
If you are practicing before your meditation always end with Vipareeta Karani

• Once in the posture stabilize Ujjayi and make sure the legs are gently strong

• On the inhale feel a hot stream of nectar flowing through the spine (sushumna) from Manipura to Vishuddhi

• Retain the breath and awareness at Vishuddhi and become aware of the nectar cooling here

• On the exhale sense the nectar travelling from Vishuddhi through Ajna, Bindu and Sahasrara

• After the exhalation is complete immediately return he awareness to Manipura to begin the next round

• Practice up to a total of 21 rounds.

Roll down into a cross-legged position – take a spinal twist of your choice then settle into your cross-legged position and apply a hand mudra of your choice.

Chant the Gayatri (minimum 3 times)

Om Bhur Bhuvah Svahah Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dheeyo Yonah Prachodayaat

Let us meditate on the glorious splendor of the inner divine light - and may it illumine our minds

The Gayatri is the Mother of the universe – Shakti herself. Chanting the Gayatri activates and harmonises Pranamaya , purifies the mind, destroys ignorance and bestows health, beauty, strength and vitality. Through its recitation we are able to awaken and realise the Antar Jyoti or inner light……

Practice 20 Pranayama followed by Maha – do this 3 times in total

The Hatha Pradapika speaks very highly of Bhastrika Pranayama - verse 2 (66 & 67). It implies that by practicing Bhastrika, is able to break through the three Granthis (psychic knots) in the Sushumna passage, making way for shakti to upwards freely.

• Breathe in slowly and deeply through the nose

• Exhale forcefully and completely though the mouth – retain the breath outside

• Perform Jalandhara, Uddiyana and Moola bandhas in this order

• Hold the bandhas and breath for as long as is comfortable without straining

• Release Moola, Uddiyana and then Jalandhara bandha

• Inhale slowly when the head is upright

• Let the body and breath relax and return to normal before starting another round

The Pradapika also states that Maha Bandha is a complete practice, which can awaken the entire pranic capacity in the main but that it should be followed Maha Veda Mudra (Tadan Kriya).

Practice (minimum 3 & up to 7 rounds) of Tadan Kriya - (Maha Veda Mudra)

• Place the palms on the floor at the sides of the body.

• Inhale (ujjayi) through the mouth – feel the breath travel as if down a tube from the mouth to Mooladhara

• Hold the breath in keeping the awareness at Mooladhara – apply Jalandhara Bandha

• Lift and then drop the body lightly 3 times so that Mooladhara is stimulated

• Exhale through the nose and feel the energy diffuse in all direction from Mooladhara

Bija Mantra Sanchalana – practice 1 round externally and 3 rounds internally

Arohan – ascends up the front of the body from Mooladhara to Vishuddhi – then in a straight line to Bindu

Awarohan – descends from Bindu down though Shushumna past all the chakras in turn ending at Mooladhara

1 round - Starting and ending at Mooladhara – take a deep inhale and then out loud (for the length of the exhale) the Bija mantra at each 12 times. First ascending up the front (kshetrams) as far as Vishuddhi - then down through Sushumna from Ajna to Mooladhara.

3 rounds - Then take a smooth long Ujjayi inhale – draw the awareness up through Arohan chanting the Bija (internally) at the chakras as you pass as far as Vishuddhi. Pause the breath momentarily passing the awareness from Vishuddhi to Bindu to Ajna. Then exhale a smooth long Ujjayi breath down Awarohan, chanting the Bija Mantras at each chakra as you pass.

Chakra Bhedan – practice 12 rounds - (this can be increased to a maximum of 54 rounds)

• Practice Ketchari Mudra with Ujjayi Pranayama for a short while – breathing without any breaks between inhalation and exhalation

• Exhale and bring the awareness down to Mooladhara

• Then inhale and direct your awareness up Arohan as far as Vishuddhi Chakra

• Exhale from Vishuddhi Kshetram to Bindu and then down the spine (Awarohan) from Ajna to Mooladhara to complete one round

Once the practice of Chakra Bhedan is complete allow the awareness to be on the depth of the breath – each inhale rolling into the each exhale……..

• As you continue to breath become aware of the solidity of the body – feel into its strength and steadiness

• Then slowly become aware of the feeling of contracting with each inhale and expanding with each exhale – practice this for some time

• After some time move the awareness to the crown of the head – feel a sense of a soft touch on top of the head as if you are holding your hand above your head – feel energy radiating both inside and outside – feel into that connection for a while.

• As your awareness is drawn upwards become consciousness of a sense of light and warmth – feel a sensation of deep contentment and joy as the warmth of this light connects you to Anandamaya Kosha – feel the light of this sun wrap you in its warmth

• Allow the awareness of the sun to get bigger and bigger until it envelopes your whole being - feel this light begin to penetrate every cell of your being – feel as if you are filled with light – that the light is within and all around you – become aware that you are connected to Atmamaya Kosha and that you are becoming aware of the guiding light of truth from within

• Pause, trust, surrender in this truth for a few minutes – being with that light

At this stage we are ready to practice Samyama (refer to previous handout for full explanation)

Samyama greatly strengthens our presence in the silence of pure bliss consciousness. It promotes the integration of the inner and outer aspects of our practice – bringing our inner stillness into everyday life

Through Samyama the true nature of the object is seen - and so begins, quite naturally, the process of moving intentions from this divine level of silence within us out into external manifestation – which become enlightened behaviour or actions..... Let's begin with "Love." It is a good place to start with Samyama. In Samyama it is suggested you use your most intimate language, the language that goes deepest in your heart, whatever it may be. • In your easy silence, pick up, just once, the fuzziest feeling of the word "Love" in your own language. • Don't deliberately make a clear pronunciation, or mental images of this or that scene or situation that represent Love to you. Just have a faint remembrance of Love, and then let go into your silence, the easy silence you are in as you pick up the faint meaning of Love. • Don't contemplate Love or analyze it during Samyama. Don't think about it at all. Just come to it once in a faint, subtle way, and then let go into silence. • It is a subtle feeling of Love we are coming to, nothing more, and letting it go. • Having thought "Love" once, be in silence for about fifteen seconds. If any thoughts come, let them go easily. • Then pick up the faint, fuzzy meaning of "Love" again, and let it go again into your silence for about fifteen seconds again. Try it with each of the following concepts after your meditation – Love – Radiance – Unity – Health – Strength – Abundance – Wisdom When you are ready to release from this practice – offer thanks and share the fruits and energy of this practice by chanting the following peace mantra (minimum 3 times) Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all…… Always release from your practice slowly by becoming aware of the body - feel into its strength and solidity – begin to stretch into the body – make small movements. Warm the hands and cover the eyes before opening them Namaste x