C M Y B RED HERRING PROSPECTUS Please read Section 60B of the Companies Act, 1956 Dated June 28, 2007 100% Book Building Issue SIMPLEX PROJECTS LIMITED (Incorporated as Simplex Projects Limited on 31st October 1990 under the Companies Act, 1956, with its registered office at 12/1, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kolkata – 700087.) Registered Office/Corporate Office: 12/1, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kolkata – 700087. Tel.: +91-33-32923330; Fax: +91-33-22528013; Website: www.simplexprojects.com; E-mail:
[email protected] Contact Person: Mr. Pradeep Mishra, Senior Vice President (Finance) & Compliance Officer ISSUE OF 30,00,000 EQUITY SHARES OF RS. 10 EACH FOR CASH AT A PRICE OF RS. [z] PER EQUITY SHARE (INCLUDING SHARE PREMIUM OF RS. [z] PER SHARE) AGGREGATING RS. [z] LACS BY SIMPLEX PROJECTS LIMITED (“COMPANY” OR “ISSUER”). THE ISSUE COMPRISES OF “NET ISSUE TO THE PUBLIC” OF 30,00,000 EQUITY SHARES OF RS. 10 EACH FOR CASH AT A PRICE OF RS. [z] PER EQUITY SHARE AGGREGATING RS. [z] LACS (“NET ISSUE”). THE NET ISSUE WILL CONSTITUTE 25.00% OF THE FULLY DILUTED POST-ISSUE PAID-UP CAPITAL OF SIMPLEX PROJECTS LIMITED (“COMPANY”). Price Band: Rs. 170 to Rs. 185 Per Equity Share of Face Value of Rs. 10 Each The Issue Price is 17 times of the Face Value at the Lower End of the Price Band and 18.5 times of the Face Value at the Higher End of the Price Band In case of revision in the Price Band, the Bidding Period will be extended for three additional working days after such revision, subject to the Bidding Period not exceeding 10 working days.