'Theosophy and Occultism As Taught by Madame Blavatsky 'Theosophy Annie Besan.T, D.Litt., P.'F.S
'Theosophy and Occultism As Taught by Madame Blavatsky 'Theosophy Annie Besan.t, D.Litt., P.'f.S. Questions and An~wers Rt. Rev. C.W. Leadbeater A Vision of the Future George S. Arundale, M.A., D.Litt. 'The Occult .Cife Capt. Leo L. Partlow july, 1932 'Theosophy Occultism r,~,,...-9<:"N,,...-9=,~,,~,,~,,~,~ ~ Our Policy ~ W orld Theosophy is an unsectarian publica- - l tion dedicated to the art of livingt to world ~ ' ~ Brotherhoodt and to the dissemination of truth. f - Theosophy means Divine Wisdom. - j Contributions will be considered on the sub- ~ S' jects of Theosophyt philosophyt religiont educa- z i tiont sciencet psychologyt artt healtht citizen- ! ~ shipt social servicet and all other branches of ~ S' humanitarian endeavor. z '~~ . Contributors are earnestly requested to re- ~i: member that harmony t understandingt and eo- = operation are vital essentials of practical brother- ,_~ hoodt .and are impeded by coritroversial opinions i_~ S' of a criticalt personal nature. z 2 .The . pages of this magazine are open to all - i_· phases , of thought provided they are in conso- ~ S' nance with the ideals of Theosophy. But the ~ \.! z: Editor is not responsible for any declarations of I. ~ opinions expressed by contributors. · ~ S' uThe inquirg of trutht which is the lorJe-mak- , l ing or wooing of it; the knowledge of truth, the ä ts preference of it; and the belief of truth, the enjoy- ~ S' ing of it, is the sovereigp good of human nature.,, , {,. ' ' j ~"'''~.j..~11~.j._~ll~.j._~ll~.j._~ll~.j._~ll~.j..~ll~J.~1~:ffl World 'Theosoph.Y A Journal Devoted to the Art of Living Marie R.
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