SPRING 2009 The Chronicle

The members‘ magazine of Mensa South Africa SPRING 2009

National Committee update

Dear m em bers, OU R W EBSITE the details. Due to circum stances, the I know your com m ittee has brand new w ebsite that EASTERN CAPE NEW CHAIR- been pretty quiet up until w as m ooted previously had MAN Inside this issue: now , but w e have been to be abandoned and the Ettiene Joubert, w ho started busy, getting going on the com m ittee decided to re- this region, resigned as chair various projects discussed vam p the existing one in due to w ork pressures and at the N AG , am ong other stages. W ork on the first health reasons. H is duties National Committee update 2 things. stage has begun: this w ill w ere taken by Deane Lo N ing, enable m em bers to update an enthusiastic and keen M en- MENSA SHOP their ow n m em bership san, w hom w e m et at the AG Dinokeng scenarios 3 This w as discussed at our details, m ake secure online in August. Deane is keen to m eeting in August and it paym ents etc. This should continue w orking tow ards w as decided to once again be in place 3 m onths from launching this region. H e w ill acquire som e M ensa now . be w orking w ith Tim Knights Marie Claire feature 3 branded item s for sale. w ho has pledged his consider- W e’ll keep it sm all for now The next step w ill be to able talent and know ledge to as w e can’t carry too m uch host a discussion Forum on helping him succeed. Deane Mensa Spain 3 stock, and w e’ll w ork on the site. W e also plan to hopes to hold a testing ses- designing an efficient or- com pletely revam p the sion som etim e in N ovem ber. dering system via our w eb- ‘look’ of the site, som e- site. To this end, w e w ill be thing m ore fresh and invit- NEW CHRONICLE Tapping the Delphic Process 4 ordering a quantity of the ing. As you see, the new issue of M ensa lapel pins, and hav- All these proposed changes the re-born Chronicle is out. ing som e t-shirts for sale as w ill take place over tim e, W e hope to bring you one IBD report 4 a start. W e’d like to hear so it’s still a space to quarterly or every 2 m onths. from you w hich item s you’d w atch. In the m eantim e, This depends, of course, on like. the info on the site w ill be m aterial available for the kept as up-to-date as possi- Chronicle and to this end I National office details 5 T-SHIRT COMPETITION ble. urge you all to not be shy W e have m any creative about subm itting pieces. I inventive m em bers, so AD MIN CLERK know there are m any superb instead of im porting – at W e w ish to thank all of w riters am ong our m em ber- great cost – som eone else’s those w ho sent in applica- ship! And it needn’t be just designs, w e thought w e’d tions for this post. Yvonne prose. challenge our m em bers to Steyn has been appointed unleash their inner artist/ as our adm in clerk and took copyw riter and send in up her duties from Septem - Please have a go and partici- designs for t-shirts. Designs ber. Adm in queries m ay be pate in our efforts to m ake a m ay be in any form you like sent to m ensa@ better M ensa for us all in – w ords, cartoon, pictures, South Africa. but bear in m ind w e have MENSA SU RVEY Your suggestions, com m ents to be able to print the W e are carrying out a sur- and input are alw ays appreci- shirts for a reasonable fee. vey to determ ine w hat our ated; please feel free to con- m em bers get out of South tact any of us. African M ensa. W ith the

Entries to be subm itted: inform ation, w e w ill be cinzia.m ensa@ gm able to create a better Three w inners w ill be cho- organization for our m em - sen and w ill each receive a bers, w hich w ill in turn year’s m em bership, and im prove the overall experi- their t-shirt. The closing ence w ithin M ensa SA. N o- date for entries is 30 No- tices w ill be going out Cinzia Busi vem ber 2009. shortly to everyone w ith all Chairm an, M ensa South Africa SPRING 2009 Page 3

The Dinokeng scenarios

This w inter saw the re- trust of the state and dynam ic. lease of the Dinokeng disengagem ent by civil scenarios — a product of society. Failed state m a- The dem ocracy that its debate around w hat chinery and politics. likely m ost people w ould South Africa w ould proba- w ant. bly typify in 2020. W alk behind the state becom es au- The report is actually The forum and report w as thoritarian and leads civil pretty honest, and the conducted by 35 prom i- society and w eakens pri- largely non-partisan na- nent South Africans, vate enterprise. ture of the forum has w hich describe three The party rules rather m ade it an im portant http:// pathw ays into the future. than governs. docum ent. w w w

The three scenarios are: W alk together This should be of interest citizens have m atured to anyone w ho needs to W alk apart along w ith dem ocracy and consider scenarios for The m ost pessim istic of push the state forw ard, South Africa, be it in the three scenarios; dis- both being vibrant and one’s public or private

Marie Claire feature

M arie Claire m agazine did a feature in the O ctober 2009 issue of 3 M ensans— Nicola Peisl, Anna G erm anis and Rogeem a Kenny.

The article, entitled The Prodigies. exam ines how the three becam e M ensans and their experiences of being ‘different’.

The article is a m ajor coup for the m arketing of M ensa South Africa. If you have a copy, or can source one w ith- out violating any social taboos, do so!

Running with the RAMs in Spain

Each Decem ber M ensa stim ulating intellectual entations of fellow m em - Spain holds its annual and social environm ent. It bers. But w e shouldn’t gathering (RAM ). An ex- represents a golden op- forget the stim ulating ceptional opportunity to portunity to m ake new discussions about a coffee get to know and enjoy friends w ithin a diverse or beer, or the never- each other’s com pany. group of M ensans. ending gam es.

This year Puerto Banús, The organized activities View our w ebsite w here M arbella, M álaga has are optional and diverse, you can get m ore details Puerto Banús on Spain‘s been chosen as the loca- trying to satisfy all pref- and register before N o- Costa del Sol tion for the m eeting; the erences. Sightseeing tours vem ber 30. Space is lim - entertainm ent centre of are scheduled (Ronda, ited so w rite to the Costa del Sol. G ibraltar, Sierra de las secretaria@ m 1. http://w w w .panoram /m ap/% N ieves), entertainm ent 23lt=36.4873085& ln=-4.9554159& z=4 The RAM offers probably activities (hiking, sports, M ensa’s best and m ost m usic) and diverse pres- 2. http://w w w .m SPRING 2009 Page 4

Tapping The Delphic process

Local M ensan G arth Ziets- halted after a set num ber I believe one topic can be m an is looking to start a of steps or a conver- covered every tw o w eeks new SIG called the Delphi gence. but the first one or tw o SIG . It w ill essentially be w ill serve as experim ents. a discussion forum that Sum m ing up across inde- The idea of the SIG is not utilises the Delphi tech- pendent diverse view - only to have fun but to nique. points alw ays produces m ake the results know n, better results than face perhaps alongside the The Delphi technique is a to face com m ittees - popular opinion on the m ethod that structures m ainly because it side- topic. interactions betw een steps the hi-jacking of experts w ith the aim of experts groups by person- Background 1. http://en.w iki/ converging on the truth alities and m ore influen- The Delphi technique w as Delphi_m ethod about som ething. tial individuals. The ad- developed by that U S 2. http://w w w vantage of the Delphi think tank, the Rand Cor- It involves subm itting a technique is that it does poration as a w ay of fore- num ber of questions this w hile also allow ing casting future events of about an issue to a panel som e debate. national and international of experts (each m em ber im portance. independently). The an- N ow M ensans aren't nec- sw ers are collected and essarily experts but they Today’s w ider social collated by som eone and are bright and usually group has technology sent to the experts inde- w ell inform ed about a w hich facilitates collabo- pendently again. The w ide range of things and I ration and a general answ ers are kept anony- think discussing issues w orld culture of discourse —The belief is m ous and anything irrele- and applying our m inds in and debate. vant - like personal at- w ays that m ight actually that there tacks - rem oved. lead som ew here w ill be At the sam e tim e, busi- will be a fun, especially since per- ness and governm ent The experts are now en- sonal anim osities, egos leaders don’t seem to convergence couraged to revise their and grandstanding that have the answ ers w e’re on the 'truth'. answ er in the light of the plagues the M ensa Forum looking for. It seem s the other answ ers and the w ill be elim inated. N on- forum for the oracle is process repeated. The M ensans - especially ex- set. belief is that there w ill be perts - can be added to a convergence on the the group from tim e to 'truth'. The process is tim e.

IBD report It’s difficult to put into joying tea and crum pets T hey’re all instant w ords one’s first experi- at H eathrow so m uch it friends, so w illing to ence of M ensa Interna- m issed the flight. share and help w ith any- tional and the realization thing. of belonging to a truly But m eeting everyone at huge Fam ily from all over the first evening’s ice- The three days of m eet- the w orld. breaker function m any, ing w ere an education having just arrived, look- and thoroughly enjoyable, I arrived at the IBD m eet- ing as rum pled as I felt, certainly entertaining at ing w ith som e consider- w as w onderful. I can’t tim es, and alw ays effi- able trepidation. This properly express in m ere cient. Being com pletely 1. http://ibd2009.m w asn’t helped by the ab- w ords the feeling of fel- new , I w as allocated a 2. http://w w w /w atch? sence of m y luggage, low ship, as if I had alw ays buddy w ho patiently an- v=CtD0pQ C8O J0 w hich w as evidently en- know n these people. sw ered m y questions, and Imprint SPRING 2009 Page 5

. ..From page 4 filled m e in on background info w hen needed. I collected so m uch inform ation about resources available to us, and so m any ideas, seeing w hat other national M ensas got up to.

The w hole conference w as flaw less organized, every detail taken care of. W e w ere in the H otel G othia Tow ers, a lovely hotel w ith splendid view s of a serenely beautiful city.

The sm all part of Sw eden I saw w as open, green and full of great people, alw ays friendly, helpful and polite.

After being in m eetings all day, w e yet had tim e to see som e of the city, sam ple its cuisine and w alk about a bit. At the end of the w eekend w e w ere taken on a w onderful tour of the city, by bus and boat - great, and m y only, chance to take photo- graphs.

M ensa Sw eden certainly hosted a great event w ith panache and flair and w ill be a hard act to follow . N ext year’s event w ill take place in Auckland, N ew Zealand, but the next tim e the IBD is hosted in the southern hem isphere, w e are determ ined that it w ill be here in South Africa, w here you’ll have a chance to attend an event that everyone should experience at least once.

Cinzia 1. http://w w w .gothiatow /

2. http://w w w .panoram /m ap/%23lt=57.696981& ln=11.9863834& z=4& k=2

3. http://w w w /group.php?gid=82885995580

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The members‘ magazine of Mensa South Africa THE INTERNATIONAL JOU RNAL

OCTOBER 2009, ISSU E 529 mensa international journal october, 2009 issue number 529

First meeting of MIL’s new Executive Committee

The Executive Committee team-building session; (ExComm) of Mensa while some of the International constitutes the ExComm members four positions elected by the have been working membership worldwide together for more than (Chairman, Director of 10 years, others had Administration, Director of never met before. Development, and Treasurer); Starting with a the Director of Smaller humorous video on National Mensas, elected by the decision making, in International Board of which a project from l to r: Christine Warlies (Dof SNM), Michael Feenan Directors, and the Chairmen of manager explains the theory (MILof office), Sylvia Herbert (D of A), Willem Bouwens (Chair), Deborah Theasby (Treasurer), Chris Leek (Chair, British Mensa and American the decision-making process,British we Mensa), Elissa Rudolph (Chair, American Mensa), Mensa. then explored the theory Bibiana Balanyi (D of D). of the life cycle of a The new ExComm held its first team. After the theoretical We also discussed development, face-to-face meeting at the end sessions, we practised what we the coming IBD meeting, the of July in Utrecht, an old city in had just learned. The key element new website and the new the centre of The Netherlands. of a team is trust. If you cannot international publication. Founded in 47 A.D. as a trust each other, you will never Development, which is an area fortification of an important be a team. The lessons we we want to put more energy into, river crossing, it’s now a learned were firstly to recognize was discussed at length. comfortable 40-minute train that we all have strengths and ride from the international weaknesses and secondly that On Friday, ExComm, along with airport. The meeting coincided this awareness is fundamental to a number of representatives of with the second European mutual trust. other national Mensas, was Mensa Annual gathering invited by Mensa The (EMAG), and as we shared the Friday and Saturday Netherlands to join them for same venue, the EMAG were both full days of dinner. Although it was an attendees had the opportunity meetings. We’d compiled an informal and social dinner, Mensa to observe the greater part of extensive agenda, which included business is part of the fun even our meeting. Although we spent topics concerning current in this setting. The changing of most of each day in the licensing contracts, the structure seating after every course meeting room, there was time and duties of the MIL office, contributed to a lively and to meet and chat with the over trademark registration in several entertaining dinner; it was both 300 Mensa members who countries, governance papers, work and fun and very enjoyable. attended the EMAG. and other similar issues, to ensure that we all have the same Late on Saturday afternoon we The ExComm meeting began elementary understanding on concluded our official program. on Thursday afternoon with a these essential managerial topics. (continued on p02) IJ october 2009 p01 mensa international journal

(continued from p01) A few ExComm members joined deal to the Mensa organisation be discussed by the entire Board. the EMAG dance organised for and to the members, and we That meeting will take place Saturday evening - we have an want to raise awareness of from 11th – 13th September. ExComm that can swing and what we are doing and why we dance too! are doing it. The new website - After these two meetings there currently in the testing phase - will be two long action lists, both During our three-day meeting, will be a key factor in the for ExComm and the entire we spent considerable time improved communication. This Board. Next issue, more details discussing strategies to raise our version is, content wise, a copy on the ExComm plan and these International organisation to a of the current website, but action lists, and what it will higher level; more on this in the there are many options built in mean for the members next edition of the International to provide more and better worldwide. Journal. In summary, all agreed services to the members. More that the communication between on this also in the next issue. Willem Bouwens (Chair) ExComm and the members Sylvia Herbert (Director of worldwide should improve and We also prepared the upcoming Administration) Bibiana Balanyi (Director of to this end, we will write International Board of Directors Development) regularly in the international (IBD) meeting, the meeting of Deborah Theasby (Treasurer) publication, publish on the the ExComm and the Christine Warlies (Director of website, and use other means to representatives of all the Smaller National Mensas) communicate with the members. national Mensas. All national Chris Leek (Chair, British Mensa) Mensas, via their Chairmen, Elissa Rudolph (Chair, American ExComm contributes a great can put topics on the agenda to Mensa)

eating disorders and intelligence: is there really a connection?

It infringes upon the realm acumen and brains. Why do bulimia, with a particular of the unsaid, le non-dit, to talk some individuals develop these emphasis on the former, tend to Lauren M about eating disorders and characteristics of unhealthy be found in higher socioeco- Rahn intelligence levels. Polite people eating patterns? And do these nomic-level Western just don’t go there in a typical characteristics, these communities. Similarly, people social setting. psychological problems, with higher IQs habitually interlink with a certain intelli- belong to a higher socioeco- Yet, nearly everyone has some gence quotient? nomic class – if this is due to concept of anorexia nervosa, their obtaining a more lucrative bulimia nervosa, or obesity/ Unfortunately, though position because of a higher compulsive overeating. And becoming a more permissible level of intelligence, or if this again, most will acknowledge topic of discussion, the con- results from a higher level of that some people just have a nection between eating intelligence because of birth in a certain panache, a certain disorders and IQ remains to be higher socioeconomic stratum strangeness coupled with truly studied. Anorexia and will not be broached here.

IJ october 2009 p02 mensa international journal

Conversely, a significant number that “people with eating operation IQ were all “relatively of obese persons are located in a disorders scored significantly lower” in obese children. At the lower socioeconomic level. higher than average on IQ Department of Child and tests.” Adolescent Health, Shandong In a study entitled “The Medical Intellectual Functioning of In 1979, Dally and University, Adolescents with Anorexia Gomez “observed that Ji’nan, another Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa”, 90% of their adolescent “Perfectionism, Li came to the carried out by researchers in the eating disordered competitiveness, same Department of Child and patients had an IQ of and high conclusion. Adolescent Psychiatry, Faculty 130 or more”. Rowland performance of Medicine, at Friedrich- (1970) found that one Why is this? In expectations from Schiller-Universität in Jena, third of the eating the case of Germany, researchers found a disordered patients in his others are anorexics, an positive correlation between IQ study had IQs of 120 or characteristics of already driven and eating disorders: “The IQ more,” according to the gifted that are personality that of the eating disordered patients Maureen Neihart’s 1999 viewed as possible pursues was Roeper Review article contributions to perfection, significantly entitled “The Impact of the onset of eating coupled with a “In 1979, Dally higher than Giftedness on disorders” high intelligence and Gomez that of the Psychological Well- level and “observed that patients in the Being.” This high IQ of parental/societal 90% of their comparison anorexics is again confirmed in a expectations, may render one adolescent eating group. ten-year study in Germany at the vulnerable to adopt patterns of an disordered Patients in the Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- eating disorder. “Perfectionism, patients had an comparison und Jungendpsychiatrie und competitiveness, and high IQ of 130 or group and Psychotherapie der Julius- performance expectations from bulimic Maximilians-Universität, more.” others are characteristics of the patients, but Würtzburg. gifted that are viewed as possible Rowland (1970) not the contributions to the onset of found that one anorexic The asserts eating disorders,” Neihart third of the patients, as a positive correlate IQ and contends. eating disordered showed better anorexia, and a negative patients in his nonverbal correlate IQ and obesity/weight- There has been even less research study had IQs of than verbal height ratio. into a possible link between intellectual 120 or more” bulimia and obesity. This subject performance.” Two Chinese studies presents fascinating investigative substantiate this theory. In a opportunities. If you are a special- This relationship between study of 150 obese and 150 ist in this area, know someone bulimics and higher nonverbal normal, healthy children, Zhang who is, or would like to delve into than verbal scores presents itself and Li at the Department of it further, please feel free to again in a study by Reuters Hygiene of Children and Adoles- contact me, and perhaps we can Health (“Eating Disorders: cents, Nanjing Medical initiate something. Anorexia and Bulimia,” March University, Jiangsu, found that (First published in the 2002), where it is also stated the total IQ, the speech IQ, and IJ, January, 2005)

IJ october 2009 p03 mensa international journal


What do the following have in common? (Answer at bottom of page)


(c)Therese Moodie-Bloom 2009 international calendar November 6 - 8, 2009 Australian Mensa Conference, at the historic Carrington Hotel in the picturesque Blue Mountains town of Katoomba, 50 km west of Sydney. All members and their guests welcome; enquiries [email protected] April 15 - 18, 2010 German Annual Gathering in Dortmund, Germany. Visitors from everywhere are most welcome to explore the To access the Members’-only area of “Cultural Capital of Europe in 2010" with us Username: IntMensaMem Password: 1nt (numeral one not capital ‘i’ in the password) and join in the Mensa activies! Details upcoming in autumn at

mensa international officer directory Chairman: Mr Willem Bouwens Trompenburgstraat 6-G, 1079 TX Amsterdam The Netherlands [email protected] Tel: +31 (0)20 661 2718 Director Admin: Ms Sylvia Herbert 16 Farley St, St Johns, Worcester, Worcestershire WR2 6JD [email protected] Ph: +44(0)1905 422231 Director Devel’t: Ms Bibyana Balanyi Mensa HungarIQa, H-1426 Budapest 72, Postafiok 99 Hungary [email protected] Tel: +36 209 135175 Treasurer: Ms Deborah Theasby 115 Bevercotes Rd, Firth Park, Sheffield S5 6HB England [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)114 2497435 Dir. Smaller Ms Christine Warlies Alleestr. 62, 66953 Pirmasens, Germany Tel: +49(0)6331 31 657 Skype: christine.warlies National Mensas email: [email protected] Hon. President: Dr Abbie Salny 407 Breckenridge, Wayne NJ 07470 USA Ph: +1 973 305 0055 SIGHTCoord: Mr Richard Kingston [email protected] Int. SIG Coord: Mr Markus Schauler [email protected] Ombudsman: Mr Martyn Davies [email protected] editorial staff Editor: Ms Kate Nacard 407/23 Corunna Rd, Stanmore NSW 2048 Australia [email protected] Ph/Fax: +61 2 9516 1024 Science: Mr John Blinke [email protected] Books: Mr Tom Elliott [email protected] Feature Articles: Mr Thomas Hally [email protected] mensa international ltd Executive Director: Mr Michael Feenan, Slate Barn, Church Lane, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire NG32 3EL, UK Ph/Fax +44 (0) 1400 272 675 [email protected]

The Mensa International Journal (MIJ) is produced under the auspices of the Mensa International Board of Directors. Pages 1-4 of each issue of the MIJ must be published in every national Mensa magazine. Publication of pages 5-8 is recommended but optional. Opinions expressed in the MIJ are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of any other individual or any official Mensa body. Submission Guidelines: Language: English only. Text: MS Word (Windows), .rtf (Word/Mac), plain text, PageMaker (Windows) Length: 500 word limit. Send by e-mail, fax, snail mail to the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to include or edit submissions for space and content considerations. All unoriginal submissions must be accompanied by written permission for publication from the original author.Permission is granted for MIJ articles to be reprinted in any Mensa publication provided that the author, MIJ and MIJ’s editor are acknowledged. Permission must be sought from the MIJ editor for reprinting of any

Answer: They’re all games. Dominos (dom-in-o’s), Backgammon, Pinochle (p-in-ochle) all games. Dominos (dom-in-o’s), Answer: They’re part of the MIJ in non-Mensa publications. IJ october 2009 p04 THE INTERNATIONAL JOU RNAL (Extra)

OCTOBER 2009, ISSU E 529 mensa international journal ij extra supplement

october, 2009 issue number 529

birth order and intelligence

Interest in the relationship tests and educational measures Marolla study, and “Longitudinal between birth order and than their counterparts from studies,”3 which track individual Thomas extraordinary achievement dates smaller families, even when families over time, reveal that Hally back to at least 1874 and Francis social class is controlled. First there is no relationship between Galton’s book, English Men of borns consistently scored better birth order and IQ. However, the Science: Their Nature and on the Raven than did later-born tendency for large families to htomas_yhl@al yahoco.mhtomas_yhl@al yahoco.mhtomas_yhl@al yahoco. Nurture.1 As the pioneer of children, and with few produce lower IQ children stands eugenics, Galton chronicled the exceptions, there was a gradient firm regardless of the research lives of 180 eminent scientists of declining scores with rising project. The Admixture from various fields, and was able hypothesis4 purportedly accounts to collect birth order data from for the causal link between birth 99 of these subjects, revealing order and IQ. Proponents of this that 48 percent of them were hypothesis argue that other first-born sons or only sons.2 factors, such as parental IQ or socio-economic status, may be Countless studies have confirmed responsible for both larger Galton’s conclusion, and interest families and low IQ, making it in birth order and eminence Francis Galton appear in Cross-sectional studies5 continues unabated. The as though birth order causes correlation between primogeniture birth order, so that first borns lower IQ. Instead, it is possible status and eminence is likely scored better than second borns, that families with lower IQ limited to certain types of who, in turn, scored better than members tend to have more scientific achievement, since third borns, etc. An increase in children. If true, the mean IQ for later-born children are more family size usually indicated a any given population would inclined to become revolutionary decrease in RPM performance gradually decline. To the contrary, leaders and scientists, and they within any particular birth order however, mean IQ scores are may be, in fact, far more creative position. For example, a third actually rising with each than first borns. born child from a three-child successive generation.6&7 family would have been expected In 1973, Lillian Belmont and to score higher than a third born According to Galton’s study, birth Francis Marolla published family child from a four-child family, order may effect eminence size, birth order and intelligence and a third born child from a because primogenitures would be (Dutch version of the Raven five-child family would have more likely to have the financial Progressive Matrices) data from been expected to score even resources to continue their nearly the entire population of 19 lower, and so on. education, first borns had the year-old Dutch men (386,114 advantage of being treated as subjects). The study revealed that There have been different companions by their parents, the children from larger families approaches with different implying more undertaking of tend to do poorer on intelligence conclusions since the Belmont- responsibility than their younger

IJ extra october 2009 p05

mensa international journal

(continued from p05) siblings, and first born sons vocabulary than their siblings, advantage is tiny - about one point would get more attention and affecting their performance on higher than the second sibling, better nourishment in families verbal scales of intelligence tests. two points higher than the third, with limited financial resources. The linguistic immaturity of first- and so on. A minute difference of born children’s brothers and one or two points on an IQ test is The Resource Dilution Model8 sisters also gels with the finding meaningless, since it is within the offers a simple explanation both that children from larger families margin of error, and is highly for higher IQ scores of first born have lower IQ scores.10 unlikely to be a significant children and for predictive factor in the pursuit of their First borns (and greatness in any intellectual overrepresentation “...first borns from older siblings in endeavour.11 among the college smaller families have general) often population of the higher IQs than first have to answer 1 eminent. It borns from larger questions and : Macmillan, 1874. depends upon explain things to 2 Galton did not count female children three families.” their younger when he reported the results, so, assumptions: 1) siblings. It is theoretically, a boy could be Parental resources are finite, 2) believed this act of tutoring helps considered the “first born” even if he Additional siblings reduce the the older children to cognitively was the last born, providing that his share of parental resources process information. With rare older siblings were all females. received by any one child; 3) exceptions, younger siblings do 3 A longitudinal study is a Parental resources have an not get the opportunity to tutor correlational research study that important effect on their their brothers and sisters, involves repeated observations of the children’s educational success. effectively explaining why only same items over long periods of time, children usually do not have a often many decades. The Confluence Model9 was higher IQs than first borns. 4 Page, EB. & Grandon, G. (1979). proposed by R.B. Zajonc and “Family configuration and mental Markus (1975) and Zajonc If first borns do indeed have ability: Two theories contrasted with (1976; 2001), and explains the higher IQs than their siblings, this U.S. data.” American Educational first-born IQ advantage in terms fact may not be important. Recent Research Journal, 16, 257-272. of the ever-changing intellectual studies suggest that intelligence is 5 Cross-sectional studies (also known environment within the family. It not the most important factor in as Cross-sectional analysis) form a uses a simple formula to the achievement of eminence. class of research methods that involve compute the relative advantages Several studies have indicated that observation of some subset of a and disadvantages of various personality traits such as population of items all at the same factors such as later-born sibling consciousness and openness to time in which groups can be competition for parental experience are up to ten times compared at different ages with attention, explaining the Belmont- more important than IQ. respect of independent variables, such Marolla finding that first borns Additionally, in studies showing a as IQ and memory. The fundamental from smaller families have higher statistically significant advantage difference between cross-sectional and IQs than first borns from larger for first borns, birth order longitudinal studies is that cross- families. First borns are also accounts for only one percent of sectional studies take place at a single exposed to more adult-level the variance in IQ. First born IQ point in time and that a longitudinal IJ extra october 2009 p06 mensa international journal

(continued from p06) supplementally john blinke study involves a series of measurements Land Bridge taken over a period of time. Both are a, 9 June 2009. together a profile of people who type of observational study. Archaeological Evidence of believe in the alleged 9/11 6 Hally, Thomas (September, 2008 issue Human Activity Found Beneath conspiracy. Such folks practise number 518). “Are we smarter than our Lake Huron. (Proceedings of selective skepticism in that they ancestors?” Mensa International Journal the National Academy of accept information that pp. 01-02. Sciences) supports their ideas while 7 Research shows that IQ gains have When stone age hunters went shutting out any contradictory been mixed for different countries. In after caribou, with primitive facts. They use their strong general, countries have seen weapons, they needed to know belief in one conspiracy as generational increases between 5 and where the animals would be. To support for a belief in other 25 points. The largest gains appear to achieve this, they constructed conspiracies, while rejecting all occur on tests that measure fluid “drive lanes” to direct the contrary information. They intelligence (Gf) rather than crystallized animals into ambushes. think they can discover the intelligence (Gc). Scientists from University “truth” and share it with the 8 The resource dilution model posits of Michigan think they have world. Experts say conspiracy that parental resources are finite and found such a drive lane on a believers suffer from feelings of that as the number of children in the submerged ridge 100 feet under powerlessness and low self family increases, the resources accrued Lake Huron between Alpena, esteem. by any one child necessarily decline. Michigan and Ontario, Canada. 9 Zajonc, R.B. & Markus, G. (1975). The quarter mile long row of big The Old Skin Game “Birth order and intellectual rocks terminates with boulders New Scientist, 4 July 2009, p. development.” Psychological Review, that could have concealed 10. Dinosaur ‘Cells’ Shed Light 82, 74-88 paleolithic hunters 9,000 years on Life 66 Million Years Ago. 10 As more children enter the family, the ago, when the Great Lakes were (Proceedings of the Royal general intellectual environment much lower. Underwater Society B) becomes less mature. exploration of the area will Ten years ago, a 66 million year 11 Even within science, IQ is only continue this summer using old mummified hadrosaur weakly related to achievement among sonar and remotely operated thrilled paleontologists. It was people who are intelligent enough to vehicles. The scientists hope to so well preserved that they become scientists. Research has shown, find more evidence of ancient could even see the pattern of for example, that a scientist who has an habitation. scales in its skin. Now, the long IQ of 130 is just as likely to win a dead creature is providing even Nobel Prize as a scientist whose IQ is Conspiracies more information. Scientists 180 (Hudson, L., 1966). Contrary Science News, 20 June 2009, p. think they have found traces of Imaginations: A Psychological Study of 11. Tracing the Inner World of amino acids in its skin along the English Schoolboy. London: Suspicion. (Applied Cognitive with cell-like structures they Methuen. Psychology) identified with an electron [email protected] Do you know anyone who microscope. The amino acids steadfastly believes in conspiracy could represent the remains of John Blinke, theories? Ever wonder what ancient proteins, which could [email protected] makes them tick? A team of probably not survive intact for psychologists in England has put millions of years. IJ extra october 2009 p07 mensa international journal

from the words... files kate nacard Symposium anyone?...

Why I’ve always been speech or writing) – just a few useful for your teenager fascinated by words is a of the unusual words in a great to be able to say, “Sorry, complete mystery to me, but little book, Peter Bowler’s The Mum, can’t do the every time I stumble across a Superior Person’s Little Book of washing-up tonight; I plethora of new (to me, Words. have to attend a symposium.” (Wish anyway) words, I’m I’d known that one when I needed unaccountably thrilled! So you Where else would you find such it!). can imagine my delight when a exotic words for the more friend - who clearly recognised commonplace ‘foolish or empty And to all our older members, be my predeliction - presented me chatter’ (bavardage), ‘to grow ready to bristle when someone says with a whole bevy of additions dull or stupid’ (hebetate), enviously, “Heavens, I’m years to my lexicon. ‘stretching and yawning ‘ younger than you but don’t have a Bellibone (a woman excelling in (pandiculation), or to bruise complexion nearly as rugose as both goodness and beauty), (suggilate)? And how fabulous yours! How do you do it!” biggin (a silver coffeepot with to be able to say, in apparent separate heater which holds the admiration, to the pompous Nosopoetic: producing disease, coffee as it’s heated), bloke next door as you enter the unhygienic, infected; symposium: bumblepuppy (a game played new mansion he is inordinately (originally) a post-prandial with a tennis ball tied to a post) proud of, “My goodness, Mr drinking party with dancers and and battology (the continuous Pemberton-Smythe, your home music; rugose: corrugated with repetition of words or phrases in is perfectly nosopoetic!” How wrinkles.

The most unkindest cut of all...

Ever been guilty of repeating Pleonasm which is the much pleonasm is a detraction yourself unnecessarily? Ever had unnecessary repetition - or from meaning and obstructive to someone look at you with that redundancy - of words, such as communication. As Strunk wrote, raised eyebrow when you’ve new recruit, join together, climb Vigorous writing is concise. A talked about SAM missiles and up, anonymous stranger, tuna sentence should contain no PIN numbers? Well, if it’s good fish and free gift, is often used - unnecessary words, a paragraph no enough for Shakespeare to be as by the Bard in the most unnecessary sentences, for the same pleonastic, you’re in good unkindest cut - for poetic reason that a drawing should have company! And noone should be effect, to reinforce a point or no unnecessary lines and a machine raising their eyebrows anyway simply to make communication no unnecessary parts. This requires since some pleonasms have clearer and easier to understand. not that the writer make all his become so much an idiom of the sentences short, or that he avoid all language, that their usage is However, if you’re like me (and detail and treat his subjects only in hardly noticed: safe haven, she William Strunk Jr, author of The outline, but that every word tell. wept tears of joy, and HIV virus, Elements of Style, 1918), I’m for example. all for the argument that too Hear, hear, Mr Strunk! IJ extra october 2009 p08