For Further Reading

The Ageless Wis dom is a vast and profound subject that will need life times to learn. Below are some sug gested books to read for the in di vid ual who wishes to delve deeper into the sub ject. The books are not lim ited to those pub lished by the Theosoph i cal So ci ety.

INTRODUCTORY WORKS THE SPIRITUAL LIFE The Key to The os ophy by Helena P. Blavatsky Light on the Path by Mabel Col lins The Ancient Wis dom by The Voice of the Si lence by Hel ena P. The Ageless Wis dom of Life by Clara Codd Blavatsky The Ocean of The os ophy by Wil liam Q. Judge At the Feet of the Master by J. Krishnamurti Ba sic The os o phy by Geoffrey Hodson In the Outer Court by Annie Besant The Mas ters and the Path by Charles W. Lead- beat er CLASSIC THEOSOPHICAL WORKS The Call to the Heights by Geoffrey Hodson The Secr et Doctrine by Helena P. Blavatsky by Helena P. Blavatsky The Ma hatma Let ters to A. P. Sinnett, chro no log - THE INNER WORLD i cal edi tion Thought Forms by Annie Besant and C. W. Lead beat er The Letter s of the Master s of the Wis dom, Series I and II, edited by C. Jinarajadasa Man Vis i ble and In vis i ble by C. W. Lead beat er The Blavatsky Collected Writ ings, 15 vol umes The Hidden Side of Things by C. W. Lead beat - er The Chakr as by C. W. Lead beat er BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL H.P.B.: the Ex traor di nary Life and Works of Hel - ena P. Blavatsky by Syl via Cranston COMPARATIVE RELIGION Remi niscences of H. P. Blavatsky and the Secr et The Essen tial Unity of All Re ligions by Doc trine by Countess Wachmeister Bhagavan Das Old Diary Leaves, 6 volumes by Henry Steel Es o teric Chris tian ity by Annie Besant Olcott Zen and the Birds of Ap pe tite by Thomas Hammer on the Moun tain by Howard Murphet Mer ton (bi og ra phy of Henry Olcott) Re li gions, Val ues and Peak Ex pe ri ences by Short His tory of the Theo soph i cal So ci ety by Jo - Abra ham Maslow se phine Ran som 2 THE AGELESS WISDOM: READINGS ON

MEDITATION AND 20 Cases Sug ges tive of Re in car na tion by Ian SELF-PREPARATION Stevenson Con cen tra tion: An Ap proach to Med i ta tion by Evi dence of Survival from Claimed Memo ries Er nest Wood of Pre vi ous In car na tion by Ian Stevenson Con cen tra tion and Med i ta tion by Christmas Where Re in car na tion and Bi ol ogy In ter sect by Humphreys Ian Stevenson The Pro cess of Self-Trans for ma tion by Vicente Karma by Annie Besant Hao Chin, Jr.

OTHER SUGGESTED READINGS First and Last Free dom by J. Krishnamurti Mys ti cism by Evelyn Underhill Com men tar ies on Liv ing, Series I, II and III by Un der stand ing Mys ti cism by R. Wood J. Krishnamurti Mys ti cism: East ern and West ern by D. T. In te gral Psy chol ogy by Ken Wilber Suzuki Cos mic Con scious ness by Rich ard Bucke KARMA AND REINCARNATION Au to bi og ra phy of a Yogi by Paramahamsa Re in car na tion: The Phoe nix Fire Mys tery by Yogananda Syl via Cranston