George V. Proclaimed Edward Vii. Succumrs
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' GEORGE V. PROCLAIMED BEEF TRUST MEN WILL town bathes in HYDE DEFENSE OPENS ROOSEVELT URGES NEW KING OF ESCAPE PROSECUTION BOOZE AFTER DRY FIGHT FOR ACQUITTAL PEACE OF WORLD RRITAIN; Governor Fort, of New Jersey, PERIOD OF YEARS Testimony Given That Colonel Holds They Cannot Be Swope Was Long 111 Before IN NOBEL ORATION Extradited Lawfully. Carnival of Debauchery Follows Death. EDWARD VII. SUCCUMRS Declares That There Are Times Restoration of the Right When It Would Be Dishon- Trenton, N. J., 10—Governor Fort Kansas 7.—That Colonel mined to read with his own ths May to Sell City. May Son of Late Monarch Assumes eyes refused the Fiery was In 111 official announcement. today request of Prosecutor Swope health for months orable to Shirk Garven, of Hudson county, for a prior to his death, and that natural Over the palace the royal standard requi- Liquor. the While World sition on the governor of Illinois for the causes might have been for Conflict. Throne, was half masted, but except for this responsible extradition of J. Ogden Armour, a di- the convulsions of Thomas Chrls- and the frequent coming and of H., going rector of the National Packing com- man and Margaret Swope, the defense Pays Its Honor to officials and attendants at the palace Gary, Ind., May 9.—The thirsty of pany, who is under indictment in Hud- In the Hyde trial attempted to prove 7.—Former there was little outward evidence of Christiania, Norway, May son county with other officers and di- Gary are now almost bathing In In opening its case today. President Roosevelt discussed His Father. the passing away of the great king. today rectors of packing companies on a “booze.” A Sylvester Spangler testified Colonel the of “International Queen Bears flood of beer and whisky subject Peace," Up Bravely. charge of conspiracy to unlawfully en- Swope was so enfeebled for a year before the Nobel Prize committee, was let loose when the Lake county Queen Alexandria Is bearing up. hance the cost of meat through the 'before he died, that he fainted several members of royalty and other person- <£ND COMES AT MIDNIGHT bravely. She had breakfast as usual creation of an artificial scarcity of the commissioners, at Crown Point, granted times. The millionaire, said Mr. Span- ages distinguished In the political, edu- In her own apartments today. Mem- same. The ruling in the Armour case gler, told him the day before his death eommerlcal social life ot to 138 applicants- and the cational, and bers of the royal household attended' will apply to that of other packers who. (licenses that he might die at any time. Norway. Edward Unable to Survive a special service In the chapel of the have been indicted. (thirsty celebrated by fairly “sousing" From Dr. F. W. Froehllng the defense It was the Nobel prize committee, tb« palace at an early hour. Governor Fort, in to elicited the Information that either Attack of Which refusing grant, themselves In Intoxicants. members of which are elected bv ths Bronchitis, The death of his majesty has caused the requisition, gave out a lengthy! uraemic poisoning, typhoid fever or Norwegian storthing, that In 1906 con- a in which he had been In name re- would result in the Was Followed Acute general suspension of business and! .opinion, sets forth the rea- Gary “dry” by 'meningitis symp- ferred on the then president of th« by sons for his toms shown the the abandonment of all race meetings refusal. The governor, monstrance for two years, and In ex- by three Swopes when United States its medal and money Pneumonia. ■points out first of all that in order for. In convulsions. award in services In and other sports, public galtles and pectation of the lifting of the ban, all recognition of his extradition papers to be asked for ItS On cross examination the physician a the Russo- private entertainments. The theaters the "blind pigs” which had been doing bringing to conclusion was necessary that the whose admitted the attacks also resembled have been closed. The stock person business on the slv and a nuober of Japanese war. exchange extradition was desired cases of and be a fugitive saloon laid in styrlchntne poisoning. The The occasion was the feature of Mr. V., other markets were closed today,; from reputable keepers large London, May 9.—George Justice; and further, that it was! ,witness was tn the hands of the state Roosevelt's visit to Norway and one and the law courts took a recess as stocks of liquors. Wagons were busy essential that the accused person was when adjournment was taken at noon. of the moat notable of his eldest living son of the late King a token of respect. (for days delivering “wet” goods, and European Everywhere, in fact in the state of New Jersey at tour. of the address had been throughout the were when the 138 saloons opened they did Copies Edward VII. and Queen Alexan- country flags the time of the commission of the al- distributed In advance the placed at half mast on build- an enormous business. As a result among press, of public leged offense. and this afternoon and tomorrow dra, was today proclaimed king ings, warships and other there were many headaches and some 4 ONE SMALLPOX CA8E IS 4 shipping, the views of the former Great Britain and Ireland. The while church bells sounded the dole- of the employes of the steel mill who 4 CAUSE OF NEARLY 3,000 4 morning presi- dent will be In ful news. spent the night In the "patch”—the *4 VACCINATION8 ON SHIP 4 published every country was made at 4 PSYCHIC FAKIR JAILED of proclamation Early today It was announced that liquor flooded levee district—are not Europe. Mr. Roosevelt said In o’clock with all the ancient cere- George V. would be proclaimed king BY NEW YORK POLICE working yet. 4 Philadelphia, May 7—A 17- % part: St. from the steps of the royal Era of Good Feeling. ,4 year-old immigrant boy, sue- 4 It Is with peculiar pleasure that I stand monies of trumpeting before exchange here to the at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon. Subse- An "era of good feeling" was started 4 peoted of having emallpox, 4 today express deep apprecia- James The new who New York. May 10—It was a strangei caused tion I feel of the high honor conferred palace. king, quently It was found to with a blaze of red band 4 2,700 persons to be com- 4. Impossible get which Detective Callahan told fire, music, upon me by the presentation of the the story 4 vaccinated on the 4 Nobej is in the 45th of his as- privy sounclllors together so early ■torchlight parades and countless Jags. pulsorily peace Tne medal year age, the police court yesterday In describe 4 North prize. gold whirl] and the meeting with the new in About 100 of the saloon keepers who Lloyd German steamer 4 formed of the I shall alwayt sumes the title of “Ruler of the king Ing the raid on the mystic temple of part prize the throne room of St. James went to Crown Point to get their li- 4 Maine last night and early to- 4 keep, and I shall hand It on to my chll- palace a man “Om,” young who Is entered on 4 The dren as a sum United Kingdom of Great Britain was postponed until 4 o’clock this aft- censes In the afternoon, were so elated day. Maine arrived here 4 precious heirloom. The o; the police records as Pierre A. Ber- 4 as of the ernoon. .over the prospects that they yesterday from Bremen with 4 money provided part prize by and Ireland and of the British do- nard, a native of India. organized the wise generosity of the illustrious have a seat with 2,365 immigrants and 45 4 Summons been sent to all the "keg party" In the county town, ,4 founder of this world famous minions the De- "Om" was arraigned on the charge of 4 cabin passengers. As the pas- 4 prize sys- beyond seas; King, councillors, but it is probable that only! and some of them failed to arrive in tem, I did not, under the circum- abduction after the detectives had sengera were word 4 peculiar fender of the and a small proportion of them are near Gary In time to open their places -at 4; disembarking stances of the case, feel at liberty to keep, Faith, Emperor found him In a luxuriously 4 came that the enough to the city to attend the cere-’ appointed night. Twenty-flve or more of their boy possibly had 4 I It eminently JuBt and that of India.” house where he taught physical culture 4 tljlnk proper monies of hearing the king’s oath and^ .more sober brethren had opened their smallpox. 4 In most cases the recipient of tne prlz* and languages, surrounded by a num- 4 Eight hundred Immigrants 4 money should for his own use ths succeeds his declaring their allegiance to the new isaloons at 7 o’clock and called the po- keep King George father, bers of women. 4 who prize in Its But In this case, monarch. the pupils, mostly young lice to them from the headlong had departed on a Balti- 4 entirety. Edward who died in Buck- Following meeting of of protect while I did not act as VII., the Some his girl pupils said Bernard, !rush of 4 more & Ohio special train were 4 officially president privy councillors with the king the: patrons.