5 bus time schedule & line map

5 Ellesmere Port - Mold View In Website Mode

The 5 bus line (Ellesmere Port - Mold) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Ellesmere Port: 5:55 AM - 6:00 PM (2) Mold: 5:55 AM - 5:30 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 5 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 5 bus arriving.

Direction: Ellesmere Port 5 bus Time Schedule 76 stops Ellesmere Port Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:55 AM - 6:00 PM Campus, Mold Tuesday 5:55 AM - 6:00 PM Bus Station, Mold Chester Street, Mold Wednesday 5:55 AM - 6:00 PM

Leadmill Bridge, Mold Thursday 5:55 AM - 6:00 PM Alun Bank, Mold Friday 5:55 AM - 6:00 PM

Flintshire County Hall, Mold Saturday 5:55 AM - 6:00 PM A5119, Mold Community

Argoed View, New Brighton

Rose & Crown, New Brighton 5 bus Info Direction: Ellesmere Port Moel Fammau Road, New Brighton Stops: 76 Bryn-Lane, Argoed Community Trip Duration: 76 min Line Summary: Campus, Mold, Bus Station, Mold, Heol Fammau, Mynydd Isa Leadmill Bridge, Mold, County Hall, Mold, Yr Ydlan, Argoed Community Argoed View, New Brighton, Rose & Crown, New Brighton, Moel Fammau Road, New Brighton, Heol Llys Wylfa, Mynydd Isa Fammau, Mynydd Isa, Llys Wylfa, Mynydd Isa, Mercia Square, Prenbrigog, Mercia Drive, Prenbrigog, Mercia Square, Prenbrigog Bod Offa Drive, Mynydd Isa, Pren Hill, Prenbrigog, Watts Court, Prenbrigog, Fraser Drive, Nant Mawr, Mercia Drive, Prenbrigog Nant Mawr Crescent, Nant Mawr, Moel View, Buckley, Paddeswood Road, Buckley, Lea Drive, Buckley, Bod Offa Drive, Mynydd Isa Central Precinct, Buckley, Mill Lane Surgery, Buckley, Hawkesbury Road, Buckley, Buckly Medical Centre, Buckley, Belmont Crescent, Buckley, Post Oce, Pren Hill, Prenbrigog Buckley, St Matthew`S Park, Buckley, Red Lion Inn, Buckley, Smithy Lane, Green, Dovey Cottages, Watts Court, Prenbrigog Ewloe Green, School, Ewloe Green, Boar`S Head, Llys Berllan, Buckley Community Ewloe Green, Castle Garage, Ewloe Green, Church Lane, Ewloe, Aston Railway Bridge, Higher Shotton, Fraser Drive, Nant Mawr Plough Inn, Aston, South Bank, Aston, Chevrons Road, Queensferry, Asda, Queensferry, Aston Road Nant Mawr Crescent, Nant Mawr Asda, Queensferry, Solar Services, Queensferry, Station Road, Queensferry, Expressway Business Moel View, Buckley Park, Queensferry, Sealand School, Garden City, Post Paddeswood Road, Buckley Oce, Garden City, Drome Corner, Garden City, Deva Business Park, Garden City, Cycle Bridge, Garden City, Welsh Road, Garden City, Ind Park, Lea Drive, Buckley Garden City, Parkway, Connah's Quay, Gdc Building, Connah's Quay, Manetti, Garden City, Newtech Central Precinct, Buckley Square, Garden City, Tenth Avenue, Garden City, Longlooms Road, Whitbyheath, Coliseum & Cinema, Mill Lane Surgery, Buckley Cheshire Oaks, Outlet Village, Cheshire Oaks, Blue Planet Aquarium, Cheshire Oaks, David Lloyd Leisure Hawkesbury Road, Buckley Centre, Wolverham, University Academy South Campus, Wolverham, Rochester Drive, Wolverham, Buckly Medical Centre, Buckley Criccieth Court, Wolverham, Stanney Grange Shops, Wolverham, Warwick Court, Wolverham, Kenilworth Belmont Crescent, Buckley Court, Wolverham, Rochester Drive, Wolverham, Doune Court, Wolverham, Court, Wolverham, Post Oce, Buckley Rochester Road, Wolverham, Wolverham Road, Church Road, Buckley Community Wolverham, Cheltenham Road, Wolverham, Cheshire Cat Ph, Wolverham, Wolverham Road, Wolverham, St Matthew`S Park, Buckley Newnham Drive, Wolverham, Whitby Park, Ellesmere Liverpool Road, Buckley Community Port, Ellesmere Port Bus Interchange Stand F, Ellesmere Port Red Lion Inn, Buckley

Smithy Lane, Ewloe Green

Dovey Cottages, Ewloe Green

School, Ewloe Green Mold Way, Community

Boar`S Head, Ewloe Green Old Mold Road, Hawarden Community

Castle Garage, Ewloe Green St David's Close, Hawarden Community

Church Lane, Ewloe

Aston Railway Bridge, Higher Shotton Alder Avenue, Hawarden Community

Plough Inn, Aston

South Bank, Aston Aston Road, Shotton Community

Chevrons Road, Queensferry

Asda, Queensferry

Aston Road Asda, Queensferry

Solar Services, Queensferry B5129, Queensferry Community

Station Road, Queensferry 13-17 Station Road, Queensferry Community

Expressway Business Park, Queensferry Station Road, Queensferry Community Sealand School, Garden City

Post Oce, Garden City

Drome Corner, Garden City

Deva Business Park, Garden City

Cycle Bridge, Garden City

Welsh Road, Garden City

Deeside Ind Park, Garden City Drome Road, Sealand Community

Parkway, Connah's Quay Parkway, Sealand Community

Gdc Building, Connah's Quay

Manetti, Garden City First Avenue, Sealand Community

Newtech Square, Garden City

Tenth Avenue, Garden City

Longlooms Road, Whitbyheath Longlooms Road, England

Coliseum & Cinema, Cheshire Oaks Coliseum Way, England

Outlet Village, Cheshire Oaks

Blue Planet Aquarium, Cheshire Oaks

David Lloyd Leisure Centre, Wolverham

University Academy South Campus, Wolverham

Rochester Drive, Wolverham Dover Drive, England

Criccieth Court, Wolverham Ewloe Court, England

Stanney Grange Shops, Wolverham Alnwick Drive, England

Warwick Court, Wolverham Warwick Court, England

Kenilworth Court, Wolverham

Rochester Drive, Wolverham

Doune Court, Wolverham Raby Court, Ellesmere Port Ruthin Court, Wolverham

Rochester Road, Wolverham

Wolverham Road, Wolverham

Cheltenham Road, Wolverham Wolverham Road, Ellesmere Port

Cheshire Cat Ph, Wolverham

Wolverham Road, Wolverham

Newnham Drive, Wolverham

Whitby Park, Ellesmere Port

Ellesmere Port Bus Interchange Stand F, Ellesmere Port Civic Way, Ellesmere Port Direction: Mold 5 bus Time Schedule 66 stops Mold Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:55 AM - 5:30 PM Ellesmere Port Bus Interchange Stand F, Ellesmere Port Tuesday 5:55 AM - 5:30 PM Civic Way, Ellesmere Port Wednesday 5:55 AM - 5:30 PM Whitby Park, Ellesmere Port Thursday 5:55 AM - 5:30 PM

Newnham Drive, Wolverham Friday 5:55 AM - 5:30 PM

Marchwiel Road, Wolverham Saturday 5:55 AM - 5:30 PM Cambridge Road, Ellesmere Port

Cheshire Cat Ph, Wolverham

Cheltenham Road, Wolverham 5 bus Info Wolverham Road, Ellesmere Port Direction: Mold Stops: 66 Wolverham Road, Wolverham Trip Duration: 79 min Line Summary: Ellesmere Port Bus Interchange Rochester Road, Wolverham Stand F, Ellesmere Port, Whitby Park, Ellesmere Port, Newnham Drive, Wolverham, Marchwiel Road, Ruthin Court, Wolverham Wolverham, Cheshire Cat Ph, Wolverham, Cheltenham Road, Wolverham, Wolverham Road, Doune Court, Wolverham Wolverham, Rochester Road, Wolverham, Ruthin Court, Wolverham, Doune Court, Wolverham, Doune Court, Ellesmere Port Rochester Drive, Wolverham, Warkworth Court, Rochester Drive, Wolverham Wolverham, Bodiam Court, Wolverham, Criccieth Court, Wolverham, Stanney Lane, Wolverham, David Warkworth Court, Wolverham Lloyd Leisure Centre, Wolverham, Coliseum & Cinema, Cheshire Oaks, Outlet Village, Cheshire Thornton Road, Ellesmere Port Oaks, Blue Planet Aquarium, Cheshire Oaks, Bodiam Court, Wolverham Parkway, Connah's Quay, Gdc Building, Connah's Quay, Manetti, Garden City, Newtech Square, Garden City, Tenth Avenue, Garden City, Deeside Ind Park, Criccieth Court, Wolverham Garden City, Welsh Road, Garden City, Cycle Bridge, Ewloe Court, England Garden City, Deva Business Park, Garden City, Drome Corner, Garden City, Post Oce, Garden City, Sealand Stanney Lane, Wolverham School, Garden City, Expressway Business Park, Dover Drive, England Queensferry, Station Road Q, Queensferry, Aston Road Sliproad, Queensferry, Asda, Queensferry, David Lloyd Leisure Centre, Wolverham Chevrons Road, Queensferry, South Bank, Aston, Plough Inn, Aston, Boar`S Head, Ewloe Green, Coliseum & Cinema, Cheshire Oaks School, Ewloe Green, Dovey Cottages, Ewloe Green, Coliseum Way, England Smithy Lane, Ewloe Green, Red Lion Inn, Buckley, St Matthew's Park, Buckley, Post Oce, Buckley, Outlet Village, Cheshire Oaks Belmont Crescent, Buckley, Hawkesbury Road, Buckley, Mill Lane Surgery, Buckley, Central Precinct, Blue Planet Aquarium, Cheshire Oaks Buckley, Lea Drive, Buckley, Paddeswood Road, Buckley, Moel View, Buckley, Nant Mawr Crescent, Parkway, Connah's Quay Nant Mawr, Fraser Drive, Nant Mawr, Pren Hill, Parkway, Sealand Community Prenbrigog, Bod Offa Drive, Mynydd Isa, Carton Road, Mynydd Isa, Mercia Square , Prenbrigog, Llys Gdc Building, Connah's Quay Wylfa, Mynydd Isa, Heol Fammau, Mynydd Isa, Moel Fammau Road, New Brighton, Rose & Crown, New Manetti, Garden City First Avenue, Sealand Community Brighton, Argoed View, New Brighton, Leadmill Bridge, Mold, Bus Station, Mold, Campus, Mold Newtech Square, Garden City

Tenth Avenue, Garden City

Deeside Ind Park, Garden City Drome Road, Sealand Community

Welsh Road, Garden City

Cycle Bridge, Garden City

Deva Business Park, Garden City

Drome Corner, Garden City

Post Oce, Garden City

Sealand School, Garden City

Expressway Business Park, Queensferry Station Road, Queensferry Community

Station Road Q, Queensferry 2 Station Road, Queensferry Community

Aston Road Sliproad, Queensferry

Asda, Queensferry

Chevrons Road, Queensferry

South Bank, Aston Aston Road, Shotton Community

Plough Inn, Aston

Boar`S Head, Ewloe Green Old Mold Road, Hawarden Community

School, Ewloe Green Mold Road, Hawarden Community

Dovey Cottages, Ewloe Green

Smithy Lane, Ewloe Green

Red Lion Inn, Buckley

St Matthew's Park, Buckley Liverpool Road, Buckley Community

Post Oce, Buckley Church Road, Buckley Community

Belmont Crescent, Buckley

Hawkesbury Road, Buckley Mill Lane Surgery, Buckley

Central Precinct, Buckley

Lea Drive, Buckley

Paddeswood Road, Buckley

Moel View, Buckley

Nant Mawr Crescent, Nant Mawr

Fraser Drive, Nant Mawr

Pren Hill, Prenbrigog 40 Mayeld Drive, Buckley Community

Bod Offa Drive, Mynydd Isa 1 Bod Offa Drive, Buckley Community

Carton Road, Mynydd Isa

Mercia Square , Prenbrigog

Llys Wylfa, Mynydd Isa

Heol Fammau, Mynydd Isa Yr Ydlan, Argoed Community

Moel Fammau Road, New Brighton Bryn-Lane, Argoed Community

Rose & Crown, New Brighton

Argoed View, New Brighton

Leadmill Bridge, Mold

Bus Station, Mold Chester Street, Mold

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