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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 103 332 SO 008 201 AUTHOR Blucker, Gwen TITLE An Annotated Bibliography of Games and Simulations in Consumer Education. INSTITUTION II] .nois State Office of the Superintendent ofPublic Instruction, Springfield. Dept. of Adult Education.; Irlinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education. PUB DATE 74 NOTE 102p.; Available in microfiche only because ofpoor legibility of the document AVAILABLE FROMIllinois Teacher Office, 351 Education Building, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 ($1.50) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC Not Available from EDRS. PLUSPOSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; *Annotated Bibliographies; Bibliographies; Consumer Economics; *Consumer Education; Decision Making; Economics; Elementary Secondary Education; *Evaluation; *Games; Home Economics; *Simulation; Social Studies; Teaching Techniques; Vocational Education ABSTRACT Thirty-two games and simulations relatingto consumer education comprise this annotated bibliography designedto aid the teacher of adult basic education students and othersin their search for teaching devices. Topics covered in the various simulations include money management, insurance, credit, creditunions, consumer law, consumer frauds, economics, ecology, clothing,housing, automobiles, and decision-making. Each of the 32games is evaluated for its educational possibilities, student interest,and physical characteristics by an evaluation instrument specificallydesigned for this purpose. The questions in the evaluationare not weighted, as their importance will vary for each teacher andclass. All the games/simulations have been played at least twiceby high school students, graduate assistants, and other adults. Informationon the publisher, dater cost, suggested number of players,and reading level is also included. (Author/JR) 0 IsI)1 PAR !Mt N I(II NI Al IN 1 001 A I ION A Al II AR( NAT IONAt INSIIIIIIF (0 I IJUC A I ION ' I I , ' . I I I. .. ' I , .4 "I I 1 iv! 11.1 ' " '.' .; ' . I. 1 , v ) ItABLE COPYMR INTRODUCTION BEST This bibliography of games and simulations is designed to aid the teachers of Adult Basic rducation students and others in their search for teaching devices of this kind in the area of consumer education. It consists of the evaluation and an annotation for each game and simulation. For purposes of this study consumer education was defined broadly, and the consumer aspects of many kinds of decisions were considered relevant. We believe that games and simulutions are two separate techniques of teaching and have used the following definitions for each: game: a contest conducted according to set rules and undertaken in pursuit of educational (or learning) objectives as well as for enjoyment. simulation: a pretense ofan actual (or life) situation for the purpose of attaining some educational objective. In our search for these games and simulations we contacted publishing companies, manufacturers, developers, ard individuals all of whom take a special interest in the use of games and simulations al teaching devices. The three page evaluation instrument used was designed specifically for this project. The following three sources were consulted for the development of the instrument and acme questions were adapted for cur use: Choo-Ang Techriques for Teaching and Learning, Hazel T. Spitze A 'Aide for Simulation Design, Adair & Foster A Guide for Evaluatirg Classroom Simulation and Games, George Gaines The questions in the evaluation instrument are not weighted as their impor- tance will vary for ea2h teacher and class. In general, the more x's in the "yes" column, the better th% game. However.sown of the questions in the instrument may not be extremely important and/or appre,eiete for all classes. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers read each questioe and decide which, if any, are not appropriate for their students. The reading levels for each game are stated at the top of each evaluation and were arrived at through use of the Cunning Formula. All of the games and simulations included have been played at least twice. Those people who have played include high school students, graduate assistants, * and other adults. We would like to extend our appreciation to all those who have assisted us in this project. A special thanks to John Hatfield, Project Director, Adult Basic Education - Staff Development, Region V, for helping us to obtain many of the games and simulations and to all the publishing companies that sent us complimentary copies of their materials. Also, we would like to thank the graduate assistants and the students of Arthur High School, Arthur, Illinois, for participating in the games and simulations and for sharing with us their observations. i. 00003 F40Iz4:0bo031b4 47 100 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 6Y 70 73 P 135'401II 131 x ,x x . x 1/141r40/14...1 004c) , 1I . ---- 3404-1 I'.1-1 pa . 340 CO0014 c,) 4,4 .1til4Jc) A . _ I- . x x -x th1-1 0180C.) 4441 - ." 00004 o0rs41,1-114Ai4.1 'sV/'8ws'000,1P4 x .... r x x x .. x taLI 043 x x x x x _._ 8 .... 65 o03 ;4 --,--,--..--..,-...... ii. qo 0 . 12 t.... , 3st234CI0/4r41ti02tl c.)ow x toO?4oP el-1II0 . x 4aIr11 C.) . - x x `')114gcww0w01-4 .I.Ja 110 t,10Z x x x .. x . 1i x 1111111111111111 , I [ Game Game Packet Puzzles Redress System Your Risk OF World Decisions 0 Dumpty TABLE Water - Pebbles the CONTENTS 1.Budgetinge Business Calorie Complaint Nutrition 1: Gal* Teachers of Crossword The Checkstand The Consumer Consumer Credit Crossroads Dirty EColugy Economic ,Enterprise Family Food 'llumpty Inflation Lingo .Managing Money Market The GamePink Population Propaga7ida Share I 1 p1 1.II. IS57am 'd2COD. 00eWI MIPt' GetCAIc----J.....--.1 PZI OD 0 ci2 in cr N..,m-.....,---.--,.-___ . =7"'Ir- MoneyInsurance ManagementCC, Credit . ConsumerProtectionCredit Unions Law,Frauds c x EcologyFoodsEconomicsfor Consumers & Nutrition cit0 x AutomobilesConsumersClothingHousing forfor PageDecision Number Making THE BUDGETING GAME Publisher Changing Times Education Service Suggested Number of Players 4-16 Publication Date 1971 *See Strident Interest, question 4 0 Cost $22.50 Reading Level required to read rules 8.0 (included in resource kit Money Management) R(-Ling Level required to play game 6.0 Cannot be purchased separately. 4J m .z X EDUCATIONAL PO3SI,ITTITIES w 0 m O o al 1. Is the informatil accurate? Z Cl) P4 x 2. Objectives a. Are teaching objectikes clear?Not stated. b, Arc tnnching objectives relevant to targeted student gre711? No targeted group stated. --- 3. Is pare bated on real-life situations and decisions? 4. Does winning reciLire kntraledge rather than luck? 5. Does the rme irprove attitudes toward learning? 11111111X 6. Does the Enme require high levels of cognitive behavior? 7. Time a. Is the time required to play the game reasonable in te; of norm.-+.1 classroom periods (40 min.)? b. Cat the game be ada?ted to different Lime limits easily? 111111111111x c. Does the ems.mt of lenrning justify the time spent in preparirg students to play the game? d. Does the avouot of learning justify the time spent in playing the game? 8. Flexibility a. Can he game be adapted to appeal to ditferent age groups and retain its educational value? b. Can the game content be changed to meet the needs of diilnrent abilit levels within age groups and retain its educational value? ---- -- ---------- 9. Does the gcme teach or test, i.e., can the game 13'1 played without background learning? x .....rom.. I ii ....or 10, Mathematical Cal.culations a. Is the game constructed sq as to eliminate the need for vrthematical calcu.arions? ..... ......... .. 3- . 1 - 00006 4., m t 3 w m EDUCATIONAL POSSIBILI1IES - Ccned. o g a cn >4 r b. If math is rcruired, 'hat calculations are used? Addition, subtraction -------------- STUDENT INTEREST 1. Is the game aesthetically appealing? (colors, artwork, etc.) x 2. Does it a7pear that studen'cc will remain actively involved and motivated without prodding or encouragewent by instructor? X 3. Is gar.e constructed so competition does not interfere with learning? x *4. Number of Players a. Can the game be played b' both individuals and teams? b. Can all participate actively? c. Can it be played by only cae? (solitaire version) d. Can the game be played without teacher supervision? 5. Rules and Directions a. Are the rules and directions concise? b. Are the rules and directions fully explanatory of the game? c. Are the rules and directions easily understood? d. Are suggestions made to the teacher for summarizing the content 1Jarned 4.n the gare? x ---- __----___-- PHYSICAL CHARACTEPTSTICS 1. Is the game easy to store? (In it self-contained? Can it fit into file cabinets, drawers, shelves, or other areas accessible to the classroom teacher?) 2. Use and Durability a. Will parts of the ;:amp last over a period of time? (Are game parts i.a: of durable materials? Will the effect of heat, cold, and humidity be negligible upon the materials and the usability of the game?) x ----- ------ b. In use, do the on-is function well? x 00007 U 4M BEST al Mh11.tgi n a., PHYSIfIAL CHARACTERISTICS- Coned. 0 m te 3. Physically Handicapped (Blind, Spastic, Deaf,Paraplegic) so'ec' a. Could a physically handicappedperscn play the game? (I.e., taking into account thatanother student could spin a spinner, throw and/or read dice,move tokens, etc., for the handicappedperson if necessary, would the game then be playable to the handicapped?) b. Could the game be modified for thephysically handicapped? (E.g., cards,peeper money, etc., can easily be adapted for blind students by usinga stylus.) ---- x c. Could a physically hmdicappedperson play the solitaire version of the came, if any? (taking into account the modifications sueeeste4 in 3.b.) 4. Consumable Mateeinla a. Are consumable materials :Ineeeensivelyreplaced? Appronimate replacemer: cost of consumablematerials Coneursble materiels mey be duplicated, 7 b.