© 1-8 1 -1

PAGE OCTOBER 13, 1942 'fully illustrated and includes- •the-ltfttmg with a string of other hit I '. PAGCI Oon of Elizabeth to' Mr. and Mrs.the northeasterly side of Wi] story of the Jungle Book and the 'nines; aK written by Irving Ber- Fred W. Trembly, lots 33 to 35,avenue. 181.44 feet from Whu. Speaking ;ex: as narrated by-Sabu Album l:n. Berlin seems u> possess an Transfers Of map of Leesuille Heights. street. " DM-905 6 sides ^uncanny knack for turning out hit,. FOR THE Coming Events In Rahway Mae O'Donnell. unmarried, to Oenevieve Tarnoff to Mark iviI la n Popular , runenes ' ' . Real Estate Matthew- J. Tierney, property at P. Tarnoff. property in tlie « The new :-e)eases which have The beauty of all Lhe tunes writ- Che Intersection of the southeast- erly side of Bedford street Records ; fe« by Irvtnar Berhn. seems to He Thursday, October 15 under the auspices of the Church erly side of Jaques avenue and the A. O'Connor feet from Broadway. -AD! much ;o orir.jj popular music back m their simplicity; simplicity of A luncheon, bridge and fashion Workers. Friday. 1 to 5 P. M.. Sat- Amur Realty Company to Cen-southwesterly side of Albert Popular Joseph C. Smatb me-lody and down to earth lyrics sh pas: Marines discovered the ' :.',e po;:i;;u:' ~,'.:'.L:S w/.A-h were re- ;..a: are deeply heart-warming. Country Club at 1 P. M. under the Tuesday. October 27 erty at the intersection of the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dembling y Alaska, in which country some, The Rahwav Record H'-Va-f Adapted :<-:i.-t>d wen- •::.•,; so :r.•.!>•:; trip.1 Another record which is sure to auspices of the Railway Woman's Mrs. Joseph Simon, of 577 Jef-northerly corner of West Grand to Whittiar Estates,Inc.. one tract street and the easterly line of them are stationed. ls der ™ P>g\ST IS GONE Q' WE FACE TO-DAY •..:••: K.-i'da Pr-xiu.-- When. I s.iv :h.- past I dor. : mean Ji:t the musical jack-pot m dueClub ferson avenue, will be hostess ot In the northeasterly side of Wil- from "al-akey-sa." an Eslci- Wiu :s Tommy Dorsey's fine re- Pood sale to be held In the lec-a meeting of the American home Whittler street. son avenue, 131.44 feet from \t>a:'s a*.'o I mean months auo. Indian word meaninj great cc No. 2194 K.pl.:".,: J '.*• Bv.-k S.ibtt Nur- TriiH qu::<- ,i ;ul of ptv.ple bought c jrding of • 'There Are Such ture room of Second Presbyterian department of the Rahway Wo- The Building and Loan Assocla- Whittier street and one. tract In try. Published Bv»ry .aanday—SeHverod by Carrier* Subscription U0O a Tear In Advaaoe Things.'" Here again we have RAHWAY, N. J.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1942 PER COPY FIVE CENTS .r<:: V.*•: Sui:j.:-:y O:'.\:tf- q-.::t<' ,i :o: of rL-»•.>:• ds but ewry Church by lhe Ladies' Sewing So- man's Club at 10:30 A. M^- ; .. M. *..* ii :.•.-.! Co:^::;<'\)V *>>"••• ».;;>•:-. ha:-, ;i:-.ar.jr..\;s ap- the unbeatable combination that ciety, from 2 to 5 P. M. Dessert bridge to be held at the '.he :.in'.,K;- ai'.ii P<'*i. '.«> '.:'.<' pLiblii1 c.t'.sr. : neoes- goes all out in making a popular Card party to be held at theQlrl Scout House. 1:30 P. M., for *. . .•. s.ij song great; a beautiful melody. '...L.:r..:; . >:'..i:'.'. Bo;.- a-, r.u:- --.i:':!y make th.i: .-MI.".*: a ^o on'.post- : >J'-r T.-.e >^r.n w'r.:,'.'. at present ton street, at 8 P. M . under the fund. t.-.e m;i.-:.;i: aaok- ' -s djir.g much toward br.ngiiig words tha: make you stop to auspices of the homemaJung com- The Welfare Association of Sec- Defense listen. mittee of the Women of the On Wednesday War Fund Drive '. ..e J.n-.siie Book. .u;st P-'P'-i-ar ir.u.-v b.u-K to :t.s former ond Presbyterian Church will meet Of Fuel Oil Th:s recordmg_Is very similar in Moose. with Mrs. William Pearson, of Shop Thursday Night 'til 9 Notes Warns Against melody and in words to the al- , :tvo:'d.» limit':' It po.-ses.s.'s ei e: \ t.-..r.g which a The Camp Kilmer Council Com- 1106 Pierpont street, at 3 P. M Auxiliary To Tour City Star, Of Theatre Will Be ,ir. V ready famous Dorjey recording of mittee will meet in the City Hall Wednesday, October 28 • mo-'. :d<-a: .'OKit.otts Few popular so:'..! n,'<-ds to mike it •"I'll Never Smile Again." Tins at 7;30 P. M. A total of 380 helmets have been Dealers Here For Collection Of On Program To Be '..':•. p;.-...:\-~ l-.a\ e h.id ~o ::•-(•:>, ^rea: and to make :t a h:t, A Public card party to be held iFake Salesmen new Dorsey recording;, "There Are Friday. October 16 by St. Ann's Society of St. Mark's received from the Federal Gov- express.-, e ar.c: so ilurni::^ ar. bea.;::fLi! nu'-:odv. delightful uord.s. S.Lch Things" has the same com- ernment and will be distributed to Staple Articles Held Monday !'.es!:-a. oa^ KC:o...-.d The1 :nu>v and •-:;••.-! as on'.\ B:r.^ Crosby can The music department of theChurch at the parish hall. BP. M. Registration Postpone.! mercial appeal, and should enjoy Rahway Woman's Club will meet Hospital donation day to be Zone Wardens Monday night. Many Schemers Abroad . :r.p.i:-.ij.( :„ ;;-.a; of Pete:- and .s.ni; :: This s,;:•.!; seems to be The annual Hospital Donation Final details were completed to the same .and possibly greater with Mrs Inland T. P-^l «f M,| rirrtn -of n« Zone Wardens will issue them Imtii Next Week By u -'.e Air Haid Wardens. Day. sponsored by the Ladies' day far ;he largest rally ever w be VThoPrev On Public 1 Rahway Memorial Hospital. Auxiliary of the Rahway Mem- Eastern Union Count> .I*JU .*..(.' ..J..JUU i..< \t-,\ o.ennue tha: Cro>by car . T!ie BroUierhood of Grand Thursday, October 29 Rationing Board U\,r Fff.^rt orial Hospital, will be held next rninr nf rhr Pnj'M VMr .'..I\H n :ir.:q,if and mike a s.»ny l.ki ::•.:.> ^,\: Tl'.f Street Chape! will m«i in theThe executive board of the All Zone Wardens and As- di chape! at 8 p. M. Funtj rtf Eastern Union campaign .. Gould Named President Rahway WpmaTLS Club wilt meet In th Iselin. Avenel. Sewaren. PHOS* M •*::. :h..:."ni:l'.:v ,>:;- and was suns by B::;-,: Crjsby 1:1 The Mr anrr-M> \ ice-president, Mr. Qs- a barn dance In the Elks' club- Aids Hospital A special opening of the Rah s u m e r goods may invite a 1 Juiu*« Service League at 1346house, Tyler Clark has been directed Kearney, chairman of the These donations ore to be way, Clark and Winfield phase of • bnyrrp- -typssnref "' Eugene "Be:', in - Main street. horde of schemers and fak- -c: sei-retary. Welford Poindex- Monday, November 2 by t:u' State Defense Council to Rahway Ration Board. Mr.placed on the front porch of the the war emergency campaign (•:• The next meeting of the or Rummage sale to be held at The Junior Service League will form at once a Community War Kearney emphasi2ed the fact that donor and will be picked up by a be h eld Wednesday eyneing ar- rhf* j O"^1" -T^A' rjimAn—KJ^U Into the Clear, j.iii:.:.i::.)n will be held October 27 1527 Irvirjj street under the aus-meet at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Services Committee as a division commlttff* whr>—win—canvas—t&e way Y M. C. A with Kinsey ' Hcan candidate far member and offering glamorous WANTlS'f pices of the Community Mothers' -rf-rte-Befeaae Council. Thts com" the postponem'enli woulcf not af- P. van Bever. 985 Pierpont street various municipalities. The con- •Ur- .i: :.;.• home of Harry E Robert. C!ub. fect the registration and rliyri- ehairmar prnpo.-sa ,s To? collecting dollars 8;t5 P-. M. --;•• j?e will have charge of all nan- tribukiona—a-pe—used—to—a mf merit ond Ward, who received a cer- from the unwary and uninformed phone i H^i MA-.U street 5 the key speaker tificate from the Federal D«*- Saturday, October 17 The Ladies' Sewing Soi-ipfv nf services concerned with bution procedures in any wary'ex- the larder of the Rahway Mem- Hugh Herbert—the Hollywood ^_publK'_who are .eye.r. wi'Mr.g ;r> ^iH /V an defense. The committee cept for the shifting forward of narlmenl nf I .a hnr_ \V,<«nlnjao«- —i tXla-IKKAL OtTPlT orial Hospital. <: with the " Woo-Wuu-ou" D. C, upon completion of a the aK-out war effort " Chief served at Grand Street Chapel by be divided into sub^commit- the entire schedule by one week. Output of electricity by Pubi:c meet in the church lecture room Committee manner — will be the main attrac- course in safety engineering at Dtnph.v ui'g.d tlie r?sxienls of the fsmilj 1 the Men's Brotherhood, 5:30 toat) 2:30 P. M. s to handle salvage, child care. "Rationing of fuel oil," said Mr. Members of the committee in tion to tli^ first guthenng open to Rutffers Cniversfly. He also was city to report any of the follow- St :'. u-e Electric ar.d Gas Company 8 P. \I. Kearney, "is still in effect as of 1 price ; for th;1 ueek ended October 8 was Wednesday. November 4 I. icare of children «.-hn-gA pothers charge are Mrs. Bernard Engel- the general public, as well as the given a certificate from Rut- ins unweicomed visitors promptly Main- Ummage sale l be he m war plants.), health, gen- October 1 and consumers who : 83.">0ti 10-' k::.nvaL: hours com- Trf ° 'd at The Women's Auxiliary of Rah- man, storeroom: Mrs. John Van C;UTinq-j g*i iinr^pft ! tu Pulley Headquarters. 234&i£ way Memorial. Hospital will meet welfare, consumei^-kiterests. purchase fuel oil must do so with Hri flrcD word; Mrs. Wtl- tails of his act were not divulged Report These pared w::h SO.936.826 kilowatt World Friendly League. :'.o;irs :n the corresponding weeka in the hospital penthouse at a 1 numuuu,—education, recreation. understanding that they will lard Freeman, second ward: Mrs. to Mr. Merritt but officials of Salesmen selling metal tags as -Monday, OIUJUU 19 V. M. [ housing and evacuation. turn over to their dealers suffi- Sherwold Valentine, 'third -ward: United Theatrical War Activities, I necklaces or bracelets, claiming 2,568.276 Tlie Mothers' Bible Class of cient rationing coupons to cover Mrs. Elton W. Cance. fourth Selectees Called or 3.17 per oem. Saturday, November 7 who arranged his appearance, that the law requires all citizens F coi -r* First Presbyterian Church will The Ladies' Auxiliary of Mul- Every Tuesday and Thurs- all such purchases." ward: and Mrs. Dion K. Dean. promised that the routine would to wear such-identlflcatlon. meet in the community house at vey-Ditmars Post. V. P. W.. will day for the next seven weeks Consumer Registration fifth ward. be above Ills usual standards. Imposter air raid wardens sell- 8 P, M. For Examinations hold a dinner and theatre party the Fire Department will con- According to advices received Out-of-City Others on Program ing fire extinguishers on repre- The Parent-Teacher Associa- in Elizabeth. duct a series of Instructive by the local Ration Board the In the outlying districts the fol- sentation til At the government re- In addition to Herbert's comedy Two volunteers will be among THE President of the I'nited Slates gave tion of Rahway High School will Thursday, November 19 talks on fire dentine in the dealer registration will be fol-lowing ladies will be in chadge: stint, the program will offer Miss quirts all householders to have at " sound advice when he said, "Cet out of WE NEED meet in the school building at 3 Chow meln supper to be served various zone areas for Air lowed by the registration of con- Ms. Edward K. Cone. Colonia. Markan. the on!y native of Ice-the group of Selectees to leave least one extinguisher. Raid Wardens. The series sumers. Consumers are to receive di-bt." By doing so you will help combat in- b rd wUI at the community house of First Iselin. and Avenel; Mrs. Nathan land to win fame in tiie Metropoli- Rahway for induction at Newark Fakers offering to test and re- meef«?£ M™^ °* Presbyterian Church under the started Tuesday night at application forms from their deal- Shapiro, Clark: Mrs. Thomas fill fire extinguishers at a low flation ami also put yourself in a belter po- SCRAP tan Opera, in a classical recital. October 31. according to the lo- The 20-30 Club of Second Pres- auspices of the Mothers' Club of Washington School with Air ers together with certified state- Thome, Sewaren and Port Read- and Miss Pabray. scintillating: cal Selective Service Board. The price. byterian Church will hold a sup- Raid Wardens from Zone M ments of the quantity of fuel oil sition, financially, to meet the problems uf Boy Scout Troop 47 and Sea Scout ing; Mrs. L. A. Wilson. Linden; Albert W. Haukes, Republican candidate for the United Star Of the Daunt K-flVe miKicall '.-n'.ir• i icnrc urn -P If beine present. Tonicht the Air consumed during the twelve 1 L today ami tomorrow. RECORDS!! per meeting at ihe church 6'30 Ship as?: Mrs. Ralnh who w*U Itthonoud ut J. rally m L til oil fotihty Let's Face It,' in a series of Cole L727 0 Floral avenue and Edward clally tesud" for its effectiveness 1 ir. M. RepubUcans to be held Monday night at the Elizabeth -Carteret vt ZltUB H will be" ~Snaea" May 31, 1942. Mrs. Stanley Potter, Wodobridge. Porter songs and dances. Schweitzer, The continsfent will < in extinguishing! ncendiary JXhe Board r,f r^ ^ riven instruction at-' Colum- The bulletin of instructions re- Hotel, Elizabeth. Arne N. Hook, local city chairman, will head a When yon get into tlic f v delegation of- B»huwi,y B.ppiihHr- nc attendlRE" the mlly. •—••••••- -anti—era—to—the- "Nen y p Bapust Church will^nTeTVYnT [. Juan ScJtaeL— Neart Tuesday ceiv-ed by" the- local- board_atatea ff the story of the United Nations' Armory where they will be given 'Physical Exams' should be to buiU a cash reserve for enier- BROKEN or —HffiBl tlie jOFTPardensof Zone tfiarconsumers may fill out forms needs and will key the United tiieir physical examinations and Fake doctpxs. sometimes in ser- C will be instructed at the as soon as they receive them and v gencies, by opening an account al this hank- -•.:_-.. t^ War Fund into the more ihan 300 ! those who pass will be inducted "-'e uniforms, who offer selective Tuesday. October 20 Hieh School. Chief Walter mail them, with the dealer's cer- similar ' appeals being made ; in the U. S. Army. ; service registrants advance physi- 13peiis New Season H. Rjtzman assisted by Cap- G. O. P. Freeholders Pledge To The literature department of tified statement of consumption, Open HereMonday throufihout the nation, with Miss The Selectees who are inducted I cal examinations for a prepaid fee tains Post and Dunphy will . 0 I the Rahway Woman's Club will to the local Rationing Board in the Ya Ching. China's first aviatrix will be given a two weeks leave | $-• The Fellowship club, sponsored five the talks. Moving pic- Rahway Trust Company building We Pay Cash meet at the residence of Mrs by the Y. M. c. A. opened their ture films will be shown. Superintendent of Schools Carry On 'Pay As YouGo'PoJiGy telling the gallant story of China's and then proceed to Fort Dix for j Fake plumbers who "prepare on Irving street. Each consumer resistance to the Jap invaders. i training. All who fail to pass the | furnaces for air raids" supplying 016 666 fall season with a- dinner meeting • « » will then be notified by the local Arthur L. Perry has announced For Them! •held at the Y last Thursday eve- Three members of the Board of board's 'pay as you go' policy and The entire program, which will i physical exams will be returned parts at a profit. -^VV ' "•*>»' William j. Kerns, gas instruc- board when to come for the ration that applications for adult war pledge our continued adherence e hurCh WOTker ninf with Delmer Everett presid- coupons. * Chosen' Freeholders, renominated open the flrsi unified war emerg- to their daily routine. Salesman selling or bootlegging BRING 'EM IN P Tr ^ s of st toiUecfcured the Fire Department tralnlna courses will be received to ency appeal, will be presented free Those who have been called to re treaded tires which are abso- at th lBPlseopal ctu"-ch will meet ing and Chalmers Reed as secre- by the Republican party for three The Rahway National Bank 3 M a nt tary. The topic for general dis- Auxiliary, Callinen and Result* until Monday tub the High School. CareCul Planning at the Elizabeth Elks Hall, with take the exams are: lutely worthless. Hi °M* ** ^ ™ °"'ree" cussion, led by Robert A. Coan. Firemen Monday evening at Fire Classes will meet Monday and year terms, pledged themselves! ..We r^rTwitirpTidTand sat- additional fearjxres being planned. | Harry Armstrong. 1082 Fulton j Insurance salesmen who faisely was "The Meaning of Democ- Department Headquarters in Wednesday evenings a.t 7:30 in the through the county campaign | isfactlon the constant debt re- "" • street. ] claim their insurance policies will Wednesday, October 21 Seminary avenue. duction and decluiing tax rate of I rover H mnn jp mi'^ary fiprviro. > Member Federal Reserve System racy." A new plan of handling Merck Official In Hi«h School -building beginning committee today to cling to the • Samuel C. Armstrong IPS? RAHWAY 'pay as you go" policy. Debt re- our county. v^hierv—Jt*a—be«r 1 Oil Stock The art department of the Rah the subject was successfully tried Monday. ton street: way Woman's Club will sponsor a when Mr. Coan called on several . Civilian Defense Rules and duction and a declining tax rate brought about by careful planning 73 Maple J Fakers selling oil shares claim- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Radio Broadcast Provided' ttiere is sufficient reg- and with the cooperation of the Charles Banghart. MU3IC SHOP trip to New York, with Mrs of the members to tell what Reeulations. are the principal elements in a ing mat the shortage of oil and democracy meant to them. Those istration, four courses will be their program. heads of departments. We feel At Hawks Rally !XnH Barefoid. 221 William gasoline would increase prices and 1526 MAIN ST. Harold Daly as chairman EMERGENCY TRAFFIC The participation of Merck & open for study. A course in avia- that we have been successful in Orange. make their oil fields positively 1 erature and who re sponded were Thomas Spending is Saving Candidates * street. East parta "' music de- Southwick. Wilford Baldwin. Ed- Section V—Issuance, of Ve- Co., Inc. in the war activity was tion mathematics is included in These candidates are Charles this, particularly in Lhe reduc- Only the exigenclp£_j?f war will Samuel E. Baskervilltv 290 Hay- priceless. Rahway, N. J. Club will meet at ^he^h^mlToTMss hicle Emergency Cards, (con- emphasized on the "This Nation the curiculum. Examples bearing tion of bonded indebtedness and pr-event U. S, Senator W.' Warren j dock street. Fakers soliciting investments ward Shremp. Thomas Horton tinued). Bauer. Jr.. Elizabeth; Jamas and Adam Rankine. at War" program of the Blue Net- on practical aeronautical prob- H. Ackerman. Plainfleld, and Leethe consequent saving in debt ser- Barbour and Representative Don- ' Albert. A. Benjamin. 1167 Main for growing domestic rubber or Mane Schneider, 1305 Maple uTr lems will be stressed. When You Invest in These All-Wool ( work, Tuesday night. R. P. vice. making substitutes for rubber. Couple Honored 8) Representatives o f S. Rigby. Plainfleld, each of whom aid H. McLean from appearing street. Annual ingatherine to be held Lukens, General Superintendent Red Cross Courses has had several years' experience Expect Further Benefits Fakers taking orders for 'offi- A special feature of the evening humane societies, who are with AlbertW. Hawkes. the sena- Leo Blitzer. 1735 Essex street. r J:&t BaPI ist Church b of Manufacturing for Merck •& Other courses, which the Redin county administration. Each "It will be our aim to continue cial service flags.' Such claims RalfJ K ' * 'hewas the presentation of gifts and trained and Qualified to han- torial nominee, at next Monday's John A. Bona. 252 Linden ave- Rahway branch of the Needlework Co., Inc., of Westfield, and Mrs.Cross has Tecommended to all is chairman of an important free- along these lines and the taxpay- rally. George D. Rankin, Repub- nue. are false as tlie Army and Navy GRIFFITH PIANO CO.' Guild of America. felicitations by the club members - dl<- wounded animals. Theodore M. .Edison, of Llewellyn home makers, are to nutrition, holder committee. ers may reasonably expect fur- Departments advise that neither to Mr. and Mrs. George Algeo. TOPCOATS and OVERCOATS . i-»J Undertakers. lican county chairman, was as-, Westi W. Bond, 786 Leesville The Ladles' Auxiliary of Gill- Park, a Technician of tihe Merck canteen and clothing. The nutri- In a Joint pledge to the voters, ther substantial benefits. We real- sured today from Washington. avenue. has adopted an official service 605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK who were recently married. Mrs -Institute,- • participated in Ifie"' tion class will Include'food essen- more Camp, United Spanish War HOI Supervisors and they said: ize that following the First World Barbour and McLean inted to J Robert R. Brandt, 172 Linden flaK; Algeo is the former Anita maintenance employees of " 'Broadcast, which was made from tials for health, making food dol- War difficult times were-'encoun- 2'WW FRONT ST PLVINFIELI) ; Veterans, will hold a tea- and so-D'Ambrosa. daughter of John "We re-afflrm our faith in the speak at each, of the meeting^ avenue. Chain Schemes cial at the home of Mrs Robert telegraph, cable and radio the Rahway plant of Merck. & lars count for health, suggestions tered. necessitating curtailment of Elizabeth, Plainfleld. and Summit. Earl E. Those, who contrary to the OPIN F\r\l\OS D'Ambrosa. a, past president of Co., Inc. for economy in food buying and Brigham, 1339 Fulton : Tucker, 2153 St, George avenue 32.50 communication companies. county activities, but we feel that Chairmen street. wishes of the United States Gov- the organization. Mr. Algeo is a samples of low cast diets. the county financial situation, Thursday, October 22 member of the club. 'Ill Officials and employ- The important part played by In arranging for the Elizabeth Thomas N. Buchan. 1971 Luf- ! ernment. use defense stamps and nn t be serv chemical manufacturers In, pro- The class la canteen work will Elks Initiate greatly improved by reason of re- berry street. bonds in endless chain schemes ' ,°l ,'!!:. i. «i at Trinity Guests Present ' ees of local health, depart- rally at the Elizabeth Carteret We can't foretell the future . . . nor do we wish to alarm ments responsible for sanlta- viding necessary medicinal and cover management of a canteen, duced debt and excellent condi- Hotel. Edward A. Roesel, munici- Peter J, Catov. 174 West Emer- or business promotion for private Guests present werg^^gergt. tion of food and water sup- nutritional products' foT the emergency, large quantity food tion of ttie physical properties. gain'. Richard Henderson, or Camp' Ed- Seven Members pal chairman, is aided by Kasriel son avenue, you with scare-y predictions. But the facts are plain. Be- J)lies. • armed forces was emphasized In preparation and sanitary regula- should, in spite of increased bur- Levitsky, and the chairman of the Those, who for selfish and un- wards, who told or some of riis» the broadcast, with particular ref- tions. This class will begin Oc- -Coatiaued-on-Page-Four official purposes ask numerous experiences: Rev. John H. Hauser 112) Laboratory staff. it cause of shortages and priorities pure wobl garments may" lciansr^jldaccessary •er-enoc to Merck—fc_C.^jglb iwltlorr -'Before a; large >lage of conditions, allow us to view the personal questions under the guise new rector of_Sl. Paul-'s-iEpiscopai Aeclli members seven new candidates John Krug. Hillside: Albert E. buildinsr and maintenance J3HE~~D"'Xnibrosa,"§r., Shenvood- —• Mr. Thompson is a -candidate" tlie Y. M. C. A., will hold'their SILVERSTRYPE SUITS inentiflntna^ ve- his Sriends and relatives he is inness establishments- in,. Rahwoy make plans for? the annual New Valentine, Arne N. Hook, Walton for the ministry under the care of (Section 4 (a). have been removed wfthln t.hn lnnt.•Xeat^-ove- danee-u* be given—by- -BT -Setover~amTATrre'd"" C7"BfooKiT the FfesT5yfery'~o?nBaHlmoYe"", and "and'Thal 'cfiflci's schooool will gegett 636:300 titonighht ii n thh ey Y. The topic 1 weelf? One advertised a show of tbe EUcs. The Lodge will hold a , Mr. Armstrong spoke on his. ob- a student in the Theological Semi- credit for the amount. Another post card with, the for the discussion t-o be led by With hand-tailored last March and the other an out-Barn Dance October 31 with the ligation to the City and promised nary at Princeton. He holds the Mr. Nicholas also stated that Robert A. Coan will be "How Are JLe.1 JLLs--Xs t4^m a t e -o-n Y~b U r same message came to Mrs. White tihe Empire Theatre, which will features at from Provost Marshall, Washing- ing held ln July. 'Barnyard Boys' furnishing the an honest and efficient govern- degree of Bachelor of Arts from We Educating Our Youths?" 37.50 just between But those flaring posters adver- music. Exalted Ruler William J.' ment. Dr. Senna urged the mem- Maryville College. Tennessee, and also be used for the s<"rap ton, D. C. The prisoner broad- matinee in case the Rahway is Painting & Paperhanging cast was heard October 10. tising a circus which appearedjn Dalton presided with John J. bership of the club to support the before coming to New Jersey held Rahway last May have never Hoffman as secretary and A. F.entire Republican ticket at thestudent pastorates in Maryland overcrowded, have donated the old Record Want Ads Do Nothing has been found to equal the wearing qualities of a you and me removed. Quinlin as treasurer-. polls on November 3. and Tennessee. safe to the project. Thus safe has been in the theatre for many Not Perform pure wool fabric. So the man who buys these fine fall suits by ding United War Fund Drive years and will be used to make Miraetes can expect satisfaction beyond his fondest hopes. Single and essential war materials. Mr.- But thousands of persons All work is fully guaranteed The Democratic City Chair- Will Be Opportunity Rahway Girl Scouts Use Many Methods; To Earn Money With Nicholas said, "the Japs won't be who use them during trfe course BYUSTEIIWAY and promptly done. Prices double-breasted. All sizes from 34 to 48. Men's Shop, Third man speaking at a rally of To Help Cause so safe" when Lhey get the safe. "Oia ytar win leli you triey are -the Second Ward Democratic Th_e matinee will start promptly great result getters. They are Floor. m pa i gn at 10 A. M. equally efTectiye in getting re- most reasonable: Giving you Club, tost week, stated that Residents of Hallway this WbihTfaftriWS i sults for business concerns and The. House. 0/ Steinway has- sharply alHaHed ffie monufaciure of pianos for lha the "Democratic Administra- year have the opportunity to individuals. At the cost of the an estimate in no way in- tion for the past eight years meet all their obligations to At the half-way point ln the lo- buy her stamp with tihe admission helped out the war effort by col- uniting with Girl Scouts all over MR. COOK NAMED - - mailing alone, of thirty post duration. Wings lor Army glider* now share with noted koyboards Ihe magic touch of capable had "demonstrated by deed the war emergency funds by a cal campaign, about fifty per cent fee. lecting scrap and selling It andthe country in a definite effort O. Edwin Cook was named cards, you can run a three line volves any obligation. Just of Bahway's Girl Scouts have hands and confident hearts, os Steinway craftsmen grimly lend their genius to the production of. BUDGET TERMS: 1/3 DOWN AND 3 EQUAL PAYMENTS and not by promises Its abil- sinsrle contribution to the Anna DiSaJvo. also among the then bought two stamps for thetoward a better world. chairman of Che new War Ser-Record want ad which will ity to serve the people of Rail- United War Fund of Eastern purchased wir stamps or have first to purchase stamps, gave Up Victory Fund with the money. National Fund vices Committee ait a meeting of reach thousands of readers ln call, write or phone. 1 Rahway and vicinity. These these war-lime necessities. Until Victory is ours, then, Steinway carries on in this new avenue of way; • at least, so it was re- Union County Campaign, Oc- earned money for them for dona- Saturday morning free-time to Do Household Chores Under the plan of the drive, the Railway Defense Council held Ported in a daily paper. If tion to the Victory Fund drive, in- in. the City Hall last night. Tyler 'ads get results because almost efforl. Inspired by generations of musical accomplishment and content in the solace echoed by tober 26 to November 12. No help clean house and earn the Members of Troop 4 are plan- each Girl Scout member in the everybody in Rahway and lhe report is correct, then , other war emergency cam- augurated for the double purpose money for her own personal con- ning a. benefit party, the proceeds country—-girls and adults alike Clark presided witih Mrs. Edna vicinity reads them, • thousands o! Steinway Pianos which jre and have been in use lor 30, 40, even 50 years. C. For Perhaps, it Is fair and Just to of helping to alleviate war-born tribution to the Victory Fund, will be asked to buy at least one Lehrer as secretary. FROM RAHWAY PHONE WXB252 (No Toll Charge) pairas have been held in this from which will b& used to buy 'alie a peek at a deed OT two area durintr the past year Aind distress among children of theeven though she receives money stamps for the troop contribution. stamp In addition to her regular Publication Thursday o choice of style and wood, come in and choose your Sleinway now. As an investment in Hie- cooked nj» by the present ad- - none will be authorized durintr -world and to make a timely loan from home each week to buyOther Girl Scouts are helping purchases and to contribute her RUMMAGE SALE Afternoons R. J. Goerke Co. •ninistratlon of, by and for the the twelve months ahead. to Che .Government. stamps and could easily have don- with household chores, tending extra stamp to the-national fund. 1 Members of the Church Work- long enjoyment and sustained material value, Steinway is without parallel. Available on con- Deadline 5:00 P. Democratic Party* It is not, Buys First Stamp ated one of them to the fund. babies and doing the many things The public will not be asked to ers, group of St. Paul's Episcopal venient terms. Used pianos accepted in partial exchange. Broad & W. Jersey Sts. Elizabeth necessary to review the past 2 CENTS A WOBD Phone WX5252 e'irht years ... for the year Ann Pegau was the first Girl ScIl'Tlower Pots T active, willing girls, can do to aidmake contributions. The drive Church will hold a rummage sale NOtflCE Scout ln R&hway to buy a stamp Joan Hoffman and Ann Louise family, friends nnri npighhnrs nnri t the Parish-House, Kim avenue Cutsli In Advanc*. 11 m a. at haria wlil furnish na with on Friday and Saturday. The Local Minimum Charce BROAD & WEST JERSEY STS. . . . ELIZABETH -Starting—Monday,—Ootr -BGth- .... Victory i»Und.—Ann ls a DUKle are selling flower pots" from at the same time earn the money local results will be- announced -STEINWAY • THE INSTRUMENT OF THE IMMORTALS- Eddle's Service Station will open football ten,bu t she missed seems door-to-door and will use thefor stamps" for the Victory Fund"; then. The national total will be sale will be held from 1 to 5 P. M. Any poo AS SO Osals ^Continued on Editorial Paso 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. dally. Sundays the opening- came of the Rahway profits Tor their Joint contribu- which provides a medium through announced December 7, the annl Priday and from 9 A. M: to 1 P. Lower rato for 2 or more times 8 A. M. to 1 If. M, High School football season, -to tion to the fund. Barbara Farmer which Rahway Girl. Scouts are versary of Pearl Harbor. . M. Saturday.

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Publicity Chairmen BeeaJ Menu ^ Will Find The Record Almya Wei™*..* Glad To Aid Them Current If ems Of Interest In Rahway Club And Social Circles IeL Bah. i-oeoi •vents of Rahway, Churches, Their Organizations and Sunday Services Txrst Church Women Red Cross Notes Women Of Moose Daiizri«-n.Leepani J St. Paul's Group Hears Talk Miss Giess Weds CroverCleveland P-. T.A. Makes Services in the-Churches Ah executive committee meet- Have Guest Speaker £*T~ SUNDAY, Deaths ing of the local Red Cross chap- "Plilll (ie!e[)?atlOn Rahway Woman Married Heinz Emil Mever Donation To Camp Kilmer Fund 1 ter will be neld at headquarters To Philadelphian Lt.YoungMarry _Th e _Women' —s Paris h. Wor. k. As - ! iZLi I SCHOOL in City Hall at 7:30 P. M. onOn Parish Work By Pastor h Protestant Services a J ul r s< A i.•>::;' c-.t ora; ..>:; . . Moo.se- Donations to Camp Kilmer and | the card party to be he!o street and New Brunswick ave- ^• "- " • " - «-"==>«.»"»»"'' Mrs. Edith D. Asfflan Tuesday. Mrs Olive M. Leepard. daugh- Ceremony Performed At Ceremony Performed •U tin !gSi BAPTIST, *H|n and Ester- Funeral services for Mrs. Edith Mrs. J. L. Markey, Mrs. Wil- The Church Workers of St. retary's report was presented by ':\e*\ i Dav M Ji.d-iy A be held the Wa$_BoncVaS3 Stamp Booth school on Novembsr 6 hrook aveaues—The Rev. Edwin nue. The R«v. Oilbert F. Von Church^^ 13^! A-otou,..^. . », Mrs. A. J.'Schelke and the treas- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bever, pastor. -:-LESSONS D. Asman, aged 78. of 760 Harrf-'! liam Dura and Miss M. T. Brls- Paul's Episcopal Church met i St. Mark's Church W!fe announced at th« Wednesday Mrs. William E. ;;\ :!•.-• v>\\:r.?:: •<•: :ht- M *;> Rah Los Angeles. Cal. t ooldsworthy, pastor. Tuesday afternoon at the home of urer's by Miss Lydla. Condron. Sv r:mjs!:av\. jf 157 Monroe street, afternoon meeting of the Grover speaker, gave a shor. \a £""~ Bunday services: Sunday heard a talk by William T. i son street were held Tuesday al- | tor were delegates to the Red was married at 11 A. M. Saturday On Saturday Sunday services: 10:15 o'clock, Thomas ternoon at the Lehrer Funeral; Cross Conference held at Trenton Mrs. Thomas P. Booth. 383 Syca- 1 Mrs, Robert Andrews, president On October 10 P.-T. A. Mrs. Julius Surgical Dressings. MHS G-a« School, 9:45 A. M.; morning ' of India, a student at LJCX u: M;:^; Th - ..eleorauun morning worship and school ses- Prlnceton more street with Mrs. George On- J of the group, appointed a visiting t ;o Jobn William Danzeisen, of Gubas was nanied chairman for Smith. prlncipar~bf the scriooL worship. 11 A. M.; Grand Street Theological Seminary. Home with Rev. Russell E. Potter, Monday. Among the speakers Philadelphia, The wedding took sions • evening service and ser- He was Lesson for October 25 rector of the Episcopal Church were James T. Nicholson who asderdonk as assisting hostess. Rev. I committee consisting of Mrs. Carl 1 Miss Glzella Dolores Giess, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Engel- reported on the progress u,, Chapel, Sunday School 3PM- introduced by Mrs. Alfred ,.;• M,,'*.VL-::IM: "in \\'o:\.: - :v.j>. place in the manse of Secon-d mon. IP. M. C B is of the Holy Comforter, conducting Red Cross representative, accom- John H. Hauser. pastor of theGraves and Mrs. H. T. McClin- daughter o--f Mr, and Mrs Rudd man, 701 S;. Osorge avenue, have school children have mad. :r the Christian Endeavor meeting 7 ^°' - Program chairman. Lesson subjects and Scripture texts K«- TP SAPTIST, E s a t lected and copyrlffhted by International the services. In.ter.ment was in panied Averell Harrtman on theChurch, was a guest and spoke on tock. Alternates named were announced the marriage of their Children's Service scrap collection drive. ' P- . M.; Grand Street Chape' l Tl:e morning session was de-Council at R«uglous Kducatlan; used by : i".o:; .: .- t... 0:1 :h»iuy *.:f Senator 1 avenue — The Rev. vat;d to work for the Red Cross. permission. the Rahway Cemetery. mission to Moscow to arrange for the work of the Parish. The sec- Mrs. George Onderdonic. and Mrs. 1 lhe b d r daughter, Miss Margaret FSpence Reports were given by Mis R 7 P. EOUSt C .T.irr.t - J D.f..- .*:' P. :'.::<> !\ '.uLi and was followed by a wedding jsmes B. Mflckie, pastor. and^Irs Oscar B. Garthwaite re- Mrs. Asman died Saturday as the sending of American supplies: A. J.^Schelke. Mrs. Booth, chair- j\ f ° Roarke, secretary and Mrs j man, "of the "pence-eans' eommrt— type an O:: (.)••;: J p i. .- \\\\T. i! i c Meyer, son of Mr, and ]i);30 A. M-. Sunday school; 11 STEPS TOWARD SOLUTION OP oreakfast served at the Madora Group Discusses Plans For Boyle, treasurer. Mrs. N:.^ i Street Chapel. 8 P. M. Thurs- t>or:ed that the ninth quilt had ! the.result-oX-buias-Feeeiv«d-when f and Alfred S. Campbell, who was Errors Mo H » en Patton restaurant:. Elizabeth. A nch L. Meyer. 108 West Lincoln o as A. ti., mid-day service: 6:30 P. been completed. A box luncheon THE .ALCOHOL JPRQSUEM. - jaj^jtot.tvtp^-tv»<-^m«»- funhjtl u,hll^ ; nHhrgtr_grtnT~f?n"Thp Astoria, one Cheerful Workers Make tee. requested that alt of the cans 1 Partenope was named ;:-.v aew day, 3 P. M. Weekday Bll first Ins •; \ .if';": •l-..\: : i -.: . ,i:' met ; avenue, at a nuptial mass on Sat- Fall Projects Bible class. Plans For Public Social be turned in by November 17. reception TJT about 25 immediate publicity chairman. 8chool. was rielil. and coffee was servaH ^ working in the kitchen of her * of the three American naval ves~ not be J*V at the urday in the St. Mark's Roman BAPTiar. Bast MUton by Mrs. Chalmers Reed's circle. LESSON TEXT—EcclesUsta 10:17: home. Mrs. Asman was a na- sels sunk in th2 first battle of the It was "announced tha.t the next „ relatives wa^ held later Amos 3:21-24: Romans 14:19<21; H one inccr-i Catholic Church. wi:h Rev. After piano selections bv n The Cheerful Workers' Society meeting would be held November Scrimshaw residence 5 E "Ians for tell projects were dis- R,.» ue—R»v. Norman R. Olphln, Episcopal Mrs, Arthur Muller and Mrs. Ed- C T*171^^*1 npt 0: IT: I Peter 4:1-8. tive of Rahway and had made Solomon Islands. Box t*\ cussed at the meeting of the Chil- Marie Walker and Berths J » Chif>l Ttnirirtmi ' I if rhn hnnm ,\l Mi i Fr ril-! U'li "ThTb5Tdel"i]iria5 ...given... m i-fib-f^" - Buiuier officiating, paator. ST. PAUL'S. irvtaB street and Elm'?ar Kelley arranged the decora- GOLDEN TEiCT^-L«t Judemcnt nin home here all of her life. She vynrlt pr.mni.-f... Sorority Flans Gifts marriage by her father, wore a -„ Maid of Honor dren 's Service . Cnmmlttae of refreshmente .were serve;-: Sunday services A. BT. Vr 11'~ church members say the word now. Bert C. Aszman, 746 Harrison Hanks, Mrs. C. Harding. Mrs. T v A W...;.- £ .i-:;.:.. :r. tf l.f » .1.- hs'.d as bos: man for h:s fathfr. pel were flower girls and Babby *- ond- curb~thi»~awiul—tbing-whieh-Js— •sixeet.- a fiangnLflr Mrs Tlwm&a,.-H AiXr£d^g.._Madsen.^r_esldSg with , overcometh. the same shall be Caldwell acted as ring bearer. Miss Florence^ Helothed- trr-wrirte-rartmenTT—rRevV" Fallowing a shjrt wedding trip Church school; 11 A. M.. morn- PARENTS OF SON— threatening to destroy us' Roman, of 749 Union street. There C. Schuier, Mrs. H. Tavlnr Mrs Pink Satin Gown «tttr- y~ and Mrs. Harry Gramm.j3:5) Mr and Mrs, Danzeisen will re- worth Leasrue meetlne at 7 PM. ing worship and sermon by the ' Mr. i\n^ Mrs Anrlrejy, „ 1.—Klcht-Mlndcd Ruler. (Eci-lej. .}. Thorn. Mrs. I. Tabler. Mrs. O. 1 The bride wore a flowri nf hin-Tif-pPhornU5 Roman, 74S TJnron sire«. Koenig. lowers. The maid of • Mrs. Bnilnv Kllhnra* YotUUT Chi Omega Sorority. the-u art with me; thy rod and thy and was at State Council convention. Dona.- day school; 11 A- M., mornlne -sxieet, tJ return honu today. our country. Are they doing it? There is one great granddaughter. , St. Paul's Unit honor wore rose satin and the staff they comfort me." tPsaUns time a teacher in the Sunday Engelman. to Lt. Bailey kllbbrne tlons were made to Camp Kilmer worship. ! Sunday services: Sunday school. We quote: "Washington is the wet- Carol Binhorn, of Leesville ave- Mrs. Peter Spier reports for her FAULTS .Mothers' Bible Class S-.'hc-1 or" Grand Street Ch-apei. gowns of the bridesmaids were. Young, U. S. A., son of Mr. andand to the Women's War Savings A. JH. £, Central ave- 8:30 A. M.; caorninB worship. test spot in the nation. The nue. _ O fauitltj^ 'Mr Dar.zois^n :s a member of the different shades of blue satin. All 11 A. M. . Irving street, between Seminary not be so much annoyed by the The i^esson-Sermon also in- Mrs. John A. Young of Squanrum, Committee, plans were made for iie, between Irving and New : William Brinkman bed Jackets and 2 knitted helmets Hears Talk Oh Books the attendants wore veils and I laes€iay cvcnEm Burviees, H~ awuue 550 Wust Ul'atid avenue. DUtrict of Columbia is almost twice, defects of those with whom we cludes the following passage from Philadelphia flre department. SKETCHED IN THE MESCHANDISS MART, CHICAGO, ILL Mass. The <-prfmnnv w»« jum frhr Initiation of-candtdates- Funeral' services for William During the last three weeks St. coronets and carried white prayer The Rev. John Sivka. pastor. that of the wettest state in the associate.—Fenelon. the Christian Science textbook. SurgeoB-Cnlropodlst p. Collier, pastor. P. M. Brinkman, aged 54. of 1096 Ran- : Paul's Church unit under the CV.;.ii:-e:: .- B.~ok> was [he _ -books—with camellia, spray -TTTF -Women's year stylo notes for «JvT versions—they ;ri nn Sunday masses 7 and 10 A. M.: Union. In 1840, 4.26 gallons were Ten thousand of the greatest "Science and Health with Key to 1 geles. Cal. A social period was held at the Sunday services: A M dolph avenue were held Friday ! leadership of Mrs. Robert An- sub. .-: of" ar. :!lii.s:Mi;ea talk given full ftftd winter season. Pretty, fls everything and will be more and 1703 Irvine St. Tol. BA. 7-1803 Pentecostal Monday at 6 and 10 A. M consumed for every man, woman, faults in our neighbors are ofthe Scriptures" by Mary Baker 4 Miss Engelman was graduated conclusion of the business session, preaching by the pastor: 12:4- :3i from his late residence. Rev. j drews has completed. 13 bed i viihs Lr.-i^'f J;j!:nc, assTrmv:" ure-flatterittg slimnesa in th« newmore important . . , Well "within Railway, N. J. PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS ST. JOHN'S GEEEK CATHOUC and child. Nevada, the wettest of less consequence to us than one Eddy: "Life Is the origin and ul- silhouette. American designers de- from Railway High School and with Mrs. Alfred T. Crane, Mrs. p. M., Sunday school and Bible CBTUBCH. Elizabeth and Lin-! Arthur B. Renschler. pasior of the I jackets and one child's bathrobe !iaia:..i:i ol tJit- Westficld Public the me; *.:ng q.uets. The bride's mother and regulations" suits elegant. Many BrtTNGABIAN RUSSIAN OBTH- ; aI1 qur stateS| consumed 2.85 Eal- of the smallest in ourselves.— timate of man, never attainable 1 serve a real tribute for the good- attended Smith College. She is a Charles F. Post, Mrs. Carl Hlgbee, 7 P. M.. Young People's Zion Lutheran Church, conducted w'tii one sweater each turned in L.brury bel'oie tjie Mothers B:bie :he Westminster Society of ;hegrandmother wore gowns of pale types of short jacket suits with coin avenues — Rev. Karl W.' ODOX CHtTEOH — E. Grand ions per person. There at Washing- WhateL-. through death, but gained by i lookinjr, very wearable, feminine charming detail—self-stitching, new freelance writer and has been Mrs. George Hoffman and Mrs. worship and sermon by the pas- ' the services. Interment was in by Mrs. Theodore Becker and a oi" .:t First Presbytenan F:rsi Presbyterian Church at the blue satin. Both had corsages of Bunkley, pastor. avenue. The Rev"" ••--. John • ton where they need the clearest M walking in the pathway, of Truth clothes—as smart as any we've hod employed on (he staff of Fortune DeWitt C. Foulkes In charge. Mrs. tor: 7:45 P. M.. evening sendee i the Fairview Cemetery. Westfleid. ! 'ss Adele Mershon. Those pres- Well may we feel wounded by C.:iy \. Mur.cay evenin^She was h.;me of the Misses Jennie and orchids. these many seasons . . . Peg-top hip pocket treatments, yokes.' Skirts Sunday services: 9:45 A. M., Semanitzky. heads, the steadiest nerves, and the both before and after that which with gores, kick pleats, shallow box Magazine. William Waldhelm presided, and Forum: 8 P. M. evening service. Bearers were Isaac Meyers, Ave- I ent at the last meeting were: Mrs. our own faults; but we can hardly introdui'-d o\ Mrs O. C 'blotter- . Matilda Garth wait*. 316 Maple Wedding Breakfast lines with slim straight line skirts Sunday school: 11 A. M., morn-, Sunday services: 8 A. M. ondhighest morals, they are drinking afford to be miserable for theis called death." 1 p. 4871. 1 pleats, trouser press pleats . . . • Lt. Ycrung was graduated from Mrs. Ellsworth Falkenburg served nel. Earl Matthews. Newark, Alex 'John Opdyke, Mrs. A. J. Schelke, pr^ram I'i'.airmapjT A pre-avenue "On This Foundation' A wedding breakfast was served —not tight Soft front skirt fullness, lna: worship and sermon by the 10 A. M.. masses: 3 P. M.. ves- the most booze" (Dr. I, "M. Hargett). Mr faults of others. — Mary Baker Shirts so good they sell in "shirt Columbia University in 1936. Prior as secretary.- Lnther'an | Wales. Linden and Frederick | s. Thomas Stark. Mrs. H. ^iL'\y o:' the "mission .^.Endy

-•a— PAGE FOUR mmm THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1942 Charles E. Crowell. 1484 Law- Selec rvnce street Santiuna P. Flagter. 315 Cot- RAHWAY THE RAHWAY RECORD tage place. • — dens that need them. It Is time to Charles Ganm, Old Armor — New Fight even a UtUe deeper for some spe- . frally advisable to THURSDAY, OCTOBEH 22, 1942 street. 13ST Main plant lilies, too. '« you can sret *l PAGE PWE them. An important point to keep Clifford P. Oarvey, 1943 Bond Lilies nlals that are thresh Sunda Sch o1 J street. In mind in planting tiiem._is to and get them to shape r liglTSchdol"P-.T. A. Urged To "Y", with Mrs. Peter J. Spier as pg iem_is to I Lilies need to have their stems e Here's the Way Leathernecks Go Ashore Of y ° general cHafrman. She will be a Mervtai O Gates. 234 Adams ga.uge the depth. Of course, plant- | kept cool In order to permit root toe ttoouglJ wlate£ '« street. I formation In the lower part. They Assist In Civilian Defense sUted by -Mrs. Harry Conay In ing d^pth will vary with species, ui Hold RaIly Day Sunday charge of refreshments and Ti'jmajJ, Duff, 210 Alberma/le Arthur J. Graeme. 3 Pershing [but even this factor must Be will not . do well planted fairl; street avenue. Iselin. close to the top of the soil. If the "The part of Wsh school youth lecture at Franklin School No nrloua^Zm«it. a the awards: Mrs. Pred Q. Pfelffer adapted to the nature of the soil. r > 'Sunday School will take part in Mrs. Harry Dlnsen, tables; Mrs- Preder:;k W. Durham, 306 Ma- Gsorge Hall. 685 River street. soil Is fairly stiS, shallower plant- in the war progTam was the chief | vember 17. Miss Barbara Mingus OPA Rent Control Cheater Clark, Mrs. George Al ple aver.ue Michael Haydock. 1709 Mont- If the soil Is light, plant deep. If ing should be followed. In this 'topic of discussion at the meeting jre P<»'tsd on student activities R. H. Sutcllfte, Deputy Area I ">« Rally Day exercises on Sun- gomery street. it is fairly heavy, do not plant the Rent Director of the OPA was tho Ida y at the Holy Comforter Epis- geo. Mrs. Raymond P. Egger Prank Paiaiak. 515 Harrison case the bulbs do better tf of the Rahway Hi«b School Par- I Mr&B decorations; Mrs. Alvin June street Bruce W. Headley. 11S5 New IUKS SO deep. Lily bulbs need , mulched. sn afreraif company ailrTeacber Association, meeting !fo r staH assistants at the Ilderan guest speaker at the regulag r . copal Church under the direction , Brunswick avenue. p^aflty of air and 11 iney are desl«aln« plane enitoi Club weeklk y meeting of the Klwanls I °'' **e supirrir.tendent Rev. Russeb) Mrs. William Adcr, Mrs. Helen WoiMrow Faison. Rt. 2. Box 80 , A certain amount of pruning con Monday afternoon. Ralph N. j Tuesday at 10 A. M Miss E ; Raymond A. HUler. 195 West planted deep in a light soil, or J^Wmter In IceUnS J Club held yesterday noon in the - Potter and Mrs. Ruseell E. Pot^ | Headley. carda; Mrs. Sldn<- I Lincoln avenue. I be dons In the fall, but it is gen- • " of the globe Kocher, high school principal, ! °seph!ne Raub reported on Y. M. C. A. Mr. Sutcliffe told oJ t?r. Directress of Religious Edu- Schults, Mrs. Charles A. Schull told of the readjustment of the "^•ses in nutriiian and canteen the problems connected with the ca.tlon._ The departments taktas [ Joseph R. Horllng. 624 Jacltspn nigh school curriculum to train worl£- A rummage sale will be h h tallieslli . j avenu^e. heId at st Federal Rent Control law and Part are Pre-School, Primary, boys in avlatton pre-flight courses ' Paul's parish_house convinced his hearers that every-! Junior. Intermediate, Senior, and ' GeoYge rhnatola. 172 East aad home army activities. He also INov s'nber 13 and 14. The asso- Not one ooomieut Record «d Stearns street. ciatlon wt thina possible was belne done to •*« Teacher Training Class. The rerUser has oult bustoee* or faUed IJtifi oui'ined the need of the com- [ " have charge of local handle the differences between; Program will Include songs and In the past ten year? Samud R. Johr-son, 1492 Uw- munity for sSris la relief "and war bond sales November 7. Mrs landlord antf tnant in an amlc- recitations by the members of the ! rence street. fense work. Rolph T. Marsh;" program- chair- able manneT. , j various groups. j George Kampo. 148 Monroe v ! street. IL.TON MEAT Mr. Buckley Speaks man, announced a nigh!, meeting Program Chairman Milton Koos ! Reynolds C. Buckley, head of November 16. also Introduced the ' 1 ; Charles S. Kjrnsll. 2CT11 St. new announced that next week's PLAN VICTORY BRIDGE George avenue. the first aid oorpa. spoke on what k^nsrs. Miss Lucy Qard- I speaker would be Edward Werner,' Plans have been made by the FOR SALE the association can do for flrsc aid "" P'eseMed a poem. I United 8tates Marines po ashoro in style—towUifir Michael Kostzy. 1038 Main a 37 mm anti-tank enoo bebind them. The Leather- all the knocks m Marine most take In fighting former Vice-Minister to Poland. Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. Starf* gram* and efaolr* pint' stceet. and civilian defense. He stressed i R°-bert A. Coan, of the faculty J the Devil Dot type of wartate. Thi« "Jeep" took William J. Milter was elected a I A. for a victory bridge party.Jxj be RKET sd Ul£ necks have at last tuand a car that will take furt in i r*^^nt Trf*i*T*»rT'"k Janrtiny miimi«rvri. momtittr of the elub.—MmiUu.ii I UtfM October 2H, '•}—P. M. at the Waller W. Kuriskln. 930 Lees- E. MILTON AVE." -tiw jffspnnfiibiUt,y-ot-aii~oivatena-^ Blid —e - ' service I ville avenue. OPP. P. R. R..STA. PHONE in the protecttam of their homes « - Mrs: William A. Marsh ' Gibbons presided with Dr. Chester ! In beantlfd) Ghuelwood Cemr Robert L Larsen. 60 Clinton and community health. He pro- 'secretary, read the minuta£. Mrs. i Senior D. A. R. Members Mondayevening before the Junior work. At the next meeting which M. Davis as secreary. street. J^ 7-0848 posed the-establishment of a lo- O. E. McFadden presided. tery, West Laka Avenns. Oftiee h Hear History Of Rahway Group. D. A. E. at the home of will be held November 9 at the y (IS Rm j Ravan;! Miller. R.. F. D. No. 2, rg) infnrTYintHnn 1irf-flu Tvhich aame of-Mrsr Thumaa itrTOStSETU Rahway Nurses' Fire He. ?£*" Bjx_60. lieu unurch street, Robert A. LHnner will be served from 6:00 Registry-& Exchange Telephone: Sahwmy 7-2112. * R.Thirr T Vfitilif, -r.KlVirTlVK BABK- R Of Thtr 3^3 tho auflnicc* nf Hospitaljp nue. Newark. Senior D. A. R. presented a win be guest speaker. Church Workers of the Holy Com- Tl'.e budget was read by Mrs. cooperate with the Red Cross and NX'RSES MAXIABLE way 7-0138-W. William Morris. 1674 Oliver NEW VOEK—Boy Scoots, knirhts for a day. wear medieval comprehensive history of Rahway , to participate in other patriotic "orter Episcopal Church on Elec- Telepho?-*' street. Charles Dean for Mrs. K. O Record Ads Pay ;ion Night, November 3. Call Bahway 7-IT85 battle dress to a junk pile In local scrap crusade.. The suits, ANY Schaeffer, finance ' chairman! ' Take Over Posts P«p5l-Cola Is mads <,niv biPe^Uc^Co^anfT^^li^^^^'^ Thomas C, Mossman. 144 Maple replicas of 12th and 13th Century armor, n-ere donated Dy -a" ..and anticipated expenditures of-) t av\. 1>1 Will liifrruM' The Hazelwood avenue. George Coleman, inside guard; Joseph L. Rossi. 1244 Pulton form a valuable Gladiolus zine chairman, reported on sub- Liquor Ta\r> Six Dollar^ On \ (lasc. street. source of com- Gladiolus should bs dug by this ( Fancy Fowl scriptions. Mrs. Q. E. McFadden, John Nicholson, outside guard; Daniel J. Ryan, 986 Thorn, post material. tiine, unless they were planted j •club president, will serve as dele- Michael Link, trustee. Here is a truly remarkable bedro om group in Solid Golden Beryl 50 Ccul-On \ Oiiarl And 2"> (lent- ()n street. Since it is al- very Late. Eyejj though there may FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY gate to the State Convention Oc- Mr. Hennessy Honored LOST | Nicholas Searpltto, 141 Wes most *- impos- not have been a killing, frost, they FRESH CUT 100 PERCENT PURE HOME-MADE tober 28, 29 and 30. After the meeting a dinner in chain. Main street. Maple.— the finest, hardest maple known since Colonial days. You A Pin-l.-Tlinvfor. Our Prin;> Will Edward T. Schever. 448 Harri sible to buy ni-are ready for digging now and the Food Lecture honjr of William J. Hennessey, Maple! trogen except in job should be don£ before the end Sausage Meat A delegation will attend a food who resigned after serving 33 may choose from at least a hundred different pieces and make Street"? son street. IiKira^-c T!ii> Same Amount. Melvin L. . Scull. 1685 Irving an organic of the month. Loin Lamb years as financial secretary, was 7-2414'* street. form whicii is relatively expen- Dahlias, on the other hand, AND COUNTRY STYLE served. The Rt..Rev. Msgr. Kane innumerable -combinations, fer- every piece is matched and inter- -race should not be dug until the tops presented Mr. Hennessey with a Louis Sepesi. 2122 Bond street J Chops, changeable. Each piece is heavily and soundly constructed.' yet You Have IO Pays i>n WMfff?-Tf —l^'ifford—M. Gliueuuli.Br "*"* ^~- . The. _y_ „ „-keep- rtk an Elizabeth avenue. better if they are dug 10 days to ohn A. McCartney was toast- beautifully proportioned. The unusually smooth^ --^eep• lustre is Buy At The Old Prices Martin Svihra, 586 West Scott two weeks after frost has killed , NEW CROP LONG ISLAND master. Speeches were made by = -avenue. ..the. taaa.. This, practice seems to .1 Rev...- Thomas-B. Meaney, "Mr. achieved by "many "hand-saridingsahS " fuBBrngsT" S^emble youF~owri JBW L[_McMahon and Deputy Sprowls. All Standard Brands Including: William K. Swearer, 629 New ripen up the storage roots and ( are Brunswick avenue. buds mat are already formed at ] J-ohn Miklos directed entertain- suite, just as you need it to fit your room and.your budget.- You jvarra CARSTAIRS SCHENLEVS Harold S. Taylor. 213 Haydock the base of the stalk and they do Sauer Kraut ment. will find exactly what you want whether yo-tr-are furnishing a mas- luck:. SEAGRAM'S THREE FEATHEitS- street. not dry quite so badly as they do History , —fOS=HJr Joseph A. Tenneson, 2092 Whit- if dug too early. A bulletin giving the history of ter bedroom with canopy bed or a tiny guest room with bunks. servfc WILSON GOLDEN WEDDING ! tier street. This is the ideal time to plant | the Rahway Lodge from its found- do j LeRoy c. Thomas, 341 Lafayette roses, shrubs or fruit trees in ear- I ing in 1905 to the present date Tydol] CALVERT'S IMPERIAL wa^s .presented to the council. KOOS BROS. KEEPS PRICES LOW ton Russell Thomas. 1419 Church I^Alsxander Rltter was editor. As- IO percent Discount by the Case street. sociate editors were Henry Ball- Robert C. Truett. 19 Prospect weg, Andrew McHugh, Charles HIANTl' OTHER BRANDS OF FINE LIQUOR avenue. Avenel. Schaeferrand Eugene P. Kenna. Willis M. Vandermark 875 v '•' Pour charter members of the AT VERY LOU PRICES Maurice avenue. organization were among the par- William Van Dyke, U36 Kline ticipants, they were Francis Pox, Bed . .$26.50 S/H'citil I'ricea O« (/ins ~ ~ EdwUrd McMahon. Anthony Main- Night Stand $11.95 Prank E. Way, 350 East Milton zer. and Mr. Hennessy. There Chest Desk .. $39T95 G. & W. JOHN COLLINS avenue. were also eight past grand Ladder Back Chair . ..$14.95 BLACK PRINCE FLEISCHMANN'S Fred c. Zimmer. 484 Union At No Exttla Cost! knights, they were Michael P. En- ' s-trect. npHEKE'S no lntcMst or eu- nis, Mr. McMahon, Adam Schwin- Wall Rack .' . . $8.95 ALL KINDS OF RUM 1 fyinff efuLtgc when yon* boy j dinger, George Ancielflnger, Ru- 7onr classes at Goldblatt's and 1' dolph Sauer, Mr. Kinneally, Bu- FLAVORED BRANDIES, CORDIALS, WINES Miss Bailey Named a rcrlsfertd Optometrist assures gene P. KennaT and "Mr. McCart- Ton of properly prescribed eye- ney. To Library Position MEAT LOAF wear. Mr.'Klnaeally, "who is chairman There' is nothing- which restores Dr. Paul Malamut of the- Military Committee, pre- Here Are aJFew^ Weekly Specials Miss Laura C. Bailey, new a^- vitality to the men on the war Optometrist sented a wallet to Chief Boats- aLaul librarian, has taken over production front like a well" cook- - In Attendance Dally man's Mate Horace H. Ringrose, i the duties of^Miss Anna Johnson ed meal at the end of a hard day's Open Daily a A. M. to 6 P. M. of the U. 8. Naval Reserve. "BARCLAY'S GOLD LABEL as head of the Juvenile Depart- work. Add new taatiness to this Also Thurs.. Fri. & Sat. Eves. Cape Cod Chair $46.50 ment of the Public Library. Miss STRAIGHT BOURBON1 WHISKEY evening's meal by serving savory SAUERKRACT SUPPER In assortment of colors Johnson, who served at the lib- Meat Loaf The St.. Ann's Society, of St. Ottoman to match . ., .$14.95 8(i Proof — pt 1.05 ' «* *"* rary for the past six years, is now Mark's Church, will hold their affiliated, jvlth_._an. Easl Orange % cup margarine Credit.Jewelers & Optician* |TT35ra"ry. 2"^pounds finely ground steak anrfual sauerkraut supper at the 1 egff ,81 EAST CHEERY ST. Church December- 2. Mrs. George I Miss Bailey, a graduate of the M cup finely chopped onion RAH. 1-1607 Curtis and Mrs. Thomas Moulton BARCLAY'S RED LABEL j University of Pittsburgh and Car- IMJ -teaspoons salt aro co-chairmen. A Blend j negie Library School, was for- ^4 teaspoon pepper ] merly associated with libraries in pi 1.15 — t 2.21) 1W cups (10H OK.).canned Lost" article's quickly"recovered q Half Gallon j Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Ohio. vegetable soup _ through Record want ads. l_51ie_alsa..iias-ser-l

—I 1

\ THOTSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1942 HAHWAV RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1942 EAGE. S1X-A. '«tm A»8 ACCEPTED TO S » M. TBE BAY BEFOBJB In Nation-wide Campaign PUBLICATION. X B E S E HATES—2 cent* pet word 4DS CASH TIN ADVANCE. advance, misiisitiw o3i&rv<8 30 . ..re n__ Record Want Ads Reach The People And Get Results cents. Ajrcney rate 254 cents tioned in camps in this country. and the Chinese Army. He slips Speaking record buying public • by any At Railway Theatre conscious of his real id per irorfl. Lower ra.tes for % Aboard ships at sea. where irt Stars In on the "Genoa Maru." a Japanese y or more time*. FOR THE means, and once again she proves [They fall in love. ' ; radios are not permitted, phono- herself to be one of the most r vessel. ^e RRahway Record graphs and recordings are appre- f- In Panama, things begin to Help Wanted ular female vocalists of the m 'AcrossThe Pacific' Aboard, he meets Or. Lorenz Tho HHom e NewmjapeNr" Male Help Wanted ciated immensely. R. C. A. Victor world. • Rick turns over, certain mfo Articles For Sale Apartments Fumifiked Notice race and Wood AW., WUS referred to Records has put together specf&] overseas (Sydney Greenstreet) and. Alberta Notice the Stood CommiUea, Classical—John A. O'Connor In A Jazz Mood: tlon but Lorenz becomes Engineer's Offlxx, advuing exten- packages Of t-he ^rvw.imnn.Ln. The stars of "The Maltese Fal- Marlow (Mary Astor). Lorenz. ad- 5USD1 FOR LAUNDRY NEW JERMEY CIVIL SERVICE TESTS PlP. Smalh Classified taker, man over 45. of good ap- IF YOU DO NOT FIND A SU 1 NOTICE sion ot temporary appointment of ^"fTivOT"!;"? rnelodie.s done by tlietr mittedly a great admirer of the work. Experience not neces- CONSULT US ON VODB OTHOIJ. Lost date for fUWff application*, con" 'remember it) return to pearance. Apply Rahway Thea- able apartment, advertised, it '. Pub;:c nouce in hereby given that Clifford P: oehrjng as Engineering- , favon:e aft.sus. The tastes of the fine clarinetist who form* Japanese, piles Hick with llQUor sary. Will teach beginners. sterlng work, we use tbe best Monday, Kovember 30, 1943. Assistant for two months from Octo- the Rahway Theatre Sunday In tre. may bo possible to locate one the B^iard of Adjustment of the Zoning Apply .Clvll Service Coimtxiltttlon, tlu* popular and th<-' classical rec- played with Duke Ellingtc and gets him to reveal his past Advertising Steady work. Good pay. See materials obtainable, which Ccmmissicn. of the City of Rahway. ber 9. 1BW. 1 Famous Orchestra, and who another adventure thriller. War- through advertising *or it; andwill iioid a public hearing on the ap- State House, Trvntoa, N«w Jer#*y. Homo Demonstration Agent, advis- ord lu\ er in the service, can be and also the fact that he knows (jjlSSIFIED AVEBTlSINa MEN—PART TIME WORK. ADD Mr. Nadel, Hamilton Laundry combined with exacting work- "p^c folio wtnjp clerical teats aro ing ot the temporary appointment of. present is free-lancing about ner Bros." "Across The Pacific." from loyal Chinese, RSck \M-JI stating the number of persons pl:ctt.on ot Jewell Holding Co., ad-being heleld for tbe purpospurpse of eeteib- about satisfied by the selections con- the details of the Panama Canal • to your present: income. Na- €o., 276 Hamilton Street. manship guarantees TOUT satis- dre.-j 156 GoldsmiLh Ave . Newart. N. Catherine Hlsworth as Jr. Clerk-Gten- country, comes out with two br; Reuniting Humphrey Bogart. defense Installations. the Bountiful Plantation He KahwampoHya Record reserves in the family and other infor- UsHmg employment llat»llt . TThh « aaJary offTftphor at VtSDJQO par annum, effec- morale and not tained in U>e overseas package. tianal organization has several Sept. 24 tf faction. Assortment of tables, J owner name address Premisea af- rate? shovn below are for tla# St»t« new sides that he cut with mem- Mary Astor, Sydney Qreenstreel Rick next learns that the , . right to edit or reject any ^_ mation about yourself. ft-jtsd kno*n a^ -178-533 West Scott tive S*ptamfc«r 31, 1O43, referred to aoout p Th:> package designed for the When the ship docks in New openings for capable men to do lamps, secretary and kneehole service. The rut«« of p&y In th.eFinance Committee. bers of Ellington's band. Ben Web- and Director John Huston. tation is the secret hideo fled advortlslng. All ada desks. We can save you money Apr 16 tf Avenue. Block 254, LOL 24, at present county and municipal services will morale of our soldier who prefers popular music, York. Ride leaves and reports to part Urns interview contact bUj:nc.-Ki atcres :o be apartment*, la f Home Demonstration Agent, advis- ster's fine tenor has a featured Japanese agents, led by D ,, conform to The Record vary from those In the' State »«rvioe ice I: has b*ler. con:au;s six of the best sellers of "Across The Pacific" pits Bogart his superior. It now becomes work;- no sohci;ing or filing on all your furniture require- ask:r.^ Tor a variation from the re- ing of temporary appointment of spot on both sides, and likewise who are plotting the des->- and will be lomevbat hlffher or lower lei IS., CowlUhaw from Sept. 14 to military ex pis favorite Victor artists such as against a ruthless band of would- known that Rick is hi the Army | and classification standards, fee basis; also several fuil time MACHINISTS ments Including rugs. quirem^p.La of the Building Zone Or- in some instances depending upon the first ins s^;--;j Rex Stewart and his beautiful of the Gatun Locks of the Pan dis must be_ rauorted alter Business Place To Rent d:r.ar.oe so as to use the said building Sept. 8O, as Clerlt-StenoQTapaer at : \i\r. of a long bat- D;r.ah Shorty Glenn Miller, Tom- be Jap saboteurs who plan the Secret Service and trailing Lorenz. poiSttions available on salary SULO'S prevaUlnif levels In the several coun- not be r^jf ^ trumpet work. Canal. Rick realizes he ' fr,:iii business and ntures to apart- ties and municipalities. C3.&0 per wvelc. b.jys rt- Dorsey destruction of the Oatun Locks of En route to the Canal Zone, Rick ••is to st insertion as the publisher will basis. At least high school Experienced All Around 1595 Alain St., cor. Bridge St. ni*n::s Heir ing to be held at Clcy , B&ifftneer's OTfioe, advisinff Edward one !ncCsB£& .* my Dorsey, -Pats Waller, Artie act fast—and that he doe* Open to male And female cltleens. 'orti to put The records cut are "C" Bl the Panama Canal. "sells out" to Lorenz And prom ,t be responsible lax more than graduates, SLnctly accurate Phone Rahwrw 7-1790 1614 IRVING STREET, RAHWAY. H..I 147J Campbell Stree: on Monday i'R. O'Brien. Jr.. resigned his position. SiiUAv. and Wayne 1 „. i emu mumi stiette.*"" Arioth r'; Of tuber 25. 1642 alfl.laP M 12 months resident In the State, for I as Engineering Assistant October 1. Bos and Brown Suede.*" Another 1 jlm t-hf Cnnnl'. On the same program , incorrect lnsef Uoa. answers should indu-da- at*?. Store, heat furnished. Rent $45. service. In the St^te, MiJft malfi. fljad The Mine—is—pre-Pem-f "HgTBor ffircr TOT—considering 1043 *3 , i- secrets teal pmc numbera will be rdiK.p rlT—-ewfreirerrti female Citizens 15 rnn^tha co«lri^nt i liSvn ot tho favcU'itf lpLuiUuiK^ ot ' Life Wingy" Manone record. i uui _— «»»at»- rcuchcs ; reseii Led. to n - Engineer's Office.' advtstnjr Richard M acrobatic, are s ,,d ,. users not wlshlne to make confidential p:RepTr retten & Co,. 276 Hobart Street. Rahway for aervlce In Rahway; Victor artists such as. Racluuani- . of 'When My Susar Walks Do cxsrararHunTphrey Bo- Panama. Alberta, herself, going l. this week-end? Use an eighthal ' Bo rd A. MacDonald. temporary Engineering •be expertly combined w'-i, i their Identity. For this P. O. Box 26S. Perth Anaboy. Aug 6 t: Clerk-Sienogra-pher, salary »OG0- Assistant, unatrte to perform, his du- noff. Nel.son Eddy and Jeanneue the Street" and 'My Honey -gart>-faaa -just-been~lirably-ttby " •Panama. to the Bountiful Plan- Newark, N. J. ot beer (app. four era Is.) $2.60 A. Springer, Secy. $13^0 per annum, mance and comedy in Dnui...^ : there Is no extra chares- Apply in Person >»::irtt of Adjustnient ties for some time post, has been dis- Mi-Donald. JSt-okowski. The Boston Lovin" Arms' The tunes are discharged from the U. S. Army tation there, becomes Rick's aelf- light-hearted funfmn .. ' M 4 each, plus deposit. Phone Rah- ATTRACTIVE SMALL STORE Cleric-Typtet. salary, &06O-4133O pensed with as of Sep^up&er 30, 1OU2. in which he was a captaln.Turned appolntft^ aif | o 7fl8flfl pec annum . ... *.... jjia> t.*a and present a fine rh .. .. „„„.»,. ,UUR3 6h as Mary Astor buys her ticket for th...e. U .• services on<£ a vv RAHWAY BOTTUCNC WORKS wt aa-i»—Nov. H oelved and ordered filed: Auditors the Canadian Army because otjila t-NTV tOt KT OK deadline for overseas shipments imic beat, The hiahlitfht. nn » "Across The Pacific" from Keye Lake.Thls Warner «w»n Jnp- Help Wanted -ft h av , st,,v SL r and' Co ) aptf "sides of this disc is the wonderfu •• UIKUS ill lUSBWHyTPllcatre Sunday and runnlne _ ueftds Jor the Orient trit»-Sei NOTICE IS HmmGIVroT T&ttt 1st, In order to provide the boys four days. E. Howland. ; elephant Rose lie IN THF. MATrER OF THE APPUI- PoUowlng resolutiona were intro- tenor sax work of Lecta iChu . CATIC-N Oi1 W.U.TES. JOSEPH KO- •che final account of the •u.bacrlbers. over there with a present that will A FINE SELECTION OF FUIXY Administrator of the Estat* of Marga- Berry. OUier great jazz artists o .„,.„, CAR NEEDS SPECIAL- Tool Corp. 4-1050. Oct 22 4t BIN-KY AND ANNA VERO^aCA KO- Pre«holdcr O«hr*ng for the Insur- furnish them with unlimited en- WANTED RECONDITIONED SEWING B1NSKY HIS WIFE RUDOLPH AUO- ret (Maggie) EvanB. deceased, wilt be; the disc are "Wingy" on trumpe.. - FrL thru Sun ijeTattention for this winter. audited and stated by the Surrogate, j ance Conunlttee. approving action of tertainment m their leisure hours, HOUSEWIVES MACHINES — ALL GUARAN- I'S T KOBINSKV AND CATHERINE Committee In placing War Damag* SCRAP- "Buck" Scott on trombone. Gus Bring u in as soon as possible 23 West Scott Avenue KO9IN£?KY HITS V-'IVE. RUDOLPH ; and reported tor sutUeroont to- th« t ! we Uaiak th-afc you should consider TEED, Orphatw* Court ot tft* Cffunty of [TTi^^rancft on pf'&Y\ t 'br-idSDA jLnd—-^u^' seriously, sending them the over- 'Fetterer blows the clarinet. Ernie io avoid the rush. We special- interested In part time or Telephone Wanted To Rent AUGL'St KOBINSKV AS NATURAL tfaorlzlnc Treasurer to pay »T40.10 and GUARDIAN FOR ARTHUR RUDOLPH Union, on Friday, the Fourth, day ot seas packages which we describe Hughes on piano, Zeb Julian on ae on ignition. Ail eenuine 19:30 A.M. to 1 PTM.) or NEW HOME TREADLE §1750 charge same to County Brldg«4*Con-- RECORDS! Rahway 7-10fi0 on KOBIVSKY AND JOAN_ ANN KO- DecemtxM- next at 9:30 A. Si. traota account, wn* on roll call urjanl- above. guitar, Sid Jacobs on bass, an Iselin Theatre! parts used. Plve brands of an- full time work. SINGER ROUND BINSKY INFANTS EDWARD Arthur Prttcliard. moualy adopted. BOBBIN -S22^)a~ WIDOW D E S I R E__S. LARGE ; Lhi* tin* and only "Cozy" Cole on n-freeze in stock. Heller's Ser- •MtfHAEL" -KOBirrSIO: XNV—DEI-LA"" lreehoidw«SarEhforth« Plnaoc© : Popular OAK TR^EE ROAT> - ISEUN , W. T. GRANT CO. 'pleasant' u'hfurni.siied room and KOSIN'C-KV HIS WIFE EDWARD Admin Is tra tors. i drums A welcome addition to anj vice, 1253 Main Street, Rahway WE STILL HAVE A FEW NEW kitchenette. Wiiu- Recjrd Box Dated October 19th, 1943 Commjtt*e, advising that the County MKOKEX or Recommended for listening or jazz library 44 Cherry Street >IEN. WHITE OR COLORED. TO WILLIAM KOBIN8KY EDWARD i Is obligated to pay the Comity's share, Phone Metuchcn 6-1279 Oct 8 4t SINGER ELECTRICS AVAIL- 4€2. Oct. 1 3tMICHAEL KOB1NSKY AS NATURAL [ Clnronce A. Ward. Proctor, for Arthur dancing: In A Commercial Mood; work on repairing steel drums, ABLE FOR SALE. SINGER, ,- .„ Prltchard, , as well aa th« employee's, oX all pen- -V—- Oct 15 tf » —start 50 cents-hour, fort^ ttouF- GUARDIAN FOR ROBERT JAMES • j sloa ooatrlbutiona In coaaecUoa b e'KACKKDr .MOT NEGUECT THESE j kmilNfatLY . " 1 N'F AN T. wTLLlA^r . N 1 FKI. - SAT. i week: 75 cents hour overtime: SEWfN**- MSCHINE" CO., 224 pVaNTED-"HOU5E""\nTH SIX OR Nicholas A Tomosulo, Proctor for airy memoer 67 such. penAton tUfid IXaiiy Beloved.' coupled with . Oct. 23 iportant services to your EXPERIENCED MAID FOB GEM, NORTH WOOD AVENUE,-LJN- more rooms. Orcnpan.-y NICHOLAS KOBINSKY AND JEAN Richard R who Is serving In the military or naval 'I'm OW FasHloned! The vocal rBTrenraveiE" change an" --era-t rraasEwrrrr. I7aundry. cook- i~. weekly iniiiutHiin. S3O. Call- at -lories ur uie~VJniwa S£St«* anci43 not DENT " " ' Oct. 1 tf vember 1st. Can furnish refer- MICHAEL JOHN KOBI.NSKY FOR •23 Westrield Ave., W Rooclle Park, is done by "Skip" Nelson, the new Drama, Comedy At r oil and grease to ing and cleaning, 1111 Jaques | one*. See Mr. Cleland. Newark N, J, rocolvlng compensation. from the | Steel Drum Co.. 1200 West ences. Inquire 1353 Pierce LEAVE TO ASSUME THE NAMES OF Oct 22—oav3w County, and authorizrnff"Trcasunsr"to~ We Pay Cash discovery who took Ray Eb GONE WITH winter grade and lubrl- _A^enue. ' QcL 15 3L WE SEXL AND INSTALL ARVIN WALTER JOSEPH KOBIN, ANNA make such contributions according to 1 Blancke Street, Linden. Street. Oct S 3L pi-are when Ray decided 10 : 2 Liberty Theat fcate the chassis, check tires auto Hesters. Also super charg- VERONICA KOBIN, RUDOLPH AUO- !SYNOPMIS OF MIXITKS OF law. was on roll call unanimously For them! Ray's vocal efforts were not LOCAL GIRL OR WOMAN AT ers to'save gasoline. See us UST KCBIN CATHERINE KOBIN. adopted. WIND' and bauery, flush radiator and Oct 22 3t. WANTED FIVE OR SIX ROOM ARTHU R R U DCLPH KOBIN, JOAN IIOAI1I) OF FREEHOLDERS missed at al! by this writer when once for position of society edi- for anything that is good for Regular meeting of th« Onion Freeholder Smrth for the Finance "refill with antrt-freeze solution. house or apartment for elderly Atf+N KOBIN. EDWARD MTCHAEL • Committee, appointing Mrs. May BRING 'EM IN Ra 'left ' , anrl in Escape FVnm H^nfT K A REPUBLIC PICTURE tor on this newspaper. Contaet the <*»"• Heller's-^ervlce-,—1253- couple, nn Cgunty Board of Chosen Freeholders. We do ihe Job right. Schwart- 55 Occupancy-| Tnrms flfl ni(Bth SUN. - MON. Oct. 35 - 26 • ing's Tydol Service, Irving and Mr. Mar-pie, -The- -Railway Rec- -Main . Rahw CH:L 8 -November lsr—Teleptione Me" KODIN, RODERT JAME&T1 smr"N". "J", on Thursday, October 8, T-offiec of tho Cl»rti. uf the &uajtr~PT~ letter re- features Marjorie Lord in an. in- Plus HUGH HERBERT in ord, 1470 Broad Street. MECHANICALLY .INCLINED KO*BIN, WILLIAM NICHOLAS KOBIN. freeholders, at »1300.00 per annum, pr "for '^TJ e Milton. tqchen 6-0477-W, Oct 8 3t 1943. at two P. M. ~ 'Ray, triguing role in which her dra- MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA PUP- JEAN KOBIN AND MICHAEL JOHN J effective October 1. 1943. was on roll Uian "Skip" Nelson. TO LEABN Ol'R WORK. KOBIN. RESPECTIVELY Director McMane prealdingr. Roll ' matic abilities are well exhibited. "WINGS FOR THE pies. blo—At- Em Radio and Heater, ex- j Elizabeth • . Qct 22. 2.t; mas Cards. -&G for $1.00, up, Property. Orounds aJid. BuildtnjCB nu- ters. La Verne ttopi; Patty and =7=^-ALSO — erate ths typewriter with ToT.-.i K^bJ.n ky or tho Tdwn*hr..•j »....!--.•.p or. • shfrirr. advismg-lie ho* rea^jipoinoed .Rich—portray— .the- -pa- ..nice..-Theatre f ""TJpptional hny , 750 a Names imprinted- _ 1334 Pierce s ' Olive P MacDimlels a« temporary ' thorlziag th« Custodian to collect all -Marxene~ln "PnlveTsars 'Give —fair—cte „ " 51 spee3T il^b".' for. Mrs. G.. Yenej. . LLii_Ne^ I' \\:,• h.ivinw this day applied to . Guard, eXIectlvo Sept. 3-t, i&43. for two Out, Sisters." at Rahway Thea- 5 VANiSHESTV shorthand required'. A capa-; i trie cabinet sewing machines. Brunswick Avenue. Bring th:s ' montha, ! House Buildings, and turn 3am© over Liberty Theatre starting today bcfflnninir Sunday. tfres. Radio and healer 325 .^. . Oct 22 9t iiiia i JIIM b\ jjeLition neuiiiu forth for use by the Government, waa oa ble married woman would be Linden 2-5094. Oct. 1 tf • ad to The Record office before the av lUiKia ot iho appliciuion and D Qeorge Redding, making applica- through Sunday. SPECIAL SCRAP MATINEE THIS SAT. WO Buick Model 70 Sedan. October 29. tion (or A leave of absence, for one roll call unanimously adopted. D. A. V's To Participate acceptable. Remuneration GAS HEATER, FEATHER vi'iifud by ai'tidiiviLa cf aaid pftition- month, effective October 1st, I&42. was There being no further business MORNING (Oct. 24th) AT 10 A. M. —'10 Lbs or Blue and eray. good ev$. fur HII order auihonzlny them to THURSDAY OMLY — Oct. 29 would depend entirely upon bed also brand new hair mat- referred to the Public Property. and upon motion of Freeholder Dud- InNav y Pay Prograin tires. Will sacrifice 775 it-sure the lol lowing names, respec- Grounds, and Buildings Committee. ley . duly seconded and carried. the more of scrap metal will admit 'anyone FREE ability and psrformance of du- Rooms Without Board tr^ss Pigeons for sale. 2236 Lively, Lo w-'ii Wnlttr Joseph K^bln, Kaltenborn Opens | 836 Pontlac Sedan -for de- ties. Houses For Sale Town of Westfleld. requesting Board Director declared the Board adjourned, Popularity of Autry "MY FAVORITE SPY" for this morning show. - -- • • _- - Price Street. Anna Veronica Kobm. Rudolph Augxist to include in lw 1943 State Aid Pro-until Thursday, October 8, 1943 at Members of the James J. Healy pendable transportation 27* Kobir. Catherine KobP.i. Arthur Ru- Sign Of The Times' SOME FOLKS WITH DESIRABLE gram, the paving of Qrove Street, from *.wo P. M. Chapter, D. A. V. made plans' to ALSO BOLAND BROS., Inc. Contact Mr. Marple DINING ROOM SET AND PRO- ilph Kobn\. Joan Ann Kobln, Edward rentral Ave.. to tiie Garwood line, CHAS. M. AJTLECK. Town Hall Series rooms to let, hesitate about ad- BUNGALOW—I ROOMS. BATH, Michael Kv'bm., Dell« Kobln, "Edward participate in the program beinff it. .George and Sl/r- MUton AAIC fessioual hair dryer.- CJall after 3ferred to the Road Committee. adv. Clerk. TODAY - FRL•- SAT. The Bahway Record vertising them. II you are look- a41- improvements, reasonable; Williuni Kubm, R:.;bfrt James Kobln, County Clerk. advUttng he has grant- The recent phenomenal popu- arranged for the eelejDra/tion oX "ATLANTIC " Tel.'Raawuy 7-047*7 .. - 7 P. M. Rahway 7-2204-J. H. V. Kaltenborn, veteran news ing for a room, try advertising in city. Inquire 1640 Essex Willi.i-ni Nicholaji Kobln, Jean Kobtii ed one mont&a' additional alclc-'leci'w; larity of O«ne Autry, Republic's Navy Day in the Elks' Home next BY REQUEST id MK hael John Kobln. with pay to William T. Learey. from commentator whose voice reaches i FORD COUPE, PRICE, $50. for it, giving some informa- Oct 22 2t Street. Oct 8 3t singing cowboy, may be interpreT- Tuesday niffht. Commander James CONVOY" WANTED CAPABLE HOUSE- •And it appearing to the Court by October 1st. Don't waste anything, for that millions over the National Broad- |Oood car for defense worker. tion about yourself and the lo- ed as one of the signs of the^ McOee presided. Commander Mc- keeper and cook, part tune, No CHILD'S STROLLER IN GOOD SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, said" periv.'oTr~a^~n~aTrr(raTrra~mirtr~gaTti "Ker—JT~BT~Klacl£ie, calling- attention means—wasted—money: wasted times^- So great _has been..th£ casting Company network, will Call Rahway 7-0273-W. cation preferred. Apr 10 tf petitioners. Walter Joaeph Kj>blnaky to the curb stones in front of the Gee Fred: ^^Ait.iin -Charles washing or ironing. Call Rail- condition. Reasonable. 378 East location, oil hejet. hard wood money is wasted lives in wartime. |tfpopular^"demand*for~\vesterns 'and launch the -tourOT anhXiai "season ± JEW. SAT. Qct.-SO— mid Anna Veronica Koblnsky. his wite, Friendship Bapiiat Chureh ot Bahway Greeniee and James G. P*ark will way 7-2580-R, mornings only. Grand Avenue, Rahway 7-0744. floors, 3 bedrooms; quick sale reside at 1218 Salem Ave . m the' and the sidewalk from WoodbrWg* Every dollar you can save should "'more westerns that Republic, of current events Jectures spon- FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE represent the chapter at military $4,300, Mark K. Irons, 1569 Township of Hillside, County of Union Road, was re/erred to the Road Coni- go toward War Bonds to help which h-as guided -and sptms ixed_.by Ihe-Tawn—Hall of Essex or double, all conveniences. CROSLEY RADIO, CABINET and Staie of New Jersey; thut Ru- .mi Uee. ball to be given by the Argonne Bing Crosby-in- ALL EMBOSSED CHRISTMAS Irvlxig "Street, Rahway 7-001&. your state meet its quota. the destinies of Autry ever since County, Monday evening in the Contracting Reasonable rates. 1287 Main style.-£or-salev$iO.- Goodrconcn- dolph August Kob:nstey and Oathermo Board of Health of the Boro of New Chapter, Paterson October 31. Cards, 50 with name $1.00. lytime. Oct 15 3-t KcbmSky. his wife, and Arthur Ru- he */as a fledgling cowboy enter- Mosque Theatre, Newark. His Street, Rahway 7-1627. tion. Call Rahway 7-1775. Providence, setting forth resolution Palace Blue Room y "HOLIDAY INN" Leader $1.00 Box pay 50c profit. i dolph Koblnsky and Joan Ann Ko-requesting County to give considera- tainer, now presents the crooning topic will be "Arc We Winning ~ ~ Carl B. Hbdie June 18 tf LARGEST CIRCULAR COCKTAIL BAR IN CENTRAL JERSEY Stationery. No investment. Ap- THREE PIECE LIVING ROOM R#*nl Y?ist•• Edward Mlchiel The Record's classified section la 'persons. Small adult family. Telephone Rahway 7-1239-W. THE PLACE THAT IS DIFFERENT Friday at me Empire Theatre for then operating from Newark. At •atfleld Avenue. Telephone Rah- BOOKKEEPER _ CASHIER yOUr Featuring Swing and Hawaiian Music. Continuous Inexpensive and d Telephone Rahway 7-0861-J. iS ^u ""S^ ** a three day run. that time he was Associate Edi- t 7-0831-M. • Oot 23 tt 'Experience preferred but not TWO PAIR OF RUST DRAPES, Established 1892 Robert Jame K»bln>ky, their sons. ttntortainment, and Dancing Nierh'tly, Except Monday Oct 8 3t On The Same Prosrram tor of the Brooklyn Eagle. Within necessary. Full Tjjme — good $3 pair, practically new. Two No. X469 Irving St.. near Cherry St. yji^Vp o" , lng your old scrap metal, NO COVER CHARGE — MODERN PRICES Headlining Hugh Herbert and a few years he was broadcasting Kbf A Gay, Glad, Glorious Show! pay. Give qualirications. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. FOB pair Venetian blinds for small Telephone Rahway 7-0050 and State of New Jersey; that William lections, was refeVred' to"th^"wKHW1" ! 8 S WE CATER TO t"ARTIES AND BANQUETS TODAY - FBI. - SATtJRDA^ 5 salary expected. Write Record Nicholas Kpbmsky and Jean Koblnsky, , Drainage and Flood Control - * ' ' wholwhole corps off other come.- the news regularly over Station, i Gorgeous Girls! . . . Five sons hi' I • . • "'" ' Painting, Decorating. one or two, , private home kitchen windows, $3. Chromium drans; *"Th"^'s~Ohe~£6rn Every I-WEAF and by 1S30 had"Joined the | I _Box.4-75. - — -iK.-.-iSi.Hflfiea-fH'rVi-ieggp-. C*iifr%wn' BY DAY OR WEEK It tells about what happens in the tory, as for three solid weeks he Kathryn "Meet The Stewarts" ruwn ..—MOUUA.• V GRAYSON Weekdays at 1:20 - 7:10 - 10:00 Call Rahway 7-0269-R. venient location. Reasonable ....an„d Stale „o f New Jersey....^j ; an„ d that , initiated Sept. 30th ' ' ' sleeping little village of Witumpka j^entstoodi by his microphone com- 7-3684 or 7-070S. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 2 Su Saturday 3:00 - StSO - 8:50 2ND BIG HIT rates. Housekeeping facilities IVnCIXAEL DICOBCIA they are al"" l ave""""r "th e ag"""e o-'f 'twenty- Pt. of Weights &L Measures advls- Falls when one of the local lights, mentinc^echosgl on and analyzing the "The VANISHING June 11 t: bedroom suites, writing desk, _..r,. ,.L,6,,va at measures advis- For Rummage Sales Yes indeed!.. the SA-T ^ORNING 10 A.M. WANTED WHITE WOMAN TO Inquire 145 Monroe Street o: Sales — R^oialS". one years with the exception of inging of amount forwarded to the StateStn . played by Herbert; invents - .kian crisis. A year radios, dining suites, odd tables, Arthur Rudolph Koblnsky ond Joan , Sheriff, odvlalng reappolntment VIRGINIAN" do housework, one day a week. call Rahway 7-0580-M. All Types of Insurance Sheriff, advising reappointment of talent, f'onrutf VEIDT til chairs, rugs, full size, three- ,.Anj, Spblh.sky. who are twelve yenrs , Prank Cepparulo a. temporfrTOua i>_or Food Sales FREE SHOW RUM ttlOTI rail after 5-30 ail8 S property ftTnrmgttmpnt • of age hnd seven years of sge, bwpec- i effective Oct. 1. 1043 ror two rnit gnarter ~aiict:^lnJr3£~~Becl&:--'3ars",- 41 1 .j, _ w.oao.-oo-per annum. . treasure' of Titattiln Z. pending doom of the Polish crisis — -Speeial- Serviees-"- Avenue. -8W-W. Scott aver r " ^ -an5- -EuSe?rtaifle^K«lSl«»kyrr'" M.OOO.OO-per nrrrmm »«>"« -boys sure dor If fee ]n d EUa McGough, 257 Elm Avenue. an tf Wh° la lwent>' yeftrs of lv"e; ftnd lt I't Sh' »dShade Tree Tree eCommii»loh Commission. advUlni, advlalnr gD D [ . • Reserve Your.Date. It/fl P P t. ft-" nnnnt»»i'|'t1iil of into every Apifripftn hnrq-n. ™- 4j'x - Mov —TJIEU a-m^JiB NICELY FTTRVTSHEn 20 tf further appearing thai notice of aald, K Totten.Tree Trlnunor lju toS J i mm Bay MILLAXD Betty FIELD. |~ETmnETE"N C E D STENOG nonsense, with the threacTr-too, of Humphrey BoEaiUVIaLry-Astot l!5 YOUK SEWING MACHINE room, suitable for one to LADIE'S COAT, BLACK, LIKE iicplicatio.[.•plication ha.hasw been published at granted a continued leave o~ -«---- » rapher for general office work Real Estate Broker ciist once each •eek~ -^fo.r fou. «r . sue»««-- without pay. for three boy-and-girl theme erearted by The relative flnancia-tesecurity "ARE HUSBANDS I siving you trouble? Have it re- .. 382 West Grand Avenue, i ut Applyppy pretty Peggy Moran and Tom ^'AcrossThe Pacific". iff** Write-Record Box 477/ TCiia uenials Tensive yegKweeks pTBcedlirgnretTmeopTgcgerm'g"ngnretTmeore'~Tnne~"o. r' ' Uv"-e- S SepiTlsT-— 1st;, anand ~that wTfwT the news from home of Anofiilcan families oompared newed with factory repair spe- size 12 - 14. $1.50. Living room su.d npplli-utlon in Thee Rahway , Tree Trimmer, left theTraSSf^ NECESSARY" Shown Sun. 1:00-4:00-7:00-9:83 SINGLE — PRIVATE FAMILY — All Types of Insurance Brown. with that of residents 61 Axis settee with slip cover, $5.00. Rii-oni. n new.spn.per of Ulee County off Sept. 33rd. employ on .Johnny Maureen Weckdnyu 2:30 - 8:40 c'ak Singer Sewing Machine WANTED MAID FOR PART plenty heat, hot water, con- ROSS DICOMO AGENCV XENGELMAN' Prominent Co-players [countries is measured in some de- WEISMULLER O'SUIXJVAJ Co.. 224 North Wood Avenue. time work. Two in family. Tele- Chairs for alU-oeeasions. 50 Union, and-the court being satisfied Folllowinl g monthly reDort« «r.i» » ANDREW SISTERS venient to bus lines. 890 Jaques 233 Hamilton St. Rah. 7-0262 by sai**idd petitiopeuiioin so-verifiedo-verified, that there celved and ordered ftlod-ftlod- Countv Others featured in the cast are gree by the fact that the people of "TRAZAN'S NEW YORK cents to $1.00 apiece. Kitchen !lrl Unden, N. J. Phone Linden 2- phone Rahway~7-0637. Avenue, cor Stanton. Phone 7- Opposite Gas Co. Office " reasonable grounds for thee pro- [ Treasurer; Fifth District Court- TlhTlhlrl f LIQUOR STORE It njakes no _ difference Guy Kibbee, recently the hit of one American state own more life ApVEfJTUUE'' 'GIVE OUT, SISTERS' M table, $1.00. PayEed wmusJip- 1- Oct. 1 tf 1253-W evenings. fW«d change, and that therre Is no , District Court; CouCountt y EngineerEe - Jan Cor. Irving & Lewis Sts. the Durbin picture, "It Started Insurance protection than all Axis TIIUR8.. 2 Tcrriric Requests Sunday at 3:oo - S:30 - 8:50 MIDDLE AGED LADY WANTED cbver, $3.00. 3290 Price Street. reasonable objection thereto, and no I Physician and Public PT^U.-?., whether he is in the Army, nationals in Germany, Italy, and Joan FONTAINE Weekdaya 1:15 - 7:10 - 0:3S nrloprior applicatiocuiDllratlan havinhavlnga been nuiriemade.' Oroundu nnrt n,,iijT__- _ "t>porty. With Eve." and Edgar Kennedy, STARTS WED., OCT 28 |MASON CONTBAOTOB. CON- for light housework at 1511 LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED Orounds and Buildings i*>mm*tt Qus Schilling, Catherine Doucet Japan, combined.. Cory GRANT Victor McLAGLEX TWO PAIR CHILDREN'S TAT Lots For Sale It is. therefore on this 16th day of und Supt. or Weights and Measures. or the Navy, the old home- Dbuglus FAIRBANKS J. Clark Gable Lnna Turner I crete or cinder driveways, side- Campbell Street, call after 6 room, all improvements, for 53 October, 19-12, ORDERED that the said Also Storage Space slippers, sizes 6'/a and 13. '580 Following resolutions were intro- and little Elizabeth Taylor. walks and water proofing. All P. M. gentleman only. Private home. •—— — • Walterr Joseph KotolnakKotolnaJcy and Anna duced: For Rent Somewherel'll Find Yon I V^Wiiiiam HOLDEOfences DEE East Milfon Avenue, Rahway 7- town paper is a most wel- y " \ "GUNGA DIN" Knds of alteration work. Tele- 1498 Church Street, Rahway 7- I/HIS FINEST BUHJDING PLOT Veronica Koblnsky, his wife, Rudolph Freeholder Bauer for the Rood Com- Stiowa at 2:45 and S:40 WANTED HIGH SCHOOL GRAD- O437"iR. _ Locate lost pets through Record If yon have any Items of social Bob HOPE Paulctte OODDARD Crant.MteheH • Ann Sillis • Roger Clark»MarJoriTeatasen • Jlnne Revere Phone Elizabeth 2-4647. 2-595-J. , Oct 23 2t in the City, 70 X 100 at $20 per i August Kobln-sky and Catherine Ko- mittee appointing permanently Paul uates with knowledge of type- b ils iky. 13 wl r e E. Miaka as Assistant Civil Engineer come gift. ads. Interest write or phone tbe society SUN., MON, _ - Oct 8 3t fOOt PaciifiFaoinKf MiltoMUton LiikLrike PiS.PnS..! binsk' !'>:y ' "as .N.^'uirft. R"?°lPjl Guardia> Augusn t Kofor- "Brooklyn Orchid' writing for positions with the TWO TICKETS FOR THE RAH- binsky in the Engineer's Office lit *17D.00 editor, The Record, Railway 7-0600. "The Ghost Breakers" TUES., WED. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM Bauer-BrooIfiBauerBrooIfiS CoH 1481408 Irving Arthur Rudolph Kobinsky and Joan per month, effective October IS, 19"42, Shown at 1:40 - 7:10 - 10:00 2 HITS way Theatre have been left for A Tr T I EVl STOCKS ONHANa_EXIDE "Western Union as Operators with twin beds, with! or without StreeStreett . Rahway 70867-086510. Ai"m ivuuuLSK.)^ '—, InfantainiaiiLs-'---* ,, Edwaritxiwardu i waw»"s* uon rorolul calcolll unanlmouslunanimous*v a Mrs. P. Atkinson, 1113 Fulton Mlcllllel and Delco Batteries. Rentals. and clerks. Applicants selected board. D90 Bryant Street, near Mar 10 tf i Koblnsky nnd Delia Koblnsky. Freeholderr BaueBauerr foforr ththe Boo L ,_Ameh.[btau$ Force, Commander slow charging ,n.nd qirtclf chnrg. .JKULJK paid while'-trainins-and • Street. Just tortng^fehis "*"" *" " I his wife. Edward William Kobln»ky. | mlttee. granting Oeorge p! I .—West -H&eelweod- Averrue. ; r ?c wu1 1 wutrey ujigi IREJMEISJCO- OfiTheScroen...? Hifs while you wait. HellVs Ser- upon graduation from—our "The .Record office before OT — HAMILTON 8 TEX f£~EE! E T,T t^ ^;^7* ' ' MlclrnencoiDUTslry~a"ur^Ttalo9 WaTnrffl"|~©cnnTtyW " Engrh«er, a^ further 1 of OctT2^2t HA5nTTfvRr" ivb«ence.-Wlth yno He may be stationed at «ce, formerly City Battery Ser- school will be permanently as- TerSO. Rahway. OS feet front, over 200 infant. -William Nicholas Koblnaky I "ESCAPE PROM 1 — MAXttUjiON ness for months. Lcnclng- -"ice. -t2S3-Marn StreetTTtaHway. slffnelI"tb~teTe"&rapli" "offices TVve r 157 1043, was~ on rol>Ul call "PeaTl "Harbor," Alaslca, r — HONGTCONG" +E* Michael John Koblnaky. be and they unanimously adopted. rilEATUt Leo Corrlllo—Andy Devlno. Oct 8 4t vious business experience not one or two, private family, cen- National Bank, Rah way, N. J. T Prtoni1 \ 5 BIG HmE ACTS -- ; are hereby authorized to assume the There being no further business and oni' RAHWAY 1- I25O "Puerto Rico . . . the Canal Don Terry necessary. Call in person, trally located, 1535 Irving Oct o tl | respective nanies of Walter Joseph |»HEBE IS A BIGHT AND A Wanted, Room^, Board upon motion ot Freeholder Dudley, Zone, or just somewhere in "This Time forTKeeps" Western Union Telegraph Office, Street. Kobin, Anna Ve*ronlca Kobln, Rudolph duly seconded and carried, the Direc- BEAD THE WANT ADS ABSOLUTELY AND ' wrong wa# to do everything. But 1492 Irving Street, Rahway. TWO EIGHT GRAVE LOTS, $150 August Kobln, Catherine, Arthur Ru- tor declared tbe Board adjourned Un- Hobt Sterllne—Ann Butherford when we repair .yoirr shoes and DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM REFINED SECRETARI WANTS each, in Hazelwood Cemetery. ' cloiph Kobin.' Joan Ann Kobln, Ed til Thursday, October 32nd. 1043, at If you find your name listed the good old U. S. A... . But POSITIVELYM0R£ ur Prpnoh MR etllp ' ward Mlcn^el Kobtn. Delia Kobln. Ed two P. M. ^•n and-reblocfc your hatr you " forta-gentleman-:-- Private -fam- room— -with—Jcltch'onoUe -or — — — ' ward Cor tree tickets, clip out the ad _..=^^^.. W. Frenc^.a76_.gtUe .^.lld..,Wii44ftm .^^bm,. ^oberb-Jame the paper will reach him WONDERFUL THAN ily. Centrally located. 13M kltchen privileges, also storage Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Tele-j obin, wtUiam Nicholas Koibin. Joau Hnd~pres8BTTtr~jlp8B;TTtrjMsrsonallly ans ™» that every step to the K Clerk. •MALTESE FALCON'! w°rk and all materials used. Situations Wanted Bryant Street. ' space for car and house trailer. • phone Elizabet)! 2-4684. , Kobln and Michael John Koblobln from I week-day before 5:00 P. U. at Regularly. and after the ieth dft of : *>^^...tstk are right. Our men are ex- Write Record Box 468. Oct 22 2t y Novombcr. SYNOPSIS OF MINI »r;S OF the off oe of Female next and that within ten days here- UOAItl) OF FRBEHOLUERS Wrts in their •taps.- Bahway nfter the said petitioners shall publish Your son, brother, husband, sweetheart, STATE THEATRE HUMPHREV BOGART; ^Renovating az_ Shoe Ro- Housekeeping Rooms a copy of this order in The Runway Regular meeting of the Union THE P.EI.IAHI.F. WOMAN WISHES or porhops-jusl a fiimnl; is Still interested CKerry Record, a newspaper printed In aald County Board of Chosen Freeholders WOOBBRTOGE ~ Street. position mornings, as mother's Unfejrnished Notice eotnitr tmd that vrlthtn twenty day* was held at the Court Houa*. Elisa- TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED AM hereafter said petitioners shall cause beth, N. J., on Thursday, September in the sports, social, church and political helper or will take care of In- BAHWAY RECORD s Today Through Saturday — That Great All American Picture Iront rooms, use of kitchen, nil NOTICE ~t said petition, affidavits, and this or- 34, 1043, at two P. M. I * 1 valid or old person1. Write Public notice is hereby gWen, that -news of his home town . . . RAHWAY. In improvements. Private home. I FOUR ROOM APARTMENT. UN- der to be filed and recorded In the Director McMane proaldtog. Boll rickets not redeemable foi "WINGS FOR THE EAGLE" Record Box 477. the Board of Adjustment of the Zoning County Clerk's Office of Union County call showed all members present. no other.way will he get so much interest- References. 381 Union Street. f urnished. centrally located. ^CommiSBionCommii . of thoe City oft RahwnRahwayy, I and that within the same time said Saturdays. Sundays and Holi- Starring ' - " Money To Loan Occupancy November 1st, Phone Minutes of the meeting of Septem- days. ing news for such a small cost, than by Sept 24 St will .hold a public hearing on the ap- j petitioners shall cause a. certified copy ber 10. 1043, wore approved as per Rahway 7-0442-W. plication of B. & A. Realty Corp.. ad- \O f this order to be riled with the Sec- printed copies on the members1' desks. ANN SHERIDAN with Dennia MORGAN dress, LeesvillLeesvllloe Avenue. AvenelAvene*i N. J.J.. I retary of State oocardlnct to the sta No Ticket* Given Without Ad getting his weekly copy of y to Loaj, Coal - Coke TWO ROOMS, OIL HEAT, RE- retary or State according to the sta- Resolution that all bills approved be THERE ARE TWO TICKETS TO £ «miflea affected lenown as 1443 6t. tute In auch case made and provided. SATURDAY MORNING AT 10 A. M. On Bond and MortBage frigeratlon. Business CQuple O>_ieprge Ave., Railway, N. J,, owner, ordered paid was adopted. Plus the Rahway Theatre for Mrs. Edward A. McOrath, Following communications were re- preferred. Call 6-7 evenings. R. & A. Realty Corp., address LoesvlUo Today - FH. & Sat. Hyer * AMastron* DON'T BLAME YOUR HEATING H. E. Turner, 1288 Pierce Street. Judge. ceived and ordered filed: SPECIAL SCRAP MATINEE 1250 Pulton Street. Oct. -1 3t Avenue. Avenel. N. J., are aslcinc for On Motion of The Rahway Record ^tJihway National Bank plant until you're sure. If you a. variation from the requirements ot Wm. H. La Vlgne, regarding tho Fred Astnire & Olnjrer Rogers StJNDAY THROUGH TUESDAY Bring this ad to The Record of- Horrigei. Llndabury & Herrlgel tho Building Zone Ordinance WM to (Condition of Elizabeth. River at bridge — to — BulldtaE. Railway. M.. J; have a coal furnace that does LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, fice before October 29. Attorneys lor Petitioners on Union Ave.. Irvragton, was referred Irene DUNNE SUICIDE SQUADRON not give adequate heat when be allawed to chango the present •TOP HAT" *• SIX MONTHS $1.25 housekeeping facilities. Inquire building from a pno family dwelling to Bridges. Drainage and Flood Con- Plus 1 trol Committee, r- burning Blue Coal, you can be 110 Monroe Street or call-Rah^ to a proposed four family dwelling! "LAD_Y. in a JAM" A»to» '" Board of Health of Linden, also "MEET THE STEWARTS" • ONE YEAR 2.00 Professional-Services -sure the furnace needs servic- way 7-0580-M. Oct 15 Sl •usea District A, reild.«noe srane. "Hoar- ing. Slue Coal Is 'known as Ing to be held at Oity Halt, 1470 Board of Health, of Summit, cetttog • ADDED StJNDAY NITE Houses To Let forth resolution, requesting County to Mailed, any whore in the U. S. A. or ^Possessions America's Finest Anthracite." M Campbell Stiwst. on Monday Evening. Sun. -lilon. - Toes. - Wed. ° elUlstea Mwtaw TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, October 28, 1D42. at 8:16 P. M. War give consideration to tbe necessity of Jflth "•"" Off lritffhuw an Isolation howpiTnl frtr thft-animty,. 7-0300: Dealer in Blut coal, all improvements. Business U52 New Brunswick Av©n nished or unfurnished. Tele- maCtero as may be presented to tho to public welfare Committee. E PA Phon© Railway 7-0171. coke, fuel oil find mason .ma- couple preferred. References. phone. Rahway 7-S188-IR after Bonrd. — Alsa — lfl A. Sprlngor. Seoy. City of Linden, requciftttns County V ••"••- • Sept 19 « terials. 10J2 ^Westfleld Avenue. 6 P. M. to consider tup installation or jv cuU "GIVE OUT •SISTERS" Board &t * "" vort at tho Intersection of Yale Tor-


_\l\ U .v\\ \ V \ -\ WVtwviLl', >j. \: \ '; \\. t. \

\ ^;W.-".*\nA \\J*.\^ ..^uv-Uuv,; ' \ \ ^jB^v^ F THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1942 THE RAHWAY REco Ing workers that 28,000 have been West Meadow avenue Busy British J deferred from the dralt until the voted to the time to making" RAHWAY'S HOME NEWSPAPER Total Of $3,162.60 In Bonds Organizations To Conduct Job Is done. One Important struc- ture which was estimated to take gical dressings. Plans »erem "a" Sale Of War Bonds Haye Huge Task Housing to send CiurisUn'as boxes t FOR OVER A CENTUHY Stamps Sold By Volunteers eight weeks to build was rushed 0 This Week American Soldiers through In eight days.—Amerttan men of the church now ;n s. The Rahway Record Builder. Mrs. Arthur Ditze! M The Republican W o m e n ' S"'Dtnfffeld. Mrs. Charles Crowell. British builders are in the thick ; V S. Matis adn Miss League sold che sum of si.446.15 Mrs. John Crosby, and Mrs. Organizations which will be of one of the biggest, fastest jobs in charge of the sale of war bury were received as r in bonds and siamps Use Satur- i Stuart Graham. they have ever tackled. It- is the RAHWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1942 Telephone Rahway 7-0600 bonds and stamps at the pub- MAKE SUBGICAX DRESSINGS bers. Mrs. Lloyd Hc.k pres.-. day to be I !ie leading group for The Rahway American Legion housing of our great and growing 1 the week of those who volunteered Auxiliary on Friday sold a total lic booths during the coming The Fidelis Class of First Bap- with Mrs. John Kochy aervnu"" American armies arrd air forces. Ing to word received here by his a bam dance in the axid are selling bonds and stamps of S420 with the salesmen being weeks are as follows: tomor- tist Church met Thursday night secretary and Miss \u\,- VoLI coin Boulevard and the U.S. Navy So pressing is the need for build- as treasurer. *" parents. is spending a four-day leave at house. Temple Honored under the sponsorship of th£ Wo- Mrs. Edmund Smiley Mrs, Frank ' row, Ladies' Auxiliary of the with Mrs. John D. Robnett, of 560 • • • Rahway Hebrew C'onjrreffa- Notes the home of his brother and sis- Monday, November 2 men's War Savings Coimnuteo, rG-jrdon, Mrs, Harry Bruiu. Mrs. Robert Miller, son of Mr. and ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Coming Events In Rahway The Junior Service League The workers ;n Uie week's lead- John Kadv'n, Mrs Benedict Ander- i tion; Saturday. First Baptist of the will Named As Assistant In Church; Sunday, Episcopal Mrs. H. Lester Miller, of 304 Buroff, of 1500 St. George avenue. meet at the home of Mrs. Gilbert ing group are Mrs. Kenneth. Van sjn. Mrs Scewarc MeLaughlm, Hamilton street has received aji He was given a 'welcome-home' P. van Bever. 985 Pierpont street, Horn. Mrs Fred Pfeiff, r Mrs. Mrs Oliver Cortwrib'iu and Mrs. Church of the Holy Comfor- Dramatics. Speech ter: Monday, Zion Lutheran MTfitary appointment as an aviation cadet party Monday night. Thursday, October 22 Dessert bridge to be held at the 8:15 P. M7 Albert S..!; defer \t:$s Barbara G Griffith Coi-son. and will report for training as a Dinner to be served at Trinity Girl Scout House. 1:30 P. M.. for The Ladies' Sewing Society of Norman J. Temple, son of Mr. Sifwart. Mrs. Thoma-s Slarlc. Mrs. Woman's Club Church: Tuesday, First Pres- byterian Church; Wednesday, pilot at NashvUJ£_.X8nn. Everett Splllatore, son of Mr.Methodist Church by the Second the benefit of the Girl Scout camp Second Presbyterian Church will and Mrs. Norman Temple, 263 A FajiaiLS, Mrs Peter Serisenlg The Rahway Woman's Club Services and Mrs. Joseph L. Spilatore, of Mile Bible Class. fund. meet in the church lecture room East Albert street, has been and Miss Barbara O'Donnei; The worker >jld a to:ai of $S2 55 las: Second Presbyterian Church; total amount of bonds and stamps Thursday. St. Mark's Church. By V. E. Teran Donald Robinson, son of Mr. 443 East Milton avenue is home The Mothers' Club of Boy Scout The Welfare Association of Sec- at 2:30 P. M. named student assistant in dra- Sunday The workers were Mrs, and Mrs. William J. Robinson, of on a short leave from his duties Troop 41 and Sea Scout Ship 247 ond Presbyterian Church will meet Tuesday, November 3 matics and speech at Bates Col- sold during the past uvek. was H B. Alston. Mrs William The Public Library has pur- must a _ h chased $16,500 worth of war 84 West Emerson avenue has eh- at Camp Gordon. Oa. will hold a social at the home of with Mrs: William Eearson. of Chicken dinner to be served at lege where he is a junior, it has type an -^ «\ $3,162.60. i Heaslip, Mrs, George MeCUmock. ! bonds through the Women's Ixo F. Brady, Jr., son of Mr. Flying School. Roswell. New listed in the U. s. Army Air Corps Mrs. Kenneth Van Horn, 573 1106 Pierpont street, at 3 P. M. the Church of the Holy Comforter, been.. ..announced Appointnwnls- Errors I Mrs S J, Borden. and Mrs, David and will report for active duty Lady Foresters War Savings Committee. and Mrs. h. F. Brady, of 2"72'Mor- Mexico He sends his best re- Warren E. Eggers, son of Mr.Harrison street. from—a—to — By~the are made on the basis of special fltfst Ins & r M, Taylor and training us n piif 1 A ;otal of $30" 15 was sold on _I(jtL avenue has completed the and-Mrs-. RaymontfTV Eggers. of Friday. October 23 Public card party to be held Church Worker's Guild. proficiency in the work of any not be Monday [he total amount sold , gards m all Thursday by Rahu^y City Circle ' An Explanation at tiic Officer—Candi^tffte 2025 Barnett street has arrived Rummage sale to be held a.C . by St. Ann's Society of St. Mark's j Wednesday, November 4 department. one : by ;he R;.d Cross Production Rooni . Lady FJ rest era. The members of . f the Signal Corps at Port Melville Vt-JQsbom«., S«H of Mr ( WSllet.X—BoyJe, SOB.-0I M^v-and--safely- at a post trr EngTana." He 1805 Irving street by the Rahway ' Church a.t the parish hall, 8 P. M. The Women's Auxiliary of Rah- Temple has been very «<-t.ivi» In 3 Box L1-^L uruup - beitttf- Mis. Ge&r-ti*-j wa I s J509J0. Fred Scliaaa'tinu, . -5Kmmt>utrr —and- ijeen ' ctfmmls- [Mrs. Arthur J. Boyle, of 185 Wal- member of the U. S. Army Mcmoi'ial- u&uKg.^ w_iu ,-axid—sgeateteg— at Da.tea .Miss Dorothy Cars-weil. Mr?;.' and Mrs. Chester Osborne. of 2100 iiosrit*! rlonniinn riny to. sioned a Second Lieutenant. Price street has enlists. iiLthj-K- Sat.. Oct, 4 M the-Womair's-Amullaiy UT~"ln tne"'Ti6spita'r penthouse at 3 Jason Kemp. Mrs Clarence Mc- ! ST. , . -He member- Gu;re. Mrs. VV. B DuKie and .Mrs. j is. Coast Guard and is rn training T=fe= e s4!e to held af+Ra*r speech cant Marine (\ Only (Hi.' To H. E. Freeman, son of Mr. e" OUTPUT aot by iMlay, OftuUtr ta Thursday. November 5 j of Politics Club, the Heelers Dra- B. A. Keeves Ouwut 0! electricity by Public The executive board of the Publlc social to be held at the i maUc Club, and is junior repre- «'il In I'tiiuri' eh, N," *jsoorne is Teacher Association of Franklin Wte4 atrafls Stale Highway 25 has completed Pvt. George H. Kettner, son of Service Electric and Gas Company School. Rahway Woman's Club will meet home of Mrs. William T-.- SnUth. I sentative on both the Men's Stu- well known in local athletic circles OBSERVE NAVY DAY • Mr. and Mrs. Henry a. Kettner. 1 the course at the Office Candidate having been a member of the Rah- fdr the week ended October 15 was Rummage sale to be held at the at the residence of Mrs. George E. 400 Koenig place, under the aus- (dent Council ami the Publishing *~ u.a JULI tnfi stap :o think thaT of 2174 Evans street has returned « Tfie""ne~\v:y formed Marine Corps School and received a Second way High School track team and 85,175,158 kilowatt hours com* parish house of St. Paul's Church : Qaiiaway. 163 West MiKoa aw- piees of the Cheerful Workers' Association. . Tuesday w:th a program in the of man's three basic needs—- food. to duty at Part Belvolr, V-a., alter nue 9>30 A M League Detachment adopted the Lieutenant's commission. He has more recently competed under the pa^ed -with 79, 891,tos kilowatt under the auspices or the Church - - - Society of Grand Street Chapel. ; Rahway EHcs' Home sponsored by •clothing ar.d s!:eH;r — -the las: ont\ a brief visit with his parents here. temporary nanir of Midway Island been a-3Si«ned- to-eamp etatrborne. colors of Secon Hali Prep. hours in the corresponding week Workers. Friday, i to 5 P. M., Sat- Victory bridge to be held by the Saturday. November 7 Notify The Reeora or yonr clay* . the Veteran's Central Commii'.ef, . iiiti:er. ;s the only one that can I • ' * " Cal. a year ago, an Increase of 5,344.052 urday. 9 A. M. to 1 P^ M. ;Ladies' Auxiliary of the y. M. Q. The—Ladies^-Atixtftttry- of- -frful- activities. Write~of~phone Eafiway Detachment at a meeting held las: i William J. Kenney is chairman of be accumulated for the future? 7r night ;n the ""City Hall. OrnVers • • • _ | Pvt. Daniel Rommel, Jr., son of or 6.6S per cenJt- . Tuesflay, OcToSer it i «: iT7T: M." in the' Y""' vey-Ditmars Post. V. P. W.. will 7-0600. . t,h*> speeial committee arranging • Anyone who tne-d to store up food SKETCHED IN THE j Col. William R. Evans, son of were elected and plans y-tire made Robert B. Jacques, son of Mr. j Mrs. Christine Evans, of 86-7.Ross Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Rommel, — V Mrs. Joseph Simon, of 677 Jef- J Saturday. October 31 hold a dinner and theatre party • tile program. DanciP-g will fal- ' or clothing fjr the ncx: :;venty MERCHANDISE MART. CHICAGO, ILL THE BEVERAGE %W of 442 Harrison street is spend- to cooperate with ihc Veteran's •years would be considered a fool and Mrs.. James T. Jaques. 263 , street has been promoted to the American shipyards turned out ferson avenue, will be hostess at Hallowe'en costume dance to bein Elizabeth. Presbyterian Church under the Central Commute^ :n the observ- low the ceremonies Polls recently taken amons servicemen indicate their preference for ing a short leatfe with his parents ninety-three cargo vessels of all meeting of the Americaxi home held at Colonia Country Club by ^Thursday. November...1&. . .auspices of the Mothers' Ciub of . and a iiuard^j-'. BIH (he man Tho utilitarian Christmas cilts. Retailers are therefore early stocking: items W.'.hJ.m street has gradudatedrank of Sergeant at Pelts Field. ance ol N-avy Eht-y • from his duties with the Army types in September, almost as ' "ChoiK. ineln -supper to be served Bern Scout. Troop-43- and Sea-eeotrt- ELECT OFTiCEJtS - buyri a home and .thereby assures of this type, realizing packages destined for overseas must be sent far THE BEVERAGE.SHOP WILL BE CLOSED NEXT from the radio school of the Army iSpokane, Wash. He is doing SU-PBto Sfirvire at Savannah. On: Officers chosen were Comman- TTf Torres- "Technical ..Tramlng Rahway Lodge of Elks will hold at the community house of First Ship 247. A • a reoen t mee 11:-,* t r.e R a I \ a lifetime of s;u-ltcr on itabk- in advance of expected delivery--date. -Ylw^y- aF«-ulso ^nintllul of the 1VTQNDAY, "TTJESDAY~S3M L) W EDNFESK&Yr— - ~ la der. Fred Sc!ie:'iin: senior v:ce- 6 pound weight and shoe-box size limitation on Uiem. Gifts rlnsret in command: —He ts strtttmecT at Army Air Corps , way Maccabees tle^:eJ temporary , Lerm-s is beir.ti meieiy wise --Am' Word has been received here cummandtr. Charles HefTner; ; o Ulcers, as follows Seymour JLer- , tsritian Builder. - the heart's desire of servicemen as shown by poll include: money belt —' OCTOBER 26, 27 AND 28 Scot: Field, IH. 1 ... that William Boylan.-of 21** St junior vice-commander Charles j ner. president, Duv;d Mistook) . v or wallet; cigarettes and lighter; shoe shinioc kit; pen and pencil set; Tayiur: Sgt.-at arms, Tliomas" writing: kit; overnight bap; sewing- kit; duffle- bag; barracks slippers. Lieut. Mark B. Connor, son of , vice-preside-nt. Mi^s Harriet Leh- ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Many servicemen dote on waterproof watches and such tricky items Ornisby. chief-of-taif and his- ' man. secretary. Ku-hard S.'Iznik. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Christie. as brushes with cache on top lor toilet articles. he IS 1 rneTBoerj5i_tne ground crew 1355 Maple terrace has arrived at an overseas post. torian. James McGee. Six new —This closing has been ordered by the Commissioner of Alco- stationed, at-.^he Roswell Army safely at an overseas post, accord- • treasurer. The next meeting will t of 1059 Maurice ayen_ue_. annjauiiiij * • • members were reported The next 1 t _b£. iieid Mo-nd-ay in t-i«* s>'nogogue the "birth of a son. Norman hoHc Beverage Control as a penalty. It results from a finding meeting will be held in the C::y Cpl, Peter Babilya. son of Mrs. ; at 8 P M and w:!l be fo;lu\\t.-d Miich^H Cliristie. on October 12 : product to come from ;:i Jiarder Ciian other Hall next Thursday night. by the Commissioner that we employed as a sales clerk a person_ Mary Babilya, of 9X2 Bond street . by a social period at. Rah*ay*Memorial Hospital is :\ new "; •'. A > I.*' J iJ .->," -ond-jaembeDepartmentr haof sth beee Razhwgy~Poticgn promoted to' not privileged under the law to be so employed. the rank of Sergeant. He is sta- •Jr We maintain a spe- tioned at Fort Ord, Cal. The Alcoholic Beverage Control laws and regulations estab- cial working - women's • • • lish certain restrictions, as to citizenship and residence, for per- loan department. Col. James La Bar, son of POUND You can borrow up James La Bar, Sr., of 527 Union Good sons employed in the liquor industry. This is as it should bo. to 5300 "on your own" street, who is at Guadacanal has Tu.id.y sent a^ Tntcro-flmfT letter to *Bis Th About three years ago a yonng-nrannapirtled to us for a job. * One-day service— father, dated September 19,-which no inquiries at job. says in part, "Everything is okay, He had not been in the United States very long. He had come don't worry. Regards to all." from one of the European countries which has since been invaded IMjmn. Cpl. La Bar is a vetera Q n of the $9 .OH .. first sprnn in tihnt rfti»— and occupied. We explained to him that we could not give him ~ ••».75-| now a participant in the 'goings- 3ti.:il . lti.30 | on.1 that are taking place there at ab unlooc he eould-secme u periHUf rom the. Alcoholic Beverage «•>.•!« -i arav t trie moment. Control Commission. P^ • • * Cpl. Theodore R. Schaefer, son The young man DID secure a permit and came to work for of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Schae- SECURITY riNANCE DL fer, of 603 Harrison street is. at 511 us. He continued to- work for us during the last three years. J. S. BOOTH. Manaeer Telephone RA. 7*0102 "home on leave from his duties at the c[ Fort Lewis, Wash. Cpl. and Mrs. are Each year the permit had to be renewed and it was renewed. Koblnuoil Buliclliit l.l<-en»«. No. 73^ . 1529 MAIN ST. '. BAHWAY, N. J. Schaefer wi41 spend -the week end warm We assumed that everything was all right. in Hartford, <3onn., visiting rela- luck "MOntTily' Rate 2'/,"; of Unpaid Balance tives. i for a, The employe worked for us as a sales clerk. We made no OPEN FRIDAY EVENING8 7 t*.. M. TO 9 P. M. servlq Yeoman Archer Buroff, of Lin- do th secret of that fact. We had no reason to hide it. We thought it r~ Vou & TydoJ was permitted. ~. ton It now turns out we were wrong. Uftder the permit we were entitled to give the young man a job, and he was entitled to work OTATOES ORANGES . for us, BUT HE WAS NOT PRIVILEGED TO BE EMPLOYED . SUES AS A SALES CLERK. As we understand it, the United States Have You Noticed How Many GR/1NBERR/ES has treaties with certain countries, under which persons who finnr-cmsp CAPE cms come from those countries may be employed in the liquor industry, LEMONS . Busy Workers Have •IMCr SONKtST even as sales clerks. There is no such treaty with the particular Bakers 4'b> country from which this young man came. Savings Accounts? 1). 5. »••' We understand that the ABC Commissioner made inquiry Sweets - into pur case as the.r.esultof-a complaint-made-by someone'whose " identity we do not know. When the the investigators called, we Buy 'War Bonds and Stamps with-ybuf Safeway Savings! Yes, neighbor, you freely admitted the facts. When it was shown that these facts constituted-a-^4olatwhrJ(ve-admifcted that^-Adolatoirhad occurred . . . quiet, self-effacing you, are a living part and parcel of the biggest, toughest, bloodiest as the result of misunderstanding. " VeHMtfSa war in all the hard pages of history. But ignorance or .misunderstanding is no excuse. Tlie £om= Tr missionef's finding that ¥e were guilty of a violation was in Orange Juice rr 2'^29c Wheaties ..•£££. 2^«.19e You_.can'f escape- ic—• V-ou-ca-fi't hide out on -y^84JocktalU."SUr^.^+9««23e Ralston Cereal Z'ii »«•** 19« a penalty-whieh requires-us-toTenTam~cTosed TbrTHree days. We HERE are many things you want, but can't buy J For here is a war EVERYBODY is in^ The Cream Corn "BayBS"*- -12« Olive Oil o°r '*•"»< 13»^1.75 understand that this is the minimum penalty jy^iich has been T today because they're not available. MW u man behind the plow. The kid in knee pants. imposed in other cases of the same kind. Sugar Peas *,"£lZt, 2«.125e Macaroni " VJ.Wr * M-8* The oldster with the cane. The housewife That's 'where you come in. to pledge—not the least, but the MOST you can. By That's why we say: Build a Savings Account at Fancy Spinach °V';r - •• •« 14e Mayonnaise »>""" °," 15° '»45c doinj; your part you'll be helping America produce tbc nE cnU!r Mix iVi I with the market basket. The white-collar For, brother and sister, building these things 60,000 planes, 4 5,000 tanks, 20,000 antiaircraft guns and We made a mistake. Even though it was an "honest mistake, this 91-year-old mutually-owned Savings bank, for use Tomatoes uHrSt «.."*»«»-17« Flako - ° "• -12e worker. The blue-collar wjirker., The girl, taltes money. Lots of it! And your Govern- eight million tons of shipping we MUST HAVE this year there was a violation and so there must be a penalty. We are after the War. Baby Foods •••<*•«•<***** 3 •». 20e Pancake Flour««««»»• 2'?,". 19« in the schoolroom. TO WIN! Remember, you ^ran start buying Bonds by I ment needs that morv.'y right HOW! Not for buying Stamps for as little as 10 cents and that you get a making this statement only so that our patrons and friends will Codfish »w*i.v. «•«»•>»•2pV, .-.23c Buckwheat Flour ASL ""11° $25 (maturity value) Bond (Series E) for only $18.75. understand correctly the reason for our being closed next Mon- Saving part of your income helps our Country, r K a We're ALL in it—Ipxk, stock, body, and keeps. They don't want you to give it away. Tomato Soup u .:T;"^ 3 c J.23e Margarine c^rwR,!,. r23e day, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We regret very much any incon- 1 1 soul. They just want you to lend it to them. \f your Ami In one Number o/ Total annual too. Be thrifty now — that you may continue to enjoy Milk JSIZL 3 •<:•: 13c 3 c .-. :24c Cakex Vanilla — ° - -13« weekly you satv saving*/or bond ! s EEijimE li>iirt II)OT | earnings each uilt safe each income pun-tjasei venience to them that this may cause. freedom, and the right to comforts and conveniences Knox Gelatine_?.S'«i«_2' ^Jl? _P4ckies- » »- - ' ''-12« If America loses, you lose. If America goes Invest ever)' dime, quarter, half-dollar, and are tieek rnsup S5- 10 $0.25 J13.O0 3,/f 4.000 $-13,2 12,000 down (and it can), you go down, too. And dollar you can lay your hands on in U. S. 1O-_M .-50 L29.3 50^)00- .._ — - -(signed}- -"Barney"-Engelmiffl;- . "KitchBirCraftTlour "«£"'~rni.T«nrt7 1 __eyery.jd£r:enx-thing-goes-dow^n- witfr-yon ". T~;— —Stamps- and -Bonds; '~Nat~fust~~spare money" 15- 20 .75 39.00 5,4 70,000 213,3 30,000 For Fresh Flavor!] J 2O- 30 1.25 65.O0 IO.T^TJQCH)^ Buy War Bonds regularly, too Sterling Salt - J3 oil..;.-i10. I e thax~home> that-hearth, that patch of ground, but money you cati't spare. Dig deep^ Oeny_. > yourself. This is war! SO- 40 2.00 104.00 7,774,000 - 808,496,000 out of income. Noodle Soup Mix cffilu. •«.•.»*». 25« ••••tbarijl"ess"ed""ft ee3omV 4O- 50. . 4.O0 108.00 5,794,000 1,20^152,000 OB CHEHM SOD« Giriger ftle JSBSISJ. •«.,.. 31".?.'-23c TThe_only way to save these things is to win Make every pay day Bond day. Make every 50- 60 6,00 312.00 3,007,000 938,184,000 HOH2S 6O- 70 8-00 416.00 2,231,000 928,096,000 »«.i»22e ml"33c the war/ day Stamp day. Start doing it this very day! Salad Dressing »»""•• „, the 70- 80 10,00 520.00 1,304,000 678,080,000 Bond's Dill Pickles 3!»i.)ir23c And the only way to win is to out-build, out- 8O-100 ]2.O0 624.00 1,489,000 929,136,000 The Enriched^White gun, out-plane, and out-fight the enemy—to ENLIST YOUR CURRENT SAVINGS FOR VICTORY 10O-150 20.OO 1,040.00 1,059,000 1,101,360,000 T Tissue 3«« 150-200 35.00 1,820.00 298,000 542,360,000 Tiakehim sick "at the sound of a propeller, the Sec in this table how/ your savings, set aside regutany by 120 Years Is A Long Time! Scot Toilet Tissue ™»7e you—and by every American with an income—reach 10 IVER2O0- 695,000 sight of- a tauk, the roar of a bomb. 2,000,000,000 SAVINGS k billion dollars id just one year! Then make up you? mind 48,16.7,000 10,215,311,000 •' Paper Napkins«»*«•» >«- 7c BUT THAt*S HOW LONG THE RECORD HAS° Facial Tissues "%?.% 9c BEEN "THE HOfclE NEWSPAPER" OF THOU- . , INSTITUTION Rap-in-WaxWu%;,r.»19e SANDS OF FAMIIJES IN RAHWAY & VICINITY uzit•, This space Is a contribution to America's all-out war effort by "The Bank of Strength" Blueing 2jfi.0« Whatever Your Business, Let The Rahway^Record Aid Yon In The Railway Record Increasing Sales and Winning New Customers. 1500 IRVING STREET RAHWAY, N. J. Bonafide Circulation — Proved Results For 'Advertisers _ Member FedeTal~Deposvt Insurance~Corporatton < • Get U. S. WAR Savings Bonds and Stamps Now IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IF YOU ADVERTISE WHERE ./gVPgj 1488 Irving St. ~ Large Free Parking

V_1L r-tH-- %f

V, I \ \- PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1942 THE RAHWAY REcc Written And Edited RECORD By Students Thejtahwqy High School Record Patronize tKURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 194^ Rahuli Hish .School R?oord Staff Lditnr-in-rhirf Doreen HaUings City Editor Oorls Rom Aroundabout Juniors Interview M;inasim; Editor Aura Firsau FROM-WILLIE TO ADOLPH Musical Comedv Personals Sorir(> Editor—Mltrir Bnmraraer By George Loffoida y High School Girls Faculty Adviser LcRoy Hotti Yi\>. • Some;h;ns New Has Leading; Jewelers DO NOT DISAPPOINT •Acidfd-.'—-H^r-thry->-ear's' flrsr etTT7 By Mitzie Bumcarner Visit N. J, ColU, t:on of tiie 'Raliwaj- Hish School By Charles Repkle Practice Begins Editorial" Record winch appears in the The Junior Class Ring Commit- By Barbara F«ner Blanche Martin, and Edward Wil- Rahway Record"' every Thurs- tee met on Thursday. October 6. Rehearsals for "H. M. S. Plna- liams went to "The Well" In Cald- ..... By Barbara Mlneus I day. As in previous years, we will with their advisers Edward Per- well on October 9. Last Wednes- Eleven Junior and s.- . forj." a musical comedy by Gil- J r s By Dcrecn llollincs summarize the happenings rine and Miss Evelyn Wise to in- bert ar.d Sullivan, have been held day, they went to the Adams in of the high school « •r-" ', *' ' ' R..P.-...-. I-.;.. S:!-..i . .-..i> u,>,-! Rahw.iy Hi*:: terview jewelers for the purpose all last week under the direction Newark. ' New. Jersey College fo^' „* ::i < >-.<;• ;,i: ;•. rp ::-..tn a n:jr.:h of selecting a class ring. of Mrs. Jane Aszman and Eugene a:-.ii a.:.'.i.:v ivany nf -lit" sr.idems VVJirn ti:p question 'XV:'.'. we go Doris Corrigan went to see the REMEBER: THAT A DAYS FORESIGHT MAY SAVE WEEKS OF DELAY LATER The 1 The company from which the Wackerminn. art' .i--.-'.:-.i: .n i,nu< -.v.lriim' undefeated asain this year' " wis 1 Lebanon Valley-New York cliy the rlelSS ring wi!l be purchased is Dieses Candidates for the leading roles ^(1: • • ^ ' .:'. ket p:r.c ;v>;h theasked the answer was. "That's College same on October 11. The college • sent a Delivery Of Your Christmas Gifts To .Service Men classllit' and Clust. which was represented are Barbara Mlngus. Dorothea s.-h. •• .1.. . ,ev -hf .v :-Ty »T a^kifitr LOO much and it can't be must o if |§|£-| by P. J. Hansen. He will be in Hugglns. Joyce Bauer, Marjoris Principal Ralph N. Koch, a:v- •• .::;. .1 ;.::*: .i s ::tp .•:.,.. M. .o done " However, judging from '""" """ "" " " "~ "* " " lil Them tarp« an §5i?* e; the high school today to receive Knapp. Arlene Gardner. Lucy Barbara Mingus visited a friend weeks ago. announcing '[ S.ivv -A.- a: i,:-. ; ji : li, riiii-Lini! tii? victoria over Sum mi:, Mor orders for the ring. at Wilson College in Chambsrs- day had been set asidt- • Errors •Wjif' Gardner, Ruth FLspecky David e_.. • 1. :.:- '.:-..- .- .in.- .> •• of ourristowr.. Linden, and Cranford. it The committee consisted ot the Mistovskl, Jack Chapln. Alex burs. Pennsylvania for the week- tain the Junior and s;-- first ins- •%{B5S! : : looks as though the Scarlet, eleven ""'J I not be iggt; '•'•'" •"• •' :':••!•. 'v ••' J •• b uuir.s following pupils: Douglas Bau- Kempa, Robert Nichols. Johnny end of October 9 and 10. school studsnts of th'<" '. '•' .• - ';'.i' ' .t • ii:i\e >!!.. • upp -r: u;!. once again bring glory to old mann. aAyrtls Lusk. Harland Under the auspices of one lncc|g|j| Bopp, Frank Gagnon. and Jerry t e Wo- | Mi .». ,i:'.!'. ::bi>t'r lar.k COsie::-.. r Ka:i;\ ay High We're W:LJ: \OURush. . Joanna Durand. Lloyd Barbara -Burke and Paul Thom- man's Club, the girls »v Box 1 Maurer. r These Stores Are Ready To Serve You .:'. :...-.: _:-.a: :.ea: :n A ir pri'^Liv - bjys- whether you win or lose. Peskoe. John Di Nicola, and Mar- son went to New York on Colum- adventis Tentative dates for the perform^ eroned to New Brunswick ; ..;; ..«•....-;;:.— Trie r.zrmat —"--* Zeleziilcfc. Uiey were Welcbmed~S'y^ t •' '"""'•'"e'" TJecemEef '3 aricTX :e Deac. .».K.:u:.v: !•• •: :iie-ii uroti'.i.v;! During the fourih iuncli period. in the afternoon, had dinner at and visited regular college" V- >'!asses rif M.u'tfiiuu <^'r.\\f::zev proudly said. "The Commodore." and went to After eating lunch, the'.»., •Is were PHON y-a; . Hit V'ii should see my new-bom the ParaJnoun-t at night to see The taken by bus to the RirV nephew '' Happy Bi Alumni In Service Andrew glisters arn* Tuny P^fyr ball stadium r.o see. rs foot- ' TJX7T thinkinp a puzzled" class - anOteul maie inquired, "Is 1; a boy or _a. i Taylor On'JCaamBus Day. Bob Carlisle.' | The girlswn o Wioh rue <_narniga. James Bonnor. The Rahway High School Re 'were Barbara Feller sn,ri1ri iihool Record is inaugurating a ord extends many happy retur.u, Koberskylobersky, Louis Da LorettoLoretto, cooper. Joyce Simmen Barbarii We a! ways laugh a: teachers' lew column. "Alumni in Service." of the day to the following per- ttay Boatman. Dave Taylor. Minsus, Jane Parke, oiadvs n^l : Jokes In order to bring you news about N . . : . - ..:• - .• -h.: * :."..s :.isk sons whose birthdays occur this I Qccrze Keller. Joe Lovas. Bob Mc- ming. Barbara Burke j,, ' No matter -*h^ the^- be. the /beys- that you knaiv. wa hav« :\;- .; ••- rt r:i = :-.-»i.:r c;uu\ The Wrek. *JPadderr, Martin . Leone. Dave j atn>u{L.jcnM«ia DoH. Jut: ' J •Not because they,"re funny jokes shortened the list to boys who s.:,t;i '. .i ~ - I.I ^: AS Murie-n.s October 22 Mack. Charles Peins, Barney Old- lip. and Marian Treadue IJJT. ;:: :v.-i- - •>.•',: oe helping to But because it's policy. have graduated, or attended I field, and Charles Noble went to chaperone was Mrs c D FI I Mr. Goldblatt says: Jane Hennighan I SIDNEY'S school, since 1930. New York. They saw Tony Pastor Real He-Man^iftsJFor —Exchange. dridge, president of the' Send Them Records October 23— -tti- Kr'.-^ivf •A'-.:.-'. .- si:i: in Charles Corbia We wtnrttf appreciate lCTT'our -rond—The -Andrew" Bisters "at yroii: -•• : ^ .J •<•:: Juld -eparate Now [hat reporfs are "round the readers would keep us posted with Paramount. IF YOU DESIRE SOMETHING GOOD IN TO CHEER THEM UP DURING. 1 Alphonso Vastano :;.jir. . .- .-.i! . .i J«- ^.iinpai^r. We corner Richard Wachoz news concerning the following, or I ARMY JEWELRY TO BE FORWARDED, in time THEIR LONELY HOURS IN CAMP a: c h-'rJ< • i- '..ii'. the' scrap vo'.~ Ar.d Exams are sure :o appear, anyone missed, or new boys that Jane Roarke was given a sur- ""H^OfWe Service Alice Yawney U\iea *:i'x rnaKe Rahway Hish a We ritart ottr midnight burner Jr. Members Joir October 24 ... _ Joined tlie tervTceX Sucn -pi ise bli UioTgy party last Friday ( •- Xffras—soch-airtreau1^iTirservTce"wat'ehes, H«e Are Two Spcciar Gift Assortments Packed ^ • ' — ' ed our ear. i information will be received- by night at. .Tnspphtn^—Gtroud-'-a-f Oeor^e Charni^a J£RACHCAJL-TIIINCS THEY-ALL CAN U-g In Wootf" -*' j r . > A , a i Virginia Taylor in room 317 or by h-cruse. Doreen Soilings. Eathryn ' ricad-y tor Shipment Over Seas famil: ^r.-. drive. «ron^ October 25— uf X. Perry Tells -Newspaper military rings, identification bracelets mili- r Mr. Pofcts in room 101. Jopling. Josephine Oiroud. Betty price. Ana should iiave done as dirtc-tcd- Theresa Schweitzer Army Flash. Lights Scissors (All Styles^ Package No. 1 —- -V - Of New Victory X-P Office Announces Fuss ArmstFORg^—Wavy- Cusumaxra^-Glady* Plemteg. and tary brush sets. Hn^ nthpr inpidant.nlr. fnr hi.1 Package No. 2 Mater B"- =.:nce I didn't. I'll «« the song Mary Hedrick yBaibara Ann NeWEm," T HAW araaMBatteries CONTAINING SIX Glenn Blood—Navy Jane Rourke attended. CONTAINING FIVE AS sure as Roosevelt was elected October 26— By Morton Balon Doreen Hollinss. Editor 0( (hJ Small Plyers New Faculty Member Pat Biscardi—Army needs — Hurry and select your gifts now, Hunting Knives Betty Earley* Superintendent Arthur L. Perry Class Officials High School Record, welcomed! Black Label Victor Red Seal Victor Rec- THERE Two more of our faculty mem- Walt Bross—Navy Teaches Algebra. L. A. P. _October 27— gave the students of Rahway High Kay Malony, Louis Sisto. Terry the newly elected member* of ttfel while our stock is complete. Records of the Latest Oil Boulten-rNavy JPocket Knives Pocket Screw Drivers ords of Classical bers hav, JO!r.e4_ti1e arm^ri «„. -Rebert Brerm:rn Carj>i M&ldnyj_ and I-^utn r^HerMhin- Jourrmli.Trri nnh ot ^ m: • ... Popular Miisir By PefBv Toupland •Schoal-a -preview of "trnwBf5~ra SIM -vw-or-mrTJnTtfd Slates. Jason Patricia Lenox come" in the high school audi- Raljway High School held elec- went to the Adams to see Sammy the group held last Priiay"'"^ Padlocks TVf 11 g i f . . - Srine M..-s N.:: J.i.is;n. a new teacher K ) John Charniga—Army Kaye Pocket Sharpening Stones ™" -sc:en.-e teacher, left Pri- October 23— torium last Wednesday. He out- tions for class officers two weeks Kaye Pay $1.25 Weekly fice b ::i Rah.va-. Hiuh School, is for- Nick Colona—Marines $3.68 | . $4.46 VJ»!J^M lhoS:sr"i! Corps and Warren ArgentieTe" lined the organization. 'The High ago-in the auditorium. The Senior the o-bieotives of the c'ib _^____ 1543 MAIN ST. Wallets ni.r:y .':,,•]-. Cl£>st_er in Bergen Jjlin Cjs.ello. also a scienc- Perry Cambell—Merchant Ma- Ths Keytainers oncers are Louis Z. Popp, presi- Louis De Loretto and Bill other officers, Doris R0-ie (Not Connected With Any other Store) PLEASE ORDER EARLY — QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED Conn-. Shr is a graduate of John Di Nicola School Victory Corps." There rine ea V :: eaV lomorr 1 dent: Frank Cullens. vice-presi- Shields went to New York on Sun- Firgau. Virginia TajKor u- C.o.v.er Hir:-: School aad State • d nm ' ' - ™ 'a at'- Calvin Hoehle are six phases to the Victory dent: Anna Smith, secretary: Bob Coyne—Army Air Corps day to ^ee "Wake Island." Zie Sumgarner, explainer Tcai-!-.-. r- Ci'.'.fge in Upper Mon:- • «'..d OfflL-ers Training School in Albert Koenis • .Corps. They are as follows: the thet QUda Musachio, treasurer. Junior John Coyne—Merchant Marine work to the new member? A. R. Goldblatt Co. <-..i:r Wiiile in i-oilepie. Miss Jcn- Neu York City We wish these Charles Robertson general organization, winch will LOST officers are John Di Nicola, presi- ! Carlton Case—Navy The meeting of the 39 Club was s in -XTT> .i mjmbi'r o( ir.r- Danc-e "••r- 'I'* b:st of luck and hop! V consist mostly of Freshmen and Th l el6Cter chain| Sophomores: and the air, seader.U. f Haiiar.d Rush, vice-presi- John Daddarion—Navy held last Friday night at the home I "•"=Alex* •"anpa. h feKnowWfiatTheyWant 84 EAST CHERRY ST. T. H. Roberts Co. Rahway Music Shop "'••>•• ti-.ey will IMP win this war' t£L ia. Rogers Gimbernat. Maple Club Before- ;-om::is here, sh.> Richard Esperon—Navy RAHWAY ";:n ,and ^ back with us at land, community, and production dsnt; Myrtle Lash, secretary; of Irene Bell. The following memJ-SWriey Cooper. JOHN A. O'CONNOR : ;n IhH Cljsi.r High Sriinul Eugene Flynn—Navy ra Newark. GIVE HIM A WELGRUME VICTORY KIT With respectively. -ina Durandvtreasurer, sopho- bers were there: MarJofle'Ahder- """Barbar' a Feller Lloyd P;skoe. 1507 MAIN STREET Opp. Cherry St. 7-3414 ii.ie now tea.-hes algebra and life more officers are Joseph Popp. ' Charles Faith—Navy 1526 MAIN STREET -Principal Ralph N. Kocher an- son., Janls Carlson., Joyce BaueBauerr. Ronald -Ljnts. Pete. _r. OJppa3 race adjustment problems. president; . .Hugo -Becker, vice-1 Richard Golden—Navy r B nounced that the high school will Mary Dixon. Marjorie Knapp, David Simmons. Charles Ckmon! Sweater-Muffler i When quesqamns Miss Jonsan S - -Latin Club-geWtw t Virginia Taylot Bob-H«nrv—;vfT**»--friTrfttori reyy> HUflSom has been admit- Qhavo a Pe Me fruifl William Holt—Army Air Shirley js 13 n-'w sne lelt about teach! " """ " '""" Corps ter, Anna Buieza. Rjse AWKI umcers P'or This Term ted to the Wilson College Choral 1 j, 15 to Nov. 1. Vice-principal tary; Ellen Peterson, treasurer. here slie said I am very mu " v-uuese '-.norai Freshman officers- nrp .inhn sum Charles Hriczko Navy "' ' Purand. Bev?rir| Like and tor- .. Club for 1849-43 npv.» ^»K«^» t -^,.t Wnny Dua 1842-4,3. The ChoTaICTub- ITB I Jeffries —6T — nicuiuiiiuoii man of 0^ drive. Pupils are well, president; Millicent Cahill. es, aallally CramerCrame•r.. RRobercjl ¥»EPiPeS TWiddlelorTTIpe & | r/| building, ar.d the v.ry conipl. e nl t Clayton Kubu^-Marines are presjjeets for What you have to . Barbara Minffus . is open only to upperel-assmen and I m-ged to bring scrap to Lee Roy vice-president; Mary Rommel, sec- AUers. and Betty Stephens Tobacco Kit . . 1 .OU HE IS equipment \v::icn is available for The Senior Latin Club held its presents two programs each year, yothers, used electric light bulb: Alex Kosiarski—Coast Guard sellsell . Why not sell thesnth?? An add In to the students Considenng the retary; Ruth Dedeclus, treasurer. ThS KecoTd'S. classified se-cH After -the business meeting.! I Victory Kit containing ail- dayfirst. rneetiirOctobeg ro f7 th, eOfficer year osn Turswere- a cantata at Christmas Vespers j i0 Miss Imogen'McCiellan. wast V _gd Kosiarski—Navy is | Doris Rowe and Virginia favlor too 1 sleeveless sweater, 3.50 12.50 Middlcton EXPECTING large sttident body, there is elected and plans were made for wait Kosiarski—Navy taejcpenl and Droduc"we. .j.,.. ^ - on theev e of [he hoiiday recess. fats to Miss Cora Oreene, tin can served Refreshments. pool muffler and wristlets. YELLOW BALL PIPES Tobacco | AA minimum oi confusion," the term, Jr. Latin Club To Hold John Long—NTavy and a spring concert of folk and to Miss Josephine Raub. and Khaki for army or nav-y for FRA.NK MEDICO PIPES (5 kinds) 1 .\j\j A GIFT Edward Perrine. the adviser, modern songs. yayn and burlap to Miss Celeste First Meeting Tuesday Harry Mathis—Navy buIlap ^ marines and sailors. Small, HESSON GUARD PIPES took charge of the meeting and Miss Ransom is a sophomore at >—--— _ . .- - Charles Nylmicz—Marines Tobacco FROM YOU tiie following officers were elected: Wilson. I vvatson. Publicity will be In By Ronald Lints Ted Peterson—Navy pedium, large. Freshman Latin Club Pouches Aura Firgau. president: Peter chargeof LeRoy Potts; art pos The Junior Latin Club, under Frank Paris—Navy Hospitalizatiofi 25c Jeanne Butler. J a c a u e 1 i n » (IE AND MONEY BELT SETS Elects NewDfficers Lane" , ters will be under the direction of the direction of Edward Perrine. Mike Popp—Army 1.00 Mad-, Vlce-preslder": Virginia Heaslip and Janet Kennedy who • " ' — --"••- John cSbper: Eugene Wacker- will hold their first meeting to- Bob Proudfoot—Navy Khaki only ••-. .. TOILET KITS SI.49 to S8.96 By Joyce Garber Mdd.j.on. secretary; Shirley Coo- . graduated last J,«e are now ' Jif.^U??mann haf s cnargchir«ee Ooff ssongs°n8s;; anandd per, treasurer. Plans for i now ' Thelma Prazee will supervise day. The thirty-flve members of Phil Rowely—Navy ZV2C per day BUXTON WALLETS AND OTHER MAKES Harriet Marsh «.is elei-ted pies-., with other schools \v freshmen at New Jersey College Miss 59c to $7.50 _ for Women all typing. the club will play a bingo game Danny Rommel—Army WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS New Brunswick. using Latin words. MEDICAL — SURGICAL S2.50 to S10.00 Gifts for Men in Principaipal Kocher announced Richard Rand—Marines Compact at: the flrs't meeting which was e. ' Jeanne Butler and Janet Kennedy vent many such meetings er and Janet d The officers of the Latin Club Alex Remeta Navy Salary Replacement Benefits May Be- Added WATERMAN SETS $4.20 to $12.50r held last Thursday, under ;he di- are taking the general curriculum , that all pupils bringing 10 lbs. of -V '. scrap to ththe RRahwah yT Theatre on are as follows: president. Richard Steve Sprovach Navy At- Small Cost WRITING PORTFOLIOS 39c up The Service rection of Miss Henrietta GJerler. ; while Jacqueline Heaslip is spe- Moulton; vice-president. Janet Mart Sprovach—Army Other officers elected were vice- Junior Proctor KoOItl cializing in pre-medical work. p October 24 will be admitted free TOILET KIT LECTROLIGHT LJGHTERjwd president. Ce.'e Katzman: secre- Secures Three Prizes • and their school will get credit Gray; secretary, No-rma Hamp- Bob Stockleln—Navy No Waiting For Groups To Form REMEMBER for the scrap. ton; and treasurer. Josephine Bud Simpson—Marines SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR tary. Beraice Bo-den: treasurer.- ' ' Norman Temple was on Dunphy. Dean's list for the first six weekthse ; The Art Club presented a skit Otto Scheidegser-^-Army No Medical Examination MEN IN THE SERVICE THE FINAL TIME FOR..MAILING XMAS Katharine Parkhurst. Cliff Saladin—Marines 1.95 The thirty-five members of the By Jordon Voffel at Bates College. about the need of scrap metal. Art Schupp—Navy Families—Individuals Insured At Once—No Red Tape GIFTS TO THE BOYS OVERSEAS IS —c'Ulnstej'ed a Latin spelling same. ' LeRoy S. Potts' proctor room. • Those taking part were Irene Four New Members old to pocket size and con- Bell. Joyce Bauer, Alex Kempa, Nick Scarpitta—Navy liirjust the articles the boys The students were divided into ioi won the three prizes totaling Library Council Plans Inducted By Art Club E Thomas Saley—Navy Ducoff and Grubsiein two teams, the Red and the Blue. Kenneth Bedman, and David Sim- need every day. $6.00 awarded bv the Parent- _, „, V \« • mons. Walt Schull—Navy OCTOBER 31 Tiie Red team was victorious, with Teachers Association for the To Welcome - Members By Shirley Cooper Bauer-Brooks Company STATIONERY STORE IRVING & CHERRY STS. Lester Tyrrell—Army a score of 16 to the Blue's 7. i room securing the most members. Francis Cicarell gave a report Pour new members were in- of the Victory Service Organiza- Russell Tyrell—Army & IDENTIFICATION parents, and fathers. This d.rive By Doris Bone ducted into the Art Club at a 1480 IRVING STREET RAHWAY 7-0865 1.00 SHAVING BRUSH 79c tion a-nd acted as chairman. Jeari Charles Totten^Navy . was recently conducted in 4he meeting of the group held last I- SET iH^HW mX,anS Tre made at the last <=iucuSlocumm sansangg ' "This is Worth Louis Tomassi—Marines Booster Club To Hold high-school. : "'«»"B ofi mee LLibrarbrary Counci Tuesday. They were Townsend Taylor Boxed ready to be gift-wrapped and mailed! Khaki regula- fo™^J""!»°r a .JU . ! Council I Fighting For- accompanied by rlrS° —Merchant Ma- The total membership up to the Party to be. hel^_d. o, n Novemb. e Irene Bell. Howe, Stuart Gerner. Josephine tion tie and plastlcglass identification cord. PALMOLIVE GIFT SETS 98c Initiation Of Members 18 Tile present time is 177 as compared, - committee chosen by G-lroud. and Gail Cooper. As the William Volk—Navy with the-last year's membership ' Duane Kralich, president, includes group has not elected its officers. BV P<>ler So s Mar Bob Van Note—Navy TI H PP" oofi in-'182.. HoweveHoweverr ,th thi e committee J' Greenlee, chairman, Doris John Cooper, adviser, acted as Convenient WOQDBURY GIFT SETS 98c \* 2O Years Club Holds chairman for the meeting. B h t 1 M At a night meeting of the Club Jr. Red Cross Groups SEWING KIT of serving YOU during peace, qualify us for IHOURIGANT GIFT SETS 1.50 ^1 in"" S o f7heii- S 1^b e - Mp h'- £•""' —-d and Jo- . ^£^^£^7 ' Meeting Of Year leld at the home of Oail and Shir- : 6 ?J "CoopefTHs members staged a Make Plans For Year^ serving your husbands, sons and- friends who tamorrow, Fridayy ™--- STCTSTIP f"^'" Brlncipal.a.a-T--SQa-y QreerHee-, • »s"srSSwIj By~Sfi«a &uJecia 1 ge of the drive debate 6h the topic, "Impression- ar-o-in-the--swwieeHrf^oW-coirhfry todayT^-CoHT" Thr ni vv members will "»• the dent of the New Jersey School UU Grace Way was elected presi- '— is Realism," ~_ . By Tlose Anne Vincze [490^25 initiated are Mabe] Jean , Mrs. J. w. Doll F suit us for suitable gifts for them. .Ca.shin ^,2?. 3: F^lzzxZ- t^«LS^ dent at the first meeting of _th_e. j . The Junior Red Cross ChitLmet 'tted with thjea.d-,-shea-FST T-»,. ' .* ' "-""Hreni-d. Jean'"'lire drive foFThp nurpm M Ttest Weane -cfa7-l uf the i-lub are Eugenia Herman Kagan. the adviser of Softball, archery, badminton, guest speaker at the Collesette ^Andul. Dorotliy Glennon. Patricia quainted with each other knit and sew for the Red Cross. pmg-pong. -^ and those boom days in the Lenox, Gladys M^qn, Gertrude After this social, there was a The class met for the first time the Banfting Club, announced that meeting on Monday evening She last Tuesday the students at Rah- The Swimming club meets a Rand. Emily Redmond^" and Alice business meeting for the old mem- last Thursday, with theit adviser. M C A on late 20's. Lots of people earned big Yawney. oers a i which they discussed the Miss Lucille Carhart, way High School bought United i ™ ; / - - Tuesday from 3.30 to 4:30. To enter either of money then, but only nft. w had tho HOSIERY sale of candy; They are also plan- The sei il States War Bonds -and Stamp: Jfs Jot Christmas these two activities, one is re- ning to help when needed at the „, "" Miss Trappe's talk, .t foresight to save some of^fetledk A Present He'll Enjoy French Club Elects —'-ed to have a membership in ^iSSs^i;#^H^730,40. = Y. M. C. A. ahead, to tougher times th^might 35c 50c SI.25 ! M x y made trip" Alex Kempa President ,£S^s-- ach,u^iv^ijtou anaidm JVUSMisSs•**) S«--^»=* r « —••«««. uct«ine aarown;, Thmee homnorae room representatives -V come, and SAV£. We'll welcome your Weekly Tlielma Frazee, ilie advisers, were Barnerg, irgini to New York. Tieydooid IFine mercerized cotton in Without Candy J^n ?"" - Virginia Madl- whhoo issued these bonds and A :a Throughout The Year By Llojd PesLoo pre§etH at the meeting. son, Althea •Pollastrini. Litferary Dramatic Club the play. "Junior Miss." aBd to ^~ - '1 account at fhis bank now. *... black and white. PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX Af Musachio. Doris Rowe. Olios stamps were as follows: Carmela have dinner-in a pi^ K nip wus clecl 1Elect3 s New Officers dent t n « «'l nreal- Taylor. •Irirlnl* Capoblanco * . - rls Bow he Specially - Wrapped Candies And Cookies- POT oent at the first meeting of the it Z 4 »' * President. °: Woolen Sox in Tight and Also A Full Line of Military Gifts Theatre Arts Chooses le Shipment Abroad Or Anywhere To Men In C C1 b heM ppointed Anna Smith, Marie avy weight. Keep Him Posted On The News From Home wI?h ™ " ' '^"^'ursday New Officers For Year bara The Service. Eversharp Pen and Pencil Sets Guaranteed Forever 58.95 S. !rMal"dl -KHec-ht as At the first meeting of the Liter- Whalen. and Catherine Sackrtdw faculty adviser.. The-other offl- ary Dramatic Club held last Wed- to make plans for the trip By Marian Unchoster Jane Rorke, No matter what else you may send, you will want to ln- ; . Through S a as tMo s nesday. Mary Greenlee wasTilect- The club also made plans for Zn , Z° " - vice-presi- Tlie organization meeting of tlie *™neS' and fe gWs de- KIT .elude candy to the man In the armed forces. We have dent, Rogers Gimbernat: secre- ed president. Other officers elected ded that all those who wished candles and cookies especially wrapped and packed In wax tary Artnur Maier- Theatre Arts Club was held last """•' Eileen Collins, vtce-presl- WATERPROOF treasurer. Tuesday in room 307. The group The Rahway National Bank paper and again placed In- wax paper or celophane con- Phyllis Acken; and Lillian Armstrong, secre- fr tanlers to assure perfect condition when they are received. A SUBSCRIPTION TO program elected the following officers to -.«i.i, vti;«ima uunl>acliu , .Mu., Dolores . ' °m official Government Vinyl .Resin Coated raln- chairman, Aura Pirgau . and Jean Bunn. treasurer. serve for the year: president, Gloria Crowell, Evelyn Crowley Sanderson, Mary Greentee, Oxace .The next meeting is to be a dis- "at cloth. Contains: Tooth brush, Tooth paste, shaving BE SURE TO INCLUDE CANDY FROM VQSS Miss Anne O'Donnel) is the ad- EM-BEE The French Club planned a pro- Jolinc Brumbaugh; vice-president, Mary Currle, Katherine Sack- Schmidt, Richard Toms, Richard Member Federal Reserve System ream, Razor blades, comb, nail file, and styptic pencil. . IN YOUR CHRISTMAS PACKAGE •""" of patriotic service for theEileen, Mooney; secretary, Kath- rider. Dorothy Ooehring, Anna Wachoz. Marie Sullivan. Harold Jewelers - Opticians 8 year. Tlie members have Heisenbottle, Oladaj Morton, Seltz. Ann Pokar and Roy Mer- The purpose of this club Is to erine CooCooperp ; treasurer. Audrey for the Member^ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The Rahway Record « B™, h '' serv'<=e to the Free Schmaeling. Mary Hedrick. and Aura Firsau. shon. study and learn about plays and RA. 7-1564 85E. Cherry St. Rahway, N. J, stories,_To carry out this Idea WILL PACK AND MAIL DIRECT MisM : Alberta Conlon is the Any donatlon-of-scrap material Trie goal set for the high school Miss Jean Burgess, the new a&- Open Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Evenlnirs as %,«, .to,«,d toe group decided to prepare and TO ANY/POINT IN THE UNITED Voss Confectionery cause.. . club's.adviser. or yarn will be accepted in Miss for the bonds sale for the school present a short skit for the next 'Uer.was welcomed by the group . $2.00 A Year—Payable In Advance 11 Carhart's room. 303. - year is $10,000. md Paul Newman, the Vs secre- STATES OR FOREIGN COUNTRIES TMailed Each Thursday To Any Address w- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 33, tfffi RAJHWAY RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 32, 1943 Cap*. Kobersky, Charniga Save Day For---Rahwa

klne flred a pass to He-be-t was downed as he sna-ed ' •a- on the Rahway 23 yard EXTRA,! EXTRA I READ ALL ABOUT m BIockedKickTurned the quarter ended. " Last Period The last period open* Cranford In possession of -h Into Winning Score for first down on t'-e Ra- ANVTHINJ6- yard line. Carliai, uer.'t !' ABOUT Cranford Ties Count In Fourth Pteriod nine yards-being s^ppe^C fOOr&ALL "TtAPAl But Alertness Of Scarlet Tackle, lor. Poelter made it a n-s- ; on the Rahway 12 yard !i-e » The End'Bring Victory To "Injuns' kine was stopped cold at--. the of scrimmage by Kob< dasslllrf3 The Rahway High School football team, suffering some- Searles -was sent in :0- ir,i must fl what of a let-down after three consecutive hard fought vie- y^ds^fo^wo^rnVv type an - Proper Insulation Of House Errors * tories on the gridiron this season, had enough left to con- ( Rankine shot a pa~ first Ins S. quer Cranford_High by a score of 12 to 6 last Saturday after- • who was behind the u not be J Will Reduce Cost Of Heating one race*- s noon, cm the Cranford field. The Scarlet clad 'Injuns' played tn^th^aLu^!..!^-^ BOX t'i- jiagg«d-4ee*fee44^a41—afternoon but had enough the extrapoint. j.a, blocked homes was practically unknown : ridiron knowledge anH ahiljty in thgir gjtetjimr tn pull , Wnhprnlry and and Boys opposing the Women ten or even five years ago. Today | the contest out of the fine. It was Capt. Joe Kobersky and and Olrls. There is_bjnind_to. •the mauufaituiij made from rock or slag, and iation ta Mr. and Mrs, tester T. VkJ/"*A in for a thrill. In the • flro pi'&of and aa durable" as~sioiiV7 uavls, properly is the southerly are needed to keog-^Jnited States Georg.e_ Charniga who saved the day for the locals with -[•plenty oTTriehdiy rivalry, anc lobby, there good time, while at source or fire, and cooler further Blanket Type side of Sycamore street, 100 feet War production -kup to schedule. Hod six-pointer that broke a tie. I who - - - matches in checkers and the course of construction or one away. A fibrous material made from a from Jefferson avenue, " _ Our old boilers, tin cans, and old and ers are rendering a most ; chess, and a special pocket bil- The purpose of insulation then beds are being shot at our Ameri- valuable service to the local Y. fifty years o Id—whe tlrer i t be vegetable matter that is encased Marian Pressman, unmarried, line. At this point tii = »'am | liards match between Steve Hamel clapboard, brick veneer, stucco, is to minimize the loss of heat. in a waterproof paper ,is also to Henry A. West, lots 88 to X3,can boys. Oet Lhe same stuff— Cranford had evened the count verse Koury lost yard when coming _down. Bellinger on",' By Chalmers Reed O|>en House"Pfoffram and Albert Plescia. There is plenty only more—out of the attic, cellar, it six all when Capt. Kobersky I charniga hit him hard. Charniga verse Balned"seven' shingles, or stone—can be made and to confine ifr in the location popular. The blanket type usually block 8, m-ap of Florence ParST Tiie Y program is hitting on all Featuring the drive for memof interest in these indoor sports far more comforta'ble to live In where most needed. There are is made in widths to fit between and garage for the American ^.j _, ,_ th.v.e - ,,_line. and , then knocked down Poelter's pass tried to go off fours these days, with Coach Earl j bers will be the Open House pro- :hcse days, and no doubt there will Olive Mitchell, widow, to Annie p tried to go off tackbm than ever before dreamed pos- several groups of insulation made studs or rafters and in lengths 50 B. Anthony, property in' the^fighters to throw- back at the Japs blocked a goal line punt by Bob ' in:ended for Babeuf, the-Crnnford stopped without a gain" B»II Walter getting the Physical De- j grams next week, on Monday for be an enthusiastic crowd in thesible. from different material, all of TUKr-rraas-rrmie" form oi bullets, P( 1 pertment lihder way, with the J 'hs Men and Boys, and On Tues- .ax. ly une or Harrison street. Poelter and Gege Charniga was, right end. Poelter kicked to the Qn a reverse ran to the rr« , lobby Monday night. TrtrTcn—STT5T special proceed jn. Rock Wool is made of slag and bombs, and guns. on' the pigskin for the Rahway 30 yard line. 33 yard line and a firs Bowlrog schedule set up for thp ; day for thp Women and atrts- from Factory street. touchdown before the Craoford Movies a*tremendous saving will result in Within these classes are many limestone and by-ius nature does M. Howard, executor, to V- i nui fell an lietrTe? hit the on. wit•"thfn uiie continuecontinued and j There will be plenty of action Mon- different company products so teaTTrcould say 'upset.'In ihe~sl7>~ Taylor went off tackle for a and loat-ayard. growing enthusiasm in the Boys'i day. a-nd the center of attention And that's not all for the big the cost of heating it for insula- not attract vermin, the blanlcet Railway Theatre Corporation, sailed- TaylorTatt day—for there will be several tion concentrates heat in the in- that the actual selection of insula- type beca-use of its vegetable con- property In the southerly' side of Not one consistent Record ad- ya«i. Ta.gJor then caught the pa3s and ran t0 tin c-anC Division, and with the interesting j will likely be the Open Ping Pong tion demands a knowledge of ma"- Cranford Backfleld napping with a yard jju f fi Interest in the Women and Girls' ] Tournament for the young and reels of movies in the boys' lobby. terior without allowing it to es- ten; is fully treated against ver- Central avenue. 75 fe«t frem vertiser has Quit business or failed around right end for 15 yards and for a first djwn B;i cape to the" outside. T" fl"'t teriais and is best left to ;he dis- min. The Home Owner need have quick-kick and Poelter went bftcfc gor on-a reverse mjde •jjrogram on-Yuesdsys. Along with I older men. The_gym will be th The Penn. R. R. representativefl Irving street. tn the past ten years. u"n; snow scenic routes along the great ia the fuel economy that it cretion of your local bui'.dinf? ma- no hesitation over this point- when £arly-_lead.-sona«lhiBg the Scarlet t-ptcked "the ball on his 45 yard linejrajjla, ^ pas?. j,y _,!) this i s ththe tremendous-caltotoli l fof r placl"thee ."there" ' win"be"rSve~pinwiH'be riv~i g pong terial dealer. He is well versed considering either type of insula- railroad lines, also comedy reels would, in a short time, pay for the —freSOTW and he raced to the Cranford 33 first down. Bonnor went off retto. Poelter booiou to Boi Quality Building Materials be of unvarying angle or else the i n s "u 1 a ted homes are much ment experts estimate that^more than a billion dol- before he was downed by Lou Ds tackle for a yard. Here Rahway on the-Cranford 30 yard lm vrarr field as general chairman. The healthier in winter and as much 1 : -cugToaaafts*- product is inferior, and is thrown Iars worth of it is wasted evpry venr hy hnmo^ not wait ucnalUuil la yaHls 'i61* hold he ran. to-ththe cranforcf d 25 CONSULT REPAIR, PROBLEMS. Guest Days have become popular. junior division is under the as 15 ripRr-ep.q mplfr in sumn>PT—etv US ON YOUR The new activity schedules are hyTV»pnr_fl.hlft_m-i.ruif which was incomplete. .. Rankin Ing and the ball was plarced on went in for Bellinger icd H: the hottest days. properly insulated. Factories, mills, and ship- Bright^ ay MeetsRgseftg~Fark On crashed through tackle for seven j the Rahway 11 yard line. Taylor for Anderson. Sear.ca LMJ • LUMBER •CABINETS__ ' " Be had atretary. Team captains and work- Resembling real wool in texture and appearance, it is actually _V — yards need fuel, and the power fuel can generate, vards. £ailisie- hringlncr—him picked un-etglu yaids nu au"emr -hrteraT pass Iron: PAINTS , the main desk. The Morning ers in the junior division are. cap- to make essential war materials in a hurry. They O down. Rankin, on the same play run. De Loretto on a reverse, was threw a. forward to the goa Classes are going tn celebrate tains. Charles Repkie. David Lo was brought down for no gain by all but In the clear as he hit the which Cumerledge ir.;eicep:ei HARD-WARE LINOLEUM Guest Day with a Wiener Roast at Garthwaite, John Meyer, and for their main event. Alt mern_- Transfers Of need the railroad equipment that's used to haul Carlisle. Poelter kicked out ofline of scrimmage but lost his the five yard line and was don STORM SASH AKD DOORS — INSULATION (All Types) noontime. The Fireplace in theRobert Harding; workers. Nick bers of the Boys' Department a're this wasted fuel — and the workers required to Rahway High School eleven Park team is undefeated this sea- Boys' Lobby marks the spot. Coach Charley Mauren will have their work cut out for son and have but one tie game to bounds on the Rahway 30 yard footing in the wet turf and failed as he caught the ba!: by mi COMMifcTE MftE OF ROOFING & SUMtNG MATERIALS. Bova, Harland Rush, Willard Van Invited to. attend. We swim at produce and ship it. Vou can help — and save line. to gain. Taylor booted to Poelter Cumerledge hit the ;:ne for The Auxiliary members are Pelt, Ronald Unts, John Marah, 7:30 P.M. Come on fellows, you Has Large Squad them this week when they meet' mar their perfect record. Last -~- ftiirsriiNirs AS LOW AS js.eo pfen MONTH — planning a Bridge Party for the Real Estate yourself money, too — if you insulate your home Roselle Park High School at, week they found a tartar in the Bonnor, on a try at the line. on the. Cranford 45 yard line and yards but the Craniord team Robert Gimbernat, and Tom Kris- can have fun at the Friday-Nit- Workine: Out Tost a yard. On second down Tay- carried the ball to the Rahway offside on the play a.'id the afternoon of next Thursday. The tensen. All of these bops are ers. Next week will be the big Harry M. Friend and others, now and reduce your fuel consumption. Riverside Park in the first home revamped WesiflelWesEfleld teateam and event ia to be held in the Boys' members of the Boys' Department event. The Hallowe'en party will trustees, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert game in three weeks. The Roselle were held to 8-uulh~ A squad of 22 candidates re- Park has defeated North Plain- sals by the committee in charge. ported to Coach Charley Mauren. boot was.downed in his tracks by the air to intercept Rankine's ter dropped back behind his Olien Monday Evonlnjr the 1942 roundup-over the top-. bers of the Y are invited. Be sure westerly line of Milton avenue, * STORM SASH slons.wtll be held on the Y court fteld. 19-0; Neptune High, 12-0; Friday the 30th, the Boys have you come masked and are wear- 462.32 feet_ from Pierpont street. of th? Y. M. C. A. basketball team Harrison High. 46-0 and last Sat- Bonnori'' Cumerledge, who was pass on the Rahway 30-yaxd line goal line to kick and Kabei 1691 feUi8AHte*H AVENUfi PHONE RA. 7-2013 American Way "Y" Club every"Wednesday night. their annual Hallowe'en Party. ing a real Hallowe'en costume. Annie E. Anthony, widowu to Na- *- STORM DOORS at first practice sessions held \x± urday's tie with Westneld marked supposed to. .be-out-of- the game for and-he ran to the 33. Bonnor hit came crashing through to k Fourteen members of the Amer- — Among, the candidates-reporting the season with a dislocated the punt. The pie-skin rota The Friday Niters are' going to be ican Way --Y" Club attended the There will be prizes, games, fun. tional Pneumatic Company. Inc., the local Y Monday" and" TalsT the first time this season_their the line for a yard. Taylor tore and refreshments. The 4-a-to again from last year's team were Bill shoulder but started at right half, round left end for a first down as one side and Charr.va fell on fall social held by the club Mon- -PFep^r-fcy- m-t-he-nort+nrsstPTly side * NEW ROOF night. A two-hour workout was Pitigerald. Jeff Dinnocento, 'Mutz' goal lfne has beeo-edoBsed. of New Brunswick avenue. 37.60 Recreation Leagues | held under the watchful £2$&, of made five yards through the line the half ended. bali for the winning touchdo day night. Ronald Lints and so you won't forget—Friday night, " Scarlfit VQU Be Ready •*• Petrusko, Joe Di Nicola and from and was stopped by Keller. Bonnor's placement oaji was Charles Repkie were in charge of October 30. feet frcm Iva street. , Coach Mauren and Physical ~Di- fcfte J-ayvees' squa'o* of last year Rahway has* shown indomitable Third Quarter - ! rector Earl Walter. For the next- Beadle, on a reverse, lost a yard Sarafln opened the second half and went under the <-'i jbs-bar, tlie occasion. Next week Nick Volunteers of America Taff-Day Welford B. Poindexter to Mr. there were Arch Collyer, Bob Un-courage in all of their games this when Kobersky set him down hard score now read Rail u ay 12.0 Bova, newly elected member of and Mrs. Walter .1. Ellis, pints 131 few weeks regular practice sesr season and although they had a by kicking off to De Loretto, who —BoGimga of rain Chester and John Brighouse. behind the line of scrimmage. took the ball on hla own ten and ford 6. will be initiates. There" to 133, map of lots situate George Mil is still room for more members the Volunteers of America Tag- Fourth Ward, owned and de- 1327 FULTON St. PHONE RA. 7-O70Q 1: KalUi' XK_ offee W e on the club roll. Come in and get veloped by Kline Realty and Im- I Ouuuyraf~ d Y HUUitet. LeW Cranford High School team last a yard and Lovas stopped him. downed. Bonnor went off tackle Bellinger for 6ear!es. day will be held this S3:urday. Pacina, of same team and Saturday they were way off their information about the American provement Company. °l ' Bennekumnpep r Poelter dropped back to punt but for two yarfls. D8_Laretto, on a kicked off to Cumer-ledge who There is a first prize for the boy Crowley . , . . Prank Kylish, former star of the ' usual game. The let-down was Joe Anderson came "crashing Way "Y" Club. securing the most money and a City Savings and Loan Associa- I Falkenberg . . reverse, made five yards through the ball on his own ten and Elizabeth Red Aces, reported^d to be expected after the game through to block the attempt and the line. A pass by Taylor in- to the Cranford 25. Ta V" Colieecttcs I first prace prize for the leadin signified their Intention ofjjlsyinB stand they made against Linden Professional Directory . 798 787 767 457 501 4S8 the ball was downed on the Cran- tended for Bonnor went too far knocked down RanKfte's Ion Miss Elizabeth Trappe, Girl Birl. There are many other prizes here this winter. Alec Hoodzow, the week before. Rahway should ford IS yard line. It was Rah-and was Incomplete. Taylor Pass Intended for Herbert r too. so report early at the Y. M. last season's high scoring for- be right back in stride Saturday ~lf Reference of Business and Professions for You* Convenience Soout-—Executive, was the guest way's ball, first down. kicked out of bounds on the Cran- linger intercepted Ranklne's speaker last Thursday evening at C. A. Boys' Department Saturday D'Ambrosa ward of the Rahway High School and if they are Roselle Park will ward pass atmid-flfW andrs Leach .,.• Rahway Penalized ford 35 yard line, the "V"' Collegette Club meeting morning. team, was also on hand—for the find plenty of opposition at River- Taylor -tried an off-tackle the Cranford 35 yard !:ne as Gym ^Ely .-T-V-TT workout. side Park Saturday afternoon. Cumerledge attempting to hit l, C. A. Pollowing- i Burtz smash but failed to gain. Bonnor the line was thrown for a six yard game ended. Miss Trappe's address, on the If you have not been down to Among the other candidates are The kick off is scheduled for 3:30 sailed round end for five yards. "the. line-up: Used "Oolhirig 1 Total* . 523 460 531 Bob Orr, Crowell, Mike Barnes, P. M. loss by Kobersky and Taylor. subject of the "Responsibilities of the "Y" for gym this season you De Loretto, on a reverse from Cranford was penalized five yards Railway Cranfi Girls in the Present Day Up- are surely missing something. Mercier . . McCullum, lofunzo, M. Clendenny. The officials will be John Sheps, Anderson Her Crowell, N. Plescla^- A. Plescia, Bonnor ran to the eight yard line ' for being off side. Poelter hit Itie L.E. Fuel & Furnace OU WE WANT TO BUY heaval." the members held a Earl Walter, physical director, Suchy . . , of Newark; 'Chippy' Coleman, of for a first-down. Tttylor went off line for no gain. Beadle, on a JJ- .....Koberski. C Am RAHWAY round table discussion. Tonight. •planned—pr-ogr-ftma—tliat am i Stefunine White. .Tango, and Truppa. Asbury Park and Fred Hunt, of L BAH. 7-Ii!6S—34-Hour Service MEN'S CLOTHING taokle fox^pur yards. Keller hit Carlisle 1 1 the ciuo will meet to make plan ; Mauren . . Managerllay 'Honey' Hoagland Irvlngton. reverse made a yard. Poelter's afc- - AU r?rliTfrlfn TT-^-p' ««»»»«'—- |^Sigtoest^caB31T>r-lees paid. Call p full of fun. Have you been on the the Ijne for" two more but Rahway tempt to punt was_b_lock«d by An- Lovas Sir BRAKE SERVICE c.Um bins .rope? — announced -last night that "Hie The probable starting' lineup: R Premier OH & Gasoline in person or phone. '• Totals , 441 484 403 had a toask-OTmotion and-t-he offl- derson~oir~Ehe Cranford "15 yard - Xeone-".. Musseli The H6Me of Honest and •Hrre-rreBr-fuTufefor a trip to NT. Y. to be held In. You will like, swinging on the opening game of the-eeason woulti ftanway Roselle-Pk. PI Accurate Brake Work — Supply Co: — The Kghting_8jslem_where you work _._ „ .Eastman .. Nlgllts, Sundays and Holiday! rApptebautn The-Tailor ~ Leaders Club probably be played here on Anderson Mulford clals set the Scarlet back to the line but Poelter recovered. Poelr Charniga . B 12113 MAIN ST. .. RAH. 7-1511 —at industrial plant or office—is put ThanKsglvlng night. As it is un- of bounds on Rnhray _J01MB I 1480 Main St. Rah. 7-0408-J Chattes Repkie, a' member of your skill on the horizontal bar ...Kobersky, C Thompson fourtCranforh dowd seven fonr yarRahwayd line. , Ait pas wass I ter then booted out of bounds' on Pol the "Y" Leaders dub, will give. « and the giant rings. Learn how to likely the State Y. M. C. A. .^Carlisle.. _. —„ . Ure-Rh 46 -;«5-B --Bonnor Be tlirFC-to protect your eye6 and help -League will function this year"," Sharff , by Taylor,- Intended for Bonnor, Another Penalty LH Taylor report tonight at the Leaders Club tumble, to play basketball, indoor Lovas R H IDe . cumerl you work with maximum efficiency. Manager Hoagland is making Ounn n^s incomplete and it was Cran- TayloVwEnt off tackle for four - • Loretto Dept Store Window Shades meeting. The Soys' Work Secre- baseball, and many other games. R.G. Leone Rose 'ford's ball on their own seven. P B . RJ QUALITY FUEL OILS tary and Charles Repkie visited Preps go to gym Monday at 4 461 526 368plans to bring many of the Ser- McPadden Erb yards. Rahway was penalized 15 - -Keller It is an important part of yoiir equip- vice teams here this winter. •••• Poelter kicked out of bounds on yards for holding and the 'ball was I Score toy periods the Plalnfleld y. M- C. A. Leaders P. M. and Saturday at 0:15 A. M. . Charniga ... Eberline j the Cranford 45 yard stripe. 0 6 8' A SERVICE LAST_CAIX FOB METAL Club and observed their program Gra-Y boys go to gym Wednesday ment. It provides the GOOD LIGHT These quintets will undoubtedly Bonnor . Shallcross put in play on the Eahway 31 R GRjES BROS. prove strong attractions as they IL.H.. I Bonnor tried to skirt the end yard line. Bonnor went off tackle Cranford .....T.".... 0 0 0. » VENETIAN BLINDS and learned new ways to malt* the at 4 P. M. and on Saturdays at your eyes require for close vision. Khintlf r Taylor .... Brunette I and was thrown for a five yard for four yards. Taylor kicked to Touchdowns: Railway, Boa Athlorliftdd BBstftm€&m>t ALDEN FUEL OIL CO. Holland Shades As Vbw As Rahway Club more Interesting. 10:90 A. M. High School boys at- will have many of last year's col- ]R.H.. Bellinger . Richetti Hnt.prr lege stars In their lineups. IF.B... loss. On the same pla,y Bonnor poelter, who took the ball on his Chaxniga. Cranford. Her! tica! and Maternity Support* BAB. 7-2501 Dick KnleS, clilb president, will tend gym Monday, Wednesday, Eye-strain and poor work result if it Jim "ki I B I Keller Qabrlel got the lost yardage -back by own 20 and ran to the-Cranford Substitutions: Rahway, Gossai-d Foondation GarmenU 39c preside. Applications tor newand Fridays at 3:'1'5 P. M. There 30H IIE41INA <»IRl> _j_ Complete Infant Sept. is not provided. Personnel gaining five yards. Taylor flred 39 where he was brought down by Ocrlden, Bellinger, Searles, Ha KEN WINDOW SHADE CO. leaders will be reviewed it to- is special class for all seventh, 131 a pass that was completed on the Eastman. Travis. Cranford. Semonlte.l 15S2 mVESTG ST. BA. 7-0B43 1550 Main St. Bah. 7-2291 night's meeting. eighth grade and freshmen Thurs- Strakele 184 Cranford 38 yard line with. Ander- zer, Decker. Buttoph, Bat day afternoon at 4 P. M; to learn McCleary 152 .141 Travis replaced Keller and RALPH L. SMITH Friday Niters 72: H65 832Zeller . . . 177 202 spn making the catch and It wasKubu went ta for Leone. Cumer- Staples.-Koury. Officials: Ste - FtJEX OILS Tomorrow night the Friday- ^ Kanouae 170 137 Coal Line GuessirT one yard short of a first down. ledge lost three yards on a try at referee: Epstein, umpire: Nlters will Hnvp enmeiiy me ~Jt-4s Important By The Observer Taylor kicked out of bounds OU Burners - Service 1,M,ilir . Totals 823 815 Achuil:; —Motor" ! SniilH ..UrnAc A-Na. i- •- PAIRING auth Ti.u.ls J7&J .7Wl . . ." 125 129 xc. £>F YOUR "OIL — -_If-jruu4iettwFa-Sc>und ol busted-|-and-wallop Roselle Park. West- Tlneo, on a reverse, hit the line -SKUOKI—T-r-iwts—made—tiio" "Local UlHs Chosen FBI Good Light 153 144 14Wea0 n 121 Elass last Saturday^ that-^voc Ifldld-tu take a suimd thumping Tor no gain being stopped by Car- tackle. Golden went in for Lovas, SURE Y0UR.BUR. m n m Nelson -~7T~.~.-T—t-ea- my crystal ball hittin' the pave- from Columbia. Thomas Jeffer- lisle and Lovas as the. quarter Leone for Kubii and Keller for Vail-Deane Hockey Sqi Do You Want To Sell Klaick ment and being smashed into a son to trim Carteret. Hillside over ended. At the start of the seo- Travis. Poelter went off tackle OF MEN'! Moving NER IS OPERATING AT HOME mm thousand or more pieces. The Cranford. Plainfleld to lose to ond period Poelter kicked out of for no gain being stopped by An- Miss Barbara cunntael GARMENTS TO FIT THE . . "714 819 870thing was no good and so we flred Morrlstown. North Plainfleld over bounds on the Cranford 45. daughter of W. Dickson CUM AT derson. Cumerledge lost five MOST E&WfrttG PEft- It is necessary to protect eyes at home it ... right out the nearest wln- Dunellenj a close one. Scotch Taylor hit the line for no gain. .yard s whe. n Taylor hit 1 ltam.-.of-Jft5.-West Stearns so SON. Jl. G. CLENDEN1MY Fletcher and in a spirit of revenge Plains over. Metuchea.- Bound- A .paSs-by-JI!aylor7-irrtended-tOTii;'Hr'"llne of scrimmage. Poeltor Miss JudltK-Durand, dauglw and gtotture I. Your Home? HO well as at work. You use your eyU> Have It inspected and intensively when rending newspaper*, »41 £84 804Boyk" a .. . of .1036 Pierpont street; ! Mcller . . that the window was closed . . . The colleges. ' Brown • over lor passed to Anderson, who took and tho Scarlet put the ball in CLEANING! necessary adjmtmonts and magazines, books and when writing, fkejg aUreqttlfe the uie of so we have a pane of glass to pay Dancy Reeb. dau&htf r of W; 2. Yoiif Lots? Slouuker 1 Princeton, close battle that may the pigskin on the Cranford 38 play on-their own 20 yard stripe. cleanlnc done retfularly". GOOD LIGHT: .::.•. U- :.: ~ -:r:.~~r'~ --- •„••.. for. The 'goal line guessin wasn't end in tie. Rutgers over Lehlgh. yard line and ran to the Cranford Cranford Fumbles Mrs. Uyle B. Reeb. of Dover£ and sso 4« 508 | so hot last week. Over all weDartmouth to take Yale. Army Colonla. nnd Miss. Save your eyes—by always uoing o good reading lamp for close 20 before.he was downed. Taylor Lovas replaced OoMen, 1 PRESSING—— -picked 16 right and eleven wrong over Harvard. PPT^TI tr. tai™ AL I'M-; I .MATH' 1,1 Syracuse over Cornell. Colgate left end, twenty yards for a touch- nor, who lost flye yawls. Taylor Mrs. W. J. Wllck, of Dorset Highest Cash Prices Patft. Oil Burners OR HAVE YOU SOMETHING TO RENT? Drill !•!,•— Frances win so we count 'em in the wrong over Penn State. Georgia Tech down. Bonnor's try for the extra kicked to Beadle who took the Colonia. are among those_ o One help in maintaining good lighting In yotlf home—one used by 807 857 7IEElhid . column. v for the hockey squad of me :-% l-'rnnk'x TIM over Navy. Duke over Pittsburgh, point from placement was low and ball on the Railway 30 and ran to industry—is to fceen lighting equipment cleatt. Clean reading lamps This week we bought an ouljtt Deane School. Elizabeth. DO NOT NEOLJSCI. YOOl Gasoline Sup. Go* 388 474 449 Lafayette over Virginia. Ouquesne did not count. The score was Rah- the Rahway 40 yard line. On the We Have Clients Waiting "give more light! Therefore, dust shades, reflectors and bulbs peri- board . . . and we are going 1)0 over Manhattan. Delaware over way 0, Cranford 0. next play Poelter fumbled as he Misses Cunningham. Dur»n« APPLEBAUM OILBUKNER New Brunswick Ave. and . give that a trial and perhaps Dickinson. Lebanon Valley over Wllok are members of the JJ . List It Now With - odically to keep dirt from accumulating and robbing you ,of light. Jalif . . Taylor Jcicked off to Poelter, who hit the line of scrimmage and Ko- nave It Itupccted Bectilarly Silk's . Helen . . there may be kindling next Sun- Drexel. Illinois over Notre Dame, took the ball on his own 10 andbersky recovered, on his own tenclass, while Miss Reeb is a r Clarkson Street When bulbs become blackened, replace with fresh ones. (The black- ...... 70S Jeftn , day morning if things don't close. Michigan over Minnesota. ran to the Cranford 35 where he yard line. The Tailor Premier Oil & Gasoline ened bulbs can be transferred to cellar, attic or garage}. 856 827 816Lorraine 1480 ittAIN ST. RA. 7-0408-J BA. 7-I26S Tool Horn.i work out any better than last Ohio State over Northwestern. was downed by Leone and Car- De Loretto went off taokle, on week. Wisconsin over Purdue. Tulane lisle. Seadle went round end for Supply Co. i.ADITS' P.M. LEAci.r Totals 290 309 302 a reverse, and picked up two Every penny is a patriotic New BnuunlcK iwnm and Bauer-Brooks Co* 131 Vuiifli'rlioveii Saturday's Games over North Carolina. Nebraska nine yards, poelter hit the line yards. Taylor kicked to Poelter lvie Glipftb . . 157 Evimt, 107 over Oklahoma. Texas over K.ice. if It hastens the P'' f', cmni>igfeglhJ^W 1/avilll . Betty . . . So here goes for some of Satur- for a yard and first down. Koury, who took the ball on the iaahway- -peaeer -Every- dollar you Bender . 147 Ethel . . . day's games. First of all we'll Washington over California. Ore- sliorten 1480 IRVING ST. KrfmctK 134 Ollbas . . . Kitty . . . who had, replaced Beadle -at-tbe ^48-and ran to the Scarlet 37 yard, War Bonds will RAHWAY 7-0865 WBLIG ;n V«illiHTh,,v.'M -EUlol W. take the Union -County High gon over Idaho. Southern Cali- the start of quarter, failed to gain line, Kobersky making the taokle? months of the War. If yotif' I School teams. Rahway to rebound fornia over Stanford, XI. C. -L. A.round the end being brought down searles replaced Anderson and nmntji tt« month. P Ads In Directory DQ Bring Results Totaia BO" 786 761 To tills Totula 267 330 325 from their doldrums of last week over Santa Clara. by Charniga and Keller r>ri n Kutou-wenHn fur Carlisle. R^n- may oe a month closer ,U<-u^,

..-:! , _ ,^>,_!i>^^ i A gAfrJ

W.-.i V \\, A * \ PAGE TVTELVT, OCTOBER 22, 1942 THE RAHWAY brackets would have gained--little err nothing from the Behind the Advertising Scene _ make sure that those who warn measure. The creation of a $100 minimum bonus was the advertisements are honest The Rahway Record PROCLAMATION During the depression &n definitely a Republican-idea and it saved the day for those a Established July 13. 1S22 Yes, You Can Believe newspapers were hav.r.g ru. Lilian 1470 Broad Street Tet. Rah. 7-0600 I&afrway, N«w Jersey who needed it most.^ WHEREAS, the United War problems, they turned down iv,'/ Published Thursday afternoons by The BahWay Publishing Fund Drive for Eastern Union Yes, the Democrats have demonstrated by their What's Iii Your Newspaper dreds and hundreds of cash-r-°~ Corporation. Entered at the post office at Rahway. New Jersey. County, which includes the order odvertisements that waritii City of Railway, will com- as second class mail matter under the act of March 3. 1879. . deeds . . . and "by their deeds ye shall know them." By Prof. Frank B. Hulchlnson to tell people how to get a job bT mence on the 28th day of Oc- cause they appeared to be racket" Walter P. Marple _ Publisher tober, next, and terminate on Rutgers University Today the list'of kinds of ad Rahwav Record J. Jerome Knies , - Editor v the 12th day of November, vertising that newspapers »••„•" THE PAST IS GONE Q" WE FACE TO-DAV next, and than before. Brown explained PAST IS GONE Q" WE FACE T £?g This newspaper was founded and is maintained upon the princi- Maybe you've heard t-he story of accept under any circumstaacj TI-v ple of a clear, concise and unbiased presentation of all the the scrapbook WHEREAS, this drive covers the ••One-Dollar-for-Old-Christ- quickly that he ran no ad. wanted would be too long to deta:; ^t~ No. 2195 interesting news of the community, and upon the basis of a History of Rahway Prom Record Piles the necessary funds to be mas-Trees'" advertisement. This no old Christmas trees, and went Every .nur«d«y-r»Urer«d by Carrier. progressive editorial policy. Once in a great, great i'r,,e RAHWAY. N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1942 Subscription W.00 a Tear In PER COPY FIVE CENTS raised in a campaign to be ad never ran but once, but it has.back to his blanktes. . dishonest advertisemer.'. Be':" * conducted once a year cover- been talked about many times. If! But the trees kept pouTing in a Member of New Jersey Press Association Rahway 65 Years Ago but it's rare. When s.nv.f lKZ'r ing the needs of ten agencies you haven't heard it, its interest- long after Brown had gone to the crook works out a :-.ej. an?;?' "The board fence which surrounds the old Quaker assisting in the war effort, ng. office. None were bought but all some newspaper discover, .-" , and rrr- " a= burying ground at the corner of Cherry street and Rail- Let's start la the middle of the j were left until they overflowed out flashes a warning to othi-: pip,.-. Defense Thursday. October 22, 19-12 WHEREAS, the quota of the story. ; into the yard. Republican Candidates For Local Offices You naturally wonde:- f -,-".' road avenue, has recently received a coat of tar. One by City of Rahway amounts to Vigorous rapping on his door j Brown checked his paper and strict policy doesn't co.v. r.e'vrsoa* one the old landmarks are being removed, remarked an the sum of S21.250. at six-thirty one January, morning j there was the advertisement, Notes KEEP ON THE JOB! pers a lot of money uy .h, ancient bill poster as he stood watching the painters at their i NOW THEREFORE. I. John brought Jim Brown out of his, "Will pay $1 cash for old Christ^ answer is no, not in the Icr'g -'•• 1 E. Burrer. Mayor of the City warm bed. The man .standing at f mas trees delivered January 2nd "i bo as productive of medals work." There is more advert:'.-::-.? 10d7, Air Bald Wardens of Zones of Rahway, do hereby pro- the door with a much used Christ- i to 79 Smithfleld street." Burning because advertising is hor.i--t y * •. the importance of the home "The name of Railroad avenue has been changed to claim the period of October mas tree under his arm said. ' up, he called the newspaper and 0 D and Evnill meet tonlzlu at pretty well know that -,v.. .r, Fire Headquarters. Seminary .a:d inu:-.- to be recognized, as indi- Broad street on a petition of the residents, to Council. No 38th to and including No- "Here's your old Christmas tree. ! what he told them wasn't for pub- t v see it in an ad- it's- so. \\:; '1. avenue. Moving pictures and vember 12th as "United War so give me my dollar and I'll be . lication. It was easily explained. see an adverUsenieji^ en r .'f -..'U' t.ip men auselective service i more appropriate name than the one u bore could have • a lecture un Ore Qtrhtlng will Fund Drive Period" and do foft u> work." • jThe-Mvertisement was phoned in ;,,„. sa., you can get three cans it riven. > .. il;...,:--.i :> «J:'::U: w-.rkii's against changmy jobs with i been appiu^j to.it—liUn t-he~fH?*>p4e on that street desired a ' Hereby set aside this time as Saw Ad in Paper f and Vhe clerk who took it won- a quarter, you know if :r..-.k '.'- \:-\- .Jta uf _c'.:::-._; Jr..i": uctVrment thereby. _ 'change and have it." the period In the City of Rah- Brown looked at the earnest ' dered why. but thought if Mr. what you're going to g c Tyler Clark, chairman of the ; u'ay when each resident" salesman and down at the be- \ Brown wanted to pay a dollar for reach the store. T:...i;-...-..i< .-i u-rk.-is tiiru.ighout the country have j - At the next regular meeting of tli-e Lyceum the newly should cooperate in this drive Defense _CouncU. annou draggled tree, and rubbed che 1 Christmas trees it was his own More •nrrrpro rrr:r -.-i:iar pew.:mo and perhaps unglamorous •t ,loclod Pr0Sldt,nt .\Ir Garret Berry will deliver his in- and I do h«-r..hv re.nn-.-t.fnHv lerd'ay 1.440 additional, assorted endorse the same and urge ^^ ^ joe^ oral add*fe?s~~ stiff January air would, -yot tould oe distributed in the near 1 the n-holf-henrfj-iT 3-Uo u:-.l:ki-iy result in draft deferment. •••I.wk- FniJt HuH V,..- ,,-,irl/ ii-.-'l .n >T..| -I- fi'uiu His uialir—Belore ' Ml HaiectUd bback to One of Brown's proving again that hone---. .< [j," V of the City in this drive. This e future. j he could give voice to his bewilder- joking friends. But it wasn't any best policy. Incident.!:; ^j, u-:'. tne day of the draft call, ac- ; Xuesdav drive is to raise funds for Civilian Defense Rules and morning. A degree or two colder would have [ ment the caller said, "I.saw your joke for the newspaper. And it *sounds like the- word- ". • B'.,.' Hospital^ various u-ar agencies assist- Regulations. inmander Patrick H. Winston, produced ice. As it was'the mud was stiffened up ton-' [ ad in the morning Post offering to wouldn't do any good to try some- Franklin, who was one „.' Ame--'! PostofflCr- f ing substantially the armed EMERGENCY TRAFFIC j pay a dollar for old Christmas think like this as revenge on one ;a's great newspaper me: TelephoJt., lective service headquarters m'slderablv Vegetation and Mowers still out wilted before, forces of this and other na- j r your practical joking friends. 'Copyright—Press Alha',.? i- Section V—Issuance of Ve- Cltjr Of '.w'.ii said. "A man moving voluntarily from a , his-touch " i tions enjsasred against the trees and so I brougiit mine c ; Just wouldn't work. The minute N. Y. y.i hicle Emergency Cards. Icon- Public enemy. ( around on my way to work. This .,: -dustry to an essential industry in which he! -The frequent occurence of robberies of late, in this is 79 Smithfleld street, isn't it?" {you hung up the receiver the clerk (tniiifT 1 . In keeping w^th plans here- r p:rv.ou.s experience does not improve his draft . has opened the eyes of the peaple to- the- neeesstt-v of- •Brown- said he hard run "no~a"d wtraid call the friend and check +a+ Brivw» of public util- clty "iofore made, only one drive of v lu h actlon to and didn't want any Ch-ristmas i to see if he really wanted atv ad-, ity vehicles operating in more ' * ' preventimmediate'havins, somt, one lojlo duty as watchmefl-over their "prop-— Oils kind wfll be conducted trees, closed the door and went on j The Christmas tree ad ran • Buy fun at wholejllt Driets tf,.«t from an than one municipality. m:.'!-.: cause him :o be called earlier. ertv and some of our cltl2ens have engaged the services of each year in o^der to avoid back to bed. The visitor left the ' years ago and there'll probably ol Nwr Vorii'i laujtr whalttilt (wrim n^^ 13) Key personnel, abso- monthly canvassing .by vari- a' tuliaiuliy jdvtriJHd (uri from •n.tf TO :imm. lutely essential. In defense Robert Nichols _DuBois-. d=- Gilman David Armstrong: Dennis P. Donovan Norman Temple Otto Wieraer uppers that those of us doing what may seem to ; trustworthy men for Lhis purpose." tree on the doorstep and drove j never be another one like it. News- All cojtj carry tht Good Houia^o.iij C^Vnii ous groups who have consoli- on off to his Job. muttering uxtMJieis take_. endless -time trod- plants which are now listed councilman First Ward Councilman Second Ward Councilman Third Ward Mayor Councilman- At- Larre Councilman Fourth Ward Councilman Fifth Ward jnbs at home, had better'stick to them. That' " i dated and merged their efforts piy you to tmiJ any d v l*t.t 3^'inino himself. 1 spend thousands of dollars each i E t under War Department super- into this one drive. s obviously based on the fact that the machinery of j Rahway 25 Years Ago Trees Kept Coming i year checking up on advertising Siindjyi 10 AM. to d P.M. Tr« IJ 0I"f i vision. The general campaign to see that it is correct and to log >iUi » r ' - ' U) Executives and oper- life must not be disorganized by unplanned shifts j ••Recognition of the qualifications of Frederick L. Min- ! Befoce Brown got to sleep after B GBtAtJ FUP1 • 1 31 W )0Si chairman is Mr. Kinsey N. trying to figure.out the old-Christ- ating and maintenance em- Rahway Observation Post Police Find •inKhri' ard nr.e job to another. j tel son of Mr and Mrs Charies Minxei, of 32 Campbell. Merritt and Mr. Fayettc N. ChangeJNjeeded, Says mas-tree-_for-a-dollar business, —ployws-ofTBltrtfa'dsr wTSTmay" War Fund CampaignjBation Board TaJley, well known tt>- the - Receives Citation The Army wants us to stay put until we are needed. 1 street. as a rel,gious worker and leader was given on Wed- andtHeT rap came at his door. And —t-IIe, Auto, Fin;, NSURANCE BROKER BAhway 70640 be certified by such com- residents- of the City, has con- sure enough it was another man Robbery. Executor. panies as essential for con- Ii we vet :,.,, .mpatier.t [or change, the Army may say, [nesda y when Mr. Mintel received a telegram "to report at sented to be the local director Ew'-ry-Typc - Including Bonds 164 W. E.MERSOX From U. S. Army with another tree and another re Fidelity. Pub. XJab. tinued operation. Issues Forms Storekeeper uch q hurry, cmon and get once-foi-servic-e as-business secretary of the Young Men's with headquarters at the Y. JAMES 'H, JONES ', AVE.Vl'E Starts With Dinner quest for a dollar. More angry (5) Authorized camera- The observation post atop Mayoralty Candidate M. C. \ in this City. Per- men and authorized members Christian Association at Camp McClellan, Anniston. Ala- sons desiring to send in con- the Hiffh School, of the U. S. of sound crews of established 1 bama. Mr. Mintel is now arranging to go there on Monday. 1 tributions should make them For Fuel Oil Army Aircraft Warning Ser- DeadlnBed news reel services. Affair At Y. M. C. A. For Workers Opens vice, has received a citation Republican Majority Needed In Common. He is engaged by the National War Work Council of the payable to the United War Fund and they should be for- Section VI—Lighting to be Consumers To Receive from the First Fighter Com- Irving Street Pet Shop just between you and me Y. M. C. A. of the United Stares and leaves Monday to re- warded to the headquarters used during Public Air Raid Eastern Union County Drive" For mand for performance during Council In Order To Avoid Divided the month of September. Four port to Secretary Graham at Camp McClellan, where he at the Y. M. C. A. Also, con- Alarms at night. Blanks From Their Proprietor Died From by ding tributions can be made there (a I Pending availability Funds Here; Tally Presides gold stars have been awarded Responsibility In City Affairs will probably arrive Tuesday evening." the local post for being "con- Cerebral Hemorrhage personally. Open Thursday Night 'til 9 and installation of officially Dealers In City Continued Prom Page One ; approved motor vehicle black- The United War Fund of Eastern Union County cam- tinually manned," "contin- "Responding to the earnest wish of President Wilson, The War Price and Rationing By DAVID ARMSTRONG Thanking the people of the out lighting equipment, all alerf and • -Ehilip Bovlan. First of all. it seems apparent that the City Chairman j the Boy Scouts of America have planned a second nation- [ paigri got under way here last night with a d-inner attended Board of RataWfly- and flai-tr Republican Candidate for Mayor City of Rahway for their vehicles shall be operated all times properly.' tor off the RahwaRahw y Pet Shop, 1517 f the party are .inly interested in wide campaign for the sale of Liberty Bonds from Oct. 20 whole-hearted supported per- started delivery of application Irving street was found dead in •Jow—beamfT forms for fuel oil rationing tlvis Chief Observer Harry New- At the outset of this campaign. I raant tn M with the following exceptions: d a -bed-rrr-the-reaT-of~the store "by the 'mb- ith patronage Undei IE. A. Former Judge Fayette N. Tai!exi_Uilit.? --W r. _F^nd week-. Consumers win receive —mam--stated- last nifi-htr that the citizens of Rahway outlining my position as the Mayor- Sincerely. vehicles of the arnied tor-oea-. more men are needed to vol- Police last night. "Mrs. Florence ui\p'in try. but wnen it comes to honoring faith- Soldier,' 338.000 Scouts and Scout officials will cooperate cKalrraan-oT'TtaHway-, - ,—afvd—the-keynote address their application forms as well as alty candidate of 'the Republican party. Since making John E. Barker, Mayor. Sate Guard, ambulances, unteer their services for duty Jurgenson. of 61 Elm avenue had ful party workers H is found expedient to nominate erst- with the -Government 'to show the firm resolution of _our was given by Kinsey N. Merritt, of Elizabeth, campaign certificates showing the amount noticed a light burning in the that statement I have had ample opportunity to meet and lire*, apparatus and police of fuel oil delivered to them during at the observation post. Ap- J store during the day time and last im» t<>.wsUT.v thi^ Hannf r a.t .the head of the- •people iri the present'waf ""By""securing subscriptions for the vehicles. chairm.an. Mayor John E. Barger also spoke about the the year ending May 31, 1942 from plications may be made to talk with many of our .citizens in all walks of life and I am Mr. Newman at 88 East evening phoned the Police when parade to the polls on election day. Doesn't it seem a bit United States Government bonds of the Second Liberty This rullne is not to con- need for success in the city's only unified, once-a-year cam- their dealers. now more firmly convinced than ever that a change in the flict with the United States Cherry street. neighbors of Boylan's stated they Help Furnished odd that after eight years in office the Democratic party Loan." e t Army Eetnulations eovernln? paign. had not seen him since late Mon- administration of city affairs is not only needed, but S,af y All consumers are requested by day afternoon. Officer Brwin had groomed no one for the two top positions on the party's "There are three Rahway boys making good on the motor vehicle lighting in dim- V. S. Marine Speaks strongly desired by the citizens the Board to fill in alt questions Crahan was sent 'from Police out areas. One of the highlights of the generally. ticket? One wonders just how the rank and file of the Brown eleven this fall; Wilmot Albright, Elmer Armstrong on the forms as accurately- as- Headquarters." to investigate. He * Section VII — Red Lights meeting was an impromptu talk workers in the Democratic Party feel over being shunted Qu z Selectee Rules—~ possible. If assistance is needed Rahway High Wins gained entrance to the store and Republican Majority and Alfred Brooks, all members of the sophomore class. Sponsored By and Sirens. by George Titman. formal local Epiergency Notes in filling out the forms the local found Boylan dead in bed. Cra- In the matter of government as to one side while two renegade Republicans were placed 1 la I Only emergency vehi- resident now living in Scotch Albright is a graduate of the Rahway High School, while Rahway Safetjr Board has arranged to have han notified Headquarters. in the conduct of our own affairs. cles authorized by statute at the head 'if the party's slate for the coming election's. Armstrong and Brooks received their preparatory diplomas Council Plains, who ts a member of the Cited By Board school teachers available at the X-Countrv For Bonus Passed it is highly desirable to see to it will be permitted to operate U. S. Marines. He told of his ex- Roosevelt School gymnasium. The Dr. Ernest C. Lowenstein and that our affairs do not get into But now let us consider a 'deed' or two, of which from Blair Academy." with red lights visible to the perience aboard the U.S.S. Wasp Detective John Klesecker ,'re- Q. Are children more prone to Charles E. Reed, 'Chairman of entrance is at the rear of the For the'first time in 30 years The City Council unanimously a rut. The orderly housekeeper the Democratic City Chairman so proudly boasts. First, front. No siren may be oper- when she "was hit by a torpedo. sponded to Officer CrahanV'call. accidents when they are tired and Selective Service Board 15 called school' and the hours the teachers the Rahway High School Cross finds a "house cleaning" at stated ated by any emergency vehicle He told of the ship being hit and Dr. Lowenstein stared tij-at Boy- passed resolutions at their meet- Was that little mntti»r of the fivi* y>ar r-nntrH«-t for Vgai-C -worried? will be on duty are 3 ITS'to 5:20 Country team, coached- by Harry intervals a desirable and" healthy- Ji the period of a public how he.slid down its sides to a attention of married women—who lan had died as the result of cere- ing last nigrft in the City Hall au- performance and the city govern- Mr, JosepTTFeinberf; as tax lien attorney at $1,200 per A. Yes—The tired or worried P. M. and 7:30 to 10 P. M. on theHanf, former Lehigh track, star, "Rev. Finley Keech, pastor of the South Baptist air raid alarm except where raft. He was aboard the raft for desire to accept employment, that bral hemorrhage ana had been ment of Rahway ts no exception. ••-child is not able to take as following days. Monday, Wednes- thorizing two emergency notes to annum. That, my friends, most certainly was a deed Church. Newark, has been calleoMo the pulpit of the First the siren on the vehicle is about four hours before he wasby so doing they will not jeopard- won the Union Coun.ty In-ler- dead about 36 hourar'. Selecting a Mayor to be your t good care of himself in an day and Thursday of next week. cover the cost of the five per cent M??d $Q supplement • an ~air- r scholastic cross country cham- Boylan has a ^son William Boy- "housekeeper" you should, of ... a most excellent deed . . . for Mr. Feinberg and the Baptist Church here. This action followed a special meet-' emergency. His muscular co- "prtclred" up by-a rescne-srrtp: He" ize "fHe!FTius5and" s~'s"tanding in When the applications, are com- bonus to be paid city employees. rald signal. Police cars, flrc was ill at the time and in the pionship in a meet held in Wari- lan who is now serving with the course, furnish Democrats and it didn't cost the party a penny . . .for ing of the congregation Wednesday night, when the recom- ordination, to avoid accident is apparatus and ambulances Che call for men. pleted they are ta',be mailed to The ^rsf—^solution—authorised Wasp's 'sick bay,' He is at pres- the Ration Board, 1409 Irving nanco Park Tuesda; necessary equipment with which not as good and in some cases may use red lights during rm Mortuary. a note amounting to $1.945,for the Council. Incidentally, no honest, were rested and unworried. number is reached under the fol- When appointments were to be made for the position of City spired against 'Donation Day' for the Rahway Hospital yes- POSXAL REGULATION manship." based upon his own Seven Named To Cranford. who finished in the employees of the Water Depart- competent person at present hold- Q. Should young children be broad experience as general sales lowing categories: first, if single ment. At the last meeting the ing office in the city, and there are Attorney and Polive Court Judge, it was generally reported terday, the annual collection of foodstuffs was successful. Postmaster Martin P. Oettings point scoring totals behind Rah allowed to handle tools? announced yesterday that no food manager of the Railway Express with- no dependents, and not in a way in the order named. Council passed the bonus and some such' office holders at pres- that Mr. Femberg had quite a desire for'one of those two A. Yes—Provided that they Rationing Board Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary, who toured the town and or clothing was allowed to be Agency-. He pointed out to the war Industry; second, if single, Phil Thigpen. a High Sefioql Staff Assistants Course . added a claus calling for a mini- ent, need fear any unfair attack or use tools that are not too audience, which today started in- pouts. Prior to that time he had been attorney for the Tax gathered up the articles that householders had left on'their mailed to men or women In the with dependents, and not in a war sophomore, who tips the s*mles at mum bonus of $100. The money criticism from me as Mayor, if sharp and are under pr&per tensive solicitation In. Rahway. Announcement was made last Started By Red Cross Armed Forces of the United States \26 pounds, led the pa Home in is to be paid by December 15. elected. Lien Committee and also had been of considerable assis- porches, the Board of Governors and Mrs. Anna L. Hughes, supervision. that the basis of a salesman's suc- Industry; third, single, with de- night by the Rahway War Price serving overseas. - - the fast time of the two Other Resolutions tance in election campaigns in the First Ward. In such a superintendent, were gratified to see the whole-hearted re- cess was a firm- belief In the mer- pendents, in war industry;fourth. and Rationing Board that James I The first lecture in a 10-hour Should Correct Abuses Q. When the clothing of a per- and.,one half mile This is Other financial resolutions son catches on fire is this the Kerney, Jr., State Director of the j instruction course for Red Cross I have been listening and ob- manner had Mr. Feinfrerg's claim been staked. sponse to their appeal." chandiso—ho—was—selling,—and- -rmnrieci-men with wife only and Office of Price Administration, the ftrst yea: competition in passed last night provided funds first, fhlng t.n Ar\ translated this thought into terms iStaff Assistants was given Wed- ing—duiiug" TTTiv e pr-esdvUJrty- Attorney, EJUgeneMainzer, who not In war Industry; fifth, married had -spor-t—for—the- to pay redemption""ana~Tnterest~ •TroTte™ot' Scott avenue, is today the possessor of~ fire by smothering it with a blan- of the Job ol "selling" the United <••--- . "' „ i_ . fnesaay morning at"""the Ilderan while going aboutOre m"y pas owtn affairsyears-. — r^ fustHetween only, In-war the local Board from eight to 15 nampion. He finished | Outlng (jjm, by Mrs Eleanor due .November 1 on outstanding- had been serving in that capacity wanted a reappoint- five pearls valued at from $2,000 to $3,000, the gems having ket or rug? try; sixth, married, with wife and obligations: $30,000 to the Board in the city and I have noted that by the appointment of seven new front of Mike Topp, field director in Union Eslinnmii.li Uie flm.by o,f this city. children, not in war industry; sev- of Education; $2.000 to the certain individuals have made •ment and so did Police Court Judge David hppn gleaned—fc&m the 1-ast of Q dQzc-U-jiysters-Tg'h'icrh Nolte" members. of Jefferson High, County for__the American Red_ smothering it with a. blanket, you anTme Touching briefly but dramatic- enth, men with wife and children, "way—Memi'flalT Hospital; $763.37 ^se-of--tne-maclTtnery~or~cr£y Bov- "-I'hese latter two gentlemen made their claim on their Those named to the nnmi-ai«. ^ammate -of— t-he- "Cross. ""Mrs. Tott spoke-on the ate for his dinner Wednesday." or rug or a coat. After the ally upon jthe_ services performed for the Sinking Fund requirements ernment to "feather their own by ding Mrs. Duncan A. Talbot, Kenneth ner. finished in third place in history and organization of na- •past records and the fact that they had been faithful "The State Older Boys' Council of the Y. M. C. A. con- fire is extinguished, first aid '""oT the ten participating When a registrant assumed the for the current year: and two re-nests" at the expense of the.tax- W. Terry. George P. Rothweiley<" the good time of 13:12.6. Burton tional and International Red payer. Needless offices and posi- workers for the party. treatment should be given for war—emergency agencies. Mr. responsibility of dependents fol- funds for overpayment of taxes. cluded its two-day session here Sunday after making'plans Jr., Bernard A. "Reeves, Aipert Milnes, also of the Railway team, Cross. tions have been created and filled any burns received. For the first time in its his- Merritt gave a concise picture of lowing December 8. 1941 "when After several weeks of maneuvering and some party Jeambey. H. Clayton HoweJK and finished in sixth place, being A sesolution authorizing, the for the express purpose of taking for the annual boys' conference of the State to be held at Q. Is it best in case of an acid tory, this .country is fighting the Job to be done, and of the war was declared) no considera- Edwin M. Durand, local chair- Earl T. L. Burchfield. Afl of the clocked in 13:41. Charles Waech- public sale of thre«~parceTs of land care af_ the faithful. Instances dissention the Democrats decided that Mr. Feinberg should Trenton, December 2, 3 and 4. Union'C'o'unty was honored burn to plunge the burned part a war on all the continents real need for Railway's quota of tion jis. a basis for deferment is man, presented a brief descrip- new appointments hivrbeen work- ter. of Rahway, crossed the tapes located at Essex street and Lenox of this must be fresh In the re- into water? DOUBLE-TOflDOW and all the oceans. American $21,250 if the total Eastern Union given ff a child has been born tion of the peace and wartime ac- be offered a five year contract as Tax Lien Attorney and at the week-end conclave of the State group, in the election ing with the RattoifBoard on a in tenth position in 13:51. place: Murray street and Main collection-of the people. I need* A. Yes—The first thing that troops and/or" equipment are County goal of $455,000 Is to be since that date. tivities of the Rahway Chapter. the other two office holders would be reappointed to the volunteer 'basis for some time. Thtgpen ran well back in the street to be held in the City Hall only refer to the expensive tax of Stanly-W. Jones, Jr., of this city, as chairman, -and Cor- should be done is to plunge now engaged In every battle- raised. Mrs. J. B. Ourand is chairman If a man married before he field for the first three quarters November 10. lien situation and juggling of the city payroll in tfle same jobs they had previously held. nelius Belden, of Elizabeth, as vice-chairman." the affected part into water PRISCILLA CtlRTAINS front from Russia to Africa. and Mrs. Ranald Dunning, co- -"• Serves Fighting Mew: - registered in any one of the five of the distance and was content A resolution authorizing the office of City Treasurer and a or hold it under the cold water And the numbers so engaged NOTICE chairman, of the Staff Assistance Tin otTRti this means Mr. Keinberg's feelings were assuaged We cannot afford to fail," Mr. Registrations, or before he re- to take the pace from the others. payment of $20 to Minnie Mc- newly created position In the Wa- faucet, if the affected part "ill Increase vastly and The office of the Receiver of Committee. Merritt said. "There is first the ceived his questionnaire, induc- Milnes, early in the race, set Laughlin. 470 Linden avenue for ter Board as two glaring ex- tu .the tune of $6,000 of the taxpayers' money. "Pis also Rahway 5 Years Ago can be placed in this position. swiftly in the future. It has will be open from 7:30 P.M. humanitarian and patriotic ' rea- tion cannot properly be considered pace until he was passed by Chri- the destruction of a prize rooster, amples. In these cases as well rumored that Mr. Feinberg prepared the contract which Alter the excess acid has been taken us a long tune to move P.M., on Monday, November "Showing that one defeat had not quelled their hopes son why we must support the imminent and he would be classi- chillo and Bauer at the mile and hen and Belgian hare by a stray as in others the taxpayer has not- Washed oft or diluted, a 5% from the defensive to the of- 1942, to receive payment of was approved by the Democratic majority of the City of scoring~"more victories this year"; Rahway High School USO. the agency that serves the fied in categories four, live, six, 05. a quarter mark. As the field en- The men on the Republican chow jilsojassert __ cce1vea"5 fair deal. Sucn. abuses solution of bicarbonate of PR. fensive stare in our war the fourth quarter of the 1942 4.98 recreational and social needs- of seven, as above, ^and— his—wl{cjS ?tere some of the 'deeds' of the Democratic administra- parallels West Inman a-venue. The one-seated, two passen- ,for Victory Campaign? Too many over leaf design. Lined, pleated, quisette, check voiles!.Ruffled and and dominate In the Pacific. . cases of municipal government tion? . - ger plane struck an electric power line and brought down people Just don't think they have tailored styles. Bought months Fourth, his armies, workljur such division of responsibility re- any scrap metal, rubber or rags. ready to hang. Wine, dusty-rose, Of course it is to be supposed that the Democrats will four wires as the plane crashed into a vacant lot near the ago, otherwise, they'd be 2.98! All In concert with thosp^of sults la one sldc_ idaming—the They would be very much sur- blue, gold. Third Floor. Japan, were to take-over the other for Inefficient rcsiilts. 16 number among their 'deeds' the passage of the 'bonus' for home of Nathan Bickers in Florence avenue. It is believed prised if they bothered to look. If wanted colors. Third Floor. Middle East and Jridla. The would be particularly unfortunate municipal employees at the last meeting of the City Coun- that the flyers encountered engine trouble and were at- they did. Victory would come to United Sttttes^Would then, In at this time, tf the election re- the United Nations much sooner cn cil. The 'bonus' to alleviate the suffering of low salaried tempting to land when their plane struck the wires." *ei:t, be/an island sur- ' sulted In such a aialemnto than otherwise. rounded-fly unfriendly waters -SctTHousTfi"SSdS workers for the city. Yes, they did inaugurate thg .measure SctTHouseTfiSSdS "Constitution Grove, a collection of 13 sugar maplas "nd'CUt oft from all relations ; These are stirilag. times in our but as introduced by the Democratic majority it would symbolizing the 13 original colonies, was established in w«h the balance of the world. Nation, State ami Comiaunity. it We gelcome-ftema or personal In- Thcn, at his leisure, Hitler : have proved of little benefit to those who needed it most-. Rahway River Park Tuesday as Rahway Constitution Ses- lerest. IT yon are leaving for a R. X GaerkeJCij. hBhoojies^th©-- -'» ' "" '• —• ~— could set about the job of be stationed at home, well behind Had^tnot been for two Republicans, Councilmen Dennis P. quicentennial Committee sponsored a tree planting pro- vacation, rmtrHqlntog or visiting finally w Mends, write or phono The Record, Broad & W. Jersey Sts. the firing line, to set our house In. Donovan and Clifford Case, those in the lowest salary gram and pageant." Clifford r. Case - ContlnuedrO n, General Assembly H rvn «u*eac£g$i3jzS537S
