Society of the Silurians EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM AWARDS GALA The National Arts Club 15 Gramercy Park South Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Drinks: 6 P.M. • Dinner: 7:15 P.M. Published by The Society of The Silurians, Inc., an organization Meet old friends and award winners of veteran New York City journalists founded in 1924
[email protected] MAY 2018 Silurians Celebrate The Best BY MICHAEL S. SERRILL winner of Silurian Medallions for Inves- Awards Co-Chair tigative Reporting and for Reporting on Minority Issues. The Newsday reporter n 2010 a new Nassau County Execu- says he spent 18 months digging into tax tive, Republican Edward Mangano, assessment data, looking for winners and Itook office with a promise to over- losers. Mangano is now on trial for cor- haul the Long Island county’s always-con- ruption in a separate matter. Clark notes tentious property tax assessment system. that the new county executive, Laura Seven years later an enormously enter- Curran, has declared she will correct the prising Newsday reporter, Matt Clark, tax inequities, while her deputy has copies undertook to learn how the “reform” had of Clark’s stories hanging on the wall of worked out. Using the huge sorting pow- her office to remind her of the urgency to er of modern technology, he examined address the question. some 2.5 million tax bills and came to Clark’s reporting was overseen by some startling conclusions. According Martin Gottlieb, a former editor of The to Clark—and his findings have not been New York Times, ex-editor-in-chief of seriously challenged—over seven years The Record, and now “I-team” editor for the new assessment system resulted in Newsday.