Avenge Daily Net Praas Ron THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1968 The Wfsathcr PAOB TWENTY For The Week Ended iKmtrl;?0t?r lEttenittg Hi^raUii . . April U , 1MB Fair tonight. Low In 40a. J ___ Tomorrow fair. High In 7Ds. Members of the Marine Corps 19«8 CADILLAC League Auxiliary will conduct a l i m o u s in e 1 5 ,1 8 8 UUUC UMOUSINB Manehe»ter— A City of Village Charm Courthouse Launched in Vernon’s Renewal Area About Town bingo tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the , SEBVIOB The Massachusetts Horticul­ Rocky HIU Veterans Home a nd Air OonVittoned (OlaaoUled Advertiaing on Page 46) PRICE TEN CENTS n ia a n t sboveUm o f soil wvis tural Society will exhibit a Hospital. VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 170 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 collection of rare prints from 7 PasBCMiger ituniad In the redetretopment Manicheaber—^P-30fl0 "Six Centuries of Flower ’The Manchester Chess Club u m yMterd&y Afternoon, slg- P.O. Box 68—WhpptiWi Oom. Prints” April 23-May 12 from will meet tonight at 6 :80 at Iona Edmund Ulriic Barent Jr. nshncr the start of oonstniotlon 11 a^ . to B p.m. dally and 1 Hall, Regent St. TTiose wishing on the lV>nand Ooimty Cburt- to 6 p.m. on Sunday The puUic to sign up to play against Dr. Posters Distributed house. la invited to the showing which Joseph Plata many call Roger It has been ten years since will be at the gallery o f Horti­ Asselln, 802 Main St. Hanoi Rejects the town Initiated plans for the culture Hall, 300 Massachusetts MOTORCYCLE renewal project in the center of Ave., Boston. The Chamlnade Musical Club Nationwide Hunt 'the former city of Rockville will sponsor Its annual diow INSURANCE and about four yean that the Miss Arlene S. LaPenta, bus tour to New York City Sat­ commission has been working daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nfeho- urday. ’Two bus loads of mem­ LOWEST RATES las A. LaPenta of 68 Wedge- Latest Offer on the courthouse project. bers and friends win leave the I/ester Baum, chairman of the wood Dr., is a member of the Mastmlc Temple at 8:80 a.m Regardless of driving record Pressed for Galt Redevelopment oonunission and Spring Week Committee at Up- for Manhattan. Val Prevedlni, president of Aloo sala College, East Orange, CALL 528-6815 MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) The FBI refused comment on —^ITie nation’s poKce agen- queries about whether it be- Development Oorp., developen N.J., In charge of the corona­ The Manchester PTA Council o f the project, broke the tion of the Spring Queen which will meet and instaU officers to­ JAMES J. ROBINSON cies intensified a nation- ® ground. will be May 9 at 8 p.m night at 8 at Washington School. Insurance Agency wide search todav for Eric ® Of Talk Site Wiae searcn TJoaay lo r ib n c painstakingly over a num- iBaum oommented, "This Is Project (3oncem, the busing of 66 Blgble Dr., East Hartford the beginning of the end of the The Girls Friendly Society her of months by the beer-drink- underprivlledged Hartford chil­ fugitive sought in the ES- jng lover of hlUbllly music, TOKYO (A P)— North Vietnam in effect rejected to­ project." Speaking to close to Sponsors of St. Mary’s Epis­ dren to Manchester schools, will sassination o f Dr. Martin two aliases-^ohn Willard day the latest U.S. proposal on the site of prehminM^r 200 people at the ceremony, copal Church will meet tomor­ be discussed. peace talks on Vietnam. It describd th proposal listing Baum oommented, "BJvery proj­ row at 8:46 p.m. in Neill Hall Luther King Jr. and Harvey Lowmyer—were ect starts with a feeling of ded­ of the church. Mrs. Dorothy Wil­ They were aided by thou- listed on the federal conspiracy 10 countries as "tortuous maneuvers” to delay contacts. John V. Kleperis, son of Mr. Hanoi’s official Vietnam N e w s ------ication but there’s no feeling to liams will be the guest speak­ sanils of wanted Iiosters, warrant issued against Galt In and Mrs. Otto Kleperis of 179 Agency said a spokesman of the compare with the feeling of ac­ er. Hostesses for the evening just gaining wide distribu- Birmingham, .^a.,- Wednesday Hawthorne St., was recently pro­ North Vietnmaese Foreign Min­ complishment that comes with will be Miss Hester Gillespie, tinn tw o dnvs a ft e r th e afternoon and the first degree moted to major In the U.S. Air istry issued a statement on the the start of construction." Mrs. Aldo Pagan!, and Miss Ina SwT murder warrant Issued by tte Force. Major Kleperis is tech­ U.S. proposal set forth by Secre­ Baum specifically thanked the ShUlIngton. against him here Wednes- nical manager at the Air Force Galt, 36, as the man it had ^ tary of State Dean Rusk. RFK Hits members of his oonunission for Materials Laboratory at Wright- since all of the meetings they attend­ Mrs. Mlllicent Wallett was sought secretly — ~ 'John Willard" was the name VNA quoted the spokesman as chairman of a recent meeting Patterson AFB, Ohio and Is a week after the April used by the man who checked saying: “ Within three weeks ed and all of the frustrations member of the Air Force Sys­ they suffered. of the American Legion Auxil­ slaying. Into a Main Street rooming only, the United States, which at Squabble tems Command. Representing Oov. John iary at which Mr. Milton S. house three hours before King first did not set any conditions with regard to the choice of a Dempsey, lit. Oov. Attillo Fras- Camilleri, a narcotics agent, WROM TMCK was shot as he stood on the bal­ senelll termed the day as "a was the speaker. Mrs. Bessie The legislative committee of cony of a motel here. There has site for talks, have come to pile great day for Vernon." He also Parris arid Mrs. Marjorie the Connecticut Nurses Associa­ FOR SAFETY been no reference to the second up extremely absurd and inso­ Over Sites tion will’ sponsor an all-day lent conditions. gave special recognition to Ver­ Bradley were co-hostesses. n yoa’rs a safe driver, alias. workshop entitled, "The Pro­ Court Sets The federal agency denied a Moreover the 10 places ad­ FRESNO, <3allf. (AP) —Sen. non’s representative, Oerald Al­ you can save money with Robert P. Kennedy says the lat fessional Nurse in and Out of Auto-Rite, the ear insur- report that it had taken Into cus­ vanced by Mr. Dean Rusk fall len, for hts persistence in help­ Due to the schools closing for est conditions imposed by Presi­ Court” at Valle’s Steak House, ance policy for m Ib driv- tody the man It said Galt de­ to meet even the conditions ing to push the bill approving spring vacation next week, the dent Johnson on selection of a Hartford, Wednesday from 9 era omy. Rates are lower scribed as his brother and that posed by It." the construction of the court­ Manchester Recreation Depart­ Stamford site for preliminary Vietnam a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Members of because not everyone can the brother was aiding In the Battleship New Jersey, recommissioned for Viet duty, tests guns in Atlantic. (AP Photofax) The spokesman added: "The house. ments’ Monday Women’s Sllm- the P®6ce talks are "unforgiveable" the Association are reminded to qualify. W hy not see if search. The federal warrant. Is­ United States demands ’The state official said the nastics, and the Wednesday, you can eave with Auto- ' and "badly undermine our con­ write or phone the Connecticut choice of a site where the two building of the courthouse will Family Swim and Men’s Bas­ Rita; call US today. sued Wednesday, claimed that . Nurses Association in Hartford parties have representations, dition In the United States and bring a new challenge to Tol­ ketball, will be canceled at’ News Rule Galt and the brother entered throughout the world.” land County. It will bring in for reservations. into a conspiracy March 29 to but in the places advanced by the high school. ’These classes The New York Democrat, bat­ new blood and bring back much ROBERT J. SMITH STAMFORD (AP) — A Circuit violate King’s civil rights. Mr. Dean Rusk there are only will resume the following week. Year’s Biggest Air Raids Poivell Set tling for the Democratic presi­ of the lost economy, he said. The American Legion Auxil­ Court judge has Issued a dlrec- The FBI covered many speclf- U.S. embassies. All recreation centers will be Insuranamltha dential nomination, had sharply Mayor John Grant said the open for basketball on Satur­ iary Unit 102 'Will sponsor a rum- tlve to Stamford police not to ic details about Galt’s life over "The United States demands mage sale ’Tuesday at 9:80 a.m. release any Information to the the past several years In Its re­ the choice of a neutral country, curtailed his campaign criU- town had been waiting for this days throughout April. Youth mo. To Run; Hits clsm of Johnson’s handling of at the Legion Home on Leonard news media concerning arrests lease Including the fact that he but many of the countries pro­ day for a long time. periods are 1 to 3 p.m., and the war since the President an­ St. Those having articles to be 963 Main St., Manchester other than what Is on the police is an avid dancer, has "rural Made on North Vietnam posed by Mr. Dean Rusk are not Also speaking were officials adults, 3 to 6 p.m. nounced first steps towards ne­ picked up may contact Mrs. Clif­ blotter. speech,’ ’ apparenUy lacks edu- White Racism neutral. Some are support bases of Alco Development Corp. of Tel. 646-6241 SAIGON (AP) — U.S. war- Ten days later the President, The U.S. Command said a gotiations three weeks ago. ford Walker, 76 Phelps Rd. Judge Robert L. Levlster’s dl- cation and has a "nervous habit for the U.S. war of aggression In Meriden, builders of the re­ Reservations for the 26th re­ planes made their heaviest in a move never publicly an- limited damage assessment And while all indications are newal project. Prevedlni told union of the Class of 1948 of ractlve became known today to of pulling at an ear lobe ■with his BIMINI, Bahamas (AP) — Vietnam. Marine Private Edward J. raids of the year on North Viet- nounced, put the northern limit showed the raiders Thursday Claiming white Americans are "The U.S. government’s tor­ that this policy of i-estralnt will the crowd that everything looks Manchester High School close the news media In Stamford, left hand." continue, Kennedy has been Sass, son of Mr. Gilbert F. nam Thursday, flying the larg- for bombings raids at the 19th destroyed or damaged 14 bent on a policy of exterminat­ tuous manuevers, calculated to "g o" right now and he com­ (Herald photo by Bucelvkdus) Saturday and may be made with He said he based his decision But except for his age, the est number of missions In near- parallel, 170 miles north of the bridges, 13 trucks and 18 boate, seething over the bickering that Sass, of B70 Vernon St., recently on recent Supreme Court nil- FBI’s statement was void of vl- ing Negroes, Adam Clayton create additional difficulties and mented on all of the paper work Ground Is broken by Val Prevedlni, left, Alco Development Thomas McCusker, former mayors, and State Rep. James George W. Himt, 27 Green Rd. •Trtd4mtrk of Th* X nu Csiutkr * ly four months, military spokes- demilitarized zone. The curtail- barges or sampans; cut bridges has been going on over where to and red tape that had to be graduated from recruit training Ings concerning infringement of tal statistics, Including Galt’s Powell said today he will launch delay the prllmlnary contacts Corp. head, and Lester Baum, Redevelopment Commission Kennelly, Lt. Gov. Attllio FrasslnelH and State Rep. Robert The event Is scheduled for Sat­ Smnfy Co.

I I I' WMWMA— AAA AWAM A«/| P A G E TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL i9, 1968 Louis and Past Auxiliary Presi­ ^ 5 Town Is Rid Tolland dent Mrs. Laura Hlcktwi. Sheinwold on A complete turkey dinner will Of Arsenic in be served followed by dancing. HELP BRIDGE PLAYERS NORTH 2 6 Antique Dealers DispUiy Tickets for the event may bo BY PERFUMING QUEENS 4 AJ32 obtained from past members or By ALFRED SHEINWOLD ^ J 104 W ater Supply at the post home. O AQ5 Wares at Show on Weekend The VFW Post 241 will hold As an admirer of their (iro- 4> A53 Or o h a r m w HnjuNGEit Twenty.six New England an- wood Farm Antiques of Ash- a special meeting April 29 at duct for many years I hereby WEST EAST n »e 1am Angeles n m es Uque dealers wlU participate in ford, Woodstocx HIU Antiques 7:30 to nominate and elect post offer, free of charge, an In- 4 9 8 6 4 4 Q 10 7 ALLB3N8WORTH, CoUf. —The this weekend’s Second Annual of Woodstock, Frieda King of officers. genious suggestion to the U. 8 . ^ K 6 / ^ 7 3 2 men of this tiny all-Negro town Antiques Show at Tolland High Suffleld, Natalie Warner (Red The meeting will be preceded Playing Card Co. Put a different <> 10 9 8 7 0 6 4 2 NOW/ Tuesday began installing the School. The antique show Is Mill) of Somers, Little Red by a pot-luck supper sponsored perfume on each of the queens 4bQ96 ^ 10 872 communltys first arsenic .free sponsored by the Tolland His- Shack of Palmer, Mass.. Oak- by the Auxiliary. Following the In the pack, so that bridge play- SOUTH Second Record W e e k !— “Exclusive Hartford Showing" water system, leaf of Manchester and Marion era who have a keen nose can 4 KS torlcal Society and Is the organi­ special post meeting a joint "Hallelujah (exclaim- sation's major fund-raising pro­ Morriarty of Manchester. meeting of the Post and Auxili­ tell just where each queen has A Q 9 8 S er)” shouted Enlx Clarit, 07, as ject of the year. Also, Mary Calchera of Staf­ ary will be held. been dealt. O K J 3 he helped place a U^twelght Dealers from four New Eng­ ford, William Johnson of Rock­ Schools Closed Opening lead — ten of dia- 44 K J 4 section of 4-lnch polyvlnal chlor­ land states will be represented. ville. Stone Hedge Farm of Tol­ Tolland public and private "Tond® North East South West ide pipe into a ditch. Unfortunately for South, no- j 3 PIANO'S RESTAURANf Including New Hampshire, land, Browncroft of Vernon, schools will be closed next Pass The people of AUensworth, a body had thought of perfuming 4 ^ Pass 4 NT ROUTE 6 and 44A Rhode Island, Massachusetts Meredith Hill Antiques of Na­ week, including the Tolland Co- Pass poor community of 200 farmers the queens when today’s hand 3 ^ 5 and Connecticut. tick, Mass., Ula Green and Operative Kindergarten and the . Pass and their famUles 40 mUes north­ was dealt. Declarer won the 5 p^gg ^ ^ Exhibitors Include Capriland Saundra Lavltt of Rockville and Hickory, Dickory Dock Nursery All Pass LUNCHEONS west of Bakersfield, have been first diamond In dummy, lost Engaged Herb Farm of Coventry, Box- Rose Etter of Broad Brook. ^hool. drinking arsenlc-polmned water Also, Donkeyvllle Farm, Tol­ Engaged a finesse to the king of h e a rts ,______0 | | P P g y TUES. thru FRI. Congregational Church Notes and won the next dalmond In since the town was established The engagement of Miss Joel land, Eleanor Woodard, of 00 years ago. Kehler of Hartford to Glenn R. Minis, Mass., Dorothy Stetson The Annual Pilgrim Fellow­ The engagement of Miss Kar- his own „nand. „ „ „ He„ „ then drew for a^ralse._ « _^rtaer Now they are finally starting Jackson of Torwito, Ont., Can., 1 Feature First TonlgWl of South Windsor. Marod’s Cu­ ship Workday and Bake Sale en Zelgler of Franklin Ind. to trumps, wondering which black had opened with one heart, you DINNERS to lay five miles of pipe lead- ^os been announced by her par­ rios of New Hampshire. Francis will be h61d tomorrow from 10 Nevln F. Decker Jr. of Man- „,ight be In favorable po- P“ “ ’ Copyright 1968 ing from the new 1,800-foot deep ond Mrs. Karl J. Breazale, of Walpole, Mass., a.m. to 3 p.m. at the United Chester has been announced by sition for a finesse. ROOMS FOR BANQUETS AND WEDDINGS her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ches­ General Features Corp. town wen to Anenaworth’s ram- Kehler of 79 CJonstance Dr. Distinctive Antiques of Spring- Cong;regatlonal Church. Mem­ After rubbing his chin very llnKoym K. ter Zelgler of Hope, Ind. DANCING SAT. NIGHT TO GOOD MUSIC shackle homes. Her fiance Is the son of Mr. field, Mass, and lola Wyllle of bers of the PF will be available slowly (which fooks thoughtful). Her fiance Is the son of Mr. Wethersfield. for odd jobs such as raking, South led a club to dummy’s Every male over 16 Is to <>* To- and Mrs. Nevln F. Decker of Also, James Kellyj^ Provi­ washing cars or windows and ace amd returned a club to try THEATER TIME worit on the project,” explained 293 Spring St. KQss Kehler Is a 1963 grad­ ^lACKBEARDlS dence,R. I., Oakland Acres An­ cleaning house. Appointments a finesse with the jack. ’This Jefferson Piem>, 60, who graces Miss Zelgler graduated from SCHEDULE Now thru Tuesday uate of Manchester High School. tiques of Manchester, Agnes may be made by contacting lost to the queen, and South cattle on his 00 acres. GHOSTS high school in Columbus, Ind. Mullins of Manchester, and Laura Tweet, Chris Cebula or was down one. ^ "Blackbeard” on at 7:15 The men In each fi^Uy are ^ Co'.irad Dwire. In 1963, and received her B. A. Burnside —’The Graduate, 7 :05- to work a total of 160 hours Tess and Tom Moore of Chico­ Children Under 12 Free! Reservations for the Couples degree in elementary education "Who had the queen of 9:10 putting In the water system.” of Connecticut. She is a physical [AST WINDSOR pee Falls, Mass. Club Spaghetti Supper must be from Franklin (Ind.) College In spades?” South asked as he (Jlnema I —^The Fox, 7:16-9:80 In this mcmner -of- education teacher at Man­ Mrs. Blna Jondro of Metcalfe made with the Howard Hors- 1967. She was secretary of her claimed the rest of the .trick, Elm —^Dr. Dollttle, 9:00 poverty residents will save 16,- chester High School. DRIVE IN ★ RT 5 Rd. is again serving as direc­ man’s by Sunday. senior class and a member of East showed his queen, and State —Blackbeard’s Ghost, m s 9E9CXBBIRIS5 000 doUars In labor costs. Mr. Jackson received a B. A. tor of the show. Other chair­ The Rev. Donald Miller’s ser­ the Delta Delta Delta Sorority. South sighed with relief. "Both 6 :46-9:00. Johnny*' Appleseed, "We expect to get'aU tte pipe Bowling Green She is now teaching elementary queens were wrong,” he an- men include Mrs. Joseph Kol- mon subject Sunday at the 9:30 6:16-8:30 DisNar technicolor* laid, purifiers, sinks and faucets (Ohio) University. He is a group 2 ADULT COMEDIES wicz and Frank Kalas, foods; and 11 a.m. services will be classes for the Franklin com- nounced. ” I couldn’t have made U.A. Theater —Planet Of The PriMnts C S H 0 S I ™ WiH Wilier PrednellKi InstaHed in the 34 occupied ^ Travelers Mrs. Jean Auperin, floral ar­ "Uncertain Trumpets” . munlty school system. it.” Apes, 7 :00-9:06 homes -in town within 60 to 90 I*:®hrance Co., Hartfc"^ Mr. Decker is a 1963 gradu­ North Agrees Plus RAQUEL WELCH In for Dean Martin rangements; Donald Barrows, Bulletin Board Webster —Around ’The World days,” Plerro continued. The wedding Is pU ate of Manchester High School T A K E UP TO kSfella Stevens^. porter service, and Mrs. Ruth A voter registration session "That’s true,” North agreed. In 80 Days, 8:16 'THE BIGGEST BUNDLE OF THEM ALL' “TOen we’re going to tum on July 2 In Manchester, Lojzim, publicity. and will receive his B. A. in "You couldn’t have made It. Al­ East Hartford Drive-In —How sU faucets the same day and for all qualified residents of the behavioral sciences from Frank­ Next Wed., Elvis Presley in "STAY AWAY JOE” HOW TO SAW The antique show will be open town for at least six months, most exactly 23 years ago I met To Save A Marriage And Ruin have a Ug 'barbecue and covered water In the area con­ 3 YEARS tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 9 lin College In June. He Is a a man In North Affica who also Your Life, 7 :80. ’The Honey Pot, picnic.” will be held tomorrow from 10 member of the Phi Delta ’Theta tained .6 to 1.5 parts per mU- W f AMAMOAGE p.m. and on Sunday from 10 wouldn’t have made It. Fancy 9:30 Only six famUles have had a.m. to noon. fraternity. Uon arsenic—10 to 80 times ■ ' anorimnvourufe a.m. to 6 p.m. in the cafeteria meeting two of them In one life- East Windsor Drive-In — running water in their homes TO PAY! The Tolland Junior Woman’s T h e wedding Is planned for time!’ higher concentration than that ■ PLUS of Tolland High School. Club Cherry Blossom Ball will Blackbeard’s Ghost, 7:30. Guns until now — and that tap water, considered safe for human con­ May 31, at the Petersville Meth­ North had a poor sense of like the water drawn for years VFW Notes be held tomorrow night from 9 of Navrone, 9:30 sumption. ' odist Church In Columbus. Manchester Gilbert and Sullivan Workshop from irrigation spouts by the KXmiMSON The VFW Post 241 and Auxil­ to 1 at the American Legion smell, . so perfume might not Manchester Drlve-In —Boy It Is costing 48,760 doUars plus have helped him, but he had a rest of the people In torwn has iary will jointly hold their first Hall in Manchester. A buffet And ’Hie Eagle, 7:00. Black­ the 15,000 doUars donated la­ different way to make the slam been loaded with arsenic. annual testimonial dinner hon­ dinner will be served at 8. beard’s Ghost, 8:05. Africa — bor by men of the community f H Drop Continues (if he played it). After drawing "The remarkable thing about oring the past commander and Texas Style, 10:00 rid AUensworth of its ar­ trumps declarer should cash the AUensworth,” reports Dr. to [ASTHMTfORD Manchester Evening Herald Mansfield Drive-In — Black­ senic-poisoned water. This in­ past auxiliary president. In Idle Oaims king and ace of spades and then Lowell Chemberlen, Tulare DRIVF IN ★ RT 5 Guests of honor will be Past Tolland correspondent Bette beard’s Ghost, 7 :15. ’The Biggest cludes a 20,500 dollar grant A 9.1 per cent drop in unem­ ruff dummy’s low spade. Bundle Of ’Them All, 9:00 “Ruddigore”, County Health Officer, “ Is de­ Post President Raymond St. Qimtralc, tel, 876-2846. from the Farmers Home Admin­ ployment compensation claims As it happens, the queen of Meadows Drive-In —’The Rus- spite the bad water there apparently never has been an istration and a 15,600 dollar loan was reported for last week in spades drops, and South has his slans Are Coming, 7 :16. In The DAILEY AUDITORIUM J) with a 020 dollar annual pay­ the Manchester office of the slam without a finesse. If the Heat Of The Night, 9:30. epidemic, an outbreak of com­ Manchester High School municable disease or other ab­ ment for 40 years. State Labor Department. The queen of spades failed to drop ’The above time schedules are normal health problems.’ ’ MANCHESTW PARKADE-649-5491 dccrea.'-e statewide was 8.6 per South could then try the club supplied by the theater man­ NOW! - 2nd FRIDAY, APRIL 26, at 8:15 P.M. "But the water Is definitely m EXIT 9 2 -ROUTE I M t 15 cent. finesse; but it could cost him agement and are subject to not pure and there is the pos- X m vz Copy S w ie * A total of 587 claims were paid nothing to try the spade ruff change without notice. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, at 2:00 P.M. siblUty those drinking It could l.n Manchester for the week end­ first. THEATRE EAST Shattering Week! SATURDAY, APRIL 27, at 8:15 P.M. have U1 effects.” \ m \ ing April 13, compared to 646 Daily Question Me U8ES Of F8K ERST PRUKIIM______It wasn’t untU May, 1606, claims for the week ending Partner opens with one spade, Evening Performances: Adults $2.50 when the State Water Resources aHartfotdBd.,] April 6 — a drop of 59. and the next player passes. You Students $1.25 Board ran samples of a new Claims throughout the' state hold: Spades, 9-8-6-4; Hearts, K- Webster At Maple Matinee Performance: Adults $1.50 In Barry Sq. AUensworth weU that it was dis­ declined by 2,395 to a 26,639 6 ; Diamonds, 10-9-8-7; Clubs, Q- Students 75c 9-6. total. The figure was 24.230 for Hartford Proceeds To Benefit lOH Swimming Pool Fund hunted., the corresponding week last What do you say? year. Answer: Bid two spades. You M m 625-5663 Bridgeport, with 3,428 claims, have 5 points in high cards and caged. 1 point for the doubleton, just 2 Shows Today thru Sun. was the state leader last week. 2:16-5:80-8:45 a a im It was followed by New Haven with 3,226, Hartford with 3,123, and Waterbury with 2,953. Man­ chester was 16th among the ciHtm Don’t Miss The Show Tonite! state’s 20 offices. It had been CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS 16th the week' before. MW ■WTIW i n . II OUimil U U A .I I M 1 ? civilized Early Bird Shows Mon. & Tues. Eves. Show starts 6:45, out at 9:30 c i t Bpesi iUanrl??BtFr I ARL ON hESTON This is Dr. Zalus Matinees ARIHtlRPIAiMHS . Bru.iant Scientist. Only he Every Day, OhBd has the power to save or Week of 81.00 April 22-26 destroy the animal called Published Daily Excerpt Sundays Angrtlaie Atlantic Ave. — On The Beach STEREO PLa n e t Man. and Holidays at 13 Bissell Street. All seats 81.60 o r , Manchester, Conn. (06040) MichMiTcers MISQUAMICUT BEACH, R.I. tMe Telephone 613-2711 plANET Second Olass Postage Paid at ’"ARDUND Manchester, Conn. Ctl*r Rv Dduif FOmed In IHEWOND — Featuring — l)D 0/M cD O W AlI MAURICE EVANS KIM HUNTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES ^ . Eves 8 P.M.( exc. as noted) It has a stinger In Its tall. FasClnaGng, Imaginative, and Payable in Advance Sun. 1:30-5:00-8 P.M. SSmT* WeOWKS’ 'TH E BLUE BEATS" Painstakingly Produced—A. Wlnsten, N.Y. Post. ^ One Year .... $30.00 Mats. Wed. & Sat. 2 P.M. SwdMim Caniinfias MONDAY THRU FRIDAY — "Apes” 7:00-9:05 — SAT., SUN.-V‘Apes” 1 :8(Mj2^6:19-7:20- Six Months ... 16.G0 Box Office Hours; 1-9 P.M. AND 9-16 — MATINEE ALL WEEK, April 22 thru 26th at 2:00 — Evenings, 7:00-9:05 Three Months 7.80 Dally One Month ... 2.60 Weekdays A t 8:15 Extra Shows "THE GROUPE" School Vacation Week MANCHESTER CENTER 2-15-5:30-8:46 Dancing Friday and Saturday, 8 P.M. to Midnight- - 6 4 3 - 7 8 3 2 Exclusive Area Showing Make the George scene at the bcardi this wieekiend! FREf PARKING REAR OF THEATRE CHILDREN UNDER 12 — ALL SHOWS 76c FRIDAY, APRIL 19th'6:48-9:00 S;VVI)Yl)K\XIS’m i)llI il\ "BLACKBEARD’S GHOST” APRIL 20th - 28th — 1:65 - 4:20 - 6:40 & 8:56______mv. iiKwooi).f AS LIJ* S’ \UMi ll entire f l o o r s t o c k "Ib e frenbest, fUnuleat, most Mature touching picture of the year! Adults You’ll see it name than cnee!’’ m p A fiT —Bernard Drew "’Tlnies” G M 9 M fn r/ ) j oru£ ^miL Blacki>esft/t on htswifekshs/Mm CrCima, "RuAfi. A FRACTION i n 2 0 o y s a t s ! 1). H. L\\\’HKX('K'.S \ Award Nominees! rmoSt \ X Best Picture! Showing Dally at 7:16 and 9:30 P.M. \ Best Director! Saturdays at 1:30-3:20-6:10-7:80 and 10:00 P.M. 'ikm l^t W M rD ^ e r 7:(^9;10 Best Actor! PreMnts Sundays at 1:30-3:20-5:10-7:16 and 9:30 P.M. ADVANCE TICKETS ■' • •— k Sundays Best Actress! 2:10-4:16 PLYWOOD FIBERGLASS PANELS Tickets may be purchased for Saturday evening shows 6:20-8:25 Htre'4 double volus Colorful fiberglass after 1:00 P.M. on day of performance only. oil the way. Interior panels ore |ust the thing for corporis, OVER OUR v b a a r a i a K or exterior— com- NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMI’TXED . . . atios, parches, etc. JOSEPHPHUHtt E. LEVINE lele selection. H ” Positive Adult Identificatlon_Requlred BURNSIDE Si i f pp ne l Buroble and weath­ PMMVI8I0H' COLOR GRADUATE S80 liURNSiDf AVE lAM riAPTtOPL.' er resistant loo.' Sets On Disploy! GHOST' FREE PARKING 578 H 4x8 From Over 60 NOW panels .... C hoose OOVIRNOR »T . EXIT TO MAIN ST. SHOWING Pbone 528-2210 ORNAMENTAL IRON GUTTERING An eye-catcher on N o w ’s the time to TONITE — 1st RUN — FUN AND any home. Distinc­ repair and replace tive decoration for worn and defective ACTION FOR EVERYONE! porches, patios, etc. guttering. At our And its os useful os special low prices. Top Name Brand Portables, Consoles, Combi­ Y-- SHOWnMES ALL WEEK It Is Galvanized orotumlnum ORIGINAL BE IN ON THE FUN “ Boy and Eagle” — ------7:00 bsaullful. MOTION PICTURE mow* MO. eeoo “ Blaokbeard's Ghost” ------8:06 nations and Modular Sots in a Variety of SOUND TRACK ------10:00 OanUdng AVAILABLE AT ★ TONIGHT! ★ “ Africa-Texas Style” ■LACK TOP RECORD STORES. Gun— COATINO Stylos and Finishes! f-f/j- A wide Don’t let driveway TECHNICOLOR® Variety damage be on eye­ ' w . of Uses sore. A minor opplt- STARRING B la o k M io n cation of cooling PETER DEAN SUZANNE hktrikhshsim can save a ma|or re- latr bill ALL MUST 00 USTINOV JONES PLESHETTE h 9o o y m K l ater.SGal.. UMETWUVEFEIKE ROOF COATING CO STARRING ^ ,5 3 LANCHESTER • Joby BAKER - Elliott REID FOR It's had a long win­ DUR1N0 THIS 12-HOUR SALE! UNDER # Featuring # A low cost way to outdoor privacy. So ters use, so nqw is Battd on the 21 ScfMnDlav bv book by Co-producer Directed by WUTDKNEir PARAMOUNI , _ easy to Install you the time lo check for PICIURfS (Q BILL WALSttind DON OeGRAOl • BEN STAhl • BILL WALSH • ROBERT STEVENSON con do it yourself. damage, and take Dancing THE DEEP BLEUGH PRESENIS RolMBKl by eueNA VHTA DlSTHieuTlON CO . ■ W6H Diemy ProducUint corf of it. It'll save Each AND AN Factory pre-ilolned Night SRuttsmaais IVAN lORS and weather­ you money in the EXTRA! Color Cartoon 8-12 p.m. PRODUCIION proofed long run. The Great American Legend comes 'THE BREAKERS" ffixnssivu! on ly...... PLUS: Johnny Appleseed APMAMOUNI PICIURL COLOR to Life in Music and Animation! Frl., April 10th 6:16 & 8:30 c s iu s r M A N C H 8 ST M K OM N7W R lA/aS^T>ioi\/Ufis Coming Saturday Extra! Disney’s Award SCHOOL VACATION From Mountain Park TECHNICOLOR* “Legend of the L-J' April 20th - 28th “THE BOSTELLS" Boy and the Eagte" V QviD O' at 1:30-3:46-6:10 & 8:66 STARRMa A TECRRICOLOR’ CARTOON •MNAvnu : PETER DEAN SUZANNE (Color) and "THE GROUPE" MfMMTIONCe.. OlNIMoNMoMir "WILD RACERS” Frl„ 1 :30-6:l6-9.:16—Sat, 3:I0-6:20-9:‘25 USTINOVJONESPLESHEnE GREATER THAN THE TV MoiicliGbte;i LUMBER^ * : J iR f f iP s "BLAST OFF" FrI. 3:10-7:30 — Sat. 1 ;30-4:35-7:10 MANCHESTER IWIIIkinnlliX 65 TOLLAND TPKE.

r a

■ land ia -a memibar o t the com­ rtialrmen of the 29-member feet. Talc is widely used in mak­ agency of government is wholly btbnde who said after three sion warns that imported and port Bank for a drive aimed at Dr. Smith Chairs mittee. towna. ing cermalc and refractory pro­ Public Records ducts, paints and cosmetics and South Windsor different from heated debate years in the MArlne Corps that machine-made curios, souven- increasing U.S. imports. A elate of officers for the also 8LS a filler in rubber, as­ FUEL O IL Events flowing in the public arena.’’ her service conflicted with her iers and noveities are some­ The U.S. Chsunber of Com­ Warrantee Deed CRPA CommUtee 1966-69 year wjll be preaented phalt, paper and tectlles. The ruling was in the case of conscience because "war la im­ times being passed off as gen­ merce says its annual meeting at the CRPA’a annual meeting, Talc Depoelito Wide 1 5 4 later this month will seek to Robert I. Wolverton and Dr. Douglaa H. SmtUi, one of Kindergarten Registration Richard D. Meehan, fired as a moral’ ’ has beeh discharged. uine American Indian handi­ May 16, in the auditorium of 200 CkU. Min. 0 .6 j >. promote better communications RjctaAid-C. Hannon to HaroM DADEVILLE, Ala. — Talc policeman in the Panama Canal Miss Bums, who is from crafts and Issued aOregiilst'on Mancheater’s three repreaenta- the Combustion Engineering deposits in and around Dade- CARE COSTS $8.60 A DAY 24-Hour Burner Oervicol In Capital between businessmen and the A. and Jane* M. Tomphlna, par­ 2ione in 1964 after allegedly cir­ Grand Junction, Colo., was aimed at halting the praotloe. It cel on Northfleld St., convey­ tives to the Oaipitol Region Cotp., Windaor. ville, in east-central Alabama, HELSINKI — Finnish medical Planned for April 29-May 1 Negro community. R. B. REGIUS culating a poem which the court court-martialed last week after ruled that terms like "Indian ance tax |d-M. Pkmnlngr Agency (CRPA), haa An invitation to the annual may cover as much as 6,800 insurance is so advanced that Free Speech Ruling said was a contemptuous and she refused to wear her uniform madS,” "Indian” and "Ameri­ Sen. George A. Smathers, D- acres, mostly timber and fsumi even a vlslUng American pays FUEL O IL Assistant Superintendent of agenda of this special meeting Marriage license been appointed chaJrmsm o f the meeitlng will go out to all ma- WASHINGTON (AP) — The derogatory lampoon of the Ca­ or perform normal duties. She can Indian” be restricted only Pla., says he will Investigate land. Some of the deposits ex­ only $3.80 a day while In a hos­ 649-4908 Schools William L. Perry has are the acceptance of a Budg- CRPA nominating committee. yora, first aelectmen, town man- U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled nal Zone governor and his poli­ was demoted from corporal to to the genuine goods. m o b ^ r infiltration of small (Frederiiok John Bohn, Baat tend to depths of at least 80 pital for delivery of a baby. announced that Ndnde^garten et for the Board of Education Mra. Edmund Quatrale of Tol­ ogem and planning oommiaalon the government can fire a work­ cies. private and fined $20. The Army acknowledged its business concerns by means of Hartford, and Ruth Conway legUtratlon will be hdd 'at Ilia and the setting of a date for a Gooder, Sanborn,' N.Y. er for exercising free speech The court did rule, however, A Marine spokesman said nerve gas probably helped kill loan-sharking. South Windsor High School public hearing on the general when it will lead to chaotic con­ that other charges against Mee­ Miss Bums was discharged 6,400 sheep near an installation Gymnasium on Monday, Ainil governmental budget. AVERAGE OAR IS EMFTLJB ditions in the government. han were not supported by sub­ Thursday "at the convenience in Utah last month but said in­ 30, 80 and May 1. The amoimt to be accepted The ruling could have an im­ stantial evidence and the case of the government.” This is a vestigators should continue to Mnskrat*s For WASHINGTON —The aver­ On April 29 registration will for the Board of Education pact on government employes was sent back to the Civil Serv­ general dlsoharge for honorable probe what it called many un­ The muskrat is North Ameri­ age car cp the American high­ be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; on Budget will not be made public circulating anti-Vietnam war ice Commission for review. service but for which all condi­ answered questions about the ca’s most valuaMe furbearer in way in 1940 contained 8.2 per­ April SO from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. until the time of this meeting, incident. point of the total number of sons. By 1960, occupancy was and 7 p.m. to 9:80 p.m., and on which will be in the High School statements. tions of an honorable discharge In a 2-1 opinion handed down Woman Marine Ousted have not been met. The Senate Banking Commit­ skins used. In the trade, the 2.1 persons per car, and in May 1 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. library. Thursday, the court said "free WASHINGTON (APJ — Maty Capital Footnotes tee approved a bill allocating processed fur reappears under 1960, the average was 1.4 per­ and 6:80 p.m. to 8 p.m. The next regular meeting of $500 million to the Export-Im­ various names. sons. Next: Empty carsT Parents should bring with the Board of Education will be and open discussion within an , Elizabeth Bums, the 21-year-old The Federal Trade Commis­ them their child’s birth certlfl- held on May 9 at the Orchard cate, record of polio ImmunUa- Hill School at 7:80 p.m. Matters tlon, and small pox vaccination on the agenda will include those certificate (polio and small pooc scheduled for the April 16 meet vaccinations are required) and tnjr, which was canceled, and al­ records of all other immunlia- so a report from the teachers tlons. who have been involved with Project Concern. A child must be five years of SAUCY SMOCKS by USANNE SMILING W SERVICE age on or before Jan. 1, 1969, to Card Party Set be enrolled in the Kindergarten The Pleasant Valley Club, for leisure living program. Oroup 3, will give a public set­ A Kindergarten Orlentatloh back card party tomorrow night Pretty as a picture and easy care, too . . . Program for parents will be at 8 at the club house on El­ held on May 1 from 8 to 9 p.m. lington Rd. those pert summer smocks are machine wash­ at the South Windsor High able and machine dryable. Top: Nhver-crease Manchester Evening Herald School in Room 90. Perry asks with zip-back and sash pockets and match­ that any parents having a child South Windsor correspondent, attending kindergarten in Sep­ Catherine May, tel. M4-3MB. ing headband in sun rose, green, aqua. 10-18. tember make every effort to be 1 2 A O . orange, green. Middle: Zip-front with present at this orientation large double pocket and ric-rac trim contrast­ meeting. R ec P lan s O a s s Spring Fashion Show ing triangle scarf, in lemon, lime, orange. The PTA of the Pleasant Val­ In Scuba Diving 10-18, 12.00 Bottom: Collarless with bright ley School will hold a spring yam embroidery, two large pockets in sun- fa ^ o n show on Tuesday at 7 :30 The Manchester Recreation Department will conduct a Co- rose, green, aqua. 10 bo 18, p.m. in the school. The theme 10.00 Hie success of a child guidance clinic depends in large part on the abUity of its staff to work Ed Scuba Diving Course from of the show Is “ Around The together to find solutions for children’s deeply rooted problems. Conferring on a case at April 29 to May 26 et the East World” . D ft L of Manchester Burton’s Downtown Manchester the newly accredited Manchester clinic are, from left. Dr. Tanash H. Atoynatan, director and Side Recreation pool on Mon­ will provide the fashions with chief psychiatrist; Dr. Norman Kuggelmass, chief psychologist; and Leonard Yarensky, ad- days and Wednesdays from 7 Miss Jeanne Martin as fashion ministraUve head and chief social worker. (Herald photo by Buceivlcius.) co-ordinator. to 9 p.m. Spall of Beauty will do the Registration is limited to 12 model’s hair styles and Beauty students, and applications, fees proximately 3,000 persons. Counselor will do make-up. All and medical certificates must Child Guidance Clinic About half will come from Man­ are invited to attend this show. be in by Friday, April 26. Con­ chester, 26 per cent from Rock- Tickets Will be available at the tact the Recreation Department vllle-Vernon, and the remainder door, and refreshments will be for applications and informa­ Gains Accreditation from several towns like Bolton, served. tion. Coventry and Andover. Baseball Tryouts Registrants must be strong The CJommunity Child Guidance Clinic o f Manchester The clinic Is housed In its own TVxnorroiw afternoon tryouts swimmers, 16 to 40 years of has received national accreditation and been admitted quarters, a quaint, white clap­ for the South Windsor Boy's age. to membership in the American Association of Psychi­ board building at 317 N. Main Senior Baseball League will be A registration fee covers all St., once a private home. costs. Including rental of equip­ atric Clinics for Children (AAPCC). The fact that its staff is ac­ held. League Director Len “This is a real milestone f o r ------Yost announces that Earl ment and refilling tanks. credited Is said by Dr. Atoyna­ us,” said Dr. Tanash H. Atoyna­ ing a need for psychiatric and Qarey and Ed Hale will run the tan, clinic director and its chief tan to be due In large part "to tryout session while all manag­ social work services for more the efforts of a well-organized Baby a ^Smuggler* > psychiatrist. than 600 Manchester school ers and coaches will observe and deeply concerned communi­ MIAMI—The youngest "smug­ The accreditation is signifi­ children. the hopefuls. gler” caught in fiscal 1667 by cant, he said, because it means ty." Tryouts will begin at 1:30 In 1969, the clinic had one full­ agricidtural quarantine inspec­ the clinic is considered by AA- pjm. at the High School field. time director, two or three part- tors was Intercepted by Miami PCXl ot be meeting national Managers and coaches will time staff members, and a first —a 2^-month-old baby. In his standards for operational pro­ Photo Sales Develop meet immediately alter the year budget ot $12,000. bassinet were found three pro­ cedure and for the staff’s train­ tryouts for player draft. Today, in addition to Yaren­ NEW YORK — From 1960 to hibited avocados. Avocados of­ ing, experience and abUity to Each aiq;>llcant should bring sky, and Drs. Atoynatan and the beginning of 1967, photogra­ ten contain larvae of Uie avo­ work together eis. a smoothly Kuggelmass, there are three phic sales advanced 410 per cent his glove and be prepared to cado seed moth, a serious *pest funcUoning unit.- exhibit his best Jn fielding, full-time and two part-time so­ while the American economy in Latin America. throwing, hitting-and running. The clinic at 317 N. Main St., cial workers, plus one full-time as a whole increased 161,1 per In case ol rain the tryouts will which serves emoUonally dis­ and one part-time secretary. cent. In 1966, amateurs in the be held Sunday at the same turbed and troubled children On a projected budget of photogn^aphic field spent 488 time and place. ! '' and adolescents from Manches­ $112,000 for the next fiscal year, per cent more than in 1960 as OYO Week Meeting FO R RENT . ter, RockvlUe-Vemon and sev­ the clinic ' will serve ap­ finishing bill. Tbnlght at 7 the final session 8 and 16 mm. Movie Pro- eral smaller area towns east of of OYO Week will be held at Jectom eotmd or client, alco the river, will, as a member Bt. Idiaigiaret Mary Church. 88 mm. slide projectors. of AAPIX, be eUglble to train The topic win be "Sex — A WELDON DRUG CO. students of social work and pey- tn the Interest o f your good health and good appearance this arllek Moral Dfiemma for Teen-ag­ T6T Btahi St.—ODel. 64S-U21 chology. which appeared In newspapers matonalty* Is reprinted by ers’’ and will be presented as After a year’s successful pro- both a <71 tn strip and talk. The baUonary, or associate mem­ speaker will be George Wise, bership, it can qualify for full a professor at the University of membership in Uie organlzaUon Oonneotiout in the ObUd De- and be eligible to give residency vehement and FamUy Relations Homemade training for child psychiatrists. Department. The Manchester clinic is one Spring Oonoert Tonight of "only a handful In Connecti­ The Annual Spring Concert by cut towns this size" which have the Art and Music Departments RAVIOLI become accredited by AAPCC, / of South Windsor High School Dr. Atoynatan said. 1 wUl be given tonight at 8. Tick­ H. PASQUALINI Application for the accredit­ ( i ets may be obtained from stu­ ing was made late in 1966 by 1 dents in the music department. 246 Avery S&, Wapping Dr. Atoynatan, Dr. Norman Town Council Meeting Kuggelmass, chief psychologist; 901-907 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER / \i There will be a special meet­ T EL6 M 4 6 M and Leonard Yarensky, admin­ f 1 \ ing of the town council on Mon­ istrative head ol the clinic and \ day night. The only items on the chief social worker. “STOP KILIINB YOUBSEir The accrediting was carried /\ on over a period ol several x . . . months by AAPCC "visitors” Abdominal Support K V from child guidance clinics at’ Worcester, Mass., and Buffalo, ------FOR LONGER LIFE------N. Y., who studied the local Why do widows outnumber cllnlcs’s records and organlza- widowers? To the traditional team U ta SMh ■ MOMMC that M doca M t so OAKLAND ST. MANCHESTER 648-2791 649-9660 — 64»-80((6 D o^tow n and Parkade “ Autborlied Chrysler-Dodge Dealer” CLD* and SAVE *Rgprlnt€d by permission of Ceniral Feature News, Inc, Use you Burton's Charge Account—the easy way to shopi ir 00im ...F1U D A Y , APRUi 19, 1968 PAlQI PAG« fin MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ FRH)AY, APRtt, 19, 1968 ish pound on Nov. 18, the rate the economy during the first 6.6 per cent euller,” said MUls pointed to assume the Job April Poduck Slated has risen 1.6 points from 4 per quarter of this year—$20 billion B. Lane, Jr., president of Cltl- 20. He has been a consultant HEALTH Harder-to-Get Loans c:nt.^ —and listed the \^ation rate at sens and Southern National tor the railway for the past two By TaH Cedars CAPSULES® Board action came after an unacceptable 4 per cent. Bank In Atlanta, adding "we months and will be in c h a r^ of Chairman Arthur M. Okun of And only Thursday the De­ have inflation that’s gripping at general operations when the Ms- The Cedarettes will Join their toric public conveyance, which the Council of Economic Advis­ partment said personal income us every day.’’ husbands for Monday’s meeting ®PenA May Face Americans ers called the penormance of William C. Swain, president of opens for the 1968 season in mid- MJX Jumped by a record $16 billion of Nutmeg Forest, ’Tail Cedars (OonttaiMd from PoRo One) the economy so far this year during the first quarter. The the Florida I^atlonal Bank in June. caldob If) n 5AF6 To LAUNPER banks remain unchanged includ­ frantic and inflationary and March Increase of $6.7 billion Coral' Cables, said “we still Rogers is ciurently vice pres­ of Leltanon, at the Masonic tflAW-FlPEB FABRICS IN VOUR ' approving: higher intereat rates ing the 4 per cent maximum on proof of the need for higher tax­ boosted the annual income rate have inflation to fight and the ident in charge of engineering Temple for a potluck at 6:80. WAiMINi machine WTM other —up to 6.26 per cent—^whlch passbook savings accounts and es. to $666 bUUon. Federal system la the only one for the Automatic Signal Divi­ Amr a business meeting at -Account ■ LAUNPRV I sion of tiaboratory for Electron­ banka may pay to attract more the 5 per cent maximum on cer­ All ■ seven board members The Federal Reserve’s action fighting it.’’ 7:80, a film will bo shown, "Dis­ savings th ro u ^ certificates of tificates of deposit of less than strongly favor the surcharge. will Increase pressure on Con­ ics in Norwalk. ' covering America,” a vacation deposit of $100,000 or more. $ 100 ,0 00 . Five of them including Chair­ gress for higher taxes. Him. ih e second move will enable The discount rate is the man William McChesney Martin The highest the discount rate Heads Historic Railway Siberian Chipmunk Tall Cedars are having a dis- Ideal’s commercial banks to compete charge commercial banks must Jr. voted unanimously to ap­ has ever gone was 7 per cent in MT. WASraNG’TON (AP) — The borundukl is the Siberian tHct ceremonial Wednesday more effectively for savings pay when they borrow money prove the rate increase. The 1820-21. A 64-year-old man from Nor­ variety of the chipmunk. ’Ihe night in West Hartford. Plans with high Interest rates else­ from the Federal Reserve. Oth- other two were absent. are also being made for the Boaterific Initial reaction to the discount walk, Corni., has been named animal has on its back five V . ■ where in the economy—on .er Interest rates are pegged up­ Earlier this week the Com­ rate boost among bankers was general manager of the Mt. broad black lines separated by Loyalty Day Parade May 0, and corporate bonds, for example. ward from It. merce Department reported the foiu: light-colored stripes. Its the Tall Cedar convention May JUP largely favorable. Washington Cog Railway. J HURP Other Interest rates paid by Since devaluation of the Brit­ Sharpest dollar increase ever in "I think it should have gone Lionel Rogers has been ap­ pelt is used by the fur trade. 28-26 in Atlantic City. IF VilU PO, ^ME OF fME FIBERS 3.33 MAY PAEAK u p ANP ^tT INTO THE <:L0THlN(i. Thi^ £AH CAU^^ Our Rag. 4.69 intense ITCHIN^. Hm HH CftpuiUt 9iv«t Iwlplul infofmation. It ii not mtondtd to bo of a diognoitic noturo Battery operated motor boats, made like models, with y l l i fine detailing. Battery not included. General Electric G. E. Power Spray, Proctor 9 Portable Vacuum Steam & Dry Iron Ironing Table Court Sets Kenner’s Spirograph Stamford Our Reg. Our Rag. FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN SUPPLIES 24M 6.96 3.99 Family Rings & Pins • • • 18.70 13.70 Free silicone cover and pad. Infmite News Rule, Carries like a camera. It’s small, but Features: Automatic power spray, height adjustment for more conforta- (Contlnned from Page One) \ powerful. On-Off switch at your fui- temperature settings for all fabrics, ble sit-down or stand-up ironing. Jewels of Affection er tip. Comes with 4 attachments. 39 steam vents on soleplate, and Steam-vent tope for cooler ironing. A reporter, alter noting down water window. #F91 No rainchecks. . : 8MVl 1 99 the Item, would speak to police Our Rag. 2.99 officials to get details for a Heavy Duty, Steel Construction Family jewels in 14kt. gold. All prices quoted are for news story. two stones,add SI.00 for each additional stone. Allow Levlster expressed annoyance 10 days for delivery. for all agasi with recent detailed reports in newspapers concerning two men Electric Power Slor-AII Locker being bound over to Superior A. Traditional Ring...... 14.77 Simple, fascinating way to draw a million marvelous pat­ Court on statutory rape charg­ Our Reg. 17.88 ^ terns! No limit to the different designs you can make! es, and two others bound over Mower Mower B. Contemporary Ring...... 23.77 for indecent assault on a fe­ C. Regency Ring...... 27.77 male minor. D. Tree-of-Iife P in...... 21.50 The Judge said both stories contained details that preju­ E. Flowering Tree Pin ...... 29.50 It’s Bicycling diced the defendants’ rights. 54.88 57.88 F. Birds-of-a-Feather P in ...... 49.50 A reporter for the Stamford 13.88 Advocate told Levlster today Rugged - dependable 20” Cut - rugged Heavy duty-steel con­ Prestone means Gardening and Season Again! that the stories were fed to the yet lightweight Easy to heavy gauge steel con­ struction steel floor - "Kodak store. Starts at the flip struction. Powerful 3 piano hinged top folds news media by arresting police. of a switch. ‘Smooth Operation’ Home Repairs- The Judge said such details in H.P., 4 cycle engine. back for easy access - Camping Equipment I Instamatic #154 High load torque doors snap shut with a court story, especially prior exceeds a 3 H.P. Heavy duty wheels - 5 cut­ spring Jatch - green ^ ■ Camera Outfit Prestone Grease Eater McCall’s Garden Book to the trial, violated a man's gas engine. Two- prime coat paint. Ideal constitutional rights. way mowing with ting heights Concentrated lU purpoie greaie eat­ Everything you need to knovt^to throttle on for trash cans Firewood, er. Cleuii enginef, mowen, work create e fl

1 ^ ’ V PAUfi ’ttUltriElfiM COMM.. MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 rxcn TWELVB UKlCAi, AiriHC Itf, ItftW ft Poor’s Ciorp. He had been Wood Chairman Frank L. Kundahl, president at Hospital Notes ■ Finance Men Subpoenaed »n"Th«'Oeea»loii Cofc for Howws.' Deaths in with General Electric Oo. before the Williams Oil Company, Is Several Repeat Complaints joining McGraw-Hill in 1946. Of Fuel Group outgoing chairman. Think of Tho Minnie Pearl Seas Herself: Andree Howard — ^ -g ^ m C * ^An evening evening visiting visiting boors boors end end Matthew M. Moriarty Jr., at 8 p.m., and start. In tbe In Rail Ownership Case The W orld LONDON (AP) — Andree Leland T. Wood Jr. has been vice president at Mbrlarty Heard at Comment Session Howard, 67, widely known ballet various units, at; Pediatrics, 8 Parkhill-Joyce elected chairman of the Man­ Brothers, Inc., has been elect­ Seversl o f the nine MancbeB- over a perpetual drainage prob­ p.m.; self service unit, 10 ami.; WASHINGTON (AP) — An In­ Hold, Sigler and Cudd are L. Keith Ooodrloh choreographer and dancer, was ed vice chairman of the Man­ GroweU House, 8 p.m. week­ nominee names—or actually ‘Apple Pie, Fresh Bread’ found dead in her home Thurs­ chester Oil Fuel Institute Of the lem In the same general area— terstate Commerce Commission WHITB PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) chester on Fuel Institute. Cer riBSldeirte who aippeared In* days, 8 p.m., weekends and boll- phantom companies—used by Flower Shop day night. Police aald death Manchester Chamber of Com­ at Cromwell and Westminister — L. Keith Goodrich, 61, execu­ The Manchester Oil Fuel In­ nlgbt at a Board of Directors’ days; private rooms, 10 ajn.; examiner subpoenaed top offi­ Fnmk CMwler, Proprietor > By ROBERT HILBDRN band, Henry, will have to devote "There have been so many probably was due to an over­ Rds. banks for convenience in admin­ merce. Wood is secretary of the stitute develops programs and S.'-_ eemi-montbly comment session cials of five banks aiid broker­ 601 MAIN ST., MANdHBSTBR Special to time to the new (Minnie Pearl great people on the Opry. Peo- tive vlcepresldent of the publ­ dose of drugs. Miss Howard had Complaints were registered semi-private rooms, 8 p.m.; istering securitleB held in trust L. T. Wood Co., and Immediate projects of particular Interest visiting in 810, 814, and 888 Is or other capacities for other in­ (Next to Hartford Nattonal ’Itie lioz Angelea ’limea Fried Chicken Franchises. More pie like Roy Acuff, Red Foley, ishing firm of McOraw-HUl,. been a producer for the Turkish complained that noUiliig has over traffic conditions

i ' ^ R. ’ ■ V-. ' ■ FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 Pages 15 to 28 FOUBTKEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., PRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968, Section Two FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 ilanrl)9atTr lEoTning Ifw alii children, and several nieces and nephews. (% ituary . The funeral will be held Mon­ R F K Hits Discount Rate Hike day at 8:S0 a.m. from the John Superior Court Jury F. Tierney Funeral Home, 21S Bernard Lovell Talks U n . tw a» B. F U ie r y , center St., wltt a Mass of Squabble ^Underscores * Tax , ' Jane Bates FWier, 88, requiem at the Church of the at he could breathe. was represented by accounts of ’The Association of tiui Jodrell Bank Obeervatory, Our own tiny solar system Cited at Student Tea lor uio past ______"Lille 18 sexy," sne says. " jcou couia say we are neign- ..iri,- pn,,ntrv is hill r M d then freed the rest of his Hartford law firm of How- the fast of farm labor leader Ce- Fonner winner Johnny Kel- Bay Area Governments, was ar­ University o f Manchester, Eng- and Its evolution posed a prob- number o f years, he was em- t unnAn Tr Dn^ concentrates on the bors of the queen,” she chuck- ,,g — g Mrs. Elizabeth In-tagliata, an 8th grade s(x:ial studies ployed as a representative for pen, Howard happen Jr., Don- people she knew In her les. “ I often see Prince Philip sar Chavez, In his fight for bet- ley of Groton, Conn., was rested in this millionaires ’play­ laikl. He is tee only autlwrita- lem at least closer In time and Three Proposals Submitted ard, Kohn, Sprague and Fltz- Credited with sa'vtag Tag- Ggj^ i. fi u may disclose its choice at its hands, fjre®d Taggart’s face. L.rab Spider Include two sons, Robert A. charge of arrangements. acters Is a film producer look- cy, 6 and Tiffany, 9 months. could say it’s to let women know 4 primary. Investigation, said Truax was nounced the landtag of the Rus- blllty of biological ®v®totloii (>n puj.ing, the tea. honoring tee Manchester school system since ment Agency (MRA) today re­ next meeting, scheduled for Murpby Jr. and Timothy A. ------Ing for kicks. " I wrote the book when I what their men are up to.’’ charged here specifically with alfih instruments on Venus. other planets cannot be exciua- teaching staff, teey were igeo and has been Rennet’s ceived three formal construc­ Hublard then placed an air 'The crab spider can move May 7. - Muiphy, both at home; and a "There are lots of film pro- could while running the home Asked what her husband conversion of a $60,000 govern­ H r Bernard, speaking on "The ed based on p reset imowieage p^^gg^ted inscribed sUver bowls nurse since 1961. She received hose over Taggart’s face so that backward like a crab. ’This tion proposals for its 30,000 Whoever Is chosen ■will pur- could breatee, while the wa- spider does not make a web but sister, Mm. Edwand Nadok of ducers like him,” she explained, and looking after the children,” thought about it all. Miss Collins ment check to his own use. BSSploratlon o f Outer Space” , and teat It Is likely teat were student Council. her nurse’s training at Law- Vemon square foot parcel on the south­ chase the parcel for $19,000, tgr oomi>any’s ■workmen freed waits for Insects inside a flower. Agawum, Mass. "In my acting days you would Miss Collins says. " It took me says: "H e’s the exception, of Barber Case ’Truax had been sought from credited tee radio telescope M d are many planeto s milar to ^ apprecla- rence and Memorial Hospital In east corner of Mate and Wood- the value placed on it by Uie rest "of his body. catching teem when teey come The funeral will be held to­ go to see a producer and he’d four years." course.” coast-to-coast since warrants tiife placing of soienitific Instru- earth, posslb y went to Mrs. Esther New London and has done post- bridge Sts., In the North End MRA. morrow at 10 a.m. from the Fish Derby were issued Feb. 8 in San Fran­ mm ts outside of the earth’s at- yond comprehension. R.N. school nurse, In graduate study at the Unlversl- Taggart waa taken to Man- for nectar. John E. Tlem cy Funeral Home, Set May 3 cisco charging him with the mdspiiere with making possible Two most pressmg worn gervlce to thfe ty of Connecticut. She has one Renewal Area. All of the pro­ posals are by Manchester men. 219 W. Center St., Manchester, John Barber, leader of Hart- theft of government property. a jle a re r analysis of the nature were expressed by tee genu w»a nresent- rimiB-ii’terdaughter and live! lives at 104 Math­ 'Driver Blamed On Talk Site school. Her award was present G. Stillman Keith of m B. with a Miass of requiem at the Town Phone Firm Picketed, ford’s Black Caucus movement Frohbose said Truax would be oC the universe. Englishman. One, a scientific Tomorrow ed by David Johnson, treasurer. er St. Certter St., proposes to con­ amd black power advocate, ap­ (Oontlnned from Page One) held for a hearing later today "Concerning the change In ac- consideration. Is tee possibility Police Arrests The Vernon RecreaUon De- In New London ’The event marked tee climax struct a two-story building of M^eeter, at 10:3^ ^ a l ^ gpp„gp, ,^3 peared In Hartford Circuit u .u before----- the - U.S.---- Commissioner------qQred knowledge and imder- of contaminating tee objects we Sympathy Walkout Sparked of Bennet’s 7th observance of 11 apartments and three offi­ Cemetery, pppi caiUdren’s Fishing Derby Court 14 today on charges of ®“ch talks. Rusk said the here. He was booked at the .standing during hls own life- are studying through misuse, Turnpike Death "Teacher Appreciation Week,” ces, at an estimated cost of John J. Flowers, 21, of 86 Jal- nms noBter* ’*l|lme he quleUy commented, " I haste or error. ’The other con- Rolling Auto tomorrow at Valley Falls Park. (Continued from Page One) ______inciting to injury and refusing United States believes Asia is West Palm Beach City Jail. traditionally held during April. dee Dr., East Hartford, was ar- fiimate astonished." cerns man’s treatment of man. $169,000. TOers^U benooaUtegheure. tiiutri^tel^s* Iiid HARTFORD (AP) - A core Shaughnessy said. and we to be fingerprinted, and nearly the proper place for discussion Frohbose said Truax was ar- ’This year, tee council also pre­ The family suggests that ...... It Is not known wfaetker tee perversion of technical know- Crashes House J^es F. Farr of 169 N. Mata r®st® ^ ^ A '»^® ^ a ® tee pupils read proclamations. ^,^gg^ caused te«tee ward Rybezyk said today that form except cotes In legal use. JOSEPH P. LEWIS _26,. , ...... 1899 in Jamaica Plate. 1:7; has been ers "pretty low business.” controversary began. Pakistan, Nepal and Malaysia. tlon from federal agencies and Nie steswly state theory pro- of Norton Electric, ii wu . — j — oMww v**vw*,7 reur wi aivi'w ** poems, and the like, and pre- ^ the driveway, the M RA will review the three The bars, or ingots, of gold or CUSTOM PAINTINO Mare., and had lived te Man- ^®®°: out has reached 100 per cent In "Maybe these pensioners can The Negro leader, who holds In Europe, he named tee capi- other sources. ’Then, Mayer vldes for a uniformity In space u^rd St., In which a blow- members of tee staff g^g i,gg f «inn wtfM* taken memoers oi me No Injuries proposals for t o l r financial and sliver made Into cote by tee EXTERIOR ft INTERIOR PAINTINO, PAPER HANGING Chester for over 30 years. He i ’^® " f New Haven. Stamford, Man- use the money but we hope teey a master’s degree from Yale tals of Italy, Belgium, Finland, said, he transferred tee funds and time based on continuous v a lu ^ at ^100 w'as taken, ...... __ ------« « « » P® •49-9668 _____ «fOR fAt-m .oiv r p h i p ------“ ®*' ------®*^®®*>® ^^®tons.“ ivlsions: six thrAAthree different establishments ^ many other offices will act honorably,” he said. University, habitually wears a and Austria in addition to the from the secret accounts under v ^ e r **®"® were reported. construction ^lans, prior to ac- mint are a form of bullion. creation. vras and book markers. jg g ^ ^ ”*®®’ »>etore he was Involved In tee ______^ Hartford official said, "A s red fez embossed with black previously discussed Geneva, the association’s name to pri- accident yesterday met sales manager for First jq jq j2, and 13 to 16. The prizes accident.” and several large garages.” Sir Bernard pointed out that day. Police say entry was made ggjection of the man and Natfonal Stores, and had work- include spinning reels, fishing ______He” noted tee^CUTYlT” walkout ^ r as I know, we haven’t done x’s. He was instructed to re- Switzerland. vate accounts in his own name, ocqiilr^' imowl^e of Sj^e is through ® °*L^® wom^Teacher ^ntog 'Teach- lTori2*’:^^e ed for tee company for 42 years poigg^ creels and bait boxes. is not reallv a sympathy strike anything like that.” move It by tee court bailiff, and North Vietnam Is said to dls- Truax lived at Orteda In sub- always of times past. The far- <>f the building, by, prying o ff ^ y honors Is made .,g_j.gA j_to a car driven by ‘‘Absolutely not true,” was natly refused stating, ” I didn’t ukg Geneva because Hanoi be- urban Contra Costa County. Cal- before retiring In 1961. The largest fish caught dur- Have Cool Climates but "our people are Just honor- ai _ ther we penetrate Into space, n a i l s which held a lock In p ^ e ®" ,,gijg^ ^g^g ^\^,fg“ '‘® L w 5 t 43 o f e Lynn , ” , , * 11 » toe comment from Gary Me- want to be here in tee first Ueves It was treated unfairly before his disappearance. He was a member of Second ijjg tjjg five-hour derby ■will re- ppnnHnn pIHpr of Um a tee teei picket lines wherever _ , , . the further back Into Ume we Mre. WUUam Beaume* of 17 coymcil. Barton L s ba^k- uiB uic yiy-n. Dougal, Information manager in place , anand I wear this because when the 1954 decision was ifhpv nrA.” . PR. . ^ * go. ’rae dlstMces D®’"®" W ^ i e J Amiouncement of Mrs. Integ- Jom the Hartford National Congregational Church, and celve tee grand prize of a ^ caiiao have cool climates ^® ^ “ ® SNE’TCXD’s main office In New of my religion.” Rather than „,ade there to divide Indochina was past chainnan of the board complete spinning outfit dpnat- a-g-ife theirnearness to theThe CWA strike, he said, Is ------O ------JIltLUC UlCtC W UIVIUC AIlUVVlilZM . J .bpve to theta s o ^ e a '«^ter hose ^ d n o ^ Macaluso as this gfn k parking lot onto Mate St. of trustees of the church. He .a/I hv rteasA.v'fl Snort nAntor. ^ . _____.______av* _ notnot rAiAtftd related to to CUTW CU’TW salarv salary de- de­ remove the fez, he preferred to j^to North and South Vietnam \ n O I l t I 0 \ 4 7 T 1 to so great that hy tee t o ^ y from he y w ■ winners was proclaimed and didn’t see the Liggett car « » , piPA p aia a iHp , Af ®^ ^ Qessay’s Sport Center, gqu^tor. This occurs because tee After he checked with his be ushered out of the courtroom me 17th parallel as thetv,p dl-/ii. i VT i J they reach our telescopes mil- aadd tee hose was cut a few was also a member of tee sixteen additional prizes will Himboldt Current sweeps up mands. AWkn A«.p « t______^ ^ personnel department, he said, until his case was called. Chapman Court, Order of MEWBIY’S GOT IT! "W e have been negotiating on vlding line. Ilona Of years have passed Vlteat valued at teg b^PresTdenrSch^ffer. who "rkten ori-U ce teT*L^e ^®^Elks Jid ‘*'® toe west coast and moderetes "It’s a rumor.” 'When recalled to tee court- ter Lodge of Elks, and King and eight to the boys. riimate a daily basis for some time,” President Johnson, returning Amaranth, will have its annual we see tois a glimpse of how ^ ^ r e p o r t S Stolen then declared the week’s cere- other minor accidents Includ- JTTie I CWA * on has legallyttt picket- R room, nehe appearcaappeared before o e i o r e , Honolulu consultations birthday party tomorrow at a was far away and long ago. awi*i. ♦ iw ------, pnded The Fine Car Touch Inspired By Lincoln Confinenfal... David Lodge, lOOF. Children must fish from tee ed close to 20 main offices and judee Harrv W Reynolds and nonoium consuiiauona aoou a ,v,n„ioc. amHaH g(j g ggj. owoicd by Majella Pol­ Survivors, besides his wife, shore and use live halt or lures. ------— laree SNE’TCO aaraaes In tee ia with President Chung Hee Park meeting at 7 :45 p.m. at the Ma- One might logically Msume from the r ^ o^ Christine Bensen letier oi Haruora, parxea on .ne large garages m uie again advised u) remove ^ „ ai. _____ snnio Tpninip P aq^ mvAi mp- and Lyn igtier of Hartford, parked on the teclude a daughter, Mrs. Sher- Parents may assist tee young- state, Shaughnessy said. ’This me fez Barber refused and South Korea, told newsmen j ^ m ^ ^ Burgess were co-chairman of gggt gide of Bridge St„ which wood H. Goslee Jr., and a gr children In baiting tee hook, mpATiR’ A *1 inre-p ■' nart . of - .his i ,8 Daroerj ^ nwr reiuseu, ’ anu that any site agreeable„„o.ppov.ip to himbim trons and patronsPatrons will serve re- receive signals from far enough terday. Police said teat some- Vernon means a large pan oi nis asked the judge, Would a nun ^ _ ...... frpshmpntq Aihprf HpavIrMpr tee awards tea. ^as hit by an unknown car at grandson, Sherwood H. Goslee but may not participate In any union’s 10,000 members are not a rabbi be asked to remove provide U.S. allies with freshments. Albert Heavisides away we can look at the mo- one drove a vehicle up to Mar- Mrs. IntagUata, whose teach- gjjout 5:35 p.m. yesterday, po- will head an entertainment com- ment of creation of the universe, tin’s property and loaded tee m , bote of Needham, Mass. way In landing a fish. working. There may be about .^belr headgear In this court- toe talks. teg specialty Is U.S. History, Is j[gg report. Also John J. Mur- Va On this Sir Bernard's opinion mower and drove off, as tedl- Funeral services will be held in tee event of rate tee flsh- Democrats Support Houley; 200 offices and garages in 'the room?” He also stipulated there Officers are reminded to In her third year at Bennet. Be- pj,y gg gf 12 Lenox St. hit a Monday at 2:30 p.m. at tee big derby will be held on Sun- wear colored gowns. was that although we might caited by tire marks from the fore coming to Manchester, she ggj striven by Peter W. Hag- state but many are small and Reynolds replied, "A lady should be adequate and secure soon obtain more Information property to tee street. Holmes Funeral home, 400 day from 12 a.m. to 4 p.m. have few employes, he said. may wear her headgear In any communications for all sides, taught at Glastonbury High berg, 22, of Rt. 2, Coventry, as Flaherty Renamed Head Polish Women’s Alliance, School. At Bennet, she Is co­ Mate St. The Rev. Felix M. Fishing at Valley FaUs Pond A local telephone company court; you must remove yours access to the peace conference ^ V *m eet Sunday'"at he was coming out of a drive­ sponsor of tee Library Aides Davis, pastor of Second Congre- will be restricted to children the committee official said this morning a or be held In contempt.” by the world news media and fi- 3 _ ^ Norte St ^ way onto E. Middle Tpke., yes­ gatlonal Church, will officiate. years and under through May The Democratic Town <3om- He noted. 15 that the long- "substantial” number'of em- Barber finally relented say- nally that neither side should Club. terday afternoon, police said. Burial will be In East Cemetery. 1 . Adults will not be allowed to mlttee has endorsed Robert felt, however. ’ ■* • — • • ■ ^ — gain a psychological or propa- She is a graduate of Central Friends may call at the fu- fish t e 7 p ^ d ^ t l l afto^^ Houley for the nomlnaUon of term benefit would outweigh ployes are sUll on the Job es- Ing, ’’h e r e ’s Just anoteer ex- gain a Miss Lynn Bacon, daughter of Connecticut State CoUege and neral home Sunday from 7 to 9 senator from Tolland the short-term hardship.” P«cially at the non-picketod ga- ^ l e of w h l t ^ w e r . ” His at- ganda advantage from the ,site. ^ has done gp-aduate work there Hamden Firm Bought p.m. Concession Stand Bids County. ■ Under the statute If the town rage on New State Rd. The of- torne^ S h erw ood ^ d era en o f North Vietnam seized Wash- 32 Mountain Rd., recently was and at tee University of Hart­ HAMDEN (AP) — Lumber Relax, She Is the mother of one Industries, Inc., of Wilmington, ------The Veret Recrea'In "accepting tee support, does not on its own select a - J ; toitiated into Alpha ChapLr of ford Mrs, Margaret L. OoUon mission Is accepting biSs f^ H o u le y r ^ r is a n T ^ b e r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rate, it will automaUcally be the public for paying bills and be pareed further dovm tee g,„es would be present at the ^ d ta Zela sorority T t N o rr. daughter and the wife of Paul Del., has purchased all High SOUTH WINDSOR — Mrs. the operation of the coS essloiS d of Representatives, November. 1 , ^ 1 , ih a H m Rwitnb ^ ^ ‘™® ^ preliminary talks, calling this western University, Evanston, IntagUata of Newington. Standard Manufacturing Co. Margaret Landry Collon,.AAAA., PA,92, V*of aianastand at Henry ParkPark, effLeffective tive pledged a total effort If noml- BockvUle Hospital Notes fer with Barber. "another ’condition’ for the m , where she Is a freshman in Macaluso Is In hls 8th year at stock for an undisclosed amount Hartford, a South Wi—*—Windsor — na- June 22 and ^tending to Sept_ nktedl.,. to represent all segments Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 ™® a a i^ .^ /»’ ^’ecalled a ^ n holding of the contacts,” "a bra- the College of Arts ahd Sci- Bennet. Under hls direction, the of money. five, died Thursdayay at West- z^ th t^ 0 0 ^ 1 0 r e n e w X and people of tee district and p.m. in all areas except ma- «®ial, »’ ® J ™ ^ ® p ^ ly b^ore noon at whtoh ,en move of the U.S." and "new ences. Enjoy band has won numerous hon- The stock sale was announced Home. ® T „ „ ! thR Rtote The nomlnatimt con- tem ltv where they are 2 to 4 miliar with these switchboard time a hearing of_ probable evidence of its lack of good ----- field Oonvj^escent Home. li^ addlUonai^eaV at tee’ same tee s’ta t i The nominating con- tem lty where they a r e ------numbers v e t ” cause on Barber’s nleas of not . ors and awards. He earned hls JolnUy Thursday by Baird C. Mtai. 0>Uon was bom In amount ’Tbe nerson blddtee ventlon Is June 18 In Stafford and 6:30 to 8 p.m. numoers y . on m rb e rs pieas or not Miss Deborah Clarke, daugh-___ ^ undergraduate degree In music Blttlnghatn, president of the Wil- South Windsor and lived most m ^ ^ h o w ^ r o o f^ f fiL n ctel re^ Springs. Admitted Tuesday; Elude St. ^ “ ® ^ b n ^ ' P toe ttearps co^ront- ..This proves all the more ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. at the Unlver.l.y of Miami and mington Investment corporation, of her life in tee Hartford area. sDonslbllltv^ Houley said, ‘ "The single most Germaine, Ellington; Timothy ='®®’ clicks and a loud ^ 9 teg him, was to place. dearly,” said the North Viet- clarke of 61 Plymouth Lane has taken gp-aduate courses at and Richmond D. Moot, High _Jlhe------was a member------of St. ^ ^ r S t be in by May 1 at Important lss-..c con rontteg tee Bertsche, Tolland; Cary Dun- g«>und Anderson requested a wn- „ g „ e s e Communist party news- has been appointed to Green Yourself the University of Hartford’s Standard’s president. Hartt CoUege of Music. The Hamden firm is a leading Justin’s Ladles Guild and the 4 p.m. at which1 tlm e“ e bids voters Is tee matter of spiral- hanb U Oak St.; Diane Damlls, ""LITZ T ed P®P®" *^®y °''®®" Mountain College, The w o rk is over when Hartford Council of CateoUc ;hrrbe o^ien^d at th7‘£atTto ^‘sk mg property t^es which are 30 Franklin St ; K ^ le e n Suit- nmRiai iltp Poultney, V t„ where she is Married and tee father of manufacturer of sporting fire- b r a n d n e w Women. created "by marked Increases In ter, 9 Cottage St.; Karen Sand- Finally, the requested official sufificlent time to study the case difficulties to delay the contacts freshman majoring In art. three, Macaluso lives In arms, including .22-callber hand Survivors teclude a son, Clif­ - - -■ Brian reported, "Right now, we are gg his reason. This brought im- _ Rie pool is up. Enfield. guns, and a producer of deep- ford A. Landry Sr. of OOLBXJO’iS new concept fo r 1968 makiea pool ownership Mrs. Miner has been with the hole drills. Hartford; 4 daughters, carefree. The automatic fdltraiUon system practlcaiUy cai^ for itself and eUmlnaJtM nearly all pool vacuuming. Its Mae ladder of Hartford, ficlency and leadership po- low greater tax relief to the sen, 132 High St.; John Cyrkle- ^ rect distance dial calls are gnee of the matter. AgWArt 'tlw CPC package, a major advancement In famUy Nora Vincent of Stamford, Mrs. cept Phnom Penh or Warsaw. 4 tential. They serve as counselors pools. Stop dn and see what we mean. Dorothy Calver of Rocky Hill, towns of Tolland County. wicz, 32 Earl St. ; Kimlperly goteg terough.’’ He said that he ^ sun^on- campaigning In Oregon for to next yea/’s freshmen'and act prices starf af and Mlrs. Margaret Despins of Case Against Members of the local town Grunman, 62 Village St.; Jo- He said the E. Center St. of- g j witnesses for the p rob^le Democratic nomination, gg official icamnus viiidPK and COUGAR Meriden; 16 grandchildren, and committee have been working seph Hall, Tolland. *me was being run on an emer- cause hearing and that they ggg Robert F. Kennedy of New hostesses 2 great-grandchildren. for several months throughout Discharged Tuesday: Everett gency basis. Orders for extra were.*pot the type of witnesses Ygj.,^ declared: “ We made our ____ ’The funeral will be held to- Headmaster the County to gain support for Gyngell, Hyde Ave.; Sandra Phwes, for Instance, that had a lot of free time to position clear a year ago. We Members of the Ladieri Aid a/ NOW OPEN Delivered! > morrow at 10 a.m. from tee Houley. McFarland. 126 High St.; Fred- w‘ I have to ^ put off, he ex- give. "Besides,” said tee pros- {^g^g gur position clear two th“ Luteeren W oi^ n ’s M ssio ^Benjamin J. Callahan Funeral Is Dropped As the result of this n)«etteg, erlck Pomeroy, Melrose; Har- Plained. But "Initial” and emer- ecutor, "the last time Mr. Bar- g^^ That we would go nary i T ^ e T Zio n ^ ^ R r • Home, 1602 Mate St., East the town committee also voted old Patric, Ellington; Cindy gency maintenance service Is ,her was here, he compWnedAnytime, anyplace” in search of gelical LuTeran ^ u r t e ' Hartford, with a solemn high NEW BRITAIN (A P ) — A in favor of selecting a Sandberg. Pom fret Center; Ste- still available. about the infringement of his g^gg J^nurch have W e Have • Mass of requiem at St. Justin’s charge of cruelty to persons November election date for yen Lonsdale, Cindy Terrace; Local operations are being rights to a speedy trial; this didn’t say we would go rally of the Lutheran Wnmpn»a Several ;(3hurch, Hartford, at 11. Burial against Headmaster Leonard W. the town, to replace the present Rose Breton, 198 South St. run with about a third of tee time we thought we would ac- gnytime, anyplace, but Phnom Missionary Leaeue Uoner DING'S In Stock for -will be In Mt. St. Benedict Francis of St. James School has April date which is proved in Admitted Wednesday: Mary normal work force, he said. commodate him." Penh, or would go anyplace but necticut Zone n m ;Cemetery, Bloomfield. been dropped in Circuit Court, the charter. A new state law Ann Francis, Ellington; Chris- We are sorry for any incon-Barber appeared In the court yt^g^gaw. We didn’t say at that at Grace Lutherari Chi^ph’ Immediate - Friends may call at the fu- Francis, 49, had been convict- requires teat town elections be topher Chlpman, Tolland; Cyn- veidence of our customers, he laat summer and had several would only go if the Farmington Ave Plalnvllle Delivery! neral home tonight from 7 to 9. ed of a similar charge seven held In either November or thia Levitt, Tracey D r.; William said. charges against him. South Koreans were present or __ 11 $a a MDME TomnKE ------years gao. May. Dowty, . Tolland; Linda Cyr, In Connecticut, the strike In- The Judge ruled that the mat- South Vietnamese were (at the GreenP The French (Jlub of Manches­ Mrs. Joseph W. Leary ^ Details of the charge against Flaherty Re-elected Washingrton St.; Ruth Flucklger, volves about 430 members of ter should be contteued until present ” Kennedy said. ter will meet tonight at 8 at - Mrs. Josephine C. Leary, 77, him this year were never made The committee also endorsed Falrvlew A'^e.; Harry Mia- CWA. According to a CWA of- May 3, which time,” he ]______is EVEN BETTER THIS YEAkl 28 Orange Hall. TTiere will be en­ Last Year's 'CAR OF THE YEAR,' 'o f 148 Lynoss St., wife of Jo- public. Frederick Steullet of Highland gon, - South Windsor; Martha flcial, pickets are up in Willi- said, ” we will definitely pro- tertainment and refreshments Cougar Equipment Included at ThisrhisM’ice: e -seph W. Leary, died last night i.n Circuit Court ’Thursday, Ave. for a position as rural Campbell, 6 Cherry St.; Susan mantle, Hartford, Windsor ceed.” after the business meeting. PIZZA - GRINDERS at Manchester Memorial Hos- Asst. Prosecutor Stanley J. Tra- carrier for the Rockville Post Weatherbee, ’Thompsonville; Locks, Bristol, Waterbury, ’Tfie Inciting to Injury charges Mailmams Plan 289 Cubic Inch V-8 Engine, Bucket Seats, Wall to Wall Carp«!5ng,Jarpmng, AU Vinyl Interior, Ml liCURY pltal. ceski asked for a nolle, and Office and re-elected chairman Carol Bailey, Montauk Dr. Meriden, New London, New filed against Barber are said to Adoniram Council, R&SM, will Retractable Headlamps, Sequenrial Tail Ughlts, Heater, DefroBter, Back-xip Lig;hU, Full Length Pin Stripes on Body, Die Cast Grill, Side Marker Lights, Windshield Wash­ Mrs. Leary was bom April 27, Judge Frank J. Monchun grant- Leo B. Flaherty Jr.; Mrs. Birth Wednesday: A daughter Haven, Orange, Bridgeport and be in connection with a Coffee Social have a semi-public Installation ‘ 1890 In County Kerry, Ireland, ed the request to drop the pro- Marie Johnson, vice-chairman; to Mr. and Mrs. George Devost, Stamford besides Manchester. disturbance which took place on I 1 INCOI N er, Day-Nlte Rear View Mirror, Wheel Lip Moldings, Front, Rear Shoulder Belts and Members of the Mallmam's officers tomorrow at-8 p.mi. SPAGHETTI - SHELLS slaughter of John and Abigail recutlon. . Mrs. Ruth Ventura, secretary, Manchester. A SNETCO official said there the weekend following tee as- at tee Masonic Temnle on Or- Seat Belts. will hostess a coffee social Tues- ®-^ toe Masonic Ten ^Keafing, and came to Manches- Francis was arrested Jan. 2, and Joseph Adams, treasurer. Discharged Wednesday: 'Mar- ®- tetal of 228 installations sassinatlon of Dr. Martin Lute- " ’ll hos ess a c - imiiAP-iAA day at 8 p.m. at the home ol chard St., Ellington. -•ter aa a young girl. She was a and his case had been continued In voting for the November ig Shanhan, Ellington; Catherine to tee state. Many are small, er King, April 6-7. LOW BANK FINANCING WITH UP TO 86 MONTHS TO PAY! 'm em ber of St. Agnes Guild, tee several times. election date, Flaherty ex- Egan, 67 Ellington Ave.; Elude ke V. said. .A-.v. Barberijpiup. wasYYAP arrested -In a» Mrs. Frank Avlgnone, 82 Bat- | RECREATIONAL -Ladles Guild of t e e (Jhurch o f Francis was convicted of plained the c o m m it te e was pro- st. Germaine, Ellington; Rob- With only 430 members, CWA downtown New Haven church tlsta Rd. A representative frem M a d ) ^ A i d e V lsd ^ ;tlje Assumption, and the Senior cruelty in 1961 and fined $60. rtdteg a leadership which It felt erta Elllngwood, Ellington. Car- strikers are spreading them- April 11, when authorities there the Manchester League of Wo- HARTFORD (A P ) ’The chief PRODUCTS 643-1188 Clfizena Club. He had been accused of putUng was necessary In the matter, ey Dunham, 11 Oak St.; Carol selves thin to be able to picket served him with a 14th Circuit me,n Voters will discuss ProJ^ect minister of M ^ ra s, India Is 244 BROAD ST.— MANCHESTER (Formerly The Charcoal Broiler) : Survivors, besides her hus- one of the students at the prl^ b a r g in g that the town Is Bailey, Montauk D r.; Peter Voy- Just the largest offices, a CWA court warrant. Concern, the busing of under- due to arrive Monday a Yale CORNER MIDDLE TURNPIKE 'band, Include two sons, Francis ate boarding school in Berlin sufferiiS m der the leadership er, 673 Dart Hill R d .; Mrs. official said. . He is scheduled to appear privijedged Hartford children to University, where he will live IN BACK OF DAIRY QUEEN ;j. Leary of Manchester and Into a large clothes dryer and of the present mayor, John Frances Bilodeau and daughter, ------there later this monte on Manchester schools. Iteormally wlte stu^nts and BERNIE ALEMANY, Prop. MORIARTY BROTHERS POOLS ON DISPLAY ;0 «o i»e E. Leary of West Hart- turning on the gas for a few Grant, Flaherty said the de- Ellington. , Nerve ImpulseB charges of carrying a dangerous The ^®®‘‘"« 1® °p^^^ * c ^ n Annad^a?\fad tha 'TEL. 647-0660 CLOSED MONDAY OPEN 10:00 AJH. to 8rt)0 P.M. “Connecticut’s Oldest Unoohi-Meroary, Montego and Cougar Dealer!”) .told; a brother, Michael Keat- seconds, and also of beating a clslon to back the November ------^ in many Instances, a nerve weapon and refusing to be fin- ‘ 1. n^vidinn P ro ^ p l’aiva 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER OPEN EVENINGS — Thursday till 6 ; tag of Ireland: another brother, student with a switch. date was a hard one to make The Herald’s Vernon Bureau impulse to the brain travels at gerprinted. The weapon In- *"‘®T^‘®^ * * ' ® h n ITrtv 1^^^^ i INCLUDING SUNDAY ^Jramea Keating of Chicago; two The school for boys, which because It will extend Grant’s is -at 88 Park St., tel. 876-3138 the rate of about 76 yards a volved Is said to be a six-foot ^ '® ‘ Dr*" or M^s W ?it!r cS to be Z ’versttT'tor 'alatar. Miss Nellie Keafing of accommodates about 70 students term of office tor seven months, or 648-2711. News items may second or 166 miles an hour. African ceremonial spear he Overlook Dr., or Mrs. m m oe ai ^ ■ 'la u t t in and Mre. Martin Sulll- Is operated by the Leo Founda- The next town elecUon Is In In, mailed to P. O. Box 827, In lower animals, tee speed Is was carrying when tee warrant Backus of 16 Robin Rd., not lat- five ^ y s j ^ r the Chubb Fel- er than tomorrow., : van of Chicago, ni.: six grand- tlon. 1969. Rockville. • n.nohmuch )»«» less. was served. er than tomorrow., lowshlp. program. r I . -'a t

MANGBBSTBB BVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 PAGE BEYENTEEM PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 Vernon-Tolland Line Pryetupa Calls t h i n k SM ALL *1784.90 LIMITED OFFER S t a r T c a x e i C* At Square Dance Riot Pacts 1008 VonoMMifM M«aaa -llv C LA Y R I’O I.L A N ------OeKverad in Mancheater Amis LIMA Joe Prystupa of Feeding Elqulpped. with leathareCte in­ Zone Changes Asked Your Doily Aclivily Guido SEPT.T. 23 r i y 15 M A R 32 HlUs, Mass., wiU be guest call­ For States terior, windshield wnahar, 2- APR 20 According to tho Sion. ’’ OCT.T. 23 er at a Manchester Squitre speed electric wipers, heniter, To develop m essoge for Sofurdoy, 1- 8- 9-10^ defroster, 4-wny safety fUuhen, %fl24-29-37-43 Dance Club open dance tomor­ For New Apartments -^64 74 84-88 reod words corresponding to numbers 11-46-62 iMuA-up Mghts, frant and rear of your Zodiac birth sign. Seen Dead seat belts. ^ TAUIUS SCORPIO row from 8 to 11 p'.m. at Wad­ A proposed 48-unlt apartment ulations Imve y«* been referred O CT 24 APR 21 1 An 31 Needed 61 Min<} dell School. Mr. and Mrs. ooenplex straddling the Vernon- N O V 22 (Coottnoed from Pkge One) to CRPA’’. I M A Y 21 2 You'll 32 Promised 62 You RubmU White wlU cue the Tolland town line will require 3 Exponding 33 Of 63 Ideos Rta. n , TelUsd T»_._ ’Ihe Planning and Zoning f'^25-38-52-57 .. _ 41-50-66-71/0 rounds. pact envlatoned that the gover­ TED TRUDON TaksMrils MsnAwHr zone changes In both towns, 4 Activities 34 Accomplish 64 Energy 76-7P D9 O G v ^ Oommlsston in Tolland, however, 1 ^ 5 9 -6 5 -7 2 5 Are 35 And 65 Coocentfotcu^^”'^ ^ -^ ^ ^ Prystupa, square dance caller nor of a state with a civil dis­ MV48N according to a referral report ia nearing completion of a set GEMINI 6 In 36 Fire 66 For SAGITTAItIUS and Instructor, is club caller for VOLKSWAGEN 67 Carefully turbance problem bigger than it recently completed by the Capi­ of multiple-family zoning regu­ jO may 22 7 The 37 Bursting 23 / i f the Bloomfield Square Dance could handle alone could re­ 8 Older 38 Best 68 News tol Region Planning Agency. lations, preaentJy being review­ JU N E 22 9 Person's 39 To 69 Or DEC 22 au b, the CMcopee (Mass.) quest the governor of another 70 And ’Hie apartment complex to be ed by Town Counael Robert W 3- 4- 5- 6 10 Philosophy 40 Machinery 2-15-22-33(^, Chic-Mates, and the Green Mt. state to send “ aiding forces" to built off Tolland Ave. on the 1 I Will 41 Fine 7! Personolity 144-51-63 King. 7-13-56 12 Strotegv 42 Prestige 72 Work Squares of BratUeboro, Vt. A help out. town line will include two bulld- Adoption Seen CANCER 13 Moking 43 W ith 73 Socioi . CAPRICORN past president of the Mt. Vidley Inga of 12 units each and 54 14 Concentrote 44 Your 74 But DEC 23 Assuming forces were sent, Plana for the propoeed 48- 75 Helping CaUers Association, he has parking spaces on 2.16 acres 15 W in 45 Whotever JA N 20 the proposed compact provided unlt apartment complex have I ^ J U L Y 23 16 Hondic 46 Interest 76 Developmcn made recordings, and calls h o u s e In Vernon. The other two build- 47 His 77 Standing such features as insurance pro­ C R A W r o R D been viewed by the Tolland FSSC 19-27-35-47 17 Tools 18-32-48-68/^!’ throughout New England, New IngB of 12 units esch and 18 18 You're 48 Welcome 78 And 59-75-79-81^ tection of National Guardsmen and by developer David Web­ t ) 54-60-83-89 19 A 49 And 79 Honds York, New Jersey and Dele- parking spaces would be locat­ AQUARIUS ALL CHANNEL assigned to riot duty in a state BUFFET-CATERERS ster, a ’Tolland resident. LEO 20 On 50 Aspects 80 Avoid ware. other than the one in which he ed In Tolland. Access to the The plans were placed in 21 And 51 Original 81 Todoy JA N 21 A. Committees for the event are sma would be from Tolland 22 Approvol 52 Shelter 82 Monuol was enrolled. abeyance tmtil the adoption of A U G 23 23 Integrity 53 You’ve 83 Soon Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clark, door Catering to Weddings, Clubs, Ave. in Tolland. The National Governors the zoning regulations for gar­ 0^34-45-53 24 You're 54 Money 84 Avoid 12-21-23-26/^ duty; Mr. and Mrs. caiarles 25 Your 55 Acids 85 Without Conference took the position this “ Since the development falls 5 > ^ 8 -6 1 -85-87 31-39-80-86!^ Stag Parties, Engagement Parties den apartments (multi-family 26 Are 56 Now 86 Closhes Covey, refreshment chairmen, kind of a compact would require . In both towns, and a zone dwelUnigs). vmeo 27 Fool 57 Lies 87 Difficulty assisted by Mr. and Mrs. AUTOMATIC ROTOR congressional consent. change will be required In both The proposed regnlatlonB, X A U G 24 28 Personal 58 In 88 Over-doing George Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Clambakes — Wakes 29 Probobly 59 In 89 Ported M A R 21 The draft was Introduced in towns, each will have control which will be subject to pabUe 7 V T s e p t 22 30 You'll 60 Are 90 Dexterity Raymond ColpUts. several state legislatures but over the development” , CRPA hearing before adoption by the ON16-17-36-40 14-20-28-42/S,; Choice of Menu & Prices Call 643-6623 (5 )G ooJ Ia jA d v c rsc | ) n c V.?S\ 170-73-77 ^ conference staff members said notes. TPCZ, are e2q>ected to be V 49-55-67 that so far as they know only ANTENNA "The site plan, density and adopted by the end of May. Virginia has enacted the neces­ use of the area will have to be All apartment or multi-dwell­ Septic Tanks sary bill. agreed upon by the towns, ings will be subject to Indivi­ eluded winners from both Tol­ first prize in the size 14 and MeanwhUe, the sources said PARADISE POOLS providing an opportunity for dual public bearings before ap­ land and from . Windham Coun­ over division for Windham AND WITH PURCHASE OF ANY COLOR SET that no consent legilation has solving any Intertown problems proval Is granted, according to ties. County, and Mrs. Harold Chill- Plugged Sewers yet been introduced In Con­ BY which may develop” , according the proposed Tolland regula­ Winners of the contest will man rlI s o of the KllUngly Wom­ gress. to CRPA. tions. participate In the state contest an’s Club won first prize in the Machine Cleaned Some federal lawyers say CRPA warns of possible con­ Copies of the CRPA referral to be held In Hartford during size 8 to 14 division of the Wind­ there are legal complications SPECIALTY BUILDERS tamination of Shenipslt Lake report were sent to town of­ May. ham County contest Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, over the question of command from run-off storm water from ficials In ’Tolland and Vernon, Judges of the event were Sewer Unee Installed— Second prize In the size 8 to lar Waterproofing Done. of Guard forces sent across the development. the Rockville Aquaduct Co. and 14 division was won by Mrs. Mrs. Cheater Hale, educational state lines unless they are in This storm water run-off CRPA representatives In the Judy WUkie of the ’ToUand director, and fashion desig^ner federal service. The proposed would contain road salt, oil towns Involved. Junior Woman’s Club of Cov­ at Prym's In DayvUle, and Mrs. M cK in n e y b r o s . mutual aid pacts would not ap­ droppings and leaves, CRPA CRPA found no Inconsistency entry. Seymour Kummer, co-chairman 118 Pearl S t — 64M898 ply to federalized National warns. "This should not be di­ with Intertown or regional con­ Mrs. Stevan Elson of the lOl- of the Sisterhood B’NeiI Israel Sewerage Disposal Oo. Guardsmen, considered U.S. rected toward Shentfpelt L«ke, siderations, except for the ques­ lingly Junior Woman’s Club won Craft Show. troops. from which the Rockville Water tion of the storm drainage Into In the recent riots following and Aquaduct Company obtains Shenipslt Lake. the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther Its water supply," It says. - No public hearing on the ap­ King Jr., more than 47,000 Na­ “ n ie quality of this water is plication will be held by CRPA, tional Guardsmen were mus­ In urg**tt need of Improvment” , A IN GROUND POOLS i unless requested by Vernon or A tered by governors and 16,000 the report notes, recommending Tolland officials by Tuesday. were federalized. ABOVE GROUND POOLS other provisions be made tor In cases where state Guard storm drainage before the GOOD GOOD troops were unable to deal with We Custom Design Swinuning Pools change In zone is granted or the Tolland County the problem, federal help was To Any Si^ and Shape site plan approved by either requested and more than 26,000 PUCE CARTER dEVROLET PUDE town. Sewing Contest regulsir Army and Marine SPECIAL: Zoning Proposals troops saw duty in Washington. 26 FT. DIA. ABOVE GROUND POOI^-E3200 Zoning changes are necessary TO BU Y <'HenUd photo by BucetyiclUB) Baltimore and Chicago. Lists Winners TO BUY 0 u p CARS 0 PLUS: In botli towns to permit muUl- Visitors make their way over litter on the 19th century stage of the old Henry Opera House in Rockville. fkmlly dwelling development in Mrs. Barbara Shuttloworth of $500 ALL WEATHER ASTRO DOME AGAR Swamp Unexplored Oils area, the CRPA referral the Vernon Junior Woman’s AGAR Club captured first prize In the NORFOLK, Va. — One of the ' PLUS: report notes. for Zenith quality In Vernon, the area Is pres­ size 8 to 14 division of the Tol- largest unexplored areas in the $500 WATER HEATER GAS OR OIL land-Wlndham County Day Sew­ • Zenith Handcrafted Color United State' ib In Dismal ently zoned R16 whhsh permits Vernon Opera House in Dusty Grandeur REG. $4200 single family residences on 16,- ing Contest held this week in DON’T TAKE OUR Chassis. No printed circuits! Swamp, which covers more than Tolland. 100 square miles of Tidewater (KX) square foot lots. The pro­ No production shortcuts for The grand car of the old ' At the same time the tour The beauty of the windows can sets of encyclopedia and Civil NOW SAVE—$1000 ’The contest was sponsored by prison walls, and buildings are Virginia and northeastern North posed change to RIO would per­ unrivaled dei>endability. only be seen from the inside of War volumes including the the Connecticut State Federa­ IT Henry Opera House still shines still there. was conducted of the Opera mit eli«le family, two-famUy WORD FOR Carolina. Some 40,000 acres of POOL and DOME and HEATER ONLY $ 3 2 0 0 • Super Video Range 82-Chan­ House, the Historical Society the building. memoirs of Gen. U. S. Grant. tion of Women’s Clubs and in through 50 year’s accumulation Haven for Pigeons it were claimed in 1703 by a and multi-family dwelllnga, on with a used nel Tuning System for ultra­ The origiinal gas lights still conducted one in the Memorial Above the three large win­ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL a minimum lot size of 10,000 most everybody knows somebody of dust and pigeon feathers. planters’ corporation George sensitive reception. hang. Including the gas flood­ Building on Park Place. dows, are three smaller ones Washington helped form. square feet. • Exclusive Patented Zenith The Historical Society held lights for the stage and an elab­ Memorial to Veterans containing the letters GAR. In , Helmets Filter Air ANYTIME 742-8822 In addition, multi-family dwel- car from CARTER'S CHAR8E YOUR Color Demodulator Circuitry open house, this week in the orate chandaller. The old stage The building itself was erect­ the large center window there ST. LOUIS — Portable battery, shall provide at least 3,- WEEKEND SPECIAL is an American eagle and a for unsui-passed color picture. old theater located pn the third curtain was recently returned ed as a memorial to the operated alr-fUtering helmets, 000 square feet per family in an PRESORIPTION GOOD VALUE BUY g o o d v a l u e b u y 65 FO R D $1645 floor of the Henry Building on to Rockville but due to its frag­ veterans of the Civil War. It Civil War medal. To the left Is worn over the heads of men who RIO zone in Vernon. • Sunshine® Color TV Picture Park 8t., Just about everyone ile condition has not been put houses the Superior Court, the shown a field pack with crossed must work in highly contaminat­ Tolland’s land Involved is lo- 62 CHEV. $795 62 MERC. $695 Qalaxie ‘BOO’ XL Sport Tube with rare earth phos­ back in the cpera house. town clerk, assessors and tax muskets and on the bottom Impala Station Wagon. Coupe. V-8, auto., power who climbed the two flights of ed areas, have been developed Wonderful Gardening begins of csited In Oommerdal and Resi­ Meteor 4-Door. 6-cyl., au­ phor for gi-eater picture stairs to view the remnants of In the two dressing rooms collector as well as the offices half, two small cannons and to remove dust, smoke, pollen dence A, permitting single fam­ V-8, auto., power steering, steering, radio, heater, cannon balls. radio, heater, whitewalls. to., heater, whitewalls. bucket seats, whltewails. brightness. the theater expressed the same the walls are covered with old of the probate judge. and vapors and also cool the ily development on 43,000 iwfw 1 sentiment, “ It’s a shame some­ playbills, pictures of the actors On the second floor, opposite The window to the right has, air. square foot lote, according to 1 1 one doesn’t restore it.” and actresses and autogpraphs the superior court room, are on- the top half, crossed swords the CRPA rep<^. ’ 63 CHEVY $1025 ’67 VALIANT $1795 ’Ihe opera house was built in and opinions of the plays ore the GAR rooms. ’The walls are and on the bottom a Navy an­ AUSTRALIAN BALLOT WOODLAND GARDENS Gtt further notes that "no pro­ AT ’ 65 CHEVY $1875 Bel Air 2-Door. V-8, auto., V-lOO 2-Door. 6-cyl., stand­ the Victorian era, about 1880, also scrawled but hardly visible. lined with display cases contain­ chor. TTie secret ballot is referred vision presently ejclsts in the ImpEila Sport Ctoupe. V-8, radio, heater, whltewEdls. ard, heater, whltowadls. by the late E. Stevens Henry One of the posters advertises ing Civil War relics. In the show cases are dis­ to as the Australian ballot be­ Ttolland Zoning Ordinances for PINE PHARMACY auto., power steering, air conditioning, nuilo, heater, of Rockville. It is said that Hen­ the Slavery Days Oo. starring played Confederate s u r g 1 cal cause South Australia was the multi-family dwellings, and no One of the outstanding fea­ It’s Time for ■BA OMitor S t •4S-BB1A whitewalls. ’65 CHEVELLE $1575 ’64 VOLES $1145 RCA VICTOR ry built the house so residents Mamie Anderson, ’ America’s equipment, caps, cups, Bibles, first state to introduce secrecy proponed rinnges in map or reg­ TV tures of these GAR rooms, is Malibu Sport Ctoupe. V-8, Deluxe 2-Door. 4-cyl., 4- of Rockville, interested in the favorite soprano. Evidence of three stained glass windows. belts and guns and several old in elections in 1868. ’ 67 CHEVY $2995 theater, would not have to go to the building being a haven for BEDDING Impala Super Sport Converti­ stamdard, radio, heater, speed, radio, heater, whlte- Hartford to see a show and have- pigeons is visible everywhere. ble. V-8, auto., power steer­ whitewalls. wadls, bucket seats. to stay overnight. Screening has nOw been put on ing, radio, heater, white- ’ 65 COMET RCA Victor The walls of the theater are to keep the birds out. PLANTS! walls, bucket seats. ’67 PONTIAC $2495 $1275 Make Memorial Day- Model ‘202’ 4-Door. 6-cyl., now faded and water-spotted but An antiquated popcorn ma­ ’ 63 FORD $1195 LeMans Sport Ctoupe. OHC 6, one can see that they were, at chine, advertising "butter Klst > P ET U N IA S CJountry Sedan Station Wag­ 4-speed, radio, heater, white- auto., radio, heater, wdilte- A/eiv P fstd Color TV one time, pink. The boxes, re­ popcorn," stands off to the side iydiir Day of Remembrance on. V-8, auto., power steer­ wadis, bucket seats. wadls. served lor the Henry family, are of the room, testifying to the I SNAP DRAGONS ing, radio, heater, whlte- decorated in muted blues, pinks fact that this opera house was Prepare now to choose a beautiful Barrc w ^ s . ’63 CHEVY $1095 ’63 FORD $1945 and golds. used for a' diversified clientele. Bel Air 4-Door. V-8, auto., Gadaocie ‘BOO’ 4-Door. V-8, CLEARANCE SALE! I CALENDULAS Guild Monument to memorialize your ’ 65 CHEVY $1345 When you’re first in Color TV, Fresco Weathered ’The question remains, "Will power steering, rauilo, heater, auto., radio, heater, white- departed loved one on Memorial Day. Bel Air 4-Door. 6-cyl., auto., The double doors on the gal­ the Henry Building be razed as I SWEET ALYSSUM radio, heater, whitewalls. whltowadls. wadis. there’s got to be a reason. A new lery entrance and the parquette part of another redevelopment Wc have a wide choice of color tube with 38% brighter ’ 64 CHEVY (lower) entrance are now very project In the center of town, monuments guaranteed $1425 ’66 MUSTANG $1905 ’66 RAMBLER $1645 highlights this year. Many other AND MANY MORE! Impala Sport Coupe. 6-cyl., faded but give the appearance or will the Henry Opera House by the Barrc Guild. Sport Coupe. V-8, auto., ra­ aasslc ‘770’ 4-Door. 6-cyl., reasons, too. Come in for a dem­ auto., radio, heater, white- dio, heater, bucket seats, staindaud, radio, heater, of having been at one time a eventually be restored to Its onstration. bright red leatherette material. original state?" wadis. whitewalls. whltewalia. The plastered walls still stand ’66 FORD Ready fo Plant: fBARRE $1995 ’67 MUSTANG but the frescoing, so popular In Oalaxie ‘BOO’ 4-Door Hard­ ’ 65 CHEVY $1545 $2125 Mr. Pil sez, "Gotta make room for . LETTUCE • CABBA6E Impala 4-Door Hardtop. 6- Sport Coupe. 6-cyl., stamdard, the Victorian era, is raOier IGUILDI top. V-8, auto., power steer­ radio, heater, whitewalls. weather beaten. The celling is Engineering Supplies B R O C C O U • cauliflower ing - brakes, radio, heater, cyl., auto., radio, heater, whltowadls. no more. Several years ago it and Instruments 50,000 yards of Summer Fabrics. • BRUSSELS SPROUTS whltowadls. started to fall and because of Monuments Maaobester Blueprint •RHUBARB the danger to occupants on the and Supply, Ine. fk » r below, it was all tom Sew— Pilgrim^^^|1cs are ofFered at Container I Onion Sets # Strawbery Plants 690 Hartford Rd., SAPORITI down. Mandieater, Conn^—649-8608 PHH-CO Old-timers say the ceiUng Below MiH Prices! CARTER had, on each of the four sides, Pansies! MEMORIAL COMPANY full length female figures, rep­ 1229 Main S t—Open EveniagB till 9, Tburs till 6—Manchester resenting Liberty, Justice, Trag­ Pansies! 470 CEN’TER ST., MANCHESTER • 643-7732 PHILCO edy and Music. PMSIES (Die gallery circles around NOW Vi PRICE! RECTANGULAR A ll Spring SPRING SPECIAL! Reg. the square room in horse-shoe WANTED Pastoral Giants! Colorful, early and very COLOR TV fashion. An elaborate design useful! 89c Large Basketa with Cotor Tniiin* Bye decorates the balustrade around TO BMY for easy tuning It. This area would definitely ...THE "WORTH" MOWER! Sold Exclusively • New Philco Magi-Color* need extensive repairs since it Picture Tube brings new does not eippear sound enough C A P E H O U SE sharpness, more color to 2 'TORO. Color TV to hold a large crowd. From Owner, Parkade WOOUNS » -?? • Transistorised Solid State The railings along the front Regular $4.00 Yard! Signal System—no tubes o f each proscenium box is cov­ Area. Private Party. In Downtown Manchester at Inc. MARLOW’S to burn out in the signal- ered in padded velvet. On the rsceiving circuits 19" WHIRLWIND' stage the scenery grooves still 649-5605 XI" POW'R-DRIVE X I’’ W HIRLW IND' • 2^,000 volts of nicturc power BUSHES 3 H.P., 4-cycle engine— 3 H.P.. 4-cycle engine- stand and a few of the old W HIRLW IND^ Sefety-Spin Slort \ Climbers and Ever Bearing! TO RO ’S Selety-Spln Start “sets" Including ones of water. Healthy, Colorful 2 Year Old Plants! 3^/i H.P.. 4-cycle eogine- SPRING EXCLUSIVE sel(-propelted FREE DRAPERY Safety-Spin Start $ * HUBBABD-HALL . FEATURES 1 4 9 9 5 ★ CANVAS and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ★ Hubbard-Holl Garden FertHher FOR TOP Combination Windows and Doors FABRICS SUITINGS LAWN FERTILIZER 50 lbs. $2.39 Door Ouvopiee, RoU-up Awntags, Canvas AwntogaRopolifed, Covers 6,000 square feet I 50 L b . * 1.99 PERFORMANCE Be-ooveied. Rehanglng Service and Steroge. Boat Oanvaa Re- $2.50 VALUE! 92.00 VALUE! YEARS S l S T ^ M a d n S ^ T o Your Pattern. AU Work Cuatom FOUND ON Orommeto — Eyeleto — Fasteners. Storm Panels for Feed Now with SCOTTS® TURF BUILDER! Unite. Waterproofing Compound For Tents, Boatcovers THESES and Otnvas. Wo Do Resoreenkig of Alnmlnum Screeoa. Heavy ON.SALE - HALTS PLUS - $1JIO - S2JI0 OFF! Duty Zippers. Venetiaa Blinds. WHIRLWINDS SERVICE MANCHESTER AWNING CO. Free Soil Analysiel Now's The Time To Flaatl PROTECTION CONTRACT Also Reel Mowers EST. 1949 — 196 W. CENTER STREET — 649-8991 18”-21”MddeIs 1 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 ■I MANCHESTER a New, vinyl bottom bag lasts 6 lOmoa longar toan all-ctoth bags. Open Wed^ YARD YARD LIME FERTILIZER • "Wind-Tunnel®” housing pulls the Krass uj^or a more even cut. I niinr” visual oil filter lets you add Oil without tools. • Convenient control panel on adjustable height tubular steel handle. b/ iiati- TfrTi— u~nir :w lter c t o u t Sirtilnsert garden hose-washes out wet grass in 2 • New prismatic gas gauge gives you a constant check on fuel supply. 60 Lbs. 59c 3 91.65 50 Lba: »1.W Tliurs^ Fri. . NOW-YOU CAN SA Y- . • r»Yai range speed control gives you proper speed for cutting or bagging. WOW! WHAT SERVICE! LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR GROWING AND LANDSCAPE PROBLEMS! • HetehTof cut adjustment^from %” to 3” with linger pressure only. FROM "GROWER 'TO YOU” IT’S YOUR ! Steele ^ tlon bagger attaches and empties In seconds. • Anti-scalp dish prevents scalping. 10 MINUTE SERVICE ON ALL CALLS > < 9 0 9 i Walcoma Hora : K b a l ^ g chute keeps bag oft ground. “CHARGE ITT > APPLIANCE to 9 DON’T BELIEVE US?—THEN TRY US! ■ABTVOftD NATIONAle* ★ "YES, WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL!" ★ TELEVISION Piz2B Grinders Made The Old Fashioned Way S a t to 5 We Cook Them OR Ydu Cot* Them At Home CHENEY Open till 9:00 P.M. WOODLAND GARDENS HALL Open Sat. till 6:00 P.M. IJOWNTOWN MAIN ST-, MANCHESTER CALL NEXT TO STOP and SHOP CALL "Your Fabric Headquarters Since 1926!’’ . ★ LET JOHN AND LEON ZAPADKA HELP YOU ★ OPEN 6 DAYS • THURS. NIGHTS till 9! Budget Terms Up nZZA-RAYS 643-0031 168 WOODLAND ST.—OPEN DAILY TILL 9—PHONE 648-8474 643-0031 177 Hartford Road, Comer of Pine St., Miancbeater MARLOW’S niRHiTURE ‘to St Monttw -V ^Installation Optional 130 SPRUCE STREET I A .

ss MAMCHBSTBR EVENDIQ HERALD. MANCHB8TBR. OONN.. FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 Bolton California Nun Uses Ballet News in Pet Tiger TOLLAND ANTIOUES SNOW ^ttone Panel Fails to Reach As Expression of Worship Needs Cage, The W orld SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — "We are symboltzlnf that we SATURDAY • SUNDAY i Decision on Change to R1 One minute the ‘ loose, flowing are a pilgrim church, that we Biafra Ready for Peace Sheriff Says white habit of 23-year-oId sister are on the move to God. So con­ APRIL 20, 21. 1968 !The Zoning Commission did stantly our body is sx>eaklng for LAOOS, Nlgwria (AP) — Blaf- tonight at 7 :80 at the Communi­ Tina Bemal is the shapeless one ni radio said today ths seces­ MIAMI, Fla. (AP) —Tammy n<}t reach a decision on a re- ty Hpll. IL.V us. We don’t have to say any­ of any Roman Catholic nun. thing. And yet by our very ac­ sionist government is ready to is a 110-pound Bengal tiger and TOLLAND HIGH SCHOOL qi]ested zone change from R2 All managers and coaches In begin peace negotiations within the town basehEdl program will In a twinkling it takes on tions people know what we are a gentle host at childrens’ paja­ tor R i at a three-hourexecutive 48 hours to end Nigeria’s 10- meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at grace and beauty as—before an doing. ma parties. INTERSTATE 84 — EXIT 99 month civil war. The Lagoa gov­ mwetlng last night. the Community Hall. altar at Mass—her lithe body "So dance, therefore, to me is ernment said Thursday it is pre­ But the Dade County sheriff’s the movement of the soul made SPONSORED BY THE TOLLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY p>nlng Commission chairman The annuod Boy Scout driv« swirls and she lifts high one leg pared to start "talks about office says William Seefeldt, the D ^ald Tedford reported that visible to the eyes of men.” , Refreshment Bar open tbrongbout the Show will be held itomorrow. to the position ballet devotees peace talks.” owner, will have to cage his 10- tlw commisalon will meet again The senior class will hold an Recently, while three girls played hymns on guitars. Sister Biafra said it would negotiate n*ct Thursday with the Planning "Anything Auction” tomorrow know as a la seconde. without advance conditions. But month-old pet. The cage is nec­ Bemal danced before an altar General Admission $1.00 xhis adv. entitles 1 or 2 commission and the town health at 10 a.m. at the high school. The petite and pretty nun who Lagoa said the Biafran regime essary to qualify for the permit at a Mass for delegates to the to keep her. Saturday—10 A.M. ® persons to purchase tickets otticer. Dr. Robert K. Butter­ Articles may still be donated by studied ballet in the United of Lt. Col. C. Odumegwu Ojuk- Sunday-10 A.M.to^.M. ^ ^ National Convention of the col- "She is house broken with field, if they are agreeable. calling Bob Nystrom, Craig States and Europe before enter- wu must first renounce its ToUand HlCb School j • Ing the convent in 1964, is using lege Theology Society, at a Son seven generations of captivity JL public hearing w els held secession end agree to a 12-state Tolland, Conn. Blna 8. Jondro, Director Pepin or Alana Rose for pick­ Francisco hotel. She is a mem­ April 10 as a result of a peti­ the dance—always to the music federation splitting Biafran ter­ behind her,” Seefeldt said up. ber of the order of the Religious Thursday. "If they put her in a tion from residents of the South of the church—as an expression ritory into three states. The Republican Town Com­ of the Sacred Heart. cage away from people she of worship. Rd., Fernwood Dr., Stony Rd. mittee will hold an orgEuilza- The little sister says: would go wild.” ai;ea. This section of town is tlonal meeting Tuesday at 8 "I think that the dance is a Soviets Launch Satellite^ means of getting and reaching •I feel If the day ever came Tammy was bom in a litter of zoned R2, or multiple dwelling. p.m. at the CJommunlty Hall. when attention ended In me and Second in Two Days five tiny tigers at the county’s out and explaining religious hc Tbe petitioners are requesting a dldnt’ go on to God I would real­ MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet (Jrandon Park Zoo. The zoo 7ft. ;4. ‘PttiM oa. 7 . life," she said in an interview. UKVING CONN. SINCe 1939 change to R l and were spur­ ly have to stop dancing.’ ’ Union launched its second un­ traded the excess cilbs to an an­ red to make the request because Manchester Evening I&rald “ Now in the Mass, which we manned earth satellite in two imal dealer and Seefeldt bought of| plans for an apartment com­ Bolton correspondent, Oleme- believe is the center function—It days today. Tammy from the dealer. He plex at the comer of South and well Young, tel. 643-8981. Is the thanksgiving, the banquet An announcement said Cos­ didn’t reveal the price but Dr. Stony Rds. - i t seems to me that this is 32 Tongues Spoken mos 216 is orbiting once every Gordon Hubbell, superintendent especially one form of prayer There are no other apartments MAKHACHKALA, Soviet 91.1 minutes at an angle of 48.6 of the zoo, said tiger prices rmiiiin' In; the area, and only a few in where we should bring all of our degrees, at distances from the range from about $600 to $1,200. town. faculties to it. eastern 'Caucasus Mountains earth ranging from 169 miles to I "I can’t figure why fie would The zoning board is consider­ People in 'When we go to church, the area speak 82 languages and 264 miles. buy such an animal for a pet,” ing a request to change not on­ first thing we do is we walk into ^n area less than half As usual, no indication was Pupils Get Black Hill Spruc^ Seedlings said Hubbell. "It just gets big­ ly the petitioners’ ’ area, but the the church. So we are using all ^ork State. The given of the mission of the new ger and more unpredictable.” entire R2 zone, most of which of us. We ore totally coming wew lorx satellite. It is the second Cos­ A total of 900 Black Hill from Dr. Douglas H. Smith, picture, represented the school the Park Department upon re­ Seefeldt said he bought Tam­ The News Into God’s presence. When we desolate Dagestan area i® n ll^s north of Rts. 6 and 44A. mos to be launched since the So­ spruce seedlings, together with chairman of the City Beautiful administration at the program. quest of the school principals. my as followup to other unusual go up to the offertory proces- habited by fewer than 1.3 mll- This would limit apartments to viet Union on Monday linked up printed Instructions for plant­ Committee of the Manchester Sixth grader Lori GotUieb During their ceremonies, the pets—a bear, falcon, fox and Kitobea Displays For Sole At Cost thje busLness zone. Model Margie Lindsay slon, we walk up. ko" people. and then separated by remote ing, are being distributed to 0th Chamber of Commerce. served as master of ceremo­ Bowers pupils read the Gover­ skunk. Floor Model Appliances On Sale The majority of those speak­ control two unmanned space­ graders in Manchester public This is the third year the nies. nor’s Proclamation on Arbor Seefeldt has had Tammy six Designers. lostaUers and Compete Alteration Sendee NEW YORK (AP) — Margar­ ships. and parochial schools as part C2iamber has sponsored the dis­ Similar Arbor Day programs Day, recited a history of the months and she’s a plaything 607 Now Park Ave. 2 3 2 1 1 0 7 Hartford ing at the hearing Itist week et Lindsay, the mayor’s 16- of the town’s annual observance tribution program. are currently being held at oth­ observance and the poem, "A for. the neighborhood children. said that they did not want to year-old daughter who made of Arbor Day. No Action Likely Looking on at right is Donald er town elementary schools. Tree," and sang "America.” This week 26 of them held a pa­ Plan to see us at the Home Show, Brood St. Armory, Hart­ nile apartments out of Bolton her modeling debut iMt fall, has This special ceremony of pre­ ford, April S-7. Visit ns at Booths 8S, 86, 87, 88. W. G.GLENNEY— Against Papandreou C. Matthews, director of the At an outdoor program yes­ Spruce seedlings donated by jama party with Tammy as entirely. signed with a modeling agency (Hereld photo by Bucelvlclus) sentation was held yesterday State Park and Forest Ck>mmls- terday at Bowers School, pu­ fhe Chamber were obtained guest of honor. She even visited Dr. Butterfield said that he to work as a $40-an-hour profes- Mrs. Rose Sllvestrl Menasian (second from right), one of their eighth annual stamp exhibition, "Monpex-’68” . Society ATHENS (AP) — Greece's morning on the grounds at slon, who spoke jjrlefly as Gov. pils, in addition to receiving from the C.R. Burr Nursery Hialeah High School. was in favor of apartments when sional. the few living persons whose image appears on a United members (left to right), are "M£mpex-’68” co-chairman Dan­ military regime appears unlike­ Buckley School, where James ly to take retaliatory action John Dempsey’s representative. their seedlings, planted a chan­ which provided the planting in­ “ The adult neighbors are the town has a sewage system, “ It’s fun,” commented the States postal stamp, confers with representatives of the Man­ iel Healy, MPS president Mrs. Gerald Hardy and “ Manpex- Downing Jr. of 66 Overlook Dr. against former Premier (Seorge Ronald P. Scott, assistant su­ ticleer pear tree donated by structions. (Herald photo by afraid,” said Hubbell. because of poor drainage condl- lanky brunette Thursday. "You chester Philatelic Society about her appearance Sunday at ’68” co-chairman Gerard Caron. is shown receiving his seedling Papandreou for outwitting it perintendent of schools, not in the town. Trees are provided by Pinto) Thursday, the sheriff’s depu­ tions in much of the town. get to meet a lot of people and JOHNSON SEAHORSE Art Club Officers go a lot of places.And the mon- and Issuing a statement urging ties pointed to the statute re­ Ing a uniquely designed "Chespex,” "Midpex" and quiring permits for carnivorous |At its April meeting the Bol- ey’s pretty good.” the world to quarantine the dic­ spent most of the time since his "MEinpex-68” cancel as well as "Green pex.” tatorship. Columbia animals including tigers. They tain Art Club elected Mrs. Ann She said her fees all go In the MANPEX to Feature Potcell Set exclusion on Bimini, 60 miles MauluccI, president; Mrs. bEmk. "I put It In with my cloth­ the sale of agency quality Other features of the local The government put the 80- said Seefeldt would get the per­ east of the Florida coast line. OUTBOARD MOTORS Ttieresa Ronson, 'vice-president; stamps. event will be a 10-dealer bourse mit when Tammy got a cage. ing allowEuioe—but I’d better year-old political leader under and a stamp auction, to be held Selectmen Told Vandalism To Run* Hits Seefeldt said he would take Mrs. Parise Lemalre, secretairy, not say how much that is.” Two hundred or more of the The growing season is here. Get a house arrest Monday to muzzle aiid Mrs. Ellen Oplt, treasurer. ‘Real’ Stamp Face special commemoratlves fea­ at 4 p.m. head start with these lawn and gar­ him before the first anniversary his case to court. Dr. Huibbell, IV 2 HP. to 100 HP. Margaret, called Margie with turing Mrs. Menasian will be Each child under 12 in at­ April 21 of the military coup. who recommended that Tammy % The club will hold its spring a hard G, said her parents did Few people t'hroughAlh our nation’s history have den special Is Rife at Recreation Area White Rnri^m Proposal ejihiblt May 4 and 6. Members for sale, at cost, to members tendance, accompanied by an Papandreou apparently had ^ tVlve IXUClSTn Ha r t f o r d (a p >—The Pub- be caged, said he had never tes­ not hesitate to let her model. SALES — PARTS — SERVICE wjll have an Edl-day painting known the feeling of posting a letter with a stamp her­ who wish to have them auto­ made Ids preparations in ad­ Dr. Ralph Wolmer, chainman The guest speaker will be lie Health Ctouncll has encount­ tified against a tiger but felt the "They both liked the idea,” adult, will receive a free packet ruling would support the sheriff. piurty at the home of CbEirles she said. “ Dad la a nut about alding their own likeness. Sunday, Manchester area graphed. of stamps. The only crabgrass control vance. of the eduoation-recreation area State representative William O’­ (Continued from Page One). ered virtually no public opposi­ EASY TERMS — USED MOTORS residents will have the opportunity of meeting one of on Hennequin Rd., informed Neill from the 62nd Assembly tion to a proposal that would C|iurch, 'Vemon Rd., May 11. show bulaness, anyway. He al­ A display of Swiss stamps Free souvenir programs will He was heard over the British America,” he said. Class Hears Stager ways has been. And they’re glad this select group at the Man- has been obtained for the oc- with “ Weather Insurance” Broadcasting Corp.’s Greek the Board of Selectmen this District vdio will discuss the require hair-dressing schools to Open Daily 7 :30 A.M.-5 P.M.— Thurs. to 9 be issued to everyone In attend­ The 60-year-old New York Pyramids Last Wonder Jjay Stager, assistant profes­ that it gives me something to Chester Philatelic Society’s pex,” under cateforles of Unit- casion from the Swiss Postal newscast W e^esday night week of 'vandalism resulting in importance of women’s organi­ teach techiniques for straighten­ ance- and the ladies of the Man­ City Democrat said (Jhlcago CAIRO —The three Great sor of philosophy and psychol­ do.” eighth annual stamp exhibi­ ed States and covers, foreign ^ Agency and will be the center reading his statement. An Eng­ a serious amount of damage ait zations in politics. There will be ing Negro hair. SAT. to 4 P.M. chester club will be serving If for any reason — including ad­ Mayor Richard J. Daley "has Pyramids —Khufu* Khafra and ogy at Manchester Community tion,, ” Manpex-68” . covers, topical and covers of attraction In the "court of lish-language version was dis­ the town-owned site. a question and answer peripd. The 150 persons attending a homemade refreshments. verse weather — you are not pleased made history as the first public Menkaura — that stand outside College, spoke today to Patrick Tony Curtis Set to Wed "Manpex — 68,” open free to printed album pages, and jun­ honor,” sharing the spotlight tributed !by his followers to for­ Dr. 'Wohner, discussing dam­ Club president Mrs. Manes with the results o f halts plus, sim­ official to lay the administrative two-hour hearing Thursday gave Cairo are the only surviving Doherty’s Grade 6 class. He ior competition. with a United States Post Of­ eign newsmen in Athens. age done over the past year, Carey announced the club has near-unanimous support to the CAPITOL EQUIPMENT SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) the public and held 1-6 p.m. ground floor for the extermina­ wonder of the ancient world. g;ave the students an Introduc­ Sunday at Manchester High Beat in show awards as well fice exhibit eiiUUed "Birth ol ply send your sales slip to Scotts, The regime’s public reaction said, "Cars on several oocasions been invited to a wine-tasting plan. The council is expected to — Actor Tony Curtis and model tion of black people. First, we They are also the first built of 38 MAIN ST.—TEL. 643-7958 tory talk on the science of psy­ as top prizes In each category A Stamp." Marysville, Ohio, 43040, and a re­ was one of scorn rather than an­ have been driven on the bcdl exhibition at the Nathan Hale act on the proposal next month. Leslie Allen of Newton, Mass., School, will feature Mrs. Rose LET US PRICE shoot to kill looters; we shoot to the seven wonders of the world chology. Sllvestrl Menasian, who was will be Revere bowls, with the fund check will be in the mail to you ger. "Nobody who holds a re­ fields; last winter a khort length Hotel in WlUlmantlc April 29, It would require beauty say they’ll be married Saturday Working on this year’s proj­ kill arsonists. Then we shoot to Stager was invited to speak one of four women in the Arm­ exception of the printed pages YOUR NEXT promptly. sponsible position is interested of log was bounced off the roof sponsored by the WiUimantlc schools to teach straightening at his Beverly Hills home. ect are Gerald Caron and Dtin- maim persons for disorderly as a result of current event dis­ ed Forces appearing on a 1962 group, the winner of which will in what Papandreou says,” said of a latrine until a hole wsts Democratic Women’s Club. and also to Instruct their stu­ Curtis, 41, said he got a Mexl- iel Healy, co-chairmen; Mrs. PRESCRIPTION conduct, then breach of the cussions in the class relating to commemorative three-cent receive the Maurice Apfelbaum loannls Apostolldes, director- broken through the fibreglass Anyone interested in attending ctui divorce Tuesday at Juarez Gerald C. Hardy, club presi­ peace, and finally, we ‘shoot dents about the provisions of such subjects as psychology, stamp honoring their counter­ Memorial Medal. ARTHUR DRUG general of ministry. roof of the building; tJie plastic should call Mrs. Carey by April Connecticut’s equal rights sta­ from hla German-bom second dent; Mrs. Evelyn Dickson, niggers for just being niggers.’ ” propagEmda and ext^ensory parts throughout the world. Manchester’s first post office, base for the hockey rink was 20 . tutes. wife, 23-year-old actress Chris­ secretary; Richard Steele, cor­ Powell’s statement referred to perception. Mrs. Menasian, a WAF incorporated in 183, will be Last Wish Granted punctured; the flagpole was tine Kaufmann. He took out a responding secretary, and Rus­ one Daley made earlier in the Mrs. Susan Stark’s Grade 2 tary working In the Pentagon at featured on the cachet, Ijelng MEXICO CITY (AP) — An broken off; tires to be used for sell McKendrlck, treasurer. Save $2 Manchester Evening Herald class has been learning about m ^ a g » license Thursday, offered by the Manchester starting fires were hung over week that Chicago police should the time, represented the Air ' ' ' "MANPEX-68” is expected to um with the ashes of Gen. Herl- Columbia correspondent 'Vir­ have shot arsonists and looters Emphysema Deadly trains. Mrs. Stark’s husband, Miss Kaufmann was granted g;roup, to commemorate their 5,000 sq ft bagj>lr^ 12.95 the tennis court post, which is Force. She now resides at 61 be one of the largest such Guatom Home Design berto Jara was dropped from a ginia Carlson, tel. 228-9224. during the trouble that erupted J. Ross Stark, who works for uncoirtested divorce in ^ s Schaller Rd. in Manchester, the incorporated in 1828 ■will b8 presidential plane into the sea 11 feet high.” ARLINGTON, Va. —The an­ stamp exhibits being held in the Manoheater in the wake of the death of HOW MANY the New York. New Haven and Angeles Superior Court last mother of a 10-yeer-old daugh­ made available at a nominal Also save $ 1 on 2,500 sq ft bag^95"6.95 He added, "other damages in­ nual number of deaths in the Blue Print ft Supply Ino. off Veracruz Thursday night in King. IButfordiST-m__ _ Railroad, visited thAthe week but the decree Isn’t final state this month. Each of the accordance with the last wishes cluded basketball netting re­ United States blamed on em­ ter and the wife of a Pratt and fee. 690 Hartford Rd. Jet a Day Delivered children to tell them about the a year, A special treat for :>tamp other Connecticut stamp clubs of the onetime revolutionary moved; the plastic on reflectors Powell was excluded from physema and chonic bronchitis Whitney eng;lneer. Manoheater, Conn. railroad and to answer their « buffs will be an official “MAN- traditionally holds an exhibit, who died Wednesday at the age on the chain at the gate was CHICAGO — U.S. scheduled Congress for allegedly abusing has doubled every five years More than 100 frames are ex­ 640-8603 enthusiastic questions. MUs Allen. Curtis’ first wUe PEX-68” postal substation, set marked with the suffix, "pex” RookvUle Exch. Ent. 1405 $1)w vMinu V/ w m i/ viumv w vmipw vi ti/ wv/ iv wv/ of 88. broken out, and someone re­ air-lines accepted delivery of his position and was ^e-elected since I960. That is a rate of in­ pected to be entered in com- Scouts Camp Out was actress Janet Leigh. He has up in- the high school, featur- annually this time of year e.g. Political supporters and oppo­ cently drove a oar over the more than one jet aircraft a day in a special runoff last year. crease greater than for any The first weekend In April 48 two children by each marriage, petition at thls year’s "Man- chain and uprooted the posts.” in 1967. In all, 387 new planes, Except for a few speaking ap­ other cause of death. It is four nents joined in tribute to Jara scouts from Troop 73 and 18 t j \ n who fought the dictatorship of The selectmen, commenting worth more than $2 billion, were pearances on college campuses times the rate of increase for The only fertilizer with lung cancer. PROBLEMS adulU camped at Camp Pequot, Confederate Pension on the damage, said the area put in service. in the United States, Powell has Gen. Porfirio Diaz in the revolu­ Lake of Isles reservation. In FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — tion of 1910. He fought again in had been purchased and de'velop- “ Weather Insurance” ed primarily for the young peo­ the competition between scouts Mrs. Rachel Lunceford, 74, of 1913 when Gen. Vlctoriano Huer­ and their fathers in scoutcraft Brodhead in Rockcastle County, ple. One said, “it looks as Our Used Cars Aren't If for any reason — including ad­ ta assassinated the Ayolution- and field events a patrol of fa­ last known widow of a confeder­ though they are the ones doing verse weather— you are not pleased ary president, BhranclscO Made- thers won. The Sioux patrol was ate veteran, is drawing a $60-a- ro. the damage. It’s too bad they with the results o f turf builder, can’t respect what we are try­ winner of the campout. mpnth state pension. "JUST LIKE NEW" Jara was elected a deputy The scouts watched movies '^ 6 new - $2.6 billion biennial simply send your sales slip to Scotts, from Veracruz in 1917 and later ing to do.” of past troop activities and state budget contains a provi­ Marysville, Ohio, 43040, and a re­ became governor of that state. The selectmen will ask con­ stables to check the area more three boys Joined the troop as sion for confederate pensions in JUST 100% GUARANTEED fund check will be in the mail to you He also served as ambassador POLY CLEAN tenderfeet. the "amount necessary.” to Cuba and governor of Mexico frequently to discourage such promptly. The next camp-out will be a Mrs. Lunceford married Wil­ a ty . vandalism. Dr. Wolmer in his letter told joint one with Girl Scout Ca- liam Limceford, a farmer, when Hera’s the iiral place te leek ler your second earl dette Troop 669 at Camp John- ghe was 16 and he was 62. She Red Chinese Ambush the selectmen the committee is SPRING SPECIAL reluctant to make any further son May 4 and 6. This is being receives the pension for the re­ O f Red Guards Reported planned by the leaders of both mainder of her life, installations in the area and 5,000 sq ft bag 5.45 HONG KONG (AP) — Troops added the situation is “ dusturb- COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANING - RCA WIHRLPOOL troops. Girls will use the lodge; ------1962 MERCURY 1965 F O R D of the Chinese Red Army am­ ing to say the least.” boys will camp across the pond. 1967 PONTIAC 10.000 sq ft bag 9.95 Student Teacher T-Bird Hardtop. Full power, maroon. bushed and killed 300 Red Fiscal Year Study Firemen Turn to Saw Custom Tempest Sport Coupe. 4- 9-Pass. Station Wagon. PS., auto.. (3uards last week in Kwangtung Miss Helen Lockward, daugh­ The selectmen have appointed speed, 'V-8, radio, plus. V-8. 15.000 sq ft bag 13,95 Province, an arrival from China ter of Dr. and Mrs. Howard CHICAGO — The fireman’s a committee of seven to study 8 l b s - n .5 0 Lockward of Keeney Dr., Is trusty ax is beginning to be re­ *2295 reports. the possibility of converting the The traveler said the Red among 23 Aurora (111.) College placed by the gasoline-powered town to the uniform fiscal year, *1995 ’895 Guards had been assigned to the seniors who are student teach­ chain saw. Firemen use the saw as directed by the March town OPEN 8 A.M. — 10 P.M. I^ ILY and SUNDAY army and were always “ attack­ ing in local public schools. A to cut holes in bimilng build- meeting. Members are Al­ 5COTT5 LAWN 5EED ing the soldiers with accusations Tailor next door to assist you from 8 o.m. - 6 p.m. requirement of the teacher ed- Inga for venting or for hose the soldiers were anti-Maoist.” lred Lange, temporary chair­ ucatlon program Is 12 weeks of entry. The power saw Is also 1964 RAMBLER man, Mrs. Ermlnla Lowman, Fearing they nilght lose con­ student teaching. Miss Lock- faster In cutting a path to 1964 F O R D Station Wagon. Auto trans., radio. tax collector, Mrs. Harriet Ly­ One convenient stop for tailoring and dry cleaning 1965 F O R D FAMILY PLAY trol of the area where they were ward is teaching English. trapped occupants and can be Falrlane 600 Custom 4-Dr. Wagon. green. man, town treasurer, Paul Pep­ Falrlane 600 4-Door Station Wagon. stationed, the soldiers planned a Plenty of DRIVE-IN PARKING Bulletin Board used where there isn’t room Auto., V-:, P3., 9-passenger. V-8, auto., PS., radio, roof rack. COVERS 2,600 SQ. FT. COVERS 2,600 SQ. FT. trap for the Red Guards. The in, Saul Blum, Harvey Collins Cub Scout Pack 167 will meet enough to swing an ax. and Russell Spearman. 300 youths were ambushed with 176-178 SPRUCE ST. near Oak St. *950 machine guns, bazookas and First Selectman Joseph Szeg- *1745 *1395 *4.95 *7.95 land mines as they drove into da spoke of a letter he had re­ the trap in three trucks. ceived from the chief of bridge There was no way of confirm­ maintenance of the State High­ GREENTHUMB. . ■ f ing the report. way Department concerning the 1965 O L D S Hop River Bridge on Parekr 1964 CHEVROLET 1962 OLDSMOBILE Convertlblq Coupe. Model 98. Full I Bridge Rd. The bridge connects SPECIALTY BUILDERS Dynamic 88 9-Pass. Station Wagon. power, dark green. Monza Spyder Coupe. 4-speed. Vernon the town with Coventry. PS., auto., radio. SPECIES Szegda said an inspection by the state showed “ in their opin­ *895 *1895 Ex-Store Head ion” the bridge was unsafe in NEED FACTS? CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENTS *995 its present condition for any YOU DON’T BUY OR SELL A HOUSE EVERYDAY—BUT WHEN YOU DO YOU Charp;ed With vehlcualr traffic and "certain­ WILL WANT THE BEST PROFESSIONAL SER’VICE AVAILABLE!! Difficult decisions SIDING OF AU TYPES Embezzlement ly should not be used lor school $8.57 buses.” come easier when you have all the facts and any one of the local POOLS & COTTAGES 1964 CHEVROLET 1961 F O R D CARDEN BOW RAKE Reg. $4.46 Szegda said he had watched R. J. Flagg representatives can lighten your load. He repre­ Chevy II Nova 4-Door Sedan. Auto., 1965 MUSTANG Falrlane 800 4-Dr.-Dr. Sedan.Sedar Auto., V-8, Paul D. Fairfield, 22, of 41 Can Be Solved 2-f2 Fastback. Auto., wwt., radio. a large dump truck with a heavy sents a company that was established in the grand Loveland Hill Rd., former man­ radio. radio. GARDEN HOE R ^ . $3.96 $3.17 load of gravel cross the bridge tradition of performance, reliability ager of the Cumberland Farms without any obvious strain on store on Rt. 83, was arrested and fair dealing. ^ the structure. He said that up­ *895 I *1495 PRUNING SHEARS Iteg. $3.75 $3.95 last night on a warrant charg­ *295 per supports had apparently ing him with embezzlement by been bent where hea'vy machin­ agent. HEDGE SHEARS Reg. $6.20 $4.67 The arrest was the result of ery might have caught in cross­ an Investigation by Sgt. Robert ing. Like This? 1963 FORD 1966 CHEVROLET Columbia and Coventry are 196U PEUGOT LOPPING SHEARS Reg. $6.00 $4.67 Kjellqulst of the Vernon police Galaxie 4-Door Sedan. V-8, auto., PS., || "Monza Sport Coupe. AM-FM radio, Jointly responsible for the bridge Model 403 Sedan, black. department. radio. auto, trans., white. Connecticut Pood Stores, Inc., and both towns are studying the of Canton, Mass., owners of the cost of repairs. Each town pays its share on the basis of tax *195 Cumberland Farms chain, en­ *895 1395 tered a complaint against the receipts. It is likely the cost will SIDING SPECIAUSTS former manager. He was re­ be covered by state aid to town leased under the no cash bail roads. so IF YOU NEED SOME FACTS— ALUMINUM - WOOD - Vl^TYL - STONE program for appearance in Cir­ Edward Mathieu, chairman of cuit Ctourt 12, May 7. the Recreation Council baseball CALL YOUR LOCAL R. J, FLAGG CO. OFFICE 8E im ER N ED Iw . g ! g l e n n e y Also arrested last night on a program, asks that all men will­ Ia l l w o r k f u l l y g u a r a n t e e d in w r i t i n g Circuit Court 12 warrant was ing to work on the ball fields D istrict Manchester 643-8832 C5oventry 742-7141 UP TO FIVE YEARS TO PAY CO. Louis G. Flora, 31, 30 North show up tomorrow at any of Park St. the ball fields at 1 p.m., hope­ Offices In: Vernon 875-0774 Enfield 749-9045 Buy Direct^ - No Middleman Flora was charged with fully with suitable work tools. Democratic Women’s Tea TED TRUDON Inc. breach of the peace by assault - WE SERVICE WHAT WE SRT.T. - in connection with a domestic The Democratic Women’s REALTY ' VOLKSWAGEN^OR5CHE incident which occurred on'' (Tlub of Columbia will hold a , FREE ESTIMATES 7 4 2 - 8 8 2 2 DIVISION _ PHONE 649-2838 April 13. He was released under membership tea April 24 at 8 /? . j , ^Icu^ Co-. VOTE TTES APRIL 30 ROUTE 83 — TOLLAND TURNPIKE — TALCOTTVILLE 336 NORTH MAIN ST., MANCHESTER the no cash ball program for p.m. at the home of Mrs. Emil a ’r . #3 Box 113 Coventry, 06238 appearance in Rockville Circuit Malek on Hennequin Road. All (On Hie Manchester-Vernon Line) TEL. 649-5253 (jourt 12, May 7. Officer John Democratic women in town are Shea made the arrest. invited. ' PAGE TWENTY-ONE BIANCHE9TER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 FAOB TWENTY MANCHeSTE* EVHflNQ IBRALD. 1. OONM.. PRTOAY, APRIL 19, 1968 publisher of toe Mexico (Mo.) janloe ObucbovniM : An^ver Fishermen! CBS Head Says Riot Films Leader. Sentor AHtor Re-elected directors were; Okrant Jones; Charles L. Bennett, man­ EUKoMnOilef Bcb BliOer ^>ortH Bdttor Show Viewer Inaccuracies aging editor of toe Dally Okla- Marcy Jumn Ko Hearing onTown Budget Trout Ready homan and Oklahoma City BVnturo EUItor WASHINOTON (AP) — A candidate for toe Republican ^imes; William B. Dickinson, T he H igh S chool W orld television nows executive says .presidential nomination, was to managing editor of the Phlladel- MITES Draws Protest from the PTA Tomorrow . , speak one day after toe editors Mrs. Joyce Don, Faculty Advisor he believes live coverage of ra- sustained ap- phla Bulletin; C. A. (Pete) FRIDAY, APRIL 19 Compiled by Students of Manchester High School Tlndover new* Items should One member,, referring to toe HARTFORD (AP) — (Jonnect- McKnight, editor of toe Char­ VOL. XXX, No. 28______teaiponurUy be called In fo So- public hearing which toe statute lout’s inland fishing season be- clal disorders gives viewers an pjauge to an address by an lotte (N.C.) Observer; and J. M0I Lo om , tel. 7M-8028. says must be held after toe gins at 6 a.m. Saturday. The Inaccurate plcture-but that avowed noncandidate, Republl- Murray, managing edi- and budget has been compiled by State Board of Fisheries televislon Is accused of with- can Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller tor of toe Arizona Republic, Top Athletes 5The decision of the Finance toe Finance Board, stated that Game reports that more than holding news If It doesn’t pro- of New York. Phoenix. Keiderling, Gworek B{|fird to present the 1988- he "never liked that hearing 300 rivers and streams and over on-toe-scene coverage. A cluster of teen-agers Invad- anyway.” 60 lakes and ponds will have Richard S. Salant, president ed toe banquet hall carrying 60 budget to the taxpayers on Are Awarded t 1' ’nils Is understandable be­ been stocked with trout for toe of CBS News, also told the banners urging, "Rocky, run!” Stamford GOP Primary May 4 without a public hearing cause at least two such hear­ opening. American Society of Newspaper Rockefeller took toe steam drew a protest from toe PTA at ings in the past, toe opinions Over 500,000 brook, ^rown, Editors that toe arrival of TV out of their mild demonstration STAMFORD (AP) — Repub­ At Assembly ttl. meeting Wednesday night. expressed by toe townspeople and rainbow trout have been or equipment on toe scene of a by announcing at toe outset: ” I lican voters turned out in su; Named as Top Two < ^ e opinion was expressed caused toe finance board to will be stocked In the lakes and demonstration can set off crowd have no shoes to drop on tots oc- prisingly , large , . numbers Thiys- . with much cheering and t£at xuch action denied toe tax­ amend Its budget or offer an .streams before toe end of the action that had not occurred be- caslon.” His speech was a plea day and elected a GOP t o w stomping the annual Spring With some tension, excitement payers of a right accorded them alternative budget” to toe tax- season, toe board reports. for massive redevelopment of committee controlled by a party Sports Award Assembly was fore. and awe the 685 members of the bir a)ate statutes for a preview payers at toe annual Budget There are 135,000 licensed fish­ blg-clty slums. faction which Is opposed to held on Wednesday, April 10 In "We’ve been agonizing over class of 1068 fUed into the auU- o{ the finance board’s decisions Meeting. ermen In Connecticut, not count- that,” Salant said. "My orders Salant’s observation that TV Stole Central Committeeman the arena. At this assembly btfore being asked to accept, In both Instances these re- ing youngsters under 16, who awards were presented to the torlum for a special assembly to cameramen In such cases viewers felt they were being BE SURE . . . BUSS has been serving the Home r^4uee,’ or reject toe budget, toe visions met with toe approval may fish without a license, are: Cap your cameras and get cheated If they didn’t get live The Republican primary drew members of the following win­ this past week. Assistant Super­ Owner for 86 YEARS. For a complete FREE IN­ intendent schools, Mr. Ronald oitiy courses allowable at toe of toe voters and were In- The director of toe Board of toe hell out of there. riot coverage was corroborated vot^s—more than half of ter sports teams: The rifle "Those are our orders, but by editor Emmett Dedmon of toose eligible. Political leadera SPECTION of your home by a Termite Control Scott, greeted the assembled re- t^ u a l budget meeting. corporated in toe accepted Fisheries and Game, Theodore team, swimming team, bas­ 'Accordingly, the meeting vot- bu^et. B. Bampton, reports many lakes they cannot be enforced from a toe Chicago Sun-Times. His bad ^edlcted a vote of 5,300 Expert, supervised by the finest technical staff, marking that academic achieve­ ketball team, and the wrestling «d to circulate to townspeople a PTA Officers which were clogged with Ice In head office. The decisions are newspaper received telephone 1° 6,000. phone our nearest local office: ment was a very Important team. Istter Informing them of toe The slate of officers for 1068- past years are "wide open” for up to toe men'working on toe calls complaining that toe TV The vote gave the antl-Zezl- One of the highlights of the honor, but facing Individual omission on toe part of toe fin- 60 presented by toe nominating this year’s opening, story, and no newsman wants to atations were covering up toe lu® party faction a 21-19 edge assembly was the presentation challenges successfully was also ajice board, and urging that toe committee to toe PTA meet- The Housatonlc River, where quit on a story while Its hap- riot story, Dedmon said, on the town committee. The cen­ of the AIX-OCIL awards by Mr. an honor, not ahvays called to b ^ g et not be consldeqpd until ing was as follows: Mrs. Albert high water frequently has pre- penlng.” "I am opposed to live cover tral committeeman previously 649-9240 Rogers. Brad Miller ’68. Steve special attention. sftch time as toe statutes have Dreyer, president; Mrs. WlUlam vented stocking of trout In early ^ The discussion of TV coverage age because It Is Impossible to held control of the city GOP Spaeth ’68, and Dave Moyer, ’68, Vice Principal George Bm- baien complied with. Sides, vice-president; Mrs. spring, received its preseason —which along with newspaper be accurate,,” Salant said. “ You were elected to the ALL-CCIL merling then announced the two ;A letter embodying this pro- Richard Mulvery, secretary, allotment this year. coverage was subjected to some can get a small, sporadic action FLEET LARGE team for their achievement In seniors, Edward Keiderling, test was composed at toe close and Mrs. Walter Carter, to Several brooks which are criticism In toe recent report of and it can look like Armaged- WASHINGTON — The fleet of BLISS TERMITE COHTROL CORE swimming. In wrestling, Steve vehicles owned by federsd, state valedictorian, and Sharon o{ the meeting, addressed to toe succeed herself as treasurer. normally stocked, but for vari- toe President’s Commission on don, but It Isn’t. DIV. OP BUSS IXnRMINATOR CO., INC. • BST. 1882 Hemmingway, ’68, and Ron finance board and Is in toe Election of these officers will be ous reasons haven’t received Civil Disorders—came at Thurs- "But If we don’t give live cov- and local governments In the Poltras, ’69, received the ALL- Gworek, saludatorlan, who' United States includes 372,201 had achieved top rank In this hftnda of all six members of toe held at toe May meeting at trout this season, Include East day’s sessions of some 660 mem- erage we give rise to this ques. The Oldest and Largest in Conn. CX3IL nomination. In basketball, tlon: If you’re not covering this. passenger cars, 166,472 buses year’s graduating class. After beard today. which time other nominations Swamp Brook in Bethel Hop hers of toe society. Richard Cobb, ’68, was elected .John H. Yeomans, chairman may be made from toe floor. Brook In Brookfield, Mt. Riga They prepared to close toe what else are you not telling us? and 795,688 trucks. to the ALL-OCIL first team, and these t«ro students were seated of toe finance board, stated that Mrs. Beatrice Kowalski, Brook In Salisbury, and Pine three-day convention today with We know toe problem—we don’t Ray Kelly, ’68, and Dale Os- on the stage, Mr. Emmerllng he (and presumably toe tnajor- chairman of toe Board of Edu­ Brook In East Hampton. AH an address by former Vice yet have an answer.” trout, ’68, were elected to the read the list of 91 other stu- Keiderling Gworek ito of his Board) considers that cation, presented and explained will be stocked later this sea­ President Richard M. Nixon and The editors re-elected five di­ second team.- dents who wUl be graduated Edward Keiderling (Herald photo by Bucelrioius) toe public hearing of March 14 toe details of the ’68-’69 budget son, Bampton said. toe installation of a new presi­ rectors earlier In toe day and ’Those receiving letters In with academic, honor by main- fmaitst In this year’s National Leon, Nancy Luckman, Mary at which all town officials pres­ SIS approved by toe Board of Because of pollution no trout dent of their own, Vincent S. chose one new board member— wrestling were John Sproul, ’68 talning scholastic averages of jgerit Competition. His subjects Mallon, Stephen ^Matson, Mari- ented their department requests Jones, a deputy editor of toe Robert -M. White II, editor and and Rich Sweet, ’68. Stars In F'.nance. The total, 5225,175, is will be stocked In Barber Pond, "B " or better during their three mdude coUege level Western lyn May, Marcia McCallum, sttfflclently complied with toe an Increase of 513,914 over toe Gannett Newspapers, Roches­ wrestling went to Dave Cran­ Iron Ore Brook, and Mill Brook Athletes Spring into the Season years of high school.* avUUation, English and Math, Ernest Mclnerney, Iteren statutes. present year. ter, N.Y. dall, ’68, Don Ryan, '70, Jay in Bloomfield, toe board said. Ed Is a member of Ronor physics and French Literature Meeks, Kajhlren Janet ------’^ e election of Jones Is a for­ Plante, '69, Ron Poltras ’69 (cap­ nis), Ed Kowal, (baseball), and Ernie Mclnemy, ------Spring sports captains (from left to right) Dick society and has been name^a U a m e m b e r mality since toe society by tra­ The Worid’s Best tain), Eglles Mltrevlcs, ’68, Cobb, Tim Coughlin, (baseball), Tom Boll, (ten­ (track), look forward to an active season. Heart Constant Note dition always elevates Us first iPerfumes— Colognes Steve Shorrock, ’68 (captain). vice president to toe presidency. Bob Herman, ’68 and Steve S s l p a t e s in Instructors of the John ^H ara J r Nation’s Phone Strike Robert Schumann imagined he “Free Gift Wrapping” GTS Mi) constantly heard the note A, as Jones will succeed Michael J. F-SERVICi DIPT STORE Hemmingway, ’68. Editorial Ogden of toe Providence (R.I.) ’Die tri-captalns of the swim­ If his brain needed timing. He ARTHUR DRUG Meeting Held Army Tutorial Program. Pamela PUkoiris, Journal-Bulletin. ming team. Brad Miller, ’68 was for many years subject t o BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER Sharon Is also a member of pitney, Trudl Quasnlt- Seen 90% Effeetive melancholia. Nixon, only declared major Ed Kelderilng, ’68, and Steve Honor Society and has been Karen Richards and Spaeth, ’68 will receive Gold On Computer . (Continaed from Page One) Show Concern active on the girl's field Brian D. Rogers. M’s. Other awards on the swim­ hockey and basketball teams, peter Rubins, Miriam Schett- zarre note Into toe walkout by ming team go to Kevin Conklin, I support Project Concern, completely imposslt>Ie. First of were no talks Friday with man­ Program s Girl’s Leaders, Spanish Club j^j. 3naan Sherlock, James picketing a telephone pole—aft­ DOCUMENTARY DESIGN EURNITURE ’69, Rob Snyder, ’69, Van Lar­ Having read the facts, and seen all. Project Concern Is designed agement officials on the wage and Spanish Honor Society. Her ginnamon,' Wendelln Smith, dispute, but, “ We are hopeful er first removing a ladder and son, ’70, Steve Dunlap, ’69, Ross The occupation of a computer the evidence, I believe this Is to give Inner-city chUdren a thereby trapping a foreman Roberts, ’69, and Warren Thur- was discussed by a sound decision, and I hope It better educational chance. Re- courses Include College level Nancy Sodano, Douglas Steely, toe parties can get back togeth­ English, Creative Writing, Ger- cyrus Stevens, David Strimai- er and start making sense to working atop toe pole. The fore­ CHARGE IT WITH naeur ’7ft, letters; and Dave Kanna during E and is the one that the majority of verse busing would In no way man quickly brought police to man I and Honors Chemistry tls, Maralyn Tabatsky, Eric each other at the earliest possi­ Moyer, ’68, Mike Turklngton. ’68, ' _,oda on Tuesdav In the au- Mlanchester voters will make on further this purpose. Secondly. his rescue by tapping a tele­ and Spanish Literature H. Taylor, Alan Tupek, Gall Uns- ble moment.” Gary Fr^t. ’68 and Doug Pas- ^ jt ^ n .^ ^ t h £ t e r ^ April 30th. P «je c t Concern Is an entirely phone line and calling his office. tel, ’69 stars. studenta stated voluntary project, and If re- Those seniors named as Hon­ worth, and Frederick Walters, Director William E. Simkin of In addition to toe nationwide > 4 M Captaln Nick ’nmreck, ’68, of nroeram was arranged again and again, but will be verse busing was to take place, or students were Margaret more more toe Federal Mediation and Con­ telephone Installers unit of Wes­ SAVIN’ BABTVOBD NATIONAL the rifle team received a Gold ^ repeated one more time. Sixty- both the Board of Education and Abert, Christopher______Adams, Jo- Earl Watrous, Joshua Wind, ciliation Service said "We are In tern Electric employes, toe M. ’Those on the rifle team re- . computer pro- two inner city children have the parents of the chUdren In- ^ e AgosUnSl. David Bakul- Sharon Wood, Michael Thomas (^ se touch with toe parties.” strikers include Bell System celving letters or letter stars and for students who been bused to Manchester over volved would have to give their ski, Nancy Bsdlard, James Zemke and Susan Zimmerman. Company officials promised to workers In Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, are Bill Sheldon, Mike D’Auria, » , interested In the sub- the past two years. They were consent. Thus, no reverse bus- Becker, Ann Benson, Stanley Susaui Goldberg '68 maintain most service with su- Indiana, North and South Didto- Kurt Miller, all ’68, El Slegeskl, Kanna acting as a placed In our elementary schools Ing will result from project Berdnik, Lynne Bemardl, Mar­ ^rvisors. ta, Minnesota, NebrtKka, W s- ’69. and Clark Penny, ’68. Nu- representative from one of on a" empty seat basis thus no concern. garet Briggs, William Brlnda- "We ask all employes to oonsln. New Jersey, kOchlgon, merals or numeral stars went Ti*_t,nrd’s »ehoola for program- Manchester child has been Another common sentiment mour, Patrice Burke, Bryce NEW BOOKS maintain and protect telephone Idaho, Northern ChUfomla, Ne­ to Robert JuUano, ’69, Paul ,„grs by use of sUdes s h o ^ crowded out of a seat. expressed Is that the inner-city Carpenter. Anita ChappeU, Da­ Looking for a good biography service,” said Ben S. Gilmer, vada, the state of Waetalngton Roger. ’69 Paul Wright ’69 Jar- benefits This project does not cost chUdren themselves will be Cyrus Stevens Ann BMison vid Colpltts, Joseph Czerwlnskl, for that last book report of the president of the American Tele­ and Washington, DX3. SEASON ed Stansfleld ’69, John Albee, ^ progwunmer Manchester a cent. It Is paid harmed by Project Concern. Adela Csykleta, Ellzabeto Dey, year, try one of these: The Gen- phone A Telegraph Co., parent About 2,(X)0 manufacturing GRAND ’70, Peter Lalashuls ’70, Erwin He p la in e d ’ If a person tor by state and federal grants. The advocates of this Idea con- Pamela Dlngley and Dolores tie Bonoparte, Grover Cleve­ firm of toe Bell Syste. employes at Western Electric’s Nash, ’70. Marcia Elliot, ’69, to go to this school, he Hartford pays tuition for each tend that to ^ to a better en- Legion of Honor Downham. land, The Dessert Bbx, Svetlana, Both union and company offi­ plant In Buffalo, N.Y., are also Stephen Fish ’69 and Paul Em- should have a basic mathe- student sent to Manchester— rtronment and then to return TTvaf Tolstoy, or Rickenbacker. If It’s cials predicted little trouble for on strike. Ruth flction'^Vou fancy, look for one telephone subscribers in placing Bell system contracts for an­ iniitiM- ’ T/vhn Fra these recent additions to the calls except for long-distance other 116,000 Communications p ^ e r ic t a e ^ library: Fathers, The Rest and fttoer services that require Workers In 16 states expire be­ an operator. Installation of new tween April 28 and May 14. The phones also was sharply cur­ states Include Maryland, Virgin­ S . Steve Shof7 Chuck Car- last eight months. each 25 students, and one teach- al opportunity ^fered to these those out- .. .thank you. . to Its collection and among ite tsied. ia, West Virginia, ArlzMia, New S-A-L- OPEND4G son Jim Manning, Tim Cum- These classes are held for five er aide for each bustoad of stu- cWldren far outweiglw the ^s- seniors who have been Hello Is Aim th ere?.. She’s Sharon (^orek , most recent acqulslUons are tlW '■ The strikers include 23,000 Mexico, Utah, (Tolorado, Ala­ mings Ben Grzyb, and Ed Ko- hours a day for hve days a dents. A social worker Is alro advantages. In fact the cWl- “ legionnaires.” at work? Well, when will she following titles. Ih fiction. Ttoe employes of toe Bell subsidiary. bama, North and South Caro­ wal all ’68 J ^ Savlno ’68 re- week. They are held in the sent to each town towlved In dren who still J^niato the Cyrus'be h om e?... .Yes Its very Ira- ward, Stephen Hoffman, R ^ r t uouj^le Image, So Little Time, Western Electric Co., who In­ lina. Mississippi, Florida, c e ii^ a letter. morning, afternoon, and night Project Concern. ’I t o extra Inner-city tend to take P^id® i" gtgygn- better known as "Cy” . portant; I’m writing her legion Horton, Stanley IngersoU, Mark Summer In Between, Moon- wall telephone equipment in Tennessee,^Louisiana, Kentucky Bob Dixon ’69 so that a person might work and help also benefits Manchester the accomplishments of toe r aren’t All right, thank you Mrs. Ben- Jeske, Gary Jodoin, Candace j^akers and Mischief. On ttM most areas of toe nation, and and Georgia. ______still go to class. students. The teacher aides help relatives and friends particlpat- ^y, his special son. Johnson, Dawn Johnson, Diane n o n ^ tlo n list is The Truman 6bme 140,000 Bell System tele­ ^ , After completing eight all students with learning prob- Ing In toe project. mtereste lie In music, chess. Ann, I thought I’d never J. Johnson, Pamela Johnson, presidency. The Last BatUe, phone operators, clerks, repalr- Documenfary Design Furniture n - l l V h months of study the student lems In each class not just the The acromplishments of the people who are reach you. How long have you Edward Keiderling, WlUlam Th^ social Contract, The Drug ipen, linemen and other em­ V j C r l l l d l l V ^ X L I U graduates and Is given a dlplo- inner-city students. It Is notun- Project studei^ are . and humorous, and been working at Hlgrim Mills? Kennedy, Elfriede Klein, Carol Takers, The Arta of the Al­ ployes in 16 states and toe Dls- W eather ma which titles him as a com- usual for them to take several remarkable, ^ e majority of -omic strip ” B.C.” About ten montha. I really Knight and Guy Latooop. chemist and The Vulnerable Diet of Columbia. Visit our unique DOCUMENTARY DESIGN FURNITURE shoppe well as them have bridged toe learning me toimi, , ' New England, Alaska and Ha­ puter programmer. Jobs are Mlanchester pupils, as well as mem nave onogea me learning Music, y,blch rates as toe love It since I sew all my own Irma Lyn Lawrence, Linda Americans. Statement Travels to available all over the East Coast the one or two Project Concern gap toa^exlsto in inner-city important thing to Cyrus, clothes. inan are largely unaffected. LIKE^yKTM^CARS ______^ ______with starting pay at over 57,000 children in the class, apart for |chTOls. They have overoome ^ y, ^ Beirne walked a Washington WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — featuring Occasional Furniture, Boston Rockers, Novelty Items See Boston a year. extra help. Thus, some of the ghetto speech, that so often e^ musician can all the other things you’re iIn- picket line for about an hour Skies will be mostly sunny to­ After questions by teaehere teachers are relieved from time- ists m a barrier for future ^g ^^jh his violin volved In? 'Eiursday after announcing, day, but some fair weather DISCOUNT PRICES Beautiful weather and high and studente, aU returned to consuming tasks, such as flash opport^ty participating iii one of his mu- Oh I make time. It’s easy to Delegates Attend ‘.'The strike Is on.” clouds may form later this spirits enlumced the German their claases. cards, and can devote more I toerefore urge aU ^ activities or in a quiet find time for things you really Gilmer called toe strike "re­ morning and this afternoon; d u b trip to Boston which took Mark Wdnzler ’70 time to other classroom sub- Chester’s cltireM to iMk at toe y j ^ome. want to do. settable and unnecessary.” toe U.a. Weather Bureau re­ USED 'A 'A rA ' "A "The last nationwide telephone CARS place on Wednesday, April 10, a ______jeots. tacte before they vote on April ^ include toe wi'tohWhlch .inare? ports . ^ k e . In 1947, lasted 44 days. Temperatures today will reach week later than originally plan­ One great, and unfounded fear , Mth. J Itont’ J , be * 1 by ureaier naruuru ^outo xuuut Orches. Well, sewlng Of COUTSe, and Mock UN Assembly Just a few of the discount priced items you’ll find in our ned. As their classmates re­ Is expressed by Manchester res- founded fears and false s e ^ - ^ ^ Manchester High ifolk singing with the Leggitts. ■ The union has rejected com­ toe low 70s Inland with readings NO ‘WORLD’ ported to homerooms, members On Saturday April 6, members regime in Rhodesia, pany offers to Increase wages closer to 60 degrees at the shore. new DOCL’MENTARY DLSIGIS FVRISITL’RE :>huppe. A weak frontal system will of the club were searching all Due to spring vacation, there of the (Jurrent Affairs Club of "Hie debate on toe Middle East 7.6 per cent over 18 months. The ^ 1 System said toe union Is de- move across southern New Eng­ Conv. Bonneville. V-8, automatic, over toe parking lots trying to be no “ World” . Our next MHS traveled to Hartford’s Aet- ^ find toe. bus. Mrs. Mclnerney issue will appear on May 3. children will be eventually one ttianding 10.6 per cent. Tele- land this morning, but no sig­ power steering and Marcy Yuran ’69 tra. performing as a violinist E nj^uel L u t o e ^ Th^^^ or much ^llticlti^^ ^one Insiders now average nificant changes In toe weather 1967 PONTIAC brakes, stereo. ■ Jw and Miss Miller gathered toe next week. bussed Into Hartford. This is ______and gaining valuable experience course I have to put time In on me aeiegates. n \e resomuon BOSTON COLONIAL group together to wait for the ------—— ------by serving as concertmaster for my studies. This year I’m tnk- ^ t ^ e part In a Model United passed guaranteeing toe 58.27 per hour and Bell Systwn will occur with Its passage. bus In front of the office. ^ tWs organization Along toe Ing Honors Chemistry. Level I Nations General Assembly. The of nations to use International workers a/verage 52.70. Skies will be fair tonight, and ROCKER SEWING BUCKET temperatures will be cool again Conv. Le Mans. 3 speed transmission, The original purpose of toe same musical line, Cyrus was English. Math IV, Modem Prob- ^ en t w m sponsored by toe waterways, set up a search tor "Western Electric and other with lowest readings In toe 40s V-8, radio, heater. • Solid • Sturdy trip was to expose German stu­ a seml-flnallst in toe Aetna Mu- lems, Reading Dev. and Crofte Affairs Center of Hart- ^ solution to the refugee prob- Bell companies have already diade toe largest wage offers In all sections of Connecticut. 1966 PONTIAC 1 owner. Rock Maple Rock Maple denta to the works of different sic Scholarship Contest. Upon I- ♦!,» hniM.n,, ° ’^®*'®‘l *^® wUhdrawtti of works of five young German ever made,” Gilmer said. A large high pressure sys­ • Salem Finish graduation this year, Cy plans -And I see on your question- ^ **’1 * /^ * ^ ^ Israeli troops except from tem In southern Canadt^ will Salem Finish artists. Upon arrival at Har­ I college education, (as a music naire that you’re In Current Af- ^ t c h ^ h e n , Sharon Wood, Md Jerusalem, and recognized Is- ' While conceding the strike vard University In Cambridge, will have Mttle Immediate effect move eastward on Saturday. m X ! n a tZ lly ) to prepare for fairs Club, Premed, AFS, Na- rael as a state. The Arab na­ Southern New-England will re­ V-8, automatic, power the trip expanded to the Ger­ on most telephone service, 1964 OLDSMOBILE an eventual career in music. «onal Honor Society, and Folk ^ “ reor^* delegates were opposed to Beirne said that If company offi­ main south of toe high with steering and brakes. SAVE manic Museum on campus and He resides at toe home of his Club. You really are busy. Ann. r.' ‘*'® ‘**® Into the Fogg Art Museum, cials thought they could main­ mostly sunny skies and contin­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon You were recently in the Jun- ^ Th! '^°‘ ® °''®'™*®^ objections, tain the 580 blUion, highly com­ ued mild temperatures. when the Intended exhibit turn­ R Stevens, here In toe City of lor Miss Contest, a state final- A w „lu “ '®y walked out of toe Assem- 4-Door Hardtop. ' V-8, automatic, $2088 $1Q88 ed out to be a bit smaller than puterized nationwide system for Village Charm specifically at 1st- I think that’s fabulous. Pm registrar noted S h w n Gworek, i,iy long without toe strikers, "They power steering and $0001% expected. The group split up for 29 Harlan St. ’ sure you’ll never forget It. ^^5^®"?®’ A critique of toe day was 1965 BONNEVILLE brakes, factory air. # 0 some free time, and walks must be taking something some­ Area Residents A«Ar TiiifHnir hiH tnistv I Won’t, but I think my *® “ delegates from Poland. given by Mr. Seth Mendell of what stronger than LSD.” through poster shops and short T v ros greatest experience was going ^he m o ^ g ’s work com- o,e World Affairs Center. As he trips on toe subway were to '^^««yy®“tbgrouptotheVir- "lenced wlto toeope^of 0^^ out, many delegates The walkout provides a major Become 'Citizens 4-Door Hardtop. V-8, automatic, among toe self-initiated activi­ often sit down to a relaxl g islawia last spring. We did Assembly by Judith Welch, gnew their subjects well, and test of toe effectiveness ol power steering and $ O I % O R strikes against highly automat­ Bight Manchester area resi­ ties. but quite stlmulatog game of ^ president. The delegates retired ^ad voted both In committee 1966 DELTA 88 brakes, factory air. a 0 7 0 The afternoon was spent in chess. This great totorest in ^ different rooms for comnUt- assembly as those countries ed Industries. Most calls,‘ even dents became United States long distance, can ibe dialed di­ citizens this morning In natu­ Boston, where the first stop the game Is e x e m p ^ ^ by Ws tee meetings on three top os. ^ould vote In the actual UN. Also available decorated was a German restaurant com­ three year membership In the » J gradua- ^^®®® '^®*’® SP®clal PoUtical ^he spirit of too day was one, rect. ralization ceremonies at toe V-8, automatic, power $ O O O R as shown 531.88 plete with sauerkraut and MHS chess club, this year serv- ^ graaua Committees on ♦».«the missiaMiddle F»«tEast, ^^^k and concern------over Beirne said how long toe com­ U.S. District Court, Hartford. 1965 F-85 WAGON storing and brakes. A w 7 0 steins. As the meals were fin­ Ing as president. Committee II; Economics on world Affairs. Characteristically puterized system can hold up Judge Joseph Blumenfeld pre- without the repair and malnte- EARLY AMERICAN SPINNING WHEEL ished, the group again had free Although It has no Important World Food Program, and (irgt resolution, unanlmous- sld6d. Le Mans 4-Door Sedan. place in his future. Cy has a Commlttee IV: Trusteeship on j tj,g committee nauice work of toe strikers de­ They are Mrs. Susanna Gll- AND PLANTER time. Activities ranged from I.. me “ “ ‘^® control as EVERGREENS Leigh B. Block. Originals by say. Antique Decorated Paul Roger, '69 m room A-7 from 7 to 9 p.m. f. means to control over popula- "How much does It cost?” Yew— Spreading (Doric Green) 18”-22” Dio. . .3 .2 S MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM such masters as Monet, Degas, Student Becomes Teacher ------There Is no charge and tola f ®^ “ P Van Gogh, Picasso and many you say. Teacher recruit Janice Obuchowski, ’69, is obviously enjoying her work at ” 51.60 with SAA, and 2.50 Yew— Spreading 22”-26” ^ ...... others were available for In- '' The quadrangle may now be ^^3® S?eS.s aSd education and food Green School under the direction of Mrs. Anna McCann. Teacher Recruitment without,” I say. Yew—Spreading 18”-20” D fcu ...... t J O terested members to see. Oth­ used to save steps while getting MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES schools. «, J ».„» * , "The girls buy toe tick­ Yew— Upright 28”-32” H ig h ...... Also featured are other ers examined pottery, sculpture, Week got off with a bang this Monda y with all the MHS student teachers ar­ a breath of fresh air between After much debate toe1 assem- Documentary Design Values tapestries and art objects of riving at their assigned elementary o r junior high schciol classrooms. The classes during all periods ex­ Students with llbra^ passes pegged (our parts of a residu- ets?’’ you say. Yew— Upright 22’’-24” H ig h ...... selections of extraordinary "Yes,” I say. Your Quality Oldsmobile Dealer other ages and cultures. A sud­ change from the high school routine to that of the grade school was not tw cept D and G on Tuesday. are reminded to report directly presented by toe committee, Arhorvitae— Globe 28”-82” D ia ...... "What time Is It?” you denly quiet and awe-struck I ______to toe library and not to study .pjjg nialn parts of toe resolution I HARTFORD RD. MANCHESTER 643-2411 or 643-1511 ROCKER great for most of the student teachers who could still remember their prob­ say. These are fuU and nicely s h ^ ^ plants at wholesale prices. OCCASIONAL ■ WALL ■ COLONIAL group returned to toe bus for balls. stated toe role of toe UN Is to lems with milk money, addition facts, and recess bells. Most .student Wachers Students are reminded that “ 7;80 to 10:80,” I say. 8-10 years eld. ROCKERS PAD SETS the trip home and arrived In TABLES SHELVES I NOVELTIES appeared enthusiastic about their chosen week’s profession and were thankful they should not leave toe build­ Spring vacation begins Mon- advise the United Kingdom to "Say, Thanks!” Manchester at toe scheduled 44 BALDWIN ROAD, MANCHESTER— 844-8049 for all the help their assigned teacher s had given them, and found the respect ing due to Illness unless dis­ day, April 22nd, and runs use both economic and military Betsy Hunter, ’70 time. missed by the nurse. through Friday, April 26th. force to end toe white, racist Robin Neleber '69 given to them by their “ pupils” very gratifjdng. (Herald photo by Pinto) ETEWIlfO HERALD. MANGHESm. CUMK. I«K1VAI, Arniu i», luoo A AWAD AfVAMAER MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CUNN., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 FAOB TWENTY-TWO THE Annual War of Words Gets OH to Early Start 12th Inning Jinx Herald Angle Teams All Square By EARL YOST I Yaz Winged by Peters Pitch Hits Cards Again Sports Editor In Season Series night In Boston’s series' tying BOSTON (AP) — Carl PHILADELPHIA (AP) Boston, seeking to regain the title it lost last year after a 114-106 victory. He has a Yastrzemdii fell to the Finally Gets Major League Number — 'The intense rivalry be­ NEW YORK (AP) — it may have been a coirtly vlo- nine-year reign, has to accom­ strained lower back. ground in pain after being National League All during spring training the rookie who started for tween the Boston Celtics Bob Lee has found a chink S X ^ ‘‘tcKSS*wiuraie^wln- tory for the Braves. S h w r plish the unprecedented feat In Philadelphla’a Wally Joanes w ing^ by a Gary Peters Houston 6 2 .714 Boston in rightfield on opening day of the American and Philadelphia 76ers toe NBA of coming back from a retwisted a knee and sat out toe St. Louis 5 8 .626 in the St. Louis Cardinal fast ball, and the annual armor. The worW cham- ^ opened with a single, ^^e head by a P ^ h to toe League season, Joe LaHoud, wore No. 60. High num­ boils down to one game to­ 3-1 deficit. second half of the sixth game. Pittsburgh 4 2 .667 bers are usually given out to rookies. Once they make night with the Nation­ The winner of tonight’s game And toe 76ers have been without war of words between Bos­ plons snowshow a dsflntt. ______Z“ .o K ™ ohlw. Row Cincinnati 4 8 .671 before a sellout crowd of better their super-sub, Billy C!unning- ton and Chicago got an weakness around the 12th hit .before Rose delivered. ^ the club, the old jersey is turned in for a new one, and al Basketball Association’s San Fran. 4 S .671' a “varsity” number. As a result, the Danbury outfield­ than 16,000 goes on to open toe ham, sidelined with a broken early 1968 start. inning. John Edwards, traded to St. v ...... Eastern playoff champion­ “ liiat ball waa four or five Atlanta 4 4 .600 examina- er Is wearing No. 24. It’s in ter------—------league’s championship series wrist. Lee, Cincinnati’s veteran re- Louig by Cincinnati during the The . ship the prize. Pittsburgh took the lead feet Inside and was coming Los Angeles 8 4 .429 These teams have met 16 Sunday against the Western Di­ never, picked up his second ^mter, drove In two runs with a Uon on Har- T ot player development before ThUrsdky night In toe opening of right at my face,” Yastrxemskl A. New York 8 4 .429 ted but, -180 in his portion of job In Chicago, may times in toe 1867-68 season. In­ vision champ, Los Angeles. straight 12th inninig victory over double giving toe Cards toe lead Atlanta Manager Lwman the championship series In the said as he sat with an Ice pack Chicago 2 6 .286 cluding toe playoffs, and each • While the Wilt Chamberlaln- toe Cards Thursday night and they held unUl Rose’s home run rls. , • • oneseaaon with New Haven Col- ^Ight as Koosman has two American Basketball Associa­ strapped over a severe bruise PhUa. 2 6 .260 lege when signed by Bote Nek- shutouts In his first two starts has won eight. They are 3-3 In Blll Russell duel always plays a the score both Umes was 4-8. tied toe game. mwtr vital part In a Phlladelphla-Bos- tion. The Pipers beat New Or­ on his upper left arm. Thursdays’ Results In toe only other National * • • OIANTS-METS Ola, toe chief Boston scout In this season. . . PlatovUlePlalhvUle Speed­Spefsd- toelr current playoff series. The "1 was opened up to pull and I ton meeting, toe key to toe leans 120-112 to go one up In the San Francisco 6, New York 8 league games scheduled, Allan- b r AVES-CVBS- Mavs stroked two doubles Connecticut. way opens a week from Sun­ odd game In toe best-of-7 Is here saw the ball coming, but all 1 game may rest on the shoulders best-of-7 playoff. Cincinnati 4, St. Louis 8, ta„ rode------Felipe ------Alou’s second AUanta was down to lU last against toe Mets—toe 4> day. A warm-up session Is because the 76ers won toe regu­ could do was throw my arm In of an unheralded Celtics' substi­ Connie Hawkins led the Pi­ innings home run of toe game t<> a 6-8 tralUng Chicago 8-2 In toe one clearing slated Sunday from 2 to 4 at lar season title. front of It,” the 1967 Most Valu­ O ff the Cuff Actually, the home court ad­ tute, Wayne Embry. The 6-foot-8 pers with 39 points and good AUanta 6, Chicago 8 ninth Inning victory over Chlca- Valdesplno sin- able Player said. "That’s the ... , . ninth. But Sandy Valdesplno One of toe last high school quarter mile track Emljry has triggered two Bos­ floorwork. go, and WlUle Mays bases-load- Mike Lum Unlverslty of Hartford Tnvlta- vantage has been a myth In this closest I’ve ever been to getting Only games scheduled baseball teams to get off toe ton victories In this series with The game w as at the Civic ed double drove In three runs as p^je Mlkkel- ly on pitcher Don Cardwell’s tlonal Golf Tournament will be series thus far. Coach Alex Han- Today’s OamM markaitcKAn thisuiKo sesisono v tM v ii willW ill beU05 Man-jnn.aii* ------num of toe 76ers rates toe home a line defensive job on Cham­ Arena In Pittsburgh where the hit In the face.” San Francisco rallied for a 6-8 relieved for toe Cubs and two-run homer. Yas said four or five feet In­ Los Angeles (Osteen 0-2) at Chester High. The Indians open staged May 7 at Cllffslde in court as a seven point edge. berlain. second game also will be played victory over toe New York homer of The Giants had loaded toe side “ Is a little too far to get New York (Ryan 1-0) Tuesday afternoon In Bristol. Avon. He’s puzzled by toe fact that Physically, both teams have Saturday night. The third and bases with two outs against away from.” But asked If he Houston (GlusU 1-0) at Phlla- Meto. the game to win It for the Many area teams will have * * * each team has won twice on toe problems. Boston’s Tom San­ fourth are scheduled for New thought Peters, who had delphla (Short 1-1), nlgljt , • Braves. Cardwell on two singles and a played or been Involved In as Short Stuff other’s court. ders didnt’ play Wednesday Orleans next week. knocked him down earlier, was Atlanta (Brlttol 0-0) at (31n- REIIB-CABDS- It wasn’t ^ _____ a bad pitch,” said walk. Danny FrlseUa relieved many as six or eight games by Former Silk Towner Bill Lee worked out of a 12 thin- - tWO-8trlK6 throwing at him, he just Tuesday. . . NASCAR- sane- Stevenson, a staff sergeant In "‘^ “ f I - I ^ S ' i^ ciT ^ O ) nlnrjaT'^dptok\Supwl|^^^^ ^'* 0? “ ” “ teh to^ riV t‘S d for‘ ^ ' ’S ^ shrugged. tioned stock car racing starts the army stationed at the Otis National Hockey Playoffs Official! "I don’t know,” he said. ‘1 at Pittsburgh (Bunnlng 1-0), ^ Alou and Clete Boyer h ^ ^ n l ^ h l t ^ Sunday afternoon at Stafford Air Force Base in Falmouth, would never comment on that night Speedway. First heat Is listed Mass., recently rolled a perfect Chicago (Nye 0-0) at St. Louis May’s single. On Thursday, toe l , m ^ e S base hlto* In Ms ca- It’s now official as Princi­ anyway.” at 2:30. The first night show at s(X) lo-pln game. A 18-yeftr pal Ray Rogers of Manches­ (Torrez 0-0)," night loft hftiwior h&xl to wo __ kaa^vi qj reer, tying him with Ted 'Wl- Peters, a 3-0 loser as the_ wln- harder for toe victory, going run batted In was the 600th . ™ ■ ' - ” pi^ce on toe the popular saucer will be May grmy veteran, Stevenson threw ter High announecd the ap­ Saturday’s Games Flyers, Canadiens less White Sox dropped their toree Innings before another his major league career. iinf 3. . .The Knights of Columbus 12 straight strikes at the Otis pointment of Jim Morinrty us sixth straight game ’Thursday, Los Angeles at New York Rose double broke It up. Adolfo Phillips had a two-run allUme list. ______Golf League starts Sunday at Lanes, the feat to turn the varsity basketball roach, sur- said the pitch was "a fast ball WINGED BY PITCH— Carl Yastrzemski of Boston hits the dirt after getting Houston at PhUadelphla toe Mlnnechaug Golf Course fggt gt the house. A 184-aver- cceding Phil Hyde who retir­ Inside . . . In farther than I hit by pitched ball served up by Gary Peters of White Sox. Yaz rolled over in San Francisco at Pittsburgh In Glastonbury. . .New York ggg roller, Stevenson Is current- Hold Upper Hands ed at the end of Inst season. wanted It. pain, went to first base but later retired from play.______AUanta at ClnclnnaU, N football Giants have traded ]y visiting with his mother, It will be 30 days before a ‘"The ball wasn’t above his ______Willie Maya Hitting .400 Chicago at St. Louis, N lineman BYancls Peay to Green Mrs., K. L. Hayden at 404 NEW YORK (A P )— A single skate beat the Phila­ Jayvee coach can be named EXPRESSIONS OF A PLAYER—Gary Player, who attract^ the largeet Bay for linebacker Tommy Hackmatack St. He’ll leave "irw M * ^ a y re 'tw ^ ^ e t* h i^ pitches behind Yaz. Some Bos- die Stanky) would like us to get scoffed at that ‘^ea. He ^ delphia Flyers, while several pairs of flashing blades to fill the vacancy due to lery of the day, displayed several expressions yesterday during first round of American League Crutcher and tackle Steve shortly for a tour of duty In Moriarty’s apponitment. at i^Iost Four or five would be ton players thought CSilcago mad and put some runners on fond of pointing out th ^ Wright. . .Jeff Maxwell, for- Vietnam. . . Stan Hlllnskl has did in the Chicago Black Hawks. Azalea Crolf Tournament in Wilmington, N. C. (AP Photofajc) . him ” pitchers were throwing at them base for him,” WUllams said at ton’s 22-g[ame winner Jim Lon- MinnesotaMinnesota 6 1 .867 — Old Records Closer A puck bounced off a skate— ------Moriarty started coaching mer Bolton High catcher, will purchased a condomlnlan home ‘" . " “ f v t r ’fnum erous contro- L,d wanted to retaflate, but the U m e ...... ^^^roltDetroit 6 1 .867 — there Is a question of whose when Larry Keenan the Jayvees in 1962 along Last year’s numerous — batsman department as well. be with toe University of Hart- jn West Palm Beach, Fla. The vprslea between toe same clubs Manager Dick WUllams put toe Stanky, whose staff led the Boston 4 3 .671 2 skate—and Into toe net for what ggorgd for St. Louis at 10:45 of with Nick Costa, who left in Both managers were noncom­ ford frosh nine this spring. . . local businessman and golfet to which ® reins on. league by a substantial margin Oakland 4 3 .671 2 proved to be toe winning goal ggeond period, 1963. Morinrty then assumed 10 Golfers Bunched at Top mittal ’Thursday. For Giant Outfielder Ctoaeh Mike Landolphl’s Bolton vrintered on Florida’s East ‘wilbur threw a couple of “ He (White Sox Manager Ed- last season with 88 hit batters. Baltimore 3 3 .600 2% in St. Louis’ 3-1 victory over toe „ „ „ „ „ „ full responsibilities with the __ ster who had just been brought baseball team will have a Coast while sharpening up his Keenan said his shot hit the Jayvees turning out some Cleveland 3 4 .429 3 Flyers Thursday n ip t in tne n- Philadelphia NEW YORK (AP) "first” this spring when it pays golf game. He hold the club fine performers for Hyde on 3 4 .429 3 nal gaine of toe best-of-7 Nation- jg,g„gg„,gg La^ry Zeldel’.s stick New York Wlllie Mays Frisella had two strikes a night game against Vlnal championship at both Manches- the varsity squad. 4 .429 3 ELLINGTON RIDOE al Hockey League playoff s - bounced off goalie Bemle After Las Vegas First Round Washington 3 even .400 and the old rec- a ball on Mays before he Tech at Palmer Field in Mid- ter and Ellington Ridge. . . Tip “ Big Jim” posted a fine 2 5 .286 4 dletown May 21. . .Jim Pick- Department: Local baseball _____ - _ . ____ _X______Well back at 76 waawas 1Tl>on'Frank Moier u o s ^ Matitlc Wcttits No. 3 sp o t California ords are beginning to get j^gt bim. The svrift.... Canadiensnt >11 - simply„irr.r.tv Parent’s skate g^,^ Into the net. record while mentor of the LAS VEGAS (AP) The veterans were Gardner .000 6% ...... u iE\)llowing are the starting Chicago 0 6 closer. "I wanted to show him the ^ pairings for Saturday’s ering, last year’s international fgns wanting to see the Boston jimior Indians, winning 84 Dickinson, 40, and Dan Sikes, Beard, who won the T of C a skated off and >®»the post and then caromed off Paced by two old pros and year ago. The personable pro Thursday’s Results Mays chimed to with two dou- fast baUball and I didn’tdidn t want to get Men’s BViur ha BallW o Golf m IVnirna-’Tourna' archery champion, will appear Red Sox play at Fenway may trounch^ the Black Hawfe 9-2 games In 108 starts. This 37, and the friendly upstart was National League Detroit 6, Cleveland 0 bles Thursday afternoon, his u over,” said FrlseUa. ”It didn’t Ridge In an exhibition shoot Thursday check with Bill Vlttner at Vltt- past season the Jayvees post­ a member of the younger Kermit Zarley, 26, each of from Louisville, Ky., hit Into the —XMdenBatUng (18 at bats) —Flood, Time Homer List as the best-of‘7 East Division fl- Boston 3, Chicago 0 second coming with toe bases oyer but he reached out and (jQjmtny Club: night, April 26 at Hall’s Arch- ner’s Gardens for possible tlck- nal series opened in Montreal. The well-rested Canadiens, ed a 10-9 record, not one of set in golf, no fewer than whom shot three-under-par 68s water hazard for a bogey 6 on ■*St. L., 47-4; L. bfey. Cln., .467. Washington 7, Minnesota 0 loaded to fu- toe seventh to give thetoe right field.” 8:lB-4lunter, Johmton. Rubta. ery Lanes in Manchester. A ets. He hais four box seats lor In toe other game, the visiting who won their series with Bos- the better years. 10 players were within in the first round of action the first hole. Runs—Flood, St.L., 10; Rose, AMAWITTM (API __ S ix - two-run, flfto-Innlng homer off TIGEBS-INDIAN8- New York 6, California 1 San Francisco Giants a 6-3 vlc- Mays agreed. "It wasn’t over M^er. representative of the Bear gli home games, which he said Minnesota North Stars gained ton 4-0, zipped to a 7-0 lead be- Moriarty had two unde­ three strokes of each other Thursday. Beard wound up with toree Cln., 7. 4- » In and right-hander McGlothlto, 0-2, to A1 Kallne, playing his 2,000th Fbuiegacv WlioUy, Archery Co., Pickering will he may not use until early double bogeys. The last one teen homers to go m g yanks a sweep of toe major-league game, hit a home Oakland 4, Baltimore 3, 13 In- tory over the New York Mets. the plate,” he said. “ I just the right to meet St. Louis In toe fore the weary Hawks scored a feated seasons In 1961-62 today as play went into the The weatherman promised Runs batted In — B.WUllams, came on the final hole when his series here and toelr run for the Tigers and so did ’The two extra . base hits reached out and hit It.” g;3P—Baskin, Skinner, Sheldon. conduct an archery seminar June, West Division final series by pair In the final period. CTilcago (16-0) and in 1965 66 (18-0) second round of the $150,- warmer skies and abated winds “ 'Chlc., 9; Perez, Cln., 9; Cepeda, Mickey Mantle will have Menacheli. „ „ tee shot literally disappeared attained a goal he has set Jbird victory in as many meet- Dick McAuliffe and Willie Hor- Today’s Games moved him Into a tie vdto Ted By toe time the ball had been 8:40—Zalman._____ CJonyers, H. Oohn, with exhibition sh(X)tlng on his ♦ * ♦ beating Los Angeles 9-4 and tak- played just last Tuesday night for five years at the helm. 000 Tournament of Cham­ following the first round chill " St.L., 9; 8 tied with 7. , .1 9 m nt Ros- Williams for seventh place on own techniques. The public is ing toe semifinal set four games and beat New York for a hard- whicl^ prevailed over the 6,708- from sight. Hits — Flood, St L . , 18; L . for himself. He wants to Jn gg ^ith California this year. ton. Joe Sparma held toe In- retrieved, all toree runners ^ ^^hReym>id« KxLiy Lsawme. End of the Line pions. No one has yet determined Cle^land (Slel^rt 2-°) u,e all-time list with 1,117. Stan scored and Mays was on third KSier^^ Kumuy. invited. Encouraging to Bemle Gio- to three. earned 4-2 series triumph over yard par 36-36—71 Stardust Mav Cln. 14’ Cepeda, St. L., finish third behind Babe it was the third loss to a row dlans to seven hits. Kaltoo’s ton (^^ftslcwskl 1"0), mOilimp » i z < ott base. He waa credited with a 8:8fr-n* Brody, par going into No. 16. He then Detroit (Lollch 0-0) at Chlca special exhibition Sunday morn­ more (xmtestante this season per and newly crowned Masters took a four-over-par nine when Trlples-10 tied with L ^ through was a flfth-innlng homer by ^ j,g .g j,j,^ T O B S * his record. He has passed Mel Ron Swoboda of the Mets ran J. Cohn, Brtman, SHAVING STROKES ing at the Manchester Sports­ than a year ago, 124 to 114, champion Bob Goalby. “ Home r u n s -P ^ * , 3, without getting ReP®"' ^Is second of toe go (John 0-0), night Ott to toe total base standings he hit into the water, half tagged out in Only games scheduled . into Jack Hiatt, toe Giants’ genrer, man's Assn, pond In North Cov­ with Increased Interest shown ■'■i.'.'ji'ri’.’ ' ■ by Frank Beard Hart, S.F., 3; 9 ^ with 2. hurt,” the 38-year-old first base- season. run-down with two out and toe and now ranks No. 8 with 6,049. Bracketed with them in quest topped the ball Into a hole in the Saturday’s Games catcher, as he made a putout at smith. ^ ^ .r..,.-.— ni,,,. entry. The public' Is Invited to by toe fairer set. Total of 36 - f Thursday night after In other American ^ a g u e „htih and And, of course, his 666 home toe plate. Swoboda came In Yosha, Olark, O Brian, Bera- of the $30,000 top money In this rough, then more rough. He New York at Minnesota attend and pick up a few Ups women took part a year ago 16th annual spring event were flubbed two shots In succession, - he hit a bvo-run homer to propel games, Oakland beat Baltimore gtx-game unbeaten runs have been topped only by standing up while Hiatt expect- ** io;00—Molleekin, O u sa k . Ket- Detroit at Chicago __ Hornlnc. from the expert, a member of and 61 this season. The field 48-year-old Julius Boros, Don finally reached the green and ^ vJn ^he New York Yankees to a 6-1 4-3 to 13 Innings, Boston beat streak pndedended. ’The Senators Babe Ruth's 714. ed him to slide. <*sm’ " Kearney, Prepare for the Season 1-0, 1.000; McBean, P ^ 2 ^ California A n -,p h lcago 3-0, Detroit t o ^ d the fifth to­ Cleveland at Boston “ I don’t pay attention to those 1O.08-B.____ . Ma :arkowskl, the Charles Orvis Co. . . Among fell off from 78 In ’67 to 73 this January and another 26-year-old two-putted. The last thing I remember Nix, Rosentteld...... the contestants In today’s Bos­ 1.000; Brlles, St.L., 1-0, 1.000; R. ^ Cleveland 6-0 and Washington Washington at Oakland, N things,” said Mays. "I let Artie iiic lO-OB—(McCuskcr, Baker, Howanl, year. There were two tourneys Written for NBA contestant, Randy Glover. "Let’s see—yep, that’s nine,” ning. Ted Uhlaender and Bob hearing the umpire say , ton Marathon will be Alrcrafter liee, Cln., 2-1, .667. ' __ , ,, edged Minnesota 7-6. Baltimore at California, N (statistician Art Santo Domin­ L,.L. Apter.Apter, . Latimer. for men, scratch and handicap, I have a suspicion you’ve Even with par 71 were George Tom concluded as he related the Strikeouts—Jenkins, Chic, 14; The 4M-foot blast off Jim , , . Allison homered for toe ’Twins. ■out’. Then I went out. I guess 10:40—Wilson, Vince Fandettl of Manchester. go) tell me about them. Maybe Maerl. and one handicap event for already begun toe rites of Archer and Dudley Wysong. scene. I must have held toe ball,” Hi­ 10:48—Meupant, Gouid. TardUf, It will be the fourth try for the - C.Short, PhU., 14; 6 tied with McGlothlln was *5“ “ ® ® A’S-OBIOLES- I'll get lucky and get moi;e and women. This system may be spring. You’ve dug through toe the season and toe 619th of his att said. Silk Towner who hopes to cover pass Williams.” 10:66—Heath, KravlU, Ca»rWo- adopted by toe duckplnners In storage closet and hauled career, nutting him only two be- John Donaldson drove in toe the 26-mlle, 386-yard distance Four School Records Set Mays, off to a running start Hlatt was out cold for a few fanl, Karikier. next year’s town title competi­ out the set of golf clubs. There’s Rockville Nine After Win No. 4 ------7 hind Ted Williams who is winning run for the Athletics In two hours and 60 minutes. American League hh»o Ted Williams w s ^ sacrifice fly to toe 13th with 10 hits to 25 at bats. Is de- minutes and Gaylord Perry, toe tion at toe Holiday Lanes In an already a glint of sunshine in f mound starter for the Rams, af­ Giants’ pitcher, jawed at Swobo- ui: —Harrlgai^. Nektenla, Duffy, Fandettl said he expects to Out after a fourth straight Batting (16 at bats) — Alll- tourto “ ’® for Oakland’s first victory in Its .termlned to make up for that 08 effort tc create new Interest. yoiir eyes. The first bulbs are » 1 As East Trackmen Triumph lose between eight and 12 win and a perfect record, Rock­ ter two days rest from his one- -. son, Minn., .619; Petrocelll, my Foxx is third with 634. stadium. The key play in .283 of last season, his poorest to da for toe way he came to. ^ “ofr^ssko. W. Peck, FUk>. Monday night In Berlin the popping through the ground if hitter against Windsor High. pounds .. . . Three years ago ville High’s dlamondmen trav­ , . ■ ...... r ; the mning came when Brooks toe majors. “ The throw waa up toe line a ramo. Pasternak, Connecticut Boxing Guild will you’re in a northern climate. Bolstering the Rams’ hitting victory was sweet yesterday Popeleski (S), 61.4 TM e, Sirota. In Florida, Eddie Stankey, Chi­ eled to Middletown High this '■ Runs — R. Jackson, Oak., 9; Hams?'* someone asked. Will j^j^jnson tried to force a run- T had a bad year,” said WU- bit,” he said. ” I had to go up a ^ honor Johnny Mack. Speakers It’s time to start thinking seri­ attack have been Tom Martello, for the East Catholic High cln- 880 —Glanz (S), Cobum (EC), - * Oaiiaon, B«au- cago White Sox manager, loW afternoon. Coach Pat Mistretta , Sims, Cleve., 8; Tovar, Minn., that be a big thing for you?” second on a bunt and Ron Usher and Bill Tedford. me Jerry Koosman of the will Include Tony Zale, former ously of golf again. has carried his Rams to a 3-0 8 "Not especially,” he replied, failed. Had he gone to first, Possible hurler for the Bull­ Mets "could be a big winner In world's middleweight king, who If you’re planning to use the record for the young season. Runs batted to — Hansen, .-i want to get to third place.” Donaldson’s fly wotild have dogs was Wayne Gagnon. the National League. He’s got was involved in several memor­ same set of clubs again, the Elsewhere on the school'boy ' Warii., 9; Klllebrew, Minn 8; it disturbed some of Mantle’s been toe third out of toe toning. able brawls with Rocky Grazl- first thing I would check is their scene, Bolton High's Bulldog;s W. Horton Det., 8. followers that he batted only for Coach Dave KeUey’s cl 'i^crp\l^T rT sT io th!rd“^ckire^ ^Wkr toT 'i,a^ s-: t o t o d " '^ "com & g of a a great arm.” Stanky, who worked with the Mets In charge ano. over-all condition to make sure entertained COCS , foe Portland Hits—AUlson, Minn., 14; Un- 229 the last half of the 1967 sea- Paced by ®J" ^ jjj —Welch (EC), Mills loaded situation Wednesday sore right shoulder and a slight ®^(H-i^^>ins, Brown, Meritor, they’re playable again for High at 3:16 today. Bolton is Tryout Schedule sep. Wash., 13. son. He finished the year with a Explorers W in RtcrD™r“ « (Era.K^ly (SI 17,. .>»ry K<«.n.«, h..d,ch.. Alter « »Sr5 another year. You might need 2-1 tnusthus lar.far. wovemryCoventry niB“High ®*'® Doubles—'W. Horton, Deit., 4; career low average of .246. Was i n S e M O ^ d 440^ the Eagles 180 Lows -W elch (EC), Es- came up in toe same spot again couldn’t raise hto rig;ht arm but Lg„gberg. a new set, or half a sef, some also played at home this after- who are trying out for Natlmal Allison, Minn., 4; 4 tied with 3. Manager Ralph Houk worried Coming from behind and un- in the 220 ® rai 217 Thursday. hoped it would be only a bruise. ------new wedges or some new noon hosting East Hampton League are ■’equested to report flew to 10 out of 16 first places This time the pitcher was The team left for PitUburgh COUNTRY CLUB Record Field Likely Trlples — Knoop, Calif., 2; about his super star? loading 42 points in the final w(x>ds. High. The Patriots are winless to Buckley Field Saturday at DavaliUo, Cleve., 2; Unser, -N o,” Houk said Thursday, period, the East Hartford Ex- y penny F r,..u .. . . .m .r yeuAg. . Rer the (PViUowing are the starting, If toe wood Is just starting in two starts. 10- ^ ®a®® '’atn. it will be ‘ Wash., 2. "because Mickey wasn’t getting piorers defeated Toby Kimball- ”T8TO ball rolling by smashing toe Shot Put —Daniels (S), Leone pairings with handica|H fbr Sat­ to crack, maybe shellac would Sam Wilde was the expected held Sunday at 1.______Home runs — Yastrzemski, g^y pitches to hit. We didn’t Wes Blalosuknia-led UConn AH- For Boston Marathon old mile record held by John (EC), Perry (EC) 41-7 urday’s Pour Ball Golf Tourna­ help It. Put a coat of shellac BoSt., 4; 3 tied with 3. have a strong hitter to follow Stars last night, 133-116, to Javelin —Perry (EC), Daniels ment at the Manchester Coun­ BOSTON (A P)—^The greatest human traffic jam in on and buff it up. On the irons, the thumbs on the right and left Pitching (2 decisions) — EUs- him In the lineup and everyone South Windsor^ , The winners LaBeUe of 4 :41.6 . Vendetta post- Prefers Warmer Weather (S), Waxman (S), 165-10% - the history of little Hopkinton, a town due west of Bos- see If the chrome is starting hand hit the leather about the worth. Best., 2-0, 1.000; Slebert, pitched around him.” down 71-56 at the half and ed a 4:32.7 for toe new record. try Club. Pull handlcape will be Discus —Leone (EC), Perry ton, was in store today for the start of the 72na an- to chip or the grooves are gone. same place and have a tenden­ Cneve., 2-0, 1.000; Warden, Det., Mantle batted .340 in exhlbi- 95-91 at the close of the third Then Dyer lowered the 440 (EC), Simpson (S), 107-11% But Pitches Best When Cold 7:27 — McGurttin (6). nual Boston A. A. Patriot’s Day Marathon. _ You must check the grooves to cy to wear. So leather may have SAFE BUY CARS 2-0, 1.000 ; Merritt, Minn. 2-0 tjcins this spring and has a .305 canto. Hank Brown sank 30 record of 61.7 to 51.4 as fresh- (U). C. Sprasue U4), iMlaiULoa (33). High Jump —Welch (EC). A record field of some 900 — " see If they’re basically up to to be checked and replaced. 1.000; D.Chance, Minn.. 2-1, average after the first seven points for the Explorers while man Bill Perry hurled the jave- . - TJorHPCPnn 6-7 7:34—Eaa» (3), CUrtiB (9), Hunter BOSTON (AP)—Some like It when doubles by Mike Andrews (13). Culver (19). starters was expected to toe the He was the only former winner par with USGA standards. With­ Rubber has a tendency to from Moriarty Brothers .667. league games this year. Kimball was high for the losers im 165 feet 10% Inches breaHing ’ “ ^ '‘‘S g r e n (S), hot, including Jose Santiago, but and Joe Foy plus a sacrifice fly 7 :41—Oberiaader (6), Faliey (9). out getting too technical, a wear a lot longer than Strikeouts —McDowell, Cleve., Rgy white each hit a with 20 tallies. the old record of 164 feet eight f “ nip '-Forsgren Nelson (14), Stuek (17). line for the 26-mlle, 386-yard back. Roay (S), Blackwell (EC) 18 toe Boston Red Sox right-hander by George Scott added up to a 7:46—McKee (3), Johnston (19). run, set to get under way at New Zealand’s Dave Mc­ groove can’t be wider than 1-33- leather. I personally use rub­ 17; PaBcual, Wash.; 16. Inches. seems to- pitch better when It’s pair of insurance runs Hunt (14), Harvey (W). ber and would advocate It for Welch ended toe string by 0-4 7:66-Cronin (3):), Homans ' (9), high noon on n narrow, wooden Kenzie, who set a BAA record In inch and the distance between 1965 FORD *1795 grooves can’t be greater than other people. running the low hurdles to 21.7 ^ road. defeating Laris in 2 hours, 16 gray, red ■vinyl in------^ ^ "It’s a funny thing,” Santiago ^ breezing until toe three times toe width of a Country Sedan Wagon. 6-pass., pearl rlTZGERALDI FORD INC. bettering his previous time Welch (S), Poi^leskl ( )^^ "I got bumped around for minutes, 45 seconds a year ago, terior, R&H, auto., power steering. Pole Vault —Clark (S), Vidlch ggj^ Thursday after blanking toe Then after getting the first two 8:00—Pera«aUo (7), Gteuere (19), three miles after the start,” one had to pass up a return visit be­ groove. by seven-tenths of a second. • - batters he issued his first two fM (S), Coope (EC), 10 feet. Chicago White Sox 3-0. “ I like 8:16—K. Goidon (7). Oboklin (10), young runner complained last cause of stomach muscle prob­ . If you’re going to stay with Results: to pitch in toe warm weather, walks of toe game — to Luis ctorbett (06), Beniraton (17). them, check the grips of the Sports Viewing •2295 100 —Chartchlaa (S), Swetzes year when there were a record lems. 1965 T-BIRD College Baseball but I always seem to do my Apariclo atod ^ 601 starters from 735 entries. A Art Coolldge of Scotia, N.Y., clubs. If you’re a pretty good SATURDAY Convertible. R&H, automatic, power steering & brakes, LET’S FACE IT (EC), Forsgren (S) 10.9 golfer, the grip will remain best on chilly days like this.” brought Pete Ward to toeplate 8:30-^olfe (6), Oflnra (111), Tone 220 -D y e r (EC), Chartchlas Hartford 9, RPI 4 few could expect to get bumped student at Kent State, was toe power windows,VT i***,*^ completely----- ^ reconditioned. Santiago held Chicago hltiess -a n d Boston Manager Dick Wil- basically the same. This means 2:00 (30) Sandy Koufax (S), Popeleski (S) 23.6 Connecticut 5, New Hamp­ around In similar fashion today choice of many In the absence for five Innings before pinch Hams to the mound. f , Oarvey (16), Blgner Sr. (17). Show 440 -D y e r (EC), Glanz (S), shire 1 Despite establishment of a $2 of Laris. Coolldge, representing 1963 LINCOLN ^1545 hitter Wayno Causey broke toe “ I asked him how he felt and ^44r^l6ti™ ic^^ («). Shaw (10). entry fee for the first time this the BAA, recently won the Na­ 2:15 (8-30) Cleveland vs. 4-Door Sedan. Augusta green. R&H. full Continental equip­ A sale is a TRUE sale only IF spell with a leadoff single In toe he said ‘good,’ ” Williams said. 8 :81r-De; - - - - year, BAA Director Will Cloney, tional AAU 30-kllometer cham­ Army Call Likely Red Sox 11 (17). 4:00 ( 3) Golf Classic ment, TER value. Come, SEE these BETTER VALUES. sixth. Russ Snyder’s single open- ^ h)ld him ‘Well, you just Gard8:66—K. a ( Gondm (4), H. Gardetla had entries from 1,014 male run­ pionship. ■ ■ Sunday at 2:30! Ing toe seventh was toe only walked^ ^ toe tying run to toe (9), Reinhart (16), ^aiiorio (17). ners on his desk. Other top American entries For Wes Unseld 4:46 ( 8) ’68 Golf Galaxy THE fSsTEST stock CKI IKCMG IN THE EAST! 9:06—Kleman (6), Calomarl (19), other White Sox safety. plate.’ The late withdrawal of Tom include Lou Castagpiola, the 1967 BAL’nMORE (AP) — The 5:00 ( 8) Saturday at the Seo Such Stars As ••• Whelan (13), LochapeUe (19), Races 1965 PONTIAC , unoMi euMnw.iNt nmn-n ruMu.Tu ntci Williams said Santiago told 9:19—Tarca (7). Mtorlarty (10), Laris threw the race wide open. fourth-place finisher from Rock­ Baltimore Bullets won the finan­ yellow, R&H, automatic, power i Ml K[eU4 CUMl -IW WnWeMMU T. JWH Boston’s hitters didn’t do too Dyment (13), Boris (90). (Herald Photo by Pinto) 5:30 ( 8) Wide World of 2-Door Hardtop. Canary Laris, a 27-yeor-old accounting ville, Md., Gene Comroe of toe cial battle for Westley Unseld 1966 Ford Conv. 1967 Ford Country Sqliire ™«eh with G ar, P e l... ellh.,, “ J “ “ 9:19—L Kennedy (4),^ BacUel (9). Howard Musser Sports steering and brakes. but ao kolubalk herby the.toe aceQoo inff.hiiTwicrleft-hander manager saia ne repnea. Teets (16), D'Amato i(30). supervisor in Walnut Creek, Southern California Strlders but the U.S. Army might get 7-Itter, V-8, 4-speed transmission, “ You’d better, because he’s toe 9:36—^Foster (8), Cerlna (13), first crack at the tw6-time All- 6:00 (30) It’s Racing Time v -8 , automatic, power steering, power sent toe first run home In toe Calif., reported he had been who took 11th last year, and Na­ brakes, factory air conditioning. Ik, Vu A ^ last one you’re going to face.” Carpenter (14), Biuberg (33). American’s services. SUNDAY •1595 power steering. 1 third inning and that turned out 9:33—G. Smith (8), Drinlswal.ter weakened by a touch of flu. tional marathon champion Ron 1966 C O M E T (9),. Ctianda ------(16)j . Dulaney (18). Veteran Pro Howard Musser Unseld, 6-foot-7% center from 1:00 ( 3) NHL: Chicago vs. Capri 4-Door. 8-cyl.. automatic, power steering, midnight Ikm to be enough. Laris had been favored to Daws of Minneapolis. Daws fin­ Santiago, who zipped Howiaod the University of Louisville, Montreal S^tlago started things by a called coiraorton (>li3)/jac<^en (30). give the United States its first ished 18th a year ago. blue with matching interior. S O T CARSr 9:47—Zemke (8). MMfltt'(ill). sigpied an undisclosed long-term 1:30 (SO) The Professionals waiting out a walk, and he ____ BAA...... victory...... ^ ... In __ 12 years___ and Nine foreign countries were Joins Staff at Country Club toe game. MaNamara (14), Pesslnt (93). contract with the National Bas­ “ Baseball’’ raced to third on Mike Andrews’ 9:64—Kelleher (2). TUriey (19), second since World War II. Only represented. However, most of 1965 Mercury Conv. •uuma MiLTS *1M McCarthy (14), BtUnnIng (K). ketball Association club Thurs­ 2:00 (30) Roller Derby C 1967 C O M E T S **pmcE° 1963 Thunderbird Conv. CHILHEH SO* single. Joe Foy was called out John Kelley, 37, of Groton, the outstanding foreign mara- ■Veteran golf professional, DetnonstrfitorH, 10 to choose frotm, hM automlaitic, moot with 10:01-velhoch (S), Aokeiman day and said he still hadn’t 4:00 ( 3) Golf Classic Full power, V-8, automatic. I on strikes, but with Carl Yas­ (10). SmUey 113), Drtln (17). Conn., has been able to Inter- thoners, such as the Japanese, Howard Musser has joined the Third Man radio's. V-«, automate, power bnaloes ^ Third Setback lOjO^MlBtava . (5). Kotuch (U). heard word regarding the Army ( 8) Tournament of trzemski at toe plate Peters rupt toe string of forelgpi vlcto- passed up the BAA to concen- ataiff at the Manchester Country steering. Red with black top. 21,000 STAFFORD SPEEDWAY Nash (13}, Morriabd History will be made at physical he tcx)k recently. Champs was charged with a balk and 10:16—WUkoa (6). St. John (10), rles. Kelley won In 1957, and has trate on getting ready for the Club as an assistant to Pro original milee. THE FASTEST ‘r MIIE TRACK IN THE EAST y For Ellington Conde (IS),______DuBoU(17). the Manchester Country Club The maximum height for the (18) Canadian Hockey 1967 FORD ^2595 ------1 Santiago was waved home. to:a»-Oarteon (6). Otork (8). finished second five times since. Olympic Games. Alex Hackney. Sunday, April 28 when Ed Musser has been a Class A Army is 6-foot-8. Galaxle 500 4-Dr. Hardtop. Factory purchase, mldnlgjit I OM IT. 140»STAffORD SPRINGS. CONN.» fHK PAIIKIN81 "I think I did balk,” Peters L^vUnw (10), Mattem <16). Plank joins the staff as an It could turn out to be a very 10:29 — Kenneysy (8),"" ~Thompoon pro for more than 10 years and blue R&H, PS., auto., remaining factory warranty. said afterwards. ” I have a had (12), Manoheoter (18). " Perry (JbT assistant pro. The 21-year-old 1966 Volkswagen , . long season for Coach Bob Joy s ------ds a former three-time vice pres­ 1965 Dodge Polara habit of scraping dirt around In Ellington High Knights Swaie— ------(13------) (6), iMlelJey (19), Gettysburg, Pa., golfer vale (13). Ayers (iO). ident of the Florida Southeast­ 4-Door. V-8, automatic, power steer­ 2-Door Deluxe. Standard shift, radio, front of the rubber. I put my gg ^gnt down in defeat for 10:43—(MoFariand (i), Jarvis Jarvli (9), Fate of Mexico City Games comes highly recommended 1966 CHEVROLET^1B45 ern Section of the PGA. Prior ing, power brakes, radio, heater, heater, low mileage. I foot on the rubber I was too ^ third straight loss yesterday, F ly ow—a.,^ (16), Benoit W j. fresh from the PGA school In automatic, power steering, 10:(»-KrUtot (4), (RlMott (9), to coming to Manchester, Mus- Bock By Populor Demand! Impala 4-Door Sedan. 8-cyl., whitewalls. careless-and the umpire called ^^,g ^g„jg gloom- (16) SteiMiens (23). Florida. blue with matching Interior. . 10:87—Oladdox (6), To Be Decided by Nine Men ser was a teaching pro at the LITTLE LEAGUE It.' HarriMti (111), Plank wUl join Pro Alex field High, 7-4. WiUey (13). Kaiu (ife). LAUSANNE, Switzerland ened to boycott toe games if St. Regis Golf Club for eight Santiago protected toe one-run Reliever Femendo Flores got Hackney and Assistant Pro 2nd Annual Reciting 1967 Ford LTD ~l (AP) — Nine powerful men as­ South Africa takes part. There yeans. He also held the job as This Is Only A Partial Listing— margin until the eighth inning. toe win, coming In during the '<6) '^%dtoer (9) Howard Musser, giving the 1967 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Hardtop. 'V-8, Cruls-0-Matlc, | TRYOUTS semble this weekend to decide is a strong possibility that they greens superintendent. Prior to We Have Many, Many More Buys! third inning. Mike Duane belted (9); that he was at the Panama Country Club the first three- El Catnlno Pickup. V-8, automatic, • power steering, poww brakes, radio, 1 the fate of toe Mexico City will be joined by toe Soviet Un­ ARNOLD PALMER heater, whitewalls. Only 10,000 miles. | a two-run homer for toe winners Mbriine (16). OUvw. — ion and toe rest of the E^st Eu­


H*lp Wonlvd— Hdp Wanted— Help BUGGfi BDHSr OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE AiitomobII«s For Solo 4 Businoss Sonricos Movlno— ^Tnickliifh*" Offoiod 13 20 3B 31 /^HE STARTED PORKY,DEAR, 10 LIKE NEED CART Credit very bad? BUGS I DO VOU THINK U h o se BIR D S r a l l y a r o u n d a WORKIN' HERE E INFORMATION! Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, MANCHESTER Delivery—light ------. ... ^ CASHIER wanted with axpvrt- MANY AVON customen would PORKY Y/ILL LIKE BARREL REAL 6 0 0 D -* - SO WATTREBSES — both days and ^ 648-8122, T 'D A Y l CLASSIFIED est Douglas accepts lowest fireplaces, llagrstone terraces. trucking and package delivery. ratlwr fight than fwitdh. But THIS HAT? YOU’YE o o t t h e r ig h t im a g e / 'H O W 5 0 S,AS AN AREA BU4 I nlBhte. Mutt b« ovar 18 jraon why fight for your AVON.W BUT FOR ME IT’S INFLATION/ 1 down, smallest payments, any­ All concrete repairs. Reason­ Refrigerators, washers and 289-0266 anytime from 8 a.m. CONVENIENT, NE'aSMAN - - C » a ^ P - where. Not small loan finance of age. Full or p4urt-Ume. No to 5 p.m. when you can sell It? Not only ^ 'WHY DON'T DROP A DIME IN THE CASH ably priced. 643-0851. stove moving specialty. Fold­ CMavl^-A-^WHAT; ARE An«wir to Pfvlou* PwnK company plan. Douglas experience neoeecary. Apply in do you get your cosmetica at. « YAx^5AT REGISTER AND IT'S ONLY ing chairs for rent. 649-0762. HIM THE Ke y Is s u e s of '6 0 ? Famous Duos ADVERTISING Motors, 845 Main. ANYTHINQ taken to the dump, person only. Howard Johnaon, WOMEN —experienced paste­ wholesale prices; but you caff' * HOW CAN I RALLY MY/ WORTH NINE CENTS W H ^ appliances, bulky furniture, at- 894 ToUand Tumpiko. up, stripping, photo mechari- •am good money showing our « IT LANDS / CLASSIFIED ADVEimSINO DEPT. HOURS Painting— Paparing 21 BROTHER OWLS ^ ACROSS SBartarf 1666 CHRYSLER New Yorker, tics, cellars cleaned, light icals. Small offset printing products to friends and nelgb- ^ 6 Concerning 8 AJU. to 4tS0 P JL excellent condition, private trucking. Cheap, 289-5660. INTERIOR and exterior paint­ plant, part-time. Hours flex­ bora in a territory near home. ^ 1------and Im U* (2 word!) owner, low mileage, must sell. ible. Write qualifications to Box • Leander and 7Bom ing and papering. Call Phil HOW TO Call 289-4922. i 8 Looked for Make offer. Must be seen and WILLIAMS Tree Service, spec­ Denoncourt, 742-6173. P. Manchester Herald. ______U T i n backward 9 0uldo'f high COPY CLOSING TIM E FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. driven. 60 Scott Dr., 649-0842. ializing in tree and shrub care SAVE TIME! WOMAN for waitress work. BJx- | URcUih note 4tM PJL DAT nDPOU POBUOATION 648-8104. L. PELLETIER — Painting — GIRL WANTED TO assist buy­ perienced not essential, will • IS Repeat 10 Baltic capital Daaimne tor Batorday aad Mnaday la 4 il* ^jb. Drtday. FREE I960 Bulck — for parts. SAVE MONEY! er In various purchasing duties, if-!9 MUbrarr 11 Baking chamber Interior and exterior, papering train. 11 :S0 a.m. to 2 p.m * employee 14 Superlative Transmission, radiator. 528- ATTICS, CELLARS, yards and paper removal, fully in­ expediting, typing, filing, etc. dally. Apply In person, Jane .> 17 International 7393 after 6 p.m., 18 Main cleaned. Trash hauled to dump, SAVE TRAVEL! ending PLEASE READ TOUR AD sured. 643-9043, and 646-6326. .Modem East Hartford firm. Alden Restaurant, Trl-Clty lanfuaga 18 Saint from StreeL Manchester. reasonable. Allow for salvag­ ISTeUurium Avila Salary and fringe benefits. Call Plaza, Vernon. 30 Attembly of 47 Conitellation OaeelOed or "W aal Ada'’ are tahaa erar Ifco abaao as a ing. Before 5 p.m. call 648- EDWARD R. Price — painting. 289-8291 for ap{$ointment. (lymbol) 20 Baby carriagei 48 Portion out ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN U Social iniect (BriUih) tooli oaawealeaee. T k o adwerttoor akoald read Ma ad b o P I M T 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, Karmann 5551 or 643-5816 after. Interior and exterior, papering, WORK FULL-'nME saleslady for lady’s : SDLeval of 81 River in 48 Leave out Ohia, Fast Back. Blue and_ 21 Boundary 51 Oaelle DAT rr APPSAB 8 and RDPODT ttS O M hi IIb m ter Om paper removed, ceilings, etc. foundation department, vaca- • development 22 Greek market England white. Car In excellent shape. FOR your child's room! Your 2S Yield 33 Tear aiunder SSConiume food aaat taoertVm. The Herald la raapaaalhls for oaljr OND laoor- Fully Insured, 649-1003. tion, paid holidays, good work- , place S4Fattener LOCALLY ATTENTION 2S Equipage 23 ------41 Wlreleiiend n e t or omlttod laoertloa for aar adrarlloaeMat aad thaa oaljr $1,060 or best offer. Evenings, child’s favorite cartoon char­ Ing conditions. Inquire Bur- * ilSCIcabrix receiving teti 58 Bad (comb, lo the oxtoat of a "make food" ta m llia . ■ n oia whM i do 648-4771. acters hand painted on a bed­ INSIDE-outslde painting. Spe­ Cleopatra form) HOUSEWIVES ton's. 841 Main St., Manches- 28Exteniive . 24 Nlghte before 44 Irregular, at If aot taooea the ratae of Ike adractlaamaat wm aet ko room or playroom wall. In­ cial rates for people over 66. FULL-TIM E OPENINGS S2^andPfyche evg,,, gnawed away 58 Shoehooean 1965 CHEVROLET Impala con­ ter. Mr. Beargeon or Mrs. 46 DUtributed Indian h7 "natke good' quire at 12 Brainard PI. or Call my competitors, then call 34 Southern 27 Shut vertible, white black interior. AVAILABLE AT MCDONALD’S Harris. general cardi 57 Indian weight write Manchester Herald, Box me. Estimates given. 649-7863. S3 At aU tUnee . l6 1 Power steering, power brakes. K, for further Information. SECRETARY FOR local law of- - \ ®NLY A SLIGHT 36 S ^ deep mud 2 t 4 5 t 1 1 9 876-8401. MANCHESTER Is now employing women for EXAGGERATION- 1 643-2711 Low mUeage. 643-7810, 244-4997. Have brush, will travel! flee. Write Box "G G ", Man- > STWorid WarJI 14 875-3136 part-time work. r a (eb.J i F lb (BeekrUle, TMI Proo) JOSEPH P. LEWIS — custom MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Chester Evening Herald. . [■ on 1963 FORD —black FORMICA work. Kitchen coun- painting. Interior and exterior 16 exterlor. 4 speed, 890, excel 11 A.M. - 2 P.M. seMan'i nickname IT ters, vanities. Professional paperhanging, wallpaper re­ 40Hoiella lent condition. 648-8481 after 6 • CENTRAL SUPPLY AIDE Apply In Person 19 19 work at reduced prices. Free moved. Wallpaper books on re­ OIPI OWR W A l BY J. B. WILLIANS tributary . IT p.m. • MEDICAL HIGH SCHOOL ; 42 Source of light estimates. Call 643-7822 any­ quest. Fully Insured. Free es­ 24 Traublo Reaching Our AdvertiNr? TRANSCRIPTIONIST MCDONALD’S DRIVE-IN 43 Cud-chewing 3 " 21 23 1966 FORD Victoria hardtop. time. timates. Call 649-9658. THIS IS FIRST IT DONT PAY TO ' munintl e SECRETARY SENIORS T H A T S 29 3b IT Excellent running condition. 46 W. Center St., Manchester FER CUTS AID, n 6 T a KNOW TOO m u c h - 4BTake as one's a " 27 24-Hour Answering Senriee PAINTING — Interior and ex­ • REGISTERED NURSES M-19 I LAST RESORT.' n e a r EVBRVBOOy own Immaculate Interior. Second BE HIRED NOW -f H-19 AN' BRUISES, bS LAWNS mowed. Call 649-8798. • LICENSED PRACTICAL ® 1MI hr NIA, tmt. 7M. Uf. UA. »•>. VOU FOOL / WE HAVE COHE DOWN WITH 47Stlr 32 5 T owner. 87,000 miles, $76. Call terior, very reasonable, free I GCrr A 0^AA^AICA GINGER TH'ELU BUT US 80 Highway (ab.) Free to Heraid Readers estimates. Call Richard NURSES APPLICATIONS are being tak­ 51 Dutch commune ab between 1 and 6 p.m., 649-2334. WORK LA'TER ULCERATED AND io d o f o r m - GLW S W HO t o o k 5 T 3t Martin, 649-9285, 649-4411. • X-RAY TECHNICIAN en for full and part-time wait­ DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS TOOTH.' t a k e VOUR THAT STUFF FER 52— ^ and Juliet Want kiformalloa on of oar claastflid adrartiaanMntaf D—L TRUCKING. Light truck- Why not talk about a Job -•, CHO ICE .' CU TS A N 'b r u i s e s ; 54------andTWibe 46 Cl 42 HIGH performance 1967 Dodge • LABORATORY ress work. Apply, W.T. Grant THEY WERE OUT < UAMumed name Na auwar at tke Ing done. Attics and CIcllars INTERIOR painting and carpen- now — while you have time YOUR LOYALTY TO YOUR ONLY LOYALTY I'LL rUT MARINO NO GOOD. MARCO " Coronet convertible, 14,000 TECHNICIAN Co., Mancheseter Parkade. WOULD NEVER ACCEPT OF THE OTHER / 58 Keep by iUeU 46 cleaned. Trash hauled to the try work done. For free esti­ during your vacation. We’ve X SHOULP'VE TOlO YOUR PARTNER IS MUST BE TO ME, WHILE ON MV PAYROLL... 80 Dlnunutlva 43 miles, 60,000 miles warranty, • PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL YOU STRAIGHT OEF COMMENDABLE... I'M ALIVE... AND TO MV HE WON'T HAVE TO THAT KINO OF MONEY. dump. Reasonable. Phone 643 mate call 649-4391. got a variety of . . . pro- .. DO ANYTHING. I GUESS I MIGHT AS eulllx ST EDWARDS 4 on the floor, posltraction, WORKER THAT I DON'T TAKE BUT AT THIS TIME SON, AFTER I'M GONE. tlCuddler 47 48 49 5846, 643-9973. grams for you to consider. ANY JOBS WITHOUT IT'S DISTURBING. WELL LEAVE, SIR. power disc brakes. $2,760. Call OUTSIDE painting. Excellent • CLERK TYPIST 64 66 66 67 ANSWERINQ SERVlOE • OPERATING ROOM Be hired now and . . . MARCO MARINO. DOWN 62 63 643-6716 after 6. workmanship. Reasonable LABORATORY 1 Three timet TECHNICIAN tb Housohoid Sorvieos rates. Call 649-6760. (comb, form) 58 VOLKSWAGEN BUS — 1963, • Work after school until 2 Soak flax 649-0500 875-2510 very good condition, used only O ^ r o d 13*A 3 Adjective tuDix ab 11 IB TECHNICIAN June, then full-time. 4 European 10 weeks this year. Bargain Floor FInifhing 24 PART-TIM E OPENINGS » your meeeafe. Tea’ll Itear from oar a^veriteer VENETIAN blinds — repaired, s icogbtid and leave $760. Call 646-7863. FULL OR PART-TIME CHAL­ Jig time withoutt epeudlng all evoolat at tha taleyheoa. retaped and recorded. 646-0273, • PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL • Work Saturdays (8:16-4 FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- LENGING POSITION AVAIL­ 649-2971. WORKER p.m.) until June, then •* ing (specializing in older ABLE IN DYNAMIC PRO • CENTRAL SUPPLY AIDE full-time. "Tj AutomobilM For Sola 4 Trucks— Troefors 5 REWEAVING of bums, moth floors). Inside painting. Paper­ GRESSrVE HOSPITAL LAB- hanging. No job too small. (20 Hours Per Week) holes, zippers repaired. Win­ • DIETARY — AFTERNOONS, ORATORY. YOU WILL BE EX­ John. Verfallle, 649-5760. June, BY DICK TURNER H E R A LD PLYMOUTH FURY —1964, 4- 1963 CHEVROLET half ton pick­ dow shades made to measure, POSED TO UNUSUALLY DI­ • Report for work CARNIVAL WEEKENDS July or August. door sedan, V-8, automatic, up truck, $160. 649-7666. all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys FLOOR sanding and refinlshlng, • MAID 2222 VERSIFIED E X P E RIENCE DOX LETTERS power steering, radio, heater, made while you wait. Tape re­ old and new. AU floors treated (20 Hours Per Week) WITH HEMATOLOGY, CHEM­ WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE white walls. Original owner. corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 with 3 coats of hot wax. Also • CLERK TRAINEE ISTRY, BLOOD BANKING, Starting dates for after Trailers— Main St. 649-6221. URINALYSIS, SER O L O G Y, school ond Saturday work .McNanchl Syntfiralr. Inc. F o r You r Excellent condition. Call 644- cleaning and rewaxing. Gall (1-6 P.M. Monday-Frlday) A T A PRICE LIKE 8142. 643-9840 after 6 p.m. BACTERIOLOGY, ETC. EX­ are flexible. No appoint­ Information Mobil* Homes 6-A LIGHT TRUCKING, bulk deliv­ THAT,'mERE'S Y-M-6e CELLENT SALARY AND ments needed. Come In any­ BORN FIFTY YEARS TOO SOON J RWiLUvas MUSTANG—1967. 2-door hard- ' ery, yards, attics, collars clean­ CONTACT THE GOTTA BE A CATC// .a WtA bw. TilUa- Nl- OW- FRINGE BENEFITS. MOD­ time. top. Automatic, power steering, q n e 60’xl0’ mobile home trail- ed and removed. Also odd Jobs. Bonds— Stocks ERN UP TO DATE EQUIP­ SOMEWHERE.' THU HERALD will not jHaoioaii die Identttty of $16 weekly. Assume monthly er chasls. Call 648-0276. 644-8962. Mortgages 27 PERSONNEL DEPT. MENT. M. T. (ASCP) PRE­ any edvertlaer using box payments. CaU C Mr. Bake, 288- MANCHESTER FERRED BUT NOT RE­ 'THE ^ YOUR HOME SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL lettera. Reedera smewer- 8716. NIMROD Campers — sales and SE(X)ND MORTGAGE — Un­ QUIRED. BUILT ON THIS ing blind box ada who service —Camper Town, Route Building— limited funds available for sec­ WHY X THOUGHT ] \ MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CONNECTICUT MUTUAL - PROPERTY X umdegstand dealre to ptxiteot cheir VOLKSWAGEN — 1966. 2-door 140, East Windsor. Open eve­ Contracting 14 ond mortgages, payments to APPLY EV^£RYTHlM5 WA-S Identity can foUow thla sedan. 4-speed. Economical. $6 suit your budget. Expedient 'ibu HAve A NEW BOV FRIEND. nings and Saturdays. Now ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ 643-1141 Ext. 243 LIFE INSURANCE <50IN<5 s o w ell. procedure: weekly. Assume monthly pay­ booking vacation rentals. 623- service. J. D. Realty. 643-5129. PERSONNEL DEPT. ^ 2 0 .0 0 0 ments. Call Mr. Bake, 233-8716. rage, rec rooms, bathrooms COMPANY Bkifiloee your reply to the 1941. tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ MANCHESTER box In an envel^ — ment work, cellar floors, pa- Business Opportunity 2B p«’‘- 140 GARDEN ST., HARTFORD 1968 OLDSMOBILE CuUass. 11,- 1949 SCHOOL BUS could be ______i _ __ son, U-A Theater East, Man- a di^as to the CHaual- 000 miles. Automatic, power Uos, roofing. CaU Leon Cles- MEMORIAL HOSPITAL flad Manager, Manchaater used as a traUer, as is $100. LUNCHEONETTE for rent or Chester Parkade. Blue Chip In AU Regards steering, power brakes. $2,800. zynski. Builder. 649-4291. ■vanliig Herald, together CaU 649-7863. lease. Small investment, good Since 1846 Call 647-9660. MANCHESTER, CONN. wMh a memo Hating the CARPENTRY — concrete steps, return. CaU 643-2126 between 9 An Eqiir.' Opportunity cwnpanlee you do NOT floors, hatchways, remodeling, a.m.-4:30 p.m. 643-1141 Ext. 243 BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE 1656 BUICK Roadmaster. good Motorcycles— Employer want to aee your letter. porches, garages, closets, ceil­ Tour letter will be de- condition, all power, best offer. Bicycles 11 PHILLIPS Petroleum Ck>. has a Stenographer WE'RE \ MAYBE NOT/._ ONE OF Gall 643-1921 after 6:80. ings, attics finished, rec TOO 1 THEM MOVED/ CLAF atroyad if the edvertlaer modem 8 bay service station FOOD waitresses wanted, part- C7HE DECP-SEA RESCUE TEAM la one you've mentiooed. 1968 SUZUKI motorcycle, 160 OC rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ Personnel Department UpOF YOUR 'BUPPY BREATHERS' tor lease. Excellent opportu­ time. Plaase apply In person. BABYSITTER wanted, 3 p.m. to ' POPS INTO THE HABITAT. U not It will be handled with electric starter also sad­ er related work. No job too ON’EM SO THEY’RE HOOKED 1963 MONZA Corvair, good nity, paid training program Interesting posiUon in busy Gas Light Restaurant, 80 Oak midnight, 3 nights a week, own IHT0Y0UR0XY6EN SUPPLY in the usual manner. dle bags. CaU after 3 p.m. 643- small. Dan Moran, Builder. AHOY/ condlUon, $400. 875-8667. Call 286-8770 aftei O.p.m or office. Involves Interview­ St., Manchester. transportation preferred. 649- AND GET'EM ABOARD THE X DON'T &£T IT — YOU 7172 accessories. Evenings 649-8880. ANYBODY 1-201-377-8100. ing, light steno, maintain­ 9768, before 3 p.m. OSRV, q u ic k .' m et in TME PAj^K^PY PART-TIME typist and clerk for 1966 CHEVELLE Mallbau. HOMES, GARAGES, porches, ing records, compiling re­ HOME? eav\ANTlC,SO WHAT 6lV£S? 1966 HONDA—308, good condi­ office In Manchester, familiari­ Lost and Found 1 Small 327, 4-speed console. tion rebuilt engine. $376. with rec rooms, room additions, Help Wonted— ports and many varied du­ Bucket seats, low mUeage. $1,- ty with statistical typing help­ LOST —brown and white male helmet. CaU 649-0868. kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ ties. 760. CaU 872-6023 after 6 p.m. Femol* 35 ful. 643-9931. beagle dog. Reward. CaU 643- eral repair work. Financing Mole ProducHon available. No down payment. TWO fabric salesladies, for Company offers competlUve 1221. 1962 l^LKSWAGBN. 2-door DIAL your way to profits. Tele­ Workers 1967 HONDA 90, excellent con­ Economy Builders, Inc. 643- part or full-time work, at PU- starting salary, 8:80 to 4:30 sedan, light green, whitewall phoning customers of the Ful­ Openings on AU 3 Shifts FOUND — Black and white dition. CaU 644-1977 after 6 p.m. 6156. grim MUls Hartford Road. Ap­ hours, exceUent benefits, tires. Second owner car. Ex­ ler Brush Company from your Rates: $2.42 per hour and up. pup, few tan spots, male. CaU ply to manager. Open 10 a.m. free parking, subsidizing cellent condition. 649-6833. AUTHORIZED Harley David­ home. Excellent profits. Call dog warden, 643-4131. A ft L Remodeling, inside and to 9 p.m. cafeteria, congenial co­ Applications accepted daily. son, new XIGH model, all outside work. Fire escapes workers and exceUent work­ 247-1949. CaU Mrs. Marge Hampson, 1963 RAMBLER American. 4- colors. Used 1966 CH model, "Know what, Mr. Wallace? Things could be real peace* FOUND — Mongrel, black and and rec room included. 1-872- ing conditions. SALESPERSONS — experienc­ 643-6183 door. Needs some work. $200. $1,196. Harley Davidson Sales, ful around here this sumnier rar 10 cents a day I" Ught tan, male dragging a long 3386 or 1-876-4617. ed Woman's wearing apparel CaU 649-7364. 49 Park St., Hartford, 247-9774. Apply to BY LANK LEONARD chain, ciall dog warden, 643- APPLY for Thursdays and Saturdays. MICKY FINN 4131. NEWTON H. SMITH & SON — SAGE ALLEN ROGERS CORF. c o r v e t t e — 1967. Beautiful h ONDA —1966, 60cc, white, 1,- Remodeling, repairing, addi­ Apply Tweed's, 773 Main Mill & Oakland Sts. THEUE IT GOES! THE 3-10 PINS ARE STANDING/ ALLIE SCORES condition. 4-speed, power steer FIRST NATIONAL AN 8 ON THE FINAL BALL— JUST ENOUGH IMPOUNDED — small mongrel 400 original miles. Rack mir­ tions, rec rooms, garages, SHOE DEPAR'TMENT Street. Manchester, Conn. BY WALT WETTERBERG ing, power brakes. $28 weekly. FOR SOUTHSIDE HIGH TO WIN BY 1 POINT.' THE WILLETS male brown dog. CaU Dog rors. $160. CaU 643-6691. porches and roofing. No job STORES An Equal Opportunity Assume monthly payments. SECRETARY for busy sales T h is is Warden. 742-7194. too small. CaU 649-3144. Employer CaU Mr. Bake, 233-8716. NEVER registered S-66 Honda Has openings for two full­ Park and Oakland Avenues executive. Interesting work. IT—THE time salespeople in our new East Hartford LOST: Passbook No. 25-006516-6. 1967, 6 miles registered on WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ Alr-conditloned office. 875-3385. FINAL shoe department. Apply In BALL.' Savings Department of The 1966 CADILLAC Oonvertible, air- speedometer, $260. 646-3633. modeling specialist. Additions, person to Mr. John Egan, ALLIE Connecticut Bank and Trust conditioned, full power, black rec rooms, dormers, porches, SUZUKI — 1966, 160 cc. Excel­ Shoe Dept. Manager. COVENTRY BOARD of Educa­ IS A T Company. Application made top, black leather Interior, cabinets, formica, built-lns, THE , private owner, take over pay­ lent condlUon, low mileage. tion if accepting applications for payment. bathrooms, kitchens. 649-3446. approach/ ments. 1-684-2229. Reasonable. CaU 628-1583. for the position of Board Clerk. BURNER SERVICE MAN Take minutes of meetings and BOYS 6-speed 24” hl-rise bike. TRI-CITY PLAZA FORD Futura convertible 1663. record same. For Information, Announcomonfs ' 2 Good condition. Extra parts. Roofing^—Siding 16 Experience Necessary Automatic. Good condition. VERNON CIRCLE contact Office of the Superin­ $26. CaU 649-3924. Must meet the high standard, quaUty and Integrity re­ ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ $9.60 weekly. Assume monthly THE BEST In roofing — and tendent, Box 386, Coventry, quired by: ers, sales and service, bonded payments. CaU Mr. Bake, 233- roof repair. CaU Coughlin, VERNON, CONN. 06238 or phone 742-7317. representative. Alfred Amell, 8716. 643-7707. 647-1719 or 848-4918. Business Services MORIARTY BROTHERS, Inc. 1966 MERCURY commuter wag­ Offered 13 ROOFTNG, siding, carpentry. 297-816 CENTER ST. MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY iaiN JOHNSON — candid wed­ on. Excellent condition. Low Gutters and ceilings. Workman­ MANCHESTER, CONN.—64S-51S6 U t Oil. ding photography-service be­ mllleage. CaU 1-228-3221. tHI b, NtA. t.c TM li, US , y o u ARE A-1, truck Is A-1. ship guaranteed. CaU R.' Dion, Vacation — Insurance — Pension t h e y 'r e NEVER GOING yond the picture taking. Plan CHEVELLE Mallbau con­ Cellars, attics, yard and 643-4352. and Many More Fringe Benefits! TO BELIEVE THIS DOWN early for spring and summer ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT AT THE OFFICE! vertible, 1967. Automatic, small trucking done A-1 right. AAR. BY DICK CAVALU weddings. Ciall 646-3364. CaU Tremano Trucking Serv­ AhERNATHY, \ MORTY MEEKLB power steering. $16 weekly. As­ Roofing ond HOWAAANY sume monthly payments. CaU ice toU free, 742-9487. Qualified man needed os assistant to ac­ row Chlmnoys 16-A DEPENDENTB CON'TRJTHIM INJAIl-. Pononols 3 Mr. Dias, 233-8716. LIGHT truck.; g, odd Jobs, a l s o ____ DO YOU HE'S GOT A LOT O F T H E FEOPLB IN countant in local textile firm. Must hove 2 moving large appliances. Bum- r q o f iNG — Specializing re- i HAVE MOUThie TO FEED /.' T H IS H O O e B ATTENTION — Will the person I960 PBUGUOT 4-door sedan, HAVENOEEN3£ radio, heater, good gas mUe­ Ing barrels delivered, $4. 644- pairing roofs of all kinds, new years accounting training or equivalent job WANTED - PAINTERS LIVING who was kind enough to leave roofs, gutter work, chimneys IN VOUR OF H U M O R - age. $160. CaU 649-1616. 1776. experience. Attractive salary, benefits, note on my car, Reg. No. IW cleaned hnd repaired, 30 years’ APPLY HOAAE? 619, Tuesday afternoon April palcon 1964, automatic, TREE REMOVAL, trimming, experience. Free estimates. 9, In the Birch St. Parking Lot working conditions, and future. good condition, can be seen at Reasonable rates. Covered for CaU Howley 643-6381, 644- REAR— 770 MAIN STREET OR concerning damage done to my 163 Roxbury Rd., East Hart­ property damage. Got a tree 8333. car, please contact me. This ford. Reasonable offer accept­ ptobism? CaU anytime. 622- Apply in person at CALL 649-0920 C. wUl be kept In strictest confi­ ed, 668-6668. 8429. “f-iv dence. Please call Peter F. Clark, 649-6637 or 643-8022. 1968 BUICK Rlveria — burgan- TREE EXPERT — Trees cut, Hooting and Plumbing 17 PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER dy. Immaculate condition, (sx- building lots cleared, trees top- ALDON SPINNING CORP. WILLIAM DICKSON V-/9 RIDE WANTED from vicinity ped. Got a tree problem? Well M ft M Plumbing ft Heating. SHE REMEMBERED!, tras, CaU 643-8024 after 6 p.m. z H J : 0*0^ Green Rd. and Woodbridge St. worth phone call, 742-8282. Service calls our specialty. No TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. cuid SO N , Inc. HOW to vicinity Constitution Plaza, CXIMET 1964 convertible, red. 6 ____ job la to small. Free estimates C A M 'YtDUj n IHI br N». I«. T.M. U.S. r.l. OH. hours 8:30-6 p.m. CaU 649-8613. cylinder, automatic, very pret- SALES AND Service on Arlens, gladly given. CaU 649-2871. TELL"?^ ty. $968. CaU 742-8620. "Hahn ' -- Eclipse,------Jacobson lawn CONCRETE savings on any mowers. Also Homellte chain CAPTAIN EASY BY LESUE TURNEH and all of your cement work. 1967 NEPTUNE blue Karmann saws and International Club MiHinory. Borrow mixer, trowel, full Ghla. CUean. Vqry low mileage. Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ DID YOU NOT FOR SUREl 'E RESEMBLED DR. ■IS FELLOW WORKERS MAX 1 SEE. THEN IF I CAN GET 'IS float, wheelbarrow and other Must be seen. 644-0923 after 6. ment and sharpening service Dressmaking 19 IDBMTIFY OLE ROACH F R W A d is t a n c e . BUT ’\^ KNOW MORE 1 IF I CAN, FINSERPRINTS, LUV..„WITHOUT. pro equipment from A to Z ROHATCH AS NEIGHBORS- KNEW NOTHIN© OF 'IS [-^TALK TO THEM—, AROUSING 'IS SUSPICION! on all makes. L ft M Equip­ Rental Center, 11 Tol­ 1960 MERCURY commuter sta­ THAT BRITISH PAST I ment Corp., Route 83, Vernon. EXPERIENCED In Dressmak­ land Tpke., Rt. 83, (next to tion wagon. Automatic, power MURDERBRi 876-7609 Manchester Exchange ing and alterations. 647-9607. MERVVN ? Vlttner’s), Manchester, Conn. steering, power brakes. Radio, heater. Good mechanical con- — Enterprise 1946. 643-4611. PROFESSIONAL dressmaking, PARAGON TOOL CO., dition. Best offer. CaU 876-2693 gjjARPENlNG Service —Saws, alterations. Fittings In your BRILLIANt T d EA ! Use Brlght- for appointment. knives, axes, shears, skates, home with delivery service Tone shampoo and get cleaner, rotary blades. Quick service. ■ brighter looking carpets and V()I^SWAGEN sedan, 1962, available. Buttons, belts, 4-S» Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Main ±1 - rugs, 99c rents electric sham- orig;lnal owner, shoulder type buckles. Reasonable rates, Has openings for: Tool mokers. all around machinists, Bridge­ se£^ belts, good tires, runs and St., Manchester. Hours dally prompt service. 742-6857, eve­ pooer all day. A to Z Rental 7:80-6, Thursday 7:30-9, Satur­ ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS handles like new. $760. Call nings. Center, 11 ToUand Tpke., Rt. day 7:80-4. 643-7968. port operators, Blanchard grinder operotors. Experience pre­ 83, (next to Vlttner’s), Man­ 649-1092 after 6 p.m. or anytime m s c o 'H - weekends. chester, Conn. 648-4611. ______LIMOUSINE Service — 1968 CadUlac yours for your wed­ ferred but will also train qualified personnel. Excellent work­ WE DELIVER sickroom and PONTIAC 1966 LeMans, white , HtA, Ik. TX. «.,■ U.i, OH., ■ ^ Bor- convertible, V8, automatic, ding day with chauffer, WANTED convalescent equipment, alr-conditloned, 7-passenger. row hospital bed, wheel chair, power steering, brakes, bucket Clean, Late Model BY ROUSON seatsv exceUent condition, $li- Ulrlc Limousine Service,, Ed­ ing conditions in a fully air conditioned plant. Top wages and UG.A. LITTLE SPORTS walker, cane —whatever you mund V. Parent Jr., 649-3860. — need. A to Z Rental Center, 676. 644-0646. USED CARS ANNA MAV^ 11 ToUand Tpke., Rt. 83. (next WONG? 1966 GTO convertible. Radio', RUBBISH - trash removed to fringe benefits. Liberal overtime schedule. to Vlttner's), Manchester, Top Prices Paid heater, whitewall tires with the dump, lawns maintained. Conn, 643-4611. CaU 649-1868 after 6 p.m. For All Miakes! NeWSOF wire wheels. Original owner ROBIN'S ExceUent condition. Reason for counters, cabinet CARTER CHEVROLET CANPIDACy Automobilos For Solo 4 selling, going overseas. Call work. Interior remodeling, C O ., INC. APPLY AT 121 ADAMS St.. MANCHESTER eiBan\f\B6 648-8917. kitchen specialists. Good work­ 1229 Main St. the world,., (3HEVELLE 198L Malibu, 4- manship at reasonable prices. speed, gold, vinyl top, low 1964 GTO, 3§9, 4-speed, excel­ Phone 649-5238 - l : i 2 Free jsstlmates. CaU Lou Das^ mileage, excellent condition, lent condition. $1,395. CaU e IM br NtA. Ik. canio, 649-6985. many extras. CaU 648-6811. 742-7726, after 4 p.m. . 1. I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 PAGE TWENTY

X r FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1068 rAOB TWENTY-EIGHTH Avetagie Daily Net Preaa Ron The Weather iSIanrl;?0tpr €ttpnitts UnraUii For The Week Ended Increasing riondinew tonight. April 18, 1968 ' Sunset Rebekah Lodge will Marine Pvt. Edward J. Sasa, Polish National Alliance wlU Chamber Backs Low In 40e. Tomorrow moet^ About Town sponsor a rummage sale Tues­ spn of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert meet ’ Sunday at 1 p.m. at 77 iHanrlfpatpr Itiptititg IfpraUi cloudy. C9ianee of occasional day at 0 a.m. at Odd Fellows F. Bass of B70 Vernon St., re­ North S t J Expansion of AttMtion: CAPE GOD OWNERC 1 5 ,1 8 8 rain. High In 80e. ‘ 8 ( t Stanley W. Fettl|r Jr„ eon Hall. Thoae wishing pickup cently graduated from recruit If you hav« B stahiard gfae Cape Manehetter— A City of Village Charm of ICn. Katherine R. Fettlg of service may call MTs. Maybelle training at the Marine Corpe Miss Linda 8. Maher, daugh­ Braldley FieM Dowd, 1 Bow St., or Mrs. Bes­ Recruit Depot In Parris Island, ter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. fr Bdwarde St, Is on tempor­ (Afiprox. 12 0QB.) VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 171 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1968 (Olaaeifled Advegdahig on Page 11) PRICE TEN CENTS ary duty with the 418Srd Bomb sie Farris, 9 Durkin St. Articles S.C., not Great Lakes, 111., os Maher of 14 Bliss St, recently The Manchester Chamber of Oommeroe, In cooperation with at a forward baae In the may be brought to the hall Mon­ was stated In yesterday’s paper. was elected to the Student Coun­ W ell reshkifl’le y»ur roof for $275.00 Weetem Pacific. A memt>er of day at 6 p.m. and later. cil at Iowa Wesleyan College, the Hartford Chamber, has sup­ the Strategic Air Command, he Members of Manchester As­ Mt. Pleasant ported the expansion of Bradley Small addJtkwiel chaiRe for dormpre la permanently assigned to the The Great Books Discussion sembly, Order of Rklnbow for International Airport as a major sooth Bomb Wing at Pease AFB, Group will meet Wednesday at Girls, and John Mather CSiap- Stephen J. Breen of 278 W. facility for. domestic and inter­ N.B. 8 p.m. at Whlton Library. "On ter. Order of DeMolay, will High St. received first honors national air travel and as a maj­ HAliMARK BUILDIMl GO., INC. RFK Denounces the Improvement of the Under­ assist Friendship Lodge of or connecting gateway for COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE U.S. Jets Set for the fall semester and was international travel. 742-0368 — 742-7889 after six John E. Alberghlnl, lecturer In standing," by Splnosa, will be Masons Sunday from 10 a.m. named to the dean’s list at The Civil Aeronautics Board 267-4769 CaO Collect Physics at Manchester Com­ discussed. The meeting Is open to 7 p.m. at a Pancake Jam­ Holy Cross College, Worcester, is In the process of investigat­ munity College, has been Invit­ to the public. boree at the Masonic Temple. Mass. Negro Violence ed to present a paper at the Rainbow Girls are reminded of ing several East Coast city air­ New England Meeting of the Thomas E. J. Quinn, 20, son a service project which starts ports, including Hartford, as a Girl Scout Troop 690 will spon­ possible designation for direct 1968 Record American Association of Physics of Mrs. Margaret M. Quinn of at 1:80 p.m. at the Masonic sor a car wash tomorrow from Teachers at the University of European service. The Hartford 68 Spruce St., recently was pro­ Temple. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the parking ARE YOU COMINO HOME SOON, KATHY? Hartford tomorrow. He has been Chamber, the State Department moted to Army specialist four lot at South Methodist Church. JUST PICKED! Strawberries, Seedless and Mne A s Self-Defeating associated with the MCC Sci­ upon completion of Surgical The Rev. C. Ronald Wilson of of Aeronautics and other Cham­ Spanish Melons, antes, Cantaloupes, Watermeloiis, P eao^ ence Department for four years bers In the area are cooperating es. Plums, Pineutples, Coconuts, Pears, Temple and Navel Specialist School at Ft. Belvolr, Second Congregational Chtmsh Pfc. David B. Angotta, 21, son and Is a Research Scientist at Va. He Is a 1067 graduate of will conduct a service Sunday Lorlng photo to Intervene In the Investigation Oranges; plus CRISP-AIRE Macs, Delldons and Melrose By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS not life. It is am intolerable pro­ For Missions of Mr. and Mrs. WiUlam L. An­ United Aircraft Research Lab­ Manchester High School. at 8:16 a.m. on radio station and press for Bradley to be de­ APPLES! ^ li Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, gram—a threat to all that gotta of 107 Oliver Rd. recently DEWY FRESH! Asparagus, Beet Greens, _DMdelwM, oratories. WINF. The program Is sponsor­ signated as an International air­ whose campaigrn fo r the makes life in society worth­ SAIGON (AP) — U.S. war­ pers have been lost to nonhostUe completed a Hawk missile and Engaged port. Boston Lettuce, Green, YeUow S q w h , Hot IWytog 1 ^ while. planes set a 1968 record for the causes. ed by the Manchester Council launcher maintenance course at pers. Acorn, Butternut Squash, ^ t e 8 » w t P o t o ^ , Democratic presidential Lyman B. HOops, president of "It must amd will be met wlQi second straight day Friday as In ground fighting, some of iiilliililliiiiiiliiiliiiiliiiiliiiiiiili of Church. the Army Air Defense School, The engagement of Miss Pa­ White Onions, Chives, Shallots, nomination has been aimed the Manchester Chamber of the full force of the law.’’ they flew 160 missions to blast the 100,000 allied troops in Oper­ 1 Ft. Bliss, Tex. YeUow Beans, Corn, Caullflowor, P an^ P ^ largely at minority groups, i| The Couples Club of Center tricia Kellner to John R. isook, Commerce, said, "The Manches­ When a slum youth resort to A supply targets In North Viet­ ation Complete Victory—the Hot House Tomatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Egg Plant, Cherry has denounced Negro vio­ Congregational Chiurch will both of Tolland, has been an­ ter Chamber is Interested in the Toin&to6R &nd N6W Florldli PototocR* violence, Keimedy said, he "is nam’s southern panhandle. biggest allied campaign of the have a Whist and Setback Party Lee Davis, son of Mr. and nounced by her parents, Mr. the entire area, and the expan­ lence and said it "m ust and not simply protesting his condi­ American fliers had set a war—reported three claehee Mrs. Jerfm Davis of 787 Lydall tion, but making a destnicUve Friday near Saigon. They said 1h ^ e ( tomorrow at 8 p.m. In Woodruff and Mrs. Elarl L. Kellner of sion of the facilities and services WEEKEND SPECIALS for A SPECIAL NAW U will be met with the full record for the year Thursday Hall at the chiurch. Mr. and St.; and Charles Gill, son of and the designation of Brad­ GREEN AND YELLOW BEANS ...... -jb. * 9 ^ force of the law.” and self-defeating attempt to as­ V: when they flew 145 missions, the 68 Viet Cong were killed while Mrs. Dorothy Gill of 112 Fergu­ Kdngbbury Ave. ley as an international airport Is sert his worth and dignity as a largest number In nearly four U.S. losses were five killed and ^ — 1 Mrs. J. Edward McKeever will C U C U M B E R S ...... Z m r In a speech Friday in San conduct the games. The event son Rd., have been named to Her fiance is the son of Mr. extremely important to the Francisco, Kennedy said he un­ matt—to tell us that though we months. 28 wounded. the third quarter hotx>r roll at D’ANJOU PEARS ...... • may scorn his contributions we Along the northern frontier. is open to the public. Those and Mrs. John E. Bock of Loehr growth of Manchester and to the APPLES (B Grade) ...... 16 QL bfikt derstood what makes a Negro The Air Force, Navy and Ma'- w lshl^ further Information Robinson School, West Hartford. region.’’ must still respect his power.’ ’ rlne pilots on Friday's raids North Vietnamese troops struck Rd. SPIC ’n SPAN “Deal” Free P adI ...... p k g . g S t slum-dweUer turn to violence may contact Mr. and Mrs. Don­ but Insisted It solves nothing The New York) senator again said they encountered light at the newly reopened overiand Gregory J. Lltvlnchyk, son of Miss Kellner Is a graduate of COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS! urged a sweeping reconstruction supply road to Khe Sanh Frl- 2 ald Ellis, 26 Dartmouth Rd., The result of Negro violence, ground fire and evaded several or Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Zlgmund Lit- Mt. St. Joseph Academy, West Party's Peak s Also Conmlete Line of SEALTBST Dairy ^roducta a he said, "Is not a better life for of American cities and said it antiaircraft mlssUes fired at ?ay.. ambushing a U.S. h ^ c vlnchyk of 34 McKee St., re­ Hartford, cmd will graduate In We Now Carry The Manchester Evening Herald truck convoy while pinning HALE 84 Carol Dr. The Socialist party in the Unit­ black people. It Is a devastated should take precedence over them in the coastal area be­ cently completed Marine basic Jime from Mitchell College, down Leathernecks on a road ★ ★ ed States reached its peak be­ America. other costly projects already tween Vlnh and Dong Hoi. training at the Marine Recruit New London. clearing operation neariiy. • l » c « Members of the Army-Navy tween 1001 emd 1012, Increasing started, Including the race to They hit bridges, roads, Training Center, Parris Island, "It Is a program for death, i d u b will meet tonight at 7 at Mr. Book is a 1667 graduaite Its membership from 16,000 to "THE KINO the moon. trucks and supply points in the (Bee Page Fourteen) the John F. Tierney Funeral S.C. and advanced training at o f Ellington High School and 118,000 with a representation In Keimedy’s only announced ri­ area left open to them under Home, 216 W. Centet- St., to Camp Lejeune, N.C. He is home is attending Porter School of public office of more than 1,000, p R O D u e sr val for the nomination. Sen. Eu­ President Johnson's bombing pay respects to the late Walter on leave, after which he will re­ Design, Rocky Hill. including 66 mayors and one gene J. McCarthy of Mlimesota, curtailment order, designed to B. SmMuk, a member. port to Camp Pendleton, Calif., No date has been announced congressman, according to the 276 ftSKiAND STREET, MANCHESTER e 648-6M4 said Friday payment of ransom draw Hanoi into peace talks. for 14 weeks of communication for the wedding. Encyclopedia Britaimlca. to secure the safe return of the The northeast monsoon ovei* Cub Scout Pack 68 of Waddell school. Editors captured U.S. ship Pueblo and North Vietnam Is almost over Jordan Says School will meet tonight at 7:80 its crew would not be without and with the rapidly Improving In the school auditorium. There precedent. weather, the number of Ameri­ will be an inspection of tml- Praise "I think that once you get to can air strikes is expected to In­ Its Troops forms. cubs planning to attend be the No. 1 power you have to crease unless the President or­ the event should be accompa­ HOMEMAKERS’ expect once In a while to pay ders further curtailment. nied by at least one parent. Nixon ransom, especl^ly If you have Remains of doWntown area after being hit by tornado. (AP Photofox) Although Friday’s 160 mis­ Killed Six your ships adjacent to countries sions set a record for 1968, the 'I S f. Members of the VFW Auxili­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Rich­ that don’t respect International number Is well below the all- DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — ary will meet tomorrow at 10:80 ard M. Nixon has won warm law;,’’ McCarthy said at a news tlmrvWtaam war "rword of 209 claimed Its troops ^ e d a.m. at the post home. praise from the American Socie­ conference In Philadelphia. At Least 13 Killed set last Aug. 19 before the mon- in a gun battle ty of Newspaper Editors—a The candidate explained later soon season began. ^ ^ver ceasc- Navy Radioman l.C. diaries group that gave only perfuncto­ he was not advocating that the The U.S. Command said the Sea of Gall- J. Nobert, son of Mr. and Mrs. G m / t iJ a ry applause to Nelson A. Rocke­ United States pay the North Ko­ deepest penetration Friday was **® today. Harvey G. Nobert of 860 Main feller the day before. reans to release the Pueblo and Tornado Devastates Arkansas Town about 168 miles above the demU- A Jordanian army commu- St., recently graduated from the Editors interviewed at ran­ her company. itarized zone against a railroad n que broadcMt by A m m ^ Cryptographic Repair School, dom fPort^- tion coupled with complete tatuck Community College, Wa- vorite son candidate, Gov. Rog­ boro afatA TvdicA aaid The heaviest damage was on training at nearby Port Chafee Greenwood before It slammed enemy acao . Israelis were reported the sentiment of the editors gen­ h^e, state policed The h^vl«t d ^ j ^ on The conim ^d also a n n ou ^ d ^ exchange fire gentleness to normal skin terbury. The inauguratlMi will er D. Branlgln. erally—he was much more im­ ^ e toim do swooped out of a the square a clu s.e^ ^ tw^sto northeast. helicopters have ^ n ^^ea Fri- and clothing is made possi- be held on Sunday, April 28. pressive.” "This is the testing ground of sprlng thunderstorm at ry brick huumnp. mos^or^^^ Ray Berry, who lives near the Most of the dead were found In shot down, all but nine in South Smith Is a life member of the DEMONSTRATION "Mr. Nixon put quite a bit of 3:23 whether or not the presidency of p.m. Friday and slammed Into more than half a century old. gquare, said he saw the storm the first area hit Vietnam, and another 920 chop- (See Page Fourteen) national council and Immediate hay in the barn today. Mr. the United States can be . . . Main Street, Downtown Manchester . . the business district, leveling The bell tower and third story coming and yelled for his wUe OommunlcaUoiiswere past president of the Connect­ Rockefeller bombed out,” said bought,” St. Angelo said. "If It about half of the buildings on of the ancient court house top- to run for the storm cellar. o„t and traffic lams de- OPEN 6 DAYS a THURSDAY NIGHTS till 9t00 icut Council of Teabhers of Ehig- Bower Hawthorne, executive ed­ isn’t stopped here it will n^ver the town square and heavily pled into the street. “ The wind Just blew us Into It." yeloped on highways leading out lish. itor of the Minneapolis Tribune. be stopped.’ ’ damaging most of the others. Wallace Gattls of nearby Bar- he said. (Sreenwood, hampering res­ “ Boy, he’s going to be a for­ The only big-name Republican it also slashed through resi- Ung, who was at an Ice cream The Rev. Lonnie Laster said cue efforts, midable candidate. I’ve never in the presidential sweepstakes, Strike in Third Day seen him better,’ ’ said Norman dential neighborhoods on either parlor when the storm struck,the tornado looked like a hall E. Isaacs, executive editor of (See Page Fourteen) side of the square as It cut a said, "the court house Just ex- cloud at first. “ Then it muddied, (See Page Seven) the Louisville Courier-Journal and Louisville Times. Phone, Union Heads Nixon stood behind a lone mi­ crophone on a short, red-carpet­ ed runway raised above the luncheon tables.. The setting had Express Talk Hopes the air of a night club perform­ ance—and, in show business WASHINGTON (AP) — Tele­ pany reported scattered cable- parlance, he wowed them. phone company and union offi­ cutting incidents In Ohio, Indi­ . The editors Interrupted with cials have expressed hope they ana, New Jersey and Florida. s(did applause more thah a doz­ can get wage negotiations going "Vandalism of telephone plant en times. They laughed fre­ again as a nationwide strike of (equipment) has not been wide­ quently at his Jests and at the nearly 200,000 AFL-CIO Commu­ spread and where it has oc­ HALE end they accorded Nixon a lusty nications Workers enters Its curred, repairs have been made third day. promptly,” Gilmer sold In a • l a e e and lengthy standing ovation. SPECIAt In contrast, Rockefeller’s “ We are ready to meet with statement In New York. iimli luncheon address on urban them,” Ben S. Gilmer, president “ We know our people are not problems Thursday was digest­ of the American Telephone and doing this,” Beirne said of the ed in silence. The audience rose Telegraph Co., said Friday. reported sabotage, and added in at the start, but not the finish, “ We are hopeful the parties a message to his union mem­ OFFER! can get back togefther,” said a bers : (See Page Fourteen) spokesman for union President “ The union warns that It Is Joseph A. Beime. not only wrong—but that no Most telephone service was such act ever shortened a strike little affected by the first na­ by one minute.” M ^ z e ZIG-ZAG tionwide strike in 21 years. The company said direct-dial Picketing in about 40 states phone calls, both local and long Pressure was reported generally good-na­ distance, were unaffected by the tured and peaceful, bift the com- strike and that services requir­ ing an operator were slowed fr- V sewing machine only in a few areas. Builds for “ Telephone service remains normal in most of the country plus console shown nhove and Is getting better where it Eric Starve Galt, sought in the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther said yesterday that Galt and Ray were the same man. Ray. is Swearing-in has been affected," Gilmer Tax Hike King Jr., is shown at right in pictufe released hy' the FBI shown at left in a 1959 St. Louis police photo, second from left said. WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres­ Wednesday with the eyes painted in hy an artist. James Earl in a photo released hy the FBI and dated 1960 and second from The company reported full Slated Today service on overseas calls was sure Is buMlng on Congress tp Ray, a prison escapee, is shown in the other pictures. The FBI right in a 1966 Missouri penitentiary picture. (AP Photofax) being maintained from New break a logjam and enact Presi­ York facilities with supervisors dent Johnson’s proposed income For Trudeau filling in for strikers. Manage­ tax hike amid some signs It ment personnel also manned may be moving—although not Massive Hunt Continues OTTAWA (AP) — Pierre El­ switchboards and other Jobs In HIBO so fast as the administration liott Trudeau becomes Canada’s other states. Sale ^ 9 8 would like. prime minister today In a Gilmer said AT&Ts subeldl- 4 Will Be Here NO MONEY DOWN . . . Low Monthly Terms Chairman WUUam McChesney FBI Pinpoints Ex-Convict as ‘Galt’ changing of the guard within the ary Bell Telephone System com­ Martin Jr. of the Federal Re­ ruling Liberal party. He Is ex­ panies were ready to discuss the serve Board applied new pres­ pected to call an election soon to union’s proposal to Junk the cur­ To Demonstrate rant, the bureau said Ray has • Zig-zags, embroiders, monograms, satin stitches, without attachments sure Friday by coupling a plea WASHINGTON (AP) — The- FBI was any closer to catching mental checkup. seek a new mandate for the par­ rent 18-month contract and for Immediate action on the tax FBI has pinpointed an ex-con- Ray than It was Wednesday "We gave him our Grade A, also called himself James Mc­ ty. write a new three-year agree­ All Full Size • Sew on buttons, makes any-size buttonholes, sews forward, reverse boost with a warning that "we vict, high school dropout and when it put the name Galt on a Class I workup," recalled Dr. Bride, James Walton, W. C. Reliable Informants said Tru­ ment . are In the midst of the worst fl- Army reject as the phantom fu­ fugitive warrant charging him Donald B. Peterson, hospital su­ Herron and James O’Connor. deau may announce a date for The dispute is over a wage Fomous Bradford • Automatic bobbin winder, built-in darner, sewing light over needle gitive Eric Starvo Galt, target "and an individual whom he al­ tropical nanoW crisis we have had since perintendent. "We found no John Willard was the name general elections within the next reopener provision covering • 7-speed foot control, noiseless motor, complete instruction book 1981.’’ • of a massive manhunt in the leged to be his brother” with mental disease or defect within used by the man who checked few days. Bell System companies in 16 Zig-Zog Sewing slaying of Dr. Martin Luther conspiring to deprive King of • In finely crafted console, choice of mahogany or walnut finish Martin spoke to the American the law." Into a shoddy Memphis rooming The Liberals chose Trudeau states and the District of Colum­ Society of Newspaper Editors as King Jr. his civil rights to travel from Prison and police records house overlooking the Lorraine two weeks ago to succeed retir­ bia, and the nationwide 8,000- Marines Mod*l 451/37 Sewing Machines Not Exactly As Shown I the effects of a one-half per cent The FBI said Friday a "sys­ state to state. showed Ray was bom In Alton, Motel, where King was fatally ing Prime Minister Lester B. man telephone InstaUers unit raise, to 6H per cent, In the re­ tematic and exhaustive search” Ray fled the Missouri Peniten- 111., son-of a la/borer of the same shot as he stood on a balcony Pearson, 70. Trudeau was to employed by the Bell subsidi­ discount rate were spreading through Its fingerprint files re­ Uary—where he was serving the name. and talked with friends. have taken over Monday, and ary, Western Electric Co. An­ over the country in the form of SATURDAY ONLY UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY depending on your balance vealed Galt and 40-year-old seventh year of a 20-year sen­ Records at the Fulton facility The FBI has said Eric Starvo the shift of the changeover to to­ other 16 state Bell contracts ex­ // increased Interest costs for James Earl Ray—drifter, loner, day raised speculation of an im­ // tence for a 1669 market holdup Indicated both parents were Galt purchased a 30.06 rifle in pire in the next few weeks. ''Brookfield^' avid dancer and prison escapee pending general election. Stewart Douglas bank loans. and auto theft in St. Louis—on dead, but the penitentiary re­ Birmingham five days before InstaUers now average 98,7 By taking office today, Tru­ The stock market, already —as the same man. April 23, 1967. cords listed his mother as Mrs. the assassination. That rifle, per hour and other workers deluxe tailored nationally advertised at $30 shaken by the rediscount rate deau can call an election as Ip Its first positive identifloa- Prison officials, who said a Lucille Ryan of St. Louis. with a telescopic sight Intact, $2.70. The company said the un­ soon as June 17, when four by- Increase, which tends to slow tlon of the man sought by the 1966 escape try by Ray was The FBI said Eric Starvo Galt was recovered outside the room­ ion had rejected offers of a 7.0 elections already are scheduled. business and private spending, FBI since the April 4 assassina­ thwarted when he was discov­ was one of a string of aliases fa­ ing house Just after the assassi­ per cent wage Increase (Uid is The official explanation for reg. KNOWN FOR VALUES...COAST TO COAST roacted to Martin’ speech with tion of King In Memphis, Tenn., ered In a ventilator shaft, indi­ vored by Ray In frequent brush­ nation. demanding 10.6 per cent over 18 9 a U l Sale! a sharp drop. cated he succeeded the next the advance in the swearing-in months. 25.95 the bureau further pictured Ray es with the law beginning when The FBI did not medee clear ' At his home In Kensett, Ark., as a 40-year-old white man In year by hiding In a truck car­ he was 21 years old—several date was that Trudeau’s cabi­ "BeU Telephone companies Chairmap WUbur D. Mills of the where it got the fingerprints net-making efforts had gone are Interested in exploring a trouble with the law since his rying bread from the peniten­ years after he dropped out of wihich It matched against Its FRIE ALTERATIONS tax-writing House Ways and youth—and one who "should be tiary bakery to its honor farms. high school in the l6th grade. faster than expected and the new three-year agreement. This files to show Galt Is actually change would allow the . new woidd get away from the ‘w og ^ Means Committee-where the considered armed and extreme­ The earlier escape attempt In addition to the aliases John A great collation of lightwsighti with Spring-thru-Summer sport coot*, designed Ray. Cabinet two days of preparation only’ position involved in the ex- proposed 10 per cent Income tax ly dangerous.” landed Ray In a B^ilton, Mo. Willard and Harvey Liowmyer Mvingi of a cool 3.95 on every locket. and mode by "Brookfield." Choice of mu­ There was no indication the prison hospital facility for a listed on the FBI fugUtve war­ (See Page Fourteen) (See Page Fourteen) (See Page Fourteen) ChooM 2 and 3-button ityiei In lolldi. ted plaids, blazers, stripes and tottersolli. MANCHESTER PARKADE (Bee Pdge Seven)

1 •k. f