E86 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 24, 2017 responders have to know exactly where an in- District with exceptional enthusiasm and an thing unique to contribute to the community, dividual is calling from, especially if the caller unwavering commitment to excellence. and he worked to make others see the same. is unable to communicate to the dispatcher, or In Northwest Florida, we are blessed with I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to the caller simply doesn’t know where they are. exceptional educational professionals and know Bishop White and tremendously grateful If first responders have to spend time search- schools, as evidenced by the fact that Walton for all that he did to strengthen the community ing buildings or going door to door, the time it County School District is among the top per- in Freeport and beyond. I offer my prayers takes to do this can be the difference between forming school districts in the state. and deepest condolences to Bishop White’s life and death. Ms. Brack’s contribution has been integral to family and loved ones and to the entire Zion During the subcommittee and full committee the success of this district, working diligently Cathedral congregation as they mourn his loss markups of this legislation in the last Con- to meet the requirement of high expectations, and celebrate his life. I pray that he will rest gress, I offered an amendment to require a lo- paramount to the mission of the District. As an in peace, and that his memory will continue to cation accuracy proceeding at the Federal incredibly knowledgeable Bookkeeper, Ms. inspire us all to act with love and commit our- Communications Commission (FCC) within Brack has admirably managed a multitude of selves to the pursuit of justice in our commu- 180 days of enactment of the bill. Unfortu- budgets and projects for the District. Her col- nities every single day of our lives. nately, my Republican colleagues did not leagues have expressed their extreme grati- agree to accept my amendment and instead tude for her many years of service. Ms. f proposed language requiring the FCC to con- Brack’s innumerable skills and historical duct a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) to solicit public knowledge make her an invaluable and greatly PERSONAL EXPLANATION comment on requiring location accuracy for appreciated resource. Multi-Line Telephone Systems. I did not ac- Ms. Brack has also generously shared her HON. TIM RYAN cept this proposal because I thought and still expertise by serving as a mentor to new OF OHIO do, that an NOI does not move the ball for- school bookkeepers. The guidance that she IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ward. That view is shared by the FCC and the has provided throughout so many schools has Tuesday, January 24, 2017 public safety community. been a significant contribution to the success The FCC has studied location accuracy of countless staff members and students. For Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, due to a technology for Multi-Line Telephone Systems all of these reasons and more, I am truly medical emergency involving a member of my since 1994, and as recently as 2012, Con- proud to have Ms. Brack as a constituent in family, on January 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, gress directed the FCC to issue a Public No- Florida’s First Congressional District. 2017, I was unable to return to Washington, tice Seeking Comment on the feasibility of Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States DC in time to cast my vote for roll call votes Multi-Line Telephone Systems to provide the Congress, I am privileged to recognize Ms. 24 through 54. Had I been present, my votes precise location of a 9–1–1 caller. This was in- Sue Brack for her accomplishments and her would have been the following: cluded in Section 6504(b) of the Middle Class continued commitment to excellence at the Aye on roll call votes: 24, 25, 28 through 30, Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 and Walton County School District. I thank her for 34, 37 through 44, 46 through 50, 53. was modeled on legislation I introduced with her service and wish her all the best for con- Nay on roll call votes: 26, 27, 31 through my colleague and fellow bipartisan Co-Chair of tinued success. 33, 35, 36, 45, 51, 52, 54. the NextGen 9–1–1 Caucus, Representative f SHIMKUS, known as the Next Generation 911 f HONORING BISHOP FRANK OTHA Advancement Act of 2012. HONORING JIM MUNSON Despite the extensive history surrounding lo- WHITE cation accuracy, the FCC has failed to take action to require this essential technology in HON. KATHLEEN M. RICE HON. DANIEL M. DONOVAN, JR. Multi-Line Telephone Systems. Not doing so OF NEW YORK OF NEW YORK places lives at stake in my view. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Last Congress, I introduced H.R. 5236, the Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Requesting Emergency Services and Pro- viding Origination Notification Systems Every- Miss RICE of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to where (RESPONSE) Act, which would require today to speak in honor of Bishop Frank Otha honor Jim Munson, the former head coach of the Federal Communications Commission to White, who passed away on Friday after serv- ’s football team. complete a proceeding requiring all Multi-Line ing for many years as the Senior Pastor of Throughout his 24 seasons as head coach, Telephone Systems to provide first responders Zion Cathedral Church of God in Christ in Coach Munson demonstrated nothing but un- with the precise location of a 9–1–1 caller. I Freeport, NY. conditional dedication to his team and his intend to reintroduce the RESPONSE Act in Born in 1940 in Oakley, South Carolina, players. His devotion to the game is just one this new Congress and I’m hopeful my col- Bishop White moved with his family to Long of the many reasons that the Tottenville Pi- leagues will work with me to pass this impor- Island as a child, and went on to become a rates were so successful. Under his leader- tant bill and build on the work of H.R. 582. pillar of the Freeport community. In 1971, ship, the Pirates won the Public Schools Ath- Although H.R. 582 does not address the while serving as Assistant Pastor, Bishop letic League City Championship in 1997 and critical issue of location accuracy, it is none- White was the driving force behind the con- 2003. Moreover, Jim retired with a stellar 178– theless a step in the right direction that will struction of the Zion Cathedral Church, a 88–3 overall record. save lives and make progress. For these rea- beautiful place of worship that still graces the Among his many achievements, Coach sons I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- Freeport skyline and will long stand as a visi- Munson coached two future NFL players: porting H.R. 582. ble testament to Bishop White’s leadership, three-time Super Bowl champion , an offensive lineman for the New f faith, and commitment to the Church. I knew and worked with Bishop White both England Patriots, and Adewale Ogunleye, an RECOGNIZING MS. SUE BRACK AS in my current position, and when I served as All-Pro defensive end who played in Super THE 2016–2017 WALTON COUNTY the Nassau County District Attorney. He was, Bowl XLI for the . But one of EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PRO- first and foremost, a man of God, a man who Coach Munson’s proudest moments was FESSIONAL OF THE YEAR dedicated his life to bringing people together coaching his son James, who now plays for and helping them to find in themselves the Navy as a safety, from 2011 through 2014. I HON. MATT GAETZ same enduring faith that motivated his work. am sure that Jim will spend a lot of time in re- OF FLORIDA And he was a leader not only in the Church, tirement cheering on James from the side- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES but in the community. He was deeply com- lines. Luckily, the Pirates won’t lose Jim en- mitted to the pursuit of justice, and to helping tirely, as he will remain at the school as as- Tuesday, January 24, 2017 those who are most in need and so often sistant principal and athletic director. Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize overlooked by our society—the homeless, the Mr. Speaker, Jim Munson has served his Ms. Sue Brack as the 2016–2017 Walton poor, the sick, the elderly. He was a powerful team, school and community for dozens of County Educational Support Professional of advocate for children and for education. He years. I thank him for everything he has done the Year. For almost three decades, Ms. saw tremendous value in every human life, he for Tottenville High School and wish him noth- Brack has served the Walton County School recognized that every human being had some- ing but the best in his retirement.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:28 Jan 25, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA8.013 E24JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS January 24, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E87 HONORING JAMESON KING IN HONOR OF NAVY FEDERAL one of the most difficult yet rewarding profes- CREDIT UNION’S GROUND- sions in existence. Ms. Redfern has exception- BREAKING CEREMONY ally performed her teaching duties, while also HON. SAM GRAVES striving to be an active and supportive mem- OF MISSOURI HON. BARBARA COMSTOCK ber of her community. Ms. Redfern is revered by her Principal and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGINIA colleagues for her incredible kindness and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, January 24, 2017 positive attitude. She thoughtfully engages her Tuesday, January 24, 2017 students by employing interesting and exciting Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I methods of focusing on their interests. proudly pause to recognize Jameson King. Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to share some very good news. Navy Federal Her support and outreach extends far be- Jameson is a very special young man who yond the walls of her Kindergarten class has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- Credit Union, the largest credit union in the world, has decided to significantly expand its through her sponsorship and involvement with ship and leadership by taking an active part in the K-Kids Club, a Kiwanis Club program. Ms. the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 81, and activities in the 10th Congressional District. After a groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday, Redfern has displayed remarkable leadership earning the most prestigious award of Eagle and dedicated teamwork through her outreach Scout. January 24th, the corporation will begin erect- ing a new office building and parking garage projects in her community. I commend her for Jameson has been very active with his that will allow for the addition of 1,400 new her steadfast willingness to serve those that troop, participating in many scout activities. employees, nearly doubling the size of its op- matter most, the students and youth of our Over the many years Jameson has been in- erations center in Frederick County which is in Nation. volved with scouting, he has not only earned the western part of my District. For all of her admirable contributions, I am numerous merit badges, but also the respect On behalf of my constituents in the Shen- truly proud to have Ms. Redfern as a con- of his family, peers, and community. Most no- andoah Valley, I wish to express gratitude to stituent in Florida’s First Congressional Dis- tably, Jameson contributed to his community the leadership of the corporation for the con- trict. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States through his Eagle Scout project. Jameson led fidence it has placed in the hard-working peo- Congress, I am privileged to recognize Ms. a team of scouts in building a new sign for the ple of the Shenandoah Valley and the county Kathleen Redfern for her accomplishments historic Macon Presbyterian Church in Macon, government whose policies have created an and her commitment to excellence in the Wal- Missouri, refurbishing the old sign and land- environment that is conducive to business ton County School District. I thank her for her scaping the north side of the building. growth. service and wish her all the best for continued Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Navy Federal Credit Union, whose corporate success. commending Jameson King for his accom- headquarters is in Vienna, Virginia, has been plishments with the Boy Scouts of America recognized as one of Fortune Magazine’s 100 f and for his efforts put forth in achieving the Best Companies to Work for in 2016. The MAKING OUR INFRASTRUCTURE highest distinction of Eagle Scout. company was founded in 1933 based on a SECOND TO NONE ‘‘culture of service’’ and the 15,000 current f employees take great pride in serving our na- HON. SUZAN K. DelBENE tion’s heroes, the current and retired men and IN HONOR OF LAMP MAGNET HIGH OF WASHINGTON women of our military and their families. In vis- SCHOOL: A NATIONAL BLUE RIB- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES iting the Winchester/Frederick County Oper- BON SCHOOL Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ations Center, I was pleased to see the beau- tiful photos of our men and women in uniform Ms. DELBENE. Mr. Speaker, I am honored HON. MARTHA ROBY and their families that adorn its hallways. I to represent some of our nation’s leading was also impressed by the many ways that innovators in Congress, who are pioneering OF ALABAMA the company provides for its employees, in- unprecedented improvements in manufac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cluding a recreation center and shower facili- turing and infrastructure from Washington’s Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ties, a medical clinic staffed by a full-time Phy- First Congressional District. The exciting work sician’s Assistant and Nurse, and visiting pro- being conducted by forward-thinking compa- Mrs. ROBY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to fessors from Lord Fairfax Community College nies like Modumetal, a woman-owned busi- honor Loveless Academic Magnet Program who help further the employees’ educational ness in Washington state, has the potential to (LAMP) High School in Montgomery, Alabama goals. lower the long-term costs of rehabilitating our upon its being named a National Blue Ribbon In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I ask you and roads and bridges while also making them School in November of the year 2016. my colleagues to join me in congratulating and safer and longer-lasting. LAMP Magnet High School is more than de- thanking Navy Federal Credit Union for excel- Christina Lomasney, co-founder of serving of this recognition. The school is cur- lent service to our national heroes and for hir- Modumetal, published an open letter to Presi- rently ranked as the best high school in the ing an increasing number of fellow Americans dent Trump on January 6, 2017, highlighting State of Alabama and the 34th best high to provide this important service. the importance of performance-based stand- school in the country according to U.S. News f ards as he begins to work with Congress on and World Report. investments in our infrastructure. I am pleased RECOGNIZING MS. KATHLEEN The school consistently maintains a 95 per- to share her letter with my colleagues, as we REDFERN AS THE 2016–2017 WAL- cent graduation rate though it is currently look to develop infrastructure solutions that will TON COUNTY TEACHER OF THE ranked by The Washington Post as one of the allow us to get the best return on our invest- YEAR most challenging high schools in America. ments. President-elect Trump, on election night, LAMP is also to be commended for the HON. MATT GAETZ you promised cheering supporters, ‘‘We’re strong emphasis it places on extracurricular going to rebuild our infrastructure, which OF FLORIDA activities, community involvement and service, will become, by the way, second to none.’’ and parent engagement. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As we move from the script of campaigning The City of Montgomery is fortunate to have Tuesday, January 24, 2017 to the act of execution, you may find a more challenging landscape than your statement the exceptional educational opportunities that Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize belies. That’s not because you won’t endeav- LAMP Magnet High School offers. The school Ms. Kathleen Redfern as the 2016–2017 Wal- or to achieve nor that Congress won’t col- truly makes Montgomery and the State of Ala- ton County Teacher of the Year. For several laborate with you to fund. But the challenge bama proud. years, Ms. Redfern has served the Walton of bringing the United States back to a ‘‘top Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to congratu- County School District with exceptional pas- 10’’ infrastructure position in the world, late Loveless Academic Magnet High School sion and an unwavering commitment to serv- much less number one, is one that many have tried and failed and that could, in on being named a National Blue Ribbon ing others. present reality, undermine the solvency of School and celebrate this outstanding accom- In Northwest Florida, we are fortunate to our Nation. plishment with its students, faculty, staff, alum- have some of the best teachers in the Nation. In the span of the decade that precedes ni, and all who cherish this remarkable school. It is recognized that the teaching profession is your Administration, we have fallen from 1st

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:28 Jan 25, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA8.006 E24JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS