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"V’>L - V r,gr-*J the weather ^CIRCULATION STATEMENT Fair tonight and Wednesday; Hie eiterage daily circnlation of moderate west winds. THE EVENING HERALD for the montli ef Decembw was 2,589.

Try The Herald’s For Sale Colnmn. Established as a Weekly 1881. , The cost is 10 cents for 20 words PRICE TWO CENTS Established as a Semi-Weekly 1883. MANCHESTER, C(N lANUARY 29, 1918. or less V O L XXXVIL NO 102 Established as a Daily 1914. f e n t Of A ll Food Is - O -t-l ITALY -STARTS -M COUNTER OFPBNSWE UNIT GOV. R. R. OPERlillON GERMAN P W H T Berlin, Jan. 29—A powerful Hoover Declares . /■ counter-offensive has been launched by the Italians and “violent fighting” between the DEfENRES A N D M LONDON TODAY Asiago plateau and the Brenta TO ONE YEAR AFTER WAR, valley was reported by the Ger­ Tacalities Afike is His Pbii, He TeDs man War Office today. T reat All The Italians b^an their at­ tacks after a heavy bombard­ R q in rson of Minnesota— Points Ont New Aircraft Fsul to Penetrate to Chy; People Rush to ment of the Austro-German po­ SENATE CONHIHEE VOTES 7-6 sitions. (The section mentioned by Ways of lis Recommendations rer, Royal Geographical Society Meeting Continues— the German War office is on the Northern part of the Italian Three U. S. Aviators Killed on Italian Soil— British Air­ battle front). Washington bur- Control of use of foodstuffs in PUT TRE FiHIER Proposal of One Member of The counter offensive came food manufactures with a view to after a long period of minor r placed den of food si' limiting the less essential manufac­ men Rmd German Crown Prince's Quarters operations against the Austro- reedy” Interstate Commerce Com­ German invaders. The German upon the “luxu: tures. INTO CONGREBS, URGES War office reported violent and not the poQ0(,.^ iust be Control of commodities critically mittee to End Control One fighting between the Brenta cessary ■necessary for the production and London, Jan. 29.—Two groups of valley and the Asiago plateau the basis of abi N0N-PAR1H LEAGUER SEVERUKIllEnWHEN today. new conservation ,, saving preservation of foodstuffs in order to German airplanes attempted to at­ pervent great losses of military sec- Year After War Fmls— tack London last night and early to­ legislation. ^ -STI Herbert C. Hooy« inounc- rifices. day, but only five of the machines In addition Mr. Hoover endorses Action in Direct Opposition B. B M. ENGINE BEIB ed this as his posit letter Rep. Baer Accuses National were able to break through the de­ the following sections of the Ander­ fenses of the city. written to Repi ^Sydney to Director General Me- Anderson of Minne ilo had son bill: Capital of Neglecting Ag­ An official statepient, issued at AllTO NEAR FrrCHBIIIffilMN SELECTIIIAN SERVE Compulsory wheatless or other noon by Viscount French, command- proposed new food;':| jn. The Anderson proposal slation, “less” days weekly. ricultural Industry Adoo’s Wishes er-in-chief of the home defenses, Prohibiting use of foodstuffs in said that one of the airplanes of the AS A TOWN PflVSICIAN Mr. Hoover says, I go far non-food products. first group was shot down in Essex enough. The legli it is to Two Carpenters of Camp Dev-| ----- Washington, Jan. 29.—The Ad­ and the three occupants were burned come through the I' of the Limitation of food served In pub­ ministration program received a to death. Four machines of the Lever act, Mr. Hoove lust in- lic eating places. ORGANIZED BUSINESS ens Dead and Two Injured Town’s By-Uw Says “No”- setback this afternoon when the Sen­ first contingent of hostile air craft elude: Declaring that 30 per cent of all ate Interstate commerce committee reached the city and dropped bombs, Dr. Weldon Calls It a Legislation'I food is wasted, Mr. Hoover said that GETS FIRST HEARING only one member of the second Control of dlstrll order conservation measures “must not voted, seven to six, to limit the period up was able to get this far. Vis- that all classes and;: shall draw savings from that class to of government control of the rail­ ILL DEAD LIST I “Farce” roads to one year after the end of ' ioon^ French stated that the raids fare alike apd that con- which economy and moderate use is Farmers Without Cash or Credit and flndlm ed that groups of the raiders sumption shall be a daily necessity.” Can’t Buy Seed—“Politician Leg the war. The amendment agreed to by the ^"' ju parallel forces had crossed RISES TO FOUR Islatures” Censured by Baer. committee is a modification of pro­ «nd another had passed over Essex. TOWN FATHERS’ DILEMMA Two British scouts attacked the Washington, Jan. 29.—A political posal submitted by Senator Watson first contingent over Essex at a Fourth Victim in Wreck at Granger, NEEDED IN drive designed to seat not less than of Indiana, for the frankly avowed Near Chicago— 40-00 Estimated | purpose of forestalling permanent ■^'■■liolght of 10,000 feet. The German Town Law Says Fine and Imprison 50 farmer congressmen in the House Injured—Rescuers Working. government control. Senator Wat­ •!^'|nachine that was shot down there ment Faces Man Holding Two of Representatives at next fall’s elec­ son’s amendment provided for the In flames. Jobs. tion, to hold the gains made by the it- Fitchburg, Mass., Jan. 29.— SAYSSH AT RECRUIIG RALLY farmers during the war after the re termination of government control yr. . People Rush to Cover. Three workmen employed by F. T. six months after the end of the war. The people began scurrying to Can Dr. Thomas H. Weldon serve turn of peace, is under way today Ley, the Camp Devons contractor, by the farmers’ Non-Partisan The majority of the committee took rer as soon as the alarm was both as a town physician and a town were killed and two others were AWFUL EXPLOSION League. the position that this would allow mded, many taking refuge in the hurt, when their automobile was father? Six Manchester ! insufficient time for the readjust­ ilgnibway and others in the govern- This was the most important ques The farmers through the repre­ struck by a light engine on the Bos­ sentatives will insist upon govern­ ments incident to the return of the Ifmt built bomb-proofs. tion raised at the special meeting AT MARQUETTE, MICH., ton & Maine railroad crossing at Colors as R< ment ownership of railroads, feder­ roads to private operation and ex­ .The Royal Geographical Society Lunenburg Depot early today. of the Board of Selectmen last njght tended the time to one year. A short time ago the selectmen voted al control of shipping, and elimina- holding a meeting, presided over It was first reported here that the KILLS AND MAIMS The action of the committee ipM to name all the local practicing phy­ ion. of the middleman for all time. General Smutz, when announce- victims of the accident were sol­ H( ecL tj sicians, town physicians. The doct­ it of the raid was made. The diers. the mem- The dead: ors, in a letter to thp-Aom lent of . Treflle Lyonuais. 49; JosaJ^ loud k 'i'hiboudeau, 45; Theodore Cote, 50. Damage of Many Thot of “It is astonishing how little in­ government control be left ophn for- ' thffnder All lived in , Leominster and were quirement that the doctors ^ay toi decision of Congress after the end the prescriptions furnished the towr m Dollars to Plant. terest Washington now has in the anti-aircraft gunS echoed in married. The crossing tender had CIGARETTK^ of the war and suggested It might not poor.In a separate letter to the hoart farming industry,” Baer said today. trs of the audience General not gone on duty at the time of the be advisable to return the railroads Dr. Weldon accepted the appoint ‘When it comes to business it is calmly went on with his ad- accident. High. School Hall Jauuned to Doors Marquette, Mich., Jan. 29.—Two to private . ownership until . three "and the bursts of applause ment “with thanks and great pleas men are believed to have been killed different. Business is organized. The men were carpenters employ­ When War Heroes Ask for Business comes to Washington and years after peace is proclaimed. 1-that he was getting undivid- ed at Camp Devens. ure.” Volunteers. and two injured in the explosion Question of Legality. gets, not only credit but cash—for sntion. Dcjul in 111. Wreck. which destroyed the alcohol refining The selectmen were glad to hav* and primary buildings of the Pioneer shipbuilding and munitions. I have second squadron of hostile Chicago, Jan. 29.—The number BRITISH HONOR ROLL FOURTEEN STEAMBOATS made its appearance over Dr. Weldon accept the appointmem Iron company’s plant here early to­ no complaint on that score—but I of known dead as a result of the PERCY ROBINSON. want the farmers to do the same shortly before one wreck of an Illinois Central train but the question was raised as t- HERBERT ROBINSON. day. Officials of the company have the legality of his acceptance. There :hing. Food is just as necessary ARE SWEPT DOWN OHIO at Granger, 111., 34 miles west of VICTOR DUKE. not completed a check of their rolls, is a' town by-law which says that no ARTHUR GARDNER. IS munitions and ships. We face CArown Prince’s Quarters. here, was increased to four today but it is believed, according to latest man serving on the board of select J. H. HARRISON. 1 great shortage of food crops this Ice Gorges and Floods Cause Trouble Jan. 29. —The headquart- with the death in a hospital here of reports, that not more than four men can accept pay from the town JOSEPH HANNA. year. We need a billion bushels of to Vicinity of Louisville, Lexing­ ?Of the German Crown Prince at Mrs. Joseph Byers, of Lemars, men were in the building. Two of for any other work either direct^ wheat. We are not going to get it ton and Paducah, Ky. i^OB has been bombed by British Iowa. Her death was the result of these have been accounted for. or indirecitly. If any man is con­ —and we are not even going to try according to information internal injuries. staid old Manchester was shock­ Men Hurled From Building. victed of so doing he must serve noi 0 get it, for much land suitable for j Paducah, Ky., Jan. 29.—Fourteen lyed here today. Rescue parties today are stil; ed, to say the least, last evening Two men working on the second : 'OJ more than a year in prison, or pay spring wheat will lie idle. After steamboats were swept down the searching the wreck in the belief when she was told that and floor of the refinery were hurled Patrol Hasn’t Returned, a fine of not more than $300 or both wo bad crops, the farmers are with­ Ohio river today, when huge Ice that other victims may be buried cum was sorely needed for the boys from the building and thrown 75 ion, Jan. 29.—A raiding pa- “By-Law a Farce.” out cash or credit. They can’t buy gorges above Paducah broke and the beneath the overturned cars or in n the first line trenches and that no feet into a ditch by the first ex­ rhich set out from the British The question was brought up ir seed! It is just as necessary and fields of ice caught tne vessels and he deep snowdrifts. Wreckage me in this country had the right to plosion. They escaped with slight Ifiiprtheast of Ypres on Sunday order to warn Dr. Weldon so that right for the government to provide tore them from their moorings. rews are at work removing the ^peak against either because nobody injuries. ;^.to atack a German position he in no way would make himself noney for seed to these farmers as Many of the boats swept past this shattered coaches of the train and in this country had the least Idea Windows more than a mile away returned, the War office re­ liable. Dr. Weldon said that he had it was to provide money for ship­ city in the grasp of ice floes, and leaving away the debris. about the first line trenches. were shattered by. the explosion. today. read the by-law and considered it The fire that followed the ex­ building. Yet official Washington residents of this city report hearing ib (Jlermans tried to raid a Brit- The number injured is estimated This came from the mouth of and all others like it a farce. He Lieutenant H. B. Pepler, wearer of plosions is still burning, and at lat­ cannot see it—because the farmers cries from the vessels. Reports ranch In the sector of Arleux, it between 40 and 60. said he believed it unconstitutional ire not organized.” from Metropolis, 111., say that the The only cause of the wreck as- :he Military Cross for bravery who est reports was threatening other of Lens), but were driven He was willing to run the risk of ar­ boats ^ passed there in bad shape. iigned thus far is a supposedly de­ was wounded 43 times in battle and buildings of the plant. The dam­ War Has Helped Farmer. rest if the selectmen would pay him ‘The war has done much for the Two of them were reported jammed fective rail, which cracked because who was the principal speaker at age thus far is estimated at many itthe Monchy district, (Arras fees as town physician. He did not in the ice and standing on edge. f the cold and allowed ten coaches he High school assembly hall last thousands of dollars. farmer,” Baer went on. “While he German artillery was active think that the selectmen should wor­ Among the boats swept away 0 leave the track and roll down a vening at the Brltish-Canadian re- Officials of the company expressed feels that the government, after flx- :ht. ry about his a'rrest. It would give doubt of the police theory that the ng the price of his wheat, should were packets of the Eagle Line and U. S. Aviators Killed. steep embankment. The train is ruiting rally. Over 1,200 persons him a good chance to rest if he explosions may have been the out­ also fix the price of cotton, steel, the Cumberland and Tennessee Riv­ Jan. 29.—Three American ;aid to have been running forty miles vere in attendance. Six recruits should be convicted. Dr. Weldon’f oined the colors. come of a plot. lumber, shoes and clothing—the er Line. have been killed while in hour when the derailment occur- acceptance was accepted by the Louisville Fears Ice Damage. •ed. Officials of the Illinois Cen- High School Hall Crowded The part of the plant destroyed things he has to buy—he is not in iig on Italian soil, said a dis- board and placed on file. Chairman Louisville, Ky., Jan. 29.—The :ral read planned today to institute Twenty minutes before eight had been engaged In the manufac­ mood for much complaining. The • Irom Foggia today. They were Taylor went on record as raising a Ohio river opposite Louisville today here was hardly a seat left in the ture of alcohol and ground chemi­ railroads have'been taken over, the ;Uaiant William Cheney, Lieu- 1 thorough inquiry. question of the legality of the ac­ is a mass of ice floes and gorges with High school hall. At 8 o’clock the cals for powerful explosives under middlemen cut out and the problem ,t Oliver Sherwood and Cadet ceptance; Selectman Bowers refused tributary streams pouring in floods ear of the hall was crowded to sut contract with the United States gov of ship congestion solved. If these ;e Beach. The Americans were to vote and Selectmen James Johns­ of ice and water. The Kentucky and ALL OUR CLASS A MEN location. Promptly , on time the ernment. steps were necessary in time of war, with military honors, Italian ton, Aaron Johnson, Rogers and the Big Sandy rivers are choked Bagpipers filed into the hall and the farmers contend they are just as British and American sol- Weldon voted for the acceptance. with ice, and several towns in up­ played several selections. They YALE MAY RESUME necessary in time of peace, and they king part. EXAMINED NEXT MONDAY No action was taken upon the re­ per Kentucky are partly flooded. were encored. Then after a wait ROWTNG WITH RIVALS. will fight against any effort to return consideration of the vote which the PikesvUle Flooded. he members of the Flute Band en­ to the old way of doing things.” ION AT AMERICAN The physical examination of all selectmen took on the town physi­ Lexington, Ky., Jan. 29.—Over a tered and the rumor was whiiH)ered New York, Jan, 29.—Followers North Dakota To Buy' Seed. LOR WORKS, STAMFORD the Class A men of the draft will be cian appointment. As Dr. Weldon foot of water stands in the business about the hall that an auto had of rowing were elated today over the A special session of the legislature held on Monday, beginning at 8.30 put it, “The doctors have been ap­ move made by Yale athletic authori­ of North Dakota is now considering district of Pikesville today, and the tord, Jan. 29.—An explosion ploughed thrpugh their ranks while p. m. and lasting all day, at the pointed. Now let them accept or re­ ties to renew rowing relations with the appropriation of money to pro­ Big Sandy river there is higher than ;Wl place in the American on Main street and three were se­ eastern end of the Recreation build­ ject.” Harvard and Princeton. The New vide the farmers with seed. This ever before. Heavy floes of Ice are C color works of this city ing. The notices are going out to­ verely injured.’ The drums of sev­ being brought down from the What Other Towns Do eral were covered with hloodv,: When Haven university has announced measure when passed will form a .mbulances have been rushed day to all of the local men in this Communications were received that athletic events are to be “in­ strong plank in the platform for the mountain districts by the swollen lene. The extent of the ex- class. Whether a man was examined the facts of the case became known, rivers, causing ice gorges in the from many other towns in the state luiet was restored. formal” and subject to cancellations congressional campaign. not known at this time. before; whether he is blind or sick which told of the manner in which Ohio river to break. Pictures of the War. and restrictions, but it is believvd “The state of North Dakota has a 10 Injured. or no matter what is the matter with they handled their town sick. In The first part of the program con­ here that the historic Yale-Harvard farmers’ legislature,” Baer explain­ Jan. 29—Ten persons him he is obliged to be examined every case tlie towns paid for the boat race is within the pale-of possi­ ed. “Such a legislature can see the QUICK ACTION ON ACT sisted of American and British mov­ .■M [OUBly Injured this afternoon over again on Monday at the Recrea­ medicines which the town doctors TO DRAF^T 21-YEAR OLDS ing pictures. The British ^ews of bility. farmers’ needs. The otjier states 800 gallon tank filled with tion building if he is In Class A. furnished. Manchester, however the western front wem groesome have the regular old-fashioned poli­ d exploded. The tank was through its board of selectmen voted Washington, Jan. 29—“Quick ac-. and snowed aettml ^ STOnesMjh the ALLAN JOYCE DEAD. tician legislatures. Business and me building as occupied by EDWARD JOYCE DEAD. to he different and the town doctor: corporation needs are so big that tion by Congress to authorise , [CTlcee Synthetic Color Co-, first line trenches. Pfetures of +he will have to furnish their own medi Roxbury, Jan. 29.—Allan Joyce they keep before the eyes of these War department to draft men who. 'manufacturing for the gov- American navy were also lihown. A Stamford, ~Jan. 29.—Edward cinei. 55, for years postmaster and general legislatures all the time and the have attained the age of 21 years ' No explanation as to the machine from thdr drcl^ theater 'Id Joyce, aged about 65, of Richmond Lighting Bill Reduced. with Harold Germaine .^operating, storekeerper at Roxbury station, died farmer gets no show. This condi since registration day, June 6, 1917, '^he explosion will be given was promised by the Senate military Hill, L. I., died in an ambulance on A communication was read from projected the pictures screen suddenly today of acute indigestion tion will be corrected when the far factory. The injured*] ’he way to the Stamford hospital affairs committee this aftemopa, '' ' the Manchester Electric Co., telling stretched across the was in his home here. He leaves mers are organized.” to the local hospital. this morning from gas poisoning. He of the reduction in the cost of street decorated witli Biftiah widow. was overcome by fumes of gas from lighting because of the shut off dur­ can flags. - . * " Worse off than piost of the kings It is curious to read of BteamlKMi||k^ conservation on our a heater in his lodging room. Mr. ing the fuel shortage. Previously Mandate Monday will be a fine op in exile is King Ferdinand of Ru­ laid up on the lower Missiaatiipi be remembered that Joyce is an expert trucker and rig-I eaefi street light cost the town $11 mania at Jassy,living on canned foods lack of cargoes. Somevthexa piu Chalrm afirr^^’^l Opened portunity for hatbands to become •^‘ijaarge' of the Light ger and he came here yesterday to | per year. This cost has been re­ acquainted iriCh the mysteries with bread as a luxury three times waterways it should be poi^hM' '4ttBO « blunder.—Wall superintend a job at-a local manufac­ the washdajr.*-“New York Sun. j a week.—Springfield Republican. use them.-—Springfield/Rei^a tory. I (CoiitlnMd on S) L . V Herbert RawUnson m d ^ All Star Cast in No show today because of Fuel Ad­ See! ministrator’s orders. SngM sou­ The Apache Dance, just as it’s venirs on Friday. A Jimmy Dale danced on the Barbary Coast on the Picture tomorrow in conjuinction with “Come Through." Mr. Sulli­ Padflc and in the East Side Dance i i van saw this film in Boston last ' 4 M«iia In New York. The most ter- week. He assures you that it is the . -4 rlflc fight ever staged.- The Third t h r o u g h biggest thrlllw on the movie mar­ Degree. Secrets of the Ilndierworld c o m e ket. Come early. Yon know what bared. New York’s “Other HalT’ happened last week. w*ith the lid off. Orchestra! Speci£d Effects! Seven Big Acto! Matinees, 5c and 10c Evenmgs, lOc and 20c

the national service. It will cost N o R a is e E P m U L O U $5,000 to do it. I n Price The great honor roll of the church, drawn from all the parishes in the A M U SEME NTS Herald’s O f This Evening M A country, is being card catalogued in WILllUISEmiW the office of the War Commission. Great Remedy ywAHwa WHAT AND WHO’8 WHO These names and addresses of the gr MANCHESTER MOVIE HOUSES tens of thousands of churchmen and ARGAIll UG b y THEIR OWN PRESS AGENTS B SL Maiy’s to Job b Canqiaign boys are for the use of the clergy CAS:ARA© QUININE and parents. The War Commission, 20 WORDS FOR ONLY 10 DENTS by its many connections with the • I for War Work Fond camps, its agencies here and in The standard cold cure for 20 yea: For the accommodation of our patrons we will accept TeF In tablet form—safe, sure, no opiatM France, will, as far as military regu­ —cures cold in. 24 hours—flip in 3 AT THE 7ARL AT THE CIRCLE. ephone advertisements for thik column from any one days. Moneybackifitfails. G e tt^ lations allow, help parents, relatives •atnutne bb* with Red top and Mr. and friends to gain information as whose name is on our books payment to be made at earliest Hill's picture on it. CHURCH TO FOLLOW CAMPS Costs less, gives to where our boys are and how they convenience. In other cases cash must accompany Inrder. more, saves money. No show at the Popular Yes, Francis X. Bushman assisted 24 Tablets for ZSc. are getting along. by his favorite little photo play At Any l>cug Store To Assist Parishes. Playhouse but the Park is a busy Chaplains to be Equipped and Soldier partner. Miss Beverly Bayne, will The Church War Commission will place notwlthstafiding as the staff walk on the screen at the Cozy Cir­ READ BY OVER 9,000 PEOPLE EACH; EVENIIIR Boys to be Looked After assist parishes near cantonments. of thirteen loses no pay because of cle theater tomorrow, Wednesday. Everywhere. For this purpose, $50,000 is needed. • i . the fueless day but busy themselves The management was lucky to se­ ECKWAN5 Great camps of 40,000 soldiers are TO REN T. FOR SALE. preparing for the big feature of cure this favorite pair of players on sometimes set alongside a village or this date because Frank and Beverly TO RENT—To single couple a pleas­ " FOR SALE—Male, pedigred Airedale St. Mary’s, Episcopal church has Wednesday. Even though the heat ant upstairs four room flat on terrior, 14 months old. small town. The parish church is are in great demand the country St., inquire 100 Bissell St. 102t- sonable. W. E. McCabe. 107 joined in the campaign being Vaged is off the employees work in over­ St., So. Manchester, Conn. naturally overwhelmed. The church, over. But a little wire pulling can by the Episcopal churches through­ coats. TO RENT—Brand new four room FOR mrCMC UHiOS through the War Commission, must accomplish wonders some times. So flat, with modern improvement. In­ FOR SALE—One two year old Htifer out the country to raise $500,000 for The big sh o w tomorrow, and it is lOlta milking about eight quarts Per ^ y, •Al'» or throat troubles that threaten to become come to the rescue; it must help the quire 182 Maple St. also one young calf. James BuniSj chronic, this Calcium compound will be war work during 1918. Rev. J. S you will be able to see “ The Adopt­ toits found effective. The liamUest form Vet bishop give the rectors of those the feature o f ieatures, will be TO RENT—5 room tenement at 17 Hilliard St. devised. Free from harmful or habit- Neill outlined the campaign and its “ come through". It is a Jewel pro­ ed Son,” a seven act Metro Wonder Trotter St. Inquire 116 Center Street •! ! forming drugs. Try them today. churches the assistance of men well- 100t« FOR SALE—Wood delivered, sto^ needs at the Sunday morning ser­ production with Manchester's favor­ length, mixed $12 cord, slab $8 cord. ■k ' 50 c « t e A bos, iacloding'war tax fitted for the work. duction in seven massive reels and vice. It is estimated that the Epis­ ite screen stars, Bushman and TO RENT—Six room tenement, with H W. Case, Phone Hfd. Dlv. ^urel For sale by on ^bnVglats , As illustrations, the church at put out by the same company that modern improvements, at 18 Newman 263-13. IMranai. I,aboratory. FhUadelphia copal church has 71,315 of its men which Bayne. street. Inquire 226 Center St. 98tf Spartansburg, South Carolina, and produced “ Sirens of the Sea FOR SALE—Birch wood, 4 foot and boys in the service of their coun­ Frank has dropped jils dress suit length or will sell It standing. the church at Vallejo, California, packed the t Sharing Show TO RENT—A flve room cottage on In­ try and the church wants them to • ■several weeks ago. in this picture and donned his rough South Main street. Inquire of Warren quire H. A. Richter. Hlllstown RoaA near the great Mare Island Navy Shop to Taylor, 144 South Main street. 93tf Glastonbury, R. F. D._____ feel that their church as well as is a crook play and ready clothes and lovers of gun Yard, are able to minister effective­ “ come FOR SALE—Auto oils. I have a Headquarters their country is back of them. It play and excitement will have no barrels of Supreme, Havollne, aim Po- ly to the thbu^nds of soldiers and pure and jit bares New York WANTED. is proposed to have the chuvch fol­ underworld and regrets on seeing this seteen play. larine on 1917 contract which I will sailors who test the capacity of the and San dispose o f at 50c., 65c., and 75c, For all kinds of lumbei Beverly Bayne makes the ever sweet WANTED—Workers to co-operate, gallon w hile It lasts. Some. Fisk tires. low them to the across the the scenes^ ifln these cities. Mondays, in new business that will help in ac'c buiMings every service. The com- little sweetheart amd in the charact- Ford siies also; jwiythln^ thiS;. Coast win the war for Democracy and ries, oil and grei misiion is plR&niiig ,^ e 'to. a t .her ■eedom. Address 259 Fern Street. got- i. M axwell agent,^ ______W - by'Dushinan, W a n t e d — a waitress and alM a shows his skill in riding snd shoot- SEED POTA’W&L 1500,000 to be r a i ^ w as Jletectives, tong 102t3 Woodruff’s own faMM* •nie War Connnissio: inA^*4d in a row over cards in a Maine. Don’t repeat last y the Church’s War Commission Fund. battles betibgif tildlhamen, the opi ience. Maine crop Is short, ’#ei "plies. gether and directing all the co-oper­ western gambling den, -8hoot;p his I w a n te d — Kitchenet apartment, EJvery cent contributed will be de­ 11 m dens and the like are all in this accepting orders now.- Mai ating agencies of the church engag­ -vsoVaa hio «wol-n-wav and 1 furnished complete for man arm wife, Plumbing and Supply Co, voted to actual war work. thriller. Prohibly the most sensa­ opponent, makes his get a way ana children. References exchanged. ed in war work. For this, $95,000 finds himself plunged into a feud Address, Manager Circle Theater. Our flMitIo- ffigkt Qaakty To Equip Chaplains. tional scene Is the Apache dance is needed. FOR SALE—Two good snow COVe The United States government that you have read so much about in between the Lane’s and Conover’s. — ------;— — ------building lots on Russell street . Through the Brotherhood of St. know this location, the Mice will Pronqit Service, Low Price. equips its surgeons and paymasters, Thsro is a thrill every minute and I WANTED-^Irls^.^ Andrew, the Commission is placing the newspapers. This dance is Robert J. Smith, Bank B ldg. but does not appropriate a dollar the picture will keep you sitting on and Kahn, North School St. in all the larger camps laymen who danced by a ctrii^le from New York’s FOR SALE— $5,000 will buy a -YARD- for the equipment of its chaplains. east side and is faithful in every de the edge .of your seat at all times. old False Teeth Wanted—Don’t Mat family flat built 1917, modern in are above draft age. These men, a a picture show 1 ter if Broken. I pay $2 to ?15 per nndlw set ay, lot 70x200, save and plant a W f - f The church must do this. The Not forgetting that a pictuic I " “ "h” for "old’ gold, silver. Center St. Blinn St. number of whom are men of large tail. — . ^ " ° ‘ den. R obert J. Smith, Bank chaplain has nothing but his commis­ is never complete without a bang broken jewelry. Send by parcel post business training, are making this The critics In the big cities call la u c o i V rand receive check by return mail. Will So Manchester Manchester sion. He needs service books and “ come through,” “ The Epic of the UP good comedy, the management goods lO days for senders approval FOR SALE— $2,500 buys a patriotic sacrifice of their time. The - -- L. Mazer, 2007 So. 5th St.. family house, 2 minutes from an altar. In Prance, his regiment has engaged Victor Moore and Vic of^my off^er. Y. M. C. A. has given them the status Underworld” and they considered it % acre of land. Robert J. Smitn, "h i Telephone Connection of 3,600 men is billeted in villages will certainly pull a few giggles ------'1------Building. ______■•>* of secretaries; they thus come into one of the season’s real big features " . 1 tioT.D__That corner property on 4 along five, ten and fifteen miles; he in the thriller class. Herbert Rawl- from the girls and a great many gt_^ {^nd now offer another busi­ FOR SALE—Main street resldei closest personal touch with the men hearty laughs from the male por ness block and dwelling on same street heat, light, etc., beautiful lot. pie needs a Ford car or motorcycle. He inson is the star and Alice Lake, of an opportunity for you. Robert ,1. surroundings. $5,000 is the price, and boys of the church. 97tl is the personal friend of the men; the Bluebird Company plays oppo­ tion of the audience. The Para-jg^ith“ ■ ■ Bank Building. ert J. Smith, Bank Building. Manchester For Over-Seas Work. mount Pictograph with ther latest when pay is late, he lends them site to him. There is a cast of forty FOR SALE—Large 4 family house, The War Commission must carry LOST rooms, modern, 10 mirnites walk small sums and is repaid on pay day. world news in photo and the famous its work overseas and for this $100,- in the leading parts and in the mob mills, price only $6,400. Robert He writes letters for the men, hence Bray Cartoons will be seen also. | l o s t — a studebaker starting crank Smith, Bank Building. 000 is required. The year 1918 scenes hundreds of persons are used. Lumber Co. his need of a typewriter. Now people, if you want to see Finder rewarded for return ^to FOR SALE—7 room cottage, will see a great American army fight­ The interior sets are taken right in 102t2 The chaplain is the postmaster of cracker jack photo entertainment. G. E. W illis. lot, modern improvements, n«M. ing in France. The War Commis­ New York’s Chinatown and ’Fris­ ley and school, $300 down. Thla^ the regiment, its censor, statistician hist your feet and travel to the Circle LOST—Between Diirk Theater and one you want. William Kanenl, sion is already represented overseas co’s Barbary Coast. ' ' Post Office, gold Elgin v^tch. Reward Griswold St., So. Manchester. and banker. In bis daily visits at “ come through” has not yet reach­ tomorrow if returned to Herald office south. ROLLER SKftTtNfi by Bishop McCormick of western FOR SALE—One six foot candy the hospitals gifts of delicacies, cig­ ed Hartford and Mr. Sullivan paid Thursday and Friday, a famous Michigan. lease in first class condition. Apply j At the Armory arettes, chewing gum, story books handsome premium to get it to star, a famous story, a famous play­ HUSBAND COURTS WAR f Packard’s Pharmacy. »l The need for volunteer chaplains er’s production. Can you conceive and printqjl^prayers are in demand. If Manchester first. It will go from BUT NOT WITH SPOJJSE. and other assistance of the church of a greater combination of greater Every Afternoon and Eve'g *his regiment is at a distance from lere to Springfield and then play in MRS. BRADLEY SAYS on the battle line will become in­ value of a greater whatever-you-call__ Independence, Kas., Jan. 29. A 2-30 to 5 7:30 to 1C the Y. M. C. A., he needs a regiment­ Hartford for a flve day run at Poll’s. creasingly, great. The church must i^Ttr s"atisfy that particular disposi-1 married man of this city recenUy HUSBAND W’AS PERSl al tent, a film machine and a talking It is advisable to come early tomor­ carry its ministry and sacraments to fo n of yours? returned his questionnaire and waiv- machine. row night to insure a seat. The the men who are ready to go “ over ^°The star Marguerite Clark, the ed all his rights to exemption, Hall, Modean & Co Every day brings to the Commis­ play will also be shown on .Thurs­ the top.’’ production,’ “ Bab’s Burglar.” the When asked why. as a married New Haven, Jan. 29.— Mrs. sion’s office requests from chaplains FURNITURE and day. place, Circle theater, the time, 2.30 man, he didn’t take advantage of Bradley, wife of Walter H. Brad UNDERTAKING in this country and Prance for items On Friday besides a big bill, two Now it’s up to I them, he said: of Meriden, both of whom are be of equipment. The War Commission AnSCEGLANEOUS SHOWER. pounds of sugar souvenirs will he “ Exemption be damned. You sued by James E. 'Todd of this clt 24 fiirch Street. Phone 63ft must supply it. To equip the chap­ distributed as this week’s bonus. I don’t ,know------—my V wife. Say, man, trustee of the bankrupt estate of Mt lains will cost $100,000. A surprise miscellaneous shower I’d rather walk across No Man’s Bradley, for the return of g25,t)(^ House Phone 384-4 Voluntary Chaplains. was given Mrs. Ernest Wilson last who do not have the use of the Land and back barefooted than live worth of property alleged to quired to register. There is a stiff The Church War Commission will night at the home of her mother on building at any other time. Mem-1 -with that ivoman.’ been transferred by Mr. Bradley, penalty for failure to do so. When supply voluntary chaplains to aid Linden street. Mrs. Wilson was hers of course have the right to use his wife’s name for purposes oUi the aliens appear at the police rooms J.H, CHENEY commissioned chaplains. This will Miss Julia Peterson before her mar­ the building any time it is open and cealment. was under cross- they will be given instructions as to FLORIST cost $100,000. riage. The wedding took place school children can use it only dur [CENTER CHURCH SLEIGH RIDE. tion today by counsel for the pi The number of commissioned what they must do to comply with week ago. The evening was pleas­ ing scheduled periods The Christian Endeavor society of tiff. Attorney Wlgglh, of this the law. MANCHESTER OREEN chaplains is at present utterly inade;» antly passed with music, games and Those who are not members an< the Center church will have a sleigh following the completion of her tt quate for an army of two million refreshments. Miss Rose Wood­ are thrown out of work on the Mon-1 ride to Wapping on Wednesday even- Telephone 58-2 mony last week, in which she men. ^The church must supplement cock presided at the piano and Miss RECREATION BUILDING OPEN. day holidays are invited to spen ing, January 30. The party will nied that there was any ill-t the chaplains with volunteers whose Mabel Stanfield played the violin their time in the building. It would leave the church at 6.45. At Wap- of property to her and charg^' special charge will be the church­ Mrs. Wilson received a number of HIGH GRADE CEMETERY WORK be hardly worth while for the public ping a light supper will he had and her husband was being men in the service. Today camps valuable presents in cut glass, silver Garfielday Brin^ Hundreds to Man­ to use the gymnasium on that daj a social hour will follow. All those Monuments, Headstones, Markers chester’s Amusement Cent®r. by rich Boston relativeii. Comer Posts, etc. of 30,000 and 40,000 men have only and china ware. Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ for none but members have the wanting to go should telephone Large crowds took advantage of Bradley denied in response Lettering Done in Cemeteries, six or eight chaplains and scores q| son are making their home with 156-2 before Wednesday noon. No the opening of 'tile 'Recreation build­ proper equipment. quiries that she had ever b ei^ i Established 40 Years. camps and posts have no chaplains the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs reservations .will be made after that travagant in her younger day, Arthur Wilson of Starkweather ing yesterday. All through the day ADAMS MONUMENTAL WORKS at all. time. Tickets for the sleigh rjde declared that she had been ^ ** H. Hebro, Mgr. RockviUe, Conn. the building was -crowded with peo­ The Church War Commission is street SON OF RICH PUBLISHER will be 40 cents. Tickets for the a little farmer.” Telephone Connection. placiiig strong clergymen in camps ple thrown tempoararlly out of em­ supper can be had at the hall. AGAIN SEEKS EXEMPTION. throughout the country as volunteer NOnOE TO ENEMY ALIENS. ployment. The lobby or dance hall chaplains. They are there with the Beginning at six o’clock Monday was filled with those of the younger BOiiTON MAY GET CARD OP THANKS. TYPEWRITERS cordial approval of the command­ morning Chief Gordon and his as set and dancing was enjoyed the MORE COALLESS H( We wish to thank our neighbors AH makes overhauled or repaired ants. They were in cooperation sistants will be ready to register all greater part of the . day. It was Hamilton, O., Jan. 29. Robert P next to impoSaiblw to get near the l^nd friends for their many words RIBBONS with the Y. M. C. A. in whose tents the German aliens in town. The ali­ Scripps, son of the millionaire pub­ and deeds of kindness during our Boston, Jan. 29.— ^The cbdl pool tables In the men’s And Supplies for all Machines they often live ens have from Feb. 4 through the lisher of Ohio newspapers, is seek­ recent bereavement. We would in New England reached " D. W . CAMP Dr. Manning, rector of Trinity 9th to register with the chief. They roo’.us and even the girls’ pool table ing ,exemption again. On the first thank especially the shopmates at today when it was anhotmegd: P.O.Box503 Phone, Valley 244 church in New York, is now volun­ are to appear at the police rooms did r, rushing business." The swim­ draft call he asked exemption on the [ the jjbbon^ all others who State and New England ii« ming pool was well patronized. HARTFORD teer chaplain at Camp Upton; Bishop in the Hall of Records and get their ground Ahat he is a newspapei* execu- | Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Dunn ters, that no relief for a Hereafter on Jlonday holidays Capers of West Texas is in charge affidavits. They are then given an tive, but both the local and district and family, days was in sight. the gymnasium will be open to mem­ at the San Antonio camp. Many of alloted time to fill them out and re­ board denied the appeal. President Frank D’Amico. A conference meeting trf bers from in Gie afternoon on PAINTING AND PAPERING the strongest men in the church are turn the affidavits. Some one w Wilson, however, granted it. The ton City fuel committee iljjd’? This will afford atlil rnore people Now is a good time to have that doing this grfeat service'. be at the Hail of Records from six questionnaire system revoked thht Is anyone putting a one-cent England fqel adminii with r q g c e ^ ^ ^ ^ # M holiday. The little Inside job done, the -one yon To R«f;lst«r Members o'clock In the morning on through exemption, so Scripp.s has started stamp on the Congressional Record held this altemoota to bare been thinkiiig about for The GhWfeh War Uommfssioh the day to accommodate the regis­ reading • der which will give Be some time. I will do it RIGHT. anew his effort to escape military for “ some soldier at the front?” Fmid Will in&tnlato a regfister of al trants. building 'gi unexpected hoUdaya dut£, Atlanta Cpiptitution. A. C. LEHBBIAN. All German aliens In town are re- mean^'^ by. i^lMBe508-G m ^ b ers of ’Hte ebufifii Who are In I FRENCH CAPTURE p^^-Youngster Baby ALL WE’VE GOT TO SAY ^ ' James J. Gorman, one of the best FOESPYGUSSES known young men in the south end, I I f fon Gan t Get FRANCIS In the iilddeit' |r^8ses,of Paradise' died today after only a few days’ ill- alley you p^ ^ | ii^ i« .ie _ i^ c e flag „ with; ness at his home on Chestnut street. X Gsrmsn ObSBrVStion Points Arc one star. lSlit,lM^ areyoutoseePara-! He hurt , his foot while at work last < dlse alley? (Sfreenwich village.; 1 BUSHMAN Methodically Taken in Dar- The entrance & a hole in thejl ■ '-M •"I J^31 r j ” ^ ^ ing Attacks. wall In Sixffi'^teinne, between Jeffer-i w S z 5 son Market'^ jaB anfl Eleventh street,; Beverly Bayne Z o Q < * recalls a writer in the New York Mail. Save money by cutting your own fuel. O ^ In Paradise;^e7' there Is a row of! HEROIC WORK OFBLUE DEVILS quaint dwelUnisg:seem to slant In WE HAVE THE TOOLS. The ADOPTED SON outrageous fostbion. In fact, everything' in Paradise allex^ls^stfenge to the point] Axes, warranted, ready for u s e ...... $1.25 to $1.75 Warranted Keen Kutter A x es ...... $2.00 First Spyglass Seizure Is Credited to of queernes^^^ o n ^ ^ th ln the alley; Boys^ A x e s ...... $1.00 MARGUERITE CLARK-BAB’S BURGLAR Chasseurs Who, in Sensational At­ you forget the wdrldi and its bustle.' Yon are in a fur away. ' Splitting Axes, Keen K u tte r...... $1..35 tack, Wipe Out Powerfully Around the comer from Paradise al-] Fortified Salient by Surprise. ley is Patchin place. I f memory doesi AXE HELVES—SAW HORSES not serve ill it was in this queer back'i Bucksaws...... 85c., $1.50, $1.75 CAN SELECTMAN SERVE With the French Armies in the Field. water spot that^ohn Masefield ate and' , BRISK DEMAND TODAY —French troops are methodically tak­ slept and rocke^^Qie cradle of a man; BUCKSAW BLADES ing away the German spyglasses. child in the daysl when he “tended bar” ^ Crosscut Saws, aU lengths...... $1.65 up ON NEW YORK EXCHANGE AS A TOWN PHYSICIAN? One by one, enemy observation in New York town. A queer lad was: (Continued from Page 1.) points or advantageous positions have John Mansefield.^.. A thousand songs been carefully spotted by the French struggled for birth in his brain. The Early Advances in Entire List, Prac­ command and effectively eliminated. world knows manY of these songs to­ duced to $10.25 per year. There are FERRIS BROTHERS tically— Itiiils Among Shares on Though French official communiques day, for he ranks in the second flight Vpgo, Also Tol>aceo— (^notations. 1,067 street lights in town and if issued have registered merely local ac­ of living poets. - the shut off lasts fur one full year tions, these have had for the main ob­ But when John Masefield “tended New York, Jan. 20.— Substantial the saving to the town will be me jective that of snatching the binocu­ bar” in Greenwich Tillage and ate and advances were recorded in the entire terial. lars from the Teuton eyes. slept at the boss’ home in Patchin list at the opening of the stock mar­ Park Superintendent Bowers in­ A brief artillery preparation, a place, the only part of the public that shrill whistle in the first-line trench, got the benefit ot Jiis poems was the ket'today. formed the town that he had made and the Poilus have bounded “over boss’ baby, for Masefield, while he U. S. Steel Common was unusual­ plans to have the shrubs in the Cent-, Need an Overeoat? ;i er park trimmed by C. R. Burr and the top” in actions of signal impor­ waited for the boss’ wife to cook a ly active and strong in anticipation tance in Alsace, north of the Cheinin meal or “set” the table, had to rock; Company. • of the dividend announcement this Des Dames and north of Verdun at the cradle and sing to keep the child Secretary Rogers read the stand­ How About One of These? -afternoon and rose to 9 2, a gain of Hill 344. Nearly 1,400 prisoners and from raising the roof with his wails. I %. Baldwin Locomotive rose % ing of appropriations. As may be valuable w'ar material is the “by-prod­ The babe never cried when John to 62, while gains of % were made seen from the standing which fol- uct” of these local, strategical drives. Masefield sang.. It Is the testimony of in Bethlehem Steel B and Itepublic Sum available ...... $70,455.56 —^ Won by Blue Devils. that good wife of the boss that she About'a dozen heavy Coats, sizes 35 to 42, belted models ! Iron & Steel. The first .'“spyglass” seizure was never could make head or tail out of' the songs the queer youth sang—they Anaconda was in good demand and Street lighting appropriation that of the “ Schonhoji,” a powerful neither had rhyme, nor reason, nor rose one point to G2 1/2- Ameri­ ...... $13,700 fortified German salient jutting into $25 Coats at Expended ...... $5,435.68 the French lines in Alsace, serving the things that songs; should have. They $ 19.50 can Smelting rose to S2%. \ s'' double purpose of German observation were like chants, she says. v<. The Marine stocks showed a Sum available ...... $8,264.38 "I - i of the French organizations and pre­ But the baby seemed to make them $23 Coats at $ 18.50 strong tone, Marine Preferred ad­ venting the French seeing in the direc­ out, even if his mother could not. vancing nearly one point to 9 2 % Police appropriation ...... $8,400 Never a wail c ^ e from him while tion of Altkirch. On the afternoon of Friday in the ribbon mills. The and the Coiiniion selling up % to Expended ...... !... $3,537.09 November 7, after a brief but violent John Masefield sang. $22 Coats at $ 1 7 ^ 0 foot pained him during the night 25%. Sum available ...... $5,299.11 artillery preparation, three companies and he got up to bathe it. As a Reading was the strongest of the Board of Health ...... $2,600 of the French Chasseurs—Blue Devils Value of a Good Look-Out. Speaking of the value of a careful result he caught a severe cold, which $20 Coats at $ 16.50 rails and rose % to 74, Union Pa­ Expended ...... $311.53 —attacked the Schonholz, completely lookout as a protection against the developed into pneumonia. cific advanced to 115. Sum available ...... $2,288.47 wiping out the salient in a fierce fight lasting into the night. submarine, the first lord of the admirr A consultation of doctors was held Distillers’ Securities was active, Miscellaneous ...... $17,000 You’ll pay nearly double these prices another season. The enemy desperately counter-at­ alty. Sir Eric Geddes, said that if a yesterday and today but nothing advancing 1% to 3S%. American Expended ...... $6,916.02 submarine is sighted by the lookout tacked, but failed, leaving in all 120 could be done and shortly after one Tobacco rose 1% to 162 and Tobac­ Sum available ...... $10,934.07 on a vessel—whether the vessel Is prisoners, including six officers, in the o’clock he died. He is survived by co Products sold % higher to 55. Routine Business. armed or not makes difference—^It hands of the Blue Devils. Complete a wife and two children. He was There was a general disposition A communication was received German losses, hjgh because of their is seven to three on the ship in favor, 37 years of age. to take the long side of the market .Jews the highway appropriation i~ fierce effort to retain a position which of its getting away., Out of every ten i George W. Smith attacks, when the submarine is sight­ with the resumption of business af­ the only one which is likely to be they knew to be of extreme value, were ed by the ship, s e v ^ d f them fail, but FAILS TO EXTORT ter the double holiday. Nearly all exceeded. estimated at at least 600 men. of every ten attack^ when the subma­ Charity appropriation...... $14,000 The following day a French general .$10,000 FROM FORD the stocks traded in moved up sub- rine is not sighted-lalght ships go Expended ...... $5,614.75 pinned military medals on the blue Detroit, Mich., Jan. 29— Threaten­ /Stantially. Steel Common rose 1 down. In this we note that* tunics of two adjutants and a cor­ ing Henry Ford and his son, EdseL 1-2 -to\92 1-2. The minor steel in- Sum available ...... 8,993.99 Sir Alfred Taimti^^fdfered, SMue poral for exceptional valor. Though with, C. E^lusarj active an4 strong, St. there were no such medals inthe.dis- mouths luaved up 2 3-4 to 46 Highway appropriation . . . $30,000 trict the genenrf sent a'fast aiitonfd-' By.tkiMiSP^a decoy parci^^ b te r r ^ four joints to 78. Expended ...... $19,632.75 bile to find them, Wherever possible, to detebt the p r « i g ^ a submarine. In the case o f tte AipcT^can destroyer, ■’■^ s aTso a good demand for Sum available ...... $10,500.16 and the little presentation ceremony the spot at which he demanded that recently sunk, 'i^il be noted that .the copepr issues, Anaconda ad- in an Alsacian village was a happy ft $10,000 should be deposited, he was ‘) the presence of a submarine was not .vancing one point to 62 1-4. Ma­ Cemetery appropriation .... $1,600 aftermath of a victory that took from caught today. the Germans priceless observations known until the ship was torpedoed. rine Common held strong around 25 Expended ...... $487.54 CROSS CUT SAWS which had bothered the French for W ill some American offer a similar and the Preferred ranged around 92. Sum available ...... $1,564.41 two years. bonus for the seamen on our ships?— BUCK SAWS AND BLADES Money loaning at 3 3-4 per cent. The French command next decided Scientific American. American Private Is Education or schools (New York, Jan. 25.— Clearing that the Germans were seeing too Decorated by France SAW HORSES, AXES AND statement: appropriation ...... $125,281.00 much nor^th of the Chemin Des Dames. War Beer in ^Germany. Exchanges, $329,824,442; bal- Expended ...... $54,825.44 Consequently following a brief artil­ Reports from Berlin receptly re­ HATCHETS ceived In London show that the kaiser’s $28,374,886. from Martha Turkington of Orchard lery deluge, four companies of Poilus subjects are facing a further reduction' street asking that walks and curbing passed to the attack against the enemy -*-^-.The cotton market opened today in the supply of beer, says the New with prices two to ten points net be laid fronting her property. Other lines forming a salient between the I > small River Misotte and the route of York Times. The amount of malt lowter. Operator.s generally at­ communications have been received the German-held village of Jouvin- available for brewing has jnst been from Orchard street people and her tributed the trifling losses to poor court as far as the village of Ville-au- fixed, and, whereas the amount for the AXE HANDLES cables from Liverpool in the absence application was filed with them. Bnis. Here the enemy held valuable last year was 25 per cent Of the peace Worth Double of any other incentive. It was voted to have four of the observation posts overlooking .Touvin- quota, the amount for the next year is tSc 68,1 j eU3ctric lights in the Center Park conrt and ground each of the Mi- to be only 10 per cent In North Ger- j shut off until further notice. It was ette. ' many, and 15 per cent in Bavaria. ' decided that these lights were of no Under low-lying clouds and in a When the requirements of the army and of the munitions factories—^which I: special benefit to anyone and in or­ “ pea-soup” fog, the former prevent­ Made Chief of Army in Germany get precedence—^have der to save fuel they were ordered ing all aerial work and the latter pre­ Procurement Division venting enemy observation of the ad­ been met, there will be enough malt to S SUPPLY CO. turned ofJ. vance, the French infantrymen, in less provide the civil population with about Notices are to be put up forbid­ than an hour swept over positions on one-third of Its consumption in peace F. T. BUSH, Manager ding children to coast in dangerous a front of 1,500 yards and penetrated time, but the beer is only the thin places. There are many hills around to a depth of over half a mile. They “ war beer.” The barley harvest in the town which lead down to the trolley wiped out the salient, took all the ob­ rest of Germany has been bad, and tracks and when coasting is good servatories and captured 475 prison­ there is now a great increase in the ers—a number almost equal to half of proportion of barley that is used for \ ' \ there is great danger of a serious the entire'attacking force. Six Ger­ food. accident. 4* ___ 1 man officers and 45 under officers fell A contract was drawn up and into the net. After the War. signed naming Bennie Haskell the The third and most important “ I shall want some money today, town junk keeper. French action of November was in a dear,” said George Pipwhistle to his Place Orders region where constant hellish fighting wife before the latter set out for busi­ ' ; has been the daily routine—Hill 344, ness one morning in 1927. And Mrs. -- .NEW HAVEN WOMAN on the right bank of the Meuse, north Pipwhistle, grumbling the while, hand­ HIT HY AUTO. of Verdun. Here a drumlike artillery ed out the chips and waved her hand I For Seed Potatoes roar has never ceased, night and day, from the garden gate as she made a for nearly three months. German at­ dash for the eight-nineteen. New Haven, Jan. 29-.— Mary Heal­ tacks and French counter-attacks, al­ Three hours after Mrs. P. had re­ and Fertilizers ey, 57, a seamstress, was struck turned from the dty, George Plpwhis- J //Af * most daily since the latter part of by an automobile driven by George Au^st, have had small place in the tie came in. He had a mountain of B. Wuesterfield, a local automobile communique because of their routine 'parcels in his arms and the light of triumph in his eyes. dealer, bound for Waterbury, today, nature. The enemy’s positions permit­ Priv.Tte Jolm McClain of Dayton. O.. “Yes,” he panted, as he untied the in the center of the rf;ity. She was ted him to make constant infantry a member of the .A.niericun exi^edilion- We are booking orders now for Seed Potatoes at ^ parcels and disclosed four corkscrews, taken to a hospital in a serious con­ “nibbles” Into the French lines on the ary force in France,' wearing the northern flank of Hill 344, and to dis­ a stuffed owl, an assortment of paint $7.00 a sack of 11 pecks. . They will be higher later. ; dition. French Croix de Guerre with the palm ftS', turb French organization which he brushes, a remnant of a cloth-bound awarded him by the French govern- could see in the rear. “ Uncle Tom’s 'Cabin,” six walking meut for saving 50 persons when an Surprise Attack Successful. sticks, a toasting fork, a brace of tin enemy aviator dropped a bomb in the CORN, POTATO and GARDEN FERTILIZERS ^ A WARNING. French strategy in eliminating the opWers, and a roasting jack. “ Such a village in which be vvas billeted. Mc­ of high grade at lowest market prices. Many Germans and Austrians enemy’s advantageous positions in the scramble! It’s just about the best Clain quickly picked up the bomb and in the Unite

No. 1— How large a proportion of dbcEMn^HcralOthe women of this country reglly want the suffrage and, Judging by ___ what has happened in sei^rSl suf­ Mt«r6d at the Poet Offlce at Man- frage states, notably Colfradb, would tester se Second CUse Mall Matter. use the vote if they had it? Established ■/'it. Published hr No. 2— Isn’t it true that most he Humanist women, if they lead the normal wo­ 1874 H e Herald Printiiig Company man’s life, are unfitted by tempera-, Manchester’s Greatest Store Srery Bvenlnu except Sundays and ment and occupation for the vote? Holidays. No. 3— Granted that certain mat ters of legislation, like education, By Mall, Postpaid, 11.00 a year, fl.60 for six months. food prices and so forth, belong to Widjt to REMEMBER THE w C arrier...... Ten cents a week what might be called woman’s utgls Copies...... Two cents sphere, isn’t it true that there are K. C R H: F. xf«tTi Office—Herald Building, Man- far more matters of legislation that eheeter. Branch Offlce-“ Perrls Block, belong peculiarly to man’s sphere? Alumnium Sale South Manchester. No. 4— If woman has been able, as she has, to infiuence the men of Tomorrow, Wednesday at 2.30 P. M. TBIiBPHONBS NOT LONG AGO when all THEIR “ KITTIES’* THE young Main Office, Main and Hilliard Sts., 1»0 so many states to give her the vote, man — 16 Pieces of Guaranteed Aluminum for Branch Office. Perris Block ...... MB isn’t it reasonable to suppose that War Bureau, Ferris Block ...... <89 $9.98 and all you have to Pay i^ $1.00 she could have exerted an equal or THE DRAFTED MEN were getting ’ inn greater Infiuence upon him by per­ DOWN and $1.00 WEEKLY. OF THE STORY stood in the WHY THE PAPER WAS LATE. suading him to vote for measures in The Evening Herald was an hour her interest? or two late last night, to the annoy­ The Post would be more practic­ THEIR KNITTING BAGS and ance of its thousands of readers, and able if it,made a serious effort to DOORWAY AND WATCHED and to the still greater annoyance of its discuss questions like these instead soon • publishers and those associated with FAREWELL SUPPERS A little of indulging in personalities. t*tH them in making the paper. With All of which is respectfully sub­ BEFORE-WAR PRICES ON A the best obtainable machinery, the mitted. A MAN WHO recognized our hero best materials and an organization THING HAPPENED WHICH shows n FEW HOOSIER MODELS of experienced workmen we were THERE ARE FOUR URGENT REA­ HARD DAYS FOR BUSINESS. Mi simply “ up against it.” It was These are days which test the pa­ SONS WHY YOU SHOULD ACT AT CAME UP ANH> I • shook his hand coalless Monday. The Herald tience and try the nerve of any man HOW THINGS CHANGE in a few ONCE IN SELECTING YOUR HOOSIER building was kept cool over Sunday who has the responsibility for carry­ i * i n KITCHEN CABINET. READ— to save fuel and with the job depart­ 1— Duty (as well as common sense) now ing on a buisness. The machinery AND SPOKE OF the way the ment shut down Monday on govern­ demands that you conquer waste in the of business is all out of order. Care- ‘ YEARS FOR THIS would not ment order, was slow in warming. fully built up organizations of train­ Mahogany hard to keep clean kitchen. You can do it most easily and The gas which heats the linotypes ed employees have been riddled by completely by having this modern labor- DRAFTED MEN WERE enjoying was poor and gave us no use of these the demands of the war. The long saving machine— The Hoosier. HAPPEN IN CIVII^ war times Never was there a greater mistake. Ma­ machines until nine o’clock. Never­ established avenues of transportation t*tn 2— Many popular models—not all, but theless we went to press on time and have been wholly or partly closed. hogany, with the proper care, is no more some—are offered now at before-war then something else happened. The Supplies are hard to get and sell­ THEMSELVES AND WHAT a task trouble than oak or walnut, and say what prices. And you can pay us as convenient. long spell of cold, dry weather has ing markets are hard to reach. The FOR IT IS the story of they you will, it is the aristocrat of all woods. Your money all back if you are not delight­ filled everything with static electric­ scarcity and the poor quality of fuel l • l n ed. ity. The news print fed from huge Here’s a chair now— a beautiful thing— 3— No other cabinet brings you the ad­ is a serious handicap, for it bears in one of the prettiest Watkins Brothers have rolls at high speed into our perfect­ A YOUNG MAN who was standing HAD TO FACE and in the short vice 0 fthe brainy women composing its train a succession of evils such as ever sold. It’s in solid Mahognay, with ing press was charged with it and frozen water pipes, unworkable ma­ Hoo.sier's Council of Kitchen Scientists. i n n an exquisite French tapestry covering in a instead of slipping through along terials and shivering and benumbed No other has Hoosier’s scientific arrange­ medium shade. the lines of least resistance hugged workers. The Intense and prolong­ AT THE ENTRANCE of the hall CONVERSATION THE GENTLE­ ment and patented features. the cylinder and tapes until the web ed cold conspires with the fuel short­ MAN asked This chair isn’t hard to keep clean; jiist 4— Our allotment is limited—the war­ cracked and broke, making it neces­ age to clog the wheels of industry. time demands already exceeds the fac­ sary to "thread” the big machine t • | • t dust it off as you would any other piece of And as if all these were not enough, WHEREIN THE DRAFTED men tory’s capacity. Our advice is this— agrain and again. No less than a furniture, and it’s always spick and span. along comes the coalless Monday in were THE HERO IF he was not in the come and pick out the model you moat ad­ dosen times did this occur, not only which ten dollars is wasted to con­ It’s sturdily, as well as gracefully built mire at once. delaying the edition but wasting a serve one dollar’s worth of fuel. Of $•1*1 too— comfortable in appearance and doubly large quantity of white paper. course it’s war, and we are all do­ so in its use. We hate to make excuses. Theoret­ BEING SHOWERED WITH words SERVICE AND HE replied that he OOSIER ing dutifully what we are told to do of was ically there should be no reason for by the government. But it is no You ought to have a character chair or H Kitchen Cabinet them with the Herald’s well-nigh fun carrying on business under these two in your home— one of the best invest­ Don’t put off. You can afford a small perfect organization and equip­ conditions; neither is it profitable. ment. But the weather and the war PRAISE BECAUSE THEY were IN THE AVIATION corps and when ments you can make. There ai'e probably payment now as well ns Inter. That’s all upset the best laid plans. We may chosen asked a hundred patterns now on display in tliat you need to get the Hoosier in your home. CALLING ON DAIRY FOR FOOD. Prices $27.00 to $48.00. Terms $1.00 console ourselves that we are not With the tightening of the food big store on Main Street. the only ones late. Trains are late, Weekly. regulations or recommendations the mails arS t^Uey oars are late; •at and enjoy consumer hecomcyi more dependent TO DO WHY HjB ______Hi 'AeseWJ^rs to get than ever upon**' dairy products— ahythlnf through'on time. So u^e whole milk, butter and cheese— -for ...... crave the forbearance of our read­ HIMSBLP that we have seen yet. We are reaching distance of the average Somebody has to supply enemy paci­ then introduced as the flrst speaker be continued. "They don't belottg II. llarrtHon, 709 Main street, and Judging particularly by last even­ pocket-book. Milk isn’t so bad, but fists with funds, and it begins to ARRIVED THIS MORNING Sergeant Malcolm Ptmlook. hero, thal’a all. In New lletlford I Jottopb Manna, 14 Knighton street, ing’s edition, for which we paid butter is still soaring, and cheese look as if the wings of “ big busi­ Sergeant Ptmlock was flrst of all could get no men ao 1 called on wotn- l.lcutcni|int I’epier after the meet* three coppers Instead of the former ness” weren't entirely unbesmlrched. en to enltat allbougb I bad no au­ and eggs, too. Whole milk itself is Assigned to Oertor, Beaman and a soldier and spoke in simple sol­ Inn xalii that any local lirtttsher who two. Emblazoned at the top of thority to do ao ami in two minutea higher than ever before, partly for Richardson— To Be Sold In dierly language. He naively said wliibcd to Join (should write him el' page 1 is the legend, supposedly a The Center church, listed as 1 had 250. The llrlttah wotnen nre good reasons. Half Tone at $5.75—Soft that his country called on him to do 191 rburch street. New Haven, He fixity, “ This paper Is committed to The announcement, if true, that “ South Manchester, Conn., Cong, his bit and he did it. That was all. not afraid.” would appoint a day for the MiA* the policy of woman suffrage.” And church” in The Sea Breeze, gave Cool for Bnslnees 427,163,120 eggs are to be released Blocks. The very simplicity of his speech The apoakcr then urged all tlie Chester men to go to Hartford whes the principal editorial, which is in from cold storage within the next about 139.00 to the Boston Sea­ was Impressive. He did not speak women to do Red Croaa work. He they would be examined in e sqUid, fourteen point bold face caps and twenty days is decidedly welcome. men’s Friend Society of which the of himself, nor the part he took in told how he wna severely wounded ’I'be recruiting mission will probeUy ^ lower case, is on “ Our Senators and p; per is the • fficial organ. The an­ Three cart of chestnut coal ar­ Perhaps other eggs may drop a meas­ rived in town this morning direct the bloody days of 1914 when Eng­ and that the doctora had to take come back again to Manchester with* Suffrage.” urable per cent, too. nouncement of contilbt'tions during land's "contemptible little army” bloody and dirty bandages from two l>» a few weeks. Said Senators, Messrs. Brandegee October, November and December is from the minee. This coal left the The plan is to put ten per cent mine on the 22d of this month and fought overwhelming hordes of other men ao that they could and McLean if you must know their, upon the market every two days. made in the last quarterly number, Huns with little artillery, no tronch- staunch the blood from hta wounda. names, get a walloping which we issued this month. This amount, made remorkkbly good time. The Mighty good news. Let’s hear cars were consigned one each to J. 38 and little ammunition. He said And in this connection he remarked should eay was entirely sincere and now of a similar .release of some while not large, is far greater— that Germany figured that England’s that later in another hospital h;s LOCAL SALVATIONISTS unambiguous. “ Those who know and in several instances many times C. Carter, Harry E. Seaman and the other storage products. Richardson Goal Company The coal colonies would break away from the wounds were dressed with bandages the essentially and intensely Bour­ 18 big— as that given by the other mother country when war was de­ made by the girls from his own home GOING TO RAISE bon quality in Connecticut’s two contributing churches, of Hattford, will be deltvsred in lots of a half Secretary of War Baker was cer­ ton or less. The price per ton will clared and the speaker told how the town. He told this to bring home United States Senators,” the editor­ tainly convincing on the stand -be­ West Hartford, Berlin, Mansfield British army grew from 60,000 un­ the fact that your own son's life may be 16.75. Bayers purchasing more Now cornea a drive tor 12,000 ial begins, “ will doubt if either of fore the Senate military affairs com­ Centre, New Britain, New Haven, til now 7,500,000 Britishers are on be saved with your own bandages. than 600 poupsds sure required to go the Salvation Army in Manchestiilft' them will be materially impressed or mittee yesterday. What clinched Waterbury or Willimantlc. the western front. He said the only Rum and Tobacco. to the dealer jA d sign a government That is this town’s quota in the li,* his convictions on the subject alter­ his testimony was his declaration At this Juncture the lieutenant coal card. irm of the British service which was 000,000 drive being made all ovW ed by the great mass meeting in that the men in the sixteen training The proportion of Connecticut’s mentioned the tobacco and rum Although this shipment of hard prepared was its navy and in leas the United States by Salvationlstt, Hartford yesterday in celebration of camps are ready to sail at once. We schools that are not affected by the which stirred the monster audience. coal comprises 14S tons and is the than three weeks the British navy The drive will be made betweeR the passage of the Anthony amend­ should like to hear a little more coal shortage is steadily growing largest arrival In many weeks, only had swept the sea clearN)f all ene­ “ The woman in this country,” Feb. 14 and 22. ment to the federal constitution by said about the “ red tape” that has smaller. All the more reason for said the speaker, "who tries to stop the most careful distributions will mies and had locked up the German In preparation, the local Belve* the House of Representatives and in prevailed, though, in the depart­ Manchester to shake hands with It­ the sending of tobacco to the boys in make It go far toward providing re­ fleet. He ended by saying that all tlon Army corps will hold a relly- i behalf of its passage by the Senate.” ment. self. But open schools aren’t England was an arsenal; that its the trenches should be shot. If it We should say this statement of the warm homes. lief. The state fuel administrator Friday evening at the High sol forbids its ssile for heating business women were doing men’s work were not for tobacco thousands of assembly hall at which 8ei material impression that won’t be Mr. McAdoo, Director General of blocks and stores, holding that soft everywhere; that France had no men in the first line trenches would Major Alfred E. Vealley, Brtgi made on our two Senators was cor­ Railways, will make more of an ado Essen, in German, means to eat, coal if propOfiy manipulated can be more men and until America got In­ be raving maniacs. I Was in a shell Division Bandmaster of the Ceni rect. They won’t be tangibly, sen­ than ever, we should say, by his ac­ s different term from Essen, the used for that purpose. Local deal­ to the fight it was up to the British crater with my men for four days. an Expeditionary Force wlU be sibly, noticeably impressed by that tion in prohibiting the railroads name of the town where Germany’s ers are prepared ‘ to supply large to hold the line. His remarks were It was terrible. We had no tobac­ principal speaker. This ^ o n hdlC': meeting. from spending any money to pay lob­ big gun works are located. buildings with soft coal In any rea­ greeted with storms of applause. co. Three of the men went mad been “ Over the Top” four tlmee * “ Both of them,” says the editorial byists or agents employed to influ­ sonable quantity, and Cheney Broth­ Lieutenant Pepler Speaks. before tobacco came and we did not will toll of conditions on the west lower down in the column, “ need ence legislation or elections. There ers will deliver it upon order of E. Mr. Cheney introduced Lieuten­ eat until we had our tobacco. We front and what the SalrettOB such a demonstration to help them was a grand piece of lobbying, all at SOCIETY GIRL AND OOP 8. Els, of Iqqal fuel committee. ant Pepler. The officer spoke in a never thought of food. No man means to the soldier hoys... convince themselves that they are in one stroke of the pen, as a Washing­ conversational tone of voice; free can stand the flrst line trenches with­ Salvation Army band will eu| a rut of narrow mindedness and pre­ ton dispatch says. TAKE SABIE EXAMINATION. from any pretense at oratorical out tobacco. And this is true about judice and to arouse them to certain HUSBAND ljlS6ffi|VBD INTO the music. style. Like Sergeant Pimlock he rum. Don’t say they can get along A committee composed pC C. facts as self evident as the immortal It was forty years ago yesterday THINKING ^ WAS FATHER. spoke simply as a soldier and kept without It. You don’t know. You more Watkins, chairmen, ones incorporated by Jefferson into that the first “ commercially operated Chicago, Jan. 29.— A society girl never was there. You don’t know himself entirely out of the narrative. Cheney and Mrs. W. C. Cheney our decalogue of Americanism.” telephone exchange In the world was and a police captain both took the OhioagD, Jon. 'll.— Alfred Kaumer anything about the trenches.. You Lleutensnt Pepler spoke first of assist the local Salvationists In Now we came to the best, though opened in New Haven,” says a con examination for the same Job here loved the four-yeo|vold boy and baby have no right to dictate what the German propaganda which said that arrangements for the rally, the shortest paragraph of all: recently— she because she wants to girls in hlS;* homa and believed he temporary. Those fifty subscribers England was using everybody but men should have. The officers on of admission will be reedy by *‘It doeen't pay 1b this life to be have now grown to 120,000, listed work and the policeman because he was their fathsr. A few days after the spot know better than you.” ts own citizens in this war. He ex­ row noon and may be pi anti anything... The world quick on the books of the Sontbem New needs the money. his wife dlsappoarod he took the plained why this could not be and After the War. either at~.the local War Bureeti^j ly forgets tiiose whose chief or only England Telephone company. She Is Miss Della Honghteling, baby girl to a. fonpdUsg home and then plunged right into the subject The speaker then told how the the local Salvation Arm y oltifedi claim to fame is the negative a tew questions. For instance: higher np, the case of the Vulcan land Oregonian. at M agnell/Dr^ €o.r^AdVv< o’clock at night, until 7 in the morn­ him came five other young men and columns tom orrow. \

:Y 2 ^ 1 9 1 8

M 11 1 9 I *14 1 1 I t * * ! * I 1 S SMASHED TO PIECES

EGEK^’t^CRIFICE SALE is a sale of a Lifetime. The Prices are of the Year 1916 and the goods of the Year Nfvr already on the way to Manchester. WE MUST HAVE ROOM. Price Tage Have B^n Disregarded a SACRIFICE SALE. Who knows whatthe prices will be next week or even tomorrow? Buy now and Statements by prominent Connecticut women on vital Be. on the Here Are Bargains Picked at Random from Both the Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Departments of Man- ~ — Store: war topics have been secured by the Connecticut State Council of Defense. THE EVENING HERALD has made arrangements with the Council of Defense to D epartm ent Women’s Department publish these interviews, and they will appear four S k irts times each week. \ Soys’ Overcoats $2.50 and $2.75 Skirts lost the tiling for use around the $5.50 value^r chinchilla $1.98 when you want to hang drap» $3.98 $3.50 Skirts or pictures or get something An interview with Mrs. Elsi® Traut ed intellect, Invents and applies $7.00 values/limitary Style 54 scientific methods ol slaughter, does $2.39 jhpom the top shelf of the pantry, ol New Britain. $4.98 not spare Innocent women and chil­ All other Skirts greatly reduced. makes a handy seat to use in dren on its road ol demoniacal de­ kitchen. “My life and my loyalty belong to vastation, as we are told by eye­ Working Shirts Girls* Dresses thi.': country,” said Mrs. J. A. Traut witnesses from these slaughter 75c. Planned. Working Shirts, 1 to a customer $3.00 Girls’ Serge Dresses, nicely trimmed Ask to see one. of New Britain in answer to the fields, it behooves every citizen ol ^ Stock Limited. 49c blue—brown—green $2.39 question, “What should be the true whatever nationality, every man, 75c Wdrkihg Shirts, worth much more attitude toward the war of an Amer­ $3.50 Dresses E. KEITH FURNITURE CO. woman and child receiving the pro .: White, Palm Beach and Blues. 59c ican citizen born in Germany?” Mrs. tectlon of this country, to give $2.50 Traut was born In Gotha, Thuringia, time, v/ork and lite, if need be, lor $4.50 Dresses Germany. She came to this country defense against such a cruel, ar Men’s Silk Mufflers $3.50 when she was four years old, stay­ Rubbers-Arctics bitrary standard of warfare. 75c. values, SALE PRICE ed here until she was 16, returned “Because of the blinding hatred Ladies’ Waists to Germany for five years,, then came 46c caused by the barbaric methods in­ $1.50 values, SALE PRICE 59c. White Waists, large collar Felt Boots to this country. She has lived in troduced and pursued by the Ger­ New Britain for thirty years and is 99c 35c man Government, the other nations 98c. values, heavy weight only ||> R MEN, WOMEN, BOYS active in Connecticut, New Britain lose sight ol all that the Germans and New York, including the Red 65c f AND CHILDREN. as a nation, have stood lor to the Cross and the War Relief Club of Wool' Underwear $3.50 Crepe-de-Chine Waists, white, flesh, gray—The world at large In times of peace. $1.39 values 2 piece, natural wool, stock limited New Britain. “Those who know it all, know latest styles $2.79 Mrs. Traut said in part: their intellectural endowments, lit­ 99c 6 “I know what the attitude of the erary achievements, their place as $1.98 values All other >yaists Reduced in Georgette Crepe. E. House & Son, Inc. American citizen born in Germany musicians, as world educators, as $1.36 ought to be toward this country, if artists, as scientists, etc., and are Ladies’ Coats he has made his home here, support­ just enough to acknowledge it. But. ed himself here or was supported to use such talents, such intellect Men’s Union Suits $15.00 Coats, specially priced at here by the head of his family. He such versality to overpower right $1.75 to $1.98 values, cream and gray at $1.29 $9.98 Special should under all conditions stand by by might is an attitude that must $20.00 Coats, specially priced at ..'1 the land of his adoption, because aTOUse righteous indignation in any­ he left his Fatherland to improve $14.98 Best Red Cedar Shingles one of whatever nationality who i: $22.50 Coats, specially priced at his life in a country which affirms in endowed with a spirit of justice and Dress Shirts the Declaration of Independence; In Any Quantity the love o£ humanity. 75c. values, soft cuffs $16.25 ‘We would hold these truths to be “The worst of this pitiless exam­ 49c $32.50 Coats, specially priced at Quality Lumber and self-evident that ail men are born ple ol warfare is, that in the necessi $20.98 $1.25 values, sbft and stiff cuffs, a large assortment of ' -S' Mason Materials equal.’ ty for defense against the methods stripes “It is this chance of equal oppor­ pursued, other nations are compelled Ser^e Dresses tunity because of affirmed equal to fight with like weapons, thus $13.00 Blue Serges and Brown Dresses birth that draws not only the Ger­ spreading a defamatory disease of man, but people of other nations to hatred and unwarranted destruction T/ . Men’s Hose $9.98 these shores. $16.50 Dresses G* H. Allen among mankind. 16c. Ipswich Black Hose, Black only “Another reason is, or has been, “All is not fair—— in war, and IIV 2C $12.98 his revolt against enforced and des­ the sooner nations recognize this Vj potic militarism of Prussianism on truth, the sooner^peace will he the other side. Transplanted into scored. a new soli, adopted by new people “I have tried to present the at­ worth much niore —one with citizenship and kinship titude of-an American citizen born w. B. borsets of ambition and willingness to work 89c [Formerly Mowry^s] in Germatiy as I know it from per SI.00 values to attain success it would be unnat sonal knowledge and contact with $1.98 valhes/Grays and Khaki, all sizes '■.i- T-.J ' 79c ural for a man or woman to throw ’my lellowmen. I believe that Gold­ $1.69 1 REGULAR overboard, as ballast, the memories $1.50 values IE8TAURANT smith’s quotation, ‘above all na­ A nr of thf“ Fatherland, or a feeling of tions in humanity,’ if applied to the '' Men’s Overcoats $1.29 lot Merely GOOD FOOD attachment for it. No person of situation, practically would amelior­ whatever nationality would or ate the feeling of animosity persist­ $15.00 and $16^50 values, 3 odd sizes Children’s Coats could respect such a trans­ ing among nations. $9.98 lUT SERVICE- planted tngrate. True patriotism, “In my opinion, no person is jus­ $20.PO Coats^ mixtRires, worth more $5.25 values. Chinchilla a readiness to defeat right tified to accept the privileges of the $15.45 $3.69 again.=^t wror.ij, has always been the countiY of his adoption if he is not attitude of the :,usi;-minded Ameri­ willing to stand by it loyally in the can citizen,^born in Germany, as hh- Men’s Suits WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME Upholstering time of its distress and peril. Ftt-' tory discloses. America has harbor­ “I have no doubt that every true Here is a chance to buy Adler’s Collegian Clothes AND PRICES BOW LOW. ed dreams of oecoiiiing the country German who is acquainted with the best werkmianship, guaranteed to give satisfaction, prices ; And Caning ' • to bring to other countries a state true conditions will agree with my to suit eVetybody. These Suits have been bought 3 ust of lasting peace, out behind this ' ,jHow is the time to have that assertions. before the ECdvahce in prices. ; j/pildor suite covered and those dream has lain the determination to “It is needless to add that, though This Sale Was to Have Closed Today But Because of fight to the finish against wrongs $15.00 values, SALE PRICE Gained, repaired and re- endeavoring to be just to our ene­ War Orders It Will Close Tomorrow Evening Instead. shed. Prices in reach of all. imposed on humanity. This time my, ‘with malice toward none,’ my $ ;i.9 8 ia here! life and my loyalty belong to this $20.00 values, SALE PRICE “It seems a cruel fatalism that, country.” engulfed in war with Germany, the $15.98 $18.00 values, 0ALE PRICE C. £ . H unt American citizen, born in Germany, $13.98 MMchcster Phone 477-4 united with the interests of this Bolton country, yet torn asunder as was the $27.50 values, SALE PRICE A . E ^ e r &C o Northerner and Southerner in the $22.50 PA R K BLDG , repair Planoa and Player Planot Civil Wiar, brothjet oft’ against $15.00 values, S^odd sizes, SALE PRICE 849 MAIN ST. SOUTH MANCHESTER id: make them sound as good at brother, must take up arms against Bolton Grange No. 47 met Friday $8.98 Prices very reasonable. Ne^ those of the country of his birth. evening and installed its officers for . -1' and self-player pianos of s the coming year as follows; Master, rellshle make sold on easy terms “We say that blood is thicker than water, but we are also convinced Frederick D. Finley; overseer, L. SIEBERT, that right must prevail over kinship Frederick S. Doane; lecturer. Miss : State Street, Hartford, Coma. when a point in the world’s history Adelia N. Loomis; steward. Max-1 Council of Defense V Phone, Charter 3683-12 WITH THE FRENCH COLONIAL TROOPS IN MO ROCCO is reached where no one people, no well Hutchinson; assistant steward, Cary Perry of Gileajd^ died at hi& lit'" tOGti i/t Clifford Loomis; chaplain, Charles home last Friday foUoj^ng a shock ’W . ' one nation shall act upon the time­ worn adage, all is fair in love and N. l«oomis; treasurer, Mrs. J. Alton which he suffered the previous day HEAVY TRUCKING war. Humanitarianism steps in to Loomis; secretary. Miss Annie M. Much symphathy is ezj|iressed for Distance Hauls a Special!} check such an antiquated accept­ Alvord; gate keeper, George W. Al- Mrs. Perry who is ill and their only vord; Ceres, Miss Mary Mathien;_| child Clifford Perry Is. ^ a southern into Trucks and Full Equipment ance. Pomona, Miss Helen Mathien; Flora | camp, he having be^n_.^ one of the “ of Competent Men “War is, and war, for one reason or another, I fear, always will be. Miss Maude E. White; lady assistant drafted men from tliq^ town last G. E. WILLIS Nature itself is at war for the re­ steward. Miss Olive Hutchinson. fall. ‘ , ; ■ Bast Center Street. Phone 588 construction and good of the Cos­ Charles , N. Loomis Jr. was the in­ Miss Lavania Fries gpent Sunday mos. Death lurks in renewal. To stalling officer.After the installation, w ith her sister Mrs. C.,:C. Carpenter »M! HANGING WOULD live and _ to die for the cause of jus­ doughnuts and coffee were served. at Leonard’s Bridge. , j. BE FIRST IN STATE. tice is the question that confronts A d^nce was held in the Bolton Haven, Jan. 29.—Following the American citizen of today, born hall Saturday evening. [ijfentence to be hanged on June 7, in Germany, and he will and must Information has been received in the murder of Morris Gold- enter the ranks to fight against the town of the death of G. Edward a local tailor, in the superior method of warfare invented and Baker of Michigan of pneumonia The "“a t today, Frank Durso called for practiced by the German Govern­ about a week ago. Mr. Baker re­ S N * . *• XSN 0>N S XX -V Eli Dix of this city and dic- ment, the like of which has never, sided at the Baker Farm in town for Forum 'a statement to him, the pur- in the annals of history, been em­ sometime a few years ago, and later etf which the coroner refused to ployed by any people, let a)one a na­ moved to Brewster street, Coventry f tion professing the Christian reli­ where he purchased a farm and lived 1 z fV. was the third member of a gion. for several years,, moving to Michi­ who assaulted and shot Gold- “Born with a sense of justice to gan about two years ago. At / the Editor, Evening Herald^' on-November 27, 1916, in which my community will testify, it time of Mr. Baker’s death Mrs. I would like problem Haven. Carmine Pisianello is difficult for me to believe that Baker was very ill with the same up the woiidiig und Women <1 tiChihnIne Lanzillo are both un- brutal acts, immoral conduct, cruel disease. of Manchester K> itence to be hanged June 7 for force are perpetrated only by the Miss Anita R. Baker who has been Is It possiblo^fot a woman to run te crime. Should the sent Germans. It is conceded that war visiting ber mother Mrs. L. H. Levey a house in Whldi «« five chil­ dren and one. on ^he executed it will be the first through its demoralizing lust of des­ In Indbinapolis has returned to X ^lianglng in Connecticut. truction is apt, temporarily, to make Bolton ^nd resumed her duties ar 116.60 n -" W s ' I R-(3; beasts out of some men. But this assistant teacher to Miss Elizabeth I have heWdr i^ this i . "s '•York dispatch says fish unfortunate allowance for spontane­ M. Daly in the Model school. could be doM see it ous acts of cruelty is only one side Andrew E. Maneggla was in Rock­ myself. If altfi read- The French colonial troops era famous fighters and have done great service Tblf ’ ^liuice. ' The xm be called on to explain shows ouqj^ fhei^^oamps at Tombadet, Morocco, on the High Monlonga. Below la of, war conditions and more’s the ville IJrlday evening be In the price of fish. Does ration of. a Moroccan by General Lyautey for bravery under fire. Joint mating of the cofinty an^ greatly '’linpoke th ^ won't he able pity. When a nation stoops to con­ . tt^-^Kanaas City Star. quer by means of its highly develop­ town coijunltteea of the Connecticut '■ \ ' "'r •' '‘CC t o

x .'.* . .’ i t Bii.' i,. . r* ' -t: . ) ■ 5F.' y f #5r- f'-'i r- ■'


^naine wa4 ft lure to sentiment end The 111 plenty memory. And the queer little object i of rye which has I had nnearthed, dierjypfaed ftta'ALLIES SUFFER been coun- j first, then stowed away negle<^edtected and try, iiai ^Wnfty, who Nation Has Responded Nobly But Still ! forgotten—now it had been brought to -t 1 light, a remindful memento of the past, “It ift In Greater Saenbeea Must; Be. Made a lucky stone, In fact a double lucky Fran^, to stone. official By CORA RIGBY One day back In that past, now so of barley in Fntnice.before the war was dreamy and far, the.two barefooted, FOOP SHORTAGE Approylipatii^l^ai^M^^ tpps, 15 per ■iii. sun-browned chums had dickered over cent of mpor^isd. Produc­ Liberty and democracy! These have been the underlying 'vvprd§, the a trade. Hull had a broken-bladed tion hah fal^^jK -j^'thhi nearly one- khlfe; Revere had found the “double Success in War Imperiled if third of 1he.'b^t^y1ttidank qote. “Go to the fiorlst I direct version.” of the allies by giving American news­ j Naturalists doing field work in China ‘Is he really so rich?” ^ou to and tell him to send a neat same time to takp the member’s place ! for American museums picked up an ‘Sure thing. 'Why he ftssortment of flowers for the occasion, It was no easy task tracing down papers their fla.sh impressions.of food in case of illness or death, so elections with knife Winston Revere. The family had mov­ conditions in France. Explaining ho'w I egg which the natives declared was the ]wlll you? Here is his card. I de- to fill vacancies never take place. All ! egg of the Phoenix—the Fung-Whang rant, and no one will comment till .clare!” and Hull vainly ransacked his ed, some of its members had died, and this happens, Fred B. Pitney, Ameri­ members of the storthing are engaged on." at length Percy learned that its only can correspondent, recently returned in special committees to prepare legis­ : Ho-Ho bird. It has Just been mounted pockets. “I picked up his card only an j and placed on public view in the Mu- hour ago, I must have lost it. Oh, survivors to be located were Winston from France, said: lative work or dealing with the govern- At the Lecture. and his sister. A mutual friend w’ho “I have kept house in Paris during i ment’s propolis before they are sub­ i fieura of Natural History In New York. Freshman—Sir, mark my. vAffds.! ■well—you can locate the place. Fifth Examination and comparison by the street. Just beyond the opera house.” had kept track of them told Percy •' the war and I can speak from experi­ mitted to the storthing. In this way Professor—I have mariked, ' “You’ll find them living in s little ence. One learns a great deal when Miss Sara (gristle, who is now siirn- museum staff, says the Boston Trans­ words and find that you na'VB ' “I know the place, sir. ' I will have cript, have resulted in the decision that . the flowers here in the morning,” prom­ suburban town just out of Columbus. keeping house of w'hich one gets no moned to t a ^ the seat of Professor spelled 40 per cent of them... Ton, ised Barclay. Winston has become a sort of scien­ inkling when living in a hotel and eat­ Roeland, becomes a member of the de­ disregarding popular legend, the im­ improve a great deal. Mark my WC ing in restaurants. One can always go mense egg, 40 times the size of the egg “And see me before I leave—don’t tific farmer and Ardath is living with fense committee to consider the army Jtorget” him, keeping house for him. to a restaurant and get a meal, and na'vy estimates instead of her pre­ of the domesticated hen, is that of a His Rule of Conduct, > gigantic prehistoric ostrich. Two im­ , Percy Hull made his last visit the Three days later Percy Hull paused “I have heaf5 many visiting Ameri­ decessor. I Mrs. Junebride—I notice tbat jljext morning to the establishment he in front of a little house in the center cans, who lived in France in that way, \Miss Christie is a director of a girts’ perfect eggs of this fossil ostrich are husband doesn’t smoke. Is ijf ] fiad so long dominated. He saw that of a five-acre patch, looking towards pooh-pooh the idea that there was a school in TrQiuttJem and has for many in existence and are owned by mu­ you object to It? a girlish form moving in and out food shortage in the country. If those years beeatfi tni^ber of the town couh- seums in the United States, but this is Mrs. Oldum—Not at alL ,_ttX.C among the most bewildering and beau-, same persons had had to search the cll. She ia i^eemed as a prominent ; the only perfect one known—“perfect,” cd to It he’d smoke. "■ tiful of rose garden mazes. He had lo-^i market before they had. their meals. tencberfhitd-i^lfiB’eiit' administrator. . ^ ; the^nuseum announces, “with the ex- cated the retreat at hm old choncu T^^ they would have..^ined a very dlffer- I ception of a small hole through which Bgffie'fie MewM'waT'fEaf of MearpHhe-fodd^tnat^ ' ‘ ^ the original contents may havq dlsap- Revere, but how stately and' falr of “We.jphid last •winter In Paris .11 ■ ■ peared.” face she had grown! ‘ cents apiece for eggs and $2 a pound VS^ATERWAYS I Its discoverer was a peasant in the Percy advanced, dra'wing what he for butter and there was frequently WIN THE WAR” Province of Honan, China, who one supposed to be one of his own cards neither butter, nor eggs nor milk to. day found it sticking in the bank of from his pocket, wondering if Ardath, be had. Private families were allow­ Washington.—“Use the water­ the Yellow river and kept it as a growm to Miss Revere, would at all re­ ed to buy one-eighth of a pound of ways and Win the war!” is the curiosity, treasured it as the egg of member him, flour at a time. The grocers could not slogan of the National, Rivers that legendary Phoenix, which is still “I called to see Mr. Revere,” he' sell flour, only the bakers.” and Harbors congress, which revered by designers of Chinese decor­ spoke, as he came up near to her. The Meat Situation. opened Its., fourteenth annual ations. The fossil shell was filled with “My brother is absent from home for Scoffing at the idea that there Is a conventlon^hei*e. The auditorium water when it arrived at the museum a week,” replied the possessor of a pair shortage In France, one article re­ of the New National museum and was found to have a capacity of a of blue, clear eyes that somehow cently published in the United States welcomes governors of states trifle more than two quarts. Two stirred and thrilled him with their declared that a certain Paris meat and territories, mayors of cities, quarts of albumen, yolk and proto­ magnetic glance. market advertised “beef a la mode” towns and villages and many plasmic material—say four pounds of Percy was about to offer the card, and other real meat Items as “meat­ je prominent representatives of foodstuffs—evidence that the higli when he chanced to notice its printed less day specials.” 5 commerce and business. The cost of living was one of the modern face. Accidentally mixed in with his This, according to Pitney, may eas­ 4| fundamental purpose of the con- things ancient China did not invent. own cards, it was the one of the llor ily have occurred without at all Indi- £ clave, it is announced, is not to No scientist has ever seen a hone ist which he had sought to give to Bar- that there was no meat shortage w urge appropriatibns for new pro- or remnant of the biped which laid clay when he ordered the flowers for in France. With regard to the meat X Jects, but-to-plan how the varl- ovoids like this one from Um mud of his business successor. A flashing, > situation Pitney said: ^ diis branches of government may Yellow river. It may be Imagined that whimsical suggestion came into h is' “The French government is very bu­ X most effectively co-operate to the traveling naturalists had some dif­ mind. He allowed the card to pass in­ reaucratic, but the French people do V use the waterways at this time This is a photograph of Lleut«?nant ficulty in acquiring it for the Phoenix “Is your wife living still?” to her hand. not like to be overgoverned. They ob­ ^ of railroad crisis and congestion. Colonel Nenadovltch of the Serbina to which It was locally attribute:pThe Irish potato on She wn** convicted on the charge of ulty of inductive reasoning, found nut Sorry He Spoke. holes going clear through showed, upon self to be,” she said quietly. By the end of 1914, after'five months every table In America every day In obtaining...... ^ .$200 from a woman on the of war, her cattle were reduced to that a clear, rich oil can be expressed Autolst—I hnven’t paid S. the surface was scratched two Initials “You knew,” he stammered. (he year Is the object of a campaign pretense of making a profitable in- from the seeds of contaloupes, notes .'pairs on my machlno'ln all, —“W. R.” / 12,608,243, her sheep to 14,088,861 and begun by the United States food ad­ vestment. “Yes, I knew you were Mr, Hull, for hogs to 5,925,291. Today her cattle the Chicago Tribune, He submitted iiontlis I’vo had it. VI declare!” ejaculated Hull, and his I remembered you perfectly.” ministration. Grocers will be asked to samples to government chemists at Friend—So th%roan who i usually somber face broke Into the mer­ herds are down more than 20 i^er cent, inaugurate a I^potato day” each week, She smiled so forgivingly. In so wlille her sheep number no more than ^^STALLING" BOXER IS BARRED Washington, who notified hhn that .■'airs told me. riest. most agreeable smile. He pock­ friendly a way, she hud rememborod selectipg whateYaf day Is slack In de­ their tests indicated u now table oil of eted the stone. “Thank you, Barclay,” 10,000,000 and her hogs 4,000,000. liveries, abd mpmof price] him, and there was but one, thing to “Cattle feed is short in France and Wisconsin Boxing CommiMion Trying the same texture and color as olive oil, A Natural Omlaaton* he added and left the place with a do—tell her all, even as to his desire Fairly regular pur^ases are to be one which needed no refiplng process. “Nature makes swam brisk step. That queer stone had act­ the cattle are poor and underweight” urged on the public, ao that distribu­ to Prevent Shamming by With­ to assist her plan and that of her broth­ holding All of Purse. There Is wide significance In this dis­ .Iiey die.” ed. like a tonic to his Jaded mind. It er financially. National Price Fixing. tion wlirba adubt'-'fiarywhere for the covery, which Indicates melons, squosh “I wish nature would., carried his mind back ten years or Concerning the statement that there next five oiv8lkt4aonfhs« relieving rail­ “Let me atone for that past rude­ are plenty of beans and potatoes in Boxers seeking ‘‘soft” matches had and pumpkin seeds, as perhaps those troeoHs with soma P ^P l^ more. It revived an incident In his ness,” she said playfully, hep -eyes bril­ road .congestiatt*encouraging pro­ of citrus fruit ns well, as a prolific hem die befora they ’ France, Pitney said: duction of a l ia i ^ e r^ u ^ ,s p rin g . Jftetter look elsewhere than in Wiscon­ ------)------life, that instantly created a series of liant with emotion and memory. She sin rings. The state boxing commls- source of oil supply. fd^tures vivid as a panorama. “A scheme of national price fixing Is ImpfOYemen^,, ti| growing Speaking Flatnlpi^. selected the fairest rose from the gar­ to be tried now with neahs and pota- methods aim idjcA' by the de- . slon. In a new edict to stamp out sham- **W. B.”—-Winston Revere, his fldes den,-Just brushed it lightly with her Oldest College Sorority. “I.lfe,” 8ntd,.tha ht Adiates of boyhood, the chum ivho had toes. Both of these crops are far be­ partinenil^.Jtf:,^, jfe., dermany njing, has ruled that any boxer found >.an. “,1s >vhat lips, handed It to him, and Percy Hull low the requifements of the country. I plans tWl tatbes as the guilty of “stalling” will not receive The oldest of the women's college lo* Itiiaiwd his Joys and sbrrbws, .who had felt even moro deeply than before tfiat roritles^It^tbe Alpha Delta PI, v M c k t. I tl fight Tils Juvenile' battles hare seen 4nygy,^p)Hd^ potatoes S':xioTii thns^^m.'-penBBMr the purse. His bhnrb. In- this radiant dreatare,,iraavWeU worth could hot be bought in Baris.” twice as i stand, will be donated to charity. was founded at Weslej’nuWesle^van. feinale female ,oOI> odi- ' • . ’ udfliad been to him as a brother. The the Winning, lege In 186L i . hearts.” »V. V

’S' ..'.V: THE EVENING HEKALD, S lNUARY 29, 1918



Enameled S teel Ete^S Brass Beds At February Sale Price®. At February Sale I*riccs. White Enamel Steel Beds, continuous post All our brass beds have guaranteed lacquer design, all sizes. Regular price $6.75. Feb­ finish. The Hartford Moms ruary sale price $4.99. Brass Beds, 2 inch posts, Colonial design. White Enamel Steel Beds, heavy continu­ Regular price $16.75. February sale price Invites you to become acquainted with their arrangement with Wise, Smith & Co., whereby you can, by becoming a ous post design, all sizes. Regular price •$J2.90. client of their bank, you can arrgane to make such purchases as you desire at this sale, and make your payments to them in $8.95. February sale-price $6.99. ■ Brass Beds, 2 inch continuous post design the most convenient amounts to you without extra cost. White Enamel Steel Beds, 2 inch continu­ with seven one inch fillers. Regular price (The Hartford Morris Plan Co,, 13 Haynes Street, Hartford.) ous post design, with heavy smooth fillers. $26.75. February sale price $19.99. Regular price $10.^5. February sale price Brass Beds, 2 inch posts, with and 1 $8.44. inch fillers, all sizes. Regular price $29.75. White Enamel Steel Beds, square tube de­ February sale price $22.99. BECAUSE OF MONDAY CLOSING, AND IN ORDER THAT OUR PATRONS MAY HAVE A FULL MONTH IN sign, full size only. Regular price $16.75. Brass Beds, 2 inch posts, panel design WHICH TO PROFIT BY THE FEBRUARY SALE PRICES, W® COMMENCE THIS GREAT HI^E FURNISHING February sale price $12.99. with heavy fillers. Regular price $34.75. White Enamel Steel Beds, 2 Inch square .^February sale price $20.99, EVENT tube posts, with square tube fillers. Regu­ • Brass Beds. 2 inch continuous post design lar price $19.75. February sale price with extra heavy 2 inch fillers. Regular $14.99. price $39.75. February sale price $32.99. Ivory Enamel Steel Beds, square tube Brass Beds, 3 inch posts, panel design with TUESDAY Adams design. Regular price $28.75. Feb­ 11^ inch and 1^4 inch fillers. Regular ruary sale price $21.99. price $44.75. February sale price $30.75. I- , m i l u f m m 111 t i 11 h t t-*-^-*-***-**-**'*-**-*'*'* * * * ’^ * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^ ^

T...... '■...... IIITn1111n• T...... I...m ■ m m n . m i,*********** Living Room Suites Sleeping Room Suites Dining Room AT FEBRUARY SALE PRICES. AT FEBRUARY SALE PRICES. AT FEBRUARY SALE PRICES. $99.00 SLEEPING ROOM SUITES A T ...... $84,^ $64.75 LIVING ROOM SUITES AT ...... $48.99 3 piece—Colonial Poster suite, mahogany finish, Four poster bed, dresser $69.00 DINING ROOM SUITES A T ...... ^56.99 3 pieces, mahogany finish frames, comfortable spring seats, unholstered in and chiffonier. 8 pieces— Golden oak buffet, table and six chairs. good wearing tapestry. $125.00 SLEEPING ROOM SUITES A T ...... 3 pieces—Adam design, mahogany finish, full size bed, dresser and toiUlt - $82.75 DINING ROOM SUITES AT ...... j. • ...... ••••...... $79.75 LIVING ROOM SUITES AT ...... $62.50 •6 pieces— Fumed oak, buffet, table and four leather seat chairs. 5 pieces— mahogany finish frames covered in fine quality panne plush. table. $149.00 SLEEPING ROOM SUITES AT $112.75 DINING ROOM SUITES AT ...... V u ’- '" $119 LIVING ROOM S U I T ^ AT ...... 189.00 ‘plfecJes—^WU* ^ ‘ '3 pieces— Jacobean oak buffet, table and four leather seat chairs. 3 pieces— Adam period ...... 160.00 DINING ROOM SUITES A T ...... " v ui' „ . ; or blue-velour. SLElHjK*$Ut4ipBNPia .. *^«'****'*^*4r^..w——^ ^fe(ie8-;-Sheraton Mahogany, buffet, dining table, serving table and six $129.00 LIVING ROOA 4 pieces^olohial mafiofany fnH size poster bed, large dresser, chifroijl leather seat chairs. 3 pieces, Brown antique mahogany Iraiii^rrfttt^cl with tine cane and toilet table. ' stered in a striking black and gold dkmask. I 2 3 9 .6 O DINING ROOM SUITES A T ...... • • • • ...... • $200.00 SLEEPING ROOM SUITES AT ...... 9 pieces—Colonial Martha Washington design suites in either mahogany $22.5.00 LIVING ROOM SUITES AT ...... $179.00 4 pieces— Chippendale design, walnut full size bed, dresser, chiffonier and or walnut. Buffet with handsome portrait of Mrs. Washington, Dining 3 pieces— Full size davenport with large chair and rocker, all over uphol­ toilet'table. ^ table, serving table and six chairs to match. stered in self figured brown velour. $285.00 SLEEPING ROOM SUITES A T ...... $200JM) $250.00 LIVING ROOM SUITES AT ...... $199.00 7pieces— Caines Chippendale suite in black lacquer finish with floral decora­ $262 DINING ROOM SUITES A T ...... " V L', ‘ ^ tions, full size bed, dresser, chifforobe, toilet table, chair, rocker and T o pieces—lA)uis XVI design, Solid walnut, buffet, dining table, serving 3 pieces— Solid mahogany frames, full size davenport, large easy chair and toilet table chair. table, china closet all wood enclosed, five chairs and arm chair, rocker w’ith loose cushions, spring seats and spring pillow backs. u n t i l M ttl 111 111 1111 t t t i T - ...... $74.50 DAVENPORTS $26.75 LIBRARY TABLES C I O A A $125 HIGH BOYS %.95 ROCKING CHAIRS UJ A FEBRUARY SALE PRICE FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... < D ^ * v lU FEBRUARY SALE PRICE $49.95 FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... * 0 0 All over upholstered in good wearing; tapestry. Solid mahogany 42 inch tops, Period design. Solid mahogany High boys, fine Colonial reproduc­ Golden oak or mahogany finish with saddle seals. tion. $24.75 LIVING ROOM CHAIRS :$44.50 TABLE BEDS Q Q $16.75 GATE LEG TABLES ‘li’EBRU ARY SALE PRICE ...... e p O l l . t / t / FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ... $18.66 $24.75 BUFFETS FEBRUARY SALE PRICE . $13.66 With rockers to match, covered in tape.stry.pe.stry. Eng-Eng­ FlEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... Library tables of fumed oak, convertible into com- $18.66 Solid mahogany gate leg tables size when open lish Club design. 'fortable bed. Golden oak, Colonial scroll design. 26x40. $84.50 DAVENPORTS $12.75 WOMEN’S DESKS d J Q Q Q I:‘$16.75 SEWING TABLES FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... $59.95 $16.-75 DINING TABLES ^ FEBRUARY SALE PRICE .. .-...... ^ V » V p I FEBRUARY SALE PRICE $11.99 Covered in good wearing, tapestry, Comfortable Fe b r u a r y SALE PRICE ...... $13.99 Mahogany finish, with shaped legs and rootay in­ Martha Washington sewing tables or knitting stands, spring seats. vGolden oak extension tables with pillar base. terior. I. jTiade of solid mahogany. $34.75 POSTER BEDS $64.75 DAY BEDS FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ‘$114.50 BREAKFAST ROOM SETS $23.99 FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... $49.95 $2495 DINING TABLES C IO OO Colonial style combination mahogany four poster Mahogany frames upholstered in fineme mulberry JlS^BRUARY SALE PRICE ...... w L U m U V ^FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... $92.99 beds very handsome. Colonial reproduction in mahogany, large serving velour. Golden quartered oak, Colonial pillar platform base. table or buffet, drop leaf semi-gate leg table and four $44.50 POSTER BEDS C 9 C I D Q $48.75 LIVING ROOM CHAIRS FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... 9 £ t U m U V I' quaint saddle seat chairs an unusually effective suite FEBRUARY SALE PRICE .... $3.95 DINING CHAIRS Q Q Solid mahogany four poster beds. Colonial style, for breakfast or small dining room. $34.99 Also rockers to match, the big comfortable•table kind. FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... twin or full size. rV*. ‘‘$7.95 KNITTING STANDS $135 LUXURIOUS DAVENPORTS Box frame dining chairs with leather seats. $49.75 DIVANETTE BEDS FEBRUARY SALE PRICE $5.99 FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... $97.50 FEBRUARY SALE PRICE Betsy Ross Knitting stands made of solid mahogany. Extra large size, spring cushion seats, springpring pillow $29.50 DRESSERS C 9 0 AO Mahogany, Golden oak or fumed oak frames. Cewn- back and spring pillow arms, fine velour covering.ivering. FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... fortable spring seats, upholstered in art leather $37.75 LOW BOYS Dressers and chiffoniers of birds eye maple, mahog- $2.50 CARD TABLES FEBRUARY SALE PRICE $33.88 $12.95 ROCKING CHAIRS FEBRUARY SALE PRICE . $9.99 any> walnut and oak, shaped fronts with large bevel FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... Solid mahogany low boys with claw and ball or spoon mirrors. Light weight folding card tables with felt tops. feet. Fumed oak, high back, real leather cushion seats...... ***** tteel Bed Couches Children’s Cribs At February Sale Prices. At February Sale Price. Sliding Steel Frame Bed Co ache $ with Enamelled* Steel Cribs with spring. Regu­ cotton mattresses. Regular prffcv^ $9.9.'>. lar price $7.75. February sale price $54>0. February sale price $8.44. AT FEBRUARY S:<|MB HlICES. Enameiled Steel Gi4bs, high Hafety sMes, Foot Lever Steel Frame Bed Couches with complete with spring. Regular price 'icotton mattresses. Regular price $13.95. $11.75. February snle price $8.99. (fFebruary sale price $11.66. Enamelled Steel Cribs, safety sides fitted . Adjustable Steel Frame Bed Couches with with trip lofck. Regular price $14.75. Feb­ ’^^tton mattresses. Regular price $17.75. ruary sale price $10.09. ; 1i?!ebruary sale price $14.99. 111111101111111 »tl 11111111T * ■ ' * *—■* * ...... m il. n«« 111 H 11 »♦♦«»«♦«♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦»♦*♦««*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ $89.00 FINEST WILTON RUGS ' 14^.95 AXMINISTER RUGS Mnttresses FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ...... ^ 11 FE® SALE PRICE . . $39.66 Sanitary Feather Pillows The finest Wilton produced in this country— All new patterns { Axminsters size 12x9 ft., durable heavy weave, all f\\ At February Sale Prices. Size ^2x9 ft. and absolutely perfect. ‘ I all perfect, suitable for all rooms. Feather Pillows, size 21^x27. R«gtl|pkr. Combination Mattresses made for service, $69.00 EXTRA QUALITY WILTONS SEAMLESS AXMINSTER price $1.35. February sale price OOc liar price $5.95. February sale price FEBRUARY SALE P R IC E ...... I otJly ^ ^i^J^^ttfARY SALE PRICE ...... Feather Pillows, duck mixture. price $1.75. 'Fe'bruary sale price ^■Ftber Combination Mattresses, woven Mostly choice Oriental reproductions. All new pattern, Ork^ designs and colorings, size 12x9 ft.—recom- ticking. Regular price $8.95. Feb- perfect. Size 12x9 ft. ^ -for hard service. All new patterns, all perfect. Feather Pillows, Goose and Dnok Bftle price $6.60. $62.50 FINE WILTONS is'BODY BRUSSELS RUGS 4 1*0 7 A K Regular price $2.46. February sale prl^ ifto Cotton Mattresses, full weight. FEBRUARY SALE Pl^ICE $49. ^ ijaUARY SALE PRICE ...... I $1.81$ eath. ^ llfLv price $11.95. February sale price Size 12x9 ft.—in modem and Oriental effects. Choice rai^faiof “ 'five frame, size 12x9 ft., with pure worsted face, choice Feather Pilloiba, 'live faelie.' selection, all new, all perfect. > A. i its designs and colors, all new, all perfect. price $2.95. Februa^ rale pr^cO j


- 1C ■ V •■ • , ■■ ■V'^'v,-;,®.5 - i, . . V- -. - , vui5> _ .

JAIWAK’^ ?AGE EIGHT TUESDAY THE HERALD . . iMMiM . i i 11 ><«*♦« 111111««I h i m ***' TRUCKmt>< .-.■•r' iSDurY

ABOUT TOWN i' If $10 Is Worth Saving Brown Ttiomson & Go, Perrett and Auto Ploughs Through Ocpter'iltato Band’on Hartford’s Shopping Center MisluStiuet. • TONIGHT IN MANCHESTER. No Movie Shows Tonight. Leonard J. Perrett of the firm of This List Of niL.«4 Stores Closed Tonight; Open To­ P errett & Oleimey, the truckm en, Our Sale of WhittalFs morrow Evening. was found guilty In the police court Tomorrow Will Be Wheatless this morning of reckless driving. He Wednesday. took an appeal from the decision of Ladles' Auxilliary, A. O. H., For­ COATS AND SUITS FINE RUGS is Brighting the court and this bond was fixed at esters’ hall. $200, which was furnished by his Manchester Lodge, A. F. & A. partner, Christopher Glenney. At­ Many A Home M., Odd Fellows’ hall. torney William S. Hyde represented Division No. 1, A. O. H, Foresters’ Mr. Perrett in M urt. There are a number of coats and suits left which we have listed below. WE HAVE WONDERFUL RESPONSE TO WE^NES- hall. StmT of Accident. From all appearances, we are still a long ways from Spring, and you not only DArS ANNOUNCEMENT TO THIS BIG SALE OF Court Nutmeg, F. of A., K. of P. The case was the outcome of an WHITTALL RUGS FOR IT GIVES THE PUBLIC A hall accident that happened on Main will have the advantage of the balance of this season^ but owing to govern­ CHANCE TO SECURE ^UGS THAT AT street last night in front of the John­ ment regulations, styles for next year will not be radically different and you PRICES WOULD COST MANY MANY DOIXARS Lighting Up Time. son block .w^en the Center Flute MORE THESE RUGS ARE THE ONES THAT DID Auto lamps should be lighted at band was m{^ching down the street will have the opportunity to wea,x a stylish suit or coat all next winter. Ac­ NOT QUITE PASS THE FACOTRY INSPECTORS’ RIG­ 5.31. on its way to t*e patriotic rally. ID E ^M IN A H O N S THOUGH WE WOULD HAVE TO The sun rose at 7.08 a. m. Perrett was driving a Ford cording to present prospects, the prices you will buy these garments at, will POINT OTT TO YOU THE IRREGULARITIES OR YOU The sun sets at 5.01 p. m. truck down the street and in nearly every case, be half of next season’s prices. WOULD NOT KNOW IT. THE LOT WAS BIG AN^ on the seat beside film was his part Mrs. David Neville of Birch street ner Christopher Glenney. They too HERE ARE A FEW OF THIS SALE’S SPECIAL OF­ is ill at her home with a severe at FERING. were on the way to the rally. They tack of grip. She is under the care were following another automobile WHITTALL’S ANGLO PERSIAN RUGS. of a physician. and were not going faster than 8 Suits at each $ 1 5^ C. R. Burr went to Boston today Coats at each $20 twelve to fifteen, miles an hour. All In this lot are 5 Kenyon models as fol­ to attend the convention of New If you want exceptional values, they are to Size 9x12, Restricted price $89.00, Sale price, $59.50 of a sudden the car ahead of them be found in this lot. One must see the lows: 0&cll England nurserymen which is in ses turned to the left and then Mr. Per­ coats enumerated below to understand their 1 Green model with small red dots, fully 8-3xl0-6r Restricted price $81.00, Sale price $53.50 sion there for two days. rett saw the bahd ahead of him and values. lined and which sold at $29.50. This is a Many Manchester people attended size 36. 0Rch while he applied the brakes he In size 16 we have the following: the Robert Burns anniversary cele­ 1 in a Navy with Green dots In a size 40. 9x15 feet. Restricted price $122.50, Sale price $85.00 ea. could hot avoid the accident. 2 Navy Wool Velour coats. 11-3x12 ft.. Restricted price $122.50, Sale Price $85.00 bration in Foot Guard hall. Hart 1 Navy Broadcloth. This model as the one above are exceptional Struck the Players. 1 Brown Velour. values and are all wool. eacli ford, last night. The car ran iuto the men who 1 Navy model with fur collar and ctOYs. 1 Grey and Blue wool velour in a size 18. Labor Commissioner William S. 10- 6x13-6, Restricted price $137.50, Sale price $95.00 were on the right side of the high­ In size 18 and 36: 1 Brown stripe, tailor-made model. In a 0&Clla Hyde went to Waterbury tbs after­ 1 Navy Wooltex. size 16. way knocking three of them down. 1 Black Broadcloth. 9x9 feet. Restricted price $73.50, Sale price $53.50 each. noon to attend the McKinley ban­ Those injured were Herbert Don­ 1 size 14 in a Lavender Jersey suit. This quet. Representative C. D. Talcott 1 Navy Broadcloth. 6-9x12 ft.. Restricted price $73.25, Sale price $53.50 ea. nelly who received a fractuerd rib 1 Brown Velour. suit would make a good spring model as Jer­ sey is to be worn. of Talcottville also attended the ban and bruises about the right leg, 1 Black Velour, fur collar and cuffs. 1 Army Green Burella coat, fur colltu', full In this lot there are also the three follow­ WHITTALLS TEPRAC WILTON RUGS. quet. James Clifford who was cut about The Ladies’Aid Society of the North lined. ing models: the face so badly that he had to 1 Green coat, plush collar. Size 9x12 ft.. Regular price $47.50, Sale price $37.50 ea. Congregational church will meet to­ ^ 1 size 44iy^ in a Navy Serge. have several stitches taken in his In size 38: 1 size 36 in a Taupe color with Kerami 8-3x10-6, Regular price was $52.50, Sale price $37.50 ea. morrow afternoon with Mrs. A. W jaw, and John Trueman who was 1 Black Plush coat. trim. Size 9x10-6, Regular price $55.00, Sale price $36.00 ea. Hitchcock on North Main street. It 1 Black Velour. hurt about the legs and stomach. 1 Green Silvertone. 1 size IS in a Dark Brown with Kerami 11- 3x12 feet. Regular price $78.50, Sale price $53.50 ea. is hoped that all who can do so con­ Donnelly was the only man of the trim. Also the following in the sizes lis.ed alter 10-6x13-6, Regular price $89.00, Sale price $59.00 each. veniently, will come at 1.30 to sew three who was able to be in court for the Red Cross. each coat: Lots of others in varying sizes and prices but all at this morning. Other members of 1 Black Broadcloth in size 4 0. savings proportionate to these we have quoted here. It has been arranged now to have the band were thrown to the ground 1 Navy Serge coat in size 41. 1 Suit at $ 1 o the local public bowling alleys open but fortunately escaped serious in­ 1 Black Plush Coat in size 4 1. 1 Kenyon Oxford Grey Coat in size 42. 1 suit left in this lot. It is a black, size WHY WAIT AND PAY MORE? on Mondays and closed on Tuesdays. jury. Four or five members of the This ruling makes it possible for St. 2 Black Plush coats in size 4:t. 40, of light weight and wmuld make an ex­ band were in court and testified. 2 Navy Velour coats in size 43, one having If you wear NEMO WONDERLIFT CORSET we ad­ Mary’s league to carry out its cellent spring suit. Could Not See. a fur collar. vise you to buy now. If any of your friends wear them, schedule as announced last week. In his own behalf Mr. Perrett told 1 Navy Wooltex in size 4 4. please pass along this good advice. It will mean a saving Its games are bowled on Monday and the court that the car he was driv­ for all. We have received notice from the Nemo Manu­ Wednesday nights, but last week the ing was not going more than twelve 18 Suits at each $20 facturers that on and after MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, Center alleys were ««osed on Mon­ or fifteen miles an hour. The wind This lot includes a good many model.? In 1918, prices will advance on Nemo Wonderlift Corsets day night and the games scheduled 6 Coats at each $ 10 shield was partly cover^ed with frost Wooltex and suits which formerly sold as No. 553, No. 554, 555, 556, 557 and 558 from for that night were rolled Thursday We have only six model-, left in this lot, 3 high as $4 5. The colors are mostly black $5.00 to $6.00 pair and on Nemo Self Reducing Corsets and snow and ihis no doubt obscur of which are Kenyon coats as follows: and Navy Blue. night. ed his visidn to^a certain extent. 1 size 38 in a Green and Brown check ve­ with relief bands 402, 403, and 405 now priced $4.b0, will The marriage of Willis White of In Navy we have the following: Attorn^.^ ' stated that Mr lour. be after above date $5.00 pair. These advances they Vernon to Miss Mary 'Templeton for 1 Check model in size 36. 1 Poiret Twill in Wooltex ait# ' ^ , Perrett stoo^® ^y to pay any dam -state Ere absolutely necessary to mamtain the bigiI*i^urU many years a resident hf Talcottville 1 Grey coat in size 18. 2 .Wooltex models In s ite 18» ‘ '*’U r:‘ age that he caused by the acci­ 1 size 36 in a Brown and Green check. ity for which the Nemo Corests are famous. Buy be­ which was announced yesterday 1 Wooltex model size 44 and ono In Mae dent. He helfeved that the man was Also in the above we have two coats in 44V2. fore February 4th and save money. came as a surprise to the many a careful driver and that ho should size 17 in a Green mixture. 1 Poplin suit in size 44%. friends of the bride. The couple be given the benefit of the doubt in 1 Serge, braid trimmed and Veltjur collar, were married some - day last last regard to the charge of reckless size 36. week and kept the matter a secret driving. 1 Wooltex model size 38, tailor model. for several days. The groom has The members of the band were 8 Coats at ea. $ 16.t^o 1 Navy Poplin, size 41. been employed by William F. Risley not anxious to prosecute Mr. Per- In this lot we have Kenyon, Wooltex and In Black we have models as follows: on the farm at Lydallville for the 4 rett. All that they wanted was that models that sold as high as f.‘>!).50. A few 1 Poplin suit, size 41. One in a size 40.' last two years. The couple are of these would make good automobile coats. the Injured man should he reim­ 1 Jersey Kenyon suit with Grey piping, size making their home with Mrs. Fran­ 1 Kenyon model. Tan and N;ivy check, full bursed for the doctors’ bills and the lined and interlined, si^e 36. 40. cis Tucker of Vernon for the pres­ Men’s Red Sole Arctics time lost on account of the accident. 1 Green Velour Wooltex in size 40. 1 Wooltex model, Poiret Twill, in size 16. ent. Judge Arnott believed that the ac­ 1 Kenyon sport coat in rdze IS. Also the following models in Taupe and (High, 4 buckle, $3 pair) 1 Grey Mixture coat in size 40, Kenyon cident on the wide Main street was coat. Green. MOSES DOUGAN BETTER. caused by a certain amount of care­ 1 Light Blue Burella coat in size 4 2Vi- 1 Taupe Gabardine, size 44%. Men’s Tan and Black lessness and accordingly found Per­ 2 Navy Burella coats in size 16. 1 Green Poplin suit, Hudson Seal edging Thomas G. Dougan returned from 1 Kenyon model in size 18. This would on collar, size 42%. (Semi Dress Shoes $3 pair) rett guilty and made the fine the make an excellent spring model. , R. I., last night and re­ minumen allowed by law which is 1 Green Kersey Wooltex in size 18. ports that his brother, Moses Doug­ $25 with costs. 1 Taupe Tricotine suit in size 44%. This MM an, who has been critically 111 with also has a band of Hudson seal on collar. Boys’ English Last Shoes pneumonia, is now improving slow­ RECEPTION FOR NEW RECTOR. I Coat at $18 1 Grey Serge model in size 43. This mod­ (Sizes 1 to 6 were $3.50 now $3 pair) ly and is able t^ take a little solid 1 Army Green Burella coat in size 16 hav­ el is built especially for an older person and food. Mr. Dougan went down Sat­ Pldns have hew completed for a ing a plush collar. a wonderful model. urday. He arrived at Newport just A GOOD ASSORTMENT remaining of those LADIES’ reception to Rev. and Mrs. J. S. about an hour after the big ex­ Neill in St. Mary’s parish house SHOES at $2 a pair. plosion at the naval experiment sta­ Monday evening from eight to ten tion on Goat Island and saw a num­ o’clock. All members of St. Mary’s ber of the mangled bodies after they Men’s Army Shoes parish and their friends are invited were removed from the debris. The to attend and get acquainted with Endicott Johnson make, regulation army shoe, munson experiment station is about a mile the new rector and his wife. last. No more to be had at this price $4.25 pr. Sizes 6 to 11 down the bay from the hospital. Kidney and backache ailments re­ CHAUFFEURS KNITTING. SOUTH MANCHESTER -CONN ■ r m f lieved quickly Ify Kidney and Back­ ache Pills 40c. box. Magnell Drug Alfred Maggs and Leonard Church, chauffeurs for H. G. and R. Co.— Adv. i Park Shoe Store iiCheney, are spending their spare time knitting sweaters for the sol­ diers at the garage of Messrs. Che­ JOHNSON BLOCK MAIN STREET w« hKh» < h« hWhKHWhWh»i> ^ ^ Headquarters for Ladies’ Comfort Shoes. ney. H. G. Cheney bought a knit­ ting machine some time ago, with NOTICE the idea of having It installed at the Red Cross headquarters, but it was found to be rather hard work for My South Manchester Office will be open every night ^ the women, and Messrs. Maggs and except SATURDAY from 6:30 to 9 P. M., riot open in the | Church volunteered their services. AB PURS LEU day. Can be found in the day at my Main Office, Eight or ten sweaters are turned out Optical Dept. G. Fox & Co. Hartford, Conn. In a day and they are then taken to the Red Cross rooms, where they are of those Men’s Shoes that we are closing out at less than finished about the necks by the wo­ Cost. men. Party Dresses LEWIS A. HINES ■ '.'43 After Saturday’s big selling there is still some good EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST House & Hale Block’ Keep Your picking left, 1 BLACK SHOES TAN SHOES $3.50 and $3 Shoes at $1.50 § Eyes Young $3 and $3,50 Shoes $1.98 $5 Shoes a t ...... $2.98 ^ $6 Shoes a t ...... $3.98 $5, $4.50 and $4 Shoes A FEW DOSES OF Beautiful new models in evening or party dresses, of Waterproof Storm Shoes. By Keeping Them in Style ...... $2.98 $6 Shoes ...... $4.48 Georgette Crepe and Chiffon in the popular evening $6.00 Black Shoes ... $3.98 $5 Shoes ...... $3.75 KIDNEY AND BACKACHE PILL! shades, light blue. Navy, Bergundy, Taupe and Orange. WEAR will give quick relief to kidney, bladder and bacl The price $19.00 is very low. ailments. 40c box sold only at SHELLTEX i. ELM AN’S A sk MAGNELL DRUG Q m n iM i ’ THE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Main and Bissell Streets B i Johnson Blodi Dewey-rF^dluiian Co......

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