Appendix 5 Table 5 SCHEME OF DELEGATIONS OF FUNCTIONS TO OFFICERS 1. Arrangements within directorates Where under this scheme of delegations to officers, delegated powers are to be exercised by the holders of various posts within a directorate, the Chief Officer (namely the Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer, Section 151 Officer, Executive Directors as defined in Article 10.01 (b) of the Constitution) must ensure the same are exercised in accordance with relevant Council policies and procedures and: (a) Put appropriate systems and arrangements in place (if they do not already exist) for the proper management, discharge, control and effective monitoring and review of the exercise of such delegated powers (including, for example, maintaining an updated list of all staff, with job titles within the directorate who are authorised to act under this Scheme of Delegation to Officers, along with a record of the significant decisions taken by the same, during the municipal year); (b) Prior to the start of each municipal year, undertake a review of such systems and arrangements to ensure appropriateness for the forthcoming municipal year and, where appropriate, implement changes to such systems and arrangements to ensure that they comply with any internal audit recommendations, best practice requirements, or changes in legislation; and (c) At the start of each municipal year, report such systems and arrangements to the relevant Cabinet Member or to such other relevant Committee. If any Chief Officer is unsure of the above requirements, she/he must obtain relevant advice from the Monitoring Officer and act upon the same. Any breach of the Scheme of Delegation to Officers, or a failure to comply with its requirements or limits contained within it, is a serious matter and the relevant Chief Officer may be disciplined by the Council under the Council’s Code of Conduct 2.
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