U".Ono..!Zlf A.,Date-,Pl. ) I1'0""'"""..,I*Ilj,Iljn, ;Mr*Ffi Hi*:Ffi Fri,*"Rc,I".,?;,Rilil:*",,It.Ts"Hl1iifi L{

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U t- Memo Nn i7-i3 T&E Dare ) I \ t1 Copy forwarded to r1.," Di;; Co;. of ,ndin Mini.,o of Environment and Forest Climate Chance (f.C. Division) tndira paryavaran-Btia*rr. an.i I J",'Breh.;;;;;;'Roaa, New t0003/ Addirionat principal Chiet Consenaror Dethi_ t"srem of (C*;i; b"_,i*oi i;ia_ Regionat omce. A 3. chandraseklarpur. Bhrbur..*;;_r;;o;;io.iuJi,on.foresrs MoFF&CC, -a ,..",.ury y"n,,opo. l'5?.paroare t.l ) I.l sp.ciar se".ertra:J,{{fie"r *."o,.,'lxl*lJ;*,t:.,wtxtt:fiHi::il"1",,jlilT:yd,Jtr,if":illl Nuagaon. Lurr(sror. Nayag DisFNayagarh for intormaLion and ne-c.:-,iy.;,i.":- I _l rrr".oNo.. lE4]earrut"'L€ i i'l t,""iulse"'etu,vtJd,#,|i''L'n1 eaar. p^ccr. o.,. o,["ln'" ?Hll'jJl#.,1T5:li'ly Foresr Diversion & Nodar officer. rc .* uiubaneswar circle/ DFo' Nayagarh informarion and necessaii""r"r. " Foresr Dirision for u".oNo..!Zlf a.,Date-,pl. ) i1'0""'"""..,i*ilJ,ilJn, ;mr*ffi Hi*:ffi Fri,*"rc,I".,?;,rilil:*",,it.ts"Hl1iifi L{. sp""i"r M".o No. l]6t /F&p oate ?S I l? s..*,".y I Ll"lJ,,llt _ Copy lon a-raea to rhe UnaJ3e" ;;?#iiJ,.#,,::::,",:ff mgi,.l,t ?,[,"i]:ilff];,:xiT [:?,il[T.,u:"il;? itE ,o**, ,*** ,l *"'.il;r", GOI'ERNMEM OF ODISHA FOREST & ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Y-11 r- t1 No.l0t- 1Cons194rl8 I /J9 nac. oat. A! \ (Orissa In exercise ofthe po*ers conferred under Section-33 ofthe Orissa Forest Act, 1972 Act 14 of 1972), the State Govemment do hereby declare that the following land situated in Village-Chfancirunia under Ranpur Tahasil in the District ofNayagarh mutated and hansferred in proposed favoulr of f&g Department for riising Compersatory Afforestation thereon against the aiversion of fSZ+.iZtra of forest land ior construction of Brutanga Major Irigation Prcject vide in p,ln"ipi" upp-."f Oraer No.8-23l2010-FC dtd.31.08.2010/dtd 09 09'2010 ofCovemment oflndia" it4ini"i* oi'Environment and Forests & Climate Change, New Delhi under Section-2 of the Forest (Conseivation) Act, 1980, the limits ofvr'hich are specitied below and the area-ofwhich is 303 51ha protected of issue of the Notification and iz+s.qs a".) ;ha[ be Forests with ellecr from the date ;hall be known as chhanchunia Proteded Forest. Forcst Block Name ofthe Protected Forests Chhanchunia Protected tr'orest Area in Ha. 303.51ha. Area in Affe 749.98 Ac. Name ofthe village Chhanch nia Name of the P.S Sarankul Name ofthe Tahasil Ranpur Name of the Sub-Divisiofl Nayagarh Name ofthe District Nayagarh Land Schedule: sl. Village Kh Plot Kissam Total Boundary Description (Plot No ata No. Nos. existing) No. (in Ac) N".th T-s.,th T East Plot No.8, Sunduria Gundurab I Chlanchunia 511 I Pallada 35.50 sundur;a & Gundurabad 26,28,29 vill€e & ari village 5 Pahada 42.3',7 villag€ &30of Reserved 6 Pahada 28.44 Chhanchu Forest '7 Pahada 47.00 t nia village 27 Pahada 20.62 45 Palada 3t.25 PlotNo.36, PlotNo.62 Plot No. Gundurab 43&44of of 35,46 & ari village Chlanchunia Chhanchu 41 of village nia village Chhanclun ia village t2 Pahada 15.00 Plot No. 10, Plot No. Sunduria PlotNo. 451 '72 of 58 Pahada 24.06 13, 15,21 & 62,63 & village & 64 Rese ed Chhanchu 59 Pahada 57.50 57 of of Chhanchunia Chhanchu Forcst nia 60 Pahada 3',7.62 village nia village village & Pahada 61 Kakalama villaae No. 62 PaLada 42.00 Plot No.59 & Kakalama Baunsagad Plot vr a village & 68 of 63 Pahada 39.19 61 of llage Reservcd Chhanchu 64 Pahada 42.81 Chhanchunia Foresl nia Pahada 37.50 village 65 village & Pahada 39.69 66 Kakalama 61 Pahada 42.69 viltage 69 Pahada 36.25 1 { rder of the MAHAPATRA) Additional Chief Secretary to Govertrment Bv e-mail: deDuNdirectombArediffmai Lcom r'.r"." u.. -i7.36-E4i61,"-51;lf \4 Copy forwarded to the Director oll'rinting, Stationary and Publication, Odisha" Cuttack for publication in an extra ordinary issue of the Odisha Gazette and supply l0 copies each 1o F&E Department/ Director ofland Records and Surveys, Odish4 Cuftacld Collector, Nayagarh/ DFO, Nayaga.h,/ Tahasildar, Ranpur, District-Nayagarh. The Notification is statutory and may be assigned S.R.O number. speciar secrea,yfrffi*t v".oNo. [?37 rapout" !9 \ \1 Copy forwarded to the Director, Go\4, of India" Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate Change (F.C. Division) Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh, Aliganj Road, New Delhi- I 10003/ Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central) Govt. of India, MoEF&CC, Eastem Regional Offlce, A/3, Chandrasekiarpur, Bhubaneswar-23 for information and necessary acrion. .{\e,,l,f ,< l'7)o \ ,G\ SpecialSecretary tdCovemdrdnt' Memo No. r /JO /I&E Dare jr^r^ ' \ coplT -ardea to ttr" R-"".oo"*d Dir*ter Management Depaltrnenv Director of Land Records and Surveys, Odisha" Cuttack/ R.D.C (CD), Cuttack/ Collector, Nayagarh/ Tahasildar, Ranpur, DislNayagarh for information and necessary action. rl_".,. spoiur s".r"tu,y 1o coiJI|,'Jt Ira"^oNo. l7?'l rraeout"-€-\' \1 Copy forwarded to the PCCF, Odisha / Addl. PCCF, Forest Diversion & Nodal Officer, FC Act, O/o the PCCF, Odisha / RCCF, Bhubaneswar Circle/ DFO, Nayagarh Forcst Division for infomation and necessary action. specur secreary *o',,.SJlil lli-t^t ,/ MemoNo. / lv /F&E DSre asr\1 Copy fonvarded 16 lhe O1C. State Portal, NIC, IT Department, Odisha Secretariat, Bhubaneswar/ M/s Lulrr{nous Infoways Pvt. Ltd., Sadhana, N-6/373, Nayapalli, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar-I5 for infotmation and necessary action/ 5 spare copies for Guard file. sp""iur s"",",u,y,l*ltilll, Memo No. l?Yl rnap oate-Af.:L- I Copy forwarded to the Under Secretary to Covemment, Office Establishment Section, F&E Department for information and necessary action with reference to their letter No.21646l F&E dtd.22.t 1.2016. ,r"",rr""*,*fr;t]Iy* GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA F'OREST & NNVIRONMENI DEPARTMEM NOTIFICATION No.roF(cons)e4lr8 1796,r'aB,o.],1?il \1 ln exercise of the powers conferred under Section-33 ofrhe'Orissa Forest Act, 1972 (Orissa Act 14 of 1972), the State Govemment do hereby declare that the following land situated in Village-Banuasahi under Nuagaon Tahasil in the District of Nayagarh mutated and hansferred in favour of F&E Department for raising Compensatory Afforestation thereon against the proposed diversion of l524.l7ha of forest land for conshuction of Brutanga Major Irigation Project vide in p nciple approval Order No.8-231201o-FC dtd.31.08.2010/d1d.09.09.2010 of covemment of Indi4 Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change, New Delhi under Section-2 ofthe Forest (Conservation) Act 1980, the limits ofwhich are specified below and the area ofwhich is 40.2lha (99.37Ac.) shall be Protected Forests with efleot from the date of issue bf the Notification and *all be known as Banuasahi Protected Forest. Forest Block Namg ofthe Protected Forests Banuasahi Protected Forest Area in Ha. 40.21ha. Area in Acre 99.37 Ac. Name ofthe Village Banuasahi Name ofthe P.S Nuagaon Name ofthe Tahasil Nuagaon Name of the Sub-Division Nayagarh Name ofthe District Nayagarh LrDd Schedule: sl. Village Khota Plot Kissam Totsl Boundary Description No No. No. (Plot Nos. eristins) (in Ac) North South East I Banuasahi t43t52 ll Parbat-II 59.62 Plot No. 418, Sulia Plot No. Andhikiari 421 Parbat-ll 39.15 503,502,501, Reserved 422 of village 500_ r2 & r0 Forest Banuasahi of Banuasahi village' village & Mdisar village Total 99.37Ac (40.21ha) By Ord$ of the coveger/ til*sA'vl (SURESII:SH CIIANDRACHAI{DRA MAIIAPATRA)MAHAPATR^ Additional Chief Secretary to Goverllment By e.mail: !9 Memo No. r1 Copy forwarded to the Director ofPrinting, Stationary and Publioation, Odisha, Cuttack for publication in an extra ordinary issue of the Odisha Gazette and supply 10 copies each to F&E Department/ Direotor of Land Records and Surveys, Odisha, Cuttack/ Collector, Nayagarh/ DFO, Nayagarh/ Tahasildar, Nuagaon, District-Nayagarh. The Notification is statutory and may be assigned S.R.O number. sp..iut s".,"tu.y toH"iililll GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA FOREST & ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION \ \'-l r.ro. r0F lconn oall t \?Y1 .nar. oute 15 l972 (Orissa ln exercise ol'the pow.rs conlerred ,nder SiGi-J3ofthe Orissa forest Act land situated in Act t4 ;i 1972), the State Govemment do hereby declare that the following transferred in vtli";;-;;"d;;" under Nuagaon Tahasil in the District of Nayagarh mutated and ;;;,r";:;;;E i6r"."nt for raising compensatory Afforestation thereon againsl the proposed Brutanga Major lnigation Project vide in ajr"rrf- f SZ+.fifra of forest land ior corstruction of "i o.,ler No.8_23120to-Fc dtd.31.08.2010/dtd.09.09.2010 0fGovemment oflndia, i.liri.I*",i..i"i" .i!nri.o*"nt"oororut and Eorests & Climate Change, New Delhi under section-2 of the Forest ;;;ir;il;; ilait86, the limits of which are specified belo* and the area of which is 64 58h4 with cttect from the date of issue of the Notitication and ii,;"s;A".i;lr"x ;.plotectEJ F,rrists o U;ll;;;;;;;B;Jurupa Protected Forest. Forest Block Forest Name ofthe Protected Forests Bardurupa Protected Area in Ha. 64.58ha. Area in Acre 159.59Ac. Name ofthe Village Bardurupa Name of the P.S odagaon Name ofthe Tahasil Nuagaon Name of the Sub-Division Nayagarh Name of the District Nayagarh Land Schedule: DescriPtiotr sl. Vilhge Khata Plot Kissam Totsl Boundary (Ptot Nos.
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