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A (i GASTON EMMETT mTITT W II WILLIAMS Washington, li. ('. Jackson, SlisslMlppi lien uil, Michigan ('bielgo, llliuui» Principal Figures In The National Negro Business League Golden Anniversary Meeting At Tuskegee

When the National Negro Busi­ Mutual Insurance Company, Dur­ head of the Smith-Gaston enter­ the Golden Anniversary Convention our people." Mi Sudduth stated through Sepiembei I, at Tuskegee and for twenty-one years served as the keynote address Mrs Fannie ness League holds its Golden An­ ham, N C.; Dr J E Walker. prises, Birmingham. Alabama niversary Convention at Tuskegee of tile organization will give add- ' The National Negro Busines In titule,. Alabama Di Emmett the executive secretary of the or­ D. Peck, of Detroit, Michigan, is jlTg-ident of Universal Life Insur­ Horace Sudduth, of Cincinnati, ed impetus to our campaign to League was founded by Booker T. Scott, of Washington. D c will ganization W H Williams, vice- founder and a past president of the Institute, Alabama, beginning Aug ance company, and president ol Ohio, is rounding out ins .second establish a permanent and na­ Washington in luoo. fifty years ago be on hand us one of the prin­ president and secretary of file Se­ National Housewives League, and 29th, the four living past presidents the Tri-State Bank, Memphis year as president of the Nation- tional headquarters as a means for The past und present will join cipal speakers For many years Dr curity Life Insurance Company, serving as executive secretary of will be on hand for the three-day Tenn.; Fahtoi Roscoe Diuijee, ol laaglie "The hands in •celebration of the Gold- al Negro Business more effectively promoting busi­ Scott was a traveling companion Jackson, Mi ds-ippl, will represent the Hou ewives la-ague is Mrs. Oar- session They are C C Spauld-I the Black Dispatch, Oklahoma City pre elite of these past presidents, ness through which we hope to en Anniversary ot the National Hdf, president of North Carolina, Oklahoma; and A O. Gaston. I fur Booker T Washington during the present geneialloii of-tlir young tiude Talbot, of Chicago. and outstanding race leaders at raise the entire economic level of Negto Business la-ague. August 29 the formative period of the league, Negro business man II will give ------,------J

A Newspapei PRICE With A Constructive 5c Policy PER COPY

VOLUME 19, NUMBER 20 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS National Negro Business League Meets At Skegee

TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE. Ala success an efficient, alert Negro wo- Thc administration ol Horace Sud­ liian can achieve in business Since duth. eighth president of the Na- 1923, Mrs Washington has uiade tiomil Negro Business League luu tuid sold. wholesale and retail, the had support almost unique in the nationally lauious “Washington's hlhtonr ol Negro organisations * i Tu*kr?ee Candles fknitlfern’ xtyw."w When Sudduth officially open» Mrs Washington with her daugM- the 5uth annual "meeting of tr:s operate ut Tuskegee institute a league, mi August 29, 1950 on thr "Cfl£i_8hup and Snuck Bar She Is historicliKfnVir- campus'ofr'liiiiniic'itf ’Tuskegeelhr¿ bxnrnu InstiInasti..­ also tthe li» enterprising.uti n»n»ici»i

Manuger, Memphis Ked tie 81*5011.1 eporter. ORANGE MOUNI) SOCIAL COMMUNITY CLUB STIRLING SOCIALITES CLUB The Otange Mounu Bocial Com­ S<>i flub The Sterimg Sociables Olub met munity Club held its regular busi­ al the heme p| MA Sadie Bache­ ness meeting, Tuesday evening, lor, b85 Ciuuip Blvd., August 33. A August 22 at the residence of Mrs. fJNte ------very mterestuig business session wa, H L. Wilson, 2589 Spotuwoed «CHICAGO, Ili -The Red 'Box , ship titlr aiui iaiis wdl have a held by the president, Mrs Callie Avenue Mrs Mary Matthews, Mrs Lcoke -eviu wUli thè Kansas guy ' iname u, witnrs- their first cham­ Mae Winfield A delicious repast Willie Hunt and Mrs. U Reid join­ Mpr.àtéh' in a recent seri« ami pionship game playeu Ui Meiuphi- yas served by Ute hostess ed lhe club. The hostess served a delicious ice then arme mio Clucago; tu uieti aice—I mm t know All lhe men -Next meeting will be-held at the on the teuiH -have their eyes or course. Next meetibg aill be held thè Cideago Aminomi Giani.'. We Remnson. of 78« Missis-1 one that will abruptly take them Cpl. James R. Walls, 595 Crump home of Mrs. Leo Gunter, 585 opened at thè EIE JubOee in thè thit garni1 and they me putting PREPARE TO DO OVER AGAIN at the residence ot Mrs Oseby, sippi Boulevard Pi charge this re- from the routine of civilian life Boulevard; Pvt. Thomas H Moore. Crump Blvd Mrs. Callie Mae Win­ Windy City and deli alea tlie Ulani iurth every ellort to win. 1659 Raymond Street. IN KOREA—Memphians and their | serve unit will be the first m which they had just settled down Box 151, Mound Bayou, Miss; 1st field, president; Thelma Winfield, by a invigili bi 12lt Vibert Ciao; I will lemma you again of the Mrs. Eddie Harrison, praaidant; buddles of neighboring communi­ Memphis .to be called lor active to since the of World War II Lt Edwin T Prater of 1096 Holly­ secretary; Mrs. Helen Powell, re­ was at Iiis best.on thè inumili mi.t game on Bunday, September 3 when Mrs. Pearl Polk, reporter ties who constitute the 241st Trans duty. Among the. soldiers in the picture wood, also a commissioned officer I porter . A Neal Robinson »a- aloni’ ailn nm. me -Red Bull take on the strong portatian Port Company, Organ­ are Captain Robinson, Pfc. James in World War I; 1st Elisali Noel, With hit Stfong tallii liulfii- luu hit-.: Houston Eagles and( you will Wit­ ized Reserve, with headquarters at NIGHTINGALE ART Captain Robinson, teacher at Moody, of 614 East Georgia; Cpl of 371 South Orleans; Cpl Melba ting Fomentai and Jot- H.iin ness uiunher battle * The Sox have MID SOCIAL CLUB AND rURJFT CLUB lhe Memphis General Depot, are Douglas School, was a commis­ Longino Coke, 957 South Lauder­ Hudson, 2430 Brooklyn Ave; and weie liso Licker-upyer- wiiji theii^ played L'l games on this trip and The Mid Social Club met August The Nlgiitingale Art and Thrift expected to leave with a lew days sioned officer in World War II. dale; Second Lt. Noble Owen, Jr James M. Knight, 1356 Person Ave 10 at the home of Mrs. Eloise Rob­ Club held ito regular meeting Mon­ pcwerful liHtiu# >► wot, 9 uf Diem. for a port of Embarkation prelim­ He is in charge of the unit. Shown of 744 Neptune; SPC F C Mosby Apt.-D The Red So>. «te gettiti? cìoser1 day night, August 21, at the home Keep rooting for Die Red Sox inary to sailing for overseas du­ in accompanying pictures are sev­ Jr., 1543 Sunset; Sergeant Claudt inson. 1451 Britton Street A brief of Mrs. A. F. Lofues Alter the and clo^i to, thè isiu cii^mpion- anil Help leading the WORLD ties. The company, organized in eral members of the company Robinson, 839 David Street; Sgt. They are processing records be- and inspiring meetiug was held by ______devotional service tiie meeting was 1948. two years ago. with Captain malting preparation for departure the president. The president, Mrs. Douglass Henderson, 1437 Pillow St fore leaving Memphis. Qussie Day. left fur" Chicago, 111 . ' turned over to Uie president for where she will .-pend two weeks va- ' business' The president discutai WHITEHAVEN NEWS cation, visiting friends and rela­ lier enjoyable trip to tile club. Mrs. tives. The club has planned a pic­ Mary E Beatty, who was reported MIDDLE BAPTIST CHI lt< II Mis. Roxie Matthews of Coving­ Club And Society Notes Around Covington ill last meeting, has now recovered Rev. LrL Hall, pastor ton ami Mr Rosie Williamson ot nic for September 9 A tasty re­ FH1L BURTON, BOXER past was served by the hostess. She is vacationing in Knoxville. A Sundat School wa- conducted at Musan spent ,tne weekend with .are expected to return to the Bluff ¡City, August 2?. delightful menu was served at the 10 a. m by Die mptnntendent. their aunt. Mis Callie Shelton Mrs BACK HOME ON VISIT By ROLAND M. PORTER The next meeting will be bela Mrs Susie Biyaut of 2667 Select' mettlng by the hostess. Bi other Tiufuk-Mil, hell Ar the 11 Shelton b convalescing at her September 1 al the home of Mrs T3ëssiT^Tênîicê^towârd^*âô7' cently. The next meeting will be held at o'clock hiKfi thi Rev. W. G Wil­ home They also attended morning i Avenue lias as her house guest her MRS WESTBROOK SPENDS Willie B White, at 8:30 p m. All Alpha Gaines of St. Louis, Mu Mrs Fannie Braheb and Mr atid tile resilience of Mis Nancy Mit­ liams was'*tne' guest -pftken He i and evening services son, Mr Hui Burton, of New York WEEKEND IN LITTLE KOCK members are asked to please be visited relatives in Covington re- Mrs. FYancls Mitchell liad as their ' present. Mis Gussie Day, presi­ chell, 1284 Brown Street, Septem­ preached a very timely and in­ City and Mr. Freddie Lihoii, ot Mrs. Sarah Westbrook 771 Randle ber 4 Mrs. Julia Roberts, presi­ Str Louis, Mu., bis friend. guests ol lhe week Miss Bernice dent; Mrs Willie B- White, re­ spiring sepnon frotn, the subject. Mr Tommie Johnson of Detroit, Street, sjient last weekend in Little Smith of Bt. Louis, Mo and Mr. | porter dent; Mrs. A F. Loftiea, secre­ "A Changing Wuild." It wu- en­ Michigan, arrived in the city the Mr Burton, a former Memphiau, Rock Ark., visiting relative- am1 notmced today by H C. Taylor ol was educated in lhe city schools Marcielle Baty, of Chicago, Illinois. —:------tary; Mrs. Sarah Westbrook, re­ joyed by al). Sunuay, night a won­ last of the week for a short visit friend' after serving as imitess to Jonesboro, secretary of the com­ Mr. and Mrs, Zachary French porter. derful program was leiuleced by wilt ms parents, Mr and Mrs, Ben­ here He graduated from Melrose several out-of-town guests. Among mittee CHIT CHATTERS and family uf Chicago, Illinois, the choir, under the direction ot nie Johnson, in Whitehaven. and St Augu'line He resides in the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd SOC1A1. (LIB Tne Aikriiisa- Press Association, Visited friends. Mr James Griffin with Mi Al­ Mrs Naomi Holmes of Dayton, New York City where he is a wel­ Haye of Hammonds, Indiana, Mr. The Chit Chatters Social Club The Allen Hotel which appointed the committee, has The week of July 31, Mrs. Lottie berta Bryant •« the piano • Ohio and Mi Ff i lander Johnson terweight fighter He took training A. Rucker of New York City; the met ut Die hume Ol Mrs. Lorene at the Stillman Gym in New York. Mitchell was ho.'te.u> to the A. A. The Choir obsertea its anniver­ of Detroit spent the weekend with former Mi s Edna Owen.-., of Neu approved Arkansas Slate College ^n Arnett, 4!545 Park Avenue. The and Grill ' His last fight was July 13 in Gma- ana 8, Club also Board Number 1 One »I Kentucky's Eine« Hotel) sary, Bunday, 'August 27 at 2;‘ju j. Mr. and Mrs L. wieiice Johnson, York City Mrs Zeiena Tale of De­ Jonesboro for the training of sUi- hostess took Ute members 16 Tony's 1 dents in graphic arts and printing of Collins Chapel Methodist flin fOr a private party. Everyone RATE: StaleStale |2J4 m. Rev. J W. West, pastor ut Ji'., nt Whitehaveri lu, Nein asku against Kai Galvin, troit, Michigan. Mrs. Tate and Miss Churcii. DAILY DeuMeDoubt» »3 ft Greater MV Baptrt Church it'was a split decision. Owens are visiting theii mother in fields: The new semester will open expressed himself as having a won- The City Federation of Colored derful time. 8516 W. MADISON STREET was guest speaker. i Freddie Lalson, also a welter- Ellendale, Tenn. on Wednesday, September 6. Women of which Mrs Wilia Mil- yrs. ______Ida M. ______Rambert, jjresident____ LOUISVILLE U. KENTUCKY ' aeight fighter, received his train­ Accompanying Mrs. We-.tbiook on A', the request of Die Press As- W. W. W. Charity chell is president met Monday gjs. Eiwb«tti Tatum, »«creury, ing at the Stillman Gym in New her trip wa: Mrs. Ethel MuUey soqiuUun, Arkansas State College I York ana have been on extensive I night, August 14, in the home of jgrs Lorene Arnett, reporter. Will oiler two-tour year degrees Club Aid Children I lighting tours. ! with majors in graphic arts. At the Mrs. Sallie Lee Jones. ______Her»’« Th* Staple Uty Way That FLOKiUIANS ARE , The W . W W. Ciub was organi­ Miss Margarette Smith is visit- ■ WORLD VISITORS ' present time Slate College lu- ing relatives in Petroit, Michigan. VPUniYian bhaKGS COLORS HAIR JET BLACK zed several months ago under the ! Members of the Crosby Gospel equipment valued at more than supervision,of Mrs Geraldine Eng­ MEMPHIANS VISIT The Union Grove Baptist Church 1 . 1 Singers visited the Memphis World $135,000 and about 9.000 feel of floui revival is now In progress with G|*0C6rS Faith lish who is a member of the Beu­ IN KANSAS CITY '.«pace in its printing laboratory newspaper office while enroute to lah Baptist Church, 729 McKinley Mr and Mr- Eddie Brown, of Evangelist Rev. A. D. Bell of E Chattanooga.. Tenn , to fill a sche­ Tom Align ol Brinkley, president i 2584 Select Avenue are spending Street. of the Arkansas Press Association, Memphis. Tennessee, conducting the In Human Nfftliro S duled engagement. The parly in- services. Rev J. H. Porter, pai- «»w««mii ivuivic The purpune of the club is to help their vacation in Kansas City. Mo, I eluded Mr and Mrs. Samuel But- has been elected chairman of the CHICAGO, Illinois — A Chicago T visiting friends and relatives. They tor. 1 underprivileged,, 11J . E1U VIHtM.OUchildren MOIn UM.the VV*I>com- ler and their sister, Miss Mary But- Graphic Arts Advisory Committee, ! muiilty to pirchasa sufficient Ciotti- grocer’s faith in human nature was I hr, all of St. Petersburg Florida. It has approved the College’s curric­ ' itoli A Xi ntfnnrl Dmo4mir. shaken considerably today by his ing to attend church on Sundays different churches this Sunday, Mr Buller plays both the piano ulum and physical plant. State (experience with an apparently af­ Enough material has already been August 27, by member- of the club. | ■ - tvtnly colored, you mU be de- jnd guitar. ■ College ii' the only tax-supported fable youth. FUSALE AT YOUR DRUGGIST purchased to outfit about 50 chil­ Elisha Wilburn liehted u> tee hw n»y it it to keep your hft Some ot the churches to be visit­ institution raise Byvm 9itk NATURAL HAIR?ATTACHMENTS of 234 West Person Avenue. age'of trained printers, a two-year Benton County, Miss., July 19, gunman escaped-without any mon­ CAUTION—ueeorty a> directed enough money to outfit 50 ciuld- Many^courtesie., were extended course in vocational ■ printing— 1870, and died at a ripe age of 80 ey HUN) NIOftCU C0..lftLCMtM,0l»W5,N. reh. Mwe is needed so Dial they the Detroiters, led off by the two which has been offered by State years. can reach more children. Dona-i trothers-of Mr. Wherry They werr College since 1946-will be continu­ He moved to Memphis with his lions wll be appreciated Messrs Lowell and Clyde Wherry, ed thiidren after the death of hU Mr. English resides at 802 Sax­ Mr. and Mis Clyde Wherry had Room reservations for students wife. In 1931 he united with the on Avenue She has been a car- lhe visitors' far dinner at their interested in enrolling in graphic Hopewell Baptist Church and had .♦ rier lor the Memphis World for home at 2393 Park Avenue. Mr arts in September are still available been a regular communicant since. v.t more than 10 years. Lowell Wherry showed them over at State College, according to Mr. He was loved and respected by 'he city. Taylor. Furtlw information can those who knew him. Mr. Wilburn WANTED! Before returning to Detroit last be had by calling at the office of was able to work from the age of Out-Of-Town Saturday morning, the Perry J this newspaper or by writing to eight years until his death He was Wherry.s and other members of the Arkausas State College. Jonesboro. a lover of Sunday School and wa- Young men and women to train for work in party visited Mr Wherry'- grand­ present in Sunday School every Visitors Are parents. Ke. and Mn J A. Fields, Sunday morning, rain or shine of Arlington...... He leaves to mourn their loss a the newspaper and printing industry. daughter. Mrs. Arthusa Mays; three - - ■ I .* Entertained sons, Elder A Williams, Mr. Guy e Printer Shortage and Alvis Williams. Funeral was Fiedrl$ (Finald and Joyce Let­ ‘ Oiliness held Sunday, August 27, at 10 o'­ cher entertained out-of-town guests RUINS MORE BEAUTY clock at the Hopewell Baptist Over 60.000 Needed y Vrioay afternoon at their t home, Acute In South; Church. 5ft> E Crump Blvd. Out-of-town Than PIMPLES ! I W-U were- Ida J. Lavenie and Degrees Offered This field of endeavor has opportunities and Btudky ^Mmngton of SulUgtat applicationsApplications are now being ac­ Alabama: Wallace W Williams of cepted from students interested in Award Upheld salaries comparable to that of any other MInne-.poUs, Minn . and Adbrn college training in graphic arts «nd vocation in the country today. For further Bodie, Jr . of Chicago. Illinois; De- printing by Arkansas Graphic Arts fOVCANHAVtYCUniMlll I lores Peyton, Veronica’ Begrest. Advlxry Committee, it was J Benjamin Jacluun, Maurice Bullet. In Seaman Case information inquire at this newspapsr office ‘ Gloria Jean and Rudolph Taylor, or wrlte- n 9 NEW YORKiANPt- A motion Latti! Craoflon» *.tn 1 Adrian and Blanche Isabel, Arre- to set aside a Judgment of 1150,000 in YOUn Easily Attddftd | zalice and Mayolene Williams, the death of James E, Naylor. 35- [ Floyd. Loyd. HelFn, Ann, Elaine. year-old seaman, was denied Tues­ Arkansas Graphic Arts Advisory Council, Human HaJt- x | Barbara and Gladys Douglas were day by Federal District Judge Er­ Allihaâ" .V; I the home town guests F CHIGNON nest W. Gibson. Naylor died in H. C. Taylor, Secretary, Vatluus game- were played by the October, 10 hours after a fall from «aw ho momt \ | kids 'Ice cream sandwiches, punch i UH MHD kAMht Of YOUI HAH » the forecastle of the freighter Al­ Sfate College, Arkansas Ot STATI IMI COLO» . i ' candy and peanuts were served Black and White Van- legheny Victory. The ship's owners FhIim) MI Antoni »n WMry " Noise makers were given al) of the uhing Cream u used claimed the Judgment excessive. guests. When leaving they all ex­ by million» of women—because of it« The jury gave Mrs Naylor MO.- Cluster 4 Curi» . SISO pressed to the mother, Mrs Leora For fall Drinks remarkable “Sealo” action that dne* 000 for her husband's suffering | B. Gunter and grandmother, Mrs and help» seal off oilmen — protect« during the 10 hour» before he died; Aline Turner, hostesses as having »kin (even the pore») from dirt, duit, . »15,000 each for Mrs- Naylor and her HAIR DO FASHIONS , had a wonderful time. Use weather! It'» a perfect powder base I daughter, Tanya, 15, and »45000 for Jean and Margaret Brown stop­ Make» »kin look brighter, feel »ofter heT son James Ronald 14. 312 St. Nitholat Ave MWY0M.N.Y. * ped in hte to express their regret- —keep» make-up freaher Judge Gibson held that "pain in­ of not being able to have arrlvec Plenty of ao much longer. A»k for flicted on an individual which is earlier to attend lhe party. it today I Only 304. caused by the wrongdoing of an­ other Is no less to « poor man than Um Mod and WM» Genuine Cloonilog Cr»on, _ JOlA millionaire." Hod ond Wh9* Cold Croom 304 oodi. for BLACK ««WHITE VANISHING CPF AM Kentucky Straight Bourbon You can make your duo. •Cattaui» lit it crjM citar, Hule-fr»», dry, hard-to-manage hair * baril rote* ani sparkle like diamond«! Um tíatt-mMnt Ptuko Hair Dremlng and tat how it bring* out highlight«. With Piuko your hair look* •after, longer, «ilkler -be- sH HAIR STRAIGHTEN •o eaay to arrange. FILTERED LOOK entucky Scratches ONE APPLICATION SMAITI ^ONKXTNA Ahur» QUALITY KEEPS HAIR STRAIGHT vi* Hata 4 Years Old ” PROOF -PURITY WM*«, Hi. GENUlNf IN NTBOICUM Jll AmUr, Î5c Thia well-known name, FROM Î to 6 MONTHS /VÎT OlX Moroline, guarantee» fat Hak«. higheit quality. Re- lied on by million». ' Buy PERMA-STRATE ut -I O UI » V Hl I,-MN T U< K Y

K I H't A CA T t î I A I O H I Bruy Sttre-only $2 I Q.- 8 I I 0 N WHISKIY ~=rr

I MOMENTSFön ¡rand Boule Brings Notables I X. CHURCH NEWS REFLECTION the Annual Young People"« Day. HOPE WEI L BAPTIST CHURCH I 334 Ashland Street which will be the third Sunday in Rev. L. M. MrNeal, mlnliter September Brother James Payne, Sunday, August 20 was a high clerk; Slater R Henard. reporter o Alabama State And Tuskegee day We had a lovely Sunday «-* School Rev 8 M Jones from REV. FRANK T CHERRY. JR. Chambers. Miss, was our gue‘t. SPEAKER AT AVERY CHAPKL minister at the 11 o'clock hour. He Rev Frank T Cherry, Jr,, of preiched a wonderful’ sermon from Montgomery and Memphle, wm FestiveAugustCrowds 116th Psalm Subject "The Chri tl- ( guest speaker during th« morning an's Best Contribution to God b, worship at Averv Chipel AMI 8ervlcc.'' Church Sunday of this week, Aug. Opr pastor. Rev McNeal, de­ 20 The services were well attend­ livered the sermon at 8 p m from ed Each member expressed him­ Hebrew 2:3 Subject. "How Shall self as having been lifted by the Bring Happy Memories We Escape." We always enjoy the message , . wonderful messages and teachings i In keeping with all it« cherished traditions of the past, . . in­ of our pastor Ing west on Faxon to Ayers, north i effectual brilliance, social elegance, with accent upon activities of The Sunday . Schoo] , picnic out at HOPEWELL BAPTIST «BOUNDARIES FOR HIGH SCHOOLS on Ayers to point of beginning. Lincoln Park was a success as us- > The Sunday School of Hopewell ■ILAS KORTRECHT special interest to wive«, and children, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity car­ •Pupils completing the 7th grade ual We are looking forward to | Baptist Church held ita Annual ■inning on the north at Uni- at Cane Creek will go to Hamilton Beginning on the north at the ried out il> Twentieth Biennial Grand Boule latf week on the com­ Picnic at Lincoln Park. Wednesday. river and Butler, east on Butler to n and the city limits, following High School. putes of Alobama State Teachers College, Montgomery; and Tus­ August 16 The trip Was made by ■ty limits north, east and south •Pupils completing the 7th grade Third, south on Third to Crump kegee Institute, Alabama. Bay Area Fetes Perry Little Bus Line Service. ilnut Grove Road on the' east, at Magnolia and living west of Cas­ ■Boulevard, west on Crump Boulevard President H. CounclU Trenholm., MEMPHIS WELL Plans are under wav for Youth e west on Walnut Orove Road talia will go to Hamilton High to the river. BY A. L. GEUARD sho only the week before celebrated I REPRESENTED Visiting Deltas Day Program September 17. We nion to Poplar and N. C. & St School. ______LAROSE A FRIEND his twenty-fifth year as head of Delta Boule, one of the oldest in Social 'divides complimenting aie happy to have our pastor back iroad, thence west on Poplar •Pupils completing the 7th grade Beginning on the north at the I I have a friend; yea, more than a Alabama State Teachers College, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, with visiting Deh? Sorors to the 21st with us after having spent six weeks liversity exxtended and north at Magnolia and living east of C railroad and Crump Boulevard. brother. 'peakheaded activities as Gramma- headquarters in Memphis, was well National Convention of Delta Sig­ at Rus College. He is now conduct­ niversity to the city limits and Castalia will go to Melrose High ihence east to Third, north on Third He will hear my every plea teus of Phi Boule, official host; and represented.It'a delegation was com­ ma Theta Sorority by the three lo­ ing revival services at Vicksburt, of beginning. School ; to Railroad Avenue, east on Railroad I go to him with all. my cares; as Thesauristes Megistos, (National posed of Drs. C. M Roulhac, Oram- cal Deha Chapters have kept every Miss. L. Branch, reporter ILTON Children living on school boundary Avenue to Wellington, south on Wel- I listen as He speaks to me Treasurer) The Grand Boule head­ mateus of Delta Boule; W O. waking minute of the week -pent in [Inning on the north at Wal- streets may attend either school lington to Crump Boulevard, thence quarters were at Alabama State Speight, Sr., Lewis 0. Swingler, Berkeley filled with festivities and Poplar, east on Poplar to without obtaining transfers. east to Mississippi, south on Missls- I have a Friend, yea. more than Teachers College with most of the Chris Roulhac. Jr. and Mmes Beginning Sunday night with Op­ er. south cn Cooper to Lamar CALDWELL 1 sippi to Provine, east on Provine gold. activities centered on the campus Senior and Junior; and Speight. en House by Mrs. Vivian Osborne Must You Avoid Beginning on the north Parkway Bayou, thence south- at the, to Porter, south on Porter to Walker. of that institution from Tuesday. Archon Roulhac was elected to a He will ever stay near by. river and Marble, I go to Him with all my burdens; Marsh, Past Grand President at on Parkway Bayou to Castalia. east on Marble east on Walker to Somerville, south August 15 opening day. through National office, that of Megistos He speaks to me from the sky her lovely home in Berkeley start­ 1 on Castalia and Castalia ex- to Seventh, south on Seventh to on Somerville to McLemore, west Thursday, August 17th Tuskegee Archon Rhetoricos Dr Roulhac has Favorite Foods? ed meeting and greeting each .ot­ sd to the new city limits, thence Chelsea, west on Chelsea to the on McLemore to Cummings, south Institute, located about forty miles been attending Grand Boules since her. ... bocouM of Acid stomodrt i and west on the new city river on Cummings to Trigg, west on to the east of Montgomery hi the 1925. when the Fraternity, oldest of I have a Friend; yea. He's precious. Monday afternoon the undergrad­ e, to Prospect and the Memphis CANE CREEK Trigg to I. c. railroad, north on 1 adjoining county of Maron took all Negro Oreek-letter Societies, met He's more than all the world to uates were carried by buses on a State Line railroad, north and Beginning on the north at Missis-! C railroad to Crump Boulevard and over on thè closing date. Friday. in Minneapolis and St Paul. Min- me I picnic given by Kappa Chapter of on the Memphis and St,ate Line sippi and Person, east on Person to, point of beginning. August 18th Dr. Fred D Patterson , nesota. I go to Him with al) my troubles; rnd to Mississipp north on Mis- Hays, south on Hays to Dunn, east LEATH president of the world-famed insti­ I sail upon a quiet sea. the University of California at Cor- dineces Park ipi to Gaither, north on Gaith- on Dunn to Castalia, south on Cas- Beginning on the north at the tute. wm on hand to extend wel­ Kerr, east on Kerr to College. talia extended to Alcy. west on Alcy river and Madison, east on Madison come to the delegation, and enter­ Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority's in­ 1 on College to Walker, east on extended to Hernando Road, con- to Manassas, south on Manassas to tain it at his farm home. City-Wide SS-BTU formal dance at the Edgewater-on- ;er to Somerville, north on tlnuing west on the new city limits Beale, west on Beale to Orleans, Registration list at the Grand the-Beach. San Francisco, began trvllle to Unton. east on Union I to the Drainage Canal and the south on Orleans’to Linden, west Boule read like a "Who's Who." Al­ Congress In Meet the series of dances that followed faldran. north on Waldran to I Memphis and State Line railroad, on Linden to Lauderdale, south on though physicians and dentists re­ throughout the week Netrly everyoat hai fovoriit foods that t of beginning.’ northeast on the Memphis and State Lauderdale to Vance, to Wellington. presented the largest group present At NewSalemBap't Omega Psi Phi fraternity gave an bring on hetriburn ... soorntss... said IA88A8 Line railroad to Mississippi, north.south on Wellington to Railroad as delegates and visiting Archons, informal Picnic Dance at Elmhurst indtgeuion. Hui millions have found iba ginning on the north at the Rev C J Pat ten on, and New Gardens at Oakland. California answer is simple as AB-f. They joa on Mississippi to Person and point Avenue, west on Railroad Avenue the delegation also included nine carry a handy roll of Turns in pocket or ' and the city limits, east on 1 of beginning. college presidents One. Dr. Charles i Salem Baptist Church were hosts to Third, north on Third to Butler, The Deltas of the 'Bay Areas as purse. Fat I or 2 like candy for quick, city limits to University, south CARNES S. Johnson. Internationally noted to the Memphis Sundiv School and west on Butler to the river. soothin, relief. 1'ums contain no soda to niversity and University extend- president of Fisk University, deliv­ ’ BTU Congress Sunday afternoon. Hostess Chapters feted the visitors Beginnnig on the north at Man­ LESTER over alkalirc or cause acid rebonod. And o Poplar, ihence wes; on Poplat ered the Memorial address Thurs­ August 20 The topics discussed by and invited guest* of the Area with assas and Jackson, east on Jackson Beginning on the ______north at Uni- they are FAST! Cbst only a dime. one of the most beautiful "Centen­ te river. to Ayers, south on Ayers to Faxon, versttv"and the L. A N railroad, day. August 17th Memorial ser­ Mr. Emerick Clark and Mr J W Get a roll today! nial Balls" at the recently rede­ .ROSE east on Faxon to Tutwiler, contlnu- east on the L. A N railroad to the vices honoring the names of de­ Mohone were beneficial to all Sun- Out, IO< ginning on the nortlr at Cujpcr ceased members who have passed j day School and BTU workers. corated Sweet's Ball Room. Oakland lhg east on Tutwiler to McLean. | j c rgilroad soulh pn (he I C. I loH Package Poplar, east on Poplar to the south on McLean to Galloway, east • ra[]road t0 Jackson, northeast on during the biennum between ses­ Rev L M Neal, pastor of Hope- Friday evening the Deltas were J. A St. L. railroad, thence east ,to “!n“W0rth'8W?.th on Jackson to Macon Road, east on sions have become highlights ol well Baptist Church, delivered the the guests of the Kappa Alpha Psi Union and Walnut Grove Road Kenilworth to Tucker, south on. the Grand Boules His message was Fraternity at a formal dance given Macon Road to Graham, south on Doctrinal address. The Congress J)« city limits, following the city Tucker to Union, west on Union 'o. Grguam to Walnut Greve Road, east such a classic presentation of the graciously welcomed Rev McNeal as in the Ballroom of the Palace Ho­ Negro’s role in the current affairs TUMI SO« TM TOMMY is south and west to Castalia ex­ 1 SSomerville, north on Somerville k 1 UUon Walnutv»au*uv VIUTVGrove awasM t0 Goodlett. a minister in our organisation. Al­ tel In San Francisco of the world that Sigma PI Phi led. thence north' On Castalia to ¡Madison, west on Madison to Man- j on Goodlett to Poplar, west so Rev. Van J Malone, pastor of Fraternity will use It as the basis Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity closed kway Bayou, north and east on I assas, north on Manassas to Jack- on pop|ar to Union extended, soulh , First Baptist. Chelsea In Mr Jesse for its statement on public poucy. the week's activities with a Tropi­ THE ORIGINAL kway Bayou to Cooper, north on son and point of beginning. • ■ - ■ ■ ■ • | Bishop's report of the State Con-1 and west» on Union extended and Action In this direction was stepped cal Sports Dance at the exclusive per to Poplar and point of be- DOUGLAS gress, he urged that we attend the j MADAM TODD IS BACK Union to Tucker to Poplar, continu- up by the presence of another noted Acquatlc Park in San Francisco. ng.” Beginning on the north at the | classes of this Congress. We have ' ing north on Kenilworth and Park- personality at the meeting Dwtor The climax for the entire conven­ JKER T. WASHINGTON I. C. railroad and the new city limits, • view extended to Gallowny to Mt- qmlified teachers in all fields of Percy Julian, eminent scientist of tion festivities took place hi Los MADAM TODD eglnning on the north at the continuing east and south cn the Christian education. I Lean, north on McLean to Tutwiled. Chicago. DR. C. M. ROULHAC. SR. Angeles where the Deltas arrived American Palmtoi r and Poplar, cast on Poplar to city limits to Grey Road, west on least on Tutwiler to University .north The Congress prayfully awaits Sunday night for a two-day Post- and Medium. Nev­ Jdran, south on Waldran to Grey Road to Salem, south on Salem the return of our devotional lead­ on University to the L A N rail­ Convention visit with the Hostess er been In your city on. west on Union to Somerville to Macon Road. west on Macon Rd. road and point of beginning er. Mrs J S Brodnax, who met , before Not to be Chapters of that city. Ion Somerville to Walker, west . to Jackson, continuing west on Jack- LINCOLN with ah accident. May God speed classed m a Gypsy alker to College, south on Col- ! son to the I C railroad, north on Beginning on the north at the I Society Beacon On her- recovery The president asked 'Guaranteed to read i to Kerr, west on Kerr to Gaither , the I. C. railroad to point beginning. C. railroad and Trigg, east on Trigg III churches to send representatives «your entlrt Utt ith on Gaither to Person, east on to Cummings, south on Cummings o the Board meeting which is Tues­ WRONG NAME r I past, present and - FLORIDA J future: gives true ..■son to Mississippi Avenue to the extended to Person, west on Person day night after the fourth Sunday; FREDERICK. Md - Charged with Beginning on the north at the emphls and State Line railroad to Mississippi, south on Mississippi at te Howe School of Religion. 581, excessive speeding, a visitor for­ I advice on business river and South Parkway, east on th and west on the Memphis and to the Memphis and State Line rail­ South Orlean- 8treet feited til.45 collateral The man's I love and health South Parkway to the I. C. railroad, land family affairs ke Line railroad to Prosuect and I road. southwest on the Memphis and Salem-GIlfield carried home the | name was Roland J. Obey. And ’ city limits, thence* west on the south on the I. C railroad to the that, according to State troopers, is ■Satisfaction gugr- State Line railroad tn the Drainage Miss Mamie J Seale was hostess Goe ts were Mr' and Mrs Del­ banner as a result ol 83 being pre­ ;y limits to the river. city limits, following the city limits just what he didn't do. I anteed or no charge. Canal and the new city limits, fol­ to a lovelv party al her reslsclence. mar Counts, Miss Bertha Gorman, sent Mrs A L. Cotton, pieaider.t: west to the river. , Mrs M Woods, secretary, Mrs I Look for the lowing the city limits southwest to 1293 Central Avenue. Tuesday even­ Mr. Sol Davis, Mr and Mr- James GRANT Fnches puts shot 58 1-2 feel. Hours 9 00 A. M to 9 00 P. M. the I C railroad, north on the 1 Harris, Mrs, Irene Tucker with Mr M Smith, reporter. Beginning at the river and Chelsea ing, Align t 22, A yellow and while and Bundi y Reveals private affair» C railroad to Trigg and point of Steve Williams. 4- longest ever. In Swedish meet east on Chelsea to Ayers, south on motif wis used in the decoration and give« lucky numbers without beginning Electricity costs cut 7 per cent In Ayers to Jackson, west on Jackson and flowers. Mlsj. Seale wore a I hjving seen or heard of you befoa; ADAM BELL 10 years, power body reports LOCKE I to Manassas, south on Manassas to brown crepe dress trimmed with Mr and Mrs 8 W Robinson, gives help tn trouble; «dvic» bn j Madison, west on Madison to the Beginning on the north at Man­ rhinestone buttons. of 1525 South Montgomery, have COMING! problems of life, love courtship, IILATIfl assa and Madison, east on Madisotf river. returned from the Windy City rial affairs- ■ marriage, changes travel, buslnes*. to Somerville, south on Somerville AlMIST HAMILTON where they visited relatives and Caleb Airport State Line. Tellew to Walker, west on Walker to Nep­ WHO? WHERE? ; Beginning on the north at Somer- to Perkins, north oh Perkins te friends Mi Robinson is funeral di­ Mr and Mr E Bohannon of but, ride te end of line. Located tn | ville and Union, east on Union to tune to Railroad Avenue, west on Minden Road, west to Minden rector al Southern Funeral Home 1347 liorrace Avenue have a* their House Trailer Tent. Look for togn Railroad Avenue to Orleans, north SEPTEMBER 15TH ; Cooper, south on Cooper to South Road extended to Graham, north Mrs Robinson is cashier-clerk at house guests, Mr and Mrs. Evaly 100 yards from Steele’» Grocery on Orleans to Beale, east on Beale | Parkway East. West on South Park- on Graham to Macon Road, west the Memphis World. Bohannon and children, from Los Store. i to Manassas, north on Manassas to I way East to Ragan, south on Ragan on Macon Road to Salem, north Angeles. California point of beginning. I j to Person, thence following Person on Salem to Grey Road and point ION | west to Cummings extended, thence MAGNOLIA of beginning Mr. Phil Burton, popular welter- * Beginning on the north at Ragan north on Cummings extended to WHITE STATION weight fighter of New York City, o yoo dlamtlsfied with mar­ and Parkway, east on Parkway to, is house gijest of his mother. Mrs Preferred by millions because ifs Ciieerfu/ as its fi/ame McLemore, east on McLemore to Beginning on the north at Gra­ ge! Have yon loot faith In yowr Lamar, southeast on -Lamar to i Somerville, north on Somerville to ham and Minden Road, east on Susie Bryant, of 2567 Select Ave­ Io or iweelbeart! Are von In Trezevant extended to Frisco Avenue1 Union and point of beginning. Minden Road extended- to Perkins nue Accompanying Mr Burton to ; southeast on Frisco Avenue to La­ Memphis was Mr Freddie Latson.l I health! Or d’scouraged! V south on Perkins to Barfield Road HYDE PARK Belle extended, south on LaBelle j y of these tre yowr problem«, ' Beginning on the north at Cypress east on Barfield Road to the new of St Louis, who also fights asT) extended to the new city limits, fol­ no let Madam Bell advtoe yoo 1 Creek and the city limits, foolowing city limits, following the new city welterweight lowing the new city limits west to onee. She reads life to yoo the ctiy limits east to the I. C. rail- limits on the east and south to Mr Burton attended Melrose and i Castalia extended, north on Castalia * M yoo would read an open I road, south on the I. C railroad to Park, west on Park to Goodlett, St Augustine as a student In Mem-I Sid extended to Dunn, west on Dunn to phis. He has been residing in New I >k. Rhe gives you year locky , the L A N. railroad, southwest on north on Goodlett to Walnut Hays, north on Hays to Person, west lot and months. Telto you why j the L. A N. railroad to University. i Grove Road, west op Walnut Grove York since finishing school work on Person to Ragan, north on Ragan v job or h»«lnem to not o roe- : north on University to Cypress Creek . Road to Graham, north on Gra­ A trainee of the Stillman Gym.! to Parkway and point of beginning a She win teU you yowr (west and north on Cypress Creek ham to Minden Road and point of New York. Burton fought “Kid" end« from your enemlea and MANASSAS i to point of beginning beginning. Galivan to a spilt decision in Oma­ Beginning on the north at the 1 caD names So if you have Children living on school boun- ha, Nebraska, on July 13. Latson Is : I KANSAS river and the city limits, following led In th» rent con., see Mo­ I Beginning on the north at the dary streets may attend either likewise a trainee of the Stillman For generations this name has meant fine whiskey the city limits east to Cokee. south rn Bell at once. Come today river and Crump Boulevard, thence school without transfers. Gym, and has beep on extensive on Coker to Chelsea, southwest on tomorrow m y be too late. Sa east to the I. C. RR south on the . ‘Pupils formerly attending New­ fighting tours. , Chelsea to seventh, north on Seven- 'sumj now living In the city The nome Old Sunny Brook on o bottle bos. lot gen bodied straight Kentucky bourbon (Old Sunny Iroet faction gur mteed or M I. C. railroad to South Parkway, west limits Mr. Burton and his companion th to Marble, west on Marble to the; on South Parkway to the river. ; will attend Melrose. have been recipients of many so- »rotions, been on osiunme to the consumer thof White lobel|, or o mellow, milder-to-tho-toste n: * A. M. t» * P. M. R«U- river. KLONDIKE he li getting the very finest whiskey Thot some blend (Old Sunny Irook fellow label) Ask for the Dtlly. Oper. on Sand aye La­ Beginning on the north at Ayers MAPLE Beginning on the north at Treze­ id on Highway 51. Hernande and Chelsea to Coker, north on assurent» is yours today—whether you like o full- Sunny Irook which meets your own lost». vant and Lamar, southeast on La-, at Rtate I .Ins. Catch TeDow Coker to the city limits, east on the mar to Barron, east on Barron to I marked Whitehaven Tenn. city limits to Cypress Creek, south­ > right at Madam Bell a door. i Prescott, south on Prescott to the east on Cypress Creek to University, new city limits following the new | him ovory bonr. south on University to Tutwiler, j city limits west to LaBelle extend­ west on Tuiwll«t to Faxon, contlnu- ed. north on LaBelle extended to Frisco Avenue, northwest on Fris­ i co Avenue to Trezevant extended. ; north on Trezevant to Lamar and ■ À RENT A BRAND NEW ! point of beginning. | MELROSE 93 Beginning on the north at Coop­ PNOO» PROCI er and Union, east on Union and APARTMENT Union extended, to Poplar, contln- ' uing east on Poplar to Goodlett, YALE APARTMENTS «outh on Goodlett to Park, east on Park to Cherry, thence south and Located on Tillman, Just North of The west on the new city limits to Prescott, north on Prescott to Bar­ Intersection At Johnson ron. west on Barron to Umar, northwest on Lamar to Cooper ONE-AND TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS, ParkWav north on Cooper Parkway $31.50 and $39 P»r Month. and Cooper to Union and point of beginning. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS and GAS COOKING PORTER t , Ranges Furnished Beginning on the north at Lin­ den and Uuderdale. east on Lin­ FORCED-AIR HEATING den to Orleans, south on Orleans to Railroad Avenue, east on Rail­ VENETIAN BUNDS road Avenue to Neptune south on Neptune to Walker, west on Wal- I ASPHALT TILE FLOORS 1 ker to Porter, north on Porter to ! Provine, west on Provine to Mis- PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT sisslppl. north on Mlssissslppi to Crump Boulevard, west on Crump AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER Boulevard to Wellington, north on "'Wellington to Vance, east on Vance Some of the«» beoutiful new apartment« are to Lauderdale, north on Lauder­ ready now. Bring your deposit and make dale to Linden and point of begin­ application so you can move right in. Rid» tot «eos ning the No. 3 Normal Summer bus to Holmes and PRESIDENTS ISLAND walk over to Johnson St., to our rental office. The boundaries of Presidents Island -oooOOOooo- ST. STEPHENS Beginning on the north at Salem and Grey Road, east on Oray Road ’’•h/ i Wallace E. Johnson Homes, Inc. to th« new city limits, following I RHONE 41-1005 3169 JOHNSON AVENUE the new city limits south to Bar­ Lwm Hi. ■F„. Il,a ri —MtoaifeiMRÉjBfe field Road, west on Barfield Road MHb-u.firMt *-•> &WiMfrF ‘»mif'T i*■ • ¿ j -, ■z/.lb?.,.." I «¿fe Broken Vows To [Cbrimsom / ’ COME BACH AMD _*»■«» UEND£S$ UJ5 02OÆN ) 1 ammy from the Rail Unions tboopezs' a. WASHINGTON. D. C - 82W president Truman Thursday blunt­ ly accused two big rail unions of meakuig their no-atnke vow to him and another Federal official said government seizure of the earners appears the only way to avoid a na­ tion-wide walkout Monday. TTie President told his news con­ ference that the trainmen and con­ ductors ordered a walkout of their 300,000 members on 131 railroads a- cross the country within an hour W : after assuring the White House that there would lie no strike. i irttned Mr Truman indicated displeasuie with both unions and management By Sullivan for what he called a sudden and un­ FELIX THE CAT expected action He said assurances had come to him from both sides there would be no stoppage NOW FOR One government official, well-in- TH ATS AN formwl on the 17-month-old battle z A. COOL of the unions for wage gains, de­ ( SHOWER1 clared that "as things stand now, I

can see no way out but seizure." The unions had urged government seizure before staging the five "tok­ en" walkouts which now are in pro­ gress against two short-line roads and three midwest freight termi­ nals

A national shutdown at 8 a. m. local tune Monday would complete­ ly disrupt the defense program and other production. Some government sources bejieve Mr. Truman may appeal to the Deltas Elect rank-and-file members of the un­ Navy In Far East ions to disregard the strike caU and (Continued from Page One) stay on the job ta^pport the Ko­ Totals 90,000 Men HORACE SUDDUTH ton; budget board member. Mattie rean War effort. Greenwo9d; judiciary board mem­ TOKYO. Japan — Admiral Fo ber, Sue Cowan Williams; panhel- A World War I status gives the rest P. Sherman, Chief of Nav Horace Sudduth To Preside President authority to' seize the lenic representative, Mae Wright Operations, yesterday revealed th lines, if necessary; He has done this Downs, public relations board lay the United States Navy in the F „several times in recent years, al­ member, Bertell Collins Wright. East totals 150 vessels. Over National Business Meet though on one occasion Mr. Truman Civic activities highlighted the Personnel strength now Is 90.0 asked Congress for power to draft meeting which, attracted 567 per­ men—about double what is was pi railroad strikers into the Army. sons to the campus. ly two months ago Sherman sa After a strenuous Fund Raising utnt on into the south for brief Top event was a round table dis­ this does not include Marine Campaign in which he himself I He informed a press conlAi last minute conferences tn Alabama. cussion on the convention theme, took a leading role. Hor.uc Sud­ that Naval Forces in the FaW» Georgia and Florida Physically "Human RightS--From Charter to duth will round out two years ¡s tiled but witli great ciithusia m tie Ray Robinson Practice," featuring: would be reinforced further wi president of the National Negro approach" ( Booker. T Washington as back to Washington tonight. 50 years a licaq of hi,, day He 1s' Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity and which will he carried forward • f-CRANTON. Ph- 'INSi World ^ratified Ill'll Negro business men. counsel American Council on Hu­ program of education and .ervicc Wdtcr.'eigh' Champion Sugar Ray have Kept pace over Uns period’ of man Rights, and Dr. Dorothy B on behalf of a self-help program Robinson look 52 second.’ to sur­ 50 years He* recognizes a inccre Ferebee, president, National Coun­ for the economic advancement of er fully defend his Pennsylvania appreciation of the program pi cil on Negro Women. the Negro race. i r ion of the world middleweight Ezzard Charles Booker T Wa hhizton, founder of, At this meeting Adm. Nimitz. in crown Friday night when he stop­ Mr. Sudduth has during thr year the League, on the part of a num­ answer to a question from l.ie floor, ped Puerto Rim's Jose Basora in visited key cities in the north, cast ber of nnn and concerns here at declared: the first round of a scheduled 15- and southwest He stopped in Mem­ • he inid-cchtury- which justifies a "I am not aware of any segrega­ phis, Sunday. August 20. for .con­ forward- look to the gloripib ful-, tion practiced by the army m Ko­ Answers Critics rounder rea, and I am certain that the navy ference with J E. Walker, chair-i fillmnit of the vision. by the close Referee Jnhfiny Kelly stopped the man of the budget committee and of the 20th century. bold 'after Bawira had been on 'he does not practice segregation,'' PITTSBURGH, Pa - Ezrat At this forum meeting held at canvas three time', "nee by a slip. Charles and his co-managers ga Trinity Methodist church before an Sugar Ray. who was held to a. comparatively plausible answers overflowing crowd, the following draw by the hard-punching Puer­ the critics who didn't think ^u He Didn '/ Have A. Chance persons welcomed the Dellas to the to Rican five years ago, cum" out of the National Boxfng at the ojiening iwll and showed he city: heavyweight champion I Kent. Purcell city • councilman, meant Im-ine .with a ; mashing left title defense speaking for the mayor; Muss Lucy hook and a rigid cross to the Jaw. The champ and his manage Eternal Reward Surprised Them Ward Stebbins, former deans of wo­ Jake Mintz and Tom Tannas, suj I Then, *cond*- la'ef. the slight- hand for the association. Opening men. University of California, who milted to leading questions fro ly «oozy llisora slipped to the can-1 day Wednesday will feature wel­ aided in the establishment of the \^aTfor no-count. When he got up. Registration Schedule sports writers who wanted to kN come mn'sages, echoes from dele­ first coast, chapter of Delta in All By Winning American Derby Robin on slammed home a serie:, „ why he didn't put Freddie Besto gates, and a missionary sermon by 1920. of lefts’ and right Basora went away earliei than the 14th roui Rev R F. Mayo with W. J. Miss Carolyn Carrington, presi­ FLASHBACKS IN SPORTS Number eleven on •he down again, lie got "P without a In Buffalo August 15 For Schools Announced • Jackson serving as Alternate dent, local pan-hellemc council, and Thr race was worth gl«1’!« ■odd*- board at 99 to 1 ffw' -, as, "I Just didn't,'' Charles said ’ count again and Sugar sent him Rev. D. P McFarland, pastor of and the hone was a 102-to I ' high a the numbers run on a tote MBs Fancita Hall Tor tbe three bark down The referee stopped it I, Superintendent E C. Ball last who will not become ;lx years of First Baptist Church. (Whitei "Certainly not." Mint* .put ■ shot. Rut that didn't keep him board hostess chapters. Kappa, Gamma "He hadn't fought for ten mont' Many of Hie 6.000 fans in Scrap- weekend i-.urd an annotinttmenl age until December 31, 1&50, ..hall Covington, will 'deliver the mam H< e." one of the n» v men said. Phi Sigma, and Omega Sigma from winning Flash R^'k erttb i (on Stadium, disagreed with the I told him to protect his har.i for registration nates of all thf not bitter school during 'hat year. i sermon Thursday morning. August President Height presided over the Inlemahnnal Nrws Servire tn Til buy Hip ri'i.p' from you for)1 referee's decision, and there were And naturally his tuning was of ' schooR--elementary and high Birthday certificates should be pre- 31st. This mes-agc will be one of forum, and Mrs. Samantha Lee. the day Kemal Reward won the a dollar. 'Ihat wav vuu only lo e a the shouts "I "fake." throughout | schools The schedule -is as fol- -enled al the tiific of registration. the highlights of the -association, But all agreed Charles will ' , American Orel» of IMS buck I 'I a deal?' regional director of the Far-West arena — lows. Il HIGH SCHOOLS according to official reports. Rev ready for the title fight with <| BY PAT ROBINSON ' You'n* darn right it is," Hie region of the sorority, was mistress l.ouls‘KBcptembcr 27 In New Yot Robinson scaled 153 3-4 ‘to Ba- ! ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Saturday. September 2 - 10:00 a~ ’ P F Flowers will be guest speaker Inf miai tonal New» Servire In I icjioiier said, and forked of ceremony. The Keaton chorus sora's 159 3-4. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I m General Teachers' Meeting. Thursday evening His alternate , Sport» Writer over Hie ticket directed by Amid Baranco provided are Saturday, September 2 ■ 11:00 a will be Rev James Wright. Nobody olio wa» there that Elementary faculty nweting the music m. High School group and Section­ I president, held open house at I NEW~ YoHJC~N-Y The t>»ys day will ever forget it. Number scheduled for. 10:00 a. m Friday, ! Another highlight of the conven­ j September 1. tn each school al meetings Moderator Porter is scheduled to home. Undergraduate delegates i were^silting in the press l/ix'at II—a <«»lt named Kemal Re­ son did. all Eternal Reward pant tion was a radio broadcast com­ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Tue-day. September 5 - 8:30 a. deliver his annual address Friday joyed a picnfc al Cordineces p; Washington Park in Chicago that ward—won the American Der­ wi- $1.028. morning. September 1st, following' memorating the third anniversary m Class work oegins given by Kappa chapter. afternoon of August 24, 1946. wait­ by at .u-tual odds of 102-to-l. General teachers' meeting will be of the independence of India. Del­ There were «omr great cam­ reports of all departmental officers. Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority's ing for the running of the $102210 To the man who -paid a dol held in the Booker T. Wa hmgton ta Sigma Theta saluted India with paigner* in the 12-horse field REGISTRATION SCHEDULE The Educational Rally will also b- formal dance at the Edgewater-t American Derby, ih»' ca am-rndiii, lar tor Ihe "losing" ticket—and Hieh School Auditorium 10 00 a a talk by Dr. Ferebee.- She said in for the American Derbv that DOUGLAS, HAMILTON. MANAS­ held at this time, and in the after­ the Beach. San Francisco begat > classic for three-year-olds Io every other Jirttor among the i m , Saturday. September 2nd Meet- part: day. Manv of them, like Spy SAS AND MELROSE HIGH noon Friday, the Ushers' and Lay­ series of dances that contltiued ' Tl>e done opened and one nt 1 tng planned by the supervisors will 36.IMM) (rowd who had Kemal SCHOOLS "India, on your day of celebration, Nong, with Pleasure and Al- | be held following the GENERAL men's Hours will be observed Mr week. Among them were » their colleagues J tration Wednesday. August 30 - 8:30 a Society; Rev P F. Flowers, Pre i- decollò Vice-President by Campbell, aboard Eternal Re­ where the Deltas held aJiwo-d 'I A child who has reached his sixth m. Florida and Lincoln dent. Sunday School: Rev C Si ter Lillie Burk, Secretary, is ward. had his mount out of the ---- X ------W*--- -.1-14 tf VS birthday or will be six on or before 1:00 p. m. - Kortrecht and Leath Bowles, Vice-President. Sunday deceased. ..fl post convention visit. gale tenth in the field of twelve. i| December 31.1950. may enter at the Thursday. August 31 - 8:30^ a School; Rev R H. Alston. Second- All eye» were up front, where Marsl I beginning of the term provided he m. 10th, 11th, and 12th Oradea, Vice-President;- Sister Ellen Drane. Alrpci; cargo handlers to refuse Eisenhower calls the Spr Song and the Dude were enter» within thirty days alter the 7:00-9:00 p m. Apprentice Class­ Secretary; Victoria Roberts, Pre-i- to unload Russian goods. Plan just a starter. fighting it out. opening day of the term Any child es _ Then It was Dlxlana s swjft Spy Song, all by herself in the back stretch. The announcer ran off the Union Peace M. B. Association I names of the following hoiscs He didn't mention Eternal Reward I Opens At Jamestown, Tenn. Wed Eternal Reward wasn’t up there. And then, as they came into the Rev. J. H. Porter Is Moderator long, long home stretch. Spy Song Mt. Pisgah M. B. Church, James­ Presiding over the three-day ses­ began to veer, as was his custom. town. Tenn , will be official host to sion will be Rev .J. H. Porter, of Through the daylight came Hal the Fiftieth Annual Session of Covington, Tenn.. Moderator Price Headley's FaWcle and the1 Union Peace Missionary Baptist "Christ our only foundation.” will Dude, fighting for the Irad. be theme of the association, and ft was ¡mln« to be one of them ; Association, beginning Wednesday. Oh. no. it wasn't. Up fioni *b- August noth, and continuing through th« theme song Is "Jlst A Closer Thursday, and Friday. Aug t 31st, Walk With Thee " solutely nowhere, out in the middl" "" Prominent church leadets in the to the track and smashing between ■ to September 1st Host pastor is horses came Number II—Eternal * Rev. S Huddle.son, vice-moderator. greater Covington area will be on Reward His withers dripped sweat] as the clever Campbell went to the

soundk fantastic, but. the ot-1 NOTICE horses seemed to be standing i In those last few strides All Memphis World Carriers Eternal Reward, fifth entering th' i stretch, moved to a point where he won the race by two and a half Results of the L O. Swindler Birthdaj Anniversary Cir. lengths! Today, Eternal Reward has rulalion (xjntesl will he announced’at a Special NEWS­ been retired to his first sea­ BOYS MEETING Saturday, Somber 2nd. at 2:30 I’ son as a stud horse, al White Owl farm In Lexington, Ky. M. All Carriers. Agdnte and Xe|4boys are urged to he The fee is $5## per live foal. And it might just be worth it present at the MEMPHIS WORLD OFFICE, DURHAM, N. C. PRINCIPALS from 85 North T«och«r»' Awociation. Or. J. H. Taylor, dirm ST CHU1U H will hold study course classes. A Cotton and wool fabrics blended in 1164 BEAU AVENUE high point «f the mooting will be new fashions for the fall i Carolina •l«m«ntary schools mat at North Caro­ of th« N. C. College Summer School, was the presenting of tbe Disthwulah- lina Colloge here lost w«ek for their first annual charge of local planning. A. H. Peel«r of A e ed Service Awsrd to the most out­ Army to step up training tv amber 2nd-2:30 P.M. statw-wid« conf •rent*.' Th« conf»r«nc« w aV boro, did the ovir-all planning for the prWip standing Baptist Layman of th« toughen combat trope. sponsored by ih« North Carolina Col leg« Sum­ with the cooperation with a »peciol principi year. Closing on Friday with an An­ -enten. /nos department- mer School, the Stale D«portm«m of Public In­ committee competed of J. E»te»m Byers, My nual Musical i.iiuTuig Naumal My tertoir weapon rMling Taoc. struction, and the Principal«' Section of the StaloStole * lene F. Gray, and H. M. Holme*. X- Named Head Grid Coach At SP°«'TS KING FOOTBALL READY FOR 1950 CAMPAIGN New Bulldog Mentor MEMPHIS WORLD • Tuesday. Avgust 29, 1950 • 91 WORLD Grid Hopefuls Jam Succeeds Jack Adkins By Marion E Jackton By MARION I. JACKSON H. B. Thompson, head batkutbull and assistant football coach and director of the department of physical education at Football drills underway all over notion . . . New York box­ All-conquering King football, regal and proud, boldy tlalki Morris Brown CoHege. hos resigned to take over the helm of ath­ are geared for three major boxing shows in September bock on the '50 pigskin scene in mid September with all of the log fans letics ot Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., where he succeeds Jack ., . Night football games are gaining popularity . . . Fort Valley trumpets and trappings of yesteryears Adkins. Football drills are already in progress for the nation's grid­ State will have for th« first time in history a flashily-dressed, new­ The announcement was made by The Purple Wolverines, under iron frolics next Foil. Unfazed by the brutal assault of blazing ly-equipped, newly-rehearsed band ready this Fall to cheer the H A Johnson, director of athle­ Thompsons direction gut off tu a Wildcats on Io victory The Sou. Coaches and Officials Associa­ tics at the famed Nashville institu­ sliaky |9-5U start, but finished like sun rays, fome-chasing football hopefuls are limbering up in the tion wilt meet with the Southeastern group in Macon, Ga., Sept. tion. a house afire and swept through SIAC, CIAA, ^Aidwesl, Southwest, and several other minor confer­ 8-9 ... This will be the first joint meeting of the two organizations the finals ul the 56-tournament at ences. Tuskegee Institute, winning 6F-55 ,,. Top price for Charles-Louis fight will be thirty bucks... These grid drills will be the pre­ many ranking powerhouses prt- i Thompson gave Murn* lirown ' Imre tu open Die season with ratad Silliest business on record 1* these student to play basketball -for New I lude tu applause, tame and fortune College tile distinction of JOlOiUg for some and heartbreak^ trouble I rivals no later than September 16. — —ison All-Ainencan picks York University That was in 1941 ' Alabama State and Xavier linivei- and disappointment tu others n Institute will not play a and only a short time because Co­ Even tiu- most conservative ovai- - sity as the only iwo-in-a row vie- This all-out attack on condition­ ball colleges will take the Held by ^Diank^i____ ,_jivmg Day game this year ward hau a heart condition which | lors in SIAC history. . ing heralds one of the earliest pig­ September 23. and the reel will Army calls may hurt SIAC football forced him to stop. Under pressure I COACH OF YEAR I skin seasons In many a moon, as I shoot the work* no later than Aep- before Fall despite optimistic state- from Eastern newapapers. NYU is | Last Marell. Coach Johnny Mc­ i tember 30 iNnts to the contrary ...... Presi­ conducting* an extensive eearch for dent's golf tournament at Atlanta's a race player who can meet scholas­ Lendon of North Carolina State On thousand* of college campus­ New Lincoln Country over the La- tic standards ...... College. Durham, nominated Thomp leet m inchesl; 3) Rita Gregory. es, the length and breadth of the United States, coaches ate bug? ae • her Day weekend to steadily mov­ son for "coach of the year in Hie Poe Playground Cluo, Chicago (33 the proverbial bumblebee scrutima- BPORTS OFF THE CUFF - At­ ing it* season up. Who would have SIAC." feet 2-4 inch); 4) Dorothy Chisholm tendance at Yankee Stadium has thought game* would be ptayod u Thompson Is a graduate of Kim­ Tuskegee Institute (32 feet 9 1-4 ing prospects fur bacJtiJeid, end and • line play, before emphasizing fun­ busted the million and a halt mark earl) ax September 16 a few yearx ball High, Kimbnll, W Va His un-. inchb'), 5) Pauline Reppeldt, Phi­ damentals and teclimques of the H. B. (Bus) Thonipsou, Morri* ago. 1'hto year, however, we have dergraduate work was ut Bluefield ladelphia Tuners Club. Philadelphia. moet rugged kporte of them aH Brown College basketball coach eight or more tach till, to pry the State College Bluefield, W Va . Pa (32 feet 1 1-4 Inches), 6' Judy They seek varsity technicians ef and head of the physic«) educa lid oft the '50 football campaign. wliere he majored in biology and Bromell, Austin Orange County, I , tricky plays and prime masters at . lieu department, ha* accepted a Isn't it a grand sight to we Satch­ chemLstry He did graduate Work Calif, team .(21 feel 1 inch) 'offense and defense Job a* bead coach al H*k Univer­ el Paige pitching his three-Inning at Atlanta UinverMty, and New M-METER DASH-D Mabel Lan­ In a few weeks, tired, swqat-saak- sity, Nashville, Tenn. Thompson stint daily when dozens of touted H. B THOMPSON York University, having the master dry, CYO Club. Chicago; 2> Janet j cd and body-bruised grldders will succeed* Jack Adkins, who quit young ball players are complaining of education degree from the latter Thompson, a two-time All-Ameri­ Moreau. Little Rhody Athletic Club, be rounding into shape tor a furi­ despite a highly successful show- of "fatigue.*' The news pages are He has work above the masters can, and three-time AH-CIAA Providence, RI, 3) Margaret Davis : ous offensive on conference, Na­ ! tog on the gridiron last year. Flak full of stories of youngsters asking degree in Physical education. Tuskegee Institute, 4) Mary Mc­ get* to Thompson an able athletic to be benched because they can't nominee has gained wide respect as tional and nationa' champlonahtpi. Thompson departs this week for Nabb, Tuskegee Institute; 5> Re­ Some heroes will come out of thile mentor, who work* hard. take It. yet a grandfather like Paige a coach, having guided the Morri.5 J-risk University to take over Hie becca Jean Ayars, OYO Club. Chi­ Thompson's basketball teams cop­ keeps roiling along like Die Man Brown College Purple Wolverines to garganluans of turf, who are run­ rein* 'or athletic' with the finned cago; 6) Emma Hogan, Tuskegee ped the Sou Intercollegiate Athtetk- River ! I I two consecutive tournament basket­ ning, passing and kicking like ob­ Bulldogs Mrs. Tliompsun will re­ Conference tournament basketball NOTES ON SPORTS - Lester ball championships In the Southern Institute Time: 6 7 sessed men to win their eoachOe' championships in 1949-50 He did a Felton, the Detroit fight sensation Intercollegiate Athletic Conference main in Atlunla for a while. 80-METER HURDLES-1 Evelyn raves and approbation. bang-up job as assistant football who upset Kid Gavilan last winter, in 1949-50 Lawler, 2 Constance Damowski. Most roaches, -aced with ho t Thompson inherits a crackerjack coach, and scouted grid toes for the meets Al Mobley In New Orleans. Hie new Fisk University head German-American Athletic Club. weather lid-lifters in September, squad from Adkins. The Bulldogs will be bearing down In a day or to. Purple Wolverines September 1 .... Pittsburgh news­ coach won renown at Morristown Brooklyn. NY; 3 Loretta M Blaul, lost only two games in the S1AC Only "timeout" that can be fort- Gate City coaching circles wish paper men call Roy Campanella the Junior College, Morristown, Tenn , German-American Club. Brooklyn. last Fail, and climaxed the season cast at this writing is for the tra­ ^Vrhompson well in his new Job. best receiver since Al Lopez..... where he coached all sports, and NY. 4 Dorothy Chisolm, Tuskegee, with hairline deleat ul the hunu ditional Labor Day Athlete* after SPORTS HERE AND THERE - Herb Green of the N. Y. Com- won conference championships Ln Institute; 5 Carolyne Squires. Tus­ of Jimmy Stevens' Prairie View then face work, work and mote Jackie Robinson - says he knows pas* report*: ‘‘Jackie Robinson football and basketball TIES WORLD RKORD: Mai U bitfield to *hawn finishing an alto- tin, Orange County, Calif. Tam; 6 Panther» in the Prairie View Bowl work until most of them cinch var­ nothing at all about a report that isn’t toting any sleep over hl> One of his basketball team- won bition of W-yard run In 1:«.7, •qualing the world mark set » yanr* Veronica Z Flokling. CYO Club, sity berths. he is to tour Europe In the off-sea­ slump, he'* got a stock amwer to the national Junior college basket­ ago by Sidney Wooderton, of England, In the Junior Olympic* in (Java- Chloago. Time: 12.0. (Miss Lawler all queries about U: It’s no Tile Southern Intercollegiate Ath­ son as some sort of ambassador at ball crown. tanti. The former Ohio State runner, who holda both the Olympia and tied the American record of 11.7 In ■lump'’ he say* "It's Just that the letic Conference hasn't a single large .. BRIEF TENURE National AAU record* for tot meten, wat paoed by Keg Peawpaa at winning a preliminary heat). The first two pigskin tilts schedul­ pitcher* have learned how to pitch September 16 game scheduled. He had a brief tenure at Kimball Althea Gibson JAVELIN — 1 Carolyn Nave. ed for Atlanta will be played under to my weakness” ...... New York Unlvenit). However, a meeting af CIAA- High 8chool, Kimball, West. Vir­ Little Rhody Athletic Club, Provi­ the «relight* ...... Thejfre the Midwost kingpins on that date has ginia, where he worked during dence, RI, 2 Margarine Harrell. a national championship flavor. Clark-Fort Valley and Morris Brown Nat Flelsxher, boxing's bistort" World War JJ, when most collegiate Tuskegee Institute, 97 feet 11H Coach Gaston F Lewis has sche­ Hampton Institute games. P 1 r s t an, is responsible for all of boxing Cops Women’s talent was being absorbed in the inches: 3 Eva L Plkal. CYO Club. duled his powerful Wilberforce State daylight show will feature More­ records. Strange as It seems, no­ army Tuskegee Women Aces Chicago, 94 feet 1 inch; 4 Eleanore Green Wave against William (Bill) house and Dillard ...... body bothered to keep records un­ Replnskl, Polish Falcon Club. Cleve­ Bell's third-conference ranking The Gate City’» Negro-owned til Nat started to compile them. Coming to Morris Brown College Singles Title land, 72 feet; 6 Evelyn Schueneman, North Carolina A and T. College, radio station WEED will enter the If you wonder why the Detroit during the coaching reign of Dr O’Hallaren Playground Club, North in a fight to finish struggle at football broadcasting field this Tigers are almost a cinch to win Cop Junior AAU Meet Artis P Graves, the new Fisk pilot XENIA. O , —(INS)- Althea J Fall with Bob Briiradine and the American League pennant then Canton, Ohio Oistance 70 feet 1 iGreensboro won immediate recognition for his GibsoikfOl Florida A- and M Col­ Texas Tuskegee winning two first places and one In the Southwest, all eye* will be Jack Gibson at the mike. Should look at their outfield. The Motor FREEPORT. Inch hard work, sound coaching techni­ tilth, all In the field events She watching Coach Eddie Robinson's be a field day for Bob and Jack City fly-chasers — Groth-Evers- lege won the women's singles Tixstltute'.s junior track and held 100-METER RESjAY—1) Cathe­ ques and fundamentals, and for took the javelin event with a heave Orambling College Tigers collide at they breeu through the eleven Wertz — are averaging .320 at bat championship at the 33rd Annual aces swept team honors here Fri- rine Johnson, Tuskegee Institute; 1 getting the utmost out of players feet 11 '-j lUches: the shot with Fred Long’s Texas College game card ...... and supplying most of Detroit's American Tennis Association meet day night at the Natiomii AAU of 105 2i Evelyn Lawler, Tuskegee Inrtl- 1 under his direction. Steers, at Grambling, La. Jim Coward was tiie last Negro power. Friday ut Wilberforce State College, meet put 0)1 a distance of 34 feet 4 7-8 rote; 3> Mabel Landry. CYO Club, 1 by defeating Nana Davis ol Eliza­ Evelyn • Lawler of Tuskegee tied inches, She was fifth In the discus Chicago; 4) Janet Moreau, Little In an Intersectional fray Bishop He developed such outstanding beth, N J 6-1, 6-0. for her fourth the American mark of 11.7 seconds throw. Rhody Athletic Club. Providence, 1College meets the Alcorn Braves players as G B Hannon, Frank- at Ak-orn, Miss. national ATA eropn. jn tin BU-itit'lei hurdles She had Miss Juhnsun won the 100 and RI; 5) Dorothy L.. Jacobs. CYO 1 iyn Ayers, Theodore Benson, Frank Texas State battles Wiley College Miss Gibson also teams with Mr. tliat t line :'ni tier pielimmaryTie.it 200-meter dash Her time was Club Chicago. Glover, Reginald Harvel, Putman In a showdown battle of wits at *28th SCOA Meet Set Dr. R Walter Johnson of Lynch- and came back in the finals, to win 12.5 for the eentuiy and 25.3 in HIGH JUMP—I) Margaret Davis. , Davis, James Bair, John Clair, and Marshall, Texas. Lurg Va . to take the mixed dohb- the 200 Tuskegee Institute. 4 teet 8 George Murdock and wielded them in 12 .-econds flat These games will be the standout les title by winning over Lee Fine Hei hurdles mark Is held jointly Summaries of the junior divi­ Inches. . ____ into championship quality. pigskin|ii|^3Mii uiofferingshji uiof themu mmfirst week sion: 2) Emma Hogan, Tuskegee Insti- ol the fal) fampUig on Septamber It was in 1949 that Thompson first and Mary Etta Fine of Kansas City, by Babe Didnkson and Mrs Eve­ Kans 7-5, 7-5 in a bristling duel. lyn H ill, et at his Angeles ill 200-METER RUN 1) Catherine lute, and Judy Broomells. Austin won the 8IAC championship when 16. 1932 Her time bettered by 2 of a Johnson, Tuskegee Institute; 2( his team stormed from behind to Miss Gibson's victories were on Orange County, Cal, team tied. 4 In the 8IAC. the big push begins Dorothy L Jacobs, CYO Club, Chi­ defeat Tuskegee Institute 55-54. In the eve of her departure for Forest second the record made last veai "at left 7 inches; 4) Veronica Z Fick- on September 22-23 with most mem­ cago; 3> Josephine Gilmore, Tus- ling CYO Club, Chicago, and Kay MACON, Ga. - The twenty-I, The meeting open* Friday, Sep- a spine-tingling game Hills, N. Y , where she i.vto be-. Odessa, Texas. bers swinging into action. Clark, eighth annual meeting of the South­ 1 tember 8 with regtotretlen and as­ come the first of her race- io play Tlie Tuskegee junior team dazzled Kegee Institute. 4) Betty Sue Rich- Dupy. Gulf Junior Olympic team. Fort Valley State. Alabama State, ern Coaches and Officials Associa- i signment of lodging at Ballard- in the National Grass Court 70 entile- from ten styles in tak­ ardson. OHallaren Playground Club. Houston, tied, 4 feet 6 inches;“i V6)’ LV1UILM)Morris Brown.LJlUWll, Tuskegee,1 AJBLMblAlabama Non will be held here September 8- Hudson High, between 8-11 A. M. championships of the United States ing team honors. North Canton. Ohio: 5> Constance Shelby Keeran, Austin Ortrange A. and M. etc, are all set to go. 9 at the New Ballard Hudson High The following day, registration Lawn Tennis Association. Tuskegee also won tile 400 meter Dranowskl. German-American Club County, cal. team 4 feet 5 IM».. The same Is true of the Colored 1■ Brooklyn. NY 6> Doris Sutter, School ___ will be continued from 8:30 to 9:30 relay title 400-METER RELAY—1) Tuskegee Intercollegiate Athletic Association, The Macon Coaches and Officials A M. with a business meeting fol­ To Play Fresh HIGH INDIVIDUAL perform­ Southern California Lions Team Institute. Margaret Davis. Ma.- here where defending champion Morgan Association will be host to the group iowing Los Angeles. Time: 25 3 parlne Harrell. Dorothy Chisholm, State will try to out-distance West I Besides murdering his wile. Hazel, ances of the night were turned in which will concentrate on officiat­ Discussion of major changes in SHOT PUT m-poundi—1 Carolyn Emma Hogan; 2i CYO Club of Virginia State. North Carolina A. 26. Terry shot, but not very serious­ by Carolyn Neve, a shapely 16-yem - ing schedules, rules interpretation football rules is set for 10-11 A. M Air Fund Game okl Rhody Club member of Provi­ Nave. Little Rhody Athletic Club. Chicago; 3) Tustin Orange County, and T., Virginia 8tate, North Caro­ ly. his aunt-in-law. Mrs. 'Margie Cal, team; 4) Gulf Junior Olympic and demonstration during the busy Football official* examination Is dence. Ill, mid Catherine Johnson Providence, Hl. <34 feet 4 7-8 In-' lina State and other CIAA pigskin NEW YORK- - Not ... Quivers, 57. two-day meet. set for 11:00 - 12:00. sat- cltesi; 2i Frances Tolln, Sangu Ath­ team, Houston Time: 51.1. juggernauts isfied with the tales emanating Terry operated u total establish­ of Tuskegee Laat year'* meeting of the SCOA Luncheon 12:30 to 2:00 P M letic Club. North Canton. Ohio (33 from the Pacific Coast, regarding ment. Miss Neve complied 22 points by wa* held at Knoxville, Tenn. Rules interpretation and demon - One of the largest gatherings ot stration will be held from 2:00 — Paul (Tank) Younger, Don Lee certified officials in history Is ex- 3:00 P. M. -i • Towler and Woodley Lewis, Jr., the - pected to be on hand for this im­ Assignment of officials, SM - three champs with the rambling Los Angeles Rams football team, Fred Long Wins Top portant session, according to B..T. 4:30 P M Haney, secretary - treasurer, of Basketball rules interpretation, Easterners are awaiting the arrival ^Morehouse CoUege, Atlanta. Dr. Ar- 4 30 P. M. - 5:30 P M. of the squad from Redlands College ■L P. Graves, president. Morris AU officials are requested to Calif., to glimpse the opponents of ^rown College, Atlanta, will pre­ bring with them their manual of I the N Y Giant* in the Fresh Air football officiating and 1950 rule Fund Game, promoted by the NY Honors In Southwest side. 3 ... • ' AU certified and probation offi­ book. Herald Tribune next month. ' - '■ »' * cials are required to be present for This is the sixth in a vertex af in 1945 when Wiley defeated the article* mi top cauche* In Negro untied, undefeated Florida Rattlers, the meeting Saturday, September 9 The 28th annual meeting will The Rams, now in training on the football. 8NS iportowriten are 32-6. for national honor«. However, for the rules quiz. Any official fail- 'close with a get-together al 8 P. M. Coast, according to head coach Meals will be served at Ballard- contributif article* on coache* the portly mentor has had many Ing to be present and take the quiz Joseph Stydahar and assistant Tex wiU not be assigned to Southern In- 1Hudson High School beginning with In their lecitoti of the country. other big momenta. Fur instance, in Schramm, are pleased with the tercollegiate Athletic Conference isupper Friday. All meals will be The next «lory will be on Bandy 1948 Long fans From al) over the three lads. With backs such as served Saturday. Taylar, coach of the tamo» Ken­ country presented him With a car games i and Jerry Williams tucky State Thoroughbred*. in the classic. doing the scattlng. the addition of Paul Younger as a full back, altho Despite hl* brilliant record, the TYIER, Texas - (SNSl - The he is a veteran, and Towler, who is Texas mentor is not of the “win-et- a rookie with influencing weight of huge, sprawling land mass call­ any-price school". He asserted that 325 pounds, the average Ram ed Texas, Is the home of many "the most gratifying" thing of his Tvlli be tough enough for the New big, impressive things -the coaching career Is the "high esteem of the opponents we have played ■York Giants. shamrock hotel, the Cotton bowl, Observers say the Rams are the over a 30 year period." He added: towering oil wells and the Texas classiest squad in the league The "Boys that have played against KAYO Ezzard Charles beam is in splendid physical condi­ Steers who are coached by Fred my teems seem to think as highly tion after three weeks of scrim­ Long, a big man with a big re­ of me as the boys I have coached* Loul* by a knoekwt! Bo run* was Jersey Joe Walcott. But they maging. Harlemites, following putation as a football coach. After 30 years tn a fiercely com­ Joe Louis’ own prediction for make mistakes. steady observation of "Buddy” Lang, a chubby, genial mentor petitive profession, Long is still go­ hi* comeback heavyweight title One mistake is sll I need. That's Moung (Injured at Omahai of the with a ChurchUllan cigar, has been ing strong. He Is not content to fight with Enard Charie* In how I got Billy Conn and then Wal­ MY Yanks, feel that these new faces 1921 when he un- rest on his laurels. True to the Long New York, September 37. Fel- cott in the second fight. eien the arriving for a benefit lise at Paul Quinn tradition his team will again pUy towing I* the last of four artlelea The way Louts figures now, he gilme, will add Incentive and zest to years he has won 165 die best grid machines In the na­ B M the Brown Bomber. won't lay back the way he did kt tball interest in Gotham. The. games, lost 69 and tied 23 against| tion in I960 against Walcott. Fresh Air Fund will be played at the best teams in the nation. t ’ . . BY RAY GRODY "I’m going out after Charles," he Uli! Polo Grounds, September 7th. MILWAUKEE Wls. - (INB) - His teams have won ten cham­ His schedule this year includes says "Make him fight—that's my ani dthe funds are used to help send There's no questionlbg Joe Louis' pionships In the Southwest confer­ Grambling, FI or 1 d a . langston. best chance." hqndreds of Negro children, along f&MMAMw in his comeback against ence and claimed the national Southern. Prairie View, Bishop, and tord Charles seiK wii‘h whites, to summer camps championship in 192S. 1932 and 1945 Morris Brown Charles fight? ‘ During his reign in the rough and i Yankee Stadium the night of Sep­ Louis Mid: Farmer Olympic tember. 27. tumble Southwest conference he "Well, I can't say for sura now. Sere's what the former heavy- has coached at Paul Quinn, 1921- But if things go the way I ex­ Weight-Lifter weight champ says: ; 1923 Wiley Collage. 1923-1948. Prai­ pect them to, I’d like -to fight "I expect to knock out Charles rie Vtew; 1948, and Texas college again this year One thing's sure-^ When, I can’t say now. I'U know Hii Id For Murder there’ll be no more exhibitions."“ TOP PLAYERS better when we get to Pompton Y>?RK, Pa. - (CNS) - John K What about his position with the He has turned out such top play- Lakes, New Jersey, where I start lYni’. 38. who Win be remembered International Boxing Club, now •rs as Rayx Sheppard. Ben Cavil, heavy drills later this month by r j any sport fans as the former that he's back to fighfing? 3111 Combs.'Newell Robinson. John "Then I'll map out a plan of Olynblc member of the champion 1936 .Berlin team, and who estab- ?eoples. Vernon Hicks, Woody Cui- bbttle with Mannle Seamon, my Said Louis: lishe, I a world record for dead on. Tip O’Dell, and Pat Patterson trainer. But I’m sure I can and will ■1 resigned from my post as box-1 weigFt Utt (check the record book) Longmen have been funnelled to stop Charles, probably In the early ing director of the IBC and I'm — 531 pounds, from the floor, was ill of the top high schools in the rounds " strictly a fighter. I may return to report I‘dty charged by District At­ Southwest where they are making Is Louis taking Charles light- the organisation again when I torney' Clarence M Lawyer. Jr., with op records as coaches and physical figure I can't fight any more. to? the m j'rder of his wife, at his home sducattoB instructors "But right now I'm thinking of Answered Joe: A graduate of James Mllllkln unl- only one thing—winning back that renlty in Decatur, Hl., he holds the title. There is more than one rea­ win tint title back again. natter's degree from the University son for my going aftqr ft. As you "tt'i never been done before but >f Michigan know, th«e are some back taxes that dlesn't worry mt I’ll win HI" and Jun as important, I want to You could just ftel the finality BIGGEST THRILI pro»e to ite fight public that I can j in Lovj .< predicUcn. Long toys his biggest thrill was 1. . — ...... - A sywe Tñ'liva HÜ * ' H Tw.doy. Av9u« Oto NímitzSavs iElder LT. Hunt ifonliuurd trom 1'agi Owe) I H ed in tne aeciaration of human » fl Heads National li' ] rights t nd all it mean, to the world t il —not Jost America.” . Reif rd Lawson, Geiyral Presi­ Christian Group dent of Alnha Phi Alpha Fraternity Elder B T. Hunt, pastor of Mis­ Math's <>M«at tnu Lradini Colored tsetnl-Weehly Newapop* decared thrt "Human Rights and sissippi Boulevard Christian Church Plblished by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. human fund nvntals have certain was nameanamed presiaentoipresident of theme isauunaiNational —; »very TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 1M DEALE—Phone I-4BN qualities th t must not be sacri­ Missionary Convention during theAU ficed t< hi nan power,” in speaking final business session of the thirty- j Il> tl>r fo»l Office at Mrruphla, Tenn., at «reond-elua Ball on the forums Russia Is organized fourth annual meeting. His election tU>drr the Act uf l ougrm March I, 111' for power, USA for liberty, yet we to the highest post of the organiza­ do nc f nd these human rights tion gives Memphis two national of­ Mttuber ut SCOTI NEWSTAPEB SYNDICALE which wrr- guaranteed us here," he fices. Dr J E Walker has for W. A. Beoti, 11 Founder, ('. A Scott, rimerai Manager Cuiitlnued many years «ned as national "The Charter on Human Rights LIW1B O. SW1KGI EK ...... Editor treasurer. ' gives added impetus to people Other officers elected or re­ a a ñuños Jr Advrrttalng Manag« , throui.-liui' ' e world for improved named Included L. L. Dickerson, ot Tbt MEMPHIS WORLD la «u lodrprndrul urwaptper-uM 'tandaids u-p«rti»»u. prlntlng urwa uulilaxrdlj auil aupportiu» C C Mosely of Edwards, Miss. IbM» thinga it belltvn lo thè Interest uf Ita roderà «ud oppuolaf |: dent of 'h • National Council of I second vice-president; Mrs. Bettie NATL CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY three hundred delegates and visit­ ! President, is shown left end, front England, took an Active part in Negro Wotr ii, Dr. Dorothy Fere- Chandler of St Louis, Mo., third thlnga ajalnat thè Interest uf it» rewden. CONVENTION HOLDS 34TH AN­ ing churchmen from over the coun­ row, and Elder B. T. Hunt pastor , this year's convention Convention bee, in speaking on the social and vice-president; Kenneth Henry of bUBSCRIPTION RATE8 , NUAL SESSION IN MEMPHIS - try were present. Part of the dele­ of the host church is shown left theme was "The Church at Mid­ 1 economy w'fare as related to this Palestine, Texas, fourth vice-presi­ Ymt SS.M-4 Moaths tt.00-3 Montila HAI Ila Advaaool .With Mississippi Blvd. Christian gations Is shown assembled in the end, third row. Dr. J. E. Walker, Century not Words but Work." docunit nt. , Church serving as official host, the Washington High School Stadium National Treasurer, who in 1935 Next year the convention will meet dent; Dr J. E. Walker, Memphis Word' ■' greeting were brought National Christian Missionary Con | following one of the sessions in the with Mrs Walker represented the in Indianapolis, Indigna. treasurer; R. L Saunders of Lexing­ by Kun “urrell, Councilman for ton, Ky. secretary; Mrs Fannie vention held its Thirty-Fourth An­ . Washington High School Audlto- Convention on a trip to Leiscester, (Photo by R. Earl Williams) Korean Battle Depends On Reserves the Ci'“ of J erkeley in the absence Clark, of Chicago, Osceola Dawson nual Session in Memphis Over I rium Elder R H Davis, National » of the M. yor; Miss Lucy Ward of Paducah. Ky and Robbie Wil­ It has been difficult for Americans to keep up with the Stebbin- f mer Dean of Women of ¡seventh president of the League, liams of Little Rock Ark assistant fighting in Korea or to understand, from press dispatches, i the University of California, who I has workec as hard for the success of i960 on the Pacific coast with a secretaries; and I Q. Hurdel of aided .n establishing the first chap i serieS of one-night stands in Wash­ of the organization under Sudduth's Austin,. Texas, parliamentarian. the real nature of the struggle that goes on in that country. 4 ter o.' Delta Sigma Theta Sorority administration as he did when he ington and Oregon on the band’s Indianapolis will be the scene ot We. know that, against heavy odds, American lighting on th- West Coast in 1920; Miss schedule over the Labor Day holi­ was president But that is the the 1951 Convention. Carolyn Carrington. President of men have staged a successful delaying battle, giving space | kind of man Gaston is Wherever day week-end SHORT TALKS I But tor the fact that he received and often lives to gain time for reinforcements to arrive. the local Pan-Hellenic Council of . there is a worthy cause to be sup- the East Bay Area; and Miss Fa- i an emergency call to rush to Cali­ ; ported, a need to be inet for the Nationalist officials, are under com-x i Moat of these came in through the port of Pusan, which has ricita Hall for the hostess chap-1 fornia to do some recording for the i improvement of liis people, there mand of Liu Po-Cheng, one-eyed®J facilities to handle an army much larger than the American ters. Response for the "Deltas was l Aladdin label, Amos might still be Gaston lets down his bucket and >> veteran Chinese Red general of given by Mrs Reber S Cann, goes to work [ in the southern territory where he contingent in Korea. many campaigns. i To hold Pusan and a reasonable area of manoeuver has Grand Secretary of the sorority. It is that spirit that has made was reaping a golden harvest of box Miss Dorothy I. Height, Grand his Booker T Washington Burial ! office dollars on his one-niters. National authorities said Red been the objective of the defenders. While the.fighting is President, presided over the fo­ Society (with its branches all over DORIS HAYNES troops actually began marching in­ not.aver, our leaders seem to think that we will be able to rum Mrs Samantha Lee regional Alabama) such a success; it is the to Tibet from the northwest «v- director of the Far-West Region of keep control of Pusan and adjacent area until sufficient force Gaston touch that has made his eral weeks ago after Liu announced * the sorority, was master of ceremon­ la accumulated for a counter-offensive. daily radio program a favorite with ies. Music was furnished by the MONUMENTS — Every nation, The new Lincoln Memorial Is one his determination to "liberate" the old and young of both races; it is When the United Nations force will be strong enough city and village has it's monu­ of the most, beautiful buildings In so-called "forbidden land.” Keaton Chorus. Arnold Barance, the Gaston faculty for building for ments. In our country perhaps the the city. It is a source of great in-1 for a real offensive is anybody’s guess. Manpower is what director. the future from the ground up that most outstanding and most beauti­ spiratlon to study the contours of j Nationalist Government sources is needed, together with an ever-increasing accumulation of has made the Booker T Washing- ful monuments are located in our his face and to recall perhaps the I refused to give the designation of - ton Business College a constant supplies and weapons. Most observers believe that it will be capital, although Baltimore is re­ most crucial period in our hi- tory, | TAIPEI, China — Chine« Na- the invading troops but said that William Gordon source of blessing to Negro execu­ flprinpj at least, lief ore a major counter attack can lie launch­ ferred to as the “Monumental City." through which he safely carried us. tionalist authorities said today that no less than two or three Commu­ (Continued from Page Onei tives seeking trained office assist­ Because of the great height of These, and many others, perpetu­ Chinese Comunist forces have in­ nist armies had been reported mass­ ed. Tenn. The couple has one child, ance the Washington Monument in ate the memory uf the men who vaded Tibet and apparently are ing on the Tibetan frontier and The fighting in Korea has demonstrated the necessity William, Jr, and resides at 92 Bur­ Gaston gets about — and wher­ Washington, it is conspicuous al­ gave the last lull measure of de- meeting little or no opposition. that part of these forces hays bank Drive, S. W ever he goes, depend upon It. there for ground troops. Bombing and artillery fire have done much most from any point in the city. It votion that our nation might live. i The invading troops, according to crossed the borderline. he plants the standards of the Na­ to Blow down the enemy but the only way to handle the rises 555 feet into the sky and is one I like to think of other monu­ tional Negro Business League of the tallest, structures in the ments—church spires as they rise guerrillas that infiltrate through the lines is by foot soldiers, Tennessee Pioneers Einmatt Jay Scott has been a con­ u iContlnued from Page Ooel world. A great tribute to a great high into the .-.ky. Be it village or shooting carbines and hurling grenades. stant source of inspiration to Pres­ man! metropolis, it is always a joy to be­ ident Sudduth. He places inestima­ The battle in Korea continue; to rage, with the final the world situation in the follow­ I hold them, your thoughts seem to ble value upon the continued inter­ outcome depending upon the reserves that can be thrown ing terms; rise witii the spiles, high atwve Death uf Inspector A 0. (Bim­ Nigro people of the underworld est and support of this most distin­ Many of these same wretched lives “Two big military systems are the turmoils of today bo)' Clark of the Memphis Police into the battle by both sides. Presumably, additional troops guished former secretary and char­ waj connected with the institution headed toward each other for col­ Department last weekend following were brought to an end wher. the ter member of the Leaegue for 22 years. "For 18 of those years are on the Way to Korea from the United States but it lision. It is a., if two motorists were These monuments were erected to over a year of illness leaves Negro inspector became the protector af Mr. Scott delivered the Founder's < he I was Booker Washington's close Bhould not be overlooked that replacements and reinforce­ about to run together on a narrow perpetuate the memory uf the Memphis in doubt as to his great­ the law. 'Au Day address at Tuskegee in April, confidant, his willing and enthusia­ road where there is not room for greatest men that ever lived; who ness as an officer of the law. There The slaying of George Brooks, aW ments are also flowing to the North Korean army. 1936 On that occasion Dr William stic helper, his associate, his secre­ both to pass One must be the first gave his last full measure of de­ are too many tragic memories of the ) young U. S. postman, on the even­ The continued reinforcement of the Communist army J Schieffelin, chalrinan of the tary." to stop. To avoid the war collision votion not to one nation but to all unscrupulous methods he used as a ing of January 3, '1938, brought the has been a discouraging development. For a while, it was Board, referred to the valuable ser­ This is the Emmett J. Scott who between the Western and the Com­ nations! law - enforcing agent .. largely wrath of the Negro community uji- vice rendered Tuskegee Institute by has accepted President Horace Sud­ presumed that the North'-Kureans had committed their full against Negroes. munist nations,.one should stop and duth’s Invitation to deliver the key­ , on this police officer, then a ser­ Dr Scott through his long associa­ First of all, Inspector Clark came strength in the campaign. Intelligence officers now'know propose world law under a denial , note address for the Golden Anni­ geant. This case was so raw that cratically controlled world federal I tion with the Founder, first as priv­ from Yazoo City, which has been even a high official of the police that three additional divisions have lieen brought into the ate secretary and later as secretary versary of the National Negro Busi­ Amos Milburn government. The oiler can take the notoriously known for its rough department said that Clark had line and see no evidence that the enemy’s manpower is sub­ of the corporation ness League in session at Tuskegee jorm of electing delegate- to the treatment of Negroes by whites exposed his true nature when it Mr Scott "Tame from Texas to Institute, August 29-Seplember 1, siding. World Constituent Assembly ac­ Now Appearing His early days in Memphis were came to dealing with the Negroes. Tuskegee in September, 1891 He 1950. ; . cording to the plan of one dele­ spent around Negroes, and the late Inspector Clark was quoted as say­ gate per million population, all On West Coast inspector learned many of the ing that he "liked to kill 'em.” fions being invited. Tennessee traits of Negro life. While profes­ With his passing, it is sincerely shown the way to the world." SEATTLE. Wash - Fresh from sing to be their friend in many hoped that the Memphis Police De­ The international planning REVIEWING a record-breaking cross-country circles, he was using them as “stool partment will take care to hold its Geneva Assembly is under the road tour, famed "Bewildered” man pigeons” to accomplish whatever officers of the law to a standard rection of the Peoples’ World Con­ Aihos Wilburn and his band are cur­ objective he had Did out. He ‘hob- of high conduct Just as citlwns at vention Executive Committee on rently making their first appearance nobed.' gambled, and consorted with large are expected to comply with. ' Arrangements. This Commlttee'wibi representatives from 14 countrie- has already established offices at Palais Wilson, In. Geneva, with NEWS Gerry Kraus, editor of Across Frontiers of London, as Secretary BY WILLIAM GORDON The Committee is calling a Con­ t » C^rrt|lv IX kr IM HrfMey vention to meet at Geneva at the ( •hrrtkvfti Sf Khff burnt Iradka« r^B^ETT HALLIDAY . same time as the elected delegate'. Individuals and representatives of Equality In Education organizations from all over the "Maybe it's out ot order. I, weie stationed nere and Just wan- world are being Invited to a three Dr. John P. Ivey, director of Southern Regional Education, CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT AS THEY pulled away trom the ,ound nim m atx,u* an nou* »ga'dering1 dmns around when suddpnivsuddenly they day session, December 30. 1950 to has announced that between September 4 and throug i Sep­ .. going over old records and dig -1 saw a toot sticking out trom under January 2, 1951, to discuss addi­ curb ui Shayne« car, Rourke set­ tember 11, this organization is to sponsor a conference at glng up the King and Kendrick , the ena ot the pier A dozen guya'd tled back in the seat Deside the tional delegate elections throughout thefts." ~ 1 Dfen al. ovei every inch ot It be- the world Daytona’Beach to further the previously initiated plan ot detective and said, "What's this 'What connection is there?" It--, and didn't see anything" M a Dustin like. What'a oeen Regional Education. - , • rtf "From where I sit the only con- -Whal s me story?" Rourke nad The main purpose of the regional education plan is ditn- going on, Mike? Those wires you sent back in the office ...and thelnectlon between the three men is a waa ot copy papel out Wd waa National Negro other." ¡Walter Voorland He made air, making notes cult for some of us to understand. Organized two years ago Rajah ot something or other.' , ...... *------(Continued from Page One I by a delegation of Southern governors, the plan was intend­ Shayne said, "Celia Dustin was' U,rt4e it8' r“b> deals " | •8h* ’ flfaa BuaIea tn* gro Weekly, now almost a year old So through Edith Washington and ed to meet the needs of unequal educational facilities for Ne­ a beautiful gal. i o better fill m ,h p.„h n, Htn I of n*aa' ,en . - ” . A .... all Ana 1 think the Rajah ot hai or Dottie. Doc figures oe- R R Moton, Jr, the spirit of the some background, since it II all ______...... /.k. u.—.. . . groes. It was also used to circumvent the Supreme Court s „ | dupoor called him from the Miami ,Ween twelve ano twelve-thirty. pioneer presidents, Washington and decisions requiring the admittance of Negroes to white state nave to come into the open now."(e Waldorf tonight and Voorland hur-, 8on)e tanc> medical stuff giv^ Moton, marches on in harmonious He guided the cat ’ afuund the ned out to see him, using the, him the idea >he tell on '.he dry step with President Sudduth. universities for graduate training. traffic circle at 13th Street and It is very unfortunate, that within the environs of our name ot Smith.' beach at the edge ot the water and And what of the four past presi­ beaded across the Causeway to They had reached the east end lay lhir( lfn "ot fifteen minute* dents? Miami Beach. "It won't make me country, the greatest in the world, we have to fight for equal ot the Causeway Fifth Stieet was lhf tiai came in Ma floated Venerable C ’ C Spaulding of sore d you forget what I tell opportunitv for many of its citizens, bare ot traffic al this early hour I hei aown unaer the end of the pier North Carolina, the League’s fourth you about my sectetary. “Right The Southern Regional Plan has been ignored by subse­ before dawn, and Shayne sped on I where shi lodjjed That's tfhy no president, is the spark plug of Sud­ after you le’t my apartment 1 toward the ocean. body saw her at first." duth's executive committee. Spauld­ quent Court decisions in Maryland, Texas and Florida. Aside went in the bedroorr and tound "All this Rajah stuft and the Lucy in there. She was on my The group ot datectlves and po­ ing, whose name is synonymous with from being ignored by the Supreme Court, the highest in this dope from Randolph is strictly successful Insurance—not “Negro" bed diessed in a nightgown and licemen at the toot ot the pier country, such a plan is viewed highly impractical by most under the hat," he warned the re­ Insurance, mind you, but INSUR­ rube, and she was unconscious parted to let two ambulance porter. "I ni playing it right down tendants pass through bearing a" educators and the people who do the planning for education Dangeruus brain concussion. She ANCE. is backing the administra­ the line with you, as always (|(retcher with . shift covered body tion with his wisdom, his business was unconscious blood oozing in this country. have." trom her scalp. I called Doc Puce. on it Peter Painter followed the sagacity and uncanny power to in­ The Southeast, the part of the state having the lowest “Yeh, just as.you always nave,' He came and dressed the wound corpse. Out stoppea when tie mw spire confidence in Negro enter­ said Rourke suspiciously. "What per capita income, the highest birth rate and the great­ Shayne and Rourke prise are you holding out this time?” Tennessee's J E Walker, the or­ est rale of migration, should be the last to try and main­ Snayne hesitated a moment and “How do you explain thia," tie "Not a thing. Tim." f IMkid Sha>fl* *gi’fsSIVf,y tain a dual system of education. Drained by taxes while r’.uiuke said, 'Go on. It you and, U' ganization's fifth president, has not i left on Collins Avenue ana sped vuui secretary want to play tough., “How about a statement trot» Ineptly been referred to as Presi­ a large portion of its natural resources-lay untouched, 1 northward past Lummus Park ■t's none ot my affair" I you?" Rourke asked eagerly. dent Sudduth's "right-hand." Mr the South should be willing to accept the Supreme 'Those boys who gave vou the Walkers life story is Horatio Alger Shayne swiftly gave ms friend brass Knucks the ones clilled 1 “You can say I'm not at all sat- Court’s decisions in these cases of education and admit in sepia — physician, insurance ex­ i tesume ot what Lucy had been Blackie andYtie Kid' 'Didn t you Ii lifted with Shayn. s absurd etory ot aomeoody impersonating mm ecutive. banker, and housing pro­ Negroes to the already established state education insti­ ibie to tell them during net briet say Biackie was«0 IIIOneavy-set » T wv * **•>»and tjill What Kind ot suit °vil ,h» nii aP*rt' moter < that is. he put up the mon­ tutions. oeriod ot consciousness. then add a mustache? tVi...... — —. „ _ . ey). The battle against tradition, folk ways and traditions, ed, "1 called Mrs. Dustin JI the and hai did you say he was wear-1 men' w,<1 ,urlnB Mrs Dustin down His middle name, some say, should ..cr.lux and het phone didn t an­ ,.. here to nei death 1 suspect nun by rights be Midas for everything often blind the very essence of decency to what is logical swer Harry Jessup la the nous? •i don't think 1 said." Shaynes'0' P"<” Knowledge ot the.murd«- he touches turns to success. Mr. and practical. I dick there'.’He went up to check volce was deceptivelv mild ftn<] ut •5iv,nt’ oul lfial Y*rn M • Walker truly symbolizes the In the event the Regional Plan is set up to function for the the suite torme Found her miss­ "Maybe not. You seemed pretty I smoke-screen io cover nimseit sure they were in on the robbery.”'wtl,n neI Dodyj was discovered.“’ League's basic philosophy — all total good of all the people regardless of race, it would be a ing and Dustin knocked co'd with areas of enterprise are a form of a overdose ot' sleeping tablets. I “In other words." said Shayne. FULL most practical plan. But the Plan -was never initiated until "Did I?" business got over there fast." "This Bl a c k i e now. It nej| "you’re publicly accusing me ot murdei as well as stealing the Occasionally a football team has the Supreme Court struck a deadly blow at the practices of He told Rourke what he nad changed his mind and came around bracelet." what is termed a “triple threats" discrimination in our education system. This of course arous­ learned upon his arrival, and the to apologize tor slugging you man. he is equally devastating In story Dustin told after the doctor "I’m accusing you ot nothing ed the feeling of a lot of people who still believe that Negroes Rourke left the sentence dangling. 90 PROOF! kicking, in running, in tossing. J. E. succeeded in arousing him. Shayne said, "It seems practical yet," snapped the detective chief . Equality has never.exisL-. “But I'm alco not swallowing your ' • Walker is a "triple threat" man inin ; xftvuiq nsve everything sep —Rourke Mid "So Painter thinks ly certain that Mr X was on the Negro business. He has proved a ed on a basis of separation. she arranged thy holdup." inside ot the robbery, it thJt'a hogwash. He turned and stnitleir , 4 W ——headache to many competitors in The curriculum of all school levels should be undergoing a "I don't know what Painter whet you're trying to say. Here through the sand toward the < OID! insurance, banking and housing thinks by this time. Maybe her crete walk. major revision. Content and methods should be planned to we are." He stowed as they ap­ For sixth president, the League murder changes that... maybe proached the Sunlux Hotel, pulled A faint glow ot dawn lighted the teach and respect all the people, to form attitudes of consid- ASK called «1 Roscoe Dungee. militant not.” off the pavement and parked be­ eastern horizon above the gift) .editor—_ of------Oklahoma City's BLAC- K eration for others, to experience relationships with people "It could still add up the same hind a police car at the south end ocean. Rourke asked, as they tdk dispatch To know what Dungee. of different races, religion and to build love and’charity for way," Rourke suggested. "It Mr ot the outlding lowed Painter toward the hotel, means to Negro business in the nno,Q noi„hlu>, Knilrlinn ,,f ...»h „ ,i,lm tn X were her accomplice and he got 'Want to cbme up with me and YOUR DEALER! one's neighbor. The building of such a curriculum should in­ There were several police cars Southwest, just stay in Oklahoma a the idea she waa calling you to parked on both‘sides ot the street, have a talk with Dustin?" few hours The Black Dispatches clude the introduction of appropriate inter-cultural materials doublecross him, she waa practical­ and all the floodlights were on at "Do your own ghouling," saw quoted on all sides by whites as well in various subjects. The training and teaching of all inter­ ly inviting him to murder her." the ocean side, brightly illuminat­ Shayne. T've heard everything Be“ as blacks Controversial? Yes; but ested in higher education should be based on the promotion "Same way If he wasn't her ing the bathing beach and pier. has to say. I'll be pushing along" as ready to praise as to condemn. Rourke gave turn a quick, sus­ of democratic practices in daily living, both in and out of the accomplice and guessed from what A policeman guarded the street Dungee's needling has done much she said over the phone that she end ot the concrete walk leading picious glance and asked "Where ■to keep Negro Business alert and institution of learning. had a line on his identity," Shayne back, but he stepped aside to let to’ If you've got some other 1 above board. This is evidenced by It seems that if the Regional Educational Plan was a argued. them pass when he recognized the angles..." the hundreds of flourishing, but lit­ sincere and reasonable one, it would be developed for the "You’re sold on Mrs. Dustin?" detective and reporter. "Sleep appeals to me right now," tle publicized. Negro enterprise^ he said casually. "There'll be sum total of all the people regardless of race or color. Il "I liked her." Shayne hesitated, V group ot men were gathered throughout Oklahoma and the ad­ then went on slowly. “Remember on the beach where the wooden plenty to keep ue busy tomorrow- joining states. To cite one example: also seems that the effort to conduct and sell the public telling me in my apartment that pier jutted out into the water. morning" . ; The modem, well-planned, and fin­ on supporting such a program coulMe easily turned you'd been trying to reach both They didn’t see Painter at once, "You're nuts. It’s tomorrow al­ anced. hospital and housing proj- to teaching people on how to get along with each other Randolph and Voorland without Shayne accosted a homicide man ready.” Suspicion edged his votos. ect built and operated by that in­ within the schools already es tablished for public use, success?" who stood back on the fringe of “Don't run out on me, Mike. I’ve defatigable huaband-wife team. The "Sura. 1 wanted some inside the group. "What's going on, got e feeling things ere going to THIS WHISW Edwardses of Oklahoma City _ Negroes are tax payers in evety _____atate where______they live.____ dope, on the fabulous bracelet" Dirk?" breek fest” The Edward«, will be on hand m Their efforts go to support these state institutions. If all is "Earl Randolph claims he has "It'S a dame named Mrs. Mark "Go on and Intrude on Mark ^yiAKSOLP X'» 0Ur democ™cy in the manner that we preach, we been in all evening," said 8hayne Dustin. She's been missing since Dustins private grief," 8heyae luletly. f ..." told him good-naturedly ’There'» richly deserve - and to tell how w