E76 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 3, 1998 Walter Rhulen was of tremendous assist- Singer, served as campaign coordinator and Rio de Janeiro and calls upon industrialized ance to me as a member of my Congressional the first Administrative Assistant to Howard nations to aim towards voluntarily limiting Economic Advisory Committee. There he dem- Berman. Muff left government employment to their greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000; and onstrated his concern of regional affairs, and pursue a career as a successful writer of chil- Whereas ongoing international negotia- was always eager to share his vast wealth of dren's books and to devote herself to raising tions are underway aimed at finalizing a Cli- experience with us. a family. Rick and Muff's daughter, Sarah, has mate Treaty by the end of 1997 that is ex- Mr. Speaker, I extend my deepest condo- been raised with a respect for community in- pected to require legally-binding cutbacks in lences to his widow, Judith Schmid Rhulen volvement and is already a pride to her com- energy usage and emission targets that will and his children, Suzanne Laughlin and Harry, munity. be applicable to developed nations only; and Whereas a growing body of economic stud- Erik and Anthony Rhulen for their loss on such From his time of his courageous civil rights ies indicate that any U.S. effort to signifi- a tragic occasion. involvement in the early 1960's (from Wes- cantly limit greenhouse gas emissions in a f leyan University he went south to register vot- short time frame will slow economic growth, ers and to fight for civil rights) to his coura- cost hundreds of thousands of jobs in Oak- HONORING RICK TUTTLE geous and fierce guardianship of L.A. city's land County and throughout the United budget as City Controller, Rick has been an States, and discourage investments in more HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN exemplar of the best of public service. energy-efficient technologies or facilities; and OF Each of us have known Rick, and his wife, Whereas mandatory constraints on fossil IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Muff, personally and professionally for more fuel use would raise the monthly cost to con- Tuesday, February 3, 1998 than thirty years. He is a close personal friend, sumers for electricity, heating and cooling trusted advisor, and a model of what an elect- bills. Projections also indicate that the resi- Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, my colleague ed official ought to be. Our admiration of him dents of Oakland County could experience a Mr. WAXMAN and I want to bring to your atten- is indescribable. gasoline price increase of up to $0.50 per gal- tion, our close personal friend, f lon. This would be particularly detrimental City Controller Rick Tuttle (L.A.'s elected fi- to those on fixed incomes, living in rural nancial officer), will receive the L.A. City's INTERNATIONAL TREATY ON areas or dependent on private vehicles to GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE transport their families to work, school and ``Employee of the Year'' Award on December stores; and 10, 1997. We would like to take this oppor- Whereas ill-advised policies on climate tunity to recognize, at a national level, what HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG control change could significantly limit per- the people of Los Angeles have known for OF MICHIGAN sonal mobility, seriously disrupt the growing economy of Oakland County and would nega- decades and we, individually, have known for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all of our professional lives: Rick Tuttle is an tively impact those businesses located in Tuesday, February 3, 1998 extraordinary individual who has made a major Oakland County that could no longer com- pete effectively against their foreign coun- mark by contributing his time and talents to Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ask that the following statement be terparts as a result of the higher cost of fuel; elevate the quality of life of Los Angeles. and The ``Employee of the Year'' award will be included in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. The Whereas the exemption for developing presented to Rick by the All City Employees attached resolution was adopted by the Board countries is inconsistent with the need for Benefits Service Association (ACEBSA) for his of Commissioners of Oakland County, Michi- global action on climate change, is environ- outstanding achievements in a city career that gan, regarding the recently passed inter- mentally flawed and imposes trade disadvan- spans 12 years. In announcing the selection, national treaty on global climate change. tages. The Climate Treaty will inflict seri- ACEBSA President, Jay R. Sloan said, I have already voiced my very strong con- ous harm to Oakland County’s economy with cerns with this treaty, which will require legally the loss of manufacturing jobs, as the incen- Mr. Tuttle heads one of the City’s most im- tive to move industry abroad to exempt, portant and largest departments. His record binding cutbacks in greenhouse gas emis- high-growth countries such as Mexico, China as an outstanding leader speaks for itself. sions. By exempting all developing nations, and Brazil is heightened; and His career sparkles with achievement. the treaty will create a two-tiered environ- Whereas the Oakland County Board of Few people have been as dedicated, and mental obligation, forcing the entire burden to Commissioners holds that the have contributed so much time, energy and reduce greenhouse emissions on industri- should not agree to any international global passion, as Rick has to the City of Los Ange- alized nations while turning the developing climate proposals that are not justified by world into a pollution ``enterprise zone.'' This sound scientific and economic policies. les. He has made an enormous mark not only NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that on the City but on the larger society as well. will have a devastating impact on American the Oakland County Board of Commissioners It would be impossible to list all of Rick's hon- jobs. Oakland County agrees, and offers this strongly supports MAC, NACo and SEMCOG, ors, but we would like to mention a few. resolution to express its grave concerns with and urges that the United States not be sig- Among the awards Rick has received are the impact cutbacks will have on jobs and natory to any protocol to, or other agree- the Equal Justice in Government Award from economic growth. ment regarding, the United Nations Frame- the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Mr. Speaker, please accept this statement work Convention on Climate Change of 1992, Fund; the Distinguished Public Service Award in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. Oakland at negations in Kyoto in December 1997, or thereafter, which would: presented by the Pacific Southwest Region of County is sending us a powerful message (A) mandate new commitments to limit or the Anti-Defamation League; Lifetime Member- about how these drastic cutbacks will affect reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the ship Award from the Los Angeles Business our nation's local communities. As the current United States, unless the protocol or other Council; the Distinguished Leadership Award administration plans to implement the bureau- agreement also mandates new specific sched- for 1996 presented by the Association of Gov- cratic regulations needed to bring the U.S. in uled commitments to limit or reduce green- ernment Accountants. He has served as Di- compliance with the recently adopted treaty, house gas emissions for developing countries Congress must acknowledge this warning. within the same compliance period, or rector of the Los Angeles West Chamber of (B) result in job loss or serious harm to the Commerce, a Director of the UCLA Religious The following is a representative copy con- economy of Oakland County, the State of Conference at UCLA and has been an active taining all amendments to: Michigan and the United States; and leader of the California Democratic Party for Miscellaneous Resolution #97227. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any 30 years. By: Commissioner Shelley Taub, District #12; protocol to, or other agreement regarding, Commissioner Donn L. Wolf, District #19. the United Nations Framework Convention As our immediate successor as statewide In re: United Nations Climate Change Treaty President of the California Federation of on Climate Change of 1992, signed by the Opposition. United States at negotiations in Kyoto in Young Democrats, as a friend and ally for To the Oakland County Board of Commis- December 1997, or thereafter, should: over 30 years, Rick has an impressive com- sioners. (1) be voluntary as much as possible; mitment to community improvement. His Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: (2) include all nations, developed and de- awards and achievements have come over Whereas the Michigan Association of Coun- veloping, under comparable criteria and three decades of professional excellence: as a ties, the National Association of Counties within the same compliance period; and SEMCOG have recommended support for Dean of Students at UCLA, as an elected (3) assist developing nations in growing the following concepts in the main body of economically while increasing energy effi- trustee of the Los Angeles Community col- the resolution; and ciency; and leges and as L.A. city's Controller since 1985. Whereas the United Nations Framework (4) promote technology approaches that We, of course, have a personal involvement Convention on Climate Change was adopted can reduce adverse impacts on consumers with the entire Tuttle family. His wife, Muff in May, 1992 at the Earth Summit held in and the economy. February 3, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E77 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Milwaukee Times/TV 6 Black Excellence should tell you that lately I have received members of the United States Senate are Award, the 1990 YWCA Outstanding Woman invitations from all of the military acad- strongly urged not to consent to any proto- of Achievement Award and the 1989 Black emies looking for guidance and help on ethi- col or agreement regarding the Global Cli- cal issues. I will confess that it is a bit mate Change, unless said protocol or agree- Achiever of the Year in Business and Industry strange to me that a well-known former gov- ment is: Award. ernment employee and sometime philosopher (i.) accompanied by an analysis of the de- Now, in 1998, Thelma is receiving an award like myself should be asked to address this tailed explanation of any legislation or regu- named after the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., assemblage on matters of ethics and honor, latory actions that would be required to im- a man she calls her ``role model.'' How appro- right and wrong, on the question, ‘‘Does plement the protocol or agreement; and priate it is that someone who modeled her Honor Have a Future?’’. But as Sir Thomas (ii.) accompanied by an analysis of the de- own life after the life of a man who made sac- More said, ‘‘Ladies and gentlemen, I give you tailed financial costs and other impacts on the times.’’ rifice after sacrifice for the benefit of others And what do we make of these times? the economy of the United States that would has become a role model to those who wit- be incurred by implementation of the proto- These are good times and bad times. We all col or agreement. ness her work. know that there have been troubling, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies We, in Milwaukee, are lucky. Ms. Sias left even terrible, incidents here at the United of this resolution be forwarded to the Presi- and adopted Milwaukee as her States Naval Academy, and at other acad- dent of the United States, the Vice President home and, in time, adopted each of us and emies as well. While we should be bothered of the United States, Senator Spencer Abra- shared with us her great love for her fellow by these incidents, we should also be trou- bled by the superficial, flawed analyses these ham, Senator Carl Levin, Oakland County man. Her contribution has been remarkable. Legislators, the Governor of the State of events have sometimes received. Most of Her recognition is deserved. I congratulate her these bottom on the limp excuse that the Michigan, and to Oakland County’s Legisla- on her accomplishment and I know that she tive Agents. Academy simply reflects more general Chairperson, we move the adoption of the will continue to devote her time and energy to changes in society. It goes something like foregoing resolution. making Milwaukee a better place. this: ‘‘There are these problems every- where—so why not here? The Academy is SHELLEY TAUB, f District #12. just a reflection of the larger society.’’ To which I would respond: no, it is not. Whether DONN L. WOLF, TRIBUTE TO MISSOURI STATE we are talking about Annapolis, West Point District #19. SENATOR HAROLD L. CASKEY Vote on resolution, as amended: or Colorado Springs, you are supposed to be AYES: Huntoon, Johnson, Law, McCulloch, HON. IKE SKELTON different—and in some important ways, you McPherson, Moffin, Obrecht, Palmer, Pow- are supposed to be better. It was a wise man OF MISSOURI who said that when a man enters military ers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Dingeldey, life, he enters a higher form of civilization. Douglas, Garfield. (16) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Former assistant secretary of the Army NAYS: Holbert, Jacobs, Jensen, Kingzett, Tuesday, February 3, 1998 Sara Lister, who called the Marines ‘‘ex- Coleman. (5) tremists,’’ did not sufficiently grasp this A sufficient majority having voted there- Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure point. But thank goodness many other for, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. for me to rise to congratulate a friend and po- litical colleague from Missouri, State Senator Americans still do. f So yes, the military is—and ought to be— Harold L. Caskey, who was recognized re- different in some important ways from the RECOGNIZING MS. THELMA SIAS cently for his outstanding work in behalf of world outside its walls. It operates with a people who are blind. different code of conduct; a different set of Harold was named 1997 State Official of the activities; a different way of life. I have no HON. THOMAS M. BARRETT Year by the General Council of Industries for doubt that most of you—perhaps all of you— OF WISCONSIN the Blind. It is a recognition he richly deserves will leave this academy changed in many im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in light of his work in enacting the State Use portant regards. Perhaps you can see the changes in your own life occurring even now. Tuesday, February 3, 1998 Law for the State of Missouri. In addition, his Last year, I visited the United States Air Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, leadership and commitment to the Lighthouse Force Academy and spoke with one of the ca- today I would like to recognize Ms. Thelma for the Blind will open the door for blind peo- dets, the son of a friend of my wife and me. Sias, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for her out- ple to receive training, and enable them to He told me about the grueling schedule: drills, training, study, sports, lack of sleep, standing contributions to the community and lead meaningful and independent lives. My friend, Harold Caskey, is visually im- the constant pressure to perform, officers her life long dedication to serving others. yelling at him to do better and to be better. Ms. Sias is the 1998 recipient of the ``Drum paired, but there is no selfish motivation to his work to improve access to the blind. He I asked him two questions: When you are Major Award'' presented at the annual Martin home on vacation, do your friends under- Luther King, Jr. Breakfast in Milwaukee. This stands out as a model civic leader, with a suc- stand what it is you are going through? He highly distinguished award is presented every cessful career in law and government. His told me no. I then asked him: do you like it year to an individual who has dedicated his or blindness, however, has given him a unique here? And he said, ‘‘Mr. Bennett, I love it.’’ her life to public service and promoting posi- vision and insight most people lack, and he is And you could tell that he did—as I know many of you love the regimen here, even as tive change within the African-American com- using that vision to pave the way for inclusion. Mr. Speaker, I know my colleagues will join you struggle to master it. And in mastering munity. me in congratulating Harold Caskey, and join it, it is inevitable that you will draw back Throughout her years in Milwaukee, Ms. the General Council of Industries for the Blind from some of the softness of contemporary Sias has worked to affect positive change. As civilian life. in commending his good work. the Director for Community Programs at Wis- I want to draw to your attention an ex- f consin Gas Company, she has set out every traordinary 1995 article in the Wall Street day with one goalÐto make a difference. She Journal, written by Thomas E. Ricks, about A QUESTION OF HONOR the transformation that took place in Ma- has served on countless boards and commit- rine recruits after eleven weeks of boot camp tees in Milwaukee where she has worked to HON. JAMES M. TALENT at Parris Island. A Marine talked about his re-entry into so- revitalize neighborhoods, to provide food for OF MISSOURI ciety: ‘‘It was horrible—the train [ride home] the hungry, to advance women's issues, to im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prove education opportunities, and to make was filled with smoke, people were drinking our neighborhoods safe for children. Ms. Sias Tuesday, February 3, 1998 and their kids were running around aim- lessly.’’ Another private said this: ‘‘It was is a passionate youth mentor and role model Mr. TALENT. Mr. Speaker, I commend the crowded. Trash everywhere. People were for Athletes for Youth, New Concepts Self De- remarks of William Bennett to my colleagues. drinking, getting into fights. No politeness velopment Center, YMCA Black Achievers His recent speech at the United States Naval whatsoever.’’ But he went on to say, ‘‘I Program, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ele- Academy is an excellent discussion of what is didn’t let it get to me. I just said, ‘This is mentary schools. important in our society. the way civilian life is.’’’ According to one Sgt. Major, ‘‘It is a fact of life that there Although Thelma is not one to seek praise, DOES HONOR HAVE A FUTURE her work has not gone unnoticed. She has re- isn’t a lot of teaching in society about the (By William Bennett) importance of honor, courage, commitment. ceived a steady stream of accolades including It is a privilege to address you this It’s difficult to go back into a society of the 1993 Honored Woman Award presented evening. ‘what’s in it for me?’’’ by the Women's Fund, the 1993 Future Mil- As way of background—not by way of You know that this is, unfortunately, pret- waukee Community Service Award, the 1991 boasting, but simply wondering out loud—I ty accurate. There are plenty of people in