City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007

Police Department Uniforms and Accessories







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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007

Police Department Uniforms and Accessories


A. BID SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Bid Forms: All bidders must use the attached bid proposal forms (or copies thereof) to submit their bid. No alternate or substitute forms will be accepted. All bid responses must be typed or written in ink. 2. Submittal of Bids: All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes that are clearly marked with the BID NUMBER and BID TITLE as shown on the cover page of these specifications. Bids must be delivered, no later than the specified bid opening date and time, to the following address: 3. Electronic Transmittal of Bids is Unacceptable: Bid submittals delivered by fax, electronic mail, or other electronic transmittal methods will NOT be accepted as qualified bids. 4. Late Bids are Not Acceptable: Late bids will not be opened nor accepted as qualified bids. 5. No Bid: If you choose not to bid yet desire to remain on the city’s vendor/supplier list for future consideration, please submit an envelope by the bid deadline with “NO BID’ clearly marked on the pricing submittal form and on the outside of the sealed envelope. 6. Submit Bids for All Items: Each and every item listed must be bid/quoted or your bid may be disqualified. 7. Notice of Award: Records showing successful bidder and prices will be kept on file within the City Clerk’s Office and may be examined upon request. 8. Bid/Contract Documents: Bidders are asked to retain these instructions, conditions, and specifications for future reference. This document and its attachments will become your contract with the City of Hoover if you are the successful bidder. 9. Inquiries: All questions regarding this bid should be directed to: Barbara Janchus OR Ben Powell Purchasing Specialist Director of Purchasing (205)444-7504 (205)444-7573 [email protected] [email protected]

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007

Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

B. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDS 1. Bids may be disqualified before the awarding of the contract for any reason including but not limited to the following: a) Failure to deliver the bid submittal as required; b) Failure to sign and/or notarize the bid documents; c) Failure to include requested information or other details of the bid; d) Excessive errors in calculating prices or total; 2. Bids may be disqualified for any other reason that may be deemed appropriate by Hoover City officials.

C. METHOD OF AWARD 1. While the bid award may be made to the lowest bidder meeting all product specifications, the City of Hoover may not award the bid on the basis of the low bid only. Quality, conformity with specifications, terms of delivery, terms of payment, past service history, and experience are among the factors that may be considered in determining the lowest responsible bidder. If the contract is awarded to someone other than the lowest bidder, a note of explanation will appear in the bid file. 2. In the event the lowest responsible bidder refuses to accept all bid requirements without deviation, that bid will then be disqualified. After such refusal, the bid may be awarded to the next lowest responsible bidder meeting all specifications. 3. The City of Hoover reserves the right to award the bid in any manner that is in the best interest of the City.

D. BID AGREEMENT SHALL BE BINDING 1. The bidder agrees that this Invitation to Bid along with the bidder’s proposal and supporting documentation will, when the bid has been awarded, constitute a lawful and binding agreement between the City of Hoover and the successful bidder. 2. The bidder agrees that, if awarded the bid, he/she shall furnish the material and services specified within this Invitation to Bid in compliance with all terms, scope of work, conditions, specifications, and amendments which are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.

E. BID CONTRACT PERIOD 1. This contract is for an initial period of one (1) year from date of award. 2. The contract may be extended for two (2) additional years, renewable annually, upon mutual agreement between the City of Hoover and the successful bidder.

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007

Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

F. BID PRICING 1. Each item is to be bid as a price per item multiplied by an estimated purchase quantity. The estimated quantity for each item has been provided on the Bid Pricing Form for bid tabulation and bid award purposes only and does NOT represent a commitment to purchase that quantity. 2. Bid prices are not to exceed four decimal places (i.e., $1.2525). 3. Prices quoted must remain firm for the entire period of the contract including extensions and renewals. 4. In the event of a delay in awarding the bid, bid prices shall remain firm for ninety (90) days from date of bid opening.

G. EXEMPTION FROM SALES TAXES 1. The City of Hoover is exempt from all sales taxes. This statement is in no way to be construed as relieving a seller or contractor of their obligation to pay appropriate taxes to each and every authorized taxing entity. 2. A copy of Hoover’s Sales Tax Exemption form/documentation may be provided to bidders upon request.

H. COMPLIANCE WITH PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRED 1. All items bid upon must meet both the general specifications provided herein and the specifications for that particular item as described herein. 2. If the successful bidder fails to deliver the products specified in this bid, the city may not accept delivery of or remit payment for such substitute items. 3. Compliance with each product specifications must be indicated on your bid price submittal. a) Please indicate YES for each item specified if you meet or exceed the item specifications. b) Please indicate NO for each item specified if you do not meet or exceed the minimum specifications. If you select no, please provide an explanation on separate page(s) entitled “EXCEPTIONS AND ALTERNATES TO SPECIFICATIONS” and enclose such page(s) with your bid submittal. c) Failure to indicate yes or no or to give explanation could disqualify your bid. 4. Brand names and model/product names and numbers are provided for each item whenever possible. The use of specific brands, model/product names, and numbers is not intended to restrict the bidding by any supplier and/or manufacturer, but is provided for the purpose of indicating the quality of materials, products, and service best adapted to the City’s intended use.

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007

Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

5. If alternate brand names, product names, or product numbers are proposed, the bidder must follow the instructions below regarding the submittal of bids/quotes that include such exceptions or alternates.

I. EXCEPTIONS AND ALTERNATES 1. If a price is bid/quoted for an alternate brand/product (anything other than the specified brand/product), then the submitted brand/product and its specifications should be fully described on a separate page entitled “EXCEPTIONS AND ALTERNATES TO SPECIFICATIONS” which shall be enclosed with your bid submittal. 2. Samples of alternate items must be made available for review upon request by the City of Hoover and, if requested, must be delivered promptly at the bidder’s expense, for such review. If the bidder desires that the sample items should be returned, the bidder must include packaging materials and pre-paid postage for such return. 3. Samples will only be required for items marked “No” for compliance on the bid specification sheets, thus indicating that an alternate item is being bid. 4. Samples submitted as alternates may be subjected to laboratory testing at the discretion of the City of Hoover. Bidders are responsible for all costs associated with testing of their sample garments/accessories. 5. The City of Hoover, in its sole discretion, will determine whether or not alternate items meet or exceed bid specifications. The bid will be disqualified if an alternate product does not meet or exceed all specifications for the specified brand/product.

J. CONDITIONS AND RESERVATION OF RIGHTS 1. Reservation of Rights – the City of Hoover expressly reserves the right to: a) Waive minor deviations from specifications that do not impair overall functionality of the products; b) Waive any defect, irregularity or informality in any bid procedure; c) Reject or cancel any or all bids; d) Reissue the bid invitation; e) Extend the bid opening time and date; f) Procure any item by other means; g) Increase or decrease the quantity specified in the bid invitation; h) Consider and accept alternate bids when most advantageous to the City. i) Negotiate with any bidder after proposals have been made regarding price, warranty, or any other factor being considered in this proposal.

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Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

2. The City of Hoover reserves the right to purchase any item from any supplier who has been awarded an Alabama State bid contract, a GSA contract, or other contracts made in accordance with and/or authorized by state bid laws.

K. NON-COLLUSION 1. By signing the Bid Agreement Form, the bidder certifies that: 2. The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently and without consultation, communication, or agreement with any other contractor, bidder, or potential bidder; and 3. Neither the price(s) nor the amount of this bid, and neither the approximate prices(s) nor approximate amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder, and they will not be disclosed before bid opening; and 4. No attempt has been made or will be made to induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this contract, or to submit a bid higher than this bid, or to submit any intentionally high or noncompetitive bid or other form of complementary bid. 5. The bid is made in good faith and has not been developed or submitted pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from, any firm or person who has submitted or is/was known to be submitting a competing for these items to the City of Hoover.

L. LICENSES AND PERMITS 1. Prior to issuance of any purchase orders for bid items/services, the successful bidder must obtain, if applicable, a City of Hoover Business License. 2. The successful bidder must also acquire all other licenses and/or permits required by local and state law.

M. ALABAMA IMMIGRATION LAW COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Bidder/Vendor agrees that it will fully comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended by the Immigration Act of 1990, and the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, as amended, which makes it unlawful for an employer in Alabama to knowingly hire or continue to employ an alien who is or has become unauthorized with respect to such employment or to fail to comply with the I-9 requirements or fails to use E-Verify to verify the eligibility to legally work in the United States for all of its new hires who are employed to work in the State of Alabama. Without limiting the foregoing, Vendor shall not knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien.

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Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

2. Vendor shall also enroll in the E-Verify Program prior to performing any work, or continuing to perform any ongoing work, shall remain enrolled throughout the entire course of its performance hereunder, shall supply to the CITY a copy of its E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding and such other documentation as CITY may require to confirm Vendor’s enrollment in the E- Verify Program and shall allow the CITY to inspect its records to confirm such compliance. 3. Vendor agrees that it shall, not knowingly, allow any of its suppliers, or any other party with whom it has a contract, to employ in the State of Alabama any illegal or undocumented aliens to perform any work in connection with the Project, and shall include in all of its contracts a provision substantially similar to this paragraph. If Vendor receives actual knowledge of the unauthorized status of one of its employees in the State of Alabama, it will remove that employee from the project, jobsite or premises of CITY and shall comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended by the Immigration Act of 1990, and the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, as amended. Bidder/Vendor shall require each of its suppliers, or other parties with whom it has a contract, to act in a similar fashion. If Vendor violates any term of this provision, this Agreement will be subject to immediate termination by CITY. 4. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Bidder/Vendor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY from any and all losses, consequential damages, expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees), claims, suits, liabilities, fines, penalties, and any other costs arising out of or in any way related to Vendor’s failure to fulfill its obligations contained in this paragraph. 5. The following language is required by § 31-13-9 (k) Code of Alabama 1975 to be placed in all contracts covered by the Act: “By signing this contract, the contracting parties affirm, for the duration of the agreement, that they will not violate federal immigration law or knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien within the state of Alabama. Furthermore, a contracting party found to be in violation of this provision shall be deemed in breach of the agreement and shall be responsible for all damages resulting therefrom. If there is no formal written contract between CITY and the Bidder/Vendor, such as where business is conducted by purchase order, this document shall serve as the Alabama Immigration Compliance Contract. If you have received a copy of this Proposal Document and choose to do business with the CITY, it will be deemed that you have accepted the terms even if you fail to sign and return the Agreement.

N. REFERENCES 1. Bidders shall submit the names and appropriate contact information for three current or previous Police Uniform/Accessory customers.

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Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

2. The references cited should be representatives of Police Departments that are approximately the same size as the Hoover Police Department (approximately 157 sworn officers).

End of Bid Instructions and Information Section

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Police Department Uniforms and Accessories


A. PURCHASES AND ORDERS 1. Products shall be ordered and supplied on an “As-Needed” basis during the life of this bid agreement. 2. The City of Hoover shall transmit or deliver authorized a purchase order or purchasing card to the winning bidder to initiate each order process. 3. The bidder/supplier will not be paid for any order placed without an authorized purchase order or valid purchasing card. Furthermore, the bidder/supplier shall not be paid until the Police Department has inspected delivered items and has approved the quality and workmanship thereof. 4. A Purchasing card presented for payment shall not be charged until the order is picked-up by or delivered to the City.

B. QUANTITIES 1. Quantities provided herein are estimates only and are not a commitment to buy. 2. Commodities will be purchased on an “As-Needed” basis. The actual quantities purchased may be more or less than the estimated quantities. 3. The quantities provided within the attached Bid Price sheet have been developed to reflect the approximate cost of meeting the Hoover Police Department’s uniform and accessory needs for outfitting one individual. Bidders should complete the Bid Sheet to extend the total cost of each item listed at the specified quantities and then summarize the extended costs of all items. 4. Approximate quantities, as provided herein, do not constitute an order, but only are provided for the purpose of comparing bid responses to each other to determine the lowest bidder..

C. UNIFORM APPEARANCE AND CONTINUITY 1. The Hoover Police Department has made every effort to ensure that items purchased as a result of this Invitation to Bid will match the existing uniforms being worn by the Hoover Police Department. 2. Bidders may examine examples of all items by contacting Hoover Police Department by telephone at (205)444-7700 or by e-mail at [email protected].

D. PRODUCT QUALITY, GUARANTEE, AND WARRANTY 1. The bidder attests that the items offered shall be new, original brand name items that have never been refurbished, repaired, or remanufactured.

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Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

2. All products will have a manufacturer’s warranty hangtag covering defects in materials and workmanship for a minimum of three (3) years. 3. All garments must be manufactured in an ISO 9000 certified facility. 4. By submitting a bid, the bidder certifies that he/she is fully aware of the conditions of service and purpose for which the items included in this bid are to be purchased. A bid submittal shall further serve as a guarantee that the bidder’s products will meet these conditions of service and purpose to the complete satisfaction of the City of Hoover. 5. The successful bidder shall replace all defective materials immediately upon notification except when it is clearly shown that the defects were caused by misuse and not by faulty manufacture. 6. The City of Hoover reserves the right to make quality inspections of products by any means determined by the City.

E. GARMENT ALTERATIONS, PATCHES, EMBLEMS AND INSIGNIAS 1. All alterations related to the initial acquisition of garments and accessories shall be made at the expense of the successful bidder. 2. All patches will be furnished and sewn-on by the successful bidder as specified herein. 3. Monograms are to be furnished and sewn-on by the successful bidder as specified herein. 4. All costs associated with attaching patches, emblems, chevrons, and/or insignias related to the initial acquisition of garments and accessories shall be made at the expense of the successful bidder.

F. SIZING 1. The successful bidder shall, if requested, be required to measure each employee so as to provide proper uniform fit for odd sizes and/or custom fit. 2. Sizing appointments must be scheduled in advance and shall be conducted at the Police Stations, Police Administration Office, or other City facility, whichever is appropriate based on the officers assigned location, and must be conducted at times when the personnel being measured are on-duty (three shifts per 24-hour period). Successful bidder must be prepared to respond, within 24 hours, to requests for size measurements for new product acquisitions and/or alterations. 3. All Class A and B uniform garments must be available in female sizes with the same garment specifications as male uniforms.

G. PACKAGING 1. Uniforms and accessories are to be packaged per employee.

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Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

2. The following information shall be attached to each package: The employee's name, the employee's rank/title, the employee’s designated work location, the purchase order number (if applicable), and a list of all items contained in package.

H. DELIVERY AND DELIVERY CHARGES 1. Prices bid/quoted shall include delivery to the location(s) stipulated below. No delivery charges or fees may be added or applied to bid items. If requested, a “delivery” order must be delivered to one of the following specified locations:

Police Operations Bldg. Public Safety Center Police Administration 3145 Lorna Road 2020 Valleydale Road 100 Municipal Lane Hoover, AL, 35216 Hoover, AL, 35244 Hoover, AL 35216

2. All items (except badges and tailored items) must be made available for pickup within ten (10) calendar days following the order date. Delivery, if requested, must be made within twelve (12) calendar days following the order date. 3. All items, except those tailor-made and/or badges, will be kept in stock by the successful bidder so as to meet the specified delivery requirements. 4. If a backorder occurs, the selected vendor shall be required to notify the department in writing, via fax, or by email and such notification shall include description(s), order date(s), and expected delivery date(s) for each such backlogged item. Upon receipt of such notification, the department may opt to accept delayed delivery for up to ten (10) additional calendar days after which time the order(s) may be cancelled and the department may acquire such backlogged items from another supplier. 5. Failure to deliver products as specified, in accordance with the terms of the bid submitted, or failure to meet promised delivery dates will constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the contract at the sole discretion of the City of Hoover.

I. LOCAL OFFICE REQUIREMENTS 1. For matters of convenience, manpower efficiency, and public safety, the successful bidder must have a local office for the purpose of making an expedient response to tailoring and service needs. Alterations and monogramming must be completed within 48 hours of vendor’s receipt of goods. 2. The local office shall be considered to be local if within thirty (30) miles of the Hoover Police Operations Center (3145 Lorna Road, Hoover, AL 35216). 3. The local office must be open for business at least 40 hours per week.

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Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

J. ORDER PROCESSING REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Within three (3) business days of such requests, the successful bidder must furnish the City with the following reports:  Order history sorted and sub-totaled by officer/employee name  Order history sorted and sub-totaled by item/product  Current orders-in-process sorted and sub-totaled by officer/employee name  Current orders in a backlog status sorted and sub-totaled by officer/employee

End of General Specifications Section

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A. USE OF BRAND NAMES AND MODELS WITHIN SPECIFICATIONS 1. Detailed specifications have been provided below for each item. Where a specific brand name and/or model is given, it is the preferred brand and model for that article of clothing or accessory. Alternate brands and/or models may be acceptable if the preferred brand is not available. 2. If a price is bid/quoted for an alternate brand/product (anything other than the specified brand/product), then the submitted brand/product and its specifications should be fully described on a separate page entitled “EXCEPTIONS AND ALTERNATES TO SPECIFICATIONS” which shall be enclosed with your bid submittal. 3. Samples of alternate items must be made available for review upon request by the City of Hoover and, if requested, must be delivered promptly at the bidder’s expense, for such review. If the bidder desires that the sample items should be returned, the bidder must include packaging materials and pre-paid postage for such return. 4. Samples will only be required for items marked “No” for compliance on the bid specification sheets, thus indicating that an alternate item is being bid. 5. Samples submitted as alternates may be subjected to laboratory testing at the discretion of the City of Hoover. Bidders are responsible for all costs associated with testing of their sample garments/accessories. 6. The City of Hoover, in its sole discretion, will determine whether or not alternate items meet or exceed bid specifications. The bid will be disqualified if an alternate product does not meet or exceed all specifications for the specified brand/product.

B. PLACEMENT OF PATCHES, EMBLEMS, INSIGNIAS, AND MONOGRAMMING 1. All patches and emblems will be furnished and sewn-on by the successful bidder as specified herein. 2. All Monograms are to be furnished and sewn-on by the successful bidder as specified herein. 3. All costs associated with attaching patches, emblems, insignias, and names that related to the initial acquisition of garments and accessories shall be made at the expense of the successful bidder.


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Fabric: To insure permanent moisture control, superior breathability, soil resistance, easy care, wrinkle resistance, color matching, and color retention. The fabric is to be 11.5-12 oz. per linear yard, gabardine weave with mechanical stretch, 100% texturized polyester with moisture wicking technology. Color: Dark Navy Blue

Style: Shall be made with the Ladies Choice pattern, featuring a contour waistband with elastic side panels, shortened rise, and reshaped hip and seat. Trousers have a plain front, quarter top front pockets, two back pockets and 7/8” belt loops.

Pockets: The front pocket opening will be a minimum 6” and be 5 ½”” deep from the bottom of the opening. They shall be stitched, turned, and restitched. The inside front pocket facing shall be a separate piece of self material finished no less than 1 ¼” wide. There shall be a non-woven interlining fused to the front pocket facing to give additional stability and strength to the pocket. The back pockets will have a minimum opening of 5 ½” on sizes 10 and above, and 5” on sizes 8 and below, and be 6” deep. They shall be made with a Reese PW automatic machine and finished on the outside with an exposed top and bottom cord. The left pocket shall have a tab to button. The front pockets shall have straight bartacks and the back pockets shall be bartacked with a triangular bartacking machine.

Pocketing: All pocketing shall be black 65% polyester / 35% cotton with a minimum count of 70 x 48, weight is 4.3oz / sq. yd.

Waistband: Must be Ladies Choice construction for superior comfort and performance. The curtain, attached with a rocap machine, shall be made of black, bias-cut, cotton blended twill and shall have two continuous parallel 1/16” wide silicone bands for shirt retention. Inside the waistband shall be two pieces of breathable non-woven stretch canvas for support. Waistband will also be fused for additional support. The finished waistband shall be 2” wide and shall be closed with a crush-proof hook and eye. The eye being bartacked for stability. There shall be 4” elastic sewn into teach side of the waistband for superior fit.

Striping: The trouser shall have a 3/8” 100% polyester stripe, sewn on the outside seam of each leg. The stripe shall run from the bottom of the waistband to the bottom of the trouser.

Zipper: The trousers shall be closed with a brass memory lock zipper and have a brass bottom stop at the base of the zipper chain. A straight bartack shall be sewn through from the outside of the garment to the inside at the bottom of the fly. It shall be sewn through the zipper tape, the right and left fly and the right fly lining. The right and left fly shall be joined by an additional bartack located below the bottom zipper stop on the inside of the trouser.

Inside Trim: The right fly lining shall be the same fabric and color as the waistband curtain. There shall be a non-woven interlining sewn to the fly to give additional stability and strength to the fly. The right fly lining shall be sewn to the left fly below the zipper.

Creasing: The front and back crease in the trouser legs must incorporate a permanent

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modified silicone crease produced by the Creaset™ System.

Seaming: The entire trouser is to be seamed with polyester core or 100% polyester spun thread. The seat seam shall be stitched with a tandem needle seaming machine.

Labels: The trouser shall have a sewn-in label giving care instructions and an outside waistband label which shall be marked with lot number, size, fiber content and cut number. A permanent size label shall be sewn inside on the hip pocket.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Finishing and All loose threads shall be removed. Trouser must be pressed completely and Pressing: properly with the side seam, inseam and seat seam pressed open. There must be a Jetclip clip attached to the top fly of the finished trouser.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes: Ladies Sizes 2 thru 26 (even only)

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Fabric: To insure permanent moisture control, superior breathability, soil resistance, easy care, wrinkle resistance, color matching, and color retention. The fabric is to be Burlington 100% texturized polyester gabardine weave with mechanical stretch, weighting 6.85 oz./sq. yd., 12.5 oz./lin.yd. Nano Moisture Wicking technology is applied at the fiBer level to capture and pull fluids and perspiration away from the skin and spread it over the fabric surface for quick evaporation to keep the wearer dry and comfortable. Color: Dark Navy Blue

Style: Shall be made on a uniform pattern, having a plain front with a covert waistband, quarter top front pockets, 7/8” belt loops and two back pockets.

Pockets: The front pocket opening will be a minimum 6 ½” and be 6” deep from the bottom of the opening. Pockets shall be stitched, turned, and restitched. The inside front pocket facing shall be a separate piece of self material finished no less than 1 ¼” wide The back pockets will have a minimum opening of 6” and be 6” deep. They shall be made with a Reese PW automatic machine and finished on the outside with an exposed top and bottom cord. Both pockets shall have a tab to button. The front pockets shall each have a straight bartack and the back pockets shall have triangular bartacks.

Pocketing: All pocketing shall be black 65% polyester / 35% cotton with a minimum thread count of 70 x 48, weight is 4.3oz / sq. yd.

Waistband: The Covert waistband contains a hidden elastic extension, providing up to 3” of additional stretch. The front of the outer waistband tapers through the covert opening at the top of the front pocket opening. The 1 ¼” wide elastic extends from the end of the taper through the waistband behind the side seam. All stress points will be bartacked.

The inner waistband shall be a Duty Fit waistband, which provides additional stretch to the wearer’s exact size while providing permanent recovery memory. The Duty Fit waistband will be continuous on the inside of the waistband so as to provide additional support and recovery to the waistband extension. There are no split openings in the inside curtain. The inside waistband shall be made with black poly/spandex/nylon/latex with 50% stretch. There is a ½” exposed rubber track in the center for shirt retention. The waistband measures 2 ½” and is attached with a rocap machine. Knit elastic banrol stiffener measuring 1” shall be sewn into the entire waistband to provide additional support.

The waistband is to be constructed using the closed method and shall measure 2” wide when finished. The waistband closure shall be accomplished with a double crush proof hook and eye, bartacked for stability. The hooks and eyes shall be reinforced with stays made of a non-woven fabric that are anchored by the topstitching for the fly facing and curtain. This topstitching must be to the top of the waistband. The waistband must have a crack stitch for added strength. No alternative waistband will be acceptable.

Striping: The trouser shall have a 3/8” 100% polyester stripe, sewn on the outside seam of each leg. The stripe shall run from the bottom of the waistband to the bottom of the

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trouser. Inner Fly/Crotch: The right fly and front crotch linings shall be the same fabric and color as the waistband curtain. There shall be a non-woven interlining sewn to the fly to give additional stability and strength to the fly. The right fly lining shall be sewn to the left fly below the zipper and continue centered on the join seam across the inseam and end 1” onto the back seam. A separate French fly made of the outer fabric shall be sewn to the inside right fly.

Zipper: The trousers shall be closed with a brass memory lock zipper and have a brass bottom stop at the base of the zipper chain. A straight bartack shall be sewn through from the outside of the garment to the inside at the bottom of the fly. It shall be sewn through the zipper tape, the right and left fly and the right fly lining. The right and left fly shall be joined by an additional bartack located below the bottom zipper stop on the inside of the trouser.

Belt Loops: There shall be a minimum of 5 lined loops on waist sizes 30 and below, and a minimum of 7 lined loops on all sizes 31 through 48, and 9 lined loops on waist sizes 50 and over. Each loop is to be 7/8” wide of double thickness, with stitching on the face side 3/8” from each edge. Except for the back loop, which shall be tacked on all loops are to be sewn into the rocap at the top and sewn into the bottom of the waistband. They shall accommodate a 1 5/8” belt.

Creasing: The front and back crease in the trouser legs must incorporate a permanent modified silicone crease produced by the Creaset™ System.

Seaming: The entire trouser is to be seamed with polyester core or 100% polyester spun thread. The seat seam shall be stitched with a tandem needle seaming machine.

Labels: There shall be a woven brand label sewn in the left hip pocket bag. A woven size label shall be sewn next to the main label, with a care and content label sewn below that label. An outside waistband label shall be marked with lot number, size, fiber content, cut number, and UPC Identification.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Finishing and All loose threads shall be removed. Trouser must be pressed completely and Pressing: properly with the side seam, inseam and seat seam pressed open. There must be a Jetclip clip attached to the top fly of the finished trouser.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

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Sizes: Men’s Sizes 28 – 38 (all sizes) and 38 – 58 (even sizes only)

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Elbeco Tex Trop brand or preapproved equal only. Shirts will be cut in the Ladies Choice pattern with expanded chest, waist and hip dimensions for a more flattering fit.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric.

The collar and cuff are to be singled stitched ¼” from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge.

Fabric: To insure permanent moisture control, superior breathability, soil resistance, easy care, wrinkle resistance, color matching, and color retention, the fabric is to be Burlington 100% texturized polyester plain weave with mechanical stretch, weighting 5.5 oz./sq. yd., 10 oz./lin.yd. Nano Moisture Wicking technology is applied at the fiber level to capture and pull fluids and perspiration away from the skin and spread it over the fabric surface for quick evaporation to keep the wearer dry and comfortable.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: The shape and style of both leaf and stand shall conform to the TT89 banded collar. The points, medium spread, are to be approximately 3” in length. The back of the stand is to measure 1-1/2”. The leaf shall be made of three pieces; two pieces of self-cloth and one whole lining, which is to be fused to the top collar.

Innerstand and inner yoke to be made of matching 65% Dacron polyester / 35% cotton, 4.2 ounce per square yard, 106 x 58.

Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom collar. The stand shall fasten with one button. There shall be one horizontal button hole.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-5/8” in width and to fasten with a two button adjustable cuff. There is to be a single stitch 7/16” from top of cuff. The sleeve opening shall measure 3-7/8” from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4” wide and the bottom facing to finish about 2” wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole.

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

Front: The front shall have a center facing 1-1/2” wide extending from the collar stand to bottom of shirt and be made of the same material as shirt fabric with two rows of stitching 7/8” apart.

The center front shall contain six vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge and 3-1/2” apart. The button stand, 7/8” wide, shall be self-lined and placed on left side extending from collar stand to bottom of shirt. Buttons shall be securely attached to the button stand and shall correspond to the buttonholes on the center facing.

Zipper: A 14” nylon zipper shall be sewn to the fronts and shall be positioned 1-1/2” below the first front button and shall replace the 2nd, 2rd, 4th, and 5th front buttons, which are to be sewn on the top center. The neck button, first front button are to be functional.

Back: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of poplin.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Access bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly Openings: concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5” wide and 5- 1/2” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left chest pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4” in length, 2-3/8” in width at center, and 2-1/8” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Badge Tab: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means of a strip of material 1-1/2” wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4” apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2” above top of left flap.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about 2” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side

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back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Top center to be lined with a non-woven polyester interlining. Cuffs and band to be lined with H’Press interlining, collar with Ck331 and flaps with EZ, collar with Ck331 and flaps with EZ Crease.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven brand label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem.

Button: All buttons shall be made from high impact melamine and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

Bust: 38½ 39½ 41 42½ 44 45½ 47½ 49½ 51½ 53½

Waist: 35½ 36½ 38 39½ 41 42½ 44½ 46½ 48½ 50½

Back: 27½ 27½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 29 29

Sleeve Length: 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 34

Note: Navy shirt to be made to accommodate removable metal buttons on shoulder straps, pocket flaps and cuffs. Patches, Patches/Emblems must be provided and sewn on left and right sleeves of uniform Emblems, shirts at no additional expense. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment.


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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories


Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Elbeco Tex Trop brand or preapproved equal only.

Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric.

The collar and cuff are to be singled stitched ¼” from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge.

Fabric: To insure permanent moisture control, superior breathability, soil resistance, easy care, wrinkle resistance, color matching, and color retention, the fabric is to be Burlington 100% texturized polyester plain weave with mechanical stretch, weighting 5.5 oz./sq. yd., 10 oz./lin.yd. Nano Moisture Wicking technology is applied at the fiber level to capture and pull fluids and perspiration away from the skin and spread it over the fabric surface for quick evaporation to keep the wearer dry and comfortable.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: The shape and style of both leaf and stand shall conform to the TT89 banded collar. The points, medium spread, are to be approximately 3” in length. The back of the stand is to measure 1-1/2”. The leaf shall be made of three pieces; two pieces of self-cloth and one whole lining, which is to be fused to the top collar.

Innerstand and inner yoke to be made of matching 65% Dacron polyester / 35% cotton, 4.2 ounce per square yard, 106 x 58.

Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom collar. The stand shall fasten with one button. There shall be one horizontal button hole.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-7/8” in width and to fasten with two buttons. There is to be a single stitch 7/16” from top of cuff.

The sleeve opening shall measure 4-7/8” from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4” wide and the bottom facing to finish about 2” wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole.

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and

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body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: The front shall have a center facing 1-1/2” wide extending from the collar stand to bottom of shirt and be made of the same material as shirt fabric with two rows of stitching 7/8” apart.

The center front shall contain six vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge and 3-1/2” apart. The button stand, 7/8” wide, shall be self-lined and placed on right side extending from collar stand to bottom of shirt. Buttons shall be securely attached to the button stand and shall correspond to the buttonholes on the center facing.

Zipper: A 14” nylon zipper shall be sewn to the fronts and shall be positioned 1-1/2” below the first front button and shall replace the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th front buttons, which are to be sewn on the top center. The neck button, first front button are to be functional.

Back: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of poplin.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Access bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly Openings: concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8” wide and 6” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left chest pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4” in length, 2-3/4” in width at center, and 2-1/2” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Badge Tab: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means of a strip of material 1-1/2” wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two (2) small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4” apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2” above top of left flap.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about 2” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining

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seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Top center to be lined with a non-woven polyester interlining. Cuffs and band to be lined with H’Press interlining, collar with Ck331 and flaps with EZ.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven brand label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem.

Button: All buttons shall be made from high impact melamine and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5

Chest: 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57

Waist: 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 50 53 55

Back Length: 32⅛ 32¼ 32⅜ 32⅝ 32¾ 33 33½ 34½ 34⅝ 35½

Sleeve Length:

Note: Navy shirt to be made to accommodate removable metal buttons on shoulder straps, pocket flaps and cuffs.

Patches, Patches/Emblems must be provided and sewn on left and right sleeves of uniform Emblems, shirts at no additional expense. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment.


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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories


Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Elbeco Tex Trop brand or preapproved equal only.

Shirts will be cut in the Ladies Choice pattern with expanded chest, waist and hip dimensions for a more flattering fit.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar and cuff are to be singled stitched ¼” from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge.

Fabric: To insure permanent moisture control, superior breathability, soil resistance, easy care, wrinkle resistance, color matching, and color retention, the fabric is to be Burlington 100% texturized polyester plain weave with mechanical stretch, weighting 5.5 oz./sq. yd., 10 oz./lin.yd. Nano Moisture Wicking technology is applied at the fiber level to capture and pull fluids and perspiration away from the skin and spread it over the fabric surface for quick evaporation to keep the wearer dry and comfortable.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/8” long at the points and 1- 5/8” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two (2) plies of basic material and one (1) ply of D331 top fuse lining.

The collar and inner yoke to be lined with matching 65% Dacron polyester / 35% cotton, 4.2 ounce per square yard, 106 x 58. The collar lining shall be banana shaped.

Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom collar.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole with 1” hem. The finish shall be 9-1/2” long from shoulder seam. The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: The front shall have a center facing 3” in width extending from the neckline to bottom of shirt provided by a turn under of material. The right front shall also have a lined box pleat 1-1/2” wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shall be topstitched

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¼” from both edges.

The center front shall contain seven (7) vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge, first at neck, second 2-12/” down, balance 3-1/2” apart.

Zipper: A 14” nylon zipper shall be sewn to the fronts and shall be positioned 1-1/2” below the first front button and shall replace the 2nd, 2rd, 4th, and 5th front buttons, which are to be sewn on the top center. The neck button, first front button are to be functional.

Back: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of poplin.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Access bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly Openings: concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5” wide and 5- 1/2” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro®. The left chest pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4” in length, 2-3/8” in width at center, and 2-1/8” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Badge Tab: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means of a strip of material 1-1/2” wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4” apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2” above top of left flap.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about 2” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Flaps to be lined with EZ Crease, collar to be D331. Top Center to be lined with non- woven polyester interlining.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in

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Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven brand label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem.

Button: All buttons shall be made from high impact melamine and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

Bust: 38½ 39½ 41 42½ 44 45½ 47½ 49½ 51½ 53½

Waist: 35½ 36½ 38 39½ 41 42½ 44½ 46½ 48½ 50½

Back: 27½ 27½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 29 29

Note: Navy shirt to be made to accommodate removable metal buttons on shoulder straps, pocket flaps and cuffs.

Patches, Patches/Emblems must be provided and sewn on left and right sleeves of uniform Emblems, shirts at no additional expense. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment.


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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories


Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Elbeco Tex Trop brand or preapproved equal only.

Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric.

The collar and cuff are to be singled stitched ¼” from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge.

Fabric: To insure permanent moisture control, superior breathability, soil resistance, easy care, wrinkle resistance, color matching, and color retention, the fabric is to be Burlington 100% texturized polyester plain weave with mechanical stretch, weighting 5.5 oz./sq. yd., 10 oz./lin.yd. Nano Moisture Wicking technology is applied at the fiber level to capture and pull fluids and perspiration away from the skin and spread it over the fabric surface for quick evaporation to keep the wearer dry and comfortable.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/4” long at points and 1-5/8” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two lies of basic material and one ply of D331 top fuse lining.

The collar and inner yoke to be lined with matching 65% Dacron polyester / 35% cotton, 4.2 ounce per square yard, 106 x 58. The collar lining shall be banana shaped.

Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom collar.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole with 1” hem. These shall be graded in length so as to finish from the shoulder seam as follows:

Size Finished Length 14 and 14 ½ 9-1/2” 15, 15 ½ and 16 10” 16 ½ and above 10-1/2”

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and

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body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: The front shall have a facing 3” wide extending from the neckline to the bottom of shirt provided by a turn under of material. The left front shall also have a lined box pleat 1-1/2” wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shall be topstitched ¼” from both edges.

The center front shall contain seven vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge. First at neck, second 2-1/2” down, balance 3-1/2” apart.

Zipper: A 14” nylon zipper shall be sewn to the fronts and shall be positioned 1-1/2” below the first front button and shall replace the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th front buttons, which are to be sewn on the top center. The neck button, first front button are to be functional.

Back: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of poplin.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Access bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly Openings: concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8” wide and 6” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left chest pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4” in length, 2-3/4” in width at center, and 2-1/2” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Badge Tab: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means of a strip of material 1-1/2” wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two (2) small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4” apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2” above top of left flap.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about 2” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining

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seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Flaps to be EZ crease, collar to be D331. Top center to be lined with non-woven polyester interlining.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven brand label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem.

Button: All buttons shall be made from high impact melamine and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5

Chest: 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57

Waist: 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 50 53 55

Back Length: 32⅛ 32¼ 32⅜ 32⅝ 32¾ 33 33½ 34½ 34⅝ 35½

Note: Navy shirt to be made to accommodate removable metal buttons on shoulder straps, pocket flaps and cuffs.

Patches, Patches/Emblems must be provided and sewn on left and right sleeves of uniform Emblems, shirts at no additional expense. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment.


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Fabric: Elbeco Tek2 65% polyester / 35% combed cotton two ply vat dyed twill weave, weighting 7oz. per square yard with 6-8% engineered filling stretch. Must be treated at the fiber level with Nano Fluid Repellency technology for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability. Color: Midnight Navy.

Style: Shall be made with the Ladies Choice pattern, featuring a contour waistband with elastic side panels, shortened rise and reshaped hip and seat. Trousers have a plain front with quarter top front pockets, two back pockets, two rear SAP pockets, and two double entry cargo pockets positioned on each leg outseam.

Pockets: The front pocket opening will be a minimum 6½” and be 6” deep from the bottom of Front/Back the opening. Pockets shall be stitched, turned and re-stitched. The inside front pocket facing shall be a separate piece of self-material finishing no less than 1¼” wide. The back pockets will have a minimum opening of 5” on sizes 8 and below and 5½” on sizes 10 and above and will be 6” deep. They shall be made with a Reese PW automatic machine and finished on the outside with an exposed top and bottom cord. Both pockets shall have a tab and button. The front pockets shall each have a straight bartack and each back pocket shall be bartacked with a triangular bartack.

Pocket: SAP There shall be two SAP pockets, located 5¼” below each hit pocket. The pockets shall be 2” from the side seam with a minimum opening of 3½” and a minimum depth of 8”. Pocketing material to be the same as side and hip pockets. Pockets shall be constructed using the double welt method on a Reece PW machine.

Pocket: Side There shall be two double entry side pockets sewn to each outside leg seam. The pocket is centered 9½” below the bottom of the waistband on sizes 8 and below, and 10½” on sizes 10 and above. The pocket shall be constructed of shell fabric with the top edge bound with a poly/cotton black binding. The pocket shall measure 7” wide and 8 ½” long and feature an inverted center pleat measuring one inch in width and edge stitched for stability. A 6” strip of 3M reflective tape will be sewn to the top edge of the pocket. Two 1” x 1” soft Velcro strips will be sewn on top of the ends of the reflective tape so that a minimum of 4” tape is visible.

There shall be a knife/PDA pocket sewn on the outside of the cargo pocket from the pleat towards the rear of the trouser. This pocket has a lined hem and Velcro closure.

A two-compartment internal utility pocket and tunnel will be set in the back of each cargo pocket. One compartment measures 3½” x 4½” with a finished bottom. The other compartment measures 2⅜” x 6” deep and is open at the bottom to accommodate flashlights of different lengths.

A PDA/utility pocket measuring 4½” x 4½” is set inside the front of each cargo pocket.

The pocket flap measures 7” wide x 2¾” deep and is made of two plies of shell fabric and one ply of interlining. The top edge of the flap shall be sewn across the

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top of the outer pocket with its sides secured to the pocket with two hard Velcro strips sewn to the pocket. There shall be a zipper sewn behind the inner pocket and to the trousers leg, positioned one inch below the top of the flap to create a concealed pocket.

Pocketing: All pocketing shall be black 65% polyester / 35% cotton with a minimum thread count to 68 x 54, the weight shall be 2.60 yards/lb.

Inside Trim: The right fly lining shall be the same fabric and color as the waistband curtain. There shall be a non-woven interlining sewn to the fly to give additional stability and strength to the fly. The right fly lining shall be sewn to the left fly below the zipper.

Waistband: Must be Ladies Choice construction for superior comfort and performance. The curtain, attached with a rocap machine, shall be made of black, bias-cut, cotton blended twill and shall have two continuous parallel 1/16” wide silicone bands for shirt retention. Inside the waistband shall be two pieces of breathable non-woven stretch canvas for support. Waistband will also be fused for additional support. The finished waistband shall be 2” wide and shall be closed with a crush-proof hook and eye, the eye being bartacked for stability. There shall be 4” elastic sewn into each side of the waistband for superior fit. The finished waistband shall be set on and shall be stitched below the lower edge through the outer fabric and the waistband curtain. No alternative waistband will be acceptable.

Belt Loops: There shall be a minimum of 5 lined belt loops on sizes 8 and below and a minimum of 7 lined loops on all sizes 10 and above. Each loop is to be 7/8” wide of double thickness, with stitching on a face side 3/8” from each edge. Except for the back loop, which shall be tacked on, all loops shall be sewn into the bottom of the waistband and into the rocap. They shall accommodate a 1⅝” belt.

Zippers: The trousers shall be closed with a brass zipper and a brass bottom stop at the base of the zipper chain. A straight bartack shall be sewn through the outside of the garment to the inside at the bottom of the fly. It shall be sewn through the zipper tape, the right and left fly and the right fly lining. The right and left fly shall be joined by an additional bartack located below the bottom zipper stop on the inside of the trouser. Additional zippers shall be sewn behind each pocket flap per specifications.

Creasing: The front and back crease in both trouser legs must be applied via a pneumatically controlled application of Creaset™ silicone sealant, specially formulated for technologically enhanced fabrics, so as to give permanency to the creases for the life of the garment.

Seaming: The entire trouser is to be seamed with polyester core or 100% polyester spun thread. The seat seam shall be stitched with a tandem needle seat seaming machine.

Labels: There shall be a Tek2 woven label sewn in the left hip pocket bag. A woven size label shall be sewn next to the main label, with a care and content label sewn below that label. An outside waistband label shall be marked with lot number, size, fiber content, cut number and UPC Identification.

Finishing & All loose threads shall be removed. Trousers must be pressed completely and Pressing: properly with side seam, inseam, and seat seam pressed open. There must be a

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Jetclip attached to the top fly of the finished trousers.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes Ladies Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Fabric: Elbeco Tek2 65% polyester / 35% combed cotton two ply vat dyed twill weave, weighting 7oz. per square yard with 6-8% engineered filling stretch. Must be treated at the fiber level with Nano Fluid Repellency technology for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability. Color: Midnight Navy.

Style: Shall be made with an ActiveCut pattern, with a Covert waistband, plain front with quarter top front pockets, two back pockets, two rear SAP pockets, and two double entry cargo pockets positioned on each leg outseam.

Pockets: The front pocket opening will be a minimum 6½” and be 6” deep from the bottom of Front/Back the opening. Pockets shall be stitched, turned and restitched. The inside front pocket facing shall be a separate piece of self-material finishing no less than 1¼” wide. The back pockets will have a minimum opening of 6” and be 6” deep. They shall be made with a Reese PW automatic machine and finished on the outside with an exposed top and bottom cord. Both pockets shall have a tab and button. The front pockets shall each have a straight bartack and each back pocket shall be bartacked with a triangular bartack.

Pocket: SAP There shall be two SAP pockets, located 5¼” below each hit pocket. The pockets shall be 2” from the side seam with a minimum opening of 3½” and a minimum depth of 8”. Pocketing material to be the same as side and hip pockets. Pockets shall be constructed using the double welt method on a Reece PW machine.

Pocket: Side There shall be two double entry side pockets sewn to each outside leg seam so that the pocket flap is centered 10 ½” inches below the bottom of the waistband. The pocket shall be constructed of shell fabric with the top edge bound with a poly/cotton black binding. The pocket shall measure 7” wide and 8 ½” long and feature an inverted center pleat measuring one inch in width and edge stitched for stability. A 6” strip of 3M reflective tape will be sewn to the top edge of the pocket. Two 1” x 1” soft Velcro strips will be sewn on top of the ends of the reflective tape so that a minimum of 4” tape is visible.

There shall be a knife/PDA pocket sewn on the outside of the cargo pocket from the pleat towards the rear of the trouser. This pocket has a lined hem and Velcro closure.

A two-compartment internal utility pocket and tunnel will be set in the back of each cargo pocket. One compartment measures 3½” x 4½” with a finished bottom. The other compartment measures 2⅜” x 6” deep and is open at the bottom to accommodate flashlights of different lengths.

A PDA/utility pocket measuring 4½” x 4½” is set inside the front of each cargo pocket.

The pocket flap measures 7” wide x 2¾” deep and is made of two plies of shell fabric and one ply of interlining. The top edge of the flap shall be sewn across the top of the outer pocket with its sides secured to the pocket with two hard Velcro strips sewn to the inner ply flap to align with the soft Velcro strips sewn to the

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pocket. There shall be a zipper sewn behind the inner pocket and to the trousers leg, positioned one inch below the top of the flap to create a concealed pocket.

Pocketing: All pocketing shall be black 65% polyester / 35% cotton with a minimum thread count to 70 x 48, the weight shall be 4.3oz./sq.yd.

Inner Fly/Crotch: The right fly lining shall be the same fabric and color as the waistband curtain. There shall be a non-woven interlining sewn to the fly to give additional stability and strength to the fly. The right fly lining shall be sewn to the left fly below the zipper and continue centered on the join seam across the inseam and end 1 inch onto the backseam. A separate French fly made of the outer fabric shall be sewn to the inside right fly.

There shall be a triple strength crotch reinforcement to prevent seam failure in the crotch and inseam area. The crotch shall be secured with two rows of stitching. One row is to be on the inside of the trouser, and then turned and an additional row to be sewn to the outside of trouser.

Waistband: The Covert waistband contains a hidden elastic extension, providing up to three inches of additional stretch. The front of the outer waistband tapers through the covert opening at the top of the front pocket opening. The 1¼” wide elastic extends form the end of the taper through the waistband behind the side seam. All stress points will be bartacked.

The inner waistband shall be a Duty Fit waistband, which provides additional stretch to the wearer’s exact size while providing permanent recovery memory. The Duty Fit waistband will be continuous on the inside of the waistband so as to provide additional support and recovery to the waistband extension. There are no split openings in the inside curtain. The inside waistband shall be made with black wrapped woven elastine and have two tracks of 1/8” wide silicone for shirt retention. It measures 2½” and is attached with a rocap machine. Woven elastic banrol stiffener measuring 1” shall be sewn into the entire waistband to provide additional support.

The waistband is to be constructed using the closed method and shall measure 2” wide when finished. The waistband closure shall be accomplished with a double crush proof hook and eye, bartacked for stability. The hooks and eyes shall be reinforced with stays made of a non-woven fabric that are anchored by the top stitching for the fly facing and curtain. This top stitching must be to the top of the waistband. The waistband must have a crack stitch for added strength. No alternative waistband will be acceptable.

Belt Loops: There should be a minimum of 7 lined belt loops on sizes 49 and below and a minimum of 9 lined loops on all sizes 50 and over. Each loop is to be 1” wide of double thickness, with stitching on a face side 3/8” for each edge. Except for the back loop which shall be tacked on, all loops shall be sewn into the bottom of the waistband and into the rocap. They shall accommodate a 1⅝” belt.

Creasing: The front and back crease in both trouser legs must be applied via a pneumatically controlled application of Creaset™ silicone sealant, specially formulated for technologically enhanced fabrics, so as to give permanency to the creases for the life of the garment.

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Zippers: The trousers shall be closed with a brass zipper and have a brass bottom stop at the base of the zipper chain. A straight bartack shall be sewn through the outside of the garment to the inside at the bottom of the fly. It shall be sewn through the zipper tape, the right and left fly and the right fly lining. The right and left fly shall be joined by an additional bartack located below the bottom zipper stop on the inside of the trousers. Additional zippers shall be sewn behind each side of the pocket flap per specification.

Seaming: The entire trouser is to be seamed with polyester core or 100% polyester spun thread. The seat seam shall be stitched with a tandem needle seat seaming machine.

Labels: There shall be a Tek2 woven label sewn in the left hip pocket bag. A woven size label shall be sewn next to the main label, with a care and content label sewn below that label. An outside waistband label shall be marked with lot number, size, fiber content, cut number and UPC Identification.

Finishing & All loose threads shall be removed. Trousers must be pressed completely and Pressing: properly with side seam, inseam, and seat seam pressed open. There must be a Jetclip attached to the top fly of the finished trousers

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54

Waist 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 rlx Waist 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 str Seat 38⅜ 40¼ 42⅛ 44 45⅞ 49⅝ 49⅝ 51½ 53⅜ 55¼ 57⅛ 59 60⅞ 63¾

Rise 10 10¼ 10½ 10¾ 11 11¼ 11½ 11¾ 12 12¼ 12½ 12¾ 13 13¼

Thigh 26⅛ 27 27⅞ 28¾ 29⅝ 30½ 31⅜ 32¼ 33⅛ 34 34⅞ 35¾ 36⅝ 37½

Knee 19¾ 20¼ 20¾ 21¼ 21¾ 22¼ 22¾ 23¼ 23¾ 24¼ 24¾ 25¼ 25¾ 26¼ Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample.

Shirts will be cut in the Ladies Choice pattern with expanded chest, waist and hip dimensions for a more flattering fit.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron™ core thread to match shirt fabric.

Fabric: Elbeco Tek3 65% polyester / 35% combed cotton two ply vat dyed twill weave, weighting 7 oz. per square yard with 6-8% engineered filling stretch. Must be treated at all fabric level with Nano Fluid Repellency technology for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/8” long at points and 1-5/8” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of fusing. The collar is to be single stitched ¼” from edge. On the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

The collar shall be made with permanent collar stays. Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom ply of the collar.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole with two pleats at the cuff. The cuffs are to be 2-5/8” in width and to fasten with two button adjustable cuff. There is to be a ¼” top stitch around the cuff.

The continuous sleeve opening shall measure 3-7/8” from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4” wide and the bottom facing to finish about ½” wide. Button is to be placed on bottom facing of sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole on top facing.

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: The front shall have a facing 3” in width extending from neckline to the bottom of shirt provided by a turn under of material. The right front shall also have a lined box pleat

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1-1/2” wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shall be top stitched ¼” from both edges.

The center front shall contain seven vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge. The first button will be placed at the neck, second placed 2-1/2” down, with the balance 3- 1/2” apart.

Back: There is to be a yoke composed of a double ply of the same material as the basic shirt properly secured for strength. There shall be a top stitch along the entire bottom of outside yoke for additional stability.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Access bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly Openings: concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5” wide and 5- 1/2”. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/2” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4” in length, 2-3/4” in width at center, and 2-1/2” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a non-functional matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about 1/2” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

Shoulder straps must be top stitched on the edge. Off the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

Badge Tab: There shall be a loose badge tab attached to the UPC tag for optional use. The tab will have two metal eyelets 1-1/4” apart.

Mic Tab: There shall be a loose mic tab measuring ¾” wide x 3” length set in the right from pocket.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease. Interlining: Top center to be lined with V01083-85. Flaps to be E-Z crease. Cuffs to be 37 durapress. Collar to be Dacron 250.

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UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven brand label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem. Descriptive product hang tag to be attached to front of shirt.

Button: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

Bust: 38½ 39½ 41 42½ 44 45½ 47½ 49½ 51½ 53½

Waist: 35½ 36½ 38 39½ 41 42½ 44½ 46½ 48½ 50½

Back: 27½ 27½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 29 29

Sleeve Length: 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 34

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample.

Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric.

Fabric: Elbeco Tek3 65% polyester / 35% combed cotton two ply vat dyed twill weave, weighting 7 oz. per square yard with 6-8% engineered filling stretch. Must be treated at all fabric level with Nano Fluid Repellency technology for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/4” long at points and 1-5/8” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of fusing. The collar is to be single stitched ¼” from edge. On the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

The collar shall be made with permanent collar stays. Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom ply of the collar.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-7/8” in width and to fasten with two button adjustable cuff. There is to be a single stitch 7/16” from top of cuff.

The continuous sleeve opening shall measure 4-7/8” from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4” wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole.

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: The front shall have a facing 3” in width extending from neckline to the bottom of shirt provided by a turn under of material. The left front shall also have a lined box pleat 1- 1/2” wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shall be top stitched ¼” from both

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The center front shall contain seven vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge. The first button will be placed at the neck, second placed 2-1/2” down, with the balance 3- 1/2” apart.

Back: There is to be a yoke composed of a double ply of the same material as the basic shirt properly secured for strength. There shall be a top stitch along the entire bottom of outside yoke for additional stability.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the bottom Access tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly concealed and Openings: reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8” wide and 6” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/2” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4” in length, 2-3/4” in width at center, and 2-1/2” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a non-functional matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap.

The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. Off the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Shoulder The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other Straps: end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about 1/2” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

Shoulder straps must be top stitched on the edge. Off the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

Badge Tab: There shall be a loose badge tab attached to the UPC tag for optional use. The tab will have two metal eyelets 1-1/4” apart.

Mic Tab: There shall be a loose mic tab measuring ¾” wide x 3” length set in the right from pocket.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not thru Creases: pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

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Interlining: Top center to be lined with V01083-85. Flaps to be E-Z crease. Cuffs to be 37 durapress. Collar to be Dacron 250.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven brand label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem. Descriptive product hang tag to be attached to front of shirt.

Button: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed Packing: in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Conduct: Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Neck Size: 13/13½ 14-14½ 15/15 ½ 16/16½ 17/17½ 18/18½ 19/20 21/22

Chest: 37 41 45 49 53 57 63 71

Waist: 32 36 40 44 49 54 63 71

Back Length: 32 32⅝ 32⅞ 33⅜ 34⅞ 35⅞ 36⅞ 37

Sleeve Length: Combination Sleeve: 32/33 is 33 34/35 is 35 36/37 is 37

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample.

Shirts will be cut in the Ladies Choice pattern with expanded chest, waist and hip dimensions for a more flattering fit.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron™ core thread to match shirt fabric.

Fabric: Elbeco Tek3 65% polyester / 35% combed cotton two ply vat dyed twill weave, weighting 7 oz. per square yard with 6-8% engineered filling stretch. Must be treated at the fabric level with Nano Fluid Repellency technology for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/8” long at points and 1-5/8” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of Dacron lining.

The collar shall be made with permanent collar stays. Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom ply of the collar.

The collar is to be single stitched ¼” from edge. On the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be straight and whole and have a 1” hem. The finish shall be 9-1/2” long from shoulder to seam.

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: The front shall have a facing 3” in width extending from neckline to the bottom of shirt provided by a turn under of material. The right front shall also have a lined box pleat 1-1/2” wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shall be top stitched ¼” from both edges.

The center front shall contain seven vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge. The

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first button will be placed at the neck, second placed 2-1/2” down, with the balance 3- 1/2” apart.

Back: There is to be a yoke composed of a double ply of the same material as the basic shirt properly secured for strength. There shall be a top stitch along the entire bottom of outside yoke for additional stability.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Access bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly Openings: concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5” wide and 5- 1/2”. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/2” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4” in length, 2-3/4” in width at center, and 2-1/2” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a non-functional matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap.

The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. Of the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about 1/2” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

Shoulder straps must be top stitched on the edge. Off the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

Badge Tab: There shall be a loose badge tab attached to the UPC tag for optional use. The tab will have two metal eyelets 1-1/4” apart.

Mic Tab: There shall be a loose mic tab measuring ¾” wide x 3” length set in the right from pocket.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Top center to be lined with V01083-85. Flaps to be E-Z crease. Cuffs to be 37

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durapress. Collar to be Dacron 250.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven brand label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem. Descriptive product hang tag to be attached to front of shirt.

Button: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

Bust: 38½ 39½ 41 42½ 44 45½ 47½ 49½ 51½ 53½

Waist: 35½ 36½ 38 39½ 41 42½ 44½ 46½ 48½ 50½

Back: 27½ 27½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 29 29

Sleeve Length: 9-1/2” all sizes

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample.

Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron™ core thread to match shirt fabric.

Fabric: Elbeco Tek3 65% polyester / 35% combed cotton two ply vat dyed twill weave, weighting 7 oz. per square yard with 6-8% engineered filling stretch. Must be treated at all fabric level with Nano Fluid Repellency technology for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/4” long at points and 1-5/8” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of fusing.

The collar shall be made with permanent collar stays. Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom ply of the collar.

The collar is to be single stitched ¼” from edge. On the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole and have a 1” hem. These shall be graded in length so as to finish from the shoulder seams as follows: Size Finished Length 14 and 14-1/2 9-1/2” 15, 15-1/2 and 16 10” 16-1/2 through 18-1/2 10-1/2” 19 and up 11”

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: The front shall have a facing 3” in width extending from neckline to the bottom of shirt

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provided by a turn under of material. The left front shall also have a lined box pleat 1- 1/2” wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shall be top stitched ¼” from both edges.

The center front shall contain seven vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge. The first button will be placed at the neck, second placed 2-1/2” down, with the balance 3-1/2” apart.

Back: There is to be a yoke composed of a double ply of the same material as the basic shirt properly secured for strength. There shall be a top stitch along the entire bottom of outside yoke for additional stability.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the bottom Access tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly concealed and Openings: reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8” wide and 6” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/2” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4” in length, 2-3/4” in width at center, and 2-1/2” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a non-functional matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap.

The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. Off the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Shoulder The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other Straps: end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about 1/2” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

Shoulder straps must be top stitched on the edge. Off the edge stitching will be cause for rejection.

Badge Tab: There shall be a loose badge tab attached to the UPC tag for optional use. The tab will have two metal eyelets 1-1/4” apart.

Mic Tab: There shall be a loose mic tab measuring ¾” wide x 3” length set in the right from pocket.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not thru Creases: pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back

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creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Top center to be lined with V01083-85. Flaps to be E-Z crease. Cuffs to be 37 durapress. Collar to be Dacron 250.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven brand label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem. Descriptive product hang tag to be attached to front of shirt.

Button: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed Packing: in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Conduct: Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Neck Size: XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL

Chest: 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65

Waist: 32 36 40 44 49 54 59 65

Back Length: 32 32⅝ 32⅞ 33⅜ 34⅞ 35⅞ 36⅞ 37

Sleeve Length: 9-1/2” all sizes

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Shall be a loose fit polo style knit long sleeve shirt with the Ladies Choice pattern. Polo’s will have gusseted side panels, three button front placket, full fashion knit collar, mic pockets on shoulders, and a mic loop on placket. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: 100% polyester circular knit Swiss pique, 7.25 oz. /sq. yd. Permanent X-EEDE performance must provide UV protection and wick moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant, and pill-proof. The permanent anti- microbial technology is odor, mildew and 99.9% bacteria resistant. Colors: white, black, tan, navy, spruce green and gray.

Collar: The collar shall be a 7.25oz. /sq. yd. 100% polyester circular knit full fashion collar, with 2-3/4” points and permanent built in stays placed along the edge for no-curl collar performance.

Placket: The 3-button placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 6” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” stitched box, with a ½” mic loop sewn over the full width of the placket. The 3 buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the collar and vertical buttonholes for the two remaining buttons. The placket shall lap left over right.

Back:: There shall be a semi-circular patch measuring 3-1/2” at the widest point, sewn at the neckline, running ½” from each shoulder seam. The seam edge will be merrowed with single needle top stitching sewn around the edge. The heat transfer label will be applied to the inside of this patch below the collar.

Side Panels: Gusseted side panels for increased comfort and mobility, 2” wide, made of self fabric, and shall be sewn to the front and back panels. The side panels shall extend from the bottom of the armhole to the bottom hem.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be long, one piece. Cuffs to 1x1 circular knit rib w/Lycra, dyed to match body and knit collar. Sleeve setting and closing shall be done with a merrow stitch. There shall be a ¼” top stitch around the armhole and next to cuff. The left sleeve shall have a pencil pocket, 2” wide x 5-1/2” long. This pocket will be divided into two compartments.

Shoulder Seam: Shoulder seams shall contain stretch elastic for increased mobility and be edge stitched on the back. Both shoulders shall contain a mic pocket to be approximately 1-3/4”wide x 2” deep, sewn into the shoulder seam.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and top stitched.

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Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes, and button sewing shall be cotton covered polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat-sealed brand label containing size, country of Instructions: origin, care and content. An Ufx and Ladies Choice hang tag will be attached to the garment.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully completed in first class manner and individually packed in Packing: polyethylene bags

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL

Collar Length: 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20

Chest: 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52

Sweep/bottom: 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53

Back Length: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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ITEM 14 MALE UFX KNIT POLO LONG SLEEVE SHIRT STYLE K5140/K5141/K5142/K5144/K5145/K5147/K5148/K5151

Design: Shall be a loose fit polo style knit long sleeve shirt with gusseted side panels, three button front placket, full fashion knit collar, mic pockets on shoulders and a mic loop on placket. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: 100% polyester circular knit Swiss pique, 7.25 oz. /sq. yd. Permanent X-EEDE performance must provide UV protection and wick moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant, and pill-proof. The permanent anti- microbial technology is odor, mildew and 99.9% bacteria resistant. Colors: white, black, navy, tan, red, spruce green and gray.

Collar: The collar shall be a 7.25oz. / sq. yd. 100% polyester circular knit full fashion collar, with 2-3/4” points and permanent built in stays placed along the edge for no curl collar performance.

Placket: The 3-btton placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 7” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” stitched box, with a ½” mike loop sewn over the full width of the placket. The 3 buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the collar and vertical buttonholes for the two remaining buttons. The placket shall lap left over right.

Back: There shall be a semi-circular patch measuring 4-1/2” at the widest point, sewn at the neckline, running ¼” from each shoulder seam. The seam edge will be merrowed with single needle top stitching sewn around the edge. The heat transfer label will be applied to the inside of this patch below the collar.

Side Panels: Gusseted side panels for increased comfort and mobility, 2-5/8” wide, made of self fabric, and shall be sewn to the front and back panels. The side panels shall extend from the bottom of the armhole to the bottom of the hem.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be long, one piece. Cuffs to be 2” side, 1x1 circular knit rib w/Lycra, died to match body and knit collar. Sleeve setting and closing shall be done with a merrow stitch. There shall be a ¼” top stitch around the armhole and next to cuff. The left sleeve shall have a pencil pocket, 1-3/4” wide x 6” long. This pocket will be divided into two compartments.

Shoulder Seam: Should seams shall contain stretch elastic for increased mobility and be edge stitched on the back. Both shoulders shall contain a mic pocket to be approximately 1-3/4” wide x 2” deep, sewn into the shoulder seam.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and top stitched.

Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes, and button sewing shall be cotton

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covered polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat sealed brand label containing size, country of Instructions: origin, care and content. A Ufx hang tag will be attached to the garment.

UPC Identification: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully completed in first class manner and individually packed in Packing: polyethylene bags.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL

Collar Length: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20

Chest: 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64

Sweep/bottom: 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65

Back Length: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Sleeve Length: 31½ 32½ 34 35 36 36½ 36½ 37

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Shall be a loose fit polo style knit short sleeve shirt in an ultra-light performance fabric with a color block design, reflective striping, flex mesh underarm vents, three button front placket, full fashion knit collar, zippered chest pocket, mic pockets on shoulders and a mic loop on placket. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: 100% ultra-light polyester circular knit Swiss pique, 5 oz. /sq. yd. Permanent X- EEDE performance must provide UV protection and wick moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant, and pill-proof. The permanent anti-microbial technology is odor, mildew and 99.9% bacteria resistant. Colors: Royal blue/Navy and Hi Vis Yellow/Navy

Collar: The collar shall be a 5oz. / sq. yd. 100% polyester circular knit full fashion collar, with 2-3/4” points and permanent built in stays placed along the edge for no curl collar performance.

Front: Front is two piece with contrast fabric (royal blue or hi vis yellow) as the top piece and navy as the bottom piece. Seam is set below armhole. Wearer’s left front has a 5 1/4” zippered pocket. A 1” wide mesh insert is set along the armhole.

Placket: The 3-button placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 7” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” stitched box, with a ½” mike loop sewn over the full width of the placket. The 3 buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the collar and vertical buttonholes for the two remaining buttons. The placket shall lap left over right.

Back: Back is two piece with contrast fabric (royal blue or hi vis yellow) as the top piece and navy as the bottom piece. Seam is set below armhole. There shall be a semi- circular patch measuring 4-1/2” at the widest point, sewn at the neckline, running ¼” from each shoulder seam. A 1” wide mesh insert is set along the armhole.

Flex Vent: Patent pending Flex Vent is made from 92% polyster/8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 2-5/8” wide is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be one piece, have a 1” rib knit welt hem and graded lengths. Sleeve setting and closing shall be done with a merrow stitch. The left sleeve shall have a pencil pocket, 2” wide x 6” long. This pocket will be divided into two compartments.

Shoulder Seam: Should seams shall contain stretch elastic for increased mobility and be edge

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stitched on the back. Both shoulders shall contain a mic pocket to be approximately 1-3/4” wide x 2” deep, sewn into the shoulder seam.

Reflective Stripe: A ½” patterned reflective stripe heat transfer is set above the front seam line and around the banded edge of the sleeves. A 1 ½” stripe is set above the back seam-line.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and top stitched.

Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes, and button sewing shall be cotton covered Polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat sealed brand label containing size, country of Instructions: origin, care and content applied to the inside of the yoke patch. A Ufx hang tag will be attached to the garment.

UPC Identification: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully completed in first class manner and individually packed in Packing: polyethylene bags.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL

Collar Length: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20

Chest: 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64

Sweep/bottom: 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65

Back Length: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Sleeve Length: 9 9 9 ½ 10 10 ½ 11 11 ½ 12

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Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Shall be a loose fit polo style knit long sleeve shirt in an ultra-light performance fabric with a color block design, reflective striping, flex mesh underarm vents, three button front placket, full fashion knit collar, zippered chest pocket, mic pockets on shoulders and a mic loop on placket. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: 100% ultra-light polyester circular knit Swiss pique, 5 oz. /sq. yd. Permanent X- EEDE performance must provide UV protection and wick moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant, and pill-proof. The permanent anti-microbial technology is odor, mildew and 99.9% bacteria resistant. Colors: Royal blue/Navy and Hi Vis Yellow/Navy

Collar: The collar shall be a 5oz. / sq. yd. 100% polyester circular knit full fashion collar, with 2-3/4” points and permanent built in stays placed along the edge for no curl collar performance.

Front: Front is two piece with contrast fabric (royal blue or hi vis yellow) as the top piece and navy as the bottom piece. Seam is set below armhole. Wearer’s left front has a 5 1/4” zippered pocket. A 1” wide mesh insert is set along the armhole.

Placket: The 3-button placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 7” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” stitched box, with a ½” mike loop sewn over the full width of the placket. The 3 buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the collar and vertical buttonholes for the two remaining buttons. The placket shall lap left over right.

Back: Back is two piece with contrast fabric (royal blue or hi vis yellow) as the top piece and navy as the bottom piece. Seam is set below armhole. There shall be a semi- circular patch measuring 4-1/2” at the widest point, sewn at the neckline, running ¼” from each shoulder seam. A 1” wide mesh insert is set along the armhole.

Flex Vent: Patent pending Flex Vent is made from 92% polyster/8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 2-5/8” wide is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be long one piece. Cuffs to be 2” wide, 1x1 circular knit rib w/Lycra, dyed to match body and knit collar. Sleeve setting and closing shall be done with a merrow stitch. The left sleeve shall have a pencil pocket, 2” wide x 6” long. This pocket will be divided into two compartments.

Shoulder Seam: Should seams shall contain stretch elastic for increased mobility and be edge

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stitched on the back. Both shoulders shall contain a mic pocket to be approximately 1-3/4” wide x 2” deep, sewn into the shoulder seam.

Reflective Stripe: A ½” patterned reflective stripe heat transfer is set above the front seam line and around the banded edge of the sleeves. A 1 ½” stripe is set above the back seam-line.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and top stitched.

Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes, and button sewing shall be cotton covered Polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat sealed brand label containing size, country of Instructions: origin, care and content applied to the inside of the yoke patch. A Ufx hang tag will be attached to the garment.

UPC Identification: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully completed in first class manner and individually packed in Packing: polyethylene bags.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL

Collar Length: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20

Chest: 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64

Sweep/bottom: 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65

Back Length: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Sleeve Length: 31 ½ 32 ½ 34 35 36 36 ½ 36 ½ 37

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Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Shall be a loose fit polo style knit long sleeve shirt with the Ladies Choice pattern. Polo’s will have gusseted side panels, three button front placket, full fashion knit collar, mic pockets on shoulders, and a mic loop on placket. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: 100% polyester circular knit Swiss pique, 7.25 oz. /sq. yd. Permanent X-EEDE performance must provide UV protection and wick moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant, and pill-proof. The permanent anti- microbial technology is odor, mildew and 99.9% bacteria resistant. Colors: white, black, tan, navy, spruce green and gray.

Collar: The collar shall be a 7.25oz. /sq. yd. 100% polyester circular knit full fashion collar, with 2-3/4” points and permanent built in stays placed along the edge for no-curl collar performance.

Placket: The 3-button placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 6” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” stitched box, with a ½” mic loop sewn over the full width of the placket. The 3 buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the collar and vertical buttonholes for the two remaining buttons. The placket shall lap left over right.

Back:: There shall be a semi-circular patch measuring 3-1/2” at the widest point, sewn at the neckline, running ½” from each shoulder seam. The seam edge will be merrowed with single needle top stitching sewn around the edge. The heat transfer label will be applied to the inside of this patch below the collar.

Side Panels: Gusseted side panels for increased comfort and mobility, 2” wide, made of self fabric, and shall be sewn to the front and back panels. The side panels shall extend from the bottom of the armhole to the bottom hem.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be one piece, have a 1” rib knit welt hem and graded lengths. Sleeve setting and closing shall be done with a merrow stitch. There shall be a 1/4” top stitch around the armhole and next to welt at sleeve hem. The left sleeve shall have a pencil pocket, 2” wide x 5-1/2” long. This pocket will be divided into two compartments.

Shoulder Seam: Shoulder seams shall contain stretch elastic for increased mobility and be edge stitched on the back. Both shoulders shall contain a mic pocket to be approximately 1-3/4”wide x 2” deep, sewn into the shoulder seam.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1”deep and top stitched.

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Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes, and button sewing shall be cotton covered polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat-sealed brand label containing size, country of Instructions: origin, care and content. An Ufx and Ladies Choice hang tag will be attached to the garment.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL

Collar Length: 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20

Chest: 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52

Sweep/bottom: 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53

Back Length: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Sleeve Length: 8¾ 9 9¼ 9½ 9¾ 10 10¼ 10½

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Shall be a loose fit polo style knit long sleeve shirt with gusseted side panels, three button front placket, full fashion knit collar, mic pockets on shoulders and a mic loop on placket. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: 100% polyester circular knit Swiss pique, 7.25 oz. /sq. yd. Permanent X-EEDE performance must provide UV protection and wick moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant, and pill-proof. The permanent anti- microbial technology is odor, mildew and 99.9% bacteria resistant. Colors: white, black, navy, tan, red, spruce green and gray.

Collar: The collar shall be a 7.25oz. / sq. yd. 100% polyester circular knit full fashion collar, with 2-3/4” points and permanent built in stays placed along the edge for no curl collar performance.

Placket: The 3-btton placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 7” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” stitched box, with a ½” mike loop sewn over the full width of the placket. The 3 buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the collar and vertical buttonholes for the two remaining buttons. The placket shall lap left over right.

Back: There shall be a semi-circular patch measuring 4-1/2” at the widest point, sewn at the neckline, running ¼” from each shoulder seam. The seam edge will be merrowed with single needle top stitching sewn around the edge. The heat transfer label will be applied to the inside of this patch below the collar.

Side Panels: Gusseted side panels for increased comfort and mobility, 2-5/8” wide, made of self fabric, and shall be sewn to the front and back panels. The side panels shall extend from the bottom of the armhole to the bottom of the hem.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be one piece, have a 1” rib knit welt hem and graded lengths. Sleeve setting and closing shall be done with a merrow stitch. There shall be a 1/4” top stitch around the armhole and next to welt at sleeve hem. The left sleeve shall have a pencil pocket, 1-3/4” wide x 6” long. This pocket will be divided into two compartments.

Shoulder Seam: Should seams shall contain stretch elastic for increased mobility and be edge stitched on the back. Both shoulders shall contain a mic pocket to be approximately 1-3/4” wide x 2” deep, sewn into the shoulder seam.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and top stitched.

Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes, and button sewing shall be cotton

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covered polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%. Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat sealed brand label containing size, country of Instructions: origin, care and content. A Ufx hang tag will be attached to the garment.

UPC Identification: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully completed in first class manner and individually packed in Packing: polyethylene bags.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL

Collar Length: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20

Chest: 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64

Sweep/bottom: 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65

Back Length: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Sleeve Length: 9 9 9½ 10 10½ 11 11½ 12

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Shall be an exact fit pullover type tee shirt with seamless body and crew neck with short sleeves. The measurements of the finished garment shall conform to those listed below. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Material: 100% polyester, 5.25 oz./sq. yd.

The permanent X-EEDE Moisture Transport and Wicking System is quick-drying, wicking moisture away from the body for superior comfort. Combined with permanent anti-microbial technology, to inhibit odor by resisting the growth of mildew and bacteria, and superior temperature regulation, this shirt is guaranteed to provide maximum cooling, dryness and odor control comfort. Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) of “Good” (15-24), blocking 93-96% of the sun’s harmful UVA & UVB rays, as tested by the International UF Testing Laboratory (AATLL 183, ASTM D6544 & ASTM D8603).

Colors: White, Black, Hi-vis Lime/Yellow and Dark Navy. The finished cloth shall show fastness to light, laundering and perspiration equal to or better than Standard Sample.

Collar: Crew neck ribbed collar to be 100% polyester, 6oz. / sq. yd. and measure ¾” wide, and top stitched for image and stability.

Sleeves: To be short sleeves, graded by size, with a 1” hem.

Side Panels: Gusseted side panels for increased comfort and mobility, 2-5/8” wide, made of self fabric, and shall be sewn to the front and back panels. The side panels shall extend from the bottom of the armhole to the bottom of the hem.

Seams & Seams shall conform to FED-STD-751. The stiches shall be 10-12 per inch. Stitching: Seam allowances shall be maintained with seams sewn so that no raw edges, run- offs, pleats, puckers or open seams occur.

An external cover stitch shall secure the neck, sleeves, and hem so as to ensure superior durability and appearance of the garment.

Shoulder seams shall have a 3/16” wide white elastic cord sewn into the seams so as to add stability and durability.

Ends of all stitching shall be back stitched or over stitched not less than ½” except where ends are turned under or caught in other seams or stitching. Thread tensions shall be maintained so that there will be no loose stitching resulting in loose or top thread or excessively tight stitching resulting in puckering of the materials sewn. The lock shall be imbedded in the materials seen.

Dimensional The finished t-shirt, after five launderings, dryings, shall not elongate more than Stability: 2% or shrink more than 8% lot average with no sample unit to exceed 8%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a non-abrasive heat-seal size and identification label in Instructions: the neck. A care and content label shall be inserted in the seam in the bottom of the

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shirt. A Uf/x hang tag will be attached to the garment. UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Packing: Each garment shall be carefully folded in a first class manner and individually packed in a clear bag. Garments will be packed 18 to a box.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Measurements (in inches):

Size: Small Medium Large X-Large 2X-Large

Width: 19 20 22 24 26

Length: 26 27 28 29 31

Shoulder Width 17 18 20 22 24

Sleeve Length: 5.75 6.5 7.25 8 8.75

Sleeve Opening: 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5

Neck Width: 7 7.5 8 8.5 9

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Pants are constructed from either rugged lightweight 6.5 oz. polyester cotton rip- stop Teflon® coating or 8.5oz. 100% cotton canvas material with an engineered dimensional fit. It shall have a self-adjusting comfort fit slider waistband with a Tru- Spec® original Prym™ snap closure and YKK® brass zipper fly. It shall have 1-1/2” wide belt loops with 2” belt loop openings. There are 2 deep front slashed pockets, 2 signature 24-7 Series™ cargo pockets with hook & loop closure flaps and bellowed side gussets as well as 2 internal magazine compartments in both cargo pockets and 2 signature 24-7 Series™ back pockets with hook & loop closure flaps. 2 Cell phone / magazine pockets with hook & loop closure flaps shall be attached to the outside of the cargo pockets. It shall have 2 knife / accessory pockets. Also, it has reinforced knees with inside openings for knee pad inserts. Seat seams, side seams, crotch and inseams are of safety stitch construction with double needle top stitching on the side seam, crotch and seat seam.

Fabric/Colors: 6.5 oz. 65/35 polyester cotton rip stop w/Teflon® coating: Khaki, Navy, Black, Olive Drab, Coyote, Brown, Stone

8.5 oz. 100% cotton canvas: Khaki, Olive Drab, Coyote, Black, Navy

Sizes: Waist: 28-44 with 30, 32 or 34 inseam Waist: 28-54 with unhemmed inseam of 37

Patches, Emblems, None Names, and Logos:


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Design: The TRU-SPEC® 24-7 Series® Tactical Softshell Jacket is a highly breathable, insulated softshell jacket with natural body shaping for maximum mobility. The TRU-SPEC® 24-7 Series® Tactical Softshell Jacket is a durable, technical softshell jacket built for law enforcement for use in high energy and daily work situations. The jacket features lower side waterproof zippered low profile pockets and two concealed zippered chest document pockets. It has a front durable waterproof zipper closure with a standup zip-through collar and an inside storm flap. It has articulated sleeves with hook and loop closures at the cuff. The design also features hemmed waistband with hidden draw cord for adjustment, w/cord lock pulls in the pockets. The jacket includes two way durable waterproof side seam zippers for easy access to equipment in the waist area and to increase ventilation while wearing the jacket. The jacket also has the added feature of an optional gear pocket at the lower back exterior of the jacket. Two durable waterproof zippers would offer entry from either side of the pocket for easy and quick access.

Fabric: The fabric used to construct this jacket will be a 2-ply fabric composed of polyester/spandex softshell outer shell and 100% polyester brushed fleece inner shell fused together to form a single ply construction. The inside collar will be made with a 100% polyester brushed fleece fabric for increased warmth and comfort. This fabric is water resistant, and creates a jacket that is wind, stain, and abrasion resistant.

Construction: The TRU-SPEC® 24-7 Series® Tactical Softshell Jacket has an articulated design built into the pattern of the this jacket for improved comfort and ease of movement on the job.

Stitching: Seam specification is 10-12 stitches per inch (SPI) including the lock stitch, , felled seams, safety surge seams: All bartacks will consist of 28 stitches per inch.

Chest Document The chest document pockets will be on each chest and have concealed vertical Pockets: zipper closures. The openings will be 7-1/2” and have 1/16” edge stitch. The inner pocketing will be 100% polyester mesh fabric.

Waist Pockets: The side pockets will have a 7-1/2” vertical opening with a concealed zipper closure. The inside mesh lining shall form the pocket bag.

Front Closure: Front shall have an exposed waterproof zipper closure. Zipper shall extend into the Mandarin (stand up) collar. There shall be an inside storm flap on the right front with biding on the outside edge. It shall be 1-1/2” wide and extend the length of the front.

Collars: The collar shall be a Mandarin (stand up) Zip Through. The collar shall have a brushed fleece inner collar for increased warmth and comfort.

Side Seam The side seams shall include 15” two-way waterproof zippers extending from the Zippers: bottom of the jacket him to under the armpit. These zippers will allow upper and lower access for ventilation and ease of access to equipment. The zipper pull at the bottom is covered with a quick release snap and tab.

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Sleeves: The sleeves shall be of a three piece design with built in articulation for ease of movement. The sleeve shall have a 1” x 3” tab attached at the side seam. It shall have a 1 x 3” hook set to the inside of the tab. The cuff shall have ½” x 6” loop attached to the cuff hem 1-1/2”. These shall form an adjustable cuff closure. The cuff shall have a fleece inner cuff.

Back: There shall be an upper back yoke panel serged and 1/16” top stitched to form the entire back panel. There shall be a tone on tone TRU-SPEC® centered 2” from the center back neck seam.

Hem Bottom: The waist shall have a 1-1/2” single needle hem. The waist shall have an elastic drawstring inserted. The waist shall be adjusted with hidden cord lock in the front inside waist and the cord shall be accessible through the side pockets.

Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Waist-length jacket made out of waterproof/breathable fabric, extended tail, double storm front closure, and telescopic collar, two-way cargo pockets with fleece hand warmers, mic tabs, radio pocket, and concealable hood. Adjustable sleeve cuffs, ANSI Class III construction with 2-1/2” retro-reflective tape with 2” silver centered on the tape and with black ¼” printed on the edges and silver reflective piping. Upper front and back accents yokes made of reflective LumenX accent material. Removable thermal liner w/fleece faced body. Reference product is Gerber’s identification number 70RXL/1 Eclipse Jacket. Color in lime- yellow with navy. Fabric/Materials: Outer Shell A two layer fabric comprised of 100% polyester, 150 Denier in the warp and the filling, plain weave and a pigmented back coating that can be seam sealed and provide waterproofness and breathability Thread Count: Warp 72 pics, Filling 62 (+-5%) Weight Coated: 4.5 ounces per square yard (+-4%)

Tear Strength: ASTM D226 Warp and Filling 10.8 foot pound Breaking Strength: ASTM D5034 Warp 205 foot-lbs., Filling 170 ft.- lbs. Thickness: 0.24 mm Visibility: ANSI 107 Compliant Lime Yellow Breathability: 1700g/mxm/24H; Water proofness: 5000mm; Blood Born Pathogen Impervious: ASTM F 1671 Pass

Lining Fabric: Type: 100% nylon taffeta plain weave, 70 denier nylon type 66 continuous filament yarns with 34 filaments, melting point 455 degree Fahrenheit. Color: Black Thread Count: Warp 104, Filling 86, +-2 Weight: 1.80 ounces/sq. yard. Color fastness and crocking to be good. Breaking Strength: Warp 125 lbs., Filling 85 lbs. +-5% Tear Strength: Warp 3.5 lbs., Filling 2.1 lbs. +-5% Shrinkage: Warp 2%, Filling 2%

Soft Shell Fleece: Midnight Navy Face Type: 75D 2.85 oz./linear yard polyester with multi direction stretch Film: Waterproof / Breathable Polyurethane film 2.2 oz. / linear yard Backing Type: Non-pill compacted 12.7 oz. / linear yard micro fleece

Interlining: White Pellon.

Fasteners: All fasteners shall be as follows or equivalent:

Zippers: The front zipper shall be a #8 size, delrin YKK, two sliders The liner zipper shall be a #5 size, aluminum, one slider The sleeve zipper shall be a #2, coil, YKK, one slider The side zipper shall be a coil, reversible, one slider

Zipper pull: Puffy pull with Gerber logo, 3-1/2” long x ½” wide

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Snaps: The snaps shall be universal prong snaps that have been oxidized to prevent rusting.

Thread: All thread shall be polyester thread with a wrap with 36 strength in a 50 size or better

Seam Tape: Composite seam sealing tape that is compatible to the composite fabric, 7/8” wide.

Biding: Black, 1-3/4” cut bias nylon

Elastic: Natural color, 1” & 2” wide dry cleanable and washable.

Velcro Black, 1” hook and loop.

Piping: Silver, reflective

Reflection Tape: 2-1/2” retro-reflective tape with 2” silver centered on the tape with ¼” black printed on the edges. DESIGN FEATURES: Front: Double storm front plackets with snaps and a two-way delrin zipper. There shall be six hidden oxidized snaps and evenly spaced on the plackets. Over the front zipper there shall be two front plackets to form a waterproof cover that extends to the neck seam. The top placket is to measure approximately 2-1/4” wide, and shall be interlined. The under placket is to measure approximately 2” wide and shall be interlined. There shall be two double compartments pockets with inverted pleats set on the lower front and there shall be waterproof zipper pockets on both chests. The front and back bottom shall have a 1” hem which provides as a tunnel for an elasticized bungee cord for adjustment. The jacket adjustments shall be made on the sides with an adjustment clips set on the elasticized bungee cord. The pocket flaps and the double storm plackets shall be interlined. There shall a mic tab set on each upper front, the mic tabs shall measure 5/8” by 2-1/8”. There shall be chin guard sewn under the front zipper on the top part.

The front and back accents yokes, the front plackets, the lower part of the sleeve and the mic tabs shall be made out of the reflective material. The upper front and back accent yokes shall extend to the sleeves. There shall be silver reflective piping on the front and back accent yokes and around the sleeve seams.

Pockets: Lower pockets are to measure 7-1/2” wide by 7-1/2” long, pleat to measure 1- 1/4”. The side opening of the pockets shall be formed under each pocket with the opening to the sleeve side will measure 6”. The back lining of these pockets shall be a soft fleece fabric. Pockets are to close with beveled flaps with Velcro hook and loop on the pockets and flaps shall be set horizontal. The radio pocket flap shall have a half moon shape on the upper left part of the pocket flap to provide for a radio antenna. The radio pocket flap shall have a Velcro hook that measures 2” wide and 3-1/2” long, this Velcro hook is set vertically. The Velcro loop on the radio pocket measures 1” wide by 2” long, this Velcro is set horizontal. Sewn eyelets (2) on bottom for drainage.

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Back Design: The back shall be a two piece construction, the separate cut upper accent yoke that shall be made out of the reflective material. The back accent yoke shall correspond to the accent front yokes. The back design shall be longer than the front approximately 2-1/4”. There shall be a 5-3/4” opening on the neck seam of the accent yoke for the attached back hood. The hood shall have an adjustable bungee cord with barrel clips at the ends. The opening shall have a Velcro hook on the inner side of the back accent yoke; the Velcro shall measure 1” wide by 2” long. There shall be Velcro loop set on the lower part of the hood that attaches to the Velcro on the accent yoke for closure.

Collar: The collar shall measure 3-1/4” at the ends and 3-1/2” at the center. The collar shall be cut straight and with no stand so that it is seam sealed at the neck seam. The collar assembly shall be sewn together without a zig-zag stitching. The collar shall be interlined. There shall be a hanger loop made of woven material set at the center of the collar neck seam.

Sleeves: The sleeves shall be a two-piece athletic cut sleeve design. There shall be silver piping around the seam attachment of the sleeve to the body. The sleeve shall have 8” zipper opening access for sealing the stitching or attaching emblems that are applied after manufacture.

Adjustable Cuffs: The adjustable cuffs shall measure approximately 2” wide and shall have an adjustment tab that measures 1” wide and 2-1/2” long. There shall be a 1” x 2” Velcro hook set on the tab and will attached to a 1” x 5” Velcro loop set on the cuff for a full range of adjustments from full cuff to snug wrist fit. Half of the cuffs shall be 2” heavy-duty elastic stretched and sewn with double needle. The top half of the cuffs shall be plain and interlined.

Side Vents: The zippered side vents are to be finished with a size #6, 10” long zipper with a reversible slider. There shall be side tabs made out of the self-material set to the bottom back vent, which will be elasticized with 1” elastic. The side tab shall have a snap (male portion) and shall snap across the bottom vent of the waistband with a snap (female portion) set on the front and back of the zippered side vent. The side tab shall measure 1” by 3” long.

Reflective Trim: There shall be 2-1/2” retro-reflective tape with 2” silver cantered on the tape with ¼” black printed on the edges set across the chest and back, there shall be a second stripe on the lower part of the front and back approximately 3-1/4” from the bottom front edge of hem and 5-3/4” from the bottom back edge of hem. There shall be two stripes on the sleeves to match the chest stripe and the body bottom stripe.

Lining: The garment shall be fully lined with 86 pic nylon taffeta. The lining sleeves shall be a one-piece design. A patch pocket measuring 7” x 10” made out of the outer-shell material shall be placed on the left side of the lining.

Seam Sealing: All internal seams and dewing are to be seam sealed with a 7/8” wide seam sealing tape that is set with a hot air seam sealing machine. Seams are to be randomly tested with a suttor tester 3 psi for 3 minutes. A log shall be maintained to record the testing results.

Facings: Outer shell fabric facings shall be set on the lining with a concealed zipper track

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to accommodate a zip-out insulated liner. Facings shall measure approximately 3” at the bottom increasing to 4-1/2” at the gorge and will continue until it ends at the shoulder seam. The back facing shall run from shoulder seam to shoulder seam, which measures 1-1/2”.

Labels: Each jacket shall have an ANSI label with brand name, size, ID# of style and care instructions also on each jacket will be and ANSI-107 label. On the removable liner there shall be a brand label, permanent size labels, care instruction label and an ID label. Hangtags: Each garment shall have a Gerber hangtag and a 3M SCOTCHLITE hangtag. On the Gerber hangtag there shall be a sticker label that has the ID#, the style name and the size. Guarantee: Each garment shall be guaranteed to be free from defects and the factory workmanship for five years and shall be evidenced by a hangtag on each garment.

Silence of The apparent silence of this specification as to any details or the omission from it Specification: of a detail description concerning any point shall be interpreted as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail and only materials and workmanship of first quality to be used.


Front Design: The front closure zippers shall be a reversible #5 zipper so that the soft shell can be zipped into the compatible facing zippers on the Eclipse SX out shell. There shall be zippered set in hand warmer pockets on the lower front.

Waistband: There shall be a straight cut front waistband for a smooth professional appearance. The back shall have an extended scoop tail for additional weather protection. The back waistband shall encase an elasticized draw cord that shall be adjustable with a barrel clip set at each side seam.

Side Equipment There shall be a 10” vertical zipper equipment access set at the side seams. The Access: bottom shall be secured with an equipment tab that can be secured when the zipper is opened to hold the ends together.

Interior: There shall be a set in vertical document pocket with an 8” zippered opening to the right and left of the main zipper. The zipper shall start 2” below the collar. These pockets will allow access to the exterior chest to allow direct embroidery of badges, names and other embellishments. The body of the liner shall have a second layer of shell fabric sewn to both of the front panels to conceal the pocket bags for both the hand warmer pockets and the interior chest document pockets.

MEASUREMENTS Sizing: The manufacturer shall be capable of providing all sizes for men and women, including any special size requirements. The manufacturer shall have a company representative or authorized dealer available to assist with the fittings of the garments at no additional cost.

The following sizes have been established as a guideline for this order.

Size X-Small Small Medium Large X- XX- XXX- XXXX-

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(32-34) (36- (40-42) (44-46) Large Large Large Large 38) (48-50) (52-54) (56-58) (60-62) Finished Chest 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 Back Length 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Sleeve Inseam 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2

Finished Back Length Sleeve Inseam Chest Tolerances: +-1” +-1/2” +-1/2” Long Length +1” +1” X-Long Length +2” +2”

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Design: Waist-length jacket made out of waterproof/breathable fabric, extended tail, double storm front closure, and telescopic collar, two-way cargo pockets with fleece hand warmers, mic tabs, radio pocket, and concealable hood. Adjustable sleeve cuffs. Upper front and back accents yokes made of reflective LumenX accent material. Removable Soft Shell liner Jacket w/Fleece faced body. Reference product is Gerber’s identification number 70RX1 Eclipse Jacket. Color in Midnight Navy. Fabric/Materials: Outer Shell Bio Tex Barrier Shell Fabric is waterproof/breathable and blood born pathogen impervious. DWR Water repellant treatment Hydrophilic Breathable PU Coating 70DX160D/228T Nylon Taslan woven Weight (CM) 160 gsm -/+5%

Lining Fabric: Type: 100% nylon taffeta plain weave, 70 denier nylon type 66 continuous filament yarns with 34 filaments, melting point 455 degree Fahrenheit. Color: Black Thread Count: Warp 104, Filling 86, +-2 Weight: 1.80 ounces/sq. yard. Color fastness and crocking to be good. Breaking Strength: Warp 125 lbs., Filling 85 lbs. +-5% Tear Strength: Warp 3.5 lbs., Filling 2.1 lbs. +-5% Shrinkage: Warp 2%, Filling 2%

Soft Shell Fleece: Midnight Navy Face Type: 75D 2.85 oz. / linear yard polyester with multi direction stretch Film: Waterproof / Breathable Polyurethane film 2.2 oz. / linear yard Backing Type: Non-pill compacted 12.7 oz. / linear yard micro fleece

Interlining: White Pellon.

Fasteners: All fasteners shall be as follows or equivalent:

Zippers: The front zipper shall be a #8 size, delrin YKK, two sliders The liner zipper shall be a #5 size, aluminum, one slider The sleeve zipper shall be a #2, coil, YKK, one slider

Zipper pull: Puffy pull with Gerber logo, 3-1/2” long x ½” wide

Snaps: The snaps shall be universal prong snaps that have been oxidized to prevent rusting.

Thread: All thread shall be polyester thread with a wrap with 36 strength in a 50 size or better

Seam Tape: Composite seam sealing tape that is compatible to the composite fabric, 7/8” wide.

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Biding: Black, 1-3/4” cut bias nylon

Elastic: Natural color, 1” & 2” wide dry cleanable and washable.

Velcro: Black, 1” hook and loop.

Piping: Silver, reflective

DESIGN FEATURES: Front: Double storm front plackets with snaps and a two-way delrin zipper. There shall be six hidden oxidized snaps and evenly spaced on the plackets. Over the front zipper there shall be two front plackets to form a waterproof cover that extends to the neck seam. The top placket is to measure approximately 2-1/4” wide, and shall be interlined. The under placket is to measure approximately 2” wide and shall be interlined. There shall be two double compartments pockets with inverted pleats set on the lower front and there shall be waterproof zipper pockets on both chests. The front and back bottom shall have a 1” hem which provides as a tunnel for an elasticized bungee cord for adjustment. The jacket adjustments shall be made on the sides with an adjustment clips set on the elasticized bungee cord. The pocket flaps and the double storm plackets shall be interlined. There shall a mic tab set on each upper front, the mic tabs shall measure 5/8” by 2-1/8”. There shall be chin guard sewn under the front zipper on the top part.

The front and back accents yokes, the front plackets, the lower part of the sleeve and the mic tabs shall be made out of the reflective material. The upper front and back accent yokes shall extend to the sleeves. There shall be silver reflective piping on the front and back accent yokes and around the sleeve seams.

Pockets: Lower pockets are to measure 7-1/2” wide by 7-1/2” long, pleat to measure 1- 1/4”. The side opening of the pockets shall be formed under each pocket with the opening to the sleeve side will measure 6”. The back lining of these pockets shall be a soft fleece fabric. Pockets are to close with beveled flaps with Velcro hook and loop closure. The pocket Velcro hook shall measure 1”x2”. The flap Velcro loop shall measure 1”x2”. The Velcro hook and loop on these pocket flaps shall be set horizontal. There shall be a pull tab set on center of the pocket flaps; the pull tab shall measure 1” wide by ¾” long. On the lower left pocket bottom there shall be an ANSI-107 label.

The radio pocket shall measure 3-1/2” wide by 7-1/2” long with side extensions of 1-1/2”. It shall have two (2) sewn eyelets set on the bottom of the pocket for drainage. The radio pocket flap shall measure 3-1/2” wide by 5-1/2” long. The Velcro hook and loop on the pockets and flaps shall be set horizontal. The radio pocket flap shall have a half moon shape on the upper left part of the pocket flap to provide for a radio antenna. The radio pocket flap shall have a Velcro hook that measures 2” wide and 3-1/2” long, the Velcro hook is set vertically. The Velcro loop on the radio pocket measures 1” wide by 2” long, this Velcro is set horizontal. Sewn eyelets (2) on bottom for drainage.

Back Design: The back shall be a two piece construction, the separate cut upper accent yoke that shall be made out of the reflective material. The back accent yoke shall

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correspond to the accent front yokes. The back design shall be longer than the front approximately 2-1/4”. There shall be a 5-3/4” opening on the neck seam of the accent yoke for the attached back hood. The hood shall have an adjustable bungee cord with barrel clips at the ends. The opening shall have a Velcro hook on the inner side of the back accent yoke; the Velcro shall measure 1” wide by 2” long. There shall be Velcro loop set on the lower part of the hood that attaches to the Velcro on the accent yoke for closure.

Collar: The collar shall measure 3-1/4” at the ends and 3-1/2” at the center. The collar shall be cut straight and with no stand so that it is seam sealed at the neck seam. The collar assembly shall be sewn together without a zig-zag stitching. The collar shall be interlined. There shall be a hanger loop made of woven material set at the center of the collar neck seam.

Sleeves: The sleeves shall be a two-piece athletic cut sleeve design. There shall be silver piping around the seam attachment of the sleeve to the body. The sleeve shall have 8” zipper opening access for sealing the stitching or attaching emblems that are applied after manufacture.

Adjustable Cuffs: The adjustable cuffs shall measure approximately 2” wide and shall have an adjustment tab that measures 1” wide and 2-1/2” long. There shall be a 1” x 2” Velcro hook set on the tab and will attached to a 1” x 5” Velcro loop set on the cuff for a full range of adjustments from full cuff to snug wrist fit. Half of the cuffs shall be 2” heavy-duty elastic stretched and sewn with double needle. The top half of the cuffs shall be plain and interlined.

Lining: The garment shall be fully lined with 86 pic nylon taffeta. The lining sleeves shall be a one-piece design. A patch pocket measuring 7” x 10” made out of the outer-shell material shall be placed on the left side of the lining.

Seam Sealing: All internal seams and dewing are to be seam sealed with a 7/8” wide seam sealing tape that is set with a hot air seam sealing machine. Seams are to be randomly tested with a suttor tester 3 psi for 3 minutes. A log shall be maintained to record the testing results.

Facings: Outer shell fabric facings shall be set on the lining with a concealed zipper track to accommodate a zip-out insulated liner. Facings shall measure approximately 3” at the bottom increasing to 4-1/2” at the gorge and will continue until it ends at the shoulder seam. The back facing shall run from shoulder seam to shoulder seam, which measures 1-1/2”.

Labels: Each jacket shall have an ANSI label with brand name, size, ID# of style and care instructions also on each jacket will be and ANSI-107 label. On the removable liner there shall be a brand label, permanent size labels, care instruction label and an ID label.

Hangtags: Each garment shall have a Gerber hangtag and a 3M SCOTCHLITE hangtag. On the Gerber hangtag there shall be a sticker label that has the ID#, the style name and the size.

Guarantee: Each garment shall be guaranteed to be free from defects and the factory workmanship for five years and shall be evidenced by a hangtag on each

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Silence of The apparent silence of this specification as to any details or the omission from it Specification: of a detail description concerning any point shall be interpreted as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail and only materials and workmanship of first quality to be used.

DESIGN FEATURES – SX SOFT SHELL LINER / JACKET Front Design: The front closure zippers shall be a reversible #5 zipper so that the soft shell can be zipped into the compatible facing zippers on the Eclipse SX out shell. There shall be zippered set in hand warmer pockets on the lower front. Waistband: There shall be a straight cut front waistband for a smooth professional appearance. The back shall have an extended scoop tail for additional weather protection. The back waistband shall encase an elasticized draw cord that shall be adjustable with a barrel clip set at each side seam.

Side Equipment There shall be a 10” vertical zipper equipment access set at the side seams. The Access: bottom shall be secured with an equipment tab that can be secured when the zipper is opened to hold the ends together.

Interior: There shall be a set in vertical document pocket with an 8” zippered opening to the right and left of the main zipper. The zipper shall start 2” below the collar. These pockets will allow access to the exterior chest to allow direct embroidery of badges, names and other embellishments. The body of the liner shall have a second layer of shell fabric sewn to both of the front panels to conceal the pocket bags for both the hand warmer pockets and the interior chest document pockets. MEASUREMENTS Sizing: The manufacturer shall be capable of providing all sizes for men and women, including any special size requirements. The manufacturer shall have a company representative or authorized dealer available to assist with the fittings of the garments at no additional cost.

The following sizes have been established as a guideline for this order.

Size X-Small Small Medium Large X- XX- XXX- XXXX- (32-34) (36- (40-42) (44-46) Large Large Large Large 38) (48-50) (52-54) (56-58) (60-62) Finished Chest 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 Back Length 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Sleeve Inseam 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2 24-1/2

Finished Back Length Sleeve Inseam Chest Tolerances: +-1” +-1/2” +-1/2” Long Length +1” +1” X-Long Length +2” +2”

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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General Design: The rain jacket reverses from black to lime-yellow. Constructed waterproof weather system based upon two layers of waterproof fabrics. Zippered and snap front closure, front interior pockets. Telescopic collar, seamless shoulder design, adjustable cuffs, and permanent badge holder on each side, zippered side vents, and microphone tabs. 3M SCOTCHLITE, 2” sliver tape with 1/4” black edges, sewn and that meets class III of the highest ANSI/ISEA 107:2010 standard. Reference product is Gerber’s identification number 70W3/L TYPHOON RAIN JACKET. Color in black reverses to lime-yellow. Fabric/Materials: Shell Fabric: Nylon mid weight Taslan, 229 T. Water proof / Windproof / Breathable Thread Count: Warp 158 x Fill 70 Waterproof: ASTM D 781-2000 >200 psi Breathable: WVT G/sq. m ASTM E 96 > 1000 mullens

Lining Fabric: A two layer fabric comprised of 100% polyester, 150 Denier in the warp and the filling, plain weave Thread Count: Warp 72 pics, Filling 62 (+-5%) Weight Coated: 4.5 ounces per square yard (+-4%) Tear Strength: ASTM D226 Warp and Filling 10.8 foot pounds Breaking Strength: ASTM D5034 Warp 205 foot pounds, Filling 170 foot pounds Thickness: 0.24 mm Visibility: ANSI 107 Compliant Lime Yellow

Zippers: The front zipper shall be a #5 size, delrin YKK, with reversible slider.

Snaps: The snaps shall be universal prong snaps that have been oxidized to prevent rusting.

Eyelets: Black, metal, small.

Seam seal tape: Composite seam sealing tape that is compatible to the composite fabric, 7/8” wide

Velcro: Black, 1” wide hook and loop

Reflective Tape: 3M SCOTCHLITE, 8906, 2-1/2” wide with 2” silver tape centered over black ribbon, sewn on application.

Thread: All thread shall be polyester thread with a wrap with 36 strength in a 50 size or better

DESIGN FEATURES: Front: There shall be six (6) large snap fasteners set evenly and hidden. There shall be a reversible front zipper. The snap fasteners will be set approximately 6-1/2” apart, except the top snap will be set 1” from the placket edge. The bottom hem of the coat shall be approximately ¾” wide. There shall be a microphone tab set on the black and lime side and shall measure 1” x 2-1/4”.

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There shall be a badge holder on the upper breast on the black and lime side. The badge holder shall measure 1” x 2-1/4”. The eyelets shall be set 1-1/8” apart, center to center.

Pockets: The pocket opening shall measure approximately 10” with a depth of 7”. The pocket welts shall measure 2” wide x 11” long.

Collar: The collar shall be a telescopic design. Measures 4-1/4” at the points and at the center back. There shall be three (3) large snaps (male portion) set on both sides of the collar to anchor the detachable hood.

Drop In Hood: There shall be concealable hood that folds inside out into the zippered opening on the under collar. The outside shell and interior lining shall be constructed from outer shell fabric. The hood shall have three (3) panel design for a contoured ergonomic fit and feature wrap around storm collar with hook and loop closure. It also shall have an elasticized draw cord that runs around the perimeter of the face opening and barrel clip adjusters.

Back Design: The back shall be a full cut, raglan design.

Sleeves: Sleeves shall be a raglan design for freedom of movement.

Adjustable Cuffs: The adjustable cuffs shall measure approximately 2” wide and shall have an adjustment tab that measures 1” wide and 2-1/2” long. There shall be a 1” x 2” Velcro hook set on the tab and will attached to a 1” x 5” Velcro loop set on the cuff for a full range of adjustments from full cuff to snug wrist fit. Half of the cuffs shall be 2” heavy-duty elastic stretched and sewn with double needle. The top half of the cuffs shall be plain and interlined.

Side Vents: There shall be side vents with a 15” zipper opening for easy access to the duty weapon. The zipper shall be reversible for accessibility from either side of jacket. There shall be a side tab that is sewn to the side hem bottom of the front and anchors across the side vent to the back.

Facings: On the fluorescent lime side there shall be facings made out of the outer shell fabric. The facings shall measure approximately 1-1/4” and set on the fronts. Also, there shall be upper facings that measure 3-1/2” at the widest and tapers to a point.

Reflective Trim: On the fluorescent lime side there shall be a 2-1/2” wide trim with 2” silver tape set centered over black ribbon. The trim shall be sewn across the chest and back, and a stipe on the upper sleeves which will align with the chest and back stripes, there shall be a second stripe sewn about 4” from the sleeve edge.

Seam Sealing: All internal seams and sewing are to be seam sealed with a 7/8” wide seam sealing tape that is set with a hot air seam sealing machine. Seams are to be randomly tested with a suttor tester 3 psi for 3 minutes. A log shall be maintained to record the testing results.

Labels: Each garment shall have a brand label and an ANSI label with care instructions, the ID number and the size of the garment.

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Hangtags: Each garment shall have a Gerber and a 3M SCOTCHLITE hangtag. On the back side of the Gerber hangtag there shall be a sticker label that has the ID#, and the size of the garment.

Guarantee: Each garment shall be guaranteed to be free from defects and the factory workmanship for five years and shall be evidenced by a hangtag on each garment. Silence of The apparent silence of this specification as to any details or the omission from it Specification: of a detail description concerning any point shall be interpreted as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail and only materials and workmanship of first quality to be used.

MEASUREMENTS Sizing: The manufacturer shall be capable of providing all sizes for men and women, including any special size requirements. The manufacturer shall have a company representative or authorized dealer available to assist with the fittings of the garments at no additional cost.

The following sizes have been established as a guideline for this order.

Size X-Small Small Medium Large X- XX- XXX- XXXX- (32-34) (36-38) (40-42) (44-46) Large Large Large Large (60- (48-50) (52-54) (56-58) 62) Finished 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 74 Chest Back Length 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Sleeve Inseam 21-1/2” 21-1/2” 21-1/2” 21-1/2” 21-1/2” 21-1/2” 21-1/2” 21-1/2”

Finished Chest Back Length Sleeve Inseam Tolerances: +-1” +-1” +-1/2” Long Length +-1” +1” +1” X-Long Length +-1” +2” +2”

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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General Design: The rain pants must be waterproofed, fully cut, fully lined with 86-pic taffeta lining, well-balanced, with 2” elasticized waistband with no belt loops and cargo pockets with beveled designed flaps. Side-vent openings for easy access to pockets or weapons. The end of the pant leg will be finished with a zippered vent opening. Reference product is Gerber’s identification number 70U3 Patrol Pant. Color in black. Fabric/Materials: Shell Fabric: Nylon mid weight Taslan, 228 T. Water proof / Windproof / Breathable Thread Count: Warp 158 x Fill 70 158 Denier x 70 Denier Waterproof: ASTM D 781-2000 >200 psi Breathable: WVT G/sq. m ASTM E 96 > 1000 mullens

Lining Fabric: 100% nylon taffeta plain weave, 70 denier nylon type 66 continuous filament yards with 34 filaments, melting point 455 degree Fahrenheit. Color black Thread Count: Warp 104 pics, Filling 86, (+-2%) Weight: 1.80 ounces per square yard. Color fastness and crocking to be good. Tear Strength: Warp 3.5 pounds, Filling 2.1 pounds (+-5%) Breaking Strength: Warp 125 pounds, Filling 85 pounds, (+-5%) Shrinkage: Warp 2%,Filling 2%

Fasteners: All fasteners shall be as follows or equivalent.

Zippers: The vent leg zipper shall be a #8 13”, coil, YKK with one slider.

Snaps: The snaps shall be universal prong snaps that have been oxidized to prevent rusting.

Thread: All thread shall be polyester thread with a wrap with 36 strength in a 50 size or better

Seam seal tape: Composite seam sealing tape that is compatible to the composite fabric, 7/8” wide

Elastic: Natural color, 2” wide dry clean and washable.

Velcro: Black, 1” hook and loop

Eyelets: Black, metal, small.

DESIGN FEATURES: Front: Front and back, with an integral waistband that measures 2” wide and is elasticized. The elastic shall be held with two rows of stitching and the setting stitch. No pockets and no fly.

Pockets: On each out-seam there shall be cargo pockets that measure 8-3/8” wide x 9-3/8” long with a 1-3/4” extension for utility use. There shall be beveled straight flaps that are 3-1/2” wide x 8-1/2” long. The pocket flaps shall be set 8” down from the

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waistband. The pockets shall have a Velcro closure, 1 x 1-1/2” hook will be set vertically, the flap Velcro shall be 1” x 2” and set horizontally. Pockets will be bartacked on the stress points. The pockets will be sewn down with a double needle stitch. Side Openings: There shall be a right and left side 9” vent opening for easy access to pockets or weapon. The opening shall overlap. The side vents shall close at the top with a snap and an extra male portion located 1” apart for adjustment. The side vents shall have a 1” x 6” Velcro strip running the length of the opening. There shall be 2 separate facing pieces sewn to the underside of the top flap and outside of the bottom.

Zippered Leg Vents: The cuff of the leg shall have a zippered vent opening to allow easy donning and doffing. The vent openings shall measure 15” and the opening shall overlap. Each opening shall have a 13” #6 coil zipper with one slider. The leg vents shall close at the bottom with a snap, with two (2) more male portions of the snap 3” apart in the back hem for further adjustment. The pant hem shall finish with a ¾” plain hem.

Seam Sealing: All external seams and sewing are to be seam sealed with a 7/8” wide seam sealing tape that is set with a hot air seam sealing machine. Seams are to be randomly tested with a suttor tester 3 psi for 3 minutes. A log shall be maintained to record the testing results.

Labels: Each garment shall have a brand label, care instructions label, an ID label and permanent size labels.

Hangtags: Each garment shall have a Gerber. On the back side of the Gerber hangtag there shall be a sticker label that has the style name, the ID#, and the size of the garment.

Guarantee: Each garment shall be guaranteed to be free from defects and the factory workmanship for five years and shall be evidenced by a hangtag on each garment.

Silence of The apparent silence of this specification as to any details or the omission from it Specification: of a detail description concerning any point shall be interpreted as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail and only materials and workmanship of first quality to be used.

MEASUREMENTS Sizing: The manufacturer shall be capable of providing all sizes for men and women, including any special size requirements. The manufacturer shall have a company representative or authorized dealer available to assist with the fittings of the garments at no additional cost.

The following sizes have been established as a guideline for this order.

Size X-Small Small Medium Large X- XX- XXX- XXXX- Large Large Large Large Waist Size 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Finished Waist 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 Finished Hip 39 43 47 51 55 59 63 67

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Waist Size Finished Waist Tolerances: +-1” +-1”

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Design: Shall be a loose fit polo style knit shirt sleeve shirt in a ultra-light performance fabric with flex mesh underarm vents, three (3) button front placket, full fashion knit collar, mic pockets on shoulders, and a mic loop on placket. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: 100% ultra-light polyester circular knit Swiss pique, 5 oz. /sq. yd. Permanent X- EEDE performance must provide UV protection and wick moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant, and pill-proof. The permanent anti-microbial technology is odor, mildew and 99.9% bacteria resistant. Colors: white, black, tan, and navy.

Collar: The collar shall be a 5 oz. /sq. yd. 100% polyester circular knit full fashion collar, with 2-3/4” points and permanent built in stays placed along the edge for no-curl collar performance.

Placket: The 3-button placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 6” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” stitched box, with a ½” mic loop sewn over the full width of the placket. The 3 buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the collar and vertical buttonholes for the two remaining buttons. The placket shall lap left over right.

Back: There shall be a semi-circular patch measuring 4-1/2” at the widest point, sewn at the neckline, running 1/4” from each shoulder seam. The seam edge will be merrowed with single needle top stitching sewn around the edge. The heat transfer label will be applied to the inside of this patch below the collar.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be one piece, have a 1” rib knit welt hem and graded lengths. Sleeve setting and closing shall be done with a merrow stitch. There shall be a 1/4” top stitch around the armhole and next to welt at sleeve hem. The left sleeve shall have a pencil pocket, 2” wide x 6” long. This pocket will be divided into two compartments.

Flex Vent: Patent pending Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 2-5/8” wide is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility comfort.

Should Seam: Shoulder seams shall contain stretch elastic for increased mobility and be edge stitched on the back. Both shoulders shall contain a mic pocket to be approximately 1-3/4” wide x 2” deep, sewn into the shoulder seam.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and top stitched.

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Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes, and button sewing shall be cotton covered polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat-sealed brand label containing size, country of origin, Instructions: care and content. An Ufx hang tag will be attached to the garment.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment. The UPC bar code Identification: must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL 6XL

Collar Length: 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22

Chest: 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72

Sweep/bottom: 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73

Back Length: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Sleeve Length: 9 9 9½ 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13

Patches, Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be embroidered with approximately Emblems, 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches/emblems will be Names, and determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the officer's rank and Logos: assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Shall be a “loose fit” pullover type mock turtleneck with durable side seams and full neck with long sleeves and cuffs. The measurements of the finished garment shall conform to those listed below. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Material: Body, collar and cuffs shall be made from 63% Nylon / 23% Micro Poly / 14% Spandex, 6.5 ounces per square yard.

The permanent X-EEDE “Moisture Transport System” is quick-drying, wicking moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness, and enhanced performance. The insulative 4 way Power Stretch fabric is abrasion resistant, pill-proof, and features permanent anti-microbial technology that is order, mildew and bacteria resistant. Four way power stretch also minimizes muscle fatigue.

Color: Black and Dark Navy. The finished cloth shall show fastness to light, laundering and perspiration equal to or better than Standard Sample.

Collar: Mock turtleneck shall be self-fabric and manufactured so that it will retain its shape and will finish 2” in height. Collars finishing higher than 2” shall be rejected due to unacceptable appearance during wear.

Sleeves: To be long set-in type with 2-1/2” cuffs made from self fabric.

Seams & Seams shall conform to FED-STD-751. The stitches shall be 10-12 per inch. Seam Stitching: allowances shall be maintained with seams sewn so that no raw edges, run-offs, pleats, puckers or open seams occur.

An external cover stitch shall secure the neck so as to ensure superior durability and appearance of the garment. Shoulder seams shall have a 3/16” wide covered elastic cord sewn into the seams to add stability and durability.

Ends of all stitching shall be back stitched or over stitched not less than ½” except where ends are turned under or caught in other seams or stitching. Thread tensions shall be maintained so that there will be no loose stitching resulting in loose bobbin or top thread or excessively tight stitching resulting in puckering of the materials sewn. The lock shall be imbedded in the materials sewn.

Dimensional The finished mock turtleneck, after five laundering and dryings, shall not elongate Stability:: more than 2% or shrink more than 8% lot average with no sample unit to exceed 8%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat-sealed size and identification label in the neck. A Instructions: care and content label shall be inserted in the seam in the bottom of the shirt. A Uf/x hang tag will be attached to garment.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment. The UPC bar code Identification: must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be

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available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information. Packaging: Each garment shall be carefully folded in a first class matter and individually packed in a clear bag. There will be a sticker on the outside of the bag containing size, UPC bar code and style number. Garments will be packed 12 to a box.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Measurements (in inches):

Size: Small Medium Large X-Large 2X-Large 3X-Large

Width: 19 21 22 24 26 27

Out-seam Sleeve Length: 17.5 19 20.5 22 23.5 25

Length: 28 29 30 31 32 33

Collar Width: 7 7.5 7.5 8 8 8.5

Collar Height: 2 2 2 2 2 2

Min. Neck Stretch: 18 19 19 20 20 21

Patches, "HPD" shall be monogrammed on front center of collar at no additional expense. Emblems, Names, and Logos:


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Design: Shall be a pullover type mock turtleneck dickie with full neck. The measurements of the finished garment shall conform to those listed below. All measurements will be taken without stretching the material.

Material: 63% Nylon / 23% Micro Poly / 14% Spandex, 6.5 ounces per square yard.

The permanent X-EEDE “Moisture Transport System” is quick-drying, wicking moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness, and enhanced performance. The insulative 4 way Power Stretch fabric is abrasion resistant, pill-proof, and features permanent anti-microbial technology that is order, mildew and bacteria resistant.

Color: Black and Dark Navy. The finished cloth shall show fastness to light, laundering and perspiration equal to or better than Standard Sample.

Collar: Mock turtleneck shall be self-fabric and manufactured so that it will retain its shape and will finish 2” in height. Collars finishing higher than 2” shall be rejected due to unacceptable appearance during wear.

Sleeves: To be long set-in type with 2-1/2” cuffs made from self fabric.

Seams & Seams shall conform to FED-STD-751. The stitches shall be 10-12 per inch. Seam Stitching: allowances shall be maintained with seams sewn so that no raw edges, run-offs, pleats, puckers or open seams occur.

Ends of all stitching shall be back stitched or over stitched not less than ½” except where ends are turned under or caught in other seams or stitching. Thread tensions shall be maintained so that there will be no loose stitching resulting in loose bobbin or top thread or excessively tight stitching resulting in puckering of the materials sewn. The lock shall be imbedded in the materials sewn.

Dimensional The finished mock turtleneck dickie, after five laundering and dryings, shall not Stability:: elongate more than 2% or shrink more than 8% lot average with no sample unit to exceed 8%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat-sealed size and identification label in the neck. A Instructions: care and content label shall be inserted in the seam in the bottom of the dickie. A Uf/x hang tag will be attached to garment. Packaging: Each garment shall be carefully folded in a first class matter and individually packed in a clear bag.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment. The UPC bar code Identification: must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed

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Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Measurements (in inches)

Size: Small - Medium Large - X Large 2X Large-3X Large

Width: 13 14 15

Length: 11 11.50 12

Collar Width: 7.5 8 8.5

Collar Height: 2 2 2

Neck Stretch: 23 24 25

Patches, "HPD" shall be monogrammed on front center of collar at no additional expense. Emblems, Names, and Logos:


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Fabric: Burlington 2030 7.61oz./sq. yd., 13oz./linear yd., 74% polyester / 25% worsted wool (long-staple_. 1% serge weave with 17% engineered stretch for increased range of movement for maximum comfort. Color: Dark Navy

Style: Shall be made with the Ladies Choice pattern, featuring a contour waistband with elastic side panels, shortened rise, and reshaped hip and seat. Trousers have a plain front with quarter top front pockets, a watch pockets, 7/8” belt loops and two (2) back pockets.

Pockets: The front pocket opening will be a minimum 6” and be 6” deep from the bottom of the opening. They shall be stitched, turned, and restitched. There shall be a tandem stitch along the front pocket facing to give additional stability and strength to the pocket. The inside front pocket facing shall be a separate piece of self material finishing no less than 1-1/4” wide. The back pockets will have a minimum opening of 5” on sizes 8 and below, and 5-1/2” on sizes 10 and above, and be 6” deep. They shall be made with a Reese PW automatic machine and finished on the outside with an exposed top and bottom cord. The left pocket shall have a tab to button. The watch pocket, located approximately 2-1/2” to the front of the right side seam at the waistband, shall have an approximate opening of 3” and shall be 3” deep. The front pockets and watch pocket shall each have a straight bartack and each back pockets shall be bartacked with a triangular bartacking machine.

Pocketing: All pocketing shall be black 65% polyester / 35% cotton with a minimum thread count of 70 x 48, weight is 4.3oz / sq. yd.

Waistband: Must be Ladies Choice construction for superior comfort and performance. The curtain, attached with a rocap machine, shall be made of black, bias-cut, cotton blended twill and shall have two continuous parallel 1/16” wide silicone bands for shirt retention. Inside the waistband shall be two pieces of breathable non-woven stretch canvas for support. Waistband will also be fused for additional support. The finished waistband shall be 2” wide and shall be closed with a crush-proof hook and eye. The eye being bartacked for stability. There shall be 4” elastic sewn into teach side of the waistband for superior fit.

Striping: The trouser shall have a 3/8” 100% polyester stripe, sewn on the outside seam of each leg. The stripe shall run from the bottom of the waistband to the bottom of the trouser.

Zipper: The trousers shall be closed with a brass memory lock zipper and have a brass bottom stop at the base of the zipper chain. A straight bartack shall be sewn through from the outside of the garment to the inside at the bottom of the fly. It shall be sewn through the zipper tape, the right and left fly and the right fly lining. The right and left fly shall be joined by an additional bartack located below the bottom zipper stop on the inside of the trouser.

Inside Trim: The right fly lining shall be the same fabric and color as the waistband curtain. There shall be a non-woven interlining sewn to the fly to give additional stability and strength to the fly. The right fly lining shall be sewn to the left fly below the zipper.

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Belt Loops: There shall be a minimum of 5 belt loops on waist sizes 12 and below, and a minimum of 7 belt loops on all sizes over 14. Each loop is to be lined and 7/8” wide with stitching on the face side 3/8” from each edge. Except for the back loop, which shall be tacked on all loops are to be sewn into the rocap at the top and sewn into the bottom of the waistband. They shall accommodate a 1 5/8” belt.

Creasing: The front and back crease in the trouser legs must incorporate a permanent modified silicone crease produced by the Creaset™ System.

Seaming: The entire trouser is to be seamed with polyester core or 100% polyester spun thread. The seat seam shall be stitched with a tandem needle seaming machine.

Labels: The trouser shall have a sewn-in label giving care instructions and an outside waistband label which shall be marked with lot number, size, fiber content and cut number. A permanent size label shall be sewn inside on the hip pocket.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Finishing and All loose threads shall be removed. Trouser must be pressed completely and Pressing: properly with the side seam, inseam and seat seam pressed open. There must be a Jetclip clip attached to the top fly of the finished trouser.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Fabric: Burlington 2030 7.61oz./sq. yd., 13oz./linear yd., 74% polyester / 25% worsted wool (long-staple_. 1% lycra serge weave with 17% engineered stretch for increased range of movement for maximum comfort. Color: Dark Navy

Style: Shall be made on a uniform pattern, having a plain front with quarter top front pockets, a watch pockets, 7/8” belt loops and two (2) back pockets.

Pockets: The quarter top front pocket opening will be a minimum 6-1/2” and be 6” deep from the bottom of the opening. They shall be stitched, turned, and restitched. There shall be a tandem stitch along the front pocket facing to give additional stability and strength to the pocket. The inside front pocket facing shall be a separate piece of self material finishing no less than 1-1/4” wide. The back pockets will have a minimum opening of 6” and be 6” deep. They shall be made with a Reese PW automatic machine and finished on the outside with an exposed top and bottom cord. The left pocket shall have a tab to button. The watch pocket, located approximately 2-1/2” to the front of the right side seam at the waistband, shall have an approximate opening of 3” and shall be 3” deep. The front pockets and watch pocket shall each have a straight bartack and each back pockets shall be bartacked with a triangular bartacking machine.

Pocketing: All pocketing shall be black 65% polyester / 35% cotton with a minimum thread count of 70 x 48, weight is 4.3oz / sq. yd.

Waistband: The Covert waistband contains a hidden elastic extension, providing up to three (3) inches of additional stretch. The front of the outer waistband tapers through the covert opening at the top of the front pocket opening. The 1-1/4” wide elastic extends from the end of the taper through the waistband behind the side seam. All stress points will be bartacked.

The inner waistband shall be a Duty Fit waistband, which provides additional stretch to the wearer’s exact size while providing permanent recovery memory. The Duty Fit waistband will be continuous on the inside of the waistband so as to provide additional support and recovery to the waistband extension. There are no spit openings in the inside curtain. The inside waistband shall be made with black wrapped woven elastine and have two (2) tracks of 1/8” wide silicone for shirt retention. It measures 2-1/2” and is attached with a rocap machine. Woven elastic banrol stiffener measuring 1” shall be sewn into the entire waistband to provide additional support.

The waistband is to be constructed using the closed method and shall measure 2” wide when finished. The waistband closure shall be accomplished with a double crush proof hook and eye, bartacked for stability. The hooks and eyes shall be reinforced with stays made of a non-woven fabric that are anchored by the top stitching for the fly facing and curtain. This top stitching must be to the top of the waistband. The waistband must have a crack stitch for added strength. No alternative waistband will be acceptable.

Belt Loops: There should be a minimum of 5 belt loops on waist size 28, 29, 30, and a minimum of 7 on all sizes over 30. Each loop is to be 7/8” wide of double thickness, with

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stitching on the face side 3/8” from each edge. Except for the back loop, which shall be tacked on, all loops shall be sewn into the bottom of the waistband and into the rocap. They shall accommodate a 1-5/8” belt.

Inner Fly/Crotch: The right fly and front crotch linings shall be the same fabric and color as the waistband curtain. There shall be a non-woven interlining sewn to the fly to give additional stability and strength to the fly. The right fly lining shall be sewn to the left fly below the zipper and continue centered on the join seam across the inseam and each 1 inch onto the back seam. A separate French fly made of the outer fabric shall be sewn to the inside right fly.

There shall be a triple strength crotch reinforcement to prevent seam failure in the crotch and inseam area. The crotch shall be secured with two (2) rows of stitching. One row is to be on the inside of the trouser, then turned and an additional to be sewn on the outside of the trouser.

Zipper: The trousers shall be closed with a brass memory lock zipper and have a brass bottom stop at the base of the zipper chain. A straight bartack shall be sewn through from the outside of the garment to the inside at the bottom of the fly. It shall be sewn through the zipper tape, the right and left fly and the right fly lining. The right and left fly shall be joined by an additional bartack located below the bottom zipper stop on the inside of the trouser.

Creasing: The front and back crease in the trouser legs must incorporate a permanent modified silicone crease produced by the Creaset™ System.

Seaming Thread: The entire trouser is to be seamed with polyester core or 100% polyester spun thread. The seat seam shall be stitched with a tandem needle seaming machine.

Labels: The trouser shall have a sewn-in woven label on the left hip pocket bag, containing style name, and fabric content. A permanent size label and care instruction label shall be sewn to the woven label. There will be an outside waistband label, which shall be marked with lot number, size, fiber content, and cut number.

Finishing and All loose threads shall be removed. Trouser must be pressed completely and Pressing: properly with the side seam, inseam and seat seam pressed open. There must be a Jetclip clip attached to the top fly of the finished trouser.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

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Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Waist 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46

Seat 40 40¾ 43½ 45¼ 47 48 13/16 50 11/16 52 9/16 54 7/16

Rise 9 ⅝ 9 ⅞ 10 ⅛ 10 ⅜ 10 ⅝ 10 ⅞ 11 ⅛ 11 ⅜ 11 ⅝

Thigh 26 ¼ 27 ⅛ 28 28 ⅞ 29 ¾ 30 ⅝ 31 ½ 32 ⅜ 33 ¼

Knee 19 ½ 20 20 ½ 21 21 ½ 22 22 ½ 23 23 ½

Waist 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62

Seat 56 5/16 58 3/16 60 1/16 61 15/16 63 11/16 65 11/16 67 9/16 69 7/16

Rise 11 ⅞ 12 ⅛ 12 ⅜ 12 ⅝ 12 ⅞ 13 ⅛ 13 ⅜ 39 ¼

Thigh 34 34 ¾ 35 ½ 36 ¼ 37 37 ¾ 38 ½ 39 ¼

Knee 24 24 ½ 25 25 ½ 26 26 ½ 27 27 1/2

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut in the Ladies Choice pattern with expanded chest, waist and hip dimensions for a more flattering fit.

Shirts to have permanent sewn in military creases.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

All sewing shall be with dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar and cuff are to be singled stitched ¼” from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge.

Fabric: Burlington 606A 10.5-11oz., 75% polyester / 25% worsted wool (long–staple), tropical weave with 6-8% engineered stretch for increased comfort and durability. Color: Dark Navy. To assure consistency in shade, the fabric shall be made from top dyed fibers and not piece dyed in fabric form.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: The shape and style of both leaf and stand shall conform to the TT89 collar. The points, medium spread, are to be approximately 3” in length. The back of the stand is to measure 1-1/2”. The stand shall fasten with one button. There shall be one horizontal button hole.

The leaf shall be made of three pieces; two pieces of self-cloth and one whole Dacron™ lining, which is to be fused to the top collar.

Permanent collar stays to be secured to the bottom ply. The collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2” in length and 3/8” wide.

Inner stand and inner yoke to be made of compatible combed cotton blended poplin fabric for additional comfort.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-5/8” in width and to fasten with two buttons. There is to be a single stitch 1/4” from top of cuff. Shall be made to accommodate removable metal buttons.

The sleeve opening shall measure 3-7/8” from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4” wide and the bottom facing to finish about 1/2” wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole.

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

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Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: The front shall have a center facing 1-1/2” wide extending from the collar stand to bottom of shirt and be made of the same material as shirt fabric with two rows of stitching ⅞” apart. The center front shall contain six vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge and 3-1/2” apart.

The left front shall have a button stand, ⅞” wide double stitched the full length. There shall be six (6) 20 ligne black melamine buttons securely attached to the button stand, corresponding to the buttonholes in the center front. There shall be removable metal button accommodations.

Zipper: A 14” nylon zipper shall be sewn to the fronts and shall be positioned 1-1/2” below the first front button and shall replace the 2nd, 2rd, 4th, and 5th front buttons, which are to be sewn on the top center. The neck button, first front button are to be functional.

Back: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of cotton blended poplin.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Access bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly Openings: concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8” wide and 6” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left chest pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4” in length, 2-3/8” in width at center, and 2-1/8” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap. Shall be made to accommodate removable metal buttons.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Badge Tab: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means of a strip of material 1-1/2” wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two (2) small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4” apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2” above top of left flap.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about ½” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to

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shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

There shall be a small buttonhole in the yoke for the insertion of a removable metal button. There shall also be a protective piece sewn under yoke to protect the wearer from the metal toggle.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Top center to be lined with Pellon. Flaps and bands to be EZ Crease. Cuffs to be M-37 H’Press. Collar to be 250BC Dacron.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven label with brand and content to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care label to be sewn in bottom hem.

Button: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection. Sizes and Finished Dimensions: Size: 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

Bust: 38½ 39½ 41 42½ 44 45½ 47½ 49½ 51½ 53½

Waist: 35½ 36½ 38 39½ 41 42½ 44½ 46½ 48½ 50½

Back: 27½ 27½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 29 29

Sleeve Length: 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos: END OF ITEM 31 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS

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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut in the Ladies Choice pattern with expanded chest, waist and hip dimensions for a more flattering fit.

Shirts to have permanent sewn in military creases.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

All sewing shall be with dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar and cuff are to be singled stitched ¼” from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge.

Fabric: Burlington 606A 10.5-11oz., 75% polyester / 25% worsted wool (long–staple), tropical weave with 6-8% engineered stretch for increased comfort and durability. Color: Dark Navy. To assure consistency in shade, the fabric shall be made from top dyed fibers and not piece dyed in fabric form.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: The shape and style of both leaf and stand shall conform to the TT89 collar. The points, medium spread, are to be approximately 3” in length. The back of the stand is to measure 1-1/2”. The stand shall fasten with one button. There shall be one horizontal button hole.

The leaf shall be made of three pieces; two pieces of self-cloth and one whole Dacron lining, which is to be fused to the top collar.

Permanent collar stays to be secured to the bottom ply. The collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide.

Inner stand and inner yoke to be made of compatible combed cotton blended poplin fabric for additional comfort.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-7/8” in width and to fasten with two (2) buttons. There is to be a single stitch ¼” from top of cuff. Shall be made to accommodate removable metal buttons.

The sleeve opening shall measure 4-7/8” from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4” wide and the bottom facing to finish about 1/2” wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole.

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

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Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: The front shall have a center facing 1-1/2” wide extending from the collar stand to bottom of shirt and be made of the same material as shirt fabric with two rows of stitching ⅞” apart. The center front shall contain six (6) vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge and 3-1/2” apart.

The left front shall have a button stand, ⅞” wide double stitched the full length. There shall be six (6) 20 ligne black melamine buttons securely attached to the button stand, corresponding to the buttonholes in the center front. There shall be removable metal button accommodations.

Zipper: A 14” nylon zipper shall be sewn to the fronts and shall be positioned 1-1/2” below the first front button and shall replace the 2nd, 2rd, 4th, and 5th front buttons, which are to be sewn on the top center. The neck button, first front button are to be functional.

Back: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of cotton blended poplin.

Dual Comm Access Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Openings: bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8” wide and 6” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left chest pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4” in length, 2-3/4” in width at center, and 2-1/2” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap. Shall be made to accommodate removable metal buttons.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Badge Tab: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means of a strip of material 1-1/2” wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4” apart with the bottom buttonhole 1- 1/2” above top of left flap.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened

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with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1- 3/8”. Straps to be set about ½” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

There shall be a small buttonhole in the yoke for the insertion of a removable metal button. There shall also be a protective piece sewn under yoke to protect the wearer from the metal toggle.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Top center to be lined with Pellon. Flaps and bands to be EZ Crease. Cuffs to be M-37 H’Press. Collar to be 250BC Dacron.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven label with brand and content to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care label to be sewn in bottom hem.

Button: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19

Chest: 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59

Waist: 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 49 52 54 57

Back Length: 32 ½ 32 ⅝ 32 ¾ 32 ⅞ 33 ⅝ 33 ½ 33 ⅞ 35 35 35-⅞ 36-⅜

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Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut in the Ladies Choice pattern with expanded chest, waist and hip dimensions for a more flattering fit.

Shirts to have permanent sewn in military creases.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

All sewing shall be with dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar and cuff are to be singled stitched ¼” from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge.

Fabric: Burlington 606A 10.5-11oz., 75% polyester / 25% worsted wool (long –staple), tropical weave with 6-8% engineered stretch for increased comfort and durability. Color: Dark Navy. To assure consistency in shade, the fabric shall be made from top dyed fibers and not piece dyed in fabric form.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-⅝” long at points and 1-⅝” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of 250 denier Dacron lining.

Permanent collar stays to be secured to the bottom ply. The collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide.

Inner stand and inner yoke to be made of compatible combed cotton blended poplin fabric for additional comfort.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be straight and while and have a 1” hem. The finish shall be 9-1/2” long from shoulder seam.

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Front: Each front shall have a facing 3” in width extending from the neckline to bottom of shirt provided by a turn under of material. The right front shall also have a lined box pleat 1-1/2” wide finished. The center front shall contain seven (7) vertical

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buttonholes placed ¾” from edge, first at neck, second 2-1/2” down, balance 3-1/2” apart. There shall be removable metal button accommodations. Zipper: A 14” nylon zipper shall be sewn to the fronts and shall be positioned 1-1/2” below the first front button and shall replace the 2nd, 2rd, 4th, and 5th front buttons, which are to be sewn on the top center. The neck button, first front button are to be functional.

Back: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of cotton blended poplin.

Dual Comm Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Access bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly Openings: concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two (2) double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8” wide and 6” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left chest pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two (2) scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4” in length, 2-3/8” in width at center, and 2-1/8” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap. Shall be made to accommodate removable metal buttons.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Badge Tab: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means of a strip of material 1-1/2” wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two (2) small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4” apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2” above top of left flap.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about ½” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam.

There shall be a small buttonhole in the yoke for the insertion of a removable metal button. There shall also be a protective piece sewn under yoke to protect the wearer from the metal toggle.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Top center to be lined with Pellon. Flaps to be EZ Crease. Collar to be 250BC

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UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in Identification: the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information. Labels: Woven label with brand and content to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care label to be sewn in bottom hem.

Button: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

Bust: 38½ 39½ 41 42½ 44 45½ 47½ 49½ 51½ 53½

Waist: 35½ 36½ 38 39½ 41 42½ 44½ 46½ 48½ 50½

Back: 27½ 27½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 28½ 29 29

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut in the Ladies Choice pattern with expanded chest, waist and hip dimensions for a more flattering fit.

Shirts to have permanent sewn in military creases.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

All sewing shall be with dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar and cuff are to be singled stitched ¼” from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge.

Fabric: Burlington 606A 10.5-11oz., 75% polyester / 25% worsted wool (long–staple), tropical weave with 6-8% engineered stretch for increased comfort and durability. Color: Dark Navy. To assure consistency in shade, the fabric shall be made from top dyed fibers and not piece dyed in fabric form.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/4” long at points and 1-⅝” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of 250 denier Dacron lining. Inner stand and inner yoke to be made of compatible combed cotton blended poplin fabric for additional comfort

Permanent collar stays to be secured to the bottom ply. The collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-7/8” in width and to fasten with two buttons. There is to be a single stitch ¼” from top of cuff. Shall be made to accommodate removable metal buttons. Size Finished Length 14 and 14-1/2 9-1/2” 15, 15-1/2 and 16 10” 16-1/2 thru 18-1/2 10-1/2” 19 thru 20 11”

The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3 ¼” wide x 10 ¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

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Front: The front shall have a facing 3” in width extending from the neckline to bottom of shirt provided by a turn-under of material. The left front shall also have a lined box pleat 1-1/2” wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shirt and shall be top stitched ¼” from both edges.

The center front shall contain seven (7) vertical buttonholes placed ¾” from edge, first at neck, second 2-1/2” down, balance 3-1/2” apart. There shall be removable metal button accommodations.

Zipper: A 14” nylon zipper shall be sewn to the fronts and shall be positioned 1-1/2” below the first front button and shall replace the 2nd, 2rd, 4th, and 5th front buttons, which are to be sewn on the top center. The neck button, first front button are to be functional.

Back: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of cotton blended poplin.

Dual Comm Access Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Openings: bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8” wide and 6” long. The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left chest pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4” wide. Both pockets to have 1- 1/4” box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two (2) scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4” in length, 2-3/4” in width at center, and 2-1/2” in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately ¼” above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/4” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap. Shall be made to accommodate removable metal buttons.

Flap Closure: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Badge Tab: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means of a strip of material 1-1/2” wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4” apart with the bottom buttonhole 1- 1/2” above top of left flap.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1- 3/8”. Straps to be set about ½” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2” from sleeve head seam. There shall be a small buttonhole in the yoke for the insertion of a removable metal

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button. There shall also be a protective piece sewn under yoke to protect the wearer from the metal toggle.

Permanent Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not Creases: thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Interlining: Top center to be lined with Freudenburg WR3022. Flaps EZ Crease. Collar to be 250BC Dacron.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Labels: Woven label with brand and content to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care label to be sewn in bottom hem.

Button: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19

Chest: 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59

Waist: 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 49 52 54 57

Back Length: 32 ½ 32 ⅝ 32 ¾ 32 ⅞ 33 ⅝ 33 ½ 33 35 35 35 ⅞ 36 ⅜ ⅞ Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Style: It is the intention of this department to secure a vest carrier equal in quality of workmanship and style to the vest carrier now on display as a sample. Elbeco V2 TexTrop™ External Vest Carrier brand or pre-approved equal only.

Vest carriers shall be cut to be adjustable at the sides. The vest carrier is fully lined and has interior front and back pouches for housing an armor carrier in its existing manufacturer’s outer shell. The shape of the V-neck opening, shoulder loops, pockets and general style shall conform to this sample. Vest carriers to have permanent sewn in military stitches.

The body armor carrier and ballistic panels used in conjunction with the Elbeco V2 TexTrop™ External Vest Carrier are available as separate items from body armor vendors and are not avail be from Elbeco. The Elbeco V2 TexTrop™ External Vest Carrier is a cosmetic vest carrier designed to be worn over a uniform shirt and offers no ballistic and/or stab protection.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

The neckline, armhole and bottom hem are to be double stitched. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge.

Fabric: Shell fabric to be 100% texturized polyester, 5.0-5.5oz./square yard tropical weave with mechanical stretch. To insure permanent fluid repellency and superior breathability, fabric must be treated at fabric level with Nano Fluid Repellency technology. Fabric is easy care and wrinkle resistant, with excellent color matching and color retention.

Color: All threads, buttons, Velcro, and lining fabrics are to be dyed to match the shell color of vest carrier.

Creasing: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size.

Front:: The vest carrier front shall be fully lined with fusible interlining to provide stability and durability. The exterior of the front shall be cut from shell fabric and the interior shall be cut from lining fabric. The front lining shall be cut from two (2) fabric pieces, each piece to be hemmed with 1” clean finished hem.

The interior lining shall have a pouch opening between the two lining pieces for insertion of the front of the armor carrier. The pouch at the front interior shall be secured with Velcro and shall be reinforced with vertical bartacks at each side of the pouch opening. Pouch opening and placement grades by size. A strip of hook Velcro is sewn to the interior of the front side panel to form the side closure.

The front shall have a false button placket 1-1/2” wide extending from the neckline to the bottom of vest and be made of the same material as the vest carrier shell fabric with two rows of stitching 1” apart.

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Front: Cont. The non-functioning buttons shall be securely attached to the button placket. Amount and spacing of buttons at placket vary by size. Size: Large, Regular length shall have 4 buttons; the first button to be placed 2” from the neckline with the remaining buttons spaced 3” apart.

Back: The vest carrier back shall be fully lined; the exterior of the back shall be cut from shell fabric and the interior shall be cut from lining fabric. The back lining shall be cut from two (2) fabric pieces, each piece to be hemmed with 1” clean finished hem. The interior lining shall have a pouch opening between the two lining pieces for insertion of the back of the armor carrier. The pouch at the back interior shall be secured with Velcro and shall be reinforced with vertical bartacks at each side of the pouch opening. Pouch opening and placement grades by size.

There is a single ply yoke set to the back and shoulders with an edge stitch.

A large patch of loop Velcro is fused and sewn to the exterior of the back side panel to form the side closure.

Adjustable Side Vest carrier shall be adjustable at the sides. Once the armor carrier is inserted Closure: through the interior pouch openings; the vest is to be worn and secured with a cummerbund style stretch waistband which is set in the back panel and closed around the waist underneath the front panel. The front of the vest is then closed over the back, with the hook and loop Velcro aligned and adjusted for comfort.

Pockets: There are two double entry chest pockets with mitered corners measuring 5-⅝” wide and 6” long (except for sizes XS & S). The side entry forms a utility pocket closed with Velcro. The left chest pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1- 1/2” wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4” box pleat stitched from top to bottom to prevent spreading.

Flaps: To have two (2) scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4” in length, 2-3/4” at center, and 2- 1/2” at sides (except on sizes XS &S). Flaps to be secured to front of vest with two (2) rows of stitching approximately ½” above top of pocket. Both flaps to have a pencil opening about 1-1/14” in width. Flaps to be interlined. There shall be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap with a removable button option. The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets.

Document Pocket: There is a large document pocket set under the left chest, with a concealed opening underneath the front placket. The pocket bag extends under the left chest pocket to the far edge of the pocket and towards the bottom of the front pouch. The pocket closes with a 1” x 3” piece of Velcro. Pocket bag is made from durable nylon taslan.

Badge Tab: Badge eyelets to be reinforced on inside of the shirt with fusing. Two (2) small horizontal eyelets are set 1-1/4” apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2: above the top of the left flap/

Options: There shall be a loose name tape measuring 1” wide x 8” long and a loose badge tab with two (2) metal eyelets 1-1/4” apart set in the right front pocket for optional use. Mic Tab: A mic tab measuring ½” x 1-1/2” is set 2-1/2” below the vent V of the neckline.

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Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching functional button. The straps shall measure 1-1/2” wide.

Shoulder There is an interior tunnel opening at the shoulder approximately 3” wide for Opening: convenient insertion and removal of the armor carrier’s existing vest carrier. The opening is reinforced with lining fabric and a strap for the wear’s comfort.

Permanent Vest carrier to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched at the vest Creases: only, not thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease.

Tunnel Loops:: Four (4) 1” X 2” tunnel loops will be sewn on the inside lining to accommodate the VSS1 suspension system – two (2) on the front and two (2) on the back. These will be set 1” from finished hem top of pouch and centered with the shoulder.

Button: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric.

Labels: V Series TexTrop™ External Vest Carrier woven label to be sewn in at interior neckline with size and content label sewn beneath the main label. Care label to be sewn in at inside center of vest.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Vest carriers shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and Packing: individually packed in polyethylene bags. Vest to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Finished The V2 TexTrop™ External Vest Carrier shall be available in 17 size options, XS- Dimensions: 3XL with select length options in Short, Regular, Long and X-Long lengths. Full dimensional charts for each size/length option are available upon request.

Sizes: CUT: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL LENGTH: L, R, S, XL Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos: END OF ITEM 35 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS

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Design: Garment shall be a long sleeve shirt with the upper body, sleeves, collar and epaulets being of woven fabric and the lower body of performance knit fabric. Garment will have a three (3) button placket; flex vents, dual comms access openings and epaulets. All measurement will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: Fabric above chest to be 100% texturized polyester, 5.5oz./sq. yd. tropical weave with mechanical stretch. To insure permanent moisture control and superior breathability fabric must be treated at the fiber level with Nano moisture wicking technology. Fabric is easy care and wrinkle resistance, with excellent color matching and color retention.

Fabric below chest to be 100% polyester featherweight performance knit. 3.5oz./sq. yd. Permanent Nano moisture wicking takes moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. The permanent anti-microbial technology is odor, mildew, and bacteria resistant. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant and pill-proof.

Colors: Navy and spruce green.

Collar: Banded dress collar to have a leaf made of two (2) pieces of self cloth and one while lining, which is to be fused to the top collar. The points are to be approximately 3” in length. The back of the stand is to measure 1-1/2”.

Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom collar. Inner stand to be made of matching 65% Dacron polyester / 35% cotton, 4.2oz./sq. yd.

Placket: The 3-button placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 7” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” mic loop sewn horizontally across. The three (3) buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the neck and vertical buttonholes at the other two (2) points. The placket shall lap right over left.

Back/Shoulder: There is to be a one piece yoke with a top stitch on outer ply. The front and back panels are to be joined with 4 thread mock stitch and single needle top stitch.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-5/8” in width and to fasten with two (2) buttons and one buttonhole for an adjustable cuff. There is to be a single stitch 7/16” from top of cuff.

The sleeve opening shall measure 4-1/4” from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4” wide and the bottom facing to finish about 2” wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole.

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The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 2 ½ wide x 8” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Dual Comm Access Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Openings: bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The strap will be non-functional, fastened with one matching button. There is a small cut-through under the button to accommodate removable metal buttons. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-⅜”. Straps to be set about ½” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2-⅝” from sleeve head seam.

Knit Panel: The knit panel is to begin in the front across the chest at the bottom of the placket and extend through the hemline. The knit panel in the back is to begin 8” from the back neckline seam and extend through the hemline.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and have a two (2) needle cover stitch.

Seams: The upper woven and lower knit panels shall be joined with 4 thread mock stitch and single needle top stitch to prevent puckering, while providing a smooth, comfortable seam against the body.

Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes and button sewing shall be cotton covered polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat-seal brand label containing size, country of origin, Instructions: care and content. A branded hang tags will be attached to the garment.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This

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document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: XS X M L XL 2 XL 3 XL 4 XL

Chest: 37½ 39½ 42½ 45½ 49½ 53½ 57½ 61½

Waist: 34½ 36½ 39½ 42½ 46½ 50½ 54 58½

Back: 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29

Sleeve Length: 30 30 32 33 33 34 34 34

Patches, Patches/Emblems must be provided and sewn on left and right sleeves of shirts at Emblems, Names, no additional expense. Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be and Logos: embroidered with approximately 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches, emblems, badges, and logos will be determined on a case-by- case basis depending on the officer's rank and assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be sewn/embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Garment shall be a long sleeve shirt with the upper body, sleeves, collar and epaulets being of woven fabric and the lower body of performance knit fabric. Garment will have a three (3) button placket; flex vents, dual comms access openings and epaulets. All measurement will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: Fabric above chest to be 100% texturized polyester, 5.5oz./sq. yd. tropical weave with mechanical stretch. To insure permanent moisture control and superior breathability fabric must be treated at the fiber level with Nano moisture wicking technology. Fabric is easy care and wrinkle resistance, with excellent color matching and color retention.

Fabric below chest to be 100% polyester featherweight performance knit. 3.5oz./sq. yd. Permanent Nano moisture wicking takes moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. The permanent anti-microbial technology is odor, mildew, and bacteria resistant. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant and pill-proof.

Colors: Navy and spruce green.

Collar: Banded dress collar to have a leaf made of two (2) pieces of self cloth and one while lining, which is to be fused to the top collar. The points are to be approximately 3” in length. The back of the stand is to measure 1-1/2”.

Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom collar. Inner stand to be made of matching 65% Dacron polyester / 35% cotton, 4.2oz./sq. yd.

Placket: The 3-button placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 7” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” mic loop sewn horizontally across. The three (3) buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the neck and vertical buttonholes at the other two (2) points. The placket shall lap left over right.

Back/Shoulder: There is to be a one piece yoke with a top stitch on outer ply. The front and back panels are to be joined with 4 thread mock stitch and single needle top stitch.

Sleeves: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-7/8” in width and to fasten with two (2) buttons and one buttonhole for an adjustable cuff. There is to be a single stitch along top of cuff.

The sleeve opening shall measure 5-1/4” from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4” wide and the bottom facing to finish about 1/2” wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole.

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The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3¼” wide x 10¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Dual Comm Access Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Openings: bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The strap will be non-functional, fastened with one matching button. There is a small cut-through under the button to accommodate removable metal buttons. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-⅜”. Straps to be set about ½” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2-1/8” from sleeve head seam.

Knit Panel: The knit panel is to begin in the front across the chest at the bottom of the placket and extend through the hemline. The knit panel in the back is to begin 8” from the back neckline seam and extend through the hemline.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and have a two (2) needle cover stitch.

Seams: The upper woven and lower knit panels shall be joined with 4 thread mock stitch and single needle top stitch to prevent puckering, while providing a smooth, comfortable seam against the body.

Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes and button sewing shall be cotton covered polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat-seal brand label containing size, country of Instructions: origin, care and content. A branded hang tags will be attached to the garment.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This

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document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: 14-14 ½ 15-15 ½ 16-16 ½ 17-17 ½ 18-18 ½ 19-20 21-22

Chest: 41 45 49 53 57 63 71

Waist: 37 41 45 50 55 63 71

Back Length: 29 30 31 32 33 34 36

Sleeve Length: Combination Sleeve: 32/33 is 33 ½ 34/35 is 35 ½ 36/37 is 37 ½

Patches, Patches/Emblems must be provided and sewn on left and right sleeves of shirts at Emblems, Names, no additional expense. Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be and Logos: embroidered with approximately 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches, emblems, badges, and logos will be determined on a case-by- case basis depending on the officer's rank and assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be sewn/embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Garment shall be a long sleeve shirt with the upper body, sleeves, collar and epaulets being of woven fabric and the lower body of performance knit fabric. Garment will have a three (3) button placket; flex vents, dual comms access openings and epaulets. All measurement will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: Fabric above chest to be 100% texturized polyester, 5.5oz./sq. yd. tropical weave with mechanical stretch. To insure permanent moisture control and superior breathability fabric must be treated at the fiber level with Nano moisture wicking technology. Fabric is easy care and wrinkle resistance, with excellent color matching and color retention.

Fabric below chest to be 100% polyester featherweight performance knit. 3.5oz./sq. yd. Permanent Nano moisture wicking takes moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. The permanent anti-microbial technology is odor, mildew, and bacteria resistant. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant and pill-proof.

Colors: Navy and spruce green.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/4” long at points and 1- ⅝” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of D331 top fuse lining. Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom collar.

The collar to be lined with matching 65% Dacron polyester / 35% cotton, 4.2oz./sq. yd. The collar lining shall be banana shaped.

Placket: The 3-button placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 7” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” mic loop sewn horizontally across. The three (3) buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the neck and vertical buttonholes at the other two (2) points. The placket shall lap right over left.

Back/Shoulder: There is to be a one piece yoke with a top stitch on outer ply. The front and back panels are to be joined with 4 thread mock stitch and single needle top stitch.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be made from the woven fabric, and to be straight and whole with a 1” hem. These shall be 9-1/2” in length. The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 2 ½ wide x 8” long is set into the sleeve and

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body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Dual Comm Access Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Openings: bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The strap will be non-functional, fastened with one matching button. There is a small cut-through under the button to accommodate removable metal buttons. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8”. Straps to be set about ½” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2-1/8” from sleeve head seam.

Knit Panel: The knit panel is to begin in the front across the chest at the bottom of the placket and extend through the hemline. The knit panel in the back is to begin 8” from the back neckline seam and extend through the hemline.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and have a two (2) needle cover stitch.

Seams: The upper woven and lower knit panels shall be joined with 4 thread mock stitch and single needle top stitch to prevent puckering, while providing a smooth, comfortable seam against the body.

Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes and button sewing shall be cotton covered polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat-seal brand label containing size, country of Instructions: origin, care and content. A branded hang tags will be attached to the garment.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

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Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: XS X M L XL 2 XL 3 XL 4 XL

Chest: 37½ 39½ 42½ 45½ 49½ 53½ 57½ 61½

Waist: 34½ 36½ 39½ 42½ 46½ 50½ 54 58½

Back: 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29

Patches, Patches/Emblems must be provided and sewn on left and right sleeves of shirts at Emblems, Names, no additional expense. Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be and Logos: embroidered with approximately 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches, emblems, badges, and logos will be determined on a case-by- case basis depending on the officer's rank and assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be sewn/embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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Design: Garment shall be a long sleeve shirt with the upper body, sleeves, collar and epaulets being of woven fabric and the lower body of performance knit fabric. Garment will have a three (3) button placket; flex vents, dual comms access openings and epaulets. All measurement will be taken without stretching the material.

Tailoring: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance.

Fabric: Fabric above chest to be 100% texturized polyester, 5.0-5.5oz./sq. yd. tropical weave with mechanical stretch. To insure permanent moisture control and superior breathability fabric must be treated at the fiber level with Nano moisture wicking technology. Fabric is easy care and wrinkle resistance, with excellent color matching and color retention.

Fabric below chest to be 100% polyester featherweight performance knit. 3.5oz./sq. yd. Permanent Nano moisture wicking takes moisture away from the body for superior comfort, thermal protection, ultimate dryness and enhanced performance. The permanent anti-microbial technology is odor, mildew, and bacteria resistant. Fabric to be colorfast, abrasion resistant and pill-proof.

Colors: Navy and spruce green.

Collar: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/4” long at points and 1- 5/8” wide at back. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of D331 top fuse lining. Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4” in length and 3/8” wide and be attached to the bottom collar.

The collar to be lined with matching 65% Dacron polyester / 35% cotton, 4.2oz./sq. yd. The collar lining shall be banana shaped.

Placket: The 3-button placket shall be lined and finished 1-1/2” wide and 7” long. The bottom of the placket shall have a ½” mic loop sewn horizontally across. The three (3) buttons shall be evenly spaced on the placket with a horizontal buttonhole at the neck and vertical buttonholes at the other two (2) points. The placket shall lap left over right.

Back/Shoulder: There is to be a one piece yoke with a top stitch on outer ply. The front and back panels are to be joined with 4 thread mock stitch and single needle top stitch.

Sleeves: Sleeves are to be made from the woven fabric, and to be straight and whole with 1” hem. These shall be graded in length so as to finish from the shoulder seam as follows: Size Finished Length S 9-1/2” M 10” L – 2XL 10-1/2”

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3XL – 4XL 11” The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means of a merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch.

Flex Vent: Patent pending. Flex Vent is made from 92% polyester / 8% spandex mesh. Diamond shaped mesh measuring 3¼” wide x 10¼” long is set into the sleeve and body panels at the underarm to allow for body heat ventilation and increased mobility and comfort.

Dual Comm Access Access opening measuring 1-1/2” are to be set in each side seam 1” below the Openings: bottom tip of the Flex Vent. Pouch style openings are clean finished, neatly concealed and reinforced for durability. These opening are used to thread communication wires under the front of the shirt to keep them out of the way.

Shoulder Straps: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The strap will be non-functional, fastened with one matching button. There is a small cut-through under the button to accommodate removable metal buttons. The straps shall measure 2” at sleeve and taper to 1-⅜” Straps to be set about ½” from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2-1/8” from sleeve head seam.

Knit Panel: The knit panel is to begin in the front across the chest at the bottom of the placket and extend through the hemline. The knit panel in the back is to begin 8” from the back neckline seam and extend through the hemline.

Hem: The bottom hem shall be 1” deep and have a two (2) needle cover stitch.

Seams: The upper woven and lower knit panels shall be joined with 4 thread mock stitch and single needle top stitch to prevent puckering, while providing a smooth, comfortable seam against the body.

Thread: The thread for seaming, stitching, buttonholes and button sewing shall be cotton covered polyester core. The thread shall be stabilized so as not to shrink in boiling water more than 1.5%.

Label and Care Each garment shall have a heat-seal brand label containing size, country of Instructions: origin, care and content. A branded hang tags will be attached to the garment.

UPC A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible Identification: in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color, and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information.

Pressing and Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually Packing: packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be bulk packed.

Code of Conduct: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This

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document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size: Small Medium Large X-Large 2X-Large 3X-Large 4X-Large

Chest: 41 45 49 53 57 61 65

Waist: 37 41 45 50 55 60 63

Back Length: 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Patches, Patches/Emblems must be provided and sewn on left and right sleeves of shirts at Emblems, Names, no additional expense. Badges/Logos with officer/employee rank shall be and Logos: embroidered with approximately 22,000 stitches on left chest of shirts. The appropriate patches, emblems, badges, and logos will be determined on a case-by- case basis depending on the officer's rank and assignment. Names will be monogrammed on right chest if/when requested. All badges, emblems, names, and logos shall be sewn/embroidered on shirts at no additional expense.


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General Design: Waist length vest, front V-neck design, adjustable waistband and detachable front and back. Mic tabs, ANSI-107 Class II construction with 2-1/2” retro- reflective tape with 2” silver centered with black ¼” edge. Optional badge holder. Reference product is Gerber’s identification number 70ZL. Color in lime-yellow. Fabric/Materials: Shell Fabric: ANSI 107 Compliant – Level 2 / ANSI 207 Compliant 100% polyester poplin cloth, color lime-yellow Weight: 5.00 ounces per square yard, (+-7%). Thread Count: Warp 54 pics, Filling 54 pics. Color fastness and Crocking: Minimum grade 4.0. Luminance: Minimum Beta Factor 0.76. Luminance of Beta Factor: Greater than 0.76.

Reflective Material: 3M Scotchlite 2” reflective trim applied to black ribbon center. ¼” black exposed on both edges. Total Trim width 2-1/2”

ANSI 107 COMPLIANT – LEVEL 2 Min Co-efficient of retro reflection Observation Entrance angles Angle 5’ 20’ 30’ 40’ 12’ 330 290 180 65 20’ 250 200 170 60 1’ 25 15 12 10 130’ 10 7 5 4

Binding: Black, bias cut material

Front Bands: 5-1/2” wide band with the 2-1/2” trim in the center.

Thread: All thread shall be polyester thread with wrap 36 strength in a 50 size or better.

Velcro: 2” wide, hook to match the 5-1/2” band

Velcro: 1” wide, loop for lower front panels.

Velcro: ⅝” wide, hook and loop for shoulders.

Thread: All thread shall be polyester thread with a wrap with 36 strength in a 50 size or better

DESIGN FEATURES: The front and back panels of the vest shall be a separately cut for greater comfort and superior fit. The shoulders of the front and back panels shall anchor together with Velcro hook and loop that is ⅝” wide. The armholes shall be generously cut for ease of donning and doffing. All raw edges shall be bound using bias cut binding. There shall be mic tabs on both of the shoulder fronts and shall be securely back tacked. The mic tabs shall be made with the self- fabric and measure 1” by 2”. There shall be sewn eyelets on each side of the fronts set over the trim. There shall be an ANSI-107 and ANSI 207 label set on the lower left side under the lower edge of the reflection tape.

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The trim will be set vertically from the shoulders of the front and back and meet in a V shape with the trim at the chest level of the front and back. The trim shall also be set across the lower front and back panels.

The adjustable front waistbands shall measure 5-1/2” wide by 11” long. The bands shall have the 2-1/2” trim set at the center. The front bands shall be set to the lower back panel. The bands shall have a 2” wide by 5-1/2” long Velcro hook and anchor to the 1” Velcro loop set on either side of the trim set on the lower front panel.

The optional badge holder shall measure 1” wide and 2-1/2” long when sewn. The badge holder shall have two (2) small metal eyelets set 1-3/4” apart.

ANSI 107/207 Label: Each garment shall have a permanent ANSI 107 Class II and ANSI 207 compliance label denoting the garments classification information. These labels are to be placed on the inner front side under the adjustment strap so that they are not visible when the garment is being worn. Labels shall include a pictogram which displays trim placement.

Hangtags: Each garment shall have a Gerber and a 3M SCOTCHLITE hangtag. On the back side of the hangtag there shall be a sticker label with the ID#, and the size of the garment.

Silence of The apparent silence of this specification as to any details or the omission from it Specification: of a detail description concerning any point shall be interpreted as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail and only materials and workmanship of first quality to be used.

MEASUREMENTS Sizing: The manufacturer shall be capable of providing all sizes for men and women, including any special size requirements. The manufacturer shall have a company representative or authorized dealer available to assist with the fittings of the garments at no additional cost.

The following sizes have been established as a guideline for this order.

Sizes and Finished Dimensions:

Size X-Small Small / Medium Large / X-Large 2X-Large / 3X- Large Chest Sizes 24-32 34-32 44-50 52-58 Finished Chest 44 52 60 68 Black Length 23 23 23 23

Patches, Emblems, Names, None and Logos:


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Item 41 Tie 900 Midnight Navy Clip On

Item 42 Boots: Duty Danner 43011 Striker, 8” gortex, nylon and leather

Item 43 Shoe: Dress Rocky 510-8 High Gloss Oxford

Item 44 Hat: Ball Cap ** navy blue wool, six panel with ” Roman font "Hoover Police" to be embroidered on front of cap in silver or gold, depending on the officer's rank, at no additional expense.

Item 45 Hat: Dress Mid Complete: Navy Air Force Top and Frame

Item 46 Hat Band Gold Cloth

Item 47 Hat Band Silver Snake

Item 48 Hat Badge: 2-Tone Blackinton B720

Item 49 Rain Cap Cover Clear virgin vinyl

Item 50 Gloves Hatch NS430 Neoprene black, sizes X through XXL

Item 51 Duty Belt Safariland 94-94P black basket weave, Velcro

Item 52 Duty Inner Belt Safariland 99 black basket weave, Velcro lined

Item 53 Belt Keepers Safariland 62-4HS black basket weave hidden snap (2½” duty belts)

Item 54 Duty Holster Safariland ALS 6390 w/6006 Lock Black 481 basket weave finish

Item 55 Magazine Holder Safariland 79-83-4 black basket weave

Item 56 Chemical Spray Freeze +P A2K3 Chem Spray Handheld 2oz: Aerko

Item 57 Chemical Spray Safariland 38-2-4HS black basket weave 2ounce Holder hidden snap

Item 58 Baton ASP Talon 26” Expandable Stick

Item 59 Baton Holder Safariland 35 Black basket weave Foam Handle

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Item 60 Handcuffs Peerless Hinged PR-4801

Item 61 Handcuff Cases Safariland 90H-4HS Close Top basket weave

Item 62 Flashlight Streamlight 75455 Duel Switch LED with ac/dc chargers

Item 63 Flashlight Holder Safariland 306-11-4 black basket weave

Item 64 Traffic Wand 75913 Glow in the dark

Item 65 Radio Holder Safariland 763-4 Universal black basket weave

Item 66 Badge Belt Holder 4” Black - 811KO

Item 67 Name Tag Blackinton A4180 2 5/16” Nails w/V450 CB Rhodium Finish/Black Letters

Item 68 UTC Holder 6x11 metal form holder SA-12205

Item 69 Report Holder Metal form holder SA 21017

Item 70 Additional/Extra Embroidered Emblems and Patches may be purchased by the Hoover Police Department. Examples of the most common emblems/patches are provided below (not actual sizes). The actual sizes are typical of most uniform emblems and patches – the exact sizes and other patch details will be provided to the winning bidder. You must submit a bid/proposed price for each patch listed on the emblem/patch example pages below (includes items 70-A thru 70-Y).

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Item # Description Image

70-A Badge – Chief

70-B Badge - Captain

70-C Badge – Executive Officer

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70-D Badge - Lieutenant

70-E Badge - Sargent

70-F Badge – Police Officer

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

70-G Badge - Detective

70-H Badge Detention Officer

70-I Badge – Animal Control Officer

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

70-J Police Emblem

70-K Jail Emblem

70-L Staff Services Emblem

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

70-M Traffic Unit Emblem

70-N Field Training Officer Emblem

70-O Detention Supervisor Emblem

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

70-P Senior Detention Officer Emblem

70-Q SRT Emblem 1

70-R SRT Emblem 2

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

70-S SRT Emblem 3

70-T Evidence Technician Emblem

70-U Crime Scene Investigator Emblem 1

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

70-V Crime Scene Investigator Emblem 2

70-W EOD Emblem

70-X HPD Emblem

70-Y City Logo

End of Detailed Specifications Section

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

IV. BID PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL SHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this form entirely and place it on top of the bid submittal package.

Item # Brief Description of Item (see above for detailed minimum specifications) Quantity Unit Price (Each) Extended Bid Price (Quantity x Unit Price) Does This Item Meet Specifications?

1 Female Tex-Trop Trousers With Stripe 5 $ $  Yes  No 2 Male Tex-Trop Trousers With Stripe 5 $ $  Yes  No

3 Female Elbeco Tex-Trop2 Long Sleeve Shirt With Zipper 5 $ $  Yes  No

4 Male Elbeco Tex-Trop2 Long Sleeve Shirt With Zipper 5 $ $  Yes  No

5 Female Elbeco Tex-Trop2 Short Sleeve Shirt With Zipper 5 $ $  Yes  No 6 Male Elbeco Tex-Trop2 Short Sleeve Shirt With Zipper 5 $ $  Yes  No 7 Female Elbeco Tek2 Cargo Pocket Trouser 2 $ $  Yes  No

8 Male Elbeco Tek2 Cargo Pocket Trouser 1 $ $  Yes  No 9 Female Elbeco Tek3 Long Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No 10 Male Elbeco Tek3 Long Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No Long Sleeve Shirts 11 Female Elbeco Tek3 Short Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

12 Male Elbeco Tek3 Short Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

13 Female Elbeco UFX Polo Long Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

14 Male UFX Knit Polo Long Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No 15 UFX Ultra-Light Tactical Knit Color Block Short Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

16 UFX Ultra-Light Tactical Knit Color Block Long Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

17 Female Elbeco UFX Polo Short Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

18 Male UFX Knit Polo Short Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No 19 UFX Performance Base Layer Crew Neck T-Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

20 Male Tru-Spec 24-7 Series Pants 2 $ $  Yes  No

21 Tru-Spec 24-7 Series Tactical Softshell Jacket 1 $ $  Yes  No 22 Eclipse SX Lime-Yellow Jacket 1 $ $  Yes  No 23 Eclipse SX Navy Jacket 1 $ $  Yes  No 24 Typhoon Rain Jacket 1 $ $  Yes  No

25 Patrol Rain Pant 1 $ $  Yes  No 26 UFX Ultra-Light Knit Short Sleeve Polo Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

27 UFX Performance Base Layer Mock Turtleneck 2 $ $  Yes  No

28 UFX Perf Base Layer Mock Turtleneck Dickie 1 $ $  Yes  No

29 Female Elbeco Prestige Trousers - Command Duty 1 $ $  Yes  No

30 Male Elbeco Prestige Trousers - Command Duty 1 $ $  Yes  No

31 Female Elbeco Prestige Long Sleeve Shirt - Command Duty 1 $ $  Yes  No

32 Male Elbeco Prestige Long Sleeve Shirt – Command Duty 1 $ $  Yes  No

33 Female Elbeco Prestige Short Sleeve Shirt - Command Duty 1 $ $  Yes  No

Bidder/Company Name: Signature of Authorized Bidder:

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

Item # Brief Description of Item (See Above for Detailed Specifications) Quantity Unit Price (Each) Extended Bid Price (Quantity x Unit Price) Does This Item Meet Specifications?

34 Male Elbeco Prestige Short Sleeve Shirt – Command Duty 1 $ $  Yes  No 35 Elbeco V2 Textrop External Vest Carrier 1 $ $  Yes  No

36 Female Elbeco UV1 Textrop Undervest Long Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

37 Male Elbeco UV1 Textrop Undervest Long Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

38 Female Elbeco UV1 Textrop Undervest Short Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

39 Male Elbeco UV1 Textrop Undervest Short Sleeve Shirt 1 $ $  Yes  No

40 Brite Star Reflective Traffic Vest 1 $ $  Yes  No

41 Tie 1 $ $  Yes  No 42 Boots: Duty 1 $ $  Yes  No 43 Shoe: Dress 1 $ $  Yes  No 44 Hat: Ball Cap 1 $ $  Yes  No 45 Hat: Dress 1 $ $  Yes  No 46 Hat Band 1 $ $  Yes  No 47 Hat Band 1 $ $  Yes  No 48 Hat Badge 1 $ $  Yes  No 49 Rain Cap Cover 1 $ $  Yes  No 50 Gloves 1 $ $  Yes  No 51 Duty Belt 1 $ $  Yes  No 52 Duty Inner Belt 1 $ $  Yes  No 53 Belt Keepers 4 $ $  Yes  No 54 Duty Holster 1 $ $  Yes  No 55 Magazine Holder 1 $ $  Yes  No 56 Chemical Spray 1 $ $  Yes  No 57 Chemical Spray Holder 1 $ $  Yes  No 58 Baton 1 $ $  Yes  No 59 Baton Holder 1 $ $  Yes  No 60 Handcuffs 2 $ $  Yes  No 61 Handcuff Cases 2 $ $  Yes  No 62 Flashlight 1 $ $  Yes  No 63 Flashlight Holder 1 $ $  Yes  No 64 Traffic Wand 1 $ $  Yes  No 65 Radio Holder 1 $ $  Yes  No 66 Badge Belt Holder 1 $ $  Yes  No 67 Name Tag 1 $ $  Yes  No 68 UTC Holder 1 $ $  Yes  No 69 Report Holder 1 $ $  Yes  No

Bidder/Company Name: Signature of Authorized Bidder:

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

Item # Brief Description of Item (See Above for Detailed Specifications) Quantity Unit Price (Each) Extended Bid Price (Quantity x Unit Price) Does This Item Meet Specifications?

70-A Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Badge – Chief 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-B Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Badge - Captain 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-C Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Badge – Executive Officer 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-D Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Badge - Lieutenant 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-E Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Badge - Sargent 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-F Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Badge – Police Officer 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-G Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Badge - Detective 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-H Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Badge Detention Officer 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-I Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Badge – Animal Control Officer 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-J Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Police Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-K Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Jail Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-L Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Staff Services Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-M Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Traffic Unit Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-N Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Field Training Officer Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-O Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Detention Supervisor Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-P Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Senior Detention Officer Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-Q Embroidered Patch/Emblem: SRT Emblem 1 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-R Embroidered Patch/Emblem: SRT Emblem 2 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-S Embroidered Patch/Emblem: SRT Emblem 3 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-T Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Evidence Technician Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-U Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Crime Scene Investigator Emblem 1 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-V Embroidered Patch/Emblem: Crime Scene Investigator Emblem 2 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-W Embroidered Patch/Emblem: EOD Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-X Embroidered Patch/Emblem: HPD Emblem 1 $ $  Yes  No 70-Y Embroidered Patch/Emblem: City Logo 1 $ $  Yes  No *** TOTAL: Sum of Bid/Proposed Prices for All Items ====== $ ======TOTAL

REMINDER: Please attach required documentation pertaining to references. Please also attach description of Exceptions and Alternates (if Applicable).

Bidder/Company Name: Signature of Authorized Bidder:

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories



The City of Hoover may also purchase items (not on the itemized list) from the following manufacturers based on a Percentage discount off the manufacturer’s suggested retail prices:

% OFF ITEMS MANUFACTURER DISCOUNT Leather Duty accessories Bianchi Laminated Duty accessories Safariland Nylon Duty accessories Uncle Mikes Boots and Shoes Bates Danner HiTec Rocky Weinbrenner Brickenhaupt Badges and Insignia V.H. Blackinton Flashlights and accessories Mag Instruments Streamlight Sure Fire Shirts with Hoover Logo Monogrammed Hartwell Port & Company Eagle Gloves Hatch Performance Undergarments Under Armour Socks Thor-lo Any other uniform Atlanta Army Navy Not specified Edwards Elbeco Fechheimer Gerber Hardwick 5.11 Taylor Any other specific vendor and discount to be applied Note: A catalog must be provided with this bid submittal and, at least, annually thereafter.

Bid Company: Authorized Signature: Date:

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City of Hoover, Alabama Invitation to Bid #17-007 Police Department Uniforms and Accessories

V. BID PRICE AGREEMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this page and place it directly behind the Bid Price Submittal Sheets.

AGREEMENT: The undersigned hereby offers and agrees to furnish the material or service in compliance with all terms, scope of work, conditions, specifications, and amendments within this Invitation to Bid which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. The undersigned further agrees to honor the bid prices, attached hereto, throughout the specified term of this agreement.


ADDRESS: ______


TELEPHONE #: ______FAX #: ______

MOBILE PHONE #: ______EMAIL: ______

______Name of Authorized Company Official (Print or Type) Signature

______Authorized Company Official’s Title (Print or Type) Date


Sworn to and subscribed before me on this date,______

______Notary’s Name (Print or Type) Signature of Notary Public

My commission expires on ______(Date).

End of Document

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