INTRODUCTION LENT 3: THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS... , The apostle Peter writes: 18For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, “It is better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness!” that He might bring us to God, The wisdom of that proverb is so blatantly obvious, yet so readily ignored! being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, 19in which He went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, A similar sentiment is found the paraphrase of a statement 20because they formerly did not obey, originally found in the writings of George Bernard Shaw, when God's patience [longsuffering] waited in the days of Noah, spoken by Edward Kennedy in the Eulogy he delivered in honor of his brother Robert, while the ark was being prepared, “Some men see things as they are and say why? in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water.2 I dream things that never were and say why not?”1 Even as God’s burned against the evil spirits and corrupted mankind, God withheld His anger, while Noah built the Ark. Both quotes express a simple truth: Then, when the was appropriate, In life, how easy it is to criticize and condemn what is wrong, with Noah and his family, and all the animals, safe in the Ark, rather then work to create, to do, what is good. God sent the Flood and the world that was perished. Likewise, in his Second letter, the apostle Peter writes that God is now “longsuffering”, SETTING as God now is withholding His anger that man may find , Tonight, we see that very truth encapsulated, captured and condensed, and that those receiving salvation may escape the coming judgment. in two characteristics of the godly character produced by the in God’s children The apostle Peter writes: expressed in the words “Patience” and “Kindness”. 7But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly. God’s desire for you is not that you steadfastly “Curse the darkness”, 9The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but that you readily, “Light a candle”! but is patient [longsuffering] toward you, God’s desire for you is not merely look at the evil around you in the world and ask “Why?” not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.3 but that you have a vision of what is good, noble, loving and ask “Why Not?” The apostle Paul, who as a Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus, persecuted the church, THE “FRUIT” OF THE SPIRIT IS... PATIENCE, KINDNESS: until appeared to him when Saul was traveling to , – Paul cites the “longsuffering - patience” of Jesus with him As we look at these two qualities of the “Fruit” of the Holy Spirit, as an example for everyone , brought forth in the life of a Christian who yields to the Spirit, that Christ “withholds His anger” against our sin, let me again remind you that the “Fruit” of the Spirit is one Fruit, that we might receive forgiveness in Him through faith. with many characteristics, or aspects. (Much like a gem that is cut with many facets.) The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: The “Fruit” of the Spirit is a godly character, 16But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, where one is transformed, changed, and becomes like God, and bears the image of God. Jesus Christ might display His perfect patience [longsuffering] The godly character has many aspects. as an example to those who were to believe in Him for eternal life.4 22The Fruit of the Spirit is , joy, , patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 The apostle Paul said that he was a living example of the “longsuffering” patience of Jesus, gentleness, self-control; – :22-23 Who could have acted in anger and judgment against him, but instead, Who withheld His anger and showed Paul love and grace. LET’S TAKE A LOOK NOW AT PATIENCE How we thank and praise God for His “longsuffering” patience with us, In Greek, the original language of the New Testament, thus, of Paul’s letter to the Galatians, as we struggle with sin, the word for “Patience” is makrothumia, ìáêñïèõìßá, meaning, “long + passion, anger”, as we take “3 steps forward and 2 steps backward” in our faith walk with God. – that is “long in withholding an expression, a display, of anger”. – in the King James Version of the Scriptures, the word is rendered, “longsuffering”. How God exercises His “longsuffering” patience toward us – common English translation today is “patience”. is how we should exercise “longsuffering” patience, withholding our anger, in our interactions with others. In His character, God is “longsuffering”, The apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus: as “God withholds His anger, that some might be spared” from His judgment. 1I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner God’s anger burned against the evil spirits who corrupted mankind in the days of Noah. worthy [in balance] of the calling to which you have been called, 2 Yet God withheld His judgment against mankind while Noah built the Ark, with all humility and gentleness, 5 that Noah and his family, that the human race, might be spared in the coming Flood. with patience [longsuffering], bearing with one another in love,... In the Body of Christ, the Church, we come together 28Let the thief no longer steal, as young Christians and mature Christians; but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, as inexperienced and learning Christians and experienced, ever-learning Christians; so that he may have something to share with anyone in need (chreia). as shy/quiet Christians, as friendly/outgoing Christians; 29Let no corrupting (dead, overripe, rotting animal) talk come out of your mouths, with all types of personalities, experiences, desires. but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion (chreia), Yet, with so much variety and differences, – we all have what in common? that it may give grace to those who hear. We all want to be loved, valued, accepted! Someone in poverty, with no money, has many needs, food, clothing, shelter. In the LWML Handbook, there is a short service for the Installation of Officers. The one who works can use his money to meet whatever the need of poverty. Over the years, this Order of Installation has been used time and again, Someone in snared in sin, in weakness, in despair, does not need criticism, but encouragement. as the newly elected President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer, Whatever the need, we can offer words appropriate for “building up”, are each installed into Office. giving “grace” – “undeserved, unmerited, kindness/favor” to the one who hears. As the Order of Installation concludes with a , That’s chrçstotçs! – “useful kindness, well fit for use, meeting real needs”. the Prayer asks God to help those being installed and those in the organization, for God’s Blessing, with these words: How these two qualities of God’s divine character go hand-in-hand at ! Lead us to discover our greatest potential as well as our limitations. Withholding of anger, neither speaking nor acting in anger, Help us accept the humanity of one another. Rather, in “useful kindness” offering what the situation requires Most of all, instill in all of us daily dependence on You, our loving Father. 6 for helping someone in need of a good deed or a good word. Every Christian has “great potential” and “limitations”. You and I live within the confines of our “potential” and “limitations”. CONCLUSION Can you be “longsuffering” with the “limitations” of your brothers/sisters in Christ? Every Christian lives in the “Flesh” and has the “indwelling” of the Holy Spirit. “It is better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness!” As the apostle Paul writes, the “Flesh” and the “Spirit” are opposed to each other. How blessed are we, that God lit the candle of Christ in the world and in us! Can you withhold anger when a brother/sister in the faith, falters, and in weakness yields to the “Flesh”? In Christ, God cursed the darkness, as Jesus bore our sins and received our punishment. In Christ, God lit the light of His love and His grace, Every Christian must daily strive to “depend” upon God our Father and His Spirit. Can you speak a word of encouragement to a brother/ sister in the faith, and offers us pardon of our sins and the credit for Jesus’ righteous life. Yes, one day God will curse the darkness that remains in this world, when he/she is overwhelmed, feeling weak, discouraged, unappreciated? and the darkness in those who reject Christ and who reject the salvation He has won. But that curse will only come after God has withheld His anger, His judgment, NOW LET’S TAKE A LOOK AT KINDNESS for all of human history, until the Last Day. In Greek, the word for “Kindness” is chrçstotçs ÷ ÷ñçóôüôçò, Even then, that Judgment, clears the way for the brightness of a of unending Light! meaning, “useful kindness, well fit for use, meeting real needs”, – we have no term in English that quite carries this notion of “kind and purposeful”. When you are surrounded by darkness, Withhold that anger that may boil inside you. Scripture says of God’s “Kindness” God has a day in reserve for avenging all the evil in this world. : Now is the time to refrain and to rebuild. 4But when the goodness [useful kindness] and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, In “useful kindness”, in words and deeds “well fit for use, meeting real needs” 5He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, “as fit the occasion” build up others around you. but according to His Own mercy,7 What God in Christ is to you, – you, by the power of Christ in you, be to others. AMEN In His “Kindness” God supplied exactly what we sinners needed – the Savior! In our sin, we didn’t need God’s anger! God’s anger could not help us1 We deserved it! But anger is not what we needed! ______So, God withheld His anger, that we deserved, and instead, God gave us what we needed – His love, in the Flesh, in Jesus! 1 5Ephesians 4:1-2 The Holy Spirit seeks to produce the same “useful kindness, meeting the real need” 21 Peter 3:18-20-8 6LWML Handbook 2009, page G in you and in me. 32 Peter 3:7, 9 7Titus 3:4-5 How? I think the apostle Paul gives us two examples of meeting the “needs” of others. 41 Timothy 1:16 In Ephesians 4, he writes: