SITUATION REPORT 24 – 30 September 2007
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SITUATION REPORT 24 – 30 September 2007 UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES Office for the Coordination of Bureau de la Coordination des Humanitarian Affairs in Burundi Affaires Humanitaires au Burundi ACTIVITIES AND UPDATES Raising awareness against avian flu in the Great Lakes The FAO in collaboration with the Government of Burundi through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock organized a two-day (25-26 Sept) workshop on avian flu. The workshop, which was attended by 30 journalists from media operating in Burundi, aimed at launching the project for the prevention/fight against a potential avian flu epidemic in the Great Lakes Region countries - Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. It is expected that the media people will contribute the sensitization on the epidemic and the dissemination of information on the disease and its socio-economic consequences. To this end, focal points for the different media were identified and will help disseminate information on how to prevent and/or repel the epidemic. To date, cases of avian flu have been reported in 42 African countries. It should be noted that the avian flu threat is important for Burundi as the latter is on the route for migrating birds which transmit it. Furthermore, the plain of the Rusizi river/Bujumbura and northern lakes, especially Lake Rwihinda/Kirundo Province, are migrating sites for birds from Central Europe and Eastern and Central Asia. Supported by the Belgium Kingdom, the FAO started implementing the foresaid project in 2007. Update on repatriation and refugees Over the reporting week, UNHCR registered a total of 1,767 the majority of whom arrived from Tanzania - 569 through Mabanda/Makamba Province, 685 through Kobero/Muyinga province and 509 through Gisuru/Ruyigi. UNHCR also registered 1 Burundian refugee came from Burkina Faso and 3 spontaneous returnees. Since January 2007, a total of 26,019 returnees including 8,415 for September have been recorded. So far, 365,355 Burundians have returned to their home country under the UNHCR facilitated repatriation process, which began in April 2002. Meanwhile, the transfer of Congolese refugees from Bujumbura Mairie continues. Last week, UNHCR transferred 550 to Musasa/Ngozi Province, bringing the total refugees in the transit camp to approximately 7,100. Assistance to Burundians expelled from Tanzania The Government project for the reintegration of war-affected persons (PARESI) registered 92 persons (34 families) who arrived from Tanzania through the entry point of Kobero/Muyinga province (52 persons/22 families) and through Mishiha/Cankuzo province (40 persons/12 families). Since January 2007, PARESI has recorded 8,477 expelled persons (4,152 families). In preparation of the expected expulsion of 4,505 illegal migrants from Kibondo (Tanzania), administration authorities and humanitarian partners involved in the provision of assistance to expelled persons – UNICEF, Burundian Red Cross, OCHA, UNHCR, NRC and Solidarités met on September 25 in Ruyigi. Activities undertaken include the dispatching of stocks of non food items and food, the construction of temporary latrines and the installation of a bladder. Participants recommended that the Burundian immigration service (PAFE) undertake close verification of the official document delivered by Tanzanian authorities. For more information: E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +257 22 205000 Ext. 5542 SITUATION REPORT 24 – 30 September 2007 Socio-economic reintegration of vulnerable families in Makamba Province Under its food security programme, Intermon Oxfam (IO) in collaboration with partner national NGO – New Family Development and Ntusigarinyuma (Kirundi name meaning: Don’t stay behind) continues activities aimed at providing sustainable assistance to vulnerable families essentially comprised of returnees and displaced persons in the communes of Kayogoro and Nyanza- Lac/Makamba Province. The main areas of activities are agriculture, livestock and environment. In order to ensure a good crop yield out of a small land property as a result of population pressure, IO has introduced the agro-sylvo integration technique which consists in undertaking agricultural activities and protecting the environment at the same time. IO has distributed cows (72) and goats (1,582) as incentives to 600 farmer families who have adhered to this technique. Furthermore, IO has appointed a supervisor and has opened two veterinary drugstores which are managed by a committee of beneficiaries. This will improve access to the medical treatment of the cows and goats. In collaboration with FAO/Emergency Rehabilitation and Coordination Unit (ERCU), IO has availed cuttings of cassava resistant to the mosaic disease. Education: more classrooms needed to school the maximum of children In efforts to enable the Burundian educational system enroll more pupils returning from exile, Refugee Education Trust (RET) NGO has started the construction of additional classrooms in Muyinga Province, which is a province of high number of returns. This will increase the capacity of schools like the communal secondary school of Mugano which could register 240 pupils for the current school year (2007-2008) against 176 last year. RET also distributed a total of 602 books, 1 book for two to pupils at Mugano. Protection: NGO mediates land disputes The Legal Aid Clinic Project of the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) successfully mediated eight disputes in the provinces of Bururi, Makamba, Ruyigi and Gitega. Six out of eight cases concerned land. In addition, ACCORD conducted two conflict management trainings in the communes of Makamba and Butaganzwa for 50 community leaders. These initiatives assisted with the reintegration of returnees into communities, with the promotion of reconciliation, as well as with the protection of returnees. For more information: E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +257 22 205000 Ext. 5542 .