IT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Sunny, pleasant, 42°F (6°C) Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 25°F (-3°C) ewspaper Tomorrow: Cooler, 32°F (O°C) Details, Page 2

Volume 118, umber 68 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Wednesday, January 27, 1999 6.270 Raiders Will Square Off Tonight By Jane Yoo into their opponent's bins, and STAFF REPORTER robots that try to collect as many Signaling the end of the positive balls and place them in Independent Activities Period, their own bin. Most robots, Lego robots no bigger than a one however, represent a hybrid. foot cube will, for the 13th Following weeks of building consecutive year, grace the contest and testing, teams will finally tables in Room 26-100. experience the satisfaction of This year, the robots battle a la seeing their works-in-progress Indiana Jones in a competition transformed into a fully functional entitled "Raiders of the Lost robot. While some students are Parts." intent on winning the competition, Tonight's compeition at 6 p.m. others are more relaxed and just marks the end of participants' three want to see their hard work pay and a half week struggle to off. To many participants, the construct their robots. highlight of the competition is Because the event is so popular, merely seeing if the robot works at course organizers recommend that all. spectators arrive early to get a seat. Last year's competitIOn, Latecomers will be directed to the "Robogolf," attracted over 500 overflow room, 34-101. The students and faculty. This year, AARON ISAKSEN-THE TECH competition will also be broadcast with the varying robot strategies Mark Pipes '01 shows parents Cynthia and Steven the robot his group created during Independent live on MIT cable channel 35. and the possibility of controller , Activities Period for the 6.270 competition. The competition will be held tonight In Room 26-100. "Raiders of the Lost Parts," is board failure, "Raiders of the Lost slightly different than previous Parts" should attract just as many, competitions. In addition to ifnot more. Students Prepare Presentations allowing students to use more Legos, one of the most important Course relies on many disciplines changes includes a new controller Experience in robotics is board donated by Compaq. helpful, but certainly not Of Residential Design Proposals According to course organizer necessary. To give students some By Karen E. Robinson the beginning of the fall. discussions last week. Adrian Danieli, these boards are guidance towards robot design and STAFF REPORTER A contest was the best way to Each session had a different "much more powerful than robot construction, three lectures and six As part of the Reinventing involve community members in focus: examination of the current controller boards used in previous recitations are offered during the Residence Life at MIT design planning the new system, said system, discussion of possibilities, contests." course. However, students are contest, teams of students, faculty, Chancellor Lawrence S. Bacow '72. considerations of system design, forced to integrate a variety of staff, and alumni are working this This is obviously a systems and helping each team develop a Robots are diverse this year disciplines and draw upon week on residence design systems, problem, and "much of the wisdom plan, Kolenbrander said. At the first This year's competition knowledge in mechanical and to be presented to the Steering needed could only be found with the session, a panel of five members includes an eclectic mix of robots. electrical engineering as well as Committee for Residence Design. community," Bacow said. addressed questions about the The table contains balls designated programming. Teams wiJl present their Dean of Students Kirk current system. as "positive" and "negative." Each The class is a "practical proposals for Orientation, academic Kolenbrander '60, who is running Each team will use the robot also has a scoring bin at one approach to solving a real-world advising, and residence selection the contest, caJled the contest a framework set up by those meetings end of the table. Robots score problem," said participant Morris starting in 2001 in a public forum to "bold new experience for MIT," a to design a workable system. Teams points by collecting positive balls, Tao '00. be held in 10-250 at 1:00 p.m. Friday. wide open opportunity for students will also submit web-ready depositing positive baJls in their While the majority of The steering committee will use to participate in administrative descriptions of their plans; designs bin, or depositing negative balls in participants involved in the the ideas presented by the various decisions. "The Institute is saying, will likely be available on the their opponent's bin. competition are Electrical groups to create a final residence 'We want your help.'" Internet on Friday afternoon. The robot strategies this year Engineering and Computer Science design proposal, which wiJl be At least one student from each include "bulldozers" which completed at the end of this term or designed team attended four open Housing, Page 11 aggressively push negative balls 6.270, Page 12 l~ Courses Aim to Produce Charming MIT Students By Rima Arnaout discretion of the instructors. STAFF REPORTER "AJI of the classes are run After a one-year hiatus, the differently, but they're all interactive annual lAP Charm School wiJl and all different," said Public again grace Lobbies 7 and 10 today Service Center Coordinator Monica from noon until 4 p.m. A. Huggins, one of this year's Students get the chance to earn Charm School coordinators. degrees in charm: six classes earn a Charm School is offering some students a CB (bachelor of charm) new subjects this year, such as while eight classes earn a CM "How to Tell Somebody Something (masters of charm). By passing They'd Rather Not Hear." twelve classes, a student is awarded Old favorites to be offered a doctorate in charm. include Buttering Up Big Shots," Beginning just before noon, taught by Dean of Students and students will be able to pick up Undergraduate Education Rosalind schedules detailing the afternoon's H. Williams. In addition, Chancellor classes. Lawrence S. Bacow '72 will teach a "Generally, you'll have a booth subject entitled "Small Talk." where the class is being taught," Besides presiding as the dean, said Dean of Students and Director Merritt will teach "Exemplary of the Experimental Studies Group Locomotion," which tries to "teach Travis R. Merritt, who will preside [students] stylish ways of walking ANNIE CHOI- THE TECH as Charm School dean this year. The down the Infinite Corridor" and Ngan-Fong Huang '02, left, and Kan Llu '02 prepare a vegetarian dish during a gourmet ontent and style of the different vegetarian cooking class In Networks Saturday. 'charm classes is left to the Charm School, Page 10

Several off-campus living groups Comics THE ARTS H World & Nation 2 experiment with an Independent The last movies of 1998, while II h Opinion .4 Activities Period rush. somewhat tepid, are nonetheless n ~~ Arts 6 some of the best movies of the TechCalendar .13 year. II It Sports 24 Page 9 Page 13 Page 6 H January 27, 1999 Page 2 TH H \, t, WORLD & ATIO Rescue Efforts following Columbian Re ·cans Wm Potentially Quake Slowed by Rain, Aftershocks LOS 4'\(jELES THIES ARME IA. COLOMBIA Costly Victory on Witnesses Rescue worker truggled through drivmg rain and a pair of after- hocks Tue day a they earched for urvivor of an earthquake that By Eric Planln the trial and, some senators said, take videotape," said Sen. Mike killed at lea t 500 people and injured thousand. THE WASHINGTON POST complicated efforts to adopt a reso- DeWine (R-Ohio). "I see no reason As night fell more than 24 hour after Monday' quake in we tern WASHINGTO lution censuring the president for it can't be done by this weekend." Colombia, the full extent of damage had not been as e sed. After a flurry of high pressure, his conduct. From the beginning of the three Authoritie feared the death toll could at least double. closed door talks among Senate "We've been able to largely week trial, the question of whether Building on the central Plaza Bolivar were crushed in Armenia, a GOP leader and the House avoid partisan votes until now, but to call witnesses or to rely on the city of 300,000. One heavy concrete structure collapsed upon itself, Republican managers, Republicans I'm skeptical," Senate Minority voluminous House impeachment leaving all five floors the height of a single tory. appeared poised Tuesday to keep the Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) record and grand jury testimony as It was unclear whether the two aftershocks, one regi tering 2.8, impeachment trial of President told reporters Tuesday. "I think on the Democrats favor has threatened caused any additional damage. But the plaza wa evacuated on orders C inton going beyond this week and the vote on dismissal and on the to split the Senate along partisan of Armenia' mayor, Alvaro Patino, because weakened buildings were to depose witnesses including vote on witnesses, it sounds as if the lines. in danger of collap e. Monica S. Lewinsky. lines may be drawn. I hope that is Nearly three weeks ago, senators Rescue worker used picks, shovels and their bare hands in the But even as Senate Majority not the case, but it may be." essentially agreed to postpone that ruins of collapsed building. orne earth-moving equipment was Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and But Republicans see their decision as a way of getting the trial available, but crews did not want to use it for fear of crushing possi- other Republicans savor their tacti- approach as a workable compromise launched on a bipartisan basis, but ble survivors trapped under ton of rubble. cal victory, the Republicans may that would keep their party intact, the moment of truth has now arrived have inadvertently contributed to the while assuring that both the House with Wednesday's scheduled vote on realization of their worst fear: that managers and the White House have whether to depose witnesses. Brazilian Currency Continues WIld Clinton, in the end, will escape a reasonable opportunity to flesh out The vote was still too close to without any punishment at all. their cases and resolve contradic- call, and senators were still speaking Ride as Government Faces Debt On one hand, the Senate is about tions in grand jury testimony with Tuesday night of some kind of com- LOS ANGELES TIJfES to make it more difficult for the live witnesses. promise to keep bipartisanship RJO DE JANEIRO. BRAZIL House GOP managers to make their Reflecting the views of many going. Brazil's currency continued its chaotic ride Tuesday, tumbling to case that Clinton deserves to be Republicans, Senate Judiciary A spokesman for Lott said nearly 2 reals to the dollar before regaining some ground, as worries removed from office by denying Committee Chairman Orrin G. Tuesday that "there are enough spread that the government may be buried under an avalanche of debt them far ranging latitude to call wit- Hatch (R-Utah) declared that if the open minds right now" to assure that gathers force as the currency slides. nesses. House prosecutors were willing to Senate approval of the House man- The currency has now lost about 52 percent of its value against the But in closing ranks around a narrow their witness list, "We ought agers' request for three witnesses as dollar, significantly more than predicted, since Jan. 12 when it stood plan to call only Lewinsky, presi- to bend over backwards to give them well as their suggestion that the at 1.21 to the dollar. It closed Tuesday at 1.84, off another 4.5 percent. dential confidante Vernon Jordan what they want." Senate invite Clinton to submit to a The weaker currency increases Brazil's cost of paying its billions and White House adviser Sidney "All we're going to decide deposition. The managers should of dollar-linked or dollar-denominated debt, while higher interest Blumenthal, Republicans have also (today) is will be depose witnesses, also be allowed to call some wit- rates at home are increasing the burden of its domestic real-based put at risk the bipartisan comity that and after that the Senate will decide nesses to flesh out their perjury and debt as well. has characterized the early stages of whether to hear them live or just obstruction of justice charges. Brazil risks being sucked into "an unmanageable debt spiral," said Lacey Gallagher, a Latin American debt specialist with Standard & Poor's of ew York. The real's ongoing devaluation reflects market doubt about how Brazil will resolve the crisis, she said. Clinton OKs More Aggressive New Study Finds that Parkinson's Disease is Rarely Inherited Response to Iraqi Attacks NEWSDAY By Paul Richter ously reported. The errant missile of defense writers. Most cases of Parkinson's disease, a debilitating neurological con- LOS ANGELES TIMES killed 11 civilians and wounded US. planes have fired several dition that affects at least half a million Americans, are not inherited, WASHINGTON dozens of others, according to Iraqi dozen missiles at Iraqi targets since a major new study of twins has found. Only a small percentage of President Clinton has authorized officials. the latest round of confrontations cases, primarily those occurring before age 50, appear to be linked to the US. military to strike back more After four weeks of skirmishing began after last month's US.-British genetics. aggressively when Iraq's planes and over the no-fly zones - including air assault on Iraq. "For people with Parkinson's, the majority of whom develop the air defenses threaten American new confrontations Tuesday - Now the risk to life may be ris- condition in late life, they can be assured it will not be passed on to pilots, his national security adviser Berger said military commanders ing: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein their children," said Dr. 1. William Langston, director of The said Tuesday. have been given "more expansive has been moving some of his air- Parkinson's Institute in Sunnyvale, Calif. Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger's rules of engagement" against Iraqi defense equipment nearer to civilian Langston and his colleagues, led by Dr. Caroline M. Tanner, stud- comments offered the strongest sug- provocations. population centers, U.S. officials ied male twins who were part of a large World War 11veterans data- gestion yet that the skirmishing over They are no longer required to say, in an echo of his "human base. By 1992, there were 19,842 individual twin brothers alive, and the Western-imposed "no-fly" zones respond only to Iraqi planes or shield" strategy of the 1991 Persian the scientists tracked down 17,125 to study the occurrence of over northern and southern Iraq ground installations that threaten Gulf War. Parkinson's. could intensify further - and lead them, he said, but can now also Officials insist that US. forces Identical twins share the exact complement of DNA, while frater- to greater carnage. attack other parts of the broader air- are going out of their way to avoid nal twins are genetically like ordinary siblings. Had genetics been the The comments came as US. offi- defense network that is endangering casualties but must reply to threat- trigger, virtually all identical older twins would have shared the dev- cials acknowledged Tuesday that a fliers patrolling the zones. ening moves. astating condition. US. missile had strayed off course "Our response, as appropriate, Officials say plans for broader .o1IIIIIIIIIiI Monday, plowing into a residential will be against any of the air- attacks have been prepared and are .. neighborhood near the southern city defense systems that we think make "on the shelf" but have not been of Basra, as Iraqi officials had previ- us vulnerable," Berger told a group approved by civilian authorities. WEATHER Cold and Bright Situation for Noon Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday, January 27, 1999

By Bill Ramstrom STAFF METEOROLOGIST We will start off today with sunny skies, but high clouds will begin to move in later in the day as a storm in the upper Midwest moves eastward. This storm will pass off to our north up the St. Lawrence valley during Thursday and Thursday night, bringing us a chance of some sprinkles or flurries. A trailing cold front from this storm will extend into the lower Mississippi valley, where a new storm system will begin to develop late Thursday. The final track of this storm will decide our weather for the week- end. Today: Sunny and pleasant; few clouds afternoon. High 42°F (6°C). Tonight: Mostly cloudy. Low 25°F (-3°C). Thursday: Colder with clouds and a chance of snow flurries late. High 32°F (O°C). Thursday Night: Becoming mostly cloudy. Low 28°F (-2°C). Friday: Cloudy and raw, with some rain. Could start as a period of snow. High 37°F (2°C). Outlook for the weekend: Rain early, becoming much colder by Sunday.

Weather Systems Weather Fronts Precipitation Symbols Other Symbols _ Trough .._ I.~~~.~-~~~...= Fog H HIgh Pressure *:. - - Showers V! V l'{ Thunderstorm •••• Warm Front L Low Pressure Y~~! ~.)...... 00 Haze ••••• Cold Front .~~.~~~!..L..~..~....~C=om=p=,Ied=.b=Y ==MI::::T~ Humcane AI. . Melrorology Slaff ~ ~ Occluded Front He. vy ** ~.. and n.~ T~clt January 27, 1999 WORLD & THE ECIl Page 3 • e ce Bo....,__ Catholic Church Revamps Exorcism For First Time in 385 Years ext1Wo o LOS ANGELES TIMES The Roman Catholic Church, emphasizing its continued belief in By Bradley Graham half year of war. The Clinton Berger noted that while the military the literal 'existence of the devil, has added some new twists in its THE WASHINGTON POST admini tration has continued to threat has diminished to allow for age-old fight with Satan. WASH GTO extend the U.S. military presence some withdrawal, "serious chal- For ~e first time in 385 years, on Tuesday the Vatican issued new The size of the U.S.military con- well beyond what initially had been lenges." still face international civil- guidelines for performing exorcisms, a religious rite for driving evil tingent in Bosnia will shrink from intended as a one-year deployment. ian organizations working to estab- out of the demon-possessed. 6. 900 to 6,200 troop over the next It has gradually reduced the size of lish a stable political system and There are "no radical changes" in the new guidelines, although the months as part of a ATOdeci- the force from its original strength rebuild war-tom Bosnia. fact that new rules were needed at all might strike some as odd. But sion to trim its 32,000-strong peace- of about 20,000 troops. Pentagon officials said the drop while exorcisms may seem like something out of the Middle Ages - keeping force by 1° percent, U.S. With the growing prospect that in U.S. troops would be achieved or Hollywood - they are still performed. officials announced Tuesday. U.S. forces might be called on with- mainly by consolidating the base Pope John Paul II, who arrived Tuesday in St. Louis, once per- Sandy Berger, national security in the year to join another possible camps from five to four, combining formed an exorcism himself, according to the memoirs of Cardinal adviser to President Clinton, told ATO peacekeeping operation in one base with headquarters in the Jacques Martin, the former prefect of the pontifical household. reporters that the move reflected a the Balkans, this time in Kosovo, city of Tuzla. A Pentagon statement In the last three years alone, Father James LeBar, chief exorcist in sense "that we are steadily making Pentagon officials are eager to said the troop reductions did not sig- the New York archdiocese, and three other New York exorcists have progress in Bosnia, that the military reduce the contingent in Bosnia. nal a change in the mission or its investigated 80 cases throughout the country, LeBar said Tuesday. needs diminish." But continuing tensions between ability to support the implementa- "Evil is as present today as in any other age," LeBar said. But The NATO-led Bosnia force was Bosnia's Serb, Moslem and Croatian tion of the Dayton accords. LeBar stressed that the church continues to believe that Satan is an sent to the former Yugoslavrepublic populations have made NATO The officials said NATO would actual spiritual being. "Evil is a force, yes," LeBar said. "But Satan is following the 1995 Dayton peace authorities cautious about shrinking again review troop requirements for a creature of God, a (fallen) angel who sometimes possesses peo- agreement that ended three-and-a- the peacekeeping force too quickly. Bosnia in the spring. ple when there is a real possession, then the ritual is used." The new guidelines, so far available only in Latin, delete more "imaginative" descriptions of the devil in keeping with the church's understanding of the devil as "a spirit without body, without color and Cancer Relapse Brings Jordan's . without odor." But LeBar, who has examined the revisions, said they continue to give exorcists the discretion to use the old language as laid out in the Roman Rite of Exorcism of 1614. King Hussein Back to U.S. Clinic "Sometimes in casting out some particularly stubborn devils," he By Tracy Wilkinson Samir Farraj, said the king was suf- Mahmoud Ghassan, a young office said, "the older forms with the horrible-sounding names may be just LOSANGELESTIMES fering from stubborn fevers and worker in downtown Amman, who, what's needed to put the devil to flight." AMMAN, JORDAN "low blood counts" and was return- like many Jordanians, had already Feverish and weak, King ing to.the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota meshed his concern over the king's Hussein Tuesday rushed back to the for medical tests to determine fate with his confidence that Head of South African Election U.S. cancer clinic where he had whether the malignant disease had Hussein would leave Jordan in good spent much of the last six months recurred. hands. Commission Resigns - dergoing chemotherapy, leaving Fevers are often a sign that lym- "The king is like a father," THE BALTIMORE SUN .,_ danians to worry about their phoma is relapsing, said Dr. Ghassan said. "We all knew Hassan JOHANNESBURG, SOlITH AFRJCA monarch's mortality. Christos Emmanoulides, director of and liked him. He was very intelli- The head of the Independent Election Commission here resigned The king's sudden departure clinical lymphoma research at the gent. But Abdallah is strong and he Tuesday,raising new doubts about the smooth execution of a national came just hours after he had formal- University of California, Los has the army." ballot already threatened by the specter of violence. ly anointed his eldest son, Prince Angeles' Jonsson Comprehensive In a week of political and royal Johann Kriegler, a justice with the Constitution Court, cited "dif- Abdallah, as heir to the Hashemite Cancer Center. turmoil, Jordanians awoke Tuesday ferences" with President Nelson Mandela's government over the role throne. His absence put the 36-year- Abdallah, whose elevation to to the first full explanation of why of the commission for his decision to step aside just months before old army commander in charge of heir marked the acrimonious Hussein had yanked brother Hassan this country conducts its second free elections since the apartheid-era. the monarchy on his very first day removal of the king's brother out of the line of royal succession. "I thought I was part of the problem rather than part of the solu- as crown prince. Hassan, was sworn in as regent, or Hassan had served as the designated tion," he told viewers of the main evening news on South African Hussein left exactly one week temporary royal replacement, during heir for more than three decades. Broadcasting Corporation Tuesday night. after a jubilant homecoming, during a hasty airport ceremony Tuesday. Displaying a bluntness and direct Kriegler and opposition political parties claimed this would which he paraded through the Hussein was seen supporting him- anger rarely shown in public, deprive thousands of South Africans, who still have the old identity streets of Amman, in a cold rain- self on a cane. ' Hussein chastised Hassan for refus- cards, of the chance to take part in the election, which will open the storm, and assured his people that Jordanians, already in shock over ing to go along with his long-term post-Mandela era. he was completely recovered from the demotion of the long-serving succession plans. Hussein made 'it Kriegler's sudden resignation came 72 hours after the assassina- the lymphoma that has ravaged his Prince Hassan, were stunned by the clear that he wanted the line to the tion of a political warlord in the volatile province of KwaZulu-Natal body. king's sudden departure. throne to revert to his own sons, but cast a pall of violence over the election season here. His private physician, Lt. Gen. "We are very worried," said he said Hassan had resisted. Graduate Student Council OFFICE: Walker Memorial, 50-220 PHONE: 253-2195 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: Spring Welcome Social - Thurs., Feb. 4 Calendar 5 - 7 PM in 50-220. Come meet other graduate students ~ J ANUARY ~~~ ~~~?Y.~~~~~~. ?~~.~~!~~:..~~?P.~~.I~.i~ ~~q~.i~~~ ~29 - 31 -Smugglers Notch Ski Trip Spring/$ummer 1999 Trayel.G~ant ~FEBRUARY The new information for the Travel Fund applIcations ISavailable at ·•01 -G ra d uat e8t u d en t N ews P u bl' IS h e d The deadline for all applications is Feb. 2. : ·······"Geoeriil Council ·Meeiiiig"·········.~02 = ~~~~~~:~~~n~eeting, MU~, 5:30 PM :03 -General Council Meeting * Wed, Feb. 3 5:30-6:30 PM 50-220 :04-sp~ngwelcomeSodaJ,5-7PM,?O-220 All graduate students are invited. Food and drink will be provided. : -BruinSVS.Islanders Game, meet In 50-220

I••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.: 08 -Activities committee meeting * ProfeSSional Develooment Senes :09-publ~commmeemeeting' CAREERS(Wednesdays 3:30-5 PM Htltsizer Room, Ashdown) ::. . .eb. 10 Manager, Researcher, or Professor (Lloyd Baird, BD) :10 - pr~~~~5n~~1i~II~~~e~~~~~;~dOwn .~~?:.~?.~~~-~~~~s.~.~~:~~~.~.~~~~!~~.8;.~~~~~~ ~~:~~ .~~~~r11-Academics, Research & Careers Meeting • for student group events capital ex- :17-Professional Devel~pment seminar, Funding Dead line • ' • 3:30 - 5 PM, HulSizer Room, Ashdown p.~~~~~!~~~~.~~~p.~~.~.~~~!~

Letters To The Editor Democratic ew Hampshire voters, Bradley about him. Whi Ie I can't argue that his g Uncle)} timate placed second to the quasi-incumbent, while current lead in the poll i almo t entirely Wellstone polled last of seven. based on name recognition, his receipt of 70 Bradley; B h In a general election, Wellstone might percent of the vote for governor, with a Chairman In the Jan. 20 column "Pre idential Blues," excite hi ba e, as Ring suggests, but he majority of the Hi panic vote and es entially Jo h Bittker '99 Michael 1. Ring characterize Bill Bradley as wouldn't get many votes beyond his wing of no gender gap, is probably based on something more substantial. At this point, I Editor in Chief a "second-string player" while implying that the Democratic party. Bradley, on the other don't know a lot more about him than Ring Dougla E. Heimburger '00 Paul Well tone is not. While Bradley has a hand, has won broad support from across the urpri ingly substantial national following for political spectrum, and would do at least as does. However, rather than pass judgement Bu ine anager someone who has never run for president well in a general election as in the primary. prematurely, I prefer to wait to see what Joey Dieckhans '00 before, Paul Wellstone is little known by Ring al 0 dismisses Governor Bush a the happens once we're a little closer to the anaging Editor people outside Minnesota who aren't liberal "son of a president" and nothing more, elections. Ryan Ochylski '01 activi t . In a late-October Gallup po)) of presumably because he doesn't know much Steven Jens '98

EWSSTAFF Editor: Brett Alt chul '99, Frank Dabek '00, Zareena Hussain '00; ociate Editor: Jean K. Lee '99, Susan Buchman '01, Jennifer Chung '01, Krista L. iece '01; taff: Orli G. Bahcall '99, hawdee Eshghi '99, Carina Fung '99, Eric Sit '99, Aileen Tang '99, May K. T e '99, harm in Ghaznavi '00, Stuart Jackson '00, Dudley W. Lamming '00, Katie Jeffreys '0 I, Dalie Jimenez '0 I, Jane Yoo '0 I, Gitrada Arjara '02, Rima A. Arnaout '02, Sanjay Basu '02, Alex lanculescu '02, eena S. Kadaba '02, Kevin R. Lang '02, Priya Prahalad '02, Karen E. Robin on '02, Michael M. Torrice '02; Meteorologists: Michael C. Morgan PhD '95, Greg Lawson G, Gerard Roe G, Chris E. Fore t, Marek Zebrow ki.

PRODUCTION STAFF Associate Editor: Ian Lai '02; taU: Saul Blumenthal '98, Moksha Ranasinghe '99, Jason C. Yang '99, Erica S. Pfister '00, Kristen Landino '02, Agnes Borszeki.

OPINION STAFF Editors: Michael J. Ring '0 I, aveen Sunkavally '0 I; Columnists: Eric J. Plosky '99, Elaine Y. Wan '0 I, Kris Schnee '02; Staff: Dan Dunn '94, Anders Hove '96, Wesley T. Chan '00, Dawen Choy '00, Seth Bisen-Hersh '01, Andrew J. Kim '01.

SPORTS STAFF Editor: Shao-Fei Moy '98.

ARTS STAFF Editor: Joel M. Rosenberg '99; Staff: Thomas Chen G, Steven R. L. Millman G, Vladimir V. Zelevinsky G, Teresa Huang '97, David V.'Rodriguez '97, Mark Huang '99.

PHOTOGJUPHY STAFF Editors: Gregory F. Kuhnen '00, Rebecca Loh '0 I; Associate Editor: Annie S. Choi; Staff: Rich Fletcher G, Aaron Isaksen G, Wan Yusof Wan Morshidi G, Thomas E. Murphy G, Michelle Povinelli G, Arifur Rahman G, T. Luke Young G, Dennis Yancey '97, Ahmed Ait-Ghezala '99, Krzysztof Gajos '99, David Tarin '99, Rita H. Lin '00, Connie C. Lu '00, Garry R. Maskaly '00, KarJene Rosera '00, Chun Hua Zheng '00, Ajai Bharadwaj '0 I, Ying Lee '0 I, Amy Yen '0 I, Angela Piau '02, Yi Xie '02, Lucy Yang '02, Miodrag CirkoviC.

FEATURES STAFF Anthony R. Salas '91, Pawan Sinha SM '92, Hugo M. Ayala G, Calista E. Tait G, Solar Olugebefola '99, Jessica Wu '99, Jennifer Dimase '01, Xixi D'Moon '01.

BUSINESS STAFF Advertising Manager: Jennifer Koo '00; Operations Manager: Satwiksai Seshasai '0 I; Staff: Karen Cheng '02, Jasmine Richards '02, Huanne T. Thomas '02.

TECHNOLOGY STAFF Staff: Boris Zbarsky '01, Shantonu Sen '02, Hoe-Teck Wee '02.

ED/TORS AT LARGE Contributing Editor: Dan McGuire '99; Color Editor: Gabor Csanyi G.

ADJIISORY BOARD V. Michael Sove '83, Robert E. Malch- man '85, Thomas T. Huang '86, Deborah A. Levinson '9], Reuven M. Lerner '92, Josh Letters and cartoons must bear. the authors' signatures, addresses, Hartmann '93, Jeremy Hylton '94, Garlen C. Opinion Policy and phone numbers. Unsigned letters will not be accepted. No letter Leung '95. Editorials are the official opinion of The Tech. They are written or cartoon will be printed anonyniously without the express prior

PRODUCTION STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE by the editorial board, which consists of the chairman, editor in approval of The Tech. The Tech reserves the right to edit or condense ight Editors: Erica S. Pfister '00, Ryan chief, managing editor, news editors, and opinion editors. letters; shorter letters will be given higher priority. Once submitted,. Ochylski '01; Staff: Jennifer Lane '98, Josh Di sents are the opinions of the signed members of the editorial all letters become property of The Tech, and will not be returned. The Sittker '99, Douglas E. Heimburger '00, board choosing to publish their disagreement with the editorial. Tech makes no commitment to publish all the letters received. Rima A. Arnaout '02. Columns and editorial cartoons are written by individuals and The Tech (ISSN 0148-9607) is published on Tuesdays and represent the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of the news- Fridays during thc academic year (except during MIT vacations), Wednesday during January and monthly during paper. To Reach Us the summer for $45.00 per year Third Class by The Tech. Letters to the editor are welcome. Electronic submissions are Room W20-483. 84 Ma sachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. The Tech's telephone number is (617) 253-1541. E-mail is the 02139. Third Class postage paid at Worcester, Mass. Pennit encouraged and may be sent to [email protected]. Hard copy o. 5 9. PO TMASTER: Please send all address changes easiest way to reach any member of our staff. If you are unsure who to our mailing address: The Tech, P.O. Box 397029, submissions may be addressed to The Tech, P.O. Box 397029, Cambridge, Mass. 02139-7029. Telephone: (617) 253-1541, Cambridge, Mass. 02139-7029, or sent by interdepartmental mail to to contact, send mail to [email protected], and it will be editorial; (617) 258-8324, business; (617) 258-8226, directed to the appropriate person. The Tech can be found on the facsimile. Advertising. subscription. and typeselling rates Room W20-483. All submissions are due by 4:30 p.m. two days available. Entire contents 1999 The Tech. Printed on World-Wide Web at recycled paper by Mass WebPrinting Co. before the date of publication. My Day in Middlesex County Court Shop Jury Duty Teaches Value of Current Justice ystem 'TilYou ~------of juror if they could convince Zobel that the the "bundle" when he headed out to the store Douglas E. Heimburger juror would be unqualified. where the deal allegedly took place - at Finally, after about half the jury had been night. That, in my mind, plus some odd activi- Drop Like most MIT students that I know, I replaced - including one individual that ty that the defendant undertook at the store, approached Jury Duty with a sense of dread. appeared to be struck because the defense sealed the case for me. At the same time, however, I was anticipating dido't like her attitude - we were able to start We spent four hours - just as long as the Veena Thomas the somewhat exciting the case. I was actually a bit shocked with in-eourt time - deliberating the outcome of possibility of actually how long jury selection took: two hours for a the trial. After two members had randomly After an exhausting day of shopping with a serving in a trial. case that would last only two days. 0 wonder been selected out as alternate , the remaining friend from across the river, I realized that U n d e r the court system took so long. 12 adjourned to a sealed room. It was here shopping is a waste of time. Massachusetts' uone- After finally being impaneled, we received that I truly gained faith in the justice system. On Saturday, I went to the mall as an day, one jury" policy, our first instructions from the judge. It was at We carefully discussed the evidence, and escape from campus, classes, a schedule, almost all adults in the this point that I realized just how our jury sys- we discussed it again and again. While we everything. I was tired of following my daily state are called for jury tem manages to work so well. After all, going were all convinced that the defendant was a planner. I needed some time alone, free to do service about every into this case, the three college students, two user, it was much less clear initially that the whatever I wanted to do. When I feel that life three to four years. teachers, and other people on the jury honestly defendant had the intent to distribute. After we is too structured, or that I need some time to Most approach it with dido't know exactly the 'standard patterns" of all discussed the evidence, however, it became think, I walk aimlessly around Harvard pleasure - after all, as heroin buyers in Lowell. clearer that a reasonable person would con- Square. So after class on Saturday, I had every soon as a potential juror walks into the As it turns out, our case was narcotics- clude that the defendant did have intent to dis- intention of doing the same thing. courthouse, his or her employer is .required to related: The defendant was accused of posses- tribute heroin. But as I approached the T stop, the Galleria compensate the juror for a full day's work. sion of heroin with intent to distribute and As the foreperson, I eventually said in bus arrived. Hmmmrn, I thought, I've always Most of the college students I encountered with distributing it within 1,000 feet of a pub- open court that we as a jury had found the wanted to hop onto a bus and get away from it on my day at the Middlesex County lie school. Zobel very clearly enunciated what defendant guilty on both counts. It represented all. Granted, going to the mall might not be as Courthouse last week, however, approached the Commonwealth would have to prove in one of the most satisfying moments that I've adventurous and daring as, say, driving away to their day without the same excitement. After order for us to return a verdict of "not guilty." had in a long while. California, but in my straight-laced existence, all, we're not getting paid, and having to travel For the first time, I saw what the power of randomly shopping counts for something. to Lechmere by 8:00 a.m. doesn't even fit into a unanimous decision has. We as a jury had to So instead of bravely wandering around the lifestyle of other Boston-are'a college come to a unanimous conclusion in either Harvard Square, I spon~eously and daringly students, let alone night-shifted MIT students. direction - not an easy task considering we got on the bus to the Galleria. (Okay, my life Personally, I expected jury duty to be four Once we arrived, we had to started out almost evenly split. However, more can be very tame some times ... just humor me.) or five hours of sitting around folding chairs. answeJ;en masse, about a half- impressive to me was that there wasn't any Upon arriving at the Galleria, I realized that After about an hour in the jury pool, however, attempt to "railroad" a verdict out simply for this was my first real solo mall trip. I could our jury got called up to the 12th floor to an-hour's worth iforal questions the p~pose of expediency. While we all dido't spend as much time as I liked browsing, since participate in the wonderful world of jury want to spend weeks adjudicating the case, we there was no hurry. I tried on some clothes that impanelment. from Judge Hiller Zobel ... similarly didn't want to worry after the fact I would never buy, and that I would be As we quickly learned, selecting a jury that we had made the wrong decision. embarrassed to wear in the open. I liked this isn't a simple matter. In our relatively simple In short, the jury system worked the way it solo thing. I spent probably unnecessary riminal case~ 14 jurors would be selected. Then, the trial began to slowly move along. should in this case. With all the recent judicial amounts of time deciding between a bracelet ty prospective jurors were required, howev- Make no mistake: This was a fast, trial. trials in the news - the O.J. Simpson trials, the that cost four dollars and one that cost fifty er, due to the low success ratio of seatings. Zobel definitely kept a handle on both the Clinton scandal (not really a trial, but closely cents more. I knew I was wasting my time, but Once we arrived, we had to answer, en defense and the prosecution as he made his related), the Rodney King case of years ago, I did not care; I could spend so long deciding masse, about a half-an-hour's worth of oral boredom well known to both sides. As one of and the Microsoft case, I worry that Americans questions from Judge Hiller Zobel - that's the bailiffs mentioned, a case like the one we are getting turned off to the idea of an indepen- right - the same judge that had adjudicated adjudicated could have easily taken a week in dent jury. Indeed, the Microsoft case is not the famous UNanny" case a year ago. Zobel most courtrooms. In Zobel's court, it was com- being tried by a jury, and Clinton will likely not I thought about the whole singled out those who knew the defendant, pleted after only about four hours of testimony. plead before a jury until at least 200 1. attorneys, witnesses, or any others. In addi- The prosecution made a strong case. He Some have proposed that our system of reason behind shopping, and tion, he asked us whether any of us would managed to plant the case in our minds, using volunteer jurors be replaced with a profession- heed the testimony of a police officer to be the testimony of a police officer who was al jury system. Such a move would be flawed. realized it was useless. more important than that of any other citizen, involved with arresting the defendant. The I think members of an independent jury are and if any of us had any previous experience prosecutor argued persuasively that the defen- more likely to be unbiased than members of a with drug cases. dant was in the process of reaching into his professional jury. For instance, in my case, because of my freedom and independence. I Obviously, the questions seemed odd - pants for a "package" of heroin to deal to an members of our jury hadn't adjudicated reveled in the decision. but they harkened to what the case would be unidentified individual with a white van when dozens of drug cases before - so we had no Or maybe I am indecisive and took so long about. After about 20 questions, the court officers approached, and that he then attempt- presumption of guilt based upon socioeco- because no one else was around to decide for clerk began calling up what would be the 14 ed to flee. nomic factors. (As Zobel told us afterword, me. Perhaps a bolder person would have asked members of the jury. The 14 initial members Still, the case had some key holes: Why the defendant did have a criminal history). the opinion of the sales clerk or the nearest of the jury, at least. wasn't the man in the van arrested, or at least Also, I think it's extremely valuable for a citi- stranger, but I preferred to let the voices in my I started my day as juror "01-11 ," but I brought in to testify at the trial? These were zen to participate in a jury trial. head debate. The same situation held later. I quickly became the nameless "Juror 4" to some big holes.The assistant district attorney Still, Massachusetts should make it less struggled to decide whether to buy a fifteen Judge Zobel. Once the 14 members were seat- prosecuting the case was working his first painful to be a jurors. Starting with fewer dollar sweater. I thought of all the other things I ed (12 members and 2 alternates), the lawyers Superior Court case, Zobel told us after we excess jurors would help. (There were over could buy with fifteen dollars, and whether I for both the Commonwealth and the defense reached a verdict. It showed, as he wasn't 300 jurors called on my day; only a small frac- needed another sweater. I have no qualms about began their true jury selection. With the sur- nearly as polished as the defense attorney. tion actually served on a jury.) However, I do spending fifteen dollars in a restaurant, so why vey cards we had filled out earlier, both sides However, if anything sealed my mind in like that Massachusetts calls out-of-state col- was I stressing out over a sweater that I could immediately began challenging jurors. Each the case, it was the testimony of the defendant lege students and that the state is strict on keep forever? Maybe because if I decided later side had the chance to strike four jurors with- himself. He testified that he was a morning exemptions. After all, it's the only truly fair that I did not like the sweater, I would still see it t any cause, as well as an unlimited number user of heroin; yet he specifically picked up way to ensure a fair trial for a defendant. hanging in my closet, whereas I won't remember the meal after a few days. To quiet the voices in my head, I bought the sweater. Got Milk? Sunday, I went shopping with a friend. After I spent fifteen dollars on lunch (hey, I not requiring more comprehensive tests on other herds to ensure that their cows feed only could have bought a sweater with that Elaine Wan such hormones. on "the most natural food sources." Most money!), we went to the Gap outlet store Canada is not the only country which has importantly, these farms claim they do not where again I struggled deciding. But this A frothy white milk moustache outlines refused to allow dairy farms to use the inject their cows with any synthetic time I had a real, human voice of reason with the mouth of Sara Michelle Gellar in a picture hormone. The United Kingdom is also a major substances. me who gave me her opinion. I had not on the back of a magazine. Gellar, the star of supporter of organic products. Milk from Three dollars may seem expensive for realized just how exhausting shopping is. At the famed "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" series, cows treated with hormones or antibiotics are milk, but all that extra work the company the end, I just sat on the floor while my friend is one of many celebrities and athletes who packaged with warning labels. proclaims to do seems well worth the extra tried on jeans and I refused to move. have promoted the consumption of milk. 1£ the Canadians and English aren't buck. According to , there I thought about the whole reason behind Doctors and parents have also told us subjected to the danger of drinking is a growing demand for organic products. shopping, and realized it was useless. As long as repeatedly to drink the calcium-rich, vitamin- potentially carcinogenic milk from treated Sales of organic milk actually increased from you are warm and comfortable, nothing else fortified beverage because it helps build cows, then why should Americans have to $16 million to $31 million in 1997. should matter. Colors, styles, patterns - it's strong teeth and bones. What all these expose themselves to such a health hazard? If you start buying organic milk, will you crazy. The stores have more clothes than anyone advocates for milk do not know is that the The United States is the leading country in also buy organic cheese, yog~rt or other could possibly buy, and still people cannot find milk can be bad for you. the consumption of genetically altered organic dairy products in your next grocery what they are want. Somehow I doubt that To increase milk production, decrease products. Is milk one of many products that shopping spree? Although the new Capadian anyone besides the wearer cares that much infections, and lower costs, dairy farms in the has been marketed despite its potential health report now urges families to switch to organic anyway. I do pay attention to what other people United States inject cows with antibiotics and hazards? If milk from treated cows can pose a dairy products, many of us cannot afford to are wearing, but how much does that matter? bovine growth hormone, also known as health hazard, then the meat provided by the pay an extra dollar for each half-gallon of If I come across a nicely dressed person on Posilac. The genetically engineered hormone animal may have similar or worse deleterious milk. But if you save the dollar you use to the street, I think to myself, "Hey, that's a increases a cow's milk production by 10 to 15 effects. buy a soda and invest it on some milk from a nicely dressed person," and then we go our percent. The U.S. Food and Drug Genetic engineering has given us the cow that has been happily munching only on separate ways.Besides, many people don't dministration approved the use of the luxury of purchasing food products at. lower grass its whole life, you might live a bit notice what others wear, or what they wear. I rmone in 1993, after a study in the journal costs. But if these products have adverse longer. find myself paying more attention to others' Science reported "no toxicologically effects on our health, will you be willing to The FDA has not publicly addressed the wardrobes than they do. When I noticed that significant changes" in a 90-day study on rats pay more for organic products? Organic refers findings by the Canadian researchers or the someone wore the same shirt two days apart, I that ingested the hormone. to the natural growth and production of foods potential health hazards of the milk you knew it was time for me to get a life. When I Recently, an independent study by the without the addition of chemicals or drugs currently find in the dairy section. The was younger, I would worry about when I had Canadian government indicated previously like antibiotics or synthetic hormones. rejected use of Posilac by the English and worn what shirt, until my mom pointed out unreported side effects to Posilac. Some rats I made a recent trip to the nearby Star Canadian government gives United States that if I could not remember, chances were in the study developed cysts and antibodies to Market where they market organic products at consumers a good reason to doubt the that no one else could remember either. the hormone. Milk from cows injected with much higher prices than those of non-organic nutrition of milk. If enough consumers are So after spending so many hours shopping, bovine growth hormone may cause similar products. A half-gallon of organic milk from persuaded to switch to milk from naturally I finally concluded that it was useless and that effects in humans by raising our risks of breast Organic Valley costs $2.79, a dollar more than raised cows, the large demand will hopefully I didn't really need the clothes. But that didn't and prostate cancer. Dairy farmer associations the common half-gallon from Hood or Tuesan. lower the prices of organic milk, enabling all stop me from keeping them. I still love and consumer groups in the United States Organic Valley and other organic dairy of us to enjoy a cold glass of milk that is truly shopping .. , I just don't want to see a store for have reportedly filed suit against the FDA for farms claim they separate their cows from the good for us. another month. Pag~ p, January 27, 1999

The next hour of the tory relaxes a bit, sharp and carefully ob erved as before, most when the movie shifts into the mode of a prominently so in William H. Macy's courtroom drama, replete with a search for character as Schlichtmann's obsessed clue , witness badgering, courtroom accountant, who resorts to more and more Winter Film Reviews infighting and grandstanding. This material outlandish schemes to procure some is as interesting to ob erve, yet there is a financial assistance. More lame last ditch effortsfor Oscars minor problem with it: the focus is shifting In the finale, the shift of the perspective from the case to the people behind the case. becomes ultimately distracting. When the trial By Vladimir Zelevlnsky style, and excellent pacing, Zaillian takes us If these people were the Woburn families itself falls by the wayside, Travolta's attempts STAFF REPORTER on a highly engaging tour of personal injury who suffered tragic losses, this would have to play earnest end up being not quite? s usual, in late December/early law. 1n fact, I'd be hard pressed to think of a been understandable and, in one case when effective as him playing a slimeball, an January, the studios, major and modern director who is such a wizard of we are allowed to feel the pain, almost some interesting story developments end up independent alike, send their big pacing - the beginning of A Civil Action is unbearably moving. However, these families reduced to a screen caption. But it's not up to guns into the marketplace. The aim neither too slow nor too fast nor simply aren't in the spotlight; it's Schlichtmann and me to decide for the director/screenwriter of these guns is, of course, Oscars and progressing from slow beginning to rapid his team that are center stage, and this what story he should have told; although I Golden Globes and Critics' Societies' closure. 0, there is a peculiar rhythm to doesn't quite feel right. It feels like a might wish for the different take on the same awards and more importantly, anything this sequence, ebbing and flowing, with the standard Hollywood tradition to examine law narrative, there's no arguing that, given the which can provide free publicity and extra most standard and cliched shots such as a through the lawyers rather than through the viewpoint, Zai llian 's film is, ultimately, both cash at the box office. car zooming past the camera, turned into victims, racism through well-intentioned uplifting and entertaining - in the best sense Those who read my reviews regularly - setups for terrific punchlines. John Travolta white folks rather than through the of this word. or those who talked to me - know that I seems to having time of his life, playing Jan persecuted people, etc. A Civil Action seems have bemoaned this year as the worst in Schlichtmann, a charismatic and. to be more interested in the financial plight recent memory. Most of the highly unscrupulous Boston lawyer, with a of Schlichtmann and Co. who sink all of Directed by John Madden. anticipated works from major filmmakers particular talent for earnest-faced lies. A their money in the trial. Written by Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard. ended up somewhere between mildly truly remarkable supporting cast is every bit However, with the exception of this engaging (Saving Private Ryan) and his match, and is as riveting to watch. strange perspective shift, the film remains as Winter Rims, Page 8 downright unwatchable (Beloved). By the end of the year, the situation was dire, with the release of only a dozen really good movies and no masterpieces whatsoever. Fortunately, the studios got their act together - somewhat. Three movies below were both released a Oscar bait, and all of them are certamly recommendable. one of them are unqualified masterpieces, but - because of the weak competition - all of them will be seen on my top ten list for 1998. Films are listed in the order of increasing preference.

A Civil ction Written and directed by Steven Zaillian. based on the book by Jonathan Harr. With John Travolta. Robert Duvall, William H. Macy, John Lithgow, Kathleen Quinlan. If there was a movie last year with a more impeccable pedigree, 1 don't know of it - each cast member has either received or been nominated for Oscars. Stephen Zaillian wrote spellbinding screenplay for Schindler s List and has also written and directed remarkable Searching for Bobby Fischer. Expectations were high when he started work on the true story of the Woburn pollution case, the story of two powerful companies being accused of dumping toxic chemicals into local water and causing a leukemia cluster, which resulted in the death of several children. As Schindlers List, it's a emotionally-charged story of guilt and redemption, with intriguing characters who refused to be labeled as heroes or villains. So, what about the result? For about the first half an hour it's perfect - I'm not John Travolta stars as a smail-time personal InJury lawyer In the legal thriller A CIvil Action. exaggerating here. These first two reels are taut, gripping, dramatic and funny. With wit, Join Carrying on the Dream of Martin Luther King, dr. The Exploring the Past and Changing the-Future

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Event Planning Monday,- January 25 Tech Committee presents several panels, wotkshops and discussions designed to examine the Professor Wesley Harris accomplishments and struggles of some of Aeronautics & Astronautics Arts the individuals who are working for positive "I Never Wanted to Be an Engineer" change in the world. Wednesday, January 27 Staff Join us for infonnal presentations and discussions and interact with people who Prof. Ceasar McDowell never stop trying to change the world. You'll Director of the MIT Community Fellows Program have a chance to connect with members of the MIT and Boston/Cambridge community "The Relationship Between the University and the Community" and find out what YOU can do to make the Ca world a better place. Thursday, January 28 The Hip Hop Project All sessions are 5:00 - 7:00 'pm Joelor A group of local students who travel to the Southwith program 12-102 director, Nancy Murray, to tour important sites of the civil rights Dinner provided movement. Come and see their slide show and listen to their Satwik experiences. Free and Open to the MIT at 253- community

This series is co-sponsored by the Episcopal Chaplaincy, the Political SCience Department, .the 1541 Public serVice Center, the Black Students' Union and many other MIT groups and organizations. For more information contact Tobie Weiner, 253-3649, [email protected] TIlE ARTS

THEATER REVIEW fun. meeting in a dark warehouse, which initially It's mi sing from about every a pect of the sounds like a hodgepodge of empty rhetoric, production. The music is nice, but neither but ends on a truly brilliant and subversive Ragtime hummable nor memorable; acting is totally punchline; and, finally, the seemingly proficient, but rather obvious, with only a unnecessary song about baseball ends up as couple of moments when the character's next one of the most enjoyable, not only because its An excellent nove~ the slww misses thefun action is not easily predictable; and the theme (several equal groups of people - in this director keeps throwing elaborate set pieces, case, fans of different teams - suddenly By Vladimir Zelevlnsky is, fortunately, not a mess one could expect. which ultimately distract from a good deal of starting to hate each other with fervid gusto) SfAFF REPORTER All the stories and plot twists are delivered innovativestaging. is one of the major themes of the show, but Music by Stephen Flaherty. in a very lucid manner, but it sorely lacks a To be fair, there's nothing particularly also because it's plain fun. Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens. good deal of excitement. The intersecting wrong with Ragtime; it's just that the Overall, while I had quite an agreeable ~ ok by Terrence McNally. stories dilute each other's impact, the ingredients simmer, never truly reaching the time, I've seen more enjoyable productions on irected by Frank Galati. musical numbers take the time which could boiling point. Or make it almost never: there the college level. Factoring in the ticket prices Based on the novel by E.1. Doctorow. have been otherwise spent on plot, and, with is an impassioned love baJJad, directed (up to $75), I would recommend you simply all the considerable talent and skill evident towards nothing else but a Mudel T Ford; renting the movie - it's truly good, and it has At the Colonial Theatre, now through March. on stage every second, one thing is missing: there is a song about two obsessed men an excellent ragtime soundtrack.

agtime is a show to be respected and MOVIE REVIEW daughter, but the comfortable mood is soon story, and the gentle pace at which the admired. Too bad; I rather wish it were dissipated. Within minutes, we understand asphyxiating mood of Wade's life rises creates the show to be enjoyed and loved. It's that Wade is divorced and that his very powerful scenes, such as when we Rbased on the seminal 1975 novel by relationships with both his wife and daughter suddenly realize the chilling extent to which E.L. Doctorow, which was adapted into a film Affliction are severely strained. When his wife shows up Wade increasingly resembles his father, the in 1981. Doctorow reportedly didn't like the to take their daughter away, Wade explodes clearest sign of his doom. film, very much in the same way Ken Kesey From toothaches to tmW- into violence. Nevertheless, there are several rough didn't like Forman's adaptation of his One The central hour of the movie is a edges. While the character development of Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest. Too bad, again, tions, we're all afflicted masterful depiction of the walls closing in on Wade and Glen is excellent, almost every both films are arguably better than their Wade. Subtle flashbacks show us his other character is a cardboard cutout. The sources. . By Roy Rodenstlen childhood threatened by a domineering interaction between Wade and his daughter is When Doctorow was approached about drunkard of a father, Glen, played by James glaringly wooden, and the murder turning his novel into a stage musical, he Directed byPaul Schrader Coburn in a stout and harrowing performance. investigation subplot, while not completely reportedly asked all the candidates if they Written by Russell Banks (novel), Paul Working a dull jack-of-all-trades job as irrelevant, is handled so discontinuously and liked the movie, and accepted only the ones Schrader policeman and school crossing guard, Wade's superficially that it ends up detracting from who didn't. For the third and last time, too With Nick Nolte, Sissy Spacek, James life is filled by resentment toward his miserly the main thrust of the film. The main message bad. Ragtime the musical has a good deal of Coburn, Willem Dafoe. custody arrangement and toward powerful of the film is so powerful, however, driven by the novel's faults, and only some of its townspeople he thinks may be getting away the slow burn of Nolte's extraordinary strength, while the film managed to streamline leasedin Europe early last year and with murder. He sets about fixing these performance, that it plows right over these and condense the narrative into a highly aving opened in the United States a situations, but it's clear his daughter doesn't weaknesses unabated. entertaining two-and-a-half hours. few weeks ago to qualify for the want to see more of him, and the murder For such a serious movie, there are a few The main difficulty in compressing the Rcademy Awards, Affliction arrives to investigation will probably not work out very scenes that are very funny, though as often novel lies, of course, in the narrative's highly high expectations. Paul Schrader, who wrote well either. happens actually living them would probably complex structure. The novel has at least a the 1976 pop-culture icon Taxi Driver, directs Sissy Spacek plays Margie, a woman who not be much fun. In perhaps the movie's best . zen interwoven plots and subplots, a huge the screen adaptation of a novel by Russell loves Wade but comes too close to his scene, Wade describes to his brother his tunnel umber of characters, some of whom are real Banks, writer of the highly-regarded The volatility and has a rude awakening. Rolfe, vision, how he goes through the day with no historical personages, and Doctorow's Sweet Hereafter. Affliction stars Nick Nolte as Wade's brother, listens to his troubles on the consciousness of himself or his actions until inimitable, graceful and fluid prose, firmly the troubled son of an abusive father, a role phone and tries to get Wade to focus on the he accidenta))y catches his reflection in a classical in its pedigree but with playful that has already won Nolte the New YorkFilm small problems - getting some rest and mirror and wonders with detachment about syncopations. The film played with the Critics Circle award for best actor. getting his aching tooth fixed. Wade's tooth is that physical manifestation he sees. This converging and diverging stories for a while, The movie opens with narration by Rolfe representative of his greater troubles, his inability to escape the walls of his own mind until focusing firmly on one central story: Whitehouse (Willem Dafoe), who sets up the deep-rooted emotional affliction; he punches is what ultimately prevents Wade from that of a ragtime pianist Coalhouse Walker Jr. story of how his brother Wade (Nolte) has at it to numb the pain, he tries to bury how breaking the pattern of violence in his life. and his increasingly d~sperate fight for been permanently erased from their family's much it bothers him, but only a dentist - or With such insights, and a subtle soundtrack justice. consciousness.' Wade is first shown warmly, drastic action - will take care of the tooth, and imagery that linger long after the movie is The musical tries to stick with all (or at driving through Banks' patented wintry and it's clear Wade is not a dentist kind of guy. over, Affliction is an imperfect gem of a least most) ofthe novel's subplots. The result landscape while chatting happily with his Schrader takes his time developing the movie.

MIT too BBSY? Try Gonsulting.

Crush Ih. comp I-lion.

Win 81, • Cllming Blllln Winter Film Review ~ Simple Plan' delivers an excellently rottenjeeling er FI , from Page 6 court and the cheap plendor of stage co tume . WithJoseph Hennes, Gwyneth Paltrow, hen the tory turns to ard romance, all Geoffrey Rush, Ben Affieck, Judi Dench, Tom restr int goes out of the window, and that's a Wilkinson. good thing, ince two leads are at their best La t year's best period drama and when dealing with trong emotions. Fienne , po ibly the best period drama ever was The who looks a bit like The Artist Formerly Wings of the Dove; this year brought along Known But ot Anymore, make Dangerous Beauty - not quite in the ame Shakespeare' desire to speak in verse not clas , but till good. Fir t, one was co- only understandable but unavoidable. produced by David Parfit, who made himself Paltrow is excellent for the first time since quite an excellent re ume, what with Emma. Kenneth Branagh' Henry V and Much Ado Other aspect are top notch, like About Nothing, as well as The Madness of superlative costumes (from Dove's costume King George. Dangerou Beauty was de igner Sandy Powell), musical score, and produced by Ed Zwick, the director of Glory editing. The only problem I have conce'rns and Courage Under Fire. ow the producers John Madden's direction; it seems that he of the e two combine their effort with that doesn't quite know how to put together a of an excellent crew, resulting in a highly cene with distinct beginning, middle, and commendable film. If Shakespeare in Love end, and overdoses a bit on the swooping doe n't quite soar as high a Dove, it's only spiraling camera moves. becau e of somewhat staid direction. The But, ultimately, Shakespeare in Love ends rest of the film i truly grand. being a really funny romantic drama, and The be t part i , of course, the witty and showing nothing else than the genesis of true funny cript by Mark orman (known art from such humble beginnings as want, largely for a megaflop Cutthroat Island) and dirt, hate, envy, and lust - as well as love veteran playwright Tom Stoppard (Arcadia, and hope. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead). Re-reading Romeo and Juliet before Together, they draw a portrait of geniu a a seeing this one is not required, but highly young man, with sexual fru tration, writer's recommended to increase your enjoyment. block, and an acute syndrome of an empty wallet. You ee, Will Shakespeare (Joseph imple Plan Fiennes, Ralph's younger brother) has sold Directed by Sam Raimi. his new play, a rollicking comedy Romeo Written by Scott B. Smith, based on his and Ethel. the Pirate s Daughter not to one, novel. but to two theaters at once, and hasn't With Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton, Brent written a single word. The situation requires Briscoe, Bridget Fonda. immediate attention, 0 Will sets out to seek I'm facing a complex problem: I need to a mu e - and finds her in theatre-loving communicate my admiration of a movie Viola de Le sep (Gwyneth Paltrow, and I'm which made me feel rather rotten. A Simple required by the trade union of film critics to Plan, to tell the truth, is downright bleak and de cri be her a "glowing"). Romantic, depressing. It's riveting and illuminating, dramatic, artistic, and financial complication and it takes the viewers on a dizzying ride to ensue. The play ends up being not quite as the dark areas of human soul - the fact that funny as originally planned, and gets a this descent is slow and deliberate and slightly different title in the process - and gradual doesn't make it any less revelatory. PARAMOUNT PICTURES Jacob Mitchell (Billy Bob Thornton), Sarah Mitchell (Bridget Fonda), and ttank we see Great Literature being born. Three buddies - college-educated Hank Mitchell (Bill Paxton) succeed In being bleak and depressing In A Simple Plan. There's rarely a film that can juggle that (Bill Paxton), his loser brother Jacob (Billy many balls in the air without dropping any Bob Thornton), and Jacob's drinking buddy of them. orman and Stoppard create a Lou (Brent Briscoe) -_come across a Surprise two: Bill Paxton. The audience Hudson). But here, he's remarkable. Using gallery of comic personages, starting from downed plane in a pristinely white showy has every right to expect a great his trademark "decent, ordinary guy" persona befuddled theatre owner Philip Henslowe landscape, with the pilot being pecked on by performance from Billy Bob Thornton, and to the highest effect - and subverting it - (Geoffrey Rush, looking really funny), a crows, and 4.4 million dollars stashed in a he certainly delivers it here, as a none-too- Paxton shows the black hole in the center of hilariously ruthless moneylender. Hugh "The duffel bag. bright Jacob, who slowly but surely his character. As a particular grace note to Money" Fennyman, a conceited lead actor The setup is nearly Fargoesque; and, were progresses from the oafish comic relief to his performance, Hank becomes more and ed Alleyn (Ben Affleck, again in the this film in the Coen ,brothers' hands, it the story's truest moral compass. I'm still more human, just as his actions turn from company of some Good Will) with a big would have been much more funnier and convinced that Thornton is not one person, noble to selfish to horrifying. sword and even bigger ego, astonishingly much less involving. No, A Simple Plan is but rather a team of talented actors, since the . Surprise three: the movie, with all its regal Queen Elizabeth (Judy Dench), and directed by the enfant terrible of Ultimate actor who pJayed in Sling Blade looks psychological depths,- is highly watchable. other assorted types. Tlle scr'eenplay is Horror Experience, a hyperactive camera nothing like the one from U Turn, who With the exception of the middle section chock-full with gags, hidden - and not so wiz Sam Raimi, also known as the creator of doesn't even resemble the guy from which centers on Lou, the least:developed hidden - Shakespearian quotation, and Xena: The Warrior Princess. If there were a Armtlgeddon, not to mention Primary character, and, thus, the least likable ..and is hilarious yet non-intrusive anachronism, like more incongruous choice for the director, I Colprs. No, Thornton delivers an Oscar somewhat flabby, A Simple Plan slowly but Will's confessor functioning like a shrink, a don't kno what it would be, although Nora caliber performance, but that's expected inexorably tightens the.' screws on its boat driver asking to read his play, or a mile- Ephron does sounds even less suitable. from him. The shock is that his co-star is -characters, .achieving tension which is nearly long list of people on the theatre bill, with First surprise: Raimi proves himself to be every bit his equal. unbearable. the name of the author hardly to be found. a tightly controlled artist, never resorting to Paxton surely made himself a stellar Surprise four: this is not just a character The look of the film is noteworthy as style-over-substance mode of operation, and resume, appearing perhaps in as many drama/triller. It's also a parable about the well; not only do we have uncanny taking care of the film's careful, deliberate blockbusters as Harrison Ford or : dark side of American Dream, how the idea verisimilitude in recreating Elizabethan pacing. The overdose of ominous he was in The Terminator, Aliens, True Lies, of making oneself prosperous from the England, with dirt liberally strewing the symbolism, such as shots of dark crows, Apollo 13, Twister, and Titanic. Of course, he ground up - by picking up a stray 4.4 streets and chamber pots being emptied abandoned farm buildings, and was never the main attraction, and he only million, if they are found to be lying around directly on the pedestrians' heads, but there's purposelessly spinning windmills, does not once managed to create an indelible - turns horrifying, into a dreamily also gilt, lace, and fireworks of the royal end up distracting anyway. character (Aliens' Private "Game over, man!" inescapable American Nightmare. FILM REVIEW speed of light, footage of human life. There are repetition of short, rhythmically complex shots of huge buildings, toppled by demolition phrases, is a perfect fit to accompany such a explosions, more impressive and horrifying transcendent vision of modern life as the one than anything seen in any Hollywood sci-fi presented here. Koyaanisqatsi extravaganzas; time-lapse scenes of city traffic, But the most interesting thing about with cars flooding the streets (imagine Boston Koyaanisqatsi is its overall effect; ultimately, No plo~ no characters ... what rrwre can you want? traffic at five times the speed... now 1dd the the film proves another thing about art, pedestrians); shots of human masses piling namely that the artist is capable of creating By Vladimir Zelevlnsky I saw it in the Wang Center, accompanied onto elevators interspersed with meat being work which transcends the original STAFF REPORTER live by Glass and his orchestra, as the only stuffed into hot dogs. All of it is interwoven intentions. It is quite clear that Reggio Directed by Godfrey Reggio. Boston performance on the national tour of with slow-motion closeups of human faces - intended his work as an indictment of Written by Ron Fricke, Michael Hoenig, Koyaanisqatsi - Live! This title is somewhat faces that are funny,sad, frightening, and, most modern times, a grand elegy over the lost Godfrey Reggio, Alton Walpole. tautological, since the titular Hopi Indian impressively, blank at the sight of teeming bond between the Man and Nature. While Music by Philip Glass. word means "life out of balance," or, crowds. this theme is certainly loud and distinct, according to a more esoteric translation, "a Prepare for information overload. Reggio Koyaanisqatsi also leaves the viewer with the oyaanisqatsi is indescribable, and I way of life that calls for another way of edits his film almost at the threshold of feeling of elation and triumph. The sheer have to grope for metaphors. Like the living." incomprehension but doesn't quite cross it, complexity of the urban activity and power words used by John Steinbeck to What is so surprising about Koyaanisqatsi with his images as lucid even at the high and variety of humanity on display is enoug describe Cannery Row as "a poem, a is that it's assembled from simple and easily speed. He is also quite adept at pure film to make one proud to be a part of thes stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a identifiable ingredients. It is a 90-minute technique - there are time-lapse shots with extravagant species. tone, a habit, a nostalgia, a dream," film, with no plot, dialogue, or characters. It "moving camera" (technically quite I'm sure Koyaanisqatsi is available on Koyaanisqatsi is a visual tone poem, an consists exclusively of shots of nature - difficult), long extended shots of nighttime video; but I would recommend waiting essay, a concert, a comedy, a tragedy, a clouds, canyons, ocean - and shots of dense neon lights streaming towards the viewer - around until you can see it on the big screen. rollercoaster ride, a humbling and elating urban landscapes, packed with machines, similar to the finale of Kubrick's 2001 but With all the distractions of watching a movie experience, and, to put it succinctly, one of buildings, cars, and humans. Some of the comprehensible - and an eerie instance of on television, I doubt it will be such a the most important pieces of cinematic art shots are in realtime, some are in slow double exposure, where the trading floor of transporting experience. There is something created in late 20th century. motion, and some are filmed with time-lapse the stock exchange seems to be inhabited by to be said for sitting in a dark auditorium Koyaanisqatsi was filmed by Godfrey 'photography.' . whirling ghosts. with sev.eral hundred other people and Reggio in 1983 (or, rather, released in 1983 But, as it is usually with art, the total is That's only the visual aspect. Music by forgetting to breathe. When Koyaanisqatsi - the filming itself took years) and' given a much greater than the sum of the parts. Reggio Glass is as important to the overall effect - ends and you walk out, a single individual as magnificent score by one of the leading proceeds from languorously beautiful nature and maybe even more so. Minimalistic a part of a teeming crowd, and your world music, usually achieved by extremely rapid view won't ever quite be the same. modern composers, minimalist Philip Glass. _ ~~ot~~~ t~~ ~r~~ti~~llypaced, edited at the ,. . ... ------_ ...------~--- -._~------January 27, 1999 u ptsHouse to Try Rus By Kevin R. Lang wanted to be more proactive and see conducted on an individual house place, he added. Rush events must "There's probably a little bit STAFF REPORTER what could be done," Little aid. o. basis without Interfraternity Council still be dry, and fraternities and going on behind the scenes that we With fewer students pledging 6 also ha an uneven distribution oversight, Dorow said. ILGs are still prohibited from don't know about," such as fraternities and independent Jiving between clas es, and the house does "Because it's lAP it's that much criticizing other living groups. fraternities possibly meeting groups and the possibility of rush not want to be short of residents in a more difficult to organize" with new Dorow did not know how many students during fall term and changing dramaticaJly in the near few years, Little said. IFC officers entering office soon, students were expected to pledge pledging over lAP, Dorow said. future, off-campus living groups Unfortunately for TEp, lAP rush Dorow said. While the over lAP, and noted that his office ET, PBE, AEPi, and Fenway are have started to rush over has been slow. McConaghy noted clearinghouse and messaging learns of winter pledging only when rushing over lAP, but their respective Independent Activities Period. that their publicity was not as systems are not used for lAP rush, students cancel their on-campus rush chairs could not be reached for , Epsilon Theta, Phi Beta Epsilon, extensive as they had hoped it would fundamental regulations are still in housing. comment Tuesday night Alpha Epsilon Pi, Fenway House, and be, as planning for drop posters and Tau Epsilon Phi are among the other large-scale advertising was not ~ -~ fraternities and independent living started soon enough. He added that groups running an lAP rush. umber ~ "it's not a time of year when people ~ Six Club is currently planning to rush are used to thinking about questions <1 b~ ~ during the first week of spring term. of housing," and that it's "very .1 L1.

Hosted By: CACProgram Board & Campus Activities Complex

Shhh...remember, its a Surprise!

The Tech Open House Sunday 2-5 p.m Room 483 Student Center

Come for the Tosci's. January 27, 1999 , , Charm School, from Page 1 spon oring fa hion award this year spon ored by the Office of enjoy the afternoon but al 0 come "If you kid around about it," to complement its "Fa hion Police." Re idential Life and Student Life away with a heightened awareness errit said. "People actually pay what to do in the elevator, Merritt According to Ted E. John on, Program . In addition to Huggin , of orne oft-neglected social kills. attention ... if we did it seriou Iy, aid. a istant director for programs at the the other main coordinator are "On a erious note about Charm people will take it as seriou ly a Other ubjects include Campus Activities Complex, "The Associate Dean Katherine G. School," Bacow said, ' we have a they took sex education by the gym 'Impressive Interviewing" from the police officer are going to be armed O'Dair and Administrative A si tant tremendous amount of people who teacher," Merritt added. Office of Career ervice, "Flirting with 'Fashion Violations' that look Heather A. Trickett of RLSLP. Rita come from other cultures." Trickett aid that Charm School and Dating," and "It's Alimentary," a like parking tickets." A. Lin '00 is the Charm School According to Bacow, Charm School is "a way to learn some important cia s teaching table manners. tudents will be cited for thing student coordinator. can provide a place for demystifying skills in a way that isn't Two dancers from the Ballroom like wearing a hat indoors, clashing, "One of the great things about the conventions of American culture. intimidating." Dance Team will preform a dance to or "being a walking jewelry store," this place is the capacity to poke fun "If we succeed in raising Truthfully, Merritt did notice th kick off Charm chool, and at the and penalties for fashion violations at ourselves ... unlike some other consciou ness and having a good students "are a little more usefully top of each hour, the ballroom dance will range from immediate correction institutions located in Cambridge," time, that's about all we can ask. self conscious about some things team will perform and then teach a to a public apology on a public Bacow said. And when [Charm School] went than they used to be .... Maybe it's different dance. address sy tern, to a five minute "Larry ... was such a natural away for a year, there were a lot of just my imagination, but people Although ballroom dancing isn't sentence at a charm chool class. choice" for commencement speaker, people who called up" asking what seem to walk down the infinite' a new feature of Charm School, the Charm School Commencement O'Dair said. "He fits right in with had happened, Merritt said. corridor with a little more style." band accompanying the dance team will begin at 4:30 p.m. after the mission of the program, he's so When asked whether he's ever In 1993, Merritt had the consi ts of MJT faculty this year. refreshment are served in the Bush enthusiastic about it. He has a great seen a change in the manners of inspiration to teach MIT students The band is called "Ancient Room. In addition to a speech by rapport with the students." MIT students after charm school, some manners. He recruited Dean Mariners," headed by Justin E. "Charmcellor" Bacow, the Merritt said that "the politic thing Alberta G. Lipson with Roseanne 1. Kerwin, professor of ocean Chorallaries will sing Charm Improved charm hoped for to say is that yes, it's revolutionized Swire of the Office of Academic engineering. School's alma mater. The organizers of Charm School [student's behavior]. .. I don't know. Services to coordinate the event. In addition, Charm School is Charm School is primarily hope that students will not only The point is to make it fun. "I've been at MIT for 35 years, and I just got a little weary hearing people in the faculty complain about how manners-challenged the students are," Merritt said. "I remember sitting with colleagues at lunch who would say [of MIT students], 'Look at them! They don't talk, they don't smile, they just sit there and gobble their food,'" Merritt added. Charm School fell by the wayside when Lipson and Swire couldn't plan Charm School for last year's Independent Activities Period. "It didn't happen last year, and several students came to me and my now open for 3rd quarter! ~ colleagues" wanting it back Huggins said. , "Several students formed a Charm School this past fall; we said we Students: Non-students: would help in any way," O'Dair said. O'Dair, Charm School enter the lottery on-line I, enter the lottery in the is "a recognized student activity with strong administrative support." at WebSIS PE Office (W32-125) In past years, Charm School has received media attention from the likes of The Boston Globe, The New lottery closes at 4pm Monday, February 1 late registration - Feb 2 in PE Office . York Times, and CNN. classes begin on Thurs, Feb 4

GRADUATING SENIORS!! if you have not completed the PE requirement, file petition in PE Office Feb 2 - 5

",~j~?-~::~: (No matter how much . of it ,",nu naH:' left.) fi~lir' ."Iiin. /ia/ll t-'CSt'•., asul ~l h"HIs"lf:l; to lwrrs iy~!f"f~,'w;;. (;{:;I.> pul you Hi ;. lliiAwl' I'l';'/'i, ,<:;0.('}mmiflt> WHIr !Skin .~ 1 ' ," I' f" , "t'gU.ffll'(I./. , I ,tIt)l.! lire. any/!;i:~4 /.(lH./.~(J.(,J!. :r.'(~':' WitH' ilf;,'rnwhj/u~'u;!.. ENGI EERI G I TER' SHIP PROGRRM ORIE TRTION

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Also, there is a new program. within the ei'p framewor~ - A Summer jobs J:!rogram...... I~nUtli Students will have a work assignment at a company site for one summer, Involved .....ID..CanIs/:. . with projects of interest to the company...... "issued" ' + Guide ~bt For more information, please contact- ...... spe.cial..stuclent.airfares ...... Karl W. Reid 184, '85 .dlscountecl ..tnnel ..insur.ance.. ex Susie McClain Rm 1-211 / Tel: 253-8051 / [email protected] ~,.... c.a.u .. 1IterIatiouI, raea .... 1JdIuIe MIl Student center W2Q.024 SCHOOL OF E GINEERI G 84 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge. MA 02139 Phone: 617-225-2555 , I' I • f. ~,.. I" January 27, 1999 THE TECH Page 11 Students vestigate Residence Systems Quiz: Ready for the real world? Housing, from Page 1 Both groups will then report back to the steering committee with their a) For each cartoon below, indicate who is the The steering committee was thoughts on those school's systems. formed last ovember, with civil/environmental engineer Executive Vice President of the Participants are enthu ia tic Alumni Association William J. Students involved in the Hecht '61 as chair. Members competition seem enthusiastic about include four students, two alumni, the opportunity to help mold the and four faculty and staff members. Institute's future. "This is a The committee shaped the chance ... to make a significant design contest and helped suggest impact on the system," said Matt attributes of the system that should McGann '00, member of one design be considered. For the committee, team and co-chair of the the real work will begin after Undergraduate Association's Friday's design presentations; the committee on housing and steering committee will then orientation. "I felt that there was no consider all the submissions and way I couldn't do it." incorporate them into a final plan. Kishore Kuchibhotla '02, member The new undergraduate of another team, said, "Not a lot of b) Get more than an t\-t by coming to the ... dormitory, to open in 2001, is one administrations around the country element of the design, but certainly would do this ... I figured, 'Why not not the only element, Hecht said. give it a try?'" Kuchibhotla also The committee is also looking for mentioned that the MIT student body CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL input on improving dining and the is a diverse community, and that the overall residential experience. chance to help design how students Two teams that participate in the live is appropriate. ENGINEERING CAREER DAY contest will be recognized for their Administrators will not know for work. The first team will receive a certain how many teams are trip for up to six participants to visit submitting designs until the team Friday, January 29 Cambridge University in England. registration deadlipe, which is The second team will receive a trip tonight at midnight. Hecht and for six members to visit either Kolenbrander estimated that Bush Room 10-105 Stanford University or the between five and nine teams would California Institute ofTechnoIogy. make presentations, however. *9:00-12:00 Environmental ..A Introdudng the... L .. Engineering Panel V~"~"1'J"~$.p~¥ @ 1:30-4:30 Civil Engineering Panel FRq" H~....qq"1'~$.1' x Breakfast and lunch will be served Weill pay you $100 to tell us why cuddling sponsored by the CEEStudent Association couples, choclate, and puppies piss you off. To enter, log on to and write until it hurts I Better hurry. contest ends February 5th Brought to you by the MAGMA GROUP

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majors, there are generally ress participants in the competition who major in other areas, such as mechanical and chemical engineering. Kuo-Chiang Lian '00, a chemi try major, said that he has been "turned on to course 6" after having been involved in the o competition. Teams hampered by problem evertheless, as teams designed and constructed their robots, many encountered problems. One major difficulty in this year's competition included the late arrival of some parts. "Students were prohibited from ace ate testing their designs at an early stage," said course organizer Steve S. Paik G. For instance, the controller board did not come in Sharpie until Friday of the first week. There were other problems with the controller boards as well, although those were somewhat balanced by the comparative non-repro blue computing power of the new boards. Because the controller boards were new, course organizers ended up "debugging them on the roller fly," said Rob Blau G, one of the course organizers. Additionally, "the software was more difficult to use, but students were getting much more power," roby red Blau said. The old boards ran at a speed of 2MHz with 32k memory; the new boards run at 200MHz with 32 MB of memory. waxer "And they're really fun when they explode," Blau added. In addition to the software and hardware problems, contestants ruler faced such obstacles as learning ~~~ how to make structurally sound t~{lN1UliJq.:::J robots to withstand impact, constructing sensors, and building wire-up motors. According to Scaleograph hi Stallion Yang '99, "Knowing what you want to do is easy ... the implementation process takes quite a while."

In the last week of competition, ETE 'H many teams have taken advantage Erica H. Peterson '02 proudly displays her creation Monday during the first round of the 6.270 of the 24-hour 6.270 lab, which competition. had previously been open for only 14 hours. 26 out of 55 teams passed the competition. preliminary competition will also Monday night, fifty-five teams initial qualification process; Nevertheless, losses from the count negatively toward tonight's appeared to qualify for the however, before last night's qualifying round will be carried to final competition. competition by demonstrating impoundment, a total of fifty the actual competition. Teams that Karen E. Robinson contributed functionality of their robots. Only teams qualified for the incur losses from this morning's to the reporting of this story What do these

all have in


The Tech Production

GREG KUHNEN-THE TECH Members of MIT Hillel performed "Greased Lightening" during their spontaneous production of Grease Friday In East Campus. Contact Ryan at 253-1541 The January Tech 27,1999

Page 13

TechCalendar appears in each issue of The Tech and features events for members of the MIT community. The Tech makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of this information, and The Tech shall not be held liable for any loss- es, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from attendance of an event. leC hCaI en d ar Contact information for all events is available from the TechCalendar web page. Visit and add events to TechCalendar online at htfp:/ /tech-ca/ Wednesday's Events Bartos Theater. Sponsor: DeepArch. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - European Career Fair. About 30 European/multinational compa- 7:00 p.m. - Get Shorty. Low-level Miami loan shark and film buff Chili Palmer (John nies will present themselves and conduct interviews with candidates. Rockwell Cage. Travolta) heads to Hollywood via Las Vegas looking for grade-Z movie producer Harry Sponsor: European Club. Zim (Gene Hackman) who owes Vegas $150,000. 1 hour 45 minutes. Admission '00 p.m. - The Argument from Design. Roger White, MIT. Part of the Is There a God $2.50. Room 26-100. Sponsor: LSC. . cture series. Room 37-212. Sponsor: Philosophy Department. 8:00 p.m. - Aurelius Ensemble: Poulenc Potpourri. Celebrating Francis Poulenc's 4:00 p.m. - New Fe(lI) and Co(lI) Catalysts for Olefin Polymerizations and 100th birthday, some of his chamber music classics - the clarinet and violin sonatas, Ollgomerizatlons. Professor Maurice Brookhart, Dept. of Chemistry, University of N.C. sonata for piano-four-hands and Sextuor for winds and piano. Killian Hall. at Chapel Hill. One of the Karl Pfister Lectures in Organic Chemistry. Room 6-120. 10:00 p.m. - Get Shorty. Low-level Miami loan shark and film buff Chili Palmer (John Sponsor: Chemistry Department. Travolta) heads to Hollywood via Las Vegas looking for grade-Z movie producer Harry 5:10 p.m. - LEM Service and Supper. Eucharist in the Chapel, followed by a free fellow- Zim (Gene Hackman) who owes Vegas $150,000. 1 hour 45 minutes. Admission ship supper and discussion. Chapel. Sponsor: Lutheran-Episcopal Ministry. $2.50. Room 26-100. Sponsor: LSC. 6:00 p.m. - For Better or For Worse: The Legal Battle for Same-Sex Marriage. A short Saturday's Events seminar on the history of the legal struggle for full and equal marriage rights for gays 7:00 p.m. - The Shawshank Redemption. Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is convicted of and lesbians. Room 6-120. 1 hour. Sponsor: GaMIT. murdering his wife and her lover and sentenced to life at the Shawshank State Prison. Thursday's Events 2 hours 22 minutes. Admission $2.50. Room 26-100. Sponsor: LSC. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - 4th Annual LIDS Student Conference. Conference organized by 8:00 p.m. - Aurelius Ensemble: Poulenc Potpourri. Celebrating Francis Poulenc's the graduate students from LIDS, EECS with talks about their research work by stu- 100th birthday, some of his chamber music classics - the clarinet and violin sonatas, dents from LIDS, DSPG, LEES, SLS, Mech. Engin., Harvard Robotics Lab. and CDSP sonata for piano-four-hands and Sextuor for winds and piano. Killian Hall. Sponsor: (Northeastern). Room 34-401. Sponsor: LIDS. Office of the Arts. 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. - TechCalendar Workshop. Learn how to enter lectures, lecture series 10:30 p.m. - The Shawshank Redemption. Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is convicted of and events into MIl's online guide to campus events. We'll demonstrate how to add, murdering his wife and her lover and sentenced to life at the Shawshank State Prison. edit, delete and modify events in the system. Room 2-136. Sponsor: The Tech. 2 hours 22 minutes. Admission $2.50. Room 26-100. Sponsor: LSC. 2:00 p.m. - The Problem of Evil. Adam Elga, MIT. Part of the Is There a God lecture Sunday'S Events series. Room 37-212. Sponsor: Philosophy Department. 7 00 G t Sh t L I I M' . I h k d fil b ff Ch'I' P I (J h . : p.m. - e or y. ow- eve laml oan s ar an m u II a mer 0 n 6:00 p.m. - Dlverslty.of Thought Symposl~m. Prof. Step~en Chorover and Eileen de Travolta) heads to Hollywood via Las Vegas looking for grade-Z movie producer Harry los Reyes, MIT Alumni. Part of the HTC Spnn~ Fourm Senes. Room 3-270. Sponsor: Zim (Gene Hackman) who owes Vegas $150,000. 1 hour 45 minutes. Admission History Department with Department of Architecture. $2.50. Room 26-100. Sponsor: LSC. '00 - 11:00 p m. - Learn to Square Dance. Learn to square dance MIT-style! No part- 10 00 Ji'h Sh h k R d t' AdD f (T' R bb' ). . t d f t:: .', .., : p.m. - e aws an e emp ,on. n y u resne 1m 0 inS IS convlc e 0 \ ner or expenence needed. Free Intro night, refreshments Will be served. Student d . h' 'f d hid t d t I'f t th Sh h k St t P' mur enng IS WI e an er over an sen ence 0 I e a e aws an a e nson. Center, Lobdell. Sponsor: Tech Squares. 2 hours 22' minutes.Ad" miSSion $250 . . R oom 26-100 . S ponsor: LSC . Friday'S Events Monday's Events 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - 4th Annual LIDS STudent Conference. Conference organized by . . the graduate students from LIDS, EECS with talks about their research work by stu- 7:00 ~.m. - Antz ..W~Ody Allen stars as a worker ant Wlt~ a personality problem. 1 hour dents from LIDS, DSPG, LEES, SLS, Mech. Engin., Harvard Robotics Lab. and CDSP 30 minutes. AdmiSSion $2.50. Room 26-100. Sponsor. LSC. (Northeastern). Room 34-401. Sponsor: LIDS. 10:00 p.m. - Antz. Woody Allen stars as a worker ant with a personality problem. 1 12:10 p.m. - GABLES Monthly Lunch. A social get-together of the MIT Gay, Bisexual, hour 30 minutes. Admission $2.50. Room 26-100. Sponsor: LSC. and Lesbian Employees and Supporters group. Send e-mail to [email protected] for loca- Tuesday's Events tion. Sponsor: GABLES. 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. - Yeomen of the Guard Auditions. MIT Gilbert and Sullivan Players 2:00 p.m. - Technology and Archaeology In the Deep Sea: Toward a New Synthesis. auditions for spring production. Prepare simple song in English and bring two copies. Conference runs from Friday to Sunday. Organized by Prof. David Mindell: Media Lab, Students only. Student Center, Rm 491. ./ Page 14 The Tech January 27, 1999

Dilber @ by Scot Adams

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, Page 22 PORTS January 27, 1999 ~...... ~.g -----ses We esey By Conan Hom some events, the Lady Engineers TEAM MEMBER had been unable to score well in the MIT matched up against second through fifth places and were Wellesley College at the Chandler behind 73-58. Wellesley, with the Pool last Tuesday. home crowd advantage, was in In Mary Ellen McLaughlin's overdrive posting personal be ts an second year as MIT's coach, the frustrated the Engineers' openin undefeated Lady Engineers went to game plan.. Wellesley with high hopes of avarro, after suffering an upset bringing to an end a decade old loss in the 200 yard butterfly, went losing streak against the team. off the blocks in the 100 fly and won Unfortunately, the Wellesley team easily in a ew England qualifying was able to hand the MIT their first time of 1:02.44. Krams took second lost of the season. place. MIT continued to do well, The Lady Engineers opened the with Lea and Erica Fuchs '99 taking dual meet in a confident manner home first and second in the 200 LucrrANG-THE TECH with Elizabeth Krams '00, Lea yard breaststroke. Lea Fuchs, like Kay Sullivan '02 clears the bar In the women's track and field competition against six other local Engst '02, Jen avarro '00 and avarro won convincingly. colleges Saturday. MIT placed third overall. Deirdre Dunn '99 posting a win in With just two events to go, Dunn the 200 yard medley relay. Wellesley pulled MIT to within eight points by moved into the lead which it' would winning the 200 yard individual never surrender with easy sweeps in medley. The Lady Engineers needed the 1000 freestyle and 100 at least a first through third placing backstroke races. in the final 400 free relay to win the In the 200 yard freestyle race, meet. With tremendous effort, MIT Dunn took the lead over Wellesley's created and held a one-two lead into Sarah Scott '02 with only 50 yard the half way mark with Lauren Erb remaining and never relinquished '01 pushing hard to increase the the lead. Andrea Harsany '02 won lead. Wellesley, however, stacked the 50 yard freestyle to end the first together its finest relay squad, and third of the meet. Dunn and their last two swimmers took the Harsany's times of 2:02.21 and lead to win the event and the meet 25.76 respectively were New 148-135. England'qualifiers. The Lady Engineers next home MIT, however, had been rocked meet is tomorrow versus Tufts on its heels. While managing to win University at the Alumni Pool. Men's Volleyball Team Edges Out Wentworth By Tom Klemas team played its first home match and HEAD COACH defeated Wentworth Institute of On Jan. 20, the men's varsity Technology 3-2. Setter Minpont volleyball team travelled to Chien '99 led the team offense to a Providence to compete against crushing 15-0 win during the first Johnson and Whales University. game. The team easily won the MIT lost 3-2 to a greatly improved second game 15-8. Ya-Bing Chu '99 and bigger team in a closely ran effective middle attacks that contested match. Ajai Bharadwaj overpowered the WIT defense. '01 and David Lee '01 played vital However, WIT made some roles on defense which kept MIT in adjustments in the its offense that the match despite the fact that MIT earned it the next two games 15-8, experienced extreme difficulty 15-12, running its outside hitter for siding out with its offense. The a second tempo set in tbe middle varsity team played pretty well that confounded the MIT blockers. despite the absence of two key The MIT offense also faltered starters and several ill team slightly due to an increase in hitting members. errors. With some adjustments On Jan. 21, the men's varsity however, MIT easily won the rally- scoring final game 15-4 to take the match. On Saturday, the varsity team travelled to compete against Springfield College. Although the MIT team lost 0-3 (11-15, 2-15, 12-15), they played an extremely , solid match against the nationally 5 gton Summer ranked Springfield team. Despite missing two starters and featuring two new players in the lineup, the Engineer offense, set by Darius e 5 i Program Jazayeri '00, was quite effective against the large Springfield team. MIT's serving strategies and tough individual serves contained the overpowering Springfield offense. Middle blocker Anthony Parris '02 and right-side hitter Nick DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS Michalakis '01 hit extremely well, while left-side hitter and captain Bob Moser '99 received serves MO DAt FEBRUARY 8, 1999 flawlessly. MIT will travel to WIT to compete tomorrow and will play in the NECVL tournament on Sunday. For Science, Engineering & Technology - Focused Undergraduates

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We'll manage the Academy of Sciences, the National Institutesof Health, the Climate Institute and the Mil Washington Office. finances and help find the mone~ Please call Bill at For more information call 252-1844, 253-3649, send email to [email protected] or, (781) 270-1332 or check out our web site at January 27, ] 999 , SPO Page 23 Fe ce PacesTeam t opo ce ankings By Evangelos Efstathtou Bower '99 in the national rankings. unless the foil squad won three of TEAM MEMBER Efstathiou i ranked 67th nationally, the remaining four bout . In this ix member of the MIT fencing and Bower is ranked 36th. effort, Ali Ibrahim '0 I started the team and one of the assistant All nationally ranked fencers are ball rolling, setting up the tage for coaches participated in a national eligible to compete in the U.. Van Horn and Vandiver to clinch the competition in Louisville, Ky., from Fencing Association Division I victory. January 15-18. Both the men's and ational championships, held in D\uing the men' bouts an men's teams, and all three April. Currently, Purcell, Backes, exhibition women's sabre apons, were represented. Bower, and Efstathiou will be tournament was held, with Kit This tournament was one of four competing. Bower and Efstathiou Lennox '02, Jen McKeehan '0 I, and orth American Cups that the US. also plan to fence in the team event Cappy Gray '00 participating. Fencing Association hosts each year. that weekend. Facing opponents from the same S.I):'?I:"...'.G "~R.'EA:K. Results in this tournament are used MIT fencers continued to lead schools as the mens teams, for national rankings, and for the ortheastern Fencing McKeehan tied for third in only her .J4Wi\I.Ci\!!! determining US. representatives in Conference with wins in the final second women's sabre tournament, international competition. meet of the year, held at Smith and Gray placed fifth in her first This was the first national College on Saturday. The women's exhibition. Lennox was eliminated oN~ ...O\'~. oN£ II.E.mT. oN£ am£.4T ".4mTV!!! tournament for four of the fencers, epee and men's foil squads led the in the round of 16 by McKeehan, IT'S TIUT T.M~ OF y~..R WIlde TtlOllS .. NI>S OF STIlI>~NTS co ...~ TO ,u...... c.. TO F~IFL "LL R.GtlT - FOR .. N llNIl~LI~V .. IlL~ IlR.C~!!! who shined in their debuts. Curtis way, with stellar performances to finishing 13th. Wade III '01 and Michael Krypel defeat long standing rivals Boston The women's team was not to be ."'----...... & e.-. PIrtIa '- ..... '01, both varsity epeeists, won two College and Brown University. outdone. Despite injuries, they • ntlllII1In • "'- ...... • ee.IeII and three bouts, respectively. Wade The men's team started the day showed their strength by going .1 k:ClC_ ...... "...on .... Cr*e. Cr*e. finished 158th, in a field of over 200 defeating Tufts 19-8, led by Brian undefeated for the day. Captain • ntlllIrIIrt PIItJ & competitors, after a close Bower '99 and the sabre squad. Aimee Wiltz '99, Epee Squad leader & IITrIaIfll'l • be .... PIItJ PICl elimination fight. Krypel finished Bower was untouched against his Nora Szasz '99, and epeeist Jessica I 19th. opponents, winning all three of his Sandland '99 led the team. Jade Joan Hon '01 and Dianne bouts 5-0. The men's team lost to In the first match, against Tufts, Allen '01, both women's foil Brandeis in the second round, both schools stayed within two fencers, had made it out of their despite a strong showing by epeeist bouts of the lead until the very end, pools and advanced to the Matt DuPlessie '99 and Bower who when MIT pulled ahead to win elimination rounds. Hon finished came a close call away from 17-15. This was the closest match S Slasln Stud ITnlv ces 98th, and Allen 86th, with well over sweeping Brandeis. of the day. The women beat both 1 8 0-426-nl0 1 800-648-4849 a hundred fencers competing. In the third round, MIT Boston College and Brown by a Price Is per person based on quad occupancy. from select departure cities. Other CIties may qualify tor reduction or require surcharge. US and JamaIca departure taxes (currently $59) and $9 handling charge addlttonal. Rates Increase $30 Krypel, Allen, and Hon also outclassed rival Boston College, score of 20-12, and defeated Smith on 12115/98. Peak-week surcharges/off-week discounts may apply. Restrictions and cancellation penaltoes .apply. fenced in the junior event. winning 19-8. While the epee squad College 22-10. Llm~ed avallabilitv. Subiect to charlll8 without notice. Call tor full details on hotel selection and avatlablilty. MIT epee assistant coach Kari sapped BC's strength, crushing even The women's epee squad proved Backes, ranked 37th nationally, also the best epeeists, MIT sabre to be unbeatable, winning 11-5, need in Louisville and placed 53rd defeated BC for the first time since 12-14, and even 13-3 against Be. You want to go to •••• ••• • •• tit of 129 fencers. the fall of 1997. Bower, the 1997 Szasz and Sandland finished the day • • In women's sabre, Caroline New England Champion, defeated with only one loss apiece, and both • Purcell '00 fought her way to the 1998 New England Champion Luke Sara Perry '99 and Sylwia • finals of the Open, placing fifth. Mountain, by a score of 5-1. Daniszewska '00 had strong Medical • Purcell rose to seventh place in the However, the squad of the day performances. In foil, Wiltz led the • US. national rankings, and is close proved to be foil, with Andre Van way, dropping only three of her 16 School T to qualifying for the World Team Horn '01, Oliver Chadwick '02, and bouts of the day. Foilist Beth lwhich will compete in the World Ben Vandiver '00 routing BC bout Manoogian '99 had an impressive Championships. She also won the after bout. Vandiver finished the performance against Smith, winning You have to take the junior event, and is ranked first in the match with three straight touches to three of the four bouts. country in under-20 women's sabre. beat BC's top starter. Bouts against schools such as I MIT men's sabre fencer The men's team finished 3-1 Brown, Boston College, Brandeis, • Evangelos Efstathiou '00 advanced (11-3 overall), with a thrilling 14-13 and T"tlfts..eount-fof NC Regional , to the round of 48 after going 4-1 in victory over Brown. Caroline and National qualifiers. MIT's MeAT pool bouts and winning in the Purcell '02 of the sabre squad upcoming meet is at home, against • You should enroll in • second round of eliminations. In the swept, keeping MIT close, but powerhouses University of • round of 48, he defeated Keeth MIT's fate was in the hands of the Pennsylvania, New York University, • Smart, who went on to win the Cup, men's foil squad. As the day was University of North Carolina, Duke • 5-4. Efstathiou placed 40th out of drawing to an end, foil was handed a University, and Yeshiva University, • 115 fencers, joining teammate Brian challenge: MIT could not win on Sunday. • • • Engineers Crush Mount Holyoke

And Coast Guard, Lose to Tufts You should call .aCk, from Page 24 time of 3:24.3 and established MIT's anchor. Unfortunately, Won wasn't •• first 1000 meter varsity record. able to outkick her opponent as the .~ The Princeton Review Nakamura, Ma, Lani Rapp '01, and Marja-Louisa Izamis '02 also gave a Tufts runner took the lead for good Cheng also added solid perfor- strong performance, finishing sev- with 50 meters left. (800) 2-REVIEW mances in the event. enth in 3:36.7. Harris and Rose In the 400 meter race, Bowen Radin '02 ran an excellent 1500 held onto third place against tough meter, placing fifth and sixth. Radin competition with a time of 1:04.0. cut six seconds off last week's time Besides breaking the old record, she giving her a time of 5:27.8 while also qualified for the New England Harris shaved an astonishing 17 sec- St. Anthony Hall Lecture Series Presents ... Division III meet. Sullivan, another onds off in one week and finish ed one of several rookie standouts on the race in 5:24.3. Won again placed the team, placed fifth with a time of first in the event. 1:06.5. Unfortunately, MIT's sole entrant The Middle East: Milena Yamaykina '02 went out in the 5000 meter race was unable to strong in the 600 meter race and run, and without any MIT competi- Prospects for Peace and Prosperity positioned herself very well. Her tors, Tufts was able to secure 22 time of 1:50.5 earned her seventh points in the event. place and also set the first MIT 600 In the last event of the day, the meter varsity record for women's MIT 4x800 meter relay team lost to Philip S. Khoury indoor track. Winning her heat, Tufts by one second. Wang hung Hong placed eighth overall in right on the shoulder of Tuft's first Dean, MIT School of Humanities and Social Sciences 2:00.2, and Scoppettuolo raced leg and drafted off her opponent. aggressively and put up an impres- However, Wang was cheated out of sive fight against her opponents to her usual powerful kick in the last finish in 2:12.5. 100m due to a premature handoff. Despite aggressive starts, Chi- Unaware that the first leg runners Wang '01 and Christina Cosman still had one lap to go, the officials 01 found the tight curves on the allowed the second runners to take indoor track particularly difficult to the baton after approximately 600 date: wednesday, february 3 race on. Nonetheless they scored meters. The officials did not learn time: snacks 6:30 pm points by placing seventh and eighth from the first mistake and the sec- respectively, while Debbie Won '00 ond leg was also cut short. Radin lecture 7:00 pm placed first. was still able to make an impressive location: #6 club, 428 memorial drive After coming off of an injury and move on Tufts and handed off to questions: e-mail [email protected] taking months off from training, Cosman, who ended up running Tanya Zelevinsky '99 ran a gutsy slightly longer than 800 meter but race and placed fifth after taking the ran a strong leg, putting MIT's lead for the first leg of the race. anchor in close enough position to Melanie Harris '01 ran a well-paced, catch Tufts. The race came down to confident race to finish fourth with a the wire as Won passed the Tuft's Page 24 THE TE H January 27, 1999

ec------By Deborah Won Tufts University (249 points). tors in the shotput with a distance of Kuo '02, French and anchor Renee and Mealanie akamura '00 14th. TEAM MEMBER Right off the bat, Princess 33' 11.25". Mellissa Dullea '00 also Bowen '00. Their time of 1:56.18 In the triple jump, Lee finished On January 16 the women's Imoukhuede '02 gave a stunning helped MIT gain points in the two broke the old varsity record. In the fourth, Li fifth, orris seventh, and indoor track team came in second performance in the weight throw, competition by placing sixth and 4x400 relay Stephanie Hong a, Heavener ninth. Lee had an out- place at the Quad Cup meet at the breaking the her previous school third, respectively. Kuo, Chen and anchor Kay Sullivan standing jump of 31 ' 1" to break the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. With a record by over 8 feet and winning Co-eaptains Elaine Chen '99 and '02 also set a new school record varsity record and qualify her for final score of 193.5, the Engineers the event. The victory qualified her Lila French '99 used their versatility with a 4:34.96. In the 55 meter dash, the ew England Division III mee . cru hed both Coast Guard (103 for the ew England Division III to contribute significantly to the Chen blazed down the straightaway The MIT pole vaulters domina points) and Mount Holyoke (51.5 competition. Imoukhuede also went team's successes. There was hardly in a time of 7.88 to capture second ed their event and have yet to be points); however, they fell short of on to outthrow all of her competi- an event that neither of them com- place. She also placed sixth in the challenged by anyone other than peted in. French participated in the 200 meter with a time of 29.24 and their own teammates. Norris won triple jump, placed third in the tied for second in the high jump the event by matching French's 9'6" weight throw and second in the pole with a 4'8.75" jump. Chen capped but with fewer attempts. French vault with 9'6". French also scored off the day by taking sixth in the took second while Sullivan and Li four points in the 55 meter high hur- long jump with a mark of 14'8.5". took third and fourth, respectively. dles by finishing fifth, helped the The Engineers loaded all the Norris' and French's vaults broke 4x200m relay capture second place, field events with quantity and quali- the previous varsity record by 3". and ran a leg in the 4x400m relay to ty. In the long jump were Helen Lee Sullivan won the high jump, as help the team to a third place finish. '02 placed eighth, Vanessa Li '02 she used her amazing arch to clear Chen ran the lead leg in the ninth, Mia Heavener '00 and 5'0.25". Not only did this set the 4x200 relay, followed by Adeline Stephanie Norris '02 tied for tenth, varsity and rookie records, the jump also earned her a berth at the New England Division III meet. Chen's second place along with Heavener's and Lee's respective seventh and UPCOMING HOME EVENTS eighth place finishes gave the Wednesday, January 27 Engineers half of the 37 possible Squash vs. Amherst College, 3:00 p.m. points in a single event. In the 55 meter finals Kuo fin- Thursday, January 28 ished fourth with a time of 7.91 and Women's Swimming vs. Tufts University, 4:00 p.m. Alyssa Thorvaldson '00 placed sev- Men's Swimming vs. Tufts University, 6:00 p.m. enth with 8.29. Nakamura, Julie Ma Women's Basketball v.s Elms College, 7:00 p.m. '99, and Lily Cheng '00 gave good Wrestling vs. Bridgewater State College and University of Southern efforts as well in the trials. In the 55 Maine, 7:00 p.m. meter high hurdle finals Thorvaldson graced spectators once Friday, January 29 again with her beautiful form an . Rifle-MIT Beanpot Shootout took second place in a time of 9.28. She was able to improve her time Saturday, January 30 during the trials with a finish of Men's Volleyball-NECVL Tournament, 8:00 a.m. 9.20. This set the varsity record and Squash vs. Fordham University, 10:00 a.m. qualified her for the New England Women's Basketball vs. Smith College, 1:00 p.m. Division III meet. Li placed eighth Men's Indoor Track vs. Bates College, Williams College, and Worcester in the event with a 10.50s, setting GREG KUHNEN-THE TECH Polytechnic Institute, 1:00 p.m. the rookie record. Katie Spade '99 passes the ball to Vicky Best '99 In Kuo placed second in the 200 Tuesday's game against Babson College. MIT lost In Monday, February 2 meter race with a time of 28.92. overtime 61-57. Men's Basketball vs. J3abson College, 7:00 p.m. Track, Page 23

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