"Fabulous Opal Whiteley" revisited The Lane County Historical Society Ethan Newman, President, 2161 University Street, Eugene, OR 97403 Alta Nelson, Membership Secretary, P0 Box 11532, Eugene, OR 97440 Membership in the Lane County Historical Society isopen to anyone interested in Oregon and Lane County history. Annual dues: $10.00. To join, send check to the Society, P0 Box 11532, Eugene, OR 97440. Lane County Historian, VoL 41, Number 1, Spring 1996 Ken Metzler, Editor, 2051 East 26th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97403 (Phone 541/343-4496; e-mail:
[email protected]) Janet Burg and Dorothy Corkery, Assistant Editors Lois Barton, Contributing Editor Contents Footnotes to history 1 A new interest in Fabu1ous Opal Whiteley' 6 The Springfield Millrace: Industry at itsbeginning 22 Cover Sometime this year, the BBC plans to senda crew to Oregon and Lane County to explore the mystery ofa talented schoolgirl who enchanted the literary world in 1920 witha childhooddiary filled with wide-eyed wonder about the woodsy outdoors and the animal world that inhabits that fairyland. Opal Whiteleywas her name"Fabulous Opal Whiteley," according to the titleof one book written about her. The cover photo shows Opal in her early 20s, approximately thesame time her diary was published by The Atlantic Monthly magazine. (Photo courtesy ofSpecial Collections, University of Oregon Library.) Seepage 6for more about Opal Whiteley. ISSN 0458-7227 Footnotes to history A collectionofvignettes and curiosities about Lane County histoiy, such as: Mini-historiesofthree Skinner Butte artifactstheBig 0, Big E, and the cross on the butte. Also a fond remembranceofCamp Eight near Wendling. Gimme an "0"! jinx of succeeding eras.