DCSDC Planning Journal Sent
DCSDC_Planning_Journal_Sentinel_19_20_03.2019_2clms x 280mm_draft 2.pdf 1 13/03/2019 14:48:10 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Full details of the following planning applications including plans, maps and drawings are available to view on the NI Planning Portal www.planningni.gov.uk or at the Council Planning Oce or by contacting (028 71253 253). Written comments should be submitted within the next 14 days. Please quote the application number in any correspondence and note that all representations made, including objections, will be posted on the NI Planning Portal. Initial Advertisements APPLICATION LOCATION PROPOSAL LA11/2019/0176/F 33 Woodbrook Single storey rear Ballyarnett West, Derry, kitchen extension. BT48 8PZ LA11/2019/0169/O 40m South East of Erection of Faughan 17 Kildoag Road, equestrian building Legaghory, Killaloo, to include tack BT47 3TQ room and stables for two horses and horsebox storage under Planning Policy statement PPS 8 open space, sport and outdoor recreation. Policy OS3 outdoor recreation in the Countryside. paragraph 5.33 Equestrian uses. LA11/2019/0173/F 85 Slaghmanus Erection of 6 No. Faughan Road, L'Derry, glamping pods and BT47 3EY a barbecue cabin with associated site works, access road, car parking, landscaping, change of use of land from domestic curtilage to above. In accordance with PPS 16. LA11/2019/0179/F Lands 20m west of Retention of 4no. of Faughan 4 Creggmor Drive, two storey Claudy, BT47 4HT semi-detached dwellings with minor design changes from the previously approved application, which includes 8no. in curtilage car park spaces on-sites 4,5,6 and 7, amended from previous planning C approval: A/2006/0175/F which indicated 4 M no.
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