" •

1 Reg. No. GR!Rm>//321 I' RNINo. GOAENG/2002{64l0 I Panaji, .16th September, 2004 (Bhadra 25, 1926) I SERI ES III No. 25 ...... ~ OFFICIAL~~GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA

GOV:ERNMENTOFGOA. 3. Case No,. EXC/PON/2004-05/2 dated 25-4-2004 at 'risk, Usgao, Panda-Goa: a) 1 qt. bottle comaining.of Cashew Urrack. Department of Finance. b} 1 plastic bottle' containing 300 m!. of Palm Liquor. c)l qt. bottle containing 500 mi. of Cashew Urrack. Revenue & Expenditure Division d) 1 nip containing 60' m!. 'of Blended Palm Liquor. e) 2 empty glasses. Office of the Commissioner of Excise 4.' Case No. EXC/PON/2004-05/05 dated 20-5-2004 at Kundaim Industrial Estate, Ponda-Goa: Excise Station- Ponda a) 2 qt. bottle of Honey Guide Brandy. b) 6 nips of Honey Guide Brandy. c) 5 nips of '!bnia rum. Notice d) 1 qt .. bottle containing 300. m!. of Real Whisky. e) 1 qt. bottle containing 300 mi. of Express Cashew The unknown owners of the following liquor Feni. goods/containers found abandoned at the place and· dates shown against them in Ponda ThJuka; are hereby Ponda, 24th. August, 2004.- The Excise Inspector, intimated to appear before the Excise Inspector, Excise Satish G. Gadker. Station, Ponda Taluka within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice· in the Official Gazette to --H.-- claim the rights to the said liquor goods/containers. Department of Town. and Country Planning After the expiry ofthe aforesaid time limit the liquor goods/containers shall be . forfeited in favour of the Notification Government. No. 40/9/TCP/2004 1. Case No. EXC/PON/2003-04/20 dated 26-8-2003 at Mudai, Panchawadi, Pond~-Goa: Whereas the Panaji Outline Development Plan has been published in the Official. Gazette, Series III, a) 1 qt. bottle. containing 600 mi. of Rauls. Whisky_ No. 41, dated 11-1-1990 (hereinafter referred to as b) 1 qt. bottle containing 700 m!. cjf Honey Guide "DevelppmentPlan"). Brandy. c) .1 qt. bottle containing 400 mi. of Colarnbia Brandy. And, whereas the Government is of the opinion that some alterations and changes in the said Development d) 1 qt. bottle containing 500 m!. of Old Monk Rum. Plan are ·necessary. e) 1 qt. bottle containing 150 mi. of Green Label Whisky. And, whereas under Section 39(1) of the Goa '!bwn f) 1 qt. bottle containing 200 m!. of Old Bill Whisky. and Country Planning Act, 1974 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Board and the Government have 2. Case No. EXC/PON/2003-04/40 dated 26-3-2004 at considered it necessary to carry ounhe said alterations Usgao, Ponda-Goa: and changes in the said Development Plan. a) 1 qt. bottle containing 400 m!. of Real Whisky. And, whereas the Chief Town Planner has carried b) 1 qt. bottle containing 400 m!. of Green Label out necessary surveys/studies of the concerned areas Whisky. and referred the proposals to the Town and Country c) 1 qt. bottle containing 325 mi. of Cashew Urrack. Planning Board.

!}, ,---'==~ 202 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT.OF GOA SERIES III Na., '25 , 16TH SEPTEMBER, 2004

And, whereas the Board in its 112th adjaurned and proposed alteratians and changes in the said 115th meetings held an 22-9-2003 and 24:2-2004, Develapment Plan far rnfofInatlan af the persans likely respectively had cansidered the alteratians and to. be affectetl thereby and natice is hereby given that changes made in the said Develapment Plan and tl)e capies of the ,maps and na.tes cantaining ,the Gavernment gave cansent in terms at. SectioI) 34(2) of propased aiteratians., ind changes are kept' far the' the said Act to. the publicatian Of natIc"e, in this behaif. purpase af inspectianin the 'Office af the Chief Town Planner, TaWn and Cauntry Plannin!J Department, Dempa . Now, therefore: in exercise of.ihe'-powers',conferred Tawer, 2nd Floar, Pattei ~laza, Panaji-Gaa, for a periad af under Sectian 35(1) af the said Act, the Chief Tawn twa manths w.e.f. the date af publicatian of this natice Planner hereby natifies the belaw mentianed in the Officiai Gazette.

Sr. Name/S. NoJSub-Div. Village/Taluka Published Agreed for' Area alIo,we'd Decision of the Board No. No., File No. land use change' in m2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Approved by the T.e.p., Board in iis 112th adjourned meeting-'held on' .22-9-2003.

1. Kiran V N aik,_ Penha-de-France/ Partly Settlement Settlement 1,700 Approved for Settlement S2 an 108/6, DB/9207 /Bardez S2 & S2 area -of 1,700 m2 subject to Partly Agriculture clearance from concerned Al . authorities regarding tenancy matter.

~pproved by ~he T.C.R Board in its 115th meeting held on 24:'2-2004.

2. Jainabi Khan, Reis Magos/Bardez Orchard Settlement 300 Approved for Settlement S2 an 64/l-T, DB/9285 S2 area of '300 m2 only subject to favourable comments from Panaji P.D.A.

The camments/abjectians, if any, ali the praposed changes may be farwarded to the Chief Tawn Planner, Tawn and Cauntry Planning Department, Dempa Tower, 2nd Flaar, Patta Plaza, Panaji-Gaa.

Panaji, 6th September, 2004.- The Chief Tawn Planner, B. K. Sutaria. --... -- Department of Transport 1 2 3

Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa District distance of 5 m~tres from the main_ rbad at Taleigao Church near the re'sidence of Shri "Speed Breaker" Notification Atanasio Monserrate. 2 in Nos.

No.. 23/5/TIS/MAG/2004 2. On the newly ,constructeq . road: (1) Opposite Mendonca's re~idenc?; (2) On the road opposite Ideal School. In exercise the' powers_ conferred oil 'me under of (3) IIi between Pradip building ana" Section 112 of the Motar Vehicles Act, 1988 alid as N avnit Auto Service. propased by the Superintendent af Palice ('Il:affic), (4) After the turn near Pradip bUilding. Panaji, I hereby arder the canstructian af "Speed (5) In frop.t of Mendonca's house on "Speed Breaker" Breakers" at, the places mentianed in Calumn No.. 2 af 'old road leading to Thleigao Market. 5 in Nos. the Schedule belaw, within the jurisdictian af Village Panchayat, Taleigaa, Tiswadi. Further, in exercise of the powers conferred on me SCHEDULE under Sectian 116 af the abave Act. I also. autharise the erectian af 'Il:affic Sign Boards mentioned in Calumn 3 Sr. No. Locations Traffic Sign Boards and Cautianary Sign Boards at the appropriate places 1 2 3 against the each "Speed Breaker" quated above in order to regulate the _motor vehicular traffic. 1. On the newly constructed road: (1) In between v.P.K. Urban Co-opera­ tive Society and Bar Saluzin. Panaji, 23rd August, 2004.- The District Magistrate, (2) On Rua-de-Navidade Road, at a S. S. Keshkarnat.


Notification (Traffic), I hereby orderthe diversion' of vehicular traffic from Askawada to Junuswada junction for a period of No. 23/5/TIS/MAG/2004-312 60 days from the date of issue of this notification. '

In exercise of the powers-conferred on. me under During the above work, the Contractor/GSIDC Section 116 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and as should provide necessary barricades alongwith' the proposed by the Superintend",nt. of Police' (Traffic), required number of Traffic sign Boards showing the Panaji, I hereby notify the places indicated in Column diversion/closure of road at the ,above junctions for the No.2 for the purpose indicated in Column No.3 of the information of the motorists. below Schedule in the jurisdiction of Village Panchayat, ' Taleigao, Tiswadi-Goa. . The above work shall be completed within the notified period. . SCHEDULE Panaji, 2nd September, 2004.- The District Sr. 'No. PI,aces .Traffic Sign. Board Magistrate, S. S. Keshkamat.

1 2 3 --+-- 1. On both sides of entire stretch of newly constructed road from Office of the District Magistrate, South Goa, District 'Thleigao Market-St. Paul to 'Thleigao Church. "No Parking Zone" Notification 2. On both sides of the newly cons- tructed road from Namrata Niwas No. 37/15/2002/MAG/2830 to Navnit Auto Service Centre. "No Parking Zone" In exercise of the powers conferred on me under 3. On both sides of the newly cons­ Sections 112 and 116 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 tructed road from Mr. Robert (Central Act, 59 of 1988)' read with Government Mendonca's residence to Madhuban Notification No, 5/28/88-TPT(Part) dated 26th Complex at Tambdi Mati. "No Parking Zone" September, 1989, I, J. B. Singh, District Magistrate, South Goa, Margao, do hereby notify in public Fur~her, ip. .exercise of th~ powers conferred on me interest construction cif Rumblers as indicated in under the provision of the above Act. I also authorise Column No.2 of the Schedule below and also direct to the erection of Traffic Sign Boards indicated in erect the Traffic Sign Boards specified in Column Column No.3 against the places indicated in Column No. 3 of the' Schedule for the ptirpos~ Of .regulating No, 2 'of the above Schedule in order to regulate the ~otor vehlcu,lar .'traffic. motor vehicular traffic. SCHEDULE Panaji, 23rd August, 2004.- The District Magistrate, S. S. Keshkamat. S1. Name of the public Type of 'No. of '!laffie No. place Sign Boards Sign' Boards

1 2 3 4

Notification 1. 20 metres from the Rumbler '!\vo Sign Boards each 'Three-roads junction on Ahead on all link roads at a No. 23/8/PER/MAG/2004 Velim-Betul road. at distance of 15 metres Velim market. from the junction. Read:- 1) .Letter No. GSIDC/Engg/MlSC/153/1585 dated 25-8-2004 from the General'Manager (Eng.), 2. 15 metres from the Rumbler One each 15 metres Goa Infrastructure Development Corporation Three-road-Velim Bazar Ahead of the junction on all Ltd., Panaji. junction on Kumbya the three link roads. Bhat road opposite Social Centre Velim. 2) Letter No. SP/TRF/PAN/514/2004 dated 1-9-2004 from the Superintendent of Police 3. 15 metres from the Rumbler One each on both (Traffic), Panaji. T-Road junction, of the Ahead sides of the rumblers. road leading from Velim In exercise' of -the powers conferred' on me under Church to Baga-Ambelim on the left hand side of Section 115 of the Motor Vehicles Act,' 1988 and as the Church. proposed by the General Manager (Engg.), 'Goa' State Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd., in order 4. 15 metres from tpe T-Road Rumbler -do- to carry out the work of upgradation and improvement junction _. of the road Ahead leading to Caierowado, of the existing roads leading to beaches in Pernem and towards Velim market. as recommended by the Superintendent of Police 204 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III Nd.25 16TH SEPTEMBER, 2004

The Sarpanch of Village Panchayat, Velim, Shri Jayesh Ashok Patil, shall take necessary action to construct the Rumblers 26 years of age, rio Kirlapal, and display Sign Bo.ards and report compliance. Dabal, Quepem-Goa. - Respondent

Margao, 30th August, 2004.-=-The District '. Notice Magistrate, J. B.. Singh. 2. It is hereby made known to the public that by --+++-- Judgement and Decree dated 29th November, 2003 . passed by. this court, the matriage of the. Petitioner Advertisements Smt. Trupti Jayesh PatH alias Mayura Narain Palekar, rio Bhailipeth, H. No.9, Bicholim-Goa and Respondent In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division, Shri Jayesh Ashok Patil, rio Kirlapal, Dabal, Bicholim-Goa Quepem-Goa registered against the entry No. 03/03 dated 3-1-2003 before the Sub-Registrar.cum-Civil Registrar of- Sanguem Taluka, Sanguem is declared as Matrimonial Petition No. 20/2000/A voidable marriage. The Civil Registrar' shall endorse the . fact of divorce in records on the publication of the Smt. Shabana Bi Shaikh alias notice in the Official Gazette. Shabana Bi Khan, major, wife of . Shaikh Abdul Rauf, resident of Given under myhandand the seal of the Court, this H. No. 178/42, Narayan Nagar, 16th day of August, 2004. Honda-Goa. . - Plaintiff Sayonara Telles Laad, . Vis 'Civil Ju"dgei' Senior Division, Bicholim-Goa. Sh8ikh Abdul Rauf, major, son of Shaikh Ibrabim, . V. No. 26353/2004 resident of Tayub' Manzil,Opp. Chorao' Ferry Jetty, Ribandar-Goa .. - Defendant --+-.--.

Notice. Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrarand '. Notary Ex-Officio, Pernem"Goa . It is hereby made known to the: public that by Judgement and Decree dated 22nd April, 2004 p~ssed by thisCourt;the marriage ofthe Plaintiff Smt. 'Shabana NirmalaR .. Hunchimani, Civil" Registrar-cum-Sub­ Bi Shaikh alias Shabana Bi Khan and the Defendant -Registrar and Notary Ex-Officio, in the said Judicial Shaikh Abdul Rauf shall be. annulled and the Civil Division. Registrar of Bicholim is directed to cancel the entry No: 532/1999 of the Marriage Registration Book. The 3. In accordance with para 1st of Article 17.9 of Law Civil Registrar of Bicholim shall endorse the fact of No. 2049 dated 6-8-1951 and for the purpose of para divorce. in his records after the publication of the notice 2nd of the same Article, it is hereby made public that in the Official Gazette. by a ~ded of Succession drawn by and before me on 14-7-2004 at page 14 reverse of the Notarial Book Given under my hand and the seal of the' Court, this No.9 of Deeds of this office, following is recorded: 25th day of the month of August, 2004. That on fifth day of December, nineteen hundred Sayonara Telles Laad, and, ninety-three, expired at' Shirgal, Dhargal, Civil Judge, Senior Division, Pernem-Goa Smt. SaraswatiYisharam Harmalkar alias Bicholim-Goa. Sorasvoti or' Saraswati Visrarri Araniliolcar without Will or any other deposition of her last wishes, V. No. 26306/2004 leaving 'behind her as her half sharer or moiety holder her husband .8hri Visrama Pandu Arambolcar alias Visram Pariduranga Hannalkar o,r Vishram; Panduranga Matrimonial Petition. No. 9/20031A Harmalkar and as her sale and universal heirs and successors her following children, namely: (a) Sudacor Smt. Trupti Jayesh PatH alias Visr!lma '_Armo~caI_ alias Suq.ac?,r Vi~hram Harmalkar, Mayura N arain Palekar, 22 years major, 'married. to, Sampada Sudacar· Armolcar; of age, rio Bhailipeth, H. No.9, (b) . Shindhudas Visram Harmalkar, major, married .to Bicholim -Goa. - Petitioner Sadhana Shindhudas Harmalkar; (c) Vilas Vishram . Harmalkar, major, bachelor, busine,~~,. all resiq.ents of .. Vis ,Shirgal, Dhargalim, Pernem-Goa and (dl 'avi'." GOVERNMENT OF GOA OFFICIAL. GAZETTE Series ill


Sr. Series, No. & Notification/Order/Notice Date . Subject D.epartment Page No. Date ,No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

290. III, No. 15 ·Notification 24-6-2004 Protection of Bund Dept. of Revenue. 105 8-7-2004 291. -do--- -do--- 21-6-2004 Erection of Signboards Transport 105 'Bus Stop' 292. -do--- -do--- 21-6-2004 Erection of Signboards -do--- 106 "No Parking Zone" 293. -do--- -do--- 23-6-2004 Construction of Road -do- 106 294. -do--- -do--- 23-6-2004 -do--- -do--- 107 295. -do--- Notice 7-6-2004 Divor"ce Notice Court of Civil Judge, 107 Sr. Divn., llhas, 296. -do--- -do--- 18-6-2004 -do- -do- 107 297. -do--- -do--- 22-6-2004 -do--- Court of 1st Addl. Civil 107 Judge, Sr. Div., Margao. 298. -do--- -do- 16-6-2004 -do- II1rd Add!. Civil Judge, 109 Sr. Div., Margao. 299. -do--- -do--- 24-6-2004 Change of Name Civil Regisn.rr, Pernem. 109 300. -do--- -do--- 24-6-2004 -do--- Civil Registrar, Ponda. 110 301. -do--- -do- 2'7-2004 Audit of Comuiridactes Administration of 110 Comunidades, Central Zone, Panaji. 302. -do--- -do- 27-6-2004 Meeting of Devasthan Shri Saunsthan 111 Bhagavati Chimulkarin, Marcela-Goa. 303. -do--- -do--- 7-6-2004 -do--- Shri Manguesh Dev. 111 Priol, Mardal. 304. -do--- -do--- -do--- Ramnath Devalaya, 112 Ramnathi. 305. -do--- -do--- 28-6-2004 -do--- Shri Mahalaximi 112 Saunsthan, Bandiwade. 306. -do--- -do--- 27-6-2004 -do--- Shri Santadurga 112 Saunsthan, Kavale. 307. -do--- -do--- 27-6-2004 -do--- Shri Santadurga 112 Chibulkarin, Curlorim. 308. -do--- -do--- 24-6-2004 -do--, Saunsthan Damodar, 112 Canacona. 309. Sr. III, No. 15 .. Notification No. 29/1-3/TCP/ 7-7-2004 Notification Town & Country Planning 113 Extro. dt. 13-7-04 /2004/2533 210. -do- Notification No. 40/9/2004/ 12-7-2004 Final Notification -do- 114 /TCP/2574 311. -do--- Notification No. 40/9/2004/ 12-7-2004 -do--- -do--- . 115 /TCP/2576 12-7-2004

312. -do--- Notice 9-7-2004 Meeting of Devasthan 8hri Sateri Dev 116 Panchayathan, 313. -do--- -do--- 11-7-2004 -do--- Chandreshwar Bhutnath 116 'Saunsthan -'-".-- 314. Sr. III, No. 16 Notice 1-7-2004 Public Auction of Dept. of Fisheries. 117 dt. 15-7-2004 . Fishing Sti.ke


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

315. Sr. III, No. 16 Notification No. 23/4/BAR! 1-7-2004 Widening of NH.17 Dept. of Transport. 118 dt. 15-7-2004 /MAG/2004 316. -do- Public Notice No. 341011 11-6-2004 N.O.C. for Explosives Add. District Magist. 118 /2004-Exp/MAG Margao. 317. -do- Notice 30-6-2004 . Notice of Divorce Gourt of Civil Judge, 118 Sr. Div., Margao. 318. -do- -do- 7-7-2004 Change of N arne 0/0. Civil Registrar, 119 llhas, Panaji. 319. -do- -do- 2-7-2004 Deed of Succession 0/0. Civil Registrar, 119 Monnugao.

320. -do- -do- 24-6-2004 Change of ~ arne -do- 119 321. -do- -do- 7-7-2004 -do- 0/0. Civil Registrar, 120 Saleete, Margao. 322. -do- .-do- 8-7-2004 -do- -do- 120 323. -do- -do- 30-6-2004 -do- -do- 120 324. -do- -do- 5-7-2004 -do- 0/0. Civil Registrar, 120 -Sanguem-Goa. 325. -do- -do- 17-5-2004 Deed of Succession 0/0. Civil Registrar, 120 Canacona-Goa. 326. -do- -do- 5-7-2004 Application for plot Administration Office 121 of land on (lease) of Comunidade, Bardez. 327. -do- -do- 2-7-2004 -do- -do- 121 328. -do- -do- 4-7-2004 -do- Comunidade of Serula. 121 329. -do- -do- 4-7-2004 Meeting of Devasthan Shri Maharudra 122 Saunsthau, Mapusa. 330. -do- -do- 13-7-2004 -do- Shri Bodgeshwar 122 Saunsthan, Mapusa. 331. -do- -do- 4-7-2004 -do- Shri Saunsthan 122 Devkikrishna Rawalnath, "Marcela-Goa. 332. -do- -do- 5-7-2004 -do- Shri Naguesh Maharudra 123 Bandivade, Ponda. 333. -do- -do- 5-7-2004 -do- Shri Mahalasa Narayan 123 Dev., Salcete.

334. -do- -do- 4-7-2004 -do- Shri Saptakoteshwar Dev. r 124 MorpirIa, Quepem. 335. .-do- -do- Private Advertisements Shri Renato Sabasteao 124 L. Mascarenhas. 336. -do- -do- -do- Santana Patrocinio Furtado 124

337. -'-<:lQ.....c Notice Private Advertisements Antonio Virgilioda '124 Jesus Pereira. 338. . -do- -do- -do- Smt. Maria Verodiana 124 Preciosa de' Souza Fonseca. --+++--

339. Sr. Ill, No. 17 Order No. 5/NBH(5-33)/ 13-4-2004 Cancelation of Registration Dept. of Tourism. 125 dt. 22-7-2004 /2004-DT/149 of Paying Guest House 340: -do- Order No. 5/S(1-158)/2004-DT/155 15-4-2004 -do- -do- 125

341. -do- Oider No. 5tITR(804)/2004-DT/169 19-4-2004 Cancelation of Reg~stration -do- 125 of Tourist Taxi 342. -do- Order No. 5tITR(1257)/2004-DT/205 19-4-2004 -do- -do- 125 343. -do- Order No. 5/NBH(20-1)/2004-DT/299 30-4-2004 Cencelation of Registration of -do- 126 Paying Guest Accommodation 344. -do- Order No. 5/NBH(20-19)/2004-DT/300 30-4-2004 -do- --:do- 126

345. -do- Public Notice No. 35/5/2004-PET/MAG 2-7-2004 N. 0. C. for storage of 0/0. District Magistr~te, 126 Petroleum Product ,South Goa, Margao. (iii)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

346. Sr. III, No. 17 Notice 17-5-2004 Divorce Notice In the Court of Civil 126 dt.22-7-2004 Judge, Sr. Div., Valpoi. 347. -do- -do- 7-7-2004 Change of Name C/o. Civil Registrar, 127 Pernem. 348. -do- -do-. 14-7-2004 -do- 0./0. Civil Registrar, 127 Bardez, Mapusa. 349. -do- -do- 7-7-2004 -do- 0./0. Civil Registrar, . 127 Tiswadi, Panaji. 350. -do- -do­ 7-7-2004 -do- -do- 127 351. -do-. .,--do­ 14-7-2004 -do- -do- 128 352. -do- -do- 15-7-2004 -do- -do- 128 353. -do- -do- 8-7-2004 -do- . Civil Registrar, ponda. 128 354. -do- -do- 12-7-2004 Deed of Succession C/o. Civil Registrar, 128 Margao, Salcete. 355. -do- -do- 5-7-2004 Applied for the plot Administration Office 128 of. land (on lease) of the Comunidades, ;Mapusa~Goa. 356. -do- -do- 2-7-2004 -do- -do- 129 357. -do- -do- 9-7-2004 -do- -do- 130 358. -do- -do- 20-7-2004 -do- -do- 130 359. -do- -do- 5-7-2004 -do- Comunidade of Assagao. 130 360. -do- -do-. 5-7-2004 -do- -do- 130 361. -do- -do- 30-6-2004 N atice of Meeting. Comunidade of Nadora. 131 362. -do- -do- 30-6-2004 -do- Comunidade of Tivim. 131 363. -do- -do- 26-6-2004 Application for the plot Comunidade of Pilerne. 131 of land (on lease)

364. -do- -do- 11-6-2004 Notice of Mee~ing. Comunidade of Cavorem. 131 365. -do- -do- -do- Comunidade of Curtorirn. 131 366. . '-"do- .-do- Meetirig of Devalaya Shri Krishria 132 Devasthan, EcoxUn. 367. -do- -do- 9-7-2004 -do- Navadurga" Mahishasur 132 Mardani, Adcolna. 368. -do- -do- 6-7-2004 -do- Devalaya, 133 Tivrem, Ponda. 369. -do- -do- Private Advertisement Joaquim de Rosairo. 133 --... -- 370. Sr. III, ·No. 18 Notice 28-6-2004 claim of abandoned Dept. of Finance. 134 dt.29-7-2004 goods 371. -do- Notice No. RND/Admn/1134141744 15-7-2004 • Notice to remove from Inland Waterways; ·134 Govt. service 372. -do- Crder No. 5/S(4-139)/2004-DT/471 3-6-2004 Cancelation of Registration Dept. of Tourism. 134 of Tourist Taxi 373. -do- Crder No. 5/TfR(1044)/2004-DT/472 3-6-2004 -do- -do- 134 374. -do- Crder No. 5/TfR(1034)/2004-DT/473 2-6-2004 -do- -do- 134 375. -do- Crder No. 5/TfR(1122)/2004-DT/474 3-6:2004 -do- -do- 134 376. -do- Crder No. 5/TfR(1041)/2004-DT/475 2-6-2004 -do- -do-.,- 134 377. -do- Crder No. 5fTTA(1053)/2004-DT/477 2-6-?004 -do- -do- 134 378. -do- Crder No. 5/TfR(1632)/2004-DT/482 2-6-2004 -do- -do- 134 379. -do- Crder No. 5/TfR(660)/2004-DT/484 2-6-2004 -do- -do-- 135 380. -do- Crder No. 5/TfR(1229)/2004-DT/485 2-6-2004 -do- -do- 135 381. -do- Crder No. 5/'I'TR(1238)/2004-DT/486 2-6-2004 -do- -do- 135 (iv)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

382. Sr. III, No. 18 Notification No. 37/17/2002/ 13-7-04 Construction of Dept.ofTIansport 135 dt. 29-7-2004 /MAG/2244 Speed Breaker·

383. -do- Addendum No. 37/23/93-MAG/2245 13-7-2004 Addendum· -do- 135

384. -do- Notice No. 9/61/MAG/2004/PET 17-6-2004 N.O.C. for storage District Magistrate, 136 of Petroleum North Goa, Panaji.

385. -do- Notice No. 9/59/2004/MAG/PET 6-5-2004 -do- -do- 136

386. -do- Notice 23.-6-2004 Divorce Nptjce Court of Civil Judge, 136

Sr. Div. t Bichiliro.

387. .,.,-do- -do- 15-7,2004 -do- Court of Civil Jugde, 136

Sr. Div. t Margao.

388. -do'- -do- 15-7-2004 -do- 1st Addl. Civil Judge, 137 Sr. Div.. Margao.

389. -do- -do- 23-4-2004 Deed of Succession civil Registrar~cum- 137 -Sub-Registrar, Mapusa.

390. -do- -do- 19-7-2004 -do- civil Registrar-cum- 137 -Sub-Registrar, Panaji.

39l. -do- -do- 26-7-2004 -do- -do- 138

392. -do- -dq- 26-7-2004 Change of N arne -do- 138

393. -do- -do- 9-7-2004 -do- Civil Registrar, Po~da. 138

394. -do- -do- 16-7-2004 -do- Civil Registrar, Margao. 138

395. -do- -do- 16-7-2004 -do- -do- 138

396. -do- -do- 12-7-2004 Deed of Succession Civil Registrar, Canacona. 138

397. -do- -do- 8-7-2004 Change of Name -do- 139

398. -do- -do- 9-7-2004 Application for plot Administration Office 139 of land (Repeated) of Comunidade, Mapusa.

399. -do- -do- 20-7-2004 -do-. -do-. 139

400. -do- -do- 1-7-2004 -do- Administration Office 140 of Comwridade .. South Zone-, Margao . .

4Ol. -do- -do- 5-7-2004 fixed date of auditing -do- 140

402. -do- -do- 16-7-2004 Meeting of ComunidCide Pissurlem 140

--... --

403. Sr. III, No. 18 Order No. 4/1/92/MAG(IV) 28,7-2004 Under Section. 144 of the Dept. of Home 141 Extraordinary Code of Criminal dt.30-7-2004 Procedure, 1973


Vishram Harmalkar alias Savita Pracaxa Vaigoncar, Office of the, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, major, ,housewife, married to Pracaxa Prabhakar Panda-Goa Vaigoncar, residing at Arambol, Pernem-Goa.

And, besides the abovesaid hei'" there is no other ·person or persons who according to the Law'may have 6.· Whereas Shri. Pravin Hari Gaude, resident of preference over them or wlio may 90neur -alongwi~h Wadi-Betqui, Marcela-Goa desires to change ,his them to the estate left by the abovesaid deceased surname -from., "Fravin Han qa,ude'" to "Pravin Hari persons: Wadkar". '

Pernem, 14th July, 2004.~ The Notary Ex-Officio, Therefore, any person having objection is hereby Nirmala R. Hunchimani. invited to file the same in this office under. the proviSions of Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name No. 26348/2004 v; and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990) read with Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname -.-.+-,-.- , Rules, 1991, within thirty days from date of publication , of this notice. . Office of the Civil Registrar:cum-Sub-Registrar, Bicholim-Goa Panda, 6th September,. 2004.- The Civil. Registrar­ -cum-Sub-Registrar, Cbandrakant Pissurlekar.

V. No. 26367/2004 Notice -'-+-- 4. Whereas Shri Babi Shiva Prabliu Gaunkar, ·resident of Mayem, Bicholim-Goa has applied to change his Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and name/surname from "Babi Shiva Prabhu Gaunkar" to Notary Ex-Officio of this Judicial Division of "Babi Shiva Parab" .. Mormugao-Goa

. Any ·person· having objection, if any, may file the Smt. ,Asha S. Kamat, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar same in this office within thirty days from the and Notary Ex-Officio of this Judicial Division of publication otthis notice as required under Section 3(2) Moonugao-Goa. of the Goa Change of Name ,and Surname Act, 1990. 7. In accordance with the 1st para ot" Article 179 of Bicholim, 1st Septeniber, 2004.- The Civil Registrar· Law No. 2049 dat"d 6th August, 1951 and for the ·cum-Sub'Registrar, Arjun $. Sbetye. purpose of 2nd para of the same', Article, it is hereby made public 'that' by a: Notarial Deed of Qualification V. No. 26291/2004 of Heirs or DeciaratioiLfor Succession dated 24-8-2004 recorded before ine in Book No. 169 of Notarial Deeds --+-- at pages 28 to 31 the following is noted:

Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registr\lr, Ilhas, That on 2-6-2004 at Patrong, Bai;>a, Vasco-da-Gama Panaji-Goa died Shri MotHal Dattatraya Bandocikar alias Motilal Data Bandodcar, without· any Will or deposition ·of his last wish leaving behind hiin as his moiety Notice holder or half s.harer his widow. Mrs. Maya Motilal Bandodkar alias ·Suacinim and as heirs his three 5. Whereas Shri' Domingos Santana Constancio De children, namely: (one) Mr. DattatrayaMotiial Araujo, resident of H. No. 571·A, Cujira, Santa Cruz, Bandodkar ,alias Suraj; (two) Mr. Swapnil Motilal Ti"swadi-Goa desires to change his name/surname from Bandodkar and (three) Ms. Shilpa ·Motilal Bandodkar. "Domingos Santana Constancio De Araujo" to "Domingos That the above three heirs and the moiety· holder Santana Araujo" under the Goa Change of Name and are legally qualified to concur, prefer, succeed and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8,of1990). compete in the estate otthe said deceased and besides them ,there are. no other person or pe.rsons .competept .in Law to· .s,ucceed to the afore·said dec~ased person. Any person having any objections to the change may lodge th" same in this office witin thirty days from the And,' that besides the above three heirs and moiety date of publishing this notice under the Provisions of holder there IS no person· or persons who as ·per ·the the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in prevailing Law ill force in this State of Goa, who may force. prefer or .concur or succeed. to the . estate left behind by the above· mentioned deceased.

Panaji, .st September, 2004.- The Civil Registrar­ Vasco-da-Gama, 26th August, 2004.:..... The Notary -cum-Sub-Registrar, W S. Rebello. Public Ex-Officio, Asba S. Kamat. V. No. 26290/2004 V. No. 26179/2004

,~,.= .=====".'==== 206 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 25 16TH SEPTEMBER, 2004 Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Antonio. Jose Gomes, bachelor; (seven) Anthony Mormugao-Goa Gabriel, the interested party married to Treaty Bazilia Luis and' (eight) John Alexander Gomes, married to Cynthia Maria Janefer Falleiro, who are successors Notice there being no 'one 'else or no other person who may ,concur to the estate and inheritance left by the 8. Whereas Shri Anant Mahade'lia 'Xete KOrgaonkar, resident of H. No. 1/199, Non Mon; Near Maria Elvira deceased person. Co-op. Housing Society, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa desires to change his name/surname from'~ant Mahadeva Xete Margao, 30th August, 2004.- The Civil Registrar­ Korgaonkar" to "Anand Mahadev Shetye" under the -cum-Sub-Registrar ,and Notary Public Ex-Officio, Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of Leonardo To Charly de Sa .. 1990). V. No. 22586/2004 Any:personhaving anyobjections to the ~hinge ';'ay --+-- lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of Office of the Civil Registrar'cum-Sub-Registrar, the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in Salcete, Margao-Goa force. Vasco-dacGama, 26th August, 2004.-, The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Asha S. Kamat. Notices v. No. 26292/2004 10. Whereas Shri Virgilio M. E. Silveira, resident of Navelim, Salcete-Goa desires to change his minor --+-- daughter's name/surname from, "Maria Rebecca Silveire" to "Rebecca Maria Angel Mascarenhas" . Office of the Civil Registrar:cul)1-Sub-Registrar and Notary Public Ex-Officio i[l, the said Judicial Division Therefore, any person having any objection is hereby invited to file the same in this office as per. sub-section at Margao, Salcete-Goa (2) of Section 3 of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990) within 30 days from the date of publication of this. notice. ' Leonardo T.CharJy de Sa, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ -Registrar and Notary Public Ex-OffiSio in the saine Margao, 19th August, 2004.~ The Civil Registrar­ Judicial Division. ., -cum-Sub-Registrar, Leonardo ToCharly de Sa.

9. In accordance with paragraph first of Article 178 , V. No. 22540/2004 of Law No. 2049 dated ,6th August; 1951 and for the purpose of paragraph second of the saine Article,' it is hereby made pUblic that by Deed of Succession dated 11. Whereas Shri Ganesh Krishna Mallappa, resident of Curtorim, Salcete-Goa desires to change his 27~8-2004 recorded at pages 69 rev. to 73 of Deeds Book name/surname from "Ganesh Krishna Mallappa" to No. 1467, it has been declared as follow~: ''John Fernandes". '" That Shri Baldomaro Sebastiao Aquino Gomes alias Therefore, arty person having any objection is hereby Baldomero S. A. Gomes or even known as Baldomero invited to file the same in this office as per sub-section Gomes, expired intestate on fourth January, ninete'm (2) of Section 3 of the Goa Change of Name and Surname hundred and ninety-four at Holy Spirit Nursing Home, Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990) within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice. :Margao in the status of married to Maria Idinha Rosa Gomes alias Idinba Rosa Gomes or even known as Margao, 13th February, 2004.- The Civil Registrar­ , Idinba Gomes or Ida Gomes. Thereafter expired'the said --cum-Sub-Registrar, Leonardo To Charly de Sa. Maria Idinha Rosa Gomes alias Idinha Rosa Gomes or V. No. 22552/2004 even known as Idinha Gomes or Ida Gomes intestate on twenty-fifth June, two thousand and one at Grace Intensive Cardiac Care Centre, Margao. 12. Whereas Shri Prakash NagueshShivji, resident of Calta, Majorda, Salcete-Goa desires to change his That both the deceased left behind as their only name/surname from . "Prakash Naguesh Shivji" to and universal heirs their following children, namely: "Prakash Naguesh Parcenkar"., ' (of).e) Maria Jennifer Casilda Gomes Pereira, married to Lino Conceicao Pereira; (two) Daniel Stanislau Bento Therefore, 'any person having any objection is hereby invited to file the same in this office as per sub-section Antonio Gomes, ,married to SheilaSweency; (2) of Section 3 of the Goa Change ofNanie and Surname (three) Clara Saude Boafilha Pereira, married to Act, 1990 (Goa 'Act NO.8 of 1990) within 30 days from Octaviano Lourenco Pereira; (four) Maria Amelia Rosa, the date of publication of this notice. married to Caetano Menino Brazilio Isabel Fernandes Margao, 24th August; 2004.- The Civil Registrar­ alias Caetano Menino Brazilo Isabel Fernandes; -cum-Sub-Registrar, Leonardo To Charly de Sa. (five) Iona Elizabeth Gomes, married to Joaquim Silvestre Antonio Agnelo Antao; (six) Alvaro Inacinho V. No. 22558/2004

\ I OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 207 SERIES III No. 25 16TH SEPTEMBER, 2004 < -,- Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and If any person has any objection against the proposed Notary Ex-Officio in the Judicial Division of lease he/she should submit his/her objection in writing Canacona-.Goa to the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the second 'publication . of this notice in the Official Gazette:, AntonioF. X. P. Dias, CivilRegistrai:cum-Sub-Registrar and Mapu~a, 1st September, 2004.~ The Acting Secretary, . • Notary Ex-OffiCio; Canacona-Goa. BaN A. Gaunker. 13: In accordance'withparafirs{ofArticle 179 "fLaw No: V. No, 26317/2004, 2049.dated 6th August, 1951 and for the purpose of para­ (Repeated) graph second of the same Article, itis made public that by 'Deed of Succession and Qualification of Heirs' dated 3rd 15, In accordance with the terms and for the purpose August, 2004 drawn byme at pages83 overleafto 87 overleaf established in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades of Notarial Book for Deeds Nt? 5 the following is recorded: .. in' force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of which are given below, TIiat Sllri Gane~h Arjun Velip who was also 'lillown as has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for the Ganesh Velip and even as' Gonessa Arjuna: Velipo purpose of construction of Vruddhashram (Home for and Smt. Salu Ganesh Velip also known as Salu Velipo and Aged) and Mabilashram (Hostel for abducted and even as Salu· Volpina were" both husband and destitute women); wife and residents of Soliem; Cola, Canacona-Goa. 1. Name of the Applicant: Gomantak Lokseva 'Il:ust; That the said Ganesh Arjun Velip. died on,21-1-1983 of Guirim, Bardez-Goa, at Soljem, Cola and his wife the said Smt. Salu Ganesh Velip 2. Land named ,Kati Munang Chivar, Survey No. died on 18-7-1985 at P. H. C., Canacona, both without mak­ 436/1 plot No:Ji.: 1, situated at Anjuna Village and ing wiil, Gift or any other deposition of their last wish belonging to the' Comunidade of Anjuna of Bardez leavirig behind their two children, namely: (one) Rama Taluka, . admeasuring 'an area' of 10,500 square Velipo a1iasRama Ganesh Velip, married to SitaRama Velip metres. . and (two) Shri Arjuna GonessaVelipo alias Arjun Ganesh 3. Boundaries: Velip, married to Droupadi Arjun Velip as 'sole universal East : By'proposed 6.00 mts. wide road; heirs', ther~ b~ing nO.one ,else or no 'o~her person or heir West : By proposed 10.00 mts: wide' road; who in terms of Law of Succession prevailing in, the State North: By remaining' Comunidade land of of Goa could prefer or concur or have better claim to the Survey No. 436/1 of Anjima; estate left by the deceased persons, South: By remaining Comunidade land of Sur­ vey No. 436/1 of Anjuna. Canacona, 3rd August, 2004.- The Civil Registrar­ -cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex-Officio, Antonio File. No. 4+2004-ACNZ/2004.. F. X. P. Dias. If any person has any objection against the proposed V. No. 22565/2004 lease helsl;1e shoUld ,submit his/herobjectipn in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades .of North Zone, --+-- Mapusa, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette, ' Administration Office of the Comunidades of Bardez, Mapusa-Goa Mapusa, 15th September, 2004.- The Acting Secre- tary, Babi A. Gaunker. ' , V. No. 26501/2004 Notices '--+-- , 14; In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades Administration of Comunidades of. Central Zone, in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated . '. Panaji-Goa' . and unused plot of lanft details of which are given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento). basis, for Notice construction of a residential house. 1. Name of the Applicant: Shri Edmundo Francisco 16. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established in the Article 330 of the Code of Luis Duarte D'Oliveira, rio Ponda-Goa. Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that the 2, Land namedTLote No. , Survey No. 390/1(Ph, uncultivated and unused plot of iand' details of which II), plot No. 29-;8ituated at Socorro, Village of Bardez are given below has been applied 'On long lease Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Serula, (Aforamento) basis, for the purpose of cultivation of fruit admeasuring 300 square metres. bearing trees like Cashew, Coconut, etc. belonging to the Comunidade of Shiroda. 3. Boundaries: East By existing tar road; 1. Name of the applicant: Shri Thomas J, Fernandes, West : By plot No, 30 of Mr. Nadkarni with 2. Land named: "Sukrem", Survey No. 981/0(Part), situ­ house; ated at and belonging to the Comunidade of Shiroda, North: By plot Nos.33 and 32 of the same admeasuring an area of 20,000 square metres. sub·division;' and South: By existing 6 metres tar road, 3. Boundaries: East By Survey No, 980/0; File No. 1-41-2004-ACNZ/2004. West : By Survey No, 985;

-~---- \


North: By Survey No. 987/0; and SANCOALE South: By Survey No. 983/-. File No. 3/2004 of Comunidade of Shiroda. 18. The above mentiOned Comunidade is hereby If any person has any object[on against' the csmvened for an e~r~?rd~nary meetirig at its usual proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection ,place on 3i:d. Sunday at'10.30 a. m. after publication in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades, Central Zone, Panaji within 30 days from 'the date of, of this notice in the Official,' 'Gazette, • with the second publication of this notice in the OffiCial Gazette. representation ,of its' 2/3 social' capital as per the order Panaji, 25th August, 2004.-' The Acting Secretary/ of the Administrator of Comunidades, South Zone, /Head Clerk, Alvito A. D'Souza. Margao dated 25-3-2004 under entry No. 6605, dated V. No. 26149/2004 12-3-2004 to discuss over the following matters: (Repeated) 1. To reconstruct the Comu';idade Building and --+-- appointment of Architectand Engirieer. '~Comunidades" If the Comunidade fails to meet on the said day, time MARCAIM and for the said purpose, it is again convened for the 17. The above mentioned Comunidade' is hereby second time on following Wednesday at 10.30 a. m. at convened for' an extraordinary general body meeting the saine place with the sameiepresentation and for at its meeting place i.e. Shree N avadurga Temple, Marcaim the same purpose. And, evem if it fails to '!leet for the on 3rd Sunday at 10.30 a. m. after the publication, of this second time, it is again convened for the third time in notIce in the Official Gazette in order to give its opinion on ordinary form on following Sunday at the same place, the following Files: time and for the, same purpose. ' 1. File No. 2/2000 of Shri Savalo Dharma Naik, rio Karanzal, Marcaim. ' Sancoale, 23rdAugust, 2004.-The Escr1vao/L. D. C., 2. File No. 3/2000 of Shri Umakant,Pandurang Naik, rio Dutolem, Marcaim. , Shivdas H. GilUde. 3. FileNo. 4/2000 of Shri Dayanarida Dorma Naik, V. No. 22553/2004 rio Karanzal, Marcaim. 4. File No. 5/2000 of Shri Namdeo Rajaram Naik, rio Wadal, Marcaim. -'-+--'-" 5. File No. 6/2000 of Shri Nilesh ,Baburai Naik, rio Wadal, Marcaim. "Devalaia" 6. File No. 7/2000 of Shri I'rabhakar Saunlo Naik, rio Wadal, Marcaim. m -mIO'it ~o.~/ CIT. m"lR"'lT "IT'tr rio Malvada, Marcaim. ~ f<:: ~. rio Dutolem, Marcaim.

V. No. 26305/2004 V. No. 26383/2004