin 0 Abram D. Voorhees with a For County Clerk For Surrogate For Freeholder

The Republican Record The Driscoll Record m Monmouth County in New Jersey ERE'S a wonderful way to meet Hudson's recessed floor and "step- * County Clcrk'i Offict opttmHd at peak HUDSON A LIADIR IN RESALI VALUIt * TtachW Seleriei Increeied, the future! For tho Now Hud- down" design provido the loweat efficiency, H Ask to see the figuresfro m Notions] Auto- * Stole ta« on real estate rapialtd. son is the futuro—thanks to its center df gravity in any American mnbllo Dealers Aiwoclntion Official Used unique "stop-down" design! stock car—yet thero's full road Cnr Guido Books which provo that "step- * Surrogote'i Ofllc. commended for manner * Civil Rljhts bill enectid. Horo's the car that brings you, not clearance Result: tho safest, stead- down" dosignod New Hudson* command in which thouiendf of •itatti >r« handled. iest, hug-the-rond rido ever knownl top price* in tho nation's used-car markets. * New Constitution Adopted. jufli a llttlo "more", but tho most of tho four blK advantages people want * County'i debt reduced deipll* many capital Mnko your date with tomorrow. * SO Aeencies mer|ed Into 14. most In motoring . . . I no most NEW Improvement! lor roodi, '«rldgei, welfare beauty, roominess, road-worthincm Kind out for yourself why, of the i lervlcei, Bonds tank among top legal invest- * Lgsor-Meneaemenf Intrltute Created, morn Ihnn (|tinrl.er-million owners and all-round performance. You, only of tho New Hudson, 120,000 are menti In the United States. * Greater ia fckdtwn Takfl rond-wnrthlnoM, for oxnmplo: a yoan-ahofld Now Hudson! DOWN DISISM,

Tuesday, November 8th, 1949 lllililrttril; Tht l)u Mont shfflleM POLLS OPEN 7 A. M. TO 8 P. M. EATONTOWN VOTE THE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN .ICKET RADIO J TELEVISION WILKINS MOTOR SALES 17'19 Main Slrotl, tilonlown I'liil l'ii- hj inr Mnnmiiulli (,'uiiiity Ki'iMililii'iiu CoMimilluu Phono Eat 3-0910 432 Brood Street, Rod Bank, N. J. Phono Rod Bank 6-0040 Tin RED MAXK REGISTER, OCTOBER 57, 10-1!) Page Thirteen REMEMBER!! Fisher Against Junior Chamber Formed at Bayshore iDuPont PAINTS I WEEK-END SPECIAL Tour Beating Costs Over Economy in Last Winter JEAN FROCKS Your Fuel Will Cost Township Policy !4 BROAD ST. RED BANK More This Winter States Committee S 00 Rock Wool Insulation WOOL DRESSES 4 Will Cut Your Fuel Cost Can Afford More at Least 25% . . . KELLY BUILDING Local Services LAY AWAY A GIFT TODAY FOR XMAS CALL § 0 Save money and protect zz Samuel M Fisher, Jr., Democratic your home, with Du Pont fl candidate for election to the "OLSON paint. The best and most 9 Shrewsbury township committee, FOR durable paint. jl said this week he compared current —Sold By— thinking as expressed by Republi- INSULATION" can committeemen to stories lie Atlantic Highlands 1-0540 J. H. KELLY COMPANY 1 has heard about ''poor people who First and tiarflelii Aves., died in houses filled with money." . Atlantic Highlands 157 Broad St. Red Bank, N. J. | llr. Fisher said "the attitude ex- pressed by the committeemen cre- A Junior Chamber of Commerce right: Marvin Hauser, Edwin Ban- left to njiht: Ijouis Schwartz, Jr., ates a very similar picture. The was formed last week at Atlantic Held, Clancy Hurlburt, Jr., Conrad William Can1, Alfred F. Amlcrmin, committee has said repeatedly it Highlands. Above are shown tire Shiullpn, state Junior Chamber Howard DcVesty, William D. can't afford certain services be- officers und directors of the. cham- president, nnd Irving B. Zelchner, Buckley, secretary, und David cause of high costs. Yet, the care- 1. They are, front row, left to local chamber president. Top row. Douglas, fully audited township books show a reserve of $120,000 and a cash surplus of at least $90,000. The sur- Mataivun Woman, Sister Luijy Sickles, Mrs. Milton Steven- plus has been built up at the rate son, Mrs. William H. Sutphln, Mrs. of about $20,000 a year." Entertain at Luncheon Warren Vrecland, Mrs. William 2 Groups Formed "I ask you," the candidate said, Wasmuth, Mrs. Carl Gcsswin, Mrs. "does this make our township real- Mrs. J. Raymond Kctchcl of Christian Heuser, Mrs. John Gor- By Federalists ly look like a 'poor-man's town.' Edgomerc dr., Matawnn, nnd her don, Mrs. Emily VourheeH and Mrs. Voei It Does this financial condition really sister, Mrs. Sherman W. Reese of Laura Henderson, all of Mntiuvnti. County Organization mean that v.'e cannot afford to buy Wcstfleld entertained Tuesday at Also Mrs. John Bostock and Mrs. essential services, ones that we be- luncheon and bridge at the Echo Frederick Noble, Holmdel; Mix Makes Two Chapters Remember, cold, wet Painting lieve are vital to our municipal Lake Country club, Wcstflold. Wllllum Clifford, Jr., Coifs Neck; Re-rooting There ire re 2G lables of bridge. The Mrs. Dnvid W. Kussell nnd Mrs. wcalher is hard on the growth? Does It mean we must Because of its growth during our Insulating continue to 'walk down the same luncheon tobies we're gaily decor- Harry c. Tonks, Shrewsbury; Mrs. outside of Y house. TOWN HOUSE (fata* the past year, the. Monmouth coun- Slorm Windov/i old road?" ated in green and gold with fall Ralph L. Shearer, Goose »eck ty ch.-ipter of the United World Now is the time lo put it flowers nnd autumn leaves for ceti- Point and Mrs. Ira D. Llvcrgood, Storm Door» Mr, Fisher !« opposing the re- Federalists baa been divided In in ship-shapo to stand the KEEBLER tDrpieces. Prizes were awarded for Rumson. two branches, the northern nnd Caulking election campaign of Committee high scorer and for ' first dealer, rigors of bad vz-cctlSor. Basement Golden-brown., oval-ihaped.. just right for 2 crumb leu bilttl man George Stevens. southern county chaptcrB. which was determined by high cut WaterprooHnj In a prepared statement, Mr. at each table. , Wcgtficld Man Struck Decision to form two groups was Fisher said he believed "it Is in- made last week when the county difference to such human values as Th» guests from thin area were By Hit-Kim Driver chapter met at the home of Mr. Mrs. Joseph Baler, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Charles Campbell of public welfare that has caused William Robinson of Weslneld, what ho considers to be "growing Bliss, Mrs. ChanninR Clapp, Mrs. Monmouth Hills. Fhone Us Today William R. Craig, Mr* Edward nn employee of Miko Jacobs, Rum- dissatiafation with our township son light promoter, was injured at Mrs. Campbell, who hag been a for Thlt FREE Book administration." Currie, Mrs. Joseph Dcinbcrger, lender in the local organization, Mrs. Gerard Devlin, Mrs. W. Oliver about 11 o'clock last Thursday eve- Wo shall be pleased is Referring to the recent Tinton was elected acting chairman. An u Biggin, Mrs. Raphael C. Devlin, nlhg when struck by a hlt-nnd-run organizational meeting will be held deliver a copy to y° — Falls school fire, Mr. Fisher said Mrs. Paul A. Eyan, Mrs. John ER- driver on Shrewsbury avc., Shrews- shortly. and at th* tarn* tim* "the blaze and the fighting of it bury. look OT« with you what gleston, Mrs. Justine Eggleston, For tho benefit of new mem- gave mute testimony to the town- Mrs. Howard Erdmnnn, Mrs. Rich- According to slate police, your home neod» to pro- ship's dire need for better fire ap- bers, Mrs. Campbell explained tho ttet it against winter ard Erdmann, Mrs. Ralph Heriick, Shrewsbury barracks, Mr. Robin- functions and activities oC Federal- paratus—and particularly such Mrs. Edward Hunt, Mrs. Conrad w*ath*r. basic equipment as good hose." The son had just helped his wife into ists on the international, nation;il, Johannsen, Mrs. Hairy Knhn, Mrs. their cur and was going around state und county levels. She placed fire protection problem, lie assert- Elmore Kattncr. Mr?. Marguerite ed, "has been approached with re- the ci.r to get in on the driver's emphasis on Federalist proposals Laird, Mrs. William C. Uidl, Mrs. side when he w«s hit. in view of recent developments nt luctance by the committee, al- Garrett McKccn, Sr., Mrs- Allan SATTER LUMBER COMPANY though there has been a belated Ho was taken to Rlverviciv hos- the ntiim bomb ami the co-ordina- Morrison, Mrs. James Neil, Mrs. pital by tho Red Bank First Aid tion between United World Fed- promise for new apparatus, what Philip Neidlinger, Mrs. William C. 205 WEST FRONT STREET RED BANK, N. J. kind no one knows." squad and later transferred to Fit- eralists and the American associa- Pengel, Mrs. William Rabel, Mrs. kin hospital. tion for the United Nations. PHONE RE 6-0177 Another basic problem In thp township that "has gone wanting and undisturbed," Mr. Fisher said, "Is public, health. Here, a recent TO CHOOSE survey showed 13 of 367 residents X-rayed were tubercular suspect*. A good average would have, been one In 100. With this, who Is on A CHRISTMAS CARD.. hand to care for public nursing?— a part-time practical nurse who divides her time between three or (hot teds yovr friend you cored enough to send the very best four municipalities." The candl I. ill OM «ii)M

.,: * ;<•&.,. ItsTbpS-from the bottom up!

Don"t wait until the last miniltn to do your Christina* «hop- pln),'—you muy be disappointed. Wine shopper* aro selecting their gifts now and mine our convenient J.ay-Away Plan. By choosing your Rifts now you avoid the inevitable Christmas ru»h und dwindling storks. We Invito you to look over our store today, no matter how much or Mow little you plan to upend, you'll find a perfect Klft here. In addition to our famou* low price policy, While turn convenient payment planit to suit every Imdirct. t'omo rf . . , Inspect our complete linn of Nationally known furniture, rug* and appliance* today! A nmnll deposit holds any Item lot you until Christmas!

Delivered her*—at new lower Golden Anniversary prices, you on buy this 135 IIP Packard Eight, i!x-p»»sengcr jClub Sedan for only Fact fo remember! When you look ata car, any car, you only see abput

Naylor's Esso Servicenter Vim. M. Howie Angelo's Service Station

First Ave. Blvcr Bd. * Smith St. Shrewsbury Av, ft Catherine St, MORE COMFORT! ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. FAIR HAVJ5N, N. J. RED HANK, N. 3. MORE PROTECTION! GREATER FUEL SAVINGS! B.cauie WeatherBeal'i ftntiUi* Inter. Highlands Esso look eomlruclion pvrmanontly nail cut Currier's Esso Station cold air, loot and grime, you en|oy Station Esso Service, Ltd. •?en, drclMiee temperature In every Servicenter loom , , . and .mailer fuel faille. Every Front & Sprlnj Sti. Weather-Seal li cu.tom.bullt ol Calllor* Bny Avo. Ave. nla Dedwood to III bailer, look belter, 11ED HANK, N. J, and le quaranleed In writing. HIGHLANDS, N, .T. BKD BANK, N. 3. Call Today for FREE EiMmaU! You'll bt mrprlitd haw Ultto It coili to 5 Times Better qtt th« combination thai fllyei you Shinn's Esso WAN THE NEXT BESTI mor* lor your monty. Triangle Esso Station P&T Esso Servicenter EASY MONTHL Y PA YMENTSI Servicenter t«n llmoi bailor than moil In Illvor ltd. * CiiHon 81 nivemlde Ave. ti W. front St, 124 Bhrownlmry Ave. reducing nlr loakagt at wind JIUM3ON, N, .1. ItKl) HANK, N. 3. m:i) HANK, N. 3. velocity ol 25 m.p.h., accord- Ing lo testa conducted by Pill* burgh Ttitlmj Laboratory, RE 6-4031 Rumson Esso Station Bridge Esso Station Shrewsbury Esso Station •

ii/vor ltd, & Allen Bt. Urldfco Avc, tt Itootor VI. llrond HI, ,| JUC1) HANK, N, 3, H. L. ZOBEL CO. 11UMMON, N. rf, BIIUKWHIIUHV, N 3. • Miller Bros. Esso JOK MOW Fair Haven Esso Station Beal & Hoitz 31 E. MAIN ST. PHONE 8-0171 FREEHOLD, N. J. Servicenter HI, Hli A Mnpln Avc, 1110 MAIN ST. BRADLEY BEACH, N. J. Illvi'i' ltd. HI. <1A * Mve Corncra t'AIU HAVUN, N. J, PHONE ASBURY PARK 2-2565 N, N. J, KKVI'OIIT, K.J, BED BANK HEfiJSTKH, OOTOBKR 27, 30-19 Page Fifteen "KEEP IN PACE WITH PACE" For Institution the grONfl receipts t;tx its ;i mtmns tit paying the veterans' bonus. They IT'S THE Many Prizes Auxiliary Favors Against luhrlrd this tnx ;is a 'Vicious mul- DANCE tiple stroke of unlimited taxation In a newsletter, Koing: to all of possibilities." They would support PACE SOS* For Halloween State Bond Issue Its members this week, thp New a veterans' bonus which would bo • *"*^*fcB STUDIOS Also Endorses Jersey Farm bureau announced the paid at a time of greater need and unanimous vote of its board of di- one that would be paid by a onc- For EXPEPsT instruction; ir i\\ tne latest bailroom steps . . , Fox Trot, Red Bank 6-0OO1 Parade, Party Insurance Plans rectors on the three t efel end urn cr.nt soft-drink tax. issues appcnrinK un Lhc ballot in Walrz, Lindy, Rhumb*, Samoa, Tanqo, etc. Private or cla>'j instruc- Grand Prize to Be $23; Resolutions concerning the state the coming election. Upholding the traditional farm- 17 Broad St., Red Bank er opinion, the organization op- tion-,, rM'.ninn'e rute-,. Vi^'t or pro^e cur 'Audio for a free dene* Eaiontown Woman's bond issue for hospitals and in- The farm organization supports 1 posed the. low rental housing Issuo anal'/;;-,. Hour, 1-5, 6-10 P. M. stitutions and for Insurance plans the institution. ! referendum statin? feeling that it would in no way Club in Charge of the state and the American Med- that New .Jersey citizens can no encourage home ownership and, if Gay ;oc'al ' cjet-tcqe'her, ' for a'l pupils. ical association were approved at longer neglect their obligation to anything, would discourage it. They A great variety of prizes' for vflri- a recent meeting of the auxiliary of provide the needed facilities for THE PACE STUDIOS of DANCING oiu "go groups, nnd family groups recognized a need for housing J; the Monmouth County Medlcnl so- the state's welfare institutions. lower monthly cost but would it HHOAJi ST., RED BASH 7'HONR RE 6-0844 "ill be awarded at (he third an- ciety. The meeting, a membership They say that the need has been nual Halloween parade and party rather sec a more sound Btate pro- All InMructinii Guarantee*!. tea, was held at Auxiliary hall, established and that it is the re- gram, which would encourage morn of the Woman's Community club Long Blanch. sponsibility of our society to pro- Monday at Eatontown. The event, building by Individuals in the low- The following resolutions were vide the new and improved facili- er income hracket. which featured a poster contest passed: "Be it resolved that, the ties. and a window-painting contest, is Woman's Auxiliaiy to the Mon- The organization's board of di- "(uiiil milieu y sponsored by the club youth con- mouth County Medical society has 'rMi lii" «llh R Ad*." — I servatlon committee. gone on record as endorsing th». rectors maintained its stand HKuinaL Advertisement, The parade will start Monday hospital bond Issue which will ap- night at 6:30 o'clock In front ot pear on the ballot, Nov. 8; Eatontown Methodist church. "And be it resolved that, the RED BANK. Nancy Tupper, riding horse-back, Woman's Auxiliary to the Mon- will ho the lender. At (he borough mouth County Medical society, ur- Bittersweet 'parking lot costumes will be judged gently calls attention to the Medi- by a committee headed by Mayor cal Society of New Jersey to the Bliss Price and borough council Medical-Surgical plan of New Jer- IS HERE men. Edward McSeelcy will be sey, and to the need for immediate, master of ceremonies. rapid extension of this plan to all There will be prizes |n all eight eligible groups and families and in- Due To The Great divisions, including two children's dividuals, sleds, dolls, Mickey Mouse watches, "And be it resolved that, the Demand . . . We Are "It Isn't a Hallowe'en stunt, Jfr. Curie?. I Just can't keep (he plain wrist watches for older chil- Woman's Auxiliary to the Mttil- Nylon Blouses office cat out of the rubber stamp pad we got from Tetlcy's." dren, two cameras, roller skates, mouth County Medical society, footballs, setvintr kits, radios, ::. bi- herein rcaflrms its belief in the Again Featuring • Selling Office Supplies. cycle light and horn, a girl's American Medical Association poli- shoulder bag, a wallet lov a boy cy, and the Medical Society of New to and a girl, flashlights and a pen Jersey policy of expansion of vol- BITTERSWEET and pencil set. All these prize* and untary prc-payment medical insur- 5.95 10.95 contributions of money have been ance plans which can most econom- Large Bunch — 75c EXECUTOR'S SALE OF given by club members, Eatontown ically provide maximum high stand- merchants and residents. Prizes ard mudical care to the American were selected so that there will be people." two sets of prizes in each division, Mrs. Irving Bacr of Fair Haven one for a girl, and one for a boy. Is president of the auxiliary. Mem- PERSONAL PROPERTY The grand prize is $25 cash. Win- bers attending from this area wore ners in the family division will re- Mrs. James W. Parker, Sr., Mrs. James W. Parker, Jr., Mrs. H. O. The undersigned Executor of the last will and testament of Eleanor ccive 50. Prizes for adults include a dinner for two at Old Orchard Wiley, Mrs Sidney Hodas, Mra. Knowlen, deceased, will sell at Public Auction all personal property be- Country club, a ham, an African Ellas Long, Mrs. E. M. White, Jr., violet house plant and an auto- Mrs. Victor Siegcl, Mrs Samuel Ad- LITTLE SILVER «" RED BANK 6-1832 longing to Raid decedent on: mobile flic extinguisher. ler and Mrs. Edward Salmeri of Red Bank, Mrs. E. E. Navarra of Classes In Floral Arrangement Now In Progrtti At the fire house, parade parti- Bumson and Mrs. D. W. McCrelght, cipants will be served elder, dough- Mrs. Joseph Tobln and Mrs. John nuts, lollypops, and will get favors. Mohair of Marlboro. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th The window painting contest will be Saturday in charge of Mrs. Nor- Starting at 10:30 A. M. man Stofflct and Mrs. J. N. Wol- Sale to be held at the late residence of Eleanor Knowles at: cott, Jr. Judges are Mrs. Loon B. Pupils Invited Smock, Jr.. Mrs. W. B. Gorsuch, 386 BATH AVE., LONG BRANCH, N. J. Jr., Mrs. Ruth Phillip]) and Fred Steclmnn. To College Tea Grandfather's Clock, Oriental (Persian-Chinese) Domestic Rugs, General chairmen of the parade Coffee Table (Walnut), Occasional Living Room Chairs, Fireplace Set, arc Mrs. Robert Dangler and Mrs. University Women Bookcases (Sectional), Banjo Clock, Table and Floor Lamps, Bric-a- L. J. Giacloetto. To Sponsor Program Brac, 1 Electric Vacuum Cleaners (Hoover), Oil Paintings, Smoking Stands, Tables, Tapestries, Settees, Hall Runners, End Tables, Silver- Leonardo P.T.A. The Northern Monmouth county branch, American association of wart (Sterling and Plated), 9-piece Dining Room Set, Glassware, China- Plans Book Exhibit University Women, will hold their Your pick of the finest denier nylon blouses m ware, Vases, Electric Household Appliances, Frlgidalre 8', Kltchenware, annual tea for prc-collcge students, For the third year in succession aifher nylon tricot or crepe. Whether for desk Typewriter—portable (Corona) with case, Studio Couch, Radios—table the Leonardo Parent-Teachers as- who are now pupils at high schools sociation will hold a book exhibit In this area. The event will be models, Chests of Drawers, Tea Wagon, Sewing Machine (Singer), Elec- held Monday afternoon, Nov. 7, at work or dress time, you'll love a nylon blouse that tric Washing Machine, Linens (Bed arid Table), Desk, Boudoir Chairs, and sale Monday, Nov. 14, at Leo- nardo grade school. The 'increased 3 o'clock, at the Red Bank Meth- needs no pampering, no pressing, and dries quick Dressers, Vanities, Wardrobes, Trunks, pair Four-poster (Pineapple) interest in this event hus prompt- odist Fellowship hall, Beds (Mahogany.) Bedroom sets of twin and double beds complete with ed preparations for a greater num- Mrs. A. Jackson Lindslcy Is as a wink, Choose your favorite tailored and frilly innerspring mattresses. Contents of Trunks, Drawers, Boxes and ber and variety of books. chairman, and announces that Miss styles with either club or Peter Pan collar, or jewel CloMti, Garden Tools, Pictures, Books, Cut Glassware, Porch Furniture The emphasis is placed on chil- Julia. E. Read, personnel director dren's books. An outstanding list of the College of ,St. Elizabeth, will neckline—in long and short slaeve lengths. Many (Metal and Wicker), Mirrors, Cabinets, and many other Items Including of the best in young people's lit- be the speaker. Sophomores, Jun- everything from cellar to attic. erature will be prepared and avail- iors and seniors of the following styles with ruffled trims and snap-in shoulder pads. able for sale, A library nlm will high schools have been Invited: All Items shall be removed from the premises at conclusion of sale. be presented In connection with Red Bank, Red Bank Catholic high • ALL FINISHES Executor and Auctioneers shall not.be responsible In-event ofaccident the event by Miss Maisie RUcy, school, Rumson, Atlantic High- Mlddletown township high school lands, Mlddletown .township, Key- or injury, however occasioned, to any person or persons In, on or gbout librarian. The exhibit is being held port, Matawan and Long Branch. • ALL SIZES In white, pint, grey, lighr blue, qreen, luggag*. the premises, Lunch will be served. in connection with National Book More than 250 young women are Sizes 32 to 40. and Education week, expected. By Order of Mrs. James Ronaldson of New Assisting the chairman are Mrs. Monmouth is chairman of the com- Thomas H. Lafon, branch presi- C. BYRON BLAISDELL, M.D., Executor mittee in charge. Assisting her are dent; Mrs. John Spurdlc, Mrs. Ken- Mrs. James Glllespie and Mrs. Gil- neth Almy, Mrs. Donald English, Paints-Wallpaper MILTON ARTHUR STEIN, Attorney Bcvunil Floor bert Serbe, New Monmouth; Mrs. Mrs. John Morresy; Mrs. Walter 26 MONMOUTH ST. William Mackey and Mrs. Robert Ingram and Mrs. G. Donald Pag- Sale under the direction of Runyon, Belford; Mrs. William dln. Klarin's Phone 6-3838 Red Bank B. 0. COATS Auctioneers J. W. BURNS Hatfleld and Mrs. Frank Barnard, Leonardo and Mrs. Harry Cravor, Georgia has voted Democratic mttmi

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"Conic One • Come All" SOUTH ST. SEA BRIGHT Christian Science COME ONE —COME ALL ADMISSION 50c Reading Room And Bring A Fricnc 42 Broad St., K«d Hank, N. S. REFRESHMENTS The adults from left to right arc Mrs. William D. Sayre, Mrs. Owen B. Gibson, Mrs. James Ro- bottom and Mis3 Barbara Sayre. Information canaining c/mrcfi services, WILL BE SERVED The annual Halloween party fo: vision of Mrs. Gibson chairman, free public lectures, and other Christian present were Miss Margaret Cam- AFFILIATED REPUBLICAN CLUBS I cerebral palsy patients was hcli assisted by Mrs, A. Jackson Lincls- arata, speech therapist for the Science activities also available. i Tuesday at the Garfield Courl ley, Mr.". Norman Stofllct, Mrs. State Commission for Cerebral OF I clinic, JjOnp Branch. Twenty chij- Robert Ttirnbull, Mrs. Ronottom Palsy, and Mrs. George L, Van ; ilren attended as guests of the Jun and Mrs. Raymond Moore. Other.; SEA BRIGHT ;' ior Service League of Rod Bank Deuscn of Fair Haven. The children wore dressed fop th occasion in versions of ghosts, witches and goblins. Gathered around a witch's caul dron, the children presented a play adapted tram "MncBelh." The. play was directed by Miss Sayre, phys- ical therapist. Many games were played and prizes awarded. The party was under the auper- Pupils Review Curriculum Ideas lair Latvn Methods TEL. 6-0508 $3-95 T0 S5.95 , Explained lo P.T.A. MARKETS TEL. 6-5292 William H. Meskill, assistant - They're soft, safe and principal of the Fair Lawn schools, and a group of eight junior high 21 W. FRONT ST. RED BANK 112 MONMOUTH ST. Sizes S to «. /v V 17 •/ 7 school pupils from that communi- ty spoke on "The Core Curriculum" at a meeting of Atlantic Highlands Deliveries Will Be Made From Front Street Store Only $4 75 Cute as a Kitten Parent-Teacher association at the These immaculate little white high school last Thursday. The core curriculum in ft cor- liigh shoes arc soft as kitten fur relation of teaching such subjects ROASTING or FRYING 3 . *a s BRUSSELS on baby's feet. Easy to clean, as civics, English and social science together; mathematics and expertly fitted. Economical, because science; home economics and Buster Brown's quality makes health, and art and manual train- them last longer. ing. The pupils discussed their SPROUTS point of view of giving their re- actions to the core method of: at- tacking principles of study. Mr. CHICKENS Meskill has been at Fair Lawn schools for the past two years, and Footcraft Shoes has recently completed a year and a-half of work in the study fleld (1'INE SHOES SINCE 1891) of the core curriculum. FRESH Tho P.T.A. 1949-50 program will JERSEY HEADQUARTERS FOR OFFICIAL give emphasis to the relationship between the home, the school and 5 • 6 Ll». BOY AND GIRL SCOUT SHOES community life. Plans are complete for the hoe- Size down which the P.T.A. will spon- FOWL 86 Broad St. Phone 6-2873 Ked Bank sor at the high school gym Fri- QUART day, Now 4. ALL GREEN SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD - %-tt». Print LARGE MEDIUM JERSEY CALIFORNIA BUTTER 66" E G G S 55CARROT' S RED. BANK Bunches For T-BONE PRIME FRESH ROAST OR RIBS CHOPPED Special Sale SIRLOIN TOP or BOTTOM of Winter Coats STEAK BEEF BEEF ROUND CALIFORNIA 35.00 79 lb. 63 43 lb. 79 lb. JUICY

Regular Values 55.00 and 59.00 LOIN LOIN CENTER S^^^, LEMONS VEAL LAMB PORK CHOPS 69' Substantial savings on all-wool women's coats made of fine Eng- LEG OR RUMP GENUINE lish tweeds and virgin wool broad- lb lb DOZEN cloth. All fabrics yarn-dyed. Each coat is excellently detailed for VEAL 49 LEG LAMB 63 HOME GROWN perfect lit and fang wear. Choose ROME BEAUTY PMIJK 01 JKK.SKY your favorite color in either fitter! HUB CITY COLI,E<;KTOWN WKNDKLL or boxy sty I p. .Junior and misses' sizes. CRANBERRY SOLID PACK APPLE TOILET APPLES Lbs. For SAUCE . TOMATOES SAUCE TISSUE

/• Iwn' 2 CANS 27° 2 CANS 33' 2 CANS 27' 4 ROLLS 25' 7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXII, NO. 17. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 SECTION THREE—PAGES 1 TO 16 LaVoie Elected Lions.Club Will Take Farrell Assails Westside Hose Burns Mortgage Children to Parade Belleville Man The Middletown township Lions Board Trustee club announced Tuesday night G.O.P. Platform that it will supply transportation At Riverview to township children who wish to Policy as 'Vague' take part in the HallowceVi parade Killed At Keyport DeRidder Reports Monday night at Red Bank. Says People Want Full A $20 donation was made to help Campaign Drive purchase a television set for the Informal ion; Points Boys' homo at Jamcsburg. > The Walter H. Powell, Jr., Dies of Reaches $274,109 club will honor the New Monmouth To Record Progress Girl Scout troop Nov. 1 at which time the troop will be given a flag. Mayor Thomas Farrell of Sea Broken Neck in Motorcycle Crash Stephen D. LaVolc, owner of the Bright, a Democrat seeking fourth Lavoie laboratories, Matawan, was term re-election, this week criti- Walter H. Powell, Jr., 29, of unanimously elected a trustee of cized the platform advanced by his Riverview hospital last night at Belleville, 5on-in-law of Mrs. John Gov. Praises .Republican opponents as •'vagup W. Bordon of Parker ave., Little the Molly Pitcher hotel. and lacking in sincerity." Young Democrats Wiivi-r, il:n.| of a broken r.tr.k last Particularly attacked by the night when a motorcycle he was Two Officials mayor was a statement by Council' operating crashed into the rear of man John H. Hocter, who, as At Long Branch a. truck parked on route 33, near spokesman for four G. O. P. can- Six Corners, Keyport. His wife, For County Work didates, said in a recently published Mrs. Phyllis Wright Powell, re- statement: "We want the voters to Fete Bliss Price ceived minor head injuries. Recognizes Service know what we want to do and hope Testimonial Provides Robert L. Scott of Laurel ave., to do for them, and not concern West Ke.-insburg, driver of the Of Doiinan McFaddin, them at this time with unnecessary Soiiree of Attack truck, told Keyport police that he details." stopped his vehicle on the high- J. Russell Woollcy "Details," the mayor said, "are Against County Paper way for repairs. He said he heard what the people want. They want the noise of brakes and saw that Praise for two Monmouth county Katontown's Miiyur F. Bliss I tho motorcycle had crashed into officials came today from Gov. Al- to know how their government Price, Democratic candidate for works. I never have believed thore I large pieces of lumber which ex- fred E. Driscoll, who listed their county clerk. Thursday night was tended from tho rear of the truck. offices among the most efficiently are 'unnecessary details.' I think honored at a dinner in Paddock operated in the state. The two are the public is entitled to know just lounge, Long Branch. H. U Christian of Atlantic High- how and why planning is done. I'. lands, a truck driver who witness- Surrogate Dorman McFaddin and Sponsored by tho Long Blanch ed tho crash, told police that Scott County Clerk J. Russell Woollcy. always has been my policy to keep Yuiin;: Men's Democratic club, them fully informed. That policy had a red flag on tho back of his The state's chief executive said AVestsido Hoso company bad reason for joy Sunday. It marked the finish of a 27-year-uld mort- presentations included a pen and continues." pencil .scl. to Mayor Price and a truck. that tho two men were among the gage on tho building. Shown burning the mortgage is Councilman J. Albert VanScholk, chairman uf The Keyport first aid squad was most conscientious lie had met and Mayor Farrell is contested in the the borough's fire committee and a charter member of the Hose company. With him, left to right, are bouquet of dowers to his wife. Nov. 8 election by Council Presi- summoned and took Mr. and Mrs. predicted that they would have no John Oakcs, Mrs. Emma Verntll, Poter Celli, vice president of the company; Andrew DePonti, president Thc affair was attended by .illPowell to tho otllco of Dr. F. W. diflleulty In being re-elected next dent Neils .Tacnhsen, Republican, of the company, and Angelo Ciaglia. assistant engineer. Bohind them is William McKnighl. Mrs. Democratic candidates at the Holman of Keyport. Mr. Powell month. for thr mayoralty. Both parties Vornell is the only lady fireman in the stato on tho active list, she joined the company after her hus- county love!. Assembly aspirants have three council candidates- was pronounced dead on arrival. The governor pointed out that band died from Injuries received when fighting a fire. Tho burning was occasion for an "open house" Amos Krnybill, Jr., and William The Puwells were on their way neither men has ever evaded re- Harry Lovgren, Lawrence McCor- celebration at which Fire Chief Dominick Figaro headed a group of Red Bank fire fighters who visited Russell were present as were El- to visit Mrs. Borden. Mr. Powell sponsibility as he remarked that mlck and John E. Donnelly, foMhe the company to offer congratulations. mer II. Gcran, candidate for sur-was boin at Bridgeport, Conn., son Stephen D. LaVole both are the high type of public Democrats, and Councllmen Daniel rogate, and Edgar F. "Skclly" of Walter H. and Jeannette C. servants exemplified by the Repub- Pearson and Hocter and William West, candidate for freeholder. All Powell. He was employed by the Freeholder James S. Parkcs, lican party. Each has shown keen (Marty) Cousins, for the Repub- Stamp Exhibit Opens Young ltcpultlieuus lo spoke in praise of the honored Hanover Manufacturing company chairman of the board of trustees, interest in giving the fullest meas- licans. Opposing a council candi- Republicans Hold guest, as did Mrs. Katharine Elkus of Newark and was a member of announced that Mr. LaVoie will ure of service to the people of date of both parties is Ralph Law- Tonight at Borough Hall Hack Loeal Candidates White nnd Paul Kiernan, state the American Motorcycle associa- give the hospital an electromyo- Monnrouth county, he said. rence, independent. commlltccwonian nnd state com- tion. graph, used for diagnosis of polio. Gov. Driscoll cited McFaddin's In an outspoken criticism of the The Mdnmouth County Phila- The Young Republican club of mittccniiin. telic society will open its stamp ex- Candidates' Night Red Bank, nt a meeting last night, There are no survivors other Mr. Farkes said the machine, which returning his paychecks when the G. O. P. platform, Mayor Farrell Featured speaker of the evening than his wife and parents. Funeral is now being made at the Lavoie said: hibition tonight at the Red Bank passed a resolution to support thc was Edward •'• Patten, Middlesex surrogate was a member of the borough hall. The exhibit will be arrangements are in charge of the laboratory, will be delivered to the board of Freeholders. Ho called "The Republicans have proposed local Republican candidates for county clerk nnd former mayor of Wordcn funeral home. hospital when completed. The only this a "gesture unparalleled in the that a new South Beach sea wall open from 7:30 until 10 o'clock to- In Rumson Boro council, Everett Baynton nnd John Perth Amboy. Hi* remarks urging other elcctromyograph in the coun- state." His sincerity in serving tho be built 'without any financial ob- night and tomorrow night and L. Montgomery, in addition to llir- support of Sen. Elmer H. Weno for from 1 p. m. until 9 p. m. Satur- Cuiuiniiig, Running rcst of the Republican ticket. governor in order to bring "power ty is at Monmouth Memorial hos- people of Monmouth county is note- ligation to the borough.' That is 1 pital. worthy, Gov. Driscoll commented, ridiculous. I also insist sea wall day. Club member. ; stressed the im-and p&lronngc" to the Democratic Two Streets The fields of study on exhibition For Mayor, Explains portance of Monmouth county in party drew criticism this week The machine, which can pick up, and recommends him highly for re- protection Is needed there. But the borough must assume its fair will include postal issues of the tho coming election and stated from Attorney General Theodore amplify and present in graphical election. Local Operations D. Parsons. Mr. Parsons said Pat- McFaddin was former mayor of United States and Canada, first day that members of all Republican Excepted in form the minute electrical Impulses (Continued on Page 2) covers, stampless covers, post- clubs should get out and work for ten's remarks wero •'typical of the which occur in conjunction with his home city of Long Branch, un- More than 300 persons packed Hague-machine altitude on gov- dersherlff of Monmouth county, a marks, tropical collections, histor- Red Men's hall at Rumson last all the party's candidates. muscular activity, is used for diag- ical collections, philatelic oddities, ernment." nosis of polio, as a dosage meter former member of the Monmouth night at the "Meet Your Candi- Members of the club passed a Zoning Change County Board of Freeholders and revenues and others. motion by Stuart Edington to fur- At a Democratic rally in Oak- for certain drugs and to estimate Oceanport Club dates' Nig>ht" ot the Rumson Re- hurst Tuesday. Mr. Kiernan as- recovery. then its director of welfare and The official program, which will publican club. Speakers Included nish transportation to the polls nn Middletown Concedes bridges. He was instrumental in tin sold includesV list of exhibits, former Mnyor Van R. Halsoy, who election day for any person wish-!* what ho called tho .ilt.or- J. Raymond DeRidder, general membership in the society, a cou- ing to vote, regardless of party af- "nc.v pencnil'.'i "hig hullnbaloo" To Belford Group- chairman of the hospital's special having the first Long Branch Sponsors Talks spoke in behalf of Gov. Alfrod E. over Mr. Patten's remarks. The police radio system installed and pon entitling the owner to an op-Driscoll and county and state can- filiation. Names of those in charge! gifts committee, said that as of portunity of winning 50,000 stamps speaker said Mr. Parsons was the Parking Discussed now, $274,109 has been pledged or was one of the organizers of the didates; Mayor J. Edward Wilson, of transportation in each district! (lrst to make mention of patron- Chamber of Commerce. By Candidates and voting for the most popular who is not a candidate for re-elec- will be nnnounccd later. An amendment to the Middle- received in cash in the $500,000 item in the exhibit. age. Of the fact that the victorious drive to erect a new hospital. Woollcy, the governor declared, tion; Councilman Petel',]fl, BffOy'nit yFjeflldent Thomns Oakley pre- party appoints judges and other town township zoning ordinance is deserving o£ attention because Council Opponents ming, the Republican 'candidate for sided.' The next meeting will be state oflicers, Mr. Kiernan assert was passed on final reading yester- Ho reported the campain is go-of his personal care In all matters held Nov. 16. ing'well in some areas but not so mayor; Ch,arlcs B. Harding and rd, "There':; nothing new about day afternoon, followed by the regardless of their significance ov To Speak on Same Francin J. Nary, running to sue that." introduction of another amend- well in others. Mr. DeRidder pre- magnitude. The governor said that Legion Endorses dicted that if federal aid is forth- ceed themselves on tho council, and The state committceman partic- ment making Clarcmont and Cald- he had heard innumerable excellent Platform Nov. 2 Neil W. Chichestcr, candidate for well avenues, Belford, business dis- coming the .plans to proceed with comments by those on both sides ularly nssiiilcd the Asbury Park construction can Start within 45 Special 'Week' assessor. John W. Carton, Jr., pres- Eatontown Acts Press. Urging his listeners to "gotricts. The second amendment was of the political fence praising the So voters can see and hear their ident of the club presided. held in abeyance 60 days unless days. Of the $50,000 pledge of thecounty clerk for loyal and efficient local candidates prlo^ to the Nov. out and toll the pcoplo our story,' medical staff to fully equip a sur- 8 election, the Borough Commun- 'American Education' Declaring that this is no time Mr. Kiernan declared "We cannot pressing need for action arises. service. for complacency, all tho speakers To Tighten got it from tho Asbury Park Press A petition asking a change on gical suite in tho new hospital, Tho governor said that he hadity club of Oceanport will conduct Observance Planned $28,277 of this amount is in cash, a "candidates' night" mass meeting urged the voters to go to the polls and I say that with all considera- Claremont and Caldwell avenues read newspaper comments of the election day and also to work for tion to tho very many fine report- was presented by Arthur Glass. It Mr. DeRidder reported. county clerk's activities and par-at the public school, Wolf Hill rd., American Education week will he Zoning Laws next Wednesday night. observed in Rod Bank and adjoin- the good of the party by 'getting ers on that paper. Some will not contained 32 signatures. A decision whether tho hospital ticularly ^ommonted on one news their neighbors to vote. give it to you straight. They lay Committecmen Crawford Comp- will receive state aid will be an item which related Woolley's dis- All local candidates have agreed ing communities from Nov. 6 to Increase Mininiunis .Nov. 12. This was made known After the specchmaking, an en- for you to say a word and twist ton and Walter Bills were appoint- nounced the fli'st of next month, regard for his own life in push- to address the gathering, which nnd turn it," ed to look into a parking situation according to Mr. Parkcs, who said will start at 8 p. m., the club said. Monday night when Shrewsbury tertainment was given by profes- ing West Long Branch Mayor For All Sections; Questioned by Thc Register yes- in front of the Leonardo grade the matter has been taken up with James R. Mount out of danger last The candidates are: post, American Legion, met at Its sionals through arrangements _by Riverside avc. home. Douglas E. Craik. terday, Mr. Kiernnn criticized a school. Tho board of education Sanford Bates, state commissioner winter in New York when the lat- For mayor, Kenneth Riddle, Re- More Cliiinj;rs Due news story appearing in Tuesday's asked the committee to stop park- of Institutions and Agencies. He ter walked into the path of a fast publican incumbent, now seeking Commander Frank L. Innacelli announced at the mcatinng that the Eatontown'^ mayor and council Asbury Park Press in which sev- ing on Hosford ave. in front of reported that Mr. Bates at first moving taxlcab. re-election without opposition. For eral county lawyers were named tho grade .school to clear up a con- showed hesitancy as the estimated council, Coucilmen Arthur Crochet, post is asking mayors In tho com- last night took the first stop toward "These nve the things," the gover- munity to issue proclamations In tightening up Its zoning ordinance. probnble prosecutors In the gested traffic condition. costs of Riverview construction nor said, "which win well deserved Democrat, and Harry S. Koch, Jr., event of a Weno victory. Mr. Kier- It was then that Mr. Bills and were much lower than the esti- both seeking re-election, and Fred this regard. The post is contacting By adopting a temporary amend- recognition and friends." ment lo the ordinance, council nan said no commitments have Mr. Compton mentioned a situa- mates of other hospitals seeking The county clerk's office returns Zito, Republican, opposing Mr. civic, fraternal and Parent-Teacher boon made. He declared it was histion where better parking facili- aid. However, said Mr. Parkcs, the Crochet. associations, asking their assistance voted to increase the. minimum size huge profits to tho county as tlio of houses to 8(10 square feet. opinion that the story was writ- ties might be provided for eight Riverview architect conferred with result of successful operation, The club, a non-political organi- in the week's observance. ten and published in "an attempt (Continued on pago 2) Mr, Bates and convinced him the zation made up of independent tax- Due to a request of the post made In the previous ordinance, 60 which, tho governor pointed out, re- to Walter Heade, "The Bed Men- th ii to ljrcalt (lown thc morale ot thc estimates are in order. payers, has slated It "does not and square feet was the minimum. In j m(m county , flects credit on its director. ace," a 90-mlnutc feature movie, addition, another section or the >' ln»ycrs who are Mr. Parkes announced that the Besides being county clerk, will not take sides for or against any candidate for ofllce." will bo shown at Red Bank's Strand borough wa.s increased from 800 toworking for the Democratic Newark Accident late Jacques Cohen of Rumson has Woolley is borough clerk for We.U theater Nov. 8, 9, and 10, in connec- 1.000 square feet. This area in- party." Such appointments, he ex- Long Branch and once served as In calling the public meeting It 1 11 11 left the hospital $40,000. The exe- tion with the week-long abscrvance. cludes property fronting on Broad P. , '"' ' "'"' not be considered un- cutive board was given authority clerk of the board of Freeholders, said: "The club considers it desir- Other business of tho meeting in- tl] thls wintcr In tho Injures Five to use tho money as it sees best. able to provldo in any contested St., Rose court, Reynolds Dr., Mon- he said, "w-e arc makin meantimeg ever. y cluded making plans for the regu- mouth rd., Mnin st.. Tinton nve. Mr. Parkes requested organiza- election an opportunity where the lar Armistice day observance at Wyckoff rd, and Elizabeth park- effort to win the election." Eatonlowii Man's Car tions wishing to purchase special voters can hear the candidates Red Bank borough hall, to be con- way. items for the new hospital to actCarr Brothers slate their cases." The statement Hammed by Truck added: ducted by the Legion at 11 a. m. Both Ilic SOO nnd 1,000 square- quickly,' as many of theso things Lawrence Collins, vice com- foot mininiunis are for one-story Ruby Lane Co. Three Rumson and two Eaton- have already been pledged. Settle for $3,000 "In that way each voter can gain mander and program committee dwellings. For Iwo-stoiy buildings, town residents were injured at Tho following items and their direct knowledge of the qualifica- chaianan, instituted a new winter respective mininiunis arc 1,200 Newark Monday when the car in costs are still available as memor- Suit Was Against tions and tho objectives of those feature of tho post. He showed n square feel. To Move by Dec. 1which they were riding was struck ial donations: one emergency oper- who are running for office and then film, "Prelude to War," the first In by a trailer-truck. ating room at $7,500; two delivery Army Sgt. in Japan exercise his or her best judgment a scries to be shown at winter and After tin ordinance change was read by Borough Atorney Howard Store at 50 Broad St. Harry J. Leo, 29, of 35 Irvlnjj pi., rooms at $9,000 each; ono labor when marking the ballot." spring meetings. Eatontown, was driving tho car. room.at $7,500; a nursery unit at Dr. John Carr and his brother, Each candldata will speak for a Announcement was made that •W. Roberts, Mayor F. Bliss Price Now Being iteinodeled William Carr, of Leonardo this explained that the action wn.s but Newark police said he was not In- $14,000; 19 bassinets, seven private maximum of 15 minutes, and nothe county Legion will hold a mili- jured, but the five passengers In rooms at $5,000 each; 31 seml-pri- week accepted $3,000 In settlement debates between candidates will bo tary ball at Asbury Park Conven- Peter H. B. Cummlng "a temporary stop gap." He said The building at 50 Broad st. Is of a suit against Derald Snook. ho and thc council currently nro being completely renovated and his car, Including a three-year-old •vate rooms at $2,500 each; 11 ward permitted, tho club said. All ques- tion hall Nov. 12. remodeled by tho H. A. Hendrick- boy and a five-year-old girl, were beds at $1,000 each; three nurses' Tho suit was in connection with tions desired to bo asked should bo Mr. Halsoy said the Republican busy studying Ocean township's an automobile accident on Route party in Mr. Driscoll has ono ofvoluminous ordinance as a guide son Building Construction com- treated at St. Michael's hospital stations at $2,000 oach; three floor submitted to tho club in writing In pany of this borough for occupan- and released. pantries at $3,000 oach; two utility 35 near Keyport Oct. 4, 194T. advanco of tho session, or sent to tho most outstanding candidates to future zoning laws for the bor- Tho suit was sottled after a pro- for governor for many yoars. Ho ough. The entire borough oitlinaii.;f cy by Ruby Lane, Inc., which now Those treated wore Mr. L«o's son, rooms at $2,500 each; a kitchen at tho platform during the meeting. Rumson to Hold has Its Red Bank store, nt 28 Brond Harry, Jr., for lacerations of the $25,000; dining loom at $10,000; trial conference before Judgo John At a regular meeting of tho club said the govornor has given this Is due for a revision. Last night's C. Giordano In county court. Thc move Is nimed nt quelling current st. Work on the Imildlnc, which is scalp; his wife, Florence, 31, for medical record library at $6,000; Monday, Nov. 28, at 8 p. m., the state a "superb admlntolmtlon," owned by tho Whelan Drug com- shock; his mother, Mrs. Alvlno Leo, X-ray sulto at $7,000 and an admis- case took nn unusual turn when It public will be Invited lo a program Parade Monday and that his opponent was a "hand- complaints about certain types of developed Hint tho defendnnt, Mr, small homes being built. pnny, Is expected to be finished In liO, of West st., Rumson, a strained sion office at $2,000. that will includo speoches, color Community Parly picked slavo of Frank HORHO." limn for thn new tenant to move nock; Mrs. Anna Porsklcvles, 34, Snook, who Is a sergeant In thc films and refreshments. Mayor Wilson, in his farewell nd- Another ordinance adopted, on In lire 1 Organizations nnd individuals nl- nrmy, had been transferred to Una I rending, win one rippiopi kit- of Ward lane, Rumson, bruises of On Halloween 'cs.i In Die club nn tho borough's thn fnee, mid Mrs. 1'orsklevle*' ready having pledged memorials Japan. It would hnvo heen neces- chief executive, set tho pattern for Ing $2,500 to pay Albert C. Wnlcott The rernudrlinK Inrludej t)m In- are Bondlx avlnllon, an entrance sary for him to return to I his for the property now being usi-il st.'illntiiin uf it complete new Hour, daughter, Anna, for shqek. numson'n community Hullowcen the local candidates In a fight- vestibule, dressing rooms, nnd Both vehicles wero traveling lobby and ward lied "I $3,500; tho country In order to testify. Sees No Change parndo Monday night, will form at K speech, Ho declared that the IUI a borough playground. In thl« hospital medical staff, n surgical 1 connection, Councilman .Inmr.i N. ucoiistlc ceiling. Electric fixtures south on McCarter highway at 4 Dr. Cnrr, who Is hoadmnstei at 7 o'clock In front of Ocoanlc (lie Democrats In local government will Include nil fhiuic.icpnt lighting. p. m. Monday. Police Mild that suite at $50,000; Monmouth Park Croydon Hnll academy, Leonardo, house. When It renchea borough wcro no different from those In tho Wolcotl, Jr., iTCommendod that nn charity fund, nursery at $»,175; In War Tactics additional $117 be jpent. to buy per- KrontliiK the storo will l>n twowhen the nuto stopped for a traffic rocolvod $300 for damages to his linll, children from Ihnt area will national scene. Tho Democratic display windows, each 20 feet long. light At South at., Newark, th« Shrewsbury auxiliary, flower room car. Ills brother, an Instructor at Join the procoulon, which will con- way, ho aald, win "spend and spend manent markers for the play- at WOO; private rooms at $5,000 Cnpl. Shcpard Talk. ground. The councilman said the According to Charles W. truck plowed Intf tho rear of tha tho academy, received J2.800 for in- tinue niong Rlvor rd. to Rldgo rd. and tax and tax," and ho pointed Matches of the Hendrlckson com- car, caving It In. The truck driver each by tho Boro Buses, Mlssos to mil-pluses In th local treasury survey of tho land ehoim] then/ juries to his knee. To Kimuiis Club nnd than to thn high aehuol audi- 0 1 pany, tho Ruby Lnno company will told police his brakes did not hold. Bertha and Florence Krldol, Rod undor Ropubllcnn rulo as com-woro 17 corners nnd that the teni- Bank Lions, Rod iiank Rotary Tho Carr brothors wero rcpro- torium. There a commlttco will to- hnvo Un Asbury Park Btoro re- TraftTt on tho busy highway wai sontod by Lawrenco A, Carton, Jr., Capt. Andrew Q. Slmpard, com- luol Ihu | will he .1 nitloinl oftkev Service.! rendered Rrv, Paul A. l''rrdtllf'k, p:i.«t(ii nerlM'of evfutu mid d*WM (or nt HI. l,ukf> Mrlhndul rliui'i li yi'.'ilenl.iv rifleiiioiin nl ll'e linmo of Kroohold bun line, h.u Announced Louis J, Klifli, :17, of HarlUn IKirlnnl. I'IIIP In nny fnlurr conlllul, >y Inn boroupli council |n Hum- that uti'vlco cm the lln* hu betn John liiinlilliiK. un hlr, r.idlu which |irU«* will lie nwnrded. .'on, ho declared, wern refund to LOUR Hinnch. «•«* llnt'l $."> In*I Anthony .N'.it.iliii on H:i>' n(f,, At- Itnvnihlfi, Mlddleicx uutinly, n Tho rluli will hold olrrtlon of of- 1 In nt 1 > -. llliihlnniK temporarily (ll>i:onllniicd. program thin moinlmr, nnmiunn-.ri In tlii nvifia ut Mln, liiwea "ill night, by W. (illbril Mnnynii, Mill- building contrnclor nnd brolhrr ol III'PIN Nuv. Y n ml will hold IU din I'- none In Ihn i.'»iinl,v, "Tim llc/mb- Tim IIIJIHIIIK «.ui fiii'inrrlj' -i Mr, ILirliPi' Mid Hint dun to m«- 1 1 1 follow thn icijiiliir ni'houl ioii'Bn dl'town recorder, nn -i iMiiirn' n( Klmcr R, Kirch o( 12 Roughly In., lint Mr. nml Mm. Wllll/im H. LIU'', ll 1 nlk'hl. dlnn*! Nnv, 12, Thr KK'i'P nre nnl fitnndltiK uu prom- linnidlnc hoilne. hut now I'uiinliiU lianlcnl dlfllcultlu, I'uth hum Hi1., of ItrNormnnrtln nvc,, Knlr ll'i- Mulling nt 7 n'Hork, to pick liptlin lit; milled, "Wo nre ntaiullriK oii'dnn dilvliiK In n, ."I'hiuil miir, Fair Havon, win drowned ypnlcrdny IK itcnln |ilnnnliiR In hold n Handy 1 of .ipvernl npitrlnirnl*. Tho lire df« which mnko tho nod llnnk-FrM- children, llunea will l(»vo thn He. plrndrd mil. tiuilty In tin when ]]«/slcppfd In n dnzo from hi* ven, nro celebrating Ilirlr OOtli wod- Claim putty, nn our rix'onl." pnrttiiPiit wan uniler thn direction hold run tiro In the (hup fur ro- 1 «clm»l nt 0:30, clinrRp, llnrbniii Nlllln nf lleml- wrecked car un Vli'luiy Ijlldui , illlig niinlwrMry lixlity, Mflrrleil In Mr. Ohlchiwlor, who w«« nppolnt- ii f Awlctnnt Chief Kiiitrno J. im\Vf. Mils ni'iucn will hn leMlllieiJ 1 (Ifn'n Corner wns flnril $1(1 for ?><•- Noulh Ambuy, nml fell lift feet Inlu the MMhnilliit pnmimiitf, Knlr llv In Kinorul ch/nnc of arntnuti- cd (imendot l'i Illl Ihn minify k In iiiM'er.il ilnyn. veil, Mr, »nd MM. L1IIU1 hnvr OIRIH menu fur tho event li Councilman Intj drunk iml ill'oi'ltMlv; T, F, tilt Rnrltnri river. Tim car liml | , g cmueil by tho di'nlh of Hli h.-ii'il J, lilt tho hi'lilRo inillriK mid n poi- children nnd rnn'e l'oler Cai'tiucll, rj, Hr,, lauded tliu wuik uf hU Slocppr of Dolinnr w.i« linn! $1 I'lilltl Siiti .•.v* D/ink BliMh'w.nUcI I'll, v.m n'lmiH«'l lo MviM'Vl'W lios- for upotmllnu, nnd Rlrhnid rirnwn f.-If ml 1'iiinlii' iinlrt i> ill In nil Wllilni in iiiiu'litM un tn 1,001) lion of (ho front of HIP enr extern!- I >le mild lu< wuuld lin 1 wTiTiiovTsuiiiii IHlal l'nd.iy ulletnvun tor Injurit* "Nil dliiinini" Slim of Nownrk jwild it }?> fill" for pam niliiin, Walfll > .tn Niw Viilk |>n|if Hit Mtfforrd whim thti ctir ho wua di'lv- liiK on thn tlKht, 1 of guwd lulling WDJI iliinuigctl, 1 lit Tim H'UiII"' ulllrr, lii! - Nail i| j li In, I'uittii *,— Ait. T*l.i- f mull il. In iU mill, Own. il < lit lliKhlitndi l-l JH.—A.lv>rllili|i"liciiuni il, it* ntiiilt lull poll, v, Mi, Phillip* huil ii In I nl HIM il M mull (.tin lutt. I'Utllc Wimlnw M,«,U. i>lii|i, Mr, lili. h u'nii a tvfll li/imu" Mifll Hi lie lll'ilVd Ull I)f Illn I'illlll* HI, Mr, Nnry HIM ••lll«-I•• til LtMii Motn'ti l UHMrt, l-l'.lll VMlll'llll «ll,|lKlUl"H 1 „! II, ll<, I'II IK •nl-i.iiil hn Hi'' ttf nlm \UIHII" I |!||III|F I'M , liu , I li A I,Hill, nf lll'ln I,-- . itn'i-'v II"* Hi)! IIIIIIMI nvi i" .i I'li'liii"/' cr I.iI>• i"'l hil the w nil, llev.in it>lrn»fi| Uli| .'HI,,, 'I M-,|ianii ci I'IIMII HI,,i, I'liimi III; «,.i.»|i,t. l I'l'lL, "I, All ili'ii,i- Alfred N, Hcadleston, judges; Mrs On Nov. 8 the people will vole cil and the vote carried. used to erect street signs In the ly 11 out of the 51 have a rate Soven members of tho Wculeyan •»• Irving Feint, prize.*; Mrs. Milton Chlof Horden mild tho accident which Is less, Probably the best service guild of the Fair Haven Mrs. Maurice Clements of Old and I hope thr vote will be a hit; "I never recognized Neimark as Country Club estatcs-Rlversldc Gerard, rflrrshmtntis. Charles J one- Tor the typr nt Hdmlnl.slr.(- Heights section. A letter wan or-was duo to the highway's slippery compail.Hnn Ihnt can lie mndo Is Methodist church nttended the fall Farm village and No* York city anything but a dc facto council tn take tho tax rate of tho towns mooting of the New Brunswick dis- entertained members of tho Old »,. Markhnm, publicity. Mrs. Hlcliard tion vUiry have shown they really dered sent commending tho asso- condition and the high into of Immediately Hurroundlnif our own. man, nor could I, My lawyer snld Kpeed at which thn car was trnvnl- trict Wcsleyan Sorvlco guild Sat- Farm village sewing club last .... E. Ncvlus und Mrs. Samuel Phil- want," tho vote was Illegal, Further, at ciation on Its public spirit. Without naming thorn, 1 will simp- lips, window painting. Tho bonrd of houlth, which In Ing, It was nno of many accidents ly read off their tax rates, which urday at the First Methodist woek at her Now York homo. Pros- the time, Nclmnrk was a resident which have occurred on tho church, Lakowood. Those attend- onl woro Mrs. Joan Logan, Mrs. CoMuniu prUts will ln> (jlvuii h of the city of Long Branch, not mode up mo.slly nf rnninilllfrmpn, arc $«, $8.01, $B,fi(i, $7.'J8. $7,07 . , separate age 'group.* for the fan1:!- TROOPKR TAKKS OWN IJFB met nntl nrdrrcd a letter nf pro-Shrewsbury stretch of tho high- and $7,81. It can bo seen that In ing wcro MM. Jamos Waltors, Mlua Julin Gnlni, Mrs, Mary Grnnnhall, StHlo Police Ucut. Arden M. Hen Bright, and, therefore, unquali- way, which becomes dangerously every caso tho rate Is substantially Charlotte Fielder, Mrs. Clifton Mrs. Norma Klrkmnn, Mrs, Mltzl . em, most horrible, moat original fied." tost sent, tu thn Htntn commission- . and funniest. There also will be a Sperling of Trenton, a former er ot health on n he-run slaughtov slippery following rains, Tills was higher than our own $5.04, Lowls, Mrs. Roger Sherman, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Mary Salndln and „...grand prize for the best costume Manns(|imn resident, died Monday Mayor Farrfll also commented hnuso on tho Now Monmouth- tho (list fatality chin-god to that John Kli'by, Mrs. Donald Smith Mia. Elizabeth Lane. I. Window* of scwral stores havo us a result nf u solMnfllctcd about tho Republican letter's atate Chorry Troo farm road, slippery condition, Last your mi GOIIIR ono step furtlior and tak-and Mrs. Stanley Dahlgrcn, Miss Mrs. Mary Malloy of Walorman wound, Htato pollco nt West Tron ment that "about six months ago Entontown woninn and her young ing- tho municipalities of tho North Holon Singleton, former secretary avo. Hpent sovoral days lnst wools • been pnlnii.fi by tho grammar Tho Hlaughter houso, licensed by Juracy coast, wo find u total of 29 of the Philadelphia Wcsloyan Sor- • •• school rhlltlr'n ns pwt of tho coir. ton bnrrnckfl reported, He was our regular Republican party gain- tho ntnlo during World War II, Is child wcro Injured when their cur In Washington, D, C, found slumped over tho wheel of ed & majority in council." nllil nff Ihn road down an embank- tux districts, In thin group, IXum- vlco guild, spoko on tho Import- William McCuo of Rldgo rd. loft brutlon, operuled by Norman Doslcy, Tho Jion la tho seventh lowi.'«t, In nthnr his car nonr Trenton. Lieut. Rpcr- H« said: "Councilman Goorgo original permit wan Umued to Wil- Intnl. That accident occunod words, 22 dlstilctH havo a connlilor- anco uf Induing officers In their Friday for Loi Angeles, Cal. Ha HnK was In charge of thn division's Krausa Is tho only Democrat on liam Danuck, Neighbors aro com-about 100 foot from where Turn- IIMy hlglior rate. Another Import- duties, Mrs, Emll Bnumnnn, vice expects to return In Hevofal wteka, Buzur Opcnn Tomorrow record station. The HOn of Mrs tho board, and has boon Iho only plaining against thn Hliumhtor dny'n took placo, ant point Is that Rumson malntnlnn prosldont of tho W.S.C.S,, apoko to Tho Rumson Womun'a olub will Husln M. .Sperling, living nt Palm ono for two years. How can thin luniKo from a honlth standpoint, Shrewsbury nlllclnln have ropniit- a high school, Nona of tho dis-tho Fnfr Haven Wesloynn Sorvlco hold a mriRquiinido dnnco Satur* I* Wight at WcHtHidc YAICA llfiich, Pin,, Lieut, HpeillnK jolnod ' Republican' Htntoment ho tho boiiril wim told, Mr. Johnson odly raqucutnU relief from the tricts with tho lowor rato do, andguild at Ita mooting Wodnemlny of day night at tho CharloH manor. IM a result It can ho auld that out last woek, Mr*. Baumnnn gavo hor Son Bright, Tho nurmiil Imznr, uponiorud by dm ntnto police In April, 1022. Hn mndo when the regular Hrpubll In clinlininn, Htulo. Miiynr Alfiod N. l)ondlonton of tho 20 dlKtilcU, Jiumson has tho nldcn liln mother, ho Is survived curlier thl.'i year rccclvVd IISHIII'- Iniprcsnlnnit of thu rocont solution •» tho tatllcn' auxiliary of WexlMdo cans last yenr nominated and olact Hllln of $47,080.(18 wcro ordorud lnHt rato of any that nmlntnln a of tho Now Joinoy annunl confer- Mr. und Mr*. Monica It, Toy, 1 IIHI;(i that tho rund would ho rc- Y.M.C.A,, will open tuinonow nl|(hl by IIIH wlfo, Mrs, Vloln Hperllni? cd Stanley Fowler to the council, paid, ch iii'hnul, once, Hot' talk HlrosBoil tho Im- fnrmorly of Buena, VlHta avo., have, •• Hi the Y.M.C.A. building with n nnrl a son, Arilfiu HpcrllnK, Jr., a Certainly hn wiui a rtRiilnr Ropub- liiilind by tho lilfihwny dopiulmoiil, moved to New York city, Hlntc ofllclulH .ilatliiK they wcro Out D( Ihn $o,IH (hut we collect portance nf learning tho art of •fashion show, directed liy Aid., oluilcnt Ml Buclincll unlvernlly, P« ]Jr:/ui, mid io now should he rccog Forinrr Jong Hrimcli fur cni'h $100 of nwirminirnl, only "Fellowship," and tho nood for Iho Goodwill Mothodlxl church will • •• .lumen W, I'mlicr, Ji., mill Mm. nlzed by hl» own pnrly men, Coun waiting for "hot wrnthci" lo tin $2,2.1 It xpnnt for municipal /irirv- hold Its nnnunl Jlullowoen joclni HAH OHI)l';itrci>~CM?8KI> Ihn wiirlt. women's oigiinlr.atlonn of Iho l.ton t\ HMVI.,, prizm will lie cllmnn Cnrl Nclfinn nlna WOA nml Woman Aid* in Jtcncitr IIDI. Of dm I'nmnlnlnK amount, church to follow thn IH'ORIIIIII tomorrow nliiht In tho church null, nwiiiclr>d tu lluji-f ilt'imitinlrntliiK elritril by the rcRiilnr HopubllCHnu l<'nlliiwliiir Ihn acclili.nl, linlllr $2,14 In tui'imd nvci' t» Ilin boiiril Tho nffali' In upon lo tho publln Tim PIII/.M 1 ><>t nl bnr, Anbury ".Mr*, (Iliirla Hollywood, wlfn of of iMlucntlon to maintain thn tlinnin foi' this ynnr, "Christ Jcsun tho lifBl full unil wlnlr-f fuMilon*. PMik, miTcntly cloned lor tho fill "Why Ii It that theso lUpuhll- on Ihn liuny lilulnvny was lied up lllinnolf tho CornoiHtone," anil a iironnun of gumon It ciinn claim council lcadrr/ilil|) on Thulium Hollywood nf tho II, H, fm1 IM'II lionrn, (,'lik'f Herd on WIM miiuulx unit $1,05 lo Iho county fm planned. Refreshments will Im '• Tho hiunr will uunllnuo Hntiirdny unil winter, will bo piulilhltod from Niivy and [oinioily nf I.OIIK Itn vniloun fuiictlnnii, If wo lake night whi-n ii dinner will liii.ni.'rvi'il ri'-opuiliiK fur n 4Mny porlud, ly durlnrr Ihn in.nl. nix montlm? They HHMlrti'rt in IIMIIIIIIMK thn anurl by Tho nurnory aclioul conducted liy ncivcd, Mm, Harry T, Llttl 1* have hud flvn party mon to one Branch, wim |uutly riinpuniillilo for Hlutii Tionpoi' (loorftii Ijulnn, KM- un nvcniKo ii/iiinnnmniil of $4,000 fur Mm, Tony Hunting will hold Its clinlrman, by Mian .Mminn J,ymn In thu HliiitlnK Muy 17, IKiO, an it lonull unvlriK a nuin'n llfn In Ihn lOant fitch tnximyoi' In tho liorouuh nml Y.M.C.A. Immiui't muni (ruin (j nf n pfiiiilty which llin Anbury nrmnemt n ItniK H'no now, It onlown Ohlnf Hurry Klrliinirdf nml multiply Unit, by Ihn local tux of iinmiul Hnllowoon party next Mon- Tho community Hnllowoon pa* ii niUtaliu for thorn only natv rlvci' lit Anttirlii, N, Y,, Tutmdiiy, nix military finllunmaii from Fort day moinltiK nt Mm, IlunllnK'H stu- j,..u'i Unit until lull. In HIM iivwiliiK, I'll i k i on nil I onli'ii'il Tunndny nf- Mrn, Hollywood WIIH iimkliiK MM, wo llml Hint thn nvoniHO lux radii noxl Monday night will form 1 tn claim Jncobsen t\n ono of thorn Miiniiiuuth. Kiilohtnwn'n KlrH AM iiiiltl rjtmii'M to $110! oi' illvlilo till* dio nt mi Itlvni' rd, , Mini l.yiiim will lio iiimlHldl by lM' MilltiK Mini tin b"l' nonatltutnd bmiN In thn Ullrlirm nf hur npurl- nf. 7 ifuloeli In front uf Ocminln ' M \' I I .nil! I f.i Ml)')' -. II niil.Kimi'i! )ft«t iiuiiiini'i, Ho wan iin Independent Republican nriiiad iimlmlnnco I'lirrlcit thn vic- by fi"J mid wo llml tlmt tho tux pnld Tim LudloK' auxiliary uf tho flro lire liouno, Moio will Join tho pu. In tho primary tlild your, l iniint, whltth uvuilOdkH thu river, tim* tn MnnmiMilh Memorial hon- por wunlt on ouch u jiluuu ot prop- will hold n niii.iquiirudn rmlo nt thu 1IOIUMI;II hull anil from Mi'H' limn .li n,.mini,, ,,f ||,|. y y, ppK nml miw ,lnhn Konnii, 77, fntlnii1 miKllliiiy iwll l,<> in linn,.,, (,( ||,|, pltnl, Mr, (li'in|ii'lov (Hod on loulo ni'ly nmnimt/i tu $1,711, Out of IhlN tit B o'clock at Iho Urntlinro thn ynlinjr. folloi will p"' |iti DDi n K l llo|iul;ll«illll| l n (,'IIIKIIIIIIIII of I'Viuilc Ki'iiiwi, CJdci'iiN /iopulilN /IL-IIIV, ,'17 cunt II ir»cn to pruvldii vo'i ^ lllPUtllK, Will II' IHllHl'K || ml plnrt-H 'I'lii' I'xi'i'iitlvi. i.'ouni'll nt tlin I 1 tn tlin liunpltnl, , All ;nomborn are tu nllnml ami lo tin) liiimmin liljrli »,c for mayor, Mr, Hooter. True, IVi - L'IIII li'iuliir, wailhiK liitu thii wnlcr, with vi'iy ooiiiplntti pollco protne- In o»nttimo, Vtlr.dH will Im nwunloii whom inlznn will bo uwaidtu of hiilullihift tin- wmni'ii linn, lliinli Kiii' ili'iim liui'iit, ut II nil ilnr, I'l'iuwiii, llucti'i' nml JIICOIIMI'I Mix, IIIIIIVWIIIMI run ilnwiiitliilrn In- tlnii, which \n nt (lift cnmiiiiinlik 1 linen wiuhliiK mi tlumiiih Ihn JIHI KHTuiTIK fur tha butt oostmnon, refi'oalimnntH mirvnil, At I) o'clock u Ilil' '1'ni'i ilny Hli'lii, vnli'il III lllilluln IIIIW wui'li liiKi'lhrr, lull 1 lull' inn tn u rimilyiinl, mill Mimmnni'il the cn.l of inn' en it of IMUI'III.I, on ' will ho »nlil, Mr, iiinl Mrii, lOrni-xt |>, UMIII nf tin' MI>titc II.'IHIK, flii' protMiMliir Uiiunullmiin Tony Hunting win d,men will Im Imlil fur tht tuon- Jl'i'l In Ilir I'lilln. Alllll-Dl' Irii ly hiii bi'nn iinylhliui but iinllcil," mil nl n!i"i>i"i immnl, lli'lui'i'ii 1 Kiilniilnwii HIM |mi-ii|)|« nf II ilmi||l>- "innilllli! to 17 cnnlo u «'i'«lf IM i-hnlfl- youth r.,,i,|i i,f iln ]• it.A. 'I "Oni- moil' thinii," Ihr mnyur llii'in Ilii'v IIIIIUHI'II Mr, k'l'iuiu nut 1 J li'i, Miuy VIIIIIIIIIII, hum Hliniliiy Iliiui Ihi> rum of nno i|imil of milk Imil WMII wllli plnuilny, ' MIII, laniuH will follow thi) rcMiilnr " mid will 1.1- KMIMIMI I', Mi. Knit- IIIIMI"\ if In i: i) 11,.MI ill Ihr Minw u featured to- various processes a television pic- Shore Symphony society to enter formed by Chaplain John H. Brown. day will be held tomorrow after- at the church. morrow at Voxel's, Long Branch, turn goes through, starting in the Address (Jlassis odist church, Gastonla, N. C. Others elected were Misses Bar- studio and then finally bdnjj posters in a contest which will de- Pvt. Low will be discharged from noon at the Salvation Army chapel as that department store launches Of Monmouth Meeting termine the most outstanding art on Linden place. This program is bara Kottcr, vice prefect; Mary a ten-day celebration of its 31st shown on the main tube In a re- the Marine corps in the spring af- Clark, secretary, and Nora Martin, ceiving set. » work advertising for the concert ter three years' service. The couple sponsored by the Red Bank Coun- anniversary. More than 72 women, represent- Nov. 20 in the Red Bank Catho- cil of Church Women. treasurer. Miss Martin is retiring Shows at 4 nnd 8 p. m. will fea- Mrs. Stanley Barrow, provident, ing the Reformed churches :of are now living at Washington, I\ prefect. announced tho following depart- lic high school auditorium. Prizes C, where P.F.C. Low is stationed. This year's project Is "Pieces ture county models showing the Monmouth county, attended the will bo awarded for the three best for Peace.*' Children in Red Bank At the conclusion of the session season's styles in dres.sos, suits, ment meetings, internation.-il rcla- I annual meetin and aii-day con- posters. All entries will be dis- EDWARDS—MEBONEY public schools are contributing Rev, Frederick Child, pastor, deliv- coat.s, negligees and sportswear. tions and legislation, today at the i Terence of th Classi.s of Mon- played in. the shore area. Pupils needles, thread, buttons, yarn, ered a short address. Plans were Peggy Curtis will describe the re- home of Mrs. Harry H. C'oddhiK- mouth, Women's Missionary Union, wishing to enter the contest should Mrs. Garrctt I- Stout of Long also discussed for a Thanksgiving view over a loud-speaker system. ton, Rumson; garden department, Wednesday of last, week at Colt's thimbles nnd knitting and crochet party. turn in their entries to their art Branch has announced the mar- needles. To be shown on the pro- Her description will bo broadcast Thursday, Xov. 3, home of Air.i. Neck Reformed church. Mrs. Edi- teachers, after which they will be riage of her daughter, Freida Ed- on her radio program over station James Goodspeed, Middletown son E. Brcsett o£ W«3t Long gram is a movie explaining how township, and American home, collected by members of the Sym- wards of River rd., Rumson, and ether children of the world live. WCAP. Branch prcsidad. phony society. Posters will be Edward Meroney of Calif ornia. The Completing Its fourth year at Monday, Nov. 7, home of Mrs. Eleanor Hopkins will be presid- Ask Little Silver Harry R, Koch, Jr., Little Silver. "World Brotherhood" was the judged as to detail and general couple were married Saturday at ing officer, and James Hutton and the present location, Vogel's Is program theme, and the speakers appeal. Any medium may be used Little Silver. Samuel Moore will bo ushers. The completely streamlined and houses were two missionaries, Mi33 Tina by the artist. following children will represent To Buy Back Lots 35 departments on four merchan- Holkeboer of the Reformed Mis- Members of the society have ex- Church News the children of other nations, in- dising iloors. Besides men's, wom- Girl Scouts Plan sionary board, who has been serv- pressed gratification at the large cluding Barbara Brooks for Swe- Drainage Problem en's and children's apparel, the ing in the Amoy districts of China, number of subscriptions received -store sells furniture, hi>usi"-.vares and v.-h'j will st;r,n return to h.ar TRINITY EPISCOPAL den; Carol Anderson, Norway; nnd appliances. for the first concert, and also for Red Bank Lynne Robottom, the United King- Faces Borough Council For Variety Show post, nnci Rev. John Kcmpcrs. Rev. the Feb. 5 and Apr. 16 concerts. dom; Clariss Clarke, the Philip- Models for the show will be Joan Mr, Kempers is on furlough from Walter Pfelffcr, conductor of the Holy Communion will be ob- Little Silver Tuesday night was Coyle, former Miss Long Branch his mission in the Chiapas area served at 8 o'clock Sunday morn- pines; Phyllis Smith, Australia; Benefit at Leonardo orchestra, will lead his fO musi- Mary Ann Dziczyc, Poland; Pene- asked to buy buck six lots or to and recent Miss Indian Summer; of Mexico, where he has been for cians in a varied program designed ing, and church school will meet give tho two owners of the lots Joyce Mehok, Ocean township cen- Grade School Nov. 5 several years. at 0:30. lope Conway, Venezuela; June tennial queen; Betty Lou Bryan, to give pleasure to both "high- Hembling, Mexico; Betty Claire assurance that tho borough will OtUcnrs elected were Mrs. George brow" listeners and to those who The choir will present "Angels take over and maintain n street In junior Miss New Jersey; Mary Girl .Scouts and Brownies of Mid- Wulf, France, and Betty VanPclt, Coyle, ninner-up to Mls.s Bryan, dletown township, district four, Kills of Keyport, president; Mrs. "like the sound of beautiful mu- That Around Us Hover" at the 11 the United States. that development. Martin Griffin, Freehold, vice pres- sic." Included In the program wil o'clock service. A nursery Is pro- The owners, Edwin Licbtip and and Joari Green, Lynn Hannson, will present the Girl Scout Vane-' Mrs. Newton McClements wil! Ann Raymond, and Betty Thomp- ties Saturday night, Nov. 5, at \ident; Mrs. Uiivid Schanck, Key- be Wagner's Rienzi overture. vided for the children of those who Louis Harvey, were represented by port, secretary, and Mrs. W. ,O. attend this service. lead In prayer. Mrs. Lillian Tucker son. Junior models from Long Leonardo Grade school auditorium, j Appearing as guest artist will be will give a monologue, "The News Louis Drazin, Ited Bank attorney. Hockman, Asbury Park, treasurer. Andre Benoist, well-known pianist A Halloween party for the church He explained that Ihc homugh Branch hlj,'h school will feature Members arc busy selling tickot.s i Boy." Dchutccn shop favorites. Willie and rchoarsiiiR for tho show which ' Chairmen will be Sim. Frank and teacher. school will bo held In the parish sold, for taxes, several lots be- Shornvm, Lorn,' Branch, missionary With an eye for the future, the house tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Warren Farrington and tween Colonial Terrace and Sil- K.imm, store fashionlst, is in promises It) be one of thn bcsl rn- Mrs. Howard Springsteen arc pro- charge of the affair. terlalnmcnts given by Girl Scouts activiLif.s; Mrs. Lester Richons, Symphony society is making ^plans The altar guild will meet in the vcrwhlto gardens. Mrs. Alice Stern Coil's .\>ck. literature; Mrs. Rein- for a junior orchestra from which choir room Saturday afternoon at gram chairmen. Children between of Rumson purchased them and A ten-day sale begins today to fix and 16 are invited to partici- " The Town committee, with .Mrs. '•harh;ircl d tt VanDyke, Asbury Park, boys and girls from this area could 2 o'clock. Rev. Robert H. Ander- then sold them to Mr. Drazin's observe the hirthdny. An nnnual ; voun go to the Shore Symphony orches- son, rector, will talk, on "The pate. clients. event, thn store has been given a. Clifford F. Gordon as chairman is K people's work, and Mrs. John tra. American Church." On previous requests, the bor- festive air with decorative balloons In charge of the benefit, proceed* ' Morgan, Keyport, spiritual life and and confetti. will go to the scouts'summer camp, leadership. Holy Communion will be cele- llumson P.T.A. Budget ough refused to Rive assurance it Serving on the nominating com- brated on All Saints' day Tuesday, would hike over the road, if built. Not'omco, near .Smithburjr. Mrs. Up for Approval Robert Colleran Is directing cliiiicu mittee were Mrs. Klnyd Soden -of Nov. 1, at 7:30 and at 10 a. m, Difiiculty is that such a road would Lung Branch; .Mis. Wallace ,'B. Legion Women The regular mid-week Holy Com- A proposed budget for the Rum- cause such an amount of drainage numbers; Mrs. Arlene Rau.scher, CAR Chapter Told music; Mrs. Gordon, costumes; Rankin, Red Bank, and ilr.s. Frod- munion is celebrated Wednesday son P.T.A. was submitted by the that an already over-taxed drain- erkk IniBoi.-i, Freehold. mornings at 10 o'clock. budget and finance committee at age problem in Siivcrwhitc gar- Mrs. John Bohler, program, and Place Officers dens would be increased. Mrs. Walter Schoellner, tickets nnd Cummittee reports were given by an executive board meeting held Of State Plans Mrs. Sherman, missionary activi- PRESBYTERIAN this week at the home of Mrs. Mr. Drazin gave the borough two finances. ' Braxton Merritt Unit Others serving am Mrs. Charles ties; .Mrs. Gritiin, spiritual life and Mrs, Howard E. Alexander Atlantic Highlands Viola Hofmann at Rumson. A alternatives. One would have tin: Mary Slillwell Society leadership; Mrs. Kichena, litera- Rev. Elmer T. Schick, pastor, ways and means committee will be borough pay his clients the pur- Oherlln, Mrs. Guatavc Hnrold. Mrs. Holds Ceremonies Given In marriage by her father, chase price of the lots, $2,800. The To Visit Marlpit Hidl Herbert Morgan and Mrs. Grace ture; Mrs. VanDyke, young peo- will deliver a sermon on the sub-appointed by the president, to ac- ple's work, nnd Mrs. Albert Ship- Mrs. Mabel Hoy of Long Branch the bride -wore a gown of ice-blue ject, "I Believe in the Holy Ghost," complish the goals set forth in the other would be acceptance cf the Ronaldson of Leonardo; Mrs. Jjimes satin with a mantilla headdress of budget which will be recommend- street. If neither offer is accepted, Reports of various state meet- Glllespie, New Monmouth, and horiit, Knyp-rt, baby roll. president of the combined auxil- at the 11 a. m. service Sunday, This Inns wero read at a session of Members of the Young Women's iaries ot the American Legion of heirloom lace. She carried a bou- sermon is the eighth in a series en- ed to the membership at a meeting the lawyer notified council his cli- Mrs. C. R. Smith and Mrs. Lclnnd quet of fieur d'amour and lilies of Tuesday at the high school. ents wrjuld obtain building permits, Mary Stillwell society, Children Richmond, Port Monmoulh. Mrs. LiMgun fur Service of the Colt's Monmouth county, installed officers titled "The Christian's Common American Revolution, last week at Neck Reformed church were ho3t- of Braxton Merritt auxiliary Mon- the valley. Creed." At the 8 p. m. service Following the business meeting, build six homes, construct the road M. C. MacLcnnon is chairman of according to borough specifications the homo of Clara Tilton of New- the town committee. es.se;;. ilreetings were given by day night at the Westslde "Y" Miss Joan Templeman, sister of Sunday, Rev.. Mr. Schick's sermon Frank Welnhelmcr, principal of man Springs rd. Reports were giv- house on West Bergen pi. She was the bride, as maid of honor, wore the high school, will speak on the —including drains for their portion Mrs. John Thompson. Prayers were will bo "Decision Determines Des- of the road—and then leave the en by Stephen Perkins, Thornton given by F. Howard Lloyd of the assisted by her entire staff. a gown of pink satin with match' tiny." "Philosophy of Education for Ryder and Alice Dlx. Ked Bank Merchant ing cap and carried a bouquet of Rumson High School," nnd Fran- buildings to cause whatever trou- Colt's Xcck church. Officers are Mrs. Hennie Win- Church school meets Sunday at ble they could to the drainage sit- The state C.A.R. groups this League members -serving refresh- ston, president; Mrs. Gladys Jones pink roses, pink carnations and 10 a. m. cis Hockey, elementary school Optomistie on Husiiie-s 1 blue delphiniums. principal, will talk on the "Ob- uation. year will take as their main pro- ments were Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. and Mrs. Thelma Jackson, vie ! A roast beef dinner will be served ject, a scholarship for a student Out of nn experience covering 35 Richens, Mrs. Bernard Freeman, presidents; Mrs. Lucille Gaskin, William P. Lamb, Jr., of East jectives of Elementary Education." Councilmun Joseph C Davison, at the church Saturday night at There will also be a short film majoring in American history at years in the suit and coat business, Mrs. Donald Updike, Mrs. William secretary; Mrs. Aletia Montague, Orange, was best man. Gordon B. 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 o'clock. acting mayor, suggested that the Rutgers university. The fund will Thomas of New York city and Wil- shown, in line with the speakers' matter bo referred to tho borough 20 of which were spent in New Jer- Buck. Mra. Andrew Shoppard, Mrs. treasurer; Mrs. Ethel Turner, his- The Ladies' Aid society meets subjects, depicting the imminent total $200. Plans were also nmdo sey, Sam Freed was quick to fore- Harold Gunthor and Mrs. John W. torian; Mrs. Estelle Washington liam Ellis, Rumson, ushered. Tuesday at 2 p. m. The annual attorney. Council agreed to this, for the society to visit Marlpit hall Miss Dolores Roya of New York problems of our schools, entitled finally directing that Mr. Davison, see the need in Red Bank of an Se:iman. chaplain, and Mrs. Vcra Browr. Halloween party for the church at Middletown village Saturday. individual store that would enrry | Other league members repreaent- eergeant-at-arms. city was soloist. A. reception fol- "The Children Are Coming." thu borough engineer and thu school will be Tuesday at 7:30 p. building inspector meet with the New olllcers are Clara Tilton, large selection of finest mimle-1 ing Colt's Xeck church were Mrs. Also attending were Mrs. Annlowed at the home of the bride. m. Choir rehearsal will be Tues- Mrs. Hofmann told the executive president; Alice Dix, vice presi- Mrs, Alexander is a graduate of board that the high school has borough attorney to decido the brand women's sultR and cont.q at John Sherman, Mrs. Joseph Mo- Rinear of Keyport, a past county day at 7:45 p. m. matter. Action on Mr. Drnzin's re- dent; Stephen Perkins, treasurer; a price level that' would appcnl to rcau, Sr., Mrs. Laura Mitchell and president; Mrs. Dorothea Bremer Union Junior college and the Paine- Mid-week prayer and Bible study need of six violins in the orches- Janet Flcckner, recording secre- Hall school. New York. She is a tra, and asked the board members quest was promised for the next every woman. Mrs. Annie Buck. Monmouth Beach, department la hold Wednesdays at 8 p. m. meeting, date of which was ad- tary; Dorothy Blink, correspond- Frecd'g beautiful corner store — chairman of the state 8 and 40 au* technician on the staff of the The monthly meeting of the trus- to help campaign for instruments, ing secretary; Kobert Lum, regis- Merck Institute for Therapeutic not in use by their owners, which vanced to Wednesday, Nov. 9, be- next to the posUifllcc—Us visible illaries, and Mrs. Jay Hoy, Long tees will be held Thursday, Nov. 3, cause of election. trar; Lynne Robottom, chaplain; evidence of the faith Mr. l'reed Branch, a guest. Research, Rahway. at 8 p. m. might be donated or sold reason- Gary Layton, ilag chairman; Ann Mr. Alexander is a graduate of ably to the school for use nt the Councilman E. Allaire CornwcII •Moellcr, approved schools; Thorn- and his wife Florence (who l.i in Church Group Rutgers university, -and is a mem- METHODIST young musicians. The board gave reported on lights. He said a street ton Ryder, Indian affairs, and active charge), hnvn in the taste Junior D.A.R. Plans ber of the editorial department of approval to Miss Marion Scott's light, on Prospect ave. near the and demands of Red Enk shop- Little Silver entrance to the King development Thomas Ryder, publicity. To Give Minstrel Informal Dance the Perth Amboy Evening Newa. English pupils displaying and tak- pers. He is a veteran ot service with tho "Tho Beliefs of a Protestant" ing orders for" Christmas cards will bo. moved to the entrance of While Mr. Freed combs the mar- To He Staged Nov. 10 Senior Girl Scouts of the North- British Imperial 14th Army in will be the topic of Rev. James W. and wrappings at the regular Fox Hill. Ho also asked to have ket twice a week to obtain the ern Monmouth County council of Burma. Marshall's sermon Sunday at 11 a. meeting Tuesday. Proceeds from Jersey Central Power and Light Menna Fined finest merchandise, his wife sees to At Kivcr St. Sehool Girl Scouts attended a senior m. The senior choir will sing this enterprise will help send stu- company attend to tree branches Following a wedding trip to Vir- which obscure lights in the bor- It that each and every customer is planning board meeting at the Red ginia, Mr.' and Mrs. Alexander will "Saviour, Let Me Walk With Thee." dent delegates to the Columbia completely satisfied and receives The second annual minstrel of Bank Presbyterian church recent- Church school meets at 9:45 a. m. Scholastic Press association meet- ough, particularly on Sllvcrsidc For Rook making live at Rumson. ing in March, ave. the utmost courtesy and attention. the Mr. and Mrs. club of Trinity ly. Members of Girl Scout Mariner Sunday. Frced's begins a fall and winter Episcopal church will lie presented ship, Sea Wulf, were hosts, and MURDICO—JARVIS The Senior Youth Fellowship will Red Bank Man Also advertising campaign in this issue ! Thursday night, Nov. 10, at River Mrs. Elston Combs, ship leader, in hold a candlelight installation in At St. Anthony's Catholic chuich, the church Sunday at 5:30 p. m. Pre-Fabricated House Scouting Leaders to Placed on Probation of The Register with a display an-j st. school. troduced gue3ts. nounccment featuring timely sales W. Hugh Ryder will be interloc- Both leaders and Scouts discuss- Sunday, Miss Frances Murdico, To be installed are George Quack- On Display at Shore Attend Conference utor, and end men will includs daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dominlck enbush, president; Doris Shampa- Thomas Menna, 30, of 321 Broad offerings. ed the' work of the senior Scout, E. Donnld Sterner, president of St., Red Bnnk, received a suspend- Kred Munden, William Robinson, and the way in which a planning Murdico of West Bergen pi., be-nore, vice president; Tom Stevens, A Lustron, all metal pre-fabri- Floyd Imlay, Jack Edwards, Jos- came the'bride of Lawrence Jarvis secretary; Marilyn Shampanore, cated home at Ocean ave., Sea Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of ed prison sentence, was placed on Many Prizes Awarded board works. Speakers were Mrs. America, and other county scout- two years' probation and fined eph Holliday and Charles L. Mary Croft, secretary, and Mrs. of Monmouth Beach, son of Mrs. treasurer; Robert Lowry, worship Bright, is open to the public for Reeves, Jr. Ada Francis of West Bergen pi. and evangelism commissioner; inspection for the benefit of the ing leaders will attend the 29th $1,000 Friday by Judge John C. At KtiiiiBon Curd Party Donald McMurray of the Shore nnnual regional meeting of region Giordano for bookmaking Aug. 2 Soloists will be Charle3 Meek- Council of Girl Scouts. Mrs. Crott Msgr. Salvatore DILorenzo, pastor, Winnie Nelson, world friendship Hazard hospital building fund. The Mrs. William Hlntelmann, Sr., er, Heinz O. Hilmer, Bert Manwar- performed the ceremony. house is open from 12 noon until two nt the Hotel Astor, N. Y., Fri- In Red Bank. announced a senior planning board commissioner; Chester Wright, day nnd Saturday. Region two was winner of a ?25 gift certlllcntn ing. Edward Curry and Ronald meeting to be held at Girl Scout The church was decorated with community service commissioner, 5 p. m. Monday through Friday and Boisey Benjamin, 29, of Newark, disposed of Friday night when Ho'.y Clark. Gloria Dennis, accordionist, from 11 a. m. until 5 p. m. Satur- comprises New York and New was sentenced to one to three headquarters on Broad st. Nov. 18. all white chrysanthemums. Mrs. and Joan Stevens and Allen Wright, Jersey. Cross Parent-Teacher association will do a specially. Other special- senior Scout group will serve as John Famulary was organist, and recreation commissioners. day and Sunday. years in state prison on a charge held Its card party at Holy Rosary ties will include the choir boy trio, board members. Mrs, McMurray Miss Rose Plgnataro was soloist. Owned by George Krauss, pro- Among the county delegates will of assault nnd battery with an bo Irving Feist, Shrewsbury; Wil- hall, Rumson. Other special awards consisting of N'orman Sickles, Rob- praised tho groups for their ser- A reception for 150 guests followed METHODIST prietor of Harry's Lob3ter house, auto while intoxicated, went to Mrs. Mario Brown, Mrs. ert de la Reussillo and William vices to their community, and in- in St. Anthony's hall. the house is furnished by Vogel's liam Buchsbaum and Mr. nnd Mrs. A car driven by Benjamin collid- Rumson David Landers, Spiing Lake; Ed- Edward McCrossin and Mrs. Robinson, Jr. vited them to attend a. senior con- The bride was given In marriage department store, Long Branch, for ed with a vehicle operated by Ed- Chnrles Meehan Beverly Barry, former member ference at Spring Lako Communi- Reformation Sunday will be ob- the period of Inspection. win H. Werner, Interlaken; Mr. ward Osborne of Interlaken Apr. by her father. She was attired in served at the service at the church and Mrs. Everett H. Antonides, Others winning prizes were Mrs. of the Eroadway show, "Bur- ty house, Nov. A. a white satin gown, made with a Mrs. Josephine West of the Haz- 17 on route 35, Eatontown. Mr. Os- lesque." and Bert Lahr of vaude> Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Rev. James Bclmar; Warren DeBrown and borne and his 88-ycar-old mother, Thomas Onkes, Mrs. Harry J. Sun- Attending wero Mrs. Leland sweetheart neckline, and a wedding W. Marshall, pastor, will speak on ard hospital auxiliary will be in Thomas Parrlsh, Red Bank; Ken- dermoycr, Mrs. Thomas Wheeler, ville nnd television will do a song Richmond, loader of Girl Scout ring skirt. Her veil was fingertip "The Beliefs of a Protestant," The charge of the inspection. dall H. Lee, Asbury Park; .Hans Mrs. Viola Osborno, wore seriously Mrs. George Bruckner, Mrs. John and dance routine. Ann Sanders of Mariner snip, Sea Star, of Belford; length, attached to a crown of injured. In police court after tho Rumson, formerly of England, who senior choir will sing special music. Becker, Wnnamnssa; Wilfred F. accident Benjamin was convicted Keany, Mrs. Joseph Lennon, Mrs. and Mariners June and Barbara white satin, decorated with a wed- The Women's Society of Chris- Riverview Auxiliary Pine and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hobnrt Leonard, Mrs. Vincent Mc- entertained Britiih troops overseas Smith, Beatrice Parleman, Mary- ding ring design. She carried a Northup, Neptune; Louis E. Cooke, of drunken driving. In addition to during thn war will sing, and Sam tian Service will meet tonight at 8 To Hold 2-Day Sale paying a $200 line on this charge, Carthy, Mrs. Ignatlous J. Canuic, lea Richmond, Marie Oswald and prayer book with markers of two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harry Rumson; Dr. Edwin F. Stewart, Mrs. Edward Golf, Mrs, William Harvey, local tenor, will do a Barbara Harnell; Mrs. Lewis Arji white orchids and streamers of Red Bank auxiliary of Riverview Fair Haven; Harold Weston, Oak- Benjamin Is faced with a damage blackface number. Also featured old, leader of Troop 83 of Fair Lltts on Avenue of Two Rivers, hospital will hold a rummage sale suit. Hintelmann, Jr., Mrs. Edward white stcphanotis. Rumson. Rev. Mr, Marshall will hurst; Robert P, McMuhon, Free- O'Brien, Mrs. Joseph Kiiper, Ma will be Michael Penta, tap dancer Haven, and members Ruth Paul- Miss Mary Murdico was her sta- Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 2 hold; William E, Firth, Little Sil- After the sentence Judge Gior- of the Toland dancing school, Red sen and Gertrude Halloway, and speak on the study course, "Women and 3, at Trinity Episcopal parish Frank Tryon, Mrs. Stephen Cnsa- ter's only attendant. Her omerald of the Scriptures." ver; James F. Flynn, Matawan; dano said that drunken driving Is grande, Mrs. William D. Cromey, Bank. Mariners of troop 26, Red Bnnk, green satin gown was made with house. The sale will open Wodnes- Morgan C. Knapp, Middletown a "serious menace" and Is like Peggy MacDonald, Christie DeVoe, 6dy night, Nov. 2, at 7:30, and tho Mrs. Anne Gallagher, Mrs. Harry The program committee Includes a rhinestono trimmed Elizabethan METHODIST township; Robert Goodwillio, Denl, "putting a gun In tho hands of a J. Cronan, Mrs. Robert Zcrr, Mrs. Mrs. Harry Clark. Mrs. Helen Van- Sue Hindle, Ann Fnlvo, Beatrice collar, and her wedding ring head- following morning at 10 o'clock. and Carl A. Thuncll, Farmlngdnle. gunman." Brunt, Mrs. Carl Swertfeger and Sweeting, Katharine Labrecque, Naveslnk Mrs. Frank Gregory and Mrs. Robert Longhl, Mrs. Albert Bull- piece wai green satin. Sho carried wlnkel, Mrs. Jay Holly, Mrs. Kenneth R. Reeves. Jack T. Zol- Patty Combs and Sue Stephens, sprays ot bronz* colored chrysan- "Life Can Be Beautiful" will be James Enright arc chairmen, as- dak, Jr., Is in charge of the stags the subject of a sermon to be de- sisted by Mrs. Sydney McLean, Two Showers Honor Charles Woodward, Mrs. Maurice themums, Girl Scout Mariners Canavan, Mrs. C. A. Swcrtfeger. and Carl P. Forsman Is in charga livered by Rev. Roy E. Williams Mrs. Harold DeVoc, Mrs. Burton of tickets. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Four Hurt as Car Francis Nary of Rumson waa at the Sunday evening service at DoremuH, Mrs, Burton Moore, Mrs. Work for Welfare November Bride-to-Bc Mrs. John Bannon, Mrs. Paul best man. 7 o'clock. The choir music will bo Peterson, Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr". Reeves will direct the show;, Collides With Horses The bride's mother was attired In Lester H. Kennedy, Mrs. Philip Plans for a number of services Miss Helen Relnlcke of Union under the direction of Mrs. Har-Bowers, Mrs. Fred Noble, Mrs. Ed- Beach, who will be married Nov. William Fanning, Mrs. Edmund L, a. plum colored ensemble, 'with ry Hallgrlng. win Mclntlrc, Mrs. Craig C. Hill to local welfare organizations arc Carey, Mrs, Edmund Mnleckl, Mrs. I J{ed Itllllk Home Damaged Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Shapiro ot black accessories, and a corsage of underway for members of Girl 12 to Arthur Olsbrow uf Keann- Freehold and their two young chil- Sunday-school will meet at 9:45 and Mrs. Robert Mncdonnld. John Sammon, Mrs. John MdltiKlii !n ... <. i mT. • lavendor orchids. Tho bridegroom's Scout Mariner ship, Sea Wulf. burg, was given two bridal show- Mrs, W. J. Clcary, Mrs. Raymond ; •)>' I'ire -Monday iNlght dren were Injured and two horses a. m. The Epworth league will Theno activities and a series of ers last week by sovernl friends. mother was dressed In brown with servo an election day supper In Hellker, Mrs. Louis Mellucl, Mi', were killed Monday night when the bolgo accessories and a corsage of To Hold Coffee Hour for .nternational suppers were ar- Tho first party was given by Rev. Fire damaged the kitchen, dining Shapiro car collided with a runa- the fire house. ranged nt a recent meeting at the Sarah K, Wlttck of Union Beach, John Murphy- . Mrs. John, , Kennedy, „ ,, room walls and an upstairs bed- orchids. Rcpubliean Candidates Mrs. Joseph Henly, Mrs H. J. Sand- ,. „„„,. way team at Neptune. Most jer- When tho couple return from Red Bank Presbyterian church. and thn second by Mrs. A, G. Rein- 0()m Mon(lay night at tho iously Injured was Judy Shapiro, FII.GRIM BAl'TIST Mr. nnd Mrs. F, Leon Harris icke al Port Monmouth. lass, Mrs. Henry Bnuer, Mrs, Jo-home of Mrs. Sarah Brown of 20 their wedding trip to Washington, Members are making baby seph Puchor, Mrs. Plrle Maloney. two, who was admitted to Fltkln D. C, nnd Virginia, they will make RCd Bank will hold a coffee hour Sunday clothes for the Red Bank branch Cluests at the shower given by Prospect ave. hospital for multiple cuts about tho Revival sorvlcas will continue to from 5 until 0 p. m,, at which tlmo of tho Nitodlutvoi k guild of Amcrl- Rev. Mm, Wlttek were Mrs. Helim Harry Leonard, Thomas Oakos, Tlio lire apparently started In ths their home at 12 Valentino ot., citizens of Red Bank are Invited Eugene Kennedy and Mlues Jerry face and scalp, Her father waa ad- Monmouth Beach. bo held each evening at 8 o'clock ;'ii, and toy nnlmaln for the Jun- Relnlcke, Mi'H. Florence Reinlcke, wooden girders supporting thu mitted for treatment for head cuts through Nov. 4. Rov. R. F. Dever to meet John L. Montgomery nnd ior Hervlco limguo of Red Bnnk Mrs. l,alda Dlsbrow, Mrs. Shlrluy Knlker, Margaret Murphy, Lucy -chimney, , The bride, a Rod Bank > high Everett Baynton, Republican can- Wardcll, Marie Costigan, Helen and a rib fracture, Mrs. Shapiro school graduate, has boon employed eaux is guest preacher. for distribution to needy children Brlskle, Mrs. Gertrude Smith, Mrs. A general alarm wiig turned In ut and Kenneth Shapiro, five, wero Sunday-school will meet at 10 dld.iU'H fur tho Red Bank council, nt holiday tlmn. Tlmy will also null Hhlilny Ciundell, Mrn. Flnyd Otln- Folker nnd Margaret Mary Muegge. 0:15 nnd when llrempn arrived they a* rocuptlonlst In thn nlllcea of Dr. Other Rppubllcnn candidates cs- treated for cuts nnd released. Philip Coata, Rod Bank, Mr, Jnrvla, o'clock Sundny morning. Christmas. cnrdH to raise funds to dell, Mra. Gloria Wilson, Mm. found JniDM Williams of Asbury According to pollco tho car waa Rov, H, L, Morgan will preach poctod to be present nro Dormnn finance a trip to tho Brooklyn Florunco Whlto, Mrs, Rosa Hall Park who wan In tho home at thii a graduato of Rumnon high school, McFnddln, J. RIIBKOII Wnollcy, Min« Jane Beelto going oast on tho Asbury ave, cut- la employed by the Telephone, com- tho morning uermon at 11:30 Sun- Navy yard. and MIHSRS LI ruin Dlxhrow, Muriel tlmo playing water on tlio flnmtui off when a toam of honras from day morning and tho evening; ser- Abram Voorhoos, Merrill Thomp- Thn International auppnra will Cahlll, Joan White, Florence and Heeomett Kngaged from it garden ho.so, Firemen had pany at Ajbury Park, Ho in a Navy son nnd Elvln R, Hlniniell. Valerie Hclnlckn, Joyco Cozens nnd tho SchloBsbach farm, Netuno, pull- votoran. mon nt 7 o'clock. in held at tho home of tho ship Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Beclie of tho Urn under control soon after Ing a hay wngon, holt«rl frnm thn Prayor mooting!! are hold evory ender, Mm, Elston Combo, Hhrown- Murjorlo Mutz. nrrivinir, but didn't leave the Brown Wednesday nlRht HI 7 nV.lndi, RKKOKMKIt Fux Hill, Little Silver, have an- hoilin until about 10:30, otdo of tho road and crashed Into HLKMM—KONIHll/r Colt's Nuvk ...ury t'lwn.'ihlp. Kucli moitlli u dif- nnunceil tho pngiiKiMiifnt (it tlii'U tho car. Ono ot tho hoMon WHJI Im- ferent country will bo represented HOr.Y COMMUNION KVlSVOPAl, F. Howard Lloyd will npnnk on Kcd Bunk SeoutH diiughtcr, Ml«n Jane Bccbc, to mediately killed and a votorlnarlan Florence Wlntfred-Mnrlo Klonim, "Politics ami IlollKlnn" at Ihu 11 when memliprK ivlll cook n nir»l I'.KC. J, /'nvld LechleeaUer, son TO III': HONOltl'.l) waa called to do nway with tho daughter ot Mr, nnd MIR, CIIIUICB Fair Haven typical of linn to lie served In that Win Second IVi/.o J. Klonim of Bolford, noenmo the a, m. ncrvlco Sunday, MIHH KII/.II- (i! Mr. anil Mm. William Lech- Four county rtMldi'iiU will bo other. Tho hny wagon wnn being The confirmation class will meet both Matthew* will he uiKiinl.'il, nation. treckrr of Knraway (arm, Colt's among (hit lur> nvrlitly lollredcm- driven by Clarence IS, Gordon, Jr., hrldo of Arthur Robert Komlrup, MIHH .hunt Mitt hut IIIIH volunteer- Troiip 17 of Ited l!;ink, unilcr at 0:30flumlny morning nnd church and Mm, (inrrrtt Thmnpnon will direction uf .Scoutmaster Albert C. Nnck, ploypcH of the Jersey i/culml rail" of Ocean townihlp, when the toam son of Mr. and Mm, Adolph Kon- nchunl nt 0M5. Bnptlam will bo at direct tho choir, ed lo lii'l|> llm ship with nulling ,i, Suntlny, Oct. 10, at HI, Clom- prolilom.H, New immibi'i« elected Vi'lliT, won nci'ond plai'o la tho MIM Ilci'bf Altnnilril tlm Greer road llni'.i who will bu honored at a ran onl't Episcopal church, Uolfonl. nonn. Sundny-nchool IIIIMIIH at 0:15 a. in. IIIIIIIH uf thn Momniiuth council Boy M'hool In Pcnnaylviintu and Kdgc illniu'r slum Saturday at tlio Amer- Rev, Christopher H. Hnyder, ivrrn Kiilliiirlnn Laliieriiuo, (Mills- J Rev, Frank Arnntrnng nt lleliiiiir, Youth Follownhlp inedd nt, 7:.'1U In DnVoi', Ann Fnlvu ami Hun Hi'Oiit C'ooUout Held Hiitui'dny nt wood Park Junior college l v', k'lH hotel, AllenLiwn, I'll. TIloJ* Lilllo Silver Child naalstod by Rev, William K, Molt, vlcni', will prcncli on "Tho Parable p, m, Kumlny, Illnillc. ('1111141 lloimnian, IlrUlmnn Scuut Lrchtrcckcr In ntatloiuul with tlio from tiu< I'liimty who will bo proi- vicar nt 81, Clement'*, performed nf thn MnrrlnRo Fen«t" At (ho 11 A miclal anil xtitiurn diincii frolic ii'm'i'Viclloii, The prize wim 1111Air r'or|ii< In Texas, lln ntlcndrtl cut III'D L'ailn I )i':i;U(lu, Hii'luTt it., Has Halloween Parly tho ceremony. o'clock Horvlcn Hlindny morning, will lin hold nt Kluck'n nlnriiKd burn 1 1 nlri'lrlu liuili'in A Iil-plrm nliinil- Admlrnl (•'ni'riiRiit academy. Ited Hank; William I'IIKC, Cherry Cllvcn In nmrrliiKn by her father, MIHB Mnhol Hnndrlckitnn, organic, on Vnudcrbui'n rd, liinvimiw IIIKIU Till'! ) AlTI'Mcd mini t'tiotcliiK (""I, Hi" fli'Kt pnr.f, »t., ShrpwHliiiry loHimlilpi Eman- Mr, and Mil, Joaoph Pace of Lit- will piny "Morning SOUK," "Largo" nt 8 o'clock, net llall.ttoili, Mlddli'tnwn town* tlo Bllvor antortnlnod Sntui'dny nt tho brldo worn it whllo Hiitln gown In Still Kaiil wan won Iiy troop AH of Maiiani|iiaii, mndo with n awrothoail noitkllno, and "Dnholtl tho J>«ya Cimio," The llclplnir utrrln will mi'i'l Mi'iil prl/,r«, n xliovol ami n wutni- HIII|. Mini K.biTt C, Walker, Vln* n. Halloween blrlluliiy party for Woillii'flday, N"V, 1!, at thn hnnw! Agi'itl/t of the nt it 11< Alciiliiill1' their ilnuKliUr, Lucy Mary, who long HIOOVON, IHtod hodloo and n UONH" 'uAlvTaVKHVH proof match enirn won* won by New I'liniituro Slorc »(„ I.'l'l'l'lllllll. full aklrt, Her veil WIIH ndxiiil In nf Mrn, Irving Ucmnu'll, Vumlcr- "veingM ('onlKil enmmlxitloii, IIM- 1 loop 74 of Matuwan anil troop 01 wiw ttnvon yonrx old, Tho imrty wan Urlttnny lace, and the (inrrliil linr MOIIH chili ninti'lct Governor hui'K, 111 «1 Iiy Hint" police, Mn MI til ii v Wlllliiin T. Koi'h of Lltllu Hllver, ltl.MMACli: HAI.K NOV. IS hold In tlio if/iino roam of lh« of Kcyporl, ii'Ui'iU Hi'tun Hull xriuluuti', toiiior- maternal grnmlwnthor'it prayer 1'n II I H, Ci'ounuu of Kronohtown Choir ri'heiiriml In hold Thuin- nilili'il MII llli'H'il (ilHlllli'iy at Mm'- Thn I'hll.I'hll.UhiU M mn'lety of Hod haimo, uiul KUL'flU attended In oon- row IICKIMH iimniiKFinvnt of thn T, booli, oovorod with whlto cnrna> will ho Kuoat of honor tonight nt dny« al 7:30 |>, in, puivllli', li'i nicd one of till! "lilMKot H.iiik l(i|i(l?l rhmi'h will hold it tunic*, tlona nnd viilloy Illlot, thn Fnlr Haven Moni club ment- (if Itn kind," Thieo Newark men J, Kuch and Hun lianlwnru utiiii' Mi', and Mm. Finl Morrld nntl nt 201 Main M., Kranidiiii'K, nimiimp' mil,. Hauinl.iv, Nov. 13, Thn clilldton enjoyod gumm nnd Margaret Hoffman of lied Hank IIIK nt Wlllowhrook roxtiiur-nnt, wcri' ittienled anil nro lielllK held at the W.ulnlile "Y" tiillldliiK on lofronluiiunl/i. Attoiidlntf woo Luoy Other jfiiMtH will Inelndo Interim- Mr, u hi I Mm, Kmll Mlnlilm or In tint county Jail iiuitlMhK itr'lon M I.1/1 lOII'/.iilictli lllKlilniion will Hit It itmu'lutnl wlUl liln dither, wnn mnld ot honor, mid C'uimlniicn Jinlxn HID wmtiimi'M nt tile iiiiimiuor- Thruilurn J. Knoll, win" fonmrly Went ll'Mtfi'ii |.l, I'IHJIIIH; at 0:30 iinil Mlllls I'IIOS, Audrey iiml Tlnit Dean, Ki'iiMsliniK, wan IIIIIIPKIIIIIIII. llotml Councilor* Adrian Vim- ltiimiion til,, 1,11 Hi! Hllvpr, nnm>iimi< mi I'liiiiMiA of (literalIlltf it Kllll. n, MI, Mix, AtuiiHitu !«i,vt<;n U Komi, I'mil chrlntnfimi, I.yillft nnd Jltarlen J, Klcmtii, Ji1,, thn lirldiVn IliiviMli'yn, C'liiyton llollnmlei' nnd Ilio Miiwifmi'iit of Mi'. Hlnlili'i'i 'I'he Mill, • >• 11111> 1 •' » 't'hi' linn will liuiulli' FiiU> rli ilini.iu, i.fu.Meil by Mr*, Olinrloi lloblila l'mM', JiinrL Norn, Jlmiluluu (Mil Monin, I'lfnUlniil Alhi'it (I diiUHlitn, Mini I.III i Mini' HMIIIMIII enllie pit «n '•! innUInK uhlelu, , lov.'ii Ainrilciin U'isloli Imliut Hut- rather,' Had liott mini, Julin K, of Intliy iMIilitKd, Jtlsenllc finiil- K, lliiiiiili'liouK'. Mi't, 1 lurry Wmlt\ Umiiiiliiiiii llenm, John nil Uporfft) A, Koiiilni|i, Ihc t• il, Inmi'i .itut in A uiul ii".I OHtlcti, MM will! mi ('. Unwell, I'AUP, 1,OIN llnulley, Nuni'y Wnlrr- iiiiim'» iirolhi.i«, iinliiMiil, Mrmlifrn nt lilnn/i Cllll.n l>f n «• I ji (i • Hunk, mm nf Ml", Klhrl I'lluiati of IMilli'i' /.HliI, Tlir fllll Imil /i pnli'li- Ii nf K'i!"Ml Mill mit|iiil ol I HI to I'm iiulluii* * I'lllllll Mll-ll'lH'i "II llMllll Will 11 Mulh Ilio IMIIID mid luldrgiooiii MoUonnld'i huttl, lluakiy, kuy «iia "Cubby flnowdon, r* Mldtllltuwn townihlp nlfti VILtd, pltci Widnudty, Nov. U, lit/. piny for dtnclnf, Page Four RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1949

en ; ty clerk, urged the support of Eat- Mm— has been public relations oilicer at cial prize to be awarded Nov. 22. Schlctter and Miss Elsie Schletter Fort Hamilton, N. Y., has been Proceeds will go to the church Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Apgar, Jr., of Clifton at dinner Saturday. transferred to Japan. building fund. spent the week-end at tho home of 157 S, J. R. KELLYIOMPANiELLY Cl Y -* Bank "What Is Being Done for Tuber- Mrs. Jamos W. Davidheiser en- The Women'* .Republican club Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Apgar, Sr., Ce-culosis in Monmouth County" was KILLY BUILDINO tertained several friends nt an in- will hold a card party today at the darwood Park, to celebrato the the subject talk given Wednesday formal party last week. home of Mrs. Hattle Miner on 70th birthday of Mr. Apgar, Sr, evening of last week at the Par- Mrs. Thomas Crawford of Kea'r- Campbell ave. ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grayson ent-Teacher association meeting. ATTENTION COMMUTERS ny, a former resident here, is vis- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCarthy and Miss Ella Wenderoff of Brook- It was reported that $38 was made iting Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crook. of highway 36 celebrated their lyn wore Sunday guests at the at the flower show given by the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I1. Rheln fourth wedding anniversary Fri- home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace N. school children. A pet show will Now you can have jour car spent Sunday at. T.nke Hnpatoonpr, day. Rubinstein. be held next spring. Mrs. William upholitered and fitted with where they attended the -Ifilh wed- Richard E. Pease, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harriot Leuhauser of Har- Stoltz reported on work being done ding anniversary celebration of Mrs. William Pease of Mills ave., rison is visiting Robert Robbing for the Junior Red Cross. Tho cuatom-made slip covers while Mr. and Mrs. John Hubel. celebrated his second birthday Sat- and family. group will hold a Halloween party you are In the city working. Mr. and Mrs, James H. MacPhee, urday, with a party. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oppicl vis- Monday evening at tho school. Sr., spent the woek-i-nd nt East Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pease, Wil- ited Mr. and Mrs. John Maher Sun- Leave your car with us in liam English, Walter Pease, Mrs. Orange, guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed- day. East Keansburg the morning; and pick it up ward Herbster. Harold Pease and children, Harold Mrs. Lawrence Ryan and daugh- nnd Andre of Keyport, Miss Mau- Mrs. Frank Folin was hostess ter, Marylcne, of Danbury, Conn., William C. Lloyd graduated Sun- at night completely finished! at a card parly held last Thurs- reen Leary of Laurence Harbor, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cawlcy day from John Marshall Law col- day by the auxiliary of Community Walter Dunn. lege, Jersey City. He has taken his fire company at the fire house. Mrs. of Freehold. Horace Rubinstein and his Morris Josephs won a special prize, bar examination. Mrs. William Henlngsen of father, Joseph Rubinstein, went to The East Keansburg1 Brownie Coated Genuine Plastic lljVM and Mrs. Clara Rhein had high Shark River hills spent Saturday Long Island Monday on a business score at pinochle. troop will hold a Halloween party Plastic Fibre with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henlng- trip. Saturday afternoon at 'the first aid Seat Covers '• Rev. and Mrs. John E. Johnson sen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Cisar hall. Seat Covers , attended the Northern Baptist con- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wldmaler and |r|N returned homo Tuesday after hav- vention at Paterson Baptist church sons, Walter and Robert, of Mills George Lanigan of North New- ing spent a week at Washington, ark spent the week-end with Mr. Both Custom Made — Prices Include Installation Monday, Tuesday and yesterday. ave. spent the week-end at Lake D. C, where they visited relatives. Rev. Mr. Johnson is pastor of Leo- Hopatcong. and Mrs. Victor Wollenton. nardo Baptist church. Mr. Cisar is a medical patient in Tho C.I.A. of Ideal Beach will Miss Loretta Witterscheln was the employees' infirmary at Marl- hold a birthday celebration dinner Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Sorloy of this week's winner of a Club boro hospital, He was admitted tonight at Marlon's restaurant, Custom-Made Brooklyn, and Mrs. Janet Conway sponsored by St. Mary's' Rosary this week. of Bradley Beach were week-end society. Keyport. CHILD ADULT AND WEDDING Tho Boy Scout troop meeting at Republican party workers held guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pat- Mrs. William Mallett of Main st. the Marlboro school was hold Tues- Convertible terson. Mrs. Frank Williams, who celebrated her birthday Sunday. a get-together party Wednesday of PORTRAITURE has been spending the past two day evening under the leadership last week at Bachstadt's restau- The Scout mothers met at the of P. D. VanMater, H. V. Holmes rant. Among the guests were Mrs. weeks with the Patterson family, fire house yesterday nnd made xMh has returned home to Hillside. and William Stolz.. Margaret Voorhees, committeewo- TOPS 35 SiLVERTON AVENUE,. LITTLE SILVER, N. J. plans for a bus ride to New York A meeting of the Boy Scout com- man; Leo Homhauser, committee- Miss Loretta Wltterschein was city. PHONE RED BANK 6-0232 olectod president of Delta Phi Al- mittee was held at the school man; William C. Johnson, town- Repair Work Also Don* Mrs. Hattle Miner will hold a Wednesday evening. Plans wore ship assessor; Earl Eaatmond, iii pha sorority at a meeting Friday card party, sponsored by the Wo- made for an overnight trip to township collector, and Joseph K. at thn homo of Mrs. Charles Hesse, men's Republican club, this after- Jr. Other officers are Mrs. Ray-p Camp Brisbane. Plans for form- Edwards, township commltteeman. noon. ing a senior patrol and a Cub "Drop In For A Free Estimate** tnond Falko, vice president; Mrs, New members will be received Mrs. Anna Berth entertained Leighton Johnson, secretary, and into the Rosary society of St. Scout unit were also discussed. several persons over the week-end. NEW FALL PRICES Mrs. James Grodeska, treasurer, Mai-yV Catholic church. New Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Heulitt and They were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph The next meeting will bo Thura- mouth, Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Mr. and Mrs. Wrtliam Ogden at- Pavlovlch of Philadelphia, Mr. and WEAREVER AUTO SEAT COVER CO. ON SIX CYLINDER day, Nov. 3, at the home of Mrs, A social in the parish hall will tended the race meet on the Has-Mrs. William Meyer of Brooklyn Louis Huys. follow the ceremony. Refreshments kcll estate, Middletown township, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jorgensen "COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE PPHOLSTBKY" Guests of Mrs. Charles Lock- Saturday. of Perth Amboy. will be served. Mrs. Anna Mojus Is 111 at home. 109 Oakland St. (At th« R. R. Station) R**J Bank 6-2612 PLYMOUTH, DODGE, DeSOTO AND CHRYSLER wood Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Pfc. Howard E. Collins, stationed Mr. and Mrs. Siege! Heulltt and Peter Bcrnett of Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. William Houlltt vis- John Mojus Is recovering from a in Texas, visited his mother, Mrs. recent Illness. Brakes Relined .... 316.00 Mrs. Robert Search will be host- John E. Collins, and Mr. and Mrs. ited Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Heulitt ess Saturday at a plastic demon- Daniel P. Sehanck last week. He Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bergman stration, has returned to Texas. Betty Lou Whitson visited Isa~ and daughter, Pearl, attended the Valve Job ...... 320.00 Sundny guests with Mr. and Mrs. wedding and reception of their Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beam, Sr., bella Heulitt Friday of last week. cousin, Harvoy Carrdon, at the Arthur Maier were Mr. and Mrs.entertained guests at dinner Sun- They attended a party at the Colt's Ring Job ...... $38.00 Walter Woods, Sr., Mrs. John Neck school. Jowish Center, Brooklyn, Sunday. day in honor of their son's birth- Star of Bayslde council, Daugh- Johnston and Miss Mary Woods of day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dey and Hawthorne; Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph ters of America, will meet tomor- King Bolts and Bushing Fred Beam and children, Ardith, children of Cranbury were Satur- row night, A clothing demonstra- Lehmann, Newark, nnd Walter Ann nnd Blllle; Mr. and Mrs. Ed-day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Woods, Jr., Locust. tion will follow the meeting. Mem- Wheel Alignment . . $16.00 ward Bryk and children, Janice H. V. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes bers whose birthdays fall In Octo- Mr. and Mrs. Edmond G. Bills and Pamela, and Miss Mildred Coir entertained Mr. and Mrs. M. Mur-ber will bo honored. Alto New and Rebuilt Engine*. Genuine Mo FAR Fart* lied of Garden City, L. I., were Sunday lett. 'Robert Boam, Jr., was also dlchian of Morris Plains Sunday. All Work Guaranteed guests of Clausen Coop. guest of honor Saturday night at Mrs. Anna Berth and son Wil- Miss Sara Dugan spent Sunday liam will spend the week-end with Dodge and Plymouth Enrlne Hebullt-Installed, »16».OO Mr. and Mrs. Berwln Guttormsen a surprise party, given by several with Mr,: and Mrs. Augustus W. and sons of Pnrkchcster. N. Y., frionds at "Buck" Smith's tavorn. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pavlovlch of (All above on *-cyllmler can only) Halleran of Matawan, Baltimore, and will attend that hnvo been spending a low days David Timms of Port Monmouth Cylinder Beborlnr — Sleeve* Installed — Crank Shaft Grinding with Mrs. B. P. Guttormsen. Mrs. Max Gebhardt recently vis- couple's 11th wedding anniversary rd> Is,a patient at RIvervlew hos- ited friends In Irvlngton, We me the Sunnlnf crank shaft grinder Anton Rennemnnn of New York dinner Saturday. pital. He was Injured while at Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Vander- GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONEY city has closed his summer home work at J. Howard Smith's plant. here. hurgh and son of Cranbury, and "Elirht out of cvorjr 10 rtuders oon- Complete Automotive Service Mrs. Olga Enstmond, president of ult tho Register Olasilfled Ads."—Ad- Miss Phoebe Gould has returned the Port Monmouth fire company Thurston Whitson and family at- from Caldwoll, where she has heen Ladles' auxiliary, presented a flag to visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Tay- Fire Chief Edward Frelbott Friday SUTTON MOTORS lor Gould. night' at tho fire house. Others Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murray of present were Mrs. Nora Fleming, Phone RE 64145 Garden City, L. I., spent the week- Mrs, Sophia Gajlnec, Mrs. William end at their summer plnce hero. Gobel, Mrs. Anita Wyman and Shrewsbury Avc. Shrewsbury, N. J. Mrs. Albert J. Koith entertained Mrs. Martha Rungc. The flag was the Foursome at her home last prosented in time to be carrlod In week. Attending were Mrs. Joseph the firemen's parade at Coatsvillc, P. MBcLean, Mrs. Cosmo O'Nell Pn. and Mrs.. Joseph M. MacLcan. The Port Monmouth Social club Mrs. Minnie Miller nnd her will hold Its annual dinner no.\t daughter of Jersey City were Sun- Thursday at the White Houso, Port day guests of Mrs. Olaf Christy Monmouth rd, and Mrs. Claudo Smith. Semng RED BANK Charles Boeddlnghous and fam- Mrs. Mary Wacker celebrated ily spent Sunday at Metuchen, her birthday last Thursday with HOUSEWIVES! AND JERSEY SHORE AREA guests of relatives. her family and a few friends. The Brownie t.rmjp committee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Schnnck met last week nt Community flic celebrated their 14th wedding an- You Are Invited to Attend a houso to plan November activities. niversary last Friday, Brownies will hold a Halloween parly Monday at the home of Mrs. for NEON SIGNS DtSICN Ho. , rormurth It illustrates the greater home values that arc poi- 1 Hup. l,iUwy Soy baute I tip. iunf • No need to risk costly In* siblc when architect and engineer join in planning. grcdlcmj...no need (o cJii- Smile nnlonn In tnclltd butlfr 10 A. M. mi 2tM P. M. (without browning nr burnlniii lor appoint your family In the I! rain. Add ull, iiemier, celery. Trent you promised! For hot Hiilcr. Cover, couk fi mln, Add Come in and sec this home. Sec the room illustra- Tumi (brnltcii In iinnil plcra*) unit In Our Showroom , , . By Mln Lliwlth here Is vour secret of de- ilriilnoil i Chohoy Mixed Chlncie tions ,., study the floor plan. Also there arc scores licious liomcmnde muffins ilrn or I.nCtmy llenn Noted Frigldalra Horn* Economist that arc light n» » feather lli'Bt tlioroughly. Com* of other modern homes in our Service, Among the liliw mill mill Ihlrkrnliii nnil Jin- every time,.. vnrltiK. Stir Iliihtly, cook 1 mln, Srrvu over l.uChoy Nnodltn lor many designs you'll find one that meets your nccdi. ASFIURY PARK Doublelayt «fc Unbdnn Pfetfvili, Dlvlilan if litliln M«« C»., , Ohli, Dl|il, 4f-C. KOAD-A1) SERVIGK. INC llUlrllnili'il 11/ 49 So. Mnln Si. AiLury Purls Rodway Salt)* Corporation LUMBER/^ »V Jiinliuii Nlrvcl tVAlker Christmas Fair At Shrewsbury V* Christ Church Event Mean Week From Tomorrow Christ cliui-ch, Shrewsbury, this year is celebrating its 247th birth- r. Every** U>* **» day. One of the features of this !.r. celebration will be a Christmas fair Friday, Nov. 4, in the parish house from 2 to 10 p. m. Included in the schedule of •vents and those who will assist SUPERMARKETS it various booths are: cakes, rolls more and pies, Miss Ruth Parker; coun- try store goods, Frank B. Lawes; neckties and articles from "grand- BIGGER •* mother's attic," Robert Disbrow; choice old glass and china and a variety of new colored glass from South Jersey, Mrs. Louis Hayward, with Rev. Carroll M. Burck assist- ing. Mis» Kathryn Sickles will have calendars, cards and candles for •ale, proceeds to benefit St, Ann's julld. The children's fair, under the direction of Mrs. Kenneth Almy, will include pony rides, balloons, a puppet show, jeep rides, fortune telling, children's books and re- Comstock Pie Apples • • • • JOoi. eanlSe freshments. &** Sale of a good supply of aprons, . /'.i knitted articles, handwoven bags /[ Apple SaUCe A&Pfancy 20oz. can2 for25c and purses and dolls will be under the supervision of Mrs. William Fancy Pumpkin AS» :?«. can2for23t Turner, while the Christmas table will have hand decorated tinware White Rice *iv« 12 or. pkg 10c 2 ib. Pk9.25i and string dolls. Miss Jane Bur- tis will conduct a snack bar, at Uncle Ben's Converted Rice . • Moi. Pkg. 17> which tea, coffee and sandwiches will be on sale. Bartlclt Pears lona 2?o». ean29< A highlight of the day -will be an auction, beginning at 8:30 p. m., Freestone Peaches H«»ti'i D«Nght 29 01. can 29c conducted by Tom Howard, famed comedian. Apple Butter whii»houi. 28ozi3rl9c Louis Sherry Grape Preserves • . 1 IB. iar 19c

Raspberry Preserves Ann Pa3. 1 ib. iar 29c Red Cheek Apple Juice ... qu«ftboi. 19c 'oz. 1 Libby's Tomato Juice ... is 01. can 3 for 35e Airline Prune Juice • • • • . «'boi. 25c

tt>. < Ncstle's Evercady Cocoa «ib. pk5 28c 1 ib. pkg. 49c V/hol» o' ei' Other AAPVahtem 1 PyO-My Coffee Cake Mix . . . u «. Pkg. 24« cot"rle4 P" "- Corn OH C«l Liplon's Soup Mix giblets Evaporated Milk whinhoui. car>2i°r23e Chiekin-Hoodle Tomato-Vegetable iatw-'- Large Dried Peaches A&piancy iioj.pkg.23c ib.1 carton carton 1 Gtik. ^ Sunsweet Prunes L.r » 1 ib. k . 22c 1 n>. kg. 41« 3 pkgj. 32c 3 pkgi. 35c B P g P 2 c»f>* ©1 \b. 55- Instant Ralston Cereal • . • * u«- pkg. 27«

Cream of Rice Cereal .... I801. Pkg27c Swan Soap wirti For dishes, laundry or bath t.Uer Hal! BOSCO Milk amplifiw 17 oi. iar 25e J4 oz. iar 43« s 3c,; .;25c ... fine <1« Tcndcrleaf Tea Bagt pig. ol 16 18c pkj. oM8 19c

al C .Ailed ' " Nectar Tea Bags pks. of16l5e pko. ol48-13e Yukon Beverages *« v»ri»ii.«- i » d.p. 29 oz. hot. 2 for 21« Swan Soap 12 oz ,• • P u can I|( for dishes, laundry or bath Gorton's Fibred Codfish • • • >«• pis-15« large 917. 2 cakes ^ • C Gorton's Codfish Cakes Keedy to f>» Woi. ean22<> Lamb Chops itib or iheuidw ib. 79c Smoked Pork Butts »on.i.n ib. 79« Maine Sardines in oii-unwr«pped ivt o«. tan 9= Shoulders Of Lamb Creu-eul-whola Ib. 45c Smoked Beef Tongues short cut ib. 49e t^ r"» Stahl-Meyer Beef Stew . • . . lib.can43c For laundry and dish** Boneless Veal Roast shoulder ib 65c FoV'I 'or fricautt, taladi-ell sii«i Ib. 41e Heinz Cream of Tomato Soi/p • »i<«.««nlOe uo-1 large Leg or Rump of Veal • • • • • ib. 67c DucklillgS Long Uland's limit Ib. 45c pig. 27« Campbell's Soups Pepper Pol, Vegelabls, Pea 3cani35« Roasting Chickens *'/> ibi. to under 5 ib«. »>. 45c Breast or Neck of Veal • • • • IB. 29c Campbell's SoiipS B.*r, Chicken, Mushroom 2ca<"31c Chopped Beef Pu<« btif frtihly ground Ib. 55c Frankfurters skini«i ib. 55e Silver Dust Ann Page Beans Choic. of 3 va,,«i,,i 1 ib. can 3 for 29c Granulate white soap Cross-Rib Pot Roast No f.t .dd.d ib 89c Pork Sausage • • • . link ib.59c M«.» ib.49e >§& Gravy Master 'or meking graviei 1(4 oz. bol. lot

Chuck Roast or Steak B°nt in Sliced Liverwurst irtunichw»i8«f i^. 59c Arnionr's Pride of Farm Catsup . * • • Uoz. bot. 18< Boiled Ham sii«<» V4«>.65c Plate.and Navel Beef Fr«h-for boiling Ann Page Chili Sauce • . • • i2or. boi. 21« Woodbury Soap Boneless Brisket Beef Fmh or comad Beef Liver Specially Jtltcled Ib. 55c Diamond Crystal Salt flain or Iodized 26 oz. pkg. 9e Beef Kidneys ...... b.29c SailSa^C Vienna 4oz.can 17 C For toilet and bath Lo|n Pork Chops c«m«r eutt Delrich Margarine iz Color Pad lib. canon31c Pork Chops Hip and ihould.r cuti Fresh Seafood Pure Lard i« 1 ib. prim. ib. 16e 8 l8 3 'T 23c f If Fresh Pork Shoulders shori cut Fresh Bluefish . . ib. 29c Sweet Corn lon»-cr««m ilyl. 20 oz. can 2 for 23« Fresh Hams whou or tith.r halt Fresh Whiting . ib. 17c >v*> String BeailS lona-cul I9oz. can 2 for 23c Sliced BaCOn Sunnylitld 2 half Ib. ptgj. 65c Sweetheart Soap Fresh Shrimp t • • . > 69c TomatOCS Ion. I9oz can2for21e For toilet and balh Smoked Pork Shoulders short cut ib. 45c Fresh Oysters Faw frying 0*01.390 FartUwim pint 79" °/Va SwCCt Peas _ Ion. 20oz.ean2for23« •^er Or, •<»»."s« 11- carton ol 10 pkgi. J..O # e.k. llc Buckwheat Flour Sunnylield 20oz. pkg. 13c

Makes a taste-thrilling Ann Page Syrup • • i2oz. bot. 23c 24oz.boi.4-lc filling for sandwiches. •*•«« Bin White Flakes 49' Dromedary Gingerbread Mix . 14 oz. pkg. 2S« Bluas while you waih Priem JHeduemd! Miraclotlt A new cleaning cloth 12 II. roll 49" . in. Wildm.r. . |! \- ft*** \ Statlcr Paper Towels . Jumbo rail of 300 >h.»n 28c 2 .Large Eggs Irown and while a0IiV«Je p Ched-O-Bit °w. Twenty Mule Team Borax • . . i *. pkg 16c ChMie lood 2 Ib. loaf 79c ^P^«n-•^""•po 1+ Kirkm.in's Flakes Sharp Cheddar BoraXO Claani difly handi 8 oz. plj. 13c 14 oz. pkj. 29c Aged over 1 y«ir Ib 69c ^3^/S2!f*fe For diihai and lint labriet J(/s( Cream Cheese iord.ni ^r/B,'^'**/eno or'?-'efl* Blcachrtte Blue , . r . • Jot. ig.2ier 13c 6 oi, wej31c Of P large «C#, ^ / , cooJtS. pkj. 27« Blended Swiss , M.i-o-iit i/)e Wridlpv's Soap In Heuiible plastic bag lUcalei59c Ih Sin "»*f0 F ^ '•«». Blue Cheese ' fancy '°m w,•"e,, GrC'Solveilt «... "b- can 13c 3 Ib. can 33c, Ib. 65c ''""Mi,, "TII Jl'OIti; HOIKS: Jrkman's Borax Soap Whipped Butter iunnyii.id O< <*,, Kirkman's Complexion Snap • a • "i«6e I oi, cup '10c *nk»»>/, ''« For the laundry Gruyere Cheese lorden'i 8 A.M. lo 6 P.M. A lax Cleanser With loemlng action 14 oz. can 12° 0 oi. pkg. 39° "«P, '*•«*, Heavy Cream lordWiwhippini »o,f Monday Through Saturday 3 bar, 200 Hpl.cont.31o t»rf., Marcal Toilet Tissue ...... 3oii>28« Vc//, y o^ '•'ci/ 3 ft*i9o Chiffon Flakes On/, '/»« For diih.i, lingarlt, ale. f "n.«, >m,. ' ini/, lutgi 07» V' 'car, '«/, c 2ib, fcy.7. ""ii Pot. In OA. TM,'on; •He r Hi.•vpf/ ft Full favorites, l.iphl, Cerfon 4V II h '*•*«,'••* tender nnrl fresh! \f '«•% 'ft. ( It **••»* k,•«nrf. e"o. Foriht laundry VriiUCakc mib.1.! itw ht °««prf ''eg >4»0 b,..15a Ho.,, n Hk. e aaia^B«aai^R"^aaajjB»^— "• -~^^"a»»»»BPi^-^ —™—• ^ " ' • •^ ^ bat. »//o, kt White Bread Mtrv«l-dal«d lor liuhnm I Ib. lo»l J'lc <•*,„"•"»«« >t Oo ">)'m>n i<{. |P>lcn E»ttHva In Suptv.MorlnU ond j«l>;$ff.vlct SlQfti Only) '#• I* • «»//0. Poillld Cflko Oold or Marbla J4 01. toil 49" '•'•rfo"ft, n ^5^ C""Wa» Pard hi Food Drtiil^li Fruit and Nut Ring r«?^ «». ci'1% Camay Soap Dll/ A Swill product Apple Turnover*. • • • For loiltl «>id btllt For lha laundry and dulul lib, O tag .) 2 Hallowe'en Layer »i«'« .'!<*% BED BAJSK REGIBTEK,

TRESBVTERIAN False Witnessts;" special anthem afternoon at the Flock funeral Rod Bank by the choir. home, Long Branch, with Rev. Paul Women of the church will hoi 3:30 p. m., Sunday school at Tin- E. Holland, pastor of the Ocean- an organizational meeting tonlghl ton Falls Methodist church. port Methodist church, officiating. at 8 o'clock in the church sanctn. 6:30 p. m., High school Metho- Deaths In Red Bank and Vicinity Burial was in Woodbine cemetery. ary. Rev. Charles S. Webster wll dist Youth Fellowship meets in address the group and will reconv church; leader, Gordon Johnson. MRS. BELLE C. BACHJOK BAPTIST Evangelism visitation will go to is held Wednesday evenings at 7:45, Long Branch next Wednesday to The Young People's Christian as mend the amalgamation of th 7:30 p, m., evening fellowship MRS. .TERRY KRASSNER H. NORMAN HOYT Mrs. Belle C. Bacher, 73, died Red Bank attend tho North Shore district sociation meets at the church each present women's organizations In service in church. Special mu»lc Sunday morning at the home of Church school and Bible study region convention of Evangelism at Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. the church into one women's .fed- and song service; message, "How Mrs. Rebecca Krassner, 68, wife H. Norman Hoyt, 67, died Satur- her son, Wallace Bacher of Asbury classes will meet at 9:45 Sunday eration. Refreshments will be Shall I Live?" of Henry Krassner, 36 Riverside day night at his home, 44 Throck the Reformation Lutheran church. ave., owner of the Carlton Sweet ave., Atlantic Highlands. Mrs. Bach- morning. Rev. A. Pallesko of Everett, Pa., MKTIIOOIST served in the Sunday lecture room Monday—Girl scout meeting at morton ave., Red Bank. er had lived in that borough five At the 11 A. M. service Sunday, at the close of the meeting. basement of church. shop, Monmouth St., died Saturday Born in New York city, Mr. Hoyt will be the main speaker nt the 8 Fair Haven at Monmouth Memorial hospital. years, having moved from Jersey In observance of Reformation Sun- p. in. rally. Rev. John B. Kirby will speak on The Brownies will hold their ini- Tuesday—W.S.C.S. metting at had spent most of his life in RedCity. Her son is owner of the new day, H*v, W. Clinton Powers, pas- The Ladies' Aid society will serve "Let the Church Be the Church" tial meeting this afternoon at 3:3( the basement of the church. This Born In Russia, Mrs. Krassner, Bank and was a graduate of the was a daughter of the late Mr. anl Red Bank to Freehold bus service. tor, will preach on "Basic Issues a dinner to the church's visitors Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock in the parish house under the lead- meeting will be a supper meeting schools here. He was a forme Besides her son, Mrs. Bacher, is in the present Protestant-Catholic next Thursday evening at 6:3(1 at service. Both choirs will partici- ershlp of Mrs. Alfred P. Ilch. All served by Mr. Peterson of Pater- Mrs. Ephrlan Faber. She had lived purchasing agent of the Anacondi In Red Bank for a number of years is survived by a brother, William Conflict." The choir will sing the church. A meeting of the couiv pate in the service. Jean Crozier girls between 7 and 10 years old son. Copper company, retiring last yea L. Wilder of New York. "Christ, Whose Glory Fills the cil will be held Thursday night, will sing "The Stranger of Galilee.' are invited to join. Wednesday—Choir practice. High and was a member of the Congre- after 30 years with the concern. Skies." The organ prelude will be Nov. 10. The Youth choir will sing "Savior The senior girl scouts will alsi school practice at 7:30 to 8:15;gation B'nal Israel Synogogue here. A former officer in the Red Bank The funeral was held Tuesday "Andante," and the offertory an- Hcnr U. m., the Junior group under the 2:30 at the home of Mrs. H. D. Interest In Christmas this y«ar the dlt-d Monday night at Rivervlew Arcanna ave., Occanport, died last John £• Day nifht at the Red Bank Synagogue. Woolley, 20 Lake ave., Fair Haven. displaced persons who will arrive hospital. He had lived with a Thursday at Monmouth Memorial RKFORMED direction of Mrs. Arthur Duble and "Peac« Is Possible" will be the the Senior group under the super- Miss Pickering of the Presbyterian at the Methodist conference center daughter, Mrs, Anna Bizzaro, of hospital. He was born in Sweden, theme. Mrs. Howard G. Hymer Middletown vision of Miss Elsie Stout. board of Christian education will in the near future. Members will 136 West Bergen pi. Mr. Petillo son of the late Nels and Anna Mac- Funeral Home will lead a round table discussion. In marking the observance of Mrs. Milton Worlock is leader of Inform the. teachers how to better make cash gifts to this project. If was born in Italy, son of the late Lena Nylander. "Piece* for Peace" is this year's Reformation day within the Pro-tho Adult Fellowship group which present the new lessons. there are any persons Interested in John and Giovanna DeCapua Pe- Mr. Nylander had been employed 85 Riverside Avenue project. Cub Scout pack 23 will testant churches, Rev. Donald R. he project, please contact Miss tillo, and came to this country 56 by the Jersey Central Power and will meet at 7 p. m. Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Webster will address Phone 6-0332 Red Bank meet Friday afternoon, Nov. i, at MacNeill will preach on the theme; evening worship service will be held tho Little Silver P.T.A. Tuesday Irma vonGlahn, president of Alpha years ago, settling in Red Bank. Light company. He retired in May. 8:S0. "Christian Revolutionaries" at the at 8 p. m. Sunday. Mid-week pray- night at 9 o'clock. Kappa PI. Mr. Petillo, rotlrod at the time He had lived at Oceanport 29 years. Keyport Branch—301 Maple PL The children's program for World morning servico at 11 o'clock. The er fellowship and the pastor's Bi- The Golden Hour circle will meet The executive board of the Worn- of his death, operated an antique Surviving are two sons, Gustav Telephono 7-1352 Community day will be held Fri- Sunday-school will meet at 9:45 un- Wednesday at 1 p. m. There will n's society will meet Monday at shop and furniture store on and Calvin Nylander, both of der th« direction of Karl He-twig, ble class will meet Wednesday ev- day, Nov. 4, at the Salvation Army ening at 8 p. m. bo no dessert meeting, but those 7:45 p. m. Mrs. William MacDon- Shrewsbury ave. many years. He Oceanport, and a brother, Fred Ny- Non-Sectarian chapel. All young people between superintendent. Nursery hour will wishing to bring luncheon aro in-ald, president, will preside. wns a member of St. Anthony's lander of Miami, Fla. Mr, Nyland- be held at 11 for the younger chil- the ages of 6 and 16 are invited. METHODIST vited to do so. Beverages will be The Methodist Men's fellowship Catholic church. er's wife, the late Mrs. Gerda T. Lady Attendant Clayton chapter, W. W. G., will dren, directed by Mrs. Paul Bova. served. The women will sew to- >rogram for Tuesday, Nov. 1, will Besides Mrs. Bizzaro, Mr. Petil- Nylander, died in 1944. The choir, under tho direction of Atlantic Highlands meet Friday night, Nov. 4, at 7:30. "I Believe" is the theme of the ivard thoir project for Ganada mla- center around the bishop's rally in lo is survived by three other Tho funeral was held Saturday Mrs. C. August Schulz, will rehearse ilon. Ocean Grove. Th* men will at- daughters, Mrs. Phllomena Genne- HOLT TRINITY EVANGELICAL Wednesday evening at 8. Final sermon by Rev. Roy E. Williams to be delivered at the Sunday The junior choir will rehearse at tend in a body and will leave the dll of Leonardo, Mrs. Mamie Sta- LUTHERAN plans will be made for tho Plastic :30 Wednesday 'afternoon in the churchyard here at 7:15 p. m. oia of Chapel Hill, Middletown, Red Bank party, which will be sponsored by morning servico at 11:45 o'clock. The Senior choir, under direction larish house under the direction This church will co-operate with and Mrs. Dolly Bottone of New- The feitlval of the reformation the choir, Friday evening, Nov. 4, he Red Bank council in observinf ark; two sons, Anthony Petillo of in tho church rooms. of Roy Jeffrey, will sing, "What- if Mrs. Wallace Bennett. will be observed at the H o'clock ever of Earthly Bliss" and the World Community day next Thurs- Riverside Heights and John Petil- H. L SCOTT •ervlce Sunday morning. Rev. Har- Curing the illness of Miss Marie Junior choir will sing "I Would BAPTIST day at the Congregation B'Nal Is- o of 191 Maple ave., Red Bank; a old Hornberger, pastor, will preach Conover, tho regular organist of rael synagogue. Women are asked brother, Luigl Petillo of Los An- Be True." Mr. Jeffrey will play Leonardo on the "Meaning of the Reforma- the church, the organ console is "Prelude in E" by Hollins and his to bring yard goods of cotton or geles, Cal.; a sister, Mrs. Maria Na- MORTICIAN tion." The senior choir will sing being supplied by Mrs. Beatrice. postlude will be "Harvest Aut- 'Como and See" will be the wool, knitting yarns, floss, crochet olltano of Italy; 15 grandchildren "God is a Spirit." New members Gulllaudcu Sunday mornings. umn." The Girl Scout troop will theme of the pastor's sermon at cotton, trimmings, all kinds of us- nd one great grandchild. will be welcomed into the church. The Sacrament of Holy Com- attend the servico In a body. Sun- the 11 a, m. service Sunday. able remnants, thimbles, scissors, Msgr. Salvatore DiLorenzo Will Church Street, Belford, fl. J. The children's choir will rehearse munion will be celebrated next on day-school will moet at 9:30 a. m. 'Christian Assurance" la the topic threads, tapes and braid, ffer a solemn high roqulem mass at 8:15 Sunday morning and thoAdvent Sunday, Nov. 27. Rev. Dr. Tor the 8 p. m. service Sunday. Friday morning at 9 o'clock at St. or beginners and primary child- Radio station WJLK will broad- Anthony's church. Sunday-school will meet at 9:45. Justin Vander Kolk, professor of ren, and at 10:15 for all others. Church school, with classes for cast a program on World Commun- Phone Keansburg 64)333 The Halloween party for the con- Theology at the New Brunswick The Youth fellowship meets at all ages, meets .Sunday at 9:45 a. m. ty day next Wednesday night at Burial will be in Mt. Olivet cem- gregation sponsored by the Luther Theological Seminary, will admin- p. m. Sunday with Karl Van- Tho Junior Baptist Youth fellow- :45. etery, under direction of the Da- league will be held at the church ister the sacrament. New memBrunt- , leader. ship meets Sunday at 5 p. m., fol- mlano funeral home, Long Branch. bers will be received Into the fel- The children's program for World tomorrow nighg t at 7:30. lowed by the Senior Baptist Youth lowship of the church nt this time. A Halloween party for tho Sun-fellowship meeting at 7 p. m. Community day will b« held Fri- MRS. MINNIE P. WILLIAMS Workers of the congregation go- day-school will be hold Friday eve- Prayer and Bible study is held day, Nov. 4, at i p. m. at the Sal- ing on the Every Member and BAPTIST ning between 6:30 and 8 o'clock Wednesdays at 8 p. m. vation Army hall. Mrs. Minnie P. Williams, 66, of for the small children and at 8 The Married couples' Bible class 75 Monmouth rd., Navesink, died Mlddlctown The church school teachers and Monday at the City hospital, In commemoration of Reforma- o'clock for the others. There will workers conference will be held will hold a dinner meeting tonight SL George's by the River bo motion pictures and refresh- at 7 o'clock. Newark. tion week, Rev. John E. Bates, will tomorrow at 8 p. m. at the home Mrs. Williams left her home Sun- pi-each on tho topic "Tho Meaning ments. of Mrs. William Thomas on Circle A will meet this afternoon Waterman Are., one block The W.S.C.S. will meet. Tuesday nt 2 o'clock with Mrs. Howard 3. day morning to visit hor brother, of the Protestant Reformation," a', Thompson ave. 1 Herbert Banks, of Montclair. She south of Rumnon Rd., the 11 a. m. service Sunday. Sun- ufternoon nt 2 o'clock at tho Tho Ladles' Aid society will meet Hlgglnson, 32 Arthur pi. church. The Men's club will meet Circle G will meet at 8 o'clock was stricken with a heart attack MrvU. It^lJJlUt m ma, «•»*»«, fo m.rit M» Kuinson. day-school will meet at 0:45 a. m. at tho church Thursday, Nov. 3, at Sunday night at the corner of under the leadership of Miss Doris iVedncsdny evening. Choir rehears- 2 p. m, onlght with Mrs. T. Streckfus, 65 (Take Sea Bright Bus) als are held Wednesday evenings. ilttle Silver parkway, Little Silver. Broad and Market sts., Newark, ««/rtlnn given tomorrow night, betwoon 7:30 MONUMENTS THE ORDER SPIRITUAL SCIENCE CHURCH Tho Young Poople's group Is f Miss Ann Shaw, Tho sermon and 9:30 Prim wltl be given at Rev. William BlaKrovc will speak holding a Hnllowcon party tonight by Rov. John P. Euler will bo "The both parti**. OOLDEN P.UII Services and Meatages on "Ught and Darkness" at tho ut tho church at 8 o'clock. Hnmo of tho Soul." 10:00 o'clock Sunday morning norv- Tuesdays, II r. M. Tho World Wldo guild will moot Tho Young People's Fellowship PENTECOSTAL II Hl(hl«nd Av«., llunuon Ice. TucHdny nt tho homo of Mis. W, ill moot at 7:30 p, m. Wodnoidny Ulblo school claim for all ugci will ollowod by choir pinctlce. Sunday Union Bench lurry Pooten. Tho Wuincn'H Mis- Tho morning wonhlp service will Sundnyi, a v, M. mcnl at 9:46. A 15-inlnutc or tun Hlomuy Honloty will moot Nov. 3 i-liool will meot nt iO o'clock under rccltnl will bo given ut 7:30 Sunday e held at U o'clock and Sunday ut tho homo of Mm. Gertrude direction of Mrs, Amy C, Owen, ichool will meet nt 10 o'clock. Nigh Point Spiritual Chapel evening deforc (he wovuhlji KPiVlc>.Inhorfs, Your Confidence Leonardo The mtiuinito by Hcv. Mi. IlinKiovo Evangelistic strvlcei are held at (Jlimr rniicHUHi will lit held to M i; TIIOIMST p. m, Sunday and prtyir meet- R«T, MjTtln A, will ho "Obrdlent f.'lirlntlium." ilf;lit nl 8 o'clock. Knl on town I'rnyrr iiicitlnK nnil Hllilo «nuly nga sr« held Wednesday evening! We fed thai when you call ua IUv, Dunham V, nelnlj", mlnli- it 8 o'clock. tar, r in lime of need you are expressing lSulunlown Mfl a, ni., Hundny itchool CIRUMB ST. MAHK 8~lKriSCOPAL Your Expression of DISTINCTIVE n«v, II, Undommin. Sundny for «ll ««««, Keantburg confidence that we will provide mornlriK worship will bo lultl nt 10:A0 n, ni,, nionilnR wonhlp rtev. William E, Stott, putor, True Remembrance 10:43 o'clock, Tho ovimlnjf icrvlco nurvlcM In honor of KIH scouts of fill conduct the morning sermon So other act of a normal exactly the kind of service you ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS id 7:30 p. m. will bo under tho di-Wiilonlawn, BpoolW flng wiluto and it U o'olock Sunday. Sunday- rection of Mnleolm Vary, Jr, man's lift Rivoa him moro Perfection of Material and odiomony by tho girl ncouUj ohll- ichool will meet at 0:110 a, ni, Con- complete tout «mi»fiictlon desire. We sincerely strive at all Workmanship In Bnautltul Tha Iiuxt nnd Kuuml fellowship (li'im's menmiKo, "The Clouds;" < Irmatlon Instruction wilt be given thnn th* building of N Mom- uinntn Tiii'urinyit nt 7:30 p, nt, for nioinnnc, "Do Ye Mot t 4:30 p, m, orlnl to hit loved onei who times to justify that confidence New Olblo ntutly nnit Humlnyn nl 0:30 p. m, hava gone on, Tim Hundny-nciinol moeU nt Our itliot Hurra Memorial* which is imposed in ui. Our memorial* in m«nuf»ctur« iliiv IM-IONH KISD HANK II-U810 0OE,FRONT ST.,RED DANK N.J. Mini li« nii'i i uiii|ihliiri| l>v HIM hum Phone R«d Unnlc 6-0319 (ICNU I'Utt II.U.MIlAIT.I) NIUllTBi I'UINT PLEASANT 6-064? „ - PHONE RED BANK 6-0557 ml inii«lr\ WIMIII'KIIIIV Illblt stmly R.F.D. Box 108 Rtd Butk, Infill* it T.DU f til, (Xoer Ikirhj Ijoars o/' Deppndablp, FLonomictil forvkp * UED BAXK UEGLSTEn, OPTOUKfi 27, 1S1D Pasre Seven

Sea Bi'islilt Entcitainmcnt and refreshments the Sea Bright public school on returned home from Xiagara Falls, next meetfng of the a^AOctotion will [ guard; Harden Fo.vJer, Jr., right Atlantic Highlands &- will be provided. All Sea Bright fire prevention. After his lecturp where she visited her brothcr-in- be held Nov. 9 at 3:15 p. m. Dr.! .support to the noble grand; Marvin America's Best Corsets Sea Blight post, American Le-1 children are invited, he demonstrated the UFC of a flir • u', nnd sifter, Mr. and Sirs. Hoj ^ will }ir KUI st p Pf()cisrn, senrctary; Oscar Andni- gion, will hold its annual Hallow- Andrew Johnson of Church s>. extinguisher, j Stone Mi.-a DougUis in omptoytNl The Sea Bright lodj;e of Odd Fel- .son. fln.-inci;il secretaiy, Memorial hospital where he was a turned to her position at KowlcrV i The Homo ;iml Scliuul as.-oci.ttioii iht of last wenh. O'.tri Pell va.s TUCKER'S party will be held at the Legion medical patirnt two weeks. hardware store after a two weeks' is planning a bieakfn.-t in Holly- indneteil as noble nil; Thonia.- Kve; nhani, doputy grand of Ni'p- CORSET SHOP On Street Plan home. Prizes will be awarded Assistant Fire Chief Robert vacation. I wood party to l»c lit'ld Nuv. 17 .it f* Gail.inti, vitc gi;in Krtnutmi \\. tunc lodge, acted «fl installing of- 139 BroH'lwtiy l-nng Branch winners of the costume contest. Thorscn gave a talk last week at Louise Douglas of Church st. has p. ni. at thp Charles manor. The Cline, chaplain; liny Layton, insiiie Ilcfr. Borough Studies Widening First Ave., Leaving 9-Fl. Walks The Atlantic Highlands mayo; and council Tuesday night receive* '%. assurance from the county that aid will be forthcoming to widen First ave. A letter from the board of free' holders stated, "We will proceei with the necessary measures when Acme easements have been received from property owners." Council also re- ceived a letter from James S Parkes, director of the board of freeholders and chairman of roads, stating-, "X will be glad lo push th matter." Mayor Waldron P. Smith sail **m this action was the first concret step in the widening project whicli has been hanging fire four years, According to plans, nine-foot side- walks will be established on each side of First ave. The matter of obtaining the easements was referred to John M. Pillshury, borough attorney. HEAT-FLO ROASTED In another matter concerning the streets, the mayor reported that the Jersey Central Powor an Light company has been lax in re pairing street lights which hav gone out. He referred to a light on West Washington ave., between Ave. C and Ave. D, which has been out ten days. MOTT'S "This situation is common in th COFFEE Special This Week-Kml'. whole town and at some spots i T If you prefer a heavy-bodied represents a dangerous hazard, coffee—try IDEAL at this spe- said Mayor Smith. A letter was or- dered written to the power com Apple Cider v« C u U M P(v ' cial price! Topi them all for pany asking for immediate correc- flavor and value! No finer tion of the situation. coffee at any price! In its annual report, the harboi commission reported a total profl of $11,715. Of this figure, $2,84 ,* >*-* Vacuum Packed represents gas profits and $8,871.3 Pound Can represents profits from the harbor. Moke an attractive lamp from your A total of 220 power boats and 33 rowboats were anchored at the mu- Mott's swirl jug—send a dollar and nicipal harbor the past year, the k label from jug to Mott's. commission reported. Get Acquainted With Acme Coffee Service Today! Mayor Smith appointed Domini- Also try Asco freshly-ground coffee, a richer blend!—Wincrest Coffee, lighter bodied, A. Caruso to fill a vacancy on th vigorous flavor, fully developed by "heat-flo" roasting. Try a pound and be convinced! harbor commission and rcappoint ed Sverre Sorenson and Osca tables I/ichlenstein, whose terms will ex pire soon. fresh Fruits Frank Micalizza, who operates a rowboat pier, has stored several rowboats in a shed at Third ave. fancy 1 and Ocean blvd. This practice, said sa29 Nelson Roberts, borough clerk, has resulted in several complaints from 1 residents of the area. Mr. Robert, said that 23 rowboats will be stored. The matter was referred t ApP ?; Mr. Pillsbury. Help Councilman Everett Curry re- .39 ported that state inspectors will examine proposed sewer extension plans to determine whether stat funds will be made available fo the project. Golden Loaf Cake \% The County Gas 'company « granted a month's extension t keep a trailer camp which house Coffee Cake?-" 39 workers installing natural gas fa- k V,enna Bread cilities. The company requeste Cherry-Filled Buns \ " 25c the extension saying that certain Bread complications have arisen prolong- ing the conversion from manufac- i.« 15c tured gas. • James Phillips of Atlantic High # lands was awarded a $299 contrac Open Fr/c/oys fi/ 9 P. M. to paint the glasshouse at the wa- ter plant. Special for 1 Week! 1 'T «, Councilman Edward Walder re 17-ox. can I / t ported that the doors on the Hr< Del Monte Early Garden Peas house have been repaired and 20-or. Councilman Leonard Hoffman re- Scri/e ported that a new fire whistle has Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour &%£; pkgs. 27c been installed. Mr. Walder praised the Sea Scout troop for raising A&nw and lowering the flags in the bor- Vermont Maid Syrup 23c Hallowe'en Features ough during the 30-day mourning period for the late Dr. Thomas /WUTR/ ecMf0 0B C. McVey, former mayor. Hunt's Tomato Sauce *' '^ 5c Mixed Nuts " Tpl, 45c Mr. Hoffman, chairman of the fire committee, said the firemen MEATS' 1 will hold their annual Halloween Compare These Acme Everyday Low Prices . Pecans, Almonds £,. 45c party for borough children Oct. 0ASTED 31 at 7 p. m. at the fire house. He : SOV-V v^eig Peanuts « 2 £". 25c said prizes will be awarded for the before reacnes u,g. 200. >>ZjC Olonl Slit l"J' 2 '£;• 25c^ 37-oi Pk«. O/C COOKIE MIX CRISCO AJAX Octagon Cookies! Sumo like them pressed. ,!!; 32c CLEANSER Laundry Some like them dropped. Some ^ 87c Soap 3c'k»20c prefer (ho ice-box kind nnd tome t" 12c like ilium rolled nnd cut out In- Oulnlaiullng Swift h'vuturu Values! 11 different slmpcs, Flnklo rrmkei Swiff Baby Meats KID 2 '.T 35c ... pREM ,,,:39c \U KINDS, PARD rD 2 £ 25c r.ml etuy-io.follow direction! for Swift Cleanser Vr lie Roast Beef "T 49c making them nro rfuju on ilio package. Just Rdd mi egg to I'UkiM. A Page Eight BED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1J49 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICES BUSINESS NOTICES WE BUV ANYTHING and everything WE PAY hlgheat prloea tor your poul- DODGE AND Plymouth passenger cars. PtT SHOP UEADQUAP.TERS— Foadi. SEU.INU OUT below ro-t. fleconln, sheet fi. K. REFRKil-RATOR. Excellent con- HOOVER VACUUM cleaner. Excellent Dodee job»tttted trucks, authorlied dition; also Universal tank type elee.- _comlition. Phone RE 6-1252. such a, second-hand furniture, an- try, Write or phone, Long Branch remediei, birds and cases; fish and music, r;,»lioi>, irrordiiiB upparatu.*. tiques, glassware, old guns and real es- t-lot.0, 89 North Broadway. Long service, modern service Btatlon. Frank pqutrhimi; frcih. froten horse m^at. pianos, niTorilianu. all mu*ieal inslru- l_rl_c_viieiium. Phone ItE 6-/.03II-M. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, Norge, scU'ti . ulilii fn-l, KUotl in*-i!liailleal con- tate snd give the best prices. Call Branch. Zwlckl'a Live PonltrT llarnet. Van Syckle, 149 West Fro.it street, Hed Frtv delivery. Red Bank 1'et Shop. 3 menls and acfrfsnrke. t\'i Main Itrect. UAh i(AN(iK, MaL'i'- i'lief, tiouil ruli. SwarU Furniture, Highway 35, RE 6>MiiTAL \F/EA'l'HEft stripping i -nvo heat Bank, West of Maplf rjanue. Bast Front street. Red Bank. Phone I'll,in" KK 6-111 17. dition; studio couch: ice box. Vci;dition' , *00; also boys' suits, sires 13, WANT ADS •S and 6 years, boy's all wool winter 3213. . and eliminate dr«ft» this winter: DOES YOUfrCAR stetr hard! Uo y«ur VVUIil.lT/.lill'"Hiiby (ir nnd piann. li i-frct sonable. Cnll AT 1-0786. metal weather strip your windows and wb*els shimmy 1 Let us correct the sale. overcoat, tiuilted lining; reasonable, Call DISHWASHER, mode! A-M-4* riindilion. Prieed for quick SIMiVTUNK INNETtSPJlING mattress. »; C. JOSEPH SMITH. Wallpapering^ iloors now; disappearing attic stairways trouble. Save your tiros. Latest Bcur Good condition. Inquire Rollo Poit Phon. MA 1-2269 or IU4 MaiM n street. «i7c; two. 5')0-chirk electric brooder,, KB B-32I2-J. built and Installed. Call W, B. Ma-axle and frame straightening equipment. Hmise, Keypon 7-1900. Mjilhv.ni,. iirU:iniil carlotis, $'H) each: Japane«e FULL ifEDROOM SET, walnut. Good interior and exterior painting. Hiiire. LIE 7-7248-M. Frank Van Syckle. 149 West tront .silky rhirkrni., tl each. l'honc EA 3- condition, $3.1. IJsrragh, Branch and Gcnela) carpenter repairs: all types Ullirc. ugj i-uia-w. Classified V BELTS FOR lawnmowers, wa^iiiriw OI.H FA'MfKINKf) III.IM "ix-'ii lit' «»- flORO LINE MOTOR Sales, Highway 86, atreet. Red Bank. West of Maple avenue. ninchint;», power tools*. Merrit Ma- nrr rhino iloK.t, nlso aiitiiiue tliahog- "431-vy.- Mliple nvenu.es, LiUle Silver. _ of new ceilings. All jobB financed Our own building. A«k for Jack_Harder. FOUR" KUilF lHJDS.'tw'o duulVle built Keansburg. Guaranteed repairs, one- Advertising Hates chine Shop, 2i Mechanic street. Red niu kiilluy table. First ri'imoiinbli! of- KUIILL I1AI1Y COACH. Un'i! few limes, to 36 months It desired. All work day service; electrical, carburetion, mo- TRUCK, INTERNATIONAL %-ton [Hind, flank. „ __ nskiiiK 135. Phuiie KK (i-ol.'tn-J or bamboo, one Hetha Marra; one solid 1937, In good condition, $395. Fred Effective Nov. 1. 1949 Cnlenttn; one set holly and fender tools; guaranteed/ Estimatca free. Phone tor work; front ends. Come in for free rTillil iTATTc ETaTninYc ?l"a I n77 "cubuvf 0111, _7_2J_ Itker road. Fair Jlaven.' estimate. Business phone KE 6-113B. Farwell, 81 Blngham avenue, Rumson. 30 Words MINIMUM &$c TOYS, DOLI*S, BOOKS. A toy for _ S75. Phone KK 6-O25.1-Jft'._ "WXfiM MOK'NlN(;~""rnnl Blove. Kill- one lot tinsmith toois: several used fiih- RE 1-0300'or EA 3-0689-M. Phone Rum. 1-1499. ing rceli. i'hone afttr & i". M., RE 6- Resilience phone KE 6-1891-M. Ask for Each Additional 30 words or frac- all stcct, oat raoDlh to SO y*trs. TitAN.SMISSToN "anil "roar for 19^0 pound cipacity, reaBonalil..; ul.^,] Al 1837 FORD PANEL truck, good com Evinrude Zephyr outboard motor, 4 II,2310. tlon; t300. Phone AT 1-0833. tion T h<-i-rof 60c Jloutt of Toys, 121 First artnut, Model A Ford. $15; new shorter length 1 GBNE1IAL CONTRACTOK and cessl/uuls CARPENTER, PAINTER, repair work mineral coat, csc'llrnt quality, si7.e 16. P. L. Michlcr, 20 Linton place, Kcans- GAS STOVE, 2 ™ years old. Good con- cleaned. carting and grading, lop. USED CARS BOUGHT, sold and el- Advertisement leaded or doublt Atlantis Ulghlindt. Phont 1.0711. and odd jobs done. Call RE (-043!. yun. (all 1,(1 6.1(167.H. biirg, __dHioii;_CalLHE_6-0q68:J.^ toll, manure, fill diet, cinders, gravel and ehanged. Pontlac »alea and service. space inserted at doublt rat*. sand. Estimates given. Phone Red Bank SLIPCOVERS made to order. Excellent kU(i*f—ONlo, II.\I2. 12.\i2, tlxlM, llroad. \V"ATKT( nEVi'ETfi 'nil burning con- BLOiSD MAPLE Hollywood bed, full site, workmanship. Phone AT 1-1S55-J. Terms. G. M. A. 0. Rassas Brotners, and blond maple twin dressers, 96b • 6-1484. Oscar Backer, 47 Second street. 19-21 Mechanic street. Red Bank. Phona If charged, »II Rd» art 10c ad- loom nml Wilton, all perfect : Wnek- filaiil-level tfllvc Inr larg.; fuel tank, NEW FLOORS made perfect, old floors ditionnl each itibection. able hobby for making earrings, stone v.-iipher Hpiii-tlricr. Jfill; matching 30-gallon hot water tank with pipe con- teddy bear coat, sir.e 1*. $7: pair new Fair Havtn. -5180. brooches, bracelet,. etc. Assorted GEAlN GRINDING. Corn, rye and made like new. Clean, smooth, san- ltisht to classify, edit or reject colfi'i.' and end tables. J;15 ; lounge chair, nections, fine condition, al] for $36; con- white walking shoes, •',--!), $6. Call itary, beautiful. Any floor, old or newAUT, O AND PERSONAL loans. IS to any advertisement ii reitrved by shell, in colon, metal pin backs; ear two down eusirniii*, with slipcovers. version oil burner for coal range SV, KE_C-I6B6. wheat on tiapec Hammer mill. M. M, 1100 on your name only; $30.92 per screws, Dla&tic foundations. Imtruction Davis, West Park avenue, Wayside. badly worn, painted, varnished, stained The Kesister. j^honi^KE 7^1.1711." spnee. henler, cabinet type coal stove, it.C.A. CONSOLE combination; also or ilnAnished, oak, maple, pine, birch month repays a $500 loan. Bell Finance booklets. Home of Toys, 121 Fin I "TWO MICHOPJIUNE& two amplifurK. needs little repair $10, can be used single maple bed and sprint, clean; Phon,e_DE JM 467-J -I. Co., 77 Broad street, Red Bank. Phone We will not bt re-pon.ib.t for avtnue, Allmtio Hlghlandi. I'hons 1- ullh above conversion oil burner. Call or any other wood can now he quickly •rrors unless they are detected two guitars, two guitar mikes. Phone. large aquarium with ovnrflow. Shade UOOVHR ULEANEHS repaired, brushes and economically surfaced to a clear, RE d-1472. Licence 742. (17IU_. NO Hudnon avenue, Red Bank. Phone maple tree. Phone RE 6-1665. rcbriitled. Allen Electric Shou, 18 MAURICE SCHWARTZ. Chrysler. Ply- before the second insef'.ion. HI .".-UO.'I. _ _ UK H-U152. glass.like smoothness. The Brain of the PAINT—Kroro factory to you. Hitfh j'MiMliif'Kli FRYS'fXli trliasrs. Plume HE l.2.: . 100 BUSHELS o't ear corn, Call RE !• While street. Phono Red Hank 6-06I'l wood Is brought out like new. The mouth and International truck sales ClruMfifd ailvcrtJi-emenU will bt IIA'HY COACH, folding, *10: brand new FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE to improve, and service headquarters. Phone Red received up to 6 P. M, on Wed- urado paint enamelB, varnishes at bis III 3-121 0^ 0357-J-2. * work is done auickly at very reasonable suvings. Atlantic 1'aint and Wall Paper TWO KITCHEN RANGES with hot oak play rocker $:(; new blue cuddle- AMERICAN GRAND Rapid, lolld 10- repair, remodel your home with an price's, with an electrically driven Amer- Bank 6-0787. nesday, except rta| estate adver- neat $U: pink detachable hood bunting FHA Title 1 loan. No expenses in- ican floor sender, a vacuum fan de- tisements which ni'JBt bt received Co.. Mil West Front street. Red Hank. untcr boilers, double pet oil burnerr, piece dining room suite. Original 1937 DIAMOND T chinsiB nnd cab; 2- Phone R, B. 6.8M1-W. $:\. Call at 37 Carpenter street, River volved. Call at mir officii for full t>a.r- posits ai.' rfirfr" in a D5.lT. "Vie will Vie . tqn. Ions v?he»t base, good condition by noon Tuesday. tnnk, and fixtures, cheap; two pair price $1,101). Will sacrifice at $200; ticulan. Piompt action given appli- COMBINATION itorra windowa and French doorj, 21 lights, to fit opening Plata." (iood condition. Call AS 2-7*78. very glad to quote prieel and explain throughout. This la a tousn truck four months old, reasonable. Photic your part whatever. Albert Morawski, Mount EngllBh Sales Co., Red Bank. cl«55iJied ad» one hour alter re- donlile bell. eoniplf_tP:_J .hnn»JI_IJMm. celnln, two-door refrigerator. Original Highlands. Phone AT 1.0100. Floor Surfacing Contractor, 824 Hillside Sniali monthly payments. Monmoulh TtTlfJVKR'V'AC'UUM cleaner SI."., boy's FR SI-IS04. price $600. Will sacrifice at *(12B. Call 1948 CMC HALF-TON panel delivery, rtipt at office. 1 WHBLAN AND CI/ARK. Palatine and avenue, Long Branch. Phone LO 6- Construction Co., Highway 33, Head- conts. hat, leltw-ing Bit, size H ^, ?6. LADY'S CHESTERFIELD coat, Bize 40; AS 2-7778. 1616,* low mileage. It will bring In as much Thone lied Bank 6-0013 rlen'? Corner. Phone It. B. C-r.'lCO. . Phone ItE ti-t»54-J." man's brown overcoat, site 38: brand DACHSHUND PUPPIES, eight weeks paper hanging. By day or contract. money aa a new one, but will cost you 1 Phone L. B. 6-1377-J or Eat. 8-1094. ATTENTION HOME OWNER'S — Save TJ0. Call at 6 Urummond place, lied niture. Orders taken for painted and 1941 TBUCK, 158-Inch two-ton Ford, Small monthly payments arranged on Nlei! winter varieties fiO cents a bnskct. 1936 PLYMOUTH four-door, good con- cab over engine, with 14-foot fiat purchase of any material,. Hers are a lead pony. Cnll LO 6-4014-J after Hank. stenciled article!. Virginia I). Stofnet, LOST—11-foot lM*inil.c roviiiR Jury, l»almrr avenue (Kennshurg Gateway I be- POT STOVE, large size, to heat iTO dition, $95. Hemhsuser, Route 36 body, 7.50.\20, 10-ply tires, booster Korcs of tlio Jobs you can do: STOR6 P.M M .WINDOWS and scr 161 South street, Eatontown. Phont, ])«intri| whit" and liluo, from foot of Attic iniulation, application cf tile- tween Highway Ho anil K. Holmdel to 200-gnllon water tanV. Price $10, EA 3.05.11-Rj and Vineyard avenue, Eait Keansburg. brake, two speed axle, completely re- •\\a>hinv'ion -tn'it, Stanley Spring* l'ruil Farm. Phone KK B^1_5J',5-.I.' nlr.es HI ^."x.1.1'.; " ; one",~ :) 1 ii;"x4ISt3 U ",. Call al 6 prummond place, Red Bank. Call after 7 P. M,, or Saturday'and built 100 H. P. engine and transmis- bomcl in kitchen or batli-fimsb your K.\cp|]fnl enniiition. Price for lot $25. JAMES H. DEAN, JR.. landscape con- jstrrn "? Li mini pliuc, Red Hank, basement or attic Itito a ulavroom, bed- IlETiUOOM SUIT, iilsnkitc'hcngas "stove, FOUR L'S-INCII bicjclc tirca nnd four trnctor. m.Tson, sand, fill ilirt, jrrnvel, Sunday. sion. New seats. Price S695. Mouut- Dionr RK fi-i:tfil,200. 1948 CROSLEY station wagon, less roofing, sidinK. plyuood, door,, windows, •lition. one H»11I with pad «30: oneTUXEDO—Siie ,1S. fine condition. Too Phone RE 6-1183.* Eatontown. Phone EA 3-0524. Good mechanical condition; low mile- than 1,000 miles on new motor. Ex- FOR SALE insulntion, tie. Free house plan book, Ilxlr,. $75; mnhoirnny Huncan Phyfe small for owner. Price ?8. Phone HOME MADE beautiful anrons for sale age tires. Inspect this car at our used cellent condition, $400. Call RU 1- American BuiidinR Supply. HighwHy 35, cllninir room table, open* to . 48x54 RE 6-2731-J. until Christmas, every Saturday all OIL LAMPS converted for alectrlc car lot. DeRldder Bulck. Inc., 163lj> 4_9. _. at lltadilcn'B Corner. Middletown, Phone inchi ?, with pads, 540. Phone HO 9-ANTIQUE SHOP—Victorian rurnllure. day. 119 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Monmouth street. Red Bank; 1935 CHEVROLET coupe; lieuter, radio, OAK DININd ROOM Ml, tnl.lc. ftnir ity. Lamps rewired. W» call (or licit B,ink 6-4444. 06 12. Gone With the Wind oil lamps, Bank/ EXCEPTIONAL BUY, Nash "600", four- spotlight, two spare wheels, three chair*, chiiui c-iWi ..ml tuitTft. Very bisque. Agurines, iiieturea. Many other and deliver. Harold's Ridlo and door, 1947 acdan, excellent condition, spare tires. Phone RE 6-0582-W after 4 TcnFonnlilc dill KK fi-llol^; ____ TELKVISION SEfiVICK by graduate 20-GMJ(!i5 DOUBLE barrel shotgun. PIANOS—Uded. If you now own a piHtio, nulin enginoer. Kspeiirnei: on all typ-i articles. (Consultant decorator.) R. In excellent condition. Call RE 6- Electrie Shop, 34 West Front strut. fully equipped. Phone RE 6-1209 from P. M.* . AT* riWUKt), UitlC-A.HIlAC. turniliir*, keep it tuned and in good conditiun, sels. All work Kuuranl.'.il. reasonable. Wllkinft, two doors from fire house, Main Red Bank. Phone 1-2744. 1 to 6 P. M. bought and sold. Sohu House An- Bruce E. Anderson, concert tuning, rfg- 2I80..I after 6 V. M." 1947 CHEVROLET two-door sedan, J. M. Onliorne. Phone ItE 6.2J_75.J| . street. Port Monmouth. (Off Route 3g. )J APARTMENT WASHERT; Taylor Jr., J 9.111 BODGE PANEL bod.v truck. Good very irood condition; mileage 24,000, tiques. CJcorae Martin, i'rop, T4 Shrewt* ulatlng ind repairing. Phone R. B. 6- TEN-PIECE MAH'ORANY dining room mechanical condition, five good tires. bury avenue, At 'he end of Monraouib 42T.9 or Itum, 1-1389. TWO-IN-ONE taiile and four chiilrs. $10: also drenslnff table and highboy KITCHEN AND bathroom tile board in- $9911. Phone AT 1-1775-R after < like new, $1.1: Emerson table model aulte, three-piece French century liv- mnhognny finish, 930. Call after 6 stalled. Cabinets made to order. Very reasonable. Cnll RE 6-1824. P. M. . • treel. Phone Red Hank 6-3736. PICKUP UALEU. New or used New llol. radio. ?fi: carpet sweeper, $:{. Plione ing room suite, maple double, bed. o'clock, RE 6-4966. Knotty pine paneling, celling tile; ga- CHEVROLET, 1947 Fleetllne sedan. You 1939 DODGE TRUCK, two-ton rack VOU CAN'T GET a btlte; buy on tire* land nnd Cniie. Cnnovor Hros. Salon ItE B-217.',. Phone RE 6-2670.W. _ _ lAI.MATIAN PUPPIES, three months rages and alterations of all kinds. Terms have to see. this car to appreciate the ' hody. Price right, ?2TJO. Can be tftan at J. ii. Mount. Co. New Good- mnl Service, Wlckatunk. Pliune 110 »- NKW"- 18,1 II"17-lev'Nlolit; 61 bUliiir.'-iliell TUB "LAMP" POST"lfiirmeriy" Kf'yjmrl old, Otii? ninh>. one female, $10 and.-iiTiitigcd. Estimate, call C. A. Stone, value olfciL'd, S4G0 down, balance can seen any time nt Now street, Colt's year tires, guaranteed recap *.iret, guar- Swap Shop.) Collector's ntlintionl lie financed for 24 muntiia. DeRfddcr anteed used tirri*; plus a liberal allow* picture, A.lnilral, lCnierson. Motoiolii, 81,-i. Phono UK B-3JG6-J. RJLjyiGSJl Neck. Paul Slcdleckl.* KOVALTnEHINOTON, Underwood, and fJeiR'rnl Electiie. cui|ipli tely in.stnlled P.'vil.'i', brass, milk glass, spndc, liisi]IIH, PISDHiRE'ET) wire-haired Fox Terrier PAINTING 1IY DAY or contract. Also ' uick, 163 Monmouth street. Red Bank. •nee on your lire*. J, II. Mount, Co,, nnd pattern glass. . llcautiful nutii|.:c paper hanging. Estimates cheerfully 1941 PACKARTPCllpiier, four-door se- 11 Maple avenue, Ited Hank. Phone 6- L. C. Smith typewriters, low as $2fl.f.l). SIS."., ("nsh or term. Trade.-. Phone RE luippies, A.K.t'. renlstered: reasonable. 1941 CHEVROLET panel truck, JlSif. dan; good condition; Soulhwind. Reconditioned, RUnranlced. .Sorpieo'b, : lionkcase, marble top wrought iron Make your choice now for delivery af- :lven. Hermnn Thornsoii, P. O. Box J. H. Mount Co., 11 Maple avenue, heater. Prio $700. Phnne RE 6-or.Si.' 0404. Jb?iI '-__ . ati.nd, Victorian side chairs, etc. 12 321, Leonardo. Red Hank. GALL US WHKN ^ftlintr your antique*, 103 Monmoulh street. Phone RK 6 lill/LEN SI'ACE HEATER, like new. ter November 11. Phone after 6 P. M., 1041 CHRYSLER four-door black se- East Maple place, near Green (Trove AL 3-0038. EXP ;T UEPAIKINU on American cr STUDEBAKER COMMANDER, 1915, china, hric-n-brac and household ar- used only one y"nr. suitable for 5 oriivemn\ I'honu KB 7-30'iH-W, Open Swiss watches and clocks. Guaranteed dan; radio, heater, defroster; original ticles. Sea Briitht Antimnj & Gift f llTlEE lt()UM"S~uf brand "new" fTiruinii <-• (!-room liouKe, grate included, $75. Cnll CABINET "SPACB~HE"ATER. oil, con- four door, $400, radio, apcciul, heater, paint, new seat covers; good viphoistcry. for 527r.. No down payments for vet- evenings. trolled valve with fan blower, reas- for one year; also jewelry repairing. All new tires, clean job, good all nround. Shoppe. Phone Sen Bright 2-0009, or KK C-J1768-II. work done on premises. H. Rosin, 13 Charles Humph, Locust Point road, Lo- erans. At SwnrtT. Furniture, Hiuhwny onable; nlso two-burner oil cabinet Private owner. Call RE 6-2499-M after cust. Phone AT 1-15S5.H. Long Br?nrh f.-4137. HUSTON TEilETEli feinnle. I >3" yeiiiB SPECIAL VALUES on new, used West Front street. Red Rank. .-, ;.1O P. M.- 35, phone KE (i-3213. Open until S old. Kyott. W.VL'kiilV road. Eaton- Florence heater, nnd pot Btove, hot water t'clock every niKht. and antitjue furniture. Tremcn. heater, heats from 40 to SO gallons. 1934 PLYMOUTH, rumble sent coupe, WE BUY AND SELL anything I town. Phone KA :I-Q675.' COMPLETE LANDSCAPE service. N NEED~OI'" CAKPET? The newest. IJALMXTIONS. females. six week*. dous savings on household goods rhonPhon'e KE 6-1.117-J. rebuilt engine, other new parts; reas- Contents of homes, ttorei. cstatea, onable. Call AT 1-0309-M. HELP WANTED ir. carpeting, is now on fate at Bayt - Dyntt, WyekolT rnad, Katontown nnd liric-n-brac, Visit nur show- "fffirM.rXTMT C RANOK. Wcstinghouso, Now is the best time to plan and cellars, attics, china, sla«aware, *•<*•- on's Floor Covering*. Ii Broad street, three-burner, deep well cooker, excel- plant perennial gardens. Bulbs, DOUGE STATION WAGON. 1941. ex- tiques, »rt objectt and all brlc-i- Itcd Dank (second floor). Estimates •fYr-EWftfTKR~i~"cr"S"rn"ith, standard, rooms regularly, Rtiscil's, 2.S East lent condition, dimensions 25x3S\16, cellent condition. Must sell because LIVE-1H JOBS AVAILABLE. DomesUc, flowcrinff shrub,, trees, roses, etc., general; cook and first-floor; first- brae. Uuscil'p, 26 Eait l-'ront atreet, glmlly given. in excellent con.lition, J.10, Phone HE Front atrefl. S^0. Phnne TIB 6-373.1-R. of moving. Phone Thursday and Fli- ALTERATIONS of all kinds. Use. ourB-MS-J.' "MAHOGAJJY HIGHBOY J25, mahog- supplied and planted. Stevens, 0 day after 7 P. M.. all day Saturday and class cooks, waitress. Apply Roberta Phont Red Bank 6-1698. small monthly payment plan. Modern UE r"e"frjg"e7- (•Catherine street, Fair Haven. Phona Sunday, AT 1-0978-W. Employment Agency, 77 Broad street, RUti- ii\12. Anierii-nn Oriental d»«iirr> any bureau to mntch 92o, walnut Red_Bank; ^mes^ jMioiio RE 6:4O88. llusl and blue, J23. Phone RE E- ator. New unit. Ciooil condition, dressing table $15. bookcase $10, 9x12 PACKARD, 10 41 Club coupe. Good i N ON-FADING, full fiber tcxilent teat RE 8-0852-M. HUME OWNERS—"'file your "bntlf al'id 87.1. Call RU 1-1243-J. | Axminstcr rug $25, two black Russlnn condition. 1475. Inquire RE 6-0S43-W YOUNG MAN INTERESTED in sales cover* $12.95 at J. H. Mount Co., cor* management. Excellent opportunity kitchen on n new monthly payment EASY SPIN.HHIBR. e.vrellenl eondllion AIR-O-FLAMB oil spare heater. Call car.-tcul fur coats, Urge site, $23 each: ALL FUR COATS remodeled, rclined, or RE 8-364.1- ntr Mai-lo avenut and Wh]U street, plan. Modern Humes. Phone RE fi-40*.ft. .11 volumes Harvard classics $50. Phone to associate with national organization. d n f| $65. Hnllicrnflir 5-32. Me'ssner Hniul- RU 1-1243-J. reconditioned. Al! work guaranteed. 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, good paint ^• _y5 ^-_ L ?o_ne ®dl^°*L. - — inaKter, radio reeoivers. two.wherl wood RE 6-1528. Prices reasonable-, quickly done. Con- job; radio, heater; |12& or best offer. Will train; expenses, commission, bonus. *fOUK Sl»lkELLA"li mi individual gar- DISCONTINUED washable and atin- Itaniraen trailer, reasonable. Cnll EA 3-GIRL'S 26-INCH bicycle. Good con- FURNACES, OIL heaters, coal heaters. ault Amy C. Owen, Union avenue and Phnne KE 6-1576_-M. Realsllk Mills, Room 230, 31 Clinton ment, styled just for you, tused on fast wsll papers for every room in nfiSO-M. dltion. $10. Cnll RE 6-4522-M. gas ranges, combination oil and gal,Mnple Drive, Belford. Hnts, hags and BUICK; 1949 SUPER four-door: this street, Newark. measurement, of our Improved Agurt. DOUBLE rYED. Bteel, spring and mat- muffs made. Phone KK 6-04 82. WOMEN—INCREASE your Income dur- » your home. Value, to 112.50, now 12-INCH IIANII SAW, ]ii H. P. motor. coal nnd gas stoves: large selection. 10,000-milo c&r wilt not remain in Fitt perfectly all over. Catt for fret tress. All In sooil condition. 920. .Samuel Swnrta, 14 Weft Front street. LOCAL ANII LONG distance moving. stock long. Priced at $1,»95. DcRid- Ing spare time selling nationally guar- fittings, no obliKAUuD to bu/. FuoDt J2.U8 lor 10 single rolls. Klarin'l Phone RE 6-047B-M. Iteadrlen's Corner. Can be seen in Phoni. RE 6-138-.' Hill. 13 0 West Bergen nlaec. Phone anteed socks, hosiery, lingerie, in own LAMPS," VASE'S. Pictures, mirrors, bunli der Ruick, Inc., 163 Monmouth street. Eatontpwii 3-0811, Painti and Wallpapers, 2( Mon- show rooms, corner of Harvard street WE CARRY large 'assortment of lino- RE 6-43>,2-M. Red Hank. neighborhood. Protected customers. YOU CAN'T GET a better buy on urea beds, wi.shliiK machines, studio Realsllk Hosiery Mills, Room 230, 31 mouth atreet. and Highway ,15," ' letims. Inlaid. rugH and Congovrali; SEWING MACHINES repaired. Free, in- 1937 RACK BODY Chevrolet l^-ton than at J. U. Mount Co. New Good- couches, sofa beds, breakfast sets, bed- GANGMo\VERT"l'erfeel. Vondlllon. Has Clinton street. Newark. year tires, guaranteed recap tires, guar- room and living room suites, love seats, work done by experts. Estimates fur- spection. Pick up and delivery. Ma- truck. Reasonable, A-l condition, r typewriter desk, nine-pieco wnlnut din- been used only nn Rumson estate, nished. Samuel Swartz. 14 West Front chines bought nnd sold, Sewing Ml- good running order. Phone HO 9-7233. MAN, FULL OR part time; advnnce- anteed used tires; plus » liberal allow- S~O"iPT"*l 0ir"EVEllY occasion. Pottery, $3(1(1. Call RU I -0342.* ment; permanent. Repent business. ance on your tires. .1. H. Mount Co., copper, brass Slid wrought iron nov- ing room suite $65; wheel chair, Dutch street. Phone RE 6-1387.* chhie Service Co. Phone RE 6-213S McG'ufre's Market, Route 34, between pine cabinet, mnhognny server, Oover. 'WESTINGHOU.SE electric stove. Perfect TAKE NOTICE—We have oil and gasCESSPOOL CLEANING, "~bu"Ilding~celsT Holmdel and Colt's Neck. Customers. Introduction culls. *Real- 11 Maplt avenue. Red Bank. Phone 6- elties. Honey hot Bowers, 464 Broad lilk Hosiery Mills. Box 191, Ilelmar. 0404. street. Phone RE t-4020. nor Winthrnp desk. Olid living rootr. condition, four burnerF, two oven*, water heaters, nlnks, tuba and sinks pool, septic tanks, dry wells nnd HUDSON — 1941 TWO-DOOR sedan. A THAT EXTRA room to your TOP SOU,, gravel anil fill ilirt; locust chairs, upright liiano, sofa, combination timer and clock, ,«125. Call RU I-0342.• with cabinets, wait and floor -cabinets. drains; also wood dealer, sawing jobs This car Is priced right at 4373. In- WOMEN TO demonstrate plastics, etc.: house. No down payment. traal) posts; lawns (.'railed, seeded; any kind coal and gas stove, blond maple dinetlc SIX GALVANIZED chicken cages with Samuel Swarli. 14 West Front street. and trucking. 39 Peach street, Shrews- spect it at our used car lot. DeRidder clean, interesting work; steady. Call monthly pay men ta. Monmoutb Construc- of grading clone by day or contraet. set. Other items l.io numerous to men- Hit equipment. Small garden tractor Phone RE S-1387.* bury township. Phone HE 6-1S46. C. Bulck, Inc., 163 Monmouth street. Bed KE 7-0U9.J. tion Co., Hik'hnay 3t>. at Headden'i Phone Ml 5-0163 after 6 P. M. Mali- tion. Easy credit terms arranged. with lawnmower attachment: aliio VICTORIAN SECRETARY and""'En«liMi H. Wilson. Bank. ADVERTISED NATIONALLY! Make to Corner. Phont Red Bank 6-5060. Fret nino. ^ Hurdge's Warehouse, (next to Stein- chicken manure. Phone RE 6-2160-W-2.' chair. $2.1 each; Victorian mirror, 125: CO cents on $1; easy selling, 21 for $1, liach's parkins lot), 24 Clay itrcct, Red 1341 CREAM COLOR convertible Ply. CINDER BLOCKS—C»II RE 6-ies8. SEVENTY 2x8. is feet long; 90 2x6, It hnnd decorated breakfast table. $10; - FLOOR SANDING, rennishlng. wsx- mouth club coupe, new, green auto- ChrlstmaB enrds. Lowest priced with Hank. feel long; $200 for all. Call KE 6-Three pairs figured KOld damask dra- ing, nsphnlt- and rubber tltc In- matic top, nenr custom plaitic nnd leath- name; 45 new money-maker samples nn PLYWOOD— V, V. tt". Garag» ATTENTION, builders anil Killers! con~ 1220-J after 5 P. M. 129 Beacon Boule- peries, three yards long, used one year, er slipcovers, push-button radio, heater, approval. For best results: Deacon, tractors—AVe have everything you WILTON RUG, 9x12 and pad; also small $25; porch glider, red plastic cushions. stalled and serviced, inlaid linoleum; 323-B Washington, Neirark^ doon, special, $*».5Q:No. 1 Per* rugs to mntclij Phone. RE 6-4ri20-W, yard. KeanBburg. fog lights, spotlight, new tires, defrost- need in the line of plumbing and heat- vi MAPLE RED, spring and mattress, $25: grape mill and press, two cylinders, sink and counter tops. Arthur W. er, mechanically perfect; aisfc must be AVON REPRESENTATIVES earn big fection wood shingles; door*, ing supplies and appliances. Complete SET OF SIX dininR room chairs, wal- hand operated, $10: six pairs white glass Acker, Chestnut street, Port Mon- fieen to be appreciated. Can be seen st money supplying Avon cosmetic bathroom outfits, medicine cabinets, nut, leather sents. also Air-way vac- hardly tiacd, l-casonabte, Call RE G-curtains. 55 Hubbard avenue, ftivcr novelty tiding, moulding*; kiln dried '.'.1163. mouth, Thone KE «-20B«-J. New York Auto Top Co., 30 Oeea,nport Christmas gifts. Inquire now. Start kitchen sinki, all air.es, complete with uum cleaner, twin motor. Other items, Plata, Red Bank. - avenue, Wost Long Branch. Phone LO early. We train you. Write. Adit Hay- 1x10. 1x12 white Pine, National t'lifiiiii-u; water pumps, sump pumpf, cllc's head, kitchen luble and drea.ier. Lumber Co., M6 Belmont avenue, heating systems, steam, hot water and CnlJ[ UK 8-0123.^ GAS RANGE, automatic, Itoper GIRL'S BICYCLE, 2<-iiicli, in . gas and electric; ranges, gas and used, 1250 value, $150. Oak lane, screen, hot air registers, gas plates, tractor work of any kind, by acre. hour. der Bulck, Inc., 163 Monmouth strccti bracelets, pendants, matching Bets: FAN BELTS AND PULLEYS" for efuc- lie/.ito. Wolf Hill avenue, Occanport. Red Bank. made in Asbury Park: absolutely guni- electric; i-rfriperators, washing mnchint-s, Plinnr EA n-nnaa.» Rumson. Phone Rlf 1-0481.* hot Hir furnace, gas water neater, nve- or contract. No job too large. First- tric motors in utock. Uuuglat fclec Maytag automatic; freezers, the famous foot hathtub, basin for bathroom, tamps, class equlpmant. Ralph Mahar, Phone PLYMOUTH. 1948 Special deluxe, low anteed. Imported rhinestoncs, nioon- TWEl.VK SKlK'TS for girl 111-12 yearn stones and pearla. Phone AS 2-6364. triu Co., 35 East Front street. Phont "Decpfrectc"; septic tanks, 8011 anil GOO Other things ton numerous to mention, Hoi. 9-6391. Call betvttn » A, M. and milrajcc,. like new. Phone KE 6- ftd Baiik 6-01 Sh. gallon, and numerous other items. Open of age. All good wool and In excel- CLOSING~OUT"Tair"clTrn'ir"tablc lamps 116 Shrewsbury avenue. 8 P. M. HONEST. OLD WOMAN. Cure for four- lent eotiditien. Price $2 each. Phone and hanil Hewn silk shades at 2.1 e,;, >ANKKE TRAUEK will buy your an- evening*. American Frecicr-Plumbing HEAR ALL WITH Zenith hearlnz aid year-old boy. Room and board, small A Heating Supply Co.. Highway 35, at RE B.SH6:i.*_ _ below wholesale price, ranging from SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned; TififirTWO-nooR Chevrolet sedan, »60. wages, no cooking, cleaning necessary. tiquts. The finer the better. Phone SB.,10 to W>. Open Saturday. Peter ?28, comfy four-poster bed, spring, also dry wtlls, drains Installed, Ks- Phone arter 6l30 P. M., RK d-4165-M. BE fi--i'£it. -J' Webt__I-jrm»l_s treel. Headdcn's Corner, Middlclown. Phone FiVE-PIKl'K MAPLE IcTtehrn set. threeT inner spring mattress and KAnok $13, tlmatts given. Oscar Becker. 47 Sec- Saturday and Sunday oflf. Write, piece maple living room set, coffee and K. Hester Lamp Co., Colt's Neck, Phont 19 monthly. No 4°"" P»J* puppies; A ICO registered; excellent 12-GAUfiE SHOTGUN, Stevens. 32- overcoat, size 46, SIS: wardrobe trunk VACUUM cleanar, rapalred, any maka inch barrel. Fine gun. Bargain. Phone feet; Persian lamb gray coat, 14 or?.1. .12 Newman Springs road. Phone Co«t »3,100. Will nacriflce. Write. full details, experience, salary, etc., in rot nt. Call R. fi, 6-5060. Monmouthlirtrdlni:. Call LO 6-306ii-M. 16, J.iOO for MOO; oil biirnrr, Flor- Allen EUctrio Shoe, li WhiU atreat. •Tackard," Box 311. Red Bank. fint letter to "P. M.," Box 511, Red Construe*.)on Co., Highway 35. at Head- HAMPSHIRE thoroughbred nipi. Vac" KE (i-07!K)-It.' HE B-2227-W.* Red Bank IinoADLOOM CARPET. Enough for ence heater $10, man's coat, new, $20, FORD, 1949 TUD6R. Tills lO.OOomTJc Rank. deii'b Corner. ctnaleil; ready to go: also a few nice site 42. Call after 5 P. M.._RU 1-0.1(12.• MOVING—Mint IHSPDM of wardrobe $8, car Is priced at 11,495. Come In for a SECOND HANU'TIMBEH—8X», 20 f«tyoung boars; two bred giltt*. Service of three largo rooms, reasonable: also magazine rack $3, revolving bookcase FLOOR-WAXING. Call Red Bank MAID.—To do general homework four Inrifc antitiue mirror. Phone RE 6-0332. 1940* TAl'f AN" GAS range. Hranil new. ft demonstration. DeRldder Bulck, Inc., or five dnys a week, In Rumson area. long; S.\8, 24 fi;rt long; 4xM, 24 !e«t pedigreed boar available: rhulce Here, still crated. Retail price $26,1. Will $5. roll*top desk $23, woman', desk $10, 6-8478. Superior Floor Willing 163 _Monmtrath_ street, Red Bank. ford steers also, fledmnr Farmi, Sco- ViCTORTA"N STANTEL mirror, walnut davmport J10, tea ,et, perfect, $6, Knowledge of cooking preferred. Must Ions. etc. RoRhdiiHlilt. (iood a* new. sell for 1200. Will deliver. Call RE 6- Co. Frlvtt« homes or specialty. STATION WAGO"Nr^5ld,mobllerT977, Phone KK fi.l375.W. J. J. Hennett, 64fi lieyvillr. Phone_KA JM 4J[7j-M-l_. frame. Perfect condition, 47x80 (13.13-M. Phone RE 6-1910.* be able to drive or Imve own transpor- inchr». Call HE 6-1722-J.1 fully equipped, excellent condition. tnllon. Call RIT 1-063!). Sevcn-.h Mi-"*-.. ft'lforH, nn Illghwny 36. LILY.MAY COLLlKS. KlnK'"~Tiighwiiy, 1947 IIOUSV) TRAILER, wonderful con- NEW COLUMBIA bicycle. 20-ln7n7"nevTr 407 River road. Fair Haven.* Middletown. Phone Ml 5-0475 for NO PAINT "LlKJi "PtJAStlQ. Buy~s"t Hied, $.10: seven.pltcc dining room (JKSaPOObS AND septllc tank, clawed, YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED iad'yTo dition; all accessories: RPlllntr cheap. set, perfect condition, soltd inspie, $100. built and rtpalrod, Modern drainage TO47 bODGirCOUPE-ln eiceilenT con- work evenings. Must live in or around AIRPLANE MODELS. Solid or fly- home made rolls, enkca and pics: reason- factory pricrB. Outildc 5;l per gallon 200 Hay avenue. Highlands. Phone HI dition, heater, radio, sun visor, four ing, raotort, accessories. Railroad able. Your order fllli'd within 'J4 hours. and up; inside $2.(15; Interior glors Can be seen anytime at New street, instclled, Robert Albe, Wist Keanafcurit. Atlantic Highlands, Steady position for $2.50: deck enamels and trims. Colors JNI4SS or HI 3-1340. Colt's Nerk. Paul Sledleckl.* Phone Keanabtlrg 6-04S7. new tires, Ji.200. Call RE 6-2480-J competent person. Write, "Y. M.," model*, engines, can. trot/eye, track, LET US~INSTAlTi~iin automatic gas or STTTOMBERG.CARLSON console radio nftrr C P. M,* oil burning hentinK system in your tinted while you wait. 155 Shrewsbury BOOKERS—New slilriment, kiln dried, EXPERT CARPET laying, repaintiK, Box CM. Red Hank. ttc; bhlp models, snilinK, old tima avenue. Red Bank.* and record player combination. Call T and G. yellow pino roofers $69.50 (ringing, binding and renovation. 19.H FORD l>i-TON rack body truck. WOMAN—To do denning once a week, home. Hot water system or forced (iood shape. In dally use. Need cash, and modern; automobiles, jet, rac- warm air. No down payment. Small SE_ 2-027(1 after 8_I\_M. per thousand, ClifTwood Lumber an,] Percy Gray, 45 Waverly place. Red preferably Thursday?. Must havs CARRIAGE. CH1II. and mattress, all for GUERNSEY'dflW. Will be fresh In Jan- Bank. Phone Red Bank 8-82211. $176 or best offer, r. O, Box 154, Fair ing, old timcibi handicrnfti shtll, monthly payments arranged. Call HE }12, 1.V2 Relshnw nvetlllf, VAII Plumbing Supply Company, Route an, good references. Cnll RU 1-0475 be. uary; alsl o Guernsey hheifer S months CIlrTwood. Phone MA 1-1744 or MA 1- ANTON HALVORSBN—Painting iotf- Haven. twejn 4 and 7 P. M. rubber molds, fingfr vrcHvlna, Juoii- 6-5061. Monmoutli Heating Co. Home^_ Eatontown. ^^ S'i A WKKK WILL pay~for •" r»ni|ili>te old. Unth T. II. tested October, lSIU. 2323. tractor, Interior, exterior, paperhiMig- FORD, 1949 TUDOR. This 10,000-mlle SALESMEN—The Olson Company "has tr weaving, and leather t-ralt. FOUli COIN Clf'KRATKll Hostage stamp Pfuiiif AT 1-O003-W. Jn«. Eait Washington avenue, Atlantic ear Is priced at 1,495. Come In for a inatHllatinn of a warm air heating sys- niacliines. in working condition: also FftKE/.F.It oWNEtlS. Make that freezer several open territories In Monmotilh House of Toys, Atlantic Highland!. tem In avirage five-room bungalow, DIAMONDS—S»ve money when you a profitable investment, nuy frozen Highlands. Phone Atlantic Highland, 1- demonstration. DeRlddtr Bulck, Inc., county for exclusive line of building two metal h*ds with springs, twin alzf, 1580. 163 Monmouth street, Ited Bank. (with tiew furnace and register in each Uke- netv. Phniie_KK 6-2]Nr.-H. buy from us. New diamond ring food In assorted case lots at great snv. modernisation products. All types of room.) Ko down payment. Call HE 6. 1.1/10(1 K, $60, tax Included, 14-K gold ings. Middletown Refrigeration, High- PETER DEFONTE, 246 Shrewsbury 1937 PACKARD four-door sedan, five rooflnK. siding, rock wool insulation, BERSTEUS HOBtiV CUAFT. Separate CrTTCKEN CHOP SUKY, in jn'rs. made mounting. Use our lay-away plan for way 35. Phone Mt 5-0299. avenue. Red Bank. Mason contractor, good tires, new top, some repair need- 50(11._ Monmouth Hoallng Co. to nliiil ut 40 cents each. Tnlo-mlx and aluminum combination storm win- rubbiT molds and lilwiucit tu muko lMft (iS'f.V itM a week, we will con. f'hilUmiu. Hull's, near Carllnn thwilrr. curves, sidewalks, drivowRys, founda- ed. For quick lilt, «75. Phemc RU 1-dows. Fall season now opening makes iiguriii'b nmldiiii; cumpoumi, liquid rub- and prepared prunt-s in jars. Sacrifice DIAMONDS—Save money when you liuy THERE ARE MANY showcases, but only tlons. Phone RE 6-3012. bcr, Mtllic Hte loonm, Jt'itiy luupcrs to vert your present eoal-fireil heating In dn7.rn lots at less than half price. one with "Frederick Flostlng Air." splendid^opportunity for specialty sales- system to aulomatic oil. No down pa>- from tis. New diamond rlni: 2.1/100 GUTTEK8, LEADERS, In copper or ga- FOkl) V-8 TRUCK PAftTS. Rebuilt mo- men. Car neceBsnry. Phone or write. make to IKK* ! fhii'knis and er. Thnne KB IM4M-M »fter B P, M." valunhle ndilltlon In your store. Mid- JOHN DONATO—Maaon anil plastering tires, complete with lubes and wheels, Rlvercrest. Nursing Home, KK 6-4318 wniilLi'^'^i— 1>lll"ir 'l^'J1-131ti-U.l.... and Artlnnm in the newest colors, dt. prlv.e dogs, rpftbsonabiei , PPhonh e SSBB 2- contractor. Headden'e Corner, Mldc'le- three fair (Ires, also complete. Reason- signs snd faliricK are now on ilisplny ill (1134.' COAI, HEATING cabinet itove. Hents dletown Refrigeration, Highway 35, between 10 A. M. nnd 5 P. M. ONE-LAlt tjARAUES, "V2::ib foot, not ,1 to 4 rooms, porcelain enamel fin- town. P O Box 648, Red Bank. Phoni able. Write, 'Toril Truck Parts," Dox Haynton's Floor C'overliiKS, B Dronil IVMI 5-020B. R. B. «.B2S9. ATTRACTIVE WOMAN or sirPwiTfi jjrf.fjilo, J7Itli CtimpUte with uvt>r- Hn;M. Hid Hank. (Second floor.) ill CHICKENS, New HampHhire Rid,, ish with chrome trim, like new. Call 511. Red Bank. selling experience to work In small hchtl door, firbrrldK >iihHK, pimnd con- fflTCrtEN ANII linlhroom tTlr~Tinanl in- 12 alilfi: C/ill HIT I-0.H2." KB_«-!P|1,-.R.'_ T&Ra for ,tor«s, re,tau- ffirreK, 194 PTWO-DOOU aedan; radio, dress shop: year-round position. Call nttf tlocir. KirmiiciiiK nrinm;cd with stalled. Cabinets mndf to order: rants nnd hnmc. Frozen food storage I4-H0UP, SERVICE on the repair of heater] good finish, low mileage tires. 1 TURKEYS—Whltn Holland, The llOT~P()iNT" ELECfHIC hot "water RE 6-1263 between 10:30 and S:30. u». TliiLk ytnifc tu J'H) . Cull EA 3*knotty pine psnrllng, ceiling tile, jra* heuler. Only used since April. Call boxes for home And stores. Mlddiftown rudlo-j and electrical appliances, This popular model can be bought for TELEPHONE" CANVASSERS. "femnlM J2S0 dnwn, balance flnnnced. DeRldder O64l'-M. _ rages and nlterattuns of all kinds. new breed that produces the KE e-OKHl-H.* Refrigeration, Highway 35, Fhone MI li. We Cill (or and deliver. Harold 1 with private telephone, Write "T, l»OWEH"M<)\VK!t."" WiVil""iutte'r. "Save Terms arranged. Estimate-, call C. A. Biilr-k, Inc., 1«3 Monmouth itreet, Heil finest meal, Order early for FEED.FEED-FEEU—O. L. F. quality. oaon. Radio and Electric Shop, 84 West P.". Box fill, Red Rank, '•.. ftuil.i your own tlu* winter. It'* Sinni-, KK C.iUl.M. Thanksgiving. Sprung', Poultry Scratch $3.fl,",, mnsh 94.41), grower LTiJV'S SIZE 12 brown Mojiton lamb Bank. BOY TO WORK In grocery store. ATT- *tity, imxiifiislv). ('omplftp spindlt, \V()(Jfi=TTirftPlrACl:; stove; klndllmT. S4.r.O, hog ration St. dairy ration $3.40: fur rout. Good condition, $20. Call Front atreet, Red Bank, Phona 4- WfDK iJKLKCTtON nf makes, models blttur. whirl it^Homlily. .* 2 S. T. 0. Full Farm, l.lncroft, l'honc RE 6- ply at Marine View Market, Atlantic Chiules II. Wllion Woodyard, n'j Id cents refund on bags, Cash. Hnnte BE «.4522.}f. 27(4. and prlcei. 1947 Multk "Super" ie- Highlands. Phnne AT 1-0H(i2. Initlliclujtia Ilicluitcii. I'lliiHC t>E J-UUiU. OIIS-W-I, niinctti- fully equipped, real vulue «t Pi'iu-Jl strert, Shrewsbury tuwnship. & Ii«vjsL Pliojie H^Bj^loa/ FUR COAT, size 12-14. Meal for young PRACTICAL NUrafTTTve hT Ahem, •Writ., JJnx^lX", Sen Iti-itfhi. _ lr ehiiir Ineludid. Call KK li-lKl'JI.' •inference. HBIICI! * Davis. Phone HE X ket chest, ptne dry sink. pin. bunch, nrTATn5Tm;tTe7^n7raaiid^GtTie7; .SIH.i'lllUN, U. S, arms, double barrel', B.llloj.' TnrTTn5Tm;t"T7^7rai"^GTi7; 'I'wn sedan, radio, heater, one owner, tion*: high salary. Apply Daniel's Kpe. JANl'I'lt'iL lint iifi COM i noun ««i, brut- SP.Lfirt"fcl>"~At'Pl.BS." Til,' Old" Wa'itoi, ptne tables, doiiRh trough, Vtotorlan Must be In good condition. 1. Kerher. elalty Shop, Ids Hrnndwny, Long UK utiit. witli cunii'Utt net of Mln- IVnn. Itoutc ".',, John L, Hrnilrlck- •?2I>: also Cmilerntoi. Uied one sea- »I,IOO. M«ny other exceptional values. T\{'iTKlTOT(itJI»"S, 12.KnuKe~sln"iTr~bsT. lady's and finllcinsn's chain, pair aide 20U Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bnnk. ( niivnili.nl, terms. Ofher cara taken In Branch Phone- 1.0 S-C,IP". IHM'nJi,.]iM|,i,, w,i| tni.tlulf, ItuI'l'IlnK *,,n A- Son. son. Knod condition, ltd, Phono MI I- rel, E\ecllent condition, rcaaonable. rlialrs, nreplaci" atovf, semen, fender, I'houe It. II. 6.U4«81W, •'••dr. Open Friday night and all day TESHXrOpportunity for youfu: clot k. I'rrfni Loiiditinn. J'hone ItE «• PHOTO OlItlSTMAS't-nrila from your 11,1111. iv," _ Phonc_lll a^llild^M. tools, roeklnft- cradlr, Tolc uplc haste, AfO'fffiNKB ' AND Apuralser, H,~a "STESHXV a,u<>. __ pressed ilia's, ohlnni lamp, pictures, Muturilny. r.nirll»h Moroni, nt Maple man to team Hour covering business *iiitl>H)iot>, 10 emit a lai'h, Sre miv OAK' llUFf'ET, table and four cuaTfi. Coats, 4H0 Oath avenue. Loni Branch. avenue. Plione RK 0.4(1411. r.xecllt-nt future: CMirrlcnee not peers- fl'Pl.lX^S" JUIiNAt-K, ~^".nirh," "lint ile*ivni at PIILI' Plintu .Serviir, 111 ' III'UMWO >iii'r»,_ Ni'mie Kli ?-l!JjilM' Phoni' UK (1.228(1.W. slilgh belli, lirau, cnpprr, hanging Phona 1.1 «m _ «nTy. Write "M. K,", Ilox Bit, Her! Ftuvi mill tin-vnl!"ii tnnk; »UiO. CARbuTrEToitS and magnVto"i rebuilt. er, seal rovers, Thli In a good tiled Hank. •rt. piiniM »IH1 t it nk com pic tt ; chenp. KXr'KI.I.KNT IIUY of a K.ioil uieil ri. eiiuipmtnl. Phone UK H-uihh.' mention. Ktonsberry'i. Mliidletown Five Mulck, factory trorkmamhlp, Doualai Just tuned and in gond playing con Cornns, Route 35, opposite, Town Hall. car; 1.183 ilimn, balnnce IS montlia, He fi It-'iralor: aim Kniy fipln.llry w««li. illllnn, Phoim IIK »-n»7l, Klectrlc Co, at Eait Front street. Red Rldder nulek, Inc., Im Monmouth ir. Call UF, a.l'.'i?. _ »l.\ chairs and bullet, rxerllmt eon- Hank, Phone t-OISH, 1 -cnr;ire"^iTT~^wf •treel, llnl llanV. BOATS him. All I.mil, of ml In,,nl him. OPPilli'l'UrJrh !»lf()"p; AnlliiiliiT liric".' dition. »JV I'IIIIIIP KK n.lBMI-W plniit lining, slr.r 12, rscellrnt f A'lKTBRr DECORATOR" \HB~vifiT. *lff, mill |,i|,t. wiiile |,l|.i, uiitir |,||.r, hangir, Inte.ior nnd extarlari 26 firrrS P^t^nrotfi'll convertible, good a*Inae, Victorian furniture, picture 'I'Ani.rT^'Of* Olf, range, ,'16 Inrhes Innif, dition. )!ctls|irrail, green iiuitted BUSINESS NOTICES Oni) MARINE ENOINES, Unman • li,k>. Imlh lul.. brick. Phone KH i;. frnmn, rhino, (i,,nr Will, the Wind will In iiiiiiiliilii, oven and slnriim' tnlfiln, ruiitom made, new, Cnll HE I yean' oxpirlincc. Katlmates churtullj condition, Call HI Mill any morn. ]«,:,-\V. J. J. llnmitl Wrirklliii (',.., 'ghan. Luuta Cnssnn, '48 tlhrewabury oonvertad, 100 h. p. V-8, illfht-crlln- Ininin, imlliin jilnst, uieil furnllure, dniuir umlir liiiii'.liui'iiir lop. Call KK MAN TVPTII TUACTOn nvalUhl, for '"" i!2.t.l!J.J!i.!lLi.i>'"l_«it»MI J'. M. C4U ;ih *l,i.t, ll.lfi.nl. aveiiiiej_R»d Hank. l'hone_«.40S4.W dtr, $475,1 US h. p. ilx.cylinder. $440. Aili'i,.. l,,,,i,,|,t mnl until. '|'|,|. Mill, 11.1114*.. YOUTH"IIKft' anil crib." \«ry renson". full pinning, toil culling, grading, / tionverilnn kit for your 1987 to 1048 llltASS I IIIKI'Ul i: l.n.l.i, I'M... I...- nXjvfc A"Ni» I'tlltl/li nmnluii tepmiiteU. oonrlltlnn, flOO, Hay ,hn sem' at 40 1 tliitw, I I:. lliiMtiliMty, heypuil, Phi,,,,. lltlSII HKT'l'KIt HITCH, reglalifi'il. C.n. work done rmsimalile, Cnll MI 8-O440.M, r l Kord V.I eniilnt, $120, Mount -Enrllsh I,,., ... I run, loi I,.iii.ii,i' ,""l ,,, Illile, Pliolll. KA II.'MIH'J.M. Called for and ilsllvarrd, Wllklna Mo. "™lr_"*t*n.. il "L. F»lr Haven, .M'l-I Hill Imnii'illiil.'ly, 161 Tlnl.ni MTiiVrtrntATinNOVrtntATinNO; mTmioiriiiErnirTiiiErr. Sulla Co,, Ford ilcalir, Red Dank, Yi.nl, All if I" iii el im.ilill.in, I.'" I",KI; :-i no. lUVAl'rTliA.'K IlltKMK," nine '14, bhiek to* Siiln. Phone R11I Uank 0.0040, Aaa lBS'ti T'iiN'f'lAlT H-ryllniler, stood con. imtnii, Ptioni KA :|.IHi:l,'..M, inilillo iHnoiraphr, malllm. not«r» 1ln I..), I'li.'ii. UK (l."3-".M Hit*. J7.KIIIT IIIIUHKTIIAII.KII. Fullv i>h|.|.r ilnss with IIII'I' tup, nlr.c 12, for Mf. Ijrltlon, (lOATS—Any alia' tuwml or tlillvVful ("JAM llANil'K,'" linlhriiiini iKliiiis"," TinY. pulillo, Liittsrarart, it tiro ait itrMt Mail dition, l'hone KK a.014S. snyrvhari, 13-font Ijont for chnrlrr by X'lANll, l/l'Kll.'in. N'.MI. liinlin. I'lii. ..I ul 1 I,. it. In tlr't.rlni. rnnilliliin, ('ill ori'lllil nml ilillleslone evening dress, sir..' Hunk Phon. «.flB»il AltTifUTi •fSmoVCBTJiiTniTnu oontrao". HA n-1 M ii II , • ,i, H(i7. pill.. IHilcellllll sllil., siv IIHSiirti'll IMII.I, Ii; liciui' wool iiYran, tlir IK.' minli I»4H I'ON'I'I'Ad 'fmir.iloor aVirHnr'HSn houf. d»y or w«li, Frtd Farwtll, II IIII. (nil UK «.|:"'«..l, luilr mntlli'i sen, IIOIIII condition, rluhl p tor, tixtsrlot mil Intirlot palntlnii, ei- nevr, (Imirnl Motnm Mil of mlr. C/if 1 lUlllllT IKit'Nlif. Sevi'ial will trnlmii HAUN f IflaWi..' , tin. la, I:, I,, scurf, two skins and eulU: mini's gray HAU" fv liiuvM ir~rrTn - tlmitea iiippllid on Ian, or amall luba, (loniiilflely eqillpind with hyilramatla 1.1.mil, II ulili inl lli.ii'li., Itmily li, clients of illuw.iii, MIIIIIII niilllili' top, illl). Milt, slr.r< 40. Can be seen nt 10." llrnni'h lilt worlil fur driver trnlnlng, Our THr*AMOua~SETl"nKHarrAMOuaSETlnKE oulbtiar'cTiiiul mini* up lo I.Ml I'liih: 1,1,1. I nine.ml, llur 11111111 I11I1I1, old chnlrs, IIVIIIK rniiin ririt.clnsi work by practical palnttra, ilrlve, radio, heater, «lr. llargnln In tin I.'. .'.I •••inn InlM'il, mi I I, It. 1'iin m inl,, lo Irlnln. Moili.||ili'ly I'lleiil iiviniie, bitwrrn 12-2 P. M., rvinlng. curs hnvn two -Icrrlnii whrrls, IwnPhnnr Idimsim 1 •Oflflfl. I Hi huyrr, Phona ttK t.SODfl, tor a nt nan low prlcisl 111 h, >i, J. II. tin'.. Til.i.i'11'h IIII1 Iliinil, Mi<|. Inhli*. Niliriiii., elictili' listuiis, 1 IH: K, .'"Ii. All IIMIII In lit. sold nl ri'iisoii' rluli'liis, Iwu lira Us anil two vaa im|. tlnule, $«4,l0i t h. p, almle l98,r,0| niili'l,,,. linll mm, 1,1. I'ulilr.f.inl Kel- nKNfl" :0?fnACTnirn»n3mptnT, ulili. in lei s, iil>. We cnll for you nnd lako you •qulniifil with rntllo, heater 1 luw n h, p. twin 1137,K0i u h, D, twin $'410. VIA:'. IIANiiK, kiliiu," ,iiiii|,l,ii. I",i I.AS IIUTKl! |..I|.|III ioil.tln'miosliil vln.ili.i, , 1.. Phoni' f(K (1.lll|i:|.M. nuiif, 1','nsy Melhiul Aulo Ilrlvrr Triilr - Itndljiu, lii|> siill, fill dlrl, rlndiri, Aiitnorlcfld service uitrta. J. H, Muunt 'Illlill KI.Ki'TlllC smiili'i'.' Iimiii ultr Krtivott innnuri', caaipnnla mid 1I17 well, i.nlrni!!* tlrpa. uiinnliter** rlean, flnlHh r'Hillnl. Till brill I III,. Kl, Hull I,nil' I' ,,,' MAYTAti I'l.Kl'TIIIC liiiini, ml.in. I Inn Mrliool, 71 Kinith Himiiln'sy, |,|iiiit Co,, cornar White itrial and Mapli nve. A A iiil'iim linni'! •• fool ii.i"., nl V |,,'i, i' luifii't I'ondllliin. wllli aliriMlM' dlsm imlh, ililvrwayt i-iialnil, dliintl Simon giuiil, New ear value at only |l,s3H, IIIII:II. lilnil fi.r ii stniiii.lil iir Inrve *.I> 11'. L'HIII only few Ilinii, I'ttiuu' Ti. Plione UK |.(limn, 1.0 «.';n.l;l llrlllililiT Iliilrk, 109 Mnnlnnutli atrert, nils, Htd Hank. ^ H, I ..,.. in In ...,'' I'll,.), lit; A.in,ni', «:i'.. I'lmiie in; n.iuiiiii. 1 Kl.KilTltliJ 'M0TO1I rtbulliliiiK'u'oTTi I'hnne II, II, n.onnt, iin.'i. 1 IMIIV .*! (Hill, with I'lolhls lluiel III'- flAtril'SACOO, gniil'a i«ilu"rTHi«fiint" lleil ftnnk. ' MKIlCUliV OUTHOAItT) mutor. Author. I I^MI'IIKHHIIII, ' wilh "Ij II, I , iniilor IIAIHO, VACUUM, nnd 11111.it •wi.'per, builnns Cull in fo» qi.lck atrrlc. r l l.irli.il; nlan luiliy airnllrr, I'IIOIIP KA Ing hi I'tirttk msilt.iu.uriler. llepalr. T|T4T l l7YT^ri>lf*l*lt "bualneaa OOIIIII>, 'fir". liod litalti, Dalai and service. J. II Ill Al I, i in I.I.II I'ANII.I, | ,., I i l"l,I' fur vnU.ln bn<. 1'iif.n lliii.iililllilr. l .lliilli.'._KK.«.. I'l > i.' " , > ' I*, l.'n; .Intili li'l.l, NI: \V MMMIINH millif", full i,,, II «III 11, mid niimiriMii nther Hilnn, Cnll nnliiilnn, I'Miirhamliii, prnfirtr mains fljnil. In.,.In ... l.i,.. ... ,1,,-.,,. 1'., i,,|l III n.Uin ihiiliii, iliiy, evfnlnti III : allnna and liotn* ismnilcllim. 11'tlnis.tfi • ml li'iUr, I,nnlo and rum vrty \nm,, \{{) n.ikti.M. UAltlllKtmiN ANII Hli'lmiilsi.ii .|n,|. Ifinniiri. lam and imill tililti, Vhnnt KK. i.." .- II I,,I,.,, I I ,,, .In . f. I'.'tn.M. mmil, im. t'sll Mr, Tr#«rx, UK «•cirA'iTfu^Co"mjii«rf' .ftsrNeif • Vi'iiin; IIIIN'IIV S'.w , ,„„ iLn ,,i.,I v ii.l vllli', illl'., Sl||,.|' \ i llllltUIII, hlll'llH, Id if, fi'lMll'll, 'II MA I liAl II , ...... i,,\. l.i.l.i i,||, I'.', In, 'II nml 4111 umii'i, ,"'i'|i. nn K,1 • f TU'O (lltll.'l'. llll'Yi'l.Kfl. '/Milch, 1,1 ,mimpi; l supiilles MhlnviMi.rri.li'iliI ma.I, Wlrkalunk, Mlii'K I I ,,4 dual, •> ,, rtia Illlulll, Full' Haven. IV«M. alo, Made In onlir by H*a- I'' 11A Tllln I lnnii, Nit rkpeiiirR In* l.nnl ' •I7/1, PhiMii HK ».»1».l.* In New Jnri»y, Th* Hiintiiiinii'a Hhnp, I'l',I* ll,ni|,'hlii •huinuKliiiiill, iiii.in. I MA III H, \ N S' Illlill I doulili. l,,,|. I*.INCH rll'r'l.r.rlH fu 11,11. r, !„,(, rl viilvsd, Cnll at 11 tir iifllco fur* full par- duif Uuinptny, || *>ara at t Will MU 'It ^ M'CHMK CHMK "tT;t,bT»;fl~ r triieT, 34 Whnrf nviiiiin. t'hi'ii.' UK II.DIII. 'fiVll I'lllll U.AIN I.,II ill, ,,,I,, ,..„ ,'. li'li.l. lll.il)' fur ill lltny In , mi mil,., I .Mini,-I in ,1, Ihli'li'iil lulu. , I fl 4, nun Ilitulaii, I'rnmpl aullim Ml von nppll, ennllllloll, I'M I llvn I'lllili'.fiiul I>IKII|. annw lnw, wlfirh, air enmiirpiKir nml nU.'MtlOU'C'tfi.fiini, niu- li.mil III,I,,. I'l" .1 II, l-l. | "...I ll I. II 'I.., t l> ili.iin'i i,ul ni,i> linni, in fi,i| | In,,. Illi,, I'liiuin Illl |.| i« I.,I. air', KIIIIII riiiiillllon, II" 1 rlarlnft. •tmu Hid Uank, I'horn fl.JUi/, rnllnna, Marina Vliw HHVIIIIM nml I.IIBII Astni'lnlliiii, UK First nvsniir, Allniilln Hcciaririfff * Inchiilrii, tfll Itlver rnnil, Illatli' l;lli'. | |,, i,, «' i,,n ,. ,!,,,„ jli.l,,. wl,..|,,fr I,,,,,,, •.. | |v „..!„ . like new, I4U, I'IIIIIII. AT l.llflAII.J,* lilinuY tin). n"» Tshi. 'I'llvn, ! H\;W TAI'I'AN 1 no, .Illl In crate, IJIllliliiiiils, |i|inli« AT |.(IK111, „ Iliim m, I'li'in. III! |.fn|i«.M,' Imlti i v, Can lie "".i nl CHUM limit Iislhl II li'int'.ir I |i I ', .....I. ,,,|, TK,N.)'lKrrr«IIMnA'l'llr( Iliahllllall). illil". fN "(IRr) • nANK~«i.fii' Graft Hiuifiiii. »lin miililil, I'. Wi Hlif• IrI. I'IMIII' 1 1'iinne UK 1.• 1 >.1; 1 :i.M. IIIBIIIH f 1 uinlriM 1 nil imlntlnm, mcli. FAINTINO," 'inalili~~nr~~iiulaliri< "wiirli, lO usMintrM i V I'll,, fiml nf Mmfiinl lilllie, II,,I Until,, Inn riinni mlir In nil'* ...inillllini nliiif rniiitllliin, <{0| Id,11 I lifvu. . I'rit'i' Jl.-iii, Cnll KA ll.nlli, .11, UKWUUtUM, (I.JVI'.II , ililvlim ISM ni.il hi.ii.M. IIAUH riiiiiiiiiTi:ii I.^.I.I it, fui, till.* fnd •flffa.vTnii raitnrtdl f 1111.»I f • |in|'i'iliiiinilnx, •liravliiK uf (iirnlliir), Him, I'lifiin UK »• Iwii-ilnnr iKfimi, ruilln and ruslir, inn. Ifi.I'diiT MO'flill MliAT, wiili ;'j II |>', |r..|« .Url. lf,,|. W'.l In i.ilni inmiii Inn, r«n III; «. dft, urn. Id asiihalilr, liuiulrn Mt rfaiiieleaa maiil.l mlffori, «rqr((ivi «al. (1.11,f MMI'IHK H I'liiln a »i| 11 m> fm>l /iml Anv flT.vi;i,K)!, nnuirtiiH*iii atifK, liwn alum, fraintil mlrrnii, II up, I'anifiitiy work, I'IIIIIII. KM *>ll>4i Inr tivarhiul'd. 133A t 1*41 Wlllva ••• Ill .-•,).» I'J Mri.ni ilr.M, hhnn* llml llnnH khlU fur r-allmnlri, M, H, M'n.mi, II MHIWI dan. h,at>r, I'OM l»4n Plvmniilll "nil. lilih'i; n.,i, "„.", i, • i.,i,.,i, (|,ii,,,,,i vplllliln elllllif, fllllln, 11/10, A|i|i'#. TI'/ii^^! " ' .ii'"" "'• "!. i' vi I :i> . fiAniii.r, nnnm;, si...,, i f,M I,,,UI,I.; TUB nHIIT I'HlnKH imU fur urn.. Inn.; iMnmwuij'riiiiAiiiiM ,, •,,, ;, I'l ,i i 1,1 (I.M-t , I.. M \ I,;,'. , MAV iiii rTiPN 1,1 ''iiiriiMn'ivriiiiViiiir. t 1 K'lltlr, I'll, r,I lllfhl, l|ri||,||,r mala . mnl papir. fl.ltls, lunli ilmln arc' fl, fair's (laisKf, (,nrni|, Av«mi* I' anil (luui rmluiitliiiia, Zi'plivr, f,itiuerlf Ml , I'. Mull III I III'.I It ' ml: i i ' I .H*'l. 'I II 11J K- J> < I . . | , ,„ ,„,„,, ' I ll llniii. :ll full IIIIKIII, I'liiliiil'' HOimiAfl1 P LOAN" Bid Klirrtttli'ilr »VI»U». I'll jlin« i. I, «! liiHllm Vnlln ,|i|i',, All»"tli' ll'ldilfillijl, IIH, Illliv IM",Ml| f.luli(f , fonuMly .... .1.11", i III 1:1' III. ,h, , ,, I" » ,M,. >> i 1 ,|,i,- i =, n ML 1, Jin. |,iin 1 1 1 11 1 l;A IIII, (ii'i'i . I,. «!• li'iH'lli "T.iti ••• pull I Ml... rf.i :;!.,! " "" " '•' • '•• l,\i f.l.I.e.M lillVI 'II ('liniiiLi, fl Mi|i ,,,i i|r | l' In 'in - " Mil. I , fiiiiu r., 1.. I'linhi 11. n «,!'.«:.11 win ni l IIIUBIII I NNlfbuii'lb ' •Inrl'l pS=_1 „ 1 'Mil I I I \' I i ...,l ...... i, „:,.. I,,.,,., li'rlliliV, I'lllll t.l.AIN Ih,.I.IMIH,,i ,„. W .limml and li'iili, •<*»•»n lii.aiii..ii< I'li.lnni mini,, mil .. iiifily US; ,)i, iiuw lll|t.f,n, I'vei'* In,|,i-l» I i«, ,-M |l >'j Ml 'li.^fni ,,|«| . j ih. , I,, II" In ' I . „ l,i| .if, . imilllll'/VOIjM HuMK, liuiliia.s iTiiS. ill,1 hrpiir. *rni iHMrii firacilnallv new - -. . *, il-.i IM I'Mhi i. I,. S| Hi is,it. i..,il,,|,,< 1.1. I,,,, ml .I,,,. , latiki I'ltiiiatIltiiiatl and ImlalUil,, .Iri'ni In. inol.ii. IIMIHI I,,,,, (,,11,. imiimni,,,! |,¥ •""• I'llnl !*•»,!.( Hl,B.« I,,, 1 fi.-iM I |.»n,l,"li|. .1- •", ..I.III.H. 1 1," miihila ami uli'ii inn|i,,|f «l||, flan. III.1, (liiimial Mtsnrr, Hrl't «1,1 nfl, Inl'tl ILK I Miaiil, Klii I », tfit, ». ' In .•(« 11,111, M" li« I'all HH rianV l.im.lt h»l«»»ii s,JO ii", |Hr|, innini ri'n flaim, |*." • mi Vny i>«>"„• 1.1- (ill KK • .ud HOO r, H.' Jtw l itit nu* aj.un.it ' kl il MUM, II" it id * wv* fUe* Mtmtrn WVif "" BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, liHt rage nine BOATS SITUATIONS WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED APTS. and ROOMS TO RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rtEAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2G-FOOT CABIN CRUISER, Cray ma- COMPETENT LADY, baby sitter. Call LARGK FARM—Tiy experienced farmer. UNFURNISHED apartment, five ronniE LITTLE SILVER —Ideal location on FAIR HAVEN—Cnite Cn,| bu THKEK-HEURUQM house in Hed Bank. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, ail imtnditlnn._ Phono RK fi.iT:(i-W. dilioii. Oil hfnl. I.nratrd at 20 Htifna rooms, thrt?e tiI^d bnth», f\rp\>lnrm, autr. four-wheej (niiler, 1250. bath, hot water gas heal; two-cnr dt« plarr-. Two-oa.r fin rait •-. Inquire Rt matjc h«at, sunroom and dei-k; garage*. 80 Woodtan' mind child of any ag-e by the day oi 0110. Complete real estate and In- _____?.!! Drive, Fair Haven." week for working mother; rate reason COMl'IIHVAULK liOIIM "with HII "im"Inched gnniKc. Askinn *2o,OUO. C. F. BOWMAN AND AXELSKN. Severn! Anna A. Mitrhfll, 4S Mnnmnuth street. Prired to settle f!ta(e; S?,VJ()0. MinujH r p l r >i 1 r nble. Will receive good care and good surance service. pnivements: usu of nil tin.- hou»c; $1.1 Honlen, Shrewsbury. 1'hone RE 6-IG81 nttr«cti\'e hnuiea nnd estates in ^_ J l^ ^J- I '' '_ ^^ _Hunk. Agpnry. Phon'- RUJ-0T1S." _ C. Ji-_Nevluj,_ __t__JI-.I. food. For further information call RE wei'Uy. Hotiuvti I'OUPN/ or hu.sincf.fi KumRon, Sea Bright, and vicinity. VAN" HOHN-"—ThreV *wu. Seci_d7'j ItEI) WAN'h—Live in rnificrni^rd lir- 6-0S87-J.* I'lKCE OF PROPERTY alonK rnilrond. wcmiHti in-t'li-iit'd. itpfoicncPB rtquire'l. 1OEAL OPPORTUNITR Y for df.rtor or Itiimrton loortiion, Artihlirally df;- MISCELLANEOUS .llhtr profcaBional man. Near com* Cull for appointments at 105.3 Oce«n 1 room house with bath, automatic heat PRACTICAL NURSE wnnts position unrestricted, to be used for shop or fiiU KK fi-otilft-W. Hij{nf:d (^ottne* . Kix rooms, Ihrm bath*, and enjoy income from two nfiditionsl companion or housekeeper in a small fnctory in or very near Ked Bank. Write, Nlt'E KUItNlSHEli room, nrnr'htis line: niuliiiK point nnnv<\ Cun he Ph_onw_ KE 6-3^07. seen l>y iippointmt'iit. t'.tll after 5 P.M.buildingb . Kxrcptiornilllly pricei d for quick autnmatin hfat, deluxe kifhf n ; ftarnn* ; porch, modern kitchen, hrenkrast room, Packing Co., 605 New Brunswick wishes position as taxi driver or true siiln lit ?!!'.!,liUU. ('. V. Horrfcn, Shrews- SUILUIKG LOT'S at Obr« MHnnr,"()t)r*. laundry. firt[).Hce, automatic heat, rec- driver. 82 Linden plnce, ltcil Bank.* or six-bedroom houic In vicinity of Lo ii-r..t6o. ______517.500. Ray Van Horn A^enry, Fair avenue. Phone PE 4-0542. bury, I'hon* HK 6-1661 or (J. li, place, Shrcwnhury. Ileatrlcted reshicn- Hdveii, Phone KK 6-4J0O.' reation room with firtplnre In basement; WlLL TAKE CARE of children afte Rumson. We need a house with a TWO~ I'UKNiSIIKI) rooms sufubi. fur Nrvius, RK_G-UI13-J. __ tifll locality; GOO fent from Hchnol. Htor-«» Karaite. Price Jt_.o_0. Mintigh Ateeney. Hchool hours and Snturtlnys, Call view, vicinity of Middletown. We hutihu-.SA pt'oplr; nlao very larpc fnmt nnd bus line, I'.II.A. approved. Utilities 6 DOGS HOARDED. Personal care an room fuinishrd with twin IIPIIH. cookim: FAift" HAVEN—itivcV""front", wiih" fiiie "THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL." Knoll- JlJik l! ' feeding. Large outdoor runs. Wi 6-0496-W. have a buyer. Allaire £ Son, 1 view* of North .Shrcu'Jihurj'. A(»i>r(i.\i- and curhn. Price >11 Jicr foot Trnnr- 1TUM"SON—Twelve-room dwelling. fi>» privileges anil nil f'oi.vrni.'nrra, Mem ngp. Cnll Anthony Piprnla,__EA 3.flO^_ wnod. Knur-bedroom hum*1. In- call for. Cocker SvanicU and Germa Agency, Inc. Phone RE 6-3450.* rtiilrnncl stHtion and bus lorrninnl. Cnll maU-ly -li-ncrc. Llvinp room, librnry, Imth'S; many fueplacts; automatic Shepherds, usually for sale. Health UK fi-gfihH. tliniiiK l'L'Oiu. powdt-r room nml fully sulHtimi, aiitomntic heat, fi r f 111 a c •?, h'-at: four-car xarane, apartment abova; stock of Kood type. Vanessa Kennels. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT rlei'trit- kitrlirn. Thrrn porclicB. I'ivc J. CRAWFORD COMPTON, Inc. beautifully lnndRcaj. Only II 1,2 50. Smr.ll Agency, Rumson road, phone RU 1- Broad street and Harding road, Apply Wilt pay all caih. Write, "Brothers," ness center: guriiKc nvnflnblc, •! 07 000, Inspection by appointment only. A home, iota or Insurance, wo have down pnyment, finy Van Horn 071 6.* your broker, Or J. 11- Kelly Co., RioHex 611, Red Bunk. River road, Fnir Hnvi;n.# It. Route 36, Hetford. Phone WANTED TO RENT C. V. Hordcn,'Shrewsbury. I'honu HE 6- Aifency. Kalr Hsv^n. Phone RE FAIR HAVtN. R.ccntlr re-d.corst«d Bank. LAKIJK,"" WELL funii.hnt "hW-i.ltim: 1 fiji 1 or__i_._H_ _Nrv^»l«, RlSji-1 fiSS-J. Keansbur_ 6-0059. l 8-tlOQ.* six-room cottaae. three bedrooms, FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM bungalow neced MARIE COX AGENCY, realtors and In- FOR EXCHANGE room, Al*-o sitit_l»? room. 27 6 Hroad "KEf) BANK—Six-'room~iiomc, fcood"'rci- bnth, full cellar, new hot wnter oil hcal- cU lor December 1st; y**r-'roum suror*. &T>fcc\a\mi\s \ft VJ&UtCtout street, Red Hunk. Phone RE B-1754. iiU'iitinl Hren; plot f»0\'i0O. Low tHX»?H, LOTS—All lots clcantd. Uavi nil facili- *nK system. Convenient location; taxes rental. Jerry Dorrbccker, Rt'D No. 1 properties, 0ft/es and rentals. Comtinzht TJIfiEE-JtOOM unfurnished Dry (•(.•iVnc, ftmireil att'te, c)rrii\a.t)ne h ?if* }n flew *}«i-*«!o^mw/!. S!r* SOx \ JO VAN HORN- Exquisite eeltinW- HoMy «•)•! Kri-« J'l.DOfi. John I.. Minugb Drive. Portaupeck. In the Borough of TWO LOTS, 50x160. In vicinity of all improvemrnts! plrnty of hen !••'> a,*, oil-fired Htrarn hfat : ham. Only 0J_l 6/ rnent or house in low rent dlstrlc CALL RE 6-0410 to list your property Bpfiy, 25 Nfffmsn Springs ronrf, Rci 000. C. V. Border., Shrewsbury. Phon for rent or for gale. Lawley Agency uwiui alon« shore. Write, Box 183,Rank. $ 1 a.S00. Hay Van Horn Ac^ney, Fair QUAINT. CHARMING !*v«n-rnom farm- Phone RU 1-1500. Clltlwood Beach, UK 6-IC61 or G. H. Nevius, RE iNiNyoft&Jl, U. L bouti. Uaimi.u* houir, bnlh, modernized kitchen, three HOUSE—Partly furnished or unfur- FURNISHED ROOM—Sunny front rooi J_i _1,-J. _^ H.ivpn. Phone HE (i-410(>.- BUSINESS COUPLE desires clean ttv< Brother*, Ltttlt 3!lv»r. Phon« Red VA*S' "TfORN— Six-foom'" home7~~fhrVe fireplaces, wide pine floors; two-car ga- ol' tlirec-room furnished Rimrtmen nished. Rent reasonable to right ])ref]rf e ti K suKiii loo tt?_2.* Apply Manager, Carltou theater. tiitcheli. Fcmi-privHte ijnth. In reti tjcction of Little Silver. Call RE 6-3389. heat, flrcplafe ; Inrj^e trees ; ( 10,•_ 0'J tlfi-Ofy). John L, Minu«:h Agency. 'FlIRN'lSii'lSf) living room, bedroom locations. Call R«t) Bank 6.1684, Mrs. UO-OP^HATIVE opurlmeni. Thn Hay Van Horn Agency, fair Haven D tint sorll.in of ll'il Hun),; I,IIMII,-,s em rooms with hath, newly deenrnto Open to reasonable offer. Itum.inn r_ond._ Phone HU 1-0716.* bath, kitchenette- or kitchen privilege! MUDEHN nvc-room furnished bungalow Duwdlru. pie |iri»feri-e rental, steam heat. In private homo. KE fi-4100.*____ LARGK FUftNISIIEn loom. Private Hv ly h»tul ncrnficd: low taxes, (Tonvp SttAUUW LAKt PAKtt—A(exn_d«r «tc- RVMSliH ' RIVETlFRONt—Oeep wat«r bo near llroad street shopping center. ston Waterbury, Renltor, 16 West Front Couplt preferred. 29 Lawrence avenue, VAN HORN —I.o 'ly riverfront hnm**. This is an opportunity for anyone hav- street. Phone RE 6-3500. Keansburg. atory. Conveniently located. Cnll R to bus lino, Middletown village nn tion, acr* t'lutm a modern restricted for boat; sit rooms, bnth: two plctur. ^nsburg. fi-0237-W. railroad station, A real buy at $ 10, l Here: t>ii;ht rooms. "Activi- ing the above accommodations to servi SMALL GUEST COTTAGE on estate NICE DUE ROOM. Hot and ccld residential developmirnt, t', H, A. ap- windows: hot water heat: Karaffe, work- a most desirable tenant. Best of loca! fiOp. No iiroVera. Phone Ml fS-n444. i>rovid; school adjoining, closa to rail* tifs" room, W\PA kilrhpn. (hrfp tuiths. shop; smnll plot In convenient location. near river, two bedrooms, nutomatio water In room. Three doors off Broan THREE-HOOM,, tile batht,, unfurnisheunfurnis i oil furniice, lircplnrc; dock: donblp «:v- referpnecs. Ileply to "E. C. L-..' Bo?heat; attached garage; {100 a month, street. Inquire 21 Peters plsce, Ktd nimrtment. Bd 'LITTLK SILVER. Commuter's horn road ntntton; lake privllcgeh. A faw fine Price 110,000. John L. Mintlfth A?ene"*i 511. Red Hank.' furnished, Rolston Waterbury, Realtor. Broad street. Phone Living room, librnry, flrcplapp, foi homa aitei* ntill available. Sea your real- r«K«i S36.500. liny Vnn Horn Al Kumsnn ronil. Phone RU J_-071«." Bank, or phone KE 6-0464, fi-1229. .KajrJ In _rn_ _hn______!'. "S1: ' Mt.E IJIOUSU E in Red Hank. Call BE 16 West Front street, l'hone RE 6-POUULE KOOM, willi board. In pleBa- 'VERY bpilroomB, hot water hont; % 1 n.SO tor; also K, Alexander, on th« pr^miiica. HE I i "BANK—Superb "view". SiVdelinht- 3500. (stornc S. Schanck Agency, 8 Linde Phone KI3 6__i"«. LOT —Rlvrr (Inkl. Knlr llnvcn. Appro ful mums, 2 4 tiled baths, picture, G-I240-WW. nnt home. Teachers, business man, or p LARGE t unfurnishekit d stud LARGE GARAGE BUILDING. Good for plncf. Phnne ng fi-0,197.' inwtcly 100x190. I'ricu »2,100. Cill window, modern kitchen, fireplace, hot ))UGincBS woman preferred. Call KE 6> PeternpitrliiHMits place.. Rewitd hllnnk kitchenette. . 5 HOUSK. All Imvrnve* nj;:j-(MS. either trucks or storage warehouse 0812. „_—, l Rd \v.-.:rr O'l hr.it. brrt/.pwny: attached (ra- ^ffTiTifoMTiiriTishiMi i npnrtment wlT ItEI) BANK, Shrcwubury. Four na-tiis. Oil burner heut; lot oUxlTii): ilK.\S()NAII[,K oTrfHl iiccti.tM'for five rn'.:.-: \-;ui.> pif.t. Prire ii^.OOO. WANTED $20 per month. Rolston Waterbury NEAT, CLEAN ROOM, with kitchen nil iitililit.=. in Ili/.'hlnn'ls. Fnr Infor- Iwo-cnr B»rnRe. Call KK 6-1231-J af. Realtor, 16 West Front street. Phone privileges; near station. Reference matioii_eall III 3.1.1S2-\y. rooms, tile bittli, expansion attic, J lau euM Kt otip t'-i^^afT''. L .Min.ji-Jj .\'.'r-!'-y. __ I'hnne RU l-fi716.* A. Hcnkcl, 9201 llll'lsmi lloult'vai'I, FAIFi " IIAVKN—Attractive five-room WE BUV GUNS of any type or deiccip RE 6-3500. rewired. Call after 4:30 P. M. REFOUR. T\Vt)4!OOM "VpartmTntsi fi Insulated, nietilace, oil hent, G. E.; M 'huriKAlow, attractivL>ly dec- orated inside and out: Kood neiuhboi- enttatre, mnporch. oak floors, firt. tion, used or new. Klslln'i, Broad tnc SEA BRIGHT — Furnished six-room C-1Z3I-J. friKt-Tator: f.'id per month; electrL i automatic hot water, oak floors: at- hood, near mummiir school; Inrgf plot plnce. full dry cellar, hot water oil Front streets. Opcp dally 8 a. m. t( . apartment. Heat by hot water sys- NICE COMKORTABLB room, twin or (fas and hent supplied: two double room! I(n;t~MONM"dUT7f~FmTr"i;>"tir Main i> u. m.. and Sunday mornings. tem, oil burner, anil water include.! nt ?44 per montli: nne room. 140 pel tnehed KHruKe, overhead doors; with frncinw; KnraKP: awninK-i. Com- Mtrrrt, cemont roiul. Sacrifice. i-lOo, hent: KnrnKe. Kxcellent location near ilounle bed, with or without kitchen fortfthlc livtnK room with built-in book plus tax.-*. Hiiri?ftln. DowUll Atif?ncy. bus. stored. river. Price I11.R00. Immediate possession until May 15privileges, )n quiet, clean home. Guod month: one room. $.'12 per month. A Hcreena, modern kitchen. Price tin, 1 r ANTIQUES—Best price, paid, China, Facing Shrcwtbury river; J7C, monthly canes and loir burninjf firvphict , mod MliWRhAasncy. Phone RL 1-07U.* glassware, pictures, statues, buttons, locution, convenient to town. Port Mon* new decorutions with shower. Will h 800. Phone RE 6-5102. Curley Sweeney Agency. Phone 11U 1-HC2. for rent November 1. 22 Navesink nve (rn kitchen with K"n stove, uutomittii . bvit every other tVi FAift" HAVEN—Compact prnctleallr motel toy», lamps, pistol., gold coins, mouth buses rass house. Call RE 6> washer, refrigerator, tile bnth, oil ho LIVING ROOM and bedroom, kitchen OO06-W. _!__!!> Iliirlllanils. rhnne III S-1214. Home?, t'.K.A. inspected, Vdvc lure for comtnrluhlc living, Thn new fivo-roi.nl bungalow, hath, fire- fine furniture, Monmouth county books, water hont. C'r)mbini\tlon Bcri>pns am bi'diontn!*. two hftths, automatic heat, place, hot wnter oil heat. Kverythinjr maps. Pearl Giluian, 32 Spring strett, furnished or unfurnished bungalow DESIRABLE ROOM, in private houte out Houte 3,1 to White street, norm windows. Asking $12,000. Cal water, electric, large yard; near bus and SMALL FURNISHED apartment, will doulilc floors; Inrtio lot; ifnra^c; pntio. r<-ady to ninvr ripht into. Reduced prlct Kid Bank. Phone 6-0146-M. for gentleman, near Kort ftlonmotith ; private hnlli, suitable for one or twi Shrewsbury, o|»('oiito Shadow Brook owner HK fi-.7.TH-R. 5fl..*.no. John h. Mlnujrh AlfncT. Itum- Central railroad. Clean, very cheerful. unrner space; buses pass house. Call LH rf*i! inodri n kIf hen, many r\tr-»s; HIGHEST PRICES for Tour old car. Wi Reasonable. Cooper, York avenue, Port adults, full EA :l-l 4r>n-J. Inn entrance; follow ni^ns to ex- $1 (i.Tirtfl, N>nr school and rom *on rond. Phone RU 1-0716.' KA 3-0727. n buy, we sell-, we trade. Coast Auti Monmouth. near Route .I*,* 3.-.a mtoAD STREET; hibit home, Oprn daily 1 to 6 P, GUNNISON HOMES. Master »crie», n»*MHl A«*nry.Phoii" AT l- g_ RF:n RANK riverfronu Attractively Salei Inc., Ill Monmoulh street. Rei VVBST KEANSBURO. Thr»e rooms. GARAGE—One of the largest In Ret apartment, twn rooms, privat M. Mr, Eijrenrnuch on premises. three sizes, |900*to $1,500 down; ATLANTIC II'IOI (Vncrrtr furnished ten-room town residence of Hunk. Adjoining Reade's Carlton theater, Partly furnished. $7 weekly, yearly. tranrr als furnished rooms with .111 tiled bnths, fireplace, automatic bunk. Centrally located In auto dis- Near hu Bonkoskl, 78 Second street, 11 deluxe BIZCC to S rooms, 2Vi huililina: 2rti:50. . tinted Phone li. B. «-iai'4. trict at 171 West Front street. For- of kitchen. IJooii ]oi-n(ion. Shrewsbur. rhurch, easily conv«rtprf lo Ilvlnif oimrt hent. recrentional house on boardwalk; PIANO—Any kind, any condition. Wrst Keansburg. bus nt door, $40, J.1U, JC5 and $76, in O iK.RrrIc baths. Highest quality. Immedlttn two-cnr (rnrnce with apartment above, merly operated by William Hanneken, 87x150, $3,300; River Onks. Fair Hi rrM, one or Iwo nparlments. Sncrlflc Tenier, 28 Pearl etreet, Lakewood, Phone RE 6-0684 or RE 6-039B.'' FOUR-LARG___ E_ roomi, furniihed, gas, cl^jrfes hent. Kns, eleetrie.* delivery. Catalo«u«. Write. Everett J3,.*0(); $1,000 fdsli, bftlanffl on Urni Ankinjr $45,000. Mimiffh Ateney. Phone. LA 6-2190. Phone RE 60684 or E 39B. electric, heat supplied. l'hone AT J- ven, plot JOOxlHO, $2,100; Little Si Phone R^NOT^lrt/^ FIVE ROOMS and bath, all improve LARGE CIIEERFUL" do"ubie~ToVniT5? ver, lot DOx.50, $65 0, Gcnrtie S 11. Thorne, King's HfKhwny, Mfddk- Scultiiorp Aneney. 103 First avenue. OLf BUILDINGS for wrecking, by . 0647.R. sinible location. ISO River road, Rt-il I'hone AT 1-0477. (1ROSSINOER _ HELLER—Cape Coi pcricncPd wrecker. Phone KE Bients, private. In West Park section THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished or Schanck Agency, 8 Linden placi-. Phon town. hunmlou-n. Attractive designs, ex- on Shrewsbury river. Call Saturday or Bank. Thone ItR fl-WIJ.' UK 6-0.T97.* A"tLA?JftC" HIGHLANDS — Flvp-ronra IS78-W. J. J. Bennett * Son Wrecking unfurnished, gas and electric, hot ItED-SITTINC, FfOOM. Cmnfortiibly flip p.mrori 'fr^mi floor.. Firll loan* for Sunday, RU 1-0708. water bath and shower, snd refrlger. til\-ltUOM HUUSKI Lwo-cfiVTicHniR luniR.ilow. lurKO tnclnurd porch; nished: second floor front, three win- ATTKNTIUN G. I.'s—New homes, liv rnifc. ComiiUt.' renovation jol> <;. I.',; »5.^na to Jicsno price ranee. EAI'.LY MODEL automobiles, In anyAP"ATtTMENTT FOUR rooms, garden ator supplied. 173 Center avenue, or in(f room, moilcin kitcluMi, t wo bed lot 7").\^-2. Srcoiid huuac from rn»fct Itmiid nnd M'chnnic streets. Phone RE type. Or will sell, Fhone RE 6 dows: nenr eentcr nt town; o;l Ijpjir romplrlnl; f'.i.ll.lO. S.nllhni r> Ax'nry, condition. Good prices paid. Phone call KE 6-1289-J. rooms, nuLomatlu iicui; ?S.tlOO full <; nvt'iiuf, KiverbUlc Hrijriit", If iff h way .I.i (i'i I o.•». 2258-W.* nutonintic water hrnter. Lljrht house- i i.v.-nii.'. Phono AT l.nt::. LO 6-0171. • THREE ROOMS, fully furnished, com- keeping, laundry privilege. After r I. loan: $*••'> pei" month payments. Gcor/ 1 yUITNISHED, ATTRACTIVE cottage on session, Mrs. K, A. Cooper. I hone AT ATLANTIC IllCHLANDS - -Four-root. fiK(rssiN(;Kir"_~I'KrXK"R"!*^~rIn7Hr •WILL REMOVE unwanted Hedge am plete kitchen, bath, nrirat* entrance, werk-end. Mfl Snrfntr street, oppo S, Sclmnck A«ency, 8 Linden plnce. tvpc re.irl'-nrn. Kive inrwe room", fire- owner's estate; eight rooms, two Pimm. HU COilUT.* UUfiJ.J. ' evergreens. Call Edward Cross, RE ( phone service, on river, in quiet resi- McLaren. Phone f!E R-2IJ77.* $7.Sill). Hrtilthnrii' Ac.ncy, 101 l'irnl.T.-. . fl^!u\r kitchfti. Iwo hatlll. oil bsths, oil heat. Rental 175 monthly dential park; two minutes' walk to de- KKI> _ANK--Si.\*room hcuisc: twu-cn luiii: attached K.irnz«" h«lf-acre; river '421 H-R- until May 1. Phone RE 6-3563.' pot. Lease required, |°0. Phone RE 6- FURNISHED ROOM. 39 Waverly~niac7 '—Thret level hou»c Avrnnf._ I'honp AT I-J1K7. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Buy you LflrKe HvitiK room, modern kiu-hi.ii p«jftse K'itti }RIH* uimnirs; lu ATLAN'nff""iriGlfLANl)S^Sc"vVn^ro'oTn rinlit.; .Il^.noo. IlrnK'l snd Me;hsnle BUSINESJTADULT will share privat 0063^ Red Bank.' f>u.\l 1b. Near bus and slat ion. Cft • trei".. I'hr.ne P.K R-_] nn. gifts with money obtained from you; six-room home with service or busi three bedrooms, tile bath, utility room bMnKalmv: two-cnr Karaite; lot fiO-l2.i; attic, china clust't, garage or barn. W» ONE-KOOM APARTMENT, furnished, FURNISHED ROOMS, 47 Wnverly plnce, oil burner; garage; Urge plot; $12,2.0 UE 6.119X-W. I3.S()ti. Sriillhorn Aicnc;, 103 First fiR'n'SSINCER" HEM.ER—Sii-room ness couple; oil Iteat; yearly basis. inrK* closet nnd kitchenette: all util- PHy full market prices for old cut and Phone liK li-1382, GforKe S. Schanck Agency, 8 Lindci MIUDLETOWN TOWNSHll* —• Country Phnnr AT 1-0(77. . f/vinff room, fireplace, dtnlng Child welcome. Fhone LO 6-2659-M or ities included in rent. Do everything 1 NICELY FURNISlfE'D front room, •._.. l-liiee. Phone RK 6*0367.* room, three bedrooms. Three-room Ktleft pressed (tlafis. clear or colored. bisque, LO 6-4117. Club ^stales, Brook street, Koout- SACRIFICE — Middletown township, chinu, hrii'-n-ln-ac, furniture, etc. Phon can to males Jt pleasant for you. Phone to bath, hot writer service. One block cottn?e. Lii^e plot. A«V!n» JT2.S00. BUSINESS BUILDING suitable for EA 8-1478. UEACH. Owner moving velt Circle Weil; five minutes' drive near Cumpbeh's Junction, slx-rooin rtroad nnd M»chnnic streets. Red Bank. "The Hol|ys"_ Antiques. RU 1-0778. from Strnnd theater, olT Hrond; BIIIKI Hplcndldly conditioned seven to Ited 13ank railroad station; well houEe, two bRths, three bedrooms, nrt?- shop: West Bergen place. Red Bank, r'URNlSHED BEDROOMS, In priv'sTe or couple: kitclien privileges if needed Phone RE fi-2100. USED CHAIN DRIVEN velocipede. WUl Apply Rosevelt Tea Room, Branch ave- room cottnue, hot wnter hfiit, oil, fire built six-room house, three bedrooms, plttce, American sink, elrctrlc stove, consider one slightly damaged. Mrs. family: reasonable. Can be seen at No objiitions to »mnal Imliy, phono KB Place: frnragc Nice residcntlnl urea oath, liWnif foom, dining room, kitchen, GROSSINOER'ft HEIXER—Quaint '«is nue. Little Silver. Phone RE 6-3063. stenm hent, oilburner; plot 128x125 : A. WalliiiR. 6T Broad street, Keyport. 40 Worthlcy street, or phone RE 6- fi-0715-M._ A rpfil value; * 12,800. Sweeney butler's pantry; hardwood floors, $8,400, or two acres. JSI.500. Nice ta^e on nrre. Fair Haven. I.!v nrf. Phonr- KB 7-3381. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Living room 4711.' TWO-UOO AP A HTM ENfTEverythlfiK Amency, Monmouth avenue. Phone It I Bcreened-in iiorch. two-car narage, Btoim ftrounils, suitable for development, dinintr room combinntioti, den, lavntnry. kitchen, two bedrooms, bath; conver* COMFORTABLE.CLEAN, fum-ahed sash, screens; niot ISOxlU; owner oc three bedrooms, bath. . Guest h CONCRETE MIXER. Must be reason- furnish.d lit fliKlirft nnd Itnons. U1402. paved street, bus at corner, excellent ms, es tent location. Phone between 6 rooms. Single or twin nedi. 62 cuiiiecj; $16.000. Georn* Dionyiius.' noiKhhorhood. Phone AT 1-0331.* AskiniAki r Slfi00Slfi.0000 . Bd d M able in price. Call KE 6-1596-R. 7 P. M., AT 1-1627-J. Call RE 6-3..T5.W nftt-r 5 V. M. HUM SON—Mod«rnizVd'~8-roo'rri" dwefllriL Broad and Me Throckmorton Ave., R«d Bunk. Phone l'URNI.SHKI. TWO-KOOM npnrtmpn'i (four bedrooms), tiled bnth, down, itUMSON—Nice location. Six-room co RED BANK—Coiy Some with larm R h P.K «-2 A USED COAL STEAM furnace, me, EAST KEANWUEG. Five-room __ RE 6-2188.M. sunny livlnn room, screened porch ium size, good condltloa. State makl Kitchen nnd bedroom. Suitable fo: itairs lavatory, screened porch, hoi lonUl. hot water heat, oil, fireplace plcx, furnlnhed. combination oil andLARGE THREE-ROOM apartment, mod- water oil heat, Insulation; two-car gn nice grounds; excellent construction two bedrooms, bath and kitchen. Ex. WE HAVE A CLIENT for your anil price. Write, "Furnace," Box 611 gaa range, no bath. Rent $ i 0 per business rouple nr womnn. Share bath ern, private, on rirerfrout. Red Bank; with one other person. Hetrlneralor. rage. Price J13.90O. John L. Wnug Perfect condition. Owner moved tc ceJJfcnt henting system, new mot, newly property. List with Grosslncrr Reil Hank." month. Al KruefferKrug,, Port MmouMonmoutt h 1100 monthly. Write. "R, R, B.," Box Aircncy, Rumson road, Phon* RU I painted, r^ndy to move into. Phone RK Phone RK H-02P7-W or 80 Wnllftce North Jersey. Askinx (11,900. Sweeney et HeNer. Broad and Meehanle XtfENflO'N, FARMERS — WaSt road, East Keansburg, Phone KE 6 511. Red Bank.* street. Red Bank.* 0 716.* Agency, Monmouth avenue. Phone RU 0114. 6-0772-M.* lurgc uuantities of straw; large quan fLEA&ANT ROOM with private family HANK MANOR, .I',.', rooms, lin Ht/NfiALOW—Five rooms 1-1492. streets. Phone RE 6-2100. Com- titles of mixed hay nf fine grade, an room nnndd bnthbnth, Mir/DLETO\VN—Four-room. Cnpe •JIOUSEIOUSE,, "FURNISHEDFURNH.tls. aTtlstlt c 3fe of two adults. Business person only. furnisliuil, Itentnl, incluilliiK hent. hoi All improvements, Foster street, KUMSUN ESTATE AREA. Ky plctc service In real estate. Insur- alfalfa hi'.y. Shadow Isle Farms, Ev rooms, studiod , largl e llivini g room, fire- cottage, ]8,o00. Little ensh needed, Phone RE C-08S3, water, janitor service, repnirs. *K2 pe River FlaKu; 7"xl2B lot: t4.000. Ca landscaped locution; four acrea; six- Cnll Ijohert J, Marvin, MA I-2I568. ance and morteatce loans. Victor erett road. Phone RE 6-4830-J. Auk place, improvements; garden setting, month: three-year lease, RE 6-3394 or 120 Leonard street, Re< for manager; if no answer, call RE G PEHFECT APARTMENT of four large Avnitahle No room colonial cottanre. three baths, hot —Five-room . renncd environment. 581 Patten ave- rooms and bath, overlooking: Scenic vemher 15 to Dee. I. Ciall RE (•-]000 Hank." water heat, oil. Insulation, Privacy. Im- E. Grosslnger, Milton Heller, Law- nue. Long Branch. Fireplace, oil hmt, 13,000. Call Rob- IIUC, UUI.H I'lUlltU. road at Atlantic Highlands. Reasonable, HE A UTIKUL JIOME—llns everything mediate occupancy. AsklnK I- 0,000 rence J. Schllllnt;. WOULD LIKE tobuysecond-hand COTTAGE. COMPLETELY furnlihed IIOOM—b'arcge available _t J. Mnrvin. MA l-_g_B. Cull RE 6-4941-J. C-4202-M.4202M* completp to outdoor ytird IlRht. Mont Sweeney Anency, Monmouth avenue. spinet ninnn. Price must be reason und equipped; attractive location, Phono RU. t-1402. LOTS—On Sycnmore avenue, Shrews- RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS—Conv»l«ot to FURNISHED housekeeping room for IN SEA B-TlOHf—two-roofi m apartmnu Khly dfsltuble anil convenient location bury. 110x350 feet; 12._0; 165x250 able, '-'all HE 6-1711.* , near Fort Monmouth; nUidio living MONMOUTH HKACH. Nice resldentii [ted Bank, six-room house, automatte room. Urge bedroom, kitchen-dinette, one person going to business. Kent in- furnished. Airy with splendid view, Shrewsbury, how tuxei r J*tr_« 'n feet, *2.'l)n. Kxcelfent location, near cludes electric refrigeration, utilities ant 84x150. Price |17.500. Phon* RE 6 nrpa. Shade trees. Six-room cottage. heat: fireplace, garage. Price 99.500 bath, closet, automatic heat. Rent in- All utilities Included, J.1S. Plenty ol e llrond street. Cnll Robert J, Marvin linens. Desirable location. Call at 172 4411.W. Hot water heat, oil, fireplace; garnK includes Bendlx washer. Weart-Ncmcth toJM* Ph EA 3-0ofii, heat and hot water. Could be rented MA 1-2 58 8; Asrencr, 42 Broad street. Phon* R£ 6- SITUATIONS WANTED Hudson avenue or RE g-0400-R. unfurnished; gnraiie available. Phone immffdinte vofsexsion. Askinn 111.000. HUM SON—SmalThousf, for nix month* SEMI-KUttN"(3Hl!b «tu_lo room, kltch OPEN FOR INSPECTION. N«w Chnrle» E. Swetney Agency, Monmouth KVERETT—22-ncre famT Beautiful 2240.• .SB 2-02JII. moilern colonial residence containing FARMER'S ATTENTION 1 Farm hinds or A yenr. For Information, write, en. refrigerator, bath, al] utUitlrB in • venue. Phone KU 1-1492. RED BANK—Convenient location. Six. D. E. Weber, Box 611, Red Bank. Give ft JvIVINf! (!OhM and cVmnectlnfrbcilroiifn Ranch house, 5H roomi. Lnrtre nine rooms nnd 2Vj baths. Tenant cot- and dairy hands supplied. Fhone your eluded, $(l pfr month. 316 Broad NORTH SHREWSBURY rivur. 100 fen room stucco home; one-car jrarsg#t telephone number. furnished except linens, lifrht cooking pine panelled living room 21x13, taxe of six roomc. Immeniitte occu- !nrae plot. Price reduced to SS.&OQ. order and 1 will send th« help. Qulnn's street. Red Bank/ permitted, utilities Included. PrivnK on river. Nic* location, sandy beach. pnncy. AsklnK »4.ri.O0O. Joseph G. Me. Jfenployment Agency, i!21 Park Row, N PTfHWISHED sevcn PRACTICAL nurse available npartment, nil utilities, Mature or bus- SEA BRIGHT, North Beach icctton hy AT 1.1712 .• day or night tn care for chronic or Cod home. Hot water heat, oil fireil. RE 6-2UQ.W. ilnce, oil hent, porch: one-car attached ^I'Ei'tlONATropimr^'iinTOTl?^^^ iness couple. MS Center avenue river. All-year house, Rood condition linn: home on villafte acrr. Five roomi, IHhEWSnURY—Five-room bungalow; convnltwcint pntipnts. Woman with hath, shower, fireplace, metal storm win- KnrHKf. Convenient location; $15,750, 1 dons, basement. Rent $100. Ray VanROOMS I'OK COUPLE. ChIM welcome. Phone AT I-H32C. Hot water oil heat, tfood summer rental moutrn bath firm Door, extrii bfdraom Convenient location. Large enclose ! iniiny years of hospitnt nnd private ex- Newly painted. Venetian blind*. Com- araRe. Occupancy November 16. Ask-ThompKon AKcncy, SI East Front ntrcet. Horn Agency ,Falr Haven. Phone RE Hi AND 41J-ROOM unfurnished apurt- PhonpRE fi.070'1.' neconil floor. Otiier fenturei nre nt*sunporch. central heating. Price $7.00(1. perience, excellent references, has own6-4ID0.' plete hnusekfepln_ prlvlleRes, 63 Mor- ng Itt.SOO. Cull SE 2.QSHO-K. tachfd Knra«e. eoppi r pliimhirK nnd oilWeart-Nemeth Agency. 4! Broad street. car. No baby cast's. Phone LO 6- 0 monts, nil modern conveniences, in THOMPSOTOHENCYMgTCJENC — Five roomi. and ford plncc, next to Drive-In Cnrn fine residential section, nenr stores, sta- liUNGALOW—Four 'mom*,' hath and hent; I).-,,.100, Jnneph fi, McCue Phone HE e.L'240.* (UT.-.-J.- NEW CUSTOM built home, Port MoTT- Shop. Phone RE 8.147S-J." liuiulrt! Nutswnmp road. Uox hath, e^panRton attic, oil hent: one* mouth, half block to bus and railroad, tion, ctr. 6 Third nvenue. Atlantic enr KHrafte; $10,900. Smnll down tiny* AKency, Realtor. Phono RU UOMi or LITTLE SILVER — New two-bedroom DAY'S WORK—Part-time; or house- unfur- HlghJflntl.i. rhonr AT l-PJSHfi-J. nk. I.OUIH ; ' ItK fi-l 47" " work, l.nunilry H specialty. Refer wlj_n_ refrigerator, f6Jt per month. Sorry, ment. No down payment for (J, 1. bungalow; expansion attic posslbili. nished. Srcond floor, five rooma LAND 1 V» acres, nood aolf, half In Thi)ini»8on Agency, Hi East Frort ETITLB" ties; Lit 60xl.",0: automatic hot water encrti if dt'slreil. Phono RE 6-0508-M no eftildrcn. Owner leaves for Califor- nnd lmth. Krlgidnire, fras ranRO, sink IIEDHDOM, SITTlNO ROOM, iirlviite na November 1. bath, restricted district, on bus line. apple trpen. Tolvo Hjorth, It.K.lJ. Phone HE fl-J)70(IS four ncrts. IiKnl for lnrKe family, heat: 0. opportunity at 19,400. f. nnil 7 P. M. Call KE 6-11S1-M nnd tub; Vight, heat, And gnu furninhpif. Bo.\_r>2H,_ Everett road, Ked_fl»nk.^ for appointment.' Walking distance tn Red Hunk builnrss KMElifCAl" 'OUOStA(Tinrm house, rour master bedrooms, four buths, t V.'cart-Kfmeth Ak'cncy, 42 Oroad street. COUPLE — llousvkceper.Cook,Chauf' Phone AT 1-028S-J. 45 Eait Gartietd l EAST KEASSHOKG— r'our-room house. center. All furnished; S15 per week. ( AfLASTfC'ftlGHtANUS, Navcsink ave~ rooms, A bnths, oil heat: suiroundeil servants rooms anil bath; thrw.c.ir >...- Phori «_IIK_ 6 - l 'Jj[O^. • _ fcur-butler, experienced. Local refer. avenueur,. _\iiAtlantin c Hlghlandi. RK B^lil.iB.'^ nut, on bus line; vacant; five rooms. riiKt' and bnrn attached; 135,111)0. Jos- fiict?. Write, "Couple," Box CM, Bed All Improvrmrnti, unfurnlihnl, Ln. >y several acren of tnwn with churactei- WES-I~LONCi- tiRTNCin Flve.room FOUR-ROOR-r,- heal. Cnll nfter B P. M. and Satur- ronm sfml-btinKivlow, five rooms, bnth Stoker fired furnnre, storm sain. uble. Cnll III; 6-1475-J or RE 6 floor unfurnished apartment, two rooms n's y or Sundny. 102 Spring street, Ited Ud Hank,* 'nlinnce porch; J'J.SOO. For C. 1,'s,Nice r.didentlal section. Pries $6,300. 2lf9jJ. # ______fi t-ri'd: tinfurnlshnd, MM) per month: nnd bath, heat, hot water nnd electric* in first floor, new oil hentiiiK systvm, 15V n month cirrylnif rharwef. Hn|. furnished, 1170 per month: yenrly lease, IJank." Itrdeconited inside, Will be painted mit- Wenrt-Nemeth Agency. 42 Uroatl streel, PAlTT-tnflE CHTICK work for woman. Hy «up_)jptt. Call ATI-IW-M. W river front. Cozy thrf* ton Wit.rliury, R.altnr, 18 West front Ilrd llnnk. I'hune HK 6.2240.* [•hone Ilrnnls K. Ilyrne, Realtor!!, nt {TINGLE ANP MOUl"n,K rooms by wrrk. gHEinnSVfcNnbOM sU\r; two-car HHTRHC lot HOxlli), }>?. 1 Itnl Hank only. Write, "3. II.," Box bedroom homr, UVIHK room with trict. Thone HE J-.llino. LlffLr:" SILVEK. Attractive stucco 110 Monmouth street, down stair*, Electric, hent, and water supplicu Hlrabli! bunint HH location; f 14,HU0 fur- Ml, ltc_ Hiink." ;tu I-IIIII.- J Rtnt J126, Cnll SE 2-0378 nfter 6 ii I clifd or tinfui'litflifd. Storm Mi ill Hud Idn sunny view-, tint water hvnt; ua* SYlAMDllE AVENUE. Old, hut sub. bungnlow. Five rooms, enclosed porch* YOUNG "ENGLISH" woman, 30, would SMALL TWO-liOoM nml haTh bunga- nfrnnd. 'IoQ'** Mi'a. Qt* pt'eerifl; 2d tnlmtOt* from Rnl flxnk. ar. Hist iielKhb'irhood: $10,000. liny stnntlnl home rnnlalnfnr four he,|. bath, fireplace, oil heat; attached »• like luirt-tlnm work, sewing, driving, KOM DRCEMIlEFt I tn May 1. Four tlHmnn &• Associates, X'hnne KE fi-rooms, nreplar... hot wster heat, l.nt low, slcei.ing porrh. On private estate •ffli EuiTioclTTPrSuiii Make otTrr. U2;,_Hth ayphuf^ Nr|itiin, raxa; trees and beautiful shrubs, barb.* luloitiiK vhlltl In Kttoil diction, '.'an also near Red Hank; f.'/i prr month. J, A, rrmm apnrtmrnt, furnlahctl, Phone RE /tf—In" I.ittlo Silver.' SlxU.«rTot"» iGx'.'Oll. Convenient to Little Silver «tn. cue. Newly renovated. For quick ssl« fin Intrrlor decnrntllig, Very versatllo K.10I9-W. rtpnrtmrnl, rcstilentliil rectlon, Atlnn* 1 Inn; 'I I).50(1. Kulstnn W'nterl.ury Heal. HI,300. Tonstanca Smith, 14 Nf nrif« 'fnljh, R(nl Estate, IB7 Broad llrecf. lie ln«lil»lii|j. Phone. AT 1 -11.'. H C - J. ' irfnt lo llnttirh nvfiiui' , filixiOO, tn,to. CB|IP f'nd i-ottntrc, Hhniio IIVIDK Write. 'JSnitMsh." Box r,II. Red Hank, hone RE C.4UH,* or residence and Iniflm-HH. to rlunr out ootn with bf nine it c«ilinu find fircplftcr, in: H Weil rn.nl slriH. I'hone HR nvenue. Fsir Ksven. Phone HE *.2*.I'M. 1 TWl'l (HrMTt)RTAitI,K furYiisTi'ed"Tiou»r". MASriN (Kt "f'AWRNTRR work; also KXTTI KKANHBuIlO-l'nnr.ronm iuir^ t IITiO nnd I2O0 enrh. Plmnr LO «- kitchen; (irlvatr entrnficei 9\ j ; tv.-n Urplnff rooms In Mlddletnwn, lied* ilrhi-n, Iwo beihuomn, tiJnJ bnth; him)* jrtli work nf every kind. Pltnnp Ml ealnw, hnlli. hoi WBIII', Ollfnniia ml lhr*«! Attrnellve roomi, prlvHtc tllr 7 4 ;...!. 1 fully lnm|!irit,<'>d Uwn, iinumiMl plnnt* ATTRACTIVE n.w bungalows In l.-'i:!,',-.'-.) bplwrnn 6 and « P. M.* ype, nil heater, RMital Jtfill ]r f. »•, M.' Mtinn, \S'IIIIOII iiveniK "it Monmoulh. — .'our-room UTKfflVrt'PV '"ATIBA—1TOt-Trr« KTiTnT* Mr»,_ Ingii'Holl. Call UK «-.17»4,' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Phone KK «.00«;|.J,'' tiir hutii, httutcfilt/W, No mnn*y down •ttf, li-vrl, Ulliiblf, on hard lurfurrd (on»,nlenl to srhooli nn.l bus lire Me lmth: thu'C'Car u.inik'ei wurk shovii t(T()M--iVIvata hnme, Atl eonvcitlrncrr •rlre I5.0OD! Jt.niin down; I:.o a mnn'h. .I hint: jiii| five afrss. CllliN i'li:Kl;li""innl soy" In-ani com- or veurnt', I HO it Turner avenue, nr ORI|. Excrllrnt for Just country l.vinic 1 i Phon*. MK r.-iatj. !Kr\AIMfun «\r* ll'l'l li.'C >i:ir. I'r.ii. IU.O0P, il. Cull Kit X.lllim.W-2.' MAJOR Oil. COMPANY has service n rTI,"E~flIL'V»5ll~Lii7ir« .uimy'" mom, >hnnr AS I.07TI.VV. ir eummutrr'B home- low tnxrs; f2,?nn, WnuM con«|(|er renCrif to rlcht inn'. *. "WilMAN~ft'lfflifiiCKmisi'work nr will t lljrhl hrni«el(ee|)lnK! Iwn minute* (o lay HtlUmnn A At'orlM**, Phnne UF- (ol»lf)ti Welerlmry. UmUfir M U /•<' l.n<> liim. IIIIIII. il.i.'e iH^iil'Htii'>. I'on. Itntlon lo Iralr In Kryporl.> fioiiil Nicely furnlihril, private hnrne, excel, I'nr; Moniilmilh, on hu< line, I'hfiue F.A •rf/lf.VKItr ^Triictiv*- InnitTo ., lh, II MJII'1* R\ ruae. Fair t«ki' tari' nf rhlldien. Phono AT 1- ilipoitutilly fur right parly, Hum ngr, I. ui. fur romnmtliiK: new rot.«* r> 111. _ From xrrrt, Phcne rtK «.n",nn,- tent loeHtliini thrro mlnuteii' walk tn r-7M t l_nn. I'hiilie IIKB-M"' __ o;;>..ll «f AT l.«:'ii;.M, "»I>irlr-j>rr nml wnrhlnir rniillul, Wrllp, railroad alallon. Iliu WII»H hnu»i' Hid' ng mnni withh (If' ' I. riutdiiutdi-rrn TWVT5U R(iAl*7 "7teiT"limifcV I)"«-ln»ble NKW KANi'll llDUMf:. O»erlm.l.inii' AVllMAN WlSllKS itrnrriir lioiiMwiirk', I'. II, II.," ll.iv f, II, lied Iliuik, Fuitlivr iisrtl"uhir_ nlinnr UK ll.ar,nr,, llNWllRIAfrVftliUKfvTrrtrriVn.mn^ dl, twu lutliourimll , lilril ) builtl ; til' hotiKf, r\ri»llt-nl r<|Hi|HI"t», luItRblc Tor rlv.r. 72.1am urirall, t'omhlnatlon LM"f'i.K nilA'tll —Utauiiful rurmr rfl- In Atlnnllc IliMliliindii, Phoni* AT 1- i nli-ri'lnit In nr mil, Can give refer- BAl)Hl""AKIi IIIIIY(!I.P! •hull," liilly ilulm, ut\r i-nutn nnd lmth: br«-t*i .i'WHy i iniftisRliiiinl mini. Four bedroom*, liv* «inx r.iinii nnd illnliiic room with i.ii. Kliilit n>..nn, twn baths, two. 0,135-M.' 1 1 irisheT, UK rooirii illnititf • oniiii kllrhfii, luric •'in". I'hniH' AT l-iiHJIS.M, "liilni.flniii,, good IiciiiliinIficiiiliin, livinlivingg quarll rfniiiils, snit Htmlit'il Kiii'iiy; IniWf iHtulsi-iififil Iftwrt ire wimliiw. iii'Hi imtlu! attnrh.il iin. cur uaratfunratfe,, ri.livvtilvnrinv ntt to liual.ua, ,ch .chonll fouur a% itt i t flv«>rnov«rom Rtinrfnii'iils -iii'tuHi-d puit'li. Hltnchfil I'Htln. two ny; iii.K.lv.' fir. i.I.i.-.-. two liaths. ulirs Col.llllKIl WOMAN wiuilil like linrt". In rear. RtnrRtrkk nml l tiartst , iinilillillln witith IIw n hhedrnomsd i inou p |irrr month, iiirmiindN the hutiav; (lu.ouo, lt,iy Still ami ralln.nil itHtlu tmrneilinte UCCII* linn- work, IT;(IIIIIII««. I'hnlin UK A- drr«n.», Mlkc'o, mi) Main utrrot, I'l AT |0»«l iiiiti it Ansocli.tf>N, fi 1H HTUMI htrt>iM, nit I'M, piiwili-r riMiin, llnlsl.fd Iwn.r'ii'in l.'il.MM 111,In,I, flllly IlKlllated' plot ._ I'linsisnrt ."mlthih . 1U M Mm.Iln av,> Rt>AL ESTATE FOR SALE l"i) Iliti))., Phinw UK ff.AM ). Mil*, h»! «.tl»r lirntj jilnt iNflxHH, AiK> IllxJtlll, All fnr IIH.ODi), l!,,l.tnii ''...Knlr. Ilaven. . l'h..ne_ UK , «.i.Vll"._ fll!W' IK- 117.'.On, Trlvfllp, fur furtliM I". llltKrlofiiiiiriuiiliTrTyouti piTaVn^tifmTiriir.VinVr Kiriff>Aifrirfnrsnvnruui«iViirff » A lit HATKN ^'tMiiiiBH: r«.mf7i>TiiliuT. iValerlniiv. lle.illi.r, IB We.t 1'rotll •!h~ llAl^K- r'.rial t-'n.nl stleet, CUi*9 iioin, shoit ilUtniU'D in nroml otreot; IKlUMK in, SMIIIII I'llnluii «n,,l, ll',| 1 'liinniiixi rail KE K.^I.'t^J. M I'IH.I,. UK B..I.11II' IMM, i'llnliii:, •until Kl'lillialii mHiihlnea mill franrltlhr tnr tiiil'llirin iiiint-Mii fi viii'iiiiiiii htiin' . f(hr>'f> bi-1> 1.1 n.inil lli'.l. Ssten r m, IS hMiillfully fnrnl«li»il, PrlvuM halh. Jl/lllk ! ?V'.i'lf!U llllll'K HIJNiai.lHV, liallii, lame uuraKr, .'il lirnt; t'lot lulvi itlDlni! ai'lH, Hiitnt'y nn ulikrt. l''rank nur.niiiiilh I'ouuly. lluulu already islali- 1 I'ltm.,],.i •• in |. ,|,m,.i,,n nti If. N.i Will lent SIHKI' or tluiitile, l''or fvirthrr #• fl. .' UHtiii*. full cellsr: RHI Mu|)n atrrrt, Kcnnihuro. lilted. Hi'iiuliKil ten lilMirilMir i wmk vi'rltlvrltl , (tiiclii'il ivwt'cnr IIIMNWC: Hftmi'tivr IM* II I'AMini'ht., l.iirktr .It rIHlUIrt, Vtt\ *Ke: a.il.. .'..Ivl.'.ll. lilesi fur |.rofc.,l..nnl ur r.l* Informntlon e«l| UK HtSJ down ixiytninl fnr vii.'iiui., AlMlu^l. x 1 IM) until' hrst. .^tuinsli.n sllliv laive plot i I'lionc KK (l.ldl'i,* 'loiltl tJ'ir» I'nllI'll VH IIu5•),Iu,5•,.) ! In if, 1'ivrly ihndt tree*, landM'Ap'tl Uwn uiit i • trnin Hrl(f i mini(y '(.in tur I.IIIMH, IIHII,|, r ami cm . iiiisll'J'i, t\ti\v rivr, irHnnportntldn nnd i'it \, 1'hmin i:,\ nmm«m)irnnii i i IIMOO, liny Ht I It in mi A Alto. *lnl» : HViOfi, Cull AtU r ftP. M > r 1 rl nK line, Fair llav.li. I'hune UK K.J10«, . Call KK «.in4'J._W. iilneiia, plstinf. rndloi, reennU. rniiR- >il|<|.ll*ln.|rli. lr»hu\, »", |,liis mrlurt, It hlfrmlnl, ml. hhf I'hnnr KK «,1M7. 1 K t nn fftlni'-il Illr tmthror h n u iio In- tf.Mifl hentlntf, nil, (ireuiianry rfii.m, kltrji*n, hn\rnnm snil Itsth, *.',0, 'Ihlri', full Ml)'))* !) ui).ll,#|., ifn. nr i), )>'»( nl/1 h*nt, fhi' f til r|i)j r Will* • -nxn.li.pi altl.': Jd.un; Is! r*'r month, on or hifnrv P.i'emh'r I, I'rlen |ln.« KK li-IMH.M, llctnlisr Ihrnuih Msyi I In Junr Ihrniitfit 'li'ilik M.IVI, >iiitr I'liuii'i, l,,,,'su,| nn hrtwk ; fin* f> A PA tiv ttiitiiffttow, nptti t'-rr i iirt k ' n\\f nw* of yrijiiMUl, Iti.ft ii • r •* Mn. -. esllnr, III W.sl fr.iFll llreet, | 1 -(| ih uliiit, ilenlritlity klhi To rlnrrln, p/n Wlill* ATM, NIIISKHIIIP unit, I'I.IIMS'H'. Smlih. II M»!''•' id. „ or assistant In doctor's of. REAL ESTATE WANTED Ml) |..M», "»lt I'lrcli. ririrl ('iiiiim Itiiiitrrnnl, llnr- t nut, fnir ll«v»i. I'll Ill .1 • :.)• nVi>, Iliivo If. tiuinllis nf nurse's train- y vf ry *urtt*{Ult i uufst ipiflr. ns.l, II-.I limit KB *.>,v on,. A I IJAN I II, llmilijnnlin UIIIuriiisnt ,i HKln I... .iiil.'k -ill.'. I'I M.i'lniilr Km mi": 'innll Imrit NIMI M ulti V WOVl'AMIl.V IIOllllK. H'*.'ll "rnnms 1'lll,iiri,MnlllllS A\ hM'l. I mi i««f. lux nnd l.iinwli'ilui. nf tvidnif. for fur* SMITI'lHl AAjt'hry« , M Mnpii INK IIK.tlliKNTIAI, AltKA, m, ,Mi.', ! a|iRrtm.itt. four rnnms sml tiatlii Mi."I ll.d IIMIII, mmi'l'i" Mil* mlnlnliii* ftirm ttt IMO Imtlit, slram hriti. ri'llsri 17,'.no. Mil i. rt i on it. 1.1 ., inn,:, i'',i,« in Hi., infiiiniiit Ml t(K (1.(1071. • ••111*, r'alr tin»»n, I'Ihniin (jfrl II«M» lirai. tlrrlrlrlly, walcr fiirnlili*,lI Ihi*. .i, Uny. MUltium. A A^orlnl-., tn. IMII buyers for all WVM:VMN IIIIIIMIIOOMHN and Imlli, I'.ill IIIII- ml Aiinuirk MVI'IIII*., t/niiui flrn.'h. svrii. YliUMi M\N. ill, "HI, i ,|i.ii, nn nn of IIIIICHS from litiilnpsa sfstlrn atwt rail* nut In |lntn,i,'i', i«ir V'iil,l« u.irit in. rllli'l.i n frlllll with nil* ri ni nk n«iri 1 mii'i'l, II'.I lidhk, ll.iiniiin fnr $ mmrlnifnt n>i r«rir i'"». .liv n.nln'.il hnM|»M..il It , nrn... I'l UK t.:\; B Jlflfiltl thr»# rnomi ami hathl tarmrit ) hit l/f)IMilfft I'/lllJhHtllfM, NfiRt <*«^!lj> Hit* lient, htl'i'iln '.l.'ri* tut, miOl W Nr'Itfl Mult I'I!.M;K>I In '"'» niiiii'inl. llniil. I "e ||K S.JI'i. I'uiid lii'inil liiid MI",II .nlnry, Write rWAN'l'HH~Wi hdva'rlltntli ays fnr wal'r, Kal, 'I'rtrlf anil furl, 1 I (r, | vo fluti Ktid iriMiiuirlHllnnt l7,H(iri, ulir sink mil Inh, •ulnnnillr hnl wsur. I" 1 '«'•• I'i-.H', I".I',. I, I '. KVlnNinWN II',.",.. i,.,al ,\i ''W, I,.," II.. i Ml, llnl |ln_iik._ NVKMTMKN'I I'lllil'KHTV, In wnllliiu Id Imy nil |y|..t nf iirniisrll'" R •ill tin |,,f rnntith, I'him. UK H.flia tlflitk, nil nv Mullinun A AMiieUtti, Phniir ItK MI nlnni«i iiUNrl.r ncr. nn rtii.fni.t 11(1 til Illl.nnO, MilllltUI W«(f •t,l|. », I'l'li-IH H I •••> v||._. ,.li,i.i,l III. li (ha tUd llniil nffd, I'ur |,n,niiit ni" i.ury rlv.•r, Tlirri, C.Ouli •White, tMiirluii'iil," rillnlile, ff«W » A, M, lo A K M, fnt, ut firiiii My" 1 . lit WI... , ir.n. MM, l!-slivr, lii Wr,l fmn! «lf».(. /'Imiie fthiet b h u>l t»nr ei'is. irfn.niii, II.,I Haul' vMnliy, I'll nil" nn, I'hims, »rlls, nr visit tna Inhn I., •'"" ' IIOOHKMK, »lil"i• V«tfit''••V '"Ml riii.itt'hf i, i I'M "111, 11 I'M' I..II I'Ai TM AIII1 IMI'dllTANT Itifi.n )..-i Ii .tot, "I'M.-, IN.'UIIIK n,IM.ml nnil UY, 6.linn • lieiliiinl:!.. thl*. lm vi. lnv.it,,r> ., IIH rt.|>nr,, Afler ". I', M, i'nll Ml l< llnuili Aii'iii'x. lluminn rnml, I'hiii-• 1,1'llMl I KM 1,111IIH, Imiiilir M>, I', 1 N'H» .-'' i ii ,,,!• h|,i, i li.r i.i 1,1 I' l* ' I I ' HlMill I t ll'MIIP, ff Mil, i »!••» . I'UNIT, Ml'.'l'".Jr'.l.l,.' llillli.illslf I liiromii '.1KO per li <'ni.«lanee inii.,,,1 • .v>|"ir ll"( |l«lil " 'ii' liiu MM-fhh1,, I)• II.,II.I.. II ' I.I » ' - lp'(-it,i . ,..|i»* tl.. Mmllli, II Mai'le m l'»lr llsr'n, HII'bl.lvAtlrih Aliierlian HIIIUM- seeks h ll MrfAV AM, f'APII fin"'" I'MMifiirin IIF.IillliilM ANIi' »M«i«l« tlliliin, lull' H' IH.ri, f!u.i,ih l|. ,..,,,,. t, ,.. 1,' . t>l|i|l|lti,' l< Mil IH I IV tMlllt. I'llt «'l| i HI I'M I'll.Mr Me-; ".1SH» |,,,.||lllll •< t i-Mi(ifll(llitl<(MIKie (If HUH. i'niir fni' immlv nl Inur mliilli, • bl< /..r ynmn Mivlif msn SIHI Mlfr, ll l 1V |lft 1 l|l fl( f h't II. f .. ktnHil i ml *i (ilidinh ullv *•(# hdtitf \>\ l,«ei|, S>U|, tin,(Inn, ChnvMilrftl IMPHHHII, HH ttf lut*li,.ia msh i il *\tn MI |*ll«HI n.i..|ii|i \l• H| || 1 I'll)' \S 1,1 r , t \ t It- ank JI r«lilf tar *•.» hums, fril to Kurd. I'hOOl k | Wn '•rll" t l B '» 1Ml, Itt.l II. M k fnr fnlilf, lll«. A Clililtll. Hl«»«f, Slllll. linf.i.Kisin. Mmfi't. . v. , 4 WsH.,, Main 1« «>•! fn.nt Hitsi l'h»«s «K t- Ilii lit* M ,rl tutu. -_l' /5l»»N" ' ^iaili,'"""' II,I, Itiml, fhiuis AT i'!M>. and Cbuick ,l;nl», Kuutbui«, l»0", Oout_ii«4 OQ W«uU RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1949 Paee Ten NOTICE Matawan food sale at Tassini's store Satur- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AN ORDINANCE ALO.PTING A POR- day. Forty dollars was realized. TION OK A STREET KNOWN Afill K1GHT.R00M HOUSE, in nood location. DESIGNATED AS IJAllTMOUTH William Hunter and family are Miss Fannie Fedele entertained We Specialize Hirer richtt. l'or furthtr inform*- AVENUE AND A PORTION • UK A INSURANCE building a new home in East Bruns- Saturday night at a Halloween IN lion._ca)l_lk;_6^S.lionca)ll'k;6^S4-R4 . , STREET KNOWN AND liKSHiNATEI.' > REPAIRS wick. Mr. Hunter is Scoutmaster party. Guests were Misses Jo-Ann NICELY KEPT- bungalow. Two bed- AS HUNTlNH LANE IN THE BOK- i of Matawan Boy Scouts. Lazow, Carol Craig, Jane Pengel, roomt, bath, kitchen, g»i r«ntt din- OUUH OK FAIR HAVEN, NEW We arc direct Agents lor the following leading Cleaning and Dyeing •1KKSBV. Marilyn Knoell and Patricia Egan hiC and lUiits rooms, vnttlt; c Frank Gray, Sr., of Harding' hlvd. t-.i(!!rr.t rouduion, near bus line. W1IEKKAS, a slrett in the Borough or PARTS Com pun ies: won $25, one of the door prizesof Matawan, Constance Vena uf Domestic and Oriental SS.C'Ol'. Frank B. Lines, 15 Ne of inir Haven, known *nti deaitf»K!ed j American Insurance Company of Newark given at the Democratic rally at Cllffwood Beach and Jane Ander- Sl'rincc rond.J as Dartmouth Avenue has been uuly Hugs T«U»KU,- « «.NCY— New colonUI didicaUd to the public use in the man- I Automobile Insurance Company the Asbury Park Convention hall son of Keyport. Also Robert Gray, U Her and to the extent shown upon a I FOR home. Livins room, kitchen, tile oa.n, Continental Insurance Company Friday night. Daniel Matthews, William Clifton, two bedrooms, fireulacr. oil heat, Mdar map entitled "'Section "B". Knollwoort, Richard Bader, Christie Mason and closets- Wr U. 1- loan; 510,000. The New Suburb of Red Bank. N. .1., Glens Falls Insurance Company Richard Erdmann, Jr., has re- owned by tieorgc S. Ingraham, Wm, If. turned from a week'* business trip Charles Rinear and Emil Boyce of LEON'S Thompson Aireney, SI East l'ront strei-t. 11. £ Ensley M. White, Scale lOO'-l", Great American Insurance Company Robertsville. Phone RE 6-0700.• _—__ Sept. 2'J, 1S2J" made by Ensley M. ELECTRIC to St. Louis and . 6J-16 WHITE STBEET THOWT'SON AfiENClt—Bungalow. Liv- White, Surveyor, filed in the office of Hartford Fire Insurance Company Mr. and Mns. George Lehritter Miss Maria Nunziato of Line rd. ins room, kitchen, two btdroomi, tile the County Clerk of Monmonth county, Insurance Company of North America have moved back to Mata\van from Is one of seven undergraduates at Red Bank 6-2800 hath, cedar closet, expansion attic; pot February 3. 1925 aa Map #S in Case • RADIOS 60x15 0; automatic heat. Little Silver lo- £41, and Northern Assurance Company East Orange, following a long ill-New Jersey college for women at ration: • JS.900. Thompson Asency. SI WHEREAS, another atrect in the Bor- • REFRIGERATORS United States Fire Insurance Company ness, from which Mr. Lehritter has New Brunswick, who is teaching Kast Front flr'et. Phone RE 6.-."icil. Immediate possession ip t'ln",n'.:',!i AvT.ije, conveyed to the! Constance Heuser, Diane Dennis, dents hero, at their now home on what folks say who try corn muf-'; van be Riven. William M. Jlintcimnnr. loniugh of Fair Haven hv Knollvs-ood •KeaJ Etitalc & Insurance Wilda Janssen, Agnes Lcavy, Ann Bendermere ave., Interlaken. Mr.fins made with Thikorn. The* (Firm), Realtor, P.umson. Phone RU fomes. Inc. by deed dated October 6, and Mrs. Robert Bcntley and Mr. 1-0600. _ . 1949, which taid Hunting Lanp and por- PHONE R. B. 6-2761 Bucco, Barbara Owen and Jean quality ingredients assure thf* TiUMSOS — Modern homt. built in 19S&. tion of Dartmouth Avenue are more Ridge Road, Rumson Tel.: 1-0600 and Mrs. Charles Ralnaud were in particularly described as follows: Campbell, Robert Van Worp, Jo- flavor. And precision-mixing a* Contains three bedrooms, tile hath, seph Bruce, Floyd Lewis, Harvey charge of arrangements. lavatory, livinjr room with open flie- \U\i that tract or parcel of land and •The fire department was called sures the same delicious resula. place, hall, uinlnit room and kitchen, premifes, hereinafter particularly de- G&D APPLIANCE Morrell, Robert Bacclahi, Alfred automatic heat, full basement under scribed, situate, lying and being in the Rizza, Winn Jones, Joseph Drago, the past week to Ravine dr. to ex- at every baking. house; three-car RnraRe. Offered ht Borough of Fair Haven in the County of Carl Hughes, Tony Garito, Sylves- tinguish a fire in an automobile Sli.000. Terms ran be arranaed. Im- Monmouth and State of New Jersey. medlntp possession if dulled. William BEGINNING nt n point in the wctt- ter Tomassello, Jack Hulsart, Jo- owned by Timothy Hussey of Lit- R Hintclmnnn (Iirm>, Realtors, Kum- erly line of Hance Avenue which salt' SERVICE CO. seph Tomasello, Robert McQuarrio, tle st. Damage was confined to the «nn^Jfhone_RU_lJIC0p. begintiine! point is located at the north- Robert Emerson, Paul Egan, An- battery, where the flre started. lTUMSUN— New ranc easterly corner of Lot #SOS as shown lumc^r,.—.»" type residence on map entitled "Section "FT, Knoll- gclo Sally and Richard Allen. containinc three Inrito bedrooms, two 60 WHITE ST. R. B. Mrs. Justine Eggclston, who in tile baths, larse Iivinc room with open wood, The New Suburb of lied Hank, spending the winter at the Hotel fireplace, vine panelled library, elininp N. J., owned by George S. Ingrnham, William jVetherston was tendered room, spacious kitchen; (our-ear Rarare Wm. H. R. A Ensley M. White. Scale a farewell dinner by his fellow em- Shelton, New York city, was a in-basement of cottage. Oil hurninc hot 100'-]", Snnt. 22. 1924" made by Kn- ALSO NEW guest at the laying of the corner- water heat. On a plot o( 1l i acrer sley M. White. Surveyor, filed in the ployees ot the Prudential Life In- of well landscaped grounds. Sale nnce offiee of the County Clerk of Monmouth surance company, Keyport office, stone for the new U.N. permanent $T,0 000. Immediate possession. Wil- county February 3. 192» aa Map #8 • RANGES at Willon-brook inn Saturday night. home at 42d st. and Enst River dr., liam II. Hintelmann (Firm). Realtors, "'" Case cf41 and running thence (1) New York city. a westerly direction and along the • WATER HEATERS Mr. Fetherston is going into busi- Rumson. Phon» RU 1-0600. northerly aide of Lots £308, 307, 306, ness for himself. The guests were Mrs. Thomns Stamcs, president RIVER OAKS. Fair Haven. Colonial .105. 304. 30.1. 302, 801 and .100. as residence, built in 1941. contains three shown on lhe aforesaid map. s distance • WASHERS Cornelius Biitton, Raymond Dane, of the Parent-Teacher association, larjr bedrooms, tile bath, lavatory. «pa- of 330.SO feet to a point which said William Rcnwick, William Hey), and Mrs. Hans Krimmel, secretary, cious living room with open fireplace Point is also the northwesterly corner • FREEZERS Leonard Massom, Alvin Clarke, are delegates to a convention be- and dininc space, modern kitchen with of Hftid Lot #.100. as shown on the afore- Leo Sadkowski and Paul A.. Egan. ing held this Wednesday, Thurs- dinette, and a Inrpe screened verandw: said map; thtnee (2) in a northerly • VACUUM CLEANERS one-car attached carace. Automatic direction and along the eastirly llnea of day nnd Friday at Atlantic City. §§' 'See ndv. In thii paptr. lieat. Sale price S21.S00. William II. Lots #2?8A (o 2TI. inclusive, aa shown Thomas J. Baldwin nnd Eugene on said map, » distance of 725 feet, • IRONS They will accompany Mrs. Dorothy Hintelmann (Firm), Realtors, Rumson. S. McGee, Jr., were among the 37 Ludewig, who is a delegate from Phone RU 1-0600. molo or less, to a point, which aaid members of the fourth psychiatric point would be in the northeasterly cor- • Rebuilt Washers, the Woodbridge school, where she I FREEDS KUMSON—Brand new. Charming six- ner of Lot #271, as shown on said map: jj^WoWCOT! technician training class which teaches. | Corner . . . Next to Poit Offlc* room cottage, tile lavatory, three bed- thtrce (.1) in nn easterly direction, a was graduated Monday at the State rooms, full tile bath, steam oil hent: distance of SO feet, more or leas, to a Cleaners & Refrigeraiors The Ladles' Aid society of theIll3 anOAO ST., RED IANK, N. J.j attached one-car garage: cement drive- point in the southwesterly corner of Lot hospital, Trenton. They were way.- Asking $16,300. Ilyrnc AgenC5\ r*442, as shown on said mnp: thence trained at the state hospital, Marl- Matawan Baptist church met Jast Realtors. Phone P.U 1-1150.' Ml in ,» southeasterly direction and boro. week at the home of Mrs. James SOJOURN IN LOCUST. Combination nlong the nouthwesterly linen of Lotu Monmouth County SurrogaU'i Offict VnnBrakle, Keyport. Mrs. Alonzo livinR room-dinette, kitchen, two bed- fU3, 44i. 410 and 411, a distance of ]n the matter of the estate of Mar- Mrs. William R. Craig returned White, Sr., was co-hostcss. The BACKACHE, rooms, tiled bath with shower, full cel- 311.60 feet, more or less, to a point in Kaut M. Phelan, deceased. Notice to Monday after accompanying Mr. lar, hot air oil heat; taxes J60. Askins the westerly line of Hance Avenue: creditors to present claims against es- next meeting will be Nov. 8 at the si 1.500. Byrne Agency, Realtors. Phone thence (51 in a southerly direction along Craig on a business trip through tho westerly line of Hance ATenu«, a tate. home of Mrs. Arris B. Henderson, RU 1-1150.' Pursuant to the order of fiorman Mc- New York state for several weeks. LEG PAINS MAY distance of 86 feet, more or leas, to a Matawan. CAPTIVATING — Five-room bungalow. point in the northeasterly corner of Faddin, Surrogate of the County of Mon- Mr. Craig will return later. Attending were Mrs. William El- Recently decorated inside and out.l-ot #446 as shown on the aforesaid mouth, mmle on the twenty-seventh day Miss Peggy Devlin entertained at Convenient to buses. Two bedrooms, map; thence (8) in a northwesterly di- of September, Vti'j, on the Application lison, Mrs, Garrett Dctwilcr, Mrs. n g th •ubscribcr, executor us nforejaid, tending were Coach Anthony Nuc- Bailey, Mrs. Warren Fuhrmann, it may cause nagging backache, rhcumatlo bungalow. Living room, dining room. ihc northwesterly line of Lot #465 as their debts and demands against the cio, Mary Morono, Betty Ward, Vitchen, two bedrooms, tile bath, hot said estate, under oath, within i»i*; Mrs. Ashcr Woollcy, Mrs. Floyd pains, leg- pains, loss of pep and oncrgry, get* water oil heat, rumpus room: riparian shown on said map; thence (7) in n months from the date of the aforesaid Sharon Elliott, Marilyn Finn, Rose Yonkaushe, Mrs. Franklin Cottroll, tins up nirrhts, swelling, puffin ess under th« Tights. Asking 5:2.000. Byrne Agency. • oulherly direction, along the well" order, or they will be forever barred Fedele, Mary Jane Campbell, Lu- eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent oif rrly lme« of Lots #466 to #468. of their actions therefor against the Mrs. Elizabeth E. VanNostrand. scanty passages with smarting and burnina Realtors. Phone RU 1-1150.' cille Scharappa, Dorothy Albrecht, sometimes shows there is something -wrong OAK WOODS. Delightful jis-room cot- inclusive, a distance of 600 '0 said subscriber. Mrs. Franklyn Thompson, Mrs. feet more, or less, to a point in the Dorothy Morosko, Patricia Miller, with your kidneys or bladder. tage. Three bedrooms, two baths, Uated: Freehold. N. J., September 37, ICE CREAM Charles L. Bowne, Mrs. Adam Don't wait I Ask your druggist for Doan'f tleam oil heat, rear poreh: one-ear ga- southwesterly corner of Lot #486. us 1040. Joan Witzel, Mary Armour, Ber- Banke and Mrs. Alfred Allison. llll_ _ _it_- 1 L. -If.____!!_ . 1 _.-_ *.-M_ rage. Nice grounds with shade trees. ihown oni Enid map! thenc. (S) In an 0110 alonit JOSEPH P. HINTELMANN, tha Rice, William Volkert, William Asking J IS.000. Byrne Agency, P.eal- ine' of i'™ "' t!" southerly 3S Irving Place, Griswold, John Roberts, Alfred Mrs. Raymond Davis Is enter- nappy reuei nna win neip tne lb miles OE tors. Phone RU 1-1150/ sance of 290 feet to", point' in 't'he Red Bank, K. J. taining her sister, Mrs. Walter Wal- kidney tubea flush out poisonous waste froia FORRESTRY IN RHYTHM. Ranch westerly lint of Hance Avenue, thence Bccliman ft Beekman, tiiqs., Ewington, Oscar Butch, Donald your Wood. Get Conn's Pills, typ..„_e bungalow. Plo- t Living l»l along the westerly line: of llanr# Red flunk. K. J. Fleischman, Donald Flynn, Stanley ton, of Anahetm, Cal. room, dining room, kitchen, two bed-wT' f^*™' °< «0 f«t, mi Attorneys. Sakowski, Michael Kelly, Joseph rooms, bath, enclosed breexeway, hot nd of be in ning "° * "'"" K - 1 Claffy, James Sullivan, John Di- air circulating, oil. Asking (IS.900. Monmouth County Surrogate * Office FOR A COMPLETE SELECTION Byrne Agency, Realtor!. Phone RU 1- Intended to to a alreet or roadway, 'Raspberry Tarts Biose, John Sherman, William In the matter of the estate of Anita llBti.* __^ "PProxImately 60 feet in width, known W. Manee, deceased. Notice to credi- Stratton, Lcroy Lemairc, Richard \» D',rim°Uth Avcnue "nd H»ntln« tors to present claime against estate Knapp, Jameg Duffy, Samuel Wil- THE DENNIS K. BYRNE Realtori -Jne. thi» conveysnee belnir mads by Pursuant to the order of Dormnn Mc- Faddin, Surrogate uf the County ot 2 for 29* son, Robert Baker, Roland Taylor, are anxious to list your home for the party of the first part to th* Bor- ""B"..0' Fair Haven for the PUITOI- Monmouth, made on the eleventh dny Joseph Harris, Michael Jastrab, talc or rent. Call al 8 West River or dedicating the nbove described prem- of October, 1949, on the application oi 15 said Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baler were E. R. SNYDER & C Q. plot; oil heat. Asking SIS.600. J. A. governing body to he h»ld Monday, SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY llaigh, 157 firofid street. Real Estate. a 5 the week-end guests of Mr. and November II, l»<9, „[ , P, M Rt ,"h ; t.stjhhshvd 187 i Phone RE 8-415S.' Council chambers. Fair Haven road Chtnctry DlvUlon Monmouth County Mrs. E. H. Walker, , N. J. l-air Haven. N. J.. at which time and' Docket No. M 631-49 for nlace all "'rjons desiring to be heard TO: JASPER IlELK LANCJLBY. Miss Ann Tichenor spent the thtreon will be glv»n full np"wt,, !H. By virtue of an Order of the Superior r Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, week-end with her aunt and uncle, fli.doo. v» eart-rtemetn Agency, i; M. TLnvn SMITH. Monmouth County, JJoekH No. M 631-49, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morford, New INSURANCE Broad street. Phone RE 6-2J40.* r iI C1 rl made on the 110th dny of October, 1949, Monmouth, I'AIR fiAVEN—-New two-bedroom bun. Dated October 21, 154o.° °" ' " in « certain cause wherein Clara Vir- FIRECASUALTYMARINE-A VIATION-LIFE-BONDS ginia Sicklra LnnKley in plain tin", mid Mrs. Robert Miller of Manasquan Monmouth County Surro|at«'a Offict you, Jasper Belk LtnKlcy, are defend- was a guest of her sister, Mrs. A. ant, you ure rmuliett to ni>pear nnil SURVEYS and APPRAISALS 1 M. Llsk, last week. retla h. M,!lfr7dece«.ed. Notice te< cred- plead, answer or clemui to plaint iiT'a Licenced New York and New Jeney Brokers itors lo present claims against estate complaint on or before \ho -1st day of Mr. and Mrs. Garrett McKeen at- I urtuant to the order of Uorman Me. December, next, or in default theroof tended the antique show at New 135 FIRST AVE., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. Jaddin, Surrogate of the County of such judgment may be mudr a^nlnst RED BANK—Eveellent Irtrstinn. near t York city Friday, PHONE AT 1-0900 shopping r.nd station. Six fine rooms, Monmouth, ln,,j, „„ th, ,wenty.nlnlh you as the Superior Court nf New Jer- all conveniences: tiro-car jrarage: large day of Septsmber. 1949. on the appli. sey fthflll think equitable and just. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pennetti enter- plot. Immediate possession. Asking cat.on of ilrton F. L'ombs. adminis- The objpet nf said mit is tn obtain tained for their son Arthur, who J12.S00. Walker * Tindall, Realtors, tiator with will annexed of the estate a judgment for divorre dissolving th« was five years old Sunday. Quests 19 East Front street. Phone RE 6-of Lauretta S. Miller, deceased noti" between you and the ftn'trl is hereby given to the creditors of (>i~ were Judith and Harold Ziegler, 277 6.* ______deceased to exhibit to the subscriber, plainti.f. l'AitTHAVEN—New semi-bungalow, liv. administrator with will anne.verf, «, Dated: October 20lh. 1949. Michael, Peter and Paul Eovino, inR room, fireplace, dining room aforesaid, their debts and demands WISE & WISE. Rella Jane and Clifford Reynolds, kitchen, two bedrooms, tile balh: sec- agansl the said eslatr, under oath, Attorneys for PlaintifT, Margaret and David Grey, Nancy ond floor, two loonu, one small room within si.-v months from the date of the •ii Broad Street, could he hath, circulating hot air, oilaforesaid order, or they will be forever Red Rank, N>w Jeriry, and Karen Pennetti, James Mar- hreeveway. two.car garage: plot iiarred of their actions therefor azainst tin, Mrs. Harold Ziegler, Mrs. Mi- 15T\105. Price JU.SOIl. Waller k Tin the said tubscribr r. Monmouth County Surrogate's Office rlati. Realtors, 1'J East Front street In the matter of the estate of Amanda chael J. Eovino, Mrs. Phoebe A. Phone RE t-1404.* V. Holmes, deceased, Notice to creli- Ziegler, Mrs. Vincent Grey and ItEI) BANK—fdial home tor local bus tors to present claims against estate. Mis. James Martin, Jr. l Pursuant to the order of Dormnn Mc- inesi family or commuter, six large ELSTON F. COMBS. rooms, sleeping porch, lavatory, bath Faitdln, Surrogate of the County of Mon- Miss Claire Castellini of Cincin- Sycamore Avenue, foulh, made im the twenty-fust day of hot nlr. oil firpd. newly ilrcorated ,, _ Shrewsbury, K. J, nati, O., and Ml«s Margaret Burch atormsash. screens: plot r,0x277: two. .Messrs. Parsons, Labrecuue, October, li'49, on the application of car garage, with loft. Asking S13.-00 Cuniona * Combs, Anna Hell (t. Hoyt anil Dorothy II. of Denver, Col., were the week-end Walker I Tindall. K, niton. 19 Eaf. Davis, executrices of the estate nf BICELOW 18 Wallace Strut, guests of Miss Jan« Devlin. They I'ront street. Phone W, 6-J77*.' ned Dunk, N. J. Amanda V. Holmes, eleceased, notice l« are all classmates at Manhattan- Attorneys. hereby given to the creditors of Knid JtED DANK-Six rooms, bath, hot al deceased to exhibit to the subscriber* vllle college, New York city. heat, automatic gas water heater; two rxecutrlees as aforMliid, their debts nnd Rugs-Carpets ear garage: plot 40xl,*i0, Located oi Manmouth County Surrofatl'a Offic* In lha matltr of tne ..state ot Jacciues demands Piralnst thr Htild estate, under Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welstead Hudson avenue. Asking JV.IOO. Wal- oath, within sl\ months from the date ker & Tindf.ll, Rfnltorx. 10 Kasl l'ront <-onen. iltctasrd, Notice to creditors lo entertained Sunday afternoon at a prem-nt i-!aima against estate. of the aforesaid order, nr they will he »tr>;t. Phone UK 6-.14O4.' 1 1 1 1 forever barred tif their actions therefcf 75 PER SQ. YD cocktail party. The guests were •HTnblVETOWN TOWfJSiUP.™ S'twimn". ,. 'I , . '" ""' '" "i* "tin nl iJormsn Me laddin, Suricgiite of the County nf against the anld aubsi-ribers, Mr. nnd Mrs. Channlng Clapp, Mr. triilow. Four looms, tile bath, oil heat Monmouth. made on the fifth day of 0c ANNA IIKLI. (i. HOYT, and Mrs. J, Raymond Ketchel, Mr. FaHB Weathtnd one-car attached waragp; plot 60-U40 tnbfi. 194!". nn Ihr application of th. II Throrl'.morton Avenue. and Mrs, Warron Vreeland, Dr. Prirc »J.2iO. Walker k Tindall. Heal- National Newark and E.se.v Hankiim linl Hank, N. .1. tors_._l!> East l'ront strict. Phone RE Compsny and (irace K. Bvni'h, PMIII. DOROTHY II. DAVIS, and Mrt. J. Wallace McCue, Mr, Km of the »jt,t» of Jacques Cohen, nnd Mis, John Eggltston, Mayor HEI)"liTJTrT~TnTomt honu." J'lrJi flTT^Jr deiia.ed, notlee It hereby even to the Lilt'le Silver, N! J. John ApplcgtUo, Mn. Marguerite living room, dinirK room, kitchen mdltoM of mill diccastd to exhibit to Heekman A Ilpekman, BROWN SPOTS btdroom. laundry: recond floor, apart thr Mibicrlbers, fNtculnra as nforeiald, 10 Rrnad Stitet. Lnlrd, Mrs. Leroy Sickels and Mis. merit tents at 165 p»r month. Bar. Ihtir debts and demands against th« taid lied Bank. N. J. Thomas Andrews, galr. at U.60I). Wilktr * Tindall. "slut., under oath, within us months Realtors. 19 Kait 1'ror.t slleit. I'hon from the date of the afunsaid order, or Mrs. William Murray of Hop ihf,v mil be fnrrver burred of their ac " NcVllct "fit Siititmant of Account lt.Kf.3404,' 1 Bottom, Pa., will arrive tomorrow Vll'I'KllANS -Take advantage of your tleirs ihtrrfor against th« mid »uh. Kstati> of Homer- I , Cook, deceased. mo Notice ll hereby given thill the accounts to make her home with her daugh- J. PIUS 30, TAX O. I, rlnhlr. lluy a home with no eif the aubserllier, tnlltrr* nf the. eitatu ter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. rlotwi payinpin. pay It off liy the llatull I'nrhold, N, J., Oel, t, 1H41 of aald ileci,.isrd. will lie audllrd nnd mor,ih, )!»>• inn, A Jji.rido h«u»i' only THB NATIONAL NKWAJIK ANtJ xUt'il hy the 8urr{I»I.|. llyi HAIICI.AV II. IIAKKKV merit tn lhi> Miuimuulh ('mirily (louri. I'lniii. UK I.I1I5I. Clifford llulaan and Frank Tour- A•»1.1«111 'I nut limrer, I'rolmli' Dlvliliin, i>n Trlilny, I In' arconil Twlsf Carpet Priced itiltlKWAllllllY B'uuUful *4>.4.IIII.III 744 III,,»J Klnn, Nmark, N, J. duy »f [iri'".|iihH, A, ll,, HUH, al IOIOO Inu me enjoying a bent' hunting IniliKaliiw, twu.ii.oiii *-\ |,N lmlt.ii attic I,IMI |,aj> |Mi0 ilnwn, Hi, ' j l:»-.M I (ir,.n y,,,, flalrdt Ocllibrr J4tll, A, II., 1(149, hor brldxe club Tuesday night, per ninnll, m, mmlittir, Srhwuit;. '•',1 Han). N J, r'HIKI.I'I'Y UNIIIN TIUI1VI' CdMl'ANY PilKii winner* were MK, Warren M»ri,lln, » «l,;i> •HIM. riionc ItK «. Atli,lhi>.. liv i t.KSI.IK (I. MrhOUAI.I,, 7/.A Illnn/I Hlrvrl. Vrccliintl, Mia, I'.cnnelner Csilitn RKAN.'dlUllli Im vrl.isn, |,«r«V hmi>r Monmouth County Surrofall's Offics Newaik I'i), N, J. nnd Mm, Gerard Dtvlln, of tii>« riiomt and bath. Hum hfftt- , l'> ih> matlrr nf th* Mtsl> of Man* FASHION* TWIST Honaon Will no, ion of Mrs, Mil- FSOTCRICA I* lh«i murvclmu nc« «l>'j|'r* aliii 1wu T'lii'im Inirifsliiw i mrt . HIOII.MOII, d'(>aim>.' fin- • ililin, SuilnliHi nl l(t» 1,'ouiity i,t tiinst lirnwn spun that make Produced In n lahnrmory dial hai niirniiiiiji, mail* on ,„,. inKitj'.fli'ii Mm. Dunlfl Jllnom', Jr., of Val- «hu .MM >«,' |,.r «,n ynm giiarnnlccii Iwihl li'xlurr; In your handi look nld. Jludied lhe effect of immciici o* Markl.ti, • tth.lt >lr»«l, I'hnr » nr,' ki Monninuth Cnunty 5urro|Mt*'i Offiti ley ill, la a Mirglcal patient it jalioii nl Niil V),' MimlfVin", Rllw"lli'V. In th« niRller nf lh# eatalr nf Cai*) pprninncnl even nflor ihampoolnpl Klvni'vlow hoapltal, Also fade* nihcr blemlihe* and 'kin plgmcno for 21 yenrt. Hrnil»r,iin and lldtn Mane lt«r.dy, .1, Illelt, drrrasrel, Niitli'l In rrtrlltnrs John Shea., na/il«lnnl pilnclpal at rnuglincsft caused hy ut«ili(r or hulhi, slMni li'at, i', iirtnent ilAlnu fitalnst MUte, When used on fncc or neck, ains 1,1 Ini.il, Mu.l I... M.I, In apt'"- "rmluidn, >lt((«stil, hollo l< lirrcbt f'ursuaril (n (fit- eiirlef ut f^irniKn Mr. AIJ.Kriol |>llo mmlc nf Top (.tnnllly lin. Mnlnw/iji hljtli achool, b/u returned negltci in a nay no ordinary hand liSOTKIUCA nmka a perfect i'l«'t. I'riiiil at II",Hid, Viltran ii>»la KlVfi In Iht rnilllbii .,f old .U,IM,I.I . _dihiii riunonalf "I I hi" I'nutily uf Mini- lo hla olllm utter a lirlef UlnoM, nn di,nn iiiiih.nl, Ali'oit tun \,»r mi,lil)i lo t liiliil in ilit tiilitniUjpri, CMuulnra mmilli, mailt mi Ih' ili'hih ilay nf t><• - porlnd VCdolo which will wenr for ycHr» — cream or Imlnn can, powder hme hy dny-dcll||l,ifu||r lariifi »It, Ki'hvaiK'Miii'UIn, ' Whl|p as rfe,ri>alil, ih.lr ilthla mid IUMIIUHI. IIIIMI, IU4|I, nn Hie aiiiilirnllnii nf Iriil- 1 Mia, Homy H,, Hnytr of City la- I.eavti handi whiter, clearer, nim-iirtmy when med nt nlftht. si,,,i I'l,,,!,. H\; r.Ji.'i, • linlnst Hi- ulil itlMi, umltr uaM,, ..'I. A, HwniiMiii, mil. rxiiiiliu uf Ihr mill give tlmt richer npprnrnnrt . Irtml la vlaltlng lite daughtar and will I n tin Minrllia friini Ih* tin If n/ lli» Srtthta uf Cnrl J DUIv, ilM't'ltsail, Illitlre younflfr looking f|Wckl>— often If you wiiiit tlcnror, whlicrlookliio IIIVI'II t'l,A/A MiiiiKulnw i,l n>» II,I,HIS urraalil iiril*,', nr tli>y will bt Iminr Ii h^rcliy Hlvrti In lltf I'l'rilltnra (if anlil noM-ln-luw, Mr, urn! Mrs, John C, mill liMh, liul «lr rnsl liral, fll* |.lnr» | ri«,l nf (litIt- nrlinni Ili'itfur mralimt fll.nl tu tOlllill III till' Mlll.frlliM, Woven hy Illgelow Cniflnincn wilh yvtui within ids first few dny). iHinh, net r.SOTl'UICA, Money • titii, >iiiir< ami trliiml. I'rin "I, Nn nuitii tiaymtiil fur v»|»i«n ...t (xctutdr m nfiuraiilil, tlielr ilelita Tho lll-Y held maotliiK In tin While KSOTIiltlCA look, ami (cell luck If (In fim |,ir duct n»i NKII,' '(), 'llllilllKIIHIlN, mill iltlnBliili aunlhil HIM «III,I iilal>, of cxpi-rlcncft—which inmiri'ii qimllly you A '•t ltd p.r miMith r«ttl.. nil, 11(10 Hint* llrttl, ll,irli..|.r, K, Y, l< IIHIIIIIK friini (tie duliiuumfl Mondny «v«nlii|i- They Ilkt the finett ll lll WM l>b 1P IWWIN l\ IIMHinltMlN, ilnlr nf III* utiitfHtM nu\ii, nr llur will |IIIUIMPI1 ii llnllnwetn |>Mty, which ^'VliVif"'"'"•" " "'"•' "" *'<« Mliii* Kf..l, |li,,|,Mi.r, K V, j tii* fnirvpr IIHIIPII of Ihei,1 ailliina tlieii'. WIUIAVK^IANV iHiiiiM^.i.,! f,,, '•„„. H l,l,» r; H All It; HMtMY, will lie litid Monday night. i' l,i"» Pliiiwiliinx. N J. I Hatrili I i,iln,lil. N ,| . d,i 'v ril'i Tim ('hneiloutloi* ot Ills gram- Ii. •I1 I i'th,i!,l, II. J , r»|it>mli»i 31, I'llF.llllllll Ii A. rnVAf.'iMlfl. Sterling Furniture Shop inni nclinul HIi> IIUIIIIHK n ilttncn In ] ',1 II"' i S «, I he uyinniiAliiin tumorniw ll'i"».,l I,,,,, J i:»il li«i,i, it, I DRUG Mil W«>i t 11.Ml, IMt.lfl KID'III I,lav 4V Klfllthf, 21 WIIIIK ST. Ui;i) HANK f»(l!2«)| I he Hiili-.luiilui* nr ilia •' \unRau 'lfi'lii •'. J,, K«i* Dink V, ]. STORES Broad and Wallace Sts. ««M UK 1.1)11, AttarhHi Womtn'i club hi Id a btttr and RED BANK KEGISTER. OCTOBER 27, 1949 Page Eleven Davis—Whiting Nuptials •Si.,. IKKIB

Come, all you apple lovers, to the apple event of the season! Plump, rosy- CORTLAND cheeked beauties of the apple family are ready for you NOW! The '49 crop is a big one. This means extra-good values for you. Use plenty- use 'em often...in cooked dishes...salads...for eating out of hand. They're good APPLES For partial... for "trick or treat" and... good for you! Hurry to Safeway for your favorite kinds. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Whltins Miss Fannie E. Davis, daughter American beauty, with black acces- Apple Cider Moid *»•> 39« of Mrs. Gertrude Davis of Goose- sories, and her corsage was of mix- e GREENING neck Pt., Little Silver, and Frank ed chrysanthemums. Walnuts i«8« si»<-suni»t iib.t«iio45 Ib. Eaton Whiting, son of Mr. and Mra. Morton Whiting, of West Long Georga Whiting of Bassett pi., were Branch was his brother's best man Marshmallows ''•«'» itb.«n°23« , married Saturday, Oct. 15, at a and Mr, Wodehouse was an usher, APPLES . double-ring ceremony at Bed Bank "When the couple return from a T Presbyterian church. Rev. Charles wedding trip to Washington, D. C. Potato Chips »» se..c.no23< S. Webster, pastor, performed the they will make their home on ceremony, which was followed by a Broad st. Thin Mints W iib.^.41« - «u«.tt skin^d reception at the home of the bride. The bride Is a graduate of the SuniWn Bosc Pears ? ibs. 19» Western Delicious The bride was given in marriage Kent Place school, Summit. She at- Crackers * - K^P* ' «»• p^- 25« eirden Fre>h T>ihiiy cie>e Bud> by her grandfather, David Jones of tended Katharine Gibbs school Little Silver. She choso a teal blue New York city, and is employed by Broccoli ~ ' 2 <»» 19° Apples .. crepe ensemble with winter pink the Progressive Life Insurance 'Wo-Gran*. <%or.bet. J^e accessories, and carried an old- company, Broad st. During the war, Delicious Cuidled, tikfd or Fried fashioned bouquet of white carna- the bridegroom served for three Slu(l urday. Women members of the Mrs. Thomas Daly, suffered OCEAN SPRAY i ft. church will servo a turkey dinner broken collarbone recently in a IM for the painters. fall. Cranberry Sauce The Lincroft Chapel Ladies' Aid The Rumson Democratic club society held a bazar Saturday at will hold a cake sale Saturday PORK SALE! the chapel. Winners of hand-woven morning from 0:30 until 12:30 at rugs wore Mrs. Rose Woodward, the club headquarters, River rd. It's a good time for you to enjoy your pork favorite* — often. Just look at the Riverside Heights, and Felix Bcr- and Blackpoint rd. Bouquets of wonderful values listed below. And htre's a serving tip: Pork with apples. ardesco, Asbury Park. Mrs. George flowers will be given to the first mm cHicms Vernell of Phalanx was winner of 12 customers. Mrs. Joseph Duryea the door prize—a pastel painting, is chairman. The club will hold its Whole or full half New York Dressed The 4-H club will elect officers next meeting Monday, Nov. 7, at SOFT DRINKS Small Loins Ib. Under 4 pounds next Tuesday night at the flre Red Men's hall, Pork Loins 49c 39 39c Th«. Holy Cross Parent-Teacher house. Classes for new projects Eviscerated will be formed. Leaders of the sew-association will hold a cake sale ing projects attended a meeting at next Thursday morning at Holy Your choice: Center Ready - to•cook Rutgers university yesterday and Cross church after the 8 and 10 Cutt «,.39. 53c o'clock masses, and at Holy Ros- Crogmonr Root Beer or Cream Soda, 69 leaders of the food projects will Pork Chops ary church after the 7:30 mass. Snowy Peak Ginger Ale, Sno Cola, •ttond a meeting Nov. S at Yard- Mrs. Alfred LaBrecque will be In VMUtS ley school. charge at Holy Cross and Mrs. Ed- Merry Mix Sporkling Worer, Scooter b Members of the Ladies' auxiliary mund Malecki at Holy Rosary. Lemon and Lime. of the fire company attended a din- Sausage Meat as 39 ner at Pleasant Valley inn,' Holm- qt. bot Fresh Ham .x »49e Bluefish ^ » 25= del, Wednesday night of last -week. Tinton Falls plui dapoiit They were Mrs. John Warneker, 2 Link Sausage as? »• 55 Smoked Ham."»»51 • Cod Fillets ^ » 35« Mrs. Glentle Stenccl, MM. Robert The annual Halloween party plul Davidson, Mrs. Charles Toop, Mrs,sponsored by the Ladies' auxiliary 7 - Up Oapoiit 6 bolt".; lk Fred Owons, Miss Madge Smith, of the flro company win be held Fresh Butts *.«.•• >» 45 Mrs. William McCarron, Mrs. Wil-at 6:30 p. m. tomorrow in the flre c Sliced Bacon «L»- 55« Mackerel "«> 27= house. Prizes will be awarded and Coca Cola ««• 6 boti' 25 liam Warneker, Mrs. Herbert Kaul, Mrs. Harold Kelly, Mrs. Thomas refreshments served. 12 Picnics M-.taw ib- 39 Kraan, Mrs. Gardner C. Klein, Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Warden and Mrs. Pepsi Cola 6 bo°,',29c Spareribs >.A., *• 49= MOM mues Gerard P. Domldlon, Mrs. Paul John Lemon have completed this 1 I Camenzlnd, Mrs. Harold .Will- community's campaign for Salva- Root Beer Hir..-Pio,o^ 6 bo°t , 29« iff MM SiCWH gorodt, Mrs. Charles Landau, Mrs. tion Army funds. * NOTE these Midium-Sumwut 2 Ib plj. 39C Edwin Boylan, Mrs. Matthew L. Scout troop 100 will meet tomor- Sugartd - Colonial Mullin, Mrs. Adolf Braun and Mrs.row evening at the camp site. Grape Juice "<»»»»• «••*.. 39« Values in Eugene Ford. Mrs. Elston Combs, last year's RosiUa-largtSiz* lib. pkg. 21« rn den mother, was hostess yesterday Dinner Rolls Buiur G.mi 18c Mr. and Mrs. George W. How- Grapefruit Juice nl2 2 ''•'. 27< at a party for members of the DRIED f eh w 12 oi. (jp land, Sr., of Ocean City visited two dens. Den mothers are Mrs. 12 C»limyrrn , 6 01. pVg. "| /< Coffee Cake " - * their daughter, Mrs. Harry Davey, Ernest Wadler and Mrs. Lester Pineapple Juice «2S.'2 «S 23c ' Pk8.25c • /- I Otvilid food 17««. A C last week. Rlgby. Jack Lemon is den chief. 12 FRUITS 17 ot Mr. and Mrs. Hank Reinhartz The Ladies' Aid will meet a week Apricot Nectar Hw&ghi //.; 10= Raisins Layer Cake o«oret.. <*pkg». 4D« and Dr. and Mrs. Jonas H- Vilanch from this afternoon at the Syca- and son Bruce of Taterson spent more ave. home of Mrs. Jessie Mc- last week-end with Mr. and Mrs.Intyre and Miss Mary Smith. Charles Landuu, Community singing and services Capt. and Mrs. Robert Brignan are being held each Wednesday HI Ajax Cleanser Silver Bust Ivory Snow Ivory Flakes Tide Babo of Washington, D. C are moving 7:30 p. m. in tho Community into a cottage on the Phillip Mat- church. thews farm, Phalanx. 14 oz. csn tg.. pkg. 28* tg*. 14 ox. cm12c Miss Doralea Whelcr, daughter 12c of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schulz of pittsburg, Kan., became the bride of Thomus Mannlon Saturday at St. Paul of thn Cross cathedral, Jersey City. Mr. Mannlon has a Heinz Products Wf CA' THIS UST emu FOODS summer home on Swimming River OUTSTANDING BOYS whl»lt K«f*l - Highway 2 eani 25- jd-; Friendly AcreB, Coffee Idward1)- R«g. or Drip lib. can Mrs. Daniel Daverlo and daugh- SAFEWAY every shelf and in every section of the store, you will find e ter Botty spent the week-end with C Wholo Karnal Com 2 e^i 33 Mrs. Davorlo's olntor, Mra, L. Por- Ted Canlarbury % Ib. pkg. 29 quality foods like these outstanding buys. Come in and save! rlno, of Elmhurst, L. I. 2 ca°n*l2ic Mr. and Mis. Robert Duverlo will HEINZ Fl0Ur KilehanCraN Slb bn 47c movn l/itn tholr now home on Wo/it Schimmel's Front »t. thlH week. BAKED BEANS Shortening ««yais»ii«. iib.««28= ib. 9 2 eJni 33« Mr. nnd Mrs. Jamos Cumpbell of Strawberry jar Bolmnr and Mrs. Opnl Rico of Cctnid I«il-Old Virginia t Ib. <•« Washington, D, C, waro Saturday 1 ib o ft Brown Rice «'»«i«n' «•"• 14< expected to return In Unco wooks, HEINZ COOKED Apple Cider 69 Hi hw Mrs. Lillian Mondelson of Buf. Horseradish «'•'•'• s «i. b«r. i qc Pears » *» Jnlu, N, Y,, l,i visiting hor brother, Leoniucl I-or, nnd fnmlly for a few SPAGHETTI 14 oz. weeks, Mr. nnd Mi.i. Chnrlon Elicit Heinz FAMILY CIRCLE nnd children of Klmont, !,, 1,, visit- AIRWAY bot. c ed Leonard Leu over Urn wcoli-ond. llbb Ketchup 21' MAGAZINE ^ MIHA Cli'mUIInc Hubcocli u( l'hll- COFFEE '» 44< 5 ndclphlit nnd nopr LJoono of NOVEMBER ISSUE NOW ON SALE Prlncoton upont tlio wook-ond wllli thalr Kiiinclmolher, Mrs. Lewis y, NOB HILL La Rosa Thomptoii, HEINZ COOKED PIANUT Ml»« Mnry Lou Mullin, tluughtor ,.,,48. Macaroni 2 it 2T of Mr, nnil Mm, Wllfi'ml V. Mullin, COFFEE BUTTER P«l«r Pin i»r eptnl. tlio wpulc-oml with hor par- MACARONI 35; ents, Olio l« n fltudent nur«« lit HI, l'atct'f* hiifipltiil, Now HniiuwlflU, UNCLE BEN'S La Rosa Mr, Hml Mi'1, lilnyil llnl.iiy inn KIRKMAN'S Ig* niuvhiK |rom Miiiiilulnlfi fnrut to RICE , F 17c Spaghetti 2;i27 tholr new Utmw In Hluwrhury tills Croctry tnicn cffrcllvf llifou|h W(dntidi)», Mov, Vnili m«il, product and dairy through Saturday, Oci, ', 28 WCI'll. Ml, iitnl Mu>. U, A, I'uldn or Mlllluwn urn Hunilny visitors of •ill Mr. and Mm. Ttulwlt Flrwi), He. . HEINZ CIDER Mr, nml MM, Hubert Duckwortlr Lifebuoy Soap BAIL POI BOOTS Cat Food mid »on«, Hilly timl IIIIMHI, Hun- VINEGAR tiny vlxllcil Mln, lJm:loM/illi'i> |wr. Igo, bar *| |e lf\ In tvn.iybunli Mlialay 8 oi, can SAVE AT nild, Mr, mill Mi<>, William Tinn- SAFEWAY «»/•^ lilu of Diiiillcy tli'iii'li, flin "MAROARINI Mr, mut Mr*. Wnllur llni(jt!r of ..in; 13c *h vlalted Mr, «nd MM. Page Twelve BED HANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1949 ST. CLEMENTS EPISCOPAL Red Cross Honors Lucy Tompkiiis Belford Rev. William E. Stott, pastor, will deliver the morning sermon NOTICE Sunday at 9:30. Church school will meet at 11 o'clock, O( the Name! of Perioni Appearing «• the Ownera »f Bn y» can make pocket money by gelt- iR The Register.—Advertisement, UNCLAIMED AMOUNTS held by j Use Du Pont Paint gj — _____ is Sava (he Surface and You Save Alll I J. H. KELLY COMPANY THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK KCLLY 157 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. AND TRUST COMPANY i Yourr only blind problem is gone with EZI-KLEEN. No OF RED BANK fuis — no bother — just 10 Comer Broad and Wallace. Streets, Red Bank, N. J. seconds and 2 EASY STEPS *nd the tlats are removed for Fui.lahed pursuant to Laws of 1!M5, Chapter |9», Lawi of 1946, Ch«pUr cleaning- YOUR PIES CAN'T FAIL WITH 78, anil Law> of 1047, Chapter SI of the State ol New Jiney Here's All You Do: {S Release cords from bot- ACCOUNTS ORIGINATING IN THE tom rail with patented SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF RED BANK cord fastener — no tools needed. FIAKO Account Number Name of Depoiilor Addrtia *j |X Simply pull slats free of. FREE DEMONSTRATION PIE CRUST MIX 515 tapes and cords, ready Willard, Mr.. Cecil W. Red Bank, N. i. IN YOl'R OWN HOME Just think! Every pie you bake for cleaning. with'FIako turns out perfectly at All slats come our together every baking. That's because the ACCOUNTS ORIGINATING IN THE SECOND in a bundle — no slow GLOBE AWNING ingredients are precision-mixed. NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. OF RED BANK slat-by-slat removal. No guesswork, therefore no & Shade Company 14B8SS failures. You simply add water, Worth, Harry c/o Mra. M. Crifg, LOW PRICE! II* IV. I'miit S(. HE 6-.W89 roll and bake. Shrewsbury, N. J.

Miss Lucy E. Tompklns of Al- Miss Tompkins came to the including Mrs. Donald Dlckson, DANCINQ REINFELD FARMS lenhurst has just completed 15 chapter olliccs in 193-1, and a his- Mrs. B. A. Sciple, Mrs. Edwin L. years as executive secretary of the tory of her term of office was Best, Mrs. G. L. VanDcusen, Mrs. Ballet Acrobatic Monmouth county Red Cross chap- read by Airs. Rnlph O. Willguss. J. H. O'Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- ter. Last Thursday, followinn the She told of her many valuable ser- las Craik, Mrs, H. H. Neuberger, Tap Toe This is one job you can un- Guernsey Dispersal chapter board meeting at thevices to tfhe chapter, and to Mon-Mrs. Hazel N. Ford, Alvin Whit- Chapter house at. Shrewsbury, the mouth county residents and ser-ing, Mrs. Estclle Whltlock, Mrs. Character chain yourself from at mod- EATONTOWN, N. J. bonrd, the staff and a host at Miss vicemen and women, which the W. J. Sterner, Mrs. Fred Tatum, at 12:30 KST Tompkins' friends and volunteer chapter serves^ She ."mid "Through Mrs, James Neil, Mrs. Harry John- Ballroom erate cost—for our prices workers gave an informal anni- all those changes, Lucy Tompkins son, Mrs. Richard Klrby, William Sale to l)c held on farm oirMonmoiitli Co. Road Thomas, Jacob O. Hcrr, Monroe Children from 3 Up versary tea for her. was the one person who stayed are scaled to meet today's Pictured above is Miss Tompkins put, the captain of our ship." Eisner, Col. C. D. Y. Ostrom, Mrs. Class ami Private Lessons No. I, 8 miles cast of Freehold. Robert. Drake, Mrs. Joseph Davi- cutting the anniversary cake, Mr. Ward said "Our executive budgets. Just leave those hicli was iced in white with si secretary, Miss Tompkins, has son, Miss Flora Willguss, Mrs. and 65-Accredited & Certified & Several Vaccinated-65 large red cross, surrounded by 15been with us 15 years this month, William H. Sutphin, Mrs. Peter candles, as the center motif. Also, and this is an important annivers- Read, Mis. Charles Porter, Mrs. JOHN TOLAND heavy sheets, blanket! to ut left to right, Mrs. Edward IrvInK ary, [t has been .i strenuous period James Voorhees, Mrs. Fred Dramatics Speech 38 COWS, 25 HEIFERS, 4 BULLS of Lonp Branch, chapter chairman for Red Cross, and we owe Miss Schock, Edward F. Sylvester, Mr. — those hard-fo-wring-out Tompkins a great deal for her part and Mrs. Ralph Damiano, Miss Lu- of production; Mrs. Karl Tongiing, cille Rocho, Mrs. Almira Canfleld, Pantomime THE WORLDS RECORD COW Deal, chapter chairman of Gray in Ihc program." He concluded towels, bath mats, work Ladies' service; Holcorhbe Ward, with reading an original • poem, Mrs. Joseph Turner, Mrs. William SPAR HILL CLEMATIS, O. V.G. Middletown township, chapter dedicated to Miss Tompkins, out- Sharpless, Mrs, Harry Ingalls, Mrs. lining her services. Rita H. Douglas, Mrs. Elmer clothes. I«,M2-8l5-Sr4-365i on rcte«t making 22,IIS-1I70-7JT*., in 353 days, chairman; Mrs. Ralph O. Willguss, Wainwright, Mrs. Harold Friis, Her daughter and xranddauKhter In sale. Red Bank, chapter chairman of The hoard members, staff mem- Mrs. G. Paul Kennedy, Mrs. Leon Also public relations; Mrs. Henry Wald- bers and volunteers, ga.ve Miss Olverson, Fritz Yorg, Mrs. S. Her- man, Long Branch; Miss Tomp- Tonipkins a check. She was also bert Anderson, Mrs. E, L. Hanson, HARMONY HOLLOW JACQUELINE kins, first assistant secretary, and given an anniversary cake by Miss Mrs. A, B. Craw/ord, Mrs. Eugene 17611-920-BB; 18796-1014-fiyrs-S65C Mrs. E. C. Hazard, Long Branch, Mildred Magee, office worker in Swinnerton and Mrs. Joseph Hen- The cut below shows where to go. And her S daughters In the sale chapter chairman of all volunteer the chapter home service depart- ness ey. services. ment. More than CO guests attend- THE HERD SIRE | CASH AND CARRY SAVES 15% ^ MCDONALD FARMS ALBILL Hazlct and daughter, Adcle, visited Mr. Belford Woman Will 4 yr. old and Mrs. Walter P. Dean, Jr., of Founrftd 1380 He with 16 daughter* and 1 son In sale. . Attending the Good Government Philadelphia, Sunday. Observe 103d Birlliday Own sister sold for 98,000 Republican club rally at Haley's The Crescent club held its 18lh Mrs. Mary van den Bogart, who NION LAUNDRY Hire: Myhaven King hall, Keyport, Monday night were annual banquet last Thursday eve- Dam: .McDonald Farm* Alleen, Mr. and Mrs. George Geise, Mrs. ning at Pleasant Valley inn, Holm- lives with her daughter, Mrs. Ber- D«Y CLEANING • LAUNDERING • FUR STORAGE • RUG STORAGE A1A-E; 708-AA. Claire Orton, Mrs. Louise Hick- del, A turkey dinner was served. tha Brouwer of Main st., Belford, This select herd ha* bfpn developed from the top* from man and Mrs. Emma T. Rudiger. Games were played for which will celebrate her 103d birthday prizes Mere awarded. Gifts were great herds. Miss Bertha Tiebout of Wood- ftov. 2. Mrs. van den Bogart came haven. L. I., and Mrs. Anthony exchanged by the members. At- For catalogs, write: Cassidy of Brooklyn were week- tending were Mrs. William Lam. to this country 33 years ago from end, guests of Mrs. George W. Tie- bcrtson, Mrs. Frank McClcastcr, Holland. DOROTHY bout of Hazlet ave. Mrs. Theodore G. Bailey, Miss She has resided at Belford U Alexander Young and family of Stella Bailey, Mrs. Joseph I. Lcyears. During the war Mra. van THE PATE SALES COMPANY Line rd. have moved to Union City, nan, Mrs. Walter Smalc, Mrs. Jos- den Bogart knitted sweaters for TOLAND 2061 Latvrciiceville Rd., Trenton 8, N. J. Mr. Young is employed by theeph n, Pesoux, Mrs. Elwood I. the Red Cross. She lived at Roches- Greyhound Bus company, NewManahnn, Mrs. J. Carllon Cherry, tor, N. Y., before moving to Bel- DANCE STUDIO Phone: Trenton 2-7587 York. Mrs. Wayne Darland, Mrs. Cyrus Ross, Mrs. Roland Emmons, Mrs. foid. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Watson George Emmons, Mrs. James Neid of Bethany rd. have returned home Ingcr, Mrs. William Urstadt, Mrs. from an automobile trip to Connec- John H. Bahrenburg, Mrs, Leonard ticut, where they visited friends. Lufburrow, Mrs. Curtis Clayton, Miss Stella Bailey of Westflcld Mrs. Elmer A. Bahrenhurg, Mrs. spent a few days at her home here Roelif H. LeRoy and Mrs. Mail this week. lnnd Walling, Miss Stella Bailey "BIG DOGS" Dr. Earle Crcvcling of Reno, won a bouquet of flowers. Mrs. New, Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. James Ncldincer, president, gave harlcs Rloat, and family. a review of the organization's his- TO SMALL PUPWf* . • • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Latham tory. Plans were completed for a spent the week-end with relatives rummage sale to be held at the on Long Island. Dutch Reformed church Oct. 31. AND Mrs. Monroe Hyer of Trenton spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Weigand, Sr., attended Frank C, Hyer. the Diocesan convention at Tren- Mr. and Mrs. W. Plerson Dean ton Saturday as a delegate of St. GET IT and Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Bailey Mary's Episcopal church, Keyport. S1000 IN PRIZES Prize No. 1—l'rigiclairc 9 Cu. Ft. 1919 Model Prize No. 2—-51-in. Cabinet-Sink Complete 50 Additional Prize*, and a $50 Savings Bond At Mlllhurst Mills we're having: » pnvChrlstnias parly, giving away (he quality home product* for which we're known In these parts. Get acquainted with u> . . . Join our prize party. WE CARRY STARTS TODAY-ENDS DECEMBER 24TH TAKE YOUR PRIZE HOME CHRISTMAS EVE Any purehnse here of $5,00 up entitles you to a number In liie 190 SIZES Clirl*tniUK lOvp drawing—also It entitles you to a Kklll content with a .W0 Savin;* JJoml in prlr.r. Conn1 In today—»pp how miirb home fixing you can do hero fnr .WOO, We've everything from paint to pump*, radios In roofing, LAV-AWAY YOLK UIFI' WATCH NOW • TO GIVE YOU DUIIINC; TUB W A T C H PARADR PERFECT, FIT Tin* ii- our 25tli Xmn* putty vith tlimi»nml« WHILE SKLKtf'IONS AKK LAIIGK. upon InouNHiidh of i-aliHlifd itiMonicr* all over Long ... short... narrow ... wide? Step Nrif ,]cn>r\. We mr OIK; of lli Custom Too Quality, 1'rlrn and Service When You Need the toes, snug around the ankle... our hand- • WrinWe-Frcc Lining MWllGIt — MILL WORK — HARDWARE some Broadways are tailored to fit naturally i No Breaking-In Needed i (illildfn 1'alnl • (crlsliitcpil Hunting • John* Manvllle Adieu- ... so, naturally, they fitperfectl y t to* .Siding unil llulldliiK I'rndurt* • Klher till** InmiUllon • HnmiMilr Hoard • Nnlh - I'erd • Hrti • Aluminum Hnoflnjri lillmon • Admiral . (j, I), THcvlMon • Appliance* • KMKK How to get a • KOIII.IJt . I \l\ IMSM, HI SULK PI.I'MMI.\(f FIXTCKKft • Iliiii-Thi'rni nml ('oli'iitan llcali'r* and I'limai'm, Oll-flreili • PAIR FREE Hlirrt Kiick • ll'ii'li l.uiii • \% Ire IJUII • Ili-nlnlnfer* • (lay I'ljif - Channpldrnln Mrpl Ilimflni • llrlrlt* • Oinrnt • I'millr.y WALKOVER If your KIM appears on the chnrt and we Hti|i|illc« - (ianlcii 'I'nnU . (itittpr f.emler • l*n«er Tool* • llund don't have It when jnu come In tonsk for Tnola • doiildt nml lln,\lon I'timpi), it (no ohlifddon to buy) we'll fret n pnlr We tune a •tuff iif r«|iirt« In ailvltp ,vnn In hilllillnir, plumb- "BROADWAY" Ing, hi'Mliiu anil repairs, and jive them to you free! M> inn nrrntiKi' IMA, fiimnr*, Ifl'f. it win tin alipllmtcfa— 111 in"" In piij, Till* MCIU'K npi-clal-rrlgldalrc, III III nioilHi rpftilarly »I»»,7J —I'limi'iiul flill.AU, JOHN B. ALLEN CO MILLHURST MILLS 93 Brood ft. RED BANK To!. 6-0267 MflLHURST, N, J. PHONE PR S. 1200 ;(6 Hn,,,i! _ K,,| OUR NEW STORE NEAR POST OFFICE EED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 194!) -u.ge Thirteen John H. Wermert Seek Eatontown Council Seats Want Hot Lunches SHADOWBROOK Dies at Belford At Eatontown INN Was Retired From Home and School Club NEWBERRY'S GIGANTIC No Better Flace to Dine Prudential Co. To Meet With Board and Drink > John H. Wermert of Belford, 69, Eatontown grammar school pu- Luncheon from $2.00 retired agent o£ the Prudential piljs may be served hot food at Life Insurance company, died lunch time, provided a plan by the Dinner from $2.60 Tuesday evening of a heart attack. Eatontown Home and School cluD Ho had been ailing since last July materializes. PHONE RE 6-189rf! and bad been in a coma several days. Meeting Thursday night, Mrs. Norman D. Thetford, vice president MONTH-END SALE He retired in October, 1945, af- who presided In the absence of tor having served the Prudential Dowey Nelson, president, made the for 30 years. For the past few hot lunch proposal. It received en- Your Shirts years he had been associated in thusiastic support from the mem- the general insurance business bers. Leo Carling, a member of the Starts Today, Thurs., Oct. 27 Beautifully Laundered with Weeber Brook of Atlantic school board, reported that (he Highlands. board had already appointed a com- Expertly Finished Mr. Wermert was born In New mittee to co-operate with the club York city, a son of the late Joseph on the plan, Serving with him arc Same Day Service and Margaret Wermert, and Clifford Cadman and Kennvth moved to Belford in 1912. Ha had Hampton. Free Merchandise Awarded To — At — lived there ever since. In 1905 he married the former Miss Minnie The club will msot with school McCoy of-Now York city. He was board members and teachers to Our Lucky Customer At 4:30 LEON'S exceptionally active in church, civ- work out final arrangements. 64-76 WHITE STREET ic and flremanlc work. He was a member of St, Mary's Saturday Afternoon, Oct. 29. Red Bank 6-2800 Catholic church, New Monmouth; Shrewsbury PTA past president of the Trenton Dio- cesan Holy Name society, past president of the Monmouth and Ask Sales Girls For Details. Ocean county Federation of Holy Hears Doctors Name societies, executive member of tho New Jersey state firemen's Hold 'Meet Selioul association, treasurer of the Mld- INFANTS' TRAINING CHILDREN'S COTTON dletown township flro department Assistants' Session relief association, past president of the Monmouth county firemen's A "Meet Your School Assistants" association, a member of the Mon- program was hold by Shrewsbury's $ 67 mouth county ex-chiefs association, Parent-Teacher association a week vica-presldent and director ot the ago last night in tho school audi- DRESSES 1 torium. PANTS 251 Middletown township public health center, treasurer of Independent Guests were Dr. Edward Mulll- lire company, a • member of the Ban, school physician. Dr. Law- $ fl0 $ 00 Belford Civic association and th« rnece Collins, school dentist; Miss Atlantic Highlands Lions club. Kathleen Eckhart, county helping 2 For 3 toacher, and Miss Harriet Cook, 5 Prs. 1 Surviving besides his wife are county helping teacher for health. For school or play. Prints, itripes, two children, Mrs. Gothard V. Stressing the Importance of men- Rayon covered cotton dress up Kadenbach, Highlands, and John tal liygiono upon tho human body, plaids and solid colors. Sizes 7 to H. Wermort, Jr., Clarksburg. Dr. Mulligan said "the efforts of pants in pink or white. Sizes 2 to 4. 10. First quality. The funeral will be held tomor- love, kindness and devotion to- Holly Trees row morning at 9:S0 o'clock at wards children shows up In their Reg. 2.98 Value the Posten funeral home, Atlantic Leon B. Smock, Jr. Kcnnelh VanBrunt ' Reg. 39c Value Monmouth County tnd Highlands, and at 10 o'clock at St. mentality and ability to get along •nvlront it well knowa Mary's church. A requiem high Indications in Eatontown are in society." •• one ot the belt holly Red Bank. They have four chil- Dr. Collins amphasized the Im- growing cllmatei. Write mass will be celebrated by Rev. that interest in Its local council- dren. (or lUt ol the new, line, Robert T. Bulman, assistant rector, manic elections may surpass that portance of dental examinations hardy, American Holly This year marks Mr. Piccola's and Miss Eckhart and Miss Cook Interment will be in Mt. Olivet or the Drlscoll-Wcne battle for gov second entry into politics. Ho ran and ran ihnibs. cemetery. ornor. explained the duties of their offices. for council last year, being defeat- Speakers were Introduced by How- MONMOUTH Last year, when a record 1,18C ed by the Republican incumbents, SOCKS FOR ALL THE FAMILY ard Matteson, school principal. LANDSCAPE Atlantic Highlands votes wero cast, the first Demo- Fred S. Morris and Spencer Pat- SERVICE cratic mayor there in many years terson, In that election Mr. Pic- Ladies' Turn-Down Top Anklt A truck owned by Theodore Nor- waa elected—F. Bliss Price. This cola polled- 563, Mr. J?atterson 610 WINS AMATEUR TRUE Sizes tyo to 10J4 Atlantic Highlands, N. 1. cross, local plumber, caught fire year two seats on the council are and Afr. Morris 600. Hank Schwartz of New Mon- Box 62 Sunday evening while parked in contested for. One is for the un- Kenneth VanBrunt, 35, of Broad mouth won first ,prlze Friday night Misses' Crew Socks, Sizes 8^4 •« the yard at his home on East High- expired term of former Councilman st, is a native of Eatontown, son In an amateur contest held at and Children's Tiirii-Down Top Anklctlcs, land ave. The fire department waa Bobert H. Maida, the other for the of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley VanBrunt sponsored by the Sea Horse tavern, pr. called. Several shingles of th chair of Councilman George Ode) of Throckmorton nve. He is man- East Kcansburg. Other winners Children's Siraiglit Elastic Top Ankleltes, house caught fire but were extin a Republican, wiio this year de- ager of the Broad st. A. & p. were Miss Gloria Steel of Union Riii-shed quickly. Damage to thi nllned to ran. The borough current- store, Red Bank, a firm with which Beach and Mrs. Grace Brltton of Sizes 6 to 8^4 —•• truck was not extensive. ly has nn all-Republican council. ho has beon employed the past 20 East Keansburg. Lawley Agency The Junior Chamber of Com- All the candidates, plus workers year*. Infants' Mercerized Ankleltes, Sizes 4-61/j .. merco will meet Tuesday night for both parties, have conducted a An active member of Eatontown HIGHWAY No. 35 the Pier hotel. thorough canvassing campaign of flro company, he was itj chief In Boys' Blazer Stripe Slack Socks, Sizes The Lions club held a dance Sat- the borough in the past few weeks. 1942. He is a chartor member of We Specialize Men's Fancy Rayon and Cotton Socks, MIDDLETOWN urday night at the Log Cabin inn This activity promises to continue for the benefit of the Rlverview Eatontown Lions club, a member In hospital fund drive. right through election day—a -week of the Eatontown Democratic club Sizes 10% to 12 from Tuesday. The four candidates and a member of the Washington Men's Trousers offers The Democratic club will hold a are well known throughout the Masonla lodge, All guaranteed 29c and 39c Values. Halloween dance Saturday night at borough, all having active civil Buy Direct and Save the Log Cabin inn. Mr. VanBrunt graduated from Not All Sheen in Kvery Stylo. and fraternal attlllatlons. Also o Rod Bank high school in 1»33. He GABARDINE $ 8,300 Rlvtr Plaza. 4 rooms & Herbert Melnert, supervising particular Interest to Eatontown bath, cellar. Needi atten- is married to the former Miss TROUSERS principal of local schools, attended voters is tho fact that Mayor Price ,. tlpn. Plot 75* x 100* a principals' convention Monday at Agnes Cotgreave of Entontown, is the Demooratlc candidate, op- They have a daughter Janet. Beg. »12.60Special $9.50 New Brunswick. posing the Incumbent, County 9,250 Country Club Eat MM The senior class at the hlgn Clerk J. Russell Woolloy. LADIES' COTTON HOUSE New 4 room bungalow, school will hold a Halloween dance Sacco's Pants Shop LADIES' RAYON attached garage, oil heat Short biographies on the Eaton- Kiver Plaza tomorrow night at the school. "" W. Front St. Bed Bank William H. Moskill of the Fair town candidates follow: The Ways and Means committee 11,000 Glenmary Park. New 4 Lawn school faculty spoke on prop- Clyde J. Hayes and Leon B of the Ladies' auxiliary of the $ 67 room dwelling', attached er pupil studies at the Parent- Smock, Jr., are Republicans. An- River Plaza Hose company spon- f*ra|«, oil heat, large Teacher association last Thursday thony J. Piccola and Kenneth Van- sored a get-together dinner at the I plot, good locale. evening at the school. Brunt are Democrats. fire houso Saturday evening for tho PLATING AND POLISHING The first issue of the high school Mr. Hayes, 55, of South St., Is members of both organizations. SLIPS 9? Dresses 1 11,800 Fair Haven. Lovely 2 flaper was published last week. the only incumbent candidate. He Members of the committee were on •tory, 5>/i room, garage Reed Stock is editor. Arthur Mar- was appointed to tho counoll Feb. Mrs. John Partrlck, chairman $ 25 oil heat, fireplace tin Is assistant editor and Mary 9 to nil the-vacancy caused by the Mrs. William Stobo, Sr., Mrs. Clif- Silverware Lace trimmed or tailored styles in Gerrlty, news editor. Other staff resignation of Mr. Maida. A resi ford Smith, Mrs. Russel L. Tetley Nickel 2 For 3 PHONE: Re 6-0410 members are Esther Peluao, Sue dent of Eatontown since 1919, Mr.and Mrs. Richard Thompson. Oth- hfaulifiil rayon crepe or satin. Sizes Shaw, Gerry Leonard, Joan Muni' Hayos has been employed by the ers attending wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Brass ford, Loretta Andrews, Rhoda Shrewsbury Dairy tho past, 18 John Kaney, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Copper 32 to 12. Beautiful selection of styles and Turner, Richard VanKirk, Fred years. Prior to that he had been H. Brasch, Mr, and Mrs. William Kaney, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chromium Kalmback, Eddy Dobson, Gretchcn employed in Wolcott's Market at Reg. 81.98 Value colors. Sizes 14 to 52. Button Reed, Carol Johnaon, Wally Smith, Eatontown. Young, Mr. and Mrs. James Me Gloria Gulllianl, Kay Norcross, Phee, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Monmouth Plating and June Pollock and Peggy Andrews. A World war I navy veteran as Franklin, Mr, and Mrs. John Me- All sales final. Not every size in fronts, zipper fronts, surplice Arthur Martin went to an At- a deep sea diver, Mr. Hayes Is a :ialn, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mc- Polishing Co. fronts, dirndle waist line. lantic City convention laat week tin, Robertn McTnuiie, Richard lielher, Itichnrd Rlppk>pke lani d Joanne Vlda. he served in all officers of the com- Tho River Plaza school had a F»r Shop-at-Hcm* First quality, regulation style, large size. Your choice pany except president. Ho also safety meeting Monday, Oct. 24, Scrvlct Ohrlrtlnu Frnmines, Bett« Joan Ger- Ptlaii* III t.114* C all TIME! ftBhty, David Hultman, Thom&fi MeCabc, was one of tho organizers of Eat- with State Trooper WUIIB Bull. The Rose pnrndls, Oretchen VanBrunt, Cflrol of colors: Tcarose, White or Blue. 1*8 Wel», Helen West. Raymond John- ontown's first aid squad; is a char- :oplo was fire prevention. The first son. llalph Martin, Carolyn MCTBKUJ, ter member of Eatontown Lions i ml second grades sang songs Sherman's 'iali Simpson, Winl Joan Freeman, Chnr- :lub and a member of "Washington ibout flro prevention; the third, otte Gehlhaus find Susan PIHnbury. ilasonlc lodge. His wife, the form- fourth, fifth and sixth grades gave Home Decorators A Regular 69c Value 43 High school—Gmt. Ualley, Putrid* JtH-lln, I'ntrlcla King, Nancy Marek, er Miss Christina Stein of New flro prevention rulos, and tho «ov- 4f INOAD STRICT, RID BANK Shirley SykM, Mariene Barber, Knth- York city, Is a Republican com- onth and eighth grades gnvo Inen Smith, Paul VO«KCII, Bather Pelu'f), piny entitled "The Intruder." A ONK TIME BUY AT THIS LOW PRICE Juna Pollock, Janet Sweeney, Arnold mltteewoman In Eatontown. 2 PAIRS 85° Kurth, William O'Ncll, R«e n»*"''l("tl'Mi will I-op (lirltlniiii nil (if Kolicrl*, IMIlAlmry, Cnrlmi Holy Nil inn NucliMy, ii iid ii nil HiiiciiNiiii, frlpliriilcil hU VIA y Imlit lln nn mini inr-i'lliiK Tucmlny ill CALL RE 6-1041 lilliilny Tiinilivy, 1U li uf l llrnni'll i councili , Ili/i l''lic»hl(i Dliiliitj rimit), Ml, llul- uiiiity l U uf Coluiilbmt, l.v, ill 0,:iO 11. in, ,1, (V l,,.inliril Ji , "I'm iw|i lit Wi« i1 I. Hunk IIV|HI|. Mr. 1'lueuln Kcy|Mirl ni'i'iPlnry of llm ilr|mrlin»iit uf MM . »i-«n«niiI. iirnii w«m AtU mi nurlculliii'd Kt 'ftTMlnii, H irnrl-VK* For 24 Hour Service 77-79 BROAD ST. RED BANK Horn chairnun, Page Fourteen RED BAXK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1949 Personals Obituaries Slippery Road Claims a Life Amateur Boxing Show Water Plant At Balbach's Nov. 18 MUs Lillian Terhune of Hudson EDWARD MORGAN SALE LIKE 9 Boys from eight to 15 yeara and ave., local pianist and piano teach- Edward Morgan, 78, of 154 West KNITTING er, was a guest of the G. Schrlmer Called 'Fraud Front St., a retired painter, died from 60 to 145 pounds will do bat- Music Publishing company at a this morning. He was born in New tle for their respective clubs in the demonstration meeting at the Town York, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. boxing ring at Balbach's auditor- Hall in New York city, last week. At Highlands William Morgan. Mr. Morgan had ium Friday, Nov. IS. The firm showed all their newest lived at Red Bank many years. Competing clubs will be the Red teaching materials and new meth- Ever since a Republican High- YARN Bank Boys' club, the Wcstside' A. lands borough council awarded a He was a. member of the Knights ods for instructing piano students. of Pythias of Saugcrties, N. Y., and A. of Asbury Park, the Raritan contract to the Lnyne-Xew York Boys' club of Keyport, the Middle- YARN CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bayard of company for construction of a new was an exempt member of the Drummond avc., are parents of a Saugcrties fire department. Surviv- sex A. C. of Perth Amboy and the 107 SHBEWSBURY AVE. water .plant, that plant has been BED BANK, N. J. daughter born Saturday at Mon-discussed at -.In-lost all council ing arc five sons, Charles Morgan Kcansburg Boys' club. The club mouth Memorial hospital. meetings and has been a regular of Rumson, Edward Morgan of scoring the most points will gain Mrs. Ralph Eckert, who has election issue. Rod Bank, Lester nnd Harold Mor- the first leg on a trophy for per- been visiting her father, H. H. gan of Eatontown nnd Sidney Mor manent ppssession. Three legs will Walker at San Francisco, Cal., for The water situation reached a gan of Leonardo; a daughter, Mrs. be necessary for ownership. The the past two weeks, has returned new high at Tuesday night's bor- Howard Prichard of Rumson, and night's outstanding boxer will also to her home on Naveslnk River rd., ough council meeting when Coun- a brother, Fred Morgan, and sis receive a trophy and every com. Middletown township. ^ cilman John Newton of the. water ter, Mrs. Frank Gibson, both of pctitor will receive a medal, Prank P. Pica, Jr., son of Mr. cpmmittec, termed the plant the, Newark. and Mrs. Frank Pica of Washing- "worst fraud perpetrated against The funeral will be held Satur- ton st., who is a seaman npprcn- the people of Highlands since there day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Colt's Neck tico in the Navy, recently visited was a Highlands." John E. Dny funeral home, with Spectators are shown viewing the wrcckago from Tuesday's Mr. and Mra. James Mack spent the French Riviera on a Ion-day Councilman Timothy Lynch urg- Rev. Robert H. Anderson, Jr., pas crash of a "station wagon" auto Into a bank of the Marzula prop-, the week-end with friends at Short leave, when the nlr craft carrier ed that criminal action betaken tor of Trinity Episcopal church, of- crty, highway 35, Shrewsbury.. Nathan Gempclov, 67-year-old Hills. Lcytc, of which he is a crew mem- against the company. Borough At- tlciating. Burial will be in Fair Roselle man, driver of the car, died en route to Monmouth Mem- More than 70 members and guedts One spraying with BERLOU ber, put in to GiVifc Guan, France. tnrnr}' Benjamin Gruber did notView cemetery. attended the game night program advise this course of action, claim- orial hospital in Eatontown's first nid squad ambulance. His wife, Mothspray protects your Mis» Jane Whitlow of Riverside Sonla, Is ill critical condition. The slippery condition of highway at Atlantic township school Friday, clothing, blankets, rugs and ing that the borough had the com- MISS KMZABETH GASCOIGN 35 In Shrewsbury, often a target from criticism of the state high- sponsored by Atlantic grange. Rob- ave. is Among the 1,000 school al- pany on breach of contract charges furniture for 5 years, or tendanca officers currently attend- If the borough wished to follow Miss Elizabeth Uascoign, 65, died way department, plus the speed at which the car was traveling, ert Lord was chairman. ing the 35th annual conference of through. early tills morning at the home of were attributed as reasons for the accident by Police Chief Otto Mrs. A. G. Freer and Mrs. Lem- BERLOU pays for the dam- the National League to Promote Tlie water plant was completed her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Herden. uel Small have recently become age. BERLOU Is easy to School Attendance this week at the several months ago and "was putand Mrs. Walter H. Meeker, 126 leaderrs'In the Hilltop 4-H club, ac- use... economical, too. Lead- hotel New Yorker, New York city. Into operation this summer. A $20,- Buena Vista avc., Fair Haven. She ncth, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer cording to an announcement this ing dry-cleaners the country Miss Wh'tlow is attendance officer 000 final payment hill, submitted had been ill for the past two Bclford Maxson. week by Mrs. Irving Gcmmell, for Red Bank public schools. leader. Mrs. Freer will supervise over use this professional by the Layne company several months. Miss Margaret Miller of Oakes Mr. and Mrs. Atwood and chll- Mrs. Edward J. Rrrnnnn of West weeks ngo, still has not been order- Born in Bridgeport, Conn., Miss dron, Marlon and James, and Mrs.second-year sewing classes and mothspray. Remember you ave. celebrated her 18th birthday Mrs. Small third year. A leader Front »t. is an orthopedic patient ed paid. Gascoign was a daughter of the Sunday. Walter Thompson and children at- get a 6-ycar written guaran- at Monmouth Memorial hospital. The attack on the plant Tuesday late Alfred T. and Louisa J. Rob- tended the rodeo in New York Fri- for first-year classes is needed. AUTHORIZED DEALER tee for each article moth- erts Gascoign, and had been a resi- Mrs. William .Secley has returned Mrs. W. S. Marble of Baysidc, Mr. and Mrs. Frank LoverjIdRP, night WHS prompted by a written from alx weeks' visit with her par day and t^ok a sight seeing tour proofed. Come in today and Jr., and daughter Donna of loc report from John Conlogue, bor- dent of Fair Haven seven years. cnts in Phoenix, Arizona. While through Chinatown. Me., is visiting her son-in-law and She retired three years ago from daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Everett H. Thorne ask about BERLOU. . avc. spent the -week-end at Ml. ough engineer, on his recent find- there, Mrs. Secley's mother died Master SorBcimt Iver Jones of Holly. ings. the Prudential Insurance company Cnmp Lee,.Virginia, is on a 30-day Haltormann. Mrs. Hallermann is a Kings Highway of Newark. Miss Gascoign was a after a long surgical patient at Riverview hos- Mr. and Mrs, James Hood Mac- The engineer claimed that several Mrs. Frank VnnNoitwick and furlough and is spending it with farland or Spring Ijike, formerly portions of the water plant build- member of the Roosevelt Presby- his wife and fnmily on Main st. pital. Micldletown, N. J. terian church of Newark. son Jbhn have been confined to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitestonc WRIGHT STORE of Red Bank, will leave tomorrow ing wall arc cracking as are parts their home because of illness. He will return to Camp Lee. Sules Erection Service for a month's vacation in Florida. of the floor. The report also stated Besides her sister, Mrs. Lulu Mrs. Evelyn Conzen entertained and son and Miss Josie Pflster of Meeker, Miss Gascoign Is survived Mrs, Arthur Glass and Mrs. John SO Monmouth St Bed Bank They will visit Mr. and Mrs. Wil- that cracks In the building's con- Glass, Sr., arc chairladics of a rum- members of the "IX" club at her Ridgowood, L. I,, were Sunday liam A. Winter of DeLand. crete floor were caused by the ab-by a brother, John R. Gaseolgn of guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Newark. mage sale to be held Thursday, Fri- home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee James of West sense of expansion joints between day Biid Saturday of this week at Mrs. Wallace Miller of Morris Pflster of Yellow Brook farm. Bergen pi., are parents of a daugh- the floor and the wall. Funeral arrangements arc in ave. Is a surgical patient at River- George Keller spent Saturday at ter born Tuesday at Monmouth charge of the Wordcn funeral tho Odd Fellow's hall, Atlantic Philadelphia, attending a meeting Deviations from the original home. Highlands, given by the O.E.S. view hospital. VETERANS RENOVATING JOBBING Memorial hospital. plans in the building noted by Mr. Mrs. Tace Morford attended the of the American Friends Service Conlogur included changing: of the Sgt. and Mrs. Henry Hutchlnson committee. Experienced Carpenters - No Job Too Small . Mr. and Mrs. I-on Barrett of ISDWARD PALME of Hocrschlng, Austria, are the funeral of her uncle, William Stults Jlaple avc, left this week for their roof from a "hip" typo to a Bit parents of a daughter born last of Pennsylvania, and visited her Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Murphy BUI Bob winter home at Lake Worth, Fin. roof, an exposed part of the foun- Edward Palme, 87, retired sexton brother, George Rice, last week. of Camden were dinner guests of dation showed a thickness of nine week. The couple are formerly of Lowest Rates Mrs. Alice Barry, their daughter, of a Newark Methodist church, Morris ave. They have three other Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Forman Osbornc Dohsou drove to Florida with them and feet while the plans called for a died last night at the home of his and family Monday. 151 Mechanic St. Bed Bank thickness of 20 feet, and footing, children. arc entertaining Mrs. M. L. Mac- TEL. RE 6-3204 will spend a week there. daughter, Mrs. Fred Karl of Leo- Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Johnson of Cullough of Columbia, S. C., for The Helping Circle of the Re- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hcaly of supposed to be 12 by 24 inches, nardo. seven)] weeks. On Sunday they at- formed church will meet Wednes- was found to measure 12 by 22 Besides his daughter, Mr. Palme Grosge Isle, Midi., were puests lost Harding id. and Mr. and Mrs. John week of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glass. tended the dedication of their new- day afternoon, Nov. 2, at the home P. Mulvihill, Sr, of Fair Haven, inches. is survived by two sons, Hugo and of Mrs. Irving Gcmmell, Vandcr- Troop 27. Boy Scouts Henry Kcl grandson, Ttobert Lawrence Mac- spent the week-end at Haddon hall, Both Mr. Lynch and Mr. Newton Hans Palme, both of Leonardo. Cullough, son of Rev. and Mr?burg. Atlantic City. While there, Mr. criticized Craig Flnncgan of Bel-The funeral will be held Sunday ehcr, Harry Simpson, Richard Vincent Lopez, noted band leader, OIL BURNERS INSTALLED $275.00 Swarlz, and John Johnson spent Earl MacCullough of Haworth Con- Healy and Mr. Mulvihill, received ford, former borough engineer. afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the gregational church. will spend the week-end with with tank and controls. the fourth decree of the Knights Mr. Newton charged, "laxity on Mr. Posten funeral home, with Rev. the week-end at Camp Hausman James L. Shearer at Shcarwood Flnnegan's part in the inspection Elmer T. Schick, pastor of the at a Council cook-out. A content The Y.P.C.A. of the Baptist Get our prices on complete heating systems or repair work. We' of Columbus, one of the highest de- church went on a hayride Friday farm. will save you money. grees conferred by the lodge. Other of the building during the construc- Atlantic Highlands Presbyterian was held between the surrounding evening vith their leader, Albert The Sewing club of the Reformed Estimates without obligation. Fhone or write. members of the Knights of Colum- tion period." church, officiating. Burial will be Boy Scout troops and council. church will serve Us annual elec- in Bay View cemetery. Ranger Patrol scouts George Phil- Griggs. Others were Misses Betty bus lodge of Red Bank receiving As a result, council will hold a Wllhelm, Emmylou Guthlelm, Teriy tion day luncheon and supper Tues- the fourth degree at the same time special meeting Tuesday night and lips, Kenneth Smith, James Hud- day, Nov. 8, at Atlantic township son, Thomas Qulnn and Assistant Blrger, Wyanda Culp, Peggy Allen, "were Dr. Joseph Hawkins, Dr. Law- ordered registered letters sent to HUGH McGOWAW, SR. Jane Beam, Joanne Walling, Wilma fire house, • Hawthorne Heating Service rence Sangmeisler, Ernest DIFiore, Mr. Finnegan and the Layne com- Ranger, T. Cairns and Junior As- Week-end guests with Mr. and Frank Goetz, George and Paul pany to be present at the session. Hugh McGowan, Sr., 87, of Free- sistant Donald Merlter made tour Meyer, Mnrylou Mayer, John Rob- P. O. BOX 331, LEONARDO, N. J. Lang and Charles Douglas hold, died Tuesday at Hazard hoa- duty. ert, Tommy Hendricks, John Gar. Mrs. Lester Richens were Mr. and ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 1-1622. Mr. Newton further criticized the pltal. He is survived by three rett, Fred Frelbott, Jr., Larry Buck Mrs. Alex Coslctt and William company by saying that three em- Scouts, Robert Behler, Richard We cover Monmouth and Middlesex Counties. Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmerman sons, Michael McGow"an of Marl- Nelson, Stanley Werner and Fran- and Jack Bayard. Brennan of Scranton, Pa. of Highland Park are parents of a ployees are needed to operate the boro: James McGowan, Jr., of Michael ICeaveny of New York, daughter born yesterday at SI. plant while the company had con- cis Benson, with Scout Executive Card of Thanki Freehold, and William McGowan Morgan C. Knapn attended the race who has just returned from visiting I wish to express my heartfelt Umnkn Peter's hospital, New Brunswick. tended one employee would be suf- of Colt's Neck, and a daughter, his mother in Ireland and wife and to nil my friends for their consolntlop Mrs. Zimmerman is the former ficient, r. Miss Marguerite McGowan of meet at Haskell's Saturday. nnd llornl tributes nt the death oC my Rev. and Mrs. Blackman son in Fiance for the past few beloved husbund Peter. Special thanks iilss Dorothy Healy, daughter of Also taken to task was the Jersey Harrison, months, is visiting Mrs. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hcaly of Central Power and Light company. given a reception by members of to Father Sulliv'ttn nnd father Clarice, Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. P. Leach. pall bearers and thosthee who loaned cars. Harding rd. This blast was made by Council- the congregation Tuesday evening M Al Shridan ALBERT CARLSON A Town committee meeting of Mrs. Annlo Sheridan. Mrs. Eleanor Hesse of Riverside man Louis Lodcr, Jr., on the com- In the annex of the Methodist —Advertisement. Albert Carlson, 59, of Freehold, Girl Scouts was held Tuesday even- -s*£. APPLES pany's failure to install three lights church. Community singing was Garden*, Front st., while walking ing nt the home of Mrs. Clifford NOTICE on the sidewalk in front of the on Second ave. which had been re- brother of Mrs. Harry Maxaon of enjoyed, Mrs. George Yarnall and Notice is hereby given thnt the Board quested two months ago. Atlantic Highlands, died Tuesday Mr?. William Fov entertained with Gordon, Town chairman organizer. ot Education ot Shrewsbury Township STAYMAN WINESAP Madeleine candles on Riverside After the meeting, a program meet- will accept blda on the following: ave., Oct. 18, slipped and fell, Councilman Newton reported that night at Fltkln hospital. Besides recitations and Robert Flsler with his sister, Mr. Carlson is survived piano accordion selections. Re- ing; was held discussing scenery, 1.. General emergency repairs ill the breaking her right wrist. She was installation of water meters in the 1 Tinton Kails School. Utility Grade by his wife, Mrs. Pearl Carlson, freshments were served later. Mr. ?. costumes and programs for the va- 2. General electrical work In the Tin- treate* at Riverview hospital, entire borough will be completed riety show of 1C49 to be held Sat- where the arm wms put In a cast. within the next few days. and a daughter, Mrs. Dominlck Blackman was presented a cor.^ge ton Knlla School. Hida muit be In tho Sparandco, living at home. urday, Nov. 5, at the Leonardo hands of the District,. Clerk by 8 P. M. Two years ago, Mrs. Hesse broke A discussion on the possibility of nnd a plant from the W.S.C.S. grammnr school. Brownies and on Thursday, Novemlior 10, 1949, At her back. licensing bicycles was mentioned by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Capone of which time they will be publicly opened PER BUSHEL scouts of New Monmouth, Port jit the Tinton Falls School. A certified '1.00 Union City spent Sunday with Mr, Mr. and Mr p. Anthony Miglioccio Councilman William McGon'an, FATHER DIES -Monmouth, Bclford and Leonardo check for the amount of 5% of the con- of Shrewsbury ave., are parents of chairman of the police committee. Mrs. Lillian Schwenk of 70 Pros- and Mrs. Milton Hesse and family. are selling tickets. Attending were tract must nccompnny each bid. AT OUR FARM BARN a son born yesterday at Monmouth He said there have been several pect ave. was notified by Red Bank John Wermert of Claremont avc. Mrs. Harold Copeland, chairman. Specifications for the above work may requests to have this done. bo obtHlned from the Architect, Victcr EXCELLENT FLAVOR FOR EATING, PIES AND Memorial hospital. police early yesterday morning of Is seriously ill at his home. Mrs. Leland Richmond, camp chalt- Ronfcldt, at his ofllce on Bowne Road, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Mc- Council received a notice of ap- the death of her father, Harry Mariners and their leader attend- man, Mrs. Robert Behler, program Wayside, N. J. APPLE SAUCE. Queen of Harris Park have been peal by the Highlands Tavern Own- Harms of Newark. Mr, Harms died ed a senior scout plnnning board at chairman, Mrs. Stephen Zolobosky The board reserves tho right to re- the Presbyterian church in Red ject any or all bids. tntertaining Mrs. McQueen's bro- ers association over the recent is- at home of a heart attack, and and Miss Mildred Morris, nil of Bel- Dated: October 27, 1049. ther and sister-in-law, Mr. andsuance of a package store license Newark police notified police here. Bank, Friday evening. ford; Mrs. Tina Morgan, Mrs. Mar- NELLIE C. OSBOBN, NO. 1 GRADE GOLDEN DELICIOUS Mrs. Edward King of Albany, N. T, to Jacob Cohen, Bay ave. grocer. Girl Scout troop 4. leaders and ion Collaran, Mrs. Grace Rono District Clerk. Very delicious Stayman Wlnesap • Red Rome A public hearing on the appeal will committee members will hold a Idson, Mrs. Peggy MncGregor, Mrs. ..PUBLIC NOTICE bo held Nov. 11 at Newark, accord- Little Silver homemade bake sale Saturday Waller Schoejlner, Mrs. Chnrles A hearing regarding the passage of By Telephone Order. COUNTY BIRTHS ing to a letter received from the morning at 10 o'clock In front of Oberlln and Mrs. Charles Hesse, all A zoning ordinance for tho township of Miss Anne R. Gregory, daughter Wasserman's store for tho benefit of Leonardo, and Mrs. Gilbert Holmdel will be held on Wednesday, Alcoholic Beverage Control com- of Mayor and Mrs. Frank M. November Nth nt » P. M. In Holmdel Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woods of mission. of the troop. Serbe, New Monmoulh. The meet- Township Memorial Hnll, Crawford Cor- Gregory of Woodbine ave., Miss ings are held quarterly. Naveslnk are parents of a son Carol Ravndal, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Halstead born last Thursday at Monmouth and Mr. and Mrs. James French STANLEY STILWELL, Bucklin Fruit Farm and Mrs. Olnf Ravndal of Little and son Jimmy of Highland pk., Chairman, Holmdel Township Memorinl hospital. Silver Point rd., nnd Miss Anne PROGRESSIVE PARTV RALLY 7.oning Ordinance Commitce. Phalanx Road, Phalanx Tel. RE 6.1364-R Mr. and Mrs. James Hartnctt of Plans for World M. Jansky, daughter of Mr. andspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Evan Dale farm, Holmdel, are par- Vernon Salmon and Miss L,ois Sal- Free transportation will be pro- NOTICE Mrs. Karl G. Jansky of Sllverton vided by the Progressive party for Tnkc notice thnt application has born ents of a son born last Thursday avc., are among the 500 students mon of N.J.C. of New Brunswick nindu to the Mayor and Council of Iteil at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Community Day spent the week-end with her par-Red Bank and Long Branch resi- Hank to transfer to Victor Pollcnstr.i attending the Northneld School for dents to the meeting tomorrow T/A Perk's Bar •& Grill, 2 Morford Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Louis of "iPjace Is Possible" will be the Girls, Massachusetts. ents. Place and 1SS West Kront street, Hnl Barker ave., Eatontown, arc par- Mr. and Mrs. George Paxton en- night at the Mosque theater at Hank, N. J. Consumption license C5, the I e for the annual World Com- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dennis of Newark. Principal speakers will ents of a son born last Thursday Rumson rd. returned home Sun- tertained over the week-end Mr. heretofore issued to Victor Pollcastro, at Monmouth Memorial hospital. mi t ity day observances Nov. 3, be James Imbrle, Progressive can- T/A Perk's Bar & Grill, 2 Morford apt* sored by the Red Bank Council day from Mountain Home in the nnd Mrs. William Pnxton and Miss didate for governor, and Henry A. Place. Med Bank, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davison of of I hurch Women. The theme will Pocono mts., Pa., where they spent Dorothy Paxton anu Louis Musi of Wallace. Mrs. Richard Strasburg- Objections, if any should be made Im- Happy Days! Gillesple avc., Fair Haven, are par- North Arlington. mediately In writing to Amy E. Shinn, he carried out at a meeting on that two weeks' vacation. When they er of 36 Oakland st., Is In charge Clerk of Red Bank norough, ents of a daughter born Friday date at the Congregation B'Nal returned, Mr. Dennis celebrated his The Belford P.T.A. are sponsor- of transportation. Signed. at Riverview hospital. Israel, Riverside ave, birthday with members of his fam-Ing a 'Halloween window decorat- V1CTOP. POLICASTRO, "HOW YOU SAVE" Mr. and Mrs, William Pratt of Mrs. Howard G. Mymer will ily. ing contest this week for children BAND CONCERT 2 Morford Place, Port Monmouth are parents of a of Belford. Anyone Interested may 1SS Wen Yrant Street, speak on this theme, stressing the The Ladies' auxiliary of the Little A free band concert by the Bob lied Hank, N. J. son born Friday at Monmouth Me- United Nations as a hope for world Silver flic company will hold a barn contact Mrs. Leland Richmond or Eberelc, Jr., American Legion morial hospital. peace. She will direct a forum dis- dance Saturday night, Nov. 5, at Mrs. Ernest Elgrlm, chairladlc*. hand, will bo given Sunday after- RUMSON BAKE SALE RUBBER TILE 1-8" THICK Mr. and Mr8. Hubert Phillips of cussion on what the U.N. can hope the Little Silver school. Music will Local merchants hava given per- noon at 3 o'clock at the Asbury Valley dr., Atlantic Highlands, are to accomplish for peace with 12 be furnished by the Corn Stalkers. mission to have store windows dec Park Convention hall. This is the OCT. 29, 10 A. M. parents of a son born Saturday council members participating. Stanley Mclntosh, who will call the orated, and prizes will be awarded at Monmouth Memorial hospital. band's opening fall concert, and Free Bouquet nf Flmvcri ill Blocks Along the practical side at the dances, will introduce an old on Monday of next week. will feature novelty numbers by to First 13 Customer*. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Morris of meeting, bundles of cloth and sew- fashioned square dance, the fire-' Mrs. Pearl White and sisters, the American Legion twlrlers. Perfect Quality Monroe ave., Shrewsbury, are par- men's dance. In addition to the Mrs. Olive Underhlll of Highb- ing materials will be conrtlbuted, Frank Biynn Is band leader. Rumson Democratic Club SQ. FT. ents of a daughter born Monday to be distributed throughout tho round and square dances, the Vir- lown and Mrs. Alva Cottrcll of Fair Excellent Selection at Rlvcrviow hospital. world for women to be given a ginia reel will bo taught on the Haven, spent last Wednesday in the TO TNVEST INBONDS Headquarters Installed Mr. and Mrs. John Flna of Bay chance to make clothing for their dance floor. Mrs. Lucy Pnco Is gen- Pocono mountains. Tho Fair Havon mayor and coun- Iltver Rd. & Illack I'nlnt Rd. avc, Atlantic Highlands, are par- families, This project has been eral chairman, and will be assisted The Women's Guild of St. Clem- cil at a meeting Monday night TEL. IW 1-0351 ents of a daughter born Tuesday named "Pieces for Peace." In tho by Mm. Lillian Oberrelch, Mts. ent's church will hold a Hallow, authorized the Investment of $20,- at Riverview hospital, Catherine Dressier, Mrs. Lucy Bru. "NO SECONDS" past four yoar«, the Council of cen party Friday evening at tho 000 of cash surplus In U. S. Savings ONLY THE BEST INGREDIENTS ME USED IN Mr. and Mm. Leonard Bcllezza Church women of the country, has no, Mrs. Mabel West, Mrs. Ethel parish house which will be open to bonds. of Main at., Kennsnurg, nre par- sent millions of pound* of clothing Herbert, Mrs, Lillian Lovckln, Mr«, tho public. A small tee will bi ents of u diiUKhter bom Monday to destitute, people In Europe and Dorothy Zcobold, Mrs, Johanna charged. On Wcdnosday, tho Guild MIlS. FKANCKS SPB1NOHKTTI 9x 12 at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Asia, Items needed Include curtain Slpe, MM. Helen Quackenbush and will hold a public lunch at tho hall Mrs. Francos Sprlnghettl, 44, AS LOW AS Mr. and Mia. William Russell of material, pieces for quilts, yarn, Mrs. Nellie Parro, In the church from 12 o'clock to wife of Fordlnnnd Sprlnghettl of South st., Eatontown, nro parents crochet cotton, needles, thread and St, John's guild of St. John's 1:30 p, m. 244 North Ulghth St., Brooklyn, KITCHEN $CC.OO Installed! of a daughter horn Monday at aolasort, church will moot next Wednesday Miss Lois Compton of Teachor'a died last night at her home, FIAKO Monmouth Memorial hospital. A special program for children at the parish house. Plan* will bo College, Trtnton, spent three days Born In Ohio, Mrs. Sprlnghottl Mr. and Mrs. Jamcn Kane of In ohsorvnnce of the ovent will bo made for tho Christmas salo to bo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. lived for a while In nod Unnk be- PIE CRUST MIX Church »t., New Monmouth, nrn held at tho Salvation Army chnpol held Dcv, 2. Mrs.'Harold Blrchon- Rnwllnaon Compton, fore, moving to Brooklyn, Flako contains the same ingredi- parentK of a son horn Tuesdny al Friday oftornoon, Nov. 4, nt 4 ough, president of tho guild, will Mrs. Frank Benson, Mrs, Edward Besides her husband, nhc Is sur- Mnnmouth .Memorial hoapltal. o'clock, Mm, Warren FarrlnKton be general chairman, Barnes, Mrs, Mildred Minor, Pres- vived by hor piirontu, Mr. nnd Mm, ents—of the same fine quality— Mr. and Mm. C, Wnltcr Rich- nnd MM, Howard Springsteen arc ident ICInlc McCammon, Sixth Dlst, Angolo Fullom, nnd two sisters, that you use —flour, bilking The newly-confirmed mnmberi of 1 MILLERTON RUGS, Inc. mond of Main *t.. Kcnnxburg, are In charge, St, John's chnjipl took tholr first Vtn, Arnbolln nurkhnrt, Stnto Con- Mrs. lSllznhoth Clrclter nnd Mrs. powder, shortening nnd salt. But "TIIK VRIKNDbY STORK" parniitd of 11 ilnusrhti>r l>orn yesler- Communion Sunday, They include ililctrcM Anno Vlvlnn, Past Dlst, Ijoulso Gcnllli) of Red H/inli. precision-mixed for your con- 1,10 1JI1OA1) ST, dny nt Illveivli-w hospital, l'l.AN 1)1 NNKit, HAZAH I'ICB. Emily Levering nnd Mrs. Funeral nrrnnKomonl urn In , , RED IIA Mlf ''HONK RK «-S27» Nnncy l,co Borclon, Edith Bentley venience nnd to assure perfect (Opp. Htclnlmi'li Co,) KEIS DAniV N0 inking rrohtem Mr. and Mm, Raymond Hycr of Cox, Nnncy Cox, William Kdwurd OIRH Knntmond nltcndod the Sink charge, of the John R. Dny funeral results nlwnys. Final plnnn for tho Klcotlon Day V.RW. nuxlllnry mccllnn nt tin l l Wilson nve., Port Monmoutb, nro dinner nnd the annunl bnmr will Firth, William Bonlcn Firth, Her- homo, pnrento of n ilniiKhler horn Tiiun- bert Cox, Lenom Qnrlner anil Mar- Publlo Service building In Jtawni'k bo madn nl the monthly meet Ing on Humlny. «lny nl Monmouth Memorial hos- of tho Womiin'i Society of Chrln- lon Firth, pital, 1 llsn Service of Atlantic Highlands Tho Young Adult fellowship nf The tadlec nuxlllnry of Post Mr, and Mm, Martin Clnliuucl nf Methndlnt church in bn held next the Mflthoillnl chinch held tholr 21311 nnd their friend* will nllenil Mnln »t,, MntiiHin, nrr fwtrrnU of y, Nov, J, nt 2 |i, m. A linked opening fall nuxMlntt In tho church Ihf celohrnllon of Ihe annlvetnnry JI daughter liorn yrnlflrilny nt Mon- hum dlnnrr will he norvrd by tho hall Fllilny, Mm. (toy .Smith of of Ihe Sliituc o( Liberty tomorrow mouth Mnnnilnl honpllnl. widely on election day In the Onkhuinl, a (.oiifniTiico tinker, n.\- In New York, nllend nhnwA nnd ••Impel, Kourth avt,, with nerving plnlnrd I hi actlvltlrn nf other hnve dinner, flus will Irnve Mnln TO WT.II IN NKW VOIIK ying nilull group*, A KK'"« period utifet nnd Illfriiwiiy 3(1, Mr*. Krnnk SCOOP—WE HIT THE JACK POT nt fl;,10, 8:,W nnil 7;.TO, Tho unminl followed tho notion, Is. dinlrlarfy, (Hpcclnl Ui TIK KKlM ' Kill tiike plncr WcilnMilny, fiifoii Ii rlinlrlmiy, New Ynrk MIM Vlvlemit Hlwl Nnv, 30, HoMriwj for tho nircl- Attending worn Mr, nnd Mm, Mniy C'nlhrilm? Viiinii, ilniiKlitrr viii'Kn Will*, Mr, nnd Mm, (Icni'Rn "f Mr, nnil Ml1*, llrni.v Vnnin of A well tinmvii iiiniiiifiirliircr of Imlli ntid lirilrniim MIR* clowcil nut nrvornl liiindrrd riigt 'JO, of fill Illuhlnml |,|Vi|., Krnpn. liiK nrc Mm, John Hcutt, Mr», Nol- lnir«, mill Mnmnn ('mn, if,, ,,f Jieil i> HnvdK, Mm, William Wlillncv, Cioufll, Mr, ami Mm, 1 Ionium Knit 14ml nvr, nnil Hlxlli *l,, ITh • In in nl II I'limn nut. Tlii'mt nmi urn nil Hindu mi iliiniuiird rug IIHIIIIK—tlit-y uru WAMII- Hunk, HIM'UIIMI H ninrrliiKi) llcennn l'Ylt»rlir, Mr. nod Mm, Arthur lif-nlpil her nrrnnri liltthdiiy Out, Ti, Minn Kllirl Hen It horp niiii Mm, Alll.C-llicy am Ki;Vi;ltHllll,i;-lhiy «rll regularly 'or III eni'li. He mimrt mill buy Hi JU nl Din city clcrk'« olllct litre ye«- Wllllitm Mumford, June*, Mr. nnil Mr*. Tiny Cotton, A turkey dinner won KIVPM Huniliiy, Innliiy, Mr, iiml Mm, Hlclmnl Miounlny, Alli'MilliiR weir Mr, nnil Mm, Urn- Iciml ft unit nun Ihi'in for (,'lirUtiiinn |iri>»cii!«, (llvn n ti girt (lint will oont you leu* Minn O Mr, nnd Mm, Wllllnm Annum, Mr, 1 Tim poii|i|(! mild tliry would )JI> VIOI-A NAUdllTON 1'IHTMJAI, \y Viirnn, Hi , of TenniTli nml Mr. IIml Mm, A\berl Dlnlnmn, Mr, nnil it ml MM, I'nli Ick Mmim of linmu- linlf. All iH'iuitlfiil piiHlel riiliirn, Ht'ii Hie ilolnll Dun \vi>rkliMii*lilli on tlioitn nift'. Jn innrrlM In New Ynrli Hunilny, llfv. Mi.«, .laiiifn Taylor, Mi', nnd Mrs, Mi. WHIIIT will citticlnto. Mr*. VIOIH NntiHhton of llo|»> id,, lyn, irowflhiny lownnhlp, In n pnlldtt Wlllliini Hmv.vci, Mi. nnd Mm. l.rn Niuicy (lull MIIXKOII, ilnuiihli r o| Minn Hlfitfl win IMII-II In NfWiuh, nt Mniittinutli Mcnioilnl liimjiltnl lei' Tnyloi', ltiu\ nnil Mm, Jiuuc* Mr, nnd Mm. I'llmi'i1 Mnxrnn, . W, MMIMIHII, Mm, John Jolniniiii, liintril hrr M'I'OIUI lilithilnv wllli n Mm, II >y Ninth nnd l.rwlt IAHVI.V. Wrni'1. HIM |H I>»|»TI l\ P liiinlmhii, Her riiiiuitlnn I* irpniUil i imm| liinly I hi* inmilh Atli'iiillii)! wi'ii' National W^-'Storc Ilir ""» nf Menu mill Itulh .!»• niniMlnit nlllumjth "It* hml "» Ml', mill Mi*, .liilin M'lXftiui, Ml, < n».«..ii Coin, In » nullM of Saw night," Nix in ih( fntmn "Air Y>iu TI'HIIII«> , , l*l 47.BROA0 ST..REO BANK.N-JJ Vmk. • ll.»iHll>»uit t Ua Half Vmi «u|.i • ml Mm llMiiur I.IIIIM, Mi anil Botuitro, ktM"A< Mn, K«nn»ih L>uko served. Charles Allaire, Miss Agnes Kane Mrs. Benjamin Andreach. spent and Miss May Quiglcy. several days in Newark this week Rev. James G. Armstrong of Bos- The society is conducting a mem- ton is residing with Mr. and Mrs. where they attended the funeral of bership drive. The committee ex- a relative. Charles Ely. Friday Rev. Mr. Arm- pects to have 400 women enrolled strong, Mr. and Mrs. Qharles Ely, by Nov. 1. Lady Jean Mae Corquodale lodfje Get Ready For Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson and will hold installation of olllccrs daughter Virginia of Boston, and Nov. 14, It was decided by the Highlands group which met Monday evening PUBLIC SALE Mr. and Mrs. Willard White will attend a consecration service for at the West Keansburg fire house. ! Rov. Mr. Armstrong's son, who will The Taxpayers' association will Tho installing ulllcera will be from Kstfttc of Rhoda Wnlhank, romprMnjf entire Household Goodn, hold a forum In the grammar Elizabeth. Mrs. George Wright of FurnlnhlngR and I'nrmnnl Kn>ctn, will be Mid nt Public Auction \ be mado a bishop of the Episcopal school auditorium Nov. 2, when all Union Beach will be Installing dep- I Diocese of Philadelphia at Mcmor- local councilmanic candidates will uty for Argyle lodge In the Kearny on tho premlic* hi: I ial Church of the Advocate. be given an opportunity to express district Nov. 15. Monday afternoon a meeting was held for Past Chief OCEAN BLVD., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. Willard White will speak at a their views. 1 color television broadcast Saturday Mrs. Emiel Aufierl spent Monday Daughter. !' association of New {from Memorial hospital to the visiting relatives at Jersey City. Jersey. There were 109 members Corner of Ocean Ulvd. and Laurie Rd., about one mile ea*t of STORM IBIltmore hotel, New York city, A cinder block wall has been present. Atlantic Highland*. I where a cancer convention will he built around the Methodist church The R.S.C. club met last night in progress. Mr. "White will he property. A lawn will be planted at the home of Mrs. Mae CoHeld, j guest of Dr. Hayes Martin, the hos- shortly. Seclcy ave. WINDOWS pital's chief of staff. The Parent-Teachci- association Stanley Kool of Euclid ave. vis- Saturday, October 29 will sponsor a Halloween party to- ited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kool, morrow night at the school. Sr., of Jersey City, over the week- Starting at 10:JO A. M. SPECIALLY Everett end. $^95 The W.S.C.S. of the Mothodist Mrs. Mae Wyman Is spending Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanson church will hold a Halloween party Ihe week .with her sister, Mrs. ] and daughter Miriam of Cleveland, Tuesday night at the church for Kathryn Robinson, of Jersey City. PRICED! 2 1 O., spent Wednesday of last week the adults. A pre-school-ngc chii- ANI> UP I with Mrs. Bernard Hickey and drcn's Halloween party was held The Ladies' auxiliary (if the at the church this morning, while American Legion held its first fall AH Sizes Available • Stock or Custom-Bui It family. meeting Tuesday evening. The Pol- Mr. and lira. John Kelly of Free the lower grade children will be given a party this afternoon. An- lyanna birthdays of October and hold' visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald other church Halloween party will September wero celebrated. Those CLEAR PINE FRAMES OF STURDY Hickcy Friday. be hold tomorrow night for tho having birthdnys in those months IUPII-CIKLI Mrs, Bernard Warncker, who has Sunday-school children. were Mrs. Mildred Collette of Port SOWN CONSTRUCTION — 48 HOUR DELIVERY been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mat- Monmouth and Mrs. Martha Ruh- An Amazing 110 !>q. thew L. Mullin at Lincroft, has re- The Boy and Girl Scout troops man and Mrs. Dorothy Meislohn, Inchet of picture. turned home, of the borough will have a Hal- both of this borough. Mrs. Kathryn Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and loween purty tonight at tho Meth- Hubcr presided. SUI1T-IN AIWAl-No coifly, odist church. meiiy Installation needad. Reiss Lumber & Supply Co. children, Fay and Max, spent Fri- Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ollmour and day at New York city. Rev. Warren Layton of Matawan Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins spent PLUS Syncro-Sat tuning, PrcFlxtd MAIN STREET "Call the Lumber Number" EATONTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mendros will officiate at afternoon roll call the week-end with Boyco Collins, Fouii, AcuU Diitanca S*niifiv!ty, Pro- have returned from a short services Nov. 3 at the Methodist a student at' Brown university, WiFon for Color Conwrtor. EATONTOWN 3-1470 ===== church. Rev, Herbert Smith of Red Providence, II. I. They attended Public viewing on elite of sale from 9:30 A.M. until >alt tlms. All tion at Wllllamsburg, Va. Bank, superintendent of the New Items tu be removed /rom th« premUm at conclusion of mle. Keg&riileii the Brown-Lehlgh football game ASK FOR nttE HOME TftfAL nf waather condition* nal* will hn held iniloorn in healed house. Execu- Brunswick district Methodist Saturday. tor* nnfl Auctioneers shH]! not he re.jpon.ilhle in the event of accident or churches, will officiate nt the even- injurv, however oci-ftsioneri, tn any person or persons In, on or about the Miss Sadie Rhatlgan of Ruther- inem'ises. Lunch will he served. ing service at 7:30 o'clock. ford, Mrs. James W. Moran of The Water Witch Social club at- Wcstfleld and Mrs. Nettie Collins By Order of; tended a performance of "Mr. Rob-of Florida were week-end guests It's Gala-ltV the Event of the Year! erts" at New York city Wednesday ol Mr. and Mr». Harry Rhntigan. RAYTHEON Frank J. Alfschu!, Jamei B. Van Mater, John M. Pillibury, of last week. They had aupper at Mrs. Mae Ouehtcr of Newark the Hawaiian room in the Hotel is recuperating at the home of Executor* Lexington and visited the 181 club Mrs. June Covordalc. ' after the performance. Those who , I'ilUhitry, Carton A Sorenunn, Attorneys. Tho Young Adults of the Meth- made the trip were Mrs. William ^TELEVISION Sale under th« direction of Fahrcr, Mrs. Edward Finlay, Mrs. odist church went on a mystery ' Monster Halloween Party At Scenic Inn ride last night, which ended at Charles Hatzenbuehler, Mrs. Ed- 3. W. BURNS ward L*Marr, Mrs. Charlej Miller, Lakewood. While there, lh« group D. W. MAY CORP. B. O. COATS Auctioneer* visited Rev. Malcolm Wllletts, who 49-03 KDISON PLACE, Mrs. Burton J. Miller, Mrs. Walter 4fM> Bath Ave. Long Branch, X. Phone *-M»9 It's going to he the best yet! Vivacious party ideas will he com- Monahon, Mrs, Ernest Roy, Mrs. led devotional services. NEWARK, X. J. Edward Ryznar, Mr*. Bessie Spec- The annual autumn service at l'HONK MARKET 8-7550 bined and augmented by the delightful entertainment of Monmoulli kin, Mrs. Viola Schneider, Mrs. the Methodist church will be held Harold Oakes, Mrs. John Serren- Sunday at which time gifts will be County's newest sensation . . . Ihe biggest little hand this side of tino, Mrs. Charles Yuengat and brought for the patients at the Mrs. William Hodge. The nrxt Home for the Aged, Ocean Grove. Hollywood . . .THE JOHNNY CURTIS QUARTET! meeting of the club will b« Nov. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilmour, 2 on Bay ave. Jr., are vacationing In Bermuda. They left Saturday on the "Ber- If you've heard Johnny and his boys you'll be there! If you Mrs, Edward Hennessey, Mrs. muda Queen." haven't yet had the pleasure of their inimitable rhythms call William Begga and Mrs. Milda The Keanshurg public school Kleferdorf spent Wednesday of Parent-Teacher association held a last woek visiting the V.F.W. home card party Monday evening at the Atlantic Highlands 1-0388 and make a reservation right now for in Middletown township at which Frances place school. Mrs. Wil- time they presented a traveling liam Boyd was chairman. Mrs. the season's biggest treat. gavel. Helen Olski and Mrs. Nellie Ca- The auxiliary of the Veterans of stellano won prizes. Attending Foreign Wars post met Tuesday were Mrs. Vera Rocltafcllow, Mrs. night at the I^eglon hall and held Adelaide Rubin, Mrs. Madeline a card party and luncheon today Best, William Borger, Mrs. Henry THE SCENIC INN at the home of Mrs. Betty Mat- Snyder Sr., Mrs. Henry Snyder, thews at Hilton park. Jr., Miss Marjorle Snyder, Mrii. Viola Bnamfin, Miss Jane Moor- "Known Fur and Wide for the FineH in Food ami Hospitality" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rcpole of house, Mrs. Margaret Opdyke, Mrs. Brooklyn spent the week-end with Bertha Eicher, Mrs. Andrew Gress- Mr. and MM. Frank Miller. lick, Mrs. Mary Rockafellow, Mrs. 100 OCEAN BLVD. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Our Neighbors' club met last Norma Stanford, Mrs. Marry Rha- night at the home of Mrs. Peler tigan, Mrs. Margaret Medalln, Mrs. Lers. Fred Borger, Mrs. Grace Arne, Mrs. Harold Oakes has been Mrs. Edith Wilson, Mrs. Eleanor named chairman of the borough's Smith, Mrs. Arnette Benson, Mrs. Salvation Army drive. The cam- Charles Napp, Mrs. Harold E. But- paign hegan this week. terncld and Miss Ethel Sculthorp. WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR Councilman Louis Loder, Jr., represented the borough at '.he Th* Hit! Bank Register l> supported Sandy Hook Inlet hearing Friday br local as cell is out-of-town builnns. at Middletown. Andrew Anderson | men, Advertisements appearing ramj. 12th Anniversary nnd Miss Anna Drew nlso attended. |»rj, i.ll th. storr.—Advertisement. And at This Time WISH TO THANK Reed & Barton all those who have made this STERLING event possible.

To Show Our Appreciation

WE ARE OFFERING FOR 12 DAYS One ol the llirilli of tli« joyotit lime ol marriage . ., in tlie tiny you ctioote your'solid illver pattern, BEGINNING MONDAY, OCTOBER 31ST, or 125 yenrs,*discriminating brides have selected Reed 6 Bnrlon's magnificent sterling .-.-. m«u4crntf Use convenient THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL! themselves lorever n« women ot good tnite BANK MONEY ORDERS n REGULAR $15.00 and lave money. Come In today for details. MACHINE-MACHINELESS FOR $ 00 AND COLD WAVE 10 Phone RE. 6-3620 For Appointment SECOND NATIONAL WILBUR'S Vincent's Beauty Salon BRNK&.TRU5TCQ. pg JEWELERS REDBANI 10 UNDHN IM.ACK (Open Tlmi-miny Till *) IN M.) Ml) BANK ESTABLISHED 67 YEARS Page Sixteen EED BAXK REGISTER, OCTOBER 27, 1949

DOUBLE SPOT SERVICE ! Brighig t THE BETTER „ THE BEST FSUPER APPLES LIQUORS AND MARKET { HVHCRC THE WlSf WINES 1 CCONQMlIC ' DAVIDSONS 39'/i BROAD ST. 95 BROAD ST.' RED BANK 6-3334 RED BANK 6 37621 326J 4 a 25 THIS IS YOUR New Pack PINEAPPLE CNON. 2 ^ ft California JUICE Irw HALLOWE'EN DATES 2 CANDY HEADQUARTERS taU 16-Oz. TOMATO 3 cans £ can cans C Brach's Hallowe'en | tb. JUICE 29 25 1.00 ASST. MELLOWCREAMS ANCY OREGON uB BAG Brack's Hallowe'en | tb. WALNUTS 45c PEACH or APRICOT CANDY CORN BLACI< LB BAG NECTAR 3 Brach's Harvest 11 -oz. FIGS ' - 3 5c 32' BUTTERSCOTCH BALLS bag 29° FIGS CALIFORNIA HB. BAG 45C Brach's Harvest l-ib. JUMBO SWEET *> JELLY BEANS bag 29° i PEAS Z 37' Charm's large PLANTERS PEANUTS ™ 31c POPS box 25 Charm's NW"! FRUIT NO, small CHEE WEES - • 39c POPS box Zfor 25 COCKTAIL Peter Paul 10c BARTLETT AA MOUNDS 3 bars •| Good Spirits by Davidson Bros. |^M) TAll Peter Paul 10c PEARS 16 ALMOND JOY 3 bars DOUBLE SPOT SERVICE!. Puritan 10c CLIhfG, SLICED OR HALVES THE BETTER NO.'2'A MARSHMALLOWS 2 l*g. THE BEST CAN Kraft Lib. IN PEACHES CARAMELS bag \ LIQUORS SOLID PACK CUSTARD 0^ Charm's Lib. AND MARKET NO. SOUR BALLS tin WHERE THE WISE I i WINES ECONOMIZE Pumpkin Mm Charm's 1-lb. HARD CANDIES tin 39