(1) (3) (5) (7) (9) (11) (13) (15) (17) (19) (21) (23) (25) (27) (29) (31) (33) (35) (37) (39) (41) (2) (4) (6) (8) (10) (12) (14) (16) (18) (20) (22) (24) (26) (28) (30) (32) (34) (36) (38) (40) RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost Notes on this user manual Read this manual in its entirety, beginning with the Before your first ride – Cleaning and care General notes on installation RITCHEY Liquid Torque Additional information: Many manufacturer war- The RITCHEY torque wrench is suitable for torque Observe the specifications of the frame or bicy- Installing the RITCHEY KITE Cable routing of the remote control Cutting the remote control cable Insert the cable and the cable housing into the ferrule Installing the saddle Fore-aft position and tilt of Pay particular attention to the following symbols: general information. Then you can carefully review ranties will not cover damage to component due to settings from 2 Nm (e.g. for small aluminum bolts) to cle manufacturer as regards the minimum inser- housing to length of the remote control lever and guide the cable through Installation and User Manual individual chapters specific to each component you Determined use Clean your RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost and The installation of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seat- Installing components with RITCHEY over-tightening. 16 Nm (e.g. for M6 bolts on some seatposts). dropper seatpost Slide the not yet cut cable housing from the front (han- the little opening to its clamping bolt (18). Pull the cable The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost is designed to saddle tion depth (8). dlebars) to the rear (into the seat tube) by following Important information about use, care, maintenance This symbol means that your life or health may have purchased or intend to use. Doing so will ensure your saddle with water and a soft cloth (1+2) at post and the saddle, in general, are jobs for a quali- Liquid Torque end tight and tighten the clamping bolt by using a 2-mm suit most performance bicycle saddles with round 7 mm The RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost is designed for Always use a torque wrench to verify you are within Installing the handlebar remote control the specifications of the frame or bicycle manufacturer. The inclination of your upper body, and hence your be in danger unless you comply with provided smooth installation and trouble-free use of the product. regular intervals. A periodical removal and cleaning fied mechanic. Have this work done by an authorized For detailed information about the RITCHEY Approach the cable housing to the handlebar remote Allen key. The bolt should be tightened to sufficiently fix (0.28 in.) diameter rails – including many RITCHEY and mounting use on mountain bikes and their typical use. Carbon fiber frames and components are particularly specified torque limits, and do not exceed them. Using riding comfort and pedaling power, are partially influ- instructions or carry out prescribed measures. of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost will protect RITCHEY dealer only. Each of the following instructions i torque wrench, visit the online shop of RITCHEY Varying dimensions of frame and RITCHEY There are 4 possibilities or options (10) to install the control by ensuring a harmonious, kinkfree cable rout- the cable and not allow it to slip during use. saddles – as well as saddles with slightly ovalized rails Keep this user manual for your records and future ref- vulnerable to damage caused by excessive clamping RITCHEY Liquid Torque will allow you to safely install Provide this end of the cable housing with a cable end enced by the distance between the handlebars and the Introduction 1 It is, however, not built for freeriding, dual slalom, down- it from the effects of electrolytic corrosion. Clean at must be followed strictly. Non-observance of these International Online Shop at www.ritcheylogic.com KITE dropper seatpost may result in failure of handlebar remote control: ing with the other cables and brake lines. Make sure the (7 mm width x 9 mm height) / (0.28 in. x 0.35 in.). erence. If you sell or lend your component or bike to force. RITCHEY Liquid Torque (5) creates extra friction your bicycle components – particularly in the case of cap (13) when it protrudes approx. 5 cm (1.97 in.) from Cut the cable to length by using the cable cutter and saddle. This distance can be altered by changing the Before your first ride – Determined use 2 hill, dirt jumps and comparable uses. least the glide surface of the upper seatpost tube of instructions can lead to component failure, resulting in the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost and thus in a cable is long enough to allow full handlebar movement This symbol warns you about actions that someone, share this manual with the new user. between two surfaces, allowing the necessary clamping carbon fiber – without exceeding the manufacturer’s 1. Separate handlebar clamp, lever above the handle- the seat tube. put a ferrule on the cable. Tighten the barrel adjuster To install the saddle unscrew both fixing bolts and position of the saddle rails in the seatpost clamp. Be Cleaning and Care 3 the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost after every ride. a severe accident or injuries. crash and potential injury to the rider. from one side to the other. ! could lead to damage of property or the envi- Never make any changes to the RITCHEY KITE dropper force to be reduced by up to 30%. specified torque limits. In most cases, using Liquid bar on the left (if the front derailleur shift lever is (19) so that there is no more play or only minimum remove the upper part of the clamp. Fit the saddle rails aware, however, that this also influences your position With RITCHEY components, as is the case with all If necessary, use a non abrasive soap to remove grime. Compatibility of the RITCHEY Insert the end of the cable through the opening on the Maintenance 3 ronment. seatpost or the saddle. Do not file or drill any holes Installing non-matching parts can result in clamping fail- Torque will enable you to use as much as 30% less mounted under the handlebar on the left) Calculate the length of the supplied short cable housing play for the cable. in the clamp grooves, re-position the upper part of relative to the cranks and may affect your pedaling You may add a little detergent liquid for cleaning and In addition, it prevents frequent cracking noises in the side of the cover cap at the bottom end of the seatpost General notes on installation 3 lightweight bicycle products, special care and attention in the components. This applies especially to carbon ure and consequently in a serious accident. torque while installing your components. KITE dropper seatpost 2. Separate handlebar clamp, lever under the handle- as well as of the barrel adjuster and mark the matching the clamp (20) and tighten the clamp bolts alternately motion. Depending on whether the saddle is positioned removing tough stains, such as oil or grease. Do not use clamping areas. It also retains its effectiveness in wet and through its cable opening downwards. Hook the RITCHEY Liquid Torque 4 are required for proper installation and use. Materials components, as this will compromise their structural Length of the RITCHEY KITE bar on the left and/or on the right handlebar on top length of the cable housing (16) (e.g. with an adhesive in small increments until the saddle rail fits snuggly more forward or more backward in the seat clamp, This symbol indicates there is special informa- used by RITCHEY in the manufacture of its compo- degreasing agents, which contain organic solvents (e.g. We recommend using a RITCHEY seatpost with a conditions and provides maximum protection against The lowering of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost cable nipple into the counter bearing of the seatpost your legs will extend farther or not as far forward. Using the RITCHEY torque wrench 4 integrity and void your warranty. RITCHEY Liquid Torque is neutral to copper 3. Lever with adapter on the Sram brake lever under tape). between both halves of the clamp. Make sure the top i tion on how to handle the product and may nents are extremely strong and durable, yet low in acetone, trichloroethylene, methylene, etc.). Chemicals RITCHEY saddle and vice versa, because they are corrosion. is operated via cable remote control through the frame. dropper seatpost (14). Insert the cable completely into the cable housing Adjusting the remote control Compatibility of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 5 of this sort may damage the finish or substructure of i and aluminum alloys, steel and synthetic mate- the handlebar on the left and slide it into the cable opening on the bottom of the edge of the saddle is in parallel to the ground or the The top of your saddle must be nearly horizontal in refer you to a specific passage in this manual requiring weight, making them perfect for high-performance bike We recommend that you always use RITCHEY parts designed to fit and function as an integrated whole. If Make sure your bicycle frame is designed for this cable Check with the fully extended RITCHEY KITE dropper Remove the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost from the Diameter of the RITCHEY KITE dropper seatpost 5 the material. RITCHEY Liquid Torque can be used for all carbon, alu- rial, and will not damage product surfaces. 4. Lever with adapter on the Shimano I-spec II brake cover cap to the limit stop. Before adjusting the remote control the seatpost needs saddle nose points slightly downwards.
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