(1) (3) (5) (7) (9) (11) (13) (15) (17) (19) (21) (23) (25) (27) (29) (31) (33) (35) (37) (39) (41)

(2) (4) (6) (8) (10) (12) (14) (16) (18) (20) (22) (24) (26) (28) (30) (32) (34) (36) (38) (40)

RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost Notes on this user manual Read this manual in its entirety, beginning with the Before your first ride – Cleaning and care General notes on installation RITCHEY Liquid Torque Additional information: Many manufacturer war- The RITCHEY torque wrench is suitable for torque Observe the specifications of the frame or bicy- Installing the RITCHEY KITE Cable routing of the remote control Cutting the remote control cable Insert the cable and the cable housing into the ferrule Installing the saddle Fore-aft position and tilt of Pay particular attention to the following symbols: general information. Then you can carefully review ranties will not cover damage to component due to settings from 2 Nm (e.g. for small aluminum bolts) to cle manufacturer as regards the minimum inser- ­housing to length of the remote control lever and guide the cable through Installation and User Manual individual chapters specific to each component you Determined use Clean your RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost and The installation of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seat- Installing components with RITCHEY over-tightening. 16 Nm (e.g. for M6 bolts on some seatposts). dropper seatpost Slide the not yet cut cable housing from the front (han- the little opening to its clamping bolt (18). Pull the cable The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost is designed to saddle tion depth (8). dlebars) to the rear (into the seat tube) by following Important information about use, care, maintenance This symbol means that your life or health may have purchased or intend to use. Doing so will ensure your saddle with water and a soft cloth (1+2) at post and the saddle, in general, are jobs for a quali- Liquid Torque end tight and tighten the clamping bolt by using a 2-mm suit most performance saddles with round 7 mm The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost is designed for Always use a torque wrench to verify you are within Installing the handlebar remote control the specifications of the frame or bicycle manufacturer. The inclination of your upper body, and hence your be in danger unless you comply with provided smooth installation and trouble-free use of the product. regular intervals. A periodical removal and cleaning fied mechanic. Have this work done by an authorized For detailed information about the RITCHEY Approach the cable housing to the handlebar remote Allen key. The bolt should be tightened to sufficiently fix (0.28 in.) diameter rails – including many RITCHEY and mounting use on mountain bikes and their typical use. Carbon fiber frames and components are particularly specified torque limits, and do not exceed them. Using riding comfort and pedaling power, are partially influ- instructions or carry out prescribed measures. of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost will protect RITCHEY dealer only. Each of the following instructions i torque wrench, visit the online shop of RITCHEY Varying dimensions of frame and RITCHEY There are 4 possibilities or options (10) to install the control by ensuring a harmonious, kinkfree cable rout- the cable and not allow it to slip during use. saddles – as well as saddles with slightly ovalized rails Keep this user manual for your records and future ref- vulnerable to damage caused by excessive clamping RITCHEY Liquid Torque will allow you to safely install Provide this end of the cable housing with a cable end enced by the distance between the handlebars and the Introduction 1 It is, however, not built for freeriding, dual slalom, down- it from the effects of electrolytic corrosion. Clean at must be followed strictly. Non-observance of these International Online Shop at www.ritcheylogic.com KITE dropper seatpost may result in failure of handlebar remote control: ing with the other cables and brake lines. Make sure the (7 mm width x 9 mm height) / (0.28 in. x 0.35 in.). erence. If you sell or lend your component or bike to force. RITCHEY Liquid Torque (5) creates extra friction your bicycle components – particularly in the case of cap (13) when it protrudes approx. 5 cm (1.97 in.) from Cut the cable to length by using the cable cutter and saddle. This distance can be altered by changing the Before your first ride – Determined use 2 hill, dirt jumps and comparable uses. least the glide surface of the upper seatpost tube of instructions can lead to component failure, resulting in the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost and thus in a cable is long enough to allow full handlebar movement This symbol warns you about actions that someone, share this manual with the new user. between two surfaces, allowing the necessary clamping carbon fiber – without exceeding the manufacturer’s 1. Separate handlebar clamp, lever above the handle- the seat tube. put a ferrule on the cable. Tighten the barrel adjuster To install the saddle unscrew both fixing bolts and position of the saddle rails in the seatpost clamp. Be Cleaning and Care 3 the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost after every ride. a severe accident or injuries. crash and potential injury to the rider. from one side to the other. ! could lead to damage of property or the envi- Never make any changes to the RITCHEY KITE dropper force to be reduced by up to 30%. specified torque limits. In most cases, using Liquid bar on the left (if the front shift lever is (19) so that there is no more play or only minimum remove the upper part of the clamp. Fit the saddle rails aware, however, that this also influences your position With RITCHEY components, as is the case with all If necessary, use a non abrasive soap to remove grime. Compatibility of the RITCHEY Insert the end of the cable through the opening on the Maintenance 3 ronment. seatpost or the saddle. Do not file or drill any holes Installing non-matching parts can result in clamping fail- Torque will enable you to use as much as 30% less mounted under the handlebar on the left) Calculate the length of the supplied short cable housing play for the cable. in the clamp grooves, re-position the upper part of relative to the cranks and may affect your pedaling You may add a little detergent liquid for cleaning and In addition, it prevents frequent cracking noises in the side of the cover cap at the bottom end of the seatpost General notes on installation 3 lightweight bicycle products, special care and attention in the components. This applies especially to carbon ure and consequently in a serious accident. torque while installing your components. KITE dropper seatpost 2. Separate handlebar clamp, lever under the handle- as well as of the barrel adjuster and mark the matching the clamp (20) and tighten the clamp bolts alternately motion. Depending on whether the saddle is positioned removing tough stains, such as oil or grease. Do not use clamping areas. It also retains its effectiveness in wet and through its cable opening downwards. Hook the RITCHEY Liquid Torque 4 are required for proper installation and use. Materials components, as this will compromise their structural Length of the RITCHEY KITE bar on the left and/or on the right handlebar on top length of the cable housing (16) (e.g. with an adhesive in small increments until the saddle rail fits snuggly more forward or more backward in the seat clamp, This symbol indicates there is special informa- used by RITCHEY in the manufacture of its compo- degreasing agents, which contain organic solvents (e.g. We recommend using a RITCHEY seatpost with a conditions and provides maximum protection against The lowering of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost cable nipple into the counter bearing of the seatpost your legs will extend farther or not as far forward. Using the RITCHEY torque wrench 4 integrity and void your warranty. RITCHEY Liquid Torque is neutral to copper 3. Lever with adapter on the Sram brake lever under tape). between both halves of the clamp. Make sure the top i tion on how to handle the product and may nents are extremely strong and durable, yet low in acetone, trichloroethylene, methylene, etc.). Chemicals RITCHEY saddle and vice versa, because they are corrosion. is operated via cable remote control through the frame. dropper seatpost (14). Insert the cable completely into the cable housing Adjusting the remote control Compatibility of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 5 of this sort may damage the finish or substructure of i and aluminum alloys, steel and synthetic mate- the handlebar on the left and slide it into the cable opening on the bottom of the edge of the saddle is in parallel to the ground or the The top of your saddle must be nearly horizontal in refer you to a specific passage in this manual requiring weight, making them perfect for high-performance bike We recommend that you always use RITCHEY parts designed to fit and function as an integrated whole. If Make sure your is designed for this cable Check with the fully extended RITCHEY KITE dropper Remove the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost from the Diameter of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 5 the material. RITCHEY Liquid Torque can be used for all carbon, alu- rial, and will not damage product surfaces. 4. Lever with adapter on the Shimano I-spec II brake cover cap to the limit stop. Before adjusting the remote control the seatpost needs saddle nose points slightly downwards. order to pedal in a relaxed manner. If it is tilted for- your special attention. riding. It is important to note, however, that all materi- together in order to achieve optimum performance you choose to use a part from another manufacturer, routing. If you are not sure whether the RITCHEY KITE seatpost that it is long enough or not too long in con- seat tube and so far away from the cable housing that Length of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 5 minum and steel connections including: lever under the handlebar on the left to be extended to normal operating length and pressur- ward, you will need to apply additional pressure on the als, no matter how strong at the outset, are susceptible and component durability. If you intend to combine read the respective manual regarding clamping diameter dropper seatpost is compatible with your frame contact sideration of the minimum insertion depth and that you the cable is no longer in the position where the cable Once there is uniform hold on both rails, tighten the Installing the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 6 your local RITCHEY dealer or the bicycle manufacturer. ized to 0.7 bar (10 psi). handlebars to prevent yourself from slipping forward The possible consequences described above are not to wear, tear and fatigue over time, potentially becom- RITCHEY parts with parts from other manufacturers, While cleaning, look for cracks, scratches, to ensure proper fit and compatibility with RITCHEY • seatpost/frame clamping areas and the threads of are able to set the saddle to the desired height. To do housing is cut to length. Use a specific cable cutter(17) bolts alternately and gradually with a torque wrench (3) Cable routing of the remote control 6 The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost will be Preliminary installation of the RITCHEY on the saddle. repeated every time one of the symbols appears! ing brittle due to extensive exposure to vibrations or make sure they are compatible, i.e. that all dimensions dents, as well as for bent or discolored mate- components. the seatpost clamping bolts so extend the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost to its and make sure subsequently that the front opening of Operate the remote control lever and make sure there until each reaches the maximum torque value, specified Preliminary installation of the rial. If you think there may be a problem, see your Using the RITCHEY torque i provided with a standard clamp-style remote KITE dropper seatpost impacts. In the event of a crash, significant impact, or are identical with the specifications given in this manual. • /handlebars clamping areas and clamping bolts Do not drill any holes into your frame and do full length and hold it in parallel to the seatpost used so the cable housing has a round shape. is enough clearance to the shift and brake levers. If on the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost in newton When riding off-road, especially on a full-suspension RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 6 local RITCHEY dealer. Have damaged or defective RITCHEY assumes no responsibility for problems for use with bikes without shift lever on the left. undue stress of any kind, the component may not show • stem/fork, clamping areas and crank bolts wrench not make any other changes on your frame. far. Keep in mind that when using another saddle this Provided the diameter is suitable and the components there is not, turn the remote control on the handle- meters (10 Nm). bike, your position may vary. That means the nose of Cutting the remote control cable RITCHEY saddles and RITCHEY KITE dropper seat- components replaced immediately. resulting from a RITCHEY component being used with This will render void the warranty of the RITCHEY Adapters for Sram brake mounts, Shimano I-spec II or Slide the cable completely into the cable housing and obvious or visible signs of damage. However, since the • bolt threads in any area where reliable clamping To achieve a reliable clamping of two parts, RITCHEY suitable height may be different. are free of burrs, slide the RITCHEY KITE dropper bars or find another installation position for the remote the saddle may point slightly upward or downward. For housing to length 7 Introduction posts are designed to carry a maximum rider’s weight a part from another manufacturer. KITE dropper seatpost as well as the warranty of above bar mount are available as separate parts. insert the latter until limit stop into the cable opening material may have sustained undetectable external or force is required, but where loosening with the considers the use of a torque wrench (3) absolutely seatpost slowly into the seat tube to the desired inser- control. best results and to ensure your comfort and safety, seek of 110 kilos (242 lbs) baggage, e.g. backpack, included. your frame or even of the entire bicycle. Any change of the cover cap at the bottom end of the RITCHEY Adjusting the remote control 7 Congratulations on your purchase of a RITCHEY internal damage, it is very dangerous to continue using Remove and clean the RITCHEY KITE drop- Before installation watch out for sharp edges and burrs appropriate tool should be easy, even after pro- necessary. The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost is deliv- tion depth for your seating position. Do not insert the assistance from a local RITCHEY dealer. to the frame or another bicycle part may lead to In case of the adapter installation to Sram or Shimano KITE dropper seatpost. Slide the RITCHEY KITE drop- Installing the saddle 8 component, you have made an excellent choice. At a component after undue stress or a significant impact, ! per seatpost periodically to protect it from the in the seat tube of the frame (4), at the seatpost clamp longed use. RITCHEY Liquid Torque is ideally suited i ered ex works in compressed position and RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost further than nec- Check whether you can lower the RITCHEY In case you have any questions, please contact breakage or other kind of failure resulting in serious brake levers, follow the user manuals of the respec- per seatpost back in its correct position in the seat tube Fore-aft position and tilt of saddle 8 RITCHEY we develop, test and manufacture our prod- because the component could eventually fail as a result, effects of electrolytic corrosion. and the saddle clamping. Do not use these components, because it does not harden. If the maximum torque given by RITCHEY does not without air pressure. Insert a suitable tool (e.g. screw- essary into the seat tube to avoid any damage to the i KITE dropper seatpost without restrictions: i your RITCHEY dealer. tive components to install the suitable adapter. In this and check the correct routing of the cable in the frame Make sure the seatpost clamp assembly is not Adjusting saddle position and tilt 9 ucts with dedication, and strive to uphold the highest with unforeseeable consequences to your health or if they have burrs or sharp edges. If there are burrs or generate sufficient clamping force, apply RITCHEY injuries and even death. driver) through the opening on the side of the cover visible surface of the seatpost tube. Operate the remote control lever and press the case the remote control lever (11) is inserted in the as well as in the area of the in the front. positioned too close to the bends in the rails Determining the correct saddle height 9 possible standards of quality. Like all high quality sports well being. After any such occurrence, consult your sharp edges on a RITCHEY or non-RITCHEY compo- Directions for use: Before applying RITCHEY Liquid Liquid Torque to interconnecting surfaces to increase cap at the lower seatpost tube and lever the counter saddle in the lowest position. Release the remote desired position into the square hole of the adapter The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost must fit snugly at either end of the rails’ flat mounting section! Adjusting the correct saddle height 10 equipment, RITCHEY components require careful local RITCHEY dealer to get a professional examination nent, have your local RITCHEY dealer inspect it. They Torque, remove dirt particles and lubricant residues friction. bearing of the cable downwards; now you can extent Pull the remote control cable tight. Slide the barrel control lever and press it once again – now the saddle After a crash, accident or other major impact, Diameter of the RITCHEY and fastened with the supplied hex bolts (torque value: into the frame, without the need to push or twist. On installation in order to function properly and provide and evaluation of the product. Maintenance will see, whether this is a problem that can be solved or from the surfaces to be treated. Next, apply a thin and the seatpost to its full length. Remove the protection adjuster and then the short cable housing on the cable. should move evenly into the middle or highest posi- RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost in aluminum, have your saddle and RITCHEY KITE dropper Exceeding recommended torque (generally indicated 3-4 Nm). the other side, there should be no play and the seatpost long-term durability. We recommend that you seek the whether the component has to be replaced. even coat of RITCHEY Liquid Torque to the cleaned KITE dropper seatpost cap from the air valve in the top area of the seatpost Make sure the ends of the cable housings are in the tion. If it does not, you may have overtightened the A saddle’s range of adjustment is very small. steel or titanium frames 10 seatpost checked by your RITCHEY dealer for your Check the torque values of all bolts (3) after the first somewhere on the part to be clamped) will create too should not move when inserted. assistance of a qualified mechanic at your local author- surfaces using a brush, lint-free textile or chamois/ clamping head and inflate the air chamber to barrel adjuster to the limit stop. Finish by putting a cable seatpost clamping. Release it a little, if necessary, until i Replacing the stem allows you to make bigger RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost­ in carbon frames 10 own safety. 200 to 400 km (120 to 240 miles). Tighten them, if nec- much clamping force, running the risk of component Make sure the diameter of your new RITCHEY KITE (9) The separate handlebar clamp can be installed on the ized RITCHEY retail shop. We also recommend using all Once it is determined that a component is artificial chamois. Install components as directed by the 0.7 bar (10 psi). end cap on the cable housing. the seatpost lowering function is fully operable. As a changes to your position, because stems come in dif- How to use quick-releases at seatpost clamps 11 essary, using a torque wrench to the prescribed torque failure. This not only bears a high risk of accident, but dropper seatpost matches the seat tube of your frame. left or right of the brake and shift levers on the (left) Simultaneously, pull the remote control cable housing RITCHEY components to ensure optimal performance damaged, it should not be used under any cir- manufacturer using a torque wrench and make sure not next step make sure the seatpost clamping is tight fering lengths. In doing so you may achieve differences How to securely fasten the seatpost clamp 11 setting. Check every 2,000 kilometers (1,242 miles) also voids the warranty. Measure the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost and the handlebar. The remote control lever is inserted in the back to the handlebars to avoid its bending in the seat and durability. Our precise tolerances are intended to If your RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost or cumstances. Stop using the bike until the part has to exceed the manufacturer’s maximum torque recom- Make sure the seatpost is fully locked in one of enough and the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost of more than ten centimeters (3.94 in.). Changing Installing a saddle bag 12 thereafter. seat tube (6+7). The difference between the (bigger) inner desired position into the square hole of the clamp. tube. Also avoid a routing which leads to an increased ensure component compatibility, and are carefully mon- saddle produces any creaking or cracking been replaced. If there is any doubt, we recommend mendations. After tightening to specified torque, wipe Tighten the clamping only so far that you have ! the three positions when setting up the cannot be turned anymore. your stem may require changes in and brake Riding with the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 12 Loose or overly tight bolts can result in com- diameter of the seat tube and the (smaller) outer diameter (12) friction of the cable. itored during production and quality control so that noises or shows external damage such as notches, replacing the part. off any excess Liquid Torque. remote. If not fully locked, the cable tension cannot be cable lengths – a job best left to your RITCHEY ponent failure and in an accident. Strictly of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost should be 0.05 to apply high forces to rotate the remote control on Warranty terms 13 installation will be easy and trouble-free. cracks, dents, discoloration etc., do not use your bicy- Tighten the clamp bolt (15) or close the adjusted correctly. dealer! Re-seal RITCHEY Liquid Torque container after use. observe the torque specifications. If you do not have to 0.1 mm (0.002 to 0.001 in.). RITCHEY KITE dropper­ the handlebars. A note on wear 13 cle until you have consulted your RITCHEY dealer i quick-release (read section “How to use The bolts of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seat- a high-quality torque wrench, see your local RITCHEY seatposts are available at outer diameters of 30.9 mm and Maintenance and service 14 This manual contains important notes about use, care, who can check the parts carefully and advise whether quick-releases at seatpost clamps“ before) only so far i post have bolt retaining compound on the dealer. 31.6 mm (1.22 and 1.24 in.). If the inner diameter of the Tools required 14 maintenance and installation. replacement is necessary. that the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost no longer threads. Do not grease the threads for this reason! seat tube is bigger, you can use an appropriate adapter Disassembling the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 14 slides, when installing the saddle, as described in the sleeve with matching inner and outer diameter as well as Assembling the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 15 following. an installation length of 80 mm (3.15 in.) at least. Manufacturer’s guarantee 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Adjusting saddle position and Determining the correct saddle Adjusting the correct saddle Never ride your bike with the RITCHEY KITE drop- Tightening the bolts or closing the quick-release should How to use quick-releases at To check whether the lever is securely locked try to Riding with the RITCHEY KITE Warranty terms In the event of a defect or if you have a warranty issue, Maintenance and service Disassembling the RITCHEY Remove the 3 brass keys from their grooves (36), place Fit the top cap (35) back on the inner seatpost tube Manufacturer’s guarantee In case of a warranty claim, RITCHEY reserves the per seatpost drawn out beyond the minimum insertion not require much strength or force. If it does, it may rotate the lever in the closed position. Do this by apply- please contact your RITCHEY dealer who sold you them aside with the steel balls and remove the O-ring and slide it fully upwards (towards the saddle clamp right to provide all or part of the current successor tilt height height mark! The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost might be that the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost does not seatpost clamps ing pressure to the end of the lever. dropper seatpost Under European consumer law, the purchaser has full the bicycle product in question. RITCHEY has exclu- The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost does not require KITE dropper seatpost from the lower end of the inner seatpost tube. Now head). Slide the new bushings on the inner seatpost RITCHEY products have been developed and manufac- model in an available color or if such part is not avail- break or cause severe damage to the frame. This could match the frame. Check the tight fit of the RITCHEY statutory warranty rights within the first two years sive agreements with all authorized dealers to handle regular maintenance. If you notice, however, malfunc- you can remove the 2 white bushings (37). tube, insert the 3 brass keys and put a new O-ring to tured with great care and have gone through numerous able, a higher grade model to remedy the claim. The The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost design consists Correct saddle height provides maximum pedaling To modify the saddle height, loosen the seat clamp As the proper use of quick-releases is not common The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost offers 3 posi- Start by extending the RITCHEY KITE dropper seat- lead to an accident with injuries. KITE dropper seatpost. Take hold of the saddle at both If you can rotate the lever, open it again and increase from date of purchase. In North America, these rights potential warranty claims. If you purchased a RITCHEY tions, such as rough lowering/extension and/or increas- its bottom end (36). Apply a little grease on the glide testing controls. Our products are examined as part guarantee does not cover assembly, refitting costs or of a two-bolt clamping assembly adjusting the tilt and comfort and efficiency. When pedaling, the pedal axles binder or the quick-release (read section “How to use knowledge, they are again and again the reason for tions for riding offroad: post to the full. Loosen the seatpost clamp at the seat ends and try to rotate the seatpost inside the seat tube. the preload. Turn the binder nut on the opposite side apply to the first year from the date of purchase. product from an unauthorized RITCHEY dealer, e.g. ing play of the seatpost tube after long use, ask your Clean all small parts, O-rings, bushings and wipe off all surface (40), insert the inner seatpost tube back into of our internal quality control process to meet strict any new accessories that may be required (e.g. different the vertical position of the saddle. (or “spindles”) should be positioned directly below or quick-releases at seatpost clamps” before). Use a suita- accidents. We recommend that you read the following tube and remove the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost If the seatpost does rotate, you have to re-tighten the clockwise in small increments. 1. Maximum extension – at the usual seating position According to these laws, your RITCHEY dealer is from an internet auction site, the warranty granted by RITCHEY dealer for a service kit containing all seals (inner and outer) piston surfaces with a clean, lint-free the outer one and tighten the top cap by hand. standards, as well as by external, neutral test labora- dimension parts). slightly behind the ball of your foot. ble tool to loosen the seat clamp binder bolt, turning it If sitting on your bike causes numbness in your instructions thoroughly and practice the handling as from the frame. You may have to release possible cable Release both bolts at the RITCHEY KITE dropper seat- clamp bolt or the quick-release in small increments for riding over easy terrain as well as uphill. responsible for ensuring the product is free of defects RITCHEY becomes void, so you must seek resolution and small parts which need to be replaced. You can do cloth. Examine all parts and surfaces for damage. If the tories. counterclockwise two to three turns, or open the seat crotch, this may be due to the saddle. Your local outlined. Close the lever again and check whether the clamping guides to be able to pull out the remote control cable black piston surface shows damage (pittings) (38), the Put the 5 steel balls (41) back into their recesses at The guarantee does not cover labor and transport post head. Unscrew the bolts by two to three turns at With the pedal axles positioned under your feet as and check again. Make sure not to exceed the specified that could cause premature wear from normal use. with the reseller who sold you the product. this maintenance work on your own by following the clamp quick-release. Now the loosened RITCHEY KITE RITCHEY dealer has a wide range of RITCHEY sad- force increased sufficiently. If the lever can no longer be 2. Lowered by 30 mm (1.18 in.) – for sections where housing. piston must be replaced. The piston is available as spare the inner tube; the best way is to apply a little grease For the EU market we grant, independent of legal regu- costs, nor does it cover follow-up costs resulting from most, otherwise the whole mechanism will fall apart. described above, your legs should not extend com- torque values. Quick-release retention mechanisms essentially consist instructions mentioned further below. dropper seatpost can be adjusted in height. dles and can assist you in finding the right one for you. turned, it is properly fastened. you often change between normal pedaling and a part as well as the bushings, the O-rings, the brass keys, on the balls before. Insert the inner tube carefully from lation, a voluntary guarantee that your RITCHEY prod- defects. pletely at the pedal’s farthest point from the saddle of two operative parts: The two year warranty law is only valid in Release the valve cap at the clamping head and unscrew Move the saddle forward or backward by sliding its rails If the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost can still be weight distribution behind the saddle. the rod seals, the wiper seals, the release shaft for lock- the bottom into the seatpost. As soon as you feel the uct is free of manufacturing and processing defects for during your pedal stroke (23), otherwise your motions Do not pull the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost too Check the tight fit of the saddle by taking hold of the i countries where European (EU) regulations This maintenance work is very special and it from the valve. Fully depressurize the seatpost by in the loosened seatpost clamp. To adjust tilt, put one moved, check whether the bolt was tightened to 1. The hand lever on one side of the clamp attached A note on wear ing and releasing the steel balls and the steel balls. clamping effect, it has to be released. The best way is to two years from the date of purchase. Your direct contact for any issue is your RITCHEY will become awkward and you may stress your knees far out of the seat tube. The “hash” marks or numbered RITCHEY KITE dropper saddle and trying to turn the RITCHEY KITE dropper 3. Fully lowered (by 90 or 125 mm (3.54 or 4.92 in.) – apply! Please ask your dealer about the regulations in should only be done by skilled mechanics. Lack pressing a thin object on the valve pin (28). hand on the front of the saddle and one on the back the specified torque value. If you are not sure in this unfoldable to the clamp’s binder bolt. When the lever put the screwdriver through the counter bearing of the dealer, who is authorized to respond to your inquiries. and other joints. You can check the height of your position lines (MIN) (25) on the back of the RITCHEY seatpost inside the seat tube. If the RITCHEY KITE depending on the seatpost version), for challenging your country. Bicycle components are subject to wear due to normal of maintenance and service or inappropriately per- For the North American market we grant, independ- (21) and carefully rotate the saddle in either direction. seatpost in aluminum, steel or point, read the manufacturer’s user manual or ask your is opened, it loosens the clamp. When it is closed, it The two white bushings as well as all O-rings should be cable and to pull it away from the seatpost. saddle in the following, simple way. This is best done by KITE dropper seatpost serve as a reference. dropper seatpost does not rotate inside the seat tube, trails requiring a lot of free movement on the bike, and proper use. The rate of wear will depend on care formed maintenance and service can result in failure Before unscrewing the cover cap on the ent of legal regulation, a voluntary guarantee, that In case of any inquiries, please contact your national You may need to give the saddle a light tap initially to RITCHEY dealer for help. If the recommended torque tightens, generating significant clamping force. replaced by new parts in any case before reassembly. wearing flat-soled casual shoes. titanium frames the seat clamp is sufficiently tight. e.g. weight distribution far behind the saddle. Warranty claims will only be accepted if the bicycle has and maintenance, the bicycle usage and the environ- of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost or the whole ! bottom end of the seatpost always make sure A service kit for the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost Fit on the lock ring (31) as soon as the inner tube is your RITCHEY product is free of manufacturing and distributor. Find contact information for your national get it to move in the assembly. (5 Nm) was applied to the bolts and the clamping force distributor at www.ritcheylogic.com In the case of frames with seat tubes that Make sure the area of the RITCHEY KITE dropper 2. The binder nut on the opposite side of the clamp been used for its intended purpose only (see section mental conditions, such as rain, mud, dust, and sand. bicycle. Risk of accident! the seatpost is not pressurized. containing all small parts to be replaced as well as the completely inside the seatpost. Screw the bottom cover processing defects for one year from date of purchase. Sit on the saddle (24) with your hips even and put your is still not sufficient, ask your RITCHEY dealer for help. Improperly closed quick-releases may result in the loos- By pressing the remote control lever, the seatpost Make sure the top edge of the saddle remains hori- ! extent beyond the top of the frame’s top tube, seatpost inserted inside the seat tube is always slightly (26) to adjust and set tension by moving it one way or “Before your first ride - Determined use“). Some components require regular care and mainte- special grease for the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost cap including the cable into the bottom seatpost tube heel on the pedal at the pedal’s most distant rotational Apply RITCHEY Liquid Torque to the clamping surfaces. ening of components. clamping is released allowing the lowering of the saddle The manufacturer’s guarantee only applies to claims zontal (22) as you tighten the bolts. Ensuring that the the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost should be greased. If your RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost wob- the other along the threaded portion of the binder bolt. nance, but despite the best maintenance program, all When working on your bike, restrict yourself to jobs Remove the cover cap at the lower end of the is available at your RITCHEY dealer. (29). In doing so the cable nipple should click into place point from the saddle. In this position your leg should Tighten the bolt again to the recommended torque (by body weight) – or its extension from a lower posi- It does not cover damage resulting from wear (worn made by the initial buyer, who must present the pur- bike is on level ground will make it easier to determine inserted into the seat tube at least a few millimeters bles in the seat tube or does not slide easily, ask your components will eventually reach the end of their ser- for which you have the suitable tools and the necessary RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost by using the 4-mm without any further action. If it does not, take a 4-mm be fully stretched and your hips should not be tilted value. If the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost is still tion by means of its air spring. If you want to adjust the seals and piston material), neglect (insufficient care and chase receipt with date of purchase, dealer address and proper position. below the bottom of the top tube and below the rear RITCHEY dealer for help. Do not use brute force! vice life, depending on conditions and intensity of use. knowledge. If you are in doubt or if you have any ques- Allen key and press the cable nipple out of its guide Use the specific RITCHEY KITE dropper seat- Allen key and make it click into place. to either side. not tight, contact your RITCHEY dealer or ask a skilled model number. Guarantee claims will only be accepted, stays. This can mean a minimum insertion depth of middle position, lower the saddle a little under this posi- maintenance), accidents, overstress caused by overload- tions, contact your RITCHEY dealer. also by using the 4-mm Allen key. Unscrew the cover i post grease only to ensure proper functioning mechanic for advice. How to securely fasten the seatpost clamp Installing a saddle bag The following RITCHEY components are especially if the bicycle has been used in accordance with the Retighten the bolts with a torque wrench according 10 centimeters (4.5 in.) and more. tion and release the remote control lever subsequently. ing, incorrect installation, improper treatment or as a cap completely to be able to remove the seatpost from of the saddle height adjustment. Insert the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost back to the torque values specified on the RITCHEY KITE We recommend using Liquid Torque instead of subject to wear due to the nature of their intended use intended use of RITCHEY products. When riding off-road it can be helpful to lower ! Open the quick-release. The marking “Open“ should be If you want to install a saddle bag, make sure it can result of changes to the components. the cable (29). into the seat tube, as described in section “Installing dropper seatpost. After tightening the bolts to the i the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost slightly. grease for all aluminum, steel or titanium Do not apply grease to the seat tube of a and not covered for wear under this warranty: the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost”. Operate the Does the leg extension test described above produce visible on the lever. be attached securely to the saddle rails. Some saddle Make yourself familiar with the function of the This guarantee does not cover damage resulting from: proper torque, check whether the saddle can still be However, be aware that a lower seatpost position frames. ! frame made of carbon. Greased carbon com- i Strictly follow all assembly instructions in this manual Tools required (27) Keep hold of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost at Assembling the RITCHEY KITE remote control lever, pull the saddle into the top most the desired result? Check by bringing the foot with the bag models are also attached to the seatpost (e.g. with RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost before you Seals and piston material. • wear, moved or tilted by putting one hand on the back of the over extended periods can lead to knee pain. If you ponents may never again provide a safe clamping sur- Move the lever back as if to close it. Now you should be as well as all additional instructions provided by the its lower tube and apply pressure on the saddle (30) position and let the clamping engage. Inflate the air pedal to its lowest position. Velcro belt); these models are not suitable for use on set off for the first time, by practicing the operation in 4-mm Allen key dropper seatpost • neglect (insufficient care and maintenance), saddle and one on the front, then alternately applying experience knee or hip discomfort, immediately seek face! able to read “Close” on the outside of the lever. From manufacturers of products used in conjunction with until the piston protrudes from the bottom end of the chamber of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost to RITCHEY KITE dropper RITCHEY KITE dropper seatposts. Check after attach- an area off public road traffic and free of other road • accidents, pressure, first to the front and then to the back. the advice and assistance of a certified bicycle fit With your ball of the foot in the middle of the pedal the start of the closing movement up to about the first RITCHEY products, especially bolt torque specifica- 7-mm open-end or ring wrench seatpost. Loosen the lock ring by using the snap ring Slide the piston carefully into the black inner tube. 0.7 bar (10 psi) and screw on the valve cap. ment whether it produces any rattling; the saddle bag users. • overstress caused by overloading, expert or RITCHEY retailer. (ideal pedaling position) the knee must be slightly bent. ­seatpost in carbon frames half of its travel the lever should move very easily, i.e. tions and the prescribed maintenance instructions. pliers (31). Insert the 4-mm Allen key (32) into the Insert the coil spring and the washer on the piston and Do not overtighten the clamping mechanism of should not swing when you are riding. A swinging bag Observe all user manuals with regard to the behavioral Snap ring pliers (fine) screw the lock nut on the thread. The distance between Check before your next ride, whether the seatpost • incorrect installation or improper treatment as well If your knee is slightly bent, you have positioned the In the case of carbon frames make sure the seat tube without clamping the wheel. counter bearing of the cable and remove the piston the seat tube. Overtightening can result in damage can impede pedaling and impair the saddle surface procedures and control procedures that are mentioned washer (39) and upper edge of the inner tube should be clicks in properly in all 3 positions. as saddle at the correct height. is absolutely free of grease. Apply RITCHEY Liquid Scriber or fine slot screwdriver downwards from the seatpost. to the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost and/or frame Over the second half of its travel, the force you need or the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost. Ask your in this manual. But also observe any other manuals that 4.5 mm (0.18 in.) which ensures a correct functioning of • changes or modifications to the component (e.g. Technical details in the text and illustrations of this Torque instead to ensure proper installation. Re-tighten Check whether you can balance safely on your bike and lead to an accident with injuries of the rider. to move it should increase considerably. Towards the RITCHEY dealer for help in selecting a well fitting may be enclosed with RITCHEY products. Also adhere Caliper Caution: There are 5 loosely inserted steel balls (33) the clamping mechanism. cutting the seat post), manual are subject to change. the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost by either turning while stopped by sitting on the saddle and extending end of its travel the lever should be very hard to move. model. strictly to any and all instructions pertaining to the which may fall out and get lost. Place the balls aside on • oxidation/corrosion due to aggressive agents of any your legs and touching your toes to the ground. If you the seatpost binder bolt clockwise or by closing the Shock pump © No part of this publication may be reprinted, Use your thumb to push on the lever while your fingers Finish by operating the remote control lever and low- replacement of safety relevant components, such as a clean cloth. RITCHEY International RITCHEY Corporate HQ RITCHEY Asia Co., LTD kind (included sweat or aggressive tubeless sealants). cannot, you should lower the RITCHEY KITE dropper quick-release (read section “How to use quick-releases copied or transmitted by hand or with mechanical or wrap around the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost or ering the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost in its lowest seat posts, etc. Lint-free cloth Via Cantonale 2 555 Vista Boulevard 179 Hebei Rd. Sec 3 seatpost a little at the touch of the button. at seatpost clamps“ before). frame for leverage and stability. Make sure to close the Fix the counter bearing of the cable by using the 4-mm The instructions in this and all RITCHEY manuals are electronic systems or used for an another business position to check whether the saddle bag remains clear Your direct contact with regard to all issues outlined Allen key and release the lock nut at the upper end of CH- 6916 Grancia-Lugano Sparks, Nevada 89434 Beitun Dist. carefully designed to maximize the life of RITCHEY purpose without prior written permission. lever completely for maximum hold and to ensure the of the rear wheel or other (movable) parts of the bike. Taichung, 40670 quick-release assembly remains in closed position. in this manual and corresponding instructions is your the piston. Remove the lock nut (34), the washer and products. Any guarantee are void, if installation instruc- If it does not, remove the saddle bag and replace it by local RITCHEY dealer, who is qualified to answer your the coil spring and place all small parts aside on a clean European Authorized RITCHEY Design Inc. Taiwan R.O.C tions are ignored and/or if regular inspection and main- Concept and text: Zedler – Institut für Fahrradtechnik und In closed position, the lever should be parallel to the another suitable model. questions. To handle your claim you need to present cloth. Unscrew the end cap (35) from the outer seat- Representative Sales & Warranty Office tenance intervals are not observed. bike, i.e. the lever should not stick out to the side. The your receipt. post tube and pull out the inner seatpost tube. Obelis s.a 575 Old County Road -Sicherheit GmbH lever should lie close to the frame so that it cannot be Bd. Général Wahis 53 San Carlos, CA 94070 www.zedler.de 1030 Brussels, BELGIUM opened accidentally. Edition 1, April 2017

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