1912-1913 Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University
fer* S BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY &* OBITUARY RECORD OF YALE GRADUATES 1912-1913 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN Ninth Series No 9 July, 1913 BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Entered as second-class matter, August 30, 1906, at the post-office at New Haven, Conn , under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. The Bulletin, which is issued monthly, includes 1 The University Catalogue. 2 The Reports of the President, Treasurer, and Librarian 3 The Pamphlets of the Several Departments THE TUTTLE, MORKHOUSE ft TAYLOR COMPANY, NEW HAVEN, CONN OBITUARY RECORD or GRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the year ending JUNE 1, 1913, INCLUDING THE RECORD OF A FEW WHO DIED PREVIOUSLY HITHERTO UNREPORTED [No 3 of the Sixth Printed Series, and No 72 of the \Miole Record The present Series will consist of five numbers ] OBITUARY RECORD OF GRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the year ending JUNE I, 1913, Including the Record of a few who died previously, hitherto unreported [No. 3 of the Sixth Printed Series, and No 72 of the whole Record The present Series will consist of five numbers ] YALE COLLEGE (ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT) 1840 NATHANIEL HILLYER EGLESTON was born May J, 1&22, in Hartford, Conn, where his father, Nathaniel Egleston, was a merchant and member of the city council His mother was Emily Hillyer, of Granby, Conn After graduation he spent a year in the study of law in Hartford, then returned to New Haven as a resident graduate, and soon entered the Divinity School, where he completed the course in 1843, but remained a year longer
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